#I know it’s august but shh a girl can be excited (i also already got my crocs for it)
doctorsiren · 1 month
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Art from during my travels this weekend (except the yoshioka page is from like last week oops also it features the input of my friend @pinkhibiscustea teehee)
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Liam & Edie
Liam: [alright so she’s gonna get there super early so the first question is do we want any kind of interaction with his poor mother first or do we save that for later]
Edie: [In my head it’s literally early enough that she could still be asleep but also if it’s the week ‘cos summer, she COULD be going to work, unless she does a moomin and takes it off, so I’m easy with either]
Liam: [yeah I was thinking like it’s technically day 5 but it’s early enough of an arrival you could call it day 4 because we’re extra, so she probably would be asleep but equally, she could’ve woken up early to say happy bday and all that before she has to go to work because I feel like she’d wanna take the day off but he’d be essentially like nah don’t I’ll see you later 1. Because Edie is coming and 2. Because fuck birthdays anyway even before we knew that was a thing that’d be happening]
Liam: [maybe it’s like she was gonna go in and wake him up but surprise we’re already up and chilling in our dead sister’s room and surprise x2 Edie is already here hello]
Edie: [your poor mother, so shooketh, so not prepared for this, at least Edie will be being polite to you because we wanna make a good first impression and we’re not a dick but we are still weird and here at like the arse crack of dawn so hi]
Liam: [at least for our plot purposes she’ll be too caught unawares to spoil the bday secret because up til now his phone wouldn’t be popping off too hard as it’s early and normal people are asleep]
Edie: [can we just take a moment to think about the fact this is the first time actually meeting each other]
Liam: [it blows my mind when I do think about it, honestly, I need to know all about her lewk please because we know how excited you’d be about this gal]
Edie: [I will have to find one because yes, you’ve gotta do your most to be cute]
Liam: [I care very much what colour your hair is and how hard you’re serving even though I know damn well all you’ve done so far is sit on his sister’s floor and talk and talk and TALK because not an exaggeration at all to say he wants to know everything about her, that’s his intense brand]
Liam: [but also what time does the sun come up in late August? Would that be too early to say she arrived before then so they can watch it together like they did the comet]
Edie: [we know we’d show up whenever, try and stop us famalam, so yes that’s definitely a thing we can say happens, I hope you live near-ish though or what time are you setting off from yours hen]
Liam: [ngl if she showed up at 3 or 4am I wouldn’t be surprised and he wouldn’t mind so fill your boots kids, we can totally say he lives close because that isn’t something we’ve given an Ali kid before and like I can see his parents being like the country air and peace and quiet etc will totally help our dying child, as if this is victorian times or whatever]
Edie: [tbf cities are grubby i’m sorrrrrrrrryyy anyway, love that for you, you can live on a busy bit of the countryside, a nice cul-de-sac mayhaps, at least you won’t get murdered lurking in the dark]
Liam: [get on zoopla and find us a cute gaff boo]
Edie: [heheheheh, okay so we know how we’re starting our day, what’s next]
Liam: [I think we’ve just gotta run this and see what pops up as we’re pondering cos y’all are wild could be anything going on, bye to his mum go get ready for work and then go gal you can do some bday cliches when you get back at like 4, Edie’ll know by then, so once his mum has swiftly excited just 👀 because even if you’ve got no feelings it’s super cute that she wants to make a good impression]
Edie: [just smiley blush like what, not commenting on his ma yet ‘cos she didn’t have time to really make an impression so we don’t need to do that ‘can’t have her changing her mind about loving the idea already’]
Liam: [get a bit closer to her so you can look at her even more intensely because she’s being even cuter with her lil blush and smile moment and this was such a good idea thank god ‘don’t change yours either’]
Edie: [just shaking our head hardcore ‘cos can’t speak suddenly]
Liam: [‘she’s not Lexie levels but still off putting, I know’ soz to his poor mum for vaguely giving a shit haha]
Edie: [‘you’ve not met mine’ like probably has on the low but shh the point is we know what all mums are like, in one way or another, ‘yet’ very much implying we cannot be put off tah]
Liam: [‘can I?’ has only just met you and wants to meet your mum, what boy in what universe would ever want that 🚩]
Edie: [my boo says run she says no, nod as enthusiastically purely ‘cos he wants to and we will not be saying no to anything]
Liam: [get even closer to her obvs because she just keeps being adorable with her enthusiasm and he’s obvs about it, just gonna be 👀 a mm away from her face in a sec]
Edie: [at least you can gently pull on the necklace he should be wearing ‘cos sent in the post]
Liam: [and you can kiss better wherever she got hers from even though it’s gonna be healed by now like she made you do at the time]
Edie: [genuinely wasn’t trying to be that bitch but I just googled where heals fastest when cut ‘cos that bitch and he didn’t want pain and bloody drama so and it literally said the mouth LMAO soz Liam I don’t make the rules-]
Liam: [soz not soz that you’re having your first kiss then lads]
Edie: [it’s kinda sweet that you aren’t like, actually kissing, if you know what I mean, like it’s about something else]
Liam: [it’s very pure and very your energy as a couple]
Edie: [you’ll be dying girl but that’s a moment]
Liam: [he genuinely would ask her if she/that was okay because we know she’s not had a boyfriend before because Rio would not stop hammering that point home]
Edie: [we’re so obviously more than okay but likewise not trying to be like OTT and put pressure on him because we’ve been told what Lexie was like, just smile and nod]
Liam: [pull her to her feet and to your room because we’ve not been in there yet but y’all are gonna find this robot dog]
Edie: [get to go through all his childhood things lowkey love that for yous just asking all the questions]
Liam: [and we’re definitely giving it to you which is another moment because he loved it]
Edie: [we’ve gotta pimp that pup up somehow, which is within your wheelhouse deffo ‘what’s he called?’]
