#I kinda fw it real heavy tho
03junkie · 23 days
prompt: night || @rosekillermicrofic || word count: 717 || I rec listening to ‘nights like this’ by the kid laroi
The room is dark, the only light being the shitty bulb on the brink of burning out in the living room. Evan is silent when removing his jacket and setting it on the couch that he knew was in the corner of the room. He ran rough fingers through his hair, raking out the pomade that seemed to glue his hair together. He didn’t want to be loud in case Barty was asleep, which he most likely wasn’t. He grabbed a beer from their fridge, tossing the bottle cap onto the counter.
His bedroom is cold (just how he liked it) and the lights were turned to red. He stripped off his sweaty tee, tossing it onto the floor. His bed looked especially inviting today, after a long day dealing with the sermon-esque teachings of his fathers. The gold cross chain was cold against his clavicle; it was a piece of his roots, and a reminder of what he wasn’t allowed to do. It didn’t really stop him from doing what he wished to, but it brought along an insane guilt that didn’t cease to exist.
He heaves a deep breath, falling backwards onto the duvet, head hitting the pillow. He’s tired, but not particularly sleepy as yet. It was always exhausting to be around his father, with his ideologies that seemed to remain stagnant even when the world moved on. If only the man knew half the things that were happening in the Rosier bloodline. He drank a sip from his bottle awkwardly, setting it down on the floor after he was done.
His door creaked open, revealing Barty, who entered the room. He settled himself in Evan’s duvet, lighting a cigarette. His head rested against the wall, eyes shut as smoke poured out of his mouth. His green-black hair appeared wholly black in the red light, an almost similar shade to his eyes. Barty offered the cigarette to Evan who accepted it. He inhaled, long and deep. He looked up at Barty, whose eyes were now open. He was looking at Evan, who blew out smoke into the atmosphere of his room.
‘Tough day?’ He asked, taking the cigarette back.
‘Is it that obvious?’ Barty smiled, a small, personal thing.
‘No. The cross is visible today, is all. It’s almost never on display.’ Barty was pointing to Evan’s chest with the cigarette, dropping ash onto his bed.
‘Not everyday I get to bask in the glory of a backwards-thinking father.’ Evan huffed a laugh, though it sounded strangely strangled.
‘You want me to do something for you?’ Evan looked at Barty, who appeared to be upside-down from his perspective.
‘Nah, all I need is to get out of these jeans.’
Evan stood up, stalking to his closet to get a pair of sweatpants. His bottle of beer was forgotten on the floor, creating a puddle of condensation. He stepped out of his denims, leaving them where they were. When he returned to his original position on the bed, he noticed that Barty had a dazed look in his eyes.
‘What?’ He asked, opting to seat himself closer to Barty. He pulled the covers over his legs.
‘Have you ever desired something so much that it could be considered a form of worship?’ Evan laughed. ‘It was a serious question, Ev.’
‘I don’t think,’ Barty gnawed on his bottom lip.
‘You must have something. Anything that you would lay your life down for.’ Evan thought long and hard, eyes transfixed on Barty.
‘I really doubt I’ve ever wanted anything that bad. Maybe, like, a dream car when I was 16.’ Barty’s expression neutralised, like someone put out a candle that's burning inside him. He took a drag of his cigarette, sinking his head deeper into the pillow.
They were both facing each other, a layer of smoke separating them. Barty was staring at a spot on Evan’s chest. He reached out to touch the cross that had now fallen askew. He put his fingers around it, which grazed Evan’s collarbone. His knuckles were white around the pendant, and Evan had to pry his fingers off so he wouldn’t hurt himself. There were deep indents of the corners of the cross in Barty’s palm.
‘Nights like this make me wish that I was the object of your worship.’
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noxx-33i · 6 months
Subspace the kinda guy who'd be into villain musical songs he would belt them out randomly in the middle of working and hyperspace is just over at the door with the guava juice he ordered staring at him half confused and a little bit concerned/silly
Medkit uhrmmm uhrmm I think maybe he WOULD like Hamilton but like only a select few of the songs. I already forgot the songs from Hamilton but I'm thinking more of the mellow ones ykyk
Also to reply to both posts bc bc I'm uh cool like that frfr(/silly) broker being into eminem is funny as shit. You just see him doing his white girl pose while listening to Can I Get a Witness or The Real Slim Shady IANFHKDNSNSN tho I thin he'd be into a lot of different song genres not in the way Boombox would be but more like "yeah I guess they're pretty fun :]" yk but that's just me idk akfnjfjnds
Scythe I can totally see being into those oldie songs actually I just imagine her like walking all mysteriously swinging her scythe on her way to her new victim ykyk how girl shit frfr while Lollipop plays in the background like HOW SICK IS THAT
(Heavy breathing) Banhammer being into Guns & Roses and other 80's rock bands. I think he would be.
Biograft yeah like uh were you in the animation meme community back at it's primetime? If you were just imagine one of the cruelty free songs from those playing and you just that it's coming from it standing at the end of the hallway all menacingly JSKFNGNDL
— totally not @spiderwebd
GUNS AND ROSES BANHAMMER OOOUGGHJ MY GOD youre so big brained. AC/DC?? pls please oh wait do you think he would fw queen... mamaaa ooooo/lyr
SCYTHE is giving off like ABBA vibes. LIKE SHES SO...RRGAHGARH She would love money, money, money.... based off the vibes of the song gives but she would probably cringe at the lyrics. BEE GEES ... she would love the vibes. i can just imagine her doing regular serial killer activities while Stayin Alive plays LMFAOOO
Broker being open to music is so real tho. HES JUST A GUY!!!
Subspace would do karaoke to musicals but he can barely sing, LMAAOO or plot twist he sings so good... that hyperlaser gets so shocked he cant even say anything bad or tell him to shut up
I can hear a biograft blasting Fluffin a Duck and just mauling everyone, liek i cant take this seriously BRO
Also i just asked the medkit one bc it was funny to have hamilton pop up in my head and i laughed at the possibility of medkit liking the musical LMMAAO
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Me @ my plug: you got a few points of that boy on deck?
Him, turning all the way around so he can stare me dead in the eyes and stone cold tone of voice: girl u know I love you but I'm not tryna use my last hit of narcan on your dumb fuckin ass when you OD in my bathroom with no tolerance for dark anymore, don't ask me some ignorant shit like that again.
anyone that real with me ima fw real heavy cause they're a rare breed. Still tho like damn bro people don't need to witness that kinda roast, calm down tiger.
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