#I know there’s probably a pattern here but please don’t call me out 😂
rampantram · 5 months
Tagged by @e-flo
post four characters that make you say "my man, my man, my man"
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Tagging (if you want to/if this even applies to your interests 😂): @nellariboo @itti-bitti-yibbi @thebusytypewriter @lemonlamblaura @doppel-doodles @luckydinosauur101 @inknanda67 @sw124
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20 Qs for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @blackandwhiteandrose!
How many works do you have on ao3?
I have 51 works on Ao3.
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
I’ve written for The Mindy Project, Gilmore Girls, Schitt’s Creek, and now Fellow Travelers
Top 5 fics by kudos
The More You Know
I swallow the sound (and it swallows me whole)
People like that are the only people here
Such Great Heights
Some Days are Diamonds
Do you respond to comments?
Yes, both literally and figuratively. I try to write a response to everyone but I’ve noticed a pattern recently where I drop off at the end of posting because I have a hard time feeling finished and if I leave some comments unanswered, I never have to say goodbye to a story. Figuratively, comments water my crops and keep me nourished. Without them, my writing brain withers.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Probably a Mindy Project joint I wrote with @alittlenutjob where Mindy and Danny don’t end up together but Mindy and Peter do.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Probably I swallow the sound, which some people call the stroke fic. No spoilers, but the ending is one of my faves, mostly because I was able to write a joke in it that someone I deeply admire told me was Dan Levy show quality.
Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far, and let’s please not take that as an invitation lol.
Do you write smut?
Craziest crossover
I can’t say I’ve committed to a crossover.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not unless podfic counts as a translation.
Have you ever cowritten a fic?
Yes, multiple times with multiple peeps. I love that process and I think I’m a decent collaborator because people offer to do it again 😂.
All time favourite ship?
David and Patrick will forever float my boat.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Aw, poor Mafia!Pat and accidental marriage in Vegas.
What are your writing strengths?
Emotional arcs, insight into behaviors, wit, warmth, and copious amounts of research to get details right.
What are your writing weaknesses?
My own self-doubt and quickly running out of words to describe kissing and touching. I would love to write smut in an uninhibited manner, but repression!
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
If it serves a purpose. I’ve never needed to use it, but I would.
First fandom you’ve written in?
The Mindy Project was the first I ever posted but I wrote fanfic as a kid, not knowing it was fanfic. Nor fandom lol. We shan’t speak of it.
Favourite fic you’ve written?
I would love to say they’re all my children and I can’t choose between them, but ackkkk, I don’t know. I’m happy to have produced all of them and there are none I’d take back or orphan. Some were easier to write than others. Fine! They’re all my children! Don’t make me Sophie’s Choice it!
Tagging @beyondxmeasure @jesterlesbian @sullymygoodname @ramonaflow @dinnfameron @alittlenutjob and anyone else who wants to do it!
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leafemoji · 1 year
Tag Game to Better Know You
@jmobiwanspadawan helloooo my friend thank you for the tag! Hope you’re doing well!!
(don’t mind everything being pink. My tumblr is being wonky and this is the only way I can see the text lol)
What book are you currently reading?
The Accidental Salesperson by Chris Lytle. Book about the philosophy of marketing, essentially, and how to not be a sleazy salesman lol.
What’s your favourite movie you saw in theatres this year? 
MARIO. Ahhh it was fucking great. Absolutely adored it. I’ve also just seen Dungeons & Dragons which was very fun as well, and a documentary film called Addicted to Life which was fucking heart wrenching.
What do you usually wear?
At home, 95% it’s black joggers and probably one of my many baggy black shirts. Outside, usually some 70s style variation of dress pants, sweater, or some other shirt. I’ve been very into 70s style (less patterns though) lately, although I have to admit I only half know what that even is lol. I’m learning
How tall are you?
5’7”, which I believe is 171cm?
What’s your star sign?
Libra :)
4/5 of my immediate family members are libras
Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? 
I think Carrie Fisher and Kim Kardashian?
Do you go by your name or a nickname? Nickname, usually. My name is somewhat long and formal-ish, and I’ve never met anyone with the same name who doesn’t shorten it.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
I’m on my way!
