#I keep thinking about Neteyam waiting for his big brother to come see him
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year ago
Spider better be allowed to connect with Eywa next movie for the sole reason that I need to see him sit with Neteyam in the spirit world. I need to see him hug his baby brother and tell him he loves him. it's literally causing me physical pain.
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blue-slxt · 1 year ago
Kinktober 1
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🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
Kinktober Masterlist
A/N: Kinktober is finally here! I'm so incredibly excited to finally post all of the prompts that I've been working on for so long now and keeping under wraps. I can't wait to go on this journey with all of you! I hope you guys like what I have! Some of them are little drabbles, some are closer to actual one shots. Either way I hope you enjoy! All characters are aged up.
Pairing: Stepbro!Neteyam x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
Warnings: Stepcest (not related by blood), Handjob, Almost getting caught
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“You look so stressed” you say to Neteyam who stood before you, shoulders basically touching his ears from how tight they were.
“I do not” he protests with a small grind of his teeth.
“Don’t be stupid. Sit down, let me help you.” You say urging him over to sit in front of you. He relents with a huff and plops down on the ground cross-legged in front of where you stood.
You sit on your knees behind him and start massaging the tense muscles of his back and shoulders. His muscles feel like boulders under your fingers while you try to steadily work them back into actual flesh.
Neteyam grunts and groans while you work on him and you try to focus on anything other than the heat that settles between your thighs at the sound of him. Even if you weren’t related by blood, you grew up with the Sully kids. Jake was good friends with your parents when you were younger and when they passed, he took you in without hesitation. Neteyam was always your favorite. He was your protector and best friend. He was the best big brother and you loved him. But was it sibling love you were still feeling? Surely siblings don’t have the kind of thoughts about each other that you have about Neteyam. It’s shameful. You’re not sure what would happen if anyone found out. Especially Neteyam.
But he’s so hard to read, it’s hard to know if he knows and is just playing it off or if he’s actually oblivious to how you feel.
Your hands continue on their crusade up and down his shoulders and work their way down his arms. His muscles are lean and solid from years of training and fighting. You thank Eywa that he’s facing away from you so he can’t see how you bite your lip while you let your eyes wander over him.
And you take your sweet time taking in all of him. Eywa, help you, everything about him is perfect. Getting lost in your musings, you don’t even realize that your eyes have inadvertently settled at his crotch and…fuck, he’s hard right now.
Your hands come to a halt when the realization hits you. He’s still just sitting here looking around everywhere else but at you. Is this your chance? Fuck, you hope it is as you let your hands trace over more of his skin and around to the front of his body. You can almost feel his breathing stutter in his chest when your fingers run over his pecs.
He makes no move to stop you or to escape your touch so you continue pushing the envelope. Slowly, your fingers inch lower and lower until they’re dancing at the waist of his tewng. It feels like you’re holding your breath when you finally think ‘fuck it’ and duck your hand past his loincloth. Your hand is met with the velvety feel of his stiff cock already pulsing in your grip. You’re not sure which one of you shudders harder at the contact. Eywa, he’s even bigger than you thought.
You slowly start to pump your fist up and down his length and you can feel the beads of precum leaking from the head. The feel of him thick and heavy in your hands has you squeezing your thighs together in need of your own friction. Your chest presses into Neteyam’s back and he can feel the soft squish of your breasts on his skin. He thinks about how badly he wants to suck on them right now and his eyes roll when you start to stroke him faster.
“Teyam…” it comes out in a hushed breath. But before things can go any further, there’s a rustling in the bushes.
The two of you jump feet away from each other and holding your hands close to your own bodies. Kiri appears looking between you both confused.
“What’s the matter with you two?”
“Nothing” you answer a little too quickly to be convincing.
Neteyam keeps his arms in front of his body to hide his dick that was still begging to be set free.
“Whatever”, Kiri rolls her eyes, “Hurry back, it’s almost dinner time!” she says turning on her heels and already heading back home.
You and Neteyam can’t bring yourselves to look at each other. Not only did you cross a line, but to make it even worse, you almost got caught.
“Um…so I’ll head back first since…you know…” you stand and quickly regain your composure. “I’ll…see you later?”
His face flushes a bit and his ears stand up straight at your question. “Yeah, later.” He confirms.
And with that, you disappear back between the lush of the forest.
Your words stick with Neteyam for some reason. When you asked if you’d see him later, did you just mean in a general sense like how you would say to anybody else? Or did you mean see him later to finish what you started? Why does he really hope it’s the second one?
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Kinktober Taglist: @pandoraslxna @ashlatano7567 @sincerelykaib @jamies-wh0re @quaritchsluts @jakescumdump @delacruzyari @onlyloaksgf @skywonder @taintedlovesworld @myloveforyouisforever @angie-1306 @moodays @childofgod-05 @hadesbabygurl @daddysmurfslefttoenail @loaksulluyswife @y4sm1nsstuff @thewhiltedpeony @lovefrommeelise @neteyamssyulang @rosyjn @imintoomanyfandomscuzihaveadhd @anaclaudiasugar @xxwelshqueenxx @hania11 @xylianasblog @idkanymoregirl @eyrina-avatar @biscuitsaredelish @quinn-sadilla @the_mourning_moon @eyweveng @puddleswimmingnerd-blog @xaxsir @jakesullyfatjuicypeen @navilover24 @sulieykte @iameatingmyhair @leaveitbythewave @ntymavtr @fifilynn16 @kiri-tuk @mstocky78 @neteyamyawne @randumfanfics @sliqeramx @bluewonder @the-morning-moon @nerdfacesposts @vip-btxch @neteyamsyawntu @neteyamsoare
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idcbabyialreadylostmymind · 2 years ago
Rebellion pt.1
Pairing- Sully family x Sully!reader
Summary- Your going through a rebellion amd how easy can it be for your siblings to keep all the stuff they see you doing a secret.
Na'vi Translations- au- drum, Reypaytun- red, tsmisnr- lantern, 'ite- daughter
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3
A/N- did i make up two whole ass plants up for this fic yes yes I did and there will be a pt. 2 i just need to come up with ideas for it
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Rules. Rules. Rules. That's all your father talked about. Who you can't hang out with. What you can't wear. Can't say. Can't do. Can't, Can't Can't. That's all he does, you're sick and tired of his rules.
First it started with the clothes. You had to wear shawls over your open armed tops, you threw all your shawls away. No short or high split loincloths. You started dressing how you wanted, regular revealing tops that everyone loved, and high slit loin skirts and loincloths.
"Y/N, Dad’s gonna skin you alive if he sees you in that." Kiri hissed as she saw you pull your low waisted loin skirt on. You turn to Kiri and put your hands on your hips. "You forget Kiri. I don't care what dad thinks because I am my own person." You say before pushing yourself out of your room and Kiri only shakes her head.
And then the parties. Every teen in the Omatikaya snuck out at night and snuck deeper in the woods to drink fermented nectar and smoke the Reypaytun flower, but not the Olo'eyktan's kids who had too many rules.
