#I know it’s a holiday and we’re both gonna be busy but geez at least shoot me something to say like ‘happy holiday hope it’s good’
insanechayne · 10 months
~ ~ ~
#maybe I’m just in a weird mood because the end of my period is making me hormonal#but what pisses me off at times like this is not that you can’t respond to every little thing I say because I send a lot of messages#it’s that you don’t say anything to me at all even on a special holiday#how hard is it to send a quick message when you get up for the day saying something nice about the day or whatever?#how hard is it to acknowledge that you’ll be back to talk to me at some point?#I’m not upset that you don’t have time to write some kind of long and drawn on out reply to all my messages#I’m upset that you don’t make time to even barely speak to me at all#I know it’s a holiday and we’re both gonna be busy but geez at least shoot me something to say like ‘happy holiday hope it’s good’#or something like that#especially after I took the time to send you messages along those lines and say something nice to you for the day#it’s just this lack of effort or care that annoys me most#but when you say it then it just seems selfish or like I’m mad that someone is busy but that isn’t the case at all#it just takes next to nothing to type out a little acknowledging message to say you saw my messages and will reply later and have a good day#it’s something you’ve done plenty of times before but you can’t be bothered today? because it’s a holiday? I don’t get it#just makes me feel like you don’t really care about me or our friendship#and when the time comes I’ll use these moments to make it easier to cut you out of my life and my soul#personal
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xbunnybunz · 4 years
love you miles away [teddy jin x reader]
Summary: [Giftfic for a friend.] You're leaving for the holidays and require a big, strong man to help you lug your shit onto a train. Well, you suppose Teddy will do.
Genre: Romance, fluff
Date: December 25, 2020
Snowflakes fall gently from the sky, illuminated by the setting sun and dripping orange skyline.
It was one of those nights where the cold bit into your skin just right.
A soft blanket of snow draped over the sleepy district of Yeongduengpo, tucking in it’s stony-faced homes and tinkering bell chime doors for a restful night.
You inhaled deeply, the chilly winter air cooling your skin and slowing your heartbeat. You could smell bits of the city when the breeze willed it, catching the tart scent of smog and cigarette smoke from wayward winds.
You turn away from the audacious city of Yeongdeungpo, it’s glimmering golden lights and sky-risen buildings growing stale to taste.
A train would be coming soon to whisk you away for the holidays, bringing you to a far more remote location and away from bustling pedestrians and honking streetcars.
“Come on, slowpoke! You’re going to make me late!”
A blond man trailed not too far behind you, arms and shoulders full of bags and luggage. He shoots you a look and you can’t help but laugh at his sorry state. After all, you might’ve given him the heavier bags.
“Hey! I’m going to make us late? What the hell is up with all this shit you packed? Are you going on vacation or moving to Australia?”
You leave him to fume with a giggle on your lips, much to Teddy’s distaste. You had needed some help moving some of your luggage today, and you couldn’t think of anyone better than the guy who acted tough but couldn’t say no to save his life.
“Hey, slow down!” He cried out behind you, faltering a bit when passerbys turned to watch at the commotion.
He jogs and catches up with you, hair gleaming in the city lights.
“So what are you even going into the countryside for?” Teddy asks, adjusting the bag across the expanse of his chest.
You look away, careful to avoid letting your eyes linger for too long.
“Well, ya know. Just the annual family visit.”
He looks skyward, letting out a whistle. “Damn. At least you get to travel a bit, this shithole is suffocating around the holiday season. Too many damn tourists.”
Just as he says this, a sign flickers to life above your heads. You peer up at the neon glow above and snicker, gesturing to Teddy.
“Hey look, thirty percent off Subreme leather bags. You can get this one to replace the one Gray trashed in the rain last time.”
Teddy flusters, blowing hair out of his eyes and snorting. “Ugh, seriously? You’re intolerable. I should just dump all your crap on the floor and go home.”
You poke fun at him a bit more because you know he won’t despite his huffiness.
You had met Teddy long before he broke things off with Phillip Kim. His violent reputation preceded him of course, so you were shocked to catch him outside of a pet store, ogling newborn kittens in the rain.
Though you remained friends through his more voracious phase, you had always tried to coax him out of street violence. Your requests fell on deaf ears before his belligerence and haughtiness were vanquished by Gray handing his ass to him. You hadn’t heard the details, but since then, Teddy had mellowed out nearly completely despite trouble seeming to follow him.
You sneak a look at Teddy. Despite his somewhat frail appearance, his arms bulged slightly under the weight of your bags. Of course it was no secret that lithe as he was, Teddy was definitely not scrawny. In the backdrop of the candied orange sky, his pale blond hair gave an almost divine glow. The snow settled upon it readily, as if nature herself were trying to take claim to the starlight he produced.
Teddy was far too good a person to succumb to carnage, you had always thought this. His brash and rowdy exterior was utilized to scare those he deemed needed scaring, but and oftentimes you looked upon his elegant features and gentle nature, wondering how someone as soft-hearted as Teddy could land such dire hits in a fight.
You clear your throat and divert your gaze as he returns your staring with a questioning look.
“So what are you doing this break?” You ask, peeking at your watch.
Fifteen minutes until the train arrives.
“Not much. Same as usual. Maybe laze around and wonder why my friends use me as a pack mule."
“Oh you—” You lean over and try to grab a bag from Teddy, but he twists away from you with a smirk. You can tell he wants to laugh at you from the way his dark blue eyes curve, practically feline in it’s nature.
“We’re nearly there, don’t try and take these from me now!”
You roll your eyes and listen to the rhythmic beat of your luggage wheels upon the concrete sidewalk, savoring this moment with the mischievous delinquent.
