#I know Kiwi is the main artist but I have no idea who this one is
unnamed-proxy · 8 months
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moreaulover · 2 years
Some law of talos facts and info off the top of my head (by someone who's very hyper fixated and wants people to know more about it!!!!)
Apparently some people just didn't know that law of talos was an oc tournament 😭??? I thought that was basic info but I guess not! I'm not counting it being a tournament as a fact but more people not knowing (also some people didn't know unknown person had comics for before and after each animation??? There's literally YouTube videos with both idk what to tell you guys 💀)
Unknown persons entries are the most popular, but the 5th animation is non canon! The canon ending was by the winner Blacklillian but it's currently lost media :( there's a description of it on the lost media page, a few meantions of plot points on the tv tropes (example)
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An ask + drawing related to what happened to Karl after on unknown person's tumblr (unknownpsn) we can also gather a tiny bit from the winner announcement post comments, the main point I've noticed is people talking about their disappointment in the lack of action and badly done Karl but praising the more satisfying ending. There was also apparently an epilogue by Blacklillian but that is also currently lost :(
Blacklillians entrees (along with the majority of others) are lost media! Some info can be gathered/interpreted from the lost media page and the tv tropes page (both linked at the bottom along with the intro/winner post for the contest and the wiki) A few entries are up although it's few and far between but I do encourage you to look for them on competitors' deviant art pages (I'll edit this and add list who's is up in a little while) here's a chart of the tournament though!
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Here's chimbley's reference page which is the only known piece for his portion at the moment (please lmk if more has been found) *update you can buy the official chimbley archive on the artist Iris Jay's patreon for just 5 dollars :3 !!!!!
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Chimbley's creator does have Twitter+tumblr but no longer makes content for him so savor what we have. We do know from the tv tropes page that chimbley was more flight than fight and all his competitors were disqualified rather than beaten in a combat (makes me giggle really hard ngl 😭)
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Climber and Karl (and Rachel + Clarice obviously) are both part of the unreleased.... comic? Series? (Whatever it was going to be!) Called Castle of nations by unknown person (ofc)! There's not a ton known about it as the actual media was never released/finished and unknown person stopped posting in 2016 but there's lots asks + content on his tumblr if you want to look into it some
Karl was not going to wish for Rachel back despite common misconception! According to unknown person he was actually going to wish for an unlimited power supply to escape the amusement park permanently
There's a silly joke cosplay video called "law of talos chimbley vs Karl live action" that's available on the internet archive but someone uploaded the whole thing on tik tok (linked here) chimbley does a heel click at 8:22 i feel it's important everyone see it.
People have also been uploading the voice actors singing various Christmas songs in character I haven't seen them all but I know Karl's video (What's this- the nightmare before Christmas) is pretty available and a clip of Chimbley's (little drummer boy) as also recently been uploaded. I think I saw Steffi's at one point but I don't remember it like at all sorry (EDJT I FOUND IT GUYS I'LL LINK IT BECAUSE IT'S HARDER TO FIND THAN THE OTHER TWO I MENTIONED)
Speaking of Steffi!!!!! She stars in her very own webcomic "Kiwi Blitz"!!! I'll link it here :3
That's all I can think of for rn I'll make another post if I get more info on the lost media or if I think/learn anything else!!! Here are the links to the law of talos intro/winner post, lost media page, wiki, and TV tropes!!! Once again I encourage you to look through them if you haven't!!!
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charissenicolette · 2 years
Harry Styles, indeed: an artist appreciation post
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“Does it ever drive you crazy/Just how fast the night changes?” So much can happen in ten years. Okay, so I’ve got a confession to make. 10–11 years ago, I didn’t really care for One Direction, and I didn’t get the hype around Harry Styles. I was 16 years old (3rd or junior year of high school) when 1D’s debut album came out, and I thought that it was kid’s music. I started listening to alternative rock during my high school years. I was into pop punk since freshman year, but then during the latter half of high school, I started listening to indie bands like Death Cab for Cutie and The Strokes.
Anyways, let’s fast forward a bit. We all know that 1D announced their hiatus, and the boys would go on to pursue solo music careers. I remember Harry Styles coming out with Sign of the Times. I remember this being somewhat intriguing because it had no traces of the type of music 1D did and because of its music video with Harry flying. I wasn’t the type who was into boy bands, so I also didn’t care about solo material from former boy band members.
Before I started listening to Harry, I wasn’t familiar with the rest of his music. I remember hearing a bit of Adore You once on the radio, but I really didn’t pay much attention to it. This year, I began listening to him a few months ago. Two of my maternal cousins like his music. I remember one of them posting her Spotify stats from 2019 as an Instagram story. Her most popular artist of the decade was One Direction. I was shocked because I had no idea she listened to their music. She said that she finds Harry impressive.
Fast forward again. Let’s talk about 2022. It was in June when my brother was playing his favorite 1D singles (LOL, he only cares about singles; he’s not an album listener like I am). I suddenly started to appreciate You and I. I messaged the same cousin about it. She mentioned Watermelon Sugar as a good Harry song. Another cousin posted Harry’s House on her Instagram story, saying that she liked it.
So I decided to check out Harry’s songs. To be honest, I didn’t like them at first. I thought they were lacking something. When I first listened to Watermelon Sugar, I thought that it sounded interesting, but I didn’t like it enough to consider it a good song. Matilda was the first song I liked, but I still didn’t like the rest of his music yet. I forgot the exact moment I considered myself a fan, but it eventually happened. His music basically grew on me.
If someone had told me six years ago that Harry would be making great pop or rock music, I wouldn’t have believed them. If my 16-year-old self found out that my present self loves Harry and his music, she would’ve been in disbelief (maybe she would’ve laughed). She’d probably be like, “What?” or (if you’re Filipino, you’ll understand) “Weh?” Yes, I’ll say it. I never knew that Harry could be capable of coming up with awesome pop or rock music. I remember listening to Kiwi as I was going through his music and being pleasantly surprised. I really loved the spunky rock vibe that it gave off and the lyrics, “I think she said/’I’m having your baby! It’s none of your business!” being funny “in a cool way.” I was thinking, "If I had heard this on TV or the radio in 2017, I would’ve instantly loved it, and it would be the song that would turn me into a Harry fan.” Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but Kiwi wasn’t a popular single in the Philippines; Sign of the Times was.
He’s the “main pop boy” now, and I understand why. He’s a versatile singer dabbling with several genres such as pop, rock, folk, indie, soul, and funk. He can really sing (of course I checked out live videos), and there’s just something about his music that reels you in. I told a friend, “Harry’s music is aesthetic.” (To be more accurate, I said something along the lines of “Harry’s music is an aesthetic in itself.” — I don’t know if it makes sense, but you get the gist.
His first two albums are influenced by several of his favorite artists such as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Elton John, Led Zeppelin, and Fleetwood Mac (60s-70s sound) but they don’t sound like a copycat attempt to me. Harry’s House is 80s influenced but I bet you’d be surprised to find out that he only listened to classical and instrumental music while making it. He's a retro influenced artist, but he’s got his own style (yes, pun intended).
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purplesurveys · 3 years
 survey by pichu4850
What color do you think of when I say...
Anger? Red, or a really bright red-orange.
Confusion? Gray.
Inspiration? Sky blue. Both word and color give off calming vibes to me.
Shy? Something like an off-white shade, and maybe even pastel pink.
Agony? Olive green was the first color to come to mind, though I have no idea why.
Sleep? Dark blue, like the night sky.
Chipper? Yellow.
Beautiful? Red, the way roses are.
Morning? Light blue or yellow.
Would you rather be named...
Andrea or Aimee? Andrea.
Emily or Erica? Emily. I know an Erycka that I’m not too fond of, so this is an easy pass.
Kelsey or Casey? Casey, though I’d mix up my name a bit and have it be pronounced and spelled as Cassie.
Madeleine or Marina? Eh, not really a fan of either but I’d mos likely go for Madeleine.
Alec or Aaron? Alec.
Ryan or Ross? Not a fan of both names as well though I’d probably go with Ryan, but only as a feminine name.
Dylan or Daniel? Dylan.
Jack or Jordan? I guess Jack, if I have to pick.
Gabriel or Gavin? Gabriel.
How often do you...
Brush your teeth? Once or twice a day.
Eat breakfast? Twice a week, during weekends; though sometimes I’ll end up skipping it for an entire week altogether.
Check your email? I literally never check my personal email anymore after having gotten hired, but I know I should quit that habit and check it every once in a while just in case an intriguing opportunity might come my way. My work email is a different story; I have to use it everyday. I open my emails even during weekends so that when I report to my shift on Monday, my Gmail won’t look as clogged.
Go to the mall? When quarantine protocols loosened up a bit I used to go either on Saturdays or Sundays for some me time as well as some much-needed time away from the house, for the sake of my mental health and sanity. But now that we’re going through another surge in cases, no one’s allowed to go out again and malls are back to just keeping the essential stores open.
Go to the beach? A few times a year, at least before the pandemic. I haven’t been to the beach since 2019.
Play card games? Only happens once in a blue moon, when I get together with friends and someone happens to bring a deck of cards. This isn’t a usual occurrence with any of my friend groups, though.
Have at least 20 minute phone calls? Never. I have 20-minute Google Meet and Zoom calls instead.
Paint your nails? They are never painted.
Wish you were happier? Every now and then.
Did you ever want to be...
A veterinarian? Yes, when I was younger. I once stumbled upon an interview with a horse vet on one of my kid’s almanacs and thought what they did was so cool.
An astronaut? Yup, definitely became a big obsession of mine at one point in my childhood. I still think it would be cool to go to outer space and should the opportunity ever become accessible in my lifetime, I wouldn’t want to miss out on it.
An artist? Not really. I knew from the get go I wasn’t meant to be one.
A school teacher? I would guess yes, but I definitely wasn’t as interested in teaching compared to being an astronaut or like a firefighter.
A housewife? Lmfao yeah. This was the answer I would give when I was like 8 up until I was probably 10 and I knew it stressed out my Asian mother big time. My grandpa got a kick out of it, though.
A firefighter? Yes. This was up there with astronaut.
A princess? Not so much.
A lawyer? I definitely considered law for a brief period, but it was already during my latter college years. There wasn’t enough time to mull over it. But hearing all the law school horror stories from my friends kind of made me relieved I didn’t push through with it; I knew I wasn’t passionate enough about law to want to go through all the hardships that come with law school, so I was fine letting that dream go, and still am.
A doctor? This was never a dream of mine.
Would you consider yourself...
Materialistic? Yes.
Pessimistic? It comes out occasionally, but I don’t think it’s a main trait of mine that people would generally see me as.
Avoidant? Not so much. I can be shy and anxious sometimes but I get over it at some point.
Sarcastic? Only occasionally. I wouldn’t say I speak the language.
Talkative? Definitely not. I hate being in the spotlight, and whenever it’s my turn to share a story or talk in a group I usually have the tendency to rush through it or make it as short as possible so as to return the spotlight on someone else. I’ve always been more of a listener.
Strange? Maybe not strange but weird to an extent?
Intelligent? I guess in some ways.
Lucky? In some ways I am, but I also got handed the short end of the stick in other contexts.
In the next twenty-four hours, will you...
Talk to someone you care about? Probably. I talk to at least one friend a day.
Go to work? Yep, I’ll finally be going back to work since the Holy Week break is over. My workaholic self felt kinda unsettled with all the free time, so I’m actually kinda relieved.
Go to school? I’m not in school anymore.
Be in a different city? Nope, it’ll be working from home for me like usual. We were initially allowed to book visits to the office if we really needed to go there to pack some goodies and stuff, but because of re-heightened Covid protocols our admin has once again prohibited anyone to go there for the meantime.
Read a book? I highly doubt it. I haven’t read any in months.
Watch a movie? Nope. It’ll be a Monday coming from a 4-day break, so it will be incredibly busy tomorrow as there would be a lot to catch up on.
Go to a dentist/orthodontist appointment? No, I won’t.
Do your laundry? My parents probably will seeing as our hamper was nearly full the last time I checked.
True or False: Family...
I have two brothers or more. I only have one brother.
My mom lives with me. This is technically true but isn’t phrased right in my case. I’m currently living with my parents.
My grandparent(s) live with me. No, we moved out of our duplex (where I did use to live with my grandparents) well over a decade ago.
I have half-siblings. Don’t have any.
I am the oldest in my family. Eldest child, that is.
I am an only child. I have two other siblings.
I have 15 cousins I can name off the top of my head. Easily. My first cousins are less than 15 in total, but I know a good number of my second and third cousins as well so this is a cakewalk.
The nearest Aunt or Uncle lives less than an hour away from me. The aforementioned duplex we moved out of is just at the next village; we didn’t move too far so that we can continue visiting them.
True or False: Food...
I am allergic to chocolate. I’m not, fortunately. I’m not crazy about chocolate but I’d be pretty miserable if I could never have it either.
I like vegetables more than fruit. Infinitely more, hahaha. I hate fruits.
I have tried pizza dipped in ranch sauce. Ranch isn’t a very common dressing where I’m from, so it’s not usually offered in restaurants. Given the chance, though, I’d definitely try my pizza with ranch at least once.
I've never eaten kiwi fruit. True, but then again I’ve never eaten most fruits and don’t plan to.
I love junk food.
I love to try new food.
