#I keep my room really clean and am careful (almost obsessive) about keeping items that could harm him out of his access
detentiontrack · 3 months
CZ’s had more than 1 surgery?
He’s had 2! In winter 2022 he had a standard neuter and in fall 2023, he ate a string and it got tangled in his intestines and he got really sick and almost died, so he needed major abdominal surgery to remove the string and untangle his intestines.
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itshardcandy · 4 years
Strawberry Flavor - Part 1
Pairing: Kim Seokjin x Reader, Min Yoongi x Reader, Park Jimin x Reader
8789 Words
Genre: Fluff, Idiots Friends to lovers, crack
Warnings: None except some super light swearing, an unhealthy obsession for Jimin’s cakes ( I think i might have a problem idk ) and some light flirting ( I tried to create some mild tension at the end... not sure I did it right ) 
Summary: What’s a girl to do when her handsome colleague, her sweet business partner and her mysterious, piano playing friend compete for 1st place on the list of her favourite people?  
Heavily inspired by the “Another Story” individual stories in the BTS World game but with a twist. The final pairing isn’t fully decided, yet, so if you have some input or some suggestions or just a burning desire for me to twist the story into a certain direction please let me know and maybe we can work something out ;) 
IPlease don’t hesitate to give feedback and like & reblog if you enjoyed <3
“Strawberry Flavor! Strawberry Flavor, where are you?”
Hotel-service intern Kim Seokjin rushed into the kitchen of the hotel restaurant to find you, his colleague and only friend in this hell of an establishment,
“Yah, Strawberry Flavor! This is important, where are you?”
He knew the kitchen area would be empty at this time, save for you. Most of your colleagues had already clocked out for the night but you usually stayed longer to wait for Seokjin to finish his shift as well. Which is why he busted through the doors of the locker room, guns blazing, to find you already waiting for him and packing your things,  
“Ah, there you are! Didn’t you hear me?”
Accusingly, he thrust his hands in your direction, which were full of laundry items. You turned around, wide-eyed and flabbergasted at Seokjin’s dramatic entrance in the break room,
“Kim Seokjin, I swear on all that’s holy in this world, one of these days I will bash your head in with a frying pan, if you yell at me like that again!”
You pointed at his smug face and tried to look like you actually meant it,
“I could have been changing in here, you punk! Don’t you have any manners? Jeez, you give a guy leftover chicken and suddenly he thinks he owns the place…”,
Jin took a moment to process your words before he smiled at you and rolled his eyes,
“Ah, Strawberry Flavor, I’m sorry, I’m just so excited! You said there’s more leftover chicken again today, what am I supposed to do? Stay calm?”
You didn’t actually mean anything you said, of course, you adored your tall, handsome and broad-shouldered colleague and were glad that you had become friends. Or so he liked to think, at least,
“Yes! That is absolutely what you are supposed to do!”
You tried to answer without a smile creeping on your face but seeing Jin just did that to people. He was handsome, sure, but his face, when he got a little worked up over something, was one the funniest things known to mankind,
“You know I can’t be held responsible for my actions when chicken is involved…”
He dropped his gaze and kicked at imaginary dirt on the ground. You took a deep breath and remembered that Seokjin was essentially an overgrown child with an even more overgrown appetite,
“I saved it for you, no one’s going to steal it”
You said and Jin huffed, pouting at you,
You noticed the laundry in his hands just now,
“Did Areum give you more laundry, again?”
You asked as you pointed at the various blankets and stuffed animals he was carrying,
“She said she wants them dry cleaned by tomorrow morning. How am I supposed to do that? Everyone already left…”
He explained and you sighed. That girl knew how to keep him on his toes,
“Well, you just have to come in early tomorrow and beg the guys from laundry to run an express load”
You checked the contents of your purse, before turning back to Seokjin again,
“Hm, you’re right. I should drop this in the laundry bins, right? Be right back!”
He mumbled and turned on his heels to leave,
“Can you heat the chicken up for me, please? Thank you”
You heard him say as the doors closed behind him. You shook your head and let out a long breath,
“This guy really has no shame”
You said to yourself as you grabbed your things and went to work on the chicken for Jin, so you both could finally leave, as soon as he got back.
As you walked along the beach promenade, a Tupperware in hand containing Jin’s chicken, you listened to him munch on a piece of it while he tried to recount all events of the day to you. Apparently, the lady, who had been staying in 306 for the last week, wasn’t as sweet as you thought. Jin told you about this morning, when he went to bring her breakfast to her room and she pinched his butt while he was on the way out. His eyes almost bulged out of his head, he was so invested in his own story,
“And then she said the bacon looks good this morning! The bacon, Strawberry Flavor! As in MY bacon! Can you believe?!”
Were he not so busy to stuff his mouth full of the wings you had saved for him, he would have ranted on about it for hours,
“No, Jin, I can’t, in fact, believe”,
“I know it looks good, I have eyes, after all, but just pinching my bacon like it was a cheap side dish…”
“Absolutely outrageous”
You commented while typing away on your phone. You knew by now that you just needed to pay attention at the right moment to appease Jin’s ego,
He flung his hand around and looked like he tried to fight someone with the chicken leg, that he was currently holding,
“Did you say anything to her? Or did you just do that creepy customer-service fake smile”
You asked, already knowing that, even if Jin talked a big game now, he probably just squeaked like a squirrel when the thirsty grandma felt him up and looked like a deer caught in the headlights when she shut the door in his face. Deep down, he probably enjoyed the attention, though,
“No, I didn’t. can’t risk an additional complaint from any of the guests with all the negative points I keep scoring with Areum…”  
He mumbled and his puffed chest deflated a bit at that,
“Ah Seokjin, don’t worry! I’m sure Areum will see soon how much effort you put into everything she makes you do!”
You patted his shoulder reassuringly and handed him a tissue to wipe the spicy chicken sauce off his face,
“Thanks, Strawberry Flavor, you always know what to say…”
Unbeknownst to you, Jin was thankful for more than just your kind words and company today. He was thankful for a lot more when it came to you and the chicken was only the cherry on top of the biggest, most delicious scoop of heart-shaped ice cream, he had ever imagined in his life.
When you two met on the day you were examined as a potential addition to the kitchen staff at the hotel, he didn’t think you’d become such an integral part of his life but he’s certainly thankful things played out the way they did. Even though he wishes he was brave enough to ask you for more, he is content to just be the best friend to you, that he could be. You deserved it. If not for you, he would have been kicked out of the hotel multiple times already because he just kept messing up so much. Most of the kitchen staff still avoided him because of the wedding cake incident a few months back. He cringed inwardly; it had not been pretty,
“And even if she doesn’t and tells Manager about all your shortcomings and he kicks you out, you can count on me to save you chicken from time to time!”
He almost chokes on said chicken when he has to laugh at your poor attempt to lighten the mood,
“Jin, you need to swallow!”
He could only laugh harder and it made you smile,
“Yah! Stop laughing! You’re gonna choke! I don’t know any first aid…”
You clapped him on the back and he slowly calmed down, still cackling like a little kid. You wanted to see him laugh like this more often, lately, because interning at the hotel wasn’t working out so well for him. He had a lot of difficulties with the service and it didn’t help that he was assigned as Areum’s caretaker during the time she would be staying at the hotel. That little girl… you knew she was only 7 but she drove you up the wall sometimes. Especially when she scolded Jin for all the things he did wrong, which was a regular occurrence,
“I’m fine, I’m fine, do you have any more tissues, though?”
Jin asked and you dug around your purse until you found one. He coughed roughly and then took a deep breath,
“Phew… Let’s just hope Manager keeps me around a little longer, yeah?”
He smiled at you and you nodded,
“He has to, or I’m going on strike. See how he handles the rioting guests when there are no more Special Strawberry Flavor Pancakes around!”
Jin puts his arm around your shoulder and hugs you to his side a little awkwardly,
“Ahh, don’t do that, you’ll be fired, too! And then who will be my chicken hero?”
You cough out an awkward laugh at the physical contact and quickly try to get your bearings back,
“Ok, ok… I won’t go on strike”
“And I’ll figure something out with Areum… she’s just a kid, how hard could it be to find something she likes to do? Do you think maybe I should try bribing her with candy?”
You opened your mouth to answer when a familiar voice interrupted you,
“Hey Rice Cake, I’m over here!”
It was your roommate Park Jimin; passionate dancer and number 1 rice cake enthusiast. He was waiting for you at the bus stop like he usually did to pick you up after work. He insisted on doing so, even if he had to take a few extra buses after dance practice to get here.
You happily waved at him and turned to Jin to say goodbye for tonight,
“There’s my ride. Well, my companion for the bus ride, anyway… You should probably come up with something more creative than bribing a little girl with candy, though, ok? I’ll see you tomorrow! Good night!”,
“Yeah, ok… Good night, Strawberry Flavor”
He smiled and waved half-heartedly after you already turned around and walked towards your friend. Park Jimin seemed like a good guy, as far as he could tell; he obviously cared about you enough to go out of his way to get you home safe and in Jin’s books that was the least you deserved. Still, he would rather he was the one to accompany you on your way home.
As Jimin watched you say goodbye to your colleague he briefly wondered why you still let him be the one to take you home when there was this tall, good-looking man in your life, who, clearly, was head over heels for you. He had known the minute he met Kim Seokjin for the first time a few months ago, that the handsome hotelier had the hots on for you. He couldn’t fault the guy, though; he knew first-hand the power your pretty smile and beautiful personality held. If Jimin didn’t feel so insecure and small in the presence of the other man, maybe they could have become friends but all Jimin could see, was a really tall, handsome and impressively built obstacle in the way of his plan to get you to be his girl when he looked at Kim Seokjin.
Jimin loses his self-deprecating train of thought pretty quickly though, when you enter his personal space and hug his arm to your chest,
“Jiminahh, I had such a good day! I can’t wait to tell you all about it”
You smiled at him and for a few precious moments he just felt lucky to have you in his life at all. Kim Seokjin and his good looks be damned. He reached for your hand and took your bag to carry it for you. He knows you would never admit it, because you’re a strong, independent woman, who don’t need no man but you secretly loved that he did all these little things to make your life a little easier. Even if it was just carrying a bag, that, quote unquote: wasn’t even really that heavy,
“Yeah? Tell me about it”
He smiled down at you, as you both went to sit down on the bench and waited for the bus to arrive and take you home,
“It was my turn to decorate all the little pastries and cakes today! Well… after I fried a shit ton of chicken for the buffet in the conference room”
You answered and Jimin smiled to himself. Decorating cakes was one of your favourite things to do, even when you helped him out in your spare time in the little rice-cake shop he inherited from his late grandmother. He was quite good at it himself, too, having watched his grandma make and decorate rice cakes with a burning passion for years, but he let you do it whenever possible, just so he could watch your face scrunch up cutely in concentration when you bent over the sweet little treats and painted fantastic floral works of art on them,
“Sounds like you had a lot of fun today”
He commented and you nodded,
“I did. And Manager even said I did good today, so that was worth all the hours I spent covered in chicken grease afterwards”
You stifled a yawn after you said that and Jimin laughed quietly. You did actually smell faintly of fried chicken but honestly? That was just a bonus because you looked like a snack already.
Just as he was about to comment on your fried chicken smell, the bus rolled into the station and you took your seats and fell into a comfortable silence for the duration of the ride. It wasn’t too long of a way home but it was enough for you take a quick nap on your friend’s shoulder, before he gently shook you awake again, to signal the imminent arrival of the bus at your station. You followed Jimin outside and as the bus rode on peacefully, you walked the rest of the way towards the rice cake shop and the apartment you shared upstairs.
You felt thankful for it every time you set foot in your shared home because it had been the first good thing to happen to you in a long while. Starting off as Granny Park’s apprentice in the rice cake business, you first met Jimin as he was about to head out and handle some deliveries for the day. He was shy at first but quickly warmed up to you when he noticed how seriously you took your work and how respectful and hard-working you were with his grandmother. Granny Park taught you and her grandson how to make the most delicious little cakes and she had even let you live in the spare room in the apartment she shared with Jimin. She had given you so much and you were determined to prove worthy of her trust. Sadly, not long after she had taken you in and you and Jimin became close friends, she passed away and left you and her grandson to continue to run the shop. You and Jimin had made some significant changes to the way the shop operated and now, it ran more profitable than ever before.  You hoped Jimin could see how happy and grateful you still were now, months later.
Jimin dropped your bag in your room and you took a few minutes for yourself to change into more comfortable clothing and wash up. Even though you got to do something fun at work today, doesn’t mean you weren’t exhausted and ready to drop dead on the bed. You took your phone out of your bag and swan dived onto the sheets. A few notifications were waiting for you, including a few texts from Jin and Yoongi, another friend of yours. Apparently Jin had finished all the chicken before he arrived home, which was a new record for him and he had sent you a selfie of him and the empty Tupperware to prove it. You snickered and replied with a few thumbs up.
[You 20:34]: Glad u liked it! U know I never met anyone with such an unhealthy love for chicken, right?
[SeokJerk 20:35]: Ha… then stop feeding my addiction! Shaming me while enabling me… smh
[You 20:36]: Ugh why am I friends with u…
Jin sent an angel emoji and you decided that was enough Jin for today and then switched to Yoongi’s chat. It was just a series of pictures of a few different outfits and a question mark at the end. He was a man of few words. You knew Yoongi had an important gig coming up and he desperately needed your input, so it didn’t surprise you that he didn’t send an entire paragraph voicing his concerns about the wrong choice of attire. You answered with number 3 and a few flame emojis and heart eyes. Going for the fancy choice while also maintaining his casual style seemed like the best way to go. He replied a few seconds later with a thumbs up. Just as you were about to put down the phone, it dinged with another text from your roommate. Why he didn’t just knock and ask whatever it was he wanted, you didn’t know. He was probably being lazy like you right now.
[Mochi 20:46]: u still up? Netflix? Or u too tired?
You debated that for a second; it was only 9 pm, you could probably remain conscious for another 2 hours or so. Even though you had to pass by the hotel to meet Jin for lunch, you could sleep in.
[You 20:48]: Sure, u gotta come here tho bc I’m not moving
2 minutes later your door creaked as Jimin opened it and walked in the room with his laptop balanced on his arm,
“I picked something good this time, I swear”
He did, in fact, not pick something good.
 When you woke up the next morning, Jimin was already out and about, busy bee that he is. You didn’t have to worry about getting ready just yet, since you didn’t have to meet Jin for another few hours, so you enjoyed the feeling of your soft and warm sheets for a few more minutes and played around on your phone until there was nothing left to do but get up.
Should you have breakfast? A question you asked yourself every day, regardless of the fact that the answer was always no. So, you skipped the trip to the kitchen for now and jumped in the shower straight away.
You should take care of some boring chores and house work today, as well, preferably before you met Jin.
The rice cake shop was closed for today so you didn’t have to worry about the mess downstairs for now. Maybe Jimin had left out some treats for you to take with you. You would go through the shop and check when you left.
“Yah, Seokjin! Stop hoarding the sauce!”
You snatched the little bowl from under his nose while he was distracted and finally, you could dip your food into the spicy goodness,
“Leave some in there for other people”
You added and Jin tried to act like he didn’t know you were chastising him, of all people. It was no use anyway, so you changed the topic,
“Did you get Areum’s laundry done on time?”
Seokjin nodded his head, while chewing on a spoonful of rice,
“Luckily, yes. I owe the guys from laundry big time”
He swallowed the rice and took a deep, sobering breath,
“Don’t know what she would have done, if I didn’t show up with her favourite blanket, this morning…”
He visibly shuddered at the thought and you also felt an unpleasant tingle slide down the length of your spine,
“Let’s just be thankful you’re still in one piece, hm?”
You smiled sweetly at him and Jin briefly forgot what had him so shook just seconds ago. He watched you eat some grilled vegetables for a few moments until he snapped out of his reverie,
“Thank you for meeting me for lunch, Strawberry Flavor, it would have been so boring alone…”,
“You mean there would have been less food for you to devour”
You snickered to yourself and Jin huffed,
“Don’t make me look so bad, you brat! I’m still older than you, show some respect!”
He couldn’t help but smile at how, even he, couldn’t take himself seriously. You started laughing and had to put down the food you were about to put in your mouth,
“Alright, alright, I’m so sorry, Seokjin-Oppa… I promise I’ll be a good girl from now on, ok?”
You dragged out his name and your lips formed the most adorable little pout. Although he knew you were teasing him just now, Jin felt warmth flood his cheeks and he cleared his throat,
“Ah… yes… don’t worry about it, Strawberry Flavor”
He tried to sound casual but his voice betrayed him. Alas, he was but a man, sat in front of the prettiest woman he knew, trying not to look like the complete simp he was for you. A few moments of food-related silence ensured until you put down your bowl,
“I almost forgot, I brought these for you”
You suddenly started digging around in your purse and produced a little package wrapped in simple brown paper,
“These are from a batch Jimin and I made last night. They didn’t come out shaped as nicely as usual but I thought you wouldn’t mind having them, since we can’t sell them like this”
You held the package out to him and he put down his chopsticks to receive it,
“Seriously? You didn’t have to!”
He stumbled over his own words because he felt a little touched. You thought to bring him some of your lovely rice cakes? He unwrapped the package and found a colourful assortment of sweet rice treats in the paper,
He slapped a hand over his face in a theatrical way,
“Ahh, I can’t look at them for too long, they are so pretty! Strawberry Flavor, what are you doing to me…?”
You giggled happily like a little kid when you saw his reaction to the cakes and he had to smile,
“You have to look, though, if you want to eat them!”
You tried to gently lift his hand from his eyes,
“It’s too dangerous, I’ll go blind…”
He loved making you laugh, so he would ride this wave as long as you would let him,
“So, you’re never gonna look at my cakes again?”
Well. Not that he would mind looking at your cakes once in a while, he just felt really inappropriate doing so. Or were you talking about the rice cakes? Probably the more likely option…
“Don’t sound so disappointed”
He lifted his hand and put the cakes down on the table in front of him,
“What if I feed you one? You won’t have to look then”
“Ah, Strawberry Flavor, you’re so smart! I never would have thought of that”
You rolled your eyes at him but still you smiled. You picked up your chopsticks, lifted a rice cake from the package and held it to Jin’s lips. He slowly opened up and let you place the small treat inside his mouth.