Both of you come across the stairs leading into the station and make your way up, Teddy assisting with hoisting bags over the gate, though not without his share of whining.
“Ah, geez. I’m gonna be fucking sore tomorrow. You better tip me for this service.”
“Oh hush up you big baby. Don’t make me toss your present out the window.”
Teddy begins to retort but bites his tongue when he hears about the present. He becomes reticent immediately, lips pursing and eyes busy reading departure times on the electronic billboards.
You shake your head and smile to yourself, not missing the blush dusting his cheeks. His tough façade couldn't fool you for a second, he would always be just a touch too shy. You recalled the times he asked your opinion on whether or not he had made new friends at Eungang, despite kicking ass beside them on multiple occasions.
You rub your hands together and blow warm air on them, condensation immediately catching on your fingers and chilling you even more.
“Come on, loser. We’ve got a train to catch.”
You grab his hand, still cold from the winter wind, and pull him along.
When you get to the platform, you find that the train has already been situated at the station, doors ajar and waiting for a few straggling passengers.
“Oh, shit. Teddy, my bags!”
You rush into the train and find an empty seat, dispensing your items into the overhead storage. Teddy follows close behind, dumping the remainder of your belongings on the train floor beside your seat, rolling his shoulders and enjoying his newfound freedom.
“Ah, that fuckin’ sucked.”
“Tell me about it.” You followed in suit, stretching out your back. “I’ve never heard so much whining in my entire life.”
Teddy sucked his teeth and reeled back, as if to punch you, then flicked your forehead instead.
“Ow! Teddy!”
“Keep talking like that and I’ll take all of this back outside.”
You rubbed at your head, thinking of all the ways to get back at the little punk until the intercom sounded static, then an announcement came on.
“Ladies and gentlemen, the train is now scheduled to depart. Please take your seats and keep all valuables by your persons. Thank you, and have a safe ride.”
Your eyes met Teddy’s and you almost thought he looked reluctant to leave for a second, then he sighed and began walking away.
“Thank god, I’ve had my fill for the day.”
Oh, the asshole.
You tailed him to the door of the train, “Teddy, your present!”
He stops just outside the door, situated on the platform.
“What? Oh, I nearly forgot.” He billows mist from his mouth as he speaks, lips pressed into a peculiar smile that ensured you he hadn’t forgotten for a second.
“Come here.” You wave him over, unveiling a wrapped gift from your pocket.
He scooches closer timidly, eyes searching for anything but you. “Thanks, I guess.”
You grin at his signature Teddy awkwardness. For every second he tried to hide how happy he was, you swore you’d strangle him in a hug.
When he’s finally close enough, you hold out the present to him. He reaches forward to accept it and that’s when you shift, pulling him closer and pressing his chapped lips on yours, warmed by the heating of the train.
His near-violet eyes widen, taking in your proximity, your hands on him, your lips on his own. Only when he begins to return the sentiment does the chime for the doors play, and you pull away just as the doors seal shut, chuckling when you notice his lips follow yours for a brief second.
You give him a cheeky grin from behind the door and point to his hands, still grasping the present.
“I’ll see you later” You mouth to him, then make a heart with your hands.
You expect him to fake a gag or even pretend to wipe his lips, but he reacts with nothing, only pressing his fingers to his mouth in disbelief.
You wave until the train pulls away, out of the station, and until you’re just a speck in the distance, the only thing warming Teddy being the heat still residing in his cheeks.
He looks down at the present and feels it crinkle in his grasp, tips of his fingers reddened from the cold. He looks around auspiciously for witnesses, and when he sees none, peels away at the paper carefully with agile hands, heartbeat still thrumming in his throat.
A pair of designer leather gloves sat inside, alongside a pink notecard.
“Something to keep you warm until I come back!”
You had signed off with little hearts and strange faces, a trademark of your strange personality that Teddy had come to endear.
“Sheesh,” Teddy huffs, holding the gloves to his pounding chest, already feeling hotter. “What a weirdo.”
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elentiyawhitethorn · 4 years
Sneaking Around | Chapter Eleven
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Rowan and Aelin were in a very intimate position when his phone rang. “Ignore it,” said Aelin, panting.
“If I ignore it it’ll keep ringing.”
“So what? Keep going.”
Rowan chuckled. “Needy.” He detached himself and reached for his phone, leaving Aelin wanting. She scowled.
“Hello?” Rowan actually answered, probably just to get on Aelin’s nerves.
“Bullshit!” Aelin whisper-yelled. “Who the hell is more important than my orgasm?”
Rowan shushed her and listened for a moment. Aelin swore revenge for that disregard alone. “Hold on a minute,” he finally said.
Rowan covered the mouthpiece with a hand and said, “I hope you don’t make me, but I thought you might kill me if I said no. Do I have to go watch Lys interrogate every single person on her list about where they’ll be for the holidays?”
So she was using the information about Aelin bringing the mystery man to the party to her advantage. “Snake can’t wait five days? And hell no, we’re in the middle of something.”
Rowan grinned. “Sorry, Lys, I’m busy. Update me on the suspects when you’re finished, though.”
When he hung up, Aelin said, “She really is determened to figure this out before we tell her, isn’t she? I honestly can’t be bothered to care right now, Ro. I can’t believe you left me hanging to answer the damn phone. Just fuck me already.”
Rowan complied.
The next morning Ansel called. “Hey, Lin, Fenrys and I just had a great idea.”
A muffled voice in the background seemed to contradict this statement.
“Hush!” Ansel reprimanded. “Anyways, we were thinking you and Rowan should come over tonight and watch a movie with us.”
