#I knew there was a reason why that panel of Garshasp rang a bell in me
tired-reader-writer · 15 days
So there's something I noticed with a couple marzbans in chapter 132...
At least with Khayr and Manuchurh (and perhaps Shapur, though he's not in 132), their expressions seem unchanged from the ones they seem to have been wearing upon death— as seen when their heads were on display:
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(does his mouth not look like it's slightly ajar here?)
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It doesn't seem to apply to all marzban, however, as Vahriz's expression changes within his one scene in the chapter and while his teeth were visible way back when his head was on display, that looked way different from this expression which looks like he's actually moving his facial muscles:
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Can't say definitely about Garshasp however I find it very inch-resting to see him framed in front of a wall with the Parsian banners like so:
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Considering his final sight before death:
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Okay he actually seems to also have a different expression from death. Hmmm.
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