You stared at him expectantly, eyes wide,
You asked and, even if the cakes didn’t taste as amazing and sweet as they did, Jin would have told you they were the most delicious thing he’s ever tasted. He closed his eyes and savoured the taste before he answered:
“They are amazing”
Your lips spread into a shy smile,
“Maybe you can share them with the laundry staff as a thank you?”
You suggested and Jin’s eyes went wide in disbelief,
“Are you kidding? I may owe them but I don’t owe them enough for that”,
“You are impossible”,
“Impossible to please, yes, but these are pretty close to perfection”
He grinned and you tried to hide your smile,
“Now give me one more”
He opened his mouth and waited for you to feed him another rice cake. It really was the simple things in life, huh?
Over the course of the next week you and Jimin perfected the new recipe for the revolutionised rice cakes you were going to permanently keep in your assortment of treats in the shop and they turned out to be just the right amount of chewy and sweet. You might have used Jin as your personal lab rat and fed him an obscene amount of cakes until his eyes got glassy and his shoulders sagged in satisfaction. ‘This is heavenly’ he had mumbled while chewing and you knew it wouldn’t get any better than that. Jimin trusted your opinion but he had, of course, also tasted a fair amount of cakes before he agreed with Jin’s judgement. Both of you were lucky you got a few extra days off, since you had collected some overtime in the last month, which gave you enough time to work on the cake recipe. Jimin was grateful for the extra time he got to spend with you, even if Jin had intruded on some of it. At least he got to feed you some of the extra cakes while Jin watched and tried to hide the, very much obvious, jealousy on his face.
That evening, when Jin left, he had touched your upper arm for just long enough for Jimin to consider it inappropriate. Of course, you were oblivious to their childish behaviour.
Today was your last day off before a new week of work started and there were no more cakes to prepare for the shop. Last night, Yoongi had texted you to ask if you wanted to join him for coffee and keep him company while he practised a piece for another upcoming show. You had said yes, since you hadn’t seen your friend in a while and you were happy, he wanted to spend time with you. He was the elusive kind of friend that surfaced out of the blue after periods of being completely dead to the world.
On your way to the university he studied at, you picked up coffee for both of you and a snack for Yoongi, since he usually forgot to eat when he was working on something. You found him in the usual place, already sitting at the piano on the far side of the room, playing away and not noticing your arrival until you plopped down on the bench next to him,
“Hey, Piano Man, take a coffee break”
He stopped playing and turned to you, clearly not having expected you yet,
“I didn’t think you’d be here so soon”
He said, a surprised pout on his lips. You smiled and handed him the coffee and the snack you brought him,
“Left early so I could get you some sustenance”
“How do you know me so well, hm?”
He squinted his eyes at you suspiciously before opening the paper bag and taking an experimental sniff, then nodding approvingly,
“Well, I don’t have that many redeeming qualities but I like to think keeping the people I care about fed, so they stay healthy, is one of my better ones”
You smiled shyly and took a sip of your own coffee. You were wrong though, Yoongi thought. You had a ton of good qualities; far more than he ever thought could be found in a single person. You were the reason he was still in school, after all, and to hell if you didn’t think that counted for something,
“I don’t like it when you do that”
He mumbled under his breath and took a sip of that sweet, sweet bean juice that would bring warmth back into his heart and soul,
“Do what?”
You asked, creasing your brows in confusion,
“That thing where you talk badly about yourself and cover it up with humour”
You huffed and ran a hand through your hair,
“You act like you don’t do that, too”
You accused him and he gave you a look that just said ‘really?’
“I don’t, not like that, anyway. I know I’ve got some good qualities, I’m just super insecure, anxious and nervous at all times, there’s a difference”
Well. He got you there,
“So, stop talking like that, yeah? You know you’re a good person, Serenity, no need to doubt yourself”
He knew he didn’t have a way with words as much as he had a way with the keys on the piano. He just hoped that the essence of what he meant bled through the words and reached your core. He really did mean it like that: you were a good person. In fact, you were the best person in his life, even if he couldn’t show it in a way that he felt would be meaningful enough for you. Through all the problems and hardships thrown at him by his professors and the university and all the obstacles placed in his path by all the policies, regulations and deadlines, you had been there to support him and provide him with advice. You grounded him when his nerves threatened to reach a breaking point and you helped him find the calm and peaceful place in himself that he could retreat to when the world became too much.  
He had told you so in his own way; calling you his Serenity, when he felt you needed a push to take his words seriously,
“Alright… I’ll work on it, ok?”
You picked at your nails when you agreed and he was satisfied with the conclusion,
He said calmly and sipped his coffee,
“So, how’s practice going?”
You asked, changing the topic,  
“You tell me. You heard me playing when you snuck in like a damn ninja”
Yoongi answered and grinned,
“Everything you play sounds good to me but I’m also not a professional musician, so my opinion isn’t really gonna help you much…”
You would always tell him when you liked a piece, he introduced you to but beyond that? You had close to zero knowledge about music and all the terms and whatnot used to describe it, so Yoongi would have to be satisfied with you either saying ‘it’s great’ or ‘I love it’ repeatedly,
“Hm, fair enough”
He grumbled and turned back to the keyboard. To anyone else, he probably sounded condescending but you two were close enough for you to know, that was far from his intention. He just gave off particularly grumpy and unapproachable vibes at all times.
He sighed loudly and rolled his head around to loosen up some tension in his neck and shoulders,
“Alright… well, will you listen to it anyway?”
He asked and placed his hands on the keys according to the notes on the music sheet,
“Take it away, Maestro”
You said and the smallest smile crept its way onto his face before it scrunched up in concentration and he started playing.
Work was really slow today for some reason. Well, as slow as work in the kitchen of a hotel with hundreds of guests can be. But it felt slower than usual and you had yet to feel like ripping your uniform off and quitting dramatically in the heat of the moment, like you usually did. The majority of the guests currently occupying the rooms were tourists, who only visited the small fishermen town for the yearly celebration of exactly that: the fishermen who had inspired the people of the town to celebrate their work over the hundreds of years since the town had been established. By now fishing wasn’t the main source of the town’s income anymore but regardless, the tradition of celebrating was still going strong. The main source of income was now tourism.
It also meant dinner shift didn’t make you want to repeatedly punch the wall. Who would’ve thought that less guests equals less work?
As you enjoyed a few minutes of relative peace and quiet in the kitchen, you thought about your own relationship with the festival. A while ago, you and your friends, and also some of their friends, had decided you’d all visit the festival together this year and you were looking forward to it. You and Jimin would have to man your little rice cake booth for a while but since you were the business owners you could decide when you would close up and enjoy the rest of the festivities. You would probably only have the booth up during the day and leave it closed in the evening so you would have time to join your friends and get the party going. The festival was approaching fast and you had a feeling it would be a series of nights to remember.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a few new room-service orders, delivered by none other than your favourite colleague and intern, Seokjin. He entered the kitchen through the big double doors and invaded your workspace like it was nothing. Classic Jin,
“Strawberry Flavor, do you have time to make all this? It’s for Areum and another guest”
He handed you a note with a couple of orders scribbled onto it in terrible handwriting. Luckily you were accustomed to Jin’s writing by now and deciphering it was no problem for you anymore,
“Hm, sure, although… it’s already pretty late, Areum shouldn’t have any sugar before bedtime, don’t you think?”
You answered and Jin nodded, looking thoughtful,
“I guess you’re right… what else can you make for her? I don’t wanna show up empty handed”
You mulled it over for a second, tapping you bottom lip with your pointer finger,
“How about something light like a yogurt with a little bit of fruit in it? Nothing special but I can make it look really nice for her”
You suggested and taped the note to your workstation, so you could get started on the other orders, as well,
“Sounds good”
Jin simply said and leaned against the counter to watch you prepare the food. Like yours, his day had been a little less eventful than usual and he was thankful for the extra time he got to relax in between chores. He chose to use a few minutes to talk to you and watch you work. He liked seeing you whirl around the kitchen and grabbing ingredients here and there to put together a perfect meal. He loved food and he loved it even more when you were the one to prepare it. He was sure all the guests that were lucky enough to have their food made by you could taste all the love and effort you put into it,
“Jin, can you come help me? I can’t reach the damn pan on the shelf!”
Jin listened up and pushed himself away from the counter to walk over to where you were standing on your tiptoes, trying to reach the highest shelf,
He said and before you could step aside to make room for him, he stood behind you and placed a hand right next to you to support his weight while he slightly pushed his body forward to reach the shelf. You felt his chest pressed to your back and suddenly your hands felt a little clammy,
“I can reach it but I can’t move it, there’s too much other stuff around on the shelf”
Jin said and you cursed the person who reorganized the shelves the other day,
“Wait a second, I’ll get you something to step on”
You mumbled and tried to move away from Jin but he had a different idea,
“Don’t bother, I’ll just pick you up and you can get it. It’ll be easier, just do it like this”
He maneuvered you around until he was leaning with his back against the shelf and you stood in front of him. Usually you would have protested against this. So much physical contact was not only strange for you and Jin but it was also inappropriate in your place of work,
“Jin, what are you doing?”
You mumbled to yourself while Jin was already bending his knees and wrapping his arms around your middle. You took a deep breath and let out a surprised squeak when Jin lifted you off the ground. The position was more than inappropriate but Jin didn’t seem to mind,
“Is this ok? Am I holding you too tight?”
He asked, seeming concerned with your uncomfortable expression,
“No, no”
You cleared your throat and started to support yourself with your hands on his shoulders,
“It’s fine, just… don’t drop me, ok?”
you looked down at his handsome face and he smiled gently up to you,
“Don’t worry, I won’t”
You held onto his shoulders a little tighter. They felt nice, strong. Did he work out?
“Can you get it?”
He asked and you remembered the pan, so you let go of his shoulders,
“Ah… yes, just a second”
No rush, thought Jin. You started rummaging around the shelf and moving things around to make room for the pan. While you moved around a little more you felt Jin squeeze you a little tighter and it didn’t feel as uncomfortable anymore.
Jin knew he had taken a risk with this but he also just wanted an opportunity to get closer to you. He didn’t do anything too inappropriate; he would never touch you in a way that would make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. He knew you trusted him and he knew you knew that he valued that trust. Thus, he also knew, you wouldn’t mind it if he held you like this. Granted, he didn’t think his face would be this close to your boobs but it wasn’t like he would ever complain about that. He wouldn’t mind being even closer.
You had finally managed to procure the pan without pushing anything else off the shelf and Jin had let you slowly slide out of his secure grip until you were the one looking up at him, again. You brushed your shirt off and cleared your throat once more before awkwardly thanking him,
“I’ll get back to work…”
You mumbled and walked back to your station. You couldn’t exactly explain why you felt a little nervous all of a sudden. Or why your mouth had run dry. Or why you felt a tingle in the places where Jin’s big and gentle hands had touched you. You also couldn’t exactly explain why your innocent friendship suddenly didn’t feel so innocent anymore.
Jimin couldn’t pick you up from work tonight and when you got home, you peeked through his open door and found him already fast asleep in his bed. You had hoped he would still be up when you came home but you guessed practice must have been especially exhausting today. You quietly closed the door and retreated to your own room to unwind and then go to sleep, too. Tomorrow would be an eventful day for both of you, since you needed to transport your little booth to its spot on the festival area and decorate it; make it look pretty and approachable for all the visitors and potential customers.
Together, you had developed a nice decoration scheme and decided to go with minimal but effective. Small but cute decorative figures and little Stickers for the children to take with them. Working with Jimin was always so easy. You couldn’t remember even a single time when you and him had to argue about something because you both preferred to stay rational and talk it out like adults.  
You had recruited Jin and one of Jimin’s closer friends, Namjoon, to help you transport and set up your booth. You weren’t thrilled at Joon’s involvement in the delicate process because the independent writer had a reputation for being one of the clumsiest people alive. And even if you were thankful for the help, you were going to need to be prepared to deal with any major damage Joon would most likely cause.
For now, all you wanted to do was sleep and recharge for the events of the next day, yet you felt restless.
Nervousness started to creep in on you and you only tossed and turned in your sheets, unable to fall asleep. Were your rice cakes really going to sell tomorrow? Would the visitors of the festival actually consider your booth and try the cakes? Maybe the recipe wasn’t perfect, yet, after all… Suddenly you sat up and sighed deeply,
“Ah.,. let’s just check the recipe one last time, I won’t be able to sleep, anyway”
You mumbled to yourself and pulled a thin nightgown over your body before you made your way back through the dark apartment. Stumbling over a box you or Jimin left in the hallway, you made your way down into the shop and started putting together the ingredients for the dough. You tried to rustle around the kitchen as quietly as possible, not wanting to risk waking up Jimin, who clearly needed the rest more than you,
“Ok… let’s do this”
Cracking your knuckles, you looked at the prepared work space.
The bowls of ingredients stared back at you, taunting you and your skills as a baker,
“Ugh, this is ridiculous”
You rolled your eyes and took a deep breath. It couldn’t be so hard, could it? Why was this making you so nervous?
“Rice cake? What are you doing in the shop so late?
Jimin’s soft voice pulled you out of your thoughts and you turned around to see him standing on the last step the stairs and leaning against the wall. He was looking at you, squinting his eyes sleepily and trying to adjust to the light,
“Jimin, why are you up? Did I wake you? I’m sorry, I tried to be quiet”
You said and moved around a little to try and cover up the bowls behind you,
“Are you ok? You look stressed”
Jimin walked over to you and put his hand against your forehead, trying to feel your temperature,
“I’m fine, I just couldn’t sleep”
You pulled his hand away from your forehead,
“Do you need something to help you sleep? Tea, maybe? I can make you some soup or porridge- “
“Jimin, I’m fine, really”
You smiled at his suggestions, loving how he wanted to care of you,
“Thank you, though. I think I just need a minute or so, to calm down”
He nodded and pursed his lips, then he noticed all the stuff behind you on the counter,
“What’s all this?”
He craned his neck to get a better look and you gently pushed against his chest to avoid having to explain yourself,
“You want to prepare cakes, right now? It’s the middle of the night”
His creased brows and confused expression made you feel a little bit guilty,
“What’s really going on? Are you nervous about tomorrow?”
He asked and you felt yourself at a loss for words,
“I- “
You were surprised time and time again, how well Jimin knew you and could how easily he could tell what really went on inside your head,
“Well… if you really wanna know, then, yes. I’m a little worried”
You confessed and turned your eyes to the floor, then continued your explanation:
“I’m worried people won’t like our booth and the cakes. We’ve put so much work into this shop… what if it was all just a waste of time? I know the locals like what we do but that won’t be enough to sustain a growing business for long, you know? I was hoping we’d branch out eventually, maybe open up another shop in the next big city, or something. If we can’t convince a few lousy tourists to buy from us, then how are we going to establish ourselves anywhere else?”
“That’s what you’re worried about? That people won’t like the cakes?”
He asked and you pouted. When he said it like that, your worries seemed so small and unreasonable,
You kicked at some imaginary dirt, wanting to avoid Jimin’s kind eyes at every cost but he wouldn’t have it, trying to wiggle into your line of sight even if you turned your head away from him,
“Hey, Rice Cake, look at me…”
“No, I feel stupid for worrying”
“It’s not stupid to care about what you do. This shop and the cakes, they’re your babies. They’re also my babies but without you, I wouldn’t even have made it to this point. So, don’t feel stupid for wanting to succeed”
Maybe he had a point, you thought. You let out a quiet breath and lifted your gaze to find Jimin smiling reassuringly at you,
“Ok? You sure?”
He asked and gently nudged your arm with his elbow,
“Yes, I’m sure”
You said, finally smiling again,
“Good. Now tell me… is it only me, or are you suddenly craving something sweet?”
Jimin raised his brows expectantly,
“I don’t know, I guess I could eat something”
You answered and Jimin chuckled,
“Then it’s a good thing we’re both so good at baking, right?”
Jimi whipped past you and started to mix up all the stuff you had laid out and you just watched in astonishment, unable to believe the nerve of this guy,
“What are you waiting for? Get to it, the flour won’t sift itself”
You just shook your head, smiling to yourself and thanking every higher power out there, that Park Jimin existed in your life.
The two of you worked in comfortable silence for a while. You worked well together in the kitchen. All the time spent down here, working on recipes, manoeuvring around the limited space without bumping into each other had really helped your coordination as a team. Jimin had whipped up some creamy dough and you were about to prepare the steamer. You watched Jimin whisk the mixture a little more until he was satisfied with the consistency. You watched him curiously, prepared to take the batter off his hands and form little balls to put in the steamer but you found yourself not only watching the whisk but also the arm whisking it. A very nice arm, one might say. Smooth skin, visible veins and strong muscle, all working together to create a picture you found yourself admiring a little, if you were being honest. Objectively speaking, Jimin was handsome; no one, not even you, could deny it. Years of passionate dancing had shaped his body in a way, that you could definitely appreciate. Even though you lived together, you had never seen Jimin wearing less than jeans and a t-shirt. An unspoken rule about decency had always kept you two from crossing each other when you were wearing anything other than a full outfit. The fact that he was standing before you in a tank top and sleeping shorts, was what made this situation feel even more out of the ordinary, than it already did.
You pulled your nightgown tighter around yourself, more aware of your own state of (un)-dress. Your shorts were even shorter than Jimin’s and you wondered, if he also felt a little weird about the situation. If he did, he didn’t let it show,
“You ready for me, Rice Cake?”
He asked you without looking up from the bowl,
“Yes, I’m ready”
“Wanna taste it first? Make sure it’s good?”
Jimin’s voice suddenly didn’t sound so soft and gentle anymore. You stuttered and then cleared your throat,
“Um, I trust you”
You replied, sounding a little insecure,  
“You sure?”
Jimin looked up at you now, focused on your unsure expression. He put away the whisk and slowly dipped a finger into the batter and then placed it in his mouth, without breaking eye contact.