“Um, no,” said Aelin.
“What? Why not.”
Aelin sighed. “Because I’d rather be in Rowan’s bed.”
“Geez, Aelin. The sex can’t be that good. It’ll be fun. Like a double date. Please.”
Aelin frowned. “As long as it’s not some stupid movie.”
Ansel squealed. “Yay. Don’t you need to ask Rowan, though?”
“I’ll deal with him.”
Ansel snorted. “Goodbye, Aelin. See you at seven?”
“Sure. Bye.”
Rowan said from the doorway of the bedroom, appearing to have just risen, “What was that about?”
Aelin scooted over to give him more room next to her on his couch where she was eating a piece of toast. “We’re going to my place for a movie date with A and Fen.”
Rowan scowled. “No, we’re not.”
“We are. That’s final.”
He sighed. “Whatever.”
“I have you wrapped around my finger, don’t I,” Aelin couldn’t help but coo with a smirk on her face. “I expected more of an argument.”
This drew another scowl. “I know when to pick my battles. Besides, how bad can it be?”
Aelin unlocked her door and stepped inside, Rowan behind her.
Fenrys glanced up from where he sat at the table. “I can’t believe you let her talk you into it so easily. You know this is just an excuse to make fun of you.”
Aelin smiled. “Yeah, but we’re bored.”
“We are?” asked Rowan.
“Yes,” Aelin replied with a bat of her eyelashes. “I tire of your company.” He rolled his eyes.
Fenrys’ eyes went wide as he noticed them holding hands. “I know you two are a thing, but it’s going to take some getting used to.”
“Don’t worry, Fen,” Aelin said. “This isn’t going to stop us from getting into a fistfight.”
Ansel snorted as she entered the room. “Thirty seconds and we’re already talking fistfights. Should I be worried?”
Rowan answered, “Definitely. What movie are we watching?”
Fenrys groaned. “I tried to stop her, I swear. It’s some soppy romance.”
Aelin laughed. “Of course it is. I wouldn’t expect anything else from Ansel.”
“Hey,” said Fenrys. “We got a call from Lysandra. Which got me thinking, weren’t you at her first FBI whatever, Rowan?”
Rowan frowned. “Yes, Aelin told me to get off my ass and go double-spy for her. And in the middle of dinner, too.”
“Oh, please,” Aelin cut in. “You were almost done. Don’t whine so much. And I wanted to know what the hell that creep was saying about me.”
Ansel chuckled. “Ah, yes. Fenrys updated me on the first meeting. I’m surprised you didn’t have Rowan trudge out again last night. The lists are narrowing, I hear. Interrogations are happening.”
“We were busy,” Aelin said unashamedly. Ansel and Fenrys both snorted.
“Gross,” said Fenrys.
“Prude,” Aelin responded. “I want to know who’s left on those lists. How many.”
Rowan rolled his eyes. “You sound like this is a matter of national security. I’ve been crossed off the list. What does it matter?”
Ansel giggled. “It matters because Lysandra is like the smartest person we have ever met and you are so getting busted. It doesn’t matter whether or not you’re on the list. She will take drastic measures as the days run out, I assure you of that.”
“Gods, please not a stakeout. I can’t handle her sometimes,” Aelin muttered.
Fenrys smirked. “Ten bucks says Lys won’t catch them. It’s only four days now.”
“Twenty,” countered Ansel. “And she is totally gonna figure it out. She was born to be in the government or something, I tell you.”
“Why am I so worried that you’re right?” asked Aelin. “My brain is dying. Movie time.”
They sat on the couch, the men on either side of Aelin and Ansel. It felt rather odd, the four of them watching a movie, even though they were all friends.
Fenrys started snoring about five minutes in. Aelin honestly wasn’t doing much better.
“You two are impossible.” Ansel poked Aelin and Fenrys in their rib cages. “At least Rowan is paying attention.”
Roused by Ansel’s violent jab, Aelin said, “Yeah, I don’t think so. It seems like he’s just mastered the art of sleeping with his eyes open.” She snapped her fingers in front of Rowan’s face.
“Hmm? You say something?”
Aelin giggled as Ansel sighed. “You lot have no taste.”
“That’s it,” declared Fenrys. “This movie is shit. We’re watching Silence of the Lambs.”
“Yay!” squealed Aelin. “I love that movie.”
Ansel sighed again. “If it keeps you awake, what the hell.”
The channel was changed and Aelin scooted over and cuddled up next to Rowan. “This is terribly scary,” she whispered in his ear. “I need you to protect me.”
He rolled his eyes. “It’s just a girl jogging,” he whispered back.
Aelin punched his shoulder. “Take a hint, dude.” She grabbed his arm and slung it over her shoulder. His hand slid under the blanket and squeezed her ass.
“Ew,” said Fenrys, glancing over. “Didn’t need to see that.”
“See what?” Aelin asked.
“His hand went under the blanket and I don’t want to think about where it went.”
Ansel laughed.
A snort came out of Aelin. “Grow up, Moonbeam. Everybody’s fully clothed. What more can you ask for?”
Rowan sighed. “This was a great idea.”
Ansel spoke up. “That better not be sarcasm I detect, Whitethorn.”
“Definitely not,” he replied.
“Shut up so I can watch the movie,” Aelin ordered. She really just wanted them to look away so Rowan’s hand could continue its journey.
The only noise was coming from the television. Ansel and Fenrys had stopped looking at Aelin and Rowan. His hand slipped over her thigh then up to her front. He plucked at her blouse, then his hand went under it.
