#I know this starter is very ???????? weirdly written so if you need/want anything changed or rewritten please let me know!
phoenix-flamed · 11 months
There was a momentary thought which crossed his mind.
It was curiosity as to what fate had befallen his personal stolas back at Rosalith Castle. Of course, the obvious answer was, "nothing good"; the owl was of no use to anyone except him, and all attempts to wrest free the last message he had entrusted within the creature's third eye would be met with failure. In fact, he was more than content that he had taken the intended recipient of that message's identity along with him to the grave, as well -- leaving that message to fade as a forgotten relic of Rosaria's past.
It had taken a hefty chunk of time, and considerable care while not only finding multiple stolases for purchase, but also selling Rosfield family trinkets and jewelry that Elwin had on hand to pay for the expensive birds -- but the day had finally arrived where Hanna returned to the Murdoch Estate in Eastpool with birdcages in hand.
The process of attuning to the owls was simple enough, and the creatures were quite amenable to bonding with their new owners afterwards. Elwin's seemed particularly keen on watching him as he worked late into the nights -- pouring over maps, jotting down notes, placing markers to indicate when a route had been blocked, and other markers to highlight alternative paths that they could take, in accordance with the nigh-constant changes within Rosaria's territory. The tides of power were constantly in flux under Imperial -- and Anabella's -- rule, and it was imperative that the trio remain vigilant regarding every last detail.
Especially once whispered rumors of rebels to the west made their way to their peaceful village on the east.
After much deliberation, a decision was made: Elwin would reach out to his younger brother in Port Isolde. Of course he was seeking information, but there was something more important -- and personal -- to the former Archduke, and that was a deep yearning to see Byron again after all these years. To know that his brother was unharmed... To speak, if only briefly, with the only family he had left, and beg forgiveness for not having reached out sooner.
And so in the latest hours of the night, the man was sat on the floor of his room with the stolas perched on his forearm, contemplating what words to convey in his offered message. It was not fear that the message would fall into the wrong hands that made him hesitate -- stolases were, after all, the most secure means of delivering important news, especially during military matters. No, it was something else; it was uncertainty of his own thoughts, of what to say after so long of silence, after so long of being dead.
A breath was inhaled sharply. The ever-present furrow of his brow deepened, and he closed his eyes briefly. When they reopened, he gazed into the owl's vibrant blue eyes, murmuring that ancient incantation while his free hand hovered over its forehead: "O mia lost elan. Tu isag elythe."
The reaction was immediate. The bird's eyes glowed, and its crystal "third eye" shone brilliantly in likewise manner, taking its master's thoughts into that gem upon its head and locking them there, with only Byron Rosfield able to open them with his innate key. Elwin stood with great care and moved towards the open window, then with a small nudge, the creature took flight and set off for the western port city.
The message to be delivered to Byron was as follows:
Dearest brother, Forgive me my silence, and that I cannot meet you under happier circumstances, as we oft had done in our younger years. Thus do I humbly request an audience with you, Lord Byron Rosfield -- should formality please you more than sentiment. You need but share your answer with my feathered friend here and send it on its way. It will find me and, Flames willing that your reply is a favorable one, I in turn will find you.
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itsallavengers · 6 years
1 and stony???
Come over here and make me.
If there was one person Steve Rogers hated, it was Tony Stark.
God, that asshole. Thought he was hot shit because he was popular and the star player of the school soccer team and smart and funny and beautiful. And he always walked around wearing that ridiculous leather jacket with about a hundred zips and buttons on it, and it wasn’t cool, no matter what he said.
And the worst part about Tony Stark was definitely how nice he was to Steve.
Because it didn’t make sense, alright. For the first few years of highschool, Tony had laughed at him, he’d thrown pencils at the back of his head in class and bumped him in the halls and Steve had automatically bitten back on a sigh whenever he’d seen Tony in the corridors with him. He’d known Tony Stark was an asshole from day one, when he’d been twelve and Tony had told him how weird his backpack was.
And yet over the past few years, Tony’s attitude had changed. He’d stopped being such a dick. He smiled at him rather than laughing at him, and he waved on the corridors rather than just shove him, and Steve didn’t get it. Tony Stark was definitely plotting something, and was in it for the long haul here, because he wouldn’t just be nice to Steve for no reason. No way. 
Steve always watched him, just in case. Seeing as an attack could be at any moment, it was better to always be alert. He glanced over to Tony in math class and kept his eyes on Tony’s ass back when he walked through the corridors. Sometimes Tony would say hi, and Steve would say it back warily, keeping a hand tight around his backpack as he watched where Tony’s beautifully hazel eyes went, and whether they were plotting anything. 
One time, he’d overheard Tony talking to his friend Rhodey about one of his dates when they’d been sat nearby one another in bio, and Steve had heard all about how shittily it had gone, which definitely made him feel good. Because not only was Tony Stark an asshole, but the guy he’d been on the date with- Tiberius Stone- was an even bigger asshole, and Steve felt uncomfortable with the thought of Ty being anywhere near him.
Because then they’d just make each other worse, and it’d be bad for Steve, obviously.
He thought about it a lot during that biology class, actually. How, if he were to go on a date with Tony Stark (for information gathering purposes), he’d make it perfect. He’d learned a lot about Tony over the years. He knew that the boy liked Metallica, but he also had a soft spot for Frank Sinatra. Steve had a record of that which he’d play. And then Tony loved Twinkies, too. Steve could buy them, and he’d declare it their main course, and Tony would laugh that pretty laugh where his mouth curled up and his eyes crinkled and-
And yeah. That Steve would have the bastard right where he wanted him. Totally. 
But God, he’d never do what Ty had done- a shitty movie and then copping a feel in the back of the cinema? So fucking trashy. And cheap. Steve might be broke as shit, but if it was a date, then he’d put some Goddamn effort into at least making it nice for Tony, Jesus-
Hypothetically, of course. Because Steve wouldn’t ever date Tony Stark.
That being said, he probably shouldn’t have been talking about how crap Ty’s dating skills were to Bucky when the guy’s friends had been right behind him in the corridor anyway, hypothetical or not. Because as soon as they saw him again when Steve was alone, they didn’t waste any time with shoving him up against the lockers and then doing their level best to shove him inside one of them.
God, Steve hated highschool.
“Get the fuck off me,” Steve growled, yanking away as hard as he could against their hands as they tried to shove him backward. It wasn’t much use though- two versus one, and Steve wasn’t exactly fighting material, no matter how many times he managed to get into them. 
“Shut the fuck up, loser,” the bigger guy spat on him, actually fucking spat on him, and then punched him in the mouth for good measure, “this’ll teach you not to talk shit about people who are gonna be more than you ever will. The fuck were you even talking about- Ty’s a fuckin’ beast, he’s got people fallin’ at his feet.”
Steve rolled his eyes. What, were they going to start worshipping at his alter now? 
“You’re only jealous,” the second guy said with a sneer, and Steve laughed out at him blindly but the first guy pulled him back, opening him up for a bodyshot to his ribs that definitely made something crack, “we see the way you look at Tony. You’re obsessed with him. You got Rogers + Stark written on your notebooks, huh?”
“Fucking pathetic.”
“As if he’d ever look twice at you.”
Steve snarled, lashing his head forward and actually managing to brain one of them. “Fuck off- Tony Stark is an asshole,” he told them- the same thing he told everyone, because it was true-
“He’s right, you know.”
Steve’s head jerked as his brain recognised the voice immediately, and he watched as none other than Tony Stark himself marched forward, coming up behind the two guys currently doing their best to fit Steve into the locker. A strong hand curled around the first guy’s shoulders, and then Steve felt a sharp relief of pressure as Tony flung him off Steve and into the opposing wall. The second one backed off in surprise, putting out his hands as a show of peace.
“Whoah, hey, Tony, just calm it,” he said hurriedly, “I didn’t know you were buddies-”
“We’re not buddies,” Steve said viciously, raising his fists and then wiping his bloody nose with his sleeve. In front of him, Tony just looked vaguely amused. “If you want to try it as well, go the fuck ahead,” Steve growled, “I’ll fight all three of ya, I don’t care-”
“No one is doing any more fighting here, thank you very much,” Tony said, raising a hand. When he did, all of his stupid fucking zips jingled. “Morris, Elland- get fucking lost. You’re both getting black eyes tomorrow, and if I see you putting hands on Rogers again then I’m burning your Air Jordans, understand?”
Steve blinked in confusion, watching the two guys nod nervously and then scurry off down the hall, muttering to one another and glancing back as they did so. Which just left Steve and Tony with his stupid jangly zips.
“What do you want,” Steve said, not lowing his hands.
Tony leaned against the lockers, shrugging. “I was coming back from detention and saw them beating on you. Thought I’d step in.”
Steve frowned, wiping his hand across his face and probably smearing more blood everywhere. “Yeah, well I don’t need your help,” he said gruffly, “I totally had that.”
Tony’s eyes twinkled. “They definitely seemed like they were only holding on by the skin of their teeth,” he said in amusement, as Steve just scowled and turned away.
He heard Tony step forward. “Hey, I didn’t mean that to sound... I’m sure you would’ve survived on your own, God knows you get into enough altercations as it is- just thought I’d help you out. They shit their pants when I get mad at them because they’re fucking pussies, so.” Tony shrugged, “it’d be cool to have someone like that on your side, I figure-”
“You’re not on my side!” Steve snapped, stepping forward, “you’re just... you’re just being weirdly nice so that I let my guard down and then you can make fun of me again, or humiliate me in class or shove me over in the halls. Don’t think I’m not onto you, Stark, okay, I know your game!” He waggled a finger menacingly.
Tony just sighed, and looked genuinely remorseful as he said, “yeah, really sorry about that. I was a prepubescent teen with no idea what to do with the sudden influx of gay thoughts I’d have whenever you entered a room. So I pulled on your pigtails in order to get your attention.” Tony pulled a face, before smiling, “but I’m cooler now! Comfortable with my sexuality, at least thirty percent more stable and also, still kind of crazy about you.”
Steve just blinked. “No you’re not,” he said.
“Yeah, I am.”
“Nope. No you’re really not.”
“Well, I beg to differ.”
Steve made a face. “You don’t even know me!” he spluttered, “you’re not... you don’t like me, don’t be ridiculous. You think I’m dorky and uncool.”
Tony laughed, and God, it really was a nice laugh. “I do,” he agreed, “and that is the most endearing thing in the world.” He paused, before adding, “actually no- the face you’re making right now is the most endearing thing in the world.”
Steve... had no idea how to respond. He... well... I mean, for starters, he didn’t even like Tony. “I don’t even like you.”
“Yeah, you do.”
“You’re- you’re an asshole, I hate you! I’ve always hated you. You suck.”
“Yes to the asshole part. No to the ‘you hate me part’, Yes to the ‘you suck’ part, but probably in a different context to what you’re thinking.” Tony paused, before looking at Steve’s face with a frown. “You might want to go A&E for that nose. Looks broken.”
Steve’s head was spinning. Tony was completely bamboozling him here. Why was he saying that he liked Steve? That was... that couldn’t be true, could it? Anyway. Steve didn’t even like him.
On a completely irrelevant note, he bet that if he kissed Tony now, he’d probably taste faintly like the strawberries Steve had seen him eating for lunch. 
“I’m not going to the hospital,” Steve said, shaking his head and pressing gently on his very sore nose, “it’s f-”
“Yeah, you’re going to the hospital,” Tony nodded slowly and then pulled out his phone. “It’s fifteen minutes away. I’ll drive.”
Steve looked at him incredulously. “Stop ignoring me! I’m not going!”
“You are, Steve.”
“You think?”
Steve spluttered indignantly, hands going to his hips. “Then- then come over here and make me!” He said, attempting at confrontational. 
But Tony just cocked an eyebrow in amusement, and before Steve knew what was happening, Tony had swooped down and then picked him up in a perfect fireman’s carry, walking them both down the corridor with absolute ease. Steve just froze in complete and utter shock. This was the first time he’d ever been this close to Tony. Oh God, he smelt like metal and lemony things, and Steve was looking right down at he perfectly shaped ass.