A quiet moan left him and he smiled,
“Come try it, have a little taste”
He beckoned you forward with a curled finger and your feet moved on their own accord until they were planted firmly on the ground, next to Jimin’s
You mumbled and looked up at him,
“Close your eyes”
He said and you sighed and let your eyes fall closed,
“I’m sure it’s good, we’ve worked on the recipe for- “
You were caught off guard and simply obeyed without a second thought, opening your mouth. A second later you felt Jimin place his finger on your tongue, covered in batter. You closed your lips around it and opened your eyes, finding Jimin’s gaze fixed on your lips, with his own slightly parted. You tasted the sweetness of the batter and let the taste overrun your senses. With your tongue slowly starting to move around Jimin’s finger and gently sucking on it, you were able to taste all of it; the sweet, the tangy and the slightly salty taste of Jimin’s skin.
He asked, voice sounding a little strained. You nodded,
“Yeah? You like it?”
He asked again and you looked up at him with wide eyes, slowly letting his finger slide out from between your lips,
“I like it”
You said and Jimin ran his other hand through his hair. He had to look away; you were too sexy for your own good.
And you didn’t even notice it! The worst of it all was, that he had never seen you wear anything like this before: just a camisole with thin straps and sleeping shorts. Not to mention that scrap of a night gown. He’d never seen so much of your skin and he had to admit, it was becoming harder and harder no to reach out and touch the smooth-looking skin of your upper arm, where your shoulders started, or accidentally brush his fingers against the soft skin of your thighs in passing.
He was about to pop the most uncomfortable boner while you licked your lips and didn’t even pretend to acknowledge the sexual tension in the small room,
“Ok, good…”
Jimin mumbled and wiped his finger on his shorts before he grabbed the bowl and stepped around you to the steamer. He quickly needed to focus on something else because he didn’t want to risk accidentally bumping his problem into you and making things awkward. He thought maybe you didn’t notice how his shorts slightly tented and he did his best to turn his body away from you, while he filled small portions of the batter into the steamer. Maybe he could get you to leave and have some time to cool down again,
“Ah… Rice Cake, why don’t you go ahead and wait upstairs, hm? This won’t take long. I’ll bring them up when they’re finished”
He smiled at you reassuringly,
“What are you talking about, this was my idea. I can’t let you slave away over this alone…”
You pouted slightly and took a step towards him,
“No, no, don’t worry! I’ll take care of it, get some rest, ok?”
You considered it for a second and then sighed. He may have sounded slightly more panicked than necessary but hey, if it did the trick,
“Ok, if you’re sure… I guess I’m a little more tired than before”
You said and promptly yawned,
“Go to sleep, you need the rest”
Jimin ushered you out with a wave of his hands and a last cute smile and then he could finally let out a deep breath,
“Well, that was close”
He said to himself, after he heard the door to the upper floor close, then wiped the metaphorical sweat off of his brow,
“Ah, seriously Jimin-ah, what are you, 12?”
he looked down at himself and pointed a finger at the, still very much visible, tent in his pants as a warning,
“You could have gotten us in trouble…”
Then he shook his head and sighed, remembering the little cakes in the steamer. He hoped you would already be asleep by the time he brought the last batch upstairs because he wouldn’t be able to handle the visual of him, feeding you a few of them, after what had just happened.
Later, when he was finally back in bed, he still wasn’t quite sure what had possessed him. You, however, slept like a blissfully ignorant baby that night.
Thank you so much for reading! Part two is now here !
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blossom862 · 5 years
Mixed Match Challenge Part 2
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Warning(s): Fluff, mentions of drugs, SMUT!
Note: This is my first time writing smut, so please be gentle. 
Word count: 3,682k
Y/W/N: Your Wrestling Name
Alofa: Love
Tag list for this series: @balorollinszayn​ @calwitch​
*** If you are under 18, please do not read this.****
After confessing your feelings to Roman, you guys decided to go out on a date since you both had the remaining week off. During the date, you guys got the chance to get to know each other better and immediately connected. Roman told you that he liked you and he wanted to get to know you more. He also told you that his kids meant the world to him and that he needed to know that you were okay with it.
“Y/N, I just want to know that you are okay with it. My kids are everything to me and the person that chooses to be by my side needs to know that. I know that you don’t have any and that maybe you don’t feel comfortable dating a man that already have children, but I j-“ before he had the chance to proceed with the mini-speech of his, you took his hand onto yours and looked at him with adoration in your eyes.
“Listen, I don’t care if you have kids or that you were married once. I want to be a part of your life. Hell! I want to meet them one day and tell them how amazing their father is.” You told him with a laughed and a quick wink.
“ Where had you’ve been all this time?” And with that said he learned to give you a quick peck on your lips.
After the first date, he took you to many other ones. To the park, to museums, to clubs, and even to your favorite restaurants. He treated you like a princess (and he still treats you like one). Later on, during a live event, he asked you to be his girlfriend. You couldn’t contain your excitement and jumped into his arms while placing multiples kisses all around his handsome face.
“Finally! I thought you never asked.”
All the WWE roster and even the fans know that you guys are dating, after that kiss you gave him after the Mixed Match Challenge, they knew that you guys were going to be an item after that. And they were not wrong.
The Raw roster was currently getting ready for their European tour but during the meantime, Stephanie and Hunter had given everybody a little break. All the wrestlers were busy making their luggage and saying goodbye to their loved ones since they knew they were gonna be gone for at least another 2 months. You were glad to have your boyfriend with you during the tour. He means the world to you and you to him.
You were currently packing and cleaning up your messy room since you barely have time to clean it. Who can judge you? You are always on the road and half the year you are either facing a new opponent or doing interviews.
“You know, I never thought that Y/W/N was such a messy person outside the ring.” 
You didn’t notice when Roman approached you and wrapped his strong arms around your curvy waist. You were so consumed by your thoughts that you couldn’t acknowledge his presence, till now.
Leaning back, you felt his lips against your neck. He was such a lovable a passionate lover. The big dog knew your body better than you did, and that was a surprise. No, you guys haven’t slept together yet, but you guys had done other things other than kissing. You could say he knows what to do with that mouth of his.
“Hmmm, baby. Don’t start something that you can’t continue. You know we need to make sure we have everything we need for this upcoming trip. You know how much I hate procrastination.” You murmured to him while giving him a tender kiss. Gently, he grabbed your chin and proceed to raise your head for you to admire his brown eyes while he spoke.
“Don’t challenge me, sweetheart. Just because we haven’t slept together doesn’t mean I can’t make you see stars. I know your principles and you know mines. I won’t make you do anything that you don’t want. So honey, get your pretty little butt moving and finish packing and when you finish, I’ll guarantee you I’m giving you the best orgasm of your life and you can believe that.” With that said, he planted a fierce but loving kiss on your plump and red lips.
Mesmerized by the sudden gesture, you wrapped your left arm around his neck while pressing your lower back against his. Deepening the kiss, he took the opportunity to turn you around to have your face to face. Both of you were so into the moment that you guys didn’t realize that someone was in the room as well.
“Ugh really? Can’t you guys don’t do that here?” Grounded a masculine voice near the door of your room.
Putting your hands on Roman's chest, you gently pushed him away and disconnected your lips from his.
Clearing his throat, Roman looked at the individual that had entered the room without permission ready to argue.
“Listen, man, haven’t you heard of privacy? Or perhaps knocking?” Roman said while whipping his mouth with his thumb.
“Hey! You guys knew I was here. Next time I’m staying at the hotel.” And with that said, Seth turned around and headed out of the room not before closing the door. 
Jesus! If Seth didn’t interrupt the two of you, you didn’t know if you were gonna stop yourself from jumping and riding him like a madwoman. 
It is not that you were a virgin or anything, but you wanted to wait a little longer before you guys take that big step in the relationship. Before Roman, you were involved with another wrestler. He always was there for you, he supported you and encourage you to be better in everything you set your mind to. Everything was going amazing for the both of you, the WWE universe knew that you guys were together and you were the “IT” couple long before Maryse and The Miz were.
Sadly, after being involved with each other for so long, you discovered that he was cheating on you with one of the WWE interviewers. After the scandalous breakup, he decided to publish online some intimate photos that you had sent to him when you guys were dating. You were devasted in such a way that you almost turned to drugs. If it wasn’t for Seth and your brother, you didn’t know if you were able to go through it. After that, you swear to never send pics or be intimate with someone else after getting to know the person and had at least waited a year.
You talked to Roman about it and to your surprise, he took it well.
“Baby girl, I’m not going to pressure you to do something you don’t want to do. If you want to wait a year or even two, I would wait as long as you want. That doesn’t take the fact that I want to be with you. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to make love to you as soon as possible, but if you are not ready, then we won’t. I’ll wait as long as I have to because I like you.”
Roman was a true gentleman and you were lucky to have him in your life. 
“Well, I think that is my clue to finish packing. Oh god, who I am lying to? I want you so bad it physically and mentally hurts.” You growled while giving him a sad smile. You were so desperate to be in his arms and give yourself to the man standing next to you. 
Taking a couple of steps towards you, Roman tugged a curl behind your ear while kissing the top of your nose. Taking a deep breath, you wrapped your small arms around his waist while bitting your lower lip.
“Oh, baby girl you don’t have any idea how much I’m trying to control myself. Is impossible to not touch you whenever you are near. When I’m with you, I feel like a horny teenager again.” He spoke while laughing and kissing your shoulder. 
You were currently putting your wrestling gear and preparing yourself for your match against Becky Lynch. After your long-time rivalry with Sasha Banks, Stephanie decided to give you a shot to become the next WWE Raw Women Champion. You were so excited about the opportunity and it didn't matter that you were facing Seth’s Rollins girlfriend. Every single person who comes to the WWE has one goal in mind, and that is to become Champion. 
“Baby girl, are you ready to kick some ass?” Shouted Roman while entering the private dressing room that you both shared.
After announcing that you guys were partners, Hunter decided to give you guys a separate and private dressing room. He told you that the majority of the couples had their own. Roman had a smirk the entire time Hunter was talking to the both of you.
Lacing your knee-length boots, you proceed to answer his previous question with a happy “hell yeah” and with a small giggle.
Seating down in the bench that was located next to you, he placed his left hand in your left butt-cheek without caring.
“I cannot wait to see you held that title in your hands. You deserve that title opportunity.” He whispered against your ear. Giving you a small slap in your behind. He took your hand in his and carefully gave you a long kiss on your lips.
Following his lead, you deepen the kiss while caressing his long and glamorous mane. Sliding one of your hands under his shirt, you proceeded to caress his chest. Taking the hint, he took his shirt off and trowed it behind his back. 
“Hmm, you are so damn handsome” you whispered against his chest. You deposited some small pecks against his chest while looking at him with your big Y/E/C. He places his hand against your rebel curls and tugged gently. 
“Y/N, alofa. I’m so hard right now.” He spoke while patting softly.
Giving him a small smirk, you sensually kneed in front of him. Slowly, you started to run your hands all over his enormous and manly thighs. You were obsessed with the man’s thighs. Just the thought of having your pussy against his thighs is enough to make you wet.
Looking at him through your long eyelashes, you noticed how excited Roman was getting. Unzipping his dark pants and pulling them down, you started to careless him through his Calvin Klein boxers.
“Hmm, Y/N. If you keep doing that I’m not going to last much longer. Baby please, do something.” Protested the big dog while desperately shoving his clothe member right in your face. Giggling, you decided that it was time to stop playing games and take action. After giving his member a small peck, which made Roman moaned, you release him from his underwear and started to massage him. Gently but with a firm grip, you started to pump his dick.
“Oh, g-god ba-by girl. Yes, just like t-that.” Whispered Roman while throwing his head back. 
After making sure he was hard as a rock, you decided to take the next step and put your mouth to great use. Taking his tip in your mouth, you started to suck him softly. Moans were all you could hear all around the dressing room. Stroking and bobbling his member as fast as you could, you were determined to make him cum.
You were so turned on that you started to touch yourself. Pulling down your tight wrestling shorts, you slid your unoccupied hand under your panties. Teasing your clit with your middle finger, you started to moan against his dick.
You tried to take him all the way, but the man was so damn big that you had to wrap and pump your fingers on the parts that your mouth could not take. 
“Oh shit, Y-y/N, I’m gonna........ FUCK” his head tilted back and his mouth agape when he released into your mouth. Small moans were coming out of your plump lips
Watching him come undo before you was enough to make you start moaning. Rapidly, you started to touch your clit and inserted two fingers in order to make yourself cum. You felt two big hands caressing your curly hair.
“Stop baby girl. I want to be the one to make you cum.” The strong man took your busy hand in his and slowly started to suck on your dripping fingers. After a couple of minutes of sucking and tasting your nectar, he releases your fingers with a loud and sensual “pop”.
A small “fuck, you taste so good.” came out of his mouth.
You couldn’t take it anymore and started to take off your top. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you position yourself to ride him as fast as you could. Tonight was the night that you would let yourself lose. You needed him and you were gonna take some action.
“Wait, baby. Are you sure you want our first time to be like this? Don’t you want to wait for a little more ?” Asked Roman while pulling you gently away from him to look at you in the eyes.
You could see that he was nervous but at the same time, he was filled with lust. You couldn’t judge him, he was a man after all.
“I’ve never been so sure in my life. I want you and I want you right now. Make me cry, daddy.” That was the key that helped you release the big dog. Taking you in his huge arms, he turned you over and made you stand in front of him with your back towards him. He positions you in a way that had you stretch for him. Both of your hands were against the lookers, one of your legs was on top of the bench, and your ass was press against his lower abdomen.
You felt his hand caressing your lower back with such love and determination to make you feel good.
You turned your head around to see what was taking him so long. You were desperate to be close to him. You were going to protests but before you could even say anything, he pulled your shorts down and without any words he slowly but gently stated to enter you.
“Ooh.... y-yes. Just like that baby.” You moaned while making eye contact with Roman. You had never felt this kind of pleasure before. Yes, you had sex with your previous partner, but it was nothing compared to this.
With each passing minute, he started to pick up his speed and before you know it he was making you see stars.
“Yes... omg yes. Ugh.....pull my hair, Ro. Use me, destroy me.” You shouted while wrapping your hands on his neck.
Instead of getting a reply back, he took your chin in his hand and gave you a desperate but passionate kiss. It took you a minute to identify the sudden pressure in your lower abdomen. You were about to cum any minute now. Pulling away from the kiss, you looked at him in the eyes before telling him that you were about to come.
“Ugh, n-not yet. I-I want to cum with you. T-together. Let’s cum together Y/N.”
“I’m coming.... fuck I’m coming so hard.” You told him while touching and giving your breast the attention they craved.
“Oh fuck, yes. Touch yourself, baby. Ugh, I’m coming soon.” And with that said, you both orgasm together.
You only heard him let out a loud groan before pulling out of you and before you could register what was happening, you felt his cum in your ass cheeks.
“Jesus, your low key makes me feel like I’m in my twenties again. What did you do to me woman?”
Letting out a tired laugh, you gave him one last kiss before giving him a loving hug.
“I love you so much, Roman.”
“I love you too sweetheart. You don’t know how much I love you.”
“Weighting Y/W pounds, accompanied by Roman Reigns, from Y/C. Y/W/N!”
The cameraman gave you the signal for you to get out to the main arena.
Roman was holding your hand while waving to the crowd. You couldn't have asked for more support than the one you were receiving at that moment. Your fans we're going insane plus your boyfriend was being so supportive.
Once settling in the ring, you waited for your opponent with your favorite Samoan next to you.
”Relax baby girl, you are gonna be just fine. Take a deep breath.” whispered Roman while caressing your delicate face.
”And her opponent, from Dublin, Ireland. Accompany by the Architect, she is the Raw Women's Champion, The Man”
With great determination, Becky walks down towards the ring with a serious look on her face. If looks could kill you'll be dead already by the look she gave you once in the ring.
Seth and Roman were both looking intensely at each other while supporting their girlfriends which were about to face each other for the Championship.
Becky took several steps toward you and held her Women's Championship high in the air. Your noses we're touching and if it wasn't for Roman that gave you a quick tug you probably would have started the fight right away.
”This fight is for the Raw Women's Championship. The challenger, from Y/H/T, Y/N!” shouted Jojo with a big smile on her face.
You turned around and gave the crowd a big wink while doing your signature pose in which Becky rolled her eyes.
”The defender, she is the Raw Women's Champion, Becky Lynch.” with that said she gave you a challenging look and made her way to the robes in which she raised the championship hire.
”I’m your damn Champion!” she shouted to the loud crowd.
Once she made her way to her corner, Roman gave you a quick peck on the lips and made his way down to the ring not before giving Seth a ”you better not get involved” look.
Once the bell ring, Becky took you from your curls and gave you a hard punch in your abdomen. It took you a minute to recover from it, but once you were capable of acknowledging your surroundings, you pushed yourself up.
The woman was laughing at you while looking at you with pity in his malicious eyes.
“AWWWWW, look at her. She thinks she the best of the best because she dating “The Big Dog”. She shouted at you while approaching you.
She thought that she had the upper hand, but before she could throw another punch at you, you decided to do something crazy that could help you win for sure. You wanted to finish as soon as possible and take the Raw Women’s Champion home with you.
Taking her by surprise, you performed one of her moves, “the Exploder Suplex” and later on you played dirty and performed her signature move “ Dis-arm-her”.
The crowded was going insane and Seth tried to distract the referee by climbing over the ropes, but Roman took him by his shirt and performed a DDT to him.
“Come on BECKY!!!! Tappppp. Your streak is over. I’m the next champion.” You screamed at him with great fury.
“AGH!!!” she protested but the pain was too much and even someone like The Man could not handle it.
Without any words, she gave you the nastiest glance and proceed to rapidly tap.
With that said, the announcer announced the victory while the referee took you by the shoulders in order to separate you from the Irish woman.
“The winner of this match and the NEW RAW WOMEN’S Championship, Y/W/N!”
Giving you the title, the referee abandoned the ring while Roman climbed over the ring.
“I’m so proud of you baby!” He told you while wrapping his arms around you.
You couldn’t be so proud of your accomplishment.
“How do you feel right now?” Asked Jojo while resting her left arm on your shoulders. She was one of your closes friends in the company. You could see how proud she was of you for winning the Raw Women’s Championship.
Trying to stop your patting, you looked up from the title to her.