Aelin was sure Rowan knew she would kill him if he made her moan in front of the others, so he only caressed her skin. His hand teased the areas around her breasts, but he stayed clear. Why couldn’t Ansel and Fenrys just get out for a few hours?
Aelin glanced over at the other two, then scooted closer to Rowan. She whispered in his ear, “I wish we could leave without them noticing.”
Rowan chuckled as quietly as he could. “I’m sure they feel the same, dear.”
Aelin rolled her eyes at this. “Why do I feel like a teenager all over again?”
He raised an eyebrow. “Did you frequently pray your friends would leave so you could hook up with somebody as a teenager?”
“Only sometimes.” She smirked at him. “You can kiss me, you know.”
“Um, no. Not with them-”
Aelin pressed her lips to Rowan’s neck, then whispered onto his skin, “What are they going to do, stare at us? Throw things? Kiss me.”
Apparently Rowan was too full of lust to argue any further. He tilted her head up with a finger and kissed her soundly. Aelin barely suppressed a moan as Rowan’s tongue parted her lips.
They were quiet and they didn’t move much, but Ansel must have looked over because she shouted, “Horny delinquents!” Fenrys chuckled.
Aelin igorned her and kept running her hands through Rowan’s hair as she kissed him. He wisely decided not to face her wrath for being a wimp and do the same. Ansel just muttered something and turned her attention back to the TV.
Everything went quiet and they kept making out. Silence of the Lambs didn’t play music in the background, unlike most or all other movies. Aelin didn’t remember exactly, but she’d read it somewhere. She couldn’t be bothered to care, though, as she nibbled on Rowan’s lower lip.
That is, until a piercing scream sounded and Rowan jolted backwards, muttering obscenities.
Aelin cackled. “Something the matter, Ro?”
Ansel joined in the laughter. “That’s what you get for snogging in the middle of a horror film.”
“Snogging?” Fenrys asked. “Where are you from?”
Aelin snorted. Rowan was still recovering from the shock. Wuss, she thought. She could only bring herself to find him cute for it, however.
Aelin settled onto Rowan’s chest and actually payed attention for the rest of the movie. He kept his hands on her body, and teasingly stroked her throughout. Aelin had a feeling he wasn’t nearly as focused as her on watching the movie. Despite his suductive touches, she stubbornly refused to give in.
The movie ended and the four of them stood. “Well,” drawled Fenrys. “I assume you won’t be staying, Aelin darling.” Not even close to a question.
She smiled prettily at him and said, “And I assume you won’t be leaving, Fenrys dear.”
He grinned and said, “If you won’t be here, I see no reason not to.” Ansel punched him in the arm, but she was smiling. “You know, if you stay over at Whitethorn’s so often, you might as well just move in.”
The smile melted off of Ansel’s face. “Not happening. You are not being taken from me, Lin.” Her attention strayed to Rowan. “Don’t even think about it. I will throttle you.”
A strangled noise came out of Rowan’s mouth and Aelin and Fenrys burst into laughter. “Thanks for that happy note to end the evening, A,” Aelin commented.
Rowan still looked a little frightened, and for good reason: Ansel didn’t make threats lightly. Despite this, he managed to say, “I’ll keep that in mind.” Aelin and Fen just laughed harder.
“Oh, shut up,” said Rowan. Ansel looked inclined to agree.
Aelin just smirked, looped her arm through Rowan’s, and blew the others a kiss. “Night, kiddos. Keep it in the bedroom!” she called as she dragged Rowan through the doorway.
She shut the door to muttering and scowls. Rowan chuckled at her as they walked down the hall. “You have a way with people.”
“Once we get back the apartment I’m going to have my way with you.”
He smirked. “You really are horny, aren’t you?”
They entered the elevator. “Not any more than you are,” Aelin responded.
The drive back was silent. Neither could make conversation while lusting after the other. Aelin marveled at how they spent so much time fucking each other, and yet they never could get enough. It was like the honeymoon phase, except they hadn’t gotten married yet.
Yet. Aelin hadn’t realized how casually she thought about starting a life with Rowan. Yet implied it would happen. Would Aelin truly marry him one day?
She was rescued from her thoughts when they pulled up at his building. They walked far too quickly to look casual, and all but ran up the stairs.
Upon entering, Rowan slammed the door closed at the same time Aelin threw her purse at the counter. Then they turned to each other, desperate to deepen their kisses, desperate to get all clothing out of the way.
They were already naked before they moved a single foot in any direction. Aelin expected the bedroom or the couch, or even the wall, but Rowan turned her around and bent her over the counter.
Aelin moaned as her skin came in contact with the smooth surface, pressing against her breasts. Rowan traced a finger down her spine. “You’re so beautiful.”
“I don’t give a shit how beautiful I am. I need you in me.”
The bastard chuckled. “I love how much you crave me.” He ran his finger down her back again.
Aelin shivered. “Please, Ro.” After begging him a couple days ago, she had stopped attempting to salvage her dignity.
She could hear the smile in his voice as he said, “I rather like it when you have nice manners. It’s a pleasant change from your usual sass.”
Aelin whimpered as he lined himself up with her entrance. Rowan gripped her hips hard enough to bruise, but Aelin couldn’t care less about that. Not as he plunged into her.
Aelin couldn’t keep herself from screaming as Rowan slammed his hips into her backside time and time again.
This was better than enduring Ansel and Fenrys’ teasing, that was for certain.
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starcountesseevee · 4 years
A Rocket Coincidence (Part 22)
Author’s note: This chapter does contain a NSFW part, I will mark it with two lines of “~~~”, if you do not wish to read that part you can skip down to the bottom line!