Liam: [‘Chip’ and a face like yeah I know I was a kid byeee]
Edie: [just loving on it like a real dog, ‘I fucked with the beast’ ‘cos of course you did lmao]
Liam: [he’s as amused as I was when I read that because of course she did is right, clearly gonna put that film on for her]
Edie: [love that childlike energy for you too, definitely raiding for the good snacks even though it’s so early because why not sugar rush]
Liam: [same because we all know he didn’t get a chill childhood, at least there would be great snacks in because it being his bday and his mum hoping she can rock a birthday tea vibe on the low]
Edie: [sneaky bday energy, god bless, just find out what each others faves are]
Liam: [taking so many cute pics and vids during all this, be jealous everyone]
Edie: [I do have cute bed ones so have a duvet day until the notifs come in]
Liam: [gives him a reason for his phone to be blowing up but that’s not why we’re doing it, he’s just obsessed with the bae’s happiness]
Edie: [I can send them to you if you like]
Liam: [please do]
Edie: [at least you can take his phone under the assumption of taking a picture of him because he’s taken loads of you]
Liam: [and he’s not gonna stop you because he’s not stupid enough to have anything incriminating about stalking your sister on there and obvs isn’t thinking about it being his bday]
Edie: [awkward when you don’t wanna be like oh it’s your birthday but you can’t not be like that because then you’d be acting weird, just pull up whoever’s said happy bday latest like hey but soft]
Liam: [such a genuine shrug like oh yeah that idc]
Edie: [‘why didn’t you tell me?’ but without the 🥺 tone, genuine asking]
Liam: [‘I didn’t want you to know’ true but then you realise how it sounds so ‘it’s pressure on you and it don’t matter to me’]
Edie: [when there is nothing you can say to that but ‘fair enough’ because it is and we’re not gonna force it into a Big Thing ™ ‘we’re still having fun though’ because y’all are that’s facts]
Liam: [‘I can’t remember a birthday this about me’ because we can’t say he’s never had a fun bday ever but he’s never been the centre of attention ‘it is enough, and fun, having you here’]
Edie: [‘that is pressure… without anyone else taking any of the focus at all’ ‘cos we have plenty of siblings so we know what he’s saying, nothing is entirely about you when there’s other kids to still care about, make the robo dog kiss his cheek ‘it can be as fun as you like, and we can stay in all day, or go out too, it’s all up to you’]
Liam: [kiss her on the cheek thank you boy because she’s being a babe]
Edie: [🥰 look as we get up ‘what’s your favourite breakfast?’ like let’s go make that happen]
Liam: [I’m gonna say his fave is a full english/irish because when does anyone ever have the time or energy for all that faff so we can make you feel special here boy]
Edie: [giving you 2 options like we can make it here for you and that could include a shop dash to get all the bits which would be cute OR we can go to a cafe and get it and dine and dash which would also be cute]
Liam: [under duress I am voting for dine and dash because it feels very them and we’ll have loads of time to be domestic when they’re squatting in the holiday cottage etc]
Edie: [then let’s ride lads, the greasiest spoon we can find please]
Liam: [forever a mood]
Edie: [have a cute handhold as you walk, also enjoy the height difference imagine]
Liam: [don’t even I can’t fathom how tall he is, it’s crazy]
Edie: [love that you’re taller than our dad, taller than Buster, flex on ‘em babe you got that reach, it’s very much that picture of ariana and pete ‘cos that’s about y’alls heights lol]
Liam: [not to be that bitch but you would feel so safe and protected like I do get it]
Edie: [and I’m sorry but if you’re even a slightly curvier gal you can’t be with a small lad you feel like you’ll break them lmao]
Liam: [so many gals salty as hell at you rn Edie so soz]
Edie: [you love to see it, don’t get too close or we will fuck you up hens]
Liam: [I’m trying to think if there’s anything else cool they could do while they’re out cos I wanna keep the vibe chill but]
Edie: [we could go to the beach today, or we could find another thing for the ‘main event’ without being like this is what you’re doing for your bday highkey, perhaps something typical childhood birthday like bowling or laser tag that kind of energy]
Liam: [sadly you’re too much a giant to sneak into soft play]
Edie: [yes they usually have an age limit of 10-12 if memory serves and there’s no believing that lmao, although we could force the twins to go at a later date and go in with them]
Liam: [we’ll definitely give you another chance to go]
Edie: [okay so getting a bouncy castle to just put up and then we’re also having jelly and ice cream]
Liam: [green jelly is the best so you can pop off with 👽]
Edie: [i’m gonna try to find vibes deffo]
Liam: [actually love that you’ve gone from hanging out in his house to hanging out in a field and it’s the best birthday he’s had probably ever]
Liam: [kinda wanna let y’all have your first kiss on the bouncy castle but kinda have had that ruined for us by skins]
Edie: [#reclaimit and like, as much as y’all just having a good ass time getting to know each other, the casual tension still]
Liam: [it’s very much NOT a platonic good time and we all know it]
Edie: [we are not here to deny what’s here tah]
Liam: [only question is how far we’re taking it because y’all could hook up on it but you could also not]
Edie: [hmm, on the one hand, we absolutely would ‘cos wanna but on the other, I can see y’all making a slightly bigger thing out of it without you know, lighting candles lol, but you get me]
Liam: [same actually because you’re very romantic]
Edie: [right? Like it’ll deffo be in your way still but it’s your first time both of yas so you can make a thing of it if you bloody well like]
Liam: [and no shade to anyone because I’m not saying they should but not enough of our ships do make it a thing™️ because they just carried away by their feels and hormones lol, he has that degree of restraint, albeit for a sad reason so you might as well use it]
Edie: [no wonder you get so caught up in this babe, casual fairytale]
Liam: [me too gurl, me too, casually too invested in this doomed couple nbd]
Edie: [so sad, soz guys we’re rude]
Liam: [anything else cute we wanna do before your mum gets back and makes you do the cliche bday cake moment and you can get the bae to blow out your candles with you because have all the wishes my love]
Edie: [I think this gives us a good framework for how it’s gonna go, lots of cuteness, doing the least but making it the most]
Liam: [thank god it’s still summer so nobody can force you back home because you’ll both be gutted]
Edie: [fight us fam we clearly aren’t going anywhere, I like to think you got something for his mum whilst out even though it’s probably a bottle of wine neither of you can buy so bit cheeky but still cute]
Liam: [that’s adorable af, his mum can’t be mad we know she knows him and his sister did a lot worse, even if she doesn’t know it all but what does make me laugh is that she’d blatantly not let Edie stay the night because of how obvs underage she is and it’s like oh hun we’ve had many many opportunities to hook up all day but sure]
Edie: [love when parents draw that line, like this is why teens hook up in cars and anywhere else they can, also tis possible in daylight but god bless you for trying hun]
Liam: [so many parents do and there’s literally so many worse things he could be doing and in Liam’s case has done but pop off]
Edie: [oh when this baby is announced lmao sozzzzzzz]
Liam: [she’s gonna be UPSET, but in the now you can walk her home and that’s always cute af]
Edie: [so gentlemanly, also gonna bring you in impromptu to meet Ali like hello mother]
Liam: [the levels he’d just wanna stay because technically not breaking the rules to be over at the cali gaff but contrary to what I just said about baby Libi he doesn’t actually wanna upset his mum so he wouldn’t]
Edie: [we’ll let you be good today, of all days, let me post my ting and know the last pic is like now in a miss you already way]
Liam: [I’m cackling imagining Grace appearing like the extra child she is]
Edie: [curtain-twitching like a baby nosy hoe, I lol]
Liam: [thank god Lexie isn’t really crazy or you’d have to look out for her being at the window too]
Edie: [we ain’t afraid of you it’s definitely the other way round rn]
Liam: [hilarious considering how pure you’ve been all day]
Edie: tell me when you get home
Liam: I don’t want to get home
Edie: If you go somewhere I have to come
Liam: I know 😇 I promise
Liam: I’ll come back for you when it’s a new day
Edie: I’m not wishing this one away, I didn’t
Edie: I don’t want it to end
Liam: me either, but no spoilers or the wish will glitch and we won’t get what we did ask for
Edie: 😶
Edie: and we’ve got to follow the rules or you’ll turn into a 🎃 tonight
Liam: a massive me sized 🎃 do you think or one you could carry round
Edie: I could live in a you sized 🎃 but I’m not sure how comfortable that would be for you
Edie: but what if I dropped you if you were normal sized 😭
Liam: I’ve seen you on a bouncy castle, you’re not clumsy
Edie: despite your best attempts to floor me
Liam: you gave as good
Edie: yeah
Edie: I hope so
Liam: there was no cracking under the pressure
