#I know streetpass only half counts
tribow · 6 months
Rip to Nintendo's best online service.
We will never get what the WiiU and 3DS era ever did again.
An internet browser, Virtual Console, Miiverse, Streetpass, a digital shop that can load at a reasonable speed, and NO ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION
That amount of online connectivity from Nintendo will never come back.
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tx7421 · 2 years
Can we please bully Nintendo into leaving the Nintendo DS eStore open like we did with bullying the Sonic the Movie team into changing the design of Sonic?
Think of all the games that we now can't play because the only modern backwards compatible system is now out of production. Especially the ones that are/were download only.
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I commute at least 2 hours to work and back almost every day. And I carry my 2DS with me all the time. Mainly to get the step count so I can get the coins but also to see if I can get a street pass. The switch cannot do that!
I would definitely not bring my Switch on my commute because it's too big and too expensive so it's a big enough target to be snatched. Also, I don't want to damage my switch. Being on a bus that's probably half my age (I'm 20) combined with bad pavement, roadbumps, and bad breaks means that I definitely won't be risking my only modern console. My 2DS is small and sturdy enough for my hands to have a tight grip on it. The Switch does not have that safety...
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Also, my phone's battery dies quickly and I normally forget to charge my phone before leaving work so I go play on the DS. The DS is my go to travel console as stated earlier. Also, Switch doesn't have streetpass... Sad. A missed opportunity. One of many that Nintendo have ignored/missed out.
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I know I'm on a rant here. I'm angry and sad that Nintendo basically shut down the eStore MONTHS before they said they would ( You can't buy anything since last Monday. I only found out the hard way today. They said they were shutting it down on Feb next year...) and THAT HURTS. (See update)
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As someone who likes to spread out the spending because I want to buy the games I want to play, this hurt because I now have to move to Amazon to buy the games whilst using the Nintendo eStore to see what I want. And a lot of the time at a higher price which puts me off a bit. Also, I have A.S.D and A.D.H.D so I'm even more upset as my planning has now gone out the window and I'm stuck with 170+ tabs of games that I was gonna sort through and buy from Nintendo.
And I'm a chicken for not wanting to Homebrew/mod my DS. It was my first console and I don't want to risk anything software wise to my precious. I'm sentimental! Okay! Also, I've never been a good pirate...
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I really want to know the figures of Nintendo DS family VS Nintendo Switch Family. Especially from when they first announced that they were closing the DS/WiiU eStore.
I should've been in bed around an hour ago. But I needed to get this off.... Because I can. And there's a chance Nintendo *might* read/skim through it. And I'll take that chance even it it's 1 percent.
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30 days - 30 ideas
i have so many ideas of little things to include in animal crossing games (new horizons and the future), so i wrote one a day on twitter counting down to new horizons’ release, and i thought i’d compile them all here for easy reading now that the list is complete and new horizons is only hours away. (note that some of these were posted before the direct/other information was released, so they may be a little outdated, but what can you do.) let’s go!
day 30: observatory. (i said little but this is the biggest one.) i want the observatory back. but more: imagine if we could learn about real world stars, planets, and constellations like we do bugs, fish, etc. in the museum. & visiting opposite hemisphere towns would teach more!
day 29: combining villager personalities & essences/natures (pocket camp) to create more varied villagers and dialogue. also species' traits. a peppy, natural bunny (dotty) would be very different from a peppy, cute squirrel (peanut).
day 28: be able to combine certain fish or bugs into one container in your house, so you can have a personal mini aquarium or habitat. also, please let us change the type of container (and give fish more space in theirs so it's not so depressing).
day 27: let us refurbish (almost) all items. i'm willing to give a pass on event/gracie items because they're supposed to be special, but otherwise. i hate having a piece that fits the theme but doesn't match and you can't refurbish. (this includes rugs, flooring, wallpaper.)
day 26: different wrapping papers for presents. the wrapping paper in pocket camp is so cute, much cuter than the yellow sacks we get to buy in new leaf. i'd send so many wrapped presents to my neighbors!