Part 21 / Part 23
     Kali laid with her head on Cliff’s chest, her fingers trailing lazily back and forth over his muscular torso. She had had a great week. Christmas had been great, New Years had been great, and everything in between had been as well. It was the last morning Cliff was in town and they were both procrastinating getting up; Kali wasn’t ready for it to end and she found herself wondering if Cliff wasn’t as well. As she lay there her thoughts drifted to what exactly this was anyway, the two of them. It had been almost six months, if you counted from when they first met, and maybe Kali was being insecure and maybe it was too soon to have these thoughts but they hadn’t really defined what their relationship was or what it was not. Obviously more than friends but how much more? 
     “What are you thinking about?” Cliff’s voice pulled her from her thoughts as he rubbed a hand over her shoulder. Kali chewed on her bottom lip wondering whether or not she should say anything. 
     “Well…” She began, pausing to push herself off his chest and scoot back a few inches. She propped her head up on her arm before continuing. “What...is this?” 
     “What do you mean?” Cliff adjusted himself as well so they were more level and eyed her curiously. 
     “Us. Are we….is this a thing?”
     Cliff laughed. “Are you asking if we’re dating? I would hope so considering…” He motioned to the two of them in bed together. 
     “Well I mean, yeah I guess so.” She chuckled nervously. 
     “Why are you asking?” 
     “I guess I just wanted to, I don’t know. You’re gone a lot and-”
     “What are you trying to say?” Cliff’s face suddenly looked worried and he reached out to gently cup her face, his thumb rubbing a line across her cheek. “Do you not want-”
     “No, no, no! Nothing like that! At least, not on my end.”
     “Doll, I don’t-” Cliff began but Kali continued, she wanted to get it out while she still had the courage to. 
     “I mean, for all I know I’m just one girl in one city-”
     “Sweetheart.” Kali stopped, that wasn’t usually something he called her. She glanced up and met his gaze, frowning at the look of amusement on his face. “You make it sound like you think I have some...plaything in every city.” Kali bit her lip again, she didn’t want to admit it but the thought had crossed her mind on several occasions. He obviously caught the look that flashed across her face and his eyes widened, his expression turning more serious. “You really do think that, don’t you?”
     “I…” Kali began but didn’t know how to continue.
     “Hey, it’s nothing like that, okay? Besides, haven’t I mentioned that you drive me crazy enough?” 
     “I guess you have.” Cliff was glad when she smiled. He pulled her closer to him and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. 
     “It’s just you, dollface.” 
     “But why?” As soon as she said it her face flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and regret. That sounded so vain. What the hell was with her today? 
     “Why what?”
     “Nothing, nevermind.” Kali tried to shrug it off but Cliff was having none of it and pressed her for an answer until she finally gave in. “Why me?”
     “Why you?” Cliff couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him. “Honestly? That first day we met in the ruins? You know what the first thing I noticed about you was? It wasn’t your looks,” he slid a hand down her waist and behind her to grab a handful of her butt. “Or this ass.” They both laughed. “Okay, maybe it was a little of that. But it was your fire. You weren’t phased at all, meeting me out there. You didn’t back down and you sassed me right back. Most people would have...been wary at the very least. And I get it, I look intimidating. But you weren’t. And...geeze how do I put this without sounding vain? You didn’t try and flirt your way out of it either.”
     “Is that a big problem for you?” There was more than a hint of sarcasm in Kali’s voice.  
     “I mean…” Whatever Cliff was going to say was cut off by a soft pillow to the face. Kali laughed and tried to scramble back before he could retaliate but was too slow. She squealed as he yanked her back and used his larger form to pin her down, squirming under him for a moment before giving in when his lips met hers.
     What started as a simple kiss quickly escalated as Kali hooked a leg around his waist to pull him closer to her. She knew this would be the last time they would be physically together for a while and she wanted to make time last. Cliff must have had a similar thought. Kali gasped into his mouth as his hand slipped between her legs to rub along her folds before hastily dipping inside of her to work at her core. As wonderful as his fingers felt Kali wanted more, the growing need to be as physically close to him as she could spreading rapidly from her chest downwards. She surprised Cliff by moving away from him as she reached into the nightstand, yanking at the stubborn wrapper with her teeth until it tore open. After helping him into it Kali wasted no time before pulling him to her again, falling backwards onto the bed as he came down on her. She slipped her arms around his back as he pushed into her and his mouth found her throat. It was intense, needy, and over almost as quick as it had started.
     Cliff pressed his forehead into hers as they both caught their breath. “Damn, I’m gonna miss you.” He kissed her softly once more before pulling away. Kali watched his naked butt as he walked towards the bathroom with a sigh. She would miss him too. 
     “So what are you gonna get up to now that the holidays are over?” Cliff asked as he zipped up his travel bag. Kali, now dressed and waiting on Cliff to finish packing up, looked up from her seat on the couch and shrugged. 
      “January is usually our busiest month at the studio, with new year’s resolutions and all. I expect I’ll be pretty busy with that. Mara already advertised special class rates and added a few extra time slots as well.” 
     “That does sound like a lot. Hope you’ll still have time for yourself, didn’t you mention you had been training more?”
     “Oh, yeah I was. I guess I could try and start back up on my own, it’s just not quite as efficient when your pokemon already know each other so well.”
     “Wait, on your own? Were you going to Erika’s gym or something?”
     “No.” Kali looked at him questioningly. She knew she had told him she was going to the park. “I was meeting Cole at Hyacinth Park they have battle-”
     “Cole?” At the mention of another man’s name Cliff stopped what he was doing and immediately turned to face Kali, unable to hide the annoyance in his voice. “Who the hell is Cole?” 