“I hate you so much,” Steve said grumpily, “and I really hate being carried.”
Tony continued on, unfazed. “Okay, so I have a proposition,” he said casually, pushing open the main exit doors and then plodding easily down the stairs. He stopped halfway down, however. “I’ll let you down if you agree to go on a date with me.”
Steve froze. “That’s not fair,” he said weakly. 
Above him, Tony sighed. “Okay. So that was a lie. I’ll let you down right now if you want me to, I’m not an asshole, and I’m not going to force you to go the hospital, but I really think you should. And. Also. The date thing. You should do that too. Because I’m an asshole and my jacket probably does have too many zips, you’re right, but I also really like you and have done for six years, I’ve always just been too scared to tell you?” Tony shrugged sheepishly. “But there. Offer’s on the table. Hey! Kill two birds with one stone- the hospital trip can count as our date, and then if you decide that actually I’m not evil whilst we’re there, we could maybe go for a second one sometime?”
Jesus, Tony actually sounded nervous. Steve couldn’t see his face, but he knew what it would look like, because he’d memorised all of Tony’s facial expressions. 
So maybe he didn’t hate Tony Stark as much as he thought.
“Put me down,” Steve told him, and with a small sigh of defeat, Tony did. He looked down at his expensive shoes and stepped back, readying to accept defeat. 
Steve just sighed. “I suppose I could go to the hospital,” he muttered, “if you insist. And. Uh. The date, too. We could do that sometime as well.”
Tony paused, but then his head jerked up and he practically beamed. “Really?” He asked, beginning to bounce on his toes. 
Steve couldn’t help but laugh, even though it really hurt. “Yeah, really,” he said, “I guess I was kind of exaggerating how terribly evil you were in order to save myself from uh- going too far the other way.”
Tony’s smile, if even physically possible, grew bigger. “That’s the biggest compliment anyone has ever told me,” he said, holding out a hand for Steve to take, “now can you please take my hand and let me escort you to the vehicle?”
Steve raised an eyebrow, but tentatively slid his fingers through Tony’s. “I can walk, you know.”
Tony squeezed their hands together. “Oh, I know. I’ve just wanted to hold hands with you since I was twelve.”
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yotsubanoclover · 7 years
First Kiss (Saeran x Reader High School AU)
All I remember was seeing a glimpse of his emerald colored eyes… before our lips met.
He stole my first kiss.
I didn’t even realize what was happening. It was just the two of us in the classroom after school, doing our very first assignment as class representatives to fill in the class journal. We almost didn’t talk at all during the short period. After all, we barely knew each other as first year students. And it didn’t take us that long to finish; I was about to stand up and return the book to the faculty room when it suddenly happened.
All I remember was seeing a glimpse of his emerald colored eyes… before our lips met.
Wha—what…?! My whole body goes stiff. And my mind is blank. With each passing second, my heart pounds even faster I thought it was going to burst out of my chest. That is when, almost automatically, I push him away by the chest with both hands.
“I-I…” I stutter at my words, avoiding his eyes. “Sorry…”
As I dash out of the room without even glancing his way, I wonder idly to myself why I apologized. It was his fault! If anyone should apologize, it should be him! We barely knew each other and he… he… he kissed me!
And… and… I can taste tears in my mouth. It was my first kiss, too… My vision is starting to blur as I run out of the school building, bumping into some people in the process. But I don’t even bother to apologize; I don’t care. All I want is to run away from there as soon as possible… and do something about this weird painful sensation I’m feeling in my chest.
 “Alright, guys… I know it hasn’t been long since you guys entered this school, but we need to choose our class representatives,” the teacher said that morning, turning his head around the whole class. “Any volunteers? If not, then we’d have to vote.”
I didn’t dare to look, but I knew, like me, most of my classmates were probably avoiding eye contact with him, too. Some even started murmuring among themselves, calling names, pointing fingers. I could hear some of them.
Saeran should be the representative!
Saeran? That guy sitting in the corner?
Sssshh! He’ll hear you!
Saeran… I know him. His seat is at the back, on the right corner of the class – the seat by the window. Since my seat is also near the back row, I sometimes glance his way. Well, even without that, he quite stands out in the class. It’s not every day I see someone with striking red hair. But for me it is more about something else; it is the color of his eyes, which is emerald green, almost mint-colored. He doesn’t talk much; one or two boys tried approaching him before, but all they got was a cold glare, which creates quite a presence for him. But a number of times now, I notice him looking sideways at the sky, through the window. He always has this thin, yet very peaceful smile on his face whenever he does.
It is then, and only then, that those beautiful eyes of him sparkle.
I was too deep in my own thoughts that I didn’t realize the teacher was calling my name. Flustered, I quickly stood up. “Y-yes, sir?”
“You weren’t listening?” The older man sighed. “Anyways, you and Saeran are this class’ representatives, so for starters, please take the journal in the faculty room after school today.”
Ehhh…? Ehhhh?! How did it get to this? I turned my head around the class and noticed Saeran standing up, too. He looked annoyed… probably at the others for voting for him to become the class representative. The whole class was staring and whispering that I couldn’t help but look down at embarrassment. It felt like an eternity before the teacher finally told us to sit back down and resumed the lessons.
 I can’t face him properly for a while after that.
For some reason, my mind always feels hazy and I keep losing my focus… even during classes. But especially, when it comes to interacting with him. Whenever I see him in class, or whenever the teacher asks us to do something, I will always get very nervous. My heart will start beating unbelievably fast, my face gets flushed more often than I’d like it to, and I cannot meet his eyes. I can’t even talk to him properly, which is troublesome since we are both class representatives.  
While I think I sort of have an idea why, I can’t quite sort my thoughts and feelings. It’s just that… since that day, whenever I see him, I am constantly reminded of what happened. No matter what I do, my stupid mind keeps replaying that kiss. I keep remembering how he stared at me as he leaned closer… the color of his eyes as they flashed briefly before the kiss… and how his lips felt on mine. Ugh… This is so unlike me that I barely recognize myself. That’s why, I tend to avoid him if I have the choice, which I don’t, most of the time.
But sadly, that’s not the only thing throwing me off my pace. Although my very first thought upon seeing him is to run away, sometimes – mostly without realizing – my eyes wander off and find themselves staring at him, especially in class. At times too, my chest tightens painfully when I don’t see him for a while. I run away, but I feel like… I feel like I miss him when I do. It’s embarrassing to be around him, but it hurts when I don’t. Just what kind of feeling is this?
Worse yet, while my life has basically been thrown around after a single kiss, he seems to be doing just fine. He goes to class like usual, spends his time staring at the sky like usual, doesn’t talk a lot like usual, and – weirdly the mere thought of this hurts me – treats me like usual.
I don’t get it; despite everything, I keep waiting for him to talk about what happened. There are plenty of chances for him to do so, as we tend to spend about half an hour after school alone, doing something the teacher asks us to do. But he never said anything, not even a single hint. We never talked much to begin with, and even what happened doesn’t seem to change that.
Just like that, two months passed since then… and I’m still not okay.
Maybe… maybe it meant nothing to him? The thought comes to me suddenly, bringing an uncomfortable feeling in my chest. I sigh in frustration. Seriously, what’s wrong with me? Why do I feel sad? No way… Could I possibly…? I shake my head, stopping the thought. I must be going crazy.
I heard someone call my name. I look up and think my heart might’ve skipped a beat or two as I see Saeran. It happened again… it’s just him! Calm down! “The teacher called us.”
As usual, his voice sounds deep and somewhat cold. Trying to calm my pounding heartbeat, hoping the sound wouldn’t somehow leak out, I nod and stand up, following him to the faculty room. It is already after school, so the teacher will probably hand us the journal and ask us to fill it in again.
Maybe… I should be the one starting it? I think as we walk side by side in silence. At this rate, we’ll never going to talk.
“We’re here,” he says, stopping my train of thoughts and making me jump a little. “How long are you going to keep walking?”
Whoa… I stop walking, realizing I almost walk past the faculty room. Not knowing what else to do, I let out an awkward laugh and quietly follow him as he enters. For a second there, I thought he was going to start talking about… what happened.
As soon as we’re inside, as I expected, the teacher tells us to fill in the journal again. He also gives us some print-outs to sort out. I go out first, bringing the journal with me, while Saeran follows behind me with the print-outs in his hands.
Maybe… maybe this time… he will talk? Maybe… he just needs some time? I can’t help thinking as we enter the empty classroom.
Unfortunately, “I’ll take care of these,” was all he said after that, referring to the print-outs, before he took a seat on his own chair and started working in silence. The only sound in the room is from Saeran sorting out the papers with a stapler, creating a clicking sound every few seconds or so. As he has a big pile of print-outs in front of him, we can’t sit across each other like we usually do, so I take a seat on the desk next to his and started writing – and waiting – there.
W-who knows! Maybe… maybe he will talk after we finished this… I think as I write the journal in silence, as well.
Even though I have purposely written in a slower pace just so we could somehow finish together, I still finish my part of the work first. Glancing his way, I see that he has only sorted out about half of the whole thing. Should I wait for him? Will he really talk, though? I’m not sure. I close the journal. But… there’s no way he would just keep doing this, not talking, like nothing happened. That’s just too—
“You can go first,” he says suddenly, which makes me look his way. But his eyes are still on the pile of papers; he isn’t even looking this way.
Oh… I realize, looking at the journal on the table. Maybe he meant I could go return this first.
“I’ll be right back,” I say as I start walking out.
“Leave it,” he says, making me stop walking.
Surprised, I look his way. “What?”
“Leave it,” he repeats, still not letting his eyes off the papers. “You can go home. I’ll take care of the rest.”
“Oh, but…” Today, too? So you’re really not going to talk?
“You can go.”
Really? After all this time… and after this, too? You still won’t talk? Ever? “But…” I don’t understand this… I don’t understand him. Why did he do that? How can he be so calm about this? How can he still act like usual? Why won’t he talk? Why am I the only one feeling like this?
Does it even mean anything to you?
He looks shocked as he finally turns this way. Did I say it out loud? “What?”
My eyes are starting to blur from the tears. But I cannot cry now. The tears can wait… now, I just want to make sure this guy gets it. Biting my lower lip to hold the sobs, I repeat, my voice breaking, “Does it even mean anything to you? The kiss? Why did you do that?”
I can’t see his expression clearly from the tears. Damn it, why am I such a crybaby? Quite messily, I wipe them with one hand. Still, I can’t read his expression. I don’t understand it, even though I can see it clearly now. If anything, it seems like he is glaring at me. But that’s not everything; he’s closer now… standing only a few steps away. I only realize now that he is a lot taller than I am. I take a few steps away from him, which he follows, until my back hits the closed door.
“Tell me,” I press him, trying hard not to feel intimidated. I can feel the anger getting stronger inside of me with each passing second without an answer. I’ve waited enough; I’ve had enough! Tears start forming in my eyes again. “Tell… me… how dare you did that?” I say in-between the sobs I can no longer hold in. “It… it was my first… kiss!”
He flinches at that. But he says nothing.
“And what’s more,” I continue. “How dare you to act like nothing happened? Did it ever occur to you in the last two months… to talk to me about it? Does it mean nothing to you, after all?”
He seems hurt. Or are my eyes tricking me? “But that time… so I thought… and you… you are avoiding me.”
“Oh, so now you blame me?” I can’t believe this guy. “We barely knew each other, for God’s sake! Anyone, and I mean anyone, would react that way!”
“So…” His voice sounds hoarse. “Do you hate me now?”
“Yes.” Oh, I actually saw it just now. He seems hurt. Is the pain contagious? “But… I hate myself more that I actually liked it.” What did I just say?
He pulls another poker face. “What?”
Oh, dear… what am I saying? I take a deep breath. “I… I couldn’t stop thinking about that. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. And…” This feeling… am I, am I really…? “I-I… I think… I’m in love with you.” I can feel my face heating up. It’s probably as red as a tomato right now. “There. I said it.” He’s not saying anything. I let out a long sigh. I don’t know what’s gotten into me. Why am I saying these things? “Now, can you please move over? I’m going—”
He takes my arm. “Are you sure?”