As you heard the light snoring of your mother and father, you got out of your cot and changed into your clothes. Opening a curtain window, you dip your feet over it and jump out following the other young Na'vi into the woods. You caught a few peoples eyes and a boy approaches you, Ao'zuk that's his name, an amazing healer. "I didn't know you came to these things." He said over the loud beat of the au. "I didn't." You say before taking his cup of nectar taking a big sip, it was bitter with a slight sweet aftertaste. "But I do now." You say and he smirks.
And that's how your nights went, did whatever duties your father humbly bestowed upon you during the day, and when Eclipse hit and all the adults were asleep you snuck out, drank, smoked, danced, and touched.
Little did you know your little brother, Neteyam, saw your nightly exhibitions and he wanted to know what you did. So he waited. Waited for you to change and sneak out, waited thirty minutes and followed the muffled sound of music.
And then he stepped into a swarm of dancing, making out, grinding, drinking, and smoking teens. And then he saw you sitting on someone's legs and they placed a small flower on your tongue. You swallowed as your already glazed eyes felt the flower kick in, pupils dilating in and out. Euphoria rushed through your veins as the man you sat on stuffed a bag into your bag and then you thanked him. You stayed there with a lazy smile as you blink up at the sky. Neteyam rushes home, what have you done to yourself?
He didn't know what to do. He crawled back into bed and closed his eyes. Only to shoot back open when he heard you creep back into the kelku. He heard you sit on the bed and open the bag and take another one. He cringes at the rustles of the bag, oh how he just wished this was a dream.
So he held hope that it was.
It wasn't.
He woke up and you held your bag to your chest protectively. He gulped thinking about what you had in there before shaking his head, getting ready for his duties for the day.
And as you stumbled up he never saw you without your bag by your side. Now it was time for the communal lunch, He sat by you and you looked over to him before taking a bite of the fruit in your hand. He wanted to know what is so cool about this stuff that you do all of it. “Y/N, can you take me to the party tonight, since mom and dad are on that hunting trip.." Neteyam whispered to you as Lo'ak sat between the two of you. "Oooo party, I'm so coming." He said and you were shocked. Swallowing the food in your mouth, "Um neither of you are going." You say and Lo'ak looked at you with disbelief. "If we can't come I'll tell mom and she'll tell dad—"
"Okay, okay! Just.. don't fall asleep. I don't feel like walking your heavy sleeping ass up." You reply to them before returning your attention to your food.
And so the two boys laid awake, until they heard the soft snoring of your sisters. They crouched out of bed after you changed. And just before they climbed out the window after you they heard an all too familiar voice. "Where are you guys going?" Kiri's voice rang through your ears and you regretted even letting them come along. And before you even knew it she was tagging along as well, holding her bag and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
You curse under your breath as you walk into the woods, younger siblings on your tail. Finally you made it, the sounds of loud pamtseo howling through the wind. Ao'zuk walked up to you and your siblings, reeking of fermented nectar as his arms wrapped around your waist. "Ao'zuk." You said warningly. "Come tìyawn I just got some fresh reypaytun from Za'kin." He said hands going a little lower than wanted.
Removing his hands, "Go wait for me." You say and he stumbles to the group who passed a pipe around.
"Reypaytun really?" Kiri asked and you rolled your eyes. "I thought dad told us to never to touch that stuff." Lo'ak asked. "I don't see dad here and besides, I'm gonna go have some fun," you say, starting to walk off before turning back to your siblings, "Don't take anything anyone gives you and only drink water." You instruct your younger siblings who looked bewildered that you were leaving them.
You sit next to Ao'zuk and he hands you the pipe but not before taking a huge hit. You settle closer to his side and take a hit before passing it again waiting for the effects to take place.
And they did, your blood ran fast, puplis bigger than ever as you danced, hips and arms swaying in the wind as you danced to the beat with the others. You feet and head hurt, you grabbed onto Ao'zuk and he gives you a lazy smile as he held your hips making you dance. Your head spun and your eyes were half-lidded and red as you shook your head no. "You’re having fun." Ao'zuk laughed and you felt like you wanted to cry but all you did was smile and say yes.
Neteyam saw you from the side and he felt his stomach churn the more he saw the distress in your eyes.
Finally you stumbled off the dance floor and caught your breath. The woods, the fire, the music it was getting to you, you held your head in your hands as the trees started to move and blend together. And then you felt a hand on your arm making you blink. It was Ao'zuk he held something in his hand before sliding it to you. "It'll take the edge off." He yelled as you put it in your mouth drinking the rest of the nectar in your cup.
Stumbling to your siblings, your eyes glazed over and bloodshot red, you point to the hometree and they went. "Did you have fun?" Lo'ak asked and you looked at him and gave him a lazy smile with tears in your eyes as you spoke. "Yeah."
None of your siblings spoke of what happened that night. But Neteyam couldn't get the despair that took over your face that night. He couldn't let you ruin yourself. No matter how much you were going to hate him for what he was about to do.
Neteyam waited for you to sneak out and he knew tonight would be the night your parents got back. He waited for them with a tsmisnr to keep a dim light. As he heard the rustles of the makeshift curtain that acted like a front door, he watched his parents walk in quietly. Jake jumps a bit seeing his oldest son sitting in a dimly lit room.
"Son." Jake whispered and Neteyam’s palms got sweaty, his stomach bubbling in anxiety.
"Um, I have something to tell you guys." Neteyam said and his mother looked confused as she sat down along with her husband.
"What is it?" Neytiri asked and Neteyam looked up. "Y/N, she's been sneaking out and drinking and using Reypaytun and she takes these small flowers and I can't just watch her do this to herself and.. and so I'm telling you guys." Neteyam stammers out and he watches as Neytiri's face falls as well as his father’s, from the new load of information they learned of their eldest daughter.
"Where is she now?" Jake asks gruffly and Neteyam sighed. "At a party." Neteyam answered and Jake sighed deeply. "I will go see if my mother will watch the children and Neteyam so we can talk to her whenever she gets back." Neytiri said and Neteyam shook his head. "No, I told you guys I should be here when she comes home." Neteyam replies before Jake nodded as Neytiri picked up Tuk and woke the others up.
They waited and waited. It was quite a long time till you got back, Jake began to get irritated and Neytiri worried. And then they heard shuffling in the other room.
You walk in and don't see your siblings, worried, you walk into the other room, and your eyes widen as you see your brother sitting with your parents and avoiding eye contact with you.
"Y/N, come sit down." Jake said roughly and you clutched your bag as you sat down. "Yes..?" You say as you sit at the table that you father made. "Where were you?" Jake hoped you'd tell the truth.
You straighten your back and look down at your trembling legs. "With my friends." You reply simply and Jake clicks his tongue. "We know the truth Y/N, your brother told us." You look at him and then at Neteyam. "Told you what?" You ask, face and palms getting hot. "We know you've been sneaking out, smoking, drinking and about those flowers you take." You had a deadpan expression on your face and then you realized Neteyam had told on you.