     “Woah, what’s the issue? I told you I was training on Tuesdays-”
     “You did, but you never mentioned it was with another guy. Why is this the first time I’m hearing of this ‘Cole’?” Cliff crossed his arms trying to push down the spark of jealous anger rising in his chest. 
     “I could have sworn I did. We met at Halloween, well really at the Silver Conference but-”
     “That long?! You definitely didn’t, I think I would remember you mentioning hanging out with another guy.”
     “What the hell is that supposed to mean?!” Kali’s voice rose as she stood, glaring at him.
     “Exactly what it sounds like!”
     “It sounds like you’re saying I can’t hang out with another guy!”
     “That’s not what I said, you’re putting-”
     “Am I? You seem awfully upset that I'm hanging out with a guy!"
     “Says the girl that practically accused me of sleeping around not even an hour ago and not to mention freaked out about Sierra?” 
     "That….was different." 
     "Oh was it?" Cliff raised a brow and took a few steps towards her, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked down at her. Kali met his gaze with a glare. 
     "Yes, you even admitted that she was hanging all over you on purpose!" 
     "And how do I know he's not hanging all over you, hmm?" 
     Kali opened her mouth to say something, her mind casting around for a come back but came up blank. “That’s...fair.” She finally admitted. 
     “Oh is it?” 
     “Stop.” Kali sighed. “He’s not ‘hanging all over me’.” She used air quotes for the last words while resisting the urge to roll her eyes at Cliff. “We’re just...friends? I guess?” 
     “You guess?” 
     “I mean, we only train together really. And his niece Delilah likes playing with my Eeveelutions. It’s not like we hang out all the time.”    
     “Just training.”
     “Basically, yeah. Sometimes coffee after unless Delilah is too tired.”
     “What.” Kali crossed her arms, mimicking Cliff. 
     “Is he straight?”
     “What kind of question is that, how would I know!”
     “Just humor me for a moment. Is he dating someone?”
     “I don’t know, I don’t think so?” Kali looked at Cliff expectantly, waiting on his reasoning for such questions. 
    “Uh huh. Well, whether you think so or not, there is definitely something more going on than ‘just friends’.” He held up a hand as she began to protest. “At least on his end.”
     “And why are you so sure about that?”
     “Cause I’m a guy! I know how it works.” Cliff laughed. “Doll,” His voice softened. “You’re gorgeous, of course he is looking for something more. Anyone would. And that’s why I worry when I’m not around.” This time Kali did roll her eyes. 
     “You don’t have to worry about that.”
     “Doesn’t mean I won’t. C’mere.” Cliff pulled her into a hug. “Okay, so maybe I shouldn’t have freaked out about Cole.” Kali didn’t miss the emphasis he put on the name and grinned into his chest as he took a deep breath. “But if you say you’re just friends,” He gently pulled her back by the shoulders so he could look at her. “I trust you.” 
     “And I’ll trust that you don’t have a girl waiting for you in every city.” Kali smiled wryly. 
     “Just one girl in one city.” Cliff tweaked her chin with his thumb before leaning in to kiss her.
Part 21 / Part 23
Thanks @rubystartrail for the inspiration help!
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@incorrect-volleyballdorks hey! first of all, sorry for the late response. both you and another person requested simirlar things, so i’m gonna fit them both in one post. the thing is, i’m very busy with my finals right now, so i’ve only been able to do Oikawa for you and Tsukki for the other person, i’m really sorry, i’ll try to complete your request asap. the ask box is still open tho so feel free to request more!
You had been dating Oikawa for seven months now and even after all this time, you couldn’t help but get nervous when things got intimate between you two. Sure you liked him, and you wanted to be with him, but you always made sure that the lights were off when heat started to grow. And there was a very simple reason for that, you hated how your naked body looked; you hated how your belly looked with that stupid muffin top, you hated your thick thighs and the stretch marks in them, you hated your fat arms.
Oikawa started kissing you passionately, his hands travelling over your entire body, sending shivers down your spine, until you realized what time it was, early in the morning, and the intense sun rays hitting on you. Suddenly his hands started moving around your waist and belly, about to take your shirt off. It all came very quick, you  flinched away from him. He stared with a worried look, confused. “Y/N..what..” you were embarrassed, didn’t dare to look at him “Can we just leave this for another moment?” you asked quietly. “But are you okay? Did I hurt you? Did I do something wrong? Did i..”  “NO, you didn’t, you never do anything wrong, now please just leave me alone, go away!” you screamed back, words coming out of your mouth uncontrolled. You looked at him in the eyes, he was about to cry, not a surprise to be honest, but this time it was different, he looked hurt. He stumbled out of the room awkwardly zipping his jeans, you didn’t know if that was anger in his eyes or just frustration. You were left alone in your room, angry tears running down your checks, burning your eyes. You scratched on your thighs with your nails so hard you could feel the pain even though you were dressed. You were shaking, and you needed to calm down, but you allowed yourself to cry first. He deserved an explanation and you knew it, but you were scared of him not understanding.
When you finally calmed down, you walked through hallways until you reached the kitchen, where Oikawa was cooking something. “Hey, you’ve been locked there for over an hour, are you feeling better?” he asked without looking at you. “Yeah, i’m..” “We don’t need to talk, it’s okay” It wasn’t okay. You knew that he wanted to know more than anything, and you wanted him to know, so you didn’t even think about out, just let the words slip out of your mouth.
