#I kinda love it when Gwen is a manipulative lil shit
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bonkers-behavior · 22 days ago
Been lacking in my gwenposting recently so take this 🤲
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Dialogue taken directly from a clip of Batman The Animated Series between Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy lol, so this would be Gwen talking Laura off the edge of doing something drastic
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ofbridie · 6 years ago
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maggie  lindemann  •  twenty  one  •  cis  female  /  look,  it's  bridgette  'bridie'  darlene  easom  from  apartment  2c  !  apparently  she  moved  into  moreau  apartments  one  year  ago  and  rumour  has  it,  they  can  be  quite  idiosyncratic  —  good  thing  they’re  also  vehement,  hey?  i  hear  they’re  the  CYNIC  of  the  building.
➳  hey  angels  !  i'm  soph  &  i  stumbled  across  this  just  in  time  to  rejoin  !  i'm  rly  excited  to  be  here  &  hope  u  love  bridie  just  as  much  as  i  do  despite  her  BIG  BRAT  ENERGY.  to  sum  her  up,  she's  kind  of  a  self-entitled  weirdo.  heavily  inspired  by  the  music  of  charli  xcx  &  tove  lo.  loves  all  things  creepy.  she  was  raised  by  a  mother  who  acted  more  like  her  SISTER.  works  as  a  tattoo  artist  /  whatever  other  job  she  can  hold  down  for  more  than  a  minute.  she  changes  mood  before  u  can  blink.  she  has  a  MEGA  guard  up  which  could  potentially  be  forcibly  knocked  down  by  those  she's  close  to.  she  loves  to  play  games,  hates  being  played  with  -  aka  a  TOTAL  HYPOCRITE.  has  a  pet  gecko  called  gwen.  her  skills  include  coming  across  as  a  COMPELTE  MARDY  ARSE  &  SELF-SABOTAGING.  there's  a  softness  to  her  though  (  deep  deep  down  )  but  blink  &  you’ll  miss  it.  MORE BELOW THE CUT !
bridget  was  named  after  her  great  grandmother,  but  has  always  been  known  as  bridie.  she  was  the  product  of  a  one  night  stand  &  has  never  known  her  dad  -  aka  daddy  issues  GALORE.
her  mom  was  18  when  she  was  born  &  their  relationship  has  always  been  more  sibling-like  than  a  mother  and  daughter
she  was  pretty  much  allowed  to  get  away  with  WHATEVER  she  felt  like,  usually  assisted  by  her  mom  actually  lmao
pros:  she  got  in  trouble  a  shit  ton  cons:  she  grew  incredibly  close  to  her  mom  &  sees  her  as  a  best  friend
she’s  always  been  easily  manipulated  by  her  mom,  &  always  had  to  drag  her  out  of  trouble   
now  she's  moved  out  she  still  finds  herself  having  to  clean  up  her  mom’s  problems  for  her  &  lends  her  $$$  quite  a  lot  
she  probably  has  some  HALF  SIBLINGS  out  there  so  if  anyone's  interested  ..  hmu
➳   milky  skin  scattered  with  teeny  tattoos.  raven-black  hair.  perfectly  manicured  nails  that  could  CUT  a  bitch.  blasting  music  far  too  loudly  through  earphones.   flatform  sneakers.  doe-eyed  glances.  oversized  t-shirts  &  denim  jackets.  unmatching  socks.  a  tiny  scar  under  her  left  eyebrow.  
she's  like  a  lil  storm  cloud  ..  full  of  sarcasm  &  pessimism  
lacks  a  filter  &  could  REALLY  do  with  developing  one 
a  total  party  girl  but  surprisingly  STILL  a  lightweight  -  one  vodka-cranberry  &  she's  gone
she's  not  the  MOST  reliable  ..  it's  not  because  she  doesn't  care  (  though  that  does  somewhat  come  into  the  equation  )  she  just  has  the  attention  span  of  an  ANT
she  actually  has  a  pretty  big  heart  despite  what  you'd  think..  she  just  doesn't  open  it  up  very  easily
fiercely  loyal  ..  kinda  like  an  ANGRY  CHIHUAHUA  on  a  rampage  if  u  hurt  someone  she  loves
she’s  a  total  FLIGHT-RISK,  especially  when  things  get  hard  or  serious
despite  her  exterior,  she's  actually  a  pretty  anxious  person  ..  it's  all  one  huge  defence  mechanism  ?  she's  pretty  hard  on  herself  :/
➳  BEST  FRIEND/S:  the  people  she  TRULY  lets  into  the  '  bridie  shit  show  ',  uncensored.  
➳  CHILDHOOD  FRIENDS:  they've  had  to  deal  with  bridie  nearly  their  entire  life  ..  poor  soul ➳  GOOD  INFLUENCE:  somebody  who  tries  to  act  as  the  angel  on  her  shoulder ➳  BAD  INFLUENCE:  somebody  who  tries  to  undo  everything  her  good  influence  does   ➳  FAMILIAL:  i'd  LOVE  any  half  siblings  from  her  dad's  side  ??  otherwise  COUSINS  or  FAMILY  FRIENDS  would  be  beautiful   ➳  EXES:  probably  ended  DISASTROUSLY  but  could  have  ended  good  too  ?   ➳  LOVE  /  HATE  OR  STRAIGHT  UP  ENEMIES:  they  just  CLASH  ;  could  be  just  platonic  OR  could  be  fwb  /  sexual  tension  ..  wriggles  brows
➳  UNLIKELY  FRIENDSHIP: the  two  are  complete  opposites  but  something  about  it  just  WORKS
➳  THE  ONE  WHO  BROKE  HER  HEART:  her  first  REAL  love,  but  it  all  went  tits  up  for  lack  of  better  wording.   ➳  THE  REBOUND:  somebody  she  slept  with  after  getting  her  heart  broken,  and  continued  sleeping  due  to  the  comfort  of  knowing  SOMEBODY  out  there  wanted  her ➳  CRUSH:  somebody  she's  infatuated  with  but  will  never  tell  them  ..  probably  BULLIES  them  to  cover  it  up
➳  FWB: casually  hook  up  from  time  to  time,  feelings  could  develop  with  chem
➳  TOXIC  EXES  /  ON  &  OFF  AGAIN:  something  continues  to  draw  them  back  together  again,  no  matter  what  is  said  and  done ➳  SMOKING  BUDDIES:  goes  without  saying   ➳  SOMEBODY  SHE'S  TATTOOED:  also  ..  goes  without  saying
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