"I don't know what your talking about." You try and lie your way out. "Neteyam told us." Neytiri said and you send a deadly glare towards your younger brother. "And you believe him! Huh?!" You exclaim and Jake holds his hands up. "Well Y/N, why would he lie about this?”
You push yourself out of your chair and rub your face before huffing. "I don't know why he would do that. But I- I have no clue what you're talking about." You refused to give it up and Neteyam just wanted it to stop.
"Open your bag Y/N." Neteyam said and you eyed him from where you were. "No." You say and Jake looks at his son and then at you. "Come 'ite give me the bag." Neytiri reaches for the bag that was placed on your shoulder and you snatch it away from the woman, panic running through your body.
"I don't know why you’re all ganging up on me." You defend yourself.
"No one is ganging up on you sweetie. Just give me the bag." Jake said and you shook your head but before you knew it he had already grabbed your bag. You tried to snatch it back but it was too late as he and your mother now stood in front of you looking between you and the bag. Your chest heaved with every breath you took. You were so nervous, more nervous than you've ever been.
Jake opened the bag and he closed his eyes as he saw a bag full of small flowers, pollen, a substance that gets you so high you forget your own name.
''Really,'' He said taking the smaller bag in his hand and throwing it on the table. You close your eyes and whisper a quiet 'fuck'. Before covering your face and huffing into your hands and taking them off and quietly laughing. ''Fuck me.'' You say as a pitful excuse of a chuckle erupts from your throat.
''I thought we taught you better than this.'' Jake said and you looked at him and laughed. ''Yeah well looks like you didn't'.” You say and then your bloodshot eyes look at Neteyam who had a confused look on his face.
''Neteyam can you leave?'' You point to the door before an irritated breath leaves your lungs and his nonexistent eyebrows furrow. “Why? Y/N, I'm just trying to help you.'' He asked and you clench your jaw. ''Because honestly looking at you makes me physically. fucking. ill.'' You yell at him making him flinch, his ears laid still on the sides of his head.
''Y/N!'' Jake yelled at you and you look over rolling your eyes. ''Neteyam, son, go with your other siblings.'' Neytiri told her eldest son who nodded and left.
Your other siblings seemed to be eavesdropping and he shooed them off they all held a shocked face. You had never yelled at them before but here you are.
Turning back to your father, you sneer, why'd Neteyam have to tell? That's what you were thinking over and over again. "Y/N I've tolerated the clothes, but now sneaking out and- and now this." He said picking up the bag on the table. Rolling your eyes once more. "Just tell us what's gotten into you, babygirl-" he goes to touch your cheek but you step away from him.
"Nothing has gotten into me, I'm sorry I'm not daddy's little girl anymore, and don't listen to every stupid rule you make. You don't know shit about me,, neither of you do so stop pretending that you do." You say before walking out of the home leaving your parents confused, what happened to their little girl?
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pandoras-prada · 2 years ago
Can't Stay Friends
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Minors, DO Not Interact
Characters: Neteyam (20) Lo'ak (19) Reader(20)
Warnings: explicit smut, p in v, brief oral (female recieving), brief fingering
Author's Note: This is my first eveinr fiction. let alone smut. I have no clue what im doing. lol Sorry, it seems rushed. Characters are aged up. Can't find the original artist for the pictures. I got them from a tiktok video by nelaok_povs_de_avatar
Edit: Анастасія Кохан is the artist for the neteyam art
You and Neteyam grew up together, though you weren't closest of friends, you were still that. His younger brother Lo'ak was your best friend. You and Lo'ak did everything together. Sometimes Neteyam would follow you both, secretly pining for you, not knowing you had the same feelings.
You and Lo'ak were out in the forest exploring a new part you guys haven't yet explored. It was a beautiful, secluded clearing with a spring surrounded by thick green foliage high in the hallelujah mountains. You sat perched on a large flat boulder with the sun beaming on your beautiful mute blue skin. "Come in y/n, the water feels great!" Lo'ak splashes a big wave of water at you. You squeal with a displeased look thrown in your best friend's direction. "Lo'ak, why are you such a skxawng?" You huff, crossing your arms, looking away from him with a small smirk hinting that you were joking. The sly smirk only earned you another splash. At this point you were only getting annoyed. You roll your eyes at him, chest heaving you speak through clenched teeth. "Lo' I came out here for some peace and relaxation. " You wipe the water from your skin, drying yourself off. Silently you wish you invited Neteyam out here, you bite your lip at the thought of him. You start imagining Neteyam in the spring, skin glistening with water, muscles hard and defined. "Y/n, where did you just go?'' Lo'ak looks at you with raised brows and the corners of his mouth turned up. You snap out of your trans looking at you friend confused. "What?" you quipped. Only making Lo'ak laugh at you. "I said, maybe you should come in the water to relax. You look tense." You look at him blankly " I'm tense because you sloshed cold water at me while I'm sunning." He holds his hands up in defense not wanting to aggravate you any further. He swims the edge of the boulder hugging the edge resting his face on his crossed arms. He looks at you once again smirking "So what were you thinking about?" You turned your head to the sky not wanting to admit to your best friend that you had a thing for his older brother. You just shake your head. "Come on y/n, it's me. You know you can tell me anything." he coaxes you. Suddenly Lo'ak's and your ears perk hearing a twig snap and fall from one of the trees behind you. Your head swivels, eyes scanning the area behind you. You look back to Lo'ak, eyes meeting his and he shrugs. "Sssoooo?" He drags out the word. "Lo' it's nothing." Eyes averting his. "Bullshit." he says blankly, knowing that he is the only one that truly knows you. You sigh "Fine, but you can't repeat this to anybody." You wave a pointed finger at him. He pulls himself from the water sitting beside you looking at you expectantly, waiting for you to go on. "I...I was thinking about Neteyam." His eyebrow quirked "Neteyam, my brother?" asking as if there was another. He looks back at you questioningly. Another sigh falls from your mouth "I can't stop thinking about him. He's just so... Fine!" Lo'ak giggles at you knowing that his brother finds you attractive but keeps it to himself. You scuff slapping his shoulder. "Don't laugh at me! You are supposed to be my friend. I'm supposed to be able to tell you these type of things without you judging me." This time he grins "I'm not judging you." he rubs his shoulder pouting as if you really hurt him. He looks up at the sky as if in thought, seeing the colors change with the approaching eclipse. Suddenly he stands and ruffles your hair. "Come on lover girl we should start heading back before it gets dark." You swat his hands away from your head "That's it? You aren't going to question me or make fun of me?". "Why would I make fun of you? You are my best friend? Anyways Neteyam is a good choice for you." Your eyes narrow on the boy in front of you "What's that supposed to mean?". Shaking his head "Nothing, I just think you both would look good together. Now come on, I'm hungry." You wave a hand at him "You go ahead, I'll see you later. I have some things I need to think about." He wriggles his eyebrows at you "Like my brother?" He laughs as he dodges a slap on the leg. "Later" you yell at his fleeting form. He throws a hand in the air signaling his reply.