“I’m scared of you seeing me naked” Even though he didn’t understand anything, Oikawa was glad that you went straight to it. “What..why? We’ve had sex before and everything went just fine and..” Then, he remembered how you always acted when you did it, and it started to make sense in his head “Okay Y/N, why would you say that?” You breathed heavily, and then proceeded to explain everything. His eyes looking at yours, listening to every word you said, his checks turning even more red than yours. When you finished talking and he was sure you had said everything you needed to, he approached you and started leaving soft gentle kisses all over your head and face and his hand travelled to your waist, tugging you closer to him, you were honestly very confused.
“I love you Y/N, I don’t say that very often cause it’s just something so difficult for me to say, but I am proud to say that when it comes to you, it comes naturally, and how you look, how your body is, wouldn’t ever change that, cause I love every inch of you. I love your curves, and your thighs, they’re attractive, and they are part of you, and I’m proud of you, cause in my eyes, you’re perfect.”
thatwascheesyafbtwBEFORE YOU START READING THIS I myself am a chubby person, I don’t want to offend anyone, this is just another situation, also, CHICHA is a Spanish word referring to "chubbiness”, it was just too funny to change it. And COÑO is a swearing word, by the way. This is meant just as comedy. (credit btw to my friend for this)
“You sure you don’t wanna go to the pool?” asked for the fifth time Tsukki “if it’s because of the boys..” “No! I love your friends, they don’t have anything to do with this, it’s just that i..i have to study!” you answered without thinking.
“In summer?” Tsukki raised an eyebrow. Yeah prize for best excuse for you. “Do whatever you want, but think something better before lying to me next time” he said, putting on his glasses after cleaning them, then he closed the door behind him and he was gone. You  exhaled heavily, and headed to the kitchen looking for something to drink, finally getting a Dr Pepper, walking forward the launch again,  you stopped in the mirror to look at yourself. Some would say, better dead than simple. You’d say better dead than your boyfriend seeing your chicha. You nodded with pride walking to your room, where the calendar counting the days for your holidays was. One day less before the cold came back and you were able to wear big and heavy clothes again. But also one day less before going on holidays with Tsukki..to the beach.
“Uhg I wished I could do something so I don’t have to go to the beach..”You thought, even though it was very hot and you felt like you were about to die because of the heat. “Y/N..” Tsukki called you “were you even paying attention to what I was saying?” you were about to answer but he just cut you “Nevermind, leave your stuff in the hotel room and let’s go to the beach, this heat is killing me” Quick, you had to think something quick “Uh..i’m sorry darling, I’m..i’m very tired, yes, so tired, I’m going to the room so I can sleep and so..yeah, so tired” Tsukki just stared at you. You were so convincing, yes of course. “Yeah whatever just leave your stuff and let’s go” “I said I’m tired!” “And I said that we’re going to the beach, coño” he said, the conversation was finished. This whole situation was ridiculous. “It must be  enough temperature to fry us and you wanna stay in the room like a nun jesus christ  Y/N” “Oh come on Tsukki, I do it for you, so you don’t get jealous when others start looking at me in my swin clothes..”You said, thinking it would make things easier. Clearly it didn’t work. He just stared before getting on the elevator, asking you with his eyes to join. You sighed, finally accepting to go. How could you be so confident always except when it was the two of you, you didn’t find the sense to it, it was stupid. Before you could even realize, you were under the shadow of a pamela, with a fan in your hand, trying not to die as you were still wearing clothes to hide your chicha, refusing to take them off. Tsukki was playing volleyball with the rest of the boys, as they all had decided to come together, but when he saw you looking at him, he walked straight to you with a serious face. “Do you still think yourself a nun?” “Okay now listen, if I was a nun we wouldn’t have those sessions of..”  “Okay I get it, enough. What it is? Are you afraid of water? You don’t know how to swim maybe or..?” “No! That’s not it, you idiot” “THEN WHAT IT IS? You haven’t agreed to go swimming with me in the whole summer, I mean, it wouldn’t be a problem if at least you told me why!” “It’s nothing I sw-“
“Is it because you think you’re fat?” He went straight to it geez.
“Yes, wait how..?” “You speak in dreams when you’re not snoring” he simply said. “Lovely, love you too” You answered, but then Tsukki gave you a quick kiss, taking off your pamela. “You dumbass, take that shit off and let’s go swimming. And If you think you’re fat just think that there are people that have it worst..” “They should give you a prize for Best Person of the Year” “Whatever..Also, I always say “home with chicha, home with happiness””
You couldn’t help but smile at it, and he smiled back at you, you didn’t need any other words, after that (even though it was a stupid chat) you knew that it was okay. Of course you still were a bit embarrassed when you take your shirt off and headed to the ocean, some words weren’t going to change the shame you had felt for years, but for now, it was more than enough. You then toke Tsukki’s hand, running to the water. Maybe if he choked in the water he’d lose his glasses and he couldn’t see you. If you’re going to hide the chicha, you better do it right.
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shruggingcutely · 8 years
I’m taking a break from social media and somehow I finally finished this fanfic! What a coincidence! Anyway, I love NaoKare, and Nao is my gay trans daughter
Word count: 1.2k-ish
Rating: It’s fine
Nao noisily slurped her soft drink. The sound drowned in the chatter of the other customers. She looked out the window and immediately turned back to Karen, as if she'd just remembered something. “Have you taken your meds yet?”
“I have, I have, you old worrywart.” Karen munched on her now cold fries. Fortunately, the fast food place didn't care how long they sat here without buying more food, because Karen loved to savor these awful potato sticks and their taste of cardboard freedom. Really though, Karen rarely forgot her meds. Nao, on the other hand… “What about you? Haven't seen you take your pills.”
“Uh…” Nao rummaged through her bag, pulled out a small blue pill and gulped it down with a scowl. “Thanks.”