Edie: then you’ll have me back
Edie: and kiss me again
Liam: we can go back for as long as it stays up, then I’ll kiss you somewhere else
Edie: please
Edie: and you felt it
Edie: the kiss, it was more than nothing
Liam: I wouldn't have done it if it was nothing, how I know you feel is important and I'm not gonna hurt you
Edie: I know
Edie: I trust you
Edie: I’m just being annoying trying to make you say it
Liam: you couldn’t annoy me if you was trying, I’m on too big of a high from meeting you
Edie: I had the best day
Liam: I’ve gotta say thanks for today, meaning tomorrow’ll have an edge on it for being all about what you wanna do instead of me getting older
Edie: you don’t
Edie: it was mutual
Edie: you even let me help you blow out your candles
Liam: if I didn’t it’s 🎂 wasted you gave me the best 🎁 by being there, right before you were I still thought you might not show
Edie: a tiny part of me wasn’t sure
Edie: what if it messed everything we’d built up
Edie: but it didn’t
Liam: yeah, that was on my mind too, I’m either too much or not enough when I can’t moderate it how I do online, faker than my 🦎🧠 has got me used to acting, and found out for it sooner
Liam: but it wasn’t like that today
Edie: it’s easier when you can code the best response
Edie: put whatever skin on it works best in that moment
Edie: but this was better than anything I’ve made or seen in cyberspace so far
Liam: your fave 🤖 is a compliment I'll take any time, like
Edie: don’t tell Chip
Liam: he’s got more to rub in my face, he got to stay, I wouldn’t start it
Edie: [pic of him tucked up casually]
Edie: bit smug, tbh
Liam: in the world we just woke him up from I could be 💔😭 he’ll have to try harder now
Edie: [a pic of him up on her titties like mr steal yo gurl]
Edie: 😱😱
Edie: I’m gonna need to train him
Liam: I remember him as naughtier than me
Edie: checks out
Edie: you’re very 😇
Liam: if it was up to him you’d be sleeping on the bouncy castle together, however many rules it breaks
Edie: I think it’d be cosy
Edie: tomorrow though, we can have a nap
Liam: waiting until my ma falls asleep and I can sneak out, it’d be tomorrow
Edie: it’s not breaking the rules, if you’re sure
Edie: you can leave a note for when she wakes up
Liam: if you are, we’re doing what you want
Edie: obviously I want to
Liam: have to keep you up half the night first
Edie: you’d already done that without trying
Edie: but I’m not turning down more
Liam: me or the beast 😏
Edie: I’m not saying you’re covered in brown fur
Edie: but you are that big so
Edie: little column A little column B 😏
Liam: I’ll check the coat cupboard, might get me closer to ticking both boxes for you
Edie: 😂
Edie: you tick every box, you don’t need to kidnap my dad to make that happen
Liam: don’t be so quick to say no to something I know you’d like
Edie: 😍 okay, only if we see him on the way
Edie: tomorrow ain’t about him
Liam: 🎼
Liam: I should’ve got you to sing something other than happy birthday, lock my ma in as part of your fan club
Edie: karaoke night 👩‍🎤👨‍🎤
Liam: she’d have your arm off, to take you up on the idea and to take the 🎤 off you for her turn
Edie: I’ll bring the machine and plenty of 90s bops
Liam: what would your first pick be
Edie: 🤔
Edie: I’d have to pick My Heart Will Go On to win your ma over, obviously
Edie: assuming she’s not fuming I’ve stolen it
Liam: too 😤 at the ending as if everyone don’t know the boat sinks and loads of people die
Liam: go for the Whitney song, the film’s got a lower body count
Edie: just poor Whit IRL
Edie: 😎 he’s no beast but
Liam: you don’t want no posh 🤴 sort over a handworking lad who keeps coming through for you, I keep saying you’re smart
Edie: makes my motives sound a bit evil
Edie: nothing but true ❤️ works remember
Liam: but you wouldn’t fall in love with someone you’ve got nothing in common with, there’d be no connection
Edie: true
Liam: I’d never call out your motives as evil, even a bit
Edie: you can if I am ever 👻👺🧙‍♀️🧟‍♀️🧛‍♀️👹💀 to you
Liam: that’s more far fetched than you and 🤴
Edie: who did you have a crush on as a kid
Liam: 🧚
Edie: Good choice
Liam: - as many points off as deserved for Lexie and I’ve still got proven good taste
Edie: I get it
Edie: I can see the appeal
Liam: being able to fly is enough of one
Edie: She looks like she might 🎯 a bitch for you but she’s the Wendy really
Liam: there's no appeal to Lex and no need to try and find it
Edie: 🏹🏹🏹💘
Edie: She’s 💀 to us
Liam: and soon to the rest of her mates including your sister
Edie: I hadn’t thought about her all day
Edie: Or anyone else
Edie: just you
Liam: you don't have to think about her ever again
Edie: I won’t show up and 😭 at her ⚰️🪦 when we bury her
Edie: We’ve got plans
Liam: I only mentioned her at all as a - bc you're such a massive + but I probably should've said that without her name being dropped in
Edie: nah, not even mentioning her is gonna affect how +++ this all is
Liam: it makes me seem like I've got her on my mind though and I don't want you to think I do
Edie: you can tell me what really is then
Edie: even if that’s tinkerbell
Edie: or that fry-up still
Liam: you are, and when my ma is gonna go the fuck to bed so I can kiss you again
Edie: I can feel the 👻 of you, your lips touching mine and where your hands were and where I wanted them to be next
Edie: it’s making me wish I were 🧚 so I could find a drowsiness potion to give her or just sprinkle some pixie dust on you so you could fly in my window right now
Edie: weren’t my 🎂 wish though, no spoilers ever 🤐
Edie: I could kiss you all night
Edie: And all day
Edie: But I have got other things we can do, even though it’s my day tomorrow, can’t be that selfish
Liam: not kissing all day or all night if that’s what you’ve decided but long enough for my hands to go where you wanted them next, yeah? i’d say it’d more be selfish if you didn’t share the complete thought with me
Edie: You don’t know exactly what I want?
Edie: It felt like you knew to me
Liam: it sounds better if I say I don’t and get it right instead of saying I do and getting it wrong
Edie: You haven’t got any of this wrong, trust me
Liam: honestly didn’t feel like I had but my instincts ain’t as easy to trust as you are
Edie: I promise I’ll tell you if you ever do
Edie: but you aren’t going to
Liam: that’s the connection I was going on about before, useful for the beginning, middle and the happy ending
Edie: You’re better than any lad in any film
Liam: you’re all I wanna see on film
Edie: bring a 📹
Liam: look for the ⏺️ light flashing in your window
Edie: like a 🌠
Liam: and ⏰ which won’t trigger 🚨 before we can get you out
Edie: I have had previous experience sneaking out, even if not to meet boys
Edie: that bit, I can do
Liam: there’s shit you can’t do, don’t believe that bit for a sec
Edie: 😏 you know
Edie: as my sister tried to make me sound like a total child
Liam: she knows you different to me, you’re a separate person to her than how you exist when we’re together
Edie: yeah
Edie: that’s how she likes to keep us, still about 7 in her head
Liam: my sister went the other way, she wasn’t waiting round for me to grow up when she could tell me to hurry up and do x z or z thing with her
Edie: it’s cool, that she didn’t treat you like an incapable kid
Edie: better, anyway, right?
Liam: but sometimes I wish she’d let me be one, it don’t matter, you can’t turn round like not today I wanna go to the park with my mates, not with lads I already knew were gonna be gone long before her, not to do fuck all instead of a crazy scheme
Edie: being ‘grown’ is only fun if it’s how you wanna do it, that’s definitely the main draw of not being a kid, doing exactly what you want and when
Edie: less shine if it isn’t your scheme
Liam: I think it’d be 🌟✨ to be looked after, but I get it’d fade for me if I had a sister like yours
Edie: you already charmed her, she’ll extend the courtesy to you now too I bet
Liam: it’s too late for me to start living like that
Edie: not if you want it
Edie: we can do it
Liam: I ain’t had a family in so long, I dunno if I could do it
Edie: we don’t need mine
Edie: we can have our own
Liam: can we
Edie: yes
Edie: and we can do anything and everything you missed out on
Liam: what happens if nothing changes and I’m stuck as a 🤖
Edie: if that happens then a baby won’t
Liam: and you’ll have to leave
Edie: no
Liam: I’m not taking no for an answer or asking anyone to love me if I can’t love them back
Edie: I can do it
Liam: your ++++ can’t make up for such a massive - in me
Edie: don’t give in yet
Edie: we have nothing but time
Liam: I’m saying it before I give in to you and believe we can do this
Edie: okay
Edie: I am listening
Liam: I’m not dying, I don’t get to be as selfish as my sister and I wanna care more than my parents
Edie: I love that about you
Edie: not enough people give a shit about anyone who isn’t themselves
Edie: or act like they’re a saint if the list includes the person they’re fucking too
Liam: we can’t do things just to try and force me to feel, even though I want to
Edie: it’s up to you
Edie: all of it
Edie: I don’t want to force you to do anything
Liam: it’s not, it’s equally up to you
Edie: Kinda
Edie: but I already feel things for you
Liam: I’m not gonna let your feelings force you to do anything same as you’re not gonna let what I don’t do it for me
Edie: I won’t let this fail
Liam: me either