You lean back on your hands letting thoughts of Neteyam flood your Mind. You picture him standing in front of you tall. He was a good head taller than you; the top of your head would touch just under his chin. Your thoughts wander from his height to his eyes, golden with green flecks. Picturing his eyes gazing all over your body, eye fucking you with his dangerous glare. Your skin starts to shine with a thin layer of sweet, chest heaving with every thought of him. You slowly ghost a hand over your breast finding your left nipple, rolling it between your fingers. You groan with a tight pinch on the erect nipple. *CRACK* Your head snaps to your right, hearing another twig snapping. This time you grab you bow and load it with an arrow letting it fly in the direction of the sound. "Shit, y/n!" That all too familiar voice echoing in your ears. Did you just shoot HIM? Neteyam comes out from behind the tree that was closest to you. His right hand holding his left bicep. Your eyes widen with horror at the fact that Neteyam may have seen you caressing your breast while thinking about him and that you just shot him. You jump up, dropping your bow, and grab his arm apologizing profusely. He laughs a bit shaking his head "Its ok, You barley grazed me." He lifts his hand showing you the smallest of nicks. It startled him more than anything, knowing he was caught watching you. "What are you doing out here?" you seethe. He looks you in the eyes not wanting to tell you the truth "Lo'ak came back to camp without you, and I was worried that you were out here by yourself." He lies slyly telling himself its technically not a lie. He did follow you to keep an eye on you. The only lie was that he didn't just come out here looking for you. You look deep in his eyes "You were worried about me?" stepping closer to him, fear washing away being replace with a sudden boldness. His eyes dart from yours to your lips. "Of course, I was worried about you, we are friends." You take a step back once the word "friends" left his perfect lips. Now surged with confidence, form hearing yours and Lo'ak's conversation earlier, Neteyam takes a step forward. "I'm sorry y/n." He apologizes the guilt from lying eating at him. Your face scrunching in confusion. "For what?" He grabs his wounded arm once again feeling embarrassed for lying. "I actually followed you and Lo'ak out here earlier today and sat, watching you.I watch you a lot" He smirks to himself "Then I heard you confess how you find me attractive to to my brother" His smirk now a full-blown grin, he rests his hand on your upper arm. You look down at the contact he has made, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes anymore. He moves his hand from your arm to your chin, turning your face up to his. Your cheeks turning a violet as you make eye contact with him. "I'm sorry." you begin to apologize not really knowing what for. He shakes his head. "No need to be sorry. I'm glad I heard what I did. I feel the same way about you.". He leans down softly pressing his lips to yours for one, two, three heartbeats. He reluctantly pulls back to look into your eyes searching for any disapproval. Not seeing any, he starts to lean in again, only this time being met halfway by you, eager for his lips on yours once more.
This time the kiss was more heated. Your arms snaked around his neck, trying to pull him as close as possible, attempting to become one with him. He presses his hard chest against your soft supple breasts, running his hand from your jaw to your hip. Now grabbing both hips, he guides them to press flush against his pelvis. Picking up on his eagerness, you moan into his mouth. He takes advantage of your open mouth, tongue slipping in to caress yours. It twists and twirls deliciously with yours, trying to dominate you. You finally submit letting his tongue dominate yours. He pulls away for air a string of saliva still connecting the two of you. You twirl your fingers in his hair pulling him back. He pecks your lips once more, trailing sweet kisses to your jaw down to your throat. He places sloppy open mouth kisses to the column of your neck searching for your sweet spot. Sucking purple marks into your skin. You moan out when he bites lightly on your neck just below you jaw. His cheeks raise with a smirk knowing he found that sweet spot, that will have you withering in his arms. He bites harder abusing the sensitive area with his teeth. You mewl at his tongue lapping the area he just assaulted causing you immense pleasure. Trying to find some relief to you now throbbing clit, you clamp your thighs together. Your actions don't go unnoticed, much to your pleasure, Neteyam backs you to the tree he emerged from behind just moments ago, shoving his knee between your thighs adding the much-needed pressure. He flexes his thigh muscles still sucking and licking your neck, feeling his muscles tighten, you begin grinding on his thick thigh. Moaning in his ear you throw your head back, eyes shutting and mouth slightly hanging open from the new sensation. He pears up at you, noticing your beauty, his breath hitches. "Damn y/n, you are so beautiful." You lick your lips slowly, enticing him back to you. You press your chest further against his as if that was even possible. He looks down to your chest, rising and falling. He grabs your beaded chest piece and looks up at you, pleading with his eyes. With a simple nod of your head, he wastes no time, snatching your covering from your body and dropping it to the ground. Breast in his view, nipples errect, he bends down taking a hardened bud into his mouth. Treating your nipple in the same way he did your tongue. He Pulls back, your nipple popping out of his mouth with a light pop. He moves his attention to the other nipple.
You whimper as Neteyam removes his knee from between your legs. "Shhh, I got you love." He reassures you as his hand glides from your hip to your lower belly, playing with the top of your loincloth. The tingling feeling getting to you, you buck your hips into his hand. His hand slips under your loincloth running a delicious finger along your fold, finding your cunt already dripping for him. He groans "fuck y/n, how are you so wet already?" You mewl at his words "It's what you do to me." He grabs your hand guiding it to his hardened cock to stroke him through his loincloth. He moans out, his forehead pressed to yours. "That's what you do to me, every time I see you." Rutting his hips into yours he finally dips a finger into you awaiting cunt. Slowly pushing his finger in and out collecting your slick on the way. He thrusts his finger in and out a few more times feeling your slick drip down his finger, he decides you are ready for another. He pushes another finger in you earning him another breathy moan "Neteyam." He smirks "that's right love, moan my name. Whose pretty pussy is this? Hmm." He questions. "Y- yours. It's your pussy, Neteyam." He thrusts his fingers in faster, curling them finding the perfect angle. He palms your aching clit as he pumps in and out of you relentlessly. Your legs begin to shake with your building orgasm. Threatening to snap any minute "Neteyam, I'm close." Licking his lips before he speaks "Cum for me." your pussy clenches around his fingers just from his command. The squelching sounds coming from between your legs making him slowly lose his control. With a final curl of his fingers on your sweet spot, your body lets go of its composure. A shiver up your spine, you ride out your high on his fingers. He pulls his hand from your sopping pussy, seeing his digits covered in your arousal. He brings his hand to his lips, licking every last drop of you from his long nimble fingers. "You taste so good." He nestles against your neck.