“Well Jo, you know how hard I’ve been working to have this opportunity. Since I was a little girl I always had a vision of not only becoming champion but also inspire people to achieve their dreams. So I’m standing right here and I’m looking at every single one of this amazing crowd here tonight and I’m filled with so much happiness right now. This year had been filled with so many blessings and positive things that had changed my life for the better. I started dating this amazing and handsome as hell man standing next to me. And now, I’m the new Raw Women’s Champion. What else can I wish for?” When you said that, the crowd started to cheer.
Roman wrapped his arms around you while giving you a delicate kiss in your head.
“Y/W/N, I gotta say, I’ve never seen you this happy before. I’m so happy that you had found the right person for you. Before letting you go celebrate tonight’s victory with your boo, I had to say that you’ve had inspired so many people through your journey here in the WWE. As a friend and as a woman myself, from behalf of all of the women here present, I’m thanking you for demonstrating how far women had come in the wrestling business. We love you and I couldn’t have been more proud of you love.”
All around you all you could hear from the crowd was a chorus of “You deserve it!” And “Who's the Man now?”
“That’s right! My baby girl is the NEW Women’s Champion and I couldn't be so proud.” With that said, he wrapped his strong arms around you and gave you an intense kiss. 
WOOOOWWWW!!! That was intense as hell!! I gotta said it took me a while to finish this because I’ve been having some writer’s block. Anyway, like I always said, I apologize for any grammar errors and I hope you guys liked the final part of this short-short story. Also, my ask is always open and ready to write some new imagines.
*This story is mine, I don’t give permission to post it on another social media. I spend a lot of time on it.
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morgana-ren · 5 years
Yoooo! If you’re still taking requests, can I get a Short where maybe a “mom friend” member of the league takes care of them, and it’s super fluffy and cute? Shiggy or Dabi would be great!
Oh man, while I’m super happy to get a request for some fluff, I’m SUPER bad at it, so I apologize in advance for that. Also, the timeline here is SUPER fucked up. I’m not caught up on the manga, but for my idea to work, Kurogiri is gone and they’re living in an abandoned building together. Magne is there, because I love her. I don’t know if all 3 of those go together, but they do here. I tried my best! I hope it’s okay! I went with the shigman cause I’m still learning Dabi.
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“Oh, I’m so hungry! How much longeruntil it’s done?” Magne whined, clutching her stomach. A deep frownsettled on her face, eyebrows hiked up high on her face as she eyeddown the stew pot that was currently settled over a large fire. “Iswear I could eat a horse!”
“It smells so good too!” Togamused, twirling a small blade between her deft fingers. She satcasually on a dusty sofa with a pleasant expression, but it wasevident with the way she kept running her tongue over her fangs andstaring longingly at the pot just how starved she really was.
You gave them both a small smile,lightly tapping a small vial of spice into the mixture as you stirredit. “It’s almost done. The meat is nearly cooked, and I promiseit’ll be worth the wait when you taste the vegetables. They were alittle stale, so it’s better to let them absorb all the flavor.” 
“You two should be more gracious. Their cooking is farbetter than anything we’ve scavenged or stolen in weeks.” Mr.Compress chided them, gesturing at the pile of discarded wrappers inthe garbage can. “There is nothing quite like a home cooked meal,and I, for one, am eternally thankful.” He bowed deeply at you,ever theatrical. A small flush washed over your cheeks, andyou raised a hand and scratched the back of your head in slightembarrassment. “It’s nothing really. I wish I could make somethingbetter for everyone, but I was only able to acquire a few packs ofmeat, and I had to throw out a lot of the vegetables we stole. A lotof them had already gone bad, but I was able to salvage enough thatthis should feed everyone, at least for today. I’ll figure somethingout for the rest of the week, though. Don’t worry.”
“I miss Kurogiri.” Spinner sighed,head cradled in his hands as he sat in the corner. “There wasalways food at the bar.”
Your spirit fell a little at hiscomment. You’d tried to take up the role of caretaker to the Leaguein Kurogiri’s absence. You knew you weren’t him, and you didn’t havethe connections or the experience he had, but you were trying. Thingshad been a nightmare for them lately, and it was taking a toll.They’d been reduced to raiding garbage cans or stealing to feedthemselves, and the makeshift hideout definitely didn’t have the samecomfort level that the bar had.
You had done your best to make itsomewhat homey, putting together a team effort to scavenge for bedsand basic comfort items. With a little help, you had even managed torig up some plumbing and electricity so that everyone could stayclean and have light. It wasn’t great, but it was the best you coulddo under the circumstances.
“You all sure complain a lot forvillains.” Dabi had stretched out on a ratty sofa with multicoloredcushions, arms crossed behind his head. “You act like you’ve neverbeen homeless before.”
He seemed the most indifferent to thesituation. Going with the flow, sleeping on beds, sofas, or mustyfloors with little to no complaint. He ate when there was food, andslept when there wasn’t. You assumed that living like this wasnothing new to him. Sometimes he disappeared for hours on end,returning at absurd hours of the night with his clothing singed andashy and smelling of death. You never asked what he did.
“It’s pathetic.” He continued. “Ifyou fall apart every time things get a little rough, you’ll nevermake it, and you might as well leave.”
The room fell quiet, contemplating hiswords. Was the pain of hunger, discomfort, and dirt enough to breakthe spirit of the League?
“Dabi is right!” Toga broke thesilence. “Things aren’t so bad! Let’s quit being such downers!”She jumped up from her spot, smiling as she began spinning excitedlyaround the room. Twice winced, pushing himself further into the wallto avoid her blade which was slicing the air as she made her wayaround the immediate area. After a few seconds, she slowed to a stop,staring at you with a loving yet deranged expression as she tappedthe hilt of her weapon with her finger. “I still wish you wouldhave let me cut up the meat though!”
“Himiko, that blade killed a manyesterday, and I’m fairly certain you haven’t cleaned it.” Youshook your head, stirring the pot some more, prodding at the meat.
Pouting, her shoulders shrugged downand her arms dropped to her sides. “It would have given it moreflavor.” A few people around the room gave a disgusted sound, andshe scowled at them in turn.
You chuckled, tapping the spoon on therim a final time. “It’s ready, grab a bowl and come and get some!”
The League lined up excitedly,snatching whatever dishware they could find and hungrily grabbing atthe pot. Everyone with the exception of Dabi, who sauntered overslowly, maintaining his facade of nonchalance. He slowly grabbed thelast bowl and lazily filled it with the stew, taking a few moments tolet it simmer before dipping his fork in.
For a few moments, the room was filledwith the sound of people eating, devouring the meat and vegetablesand slurping down the juices left over. It brought a smile to yourface to see your companions so content, and the atmosphere wasnoticeably lighter as they ate. The cacophony of growling stomachsslowly died down, and everyone settled into a temporary state ofcontentment.
“Oh! It’s so good!” Toga yelled,gulping down the remainder of her bowl. “I’’m so happy you’re mybest friend!” She chucked her bowl into the sink and skipped overto you, giving you an overwhelming bear hug. You hugged her backtentatively, careful to avoid the extremely sharp blades that adornedher outfit. “You’re so cute!” Her face started to turn red,grinning wildly as she clung to you. “We could be as close assisters!”
“Careful Toga, you’re getting workedup. Why don’t you come relax?” Twice noted. “Yeah, relax,girl! Calm down or you might explode!”
Reluctantly, Himiko let you go, huffingwhile she returned to her spot on the sofa and began to sharpen oneof her various knives while everyone else finished up the remainderof their meal. Magne was humming happily as she chewed a bit of meat,toying with a vegetable on her fork. Mr. Compress dabbed politely athis mouth with a napkin. Everyone seemed relaxed, even happy, and itfilled you with a sense of warmth.
Spinner his bowl down beside him,swallowing the last bits. “It was really good, thank you. I feel alot better with a full stomach.”
Everyone nodded in agreement withSpinner, giving small words of praise about your cooking. Dabi saidnothing, but turned his head in your direction and nodded, which inDabi language was as good as a hug. An involuntary smile lifted yourlips and you nodded back.
Some time passed, and everyone settledinto their nightly shenanigans. Toga practiced with her knives,yelling incoherently about her various obsessions every now andagain. Mr. Compress performed various magic tricks for Spinner andTwice, who occasionally tried to guess how he did it, to no avail.Dabi slept on the sofa, snoring quietly with his head buried in hisarms. It was like almost every night they had free when they weren’ttraining or plotting, but something felt wrong.
Your head turned upward, toward thestaircase and the room at the top. It was an average door, but thesense of foreboding was palpable. Everyone knew to keep away. Herarely ever left his room, and it was even rarer that you actuallysaw him these days. He had taken the recent events rather hard, andit made him even more volatile and reclusive than ever. He onlyinteracted when absolutely necessary, and it was almost alwayscombative.
“Hey, has anyone seen Shigarakilately?” You asked apprehensively. It took a few seconds for anyoneto answer, no one wanting to voluntarily participate.
“Hasn’t left his room in days. He’sstill sulking.” Dabi muttered, his words muffled slightly by hissleeve.
“Do you know if he’s eaten orshowered or is even alive?” Chewing your lip, you glanced at thedoor again, and then down at the stew pot. There was still food left,and it technically belonged to him.
“There hasn’t been any dishes in thesink, or any new food in our storage, so I would have to assume not.”Mr. Compress crossed his arms, leaning against the wall. A hush hadfallen over the room at the mention of their temperamental leader.Things had always been tense between the League and Shigarki, withhis fits and horrible temper, but he had gathered their respectenough that they followed him. Things had been getting better, andeveryone had almost been getting along, at least until Kurogiri wastaken. Then his mood had plummeted.
You sighed, pressing your fingersacross your nose. You weighed your options, pretending you didn’talready know what you were going to do. Anxiety welled in your gut,and you took a deep breath. There was a million ways this could go,and frankly, none of them looked particularly positive for you.Still, the League was your family, and if you had to take care of itsdysfunctional leader every now and again, so be it.
You quietly picked up a bowl, fillingit with the stew, grabbing some silverware and a napkin while youwere at it. Slowly, you walked towards the stairs, taking a deepbreath before ascending. A few of the League members looked at eachother with worried expressions, questioning your sanity.
“I don’t know if I would do that,dear.” Magne reached out slightly towards you, lip twisted in ananxious grimace “It’s probably best we leave him alone and let himdeal with this on his own time.”
“He needs to eat.” You persisted.“If he won’t take care of himself on his own, then I’ll make him.”It had been meant to come out much more confidently than you had saidit.
Magne exhaled, looking up at younervously, but retracted her hand. You heard Dabi scoff from hisplace on the sofa, no doubt thinking it would be the last time heever saw you due to your own foolishness. Everyone else just glancedaround uneasily. They didn’t think this was a good idea, not at all,but they knew better than to try and stop you.
You crept up the stairs, carefullybalancing the bowl and dishware in your hands. Trying to make aslittle noise as possible, you gently padded toward the door,gathering all your courage to prepare yourself to knock. If youlistened carefully, you could hear him typing away furiously on acomputer and clicking a little harder than you thought was necessary.There was also the muffled sound of a television, but you doubted hewas paying attention to it. Whatever he was doing, he was incrediblyfocused.
You sucked in a breath, swallowing yourfear and bringing your hand down on his door several times. You heardthe knock echo though his room, but his typing never faltered. Afterseveral moments, you tried again, rapping gently on his door. Still,he ignored you, typing manically. You groaned under your breath,re-situating the bowl in your arms. You understood he was technicallyyour boss, but you didn’t appreciate being ignored.
You knocked again, louder and longerthis time. Panic wormed its way down your limbs, taking a hold ofyour gut as you heard the typing stop. You heard an exasperated sighas he angrily pushed away from his makeshift computer station,footsteps approaching. Each one was loud and deliberate, aforewarning that you had irritated him.
His door opened, only just enough thatyou could see a beady crimson eye zero in on you, narrowed inannoyance. He looked even more tired than usual, deep purple bagslining underneath his eyes with a droopy expression and cheekssunken. He made it clear he wasn’t open to conversation, lip curleddownward in a deep scowl, placing his full body in front of the doorso you couldn’t even see inside.
“What?” His tone was agitated anddrawn out, purposely said in such a way that you felt small andinsignificant. You gulped, despite the fact that you were just tryingto help. You were in uncharted waters here, and it was a very realpossibility that this encounter could end with your death.
“I made food.” You managed to say,although it came out meeker than you would have liked. You lifted upthe bowl to show him, and hopefully tempt him into calming. “Ithought you might like some,”
He eyed it suspiciously for a fewmoments before bringing his eye back up to yours. “Did I say I washungry?”
A feral strike of anger burned throughyou. You knew that Shigaraki could be a spiteful little man-child,but you were just trying to help.
“You haven’t eaten in days, boss.”Keeping your tone even was a bit of a chore. “You need to keep yourstrength up.”
He glowered down at you, chapped lipspursing. “Are you implying I’m weak?”
His three fingered grip on his door waswavering, pinky trembling slightly. Whether it was in anger or lowblood sugar, you weren’t entirely sure. “No. That wasn’t what I wassaying at all. I just think you need to eat is all. I promise it’snot horrible.” You held the dish up for him to grab again, hopinghe’d settle down and just take it.
Staring at it for a moment, you noticedhe was swallowing hard. You were hopeful, until in an instant, hiseyes were burning into yours, face sneering. “Leave. You’re pissingme off.”
He slammed the door in your face,almost causing you to fall backward and spill the contents of thebowl. White hot anger simmered in your stomach, crawling up in yourthroat, and your free hand clenched. He might be the leader of theLeague of Villains, but that gave him no right to treat people likethis. For a moment, your common sense was replaced entirely by yourstubbornness.
You could hear him typing again, andthat only made you more angry. Raising your fist to the door, youknocked even harder, practically pounding on the already decrepitwood. He had obviously resounded to ignore you again, because heshowed no signs of answering. After a few more tries, you decided totry a new approach.
“I’ll sit outside this goddamn doorall night if I have to!” You yelled through the cheap wood, knowingfully that if you could hear him, he could likely hear you. “AndI’ll let you know now that I’m a loud sleeper!”
The typing stopped again, and yourbravado fell with it. You heard him push away from his desk, quietlythis time, and approach the door. He opened it more fully this time,leaning on the frame as he stared at you with a look you couldn’tquite place. He was wearing his typical black on black jeans and top,but his shoes were missing. His hair was messy and tousled, as wellas slightly greasy, like he hadn’t brushed it in several days.
“Why do you insist on annoying me?”Surprisingly, there was no trace of anger in his voice, only seemingcuriosity.
“Because…” You tripped on yourown words. Why were you soset on doing this? “You need to take care of yourself. We all do.And if I can make that a little easier, than I will. Even if it meansannoying you.” A blush blossomed on your face. “I’d rather seeyou healthy and annoyed than unhealthy. And if that means you hateme, then fine.”
For amoment so brief that you could hardly justify believing it at all,you swore you saw his face soften. He eyed you, and then the soup inyour hands, letting his gaze fall on it for too long to not betempted. “If I take the damn food, will you leave?”
You nodded, holding it toward him withthe dishware carefully balanced between you pinky and index finger.You kept your vision on your hands as he took it from you gingerly,four fingers wrapped around the rim with his pinky hoveringcautiously. When you brought your face up, you realized he wasstaring at you, red eyes studying you with a practiced detachment.Your cheeks flushed so hard it was almost painful, and you quicklylooked down at your feet, praying he hadn’t seen. What was thatabout?
“I’llbe back in about an hour for the bowl.” You stammered, trying tocompose yourself. “I hope it’s empty.”
Hedidn’t acknowledge you, just shut the door as you turned and walkedback downstairs. Your comrades were surprised to see you unharmed,let alone alive after impeding on Shigaraki’s private time. Dabi hadlaughed, ruffling his hair with his hand as he said “I guess helikes you better than the rest of us.” You weren’t sure if he wasright, but a small part of you had beamed when he said it.
Youbusied yourself the rest of the night taking care of the dishes,making sure everyone had clean towels and leftover clothing that theycould wear if they chose to shower, and cleaning up the debris anddust that littered the hideout. Little by little, it was coming tolook more like an actual homeand less like an abandoned building. Slowly, the group in the frontroom began to dwindle as they went off to bed, the hour growing laterand later. By the time you realized just how sleepy you were, themoon was high in the sky, darkness encompassing the entire horizon.
Youlooked up toward Shigaraki’s room. He had taken the food, there’s noreason he wouldn’t have eaten it. But still, he still had the dish inhis room, and Shigaraki could be very unpredictable. He’d beexpecting you, right? You told him you’d be back. Might as well gograb the dish so that you could wash it and retire for the night.
Youtiptoed up the stairs, trying to move as quietly as you could, butyou weren’t entirely sure why. Stopping in front of his door, youpaused for a moment. Did you just ask for the bowl and leave? Did youtry and make passing conversation? Apologize for trying to strong armhim? How exactly did you handle this? A part of you hoped he wouldjust do what he did earlier and would ignore you knocking.
Younoticed the typing had stopped, so may be he was asleep? Would it berude to knock? It was quite a bit later than you told him you wouldbe by. The sound of the TV was still going, but it was quiet as ithad been earlier. Somehow, absurdly, you felt a lot more anxious thanyou had the first time you knocked.
Youresolved to knock lightly, and if he didn’t answer on the firstround, you’d leave. You could ask him for the dish another time. Yousucked in a breath, and tenderly tapped your fingers on the door. Itwas so soft that even you barely heard it. Chewing on your nail, youwaited for a few seconds before you “decided” that he had likelyfinally settled in and was sleeping. Either that, or he was ignoringyou. You just had hoped that he had eaten first. Either way, youshould probably leave.
As youturned to do just that, you heard a raspy voice from the other sideof the door.
Okay,now this was unprecedented. What did you do? What was acceptable? Didyou poke your head in? Did you just talk from the doorway? What wasthe appropriate etiquette here?
Clutchingthe knob, you turned it sluggishly, pushing open the weak door andcreeping inside the room as silently as you could. You stoodawkwardly for a few moments, unable to see with only the light fromhis computer shining dimly from the monitor.
“Isaid come in.” Hesounded agitated now. You could hear his voice from a corner of theroom, but you couldn’t see him quite yet. You stumbled over your feetwalking further into his domain, standing with one hand on thealternate elbow, doing your best not to look nervous.
“Shutmy door. I don’t need the idiots looking in.”