Ketchup goes best with fries (chips). I don’t like ketchup and barely put it on anything.
I like fried rice. I haven’t met an Asian who doesn’t like fried rice.
I can prepare dinner for myself (using a stove or oven).
I hate sushi.
How many...
Pairs of shoes do you have? A little over 10, maybe? I don’t feel like counting in my head rn.
Songs do you have on your music player? I don’t have a music player anymore.
Hours of sleep did you get last night? Around 4.
Times have you had alcohol? Like, ever since I started drinking when I was 18? I never kept track lmao but if I would guess, maybe around 50-60 times? I’m not a regular drinker; I drink probably once or twice a month at most.
Books have you read/started reading in the past month? None.
Windows in your house/apartment are open? I know my parents and sister have their windows open at the moment, so that’s 2. Mine are usually open as well, but I’ve turned on my aircon so I’ve closed them for the night.
Pets do you have? 2.
Kids do you have/want to have? I’d cut it off a a maximum of 3 kids, but having just 1 would already be so nice.
Minutes does it take to get from your home to school or work? I work from home, but in the two times I went to the actual office it took anywhere between 45 minutes to an hour.
Have you ever...
Spilled a cup of grape juice on the carpet? I don’t think I’ve ever even encountered grape juice in my entire life.
Played spin the bottle? I don’t think I’ve ever played this. My friends and I usually resort to truth or dare.
Played Twister? Yes, and there are many fond memories that come with it as well. So when I was 7 years old I befriended Katreen, and her mom and mine hit it off instantly so they started this arrangement where every Friday, her mom picked me and my sister up from school along with Katreen and her sisters, and we’d stay for several hours at their place until my mom would pick us up. Her mom was an amazing host and every week we’d play Twister, watch Pokemon, read books together, etc; anything to keep us comfortable and entertained.
Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to be doing? It’s bound to happen every now and then.
Walked out of a movie because it was horrible? I’ve gotten this feeling a few times but I always stayed in my seat because I paid for the damn ticket.
Given the finger to someone on the street? Oh most definitely, as well as drivers passing by. And it’s always been towards men that are being disgusting pigs.
Been so sad/angry that you started laughing? Sure.
Been in a wedding? Yes, but I only got invited as a kid since I was usually picked to be one of the flower girls. I haven’t been to a family wedding since 2007.
Been in a situation where you almost died? Probably not died but almost substantially injured, sure.
Are you stressing out about anything right now? Just worried about the deluge of tasks that will inevitably come at me tomorrow but knowing how easygoing my bosses are, I know I’ll be able to ease up soon enough.
Do you think before acting or act before thinking? I used to be the latter but I now see the importance of first considering possible consequences of or how others would be affected by my actions.
Do you act upon your emotions and instinct, or logic and reasoning? Again, I used to be one of these, this time the former. Now that I’m at a much more stable and peaceful place in my life I try not to let my emotions get the best of me.
What are some personality traits you find appealing in a potential partner? I had a number of negative experiences in my last relationship so forgive me for scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to my expectations lmaaaao – I’d love for someone to be sensitive to my needs and feelings, and for them to be able to own up to their mistakes or hurtful habits and know how to apologize and be open to changing if it’s for their self-improvement.
How have you changed as a person in the last 5 years? I tolerate less bullshit now. I think I’ve also grown to be happier and a lot more stable, emotionally. I also have a better sense of what I want out of life and where I want to be, and I’ve also learned to be more sociable and open up to people.
If you could do anything you wanted right this moment, what would it be? Order sushi :(
Is there anyone you can totally relax and be yourself around? Yes, that’s what my friends are for. If I can’t feel comfortable around my friends, I’d view that as a problem.
Did you ever wanted to say something to someone, didn't, and regretted it? No.
Are you scared about the future? I’m scared of the idea of not meeting some of my goals, like having a family; but I’m also excited about what the future could bring me.
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whitherliliesbloom · 4 years
Random Asks and idk if you ever been asked before; what's an AU you'd like to do but haven't done yet and why? c:
[ Send me asks!! Kiwi has anons turned on!]
Serious answer: I’ve got a ton, including a bunch I’ve never even mentioned in passing on my blog before. I think I spend more time thinking about AUs then I do Illya’s canon verses.... So here’s a bunch that I’ve never talked about before:
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Plastic Memories AU
Uhhh based completely on the anime Plastic Memories. It follows the exact premise of that story, where androids called giftias are used by humans for emotional support, but have a limited lifespan. Illya is a giftia nearing her lifespan and Alphinaud is a human who has just joined her organization and became her new partner. Her organization basically consists of ‘retrievers’, who are responsible for retrieving giftias who are about to be shut down. 
It’s a really sad anime, whose main theme is the concept of the forming of memories and saying goodbyes. So you know.. I like throwing Illyanaud in angsty situations like that. Doesn’t help that the two main characters of the anime are pretty similar to Illyanaud...
Artist and writer AU? Kinda like Bakuman?
This one isn’t strictly based on any anime or series but I realize the premise is very similar to that of Bakuman. Alphinaud is a struggling artist who is talented with technique but has all but given up creatively as he attempts to search for a job. He posts his art online and gets contacted by Illya, an aspiring novelist who needs an artwork for a light novel she is working on. Though demure and lacking a backbone of her own, she has an incredibly imaginative mind and the both of them start to fall in love as they work together.
Nodame Cantabile AU
Really similar to the above AU but instead of being an artist and writer, Alphinaud is a talented violinist who is very stringent about his own training while Illya is a pianist who has severe performance anxiety and has never performed professionally on stage before. 
Princess and the Pauper AU
Also kind of a body switching AU!! In which @ancientechos‘s Laurelis is a princess who is engaged to prince Alphinaud and Illya is a pauper living in the slums and Haurchefant is a knight of Alphinaud’s kingdom stationed near the slums to facilitate with the eventual migration of the slum’s peoples to the other kingdom due to space. Laurelis sneaks out of castle and meets Illya and befriends her. They realize that they want out of their respective situations - Laurelis would much rather interact with the citizens of the kingdom and find ways to help them in person rather than be stuck in a castle while Illya wants the means to study in order to help her family who is struggling to make ends meet. They end up magically switching bodies and shenanigans ensue where Alphinaud falls for Illya’s personality, while Haurchefant falls for Laurelis.
So... just for reference here’s the list of AUs that I HAVE mentioned or made content for at least once on my blog:
Nier Automata AU
Fairy AU
Modern AU
Goddesses AU
Highschool AU
Shrine Maiden AU
Time Travel AU
Is the Order a Rabbit AU
Youtuber AU
Grim rippers AU
Nagi no Asukara AU
Tanabata AU
Beauty and the Beast AU
Amagi Brilliant Park AU
Meeps’ Castaway AU
Uh... Yeah I have too many AUs
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onestowatch · 4 years
Molly Payton Breaks Down the Process Behind Her New ‘Porcupine’ EP
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A lot of Molly Payton’s tracks have been written in the tube, when the night is over and booze courses her veins. “It's where I do my best writing,” she laughs. “When I'm absolutely hammered and angry at someone.” It figures: her music is drenched in melancholy, laced with yearning vocals and cutting lyrics about boys who read too much Kerouac and wish they lived in 1972. Still, she has her reservations about the habit. “It's not good,” she jokes, “how as a musician you capitalize off heartbreak. I'm at a point now where if I have a bad experience with a guy I'm like, ‘Sweet, thanks mate! Great song.’”
The New Zealand-born artist moved to London with her mum when she was sixteen. The plan was to stay for only a short stint, but when Molly’s music started taking off that turned into two years (and counting). While Molly had been writing songs and singing for a while at that stage, she hadn’t yet considered making it a career. “In New Zealand I just never really thought of it as a possibility,” she explains. Back then, the main Kiwi artists she knew that had made it big were a couple of bands her parents liked, and Lorde. And while she notes that’s changing, it wasn’t until she’d trekked halfway across the world that pursuing music felt like a tangible possibility. “Moving to London,” she explains, “I was meeting people who it just happened to.”
Those people were the likes of bedroom pop turned breakout rock star beabadoobee, and Oscar Lang, who’s signed with The 1975’s label Dirty Hit. Alongside Molly, they’re part of a crew of talented young London creatives, the kind that make you feel very old and uncool. “They were a really influential group,” Molly says. “I definitely wouldn't have done anything if I hadn't met them. Just being around young people like that who've made what they want to happen was really good for me, to see that it's possible.”
While Molly’s mates may have helped nudge her in the right direction, she’s clearly got the talent to make on her own strength, as evidenced on her debut EP Mess. Released earlier this year and produced by Oscar, it’s a collection of fuzzy acoustic-leaning tracks, inspired by the likes of Jeff Buckley and Leonard Cohen. They’re like wrapping yourself in a warm blanket of nostalgia and show off a voice that could melt steel.
Now Molly’s just released her second EP, Porcupine. This time round she’s taking notes from the 90s bands she has on repeat, including Nirvana and Pavement. It’s aided by the fact after an extensive two-year search, she’s finally got a band of her own to flank her on stage and in the studio. The result is a slick collection of fuller, grungier tracks, the kind you can imagine swaying to in a dingy underground club with sweat lining the walls.
We caught up with Molly from opposite ends of the world to chat writer’s block, pre-show rituals and coming home for summer.
Ones to Watch: Are you someone who's constantly writing?
Molly Payton: I used to be. But in lockdown I didn't write anything. I think it was partly because I got back from a trip to the States two days before lockdown, and when I was there, I was in writing sessions every day, and I felt like I'd just been squeezed out. I just didn't feel like writing for the first time in my life. But it's coming back now.
Do you have a process?
Not really. Most of my best songs I wrote in like 20 minutes.
Is that just you picking up a guitar and writing everything at the same time?
Throughout my day I'll be having things in my head, but it won't feel like a song, just ideas. Little melodies or playing around with chords. And every once in a while, - it's so nice - I'll just sit there and play something and be like, ‘Oh that sounds good,’ and keep playing. Then I get my phone out and go into my thousand notes of like, two lyrics at a time, and start putting stuff together. And it just happens. It’s the nicest experience. Though in the second EP, two of the singles actually, Warm Body and How to Have Fun, those are the first two songs I wrote with other people in writing sessions.
It must've been a pretty different experience having had that experience of songwriting on your own, then sitting in writing sessions. What was that like?
It depends. I hate some writing sessions. There have been a few that I just wanted to leave. But those two sessions were just fun. I wrote Warm Body with Oli [Barton Wood] who produced the EP. It was the first time we met, and I was so nervous because it was my first ever proper writing session. And he just gave me a guitar and put heaps of distortion on it, then gave me a really shitty mic. Which I think was probably the best first session I could've had.
How come?
Because most of the time it's just someone will have either an acoustic guitar and they'll be like, 'tell me about your ex-boyfriend', or they'll have a drum machine and put a little beat in the computer, and you'll do things really systematically. Whereas Oli was like, just play something and I'll play along, and we'll see if something happens. And that's how Warm Body happened.  
You have a really powerful voice - is that a thing that you had to - excuse the cliché - find?
Oh god yeah, I had a really good singing teacher for two years. I wasn't a good singer. I always wanted to, I always sang, but I didn't start singing singing until I was about 15. My teacher was really about giving you confidence. And that's my thing, because I have really, really bad anxiety. Which is funny, because I was such a performer when I was a kid. But the idea of going on stage to someone with such bad anxiety, especially at that age, was terrifying. Which is hard - wanting to be a musician and being fucking terrified of going on stage.
Do you have any pre-show things to help that now?
Beer. [laughs].
But I don't get nervous anymore, I don't know if it's because I have a band now... Probably. I have the best band in the world. They're all a bit older and have been doing music forever, so they're crazy talented musicians. And I know when I go on stage with them that if I fuck up, Simon the guitarist will do some crazy shit on the guitar and distract everyone while I get my shit together.
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Did moving to London change how you wrote at all?
To be honest I was 16 when I moved here, and in [home country] New Zealand I was quite a shy kid. I hadn't experienced much, then was suddenly thrust into this crazy world. Because the school I went to here, and the people I was mixing with, were so far away from any kind of world I'd experienced before. It was very different, very intense. Going out all the time, having freedom for the first time in my life - and very suddenly - was a bit scary. I don't know if it changed my style of writing, I think that happened more through writing heaps and getting better. But my sound would've changed if I’d stayed in NZ. I met different people, and that would've changed the subject matter. It's hard to say. I don't even know if I’d be writing if I'd stayed in NZ. It's a bit nuts to think about, y’know.
Do you miss New Zealand?
So much. I miss my family, and how fucking pretty it is. London's beautiful but it's beautiful in a sad way. Everything about London makes me feel melancholy.
I lived in London for six years, so know what you mean.
Maybe it's because I’ve watched too many films. I always feel like I'm in a movie here, whereas in New Zealand I feel like a human being. It's also that weird feeling of separation here where no one knew me before. When I moved here, I had this freedom to be who I wanted to be, which was really fun for a while. I was like, ‘I'm gonna be confident, that's my thing now.’ Which was great, and it's nice to have that thing of, ‘No one knows that embarrassing thing I did when I was a kid.’ But after a while you miss having that. I've got four siblings, and I'm the baby. So just missed getting teased. And Christmas. I had Christmas on my own. In London. It was so sad. My mum was back in New Zealand.
That’s tough.