He lowers himself to his knees in front of you. His hands find their way behind your lower back, working the knot in your loincloth. The knot finally loosened, your covering falls to the ground, revealing your glistening, swollen folds. He looks into your eyes then back to your pussy. He leans in taking a deep breath, holding it in for a few seconds. "Shit you smell good too." Your ears twitching at his words, you moan out feeing his tongue lick a thick long swipe through your folds. "More, please more." He has you begging for him. He places his hand on the back of your thigh, hoisting it over his shoulder for better access. This new position has you wide open for him. He thrust his tongue deep in your already wet core with a speed that has your head spinning. Afraid to fall, you anchor his head to your pussy by his hair. The tight grip on his hair causing him to whimper on your throbbing pearl. Composing himself, he nudges his face back between your lips, tongue darting back to your core in and out. The tip of his nose brushes against aching clit as he eats your pussy with expertise. You push his head further into your needy cunt for more pressure on the bundle of nerves. He Begins to nod his head so his nose would flick your clit. The pressure in your lower stomach building fast already threatening to snap. Neteyam fists his throbbing cock through his loincloth as he feels your pussy flutter around his tongue. "Neteyam, I'm..." You trail off, eyebrows knit together, a strangled moan falls from your open mouth as you squirt all over Neteyam's mouth. He gulped loudly at your release. Hips lazily bucking against his face as your high diminishes, you look down at him pulling away from your body "Are you ok?" he questions. Your eyes widen at the sight of your cum dripping off his chin, down his neck, pooling in the dip of his collarbones. With a shaky voice you pipe up "I'm more than ok." You pull your leg off his shoulder and lower to your knees with him.
Kissing him deeply, you replace his hand on his cock with his. Slowly rubbing, giving his cock the attention, it needed. He skillfully untied the laces to his loincloth pulling it from his body. Cock finally free it slaps his muscled stomach leaving a sting of precum from his abdomen to his swollen, sensitive head. You whimper at the sight of his length, not realizing how big he might actually be. He pushes your shoulder down until your back meets the soft moss of the ground. "Neteyam, I need you." you whisper in his ear, licking it as you pull back looking into his eyes. Now all control gone, he's ready to give you what he's wanted to give you since he saw you sunbathing on the boulder. Hands find your thighs, pressing them wide open. He takes in the sight of you under him, ready for 'Him'. Wasting no more time ha grabs his cock, jerking it a few times to make sure he is good and hard for you. Propping up on your elbows you watch the veins on his cock pulsate, and twitch with need. You grab his cock and guide him to your waiting hole. You watch his curved cock sink into you, feeling every inch of him stretch you so good. He bottoms out, balls pressed firm to your ass, eyes screwed shut, afraid to move, his seed already threatening to spill from the feeling of your soft gummy walls squeezing him. "Nete, you have to move." you try coaching him moving your hips slowly. He grabs your hips, stilling them, hands so tight on you, surely leaving bruises where they rest. "Give me a moment." Voice ragged with pleasure, he talks himself up, compelling himself to move. His hips finally rocking back and forth, long, slow pumps in and out of you. Needing more, you wrap your legs around his waist pulling him in hard and fast when he only just pulled out of you. "Shit, yes just like that, 'teyam." you groan. Understanding you need more he pulls out, snapping his hips hard into yours. Pulling both of your legs over his shoulders, crouching over you he pistons in and out of you. Knowing he won't last long like this he finds you clit, rubbing tight, hard circles on it, trying to edge you further than him. Balls slapping against your ass, combined with the friction inside you, you scream his name over and over again. Refusing to let up he grinds his pelvis into your adding to the pleasure. Your body begins jerking from the stimulation, reaching your third release of the night, letting it spray over his cock and thighs... Your breast bounce from the sheer force of Neteyam fucking you. He rests his head on one of them as he feels his high quickly approaching. "You're taking me so well. This pussy sucking me in like it's her job." You blush at him calling your cunt 'her'. "Nete, you fill me up so good." he nods on your chest, thrusts becoming sloppy with no rhythm. "Where do you want it? I'm close." he grunts. "My chest" you reply seductively biting your lip. A few more pumps he pulls out of your aching cunt to release his hot, sticky seed all over your breasts. Collapsing on top of you spent from his high, not caring about his seed between the two of you. Both exhausted from the events that just perspired, you just lay there catching your breath.
Finally gaining the strength to roll off of you, he looks over making eye contact, cheeks high from his smile. "We can't stay friends." he confesses. You smirk relishing in the fact that the man you've been crushing on for years, has the same feelings as you. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
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munson-mayhem · 2 years ago
HI! I LOVED YOUR AONUNG STORY! <3 Can you make another aonung x sully reader. Like when the sully family arrive aonung notices the reader first and he bullies her so much because hes not use to having a crush which she ignores his bullying at first then aonung friends thought he actually hates her so they take the reader outside the reef and leave her there and then aonung finds out and goes out the reef to save her. and finds her wounded. (happy ending tho) IF U DO THIS THANK YOU SO MUCH <33
Straight up disclaimer this is not good in my opinion but I did have fun writing it I’m still learning and figuring out writing but I’m excited to keep learning and trying
One shot Hidden feelings
Y/N first person POV
Ever since my family and I got here the clan leaders son has been hostile toward all of us but my twin Lo’ak and I specifically. The day we met the clan it started with just dirty looks as our time here progressed it became cruel words mixed in with those looks of dislike, it seems like he’s always looking at us waiting for the opportunity to jump in and make fun of us again. Any time I catch a glance of Ao’nung he’s already looking at me waiting for me to fail but he looks away quickly when our eyes meet. I’m with my older brother Neteyam today we’re taking a stroll around the village when we hear some yelling over towards the more deserted part of the island.
“LEAVE US ALONE” I hear the familiar voice of my sister Kiri
Neteyam is already walking towards them by time I see what’s happening, Ao’nung and his friends messing with Lo’ak and Kiri. Neteyam is already breaking up the fight as I make it there.
“You heard what she said. Leave them alone.”
He almost growls at the group messing with our siblings
We were almost free with no problems but Lo’ak went back he starts balling up his fist showing it to Ao’nung and I smirk, Neteyam and Kiri watch also knowing what Lo’ak is about to do. When Lo’ak knocks Ao’nung on his ass a big fight breaks out Neteyam joins in and my brothers hold their own pretty well for awhile until Rotxo knocks Lo’ak down with him and Ao’nung is standing over my twin,neteyam was holding off the other 3 boys pretty well so I did the only thing I could I tackled Ao’nung. As we rolled through the water on the shore he wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his chest repositioning his arm to cradle my head and protect it. When we finally stop rolling I’m on top of him our legs tangled together. When I try and sit up my legs fall to either side of his waist my hands are on his chest helping push me up when he sees me above him he sits up using his arms to lean back and smirks at me glancing to the position we’re in. I don’t realize the fight behind me had ended but Neteyam had come over and grabs me to help me up.
After getting reamed by our dad Lo’ak was sent to make peace I walked with him all the way to the beach but he left to go meet up with Ao’nung, Rotxo and one other boy that were in the water with their ilu’s I watch them clasp arms and begin to swim away, once they are out of view I walk into the water and begin to swim out and I call to an ilu intending to just swim around the village and explore a little. I’ve only been out in the water for about 10 minutes when I notice the other boys from the fight swim up to me I know their Ao’nung’s friends, when they reach me they wave and greet me.
“We’re going to meet up with Ao’nung and the others we wanted tok know if you wanted to join us” one of them said and smiled at me
“Sure” I mutter in suspicion but I know my father would want me to make peace if I could.