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
I was absolutely fucking SMITTEN with a guy in one of my classes a couple months ago. I mean, ‘making silly love song playlists, giggling at the thought of him, waking up early to do my hair, walking around with heart eyes and sighing wistfully’ kind of smitten, which was a first lmao
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
I’m pretty damn good at baking and cooking EXCEPT FUCKING PANCAKES. I could not make you a pancake to save my life.
Dogs or cats?
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favourite picture/favourite line/favourite etc. from something you created this year?
Ahh I’ve written a lot but I can’t think of any particular lines. This one is from a song I’m working on and I like it enough 🤷🏻‍♀️
Use me as your ashtray. I’ll catch all your withering pieces.
What’s something you’d like to create content for?
Girl don’t even get me started. Star Wars would be SICK, Marvel too. I’d also just really love to work on an ARG? Which like, I guess I could just DO, lol.
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
Well, if you hadn’t already guessed from the previous answer- Welcome Home. Fantastic ARG. Also The Mandalorian, she my side lover.
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
Ahaaa wellll I produced a commercial and I showed it to someone who means a lot to me and they had a really disappointing reaction. Turns out they actually loved it, but their first reaction was asking about something that I hadn’t included and it was pretty crushing at the time.
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
I can unicycle 🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s always my go to answer lol.
Are you religious?
I am! Im a non denominational Christian who is also left leaning and gay sooo currently I do not have a church 😂
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
I REALLY could use a high quality super thin paintbrush. Like, for doing tiny details. And money lmao
Uhhh I’m never on here anymore so idk who’s active 😅 So please please feel free to do this if you want to! I’m tagging The World
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clovermunson · 3 years
traitor— fred weasley
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pairings: Fred Weasley x fem!reader, Oliver Wood x fem!reader (previously)
word count: 1.8k
summary: after breaking up with Oliver Wood, it doesn’t take him long to move on, and you find comfort in the arms of your best friend, Fred Weasley. inspired by the song traitor by Olivia Rodrigo. a comfort fic of sorts, really.
warnings: cursing, slight bit of angst, extreme fluffiness, small mentions of food
author’s note: so this is the first little fic I’ve written in…a while, let’s just say that😂 y’all wouldn’t even believe how anxious I am just to post this for that fact. probably not the best thing I’ll ever write, but here ya go🤷🏻‍♀️ but as always, reblogs and likes are very appreciated, I just ask that you please do not repost and claim as your own!
**Y/N= your name
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Everything was great, until it wasn’t.
If everything had been so great, then why didn’t it last? Why were there arguments and bickering seemingly all the time? Why did Oliver prioritize quidditch over you, his girlfriend?
The relationship had ended nearly two weeks ago, and it still stung for you to have even the slightest bit of thought about it. Oliver, on the other hand, had moved on rather quickly—and that only hurt you more than the breakup itself. To make matters worse? It was almost as if both Oliver and his new girlfriend, one of the Ravenclaw girls that you hadn’t cared to associate much with, seemed as if they wanted to parade their new relationship around in front of you just to get to your nerves, and it worked.
“You can’t stop worrying about quidditch for just one second to even realize that I’m in love with you!” You recalled your last words to Oliver amidst the argument the two of you were having on the training grounds after class. You don’t know if he ever realized it or if his head was too far up his own ass, but with that came the end of your “perfect” relationship with Oliver. The only person who had even realized any change in your demeanor was your best friend, Fred Weasley. He’d made a point to check in with you every couple of days just to see how you were doing, and you’d just shrug him off with a simple ‘I’m okay’ or ‘it’s fine’.
“Y/N, you’ve been brushing me off for days,” Fred sat beside you at your group’s chosen table in the Great Hall, “what’s going on?” His expression held a sense of concern that he normally wouldn’t show to anyone else aside from you and George.
“Freddie, it’s nothing.” You turned your attention from your essay to the gleeful redhead, “I promise, I’m fine.”
“You sure you’re fine?” Fred asked again, adamant to get the truth out of you.
“Fred, I said I’m fine.” You deadpanned and went back to your essay, dipping your quill into the ink pot.
“Look out, lovebirds just came in.” George muttered, barely above a whisper as he pointed to Oliver and his new girlfriend.
Both you and Fred quickly turned your heads, noticing the pair walk into the Great Hall, Oliver’s new girlfriend on his arm like a trophy.