I avoid his eyes. “That… I… I don’t know—”
“I love you.” My heart skips a beat.
He leans closer, slowly this time, as if asking for permission. I nod, ever so slightly, closing my eyes shut. Then our lips meet, properly this time.
“So… why did you kiss me that day?”
“That… uhh… you were just… so cute.”
“What? I couldn’t hear you.”
“N-no way I’m repeating that, idiot!”
A/N: First time publishing outside FFnet >< feedback and reviews are very welcome :) special thanks to @tomatorepublic ^^
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Buy me a coffee? :)
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12x10 watching notes
tl;dr Yockey owes me dinner
There's a large part of me (the part that's getting larger) that just wants to eat pasta in a mug in peace and watch this episode before midnight :P But I always regret not starting to write meta on an episode as I watch if I don't do it, so here I am, cup of pasta and all.
Expectations - well, the spoilers all suggest some crazy angel hijinks in period costume. I'll be fine if we make it through this episode without Cas turning out to have had a baby with Lily in the past or something.
If the spec is true and he's in a female vessel I am however always going to have an exemption that Cas can be lesbians with her in the past, and may even WRITE Cas being gay with her in the past if I have to. >.>
The sanctity of the OTP has a few override buttons :P
Aside from that, well, it's Yockey, and I loved his first episode and he seems like he should be mostly unproblematic, after 12x06, but of course we barely have a handle on him and he's never written a full plot episode or Cas, and it seems like he'll not only be writing Cas but presumably a past version of Cas in a different vessel so... This is going to be a bit of a wild ride no matter how chill 12x06 made me feel about Yockey as a writer :P
The trouble with pasta in a mug is that it's still really hot towards the bottom of the mug so you have to keep stopping eating it, and I think that is a perfect metaphor for how I approach watching new SPN episodes >.>
Right back to 4x02 as a starter of the recap :')
I may be getting older but I swear recaps didn't habitually re-tell entire chunks of the story like this re: the entire everything that happened with the nephilim plot so far.
Side note: I really don't want to think this much about the nephilim plot and would rather it just kind of went away and didn't come back until like, season 30 or something when the kid's a bit older and ready for the drama.
Honestly the show has a sort of built in expctation of longevity at this point, why not, uh, plant some seeds.
Anyway maybe just because Buckleming are the only ones with direct contact with it so far, but I really don't trust the show to be equipped to deal with this, ethically, or maybe even in good storytelling way. Which just leaves me with a ton of dread that problematic shit is coming >.>
Also recapping an entire chunk of the story for Billie getting killed :< Thinking of problematic stuff and lazy editing.
I supopse it's a terrible balance between the netflix bingers (who'll skip it anyway) and the casual viewers who may not remember everything or are not reliable enough viewers to have caught every episode so they need a weighty reminder. It may just be that whoever's editing the recaps has changed because they used to be much more efficient at conveying everything and now they're just sort of laying everything out. The mini road so far last episode was really bland. I think the art form's disappeared :P
If anyone's wondering, the arcade game angel is now my favourite character forever. It reminds me of in Steven Universe when Garnet got addicted to an arcade game, and couldn't be budged. Weirdly specific but excellent trope: immortal black ladies who have terrible impulse control around arcades.
I'm going to be so sad when Lily kills her.
[crazy awesome fight scene interlude]
[kind of sad we already know she's called Lily because even though Lily Sunder is an incredible name, I wanted to call her Eyepatch Lady and I don't have to]
Aw Benjamin :< God dammit why did she have to die first and SO soon after Billie... I mean I knew they were killing off the angels and have flashbacks to flesh them out so I assumed some would bite the dust immediately, and basically all of them but Cas are probably gonna die in the long run because haha recurring friends for Cas... But ugh, it seems kind of cruel to end the recap killing one badass WoC, and then start the episode and introduce and kill another >.> I mean I guess not intentionally cruel but definitely making a depressing trend REALLY obvious.
I don't think anyone will care about the representation when no matter what awesome roles the characters have, they keep on dying >.>
I'm going to sulk off and get some tea, because I saw that coming from a mile off and it's still annoying me :P
I also did the dishes and gained some dark humour perspective on it because of the little glimpses of the angels standing around doing seemingly nothing while Benjamin warned them - at least Benjamin doesn't have to have the conversation, "so what have you done since we last saw you?" "I have been playing video games since they were invented, non stop." "Oh, cool. Cool. I rebelled against heaven and stopped the apocalypse and was god and - "
"Cas has been pretty busy, huh?" - confirmed, all the other angels are lazy butts and Cas has been hard at work.
I assume his fixation on finding Lucifer's offspring and dragging out all the noticeboards to set it up is a continuation of what's up with him and hunting. He was feeling more than useless with just some vampires, and so now he is trying 1000% of his hardest to do this right, especially as it's the loose end he's got left in the way of any attempt at happiness... He basically ALWAYS has one of these... times like this I miss Steve!cas and his simple happiness (uh on top of a yawning void of depression) at doing a few human things right, like Nora's praise that he did basically everything to open the store without her because when he has a few simple things to accomplish, he can get it all done, and everything is ordered and in the right place, and... God I feel bad for Cas being at loose ends and feeling useless.
Dean immediately is a dick about Cas NOT finding Kelly yet, so I assume he's in a good mood since last episode...
I do like that Cas is clearly at least allowed to hang out at the Bunker and use their resources even if Sam and Dean aren't helping him or part of this project, and just sort of walked in on it. I guess this is a "good morning" meeting, only they walked into Cas staying up all night on this. There's no weirdness about the fact Cas is here or has been doing it, he's just an accepted part of their living space, albiet one doing weird art projects that mean they can't use the war room for their own crap :P
They're also really enjoying sprawling on their furniture now they're free
Transitioning to the ongoing disappointment in Mom not making chicken soup for them - Dean continues finding it hardest to accept Mary has apparently adjusted, but to a life without them, instead of adjusting to a life living in the Bunker with them. It's also bitterly amusing me that now Cas is finally kind of just around them by default, they have another character who is explained away in the opening of the episode...
Oh god Dean and Cas are "walking past each other in the kitchen" while not making eye contact. WHY is Cas in the kitchen. HE DOESN'T EAT. Is he strategically walking in past Dean? Bothering Sam to know if he wants coffee so he has an excuse to go get it while Dean is making a sandwich? How long has this been going on?? I want this entire soap opera episode pls.
Oh no DEAN IS PISSED BECAUSE HE IS WORRIED ABOUT CAS. He says it's just about the consequences in a vague way, but CAS is the one who clearly incurred them because it's not like this deal had any strings attached to random stuff in the universe a la releasing Amara, it was a blood pact between Winchesters, on a family level, therefore Dean is most worried about Cas.
I don't like this new trend of Sam and Dean actually communicating and talking about their shit. This is awful. Can we go back to them not talking about anything?
Cas walks in on Sam defending him. My heart.
Although tbh he can hear through walls so unless the Bunker maaagically dampens that, he's come stomping back because he can't take listening to them going in circles about why Dean is ignoring Cas, because ouch, hearing how Dean is concerned about Cas's actions... I bet HE'S taking it as Dean thinking that he made a mistake >.>
*snipey snipey Destiel arguing* (Yeah, Dean just pretty much accuses Cas of that :P)
I love the old "all our friends are dead" type moment that they all have when someone comes up with "personal" business elsewhere. Like when Dean ran off to help Benny or Sam wandered off to deal with Amy Pond. Personal??? we don't get personal lives! aaand Cas is truly a Winchester now.
Oh third wheel Sam. Cas wants Dean to come but snarks at him like he's not gonna, Sam looks at Dean, Dean looks at Sam and Cas and rolls his eyes and accuses Cas of doing stupid things, but comes anyway because he will still look after Cas even if they're not talking...
Aaand the promo scene which left me amazed Sam did not open the car door, jump out onto the road, and take his chances there.
[patented angry Cas squinting]
I think that was the stage direction - Yockey might be new at this but he knows what he's doing.
Oh NO the bit we saw before the episode wasn't even the half of it. Dean and Cas are having an Actual Married Argument, deliberately projecting their fight onto talking about Benjamin. I am waiting for Sam to roll down his window and climb out to spend the rest of the drive on the roof.
The fact Cas says "Benjamin wouldn't call for help lightly" as well as about putting himself in harm's way - Dean probably latches onto that last part because it suits their argument more - also firmly confirming very clearly and loudly that Dean is worried about what will happen to Cas because he's upset that Cas put himself in harm's way, so this argument is now definitely, textually, 100% on Dean's side about how CONCERNED he is for Cas (and probably now a heaping of that Cas wouldn't deserve it and that Dean wasn't worth it because self-esteem issues... (The way this is going they'll probably say THAT in text too in like 3 lines) But yeah, also raising the issue that Cas doesn’t ask for help. Watched him rake leaves, anyone?
Dean is going to CRASH THE CAR. Sam's breaking point is Dean literally rotating 180 degrees in his seat to talk back at Cas. :P
*sound of a car horn and something narrowly missing them* 
Cas values sarcasm as a trait he really likes (nice, perfect need for someone who is going to resentfully be married to Dean forever), but would also like to be appreciated more :<
Aaand the info about Benjamin and his vessel has officially murdered me, especially as he's already dead. :< Angel/human friendships! *flails emotionally* Also no angel has ever been shown so close to their vessel. Hannah came to appreciate Caroline and gave her back, but without bonding with her (rather, traumatising her, I guess); Cas being so happy Jimmy was devout now has retconned emotional impact about Cas knowing how his friend appreciated his vessel and Cas was excited to have that same bond. But Jimmy died early on, Cas didn't have the luxury to be kind and friendly to him or to start doing that later; although he returned in 4x20 saying of course he'd keep his word to Jimmy and look after him (in that very angel way that Cas had back in season 4), it took him until Hannah and Caroline to remember this bond with a vessel and go attempt to make it right with Claire and Amelia.
*flops over and slowly slides off my chair*
*resumes watching from the floor because of Cas staring at Benjamin's wings* You know how we spend way too much time as fandom imagining crap about Dean having Cas's wings burned on him or his car or whatever? This is like that but with a character I've known for like 8 minutes of the show and I have a tear in my eye.
Poor Cas :<
*continues a non-stop "poor Cas" litany through this scene*
Oh my god even though all the angel blades look the same, Cas can TELL which angel they belong to THIS IS THE WORST NEW INFORMATION I'VE EVER HEARD.
Well, aside from the longing retcon. Hey, it must be 2 years old around now - that was 10x10
Having Cas being upset about losing a close friend that he fought together with right after saving Dean, a dear friend he has fought together with, and getting super judged for it, is way on the nose. Ow.
It's pretty cool that Lily has learned to talk on angel radio.
Oh gosh, Lily has a dead child I WONDER WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT
I love as well that Lily is dressing like angels used to, in a black and white suit, can talk on angel radio, has an angel blade... She's like the ultimate hunter becoming the thing she hunts in a sort of parallel to grizzled old hunters wearing a big ol bear skin or something :P
place behind them when they get out the car called "The Wright Spot"... guess which director is directing this episode. Go on. :P
"If I plan to do anything else stupid, I'll let you know" - I honestly did not think it was possible to love Cas more than I already did but he keeps on proving me wrong.
Cas is catching up on what feels like a 3 year backlog of angry squinting. He's definitely gone over the edge since last episode, as a result of last episode, but at the moment I think as long as Dean and Cas make up, in a good way where he's getting to vent some things about not feeling appreciated and so on, this will be okay.
Hang on this is the diner scene - aren't Sam and Dean going to crush into this both with Cas? I need to see how this happens...
Anyway AAAAAH Cas talking to angels! Angels who aren't trying to kill him immediately!