They lead the way as we begin to swim with our ilu’s outside the reef it’s amazing and beautiful and I don’t really think about the fact that I have no idea where we are or how to get back. We get to an area with some large rock structures they begin to slow when we all come to a stop they look back at me.
“ Ao’nung your brother and the others are on the far side of that rock island there but we’ll have to swim there without the ilu’s it’s dangerous for them, we’ll get them sorted out if you want to go meet up with them” they told me as they pointed to the island
“Okay thank you” I said as I slid off the ilu starting to swim around the rocks towards the far end of the little island. When I finally clear the edge of the island and get to the other side I stop and look around but I can’t see anyone and I start to get scared. By the time I swim back to where I left the ilu’s with the others they are long gone.
Third person POV
When Ao’nung and Rotxo got back they saw the rest of their friends standing on the shore laughing together.
“What’s so funny I bet what we have to tell you is better” Rotxo chuckled as they join the others
“We saw you with the Forrest boy and figured out what you were going to do so we went and found his twin to do the same to her now maybe both the forest kids will learn their lesson” one of the random boys laughed
Ao’nung whipped around to look at him the little leader of this dumb idea “WHAT!?” He growled. Taking one large and quick step forward towards his absolute skxawng of a friend. Ao’nung reaches forward grabs the base of this guys Queue where it connected to his skull and hair.
” where Is she ?” Ao’nung asks darkly looking like he could kill this boy. When the boy stutters and mumbles under his breath asking why it matters Ao’nung kicks his ankles from under him dropping him to the ground and presses his arm against his throat cutting off his air just a little.
“We left her at stone Island” the boy chokes and gasps out trying to claw at Ao’nung’s arm. Without hesitating Ao’nung releases the boy and jumps into the water while calling to his ilu on his way to go find the girl he’s secretly in love with.
Even going as fast as he could it took him the better part of the afternoon to get there, and once he did he couldn’t find her he was actually about to give up to go get help from his father when he notices a very odd shape up on the island. Ao’nung jumps off his ilu and begins to climb the rocks leading to the island being extra careful not to grab the extra sharp rocks or use those ones as footholds. When he gets to the top of the island he sees Y/N laying there unmoving. Fear grips his soul as he runs to her and falls to her side, she’s breathing at the very least he can see her chest rising and falling weakly. He checks her over looking for anything to explain why she’s like this, when he reaches her legs he can see a puddle of blood looking closer he sees the large gash on her foot. She must have stepped on one of the sharp rocks and cut her foot open and been unable to stop the bleeding.
Ao’nung picks up Y/N and cradles her in his arms as he carefully brings her back to his ilu and begins the journey back praying to the great mother that if Y/N is ok he’d be kinder to all the Sully’s and tell the girl in his arms just how he feels about her.
After what feels like an eternity Ao’nung finally makes it back to the village, no one seems to take much notice as he carry’s Y/N through the village to his mother the clan Tsahik.
Ronal gives her son a disapproving look knowing he’d done something but simply instructs him to put the girl down healing her is far more important at the moment.
Ao’nung spends so much time pacing and watching his mother work and stitch the girl up that Ronal had enough and kicked him out, he grumbled and tried to stay but she was having none of it and made him leave. Once the Curtain was closed he went to find Neteyam and tell him about Lo’ak and try to make amends.
“Tell him what you told me!” Neteyam shouted forcing Ao’nung in front of Jake and Neytiri.
An hour or so bad passed Lo’ak was returned home safe and even took the blame for Ao’nung
“Why did you take the blame for me” he had asked”
“I know what it’s like to be one big disappointment” …….. “ and you helped my sister” Lo’ak had replied offering him his arm as a truce they clasped arms no more words shared between them but they both started walking towards the village together when Ronal met them
“The girl is awake I’ve just returned her to the sully family at their Mauri” she told them
Ao’nung looked in that direction about to go make sure Y/N was ok he would never doubt his mothers skill as Tsahik but he needed to see for himself he needed to see her.
Before he could even take a step in her direction his mother called to him “come Ao’nung it is late you will see her tomorrow” he did not want to risk anymore of his parents wrath tonight so he went willingly without complaint but still looked longingly in her direction. Eywa had protected his love and as he promised tomorrow he would tell her that she held his heart.
Y/N first person POV
When I awoke with the Tsahik Ronal I knew someone had come to save me but I figured it would have been my brother Neteyam he was always looking out for us younger siblings. However Ronal told me of how Ao’nung was the one to carry me to her looking distraught, he had told his mother about everything and she relayed the entire events of last night to me before returning me to my family last night. Everyone asked me questions about what happened but all I told them was that Ao’nung had realized I was gone and came to save me. My father and Neteyam were mad that I was protecting and defending him but Lo’ak and I seemed to have come to a mutual agreement that maybe just maybe Ao’nung and Rotxo weren’t that bad. It was later in the day that we all separated to complete everything we needed to get done for that day, I was able to Finnish my tasks a little early so I could go find Ao’nung I wanted to speak with him. I know he’s a free diver and a fisher so I head out to the reef on an ilu and try and find him. It took awhile but I can see him under the water not too deep so I dive. He noticed me coming and waits where he’s at for me when I finally reach him he smiles at me and signs hello. I smile and sign hello then I reach my arm out for him he thinks I’m just trying to clasp his arm in greeting but when I have his arm in mine I tug him towards me a string of bubbles escapes his mouth signaling his surprise as I wrap my arms around his neck giving him a hug, it takes him a moment but he wraps his arms around my waist hugging me back tightly. When we release each other I begin to sign to him thanking him sir saving me yesterday explaining that his mother had told me what happened when I was done he looked down sheepishly and put his hand on the back of his neck, it was very different to see him acting so shy but it was also extremely cute. After a moment of two he looks up and begins to sign “I begged our great mother Eywa to keep you safe and alive that if she did I would tell you my true feeling” I look at him confused but sign asking “ what true feelings Ao’nung?”
He looks at me for several moments before signing “I see you Y/N, and …….. and I love you” I gasp out of pure shock not even remembering we’re under water and I begin to choke. Without hesitation he grabs my arm and drags me to the surface. As soon as we break the surface I hear his warm voice “ breathe, Y/N are you ok?” I nod as I cough but my breathing stabilizes soon after and I turn to him. He swims us over to the side just a little so we’re next to a bit of the reef that has a wall like structure that breaches the water. I give him a small shy smile and move closer to him in the water wrapping my arms around him once again but this time it’s different. I look up our faces and lips only centimeters apart and whisper
“Ao’nung I see you”
Our lips meet in a frenzied kiss his large hands grip my waist roughly as he pulls me impossibly close to his body. This lasts for a solid minute before I bite his lower lip and he grunts but we don’t stop. I bit his lip again and he pulls away “stop teasing me Y/N ” he growls out in warning
I smirk “make me”
He reaches down and grabs my thigh and wraps it around his waist and at the same time kisses me again but this time he bites my lip and I gasp out a small moan. He flips me around my back pressing against the wall of coral firm but not painful. He pulls away with a groan “we need to stop” he whispers in my ear then pulls away farther.