Hisrequest took you by surprise, but your body wasted no time complying,pushing it shut with your palm. You stood in the dark, looking aroundrestlessly. Your eyes slowly adjusted to the dreary nature of hisroom, but it wasn’t much help. You could see his room was messy,smelling of must and dusty construction. The windows had been tapedover, and there were piles of black clothes and garbage sitting inpiles across the floor.
“Shigaraki?I came for the bowl, so I can finish the dishes.” You hated lookingso clueless in front of your boss, but a part of you knew he did iton purpose. There was no winning with someone like that. It wasbetter to just play his stupid game. “Could you turn a light on, soI can see?”
He sighed, muttering something underhis breath. He let you stumble around in the darkness for a few moreminutes before you heard a heavy click, and a small light clicked onfrom the corner of the room.
His room was a disaster. Discardedwrappers and energy drink cans were all over his small desk and nightstand, with debris and small pieces of plaster littered across thefloor. Piles of ash were everywhere, things he had disintegrated infits of anger and rage while everyone else had pretended not to hear.He had a large cot he had pushed into the corner that had a smallbundle of dark blankets he was sitting on, head down with his handsin his lap. If he hadn’t been the leader of a villain organization,he would look exceptionally like a young man in the middle of a deepdepression or perhaps a grieving session.
You surveyed the room and tried todecide the best course of action. You couldn’t let him continueliving like this. He was going to get sick. There were entire piecesof wood with rusted nails sticking out just hanging around, and itwas apparent he was living on granola bars and energy drinks.
“The bowl is on the table.” Athin, spindly finger pointed at his desk, just beside his computer.You glanced at him, wanting an official okay before venturing furtherinto his room. He only looked up at you through his thick hair,vermilion eyes emotionless. You nodded at him, making your way towardhis desk and brushing aside the empty wrappers to find the bowl.
When you found it, you picked it up,tipping it from side to side curiously. The contents of the bowl wereentirely gone. Peering around as inconspicuously as you could, youmonitored your surroundings. No wet spots on the floor, no garbagebag he could hide it in. His window was taped shut, so he couldn’tdump it out. You supposed he could have ashed the vegetables and meatbut you weren’t entirely sure how his quirk worked on waterysubstances. From the looks of it, he had actually eaten it. It wasthe only real meal of yours that you had seen Shigaraki eaten sinceyou’d known him.  
It surprised you that he hadactually eaten it, though you weren’t sure what you had expected,honestly. Maybe for him to leave it full out of pure spite or to justdump it on the floor. He didn’t seem to have a problem with a mess.You peered back at him, curiosity overwhelming your better senses.You found that his gaze was focused on you still, eyes droopingsleepily, but still alert somehow. He kept his vision steady as youturned to face him. His attention felt so invasive somehow.
“You actually ate it.” Younoted, holding the bowl in your hands and lightly gesturing to it.
Scowling, he huffed a harsh breathof air and crossed his hands over his chest. “You thought I’d wastemy time making some scheme to rid of soup?”
“I just wasn’t sure you wouldactually eat it. I know it’s not Kurogiri’s, but-” You cut yourselfwhen you noticed his eyes yank from yours, flashing dangerously atthe mention of Kurogiri. “I hope it was at least wasn’t awful.”
He stared down the wall, arms pulledtightly to across his midsection as if he was chilly. You knew hewanted you to leave, to be left alone, but something in youpersisted.
“Hey, I just got a fresh load oflaundry back from the laundromat and everyone is asleep.” Yousqueaked out, unsure how he would react. You saw him cock an eyebrowunderneath his bangs. He probably wondered what the fuck you werebabbling about. You knew you should leave, it was safer that way, butyou kept going. “If you wanted to, you could shower in peace. Iknow you probably don’t want to be bothered.”
Every self preservation instinct inyour body was screaming at you to go.You were really digging now, inviting yourself into a territory whereyou had no business. Still, your feet stayed planted to their spot,facing him, unable to leave until you knew you had done everythingyou could.
He moved his head back to face you,bringing his palm to his eye and rubbing harshly as the other honedin on you. He seemed like he had no idea what the hell you weretrying to do, and truth be told, you didn’t either. He seemeddistrustful, like he thought you had an ulterior motive or maybe youwere trying to trick him somehow. The skin around his eyes tightened,the small cracks of flesh doubling over themselves as he glared youdown.
“It’s just an offer, I thought-”You paused, trying to compose your words in your head. Nothing wasforming in your head, not as his bloodshot eyes bore into you and youfelt a deep swell in your stomach, the feeling of which you couldn’tquite name. Something in your chest ached as you looked despondentlyback at him. “I thought you might want to bathe in privacy. If youwant, you could-” You stammered again. “I know you’re busy andit’s hard and-”
You took a deep breath. You weren’tsure how you wanted this to go, but you knew this wasn’t it.Embarrassment made your cheeks tingle, and you wanted to run. He wasstill staring at you passively, equally as confused as you. You hadto say something.
“If you wanted to shower orsomething, you could. When you’re gone, I could pick up some of thestuff in here. I know you probably don’t have time, being the leaderand all. Anything I can do to help. I just want to make things easieron you. If you’d let me do that for you, I’d feel a lot better.”
You gulped down, preparing for whatwas about to come. He was going to start yelling, asking you if youthought he was incompetent or unable to take care of it himself.Stomp towards you and demand why you thought you knew better than hedid at how he should live. Maybe even kick you out of the League, andat worst, turn you to ash. You closed your eyes, preparing.
It never came.
You felt his shoulder brush past youas he left the room, stalking down the hall. He had left you alone inhere. Was he that angry? Did you drive him out of his own sanctum?Had he gone for a walk and when he got back he would turn you to dustand keep you in a plastic bag to warn everyone else of the dangers oftrying to boss him around?
Your thoughts halted when you heardthe pipes creak and the shower turn on from the other room. Had heactually taken your offer? You two were the only ones awake at themoment, so it must have been him. Panic struck you, and you realizedyou were alone and completely unsupervised in Shigaraki’s room. Hisroom. His room that you’dpromised you’d clean.
You quickly put down the bowl andwent and snatched a garbage bag from downstairs, picking up all thewrappers and cans placed around the room. Breaking down the decrepitplanks and placing them in as well, alongside the random debris andplaster that littered the floor. You didn’t feel comfortable enoughtouching his computer, but you lightly organized all of the randomknickknacks around it that he’d taken from various places, as well asthe piles of video games and movies he’d stolen that were tossed onthe floor. All of his laundry was scooped up in your arms and placedinto bags which you would take to the laundromat tomorrow, and youmade a mental note to steal some hangers for all the sweatshirts andlong sleeved shirts he had. You opted to not touch Father or any ofhis ‘family’. That was too daring, even for you.
You weren’t entirely sure when itcame to his bed. It was such an intimate place, somewhere you knew hefound sacred. Even standing close to it, you could smell his naturalscent, and that unsure feeling came back again. You resolved to makeit as best as you could without disrupting his nest, just in casethat’s how he slept. However, the season was turning cold, and thethin, ratty blankets he had probably wouldn’t be enough to keep himwarm.
You’d managed to keep a stash ofblankets you’d 'acquired’ for the League for colder days hidden away,and you grabbed a small, dark, fuzzy one for Shigaraki. He wasprobably cold but too damn proud to ask for a something. Bringing itinto the room, you placed it among his heap, in hopes he wouldn’tnotice. You ruffled it in an attempt to make it look natural. Withany luck, by the time he noticed it, he wouldn’t care to mention it.
You were just placing the finishingtouches on his room when you heard the pipes silence and the watershut off. He’d be back soon. You scurried around, picking up anyspare garbage and organizing in a flurry, looking for anything youforgot. Your heart was racing, pumping blood into your ears andspiking your adrenaline, but you weren’t sure why. Were you really soafraid of him? Or was it something else? You tried to shake thethought.
You heard his door squeak, and youturned to greet him. However, the wind was knocked from your lungsand almost dropped you clean to the floor. Shigaraki was standing inthe doorway in nothing but a towel, held up by four of his fingersaround his bony hips. His shaggy periwinkle hair fell down around hisface, small droplets of water falling off onto his chest. His palebody was covered in scattered scars, ranging from long and jagged tosmall and round, placed variously around his lean torso and arms. Youimmediately turned from him, feeling as if you violated himsomehow.“Sir-Boss-I-” You stammered, unable to get asentence out. “I-just-finished-I’m-sorry-I-didn’t-mean-to-” wasall you could really manage.
“I didn’t have any clean clothes.”He whispered, almost sheepishly. He pulled the towel up a littlefurther along his torso, likely feeling exposed.
“Oh!” You slapped your handagainst your forehead, feeling foolish. “I think I have some fromthe last load. Let me check really fast!”
You scurried past him and down thestairs, quickly tearing through the laundry and searching foranything he could wear. You pulled aside a shirt and pair ofsweatpants of his, carefully gathering the rest of his clothing inyour alternating arm and sweeping it together as you tried to stand.You maneuvered it up the stairs, thankful you hadn’t dropped anythingbut unsure exactly what to do when you reached his door. It was stillpartially open, but just barging in felt wrong.
“Um. Boss? I have-”
“Get in here.” His annoyed voicewas back. He didn’t sound happy. You braced yourself.
You entered, kicking the door shutbehind you without prompting. You noticed he was sitting on the bedand the light had been turned off. Unsure of exactly what to do, youheld out the arm with his pants and shirt to him, turning your headaway out of respect. “Here, boss.” Without thinking, you startedwaving the clothing around like a toy for a pet. “I hope thesework. I have all your other clothes here too. I promise I’ll get therest done tomorrow.”
He yanked them from your grip, andshortly after, you heard his towel drop. Another involuntary blushbloomed on your cheeks. The sound of the fabric rustling as hedressed himself filled the room, but all you could hear was theheartbeat in your ears. It seemed like an eternity until he wasdressed.
After enough time had passed, youfinally brought yourself to speak. “Where would you like the restof your clothes?”
“Just throw them in the corner.”
You slowly turned around, notingthat he was fully dressed now and sitting on his bed, controller inhis hand and booting up a game. You shuffled over to a corner of theroom, dropping his clothes unceremoniously on the floor. He saidnothing as you did so, ignoring you in favor of his game. You smiledsoftly, watching his still wet hair cling to his face. He stillneeded to sleep, but you felt much better about his state now.
Before you turned to leave, youtried to memorize the scene. He was clean, well fed, and at least alittle more content, you hoped. His room wasn’t awful, and maybe he’dsleep a little better if it felt a little more like home. Yeah, youweren’t Kurogiri, but you could look after them as best you coulduntil he returned. You opened your mouth to say goodnight.
Your brows furrowed. Were youhearing things?
“Can’t you hear? I said stay.”He wasn’t looking at you, but you were absolutely sure you’d heardthat. You stayed, feeling petrified and looking at him as if he hadgone crazy. His eyes met yours again, then turned down briefly to thespot beside his on the bed before returning his attentions toward theTV.
You were frozen. Had he really askedyou to stay? Did you imagine that? You stayed in your position infront of the door. You didn’t dare move.
“Boss, did you want meto-”
“Don’t make me ask again.” His gaze didn’t turnfrom the TV this time. He was asking you to stay. You hadn’t imaginedthat.
You slowly walked toward his bed,pausing for a moment. Did he want you to sit next to him? Did he wantyou to sit on the floor? What was he asking? Why were youoverthinking this?
He turned and gave you an irateglare, large hand removing itself from the controller to point to thespot next to him. You immediately sat beside him this time, adjustingyourself accordingly as the bed groaned and creased your weight andbrought the two of you closer than you originally intended. Your skinfelt hot as it rubbed against him. You’d never been this close to himbefore. The wetness from his hair dripped onto your shoulder, and youcould smell him now, his natural scent mixed with the soaps from theshower.
His eyes were on you again, sendinga shiver down your spine as his cold hand passed you the controller,fingertips purposely brushing against yours.
“Do you play any video games?”                                                                                                                
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Survey #245
“i fell asleep at the wheel again, crashed my car just to feel again.”
What is your favorite condiment to go with french fries? Ketchup. What do you have a habit of doing when engaging in a conversation with someone? Obsess over the appropriate amount of eye contact I make. What color is your mp3? Hot pink. Have you ever laid in a hammock? Yeup. Is there a song or lyrics currently super-glued in your head? "Popular Monster" by Falling In Reverse FUCK What can you go a day without doing? Uhhh a lot? I dunno... oh, drink water because I suck at that gah. I've gotten a lot better than I used to be tho. What can’t you go a day without doing? Touching some form of technology. Who do you spend most of your time with? Myself. Do you have a favorite classical composer? No. What type of quality is a must-have in a friend? Treat others with kindness. Are you any good at reading someone's body language? I definitely think so. What type of art would you hang up in your room? Lol I have some of my own... but let's say it was a clean slate again. I'd put some macabre/gothic art of some sort up, probably. Of COURSE with meerkats making an appearance. What fruit is too sweet to you? Hm, I'm blanking. What was the last contest you have ever won: Uhhhh... I think the giveaway of two Silent Hill: Revelation things? That was forever ago. What was the worst hair cut you have ever had in your entire life: Looking back, the haircut I had before this one (short on the left, faded into still rather long on the right) I don't really like anymore. Looks fine in some pictures, but not most. What was the worst thing you have ever worn in your life: Oh I don't know. Probably some dance costume. Do you like any sort of animes: Yeah, a handful. I'd honestly like to watch more. Have you ever used someone for your own benefits: I don't think so. What is the worst cartoon you have ever seen: Oh boy, idk. There's some dumb ones, a lot that I've only seen peeks of. Do you like to type or write more: TYPE. Writing physically can easily make my carpal tunnel act up. I hated having to hand-write a few essays last semester... I had to stop frequently to roll my wrists and cringe and stuff. What color would you have your skin if you could change it: I'd like pale skin like I have, but I wish it was more flawless/porcelain-ish. SOOOOOO pretty ahahhhhhhhhahhhhhh Do you usually cook your own meals, or does someone cook for you: I usually have to throw something together in the microwave because Mom's barely home, but when she is home, she cooks. If someone cooks for you, do you always thank them for it: YES. YES. NOT SAYING ANYTHING IS SO FUCKING DISRESPECTFUL. What do you do during the day: Almost without question, SOMEthing on technology/usually computer. As for what I do on technology, boy, a lot a lot. I don't even feel like listing it all. When you are online what do you normally find yourself doing: ... Oh, lmao. Uhhh binging YouTube, writing on or just checking up on KM, dA browsing/cleaning my drowning inbox, Facebook, "working" at the SH and SotC wikis, playing games, roaming Tumblr, check my emails, uhhhhhhh,,,, What is the most hated item you own: I wouldn't... keep it if I hated it? Uhhhh yeah, I honestly don't know. What is your favorite item you own out of all the items you have: My iPod, really. I have over 1k songs on this old-ass nano that I've had since middle school. I guess my laptop is kinda tied, but idk. Like, I don't love this laptop itself, just that it allows me to go online at a decent speed lmao. I guess they're my favorites in different ways. So, do you think that you will get where you want in life currently: Not stopping pushing for it 'til I get it. Why is that so. May I ask: I'm "too" determined. It's been a struggle getting to even where I am, but FUCK, I'm getting there. Do you like Halloween: I can't fwu if you don't. Has a teacher ever flirted with you? Not to my recollection. Is it okay for friends to kiss each other, as friends? Personally, I think a simple peck is fine IF that's your thing and it's mutually understood that it's platonic. Ex., I know greeting kisses are normal in some cultures, and I see no reason to shame it so long you're not like making out. Is it okay for girls to hit boys? Fuck no. Unless you're like fighting off an assailant/defending yourself, NO gender hits ANYONE. Do you know a lot of attractive boys personally? I've never thought about it? I'm not gonna dig through all the people I know rn... What happens if you realized you had a crush on somebody? More than anything, I'd be scared of being hurt again, particularly if it's a guy. So I definitely wouldn't make the first move. Do you think you are attractive? No. Which two of your friends would have the cutest baby together? I don't know. How do you feel about your naked body? DON'T COME AT ME WITH THIS QUESTION GO AWAY Have you ever been called obnoxious? No. At least, not to my memory. Do you wish you had a bigger family? No, but a more close-knit one. Which friend would you kiss full on the mouth, no questions asked? Sara. If somebody smacks your butt, you automatically say: I wouldn't say shit, I'd turn around and smack them across the face. How often does your family life conflict with your social life? Pretty much never. Have you ever been emotionally abused? No, thankfully. Do small children like you? They seem to, I guess. If karma is really true, should you be worried? Not very. What makeup do you wear on a daily basis? None. Do you have anything hidden in your room? Yeah, some saved money. What do you wish you were doing right now instead of this? It'd be great to talk to Sara. If you had a baby, would you want to have it at home or in a hospital? Oh I'm going to the fucking hospital for that epidural fren. If I even wanted kids. What was the last thing you ordered online? Uhhh good question. Have you ever had a bad experience with anti-depressants? If so, what? Well, actually the entire time I was ON anti-depressants. Because I'm bipolar, anti-depressants actually ramp up the aggression of bipolarity symptoms. How, I don't recall the science of, but I trust every word that comes out of my psychiatrist's mouth for many reasons. That definitely happened. One also made me gain weight, and the worst instance was in middle school when I was briefly on one that made me SO fucking hyper and happy in the morning but I crashed into an absolute bitchy monster by mid-afternoon. Now a combination of mood stabilizers helps both my bipolarity and depression immensely and are the main reason I'm alive. Are you allergic to any plants? I mean, I'm allergic to pollen. Are you an outdoors person? If the weather is cool, I love it. Does your past bother you? Some parts of it. Do you take risks or play it safe? I tend to play it safe. What forms of art do you like the best? This is an absolutely impossible question. "Art" has such an incredible range of forms, and I enjoy like... all. I guess the one thing I don't particularly care for is abstract art. What forms of art do you want to try? HYPERREALISM IN DRAWING. I REALLY wanna be able to draw/paint/whatever and make it look so true to life, BUT I'd like to add fantasy aspects to what I'm making (for example, my characters). I'd love to do portraits, too. This isn't really a "type" of art, but one thing I desperately want in art is to actually develop my own recognizable style that isn't just a wobbly attempt at realism with shitty proportions. What’s your favorite planet? Saturn's dope. Has a medication ever made you itch? No. What’s your favorite rainy day activity? Cuddle with snacks and like binge a good TV show/YT videos, etc. BUT considering I'm single I'ma just take a nap if I'm actually tired and you can hear the rain on the window. Do you put creamer in your tea? I wonder how many times I'll tell surveys I hate tea lmao by the end of my life lmao. What do you think