They are judging him for being careless and having to take a different vessel. Lol. "I liked the old you better" *Cas inspects himself*
Mirabelle then gets at Cas for the angel fall which obviously I was expecting since I already joked about this exact scene at the beginning of the episode :P I like that they went right ahead and addressed it. It's quite an elephant in the room, and of course the fact Cas's old battalion hadn't crossed paths with him at any point in the angel drama previously... Well, they HAD to have not picked Raphael or they wouldn't have made it past season 7. They may or may not have picked Metatron but they can't have been in Cas's army because he'd have actually chatted to them. There were still angels after season 10 who hadn't really got involved in all that at all, so I assume they laid low, perhaps knowing Cas better than most, or thinking they do >.>
Oh yeah just go ahead and remind him of how terrible things went with Uriel and Balthazar while you're at it :P
The "i just stared at a wall in a church for 100 years" angel is very boring. Mirabelle seemed to be pooossibly meant to be standing in Heaven's prison when the call went out? There were bars in front of her or something like that, so I assumed she was doing some job there. No idea what beardy angel was doing.
Also pls stop reminding Cas of literally everything he's ever done because in every previous encounter with angels, bringing stuff up like that is a fast way to manipulate or upset Cas and he's in a wee bit of a precarious place right now...
"spanner in the works" has someone actually called Cas that in canon or is that maybe like, something Edlund said in an interview or something?
"I'm not a hero, but sometimes doing the right thing requires sacrifices" You know what, not that I wasn't already thinking it, but Yockey can keep Cas :P
In this case, that line is tapping into his fight with Dean as well. He knows he didn't do anything particularly noble and definitely not honourable in a literal sense as he broke a blood vow, but it was what Cas deemed the "right" thing and he's in a sort of waiting zone to see if he broke the world again or what will be coming for him next... The sacrifices he's willing to take to make sure Dean etc are safe, because to Cas Dean is his moral compass and what is "right" is Dean and has been since season 4, even if Cas often goes against it or struggles with it or doesn't live up to Dean's standards or Dean has no idea Cas is trying to do right by Dean's way or -
(My mum's on holiday so I'm stuck at the start of season 7 wallowing on the end of season 6 fight right now :P)
"But it always seems like it's other angels sacrificing for your good deeds" Yeah, buddy, we've watched Cas every freakin' step of the way and he has SUFFERED for this okay, so back off. CAS KNOWS ALREADY AND IF HE SLEPT HE WOULDN'T BECAUSE HE'D BE LYING AWAKE THINKING ABOUT THIS
"Are you here to insult me or talk about Benjamin?" "Can we do both?"
ily Yockey
"We didn't think you'd care"
fuck off Yockey :P
(I love that this contrasts with at the start Dean complaining about Cas caring as part of his rant to Sam about it all - drawing a line between what Cas cares about here and there... Obviously Cas DOES care a lot about these angels because ARGH his reaction to Benjamin HURT SO MUCH. But he's been understandably distracted for the last few years, and with these guys off having their own problems, say this started RIGHT after the angel fall, CAS WAS HUMAN and would potentially have missed anything on angel radio meant for him to warn him about this because he was so bad at tuning into it. If he never answered the call the first time one of their number was murdered, well, of course they'd think he doesn't care)
Also I love that this episode clearly shows that Yockey has a very full awareness of the show's story so far.
Ahahaha Sam no. (Please keep Sam-ing like this. You are the Sam I love so very much :P)
He has been observing Dean's behaviour all his life and he knows when Dean's patience snaps when it comes to worrying about Cas.
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Describe them in one picture
Why does Sam cram in on the end though.
He doesn't wanna be left out either, though the bench is only big enough for Dean n Cas
If you want to talk definitions of third wheels, Sam is definitely it this episode, but he's got enough of a sense of humour that knowing he's along for the ride trapped in a lovers' spat, he can at least have some fun with it, since he's basically got to be the buffer between them. Or else towed in their wake.
(I also like how this shows Sam knows there's no point arguing with Dean about this, so going along with it mocking him for his behaviour is about the one sort of resistance he has left to him :P)
"My friends who don't listen very well" *Dean smirks at Cas* Okay, but I'm taking a screencap of that to use as like, a phone background or something.
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This has mostly turned into me not listening to the conversation and screenshotting their faces so I need to go back and try again
Mirabelle better not get killed just because Sam and Dean showed up.
I can see these coming from so far off but
"Who wants some pie"
Dean trying to play happy families with this weird group of people.
Well, one weird rando angel, since Mirabelle is now dead, which means that I was right but this is an even more alarming rate of side character death than I was expecting
Still don't think I've caught beard!angel's name
He accuses Cas of "how far he's fallen" *shot of him being lovingly elbowed in the kidney by Dean* I wonder what the implication is here :P
The description of him as a warrior is interesting but we already knew that. I like "angel's angel" though because it mirror's "man's man" I suppose as a phrase, which is the sort of stereotype of a manly dude who does all the manly dude stuff, well, like Dean presents the front. I think, like, the sort of dude who goes fishing with his mates every weekend rather than stay home with the wife :P
idk if angels go fishing aside from Daniel but that's the second time I've thought of him in a few minutes of TV time so
*Dean and beard!angel really stare down each other* Not jealous at all, are we Dean? ("want some coffee with that sugar" I am so amused) Beard!angel accuses Cas of being homeless, which is really mean because he lives at the Bunker now, but, uh, essential to the arc of Cas REALISING that he lives at the Bunker and is in fact his home and GOOD ENOUGH and also he's totally welcome there and Dean loves him and Sam's only being weird about this because he feels like a third wheel and is making DEAN'S life hell for it in the only way a little sibling who learned to punish people through well-meant bratty little sibling behaviour can... :P
Well, home will still be very snarky and passive aggressive when he lives there but at least it will feel like HIS snarky passive-aggressive hunter-filled home.
(Angels referring to humans as monkeys is an age old sign they can't be trusted or have the Wrong Morals, like Uriel especially since that's how we were introduced to the idea that calling us "mud monkeys" was "close to blasphemy" - which already undermines that Cas was always an "angel's angel" because it sounds like this is exactly how to describe beard!angel, and hey MAYBE CAS WAS PROJECTING BASED ON HIS ENVIRONMENT, NOT LIKE DEAN DOES THAT ALL THE TIME TO FIT IN OR ANYTHING)
I have collected so many emotional parallels between season 4 Cas and early seasons Dean in this one conversation that will utterly destroy me next time I wander through season 4, which was already riddled with this parallel in the original subtext >.>
Also not for nothing but beard!angel does look vaguely like John & seems like him in the older male alpha authority figure way he acts. Dean is rejecting him which is great, but he has standards about what makes an angel (read: man) which doesn't fit with the true self we know of Cas (read: Dean, who is of course, "humanity") and clearly these are outdated societal angel things which he holds to...
"have some pie" (why do I feel like he's walking off to be Lily Sundered?)
Great parting words though. Dean is like "don't mind if I do" when he sees how much money the angel threw down. Of course it's mocking them for their attachment as family, but it's a value that is the CORE of the show - humanity and love and family - which pie represents in all its forms. A barb telling them to have pie because it's apparently demeaning to like these things (and below an angel to care for a family of humans like this) is no insult at all to the people who ACTUALLY LIKE PIE.
Sam moves over so Dean and Cas can share the seat together. Nicely done.
Captain of the SS Destiel and desperately trying to steer it through the storm to its berth :P
"Ishim" apparently. Dean immediately defends Cas against him once he's gone, like, Cas doesn't deserve to be treated that way. BECAUSE DEAN APPRECIATES HIM.
Not that Cas may be able to recognise what just happened there because wow they're all dug in on their fight :P
"No one gets to be a dick to my husband except me"
Not surprisingly, Ishim then gets attacked and lightly stabbed.
(that was a pun. Because angels bleed light -
I'll show myself out)
Cas shows up and injures Lily in a surprisingly similar way.
I'm still impressed with her absorbing and using an angel smiting for power.
Ishim says "I'm fine" which is such a part of the SPN vocabulary I don't even know what that means except that he's absorbed the same rules about it somewhere or other. :P Cas had to explain it to Hannah about why humans do it, but I think angels come on a range of personality types and Ishim is definitely of the better socialised type than say, Mirabelle, who was very angel-y, especially with how she stood the whole time watching them, and still had more of a uniform look to her clothes then Ishim who's just wearing a nice suit.
I do like the church they're holed up in
Hrm, vaguely annoyed about the "came to earth" turn of phrase, because I always took the watching over it to mean they were literally around on earth, though not in vessels and obviously as true forms very distant and above it all.
It's making my thumb itch that Cas had a vessel before Jimmy but I've been bracing myself for this retcon for ages so I'm just going to have to live with it :P
The fact that Ishim is the one dude and the other angels are all in female vessels does look, in this period costume, kind of odd. He has a little flock or something :P Weird gender role stuff going on here. I mean, from an outside view. To Cas, gender is nicely explained by that little exchange where Dean was like "Benjamin's a woman?" and Cas was like, "Benjamin's an ANGEL. His vessel is a woman" - so pronouns apply to them if they like them, but the real distinction is really not that important because what they are is genderless wavelengths with a consciousness that may like to be one or the other in a vessel or for it not to matter, or to prefer a pronoun that applies to them regardless of vessel or... it's wobbly. The important thing is they're angels :P Idk if I should have celebrated this louder back in the car discussion because I always took it as canon and especially with Hannah in season 10 something the show sort of went over again to make it a bit more clear, but with more hindsight maybe this really is taking what was strictly still sort of headcanon when it comes to expressly TALKING about how angels identify, and putting it in the text, aka definitely and finally queering all the angels ever, forever)
Anyway I had it paused on a lady with the Perfect Eyebrow and idk how the casting went for this but it was probably "can you do Cas's Eyebrow" so now I should see how she handles the rest because I'm sold just on her resting Cas face :P
We know since 4x20 Cas would possess Claire, with absolutely no weirdness about it, but there's enough blah about the circumstances that he might only have done it because the bloodline, emergency moment, Jimmy was in trouble etc... But here we have Cas clearly having freely chosen a female vessel (maybe an ancestor of the Novaks? Which would limit his choice if she was the only suitable one around at that point but eh >.>) and so that's sort of... a big moment I guess... *see above: conversation about angel gender* I'm so used to thinking this is a totally normal thing that I have no idea how mindblowing this is for them to happily show Cas in a female vessel like this :P There was so much weirdness about Raphael swapping vessels - several characters got a shot in towards the end of season 6. And at least Metatron made a crack about Hannah swapping out Caroline and using a male one. But Cas is a major character and unlike Crowley briefly possessing women, the way angels possess people is very different (and the reminder that Benjamin was friends with his vessel from the start of the episode sort of works in general to show how angels have to have a more mutual compatibility with their vessel...)
It’s a pretty big thing, I guess. 
Benjamin is complaining about how wet it is on earth, but Ishim just confirmed all the spec that this is a human marrying an angel and I'm contemplating going out to stand in the rain and shriek into the sky so he's got that all wrong. Rain is great, when you need to shriek :P
Obviously this is forefront a parallel to the Lucifer and nephilim thing, buuut I mean they're in LOVE and MARRIED
who else in this episode is MARRIED
Oh right Sam had to yell at them to not drive into oncoming traffic because they were too busy being MARRIED
For the record, the description of the Nephilim here is killing me - it has grace and a human soul, and I've been speculating that Cas never lost his soul he had after being human, so he too has both. (Which makes him dangerous)
Revisiting nephilim is all Dabb because he wrote 8x22 which originally introduced the idea, and so I am now in a sort of danger zone for getting sucked riiight back into angel fall spell nonsense :P I have picked up a real aversion to wild speculation but this is my weak spot. The season 8-9 crazy Destiel optimism about that damn spell, and Dabb's picking at all the loose ends this season, especially to get to the Nephilim, which plays such a key part in that beautiful, horrible idea that the last ingredient was "the grace of an angel in love with a human" and this is specifically WHY the spell makes the angels fall... Brings them down to the monkeys' level :P Ishim would hate to know that detail of why he has no wings :P But, yeah, that the spell was a punishment or reward that comes as a result of angels mingling with humans (and I still think God preferred angels to like humans, so this taboo comes from angel society, that Ishim represents and is denouncing in front of Cas)
It's times like this I remember the translation to the angel tablet is just sitting in the bunker in a language Cas can read and I need to go shriek in the rain some more
I guess Ishim is like the homophobic, racist uncle, we should treat this accordingly :P
(Benjamin also confirmed this is an angel-made rule)
Castiel moves like the Cas we know better :P I like her a lot.