But whenever I say that to people who are living here, they're like, ‘Well why don't you just go back?’ And I’m just like, no of course not, I want to be here. It's London. In the same way it's sad, it's amazing. But I'm coming to NZ for a while so i'm gonna get my feed.
The dream is to just do summer to summer.
The thing is, I'm a winter person, I love winter. I think it's ‘cause I just love a good coat. I love hot drinks.
That's true. Two winter USPs.
There's nothing better than New Zealand winter. We'd go skiing and stay in this rinky dinky little hut and had to hike up the mountain because the lift didn't go. So, you'd have this horrible hike carrying your skis and your bag, then get into this warm hut and sit down and have a hot chocolate. Ugh. I miss winter.
I’ve just had two in a row so you can have one of mine. What are your next music goals?
I’d love to do a proper tour. That's the dream, I'd love to be able to play just every day. But it's weird, I'm such a homebody. Deep down I'm a huge grandpa, it's my secret to surviving London. I have some friends who go on tour and I'm like, ‘How do you survive, how do you manage this lifestyle every day?’ Because they go out after every gig, get trashed and do it again. Whereas I can't handle a hangover. I’m like 'Cancel it all. I’m sleeping today.'
Fair enough.
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girls-scenarios · 6 years
She Was Art
Idol: Haseul (Loona)
Prompt: Can you do a Haseul (loona) scenario, where she’s a art curator and the fem!reader always visits the museum, but Haseul is always to shy to talk to her. One day Haseul gains the courage to ask the reader out?
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: How can she be the art curator when she herself is the art? She’s so beautiful. I made the reader in this scenario kind of an artist too, since they’re always at the museum. Also, I’m sorry about not posting much recently, midterms are upon me so I’ve been super busy. Anyway this is such a cute idea and I love everything about it. I hope you all enjoy!
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Haseul loved her job for many reasons. First, she loved art and everything having to do with art, and she was very proud of how beautiful and pristine her part of the art museum stayed. She also loved talking about art, and was always happy to answer questions and talk to guests, even if some of them were a little ignorant or annoying. And there was the fact that it was a nice and calm job, where she got to look at art and people watch all day so that she could go home and work on her own art. It was nice, and she loved it.
But there was one guest that always caught her eye and distracted her from everything about her job. You were so attractive that she found herself staring at you instead of the displays, captivated by everything about you.
The first time she saw you, she was in the middle of answering a question about one of the exhibits. She saw you over the other guest’s shoulder and stumbled over her well-rehearsed words for the first time ever, unable to take her eyes off you until the guest cleared their throat and she turned back to them with a sheepish smile and a blush on her cheeks, quickly finishing what she was saying. Once they finally left, though, she moved back into her spot at the end of the exhibit and watched you. It was a little weird, maybe, but it was also her job to watch people, so she didn’t feel too bad about it.
You lingered in the exhibit a little longer than people usually did, looking closely at the pieces with your hands in your pockets, and when you finally passed her, your eyes met hers and you smiled, nodding your head at her and making her heart jump all over the place as she tried to give you a smile back.
She’d honestly expected to never see you again, but then the next week, you were there again, this time with a sketchbook, and she still couldn’t help staring. Ever since then, she’d been interested in you.
You had a bit of a pattern. You’d come in just about every week, and if you missed one, you’d be back the next week, small backpack on your shoulders and the same sketchbook in your hands. Every time you visited, she would end up staring, and you would give her a soft smile as you left. And every time, it did things to her heart.
Today was no exception. You’d come in and sat near one of the pieces, quietly sketching with your headphones on, and Haseul could hardly take her eyes off you.
“Kinda creepy of you, not gonna lie,” one of the interns named Yeojin said from behind her, making her jump.
“Yeojin, how many times do I have to tell you not to sneak up on me like that?” She said, spinning around to fix the younger girl with a glare. “You scared me!”
“It’s not my fault that you’re so busy staring at your weird crush that you didn't hear me.”
“She isn't weird!”
“I meant that your crush on her is weird, dingus.” The younger girl put her hands on her hips, and Haseul felt her face flush.
“You look like a grade schooler,” she said, and Yeojin rolled her eyes.
“You couldn’t defend yourself so you decide to insult me instead. Who’s in grade school now?” Haseul sighed and looked away from the younger girl, back to where you were still sitting with your headphones in, blissfully unaware of their conversation.
“Did you come over here just to make fun of me? If that’s the case, I’m sure I can find more work for you to do in the storage room.” 
“No! I have plenty to do today. I actually came over here to.... Okay I came over here to tell you that you were weird because I saw your crush come in.”
“You’re lucky I’m nice. If you did this to Vivi....” Yeojin pushed her arm.
“Oh hush, you know you love me.”
“Love? Love is a strong word, Yeojin. Especially for someone as annoying as you.”
“I’m going to pretend you didn’t just say that,” the younger girl said, sidling up to her and looking over at you. “Especially because I’m going to try and help you get the art girl of your dreams, since you can’t do that yourself, apparently.” Haseul looked down at her, eyebrows raised.
“Who says I can’t talk to her on my own?”
“She’s been coming in here for months and I think you’ve said, like, five words to her.”
“What would a middle school kid like you know about love anyway?”
“I’m in high school, Haseul!” She stomped her foot, like the kid she was. “Do you want my help or not?”
“I have a feeling that I can’t say no.”
“Exactly, you can’t. Because I like to bother you like my older sister.” Haseul sighed, long-suffering, and rubbed her temples. Where were the inquisitive customers when she needed them? “So, I was thinking that you could offer to show her some of the off-display pieces.”
“That would make me lose my job,” she countered, shaking her head. “Those works are off display for a reason.”
“Tell her about upcoming displays, then.”
“She comes here all the time, so she must be part of our mailing list, don’t you think? All of those upcoming events have already been announced.”
“Okay, do you have any better ideas?” Yeojin asked, huffing in annoyance.
“Well, she really likes this certain artwork by a local artist, the one she’s sketching right now. And some more of their work is on the third floor, so I was thinking of offering to take her to them and maybe chat with her on the way.”
“Don’t you think that, if she’s here all the time, she already knows where everything is?”
“Your ideas haven’t been any better,” the older girl pointed out, and Yeojin groaned.
“Okay then, go big! Get her flowers, since she’s always over here in your nature art section! Or, you know, you could just talk to her.” Haseul could feel her cheeks getting pink again as she looked back over at you. Could she really just talk to you? Whenever you’d walk past her, she’d feel tongue-tied and forget all the words she was supposed to say to customers.
“I don’t know-.” You were standing up, closing your sketchbook, and her heart jumped.
“Now’s your chance. I’ve got work to do, good luck!”
“Yeojin, I swear to god,” Haseul hissed, but the younger girl had already slipped away, and you were headed towards her. You’d taken out your headphones, so at least she knew you could hear her if she were to call out to you. Still, her heart was pounding in her chest, and she knew she was blushing slightly. She could only hope that her makeup was enough to hide it.
“Um, good afternoon,” she said, giving you her best smile, and you looked up at her, smiling back.
“Oh, good afternoon. Haseul, right?” She internally screamed, before remembering that she had a nametag on.
“That’s me! Can I help you with anything?”
“I was actually wondering if you had any more works by that artist over there?” You pointed to the painting that you always sat in front of, and Haseul felt her heart jump. This was her chance!
“I do, actually! They’re on the third floor, would you like me to take you there?”
“Please do,” you said, still smiling, and she got lost in your eyes for a moment before snapping out of it and remembering that she had to be professional.
“Right this way, please.”
On the walk towards the elevators, she racked her brain for anything else to say. “I see you around here often,” she said, turning to look at you as she walked. She wasn’t worried about running into anything, she could navigate the museum floors blindfolded. “Are you a museum member?”
“I am! I like coming here to practice sketching,” you replied, holding up your sketchbook. It was closed, and Haseul wished she could see what was inside. “It’s just a hobby and I’m not that good, but I like doing it.”
“I’m sure you’re better than you think. You practice a lot, and practice never betrays.”
“Thank you. Are you an artist?”
“Something like that. I do art on the side. This is my main job, though, I just love being surrounded by art and talking about art. It’s my passion.”
“I can tell. You always talk about the art like you love it.” Haseul could feel her face heating up again as butterflies exploded in her stomach. Had you been listening to her talk to customers.
“Oh. Really?”
“Yeah, I really admire that.”
“Thank you,” she said, tucking her hair behind her ear and glancing away, suddenly shy. Had you really been listening to her all this time? Just the thought made her flustered. Had you noticed her too? “I appreciate that.”
The walk to the third floor was too short. Even in that short time, she realized that she wanted to talk to you forever. She’d learned that your name was (Y/N), which she loved, and the two of you had plenty of things in common. Yeojin’s words echoed in her head (unfortunately) and she found herself searching for the right words as the two of you stopped in front of the two paintings.
“Oh, they’re beautiful. Thank you,” you said, stopping to look at the two works of art, eyes flitting between the two. She looked over at you, and felt her heart jump. Yes, you were beautiful.
“You’re welcome,” she said, and then bit her lip. “Um, I was wondering.” You turned to her, eyebrows raised. “Sorry if this is weird, but could I take you on a date?” You smiled, making the butterflies in her stomach go crazy. She was in a room full of beautiful artwork, but all she could look at was you.
“I would love that, Haseul.” You pulled out your sketchbook, ripped a page from the back, and scribbled something down before handing it over to her. “Here, this is my number. Text me once you’re off work.” She looked down at it before looking back at you with stars in her eyes and a grin on her face. There was no way she could feel any happier than now.
“I will. See you soon?” Her voice was full of hope, and you nodded your head.
“See you soon.”
After she’d left, you sat down and smiled, glancing at the paused music app on your phone. She was the art you’d been coming to this museum to see for months now, and it was a simple stroke of luck that you’d turned off your music just in time to overhear their conversation. So maybe you’d heard her idea and decided to give her a little push, but that could just be your little secret. And you couldn’t wait to get that text.
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as-was-written · 5 years
All the ice cream flavors
Under the cut because there’s a lot of them!
Almond Chocolate Coconut: a touch headcanon.This Doctor isn’t especially physically affectionate, but it’s because her touch telepathy is extremely strong in this body and she doesn’t know her limitations yet. But if you stroke her hair she will love you forever.
Bacon Ice Cream: a "what were you even thinking" headcanon.She eats bathbombs. She thinks they taste flowery and nice. (i am surprisingly passionate about this headcanon i’ll be honest)
Black Raspberry Cheesecake: a sexuality and/or romanticism headcanon (romantic orientation, sexual orientation, etc).This Doctor is asexual and panromantic. With a strong preference for women.
Cactus Fruit Sorbet: a "this shouldn't work but it does" headcanon.She reorganised the library according to the colour of the books. To be fair it looks really pretty.
Cherry Garcia: a role model/inspiration headcanon.Her fam. Her friends have always given the Doctor inspiration and Yaz, Ryan and Graham are no different from that.
Chubby Hubby: a body image/self esteem headcanon.It took a long time for the Doctor to get used to her new body’s appearance, longer than she’d want to admit. All the curves and body parts that were new threw her and even in the TARDIS there was a lot of experimentation with clothing to see what was most comfortable
Chunky Monkey: a names, addresses, nicknames, etc. headcanon.The reason she is so chill about Graham calling her Doc when her first body wasn’t is partly because it reminds her of those first human friends of hers. Also character development in general.
Cookies and Cream: a family headcanon.One of the Doctor’s greatest regret in life is leaving behind Susan the way she did. She still has the shoe with a hole in it belonging to her granddaughter and she misses her every day.
Cotton Candy Explosion: a childhood/child(ren) headcanon.For a while as a very young Time Tot, Brax was her hero. Until Koschei came along and she found a new person to follow after.
Death By Chocolate: an indulgence/guilty pleasure headcanon.The Doctor loves chocolate of all kind, but especially sweet ones. At night however she enjoys settling down with a bar of dark chocolate.
Devil's Food Chocolate: a vice headcanon.This is based on the audio drama The Master so spoilers for that, but the Doctor managed to remember killing that boy when she was a child. She still has nightmares about it and it’s the one thing she won’t ever talk about.
Dulce de Leche: a happy/sweet romantic or queerplatonic headcanon.The Doctor’s favourite way to relax with a partner is to curl up on their lap and have her hair stroked. It makes her feel safe and secure and loved.
Elderberry: a hurt/comfort headcanon.If she’s in a relationship with someone she enjoys being cared for when injured. Not that she will ever, ever admit it in a million years. But it’s nice to be fussed over. 
Entangled Mints: a friendship headcanon.For the Doctor her friends are her priority. She’s happy to just hang out with them and wants to show off the universe. She just wants them happy.
Espresso 'n Cream: a coffee/tea/coffee-shop (AU)/caffeine headcanon.The Doctor adores coffee. She will be that one person at Starbucks who gives the poor barista a really complicated order though.
Fudge Behaving Badly: a misbehaving/getting into trouble headcanon.Even now the Doctor is constantly getting in trouble. In the Academy her teachers despised her because she and the Deca were always causing mischief and it’s something she has never been able to grow out of. She takes pride in the fact she has the record for most detentions in Gallifrey’s history.