Edie: does 16 feel any different
Liam: only bc of how I celebrated it
Edie: well I like that 🥰
Edie: I’m getting you a gift, just give me time
Liam: you’ve given me loads of 🎁🎁
Edie: nothing I could tie up with a bow
Liam: you could do a 🎀 in your hair before you come out, but it probably won’t help with your sister thinking you’re a kid still
Edie: 🤞 she shouldn’t be seeing me
Liam: or the 📹 footage of you 👧🏼
Edie: not for her 👀
Edie: or anyone else’s if we decide
Liam: if they’ve not had their fix of you today that’s their 💔
Edie: I’m for you
Liam: I’m buzzing not to be afraid of that, maybe normal is overrated this time
Edie: maybe it’s just scary
Liam: you’re not
Edie: 👺
Liam: you’re 🔥 people are scared of it but it’s not about you, it’s a them thing
Edie: I could cry
Edie: again
Edie: I’ll burn it all down
Liam: you’ve been crying
Edie: only happy crying
Liam: you nearly did force a fear response there for a sec
Edie: I didn’t mean to baby
Liam: I know, it was a me thing too
Edie: how’d it feel though, as it nearly happened
Liam: I was about to leave and make sure you were alright, I forgot about happy crying
Edie: 🚨🚨🚨
Edie: I can’t remember the last time I felt that, actually
Liam: it’s the kind of day for it, I can’t remember spending this much time with someone and thinking it wasn’t enough
Edie: Me either
Edie: I usually zone out after a sentence or two
Edie: it’s enough to know we have nothing worth discussing
Edie: sounds fake, how hard I’ve gone here, but I never care enough
Liam: it’d sound fake how hard I relate to not giving a fuck about anyone or anything in years before this
Edie: people reckon it’d be freeing, not relating, not being connected to anyone else
Edie: and I guess it is
Edie: but it’s boring before it’s anything else
Liam: and I’d come across as certifiably crazy if I tried to explain what walking round as me with everyone else seeming so unreal was like
Edie: people are idiots
Edie: they wouldn’t take the time to get it
Edie: just take it as a 🔫 admission or some shit
Liam: they’d only take the time to feel bad for me, I’m down for no more of that as long as I live
Edie: fuck that shit
Liam: yeah
Edie: when school starts, we’re gonna fuck shit up
Edie: without a 🔫
Liam: we should go in the night before
Edie: dedicated 😍
Liam: not saying I’ve got my ear to my ma’s door at the minute bc that’d be weird but I am, yeah
Edie: if you want something to listen to
Edie: [a song that’s clearly about today]
Liam: if you wanna hear a review I’m gonna need longer than it clearly took you to write that
Liam: I seriously don’t know what to say
Edie: it’d sound pretentious to say I think in lyrics but there’s always a tune in my head so
Edie: when you’re as inspiring as you are
Liam: when I can finally get out of here I know exactly what to do, putting words to my reaction to you being everything you are can wait
Edie: I’ll do my best to wait
Edie: but that sounds 🥴
Liam: I’m not waiting, I’ll make sure she don’t hear me go
Edie: I believe in you 😶
Liam: [obvs do that and show up to her window because we all know you can and it wouldn’t take you very long]
Edie: [question is are you ground floor music room or your room and Billie better be asleep lmao]
Liam: [how do you want it boo cos both are moods]
Edie: [I say go for your room so you have to climb and you have to control your excitement ‘til you too are out of the window]
Liam: [soz that he is gonna kiss you literally immediately though like as he’s coming through the window so you really are gonna have to control your excitement gal and also your volume]
Edie: [good luck with that sweetie, love this for you two]
Liam: [just fully making out rn nbd]
Edie: [sorry we must literally]
Liam: [do leave before you wake Billie up though lads]
Edie: [you gotta because we do not have that much chill to get any further than this]
Liam: [it’s been an overwhelming af day we’ll allow the lack of chill and get you away from the fam]
Edie: [run babies run, we’re so 😍]
Liam: [get back to the bouncy castle because y’all are 10000% those bitches who would legit kiss for hours just for the joy of it]
Edie: [you’ll be dying but in the best way]
Liam: [like who else is gonna be fully savouring this bit for what it is and how it feels in its own right, we know it’s you]
Edie: [you’ve been feeling fuck all, you deserve it, we will be putting across as much]
Liam: [and she’s never felt like this before either so we don’t need to be rushing anything rn or ever]
Edie: [exactly, ugh, so cute, you definitely brought a blanket before you ran]
Liam: [the adorable snuggles you can have bye]
Edie: [‘this was the best day ever’ so sincerely]
Liam: [just nod because we very much agree to a speechless level]
Edie: [sing to him IRL but not in a cringe way lol, a chill one]
Liam: [that is everything though]
Edie: [just that happy soz]
Liam: [not at all soz]
Edie: [what a time, deffo think one of you should get in a bit of trouble for being out right now, even if they can’t find you ‘til they do, like either his mum or someone in cali gaff wakes up like hello?]
Liam: [maybe his mum because it do be her rule and she do be extra rn in terms of her emotions and realistically even if Billie did wake up she’s not gonna dob you in]
Edie: [seems legit, how would he wanna deal, ‘cos his phone can be blowing up as soon as she realises]
Liam: [sadly he’s probably gonna have to go back because he’s not ever a fuck you mum kinda bitch, unlike 99% of the other characters lol, but he’d be leaving it as long as he could]
Edie: [we understand even if this back and forth is a trip, the bouncy castle was nearby so you’re fine]
Liam: [it would be very obvious at least that he does NOT want to go, so he’s not just messing you about intentionally gal]
Edie: [whatever we might be thinking, we know it’s not that energy like you’re not a fuckboy tah everyone]
Liam: [when your mum is overprotective as hell but you’re still gonna die soz hun]
Edie: [it’s very rude to everyone you included hun]
Liam: [and you can’t even talk to the bae cos she’s gonna be popping off at you for ages]
Edie: [we can skip but I’ll just do some immediate afters from her first]
Edie: sorry sorry sorry
Edie: hope you don’t get in so much shit we can’t meet up later
Edie: just tell me when you can
Liam: I won’t, I’ll talk her round, don’t worry
Liam: when she lets me talk
Edie: does she hate me
Liam: I didn’t tell her I was with you, she’s only 😡 at me
Edie: what did you say that she believed
Liam: my mates were 🥺 bc I’d been with you all day
Edie: fair play, boys are clingy like that
Liam: she’s have an unhappy cry and we’ll move past it
Edie: should I have told you no?
Liam: you didn’t know she was gonna find out, I should’ve
Edie: I didn’t want to, I didn’t want you to want to either
Edie: but I feel bad if I make her cry
Liam: it isn’t really about me not being here, it’s about my sister not, this is what she gets like every year
Edie: yeah, of course
Edie: it’s not about us
Edie: be nice if there was something we could do now but I know that’s probably not the case either
Liam: she’ll feel better after she’s shouted at me
Edie: 🔇
Liam: [a gap while that’s going on, such fun I’m sure]
Liam: it’s sorted
Edie: you okay?
Liam: if you can’t hurt me, she ain’t gonna
Edie: are you tired though
Edie: as it’s my day, I can make you have a nap, if you need it
Liam: you’re gonna make me 😴 when there’s 0 limits on what we could do
Liam: serious
Edie: if that’s a challenge to make you 😴 with everything we’re GONNA do
Edie: then challenge accepted
Liam: how much of a challenge are you gonna make it for me to find out what that everything is
Edie: as much of a challenge to be fun
Edie: can’t have you getting bored as well as 😴
Liam: it’ll be a fun challenge too proving I’m not tired or bored
Edie: well, when we can go out again at more sociable hours
Edie: you can start with this [clue] to come find me and prove it
Liam: ok but until then [so many pictures of people with their eyes crossed out from whatever his mum has to read and deface or like their entire photo album tbh because MISS YOU SO SO MUCH] you can have this
Edie: we need a 🏠 of our own
Edie: missing you is so
Edie: intense
Liam: I'll start hunting for a not too trashed empty round and about we can stay in until the holiday cottages clear out
Edie: how’d you guess
Edie: I told you I’d stay busy
Edie: you still have to find me so not a total fail on my behalf
Liam: I didn't, I promise, we must just think really alike and want the same things
Liam: when did you even do this
Edie: sitting still is not a speciality
Edie: and i’ve got a lapel mic so I could record and 🚴‍♀️
Edie: clearly need a go-pro for streaming purposes but you would’ve been 😱 to see that sudden POV change
Liam: I ain't scratched the surface of what you're capable of, have I
Edie: 🤔
Edie: keep going and find out, I reckon
Liam: 😏
Edie: [selfie like 😁]
Liam: I dunno how I'm gonna get used to looking at your 😁 face all the time when we live together, something else to find out
Edie: I could get a 🤡 mask
Liam: we both know the smile underneath is more deadly to me
Edie: you’re deadly and you could kill me
Edie: but I promised
Liam: and you’d never break a promise to me
Edie: never ever
Edie: you’ve got the blood to prove it
Liam: when can I solve the first clue
Edie: is your mum going to work today?