I mean, she IS Cas, after all.
Aww Lily's husband has great hair.
Ishim says that he was only supposed to watch and instead he took up with a filthy animal... hahahahahahahahaha *flashback within a flashback to the diner scene and Cas all crushed up against Dean*
No I'm fine why do you ask
"How could anyone know them and not love them" (re: humanity)
Help meee
Oh no, Castiel does the whole speech about why this angel broke the rules before they kill him :<
I mean... Delicious irony making Castiel say it because obviously later Cas has done a complete about turn on this, at least where loving humanity is concerned. Maybe not the fathering nephilim bit as he's still out to get Holly and this is explaining WHY he knows it's such a big deal (8x22 also showed him hesitant to kill the nephilim there until she turned on them and proved she was ready to act monstrously, and then he had no hesitation) although I hope this inspires him to be more sympathetic, remembering HOW cold and angelic he was back here and how he's all in contrast to this now.
(I don't think it's weird Akobel makes that speech about humanity being great in front of Castiel, because although Cas clearly softens towards humans later and has a more sympathetic feeling than say, Uriel, who clearly is on a level with Ishim on this subject, by the time we meet him, or at least, after 3 episodes putting up with Dean, this mirrors Dean's 4x22 speech, which means that this is a trial run that doesn't convince Cas, because, well, there's no weight behind it to TRULY make Cas think. 4x22 in contrast is SO powerful that Dean's similar words have a huge weight of their friendship, his growing understanding of humanity, etc, that they land squarely on him and convince him to rebel)
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah and then Castiel flinches, clearly affected by this even though he knows the nephilim is an abomination and has to die :<
Always had that crack in his chassis...
I am glad that this is HOPEFULLY, via what they've set up in Cas's emotional landscape here so far, going to let him get to a place where he chooses to either let Holly go and forget about this, or at least track her down but give her a choice and maybe some actual HELP with having to raise a devil baby if she chooses to do so. >.> Definitely showing us Cas feeling bad about killing nephilim that haven't done anything, or given a chance to live their lives normally might NOT grow up awful (Jesse the forgotten antichrist comes to mind, never mind the nephilim we saw before who was living a completely peaceful life until Metatron ruined everything, as he tends to do)... I suppose it's been Cas vs 2 nephilim now and Lucifer's baby is the 3rd, so...
The message in 12x08 was so weird about it, there's so much salvage work for me to even be sure I know which way is up with this but as a bare minimum making Cas conflicted about what to do about this issue is a start to make it less crazy with all these guys coming rushing to tell the woman what to do with her baby, even if it seems justified by the story that they seem to know best >.>
"It was necessary, it was right," Cas says, looking horrified.
(Sam and Dean do too, and as I said, emotional compass...)
This is such a terrible plotline :P A sensible response back in 12x08 would have been like "hey you were coercively raped by the actual devil, just FYI about your baby" and she'd be like "oh shit that's terrible" and go willingly choose to have an abortion (and therapy probably >.>) without anyone telling her to do it but the main characters weighing in with their info on nephilim and anti-christs they've already met and dealt with to give her some best case/worst case scenarios to help her decision >.> That's the most political route because of actual choice and agency on the mother's part but eh. A lot of times in media they toe a safe line of considering abortion and confirming it's a thing that happens and isn't inherently evil but then the preggers character involved magically decides that they're fine and will keep the baby for personal reasons for the story to avoid going there and praising abortion for saving desperate people >.> Or well, unless it's a tragedy, but still a terrible idea to have the baby for everyone involved, in which case stories tend to throw a last minute miscarriage their way...
12x08 was just a mess though so had the poor woman in a room full of people yelling at her and attacking her in Lucifer's case about what she was supposed to do, and then she legged it and immediately decided to keep the baby and - this could have been better handled, even in a toeing a really safe bland line, is all I'm saying >.>
"we completed a mission, it was necessary, it was right." - Cas falling back on old angelic behaviour to explain it because the mission and their purpose was absolute and you didn't question it.
"You say so," says Dean, still annoyed with Cas for the last big decision he made where he thought he was doing something necessary and right by killing Billie.
(I notice this involves a lot of murder for the protagonists to work out how they feel about the big issues... Great :P)
But yeah, killing kids is like the no.1 no-no and used to show Dean stepping over the line in 10x22, and now Cas reveals he was complicit in killing a kid before. (Ishim is probably not going to make it out of the episode, and certainly doesn't deserve to, by SPN's rules :P)
I love the exchanges where they're like just "Dean." "Cas." because saying each other's names is enough to say everything they need to because they've been over arguments like this so much by now.
(I think Sam and Dean do it too but for some reason I don't pay as much attention to it :P)
Meanwhile: Sam puts his foot in his mouth implying to Cas that the angels sort of deserved what was coming to them (which is a fair opinion but maybe don’t tell Cas if you think that :P)
The following orders thing tends to go pretty far with angels when you throw in brainwashing (and how Cas was already at this point many many layers of reprogrammed by Naomi since she refers to doing it to him in Biblical times, so if he felt bad about this it may have been hammered back out of him for a while after) but Ishim really is kind of being presented as a total dick about it in a sort of unrepentant way that paints a target on him as a rightful character to feel deserves it, while though Cas and the others were following orders and enforcing their society's rules that they never questioned (and would be killed if they questioned too hard or lost faith in the power structure) and in COMPARISON to Ishim who is being used as a scapegoat by the story, clearly are less deserving of punishment, especially Cas who has learned SO HARD in many ways what is right and wrong (though this seems to be a big hurdle he has left). It makes it a bit unfair to only have left the most symapthetic angel by a billion miles compared to any of the others, because we've been so far with him, and Ishim, who has clearly not changed a jot :P
Sam says Cas is "different now" :3
Clearly the easiest way out is to be like, "look Cas is now married to Dean so OBVIOUSLY has changed his ways" and honestly Captain Sam of the SS Destiel, I'm not sure he's not suggesting it.
Cas talking about how she "won't quit" to avenge her family reminds me that this is a plot we have had before, with whatsisface in 10x02 coming back for Dean. I also watched 7x03 last, with Amy Pond's poor son who vowed vengeance on Dean and disappeared to grow up some more and honestly season 7 is now so long ago he MUST be ready to come kill Dean but here we are with Cas finally having it happen to him :P Oh the Dean and Cas story overlaps :')
I really really really love Lily Sunder and her actress is great :D That healing scene was, no pun intended, SO CHARGED.
(little bit of a pun intended)
(Kinda sad after seeing the flashback I can't write her and Cas as lesbians :P)
Meanwhile in Cas's healing scene - weird shades of 8x17 and Cas and Meg, with the way Cas is tending to an ambiguous friend with a history (Wait. Same director? Yeah, same director), and clearly caring about him enough to heal him (didn't heal Meg magically and I've always suspected angel magic is a bit of a blunt weapon that would had smote her if he'd tried, even if he meant no harm >.>) - something about Cas's face while he tends to him, especially, because he's poking around instead of just flinging some glowy light at him, which makes this whole set up of playing nurse, which Cas never normally has when healing people since he just puts his hand on them and fixes them. It's automatically a much more tender, intimate scene. If this was Dean and Cas, people would spontaneously combust.
God damn this episode is doing some amazing things with inverting and playing with gender and stuff
Ishim has to ruin it by complaining about Cas letting the 'simians' talk to him...
"When did you get so gooey" I mean really, this is so seductive the way he's lying there and Cas is messing around with taking off his clothes? He and Lily had very similarly placed wounds for this parallel... but.
But yeah, calling Cas "gooey" really, really sounds like Meg.
oh god this speech from him...
"You know why we're meant to stay away from humans? It's not because we're a danger to them. They're a danger to us."
/rain /shrieking
If this episode has not already confirmed on at least 3-4 occasions already that Cas is totally in love with Dean I don't even know what it's for :P
"My friendship with Sam and Dean has made me stronger" "You can't really believe that" NO AND THAT'S THE PROBLEM RIGHT NOW.
Dean needs to do the whole boombox held up outside Cas's window love declaration and fix this >.>
I mean it is true that Cas is stronger, infinitely, than when we first met him, because of all he's been through for Sam and Dean, but... He doesn't see it :<
I think it's stopped raining so if I need to shriek I don't know where to go
I LOVE that after Cas is done healing the ding from the elevator overlaps him fixing Ishim and almost seems like a microwave ding telling us he's ready.
The fact this is about someone killing angels (never mind the Uriel reference) really does make the plot mirror 4x16 on Cas's side; that episode ditches Sam and Dean not long past the halfway point to become completely about angel drama and Cas's decision... Nice.
Lots of Edlund mirroring this season.
"Then we burn that bridge when we come to it" HAH. :D Love that messed up idiom so much. It's such the Winchester way.
I love how they just walk into Lily in the corridor.
"We don't wanna kill you" "I don't want to kill you" "Okay! Good, look, there we go, agreed" Sam you fucking third wheel master level dork. He's been mediating so many fights that even when he's in the middle of one as a participant he takes on this role :P
Also aaaaaaaah saying Cas is their family. I mean it gets said a fair few times, but it's always so lovely to hear it coming out of Dean's mouth.
Oh my god Alicia Witt is amazing
*looks around for something to scream into*
*picks Mittens's chat bubble since the sky is not in the right setting*
Love triangle plot twist!
Which I probably should have seen coming if I wasn't comparing what Ishim said to Cas so much that I forgot he was also saying it about himself. I sort of dimly registered it without thinking it would apply to something immediate :P
I guess now we know Cas has been super lied to he's even more blameless (in the narrative) for acting out orders that were wrong, aka basically all the Heaven nonsense where the angels get manipulated. LIKE 4x16 WHERE HE HAD BAD ORDERS TO ASK ALISTAIR WHO WAS KILLING ANGELS... Now it's WHY she's killing angels (showing again in 2 words how the show has changed in tone :P) Anyway... because they were clearing up Ishim's petty family feud for him in an abuse of power, it makes the other angels victims of Ishim's choice, especially now Lily is killing them for it.
I wonder if her research ended up with the MoL because it's always been a weird question of how they had so much info about research on angels and if this is clearing up a weird thing from 9x11, well... Robbie's being taken to the cleaners this episode on a few things already :P There’s literally so much going on I haven’t managed to cover it all.
ANYWAY everyone's in love with humans, and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
What is this episode even saying about Cas.
I mean I know what I will interpret it as saying but
Yockey, explain yerself
"I loved you" "You were obsessed with me, that isn't love" Oh dear, we're getting into details about what is and isn't love now.
You know, like the whole "love and... love" distinctions.
angel love triangle drama is so tense.
"You are powerless" So she goes and becomes the Most Powerful Ever - a human literally on the level of angels, or BETTER than them, to get her revenge. Nice.
I really love Lily Sunder, and I thought I would because of the name, but yeah, good hunch about that. :P
"You broke my heart so I'm going to break yours" :< :< :< :<
TERRIBLE timing to bring it up, but... 6x20 > 6x22, Cas breaking Sam's wall to keep Dean out the way. >.>
Oh no the daughter was human... WAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
This is like 1000% worse. I suppose for the previous stuff I was saying about it comparing to the Nephilim arc, Cas's guilt over this if/when he finds out will I suppose be a really heavy blow about Heaven's rules about Nephilim, since his obedience to them was used against him - and all the others who were in the dark - for this petty, evil revenge.
I like how Dean is just "he's a tool" about Ishim and phones Cas to... check Ishim is a big old tool?
Letting Cas know while he's alone with Ishim seems like a great way to flip from hunting Lily to needing her to help save Cas and get revenge on Ishim :P
Also I suppose Ishim turning on Cas (I hope but AAAH NOO CAS) would be a good way to convince Lily he's not evil/complicit if Ishim is having problems with him.