Ginger Crème Brûlée: a gender headcanon (gender identity, gender presentation, butch/femme, gender feels, etc).Although the Doctor now identifies as a woman and much more feminine than before in human terms she would still probably refer to herself as non binary. She experimented for a while and definitely prefers female pronouns though.
Half Baked: a bad idea/poor planning headcanon.Although the Doctor likes to act like she’s organised and knows what she’s doing, usually she doesn’t. She’s been winging it for the last three thousand years and most of the time it’s worked.
Heartbreak Healer: a sad/angsty romantic or queerplatonic headcanon.The Doctor still has room in her hearts for every person she’s loved. Including those all the way back in her first body like her wife and Cameca.
Jasmine Peach Tea: a self-care/self-love headcanon.When the Doctor just needs a quiet time to herself, which happens more often than you’d imagine, she enjoys to get herself a herbal drink and read a book in the library. Either that or sit in the entrance of the TARDIS, feet dangling, and watch the universe.
Kahlua Almond Fudge: a language/words headcanon.The Doctor feels most comfortable speaking Gallifreyan. If she is on Earth she tries the speak English out of courtesy and because the translations are easier if she’s in a different country, but otherwise she speaks her first language.
Kiwi Midori: a creative arts headcanon.Disappointed she can’t play guitar anymore, the Doctor spent some time figuring out what this body enjoyed doing artistically. She soon found drawing. They’re usually sketches and she’s best at people, specifically faces.
Lemon Angel Food: a virtue headcanon.The Doctor tries very hard to keep to her promise of being kind. She is sick of being the Time Lord Victorious. She wants to simplify things and start again as just a friendly traveller and helper.
Lemon-Lime Sorbet: a sexual/NC-17 headcanon (alt: a secret(s) h/c).My Doctor is asexual, but whilst I was figuring out her sexuality I decided she would be a sub and have a major praise kink
Magic Mint Cookie: a magic/supernatural headcanon (alt: a taste h/c).I don’t know what to do for magic?? So I’ll do taste instead. 100% inspired by real events from Jodie, she can’t handle spices as much as she wants to. That won’t stop her eating very spic food though.
Masque of the Raspberry Sorbet: a fear/horror headcanon (alt: a costume(s)/facade(s) headcanon).Since being ducked as a witch, she has a fear of being submerged under water and drowning. It’s something she’s trying to overcome in her swimming pool because she doesn’t want anyone else to find out.
Neapolitan: an intimacy/vulnerability (or lack thereof) headcanon.The Doctor only really lets herself be intimate with people she has a long history with. She is a lot more eager to hug family members and old friends.
Orange Pineapple Whip: a kinky headcanon (alt: an eccentricity h/c).The Doctor is almost the definition of eccentric. Many people would call her whole outfit alone eccentric. She doesn’t notice though, and she doesn’t care. She is happy with who she is and that’s what matters to her.
Oreo Cheesecake: a physical health/disability headcanon.She doesn’t have any physical disabilities. The closest I can think is that her touch telepathy is stronger than other incarnations because they are the main sense for Time Lords.
Peanut Butter Plum Cherry: a soulmate/soulmate AU headcanon (alt: an unconditional love headcanon)She tries very hard not to fall in love with humans. Jamie was the first long term human relationship she had and losing him crushed her. Since then she’s tried and failed to stop falling in love with humans.
Phish Food: a music headcanon.I was discussing this a few weeks ago so this is perfect. The thirteenth Doctor is really into cheesy pop like Katy Perry and Taylor Swift. She also likes K-pop and J-pop. She likes the beat and rhythm of the music. She also likes how happy it all sounds.
Purple Daze: a stoner/drugs headcanon.In the Academy she would have ginger with Koschei (for anyone who doesn’t know, ginger canonically gets Time Lords high). The less said about those times at the Academy the better.
Rainbow Cream: a nature headcanon.If given the choice, the Doctor would enjoy spending the day relaxing next to a shallow river. That’s the most relaxing natural environment she can think of. Also a secluded beach.
Road Trip: a travel or escapism headcanon.Travelling is the Doctor’s life, it’s the most important thing to her. She loves the freedom it brings, the ability to go where and when she wants. She can’t imagine a different life style for her.
Rocky Road: a difficulty or struggle headcanon.The main thing the Doctor struggles with is the new sexism she has to face. Even the more minor things like how patronising men are towards her, literally and metaphorically looking down on her. She despises it and it makes her so angry.
SNAFU (Strawberries Naturally All Fudged Up): a mistake(s) headcanon.The Doctor really doesn’t like making mistakes. More than anything else she finds it embarrassing. And that’s really annoying.
Strawberry Rhubarb Crunch: a mental health/neurodivergent headcanon.The Doctor has PTSD definitely. Not just from the Time War but the many horrific things she has seen through her long life. I also see her having a Time Lord version of ADHD, but I need to do more research on that before I nail anything down.
Tennessee Mud: an alcohol, drunkenness, intoxication headcanon.It takes a lot to get the Doctor drunk, but when she does she’s giggly and affectionate. She will probably end up on your lap laughing at nothing.
Tuxedo Strawberry: a well-dressed headcanon (any headcanon about clothes).The Doctor tried to wear a dress the first time she had to wear formal clothing, but she just couldn’t with how impractical it was. Instead she prefers dressing up in a smart tux.
Vanilla Fudge Ripple: a strength headcanon.She has incredible upper body strength. She doesn’t get the chance to demonstrate it much, but it’s something she’s always had. She is also very emotionally and telepathically strong.
White Raspberry Truffle: a weakness headcanon.Daleks are her main weakness. They break down any morals she has set out and will do whatever it takes to get rid of them all. But losing her friends? That destroys her.
Wildberry Chocolate Chunk: a social life headcanon.She spends all her time with her fam. She tries not to spend too much time with other people because she’s scared of losing more people.
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wellthatwasaletdown · 6 years
"Artists like Taylor swift and Lana del Rey have decent song writers ()... they contribute and present ideas and actually have a clue what they want to sing about." Call me naive but I believe Taylor is the main songwriter for her songs, she wrote one album just by herself and you can tell she knows about music and what music she wants to make, I hate Gorgeous but she made a video about her songwriting process and you can tell she just has the "creative spark", obviously she's got people like Max Martin, Jack Antonoff, Shellback, Ryan Tedder that she needed to work with her and helped her to define her sound when she went the pop route. But I think she's in total control of her career, image and narrative.
I don't think any of the 1D guys have her talent, but I could say I'd recognize if Harry, Niall or Louis put something of their input on a song, Home I believe is the only song by them that has 3 writers (Idk if I'm wrong) and two of them are Liam and Louisand it's similar to End of the day and Strong (songs that Louis and Liam "co-wrote") and I like those songs very much.
My point is even if they only put their names and got their credits by changing one line, I'd still prefer them to Kiwi or Only Angel, a lot of harries think Harry wrote those songs only by himself (which is a complete lie) so they must be good, but truth is they're completely unoriginal, It's like if some respected artist like Idk Thom Yorke, who has said he uses a method of putting phrases into a hat and just picking them and that's a song, (he wrote Kid A like that by the way) and it turned out to be 1000 better than any of that just pretentious songs by Harry that no one can relate to, or feel any kind of specific emotion (esp. Kiwi, ESNY, or Woman).
Harries think anything weird or out of the ordinary is special or good. And they have the nerve to judge Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn just because their songs are pop orientated.
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all-the-love-harold · 7 years
It’s a Sign of the Times- Part #3
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Parts 1 and 2 Here 
May 12th 2017 – 5 Weeks
“Y/N wake up, it’s album day, wake up” Harry said softly into your ear as you stirred a little, hiding your head under the pillow. “Come on love, you’ve got work today,” you lifted your head, and looked at Harry
“Fuck you for releasing your album on a Friday and making me go into work”
“Soz” he pulled the blankets off both of you and jumped out of bed “I’m going to make us coffee, you can get dressed”
He walked out of the room and you rolled back over, groaning loudly and pulling the covers up over your head. You were excited for Harry, you really were, but it was early and you weren’t supposed to be working on Friday’s any more. You heard Harry’s careful footsteps heading towards the bedroom and you slowly sat yourself on the edge on the bed, moving your hand towards your stomach.
“Everything alright love?” Harry said as he walked back in the room, seeing you holding onto your pregnant belly
“Yeah” you said, ever since your doctor’s appointment last week, every little symptom stressed you out, from morning sickness to headaches. You were paranoid that you were going to lose the baby and you wanted to everything you could to make sure that didn’t happen, and so did Harry. “It still doesn’t feel like this is real H”
“It will feel real after your scan next week” he handed you a cup of coffee “drink this”
“Thanks” you said grabbing up cup and taking a sip “Oooh” you remembered the gift you bought for Harry “I have a present for you”
“For me?” he said surprised “Why?”
“Because you made a killer album and I’m proud of you” you stood up and opened your wardrobe, leaning down to find where you’d hidden the gift. It wasn’t much, a new journal because you were sick of the sight of the old one, and you thought a new era for Harry deserved a new Journal to write things down in, and a kiwi fruit, because that song had taken on a new meaning since you found out you were having a baby. You handed him the gift bag and he unwrapped journal first, untying the string and opening it, reading the message you wrote him on the inside cover.
“There’s always more songs to be written H, can’t wait to hear them”
“Thank love, can’t wait to play them for you” he smiled
“There’s more in the bag” you gestured towards the bag as he opened it again
“No there’s not?” he handed you the bag and you looked inside, you must have forgotten to put the Kiwi in there when you got back from doing your groceries
“Stay there” you said, running out to the kitchen and grabbing one out of the fruit bowl, heading straight back to the bedroom “Catch” you said throwing it to him “Baby Brain”
He let out a full body laugh “you got me kiwi” he chuckled “that’s amazing”
“I thought you’d like it” you hugged him “Now go and shave and I’ll drop you home on my way to work”
“Who said I had to shave”
“Lou, and her and Harry will be waiting for you back at your place, so off you go.”
There was no way Harry could go to the studios with you, a side from the fact that his suit was back at his place and he couldn’t turn up in nothing but his boxers, there would be hundreds of fans waiting for his arrival and you knew that he needed security with him. Not only was this a big day for Harry, but it was a big day for Radio 1, it was rare for you to have artists as big as Harry live in the studio, they usually pre-recorded interviews or they were done over the phone, so you needed to be there, to make sure things ran smoothly.
*** Flashback ***
March 2016
“Harry, there are no jobs” you threw your hands up in frustration “3 Years at uni and I’m not qualified to do anything”
“There are jobs, you just have to know where to look” he looked up from his phone
“Mmm yeah good advice Mr unemployed” you sighed closing your laptop and leaning your head on his shoulder “maybe I should go back home, that way I don’t have to try and sort out a working visa”
“Don’t be ridiculous, you can’t leave me here” he paused for a moment “I might know someone who’s looking for a P.A”
“I’m not working for you Harry”
“I’m not talkin’ bout me” he said, a little more offended then he should have been
“So you’ve been sitting there for the last hour while I search for jobs that don’t exist, knowing someone that needs exactly what I’m qualified to do”
“You weren’t going to listen to me”
“You’re right” you sat up “anyway who is it?”
“Ben over at the BBC”
“As in big boss Ben? Grimmy’s boss?”
“Does that mean I would technically be grimmy’s boss too?”
“I guess” he smiled at the idea “I’ll give him a call” he stood and reached into his pocket for his phone “where’d me phone go?” You picked it up from the cushion next to you “right here idiot”
“Oi, do you want the job or not?”
“Yes I really do” you handed him the phone and he searched his contacts to find Bens number and put the phone to his ear. You could hear it ringing but when Ben answered you couldn’t quite make out what he was saying until Harry put it on loud speaker.
“Heyy Ben, it’s Harry”
“Harry mate! How’s that album coming along, we’re excited to hear it”
He let out a nervous laugh “thanks, it’s a little while away yet though, listen, are you still looking for a PA?”
“Yeah, do you know anyone?”
“I do actually, a friend of mine is looking for a job, she’s amazing, keeps me organised for free” he winked at you
“Great, I’ve got a free hour tomorrow afternoon if she wants to come in for an interview, say 3?”
You were jumping up and down with excitement “wonderful” Harry said smiling at you “she’s very excited”
Ben chucked “me too, see you soon Harry”
“Bye Ben” he hung up the phone and you screamed at the top of your lungs,
“Thank you Harry, oh my god, I love you, oh my god, you got me a job!” you danced around the room and Harry joined in, taking your hand and spinning you around, watching as you laughed, celebrating with you.
After the initial excitement had passed,  the interview nerves set in and Harry helped you get everything organised, asking you the kinds of questions he asked when interviewing his own assistant and assuring you that Ben would love you.
You made your way to the BBC broadcast centre at 2:30 the next day, filled with nerves, and entered the building with fake confidence, making your way over to the front desk.
“Hi, my name’s Y/N Y/L/N, I have an interview with Ben Cooper at 3pm”
“Ahh yes, Miss Y/L/N, Mr Cooper is on level 8, take the lifts to your left and someone will take you to his office from there”
“Thank you” you said turning towards the lifts, and waiting for the doors to open, butterflies rising in the pit of your stomach. You entered the lift with three other people and pressed the button to go to the eighth floor. The ride up felt like an eternity, stopping at almost every floor on the way there. Everything you’d done over the last three years had been leading to this moment, all the late nights studying, all the internships where you were simply treated as a coffee cart and all the stress of moving to the other side of the world, lead to this, and you never dreamed your first job would be working for the boss at radio one, but you had Harry to thank for that. The doors opened to reveal Radio One headquarters and you were greeted by a blonde girl, in casual clothing at the front desk.
