#I know showrunners get the final say but so many eps I see ppl credit rtd with are not his work
ssaalexblake · 2 years
My absolute Favourite genre of dw posting is ppl slamming chibnall era and asking why it can’t be like this rtd episode not realising they just named an episode written by, you guessed it, Christopher chibnall.
The fact that I have seen this more than once is Hilarious. The fact that I know who wrote what is just troubling at this point though.
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ANTI-MOFFAT POST not being mean just discussing some thoughts but if criticisms of Moffat's writing upset you feel free to just move on!!
Bro it's actually kind of sad realising how horrendous of a showrunner (in my opinion!!!) Steven Moffat really is bc like. I remember me and my sister going to see the 50th anniversary special at the cinema and having the best time surrounded by a bunch of whovians in costume and everyone clapping at the end and now rewatching it I'm just like..... I want to like this but it makes not a scrap of sense!! I can suspend my disbelief massively when it comes to Doctor Who. I can forgive plot holes and inconsistencies galore, truly, but w Moffat shit is nonsensical literally from scene to scene. And when I say he's a horrendous showrunner I don't mean he lacks the ability to be a good writer, and in fact with oversight he can be a great writer. But without oversight he gets way too far up his own arse, plants and plants and plants with no payoff, and his real-life misogyny (among other things) bleeds into the very fabric of his characters, INCLUDING the Doctor (and then he had the audacity to have the Twelfth Doctor lecturing the First on sexism..... The lack of self-awareness is astounding).
Like genuinely I'm not a Moffat hater for the sake of it. When I was younger I did enjoy the early Matt Smith seasons and assumed the reason I never really understood or remembered the finales was bc I was too dumb, rather than bc it's just a bunch of loosely related scenes strung together and called an answer. I had issues with a lot of things at the time like Amy's weirdly sexual (yet rooted in childhood???) obsession w the Doctor, the fact we're supposed to believe that the Doctor and River are in love but only get that information in references or more weird hypersexualisation, the way the Doctor became the goddamn centre of the universe instead of just a traveller, humble in the face of the unknown. But I could still get something out of the show. Now, between catching up on S12 and restarting RTD era, I'm reminded of how it feels to really love this show without having to make so many excuses for it. No, it has never been and never will be perfect. A lot of the issues in MoffatWho were crumbs in RTDWho that he simply seized on and magnified. And I know there are ppl who genuinely love his era and you know what, I'm happy for you, cos I wish I did. But that's the thing, being a fan of MoffatWho was always something I was trying at; it was always an effort. Yet even as prepared as I was to give up on Doctor Who altogether by the time S11 came around, loving Chibnall's run is as effortless as it was to love S1 when I was 11. It makes it really hard to go back to something I mostly dislike just bc it's Doctor Who and I don't want to write off Eleven and Twelve.
Anyway I'm sure I will revisit those eps in the future as I'm a completionist; I doubt I'll be able to just skip them on a rewatch, and for all my negativity there IS good stuff in those seasons, whether it's Vincent and the Doctor or Hell Bent (edit: oh nononono I meant Heaven Sent I always get those two mixed up lol, Hell Bent is actually atrocious) or just Twelve being a crotchety janitor. But I'll never be as naive as I was when I first watched it again. I'll never be able to give Moffat credit that all his little "mysteries" are actually going somewhere. And after reading the disgüstingly misogynistic things he's said in real life I will never be able to give him the benefit of the doubt that the misogyny in his writing is just an unfortunate accident.
I really don't like to dump on creators for no reason so this is not about that. It's more just reckoning with the fact that something I was watching in formative years just does not hold up at all and that good memories I have of things like the 50th anniversary are tainted by the knowledge that the 50th anniversary..... Is bad actually. Like actually quite bad. And that just sucks dude!!
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