Heh, Sam's being left with Lily and Dean goes to check on Cas. What a wild surprise.
Oh dear, Cas is sassing Ishim which means even Cas knows he's contemptible now. The "oh goodie" sounds like Cas in the same room as CROWLEY. I suppose we're meant to assume Ishim stole his phone as well now
This would be a very good time to address that Lily can hack angel radio to message them but Dean doesn't think to pray?
Anyway Cas is not doing so great which seems to parallel that Lily healing herself seemed to really hurt her?
Can't believe they cover a plothole with Lily being like, nah, I just thought I'd wait and see what happened and if any of them came back to Earth I'd get them. 
Then had the angel fall spell dropped in her lap.
It seems like there should be a way to bridge her research with Metatron and the fact he made up his own spells including potentially that one. Off the books angel know-how. Like the MoL have... 
The show is never ever going to link this all up so it will just continue to bug me forever I guess :P I'm patient, I can wait over 100 years for more information to drop from the sky.
The fact the angel fall spell is connected to nephilim and has been mentioned a couple of times is making me reeeeally itchy in those old thumbs again
If Dabb wants a second crack at all that teasing, BE MY GUEST
Sam asking questions about magic... uhoh.
Nah, the price is soullessness, of a sort. Maybe becoming an angel? Is that possible? She might just burn out, hand of God style. Anyway Sam won't go for it. HE KNOWS THAT COST. 
FOILED AGAIN. No witch!Sam this year.
Meanwhile: actually tearing at my own soul in horror about the fact she's burning away her soul to use angel magic and I am of the opinion Cas has a soul and HE does angel magic but... he's caring more and more?? Can you do this in reverse? Use up your angel grace and if you have a human soul waiting underneath, just reboot in a different operating system?
What the heck.
I need to eat more pasta. Can't deal with this.
But yeah the episode has made a big deal about human souls and angel grace, and suggesting how they can live in a body together, either with Lily slowly replacing her soul, or with the nephilim having both naturally... Cas of course is an abomination.
(sorry Cas, your own words will eventually always come back to bite you :P)
Oh no, Lily's reached the stage where she doesn't dream any more :( Oh no Lily.
Lily is so good at patience. I love her. Although argh it's because she's got the emotional room to wait. Less soul to worry her. She just has to hope she reaches the end goal before she runs out of caring for it, or that her robo-self like Soulless Sam did, will carry on the "job" they define themselves by without emotionally caring for why they do it - also very Mark of Cain-y, taking on a thing like that to fling themselves at the target without a care for what happens to them in the process...
I'm guessing by now that Ishim has done something to Cas to make him weak :<
I did the "AAH OTP INTERACTING" fist pump when Dean rushed over to Cas all urgent and worried, and now Dean's just... like. Holding Cas. Help. I think I dislocated a finger making frantic handwaving :P
My arm legit really hurts.
Oh god Ishim is making Cas choose between "heaven" aka Ishim’s shitty side, and Dean. Guess we're back at 9x22.
"Why do his words bother you so much, Ishim" Ooooooh
This is going to be so bitchy
so so bitchy
*Cas squints harder*
"Well it sees some of my choices may need to be questioned" if you HAVE to concede a fight with your husband, this is the most badass way to do it so that it still seems like you at least half-won :P
Aw Caaaas all the beating up on him from the promos we assumed Lily did were Ishim's fault.
Dean just needs to know a human girl was killed and that's it, he goes for Ishim with a knife :D ("You're not going to like the answer" says it all, by implying that Cas's love for humanity will of course be what makes him hate it... AAAH)
"I used to envy you, Castiel" was that because he WASN'T in love with a human and now that's changed? :P
Oh no, he "just" cites Cas being chosen by God, before pointing out he's now sad and weak. Ishim sees that love as weakness.
Also Cas getting straddled by Ishim goes with that weirdly erotic subtext from earlier when Cas was healing him.
:< Cas lying there miserably after being beaten into submission. Now this has shades of 10x22 at the end - Ishim in the place of Dean - are we working through THAT trauma too... I am not up to this. Ow.
10x22 getting a little revisit (OH CAS NO) followed by Ishim saying he's going to go "cut out Cas's human weakness" by going to kill Dean
paralleled directly to how he KILLED HIS HUMAN LOVER
I also thought from “cut out” it was going to be a reverse 8x23, and Ishim would split his throat and literally take something from Cas, like a SOUL or something. Then he said about himself, but split second panic there.
no biggie this is only literally THE MOST DESTIEL SHIT TO HAPPEN IN YEARS
HOLY CRAP then Dean picks CAS over banishing Ishim when he shows Cas is Dean's weakness too i
am probably burning my dinner in the oven
Yay hi Lily
YAY more teamwork
I love when they do the teamwork thing. It’s a reoccurring theme this season, or maybe Yockey just likes it because 12x06 had the best teamwork ending.
This parallels 4x16 and Sam vs Alistair almost directly in staging
Except then Cas backstabs Ishim
he had it coming :P
Oh god and then Cas is on his knees, I mean, he drops to them because he's weak but it also puts him in a penitent position in front of Lily
This also mirrors 4x16 and how he was on his knees in front of Uriel, the real threat of the episode for him.
I guess she decides not to kill Cas
Oh look at poor Cas sitting there :(
I love that even though Lily's threat was she'd be beyond emotion, Dean tries to make this about revenge and killing some more to handle what next, but Cas goes straight to "i'm sorry" and Lily looks genuinely moved
Oh CAS you're so good.
And Lily thanks him and walks off :')
Oh dear, some over-running the episode length into a scene at the Bunker
Awww Dean giving Cas a beer and a shoulder pat and secret loving shoulder stroke. Dude. Someone needs to gif that in slow mo.
Oh god they're actually giving Cas a REAL you're family speech without any reasons to cut this short or make it not feel good
Sam's there too despite this having been all about Dean and Cas, just to smooth things over. :P
"I'm not mad I'm worried" Oh man all this stuff in the main text sucks because I deduced this back at the start through clever analysis of their dialogue and now what I can tell from this line is that... Dean is worried about Cas.
Look at their eyes
Cas still looks beat up which is rare for him not to immediately snap back to normal. I worried.
Heh, Cas hasn't changed that much - all that and he still has carefully set separate rules for each situation, and KNOWING that Lucifer's baby really is Lucifer's, well... Unless he's been lied to about HOW dangerous Nephilim are... He still thinks he has a point.
Sam tries to compare scenarios
And Cas says he doesn't know what he'll do or if he'll hesitate. It HAS affected him. YAY. Episode’s goal accomplished in the final moment.
Okay this is clearly a motto of the ENTIRE show: "let's drink, and hope we can find a better way"
Can't believe Dean and Cas are married.
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viralnewstime · 4 years
After a five-year wait, Purity Ring are back with their latest album, Womb. The Canadian duo – comprising Megan James and Corin Roddick – first formed in 2010, releasing their debut full-length Shrines in 2012 to exceptional critical review. The second single from the album, ‘Fineshrine’ currently has more than 58 million streams on Spotify, was named one of the best songs of the decade so far by Pitchfork, and made it onto triple j’s Hottest 100 for 2012.
The group’s second album Another Eternity was released in 2015. Another Eternity featured single ‘Begin Again’, which came in at number 87 on the triple j Hottest 100 for 2015, and currently has over 25 million Spotify streams.
Vocalist Megan James tells Music Feeds she hopes the forthcoming album “feels like a place where people can rest and sit in and feel some kind of comforting escape for the brief time that it runs for.”
In this interview, we have a chat with James about the band’s creative process for the album, her personal favourite tracks, and how she’s holding up during quarantine.
Music Feeds: You guys have mentioned that Womb “chronicles a quest for comfort and the search for a resting place in a world where so much is beyond our control”, which seems pretty relevant to what we’re experiencing right now. What were you thinking about, specifically, when creating this album?
Megan James: Yeah, as it happens, it is applicable. I feel like, it’s odd how applicable it is right now. Mostly I think that’s just because we made the record from home and like, made a conscious decision to stay home a lot, whereas a lot of times throughout the previous records, we would travel somewhere together and like, go on some kind of writing trip. But yeah, I felt like, after touring Another Eternity – which was extensive, like, we toured for a really long time – we both needed a lot of space after that, to sort of like, come back to ourselves, and I think staying home to write this record sort of was born of that feeling. It’s like, we want to be home as much as we can ‘cause as soon as we’re done we have to go tour again.
So, yeah, I feel like that really played into it. Like, I am the kind of person who absorbs a lot from my environment, and therefore my home becomes a place where… how it feels and like, what’s in it and yeah, what it feels like it encompasses is really important to my creative process. A lot of that was like, a major part of just how this ended up being. It wasn’t like, that conscious what the record ended up being about, that’s like, more I guess how the personal poetry of the past five years of my life, it just so happens. But I think overall it was just staying home, and needing to for our creative process.
MF: This album was entirely recorded, produced, and mixed by yourselves. How was that process different from previous albums where maybe you had other people mixing or helping out in different ways.
MJ: Well, it’s not actually that different. Like, we usually… we have always done everything ourselves. I guess for our third record it was something we did more decisively, ‘cause it’s a lot easier to get things done faster, especially living in LA, it’s like… if you have a problem it’s really easy to call someone up and get it solved. I dunno, that’s never our go-to because we have, like through our creative process over the years we’ve realised that if it’s not coming from, exclusively from the two of us, it doesn’t feel like Purity Ring anymore. Also, it’s just sort of like a DIY mentality that we’ve always had. It’s like when we started making music, we did what we had to, like, it was all in Corin’s basement where we recorded, and then it was like in the living room in the Montreal apartment, and now it’s in the spare bedroom [laughs] at our house.
And it’s not because we could do anything differently now, necessarily. Like, we’re not at the stage where we can like, have the big studio and have like, all the gear and make a bigger deal out of it or whatever. It’s just like, what we’ve always done. But this time Corin did mix it himself. He mixed the Shrines record, and then we had someone else mix Another Eternity, and then he wanted to do it again this time, which was a big deal, it’s a lot of work. But yeah, it comes at the end. So, the writing process is all pretty much the same with how it has been.
MF: Do you have a personal favourite track from the album?
MJ: It actually changes. For a long time, it was ‘Rubyinsides’, I really like ‘Rubyinsides’. Corin’s favourite is ‘Sinew’, definitely. When we finished the record, I really liked ‘Vehemence’. Like, I wasn’t sure about it before and then I really liked it. It’s funny how it comes together. You don’t always know what it’ll look like at the end and it’s often unexpected. I mean, obviously we like all the songs, they made it to the record but, yeah, how my initial reaction to them traverses quite a lot over the process of making it.
MF: What’s your favourite lyric that you’ve ever written, across any of the albums?
MJ: Hm, that’s a really hard question. I don’t remember a lot of them, honestly. Like, I don’t really look back or listen.
MF: Or maybe from this album, if it’s easier?
MJ: Yeah, maybe from this album it would be… I think, there’s a bit at the… I think the end of ‘Femia’ is my favourite thing. That gets stuck in my head a lot and I feel like it has the elements of poetry that I am usually aiming for, in a very compact way. It just feels really satisfying.
MF: How are you planning on spending your time during this quarantine/isolation period of our lives?
MJ: Well, like I said, I spend a lot of time at home to begin with. Work from home is like… it’s funny though, ‘cause like, all of my creative process is already here and then, since the quarantine started, I’m having a harder time than ever actually being creative. I didn’t realise how much I’d have to wrap my head around what’s happening, even though it’s like, it feels like I’m alone but I know I’m not, but also… I dunno, it’s like, it’s developing into a thing that… it’s so big and so real that it is really hard to know what to do with it but I feel like we have to do something with it, otherwise, we won’t get anything done [laughs].
I don’t know, I have a lot of… I’ve been sort of going through phases, and initially, I was like, this is great, I’m gonna like, start a sourdough starter – which has been two weeks, it’s going great – I can make bread. I’m growing sprouts. I’m like, doing all these sort of, self-sustaining things so that I don’t have to go to the grocery store I like planted potatoes [laughs]. Working at all these things that will just like, maintain being able to stay inside longer.