“You must be Y/N, I’m Ella, the receptionist here, Big Boss Ben’s in a phone meeting right now, he’ll be out in 5 minutes at the most, take a seat over there” she gestured towards the bean bags in the corner of the room
“Thanks” you smiled “Nice to meet you Ella” you took a seat, in the bean bag, feeling a little over dressed in your pant suit, but you felt confident enough in yourself to rock this interview. A few moments later, Ben came out of his office and greeted you with a handshake.
“Y/N, it’s lovely to meet you”
“Likewise”, you smiled
“Come in” he said, gesturing towards the door of his office, you walked through and took a seat opposite his desk. “I took a look at the resume you emailed me last night, you’ve got a lot of experience for someone of your age”
“I did a lot of interning while I was Uni, a degree is helpful, but it’s nothing without experience”
“You’re right” he smiled “I’ve heard a lot of good things about you from Grimmy too, so this interview is more of a formality than anything”
You felt your whole body relax, “Wonderful” you smiled “I’ll have to remember to thank Grimmy for that” you laughed
“Don’t boost his ego too much” he laughed “So your job will basically be to keep me organised, and make sure everything here at the studios is running smoothly if I’m not here, you’ll be taking calls and responding to emails, booking and finding guests for the radio shows, my hope is that, with you being so young, you’ll be able to help us attract a younger audience, which at the moment is our main goal”
“Sounds great, I can’t wait to get involved” you nodded
“Well great” he said, “I’ll have legal draw up a contract for you, detailing your salary and hours per week, which will be the same as mine 9-5, and you’ll start two weeks from now”
“Great” you said, smile spreading across your face “Thank you so much, for giving me this opportunity”
“It will be good for both of us” he admitted, “I think we’ll be lucky to have you working for us”
*** End Flashback ***
You got dressed, throwing on a pair of leggings and a long jumper, you’d started to gain a bit of weight with the pregnancy, not enough to make it obvious that you were pregnant but, enough for people to notice, so you stuck with baggy clothes that hung lose around your body. No one at work knew you were pregnant yet, you’d told Ben that you needed to take Friday’s for a few weeks to help Harry with a few things, so that you could reduce your stress levels, and when you reached 12 weeks, you would tell him the real reason, not wanting to jinx the pregnancy.
Harry came out of the bathroom, clean shaven and dressed in an old shirt of his and a pair of track suit pants.
“You ready?” he asked as you put the final touches on your simple makeup look
“Yah” you nodded, turning around and grabbing your bag and car keys “Are you?”
“No” he admitted, referring not to his physical readiness to leave your flat, but to his readiness for the world to hear the album.
“You know it’s already out back home, it’s been out for a few hours”
“I know, it’s already out here too love, came out at midnight”
“Oh yeah” you said, opening the front door “I might listen to it at some point.” He let out a breathy laugh and followed you out and down the stairs to your car which lived in the basement. The trip to Harry’s house was mostly silent, his nerves evident already, until you remembered your morning sickness.
“You’re going to need to cover for me H”
“What do you mean”
“I don’t usually start work until 9 and by then the morning sickness is usually gone, or at least the vomiting part of it has, but there’s no way I’m going to make it through this morning without puking, so you’re going to have to cover for me, if someone asks you what’s going on”
He chucked a little “I’ll tell them you ate something bad”
“Thanks” you said pulling into his driveway, as he opened the door and punched the code into the gate to open it, you drove in, so you could turn your car around and drop him closer to the door. “I’ll see you there H.” He smiled and closed the door behind him, making his way inside.
Harry’s house wasn’t far from the BBC Broadcasting house, and it only took you ten minutes to get there this early in the morning. It was almost 6 am when you walked into the building, the queasy feeling setting in.
“Morning everyone” you said, walking through the door to nick’s studio, handing them a cup of coffee that you’d pick up from the early bird café downstairs
“Hiya” Nick said, taking the coffee from you “Not used to seeing you this early”
“Big Boss Ben’s here, I’m here” you laughed
“He’s not here yet” Nick laughed “But thanks for the coffee”
“Well, we’re supposed to be treating Harry like a celebrity, so I had to come in earlier to prepare myself for that.”
“Big day, guys big day” Ben walked in, plate of ham and cheese croissants in hand, the smell of which made you gag, strong smells were really starting to get to you. “Right” he said “Y/N, is everything organised in the green room?”
“Not yet, but Harry’s requests were very little, just water, tea and fresh fruit”
“Great” Ben said “Alright, you two are live in three minutes” he pointed at Grimmy and Tina, “get yourselves organised and we’ll keep you posted on Harry’s arrival”
You walked out of the room and rushed into the bathroom, locking the stall, and throwing up straight into the bowl of the toilet. Letting out a large sigh, hoping that nothing else was going to come up, you stood and flushed the toilet, using the back of your hand to wipe the sweat from your forehead and leaving the stall, finding Ella, the receptionist looking at you with concern.
“Everything alright?”
You nodded, taking a mint out of you bag and popping it in your mouth “I think I ate something funny last night”
“You’ve been looking like shit in the mornings for a few weeks now, you’re not pregnant, are you?”
You laughed nervously “No, not possible” you lied.
“I don’t believe you, but you’ll tell me when you’re ready” she walked out of the room, and you looked at yourself in the mirror, holding onto your stomach, and taking a deep breath before exiting the bathroom. Ella was your work wife, she knew most things about you and she could tell when things weren’t right, and if this wasn’t such a high-risk pregnancy, you would have told her about the baby, but you couldn’t risk it.
You made your way to the green room to get everything set up for Harry, placing a bowl of his favourite fruits and a pot of tea on the table, leaving the water in the mini fridge, because you knew he liked it cold. As weird as treating Harry like a celebrity felt, you knew you had to keep this professional for the sake of Radio One. Harry’s people were also responsible for other high-profile people, and you couldn’t be seen treating Harry differently to them.
The morning ran smoothly, Harry arrived at 6:30, taking photos with Fans outside the building before coming into the green room, where you had his album displayed next to the fruit bowl. The interview with Grimmy ran smoothly and by the time it was finished, Harry was feeling much more relaxed about the release of the album. You had to duck out of  the room a few times, when the morning sickness became too much, and a few people noticed, but you were able to play it off as morning sickness until Grimmy asked.
“You ok hun?” he asked once Harry had left. You and Grimmy had become quite close since you started working for Ben, spending time together in your lunch breaks and outside of work too, usually with Harry around.
“Yeah, just got a bit of food poisoning” you said shyly “Good job at keeping that professional, I know it’s hard when you know all the answers to the questions you’ve got to ask”
“Gotta treat it like work” he nodded “You sticking around today? Or are you out for the day?”
“I’ve got a few emails to respond to and phone calls to make, and then I’m outta here”
“Leave em for Monday babes, go home and get better”
“I second that” Ben called out “You’ve been puking all morning, you had Harry’s team worried for you, and every time you left it looked like Harry wanted to run after you”
“Surprised he doesn’t have food poisoning too, he’s been living in your flat for the last week” Grimmy chimed in
“He gets lonely in his big house” you laughed “refuses to eat what I cook him though”
“I’m still not convinced that you’ve never slept with him” Grimmy said
“I promise you we haven’t”
“Don’t believe ya, you’re too close with each other”
“Swear on my Life”
“Whatever, just make sure he makes me best man at the wedding”
You rolled your eyes and walked away, making your way towards your desk, which sat adjacent to Ella’s, looking out the window. When you sat down, you took a moment, to take a breath and try to settle your stomach. After a few minutes the urge to vomit passed and you got to work, hoping to be out of the office by lunch time. By 11:30 you’d responded to all your emails, scheduled a few guests for the coming months, and worked out Ben’s dairy for the next week, so you decided to call it a day. You packed up your desk and locked your laptop in its cabinet, saying goodbye Ella and Ben before going to find Grimmy.
“I’m out for the day Grim, I’ll see you tomorrow night?” you stuck your head around the corner, where his desk sat
“I think I’m going to head off too, Friday innit” he stood and grabbed his jacket from the back of the chair “Shall we grab some lunch, if you’re feeling up to it?”
“Lunch sounds good”
May 13th 2017, 8:00pm
This was Harry’s first full show as a solo artist, and he was nervous about it. He’d spent most of the day rehearsing and being a Saturday, you’d been at home relaxing, doing some research about your condition, to try and ease your mind. It didn’t work, you’d only stressed yourself out even more. That’s why you were glad to be here at the garage, to take your mind off things for a while. You were standing next to Nick and Gemma when Harry walked out on stage with the band. Opening with Ever Since New York had been your idea, because it was an easy song for the crowd to sing along to.
“Oh tell me something I don’t already know” he sang, a smile spread across his face “Sing it” he grabbed the mic off it’s stand and held it out to the audience and you all sang it back to him. Watching Harry perform had always been something you loved, he truly was born for it, but standing there, in a crowd, largely filled with his closest friends and family, singing his song back to him, was a special moment, there was a sense of solidarity with everyone in that room. You were all in this together, friend, family or fan, you were here for Harry, no matter what.
“Hello” he said into the mic after singing Carolina “I’m Harry, nice to meet you, thank you very much for having me, how are you?” the crowd cheered and Harry spotted you, tears forming in your eyes “Good! Y/N are you crying already?” You laughed, refusing to respond to his mockery, sending him a thumbs up instead “alright, she’s crying already” the crowd laughed and you hid your face in Nicks shoulder “So, my album came out yesterday, and uh,  I wanted to do a show, and uh, I’m going to play those songs, for you I hope you enjoy them, and uh, this is my first show in a long time, my first show ever, so it’s a night I won’t forget and I thank you very much for being here with me, this is Meet Me in the Hallway”
Throughout the show, every time Harry made eye contact with you, he’d smile and wave, or make a silly face at you if you weren’t singing along. You and Nick spent most of the evening dancing along and beaming proudly at your best friend while he had the time of his life on stage.  After Harry finished his cover of Ultra Lightbeam, Nick turned to you, with teary eyes “Pretty shit isn’t he”
“Awful, dunno why all these people like him” you joked, tears filling your eyes as well.
“That was not my song, uh thank you so much, uh, it’s uh always a little strange performing after not doing anything for a long time and I uh I’m a little rusty in the joints, I’m overwhelmed, since I put out the single, by your support your continued support, I couldn’t ask for a better group of friends to share this with”
“That’s us” you and nick said, jumping up and down pointing at yourselves
“Yes, I can see you two idiots over there, I like you, you’re my friends” he said looking at you as you both high-fived
“We’ve made it” nick said sarcastically, as Harry introduced the crowd to his band.
  The ‘Whoo hoo’s’ from Only Angel, echoed around the room and as you and nick danced he leant over to you “He’s never going to admit this, but I swear this song is about you”
“It’s just not” you gently pushed nick “he wouldn’t do that”
“He would” he said, yelling out a whoohoo with the crowd.
“I feel very lucky to have some friends and family in the audience tonight, I’d like give a special shout out, to my best friend in the whole wide world Y/N, without her, this album would not have happened, so if you’re near her, uh, I don’t know, maybe give her hug, but uh, be gentle because she’s pre – uh fragile, she’s fragile, uh this is Sweet Creature”
Gemma turned and gave you a curious look, as a fan tapped you on the shoulder and offered you a hug. She was lovely, asking you a few questions about Harry, while he sang Sweet Creature, a song you were convinced was partly about your relationship with Harry, but you were too afraid to ask. For the rest of the show, Gemma kept a close eye on you, watching as your hands occasionally brushed over your belly while you were dancing.
After the show, you Nick and Gemma, made your way back stage to see Harry. Jeff and Tommy were standing in the corner, trying to find the bottle of champagne that they brought to make a toast with and muster enough glasses for everyone in the room. As you walked in you shoot Harry a look, telling him that you noticed his slip up and he mouthed a quiet “sorry” at you, while he continued his conversation with Sarah.
“Great show H” you said to him when he had a free moment. The room was so full of his friends and family that it was hard to move around in such a small space, but it was heart warming to see all these people here to support him.
“Thanks” he smiled “and sorry, about the slip up”
“It’s alright, Gemma may have noticed, but I don’t think anyone else did” you admitted “she might think it’s yours though”
He shrugged “we’ll clear that up when the time comes, let her think it for now if she wants.” Tommy came around and handed you both a glass of champagne and before you even thought about not being able to drink it Jeff was standing on the table trying to get everyone’s attention.
“Guys” he shouted “Can I have your attention for a minute” the room went silent and everyone turned their attention to Jeff “Thanks, I’d just like to give a quick toast to Harry, we’re all proud of you H, it’s a great album, and I’m sure I speak for everyone in this room when I say that we’re excited to see where it takes you, you did a great job tonight and I’m sure that’s the first of many great shows, so” he raised his glass “to Harry”
The room erupted in a toast “To Harry” everyone responded and took a sip of their drinks. You noticed Gemma look at you in that moment, so you brought the glass to your lips, making sure none of the liquid passed your lips, handing the glass to Harry as soon as she looked away
“Drink this so Gemma doesn’t get suspicious of my full glass” he nodded, looking over to where Gemma was standing with Anne and downing it like a shot “Christ, I didn’t say skull it”
He shrugged “Didn’t want her to see.”