“Geez, at this rate you're gonna lose your boobs. It'd be a shame, they look pretty nice.”
“Sh-shut up, that's not how it works!” Nao's head turned red, just the way Karen loved it. She vastly preferred when Nao blushed because she wanted to kiss, though.
“I do love them. Just saying.” Karen put another fry into her mouth and licked the salt off her fingers. Nao's lovely lips trembled. Too bad they both had to practice today, when instead they could've hung out some more – and by “hang out” Karen absolutely meant “make out”. At least she still had a few buttons to push to enjoy Nao's charming irritated stammering.
“You know, Nao, I've noticed… recently, when you're talking to the producer, you seem to be having a lot of fun. Is there something going on between you? Hmmm~?”
Nao's face lost all color, just barely stopping before turning transparent. Karen had never seen anyone make such a wounded expression. “Why would you say that…?”
Umm? Hit a nerve? Karen dug her nails into her arm. She could still salvage this situation, right? “H-hey, I'm just joking around.”
“Well, it's not fucking funny!” Nao grabbed her bag and stormed off.
Heavy silence. For a moment, everyone's eyes were on Karen. Without an idea why Nao had taken it so badly, Karen stopped herself from running after her. She'd only risk upsetting Nao even more. Karen stole the last sip of Nao's drink. It tasted like sugar water and regret.
Rin crossed her arms and sighed. “Look, Karen, I just came back from work, so whatever this is about, I hope you make it quick. I need a break.”
“Why is everyone here so touchy?” Karen shrugged. When she'd dragged Rin to the roof of their agency, she'd expected a little more cooperation, but of course Rin had a busy schedule. “Anyway, um, Nao is kind of avoiding me. Has been, for two days. When I call or text she doesn't respond and when I run into her she scoffs and ignores me.”
Rin frowned. “That sucks, but what made you think I could help you with your lovers' quarrel?”
“Hey, Rin, we're friends, right? Isn't that what friends do? Right? Friends~?”
“…Fiiiine. So, what did you do this time?” Rin leaned against the fence.
Karen stepped back and theatrically patted her sternum. “Why would you think –“
“…I, um. I was teasing her and… implied she had a thing for the producer. She… she looked really upset and…” Karen tried not to remember the face Nao had made, the hurt in her eyes, her voice on the verge of crying,… oops. She stared at the clouds in the sky to regain her composure. “Well, now we're here.”
Rin touched her forehead in frustration. “Why did you think teasing your girlfriend about liking some guy was a good idea?”
“I-it was just in good fun!”
“You know perfectly well how anxious Nao gets!” Rin shook her head. “Have you never felt like people didn't take relationships like yours seriously? Like you were just playing around and would eventually grow up and marry some random salarymen?”
“…Oh.” Karen sure felt like an idiot, stepping on an obvious landmine like that. No wonder, then.
“Seriously, Nao is a sweet girl, she deserves better than this. Maybe I'll hook her up with someone else.”
“H-hey, y-you're joking, right…?”
“Yeah. But please don't make me change my mind.”
“Ugh.” Karen checked her watch. Nao and her (and Rin) were free for the next hour. More than enough time to right her wrongs. “Okay, I'm gonna go look for her.” Karen opened the door to the building, and paused for a moment. “When are you gonna tell Uzuki how you feel?”
Karen smiled over her shoulder. “I'm merely paying you back for your generous advice. Uzuki is definitely into you. Well, gotta go, bye.” Karen slammed the door shut after catching a glimpse of Rin's uncertain smile.
She found Nao at the cafe, surrounded by Arisu and Uzuki. When they saw her approach, Nao and Arisu stared like death, while Uzuki gestured nervously.
“L-let's all get along?” Uzuki said.
Karen tried to ignore Arisu, who'd probably heard a one-sided account of the events. Not that the full version sounded much better.
“Nao, can we talk for a bit?” Karen used her sweetest voice. The anger in Nao's entire body, steaming, took her aback. They'd never fought like this. If it was up to Karen, they never would again.
Wordlessly, Nao got up and led Karen to a solitary bench far from prying eyes. She waited for Karen to speak.
“N-Nao, I'm really sorry for what I said. I made a thoughtless joke and hurt you, and I don't think I could take it if you ever looked at me like that again.”
Nao's thick eyebrows relaxed a little. God, Karen wanted to kiss them. “Do you have any idea why I got angry?”
A smile crept up on Karen. She couldn't help it. “Yeah, though Rin had to help me out. What a pal~”
“Why are you smiling? I haven't said I forgive you.”
“I mean… You were hurt because you're that serious about us, right? Because you want us to be together forever?”
“U-uh…?” Nao blushed and all trace of anger was gone.
Karen stepped closer, and closer, and pulled Nao into a warm embrace. “I'm sorry for hurting you, Nao, but I'm also so happy you think that way.”
“K-Karen?” Her bashful little Nao had returned.
“I'll do my best to live up to your feelings. Let's celebrate all of our birthdays and holidays together until we're old and fragile.” Karen pulled back. Ah. She'd made Nao cry, though this time in a good way. Karen kissed Nao for a long minute, and wiped away her tears. “So please don't be mad at me anymore, okay? I'll make it up to you.” Nao nodded and almost lifted Karen up with her hug. “H-hey, easy there.”
“Um, Karen…” Nao shyly glanced at Karen's face, a gesture that knocked the air out of her. “When we're done with practice… wanna go to a hotel…?”
Karen's legs turned to pudding. She slithered out of Nao's arms and to the ground. Nao was a dangerous girl. “Y-yeah…”
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