Without any warning I hear another voice “ you two might want to stop trying to mate each other where everyone can see! Especially since Neteyam is right over there. The voice laughs out
I jump startled and pull my leg off of Ao’nungs waist his hand falling away. We turn our heads and see Rotxo about 15 feet away laughing and about 40 feet away is my older brother. After a few seconds Ao’nung and I look at eachother and break apart fully.
“Smart choice big brother is almost here he would have killed you seeing you with his little sister like that” Rotxo laughed louder after making the statement
Ao’nung game him a dirty look
“Shut up you skxawng” he barked at his friend.
Part two is out now it’s the final part
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pixiexdusts-world · 2 years ago
Dating Neteyam includes:
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Lots of nicknames for you.
Like baby, honey, sweetie, Angel, babygirl, etc
He will call you something different every day and no it doesn’t matter if it’s cringy he’ll still call you it
Date night every week
Neteyam will try take you on a different date every week
His personal favourite is going swimming at eclipse with you
He also loves teaching you how to hunt
He’ll stand behind you and show you how to stand properly when aiming and help you with your first target
If you miss he keeps encouraging you to try again and again until you hit an animal
Once you do though he’ll jump around and hug you whispering how proud he is of you into your ear
He asks you to be his mate a few weeks after you guys started dating
And you obviously say yes cause who wouldn’t?
Once you guys are mates he tells his family straight away
I know for a fact that he would brag about you to his family
He rubs it in Lo’aks face that he’s got a mate
Neytiri loves you like her own and is always telling you if Neteyam gives you any trouble she’ll deal with him
She knows what the Sully men can be like ;)
Kiri likes you but at the start she was wary of you
She thought it was weird that she had never heard of you and her brother before and suddenly you were with him all the time
But after you guys mated she realised that you genuinely did like Neteyam
Jake thinks you’re a good match for Neteyam
Neteyam is always being serious and trying to prove to everyone that he’s a mighty warrior
So when you came along Jake noticed Neteyam was more relaxed and happy
Now Tuk
This girl loves you so much
Whenever Neteyam mentions he’s going to see you she is following him and begging to go with him to see you
She thinks of you as her cool big sister
Neteyam loves that you and Tuk are so close
He sometimes gets jealous when Tuk won’t let him be alone with you
But you remind him that she’s just young and he’s got all night with you after Tuks in bed
I’m convinced that Neteyam would bring you back random things whenever he’s out hunting or out doing anything really
He could be on a walk and see a shell that he thinks is pretty and take it back for you
He could be flying on his Ikran and see a flower blow by him and he’ll chase after it to give to you
Like you actually have a whole shelve full of little random things he’s gave you
He also loves making any kind of jewellery for you
And of course his mother helps him since he’s not the best at it
Even if it’s not the best looking you’ll wear it just cause he made it for you
This guy also gets so jealous of everyone
When anyone is talking to you he gets so jealous that you aren’t giving him attention
He will wrap an arm around you and stick his head in the crook of your neck
When any guy tries flirting with you Neteyam just appears out of nowhere
It’s like he has a sixth sense of when someone is flirting with you
He’ll try to intimidate whoever is flirting with you by just standing a few feet away from you and stare them down
Or he’ll come right up to you and start talking about how he was just training to fight and learned some new moves he just can’t WAIT to use on someone
Neteyam is also very VERY affectionate to you
He’s not like making out with you in front of everyone but he’s always got to be touching you in some way
If you guys are out hunting he’ll hold your hand
If you’re eating dinner he’ll wrap his tail around your leg
If you guys are with his family he’s got an arm round you
He just loves being near you and touching you
So overall he’s a lovely loving mate <333
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envywrites · 2 years ago
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✧・ *✧・゚:* what would some of the ATWOW boys admire about you :) ✧・ ✧・゚:
pairings: neteyam sully x gn! na'vi!reader, lo'ak sully x gn! na'vi!reader, ao'nung x gn! na'vi!reader
warnings: none
𝆤࿚࿙𝆤𝆤𝆤𝆤࿚ 𖹭 ࿙𝆤𝆤𝆤𝆤࿚࿙𝆤 𝆤࿚࿙𝆤𝆤𝆤𝆤࿚ 𖹭 ࿙𝆤𝆤𝆤𝆤࿚࿙𝆤𝆤࿚࿙𝆤𝆤𝆤𝆤࿚ 𖹭 ࿙𝆤𝆤𝆤𝆤࿚࿙𝆤 𝆤࿚࿙𝆤𝆤𝆤𝆤 𖹭 ♡ Lo'ak Sully ♡
Your patience. He's a loose cannon, you know it, he knows it. And he's sorry, okay? He has tried to be more careful, to think before he acts or speaks, to be more like his brother, but he can't. His fists punch before he can get them to stop, his feet move without a previous warning. He's like that, spontaneous. Still, he can't help the stinging pain that settles in his chest whenever he sees your worried expression as you realize he's come back injured from a raid. He knows you're scared, worried and sad, he knows it and he hates it. He hates to be the reason why you're upset. That's why he loves you. Because despite how worried, scared or upset you are, you've always been patient with him, you try to understand why he does what he does. You try, which is more than what a lot of people usually do, and he's beyond grateful for that.
♡ Neteyam Sully ♡
Everything. Dear Eywa, why are you making him choose? Neteyam is literally incapable of naming just one thing he admires about you. He's too whipped for you to do that. And honestly, how could he not? In his eyes, you're perfect. The most perfect living thing he's ever seen. There's not one single thing you do that doesn't have him kicking his feet and giggling way too loud. The way you talk, walk, hunt, fly, dance, everything sends him over the moon. However, if you really, reaaaally begged him to choose, he'd say how gentle you are. He's excepcionally good at noticing, and he notices how sweet and careful you are when you play with your siblings or Tuk, how you never raise your voice at him (even if he's driving you mad), almost as you feared he would break if you shouts, and how much time you spend taking care of Pandoran creatures. How gentle you were with your Great Mother's creation, fearing it could disappear any second. He's always known he wanted you to be his mate, and he can't wait to see how gentle you'll be when you're both playing with your kids one day.
Your kindness. Like, he literally doesn't get it. You're too kind. He can't remember even one time you've been mean to anyone. He's always portrayed ypu as the kind of na'vi that always sees the good in everything and everyone, the positive side in every situation. You're always helping Tsireya gathering seaside plants and algae for their mother, helping her with Tsahìk training. And when you're not, you're fishing with Rotxo, chatting with Tonowari, looming with the other metkayina members, and you even are nice to the forest na'vi? Like??? They're weird, halfbreeds, slow swimmers and kind of ugly if you ask him. Still, you welcome them with a big smile on your face, hang out with them. You defended them when he started the fight with Lo'ak and Neteyam, you patched them up, and scolded him. Him! Even though you were mad at him, you make sure he wasn't hurt badly, you stay with him and cheer him up when he tells you how he hates them, because he knows you know he's not serious. He knows you know how scared he is of anything bad happening to his family if the sky people ever got to the reefs. He knows you know. And he loves you for it.