The venue only allowed everyone to stay for an hour after the show, so Harry invited everyone who was left to go back to his place for a few more drinks, but you were tired, and you decided to call it night.
“I’m going to call it night H, I’m exhausted”
“Alright love, that’s probably a good idea, I’ll call in tomorrow, before I head off to L.A” he said slurring his words a little.
“Thanks” you wrapped your arms around him bringing him in for a hug “I’m proud of you”
“Wouldn’t be here without you love” he smiled “can I call you cab to get you home?”
“I’ll get the tube, it’s fine” you said searching your wallet for your oyster card
“Please” he said “it’s safer”
“Fine” you said, knowing that he wouldn’t give up until you agreed, especially if he was a little drunk.  
You got home half an hour later and headed straight to bed, falling asleep almost as soon as your head hit the pillow. Pregnancy was really starting to tire you out, it was rare that you were awake past 10pm anymore and you usually took an afternoon nap. It was strange sleeping without Harry next to you, but you knew you would have to get used it, he was going to be away for the next two weeks and after that he would be constantly going back and forth, getting ready for the tour.
June 2nd 2017 – 8 weeks
You sat next to Harry in the waiting room of you Midwife’s offices, waiting for your second scan. Your first scan happened at 6 weeks, while Harry was in L.A, filming the Late Late show, and everything had gone well. It looked the baby had positioned itself so that your condition wouldn’t affect it until later in your pregnancy, which meant that you probably wouldn’t carry until full term, but it wouldn’t cause a miscarriage. None the less, your midwife had suggested you have a scan every two weeks, just to make sure everything stayed on track.
“Y/N” the midwife called, and both you and Harry stood and followed her into an examination room. “This must be Dad?” she said looking at Harry
“No” you shook your head “He’s just here for support, Dad’s not in the picture”
Harry held his hand out to shake her hand “I’m Harry” he said
“Julie” she said, shaking his hand, doing a double take when she recognised his face “Harry Styles?” she questioned
“That’s me” he nodded
“Sorry, Mr Styles, this is very unprofessional of me, but I’m a big fan of your album”
“No you’re fine” he said, smiling “Thank you”
“Alright Y/N, since bubba is still very tiny, today’s scan is going to have to be another internal scan, so I’ll give you a second to strip your bottom half down, there’s a gown on the table there that you can put on” she motioned towards the hospital gown that sat folded in plastic wrapping on the bed “and Mr Styles, you’re welcome to stay, but if either of you are uncomfortable, you can sit in the wait room until we’re finished with the scan”
“He can stay” you said, to smiling at both of them. Julie smiled back and left the room, letting you get changed.
“When she says internal, does she mean, like” he moved his two fingers in an upwards motion “Inside?”
“Up my Vagina Harry” you said unbuttoning your jeans while he blinked at your bluntness
“Yeah good” he said, voice more high pitched than normal “I’ll stay up here then” he moved towards the head of the examination table
“Good move” you nodded, slipping the gown on and taking your jeans and panties off, laying down on the bed, feet up on the stirrups.
Julie knocked on the door, checking that you were ready and walked back in the room, sitting on the stool at the foot of the bed.
“We ready?” she asked, slipping a pair of gloves on. You nodded and Harry reached down and grabbed your hand. The procedure was a little uncomfortable, like getting a pap smear, but it was worth it when you saw your baby up on the screen.
“Everything’s looking good Y/N” Julie said, turning the screen towards you, “Bubba’s sitting there on the left still, which is where want them to be, we’ve grown quite a bit since last time too, which is a wonderful sign” you felt Harry let out a sigh of relief “Shall we hear the heart beat?” both you and Harry nodded
“Yes please” you said softly, trying to hold back tears
Julie pressed a few buttons on the ultrasound machine, and within seconds you could hear the sound of your baby’s heart for the first time. Your last scan was too early for that, the baby was too small, and the technology wasn’t good enough to be able to hear such a small heartbeat. Your eyes filled with tears and your felt Harry’s grip on your hand tighten as his other had reached down and started rubbing your shoulder.
“It’s the most beautiful sound in the world isn’t it?” Julie said smiling, “I’ve taken a recording of that for you to take home, I’ll give you two a second, and you can get changed, and when I come back we’ll go through a few things, ok?”
“Great” you said, “Thank you”
She walked out of the room and you sat listening to the heartbeat for a few seconds. “It’s real Harry” the tears were streaming down your face now “There’s a baby in there”
“There’s a baby in there,Y/N” he said, wiping your tears away and helping you sit up “I can’t see it, but I can hear it”
You laughed “It’s right there H” you said pointing to the tiny white do on the screen “Like a little potato.”
“Your little spud” he smiled at you
“Our little spud H” you smiled back “I know it’s not yours, but you’re the closest thing its got to a Dad”
“Our little spud” he said helping you sit up, and hugging you “Now put some pants on would ya?”
You giggled and climbed down off the bed, picking up your jeans and panties and slipping them back on, discarding the gown onto the table, and taking a seat in the chair next to the desk. A few minutes later Julie walked back into the room, with another woman, who you assumed was your obstetrician.
“Miss Y/L/N, Mr Styles, this is Doctor Miller, she’s going to be your obstetrician, she specialises in pregnancies like yours and she’s got a few things to talk to you about”
“It’s lovely to meet you both” Dr Miller said, taking a seat at the desk “thanks Julie”
Julie smiled and left the room, leaving you with your doctor.
“Now, I don’t want either of you to be worrying about anything, I’ve taken a quick look at your scan and everything is looking very healthy, baby is growing at the normal rate and your placenta looks healthy too”
“Great” Harry said, placing his hand on your thigh
“As I’m sure Julie mentioned last time, pregnancies like this often don’t make it full term, and natural births are rare, so normal procedure is to schedule two different C-section dates, one at 35 weeks, and one at 38 weeks, and throughout the pregnancy we will monitor the growth of the baby and decide what needs to happen when the time comes – are you ok with that?”
“Of course” you nodded
“Great, so 35 weeks would put us at November 10th and 38 weeks would put us at December 1st” You saw the look on Harry’s face, knowing that he was still on tour for both of those dates, and there was no way he could cancel it at this stage. “Now obviously we try our best to let you get to full term, so just because these are booked in doesn’t mean they’re set in stone, what will probably happen in the last few weeks is that you’ll be put on bed rest, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it”
“Good” you nodded
“For now though, you still need to be taking it easy, make sure you’re taking your vitamins and getting enough rest”
You continued nodding along with what she was saying “Has Julie spoken to you about the Harmony test?”
“She mentioned it briefly last time”
“Great, well all it is, is a simple blood test that screens for any genetic abnormalities, and we’re able to tell the sex much earlier than we would be with just scans”
“Cool” Harry said
“It’s not a part of the NHS though, so it’s completely up to you weather you have it or not, it’s quite expensive”
“That’s not a problem” Harry said, looking at you
“I’ll let you two decide if that’s something you want, if you decide to do it, all you have to do is ring up and book in a blood test”
“Wonderful” you smiled
“Alright, I think that’s everything we needed to talk about for this appointment. We’ll continue with the scans every two weeks for the rest of your first trimester, and we’ll reassess from there.”
“Great” you said, picking up your bag “It was lovely to meet you”
“You too” she smiled, opening the door for you.
You and Harry made your way out of the practice and back to his car, ducking your heads to avoid being seen. Once you got in the car and you were headed back to your flat, Harry spoke.
“I don’t want you to worry about money with this Y/N, if you want that test, please book it in, I’ll pay for it, it’s the least I can do, if I’m not going to be here for the birth”
“Me and little spud are going to do everything we can to keep him in there for an extra week until you get back”
“Him?” Harry smiled at you
“It feels like a boy.”
And that’s Part 3! I know it’s long, but I hope you enjoyed it! I’ll be posting some Texts between Harry and Y/N that happened while he was in LA for Late Late Styles tomorrow, maybe some Instagram's too. But for now I’m going to bed
All the Love, Lyss xx 
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italicwatches · 6 years
Laid-Back Camp - Episode 01
Alright, we’ve got a fun little one. I’ve been trying to figure out where to squeeze this one in, and since I need a little more time before I can slam down some bombshells, now will work. It’s time for some more cute girls doing cute things, folks. Specifically, it’s Laid-Back Camp, episode 01! Here we GO!
-We begin, with actual camping. A crackling little campfire, marshmallows and hot drinks, a group of girls having fun out in nature. Looks like we’ve got a total of five, so we’ll presumably be meeting them properly over this episode and one or two more…
-Opening! It’s actually a quite clever little opening, with some solid editing and visuals. I’m not sure if it’s quite up to the level of some of the greats and legends, but it is really solid.
-And we’re back. On a lonesome road, with a girl pedaling along her little folding bike loaded down heavily with supplies strapped to the rear rack. No lie this is what I came for. You can do it, lonesome cycle girl! It’s through a tunnel, and she keeps going through some really pretty shots on the way. Tragically, the gorgeous mountains are lost behind some clouds today, so no perfect photo opportunity.
-Anyways then she runs into a png-haired girl sleeping on a bench. And promptly passes her by. Our proper protagonists-meeting will have to wait, because it’s time to check in and get some space at a campground. And we get the name Shima Rin! Rin who is here to camp, on her own, in the winter, on just a bike. It’s somethin’ else but really cool.
-And she plops down at a lake, where again I really have to note how nice some of these shots are. Like, usually a lot of these CGDCT shows go lazy with their background work, but this one clearly cares about getting it right. Also Rin explicitly comes here intentionally in the off-season so she’s basically solo. So out comes the tent, a tiny little one-person thing, her inflatable sleeping pad… A tiny little folding table and chair…You get the idea. But I’m also noting these because of how familiar a lot of these things are, and how careful the artists have been to really show them accurately and well. It speaks to a loving care that hobby-type CGDCT shows don’t always get the luxury of receiving.
-Episode 01! Mount Fuji and Curry Noodles
-Okay, campsite sorted, heating pad activated, and now Rin’s just going to kick back with a good book…Except it’s a little too cold to get by with just a pad and her…Does it still count as a shawl if it’s obviously a thick material intended for cold weather, or do they have to be more thin? I’m not entirely sure where the line on that goes. Anyways, seriously it’s like 5 degrees celsius, just a heating pad isn’t going to make it comfortable enough to sit and read The Mystery of Ancient Civilization X. A title that immediately tells us a lot about Rin here.
-Yeah she’s not having a good time. But a proper campfire is gonna be a pain, so she tries to hold out. ..Yeah that doesn’t last very long before she gets out into the woods and starts gathering fire materials. Dry pinecones and broken-off branches are the order of the day, as the anime even stops to give actual advice on good firewood. I am rapidly starting to see why this one so firmly got people into camping in Japan.
-Also, Rin consistently gets too many pinecones and too much firewood…And is a bit melodramatic with her wood-splitting knife. I like her already. …And then she runs into that pink-haired girl again when she goes to the bathroom. She has moved but is still just napping. Okay then.
-Anyways, fire! I will spare you the fine details of forming a campfire, though it is interesting that the advice here starts with burning kindling and adds the main wood to it. I was always taught to build the wood structure, bring in kindling, and then bring fire to the kindling. But anyways, even with all the troubles of a true campfire, Rin is comfortable at last. Now to get some water boiling, and get back to her book, right?
-Not right. Text message from a friend who gets sent a photo from the campsite. Takes photos, camps, cycles, little overdramatic, yeah I’m gonna like this girl. And all is calm, as she enjoys her day…
-Sunset comes and let’s cut miles away to a house, where another woman wonders when she’ll be returning…
-Back to the campsite after dark, where it’s legitimately pretty dark. Rin has to get out her lantern, and also has to brave a trip to the camp bathroom. This time, no pink-haired girl. Probably just day-trip—OH GOD HUMAN. THE PINK-HAIRED GIRL! So Rin has a panic and begins a wild and frantic sprint to the gate and front building, chased by the pink-haired devil!
-Okay things have calmed down and the girls are around Rin’s campfire. So let me walk you through what happened. Our pink-haired girl moved to the area just today. She went on a bike ride to try and see Mount Fuji. She got lost, then got tired, then fell asleep. She slept through the entire day, and awoke to pitch-black night without a single light to be found. And it is way too dark to dare ride back down without a proper light, especially through a series of dark tunnels.
-So, plan B. Call her folks? her phone seems, to be, gone. Also she is totally without a food and is slowly starving to death.
-…So Rin offers her a cup noodle. For 1500 yen. That’s…That’s just cruel. Especially since this girl only has 100 yen to her name. But it’s just a bad joke. So out comes the jet-boil style mini-camp-stove to get the water going, and Rin’s phone to make the call…
-Only one other problem. She moved, like, today, and so doesn’t remember the new number.
-Her own phone’s number?
-Who remembers their own phone’s number in this day and age?
-It is a cruel joke, this life.
-But okay. Food, more wood for the fire. Warmth and comfort. And Rin experiences camping with an actual other person with her for the first time…And damn, that is not a cheap cup-noodle Rin gave her. That looks really good actually, and brings this poor rookie back to life! She’s adorable.