are some good names for twins? I don't care enough to think about this. What are three things that fascinate you? Animal behavior (particularly social), the paranormal, and genetics. Would you say you live more in the past, present, or future? Present, I think. Have you ever been a victim of a crime? Not me personally, no, but my family. We had our basketball hoop stolen from our front yard and I was mega tilted yo. Does injustice make you angry? More like it infuriates me. Do you have the bad habit of procrastinating? Very badly. Are you afraid of running into a certain person in public? I both am and am not afraid of running into Jason. I have a very strong feeling I'd start having a PTSD episode (by that I mean hyperventilating, crying a bit, and shaking at the very least), but simultaneously I just want him to know I'm sorry. Do you have anyone you avoid? No. Do you have the same dreams now that you did as a kid? No. Who’s your crush? I don't really know if I have one right now. My old friend Ian and I started talking, and he's a fucking hilarious dude with similar ethics to mine with great compassion, but I still don't know him well enough to say I like-like him. I'm honestly just happy to have an irl friend again that actually talks to me regularly. Do you trust the government? I believe in WAY too many conspiracy theories to even try to convince anyone I trust the government lmao. Who do you want to meet in Heaven? I don't know exactly what sort of afterlife I believe in (it's not the traditional Heaven though), but I do believe that souls can reunite. The first thing I want to see again is Teddy. Does your school take sports too seriously? Considering we're well-respected in the sports field to the degree we draw in a huge number of foreign athletes, guess you could say yes lmao. Most of the people I even slightly know here came for sports. If there are bruises on your body, how did you get them? There aren’t. Would you ever go back in time to do something over again, but differently? Yes. Where did you kiss the last person you kissed? The airport. Have you thought about your wedding in detail? Not great detail, no. Do you think you could ever really kill someone? In self-defense, I know I could. Do you like Papa John’s pizza? I couldn't even guess the last time I had it. I don't remember. Do you attend school? Yeah. Do you call it a crush, or do you just say you like someone? The latter. Where were you when the ball dropped? In my bed asleep lmao. Where are your siblings? Probably all at work. Waffles, pancakes, or french toast? French toast. Do you ever judge people based on if they believe in God or not? Not really, but I WILL wonder to myself if you believe in some of the bullshit just about every religion has somewhere. Are you sometimes scared to express your opinions in fear of what others might think? YUP YUP YUP! Mainly irl tho. Have you ever painted your nails on only one hand, forgetting about the other one or getting side-tracked? No. Have you ever gone to one of those parties where everyone is falling around drunk everywhere? No. Been to one where everyone was high, though. Are you “the good guy”, or “the bad guy”, or somewhere in between? I'd hope the good guy. Do you ever erase the numbers off of surveys just because they annoy you? Ha ha yeah. Do you think you will have the same best friend a year from now? Yes. Do you have siblings over the age of twenty-one? Yes, all but one. What do you hear right now? "Another Life" by Motionless In White. Proud as fuck because this song was a MASSIVE PTSD trigger at first and even made me cry, but despite it still making me kinda uncomfortable, I can listen to and enjoy it now. If an ex said they hated you, what would you say? The only three people whose opinions would matter there would be Sara, Girt, and Jason. Sara and Jason would fucking break me, while I think Girt would of course make me cry, but I just. Wouldn't be surprised to lose another irl friend. I'd be so fucking hurt by any. OH YEAH, what would I say? I think Sara would have me speechless. I'd probably just choke out, "I don't blame you," to Jason. Girt, my first instinct pondering this was "are you serious?" because he's such a joker while my stomach dropped. What would you do if you found out your most recent ex was in a relationship? I'd be happy for her, but still feel kinda sad that it wasn't me. What do you think when someone kisses you on your forehead? If I like the person, I feel very comforted. It like... makes me feel small, safe, and permitted to just let my emotions loose, ex. be "allowed" to cry. What do you usually do right when you wake up? Check my phone to see the time. Truthfully, is there someone you used to date that you miss? I don't want to answer this. Do the math. Have you ever gotten burnt by a cigarette? No. Do you brush your teeth right away when you wake up? No. Have you ever made someone laugh when they were crying? Yeah. Would you date someone three years older than you? Yeah. Do you prefer to shower at night or in the morning? Actually as of recently, the morning. It's a nice way to start the day clean and energized. Could you handle living with the last person you texted? I'd love to live with her. Was the last book you read for fun, or was it for some type of assignment? It was assigned, but I loved it. Have you accomplished any goals you set for yourself this year so far? Not really? Well no, I think I'm being a less procrastinating student and also not fleeing so quickly from situations that invoke my anxiety. Are there still movie rental stores where you live or have they all gone out of business? SOBS Blockbuster come BACK we NEED u. What was the last thing to annoy you or make you upset? Eh, it was stupid and something that realistically isn't worth being annoyed by. I was SUPER bored and tired yesterday waiting for Mom to finish her field work while I waited in the library after classes, and I was so ready to go home, but she stayed longer than she thought she would. Do you think you would be a good match for your celebrity crush/es assuming you have one? Why? If you don’t have one, who was the last person you saw that you found attractive? Actually, not really. He's way too motivated and drawn to people who push forward and get shit done, and just in general at least from how I "know" him as a fan I could only realistically see us as friends. But a fangirl can dream ok just let me dream. When looking for something to watch on TV do you tend to pick shows you know you like, or try new shows that look interesting even though you’ve never heard of them before? I'll answer hypothetically if I watched TV: probably something I know I like. Might get adventurous every now and again and try something new, though, especially if it's on a channel I like. How old were you when you had your wisdom teeth removed? I haven't had to. I juuuuust slightly have enough room where I DID have them grow in. Where was the last job application you filled out sent to? Uhhh probably the deli, which I got and lasted for two hours my first work day lmao. Have you ever been fired from a job? No. What do people tell you your voice sounds like? I dunno, kinda deep for a girl and lacking an accent most of the time. What financial class are you? Lower. What poster is hanging closest to you? A huge Nightmare Before Christmas one. Are you more comfortable with men or women? Women. Would you go on a date with someone right now if they asked? Maybe if Ian did? Idk. It'd be a nice way to get to know more about each other, but I'd only agree to it after we talked a bit longer. Does your family keep tons of leftovers in the fridge? Not "a ton." Things we'll eat again though, yes. Favorite FRIENDS character? That is, if you like it. I haven't watched it. Are you thinking of getting another piercing? Where? Hell yes. Pretty sure next is collarbones if I could just lose a little bit more weight so they're more visible. Do you love when people remember little things about you? YES OMG!!!!!!!!!! Do you ‘bless’ strangers when they sneeze? Yes, I just think it's common good manner. Even though the reasoning behind it is whatever, it's a societal thing that I just go along with. How many phones have you gone through? Idk, not too many. Have you always lived in the house you currently reside in? No.
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klynn-stormz · 5 years
Legally Swan Chapter 2
All right ya’ll, here is the second chapter to my fanfic “Legally Swan” It took me forever to get it on here, but chapter three will be coming here and to AO3 this sunday! Let me know what you think!
AO3: 1 l 2
Chapter 3
Her counselor stared at her in disbelief. “Harvard, you want to go to Harvard?”
“Not Just Harvard, Harvard Law.” Emma corrected smiling.
“Okay, you want to go to Harvard Law. One of the most prestigious universities in the nation. That Harvard Law.”
Emma nodded brightly. This was going to work.
“You realize it is one of the hardest places to get into.” The counselor asked concerned.
Emma stared at her; did she not think Emma knew what she was doing? “I know, I have a 4.0 GPA.”
“Yeah, in Fashion Merchandising. This is Harvard.” She paused and took a deep breath. “What are your backups?”
“I don’t have any backups. I’m going to Harvard.” Emma replied firmly. Her face was determined.
Sighing the counselor knew she was in for a ride with this student. “Okay, you will need excellent recommendations from your professors, an absolutely fantastic admissions essay, and at least a 175 on your LSAT.”
Emma’s heart squeezed; she could feel the excitement bubbling through. “No problem.”
She was ready to study till her eyes fell out. First stop, the library.
Once upon a time Emma had been all alone. She didn’t know what family was, what friends were, or what love was. Moving from foster home to foster home had taken a toll on her ability to trust, to let people in and show them her true self. It had taken a few years before she had even given Ingrid that opportunity. When people looked at her the first thing they saw was her hair, they assumed she was easy to manipulate; she knew every blonde joke anyone could come up with, and so she decided to play into that stereotype. People didn’t need to know that she was smart, that she had feelings and a hard life, she only wanted them to see what she wanted them to see, it made it easier to keep them at arm’s length.
Ingrid had changed a lot of that. She had seen through Emma’s act almost immediately, and didn’t any of Emma’s crap. It had thrown her for a pretty big loop, to have someone all the sudden caring about her, and Ingrid loved her. With Ingrid she learned how to love, though she still struggled sometimes with letting people in. Hell, even Neal only saw her as a pretty dumb blonde obsessed with designer things and playing her way through college. She supposed that had been her mistake, letting him only see that side of her for so long. But not all of it was a lie. As a foster kid, one doesn’t have many personal belongings, especially if they’re moved around a lot. So they learned to hang on to what they had with dear life.
Her stuff was not something that Emma took for granted, though she now lived in wealth she didn’t cast things aside. She found that she loved clothes, shoes, accessories, anything she could wear really. Her favorite item was her designer red leather jacket, she took it everywhere with her. Anything she viewed as sentimental she held onto like a dog with a bone. Occasionally it would be time to do some cleaning and clear out her horde of items, she always made sure to donate them to foster homes. Everyone deserved beautiful things. Her mom had taught her about fashion, helped her find her style. And when Emma had balked at the color pink at first, she had insisted that anyone could like pink, you didn’t have to dress drab to be serious.
“Really Emma, you’re judging again, anyone can wear anything they want. If you want to wear pink then I am going to buy you the damn shirt, it won’t affect your snark, I promise.” Ingrid had seen Emma eyeing a pink blouse with white flowers on it, but when she had suggested she try it on, Emma had sneered. Trying the shirt on Emma had felt beautiful.
So, Emma took to fashion and clothes faster than anything else. It was one of the biggest factors in her decision for her major. For a long time, Emma had wanted to be in law enforcement. When she was 8 years old, she had lived with a foster family who seemed nice enough, but they had left her at a park when taking the rest of their family on a picnic. Emma had only gotten there a week prior and didn’t know how to get back, so she sat on the swings and watched as it got darker and darker. Then, out of the blue, a nice lady had approached her and asked her if she was lost and where her family was. In the way of children, she explained that she didn’t have a family, but the one she was living with had left her there. The officer pulled out her badge to show Emma, and helped her find her way home. She had told Emma fun stories of being a police officer, Emma had never forgot it. She wanted to be like the officer and help people who needed it.
However, as graduation got closer and Ingrid’s and her relationship developed, Emma wanted to make her mom proud. Deep down she was sure that Ingrid wouldn’t have cared what her major was as long as Emma was happy, but she still had that fear of being cast aside, so she chose what had bonded her and her mom the most. Clothes.
Pulling up to her home she thought about her first time pulling through the gates. A lot of the foster homes she had been in hadn’t been well off, in fact quiet a few had just been fostering for the small stipend the government gave them to take care of the children. Seeing the large looming house, with a long winding driveway and the biggest yard she had ever seen. The house was at least 3 stories, a beautiful pristine white with navy blue shutters on each window. A garden wrapped around the entire house and even the edge of the property. Emma had thought it was something out of a fairytale at the time, and there was no way she believed that Ingrid would keep her. But she did, and became Emma’s closest confidant and her mother.
“Mom, I’m home.” Emma called from the foyer, one of the cleaning ladies let her know that Ingrid was out by the pool. She ran to her room and grabbed a swimsuit to join her, might as well keep her mom at ease while having this conversation.
“Emma!” Ingrid cried. “I’m so happy you’re home for the weekend, it is for the weekend right? We have so much to catch up on.”
Emma smiled at her mom, “Yep, home for the weekend. We haven’t had much time since the semester started.”
“And since that dolt Neal happened.” Ingrid added, she had never liked Neal. “I do hope you dump him before you graduate, he is the worst kind of person and doesn’t appreciate you enough.”
Emma winced, might as well dive right into it. “Neal broke up with me.”
Ingrid raised her eyebrows. “When? Darling are you okay, I know you cared for him.” The sharp turn from annoyance to concern lightened Emma’s heart a little.
“I’m okay, he- he broke up with me because he’s going to law school.” Emma paused, trying not to choke up at remembering the conversation. “Told me he needs someone serious, smart, with a good family.”
“He did WHAT?!” Ingrid shouted; her face turned red. “How dare that ignorant moron tell YOU he needs someone smart. The man needs someone to do is laundry for heavens sake! And he has the gall to talk about…” Ingrid couldn’t even finish. She had leaped from her deck chair and began pacing around the pool muttering.
“I’m going to ruin him!” She declared. “If that idiot thinks he can insult my daughter and get away with it he has another thing coming.”
Emma decided she should probably interrupt now before her mom started planning Neal’s murder.
“I’ve decided to go to Harvard.” She blurted. That gave Ingrid pause, she turned to look at her daughter curiously.
“I’m going to Harvard; I’m going to become a lawyer.” She said with more conviction.
Emma blinked. “Why?”
“Why did you decide this?” Ingrid asked.
“Well, I-I wanted to go.” Emma shuffled. “It’s a perfectly respectable career, and you know I’ve always wanted to do something to help people.”
“But why now? Emma, I know that you chose Fashion Merchandising because you thought it would make me happy, I had hoped eventually you would be comfortable enough to do what you wanted. But I can’t help but fear that this is a reaction to Neal breaking up with you and him going to Harvard. You know I can see right through you, tell me the truth.” Ingrid’s eyes pierced into her.
She closed her eyes for a moment. “You’re right, I want to prove to him that I am worthy.” Before her mom could interrupt she hurried on. “I want to prove that I am good enough for him. Mom he doesn’t think that I’m smart, or serious. This will be my way to show him that I am. And then maybe, maybe he’ll take me back, he’ll realize he made a mistake.” When she was finished Ingrid walked over and hugged Emma tight.
“I’ll support you.” Emma started; she hadn’t expected it to be that easy. “But not for him, I believe in you Emma, I’ve always known that you were meant for greater things that just fashion, and you are going to show him what he missed. But you know what?”
“You’re not going to take him back, you are going to realize that you are to good for him, that you deserve someone who loves you for you, not because you changed. You’re going to find yourself at Harvard, and finally see that you are worth more than Neal could ever understand.” Ingrid meant every word; her daughter was going to see herself how Ingrid saw her. Emma wasn’t sure how to react, relief had swept through her at Ingrid’s support, but she wasn’t sure how to convince her of Neal. It would have to wait, she decided, she had plenty of time to deal with that later.
“Now, how can I help?” Ingrid asked. Emma began to explain to her all the requirements her counselor said she would need.
Emma hired a tutor to help her study for the LSAT’s. She skipped sorority parties, dances, most every social event over the next few months in favor of studying. While her sorority sisters didn’t fully understand why she would want to do that, they supported her. There helped time her during their workouts, they helped her focus when she was distracted. She had never thought she would have such a group of support, and she didn’t know what she would have done if she hadn’t had it. When the time came for the exam, she was so nervous she was sick that morning. Her sisters helped her clean up, get ready and Ana and Rapunzel waited outside the building while she took the test.
Since she wouldn’t know her score for at least three weeks, Emma decided to focus on her admissions essay. At first, she had no idea what to do, she knew she needed to stand out from other applicants. She talked to her mother about it and got the idea to do a video for it. Her mother hired a professional videographer, her sisters helped choose outfits and write the script. She had even googled was made a good admissions essay. She felt a little ridiculous making the video, but her mom and sisters had convinced her it would be fantastic.
“Hi, my name is Emma Swan and for my admissions essay I am going to tell you why I am going to be an amazing lawyer.” Emma stood in her favorite red leather jacket, white blouse, and slacks.
“As part of a sorority I am skilled in group settings as well as working on my own. I am skilled at commanding a room, fighting for change, and good reasoning.” The video cuts to a sorority meeting Emma leads about the change they want for curtains. One shot briefly showed Emma punching a guy in the face for peeking through the windows of the sorority, before going back to the meeting.
“It’s come to my attention that the drapes in the front room are see through at night we have enough to deal with without adding in creeps coming around, all those opposed to peepers say ‘aye’.” The whole room agreed and the next shot showed the drapes being changed.
“I have a fantastic memory.” The screen now shows her the grass with a friend sunbathing.
“Emma, do you remember what happened on the Good Place last season?” The video pans out as Emma explained the season finale.
“I am comfortable using legal jargon in everyday life. I enjoy challenging others on their views.” There was a wolf whistle in the background and Emma turned to confront the man.
“In conclusion, I believe in helping everyone, I want to make a change in the world. As a foster child most of my life, I learned that everyone deserves a chance. My mom took a chance on me, taking me in. Now I ask you to take a chance on me too. Because I can guarantee that I will be an amazing asset to Harvard, and an amazing future lawyer.”
Emma still wasn’t too sure about the video, the more she watched it the more ridiculous she felt. Would they even take her seriously? She voiced her concerns to her mother, who responded. “It’s not about taking you seriously, they’ll see that in your grades and your score, this is about showing them who you are and setting you apart from the rest of the applicants.” After that talk she calmed down.
Then her score for the LSATs came. She had been at the sorority home most of the day, studying, exercising and trying to distract herself. A scream came from the front of the house, causing her to rush to see what the commotion was about. When she saw Ana waving an envelope frantically in the air while squealing and jumping up and down, hear heart stopped for just a moment. This was it. Emma rushed down the stairs and shakily tore open the envelope. The girls who were in the house had surrounded her, chattering excitedly. Taking a deep breath, Emma pulled out the letter and stared, then she screamed.
The rest of the girls screamed and cried. Everyone congratulated her and they began to plan a party right away to celebrate.