Liam: unless she pulls a sickie
Edie: whenever she’s up for the day, you can go
Edie: even if she’s not mad at me, I don’t want her to be mad at you
Liam: if I leave then, you’ve gotta go sleep for a while now
Edie: I don’t know if I can
Edie: my 🧠 & 💗 are vibrating, that’s what it feels like
Liam: yeah, meaning the comedown is gonna hurt when it does catch up to you and I don’t want you to
Edie: I’ll sleep with you
Liam: my nightmares’ll wake you up
Edie: then I can protect you
Liam: not from what’s already happened
Edie: but from getting stuck there
Liam: seeing me like that is gonna be
Liam: you won’t like it
Edie: I know but I can’t help if I don’t see it
Edie: all of it
Liam: alright, I did say it was a good thing you don’t close your eyes to what everyone else does
Edie: [👀 pic always]
Edie: If you go to sleep, I’ll feel it and I will too
Edie: then I can come find you
Liam: I’ll do it if you sing to me again
Edie: [call so you can do that and both have some sleep]
Liam: [love that for you, keep being adorable forever please lads]
Edie: [so that was my main vibe for today ‘cos she did say she’d look, it should be crappy though and not the one that you find that you actually love straight away so you don’t need to stay here, but you can spend the day there]
Liam: [and you can have fun fucking it up at the end cos you’re not gonna stay]
Edie: [exactly, a more genuine squat vibe this time, so you can get all the creepy shots and footage, as well as just causing some genuine carnage]
Liam: [I’ll see if one of the million pics I have of him holding a camera has the right energy and send it to you]
Edie: [woopwoop, likewise, a more 😈 day but definitely still cute]
Liam: [can’t not be cute ever]
Edie: [tried to fight it but we can’t]
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I’ll put a summary here L8er
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
warnings: cursing, murder, torture, mentions the words domestic abuse & rape
masterlist | guidelines | lullaby m.list
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August was an unusually stressful month for you, given your circumstances. Moving away from home, back to Eclipse University, into your small, lonesome apartment was not all that exciting. Starting your last year of law school wasn’t exciting either. A new year meant two new semesters full of tough courses, a paid internship, and the dreaded Bar exam at the end of it all. Stress was eating at you all summer as you tried to prepare yourself for this last year of schooling before fully entering the real world. The one thing you always looked forward to when coming back to this little college town though, was seeing Bambam.
“Y/n! Long time, no see!” Bambam, your beloved best friend, practically screamed the second he laid eyes on you entering his department store.
You giggled, accepting the bear hug he was pulling you into. “Hey B, I missed you so much!” As you pulled away you noticed him look you up and down and shake his head.
“Damn, girl. Did you get hit by a bus this summer? You look like hell,” he raised an eyebrow. You lightly smacked his shoulder and laughed.
“No! It’s just been really stressful lately. And I literally just moved all my stuff back into my apartment, okay!”
Bambam noticed another customer enter the store then, looking over your shoulder rather than at you.
“I wasn’t too sure if you’d be here actually, B. I was gonna call and make sure before I walked all the way here, but I decided to make it a surprise,” You explained, moving to the side so he could walk past, following close behind.
Bambam never let an opportunity to make a customer glamourous pass, not even for his best friend he hasn’t seen in months.
“Oh yeah, I just got back actually. I hosted a fashion show in Milan last week, but I’ll be here for another month maybe,” He explained as he reached the young lady browsing the racks of his expensive, well designed blouses. He turned away from you to greet her, so you decided to leave him be, and just call after he closed the shop for the day. After giving a small wave to Bambam as you walked out the shop, mouthing a ‘I’ll call around 7’ as to not interrupt the client, you wandered back into the streets of Eclipse. The August sun was strong, and you noted the nice weather as you passed by the other shops and restaurants of Downtown. Bambam’s shop was only about a fifteen minute walk from your apartment, but in the heat, it seemed like ages. So, you decided to stop at a little ice cream parlor before heading all the way back into campus.
Kim’s Ice Cream was practically empty. Upon walking in you noticed two things immediately, the first was that they didn’t serve chocolate ice cream, the second was the only other customer present in the building. He sat in the corner with a half melted milkshake in front of him, watching something intently out the window. So, curiosity got the best of you and after settling for the next best ice cream flavor (second to chocolate), you wandered over to his table.
He seemed to notice you immediately, which wasn’t that abnormal since you were the only other customer there. But, he looked up and cocked his head to the side, almost like a questioning puppy.
Smiling, you greeted him, “Hey, is this seat taken?”
He furrowed his eyebrows, and shook his head. “No, no. Please,” He motioned towards the empty seat across from him, and finally returned the smile.
“I’m Y/n. I just happened to notice you watching something outside,” you nervously laughed, “Curiosity sort of urged me over here to ask what it was.” Upon finishing your sentence, you ate a spoonful of ice cream. He looked up and made complete eye contact with you for the first time. His eyes were full of focus, and deep with thought.
With a lazy grin he licked his lips and answered. “Curiosity killed the cat, you know.”
With a nod and a soft smile you quickly replied “But the cat knew the truth.”
He raised an eyebrow and shook his head with a laugh. “I was watching the birds. I’ve always found them so intriguing,” He glanced outside once again, and looked back with a darker twist in his large pupils. You always noticed the smallest things about people, and the eyes ahead of you were certainly the eyes of someone hurting.
“I’m Mark” he stuck his hand out for you to shake. Calloused fingers and bruised knuckles engulfed your smaller hand.
Several hours after the introduction, you found yourself laying in bed wide awake. While finishing unpacking you grew tired, but somehow you can’t seem to fall asleep.
With a frustrated sigh, you reached to the nightstand to pick up your phone and check the time. Seeing 4 unread texts from Bambam, you decided to read and respond, it wasn’t like you were going to get any sleep anyway.
-Sorry you had to leave earlier I had to glam that bitch
-Hey idk if youve seen the news but theres some scary shit happening in eclipse rn, you should be careful ok?
-? y/n
You shook your head and rubbed your eyes. The last text was only sent five minutes ago, maybe Bambam was still awake. You decided to turn the news on before calling him.
“Residents of Eclipse please be extra cautious! Breaking News reports a string of murders throughout the town, focused around Eclipse University’s campus. We’re reminding all citizens to lock your doors, and remain calm. We all need to stick together at this time.”
Your eyes grew wide as you flung the blanket from your form and ran to your front door. Locking the deadbolt, you immediately FaceTimed Bambam.
“Bambam! What the hell is happening?” You almost yelled through the phone.
“Shh shh, calm down. It’s okay, you’re okay,” he comforted you with a soft tone. Bambam always knew when your anxiety flared up, and stayed gentle with you to help you calm down. He stayed on the phone until he knew you were alright.
“Just remember to be careful, y/n.” He whispered after a while, and you finally managed to fall asleep.
Bambam huffed as he hung up the phone. The truth was that he was terrified. He knew he would be alright, he owned a few guns and he was away from Eclipse for weeks at a time anyway. But, he also knew you didn’t live the same life as him. You didn’t own any weapons, you were stuck here, and you trusted far too easily. The murders sent shivers down Bambam’s spine and his head started to ache at the thought of his best friend in danger. Worried hands typed vigorously on his phone as he dialed the phone number of the one person he hated most. He knew that despite his hatred, this person would be the only one close enough to you that Bambam trusted to ensure your safety when he left.
“Bambam? What the fuck do you want? It’s three in the fucking morn-“ Jackson’s voice was husky and rough after being awoken.
“Shut the fuck up and listen.” Bambam was already annoyed with the boy on the other line.
Jackson scoffed and rolled his eyes, despite Bambam not being able to see.
“Have you seen the news?” Bambam ran a hand through his hair and walked out onto the balcony.