-And also we get into her head as she realizes Rin is here on her own, despite being a tiny little thing. Which even leads to assuming Rin is a fair bit younger than she probably is. But they get to talking, and it turns out that her town’s wayyyy down at the bottom of this hill. Which is why she rode so far, only to not see any…thing…
-Look behind you.
-God. Damn. The clouds parted, the full moon came out…That’s…Fuck. I don’t know which shot I’m going to use for this episode, now. Our pink-haired girl is just awed, as she sees Mount Fuji for real, and just takes it in…And that’s when her brain finally kicks on and she remembers her sister’s cell number!
-So yeah hard cut to the purple-haired woman from before having to apologize for the idiocy of her kid sister. And then drag her ass into the car to be taken home for quite a punishment. But not without leaving Rin w ith a thank-you gift for caring for the girl, an entire bag full of kiwis…
-Oh and now that this girl has her phone back and its number, she stops long enough to give Rin her contact info. Kagamihara Nadeshiko, such a strange girl…But just interesting enough for Rin to add her. And back in the car, Nadeshiko’s already asking her sister if they have any camping supplies at home. Something has sparked, in this plucky pink-haired girl.
-As the credits play, we see her normal day, setting out for class on her own little portable bike to the station, racing to her first day at her new school…And running past two of the other girls we’ll be meeting. Because she’s so dang excited. And missing encountering Rin by like two seconds.
-Also we have an after credits sequence, the Outdoors Club. Which leads to imagining a heated tent for winter camping. Except what they’re describing is just a particularly tall kotatsu. …Not that I wouldn’t winter-camp in a particularly tall kotatsu. That sounds like the best.
Okay so far every single character we’ve met is great. This is gonna be fun on a bun. We’ll see where it goes next time, and if it stays so fun, in episode TWO of Laid-Back Camp. Wait for it!
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kirsctein · 7 years
here are several things i’ve been tagged to do and never did but now it’s time cos this year is soon over 🌸✨
and i’m tagging: 
@llucinas, @actually-funny, @magicaldere, @pinkcupofcherrytea, @hajiiwa, @xingkari, @sodoreme, @monamarie, @13011942, @tachibana--chan​, @elziebanana
to do one, some, or all of these, or none if you don’t want to (tagging some of the ones who tagged me in these too if you want to do some of the other ones) ^^
all the tag memes under the cut ~
tagged by @pinkcupofcherrytea tysm ✨
RULES: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better.
Name: anni Nickname/s: moth, twin Zodiac sign: aries Height: 167 cm Orientation: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Nationality: finnish Favourite fruit: kiwi Favourite Season: summer Favourite Book/s: mmmm the raven cycle and six of crows perhaps Favourite Flower: forget-me-not :’) Favourite Scent: vanilla, the smell after the rain, christmas spices Favourite Colour: blue, pastels, warm and earthy greens and yellows Favourite Animal: cats, owls, bunnies Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: tea, or hot cocoa aahhh Average Sleep Hours: hmmmm 9-ish Cat or Dog Person: cat person but doggos are good Favourite Fictional Character: well lance right now but i have a ton of favs Number of Blankets you sleep with: one Dream Trip: there is simply so many places i’d love to visit ;;; Blog Created: nov 2011 Number of Followers: 1,2k Random Fact: more like a story than a fact but i once lost my shoe in bmth moshpit and it was JANUARY so it was below zero and snow so my friend had to help me jump with one foot back to our hotel, later my mom contacted the venue and my poor shoe was found while cleaning and mailed back to me LOL
tagged by @llucinas thanks ✨
Rules: if you can, list the Top Ten songs you are listening to lately, and tag ten mutuals to do the same!
artist vs poet - christmas with you the maine - ho ho hopefully rajaton - tonttu aqours - my 舞☆ tonight blessthefall - déjà vu radwimps - zenzenzense jfkjka can’t come up w any more right now cos all i’ve been listening lately is xmas music💦💦
tagged by @llucinas tysm ✨ 
rules: write your 10 favourite female characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people 
only ten damn bnha - uraraka ochako / asui tsuyu (can’t choose!!) love live sunshine - watanabe you fma - riza hawkeye haikyuu - yachi hitoka psycho pass - tsunemori akane kagepro - kido tsubomi  voltron - allura gsnk - sakura chiyo overwatch - d.va snk - sasha
tagged by @hajiiwa thanks  ✨
1ST RULE: Tag people you want to get to know better
2ND RULE: Fill in the categories
APPEARANCE: i’m 167 cm so if you see me with my family your first impression would be that i’m short, but if you catch me with my friends, you might think i’m actually on the taller side. i have short light brown hair and wear glasses. my normal attire is cardigans or hoodies, usually grey or black in colour aside these few light pink ones, and black skinny jeans 
PERSONALITY: i’m pretty shy so i won’t talk much unless i’m comfortable with the people i’m with (then i might not be able to shut up lmao). i get excited easily :D also sometimes get angry and frustrated easily but usually i’ll be over it in 15 minutes no matter how bad it was. also cry easily lol. so i’m p emotional i guess 
ABILITY: i’m not very good at anything lol
HOBBIES: i play mobile games, read (mostly just fanfiction these days), watch series and movies (alone or in company), chat with friends, and sometimes draw and take photos
EXPERIENCES: uni sure has been one. wow. also i’ve visited 9 countries, edinburgh being the best city i’ve been to - i spent 3 weeks there attending language and scottish culture classes at the uni ^^ otherwise my life has been quite void of “experiences” lol, but i do cherish things even a little special and different from monotonous everyday life
MY LIFE: is kinda stuck because i haven’t been able to finish my thesis. i need to get a job. and move out again. but i’m doing alright and there are things happening in the near future that i’m looking forward to ^^ but i wish i would find some direction, some dream to pursue, or even just land a job for financial security.
RELATIONSHIPS: most of my friendships are doing alright ^^ sadly with couple i feel like we are drifting apart and there is little to do. with family, i feel like everything’s alright. i’m kinda distant with many relatives i wish i was closer with though. and romantic relationships? lmao.
RANDOM STUFF: i have no idea what to write here :/ watch haikyuu 
thanks for even clicking the readmore <3
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neongenesisimpacts · 7 years
I'm really happy I still have this space, because I feel like there are things I can talk about here I can't on my Facebook. That's nice. Also Facebook can be so much™.
What have I been up to? Mostly activism stuff and feeling lonely/sad/exhausted 95% of the time. But there have been good moments.
1. It's an inexplicable feeling, but me and more I've been really happy that I was able to live here. I think the number one thing that really depressed me about living in St. Louis was my level of connection to others. And in a lot of ways, that's still something I have to work on. I still feel like I'm compartmentalizing a lot of my life here? And I don't like that. But there are people who care about me. Who would cry if I was gone. And that's nice? Don't get me wrong, I'm still a lonely loser who literally spends most of their time outside of work in bed. But there are people here who care about me, as little as I believe that about myself. And that gives me hope.
2. I've actually...managed to get close to two people here. One of them is such an awkward nerd and it's adorable. They're really quiet and withdrawn, and somehow those qualities combined with obviouly nerdy tendencies seem to be qualities I'm drawn to in a person. They're trans and cute, and we cuddle sometimes, and once, even went a little further. But it was at that point I realized two things: First being I was lonely and touch-starved to hell and back and that I, as a person who craves human contact, may react strongly after not being touched or held like that for months. And second being because of that longing, I was moving too quickly with a person I was unsure about, and...I couldn't get into it. It was at this point I affirmed my deminess to myself. I wanted to keep kissing her. I wanted her to continue playing with me and me the same to them. But I couldn't do it. The longer I tried, the more i just felt turned off and weird. And I knew then I didn't like them. The tl;Dr is that I didn't feel like what I looked for in partners was there, but it's worth talking about later. We don't talk a lot, but I can count on them to be someone who will spend time with me.
The second person i've gotten close here is their exact opposite. We never have and never will date, and we just simply happen to be friends, but they're the most important friend I have here. They're outwardly passionate and bright, artistic and impressive, and from the first time I saw them speak I felt so in awe by their presence. They would most definitely protest if they read this, but their passion for life causes a rise in me that honestly has inspired me to stand up here. And despite their trials in life, and how much they continue to struggle with today, they can still manage to smile. They can still fight. Their story gives me hope. They noticed me first after I spoke at Kiwi Herring's vigil, and because I'm introverted and silly, I didn't remember them? But slowly and graduatedly, we started meeting and talking more over what became a backdrop of protests and political actions, and they sucked me in lol. The more I learned about them, the more I wanted to listen to their stories and feel their music. This was a person I really wanted to connect with. And well, we have.
I can't begin to describe the kind of positive impact on my mental health having a friend like them around has been. They've been willing to listen to me when i've been really upset and talk with me about hard things for both of us. They talk with me via text for hours sometimes, and a lot of these days, she may have been the only on I would have ever talked to. And when their partner is gone and they're feeling really bad, we practice platonic cuddling sometimes and cuddling is just so nice???? Like I could write a book on that but this is long enough already.
This person is really important to me. I love so much about them. And it makes me so happy to see them living life, loving their equally wonderful partner and just making it day by day. It really makes me happy just being near them. I hope this doesn't too weird. I'm just really happy I can count on their friendship.
I guess from there, it's just the bad that's left, right. And unfortunately for me, I feel like there's so much to work on. The biggest thing I feel right now is that I just feel so burned out. After TDOR Monday and the major role I played in it, I just feel so over activism. It's not that I don't feel like it isn't worth it or I'm against anything. I just feel so disenfrancised and weak and...honeslty scared. I don't feel like my voice is being heard at protests and when I spoke up about, I couldn't handle the attention. And idk, I look at how hard everyone is fighting and it just, idk. I wish I could explain the feeling or alienation and hopelessness I get. Maybe I'm just overwhelmed and my body is just telling me so idk.
I've gotten used to my line of work now, but I have such numb feelings about my job now. It's so not the line of work I want to inhabit. I feel like a lot of what I do here directly contradicts who I am as a person, and in order to not be a crying, sniveling mess like o was in the beginning, I jhst have to supress myself. I also hate my shift (4 PM-4 AM) as it's absolutely terrible who loves the idea and beauty behind mornings. But this job pays the bills. And every adult just expects me to endure it, like hating your job and your life are just normal facets of adulthood we have to put up with. And after a recent brush with near-starvation, I guess I have to begrudgingly agree: paying the bills is better than not eating.
There's a lot of stressors right now: my family, my transness, my everything, but I guess the main idea of everything is that I just feel like the world is going crazy and I'm having to stand up to this brave new world by myself. I've dealt with a lot of my isolation and loneliness and I'm happy for that. I've come back from two near suicide attempts a month ago to really try and embrace the things about life that make it worth living. But in my everyday, I feel like something is missing and I don't know what I want. I don't know what I'm afraid of or how not to be. Is it loneliness? A lack of validation, of someone telling me "everything going to be okay"? Fear of my future? Idk.
I'm going to try and hild on to what's dear in my life. Slowly but surely. I'm going to make it through this and live.
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sprob002-blog · 5 years
A Little About New Zealand
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Like many other people, what intentionally made me interested in traveling to New Zealand was the breathtaking scenery and to visit the set of the Lord of the Rings. Just one minute into this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yo4ueevKfdE), and I am ready to pack my bags and book the next flight. This beautiful country is split into the North Island and South Island, and its remoteness from the rest of the world has allowed the creation of some beautiful animals. I study marine biology, so it would be really amazing to experience evolution’s works and see things that you can not see anywhere else in the world. New Zealand is home to some unique creatures, like the kiwi, which has become the unofficial symbol for the country as well as a nickname for the native people. Another native species is the yellow-eyed penguin, which is one of the six types of penguins found around the country. 
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My knowledge of New Zealand is quite limited, but I was aware that it once was under British rule until they gained independence in 1947. Even though they are now a sovereign nation, the countries flag still represents a time they were under the crown. The interactions with Great Britain and the native Maori people of New Zealand have shaped the culture of the society. An important day in history that is celebrated annually is when the Treaty of Waitangi was signed on February 6, 1880. The treaty was designed to determine who had authority over the land, but the natives and English had disagreements which subsequently led to The New Zealand Wars just five years later. One interesting fact is that New Zealand was the first self-governing nation to give women the right to vote in 1893. 
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 English is the common language, but many natives can speak Maori which is the second popular language in the country. The English language in New Zealand is similar to that of Australian English in the way its pronounced, but there are some differences. They say you can tell an Australian accent from a New Zealand accent by the way they pronounce vows and by the slang that is used. Australians tend to draw out their vows more, and have their own unique slang for things such as sandals that they call thongs. Even if you have an ear for accents, I’m sure it would take a couple time visiting to truly be able to tell the difference between the two. 
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Prior to searching and collecting images, I was not informed of the rich history that New Zealand has. Its culture is influence mainly by western culture, the isolation of the islands, and the indigenous Maori people. In present day, the majority of inhabitants are of European decent and the Maori have become a minority, but their influence is still strong. A big component of New Zealand culture is Kapa haka, which is the term for Maori performing arts, and is a cultural dance to express heritage through song. It has even been performed before sporting events by their national rugby team, the All Blacks. When traveling to any foreign country, it is a good idea to become familiar with traditions and cultures. This short video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NB3m5Nc1BzM) was a good start for me when brushing up on New Zealand traditions. 