“I think I’m just gonna go…” you gathered up your books and parchment, stashing everything away in your leather bag, “I’ll see you two later, yeah?” You quickly took your leave, not even noticing Fred had called after you as you were too focused on getting out of the Great Hall. All you wanted was one day where you didn’t have to see them together, was that too much to ask for?
“Damn it.” Fred muttered before bidding goodbye to George to go off and find you, but by the time he’d cleared the Great Hall, you were already out of sight.
Fred led himself on a wild goose chase to find you, searching nearly every corridor and empty classroom, even going so far as to search Hagrid’s garden and the library for any sign of you.
You had gone up to the astronomy tower to collect your thoughts. As soon as you sat down on the large blue and gold celestial patterned rug, you scavenged through your bag, finding a package of unopened jelly slugs that you decided to eat as you sat there with your thoughts, stargazing in the process.
You liked Fred. But if you like him so much, why is it so difficult to be open with him about how you feel? Was it the fear of him shunning you like everyone else seemingly had? The fear or rejection? The fear that he’d be weirded out by it and not know how to react?
The night air was cool against your skin, and the stars were shining the brightest they ever had in the past month, partly because it had been rather cloudy and stormy lately. You took in your surroundings, feeling a brief sense of calmness wash over you.
But that didn’t last long.
Every possible thought swam through your mind, clouding your judgment and perception. Why did it seem like Oliver wanted you to know that he moved on? Was it that important to him to just crush your heart and spirit? You searched for answers that you knew you’d never truly find, until a familiar voice interrupted your thoughts.
“Sorry, is this room taken?” Fred’s jovial voice caught your attention, making you smile to yourself as he was clearly in a joking mood tonight. He quickly breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that he found you after a couple hours of searching.
“No, I think there’s still room for one more person here.” You tried to stifle a giggle, but failed in hiding your smile. “Jelly slug?” You asked, offering him a sour cherry flavored one.
“I figured I’d find you here.” Fred gave a quick smile as he sat cross-legged next to you, taking the offering, “it’s where you come to do most of your thinking.”
“You can just see right through me, can’t you?” You snorted, jelly slug in hand. Of course, if anyone could, it would be Fred.
“One of the perks of being your best friend since first year, I’d say.” Fred gave a rather goofy grin before getting serious, “so…Y/N, what’s really going on?”
You knew there was no point in trying to hide it, since the jig was up and Fred could see through you like glass, so you just sighed and finally gave in.
“It’s just how they’re always parading their relationship around,” you took a deep breath, “he never showed me off that much or even held my hand that much.” You remembered how little Oliver had shown affection towards you, and it felt like it squeezed your heart, making your chest tighten as you tried to fight off tears.
Fred could tell that it hurt you to see Wood move on so fast, even if you wouldn’t admit it to anyone. He knew you were stubborn, but he didn’t push the issue too much because he didn’t want to push you away from him. Why? Because truth be told, Fred knew he liked you since at least third year.
“Y/N, darling…” Fred’s voice was barely above a whisper, something unusual for the more outgoing and boisterous twin, “you don’t have to let it get to you, you know?”
“I know, Freddie.” You choked out, “but it does. No matter how much I try to ignore it or block it out, it gets to me. It barely took him two fucking weeks to go off and date her.” Tears pricked at your waterline, making you shake with anger and sadness.
“There’s other guys out there!” Fred tried to lighten the mood, “other guys that would give anything to be with you!”
“Oh yeah?” You snorted, finally letting a tear fall, “like who? Name one of them, then. Go on.” You’d grown slightly agitated, even if you didn’t mean to come off as rude to Fred.
On instinct, Fred had pulled you into a hug, and you allowed your head to nuzzle into his chest as you cried for a minute. Fred’s hugs always provided a source of warmth and comfort for you, despite your refusal to admit it.
Fred thought for a moment, gathering the courage to finally speak and make his attraction to you known. You pulled away from him, looking at him with pleading eyes that Fred could’ve sworn would be the death of him one day.
“Well, one of them is actually sitting next to you.” Fred rubbed the back of his neck, afraid to let his eyes meet yours.
“Fred, there’s no one else—” You looked to your left before realization had set in, and you noticed that Fred was referring to himself. “Freddie…you?” You were unsure of how else to ask.
“Yeah,” Fred chuckled, “guess it has to be me by default, doesn’t it?”