But then it’s like… I’m fortunate enough to be okay, with where we’re at right now, but it feels like survival mode. I guess one thing I could say though is, I do really appreciate how everyone’s first instinct was sort of to like, help each other. In the first week of quarantine I got more phone calls from like, distant friends to like, have a Skype hang or whatever than I ever have before and it’s like oh, everyone’s really thinking about each other. It gave me a lot of hope for whatever the new normal is.
MF: Yeah. I think that’s very accurate though, about the reduced motivation to do things. I’ve definitely been feeling that as well, in a weird way.
MJ: Really?
MF: Yeah, like even with writing and stuff, I’m like, I’ve got to do it but… it’s hard. When the world feels like it’s almost falling apart, it’s hard to get motivated. I dunno, it’s weird.
MJ: Yeah, it’s like… It’s so heavy that you can’t hole up and pretend it’s not there. Because like, it’s affecting everyone anyway. It’s hard to define at this point.
MF: It is. I’m sure in the future there’ll be lots of stuff about it written.
MJ: Oh yeah. But also, I just hit this point where… it got heavier recently. Like, I started feeling more emotional than I was the first couple of weeks, so, I don’t know about you, but I’m like… it’s starting to hit harder.
MF: No, for sure. I think that’s definitely a thing.
MJ: Like, it’s beyond cabin fever, it’s like… whoa, what is happening? I feel like, crazy in a way I’ve never felt before, so I don’t know.
MF: Yeah, ‘cause the first week or two it’s new and it’s different, and then you get a bit further in and it’s like oh, this isn’t ending, this keeps going…
MJ: And it’s like, shifting still, because it doesn’t end… We’ll see though, I hope we’re all okay.
MF: So do I. Are you marathoning any Netflix shows or reading any books during this time that are particularly good?
MJ: The usual. I watched Tiger King, which was great. Also, Crip Camp was a beautiful movie, also on Netflix. That one was very moving for me. And then, I had like, a funny sort of coincidence, I guess. I watched this movie Safe the other night, which is from… I think it was made in ’87, which is right after the AIDS crisis in America, so it’s like, kind of pertaining to that, and it has Julianne Moore. Anyway, the next day, The New Yorker wrote an article about how that movie applies to what we’re going through right now, and it was like… the movie really affected me, and then the next day was this article, and I was like, oh, this is easier to think about, ‘cause it is the kind of movie where it’s like… I was affected but I wasn’t sure why, like, ‘whoa, what just happened to me? I have so many feelings!’. But yeah, that was a really good movie, and on point, weirdly. Kind of like a timeless message, I guess.
MF: Yeah, I find that’s kind of strange as well with like, a lot of media out there, whether it’s albums or movies or books, some of it just weirdly relates to what we’re going through right now, without even… you know, being created years before. Whether I’m just reading too far into it, I dunno.
MJ: No, but like, the first movie I watched when this all started was Contagion, obviously. But that was like, eerie how on the nose it was. So, yeah, there is a lot of entertainment that predicted this. It’s so weird. But also it’s time. Pandemics are… I think the main thing that affects society, and it’s every century or so it happens. We’re kind of like, due for one. Or that’s like… I have read that, I’m not saying that of my own accord.
Actually, the last book I read it was last year at some point. Reading books has been a thing that’s on the list that I procrastinate about. I read The Lost City of the Monkey God, which is like, it’s kind of like, about treasure hunters, I guess [laughs]. Anyway, that was interesting ‘cause it’s also about how they’re… like, they all go deep in the jungle, where people haven’t been for hundreds of years, and they come out with leish[manaiasis], and they all… the virus has been around since the beginning of time, but there’s still no cure and it still exists. I’m not making any sense, but the book’s related to what we’re going through now.
MF: Yeah, I think you’re right. I think it has been shown that every hundred years or so there seems to be something. Who knows why that is…
MJ: Yeah, it’s nerve-racking and we’re in it and there are no answers because there are not many people around who have been through this before.
Purity Ring’s new album ‘WOMB’ is out now.
The post Purity Ring’s New Album ‘Womb’ Is A Resting Place In A World Out Of Control appeared first on Music Feeds.
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Which insurance covers the most??
We are looking for affordable healthcare insurance for my husband and i we are not wealthy but we need?
health insurance we would be paying it out of pocket there would be no way for us to have bluecross blueshield but we need something we are in our 40s and if someone could helpus with the right info we would really appreciate it SINCERELY ,, miserable and uninsured""
What Auto insurance company's police number start with NIC? (NIC000435X)?
What Auto insurance company's police number start with NIC? (NIC000435X)?
How can I afford car insurance?
I'm under 25, and I'd like to buy a cheap car. Over a 6 month period, the insurance will cost much more than the car itself!! So is there a point to getting a car?""
Does anyone have HealthNet insurance?
I'm wondering if anyone else has HealthNet insurance and what it covers as far as diagnostic and fertility treatments? I'm considering switching from my Blue Cross&Blue Shield...just to something that will cover at LEAST diagnostic and maybe an RE I'm in Southern California
minnesota employee insurance
minnesota employee insurance
Best room insurance for a University student?
Which company provides the best deal on room insurance for students? Cheers
Has anyone heard of American Family Insurance? Are they a good company?
Has anyone heard of American Family Insurance? Are they a good company?
1 Day Car Insurance?
Does anyone know of companies that offer one day car insurance for 20yr old they all seem to be 25 and over why is that.....
Best insurance company.?
In your opinion what's the best insurance company. For a car that is.
Im 18 how can i get affordable insurance?
im a private contractor self employed individual i dont make much at the moment im still covered by my parents but i want to checked out and im ebarassed to ask parents because i feel like i might have something they have enough bills and issues and id like to be responsible for my own actions and bare the consequences if i must but hopefully its nothing...
Need help with insurance?
ok im getting my first car and im 17...i live with my mom and step dad. my mom cant get a licence because she has seizures and my step dad cant get his back until next year. since im under eighteen can i get my own insurance or do i have to be put on someone elses and if not will it cost a lot since im a new driver and a teenager? please help!
Homework / car insurance question?
I have to do a budget for the next 5 years of my life and im lost on how to get the car insurance part figured out. I have to figure out hom much i would be paying for car insurance if i was to buy a car in the future? can someone please help, i'm so lost. and plz dont just give me a website to go to, plz explain it a little. thanks""
Cheapest auto insurance in Florida??
Just moved and need some ideas for shopping around for the cheapest auto insurance in Florida.
Car insurance for an ocassional driver..?
I am 17 years old and I am getting my g2 class license in a week. I plan on going as an occasional driver on my moms car which is a 2002 or 2003 Ford Cougar. Does anyone know what the price of insurance would be a year approx? I know she pays about $120 for car AND house insurance... for an occasional driver on a red 2002 or 2003 Ford Cougar (red sports car) how much would insurance per year be? Any help would be great thanks!!! :)
Do you have to prove you have a job to buy car insurance?
do you need to show check stubs or anything to get car insurance
Do you have health insurance?
how old are you and how old are your kids?
Bussiness insurance?
need to know what type of insurance i need to open a carpet cleaning and window cleaning service.
Cheapest car to insure?
Hello my friend is passing her test hopefully in September time and is looking for a car now to get insured for September the first with her full license she is 19 but wants cheap insurance? Thanks
How long does it take to get health insurance?
I need health insurance from any company quick. Money is no problem. How long does it take to get me insured once iv'e signed up? and anyone know a company that can get me insured fast?
Does anyone know about affordable health insurance for people who are near blind?
A friend has very bad vision, has to get specially made lenses and contact lenses, which for the glasses would cost about $600 even with insurance. She can't get normal coverage due to her bad vision. Are there any insurance companies that would cover more? Please let me know.""
17 soon. just wondering about car insurance?
whether when i pass n get a car if il be able to pay insurance monthly? and does it cost more tht way (uk)
Cheap UK car insurance companies for 18 year olds?
Im 18 and paying 2600 a year for a 1.1 peugeot 206 with insure2drive found on confused.com. Ive been driving for 6 months with no ncb but i have my parents on my policy as 2nd and 3rd drivers. Does anyone know any cheap insurers or know anything i can do to get the price down?
Child custody in california?
my husband wants me to have full custody of child but is it possible for him to have visitation rights for child in summers? and the non-custodial parent doenst want to pay any child support? is this allowed in california?
6 month or Year car insurance?
Which one of these is more desirable? Seems like the year car insurance premium is higher than the 6 month. Also, how do you cancel a policy and get a policy with a new insurer without hurting your credit?""
Do you have to buy auto insurance as a condition of OWNING a car? or DRIVING a car?
If you own an RV and you live in it but you don't drive it.....does the auto insurance mandate apply to you?
Insurance for first cars?
When I'm 18 an hopefully passed my test I want to get either a VW scirocco, a Peugeot RCZ or a Mazda mx5. But I've been told insurance companies will refuse to insure me because it's my first far so is this true or how much would it roughly cost Thanks""
My mother added her car to my insurance policy without telling me?
i jus got a letter in the mail informing me of changes made to my insurance on my car, changes i didnt make and apparently my mother did, without telling me. what should i say to her?""
Will my insurance go up if i get my first speeding ticket?
I live in Louisiana and have farm bureau. I dont pay for my insurance so i was wondering if i should tell my mom since she will see if it went up. Please Help!!!
How do i switch my auto insurance policy before my term is up?
I currently have Direct Auto insurance, but i would like to switch companies to get a cheaper rate. i never had to cancel my insurance before the term is up, and my term isnt up till november 2010. my question is, how do i do that (if i can), and will i be charged for it?""
Question about insurance liabilty when driving a drunk friend home in his car?
My friend asked me to drive his car for him to pick him up because he was drinking. I picked him up and on the way home got into a fender bender at my fault. His insurance paid for the damages done to the other vehicle, but he does not have complete coverage for his car and wants me to cover 800 dollars in damages done to his vehicle. I do not feel responsible for this. I have minimum coverage. Will he be able to take me to claims court? Am I liable for his damages?""
minnesota employee insurance
minnesota employee insurance
Does a speeding ticket raise your car insurance?
I've gotten one speeding ticket 2 years ago but took defensive driving. I don't feel like taking it again but am willing to if there's a hike in my insurance. I'm in ...show more
How much does car insurance cost?
How much does car insurance cost? In average?
What's a classic British car that's cheap and insurable for a learner?
Cheaper than a mini or morris minor.
Question about car insurance for teenagers?
I'm in California, my friend called an insurance company and they said underage drivers can drive on their parent's insurance coverage if they have insurance, which means he doesnt have to pay since he's 17 and his dad has insurance on his car, to make a insurance contract he has to be 18. Is this true he can drive on his dad's insurance?""
Security Guarding Company insurance?
Can somebody tell me how much the average insurance would be for a security guarding company?
Am I covered under my parents car insurance?
I got my License yesterday and I want to drive my parents car, am I covered by their car insurance? I am 16 Years old.....""
Insurance box keeping car at different address?
i'm thinkg of getting insuranca box installed to reduce the cost of the premium, but i keep my car at different address, would they know that?""
Can I claim my car insurance back? It was cancelled after my car was written off & I couldn't afford another.?
My car insurance company cancelled my insurance because I did not buy another car. I could not get another as I'm still waiting for my excess to be paid out. I had paid 4 months of my annual car insurance so had to pay the remaining balance when they cancelled it. The accident was not my fault. I understand that I have to pay a full year's car insurance but wondered if I could claim for the months which I have not been able to benefit from due to the accident rendering me car-less!
Tell me how it is right that insurance companies charge young adult males more than female for car insurance?