day 25: let us build big pwps/amenities that we and the villagers can interact with. bonus if they're seasonal: an ice skating rink in winter, swimming pool in summer, ferris wheel in the spring... riding a ferris wheel with cherry blossoms blowing? sign me up.
day 24: (another big one) a way to change gender, and a nonbinary gender option. in new leaf, i had a lot of friends stop playing entirely because their avatar no longer matched them after coming out as trans, but they didn't want to delete their whole town, so they felt stuck.
day 23: let villagers catch fish and bugs instead of just perpetually trying with no reward. while it's cute to watch them stalk bugs in the bug off, never seeing them catch any makes me feel sad for them!
day 22: choose held items in dream towns (dream towns better still be a thing). a small detail, but most of my characters carry wands or balloons but can't in dream towns. and when your dream is set on a rainy day, you always default to a red umbrella no matter what.
day 21: sound configuration options. (apparently you can change the volume of kk slider songs playing but i wrote this before that, okay?) not just those, but being able to turn up/down/off hourly music, ambient noises, effects, etc. i'd love to turn up the sound of the ocean!
day 20: SUNFLOWERS. well, new flowers in general, but specifically sunflowers! they're my favorite, and we need tall flowers in the game. plus everyone went wild over the sunflower event in pocket camp.
day 19: more things to do with villagers together. not just going to each other's houses, but inviting to the roost, bug hunting, apple picking, etc. would be SO cute! and that *we* can invite *them*, not just wait for a random ping.
day 18: combine “traditional” events and holidays with wild world events for a fuller calendar. i LOVE the unique wild world events, but taking out toy day, halloween, etc. was also a mistake. the wild world events would fill in those months where major holidays don't happen.
day 17: multiplayer islands to live on with friends. now, nintendo is FAR behind the times with multiplayer, so i don't expect this if ever, but i want it. i want to make a town with my online friends, like a minecraft server. please.
day 16: side jobs. no obligation to do them at a given time or at all, but something extra and fun. working at the roost is a great example, and i'd love to see more: villager home designer, shopkeeper, restaurant chef... these would especially be great later in the game.
day 15: diagonal furniture. please. i like putting things kitty corner and some items, like the basket chair, just don't look right without that.
day 14: let villagers write random posts on the bulletin board again! it was one of my favorite things about wild world.
day 13: more interactive items, for both players and villagers. we've seen villagers reading books and eating ice cream, which is great, but it bothered me that they couldn't play on the jungle gym pwp and stuff!
day 12: let us layer small, tabletop items. PLEASE. clutter looks so much better and realistic when layering is an option, like in the sims.
day 11: remove restrictions on where we can plant palm trees and cedar trees. it never even made sense that cedar trees could only be planted on the top half of the town, but nothing we've seen so far hints at this changing.
day 10: customizable community buildings. one of my favorite parts of happy home designer was designing our own shops, hotel, concert hall, etc. they really made my main street feel unique, especially compared to new leaf's main street where everything's the same (minus unlocks).
day 9: let villagers swim! i want to have cute beach days with my villagers but not if they're stuck on the land.
day 8: ceiling items. please don't take away our ceiling items. we saw a pinata that could potentially be, but that's it (even the hanging plant was converted to a wall item). and, while they were a great addition in HHD, there were very few ceiling items. i'd love a LOT more!
day 7: minigames! at the very least, bring desert island escape back, but i'd love to see much more. a mix of amiibo festival minigames and the one in nintendoland would be great, as well as some new ones. especially if they're multiplayer to play with friends!
day 6: create-a-villager! i don't expect them to be villagers actually in the game, but it could be neat as a little side thing. when hacking new leaf was big, there were a ton of cute and creative fan-made villagers just made with retextures, and i'd love to see more.
day 5: nocturnal villagers and activities. i LOVE nighttime, it's so relaxing, but you also run out of things to do (or, pocket space, if you like nighttime fishing like me). at least residential services will let you sell your fish 24 hours a day, but i'd like a bit more to do.