With her score in hand and her admissions video edited, she submitted her Harvard application as quickly as possible. Now she just had to pray that the board would see that she was meant for this.
In a room in Harvard the board sat quietly. They had just watched Emma’s video and weren’t quiet sure what to do.
“It’s different than anything we’ve had before.” One of the members put it.
“She has a 4.0 GPA and a 179 on the LSAT.” Another chimed in.
“But she’s a fashion major.” Another argued.
“We’re always looking for diversity.” The first responded.
“Her charity work and extra curriculars are impressive.” One admitted.
“I think we should take a chance on her.” The last in the room spoke up.
The head of the board turned to the screen, a still of Emma smiling confidently at all of them.
“Emma Swan, welcome to Harvard.”
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bvidzsoo · 6 years
Abiding Darkness (III)
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 Author: bvidzsoo
 Warning: none yet
 Pairing: Oh Sehun x OC
 Word count: 4, 330
 Summary:  Belikov Bora is living in Seoul at her grandparents as she had gotten her long awaited scholarship. She’s not new to this world but she’s also not really interested in the famous people of it…so maybe that’s why she gets the shock of her life when a zombie apocalypse begins and she’s stuck with Oh Sehun.
 A/N: Third part is here and I hope you’ll like it. You know...your feedback is very appreciated  :))
     When I said that Sehun isn’t the type to speak too much, I was pretty much right. We’ve been walking side by side for at least an hour now and hasn’t said a single word. The deafening silence was eating me alive but the fear of encountering something like that again was keeping me alert, always looking around and listening closely to the quietest sounds. The sun was slowly going down, emitting an orange glow. Other times, I would have enjoyed this view from my room or would have went with Yoora to take pictures as she’s really obsessed with taking pictures of the sun. But today it seemed less magical to watch the sun go down as the stranger beside me was also making me quite uncomfortable.
“We are here” Sehun spoke up and I almost ran into him. The building we were standing in front of was tall and just like any other buildings, the windows were missing.
“Is it safe?” I muttered, staying close to Sehun as he lead the way inside.
“I don’t know” He shrugged and I scoffed, embracing myself as we stepped over a fallen flower.
“I only know what you do too, so don’t ask me questions about things like this” He glanced back at me, no surprise with a glare, and I just rolled my eyes.
“You could be a little bit nicer, you know” I mumbled as we walked down the lobby, or at least the remains of the lobby.
“Are you serious?” I asked, eyes wide, when Sehun stopped in front of the elevator, pressing the button.
“It’s working, isn’t it?” He raised his eyebrows when the doors opened and I felt reluctant in entering it. What if it stops working while we are inside? Or what if the ropes aren’t strong enough to keep us up after the earthquake?
“Just come on, okay?” Sehun sighed tiredly and I bit my lower lip, taking small steps inside, trying to see if the elevator made any unnecessary movement. Sehun only rolled his eyes, gripped my arm, and pulled me inside, pressing the button for the twenty fifth floor.
“Sehun!” I gasped, pulling my arm free “What if the elevator stops working? Or what if the ropes break? Are you seriously so inconsiderate? Shouldn’t you value your precious life--”
“Stop talking, Bora” Sehun threw me a glare and I scoffed, turning away from him.
Once the elevator stopped, I could finally breathe normally, I followed Sehun outside and down the long hallway. We stopped in front of a red door with the numbers, 188, on it.
Sehun’s hands were in his pocket as he was probably looking for his keys and when he found them, he quickly opened the door. I followed him inside quietly, eyes widening at the good looking place. They definitely have everything they need.
Sehun was quick to kick off his shoes and he threw his coat on the hanger while I played with the straps of my backpack, looking around.
“What are you waiting for?” He asked with a sigh and I hummed, quickly undressing myself. The windows seemed to be doing fine, everything at their place.
“How are the windows not broken?” I asked, touching the nearest to me “And this place looks so neat when there was an...earthquake…”
“I already told you I don’t know more than you, it’d be nice if you stopped asking stupid questions” Sehun sighed, leaning against the wall.
“Right, I forgot you can’t stand stupid people” I whirled around, facing him “To your information, I can get really stupid so you should just start accepting me the way I am. I don’t call you out for your emotionless face, do I?”
“That’s different from your ranting” He scoffed, walking past by me.
“No, it’s not” I called after him as he shook his head.
“Just follow me”
He lead me down a narrow hallway, which had at least five rooms. He stopped in front of the middle door on the right and pushed it open with his leg.
“You’ll sleep here tonight” He walked inside, going for a closet.
“Who’s room is this?” I asked curiously as I walked inside, observing the many polaroid pictures on the wall on the left side of the room. They were full with Sehun and another man, I think his name is Suho? But there were other people as well. Sehun’s side seemed a little tiddier than this Suho guy’s.
“Mine” Sehun muttered, answering my precious question.
“And who’s that guy?” I asked curiously, pointing at the bunny looking guy.
“Can you stop asking questions?” Sehun sighed and I turned towards him, hands on my hips, “He’s a friend, you’ll be sleeping in his bed”
“If you are uncomfortable sleeping in the same room as me, you can just tell me and show me another room...I saw plenty down this hall”
“And then have you steal something, it’s better like this” Sehun shrugged and I gasped offended.
“I am not a thief!”
“I might never know” Sehun shrugged again and I had to bite my lower lip to stop myself from snapping at him.
“I guess you have no clothes with you…” Sehun’s eyes drew in my body, eyes watching me intently.
“Right” I scoffed, a little blush forming on my lips “Because I carry clothes with me to classes, Oh Sehun”
“You don’t have to be so sarcastic, thank you very much” He rolled his eyes as I plopped down on Suho guy’s bed, “Stay here, I will bring you some clothes”
I nodded, eyes surveying the room. On the bedside table, near Sehun’s bed, was a framed photo of a family. There were two boys and a woman and man. Walking closer, I leaned down and narrowed my eyes. The boy looked a lot like Sehun and I figured this must be a family photo. The boy beside him was slightly taller and had his arm around Sehun’s shoulder. The mother and father were standing beside their sons and had big, happy, smiles on their faces. A small smile crossed my face as I looked at the family photo, wishing I could see my parents. I really miss them, grandma and grandpa are doing a great job but it’s not them.
“I figured you needed smaller clothes--” I whirled around at the sound of Sehun’s voice, eyes wide as if I was caught doing something bad, “What are you doing?” “Nothing, I was just looking at the family picture” I shrugged, looking away from his glaring face.
“Can you stay out of my personal life?” Sehun hissed as he gripped my arm and dragged me away from the picture.
“Wow, calm down, man...okay?” I huffed, pulling my arm roughly away “I was just looking”
“These are the clothes” Sehun roughly pushed the clothes against my chest and I took them with a roll of my eyes.
“Go and freshen up, the bathroom is right beside this room on the right” He muttered, going to his closet.
“Great” I muttered with a grimace, the cologne of the clothes hitting my nose hard, “Just so you know...your brother is more handsome than you”
Sehun’s head snapped into my direction and I quickly left the room with a smirk, he was probably wishing to murder me right now. Besides, it was a lie...Sehun is better looking.
After showering and washing off all the dirt from my body and hair, I felt like a new person. The water was clean and pretty warm, and I don’t doubt I stayed in the shower for at least half an hour. Hopefully Sehun isn’t waiting after me to shower, this apartment seems big enough to have at least two bathrooms.
Drying my hair with the towel as best as I could, I quickly took on the male clothes, cringing a little at the too sweet cologne. Who places this much cologne on their clothes? The pants were a little bit long, but at least at the hips they fit. The black t-shirt was also big and it reached my butt but anything for clean clothes. Folding my dirty ones, I exited the bathroom and went to Sehun’s room, placing my clothes on this Suho guy’s bedside table.
Curious of where Sehun was, I wandered around the place, coming to the kitchen. Sehun wasn’t there but my stomach seemed to protest so I walked to the fridge and opened it. My eyebrows furrowed at the few items inside and I sighed when I realized they didn’t have much to eat. Some leftovers that didn’t look too great or I can cook some spaghetti. I’m pretty sure Sehun would be angry but I’m hungry, and he must be too, so I don’t care what he thinks.
I took a pot and filled it with water, placed it on the electronic cooker and turned it on. I found another pot for the sauce and after combining different foods from their fridge, I placed it on the fire as well.
I leaned against the counter with a sigh, wondering if all the boys from EXO live here. They probably do since there are so many rooms and I’m not wearing Sehun’s clothes.
“What are you doing?” I jumped at his raspy voice, looking towards the doorway.
“Cooking dinner”
“What?” Sehun’s eyebrows furrowed as he rushed inside the kitchen.
“Aren’t you hungry?” I raised my eyebrows as I watched him inspect the food on the cooker.
“This isn’t your home, you shouldn’t just do things uninvited” Sehun threw me a glare as he walked to sit down.
“So you prefer us dying because of hungriness?” I scoffed when Sehun remained silent and went to stir the sauce a little.
“Whose clothes are these anyways...the cologne is too strong, he needs to knock it off” I muttered while stirring the sauce.
“Baekhyun likes his clothes with cologne always on them” Sehun muttered quietly and I hummed.
“It’s giving me a headache…”
“You said you are a foreigner” Sehun’s voice turned serious as I turned off the cooker.
“Exactly” I nodded, turning to face him.
“What about your grandparents then? You lied to me” Sehun’s eyes were accusing, mouth pulled into a grimace.
“I didn’t” I shrugged “I never lived in Korea, this is my first time and I’ve only been staying here for three months”
“But you aren’t fully a foreigner” Sehun pressed on and I sighed, looking him in the eyes.
“My father is Russian and my mother is Korean, happy?” I raised my eyebrows, crossing my arms in front of my chest.
“Do you know...things about Korea?” Sehun gulped as he leaned back in his chair and I rose an eyebrow, turning around to look for bowls.
“I know things about Korea” I muttered. He was probably regretting bringing me here. He probably thinks I know who he is, and he is actually right about it.
“What are you studying?” He eyed the food as I placed the bowl in front of him.
“Psychiatry” I muttered, sitting across from him.
“Then explain the behavior of those things” Sehun said with his eyebrows furrowed and I sighed, looking at my food.
“I don’t know...they look like those zombies you see in movies. Something must have made them like this…” I trailed off, taking a mouthful of my spaghetti.
“That green gas...” Sehun’s eyebrows were furrowed as he watched me, “It must be that” “Than how are we still okay?” I asked with a shrug.
“Maybe we are immune?” I stopped chewing and looked Sehun in the eyes.
“You think so?”
“Yeah, why would we not be dead or like them?” He seemed sure of himself and it kinda made sense.
“Yeah, you are probably right” I muttered and from there on it was silence as we finished our dinner. Sehun seemed hungrier than I was, and yet I still didn’t get a little ‘thank you for cooking dinner, Bora’...but you are still welcome, Sehun.
As I was washing the bowls, I felt warmness behind me.
“You said your grandparents live on the outskirts of Seoul…” I hummed as Sehun remained silent.
“Where more exactly?”
“You know that little forest...after that is a small village and there” I answered him, glancing back at him.
“Okay, we’ll make a plan tomorrow. I’m tired and I’m sure you are too” Sehun’s voice seemed quiet and soft for the first time.
“Yeah” I nodded, drying my hands.
“Let’s go then” He nodded towards the door and switched off the lights as we made our way to his and Suho guy’s room.
He switched on the lamp on Suho’s bedside table as he went to sit on his bed.
“Sehun…” I muttered with a grimace.
“What?” He looked at me curiously.
“Can I wear another t-shirt?” I asked with a pout, pointing at Baekhyun’s t-shirt on me, “This just smells too much and it’s already giving me a headache”
“Fine...” Sehun sighed and lazily got up from his bed and went to his closet, “but my t-shirts are too big for you”
“That doesn’t matter” I shrugged and caught the black t-shirt he threw at me.
“Thanks” I smiled at him and turned around to quickly change the t-shirts. Sehun remained quiet as I heard shuffling on his bed. This t-shirt definitely was bigger as it reached mid-thigh but didn’t carry any cologne and I sighed intently, glad to get that sweet smell away from my nose. I reached for my pants and quickly pulled them off.
“What are you doing?” Sehun asked alarmed and when I turned towards him his eyes were narrowed at me.
“I can’t sleep with pants on” I muttered, growing embarrassed as I held the pants tightly. I grew conscious of my exposed legs as Sehun seemed to look at them longer and I quickly got on the bed and shimmied underneath the blanket.
“Don’t stare at my legs” I muttered, throwing the pant on the floor beside Suho guy’s bed.
“I wasn’t staring at your legs” Sehun scoffed, getting underneath the covers as well.
“Yes, you were” I muttered watching him as he rolled his eyes before turning around, back facing me.
“I wasn’t...goodnight” His voice was muffled and I quickly reached for my backpack, hands digging around for my green notebook.
“Goodnight” I said quietly as I took out my notebook and a pen.
Dear Diary,
Something really crazy happened today. Zombies are real and I was almost killed by one today. There’s also something crazier...I met Oh Sehun. Yes, Oh Sehun from EXO. He doesn’t know that I know who he is. I know that I’m a horrible person for lying to him, but I actually think it’s better if he doesn’t know. He might think that I’m just a crazy fan, when I’m not...I barely know things about them as I wasn’t curious to find out more about Korean celebrities. I know that I’m wrong by lying, but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.
I will go to bed now because today was a tiring day. I also fear something happened to Yoora, I can’t reach her since there is no phone signal. I hope she’s okay and still alive...not one of those horrible things.
Sleep well now, diary...13.01.2019.
I carefully placed my diary and pen back inside my backpack and shimmied underneath the covers, switching off the light. The room was covered in darkness and Sehun’s steady breathing slowly lulled me to sleep.
    The rays of sun falling on my cheek made me stir in my peaceful sleep and I groaned as I shifted on my back. The bed felt different from mine and the slight apple scent of the sheets made me shift again as I slowly starting gaining consciousness. Groaning again, I abruptly rose in a sitting position and rubbed my eyes as I yawned loudly. I heard an amused scoff and my eyes abruptly flew open as I stared wide eyed at a...half naked Oh Sehun.
“What are you doing?” I embarrassedly called out with my raspy, morning voice, as I quickly covered my eyes with my hands.
“Changing” Sehun answered amused as I heard more shuffling.
“I see you slept well in my friend’s bed” His voice was quite amused and I scoffed, rolling my eyes that were still shielded from Sehun’s naked torso.
“Yeah...the mattress is a little too...light” I muttered, the stiffness in my lower back being the proof of it.
It was silent for a good minute and I thought Sehun just magically disappeared from the room, but then his deep voice made me jump, “I prefer harder mattresses too”
“Really?” In my surprised state, my hands fell from my eyes but the door just closed. My eyebrows furrowed as I stared at the closed door, sighing loudly since I was alone in the room.
“Why is he so difficult…” I muttered, climbing out of bed. The cooler air hit my exposed legs and I quickly pulled on the pants I got from Sehun yesterday but decided to stay in his t-shirt since the other one smelled too much of that cologne.
Exiting his room, I ran my hands through my messy hair, walking towards the bathroom to freshen up. Making sure it was empty, I walked inside and turned on the cold water, looking for toothpaste. There were three different ones and my eyebrows furrowed, aren’t all toothpaste the same? Shrugging, I took the green one which tasted like mint and apples...is this Suho guy’s too?
After brushing my teeth with the use of my finger as best I could, I sprinkled cold water on my face and sighed longly, enjoying the water drop to my neck. I can never use warm water after I wake up, I always wash my face with cold water, it’s refreshing. After drying my face, my eyebrows furrowed as I realized I wet the collar of Sehun’s t-shirt. I hope he won’t mind too much.
Going to the kitchen, I played with the ends of my hair as one piece fell onto my face. I was surprised to see Sehun pouring some milk into a bowl and one bowl of cereals was already on the table. I cleared my throat as I walked inside and Sehun threw me a glance.
“Breakfast is ready” He muttered quietly and a small smile fell on my lips. This felt normal...well, if you ignore the fact that zombies can kill us any second and that we are strangers, I wouldn’t mind having Sehun around me...as a friend, of course.
“Thanks” I muttered as I took a seat at the table.
“So...we need to make a plan” Sehun cleared his throat as he sat across me.
“I know” I nodded, quietly slurping the milk.
“You know…” I looked at Sehun while biting my lower lip. His eyes fell on me as he raised his eyebrows.
“You don’t have to come with me because you feel obliged...I can go alone, besides, I’m sure you want to be reunited with your friends and...family”
Sehun’s eyes became once again blank as he threw me a small glare, his cereal long forgotten.
“Listen, Bora. I was the one who said we should stick together” His voice was firm and left no room for contradiction “And I’m a man of my words, so I am not going anywhere. We are sticking together whether we like it or not. It’s safer for both of us”
“If I get infected…” I hardly swallowed the food in my mouth “You know you have to leave me...even kill me”
“Same goes for me” Sehun nodded but I couldn’t help but look into his eyes, which betrayed him, he was just as terrified of that idea like me, “So let’s do everything to stay safe and healthy”
“Right” I nodded firmly and smiled at him a little bit.
“Do you know anything of your friends?” I asked more quietly this time as we both started eating once again.
“The phones aren’t working yet...I have no idea where they are” Sehun sighed and I couldn’t help but do the same.
“I’m pretty sure my mom is planning my funeral” I muttered with an amused chuckle. Sehun looked at me quite surprised and confused, that’s a first from him.
“You don’t...get along?” He seemed reluctant to ask and for the first time after all this craziness happened, I let myself laugh.
“We do, we get along pretty well. It’s just…” I shrugged, taking the last spoonful of my cereal “I’m not an outdoor person, I’m weak and usually quite dumb...I’m pretty sure she didn’t expect me to survive. And I’m sure she called me and my grandparents too and seeing we aren’t answering...she thinks I’m dead, I am sure of it”
“She should trust you more” Sehun’s comment made me look at him embarrassed “You aren’t as weak or dumb as you think you are, Bora”
“But I brought that zombie to you--”
“And probably I would have ran into one sooner or later...if you weren’t there, I might have died too not knowing how to react” Sehun shrugged and his voice was sincere, I couldn’t help but smile a little again.