“Shut up.” You couldn’t help but giggle as you playfully slapped his arm, the two of you having a good laugh over it. “so…how long?” You asked, finally addressing the proverbial elephant in the room.
“How long?” Fred repeated, “what d’you mean?”
“How long have you liked me, goof.” You smiled, tossing a jelly slug at him, hitting him in the chest with it.
“Alright, unnecessary roughness there.” Fred laughed, catching the candy before it hit the floor, “probably since second or third year, around that time?” He wasn’t really sure how long it had been, but he’d known since at least third year for a fact.
“And you never thought to tell me?” Your brow arched as you tossed another jelly slug into your mouth, quickly chewing and swallowing it.
“Just never knew the right time, I reckon.” Fred shrugged, “or maybe I was scared to do something for once.”
“You’re joking.” your tone was facetious, “the ultra bold Fred Weasley was scared to admit that he liked his best friend?”
“Maybe I was,” Fred smirked, “but you know now, don’t you?”
“Took you long enough.” You giggled, “better late than never though.”
“Oh hush,” Fred pulled you into his side again, an arm wrapped about your waist, “maybe I can take you on a proper date now?” He hummed, his head resting on yours.
“I’d like that.” You smiled to yourself, “though I think we’re nearly well past the formal stage. You may as well just flat out ask me to be your girlfriend.” You laughed, your hand resting on your leg.
“I never implied that I didn’t want you to be my girlfriend.” Fred smiled, interlacing his fingers with yours, “maybe I just want to treat you like a true lady first.”
“Alright, have it your way, Weasley.” You smirked as you looked up at the stars, the faint outline of a possible constellation catching your attention.
Fred had also noticed the outline, and decided to joke around some more. “oh see that?” He asked, pointing to it, “that’s Ursa Major.”
Fred was never good at astronomy, and his failed attempt at naming a constellation had proved that.
“Really?” You asked, lifting your head up to look at Fred.
“I dunno,” Fred shrugged, “could be.” He smirked, a quiet laugh escaping his lips as you laid your head against his chest, playfully smacking his arm again.
“What!” Fred exclaimed, “I never said I was an astronomer, did I?” He threw his head back in laughter, his fiery ginger locks framing his face in the most flattering way possible.
“You absolute goofball.” You laughed, your hand still in his.
It didn’t matter if he was an astronomer or not, what mattered the most is that he cared about you, and he wasn’t afraid to show that.
You finally had your Freddie, and the wait was entirely worth it.
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kingkatsuki · 4 years
Anal, degrading, rope play, way play, (I think it’s called that but I’m not sure) predator/prey and knife play
There are so many ugh, it’s so hard to choose I just- 😩✋🏻
Anal - 10/10.
Literally everything about it. Turning them into one gaping hole or being a gaping hole?? Yes pls. Bonus points if they spit into the gape after.
Degradation - 10/10.
I think you can probably tell by my writing by now that I just love this kink? And it works both ways. 😳
Rope play - 6/10.
I like it, and I enjoy reading about it but I just think there’s something sexier about being restrained by someone’s hands/body on top of you, you know? I do like shibari and the intricate patterns that you can make against the skin tho, like the thought of tying Bakugou up and making him look all pretty while he struggles to get free? And making him beg to untie him? “Please, Princess. Lemme touch you.” Yes please.
Wax Play (I think that’s what you meant) - 6/10.
Again, I think giving more than receiving on this one for me. @/Ikinabi wrote an insanely good Kirishima wax play fic that I think about a lot😳 just coating their skin in a pretty coloured wax and hearing them hiss in a mixture of pain and pleasure when it hits their skin? And watching it cool and harden. Just making an absolute mess of them.
Predator/prey - 0/10.
It’s just not for me. Like most of the fics with this kink lead into A/b/o territory and I’m not here for it. @/lord-explosion-baku has written the only predator/prey fic I think I’ve ever liked and it was a Bakugou x Dabi x reader one. Aside from that I just can’t enjoy it 😭
Knife play - 1/10.
Like put the blade flat against my skin and threaten me, yes please. Any further or if I spy even a drop of blood I will pass out and it’ll be the end of the fic 😭😂 I don’t mind if Bakugou or whoever is bloodied up after a fight and feral ready to go, but during sex no no nope pls.
[Anon me w/ kinks and I’ll rate them from 1-10 🔗]
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