day 4: something to replace streetpass/the HHA showcase. i loved seeing people's houses, and being able to order from them in new leaf was a nice bonus. i'd love something similar with our friends list, a mix between that and what we had in city folk.
day 3: deeper lore on special NPCs. we have a lot on the able sisters and the nooks, even some on brewster and blathers, but i want to know more about the others! what's pascal's story? we know nothing about him, he just... pops up randomly.
day 2: more weather events/phenomena. red moons, eclipses, blizzards, hail, MOONBOWS... there are so many neat weather things in the world!
day 1 (WE MADE IT!): biome DLC. i've been asking for different terrains/biomes since before happy home designer, where we got to choose those. even though new horizons is set on an island, it's still a standard biome with four equal seasons. i'd LOVE dlc that allows us to make a snowy mountainside home, or a home like the PNW where it mostly rains and snow is uncommon. or a tropical town with sunshine and palm trees abound. bonus if the DLC means we can have more than one town per console. please, i need it.
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siderealmyg · 5 years
Streetpass [3]
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pairing: Hoseok x Seokjin
genre: [F]
word count: 1k
warnings: Swearing
“I’m WWHJin (From: South Korea)
Nice to meet you”
   "Hi there!“
“Recently I’ve been playing… MARIO KART7. I like eating!”
Over the past few months, Hoseok has been coming across this person… well that’s what his Streetpass is telling him.
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Hoseok was in such a state of bliss. He felt happy. So incredibly happy that there was a permanent loopy smile stuck on his love struck face…
Is that what it was? Love? He wasn’t one to really care or believe in love at first sight, but he’s beginning to think it was possible. 
After meeting Seokjin, he walked, no skipped, back to campus like an anime schoolgirl. Humming happily to himself, thinking back on the past hour and a half he had spent with the gorgeous boy. He was able to finish his test with ease, maybe even aced it. And proceeded to the rest of his classes with his mind distracted. 
After the rest of his classes were over he had gone to meet Jimin in the practice room so they could leave together.  
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Hoseok was scared shitless at the loud voice that interrupted his daydreaming. After recollecting himself, he realized someone was directly in front of him. He stared at them dumbfound still not entirely there, they sighed. 
“Are you okay?” Jimin asks concerned of his best friends odd behavior. 
“Yeah, I’m okay,” Hoseok smiles, “I’m more than okay, actually, I’m fantastic!” he says dreamily, sinking back into his thoughts. Jimin quickly noticed this and began shaking him back to reality. 
“Nuh-uh, stay with me, hobi” Jimin says. 
It’s not working, he’s too far deep in la la land. 
“You leave me no choice.” Jimin sighs. 
He begins rotating his wrist in preparation. Glaring at the boy in front of him. 
“Ah, I see you’re finally wake now.” Jimin calmly smiles. 
Hoseok holds his cheek as he glares at the short gremlin. 
“Can you tell my WHY the fuck you bitch slapped me to a whole other dimension?” Hoseok questions. 
“I had to bring you back to this one somehow.” Jimin cocks his head to the side, smiling cheekily. 
“I question my friendship with you, sometimes” Hoseok rubbed his cheek, convinced there’s a baby sized hand print.
Jimin pouts, “How could you! You love me too much.”
“Incorrect, I’m in love with someone else, you could never.“ 
This peaks Jimin’s interest. His best friend likes someone and he didn’t tell him. That’s illegal. 
"Woah woah woah, back up a little bit, you’re in love with someone!”
Hoseok blushes profusely, realizing what had just slipped past his lips. 
“Um, well… kind of like that I guess?” Hoseok’s answer is more of a question. 
“oHmyGoD who is it?” Jimin excitedly asks. 
“You probably don’t know them-”
“Bullshit, just tell me.”
“Kim Seokjin.” Again, Hoseok is smiling at just his name.  
“Hmm… what’s their major?”
“Doesn’t ring a bell, but I’ll ask around.” Jimin shrugs. 
“HUh, what do you mean ask around?” Hoseok looks at him confused and slightly panicked.
“I need to make sure this person is good enough for you. I’m not going to allow anyone to have the heart of my best friend.” Jimin scoffs.