“Yeah, if you’re calling to accuse me of any shit I won’t hesitate to block you.” Jackson’s defensive tone was enough to piss Bambam off.
“I’m not accusing you of anything. You might think you’re tough shit but you’re no killer. I’m calling about y/n”
Jackson’s ears perked up at hearing your name.
“Y/n? What about her? Is she okay?” His voice suddenly grew softer.
“She’s fine. But, I’m worried about her. You know how she is, and I’m not sure how I can make sure she’s safe when I leave Eclipse,” Bambam sighed. “That’s why I called. Me, you and Yugyeom don’t get along, but I know you both care for her as much as I do.” A slight breeze caused him to shiver.
Bambam heard rustling on the other end of the line.
Jackson pulled his shirt on and tied his shoelaces.
“When are you leaving?”
Bambam looked out over the silent town, and shook his head to himself.
Jackson grabbed his keys and reached for the doorknob.
“She’s in good hands, Bambam.”
The line went dead as Bambam leaned his head back, eyes closing.
“She damn well better be. She’s all I’ve got in this world.” He whispered softly to the wind.
Jackson pulled the door of his Corvette open and slipped inside. The curfew didn’t let up for another hour, but he needed to see Yugyeom. His best friend needed to know what Bambam called about, and he wasn’t sure how Yugyeom would react to the prospect of seeing you again. Shifting gears, he sped away in the direction of Downtown.
Yugyeom opted to move to Eclipse permanently after his first semester of law school. His home life wasn’t ideal, and he was happier here than there. His little house on the corner of Main Street and Downtown boulevard was perfect for him. He was in a deep sleep when he awoke to the sound of constant banging on his door. Groaning and reaching for the 9mm pistol in his nightstand, he pushed himself up and rubbed his eyes. He opened the front door to be met with the worried eyes of his best friend.
“Fucking hell, bro. I thought you were a murderer or something!” Yugyeom furrowed his eyebrows as he let Jackson in.
“Funny you mention that…” Jackson rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “I just got off the phone with Bambam.”
Mark held the printed photograph up next to the sorry male in front of him. The picture matched the guy perfectly, and with a dark chuckle he licked his lips.
“I knew I’d find you.”
The man roughly jerked against the belt that secured him to the chair. Flailing helplessly to try to break away, screaming into the duct tape secured on his mouth.
“Stop trying to break away. Nobody will help you.” Mark cocked his head to the side, grinning at his prey. The man’s muffled screams began again. Mark pulled up a chair and sat in front of him. The only light came from an exposed lightbulb hanging from the ceiling above them. The lighting created a halo above the bloodied man. How ironic.
“I have some questions for you, before I have some fun, so you just nod or shake your head in response. And if you lie, you’re gonna regret it.” He held up a knife in one hand, and a gun in the other.
“This is how this is gonna work, I’m going to ask a question, you will truthfully answer me. If you cooperate, I’ll use this,” he held up the gun, pulling the slide back, “if you don’t cooperate, I’ll use this,” he held the knife up again, skillfully spinning them through his fingers. The man’s eyes widened in fear.
Mark’s eyes gleamed with excitement.
“First question! Have you ever seen this girl?” He held up another printed photo of a smiling young woman. The man vigorously shook his head.
“You fucking LIAR!” Mark screamed the last word. He rolled his eyes and stood from his chair.
“You lied straight away! Nobody ever lies from the first question!” He laughed out, and ripped the duct tape from the man’s mouth.
“Now, count backwards from 100 in sets of 3,” Mark pressed the knife against the bottom of the man’s pinky finger.
“Fucking count!” Mark screamed in his face. He began counting as Mark sawed away at his fingers. Blood dripped down the armrest of the chair and onto the rotting carpet. Mark was in euphoria. The red color was glittering under the harsh lighting and the smell made his grin a little wider.
Many hours into Mark’s fun he grew bored and decided it was time for judgement. The man was on the very brink of passing out anyway, and the smell of blood started to give Mark a headache.
“Alright, man. I’m done.” Mark huffed out. The man looked almost relieved. ”I hereby render you guilty of domestic abuse, and the rape of Yang Jimin. I sentence you to death.” Mark smirked at the man’s appearance, and inability to speak after having his tongue ripped out. He untied the man and laid him out on the floor. He began softly singing, “Lay thee down now and rest, may thy slumber be blessed lay thee down now and rest, may thy slumber be blessed,” he pulled the gun from his pocket and pressed the barrel to the man’s forehead. “Lullaby and goodnight, thy mother's delight, bright angels beside my darling abide,” He pulled the trigger, blood splattering over his face and clothes. Humming the song again, he brought the knife to the dead man’s stomach. After etching the word “goodnight” in scratchy rough lettering, Mark shook his head.
“Justice is served,” he chuckled and pulled matches from his pocket. Picking up the gasoline in the corner, he walked around the tiny raggedy house, lighting his cigarette with a match before pitching it behind him, walking away and disappearing into the night.
Morning light drifted through your blinds when your alarm rang. You blinked your eyes open and yawned before turning the annoying noise off. Stretching, you got up and got ready for the day. You only had one class, but after you had to report to your first day of interning with Eclipse’s best attorney, Lee Kwang, who also happened to be your professor. Upon walking to your car, you never expected to see the familiar black Jeep parked next to your little blue Corolla.
“Kim Yugyeom. It’s been a while,” you smiled halfheartedly to the owner of said Jeep.
“We need to talk.” He seemed on edge, but you figured it was because the last night you spoke in person was a night everyone involved wished to forget.
You unlocked your car and opened the back door, dropping your backpack in the seat. “There’s not much to talk about.” You looked anywhere but at him.
“I talked to Bambam last night,” he leaned his back against the door, arms crossed.
The realization hit you a second later.
“No. Absolutely not. I don’t need anyone’s protection. I’m a grown woman.” You seethed at the thought that these boys saw you as someone so weak.
“It’s not about that, y/n. We just care about you,” he tried to reason with you.
“Who cares about me? Because you and Jackson are the last people who act like they care about me.” You shook your head to stop tears from falling. Slipping into your car, you pulled away from the parking lot.
Mark’s eyes met yours the second you walked into the law firm. He waved and smiled as you walked towards him.
“Hey! I never thought I’d see you here!” You beamed at the boy you met yesterday.
“Yeah, small world. I was just on my way out, but before I go, I just, I forgot to ask back at the ice cream shop,” he blushed a little and scratched the back of his head. “Can I maybe, get your number?”
Your face flushed red, yet you smiled widely.
“Yeah! Of course!” You reached for a pen and scribbled numbers onto a sticky note.
“Thanks, I’ll call you later!” He smiled as he walked away.
You took a deep breath and knocked on Professor Lee’s door, not noticing the way Mark looked back at you as he left the building.
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lilacmoon83 · 4 years
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 7: An Unexpected Path
"You want me to what?" Regina questioned in disbelief, as she looked at Maleficent.
"Would it really be so bad?" Maleficent asked.
"Yes!" Regina hissed.
"Why?" Mal asked.
"Because I'd rather not have the entire town coming after me with pitchforks, that's why!" Regina cried.
"What if we made another kind of deal?" Mal asked.
"What do you have in mind?" she asked.
"We come home with you and they agree to stay out of your way. They raise their kids, everyone gets to be happy, and they agree to leave town before Emma turns twenty-eight and can break the curse," Maleficent reasoned.
"They'll never agree to that," Regina refuted.
"Oh, I think they will for their daughter. She's the most important thing to them now and if they can see to it that their people are happy in this new land, despite no memories, they can be persuaded to compromise," Mal said.
"Sounds like the best deal you're going to get. It's the only way that it ends well for you without a town of pissed off people coming after you with the pitchforks to use your words," Ursula reasoned.
"So…I get to keep my curse intact, but I have to watch my greatest enemy be happy, with her doting husband and perfect children?" Regina asked bitterly.
"You could have had all that," Mal reminded her.
"No, I couldn't! Because of her!" she growled.
"No...you lost Daniel, because of Cora. We both know your mother manipulated Snow...she was just a little girl. We're a lot alike. I myself was hating a little girl for no other reason that I really hated her mother," Mal said, as she quietly opened the kitchen door so they could observe silently.