The answer I seem to get is it can be statistically proven that males are more aggressive,speed and get into more accidents. That may be the case, but I am sure you can prove that a particular ethnicitiy gets into more accidents too, or that people with a particular eye color get into more accidents or that people with an IQ below 100 get into more accidents. So why don't they charge them more for car insurance too? You can say insurance companies have the right to charge more if an event is more likely to happen, like Earthquake insurance is more expensive in California than it is in Michigan. The difference there is that when you charge Californians more there, you are basing it on an uncontrollable act of nature that is almost certain to happen, but when you charge that male more for car insurance you are making judgements about a person's character, making assumptions about his future behavior and financially punishing him for it before he has even done anything. Tell me where I am wrong""
Where can a 16 year old male get his own auto insurance if he is the only licensed driver in the house?
Where can a 16 year old male get his own auto insurance if he is the only licensed driver in the house?
2009 honda and liability insurance?
hi there, I'm 22 years old and currently pay 116 bucks a month for a 959 deductible and I think it sucks. Is it possible for me to get liability insurance on this car I've had for 2 years??""
Is my insurance going to go up?
I was in an accident, and I was the only car involved. The cop didnt give me a ticket and we are not going to claim it to allstate. I want to know if my insurance is going to get jacked up.""
Do you think which is better for a 1984 corvette classic car insurance or regular car insurance?
I am planning on getting a 1984 corvette but the insurance for it is a little too high.i just found out about classic car insurance but i really don't know much about it.but for classic car insurance,am i limited to a certain number of things like how far i can drive my car,when i can drive,etc?will the insurance actually be less or more for classic car insurance?and what is the best classic car insurance company i should go with?""
1 day or Weekend Auto Insurance?
Hi Guys, I have a car that has no insurance on it since i am not using it any more but still runs good. I need to travel to NY from Detroit this weekend and again don't need it any more there in NY. Are there any cheap Auto Insurance firms that give us auto insurance for the weekend only. Thanks a lot for the help.""
My mother added her car to my insurance policy without telling me?
i jus got a letter in the mail informing me of changes made to my insurance on my car, changes i didnt make and apparently my mother did, without telling me. what should i say to her?""
""Response Insurance, Need Customer Reviews?
http://www.response.com I recently checked the following for my auto insurance & they have good rates available but I have never heard of them. Is there any place I can get the customer review for this company? Or if you have dealt with this company please let me know your experience?
What is an insurance recovery vehicle?
I am looking at buying a car and one dealership offers insurance recovery vehicles for pretty cheap. I think that they they have been recovered after theft but I'm not really sure. Are they like salvaged vehicles and what problems could be found with buying an insurace recovery car? Have you had any experience with buying one? any knowledge would be appreciated.
If your insurance cancels and you reinsure the next day will you get hit with a penalty?
okay im with nationwide and theyre expensive so theyre canceling my insurance on 1/1/08 but i wont have the money to go to my new cheaper insurance until the next day so will i get hit with the 500 dmv fee??/
Car accident and issue with the insurance company?
I was in one car accident and someone hit the back of my car and pushed me to the front car. that caused a lot damage to my car. But, the insurance company which represent the guy hit me from the back said it is my fault of causing this accident. because i emerge from the left line to the right and didn't ensure there was safe enough to do emerging. The truth is the accident happend was after almost half miniute after emerging and i completely finished the emerging action. when i explained this to the insurance company, they won't listen to me.....so is that really my fault?""
How do i buy car insurance and how do I find a insurance company that suits me (cheap)?
ok so I've seen a car I would like to buy, how do I get car insurance? should I ring a call or get insured online? Also a list of names of insurance companies would be helpful? thanks""
Looking For New Car Insurance Company. HELP!!?
I need something with the fewest complaints yet the cheapest rates. For two cars and only half coverage we are paying over 200...
How much would my insurance be?
i wanna buy a camaro or a mustang convertible and i am 17 and a guy how much u think my insurance would be?the year of the car is around 1994-2002...how much for a ford explorer (same years)or a mitsubishi eclipse?
Affordable Health Insurance?
I was in a pedestrian accident earlier this year. The case has since been settled and I was awarded $25,000. That was the maximum insurance the driver had, after lawyer fees, etc., etc., I didn't end up with much. I am unable to work and have no health insurance. My back is still scarred. Everyday, all the time it aches. I stopped treating with the chiropractor because he was making me feel worst the entire 2 months I treated. I need prescriptions and medical attention period! I have about $4,000 left, but I am unemployed and do not want to continuously dip into my savings. Since my lawyer has been paid, I seem to be of least concern.""
Affordable car insurance?
Hi; I recently bought a 2002 Pontiac Grand Am from a used car dealership and need to find some insurance on the cheap side for it. What I'm really looking for is something that simply makes the car legal, as I can't really afford anything over $40. I'm 23 and living in Harrisburg Pennsylvania so any insurance you guys know of that fall into my parameters would be great; really need this car for work.""
Cheap motorcycle insurance?
anybody noe of some cheap motorcycle insurance im only 17 and im planning on getting a 250cc dis coming summer and i cant spend 300 or more a month thats to much pls help.
minnesota employee insurance
minnesota employee insurance
How much does insurance cost for a teenage driver?
So the car would be a scion frs I'm a guy....it's a coupe and with which company would it cost the least I live in Orange County california
Can't afford Health Insurance...?
I'm looking for advice...and hopefully someone to tell me that I'm not screwed. My boss graciously offered to find group insurance for all of her employees and she is willing to pay 50% of the premiums. The problem is that she went with the most expensive plan on the market (that I've seen) and I simply can't afford it. The premium is $340 a month, so I'd be paying $170 which isn't bad...but the copays are at least +20% on everything and doctor visits range from $35 to $55 a visit, so I wouldn't be able to afford to use my health coverage often. It also doesn't include dental, which is what I really wanted/needed. I am 21 years old (and all of my coworkers are in their 20s), so I don't really understand why the payments are so high. I'm right in the midst of paying off student loans, I don't get paid very much, and I was hoping to start saving money to purchase a car and be able to go back to school. I was going to use my income tax return as a down payment on a car, but if I opt out of healthcare this year at least a fourth of that return will be taken as the fine imposed to coerce people to sign up for the Affordable Care Act. I seriously don't know what to do. Neither of my parents have health insurance, so I can't be tacked onto their coverage. I was planning on telling my boss to opt me out, but she went ahead and signed me up so I'm looking at getting $170 taken out of my check right before Christmas either way. I actually found out how much it was after she signed me up...I don't even know how she did that without confirming everything with me. Am I completely screwed? What would you do?""
I involved in a car accident and that car insurance just expired few days ago?
I borrowed my brother in law car and unfortunately, i collided with another car. Then I realized that my brother's car insurance with GMAC has just expired few days ago. I don't have the same address with him, just borrow his car occasionally because i just moved here. I have my own car insurance in another state with AAA. What can I do in this situation?""
Did I get a cheap Auto Insurance?
Not sure if I got a good deal from Geico. I insured my new 2008 Mazda and and old Honda Civic. I live in SoCal. Liability Coverages for both: Bodily Injury = $500,000/$750,000. Property Damage = $50,000. Medical Payments = $25,000. Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury = $500,000/$500,000. Plus Collision and Comprehensive Coverage for the new car. Total Premium = $528.70 (6 months coverage) Is this expensive? Did I choose the right amount for the coverage?""
""How can forcing us to buy health insurance, be the same as mandatory car insurance?""
I don't own a car, so I don't pay car insurance. Nobody is forcing me to buy it. But under the Obama individual mandate, we will all have to buy insurance or get fined. This is based on the assumption that you will get sick and not be able to afford your own care, and so will choose to be a burden. Those are a lot of assumptions. Can we force somebody to buy something that they don't want, based on assumptions that may or may not be true??""
Do Car Insurance check my previous insurance company?
I was thinking, Will New Car Insurances do a backup check on my previous insurance or they just start on a new claim and use the information based on that. The thing this will be my first car and as the price is high and if i say I have done a car insurance with that company will my insurance price go down as no claim for one year.""
Life Insurance company inactive and I have a policy?
Federal Life and Casualty in Battle Creek, MI is now inactive. My dad had a 5k life insurance policy and has passed on. He has a fully paid policy on file. Is this a situation where the family is out of luck?""
How much would it cost for a 17 year old for provisional drivers insurance?
How much around, price brackets?""
Whats the cheapest car insurance company in Missouri?
I am 20 and attend college. I never needed a car before but now that I have to start driving, I have to get my driver's license. I have my permit and a car but since I need legal tags and insurance to take the driving test. I have to get insurance before I can get tags. So I wanted to know whats the best insurance company for me, where prices won't be outrageous??? Thanks for the help: )""
""I am self employed and shopping for an affordable health/dental insurance, any ideas?""
I need coverage without spending a fortune every month, no pre-existing conditions.""
""Car shopping, when do I get the insurance?""
Im looking for cars, and I currently dont have full coverage, which I will need once I get a car I have to finance. Since I dont know if Im going to get the car Im going to look at I'm obviously not going to get the insurance for it before I leave my house! My bf said to call an insurance company and give them the info and get a quote, then if I get the car I can call the insurance co from the dealership and complete it. But I may look at several cars, so I dont know how this works. I thought it would be best to buy the car, go home and take car of the insurance thing and just go pick up the car the next day. Is that nuts?""
The insurance valued my car for 1100 and for the repairs done estimated between 900-1000?
someone crash in my side of the car.will the insurance company pay for the repair it or give me a check for the value of my car. i want to know because it was last week and now since next monday my mot runs out. there are 3 things to need fixed to past the mot and i want to know if to waste the money to do it if it is going to be write off. i was told by my brother i could get paid from the insurance the value of teh car
Where can I buy health insurance?
I'm an self-employed worker. Need some health insurance because you never know when I'll get injured.
Health insurance for wrestling..?
hi im a soon to be freshmen joining the wrestling team, and i dont have health insurance.. coach says i do, or i cant play. can someone please tell me a cheap health insurance coverage? my family is not financialy strong.. so please help me out here""
Is it possible for me to have insurance in Texas and currently live in Arizona?
I have a Texas license, but I currently live in Arizona and am looking to buy a car . Would I be able to purchase an insurance policy from Texas and have everything be sent to my ...show more""
How does getting a new state license affect your car insurance?
I have a TN driver license. I have a couple of violations on it. I just moved to SC, and I am going to get a SC driver license. I am going to be buying car insurance soon. When they look up my record off of my new SC driver license, will the violation/accident from my TN driver license show?""
Motorcycle insurance question?
Will i receive anything in the mail if I get a motorcycle insurance quote online? I don't want them sending anything.....lol
Anybody know of any car insurance co's that will give auto insurance policies to 17 year olds??
I have a 17 yr old that has already gotten 2 tickets so I want him off my policy - as he is making it too expensive for me to afford - I told him he needs to get his own insurance. I already called my insurance and tried taking him off my policy (as I took away his driving privelages) but they told me I HAVE TO keep him on my policy even if he doesn't drive - He has a license and has to be covered under my policy because he lives with me - so I can't take him off til he gets his own insurance. My problem - most co's will not issue a policy to anyone under 18 (PS - we live in New Jersey)
Can somebody explain to me what LP means in home insurance?
For example, I know that there is a classification in homes that's called LP3 . What does that mean??""
What is a private jet's insurance price? and maintenance costs? Averagely.?
For College I have to do a business plan. We are creating a fictive private jet renting company in Colombia but i can't find these informations. It is really important as i is part of our financial statements. Thank you very much.
Is the homeowners insurance higher in florida if you have a pool?
Is the homeowners insurance higher in florida if you have a pool?
Maternity Insurance...Anyone have it?
My husband and I are trying for another baby. And most insurance companies in TN say you have to wait 9 months for the insurance to take effect. So is there any insurance out there that will help without having a time limit and not Tenncare or WIC. We will not qualify for that due to our income.
How much should I be looking for to pay for car insurance?
Its a 98 ford escort with 127,000 miles and it has a salvage title""
How much a month would car insurance be for a 2010 dodge charger? Im about to turn 18 and plan on getting this?
car. I know it depends on where u live etc..but i want to know the average cost per month of this particular car. I'm going to be joining the marines..idk if this matters but most places offer a military discount. So any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Who has best affordable health insurance?
Looking for health and dental insurance for 1 + spouse in Texas.
minnesota employee insurance
minnesota employee insurance
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