Hoseok can’t help but smile at his words. He appreciates how much Jimin cares for him and wants only the best for him. 
“Please, he’s not a problem. The problem is I’m probably not good enough for him.” Hoseok frowns. This earned him a flick on the forehead. 
“Please shut up, anyone would die to have you. You’re literally one of the most good looking people I know. Have you looked in the mirror?” Jimin is flinging his arms around as he says this, clearly pissed off. 
“Are you sure you don’t have a crush on me, Jiminie!” Hoseok laughs. 
“No, I don’t. I’m completely whipped for Taehyung and no one else. You know this.” Jimin crosses his arms.
“Okay sure.. ” he mutters under his breath. 
“YAH” Jimin jumps up and his’ small hands hits the head of the laughing boy besides him. “I swear-”
“Okay, okay, calm down please,” Hoseok pleads. 
“Only if you tell me about your little crush!” Jimin says as he repeatedly taps the top of his friend’s head. 
“Okay sure, but stop hitting me!” Hoseok breaths out, tired from laughing. 
This causes Jimin to sit down immediately, full attention on him. There’s a few seconds of silence, Hoseok not knowing what to say. 
“How’d you two meet?” Jimin starts the conversation. 
Hoseok smiles cutely, “We meet at the cafe, you know, the one I always to go. The way we actually meet was pretty odd to be honest. You know how you gifted me that DS?” Jimin nods, 
“Well, I kept Streetpassing the same person for about a month straight. I had no idea how it was and where I was passing them so often-”
“Yeah, yeah, cut the important parts.” Jimin huffs. 
Hoseok glares at him before continuing, “Anyway, while at the cafe today, I guess he saw my DS. He must have noticed the constant streetpassing and put two and two together.”
“So you meet him because of your game and sugar addiction?” Jimin smiles widely. 
“Well yes, but actually no. But it’s not an addiction, it’s a stress reliever.” Hoseok pouts. 
“Whatever you say,” he rolls his eyes,  “What does he look like?” Jimin asks. 
Hoseok falls back and sighs. 
“He’s breathtaking. So incredibly beautiful. He has really plump lips. Silky, messy black hair. His cheeks look so pinch able, he’s so adorable.  His eyes were sparkling the entire time. He has a lovely voice and I could listen to him talk for hours. His smile and laugh is contagious. He loves dad jokes, like he’s the only person I’d allow to tell me those cringy ass jokes. He has such a wonderful personality and he was so kind and made everything less awkward… ” Hoseok trails off his tangent, getting lost in thought.  
Jimin could stop smiling at his love struck friend. So incredibly happy to know that his best friend had fallen in love in the cutest way possible. 
“Did I mention he gave me his number?” Hoseok dreamily adds. 
“Wait really!?” Jimin perks. 
Hoseok just nods, smiling to himself. 
“Damn, he must really like you back.”
“God I hope so.”
The boys sit in silence for a few minutes before they pack up and leave the room.
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siderealmyg · 5 years
Streetpass [1]
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pairing: Hoseok x Seokjin
genre: [F]
word count: 979
warnings: Swearing
"I'm WWHJin (From: South Korea) Nice to meet you"    "Hi there!" "Recently I've been playing... MARIO KART7. I like eating!"
Over the past few months, Hoseok has been coming across this person... well that's what his Streetpass is telling him.
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The small cafe was filled with the aroma of fresh coffee, sweet pastries and people's voice. Sun shining through the windows, making a warm atmosphere. A beautiful afternoon in Seoul.
"I'm going to die from coming here nearly everyday." he sighs as he takes a spoonful of the tiramisu in front of him.
Hoseok frequents this cafe pretty much everyday. It was his relaxation spot from his busy college classes and job. He's a dance major. A talented child prodigy that lead him to getting a scholarship to one of Seoul's top colleges. So good in fact, that his teacher's husband had asked if he would like to teach classes.