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The Maori have a traditional way of cooking that involves digging a deep hole in the ground and using hot stones to cook meat and vegetables that are wrapped in leaves. This method is called hangi, and lets you embrace the authentic experience of New Zealand cooking. I found it interesting that schools will have a hangi because this differs greatly from the food that is known to be served in US lunchrooms. 
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Another popular dish is whitebait fritter, which is juvenile fish cooked in egg whites to create an omelet. This is considered a delicacy and alternative to fish and chips, and it is a must try when I visit. It’s no surprise that seafood is a big part of New Zealand diet consider the country is an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. 
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Food gatherings are a popular and common social event in New Zealand. If a native says they are “shouting” it means that they are providing the meal at their cost. If you are invited over for dinner, the same social manners follow as in the US. It is proper to offer to bring a dish or something to drink, and to be sure if you can bring an additional guest. Also, the drinking age in NZ is 18! Some people follow Maori customs within the home by not having shoes on, not sitting on tables or pillows, and saying a karakia to bless the food before the meal. Do not be alarmed if someone greets you with a kiss on the cheek, as it is a friendly and common thing to do. After dinner a favorite New Zealand dessert is hokey pokey ice cream, vanilla ice cream with clumps of honeycomb toffee, and they apparently eat 23 liters per capita a year alone! New Zealanders also like their lolly, which is slang for candy. 
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Despite having deep cultural roots, New Zealand is not immune to acts of racism. Unfortunately, they have been at the forefront of world news recently because of the terror attacked at various mosques that left over 50 dead and many others injured. (https://www.mprnews.org/story/2019/03/14/witness-many-dead-in-new-zealand-mosque-shooting)
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It is incredibly sad that we must fear for our lives when we walk outside, but it is especially heinous to prey on innocent people at a place of worship. This incident is the worst attack in New Zealand history, and in this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sOKzcd0Uxg) the Prime Minister explains that she dose not plan to do nothing about it. She vows that the gun laws will change to prevent further incidents like this one. However, it is uplifting to see an article in the NZ Herald that schools in the country are stepping up and trying to help students with their mental health (https://www.nzherald.co.nz/health/news/article.cfm?c_id=204&objectid=12212778). Many schools, like ones in the US, believe teachers should not intervene in a student’s life, but perhaps if we took a more proactive action to help mental illnesses then maybe terrible acts like this recent one will no longer occur. 
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New Zealand has been a constitutional monarchy since 1952, and this basically means that Queen Elizabeth II reigns, but it is the government and people who do the ruling. They do not have a formal constitution, but rather a collection of documents, such as the Treaty of Waitangi, that help lay the framework for their government. The country has their own form of currency, and one New Zealand dollar equals $0.66 US dollars. Their government functions in the same way as the United States by having three separate branches: the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary. However, unlike the US their legislature branch is only made out of the House of Representatives. Another notable difference in their government is that they are a unitary state and not a federation. Their central government limits the authority of the regions and even is in charge of police and education. I am not sure if I would like the idea of a more powerful central government, but it does seem that the country would be more uniform in their actions.  
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There are many aspects about New Zealand life that remind me of the United States. For starters, the gender roles are about the same in each country. Men are supposed to be the breadwinners while women stay at home with the children. For New Zealand, this role began because back in 1840 the majority of Europeans were men that came for work, and the women slowly started to move to the islands to create permanent homes. These roles were fairly common and constant and woman did not really start joining the workforce until the late 1900′s. In today’s world, women in both United States and in New Zealand are working to break that stereotype and are taking on more unconventional roles. Another similarity between the two countries is that Christianity is the main religion, and in New Zealand almost 50% of people claim to be Christians. Even though Anglicanism is the religion of the monarch of New Zealand, the country does not have an established church. The country has had the basic right of freedom of religion since the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.
Also, the mainstream music in New Zealand is not much different from music I hear in America. I looked up their top 100 popular songs, and I was not familiar with #1 which was a song called “Days Go By” by a welsh band called High Contrast (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9pUR1QV3yQ). However, I was familiar with many of the other songs I saw on the list. Before researching popular artist, I had no knowledge that Lorde, who is played on many radio stations in the US, is from New Zealand. One of her most popular songs, “Royals” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlcIKh6sBtc), has an astonishing 757 million views on Youtube. I enjoyed many of the artist that I came across, like Marlon Williams. The first video of him that I saw was on NPR Music’s channel, and I was familiar with the segment they do called Tiny Desk Concert (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ab8YnmHB6tE). I found it very interesting to learn that many of the artist I have come across I’ve had no idea they were from places such as New Zealand. 
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Besides Lord of the Rings I did not know of any movies made in New Zealand or by a NZ company. The film industry is definitely smaller than in the US, and many of their films do not receive international credit. The highest grossing film in their country is called Hunt for the Wilderpeople and made almost 10 billion dollars in 2016. The movie is a comedy/drama about a boy and his foster father running through the NZ wilderness because there is a manhunt after them. I came across the site “NZ On Screen” (https://www.nzonscreen.com/explore) that broadcast all different types of TV shows, movies, music videos, and even cultural art performances that have been made in New Zealand. I found this site really useful in trying to explore popular media as well as a way to learn more about their society. 
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Before traveling to New Zealand, I believe it is a good idea to look up some travel blogs to get an idea of what it might feel like to be a tourist in a foreign land. One I found very useful was “The Do’s and Dont’s of a New Zealand Road Trip” (https://youngadventuress.com/2014/08/new-zealand-road-trip.html). It covers everything from the perfect campervan to rent, a review of popular tourist sites, and even to driving in New Zealand because lets be honest driving in a foreign country can be a little scary. However, the most informative blog I came across was “How to Plan Your Ideal New Zealand Trip” (https://misstourist.com/how-to-plan-your-ideal-trip-to-new-zealand/). This blog has all the information you need in terms of the best time to visit, how much you can expect to spend, and even some tips on how to score the best deals because it can become rather expensive. 
After researching and collecting images about New Zealand, I have a better understanding of their cultural roots and some of the traditions that are popular. I plan to expand my knowledge by keeping up with current news and exploring more of their popular movies and music. The collection I have so far will help me be more respectful when I travel to New Zealand, and it has made me more comfortable when I travel abroad. 
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pop-punklouis · 7 years
hey hope i just woke up and saw that harry released his track list for his album. with songs like carolina and woman it makes me upset because i didn't think he was gonna play into that image they made of him fucking all these women and now it's like he is i dunno i'm just sad
Okay, I have been up for a little over 2 hours, and in that time span I have seen such mind-numbing discourse over his tracklist. Why are so many people jumping the gun with these songs when you know next to nothing about them besides their name? It’s the age-old phrase, “dont judge a book by its cover.” 
There are so many songs and books out there that have titles and book/album art that are incredibly misleading about the actual story they contain. Not to mention, Harry Styles is known for his cryptic, metaphorical ass which is a massive thing to consider when even trying to analyze anything he releases. For all we know, “Carolina” could be about his secret, undying love for the Carolina Panthers. It could be his way of writing a love song about South Carolina’s Myrtle Beach. He could be paying homage to Jimmy Buffett. Maybe, he wants to raise cattle in Hill Ridge Farms of North Carolina. We just don’t know. 
It’s silly to me to even try to speculate on what any of these songs could possibly mean. You ever eat a food so delicious you wanted to make love to it? You wanted to write love songs about it? Harry could’ve had a damn good Kiwi one day, and he had to dedicate something to it. And “Woman” is more than likely about his mother knowing how Harry is. It’s allllll just writing. It’s allll just words. 
I think people, sometimes, have a hard time grasping the idea that songwriting isn’t always subjective. Actually, this has to go for all writings. As someone who writes often, I can tell you for a fact that many of the things I write aren’t inspired by things that directly happen to me. A lot of things are inspired by others around me, their stories, their lives, and maybe even strangers that i have observed and concocted a story out of them. That’s how writing is. So much of it can be inspired by things that aren’t necessarily about you. I think that’s one of the best things about writing. I think that’s the creative process. Do you think that authors or even fic writers are writing from personal experience? Not always no. So much of writing is considered Fiction, and that isn’t meant to be used in a derogatory way. It’s meant to imply that writing, no matter what form, doesn’t always have to be true to you even if it’s true to someone else. That is the beauty of it. 
There are many examples of musicians writing songs that weren’t drawn from personal experiences, but the main ones that popped into my head are “English Girls” and “Sad Songs” by The Maine. 
English Girls was written by the lead singer of The Maine, John O’Callaghan, and his explanation for the song goes like this:  “This song is about a conversation I was sort of a fly-on-the-wall for.  Have you ever experienced accidentally eavesdropping on a conversation between strangers that it causes you to create images in your head, JUST BECAUSE you don’t know what do with the information they’re indirectly forcing you to consume? That’s what I did, and I wrote a song out of it.” 
Sad Songs by The Maine is very similar in that sense. He was quoted by saying this about the song: “I was in a taxi, getting a ride back to where I was staying and the Taxi driver really caught my attention. The song was inspired by a heartbroken taxi driver who listens to sad songs to make up for losing the love of his life to an arranged marriage. Somehow, you get to feel the driver’s sentiment through the song. I wanted to make that known.” 
These are only two examples of The Maine I can think of, not to even mention the thousands of artists out there I could probably include that have found inspiration through others- not only themselves. Now, I’m not saying this is what Harry Styles has done (because of course I DONT know the songs), but its a very real possibility especially with his history of using symbolism, metaphors, and abstract ideas for things. I think its a wait and see game, and even then, its better to go into any song or album exhausting all the possibilities that a song could be derived from instead of putting yourself in a small box. I can guarantee you, putting yourself in that box for Harry Styles’ album is not the smartest way to go about it. 
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comiccrusaders · 6 years
BOOM! Studios is proud to continue The Road to San Diego, a ten-day spotlight on the most exciting comic book and graphic novel news in advance of Comic Con International in San Diego (July 18-22), with the announcement of SMOOTH CRIMINALS #1, a new original ongoing series beginning in November 2018 from the acclaimed screenwriter Kirsten “Kiwi” Smith (Legally Blonde, 10 Things I Hate About You) and Kurt Lustgarten, the writing duo behind the smash hit Misfit City, and artist Leisha Riddel (Project Solace).
There are certain things Brenda expects to find while hacking: money, secrets, occasional pictures of cats. She is NOT expecting to find a cryogenically frozen master thief named Mia from the 60s. Mia is everything Brenda is not—cool, confident, beautiful. And utterly unprepared for the digital age. Despite their differences, the two will need to team up to find out what happened to Mia—and how to pull off the heist of the century.
“With SMOOTH CRIMINALS, we want to tell a female friendship story wrapped in a jewel heist  — a buddy comedy about a somewhat-out-of-touch cat burglar from the past who teams with a socially awkward tech savvy genius in 1999 that shows just how much times – and crimes –  have changed,” said Kiwi Smith & Kurt Lustgarten. “We want to explore the idea that women era and different backgrounds can accomplish true change by working together in a world where anachronistic rules are meant to be broken. If you’re fan of James Bond or nostalgic for the 90s, you’ll love seeing these two team up to pull off the the heist of the century…if they can figure out how to be friends first.”
“I’m very excited to work on SMOOTH CRIMINALS, as someone who identifies as a woman of color, creating characters that are closer to who I am is always great,” said Leisha Riddel. “The story is a bit sci-fi, and a bit action, but still relatable as a coming of age which is a recipe for everything I’m all about. Brenda and Mia are super fun to draw and I can’t wait to draw all their escapades.”
SMOOTH CRIMINALS #1 features a main cover by Audrey Mok (Archie, Heroine Chic) and a variant cover by Chynna Clugston Flores (Blue Monday, Scooter Girl).
“Sometimes crime really does pay – in the form of finding your new best friend and hopefully getting super rich,” said Shannon Watters, Senior Editor, BOOM! Studios. “Readers of Misfit City know that Kiwi and Kurt perfectly marry big thrills and even bigger friendships to create unforgettable adventures. Now they’re going to steal your heart once again with Leisha-Marie as their new partner in crime and we can’t wait for you to see what they’ve got planned.”
SMOOTH CRIMINALS, is the latest release from BOOM! Studios’ critically acclaimed BOOM! Box imprint, home to popular original series such asLumberjanes by Shannon Watters, Grace Ellis, Brooklyn A. Allen, and Noelle Stevenson; Giant Days by John Allison, Lissa Treiman, and Max Sarin; The Backstagers by James Tynion IV and Rian Sygh; SLAM! by Pamela Ribon, Veronica Fish, and Mar Julia; Fence by C.S. Pacat and Johanna The Mad; and Goldie Vanceby Hope Larson and Brittney Williams.
Print copies of SMOOTH CRIMINALS #1 will be available for sale in November 2018 at local comic book shops (use comicshoplocator.com to find the nearest one) or at the BOOM! Studios webstore. Digital copies can be purchased from content providers, including comiXology, iBooks, Google Play, and the BOOM! Studios app.
For continuing news on SMOOTH CRIMINALS and more from BOOM! Studios’ The Road To San Diego, stay tuned to​ www.boom-studios.com and follow@boomstudios on Twitter.
Felonies Make Forever Friendships in SMOOTH CRIMINALS at BOOM! Studios BOOM! Studios is proud to continue The Road to San Diego, a ten-day spotlight on the most exciting comic book and graphic novel news in advance of Comic Con International in San Diego (July 18-22), with the announcement of 
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