𝆤࿚࿙𝆤𝆤𝆤𝆤࿚ 𖹭 ࿙𝆤𝆤𝆤𝆤࿚࿙𝆤 𝆤࿚࿙𝆤𝆤𝆤𝆤࿚ 𖹭 ࿙𝆤𝆤𝆤𝆤࿚࿙𝆤𝆤࿚࿙𝆤𝆤𝆤𝆤࿚ 𖹭 ࿙𝆤𝆤𝆤𝆤࿚࿙𝆤 𝆤࿚࿙𝆤𝆤𝆤𝆤࿚ 𖹭
Hey!! So, this is my first post ever, and i hope its actually good :] keep in mind english is not my first language so i apologize in advantage for any grammatical errors. I'll be posting some more drafts soon, but feel free to request if you wish. That's all. Bye ♡
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lovergirl-3000 · 2 years ago
Is this love
Neteyam x fem metkayina reader
You are the daughter of Rolan and Tonowari you are the third born you are 16 your name is Skytlana your brother Aonung is the first born he is 18, Rotxo is second born even though I know the that he is not there son :< but i have read a bunch of fanfics where Rotxo is there brother and i love it cuz he’s gives the more here I will help you with your romance vibes and Aonung is the over protective big brother so Rotxo is second born he is 17, You are 16 and Tsireya is 15 and the sullys ages are Neteyam 16, Lo’ak 15, Kiri 15, Tuk 10,
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As you walk out of the water after your sister Tsireya you see the crowd gathered on the shore around some other na’vi they looked much different than your people. “What is going on?” You ask you sister “I don’t know” she whispers as your father and what you assume to be theirs talks “Look at that is it even a tall it’s so tiny” Aonung says to Rotxo laughing “Oww” He says as you backhand the on the forehead. You just glare at him in response. “Ohh look Skytlana” Reya says as she nodes in the direction of the eldest brother. You look over at him and he looks away nervously you can see his brother whispering something to him…something that made him blush a shade of purple. They continue talking and your mother and your father came to an agreement for them to stay. You zoned out looking at the eldest son there was something about his yellow and his body his posture how he held him self high every thing about him just made you happy. “Skytlana… “Yes” you answered “Tsireya, Rotxo and Aonung will teach your children or ways” Your father said completely ignoring your statement looking at the one they call Jake “Oh” you say while looking at the ground “Got lost in the forest boy’s eyes did we” Aonung says batting his eyes “Uhhh your so annoying” you say as you push face away from yours “Come on we will start training them tomorrow” Reya says as we start walking back to are hut “I Know I was listening” you say as you walk with her “Sure you were” she says with a smirk
~~~~~~~~~~Time skip to the next day~~~~~~~~~~~
Today you were all teaching them to swim they all showed up on time but you you were there early watching waiting for your time to strike “Ahhhhhhh” You battle cried as you jumped down from the ceiling of the dock tackled your brothers into the water “What a wonderful way to start the morning” You say happily once your head pops out of the water “What are you hoping to accomplish” Aonung says once his head pops out of the water “Yeah there is nothing accomplished by this it’s not like you’re going to drown us” Rotxo says with a smirk Reya was just standing on the dock giggling as the Sully kids stared to show up “Pluck one more nerve and I just might” You say with a dead serious expression “Okay let’s not kill each other until we’re done with the lesson” Reya said with the same warm smile she always has “No promises” You say as you push your self up onto the dock “Okay let’s get started first things first you have to get in the water” You say sarcastically before diving in and back stroking away so they could do the same. Reya sighs and rolls her eyes before jumping in to once we were all in the water you and your siblings set out swimming deeper. After a second or two we noticed the Sully kids were not with us you looked back pointing at them. “What’s wrong with them” Aonung hand motioned looking at them with confusion “They can’t keep up dumb ass they are from the forest” you hand motion as you roll your eyes and flick him on the head. Then your eyes spot them going to the surface “Come on” you hand motion and start swimming to them “Slow down” the little on called Tuk says as she drapes herself on her sisters back “Will do” you say as you wink at her she smiles back at the action “Okay do you want to try that again” Reya says with her warm smile (If you can’t tell already you think she has a wonderful smile) next we were teaching them how to ride Ilu “So make the bond gently” Reya says as Neteyam sat on the Ilu he sat tall and stern all you could think was oh no. But to late he made the bond and the Ilu went as fast as it trying with all its might to get him off and it worked next thing you now he was in the sky. “I didn’t know your brother could fly” you said sarcastically to his siblings “I don’t think he can”Reya says with a smirk as he lands in the water. Then his head shot up out the water “I’m okay” he shouted how could he be so attractive while falling off a Ilu it’s outrageous and unfair the Eywa would make such a being that pulled all of the right strings. He’s kind, brave, selfless, cares about his family so much and he’s hot what else can you ask for he’s freaking perfect. “Where did kiri go” Tuk says as you look around “Well that’s the end of class today see you all tomorrow” you say sassily
~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip idk a few hours~~~~~~~~~~
You walk up to hear the sound of fight grunts, screams, screeches, punching sounds you know the usual. Who was it well it was your brothers and their friends of course and kiri was watching them humm… maybe I’ll like this girl more than I thought. Well it was your brothers and their idiotic friends. But who were they fighting it was the Neteyam and Lo’ak of course they had to start stuff with the two boys that their sisters liked. “What did they do this time” You ask as you stood next to Kiri “They were teasing me and Lo’ak had to go all over protective and the Neteyam had to jump in to save his ass as always” She says not taking her eyes off the fight “Well that’s enough” You say honestly you can’t take much of seeing them punch Neteyams face. You stride over to them pull Aonung out by the braid and practically throw him out the way then grab Rotxo by the ear and drag him over to Aonung “You two stop picking fights” You say with a stern look “Stop parenting us Sky you aren’t even oldest in fact your younger than both of us” Aonung said with an angry expression, clearly embarrassed about what just happened “Well it clearly doesn’t seem that way you act like you are a five year old, so get it together and waltz your little tail back home” You say with anger coursing through your being “AM. I. UNDERSTOOD.” You shout your eyes flickering with rage they both shake there head vigorously and run back home. You take a deep breath and turn around to see three face filled with absolute shock. “What the fuck just happened” Lo’ak said with confusion plastered all over his face “I have anger management issues” you say giving them a small smile then walk towards them “Are you both okay” you ask looking them over “Yeah we’re fine” Neteyam says and smiles at you he looks at your white and blue eyes as you stare into his beautiful yellow eyes for a second the hole world stoped it was just us just us on the beach staring at each other. “Ahem” Kiri says sassily, pretending to clear her throat “We should head back dad’s going to be looking for us” Kiri says look at us Neteyam looks at her and then looks back to me “Uhh, Kiri’s right we need head back thanks for saving us” he says with a cheesy smile on his face as he rubes the back of his neck. “Well yeah of course see you tomorrow” You say as you walk away
This is not part two of “I see you” Sorry it’s a hole different story :>
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