But the cafe wasn't his only escape. Recently, he's been playing games more often. His best friend Jimin had gifted him a 3DS some time ago, but he never played on it until now, finding Animal Crossing pretty therapeutic. Another thing he enjoys is Streetpass, where when you come across another player, they show up in your Mii Plaza and get to complete puzzles and mini games with them.
Hoseok sat in silence in his own world again, eating his tiramisu and tending to his town. Once he'd found nothing else to do on the game, he shut it down to open Mii Plaza. … ……..
"He's here again?!" Hoseok thought to himself.
Over the past month or two, there has been a certain mii character popping up at his plaza gates.
Every. Single. Day.
"Maybe he works here, I guess." He scratches his head. What he fails to notice is a person on the other side of the cafe look around just as confused as he was, 3DS in hand.
Hoseok shuts off his system and eats the rest of his daily dessert, then heads off to his next location. 
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"Do you want to get diabetes or something?" Jimin ask Hoseok as the two stretch.
"No I don't and I won't." he replies leaning to the other side.
"Well it sure as hell seems like you do," Jimin turns into a split as he rolls his eyes. "You're such a fat ass, Hobi. "
"Well, you're not wrong… I do have a great ass." Hoseok laughs, rolling away from Jimin who tried to kick him.
"For fucks sake, shut up." he chuckles.
"You love me and you know it!" Hoseok pouted knowing well it was the boys weakness.
"No, I hate you." Jimin looked away to not be swayed by his extreme cuteness.
Hoseok pretends to have been shot and dramatically dies on the floor.
"How… could y-you.. " Hoseok gasps out.
"You're so dramatic." a small smile graces Jimin's lips.
The two were getting ready for the afternoon dance class that they taught. Hoseok had been given the job after his dance teacher and her husband had seen just how incredible his skills were. Of course he took the job, it paid more than his previous one and was much more enjoyable.
Jimin on the other hand had begged Hoseok to let him be his "assistant" after finding out one of the students was the younger sibling of his crush.
"Take it back or I'll tell that art boy you like him!" Hoseok yells. But the other doesn't have time to reply as some of the kids began to walk in. A chorus of hellos to the boys and goodbyes to whoever dropped them off were heard as the kids settled in.
Hoseok laughed to himself as he watched his friend stare at the two people who walked in next.
"Have fun and be good okay?" the boy says to his sibling, showing his boxy smile. Hoseok could have sworn he saw a tear roll down Jimin's face.
"Yeah yeah I know, you tell me this every time." they respond giving him a hug.
"I know. I love you, see you later." he waves smiling again, walking out of the room.
"I love you too!" more than one person says to him, the other a low whisper.
Hoseok doubles over in laughter at the sight of Jimin's cheeks flushed red when he realized what he had said. Jimin threw himself at the other in an attempt to quiet him but it only made him laugh harder.
"What's so funny Mr. Jung?" one of the girls ask. By now, all of the students were looking at the two.
"It's nothing," he smiles, clapping his hands, "Alright let's get started shall we. Everyone begin stretching."
The two hour class passes by with Jimin internally crying over the boxy smiled art boy yet again as he picks up his little one.
"Do you even know his name?" Hoseok asks sipping his water.
"Yes, it's Taehyung." Jimin replied with a dreamy look on his face as he laid on his back exhausted.
Hoseok couldn't blame him, Taehyung was extremely attractive. It was slightly terrifying how attractive we was. If it wasn't for his best friend crushing on him, he'd probably take his shot with him… But then again playing Animal Crossing takes up a lot of his free time.
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"Oof!" Hoseok flops onto his bed, freshly showered, all assignments magically completed, and ready for his nightly Island bug hunt.
"Maybe I play this game too much.." he thinks to himself as he loads Animal Crossing for the umpteenth time.
He plays for about two and a half hours before his eyes grew tired. He'd managed to collect four golden stag beetles and then some, bringing in a pretty good amount of bells once he sold everything.
Once he exited out of the game his eyes landed on the Mii Plaza icon. Frowning slightly, he plugs the 3DS into the charger and putting it atop his nightstand next to his phone.
The last thing on his mind before he knocked out was who in the hell is WWHJin and why they cross paths so often.
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