"Look...this is the first birthday this little girl has truly celebrated," Mal said, as she watched the joy and awe on Emma's face, as her mother presented her with a cake and lit candles, while they sang to her.
"So what? I'm supposed to feel bad?" Regina grumbled.
"I'm not expecting that from you yet...but did she really deserve the punishment she received for something her mother did to you?" Mal said. Regina side-eyed her skeptically.
"Maybe not...but her mother is the reason that I have nothing!" Regina hissed, as Mal let the door swing closed.
"You know that's not really true and now you have a choice to make. Do you return to Storybrooke alone and prepare to fight Emma when she comes to Storybrooke with her parents eighteen years from now?" Mal asked, pausing for a moment.
"Or do you agree to let us come back with you and call a truce?" Mal questioned, as Regina stared into the fire and knew she had a choice to make.
"Here we go," Snow said, as she set the cake down in front of her daughter and they sang happy birthday to her.
"Wow…" Emma said, as she looked at the cake.
"Go on Princess...make a wish and blow out the candles," David said, as she looked up at them and did so. They clapped for her and both knelt down to hug her between them.
"I'm so sorry sweetheart...we had gifts for you, but I'm afraid we had to leave them behind," Snow fretted.
"It's okay Mom...I already got my wish," Emma replied.
"You did?" Snow asked.
"Yeah...you and Daddy came for me. You always wanted me...I know that now," Emma replied. Snow nearly burst into tears at that, as they hugged her between them.
"We love you so much, baby," Snow gushed, as she kissed her hair. David did too and cuddled her.
"Mommy's right...we love you so much, Princess," David assured.
"Daddy...what if the Queen tries to separate us again?" Emma asked.
"We're not going to let her this time, Princess. One advantage we have now is that the Queen doesn't have any magic to hurt us with this time. Even if it means we have to go on the run, we're going to be together," he promised.
"Maybe you don't have to run anymore," a voice said, as they looked up to see Regina in the doorway.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Snow questioned suspiciously.
"It means...that maybe we can find a way to come to some sort of truce," Regina replied.
"A truce? You think we're going to fall for that?" David asked.
"Hear me out," she requested, as he stood up and crossed his arms over his chest. Snow usually affectionately referred to it as his battle stance, but today, she mirrored him and crossed her own arms over her chest, but was silent.
"We're listening," she said, as their curiosity peaked.
"I have decided that it could be possible for us to co-exist in Storybrooke...with a few provisions," Regina replied.
"Provisions...this should be good," David muttered, but Snow put her hand on his arm and he was silent.
"I am willing to let you both come back to Storybrooke and raise your kids," she said.
"You can have your apartment back...and your job. And I'm sure David can easily find something as well," she continued.
"You'd do that?" Snow asked.
"What's the catch?" David questioned. Regina rolled her eyes.
"It's my town and I don't want the curse broken. I'll leave your family be and let you be deliriously happy, but when your daughter is grown, you have to leave. You have to leave before her twenty-eighth birthday," she said.
"But then...the curse would never be broken," Snow replied.
"But your people are safe and I can make certain adjustments to give a bit more happiness to certain...miserable ones. But the purpose of the curse was always to punish the two of you. The others that have been separated from people can be reunited with their loved ones," Regina said.
"How do we know that when we get back that you won't renege on this offer? How can we trust you? How do we know that you don't have a way to put us back under the curse?" David questioned.
"Because I won't let her," Maleficent interjected, as she came into the kitchen.
"You won't?" Snow asked.
"No...because Lily and I will be coming home with you. It's where we belong, after all," Maleficent replied.
"What do you think?" Snow asked quietly, as they shared a long gaze and clearly had an entire conversation with that one look.
"It's tempting...I don't trust her though. But if someone has our backs…" he said, trailing off, as he glanced at Maleficent.
"You gave up your chance and ten years with Emma so I could escape with Lily. I will see that you are allowed the life with her that you deserve," Mal assured, as Regina rolled her eyes. They shared another glance and then looked back at Regina.
"Okay...except the loft is much too small to raise a family in," Snow said.
"There are...other properties available. Pick one and it's yours. In fact, there's several on the opposite side of town from me. The less I run into you the better," Regina replied.
"Then...we accept your offer," Snow said.
"Then we should get going, because if the Police catch up to any of us, then none of us will get a happy ending," Regina replied.
"Well, none of us can get on a plane with all the security, so we need to drive back and if they have flagged any of your vehicles, which they probably have by now, then we need to find some other way back," Ursula interjected.
"Oh, I can help with that, dahling," Cruella chimed in.
"Why would we ever trust you?" David asked.
"Because I'm a very rich woman now...with a husband that's gone all the time, leaving mummy to do whatever she pleases with his money," Cruella replied.
"He's not much to look at like the feast for the eyes you are, chisel chin, but I get all the diamonds and furs I want out of it," she added. He rolled his eyes.
"Fine, whatever...do you have a vehicle that can get us back to Maine?" he asked.
"No...but with one phone call, I can get one," she replied, as she picked up the phone off the cradle and made a call.
"In the meantime, we should probably pack up what we can and be ready," Maleficent replied.
"I can help you," Snow said, as she went to help.
"Uh David?" August called, as the prince turned to him.
"Yeah?" he asked.
"When we get back to Storybrooke...do I have to go live with Geppetto?" he asked.
"That's...that's up to you," David replied.
"What if I don't want to? What if I want to stay with you and Snow?" he asked. David put a hand on the boy's shoulder.
"Then you'll stay with us...you're our son," David replied and was a little surprised when the teen hugged him fiercely. David hugged him back and then opened his arm for Emma, who ran into his embrace.
A few hours later, in the middle of the night, a fully registered suburban pulled up and a man got out.
"Thank you dahling...here's your money. Call yourself a cab," she said, as she shooed him away. David loaded the bags they had into the vehicle, while Snow woke August up. Maleficent carried Lily to the car, while David picked Emma up.
"Daddy?" she asked.
"Shh...go back to sleep princess," he soothed, as he put her in the car next to August and Lily in the very back. Maleficent, Regina and Ursula took the middle row of seats, while Snow and David got in front and they hit the road in the wee hours of the morning.
With taking turns driving and as few breaks as possible, it was only about two days later that they arrived home in Storybrooke. They got settled with rooms at the Inn, while Regina went home. To their surprise though, she took Maleficent and Lily home with her, which gave a little hope to Snow that her step-mother might fully heal one day.
Granny was excited to see her return and even more excited when she revealed that David was her husband. They quickly discovered that no one remembered David since he had been in a coma, so it was easy to let her think that they had met when she left Storybrooke.
They also discovered that introducing Emma as their daughter was easy as well. Since time didn't really move in Storybrooke, it was easy to convince Granny that she had been gone long enough for that to be possible and that they had adopted August, since that was actually the truth.
After rest and some much needed sleep, they quickly picked from the properties that Regina offered. They decided on a beautiful two story house on the edge of town, with a large barn and a farm.
David was going to stay home and tend to the farm they were building and Snow would return to teaching, as if she never left. He was also going to be staying home with the baby when it came as well, which made Snow very happy that they wouldn't have to rely on daycare.
Despite their friends not having their real memories though, they found that they didn't mind much. The town seemed to take to the Swan family very well and their friendships were easily reformed; albeit in a different way. Everyone remembered Mary Margaret and easily bought that she had been gone for years, only to return with a family.
Snow formed a friendship with Ruby and became a better influence on her and the changes in her soon became noticeable. She became a little more Red and a little less Ruby day by day. Snow and David were also there to mediate between her and Granny, which was helping to slowly tame their tumultuous relationship.
In addition, David became good friends with Graham and even helped him out as a deputy from time to time at the station. It was perfect for him since it was only a couple days a week and since time didn't really move, Storybrooke's crime was minimal.
They also managed to help Leroy stop drinking and get him into a program through Archie, which immediately improved his life.
But mostly, they relished their new life raising Emma at home, where they belonged, with people they loved. Storybrooke also came with more economic security and they were no longer struggling financially. Which was very good, since it was eight months later since their arrival in Storybrooke that Snow gave birth to their baby boy. They named him Riley.
The Swan family were frequent attendees to Granny's diner on the weekends, but one thing they had managed to avoid in the last year was most interaction with Mr. Gold, at least when they had the kids with them. But on this particular morning, they happened to run into him on the street corner.
"Well...it's not often that I see you with the whole family, Deputy Swan," Mr. Gold said, as he happened to be passing them on the corner.
"No…I guess not, but you know my wife," David replied. He had determined through observation that Rumpelstiltskin was back under the curse and none the wiser to their return to town.
"Of course, the fair Mary Margaret. And who is this little one?" he asked, referring to the baby in the stroller.
"This is Riley," Snow said.
"And these two young ones?" he asked.
"I'm August," August answered him.
"Emma…" Emma said shyly, while holding David's hand tightly. Mr. Gold paused for a moment and then smiled.
"Emma...what a lovely name. Enjoy your breakfast," he said, as he continued on back to his shop.
"You think he's still under the curse?" Snow whispered to her husband.
"I think so...but I'll keep an eye on him. The deputy job lets me keep a good watch on the town," he replied, as they arrived at the diner.
Gold hurried inside his shop and contemplated his next move. They were back and seemingly living a normal life with their children, completely awake. For now, it seemed as though the curse was still intact, but it puzzled him greatly as to why Regina had allowed them to return to town. Or why she was letting them live a happy life together, completely awake. At the same time, the Charmings or Swans as they were going by seemed to tolerate letting the Queen continue to rule without resistance. It was very curious and he decided that he would let it play out. He would observe from the shadows, but the moment things veered off track and interfered with the eventual breaking of the curse, he would intervene and make sure there was a course correction, no matter what he had to do. The curse would break when Emma Swan turned twenty-eight. He would see to it...
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darlingnisi · 5 years
Celebration 2019 VIP Day 4
Opening Session
They had outfits set up on the a stage in the soundstage. This day was particularly interesting to me as we got to see these up close
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JD Steele sing along was Boys and Girls
Screening August 14, 2007 London
U Got the Look Shh
Take Me With U
Somewhere Here on Earth
Forever in My Life
Revolution Panel
Moderator : Duane Tuhdal
Did P talk about Paisley Park when you guys were together?
“Constant desire by him to find a place where everyone could go”
(Then it just wandered a bit for them sharing stories”
“If you ever said no to him he’d be like ‘next’”
If you look at your watch around him he’d be like “You got somewhere better to go?” - Wendy
I tried to have a social life. He flew me to LA and picked me up from the airport. He said “Mark I know you have a band”. ( Mazarati) Mark would go to their shows in a mask to not be discovered.
Prince didn’t have to compete with anyone...he lived and breathed music and sound it was natural
“It’s all he lived to do” - Mark
He could play what he heard all in one take...would start with the drum track first.
Inspiration Behind All My Dreams : W&L took Prince to a Kid Creole and the Coconuts show. August came out with a megaphone...All My Dreams has that same effect
“Don’t take my personal stuff and make it yours...he had to dominate whatever it was...” Lisa on Prince’s inspiration
You all were around for about 3 years...do you consider 1999 a revolution album?
“1999 not really” - Wendy but she does consider SOTT a rev album
P workshopped Time/Vanity 6/Family songs with The Revolution “We were his muse”
Brown Mark is the pancake maker
Bruno’s Barbecue and The Loon were some of Prince’s favorite places 
Funny to go out to eat. P would order the entire menu and nibble a little of each.
Doritos were def a favorite. “you’d walk in the room and it would smell like toes”
What was it like when the phone rang at 3am?
“Don’t answer!!!” - Wendy
He had something hot “I’m cutting and you’re missing out! *click”
Hucky Austin sent to retrieve Brownmark “Mark You Know good and well I can’t go back without you...”
We hardly got paid anything, but we were there.
Bobby talked about being at a party for his wedding and at 10:30pm Prince called a rehearsal...the origin of Empty Room.
“His emotions turned into music”
BrownMark did a lot of the choreography for the Revolution in Purple Rain.
“We understood his emotions..we all went through it together as a brand new thing...” - On the Purple Rain hysteria
��He had amazing bands that played rings around my abilities, but we were greater as a group than as individuals”
“Matt gave him the most extraordinary hands you can ever have on a synthesizer” - Wendy
“The stages of grief don’t count when you lose someone like Prince.” 
 That’s for people you know who die of natural causes.
“I cannot reconcile that that man is no longer on this planet anymore..we’re all trying to get some sense of who WE were when he was on the planet. That’s why we’re all here in this room today.” - Wendy
“When he died, he gave us each other” - Wendy
Funk Soldiers Panel Moderated by Andrea Swensson Kirk Johnson Chance Howard Renato Neto Sylvester Uzoma Onyejiaka II How did the Funk Soldiers shows go for you?
“You’ve been through the Prince school. You think about how people would be affected. If it’s a Prince celebration it should be him singing his songs. Not a hologram. He told me to make sure they never did a hologram. You have to think about camera angles and how he’d want to be seen...I don’t want to take the credit for it Prince already did the work”
“He mentioned that the shows are the same because it’s like how a tour would be done...you do the same show.” - On why the show was the same as last year though there was more footage of Prince this year.
Last year he got sick and went to the hospital with gall bladder problems so he was excited to be there this year.
“To have him on that screen looking at us, it was surreal” (They had a screen down below that they could look at).
Came in a few days before, just a few rehearsals and was ready to go
He thanked Kirk for organizing everyone
He found it a little sad, memories, remembering what it was like to be on stage with this man
Couldn’t use NPG because it’s licensed. Wanted a combo band including members of The Revolution, The Time, and different iterations of NPG, but not everyone was ready or didn’t understand what the band was.
What did you take away from working with Prince
Prince advice always “play it how I want you to play” it’s that way for a reason.
Prince talks to you to educate you and he talks to you to bring things out of you. 
John Blackwell, Renato, Rhonda were jamming and Prince invited Chance in the early days. Chance tried to show off. P looked at him like “really”? During a break P walked Chance up the steps in the NPG music room to a room that was a barbershop at the time and they talk... P : Do you have any children? C : Yes  P : How would you feel if I slapped your sun upside the head? C : Before or after I put you in the hospital P : Laughs, Seriously. You’re slapping my children upside the head right now. These songs are my children... Renato Never seen anyone love music like Prince. He was 33/34 when he started and he respected how much time Prince put in to be the best
12 hours a day 6 days a week for rehearsals
Made him conscious of how he appeared in public. “I can’t wear sweatpants at the store?” No you’re in my band.
He took demanding more to heart.
P told him he used to sleep with his guitar. Wake up playing and playing himself to sleep.
P allowed musicians to shine...one time P left the stage for 5-10 minutes while Renato was soloing. He was looking around like “when are you coming back” and P was offstage laughing at him
5 fingers in the air means $500 fine.
“He wanted to get away from playing the hits...he wanted the audience to allow him to grow”
Emancipation Sessions (There’s a screen of Emancipation liner notes on the screen behind them with a kid version of Kirk)
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P’d just fired everyone. 
They spent a year recording almost 100 songs
Little boy Kirk was photoshopped to be in front of a soundboard, he was originally sitting at a kitchen table
Kirk’s brother presided over Prince and Mayte’s wedding
He was also the best man.
Played on Call My Name and was just told a few minutes before the panel that the song won an Grammy.
Did you realize the whole world was hearing you play?
When performing with him you’re so in the moment of wanting to be great and not wanting to mess up. You don’t think about it everything you’ve done until way after the fact. - Kirk
Superbowl was 10 days of rehearsals - Renato
Sly  Clip of Big City
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When they got there they got to work transcribing horn parts for the music, they then rehearsed as a group, and then with the band
Prince would re-arrange them by picking different bars from different songs and telling them to combine them.
The Revolution Concert
Computer Blue
Erotic City
Let’s Work (With Stokley)
Let’s Go Crazy
When Doves Cry
Raspberry Beret
Sometimes it Snows in April
Purple Rain (Omar Nelson came out and kissed Wendy like Prince does in the movie)
I Would Die 4 U
Baby I’m a Star
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