“Yeah, you freezing out there was no help” I teased with amusement and Sehun scoffed, for the first time, his glare directed towards me was playful.
“You almost broke my arm with the way you were squeezing it”
“Well, I was just trying to survive, and you weren’t cooperating” I shrugged and just for a little fraction, his lips lifted into a small smile. I cleared my throat and looked down embarrassed, raising from the table to take my bowl to the sink. He is too handsome to leave me unaffected.
“I’ll wash the dishes now” Sehun snatched the bowl from my hands and I looked at him surprised, “You washed them yesterday”
“Oh, right” I muttered, stepping away to let him have more space. Looking around awkwardly while Sehun quickly washed the bowls, my eyes fell on the fridge and on the neon yellow sticky note. Curiously, I walked to it and took it off from the fridge.
‘Sehun, if you see this...you need to hide from those things at all costs. You can’t let them touch you nor bite you, Oh Sehun you need to survive, you hear me! We were evacuated to the Naksan Park, to the N Tower. I’m not sure for how long those things will be like that but...please take care, and only if you really must to, come and find us. We are concerned about you, you are the only one missing, Sehun. I really hope you didn’t pull a prank on us and are still alive! Hyungs are counting on you, stay safe, we love you!
~Junmyeon hyung’
“Sehun” I quickly tapped his shoulder and he looked at me with an eyebrow raised, “You need to read this”
Pushing the sticky note into his hands I watched him as his eyebrows furrowed as he read the note from Junmyeon. I wonder which one is Junmyeon...Is it the bunny faced guy? Isn’t it that the Suho guy then? Ah, all these stage names confuse me too much.
“We need to go there” Sehun’s eyes searched my face and I nodded unsure.
“I agree but...my grandparents…” I trailed off, afraid of Sehun’s answer.
“After we rescue them, we go to the park, okay?” Sehun gripped my shoulders tightly and I looked up at him, nodding my head quickly.
“Okay, thank you” I patted his arm as his hands fell to his side and he nodded at me, gripping the sticky note tightly.
“At least I know they are safe” He muttered with a relaxed sigh and I nodded with a grimace, I wish my grandparents are safe too.
“Okay, the plan is the following” Sehun cleared his throat as his brows pulled together. I walked beside him and looked up at him, listening closely.
“We leave in half an hour to your grandparents house, but I’m pretty sure we won’t get there today so we’ll stop somewhere--”
“Stop somewhere?” My eyebrows furrowed and Sehun nodded, “That’s not safe. Your hyungs said--”
“They aren’t here, I am on my own now, I know what I am doing...just trust me, Bora” Sehun leaned a little down to be eye level with me. I gulped and nodded flustered, trying to only look in his eyes.
“Yeah, I…” I cleared my throat upon realizing my voice didn’t sound like me at all “I trust you, I guess”
“I trust you too” Sehun’s lips pulled into a small smile and I offered one of mine.
“So after we stop at a house for the night, I’m pretty sure tomorrow we’ll be able to get to your grandparents. We could stay there for the night and the next day I can leave for the Naksan Park--”
“You? What about me?” I asked alarmed, would he really just abandon me like that?
“I figured you’d want to stay with your grandparents…” Sehun trailed off, searching my face.
“I’m-I’m not sure” I muttered, biting my lower lip nervously “I’ll give you an answer once we get there”
“Okay, fair enough” He hummed and straightened back up, “Let’s go and pack”
I nodded and followed Sehun back to his room, seems like a long journey is in front of us. And dangerous if might I add. Minus the fact that now I feel responsible for keeping Sehun alive after I saw the note left from his band members. I must keep him safe at all costs, his life is more worthy than mine...even though such thing as celebrities don’t exist in times like this.
 ~Next Part~
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pinkykitten · 6 years
Zach Dempsey x Davina Jensen (who is portrayed by Danielle Campbell)
Warning: some curse words, mentions Hannah’s death, bullying
Specifics: oc, fluff, angst, bullying, comedy, aesthetic, art, nerd, 400 followers competition
People: Zach Dempsey, (oc) Davina Jensen, Clay Jensen, Tyler Down, Matt Jensen, Lainie Jensen, Bryce Walker, Montgomery De La Cruz, Scott Reed, nurse, Hannah Baker (mentioned), Skye Miller (mentioned) 
Words: 3,418
Requested: By @misspygmypie  OC x Zach Dempsey! Her name is Davina,Clays younger sister. She's 5ft, has tattoos and is shy/nerdy/a loser like Clay (they're like besties). Zach sees her hitting her head on a locker accidentally and brings her to the nurse, then takes her home and asks Clay about her the next day. In the end Zach takes her out to a roller skating rink as date. His buddies make fun of him for dating her but Zach kisses her at school in front of everyone, making them "official".
Authors Note: i was so happy to announce the winner of the 400 followers competition, which was the one and only @misspygmypie. thank u so much for participating and to all of u that did. i luved this idea i thought it was so unique and special all ur oc’s fam r special to me 😊. i luved everything about this and i tried to incorporate everything that brigitte gave me. thank u for the request and again thank u all for 400 followers i still am in shock. u guys are amazing, and just thank u all for liking my stories. feedback is much appreciated here. enjoy MY GORGEOUS CHILDREN! hope u like this brigitte, this ones for u!
previous oc story for my 300 followers: Zach Dempsey x oc Adeline Foster
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“C’mon Dav (said like dove but with an a so dav but kinda with an accent) wake up,” Clay groaned as he shook Davina from her slumber.
Big brothers were sometimes tough to handle, especially Clay Jensen. 
Davina shook in her sleep, trying to swat away her annoying brother of hers, “leave me alone! Wake me up later!”
Just then their dad walked in, Matt Jensen, “whats going on here? Mom made breakfast for the two of you, you guys have to already be ready for school.”
Clay pointed to Davina, “as you can see dad thats what I have been trying to do.”
Davina’s dad sighed and patted her softly, “wake up sweetheart, you need to go to school today remember?”
Davina shot up, while rubbing her eyes, “why? School sucks!”
Matt shrugged while rubbing her back, “I want you both downstairs. Now.”
Davina got out of her bed, slipping on her s’mores slippers.
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She yawned and stretched, while her brother just watched, obviously annoyed. “”Can you hurry up with your stretching or do I need to call dad for that too?”
Davina smacked her older brothers head and grinned, “good morning to you too Clay Jensen!”
She ran downstairs to greet her mother and to partake in the breakfast. She was always seated next to Clay. 
Ever since Davina came into this world her and Clay have been like two peas in  a pod. They always acted as if they were twins, knowing what the other one wanted to say, finishing each others sentences. Clay was her best friend, the most important person in her life. 
Thats why it hurt Davina when Clay had to deal with Hannah’s death. It made her sad but her brother was devastated. Clay tried to brush off her death, to try to say he was fine, that it didn’t cause him any pain but deep down Davina knew that, that was not true. 
“So Skye Miller, hmmm? Seems pretty legit, funny my brother goes for someone who also has tattoos,” Davina chuckled at the thought while her brother blushed down in his cereal bowl in embarrassment. 
“Really? Well I hope we can meet her one day,” their mother, Lainie Jensen, said as she put the OJ in the middle of the table. “And honey how many times have I told you I want you to cover up your tattoos?”
“But mom-,” Davina protested. 
“Honey, they make her who she is, and if kids can’t see that those art pieces on her arm make her Davina, then they need to skedaddle away,” her father stood up for her, drinking some of his morning coffee while reading something on his ipad.
“Well just be careful okay. Love the dress though, you look beautiful,” Davina’s mother caressed her cheek. “Always reminding me of those vintage tv shows.”
“Thanks mom.”
Matt peered from the top of his glasses, “What’d you kids think of doing after school?”
In unison Davina and Clay said, “we’re gonna be watching The Empire Strikes Back of course.”
Davina looked up smirking, yep she and her brother were a couple of nerdy kids. Star wars, comic books, video games, all those things and more, thats all she has ever known. 
Their father took his spectacles off and with a confused face just stared at his two children as if they said they were going to eat the toilet. All Davina heard being muttered was a, “thats just creepy.”
Davina laughed and stood up hastily running to the door. “Clay today I’m driving so...lets go!”
Clay groaned in annoyance and quickly grabbed his book bag to try to keep up with her. 
School was a war zone.
Indeed it is.
Stepping into that school made Davina nervous, anxious. Being Clay Jensen’s sister was no easy task. Especially with his reputation at school, people viewed her without getting to know her as a stupid loser. She felt shy, and in many ways unworthy. 
“Whelp getting ready for all those stares,” Davina shrugged. “Crap I forgot to give Tyler that book he borrowed. I’ll be right back.”
Clay gripped her arm and his eyes bugged out, “Dav I don’t think thats such a good idea. I mean Tyler kinda was a-”
“Stalker,” she finished his sentence.
“Don’t worry Clay, you don’t always need to protect me. I’m fine. Go enjoy your girlfriend,” Davina pointed in front of her and Clay turned his head to see Skye waving to him. When Clay turned back to Davina, Davina had walked away backwards while producing kissing sounds. “Go get her lover boy.”
Clay shook his head, chuckling. 
Thankfully, Tyler was close by. “Hey Tyler,” Davina waved to him. 
Tyler gave a shy smile and closed his locker, “H-h, hey Davina whats, whats um going on?”
“I forgot to give you this last week. Thank you so much for letting me borrow this like you’re a life saver!”
“Oh yeah no problem, hey what was you’re favorite part?”
Davina leaned by his locker, placing her hand on her hip. “I love the part when they figure out who the murderer is, to me it seemed super creepy.”
“Really? Oh my god thats my favorite part two, it like gave me the chills!”
Davina nodded and rubbed her arms up and down. Tyler cleaned his camera lens and gulped. 
“Hey Davina, I’ve heard you really like video games and stuff. I was just wondering, me and a couple of friends are gonna play some games at my house this Saturday. Would you like to come? I mean you don’t have to if you don’t want to I get it but if you-”
“Sure, I would love to go over. I love video games like I’m obsessed! I might beat you though!”
Tyler was shocked, brushing back his brown curls and licking his lips, “ye-yeah, yeah, okay, yeah, so I’ll get that ready and yeah just show up!”
Just as Davina was about to answer, Bryce and his crew started laughing and saying, “the creep and the loser.” Davina turned around and gave them a glare. But then as she turned her head she saw the tall Zach Dempsey. Her breathing stopped and she was just consumed by the presence of Zach. 
“Anyways thanks Tyler see you later,” Davina left to go put her items in her locker. Her eyes still glued to the dashing Dempsey.
The education rolled off all the teachers tongue as if they were fruit roll ups. Calculus and physics filled up the air all the way to the top. Davina sat at her desk not paying any attention to the class but her thoughts wondered to Zach. She has always been too shy to speak to Zach, so she didn’t know much about him. Only that he was into sports and a part of Bryce’s snotty group. 
The bell rang which meant for lunch and Davina sprinted out of the art class to the lunch room to reunite with her brother. 
Art. One of life’s beautiful appearance of feelings. In the art class they have, Davina was the head of it. Not many children were in that club but she didn’t mind just as long as she got to do what she adored. 
Davina running to her destination didn’t see a locker open and surely enough. 
She met harshly with the locker. The sound of the metal echoed through the halls. Davina fell back, clutching her forehead which was already starting to bruise. 
“Hey, hey are you okay,” came a loud deep voice. 
Davina’s vision was cloudy, and she groaned in pain. “Ouch, my head.”
“You guys wait for me back there. I’m gonna take her to the nurse’s office,” came that voice again. 
A pair of strong arms lifted Davina from the floor. She sighed and slowly regained her vision. She looked up to see who was carrying her, and the sight almost made her want to dig a whole and die in it. 
It was Zach Dempsey. 
“Zach! I think I’m good, you don’t need to do all this,” she giggled shyly. She clutched for Zach’s shirt tightly, afraid of falling from his height. 
“We’re almost there. You hit your head pretty badly, I don’t really want you to pass out.”
Davina nodded and just stayed there like a limp dog. 
She was carried to the nurses office. Feeling so embarrassed that her cheeks were a bright pink. 
Zach gently laid her on one of the beds there. Davina looked everywhere but him, feeling shy. 
“What happened to her,” asked the nurse nonchalantly as if many children looked like this. 
“She hit her head on a locker, you can see the bruise right here,” Zach softly pointed to her bruise. Davina hissed and Zach apologized, he than sat in a nearby chair waiting patiently for Davina. 
Davina tried not to laugh, Zach was so big compared to the chair he was sitting on. 
“I’ll go get an ice pack and call her parents,” the nurse walked on out to get the items. 
“Whats so funny,” Zach smiled charmingly. 
“Its just you look so large compared to the chair you’re sitting on.”
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Zach laughed along side her, awaiting for the nurse to come back. And planting a new seed within them. 
Davina and Zach connected that day. Joking around like a couple of high school kids...wait thats what they are...anyways, joking around. Making each other smile and laugh and just appreciate each others company. 
Clay took Davina home and was furious with her as he put it, “artsy fartsy clumsiness.” She couldn’t help but giggle at that name. 
When they arrived home, Davina’s parents were also irate. Scolding her for not being more aware of her surroundings and not watching out. Now she wore a huge bruise on her forehead. 
“Great,” she muttered to herself as she stared in the mirror. 
Since the dilemma Davina’s parents did not want her going to school the next day so instead Clay got to go only. 
Davina seeing that her mother and her brother had left got on another one of her dresses and set off to her favorite places, first Starbucks then her favorite diner. 
Rosie’s Diner. 
Davina got her favorite Starbucks drink, enjoying the taste of the liquid in her mouth. Next door to Starbucks was the diner. 
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The door made a ring as she opened the old, dingy, door. She sat by the biggest window and pulled out her favorite book. 
Reading was like another world to her. She could put herself anywhere and she was just...there. By a pirate ship in the deep blue sea. On her way to a trip to Mars. She could go anywhere when she read. 
In the afternoon, Davina arrived back home. She walked in on her brother texting his girlfriend. 
“Oooooh Skye, whats she got to say,” Davina wiggled her eyebrows. 
“You’re such a weirdo! Hey have you been talking a lot to Zach?”
Davina’s eyes widened and looked to her hands, her cheeks becoming red. “No.”
“Oh my god Dav, you’re lying!”
“Fine! He’s the one that carried me yesterday to the nurses office right after I hit my head.”
“Wait, wait, what? He carried you? Like, like in as a baby, carried you?”
Davina bit her lip and nodded. 
“Dav, you got to be so careful with those creeps especially that dic* head Zach.”
Davina rolled her eyes and plopped down on Clay’s bed. “You’re not my dad Clay. I’m fine. Besides we just talked, end of story.”
“Not quite,” Clay said as he laid next to you. “He’s been asking about you the whole day. Asking me if you were okay, about your head. He wants to know, and he asked me this personally, if you would like to go on a date with him, at the skating rink?”
Davina punched Clay lightly and shot up. “Are you serious?”
“Jesus Christ Dav, what the heck was that about? Yes I’m serious. Jeesh I think you split my innards.”
“Drama queen,” Davina pushed her lips out. “When though? Aghhh I’m so lost at dating, its just another world I don’t know anything about!”
“Tonight, but hey you’re not actually thinking of going right?”
Davina stopped her pacing and planted her feet sternly to the ground, “why not? I don’t see the issue, Clay he actually likes me. I’ve never gotten that kind of attention, I mean look at me. Why can’t I just have fun for one day?”
Clay shook his head but then sighed in defeat, “fine! You win! Just please be careful okay.”
Davina squealed in excitement and ran to her big brother, “thank you so much Clay! Yes! Oh my god what am I gonna wear?”
Davina sat in the car that her and Clay shared. Waiting for Zach to appear. She was waiting in the parking lot for him at Skatz 4 Dayz.
Davina started to feel as if the date wasn’t going to happen at all. She sighed and felt defeated, she felt played.
“Of course. What did I expect?”
Suddenly, Zach’s car appears. Davina starts to get nervous, tensing up, her palms sweating.
Turning the ignition off and stepping out she makes her way to Zach.
“Hey there, didn’t think you were going to make it,” Davina said truthfully.
Zach gave a confused face, “why wouldn’t I come. Yikes, that bruise does not look good.”
“Crap! I thought I covered it up with makeup. Give me one sec.”
Zach caught her arm and shook his head, “hey you’re fine...actually you’re more than fine. You are really, uhm, beautiful today. But you’re beautiful everyday.”
Davina grinned from ear to ear, “why thank you Mr. Dempsey, shall we?” She grabbed his arm.
“We shall,” he copied her.
While walking in they see a dog. A black poodle to be exact.
“Oh my god how cute is he,” Davina shouted in happiness.
Davina was such a dog lover. Everything about dogs she loved. Since she could remember, she’s always wanted a dog. Enjoying how sweet they were to their owner, they were mans best friend.
Davina crouched down to the dog’s level and said, “look Zach I can speak dog. Hello doggy nice to meet you.”
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Davina shook the dog’s hand and giggled at his cuteness. Zach also giggled but not at the dog, its was how sweet and adorable Davina was acting.
“Dogs are so cute right,” Davina asked staring oblivious to her tall date. Zach nodded and took a hold, shyly, of Davina’s hand.
Her face reddened and she tried to hide behind him.
She felt as if she was in a rom com, how in the world was Davina Jensen supposed to behave on a date?
The whole date was perfect, Davina was on cloud 9. Her heart was beating so fast she could hear it. She was madly in like to Zach. She truly liked him with all her being. They talked through the whole time. Holding hands during the skating, and her falling a couple of times only to be saved by the heroic Zach.
They finished each others sentences, had the same likes and dislikes. Complained about schools, laughed over the same comedic jokes. Both felt as if they have known each other for eternity.
They were both on the skating floor when out of the corner of her eye Davina spots Bryce’s group.
“Is that Dempsey,” yelled Monty.
“Holy shi* it is. And he’s with that weird Davina girl. Hey bro!” Bryce called running to both of them.
Davina closed her eyes knowing what they were going to say.
“Hey brother,” Bryce said as he gave a handshake to Zach. Zach was uncomfortable.
“Ooooh didn’t know you were into the weird ones,” Scott giggles while smirking at Davina.
“Hey aren’t you Jensen’s sister?” Bryce asked giving you his charming, wicked smile.
“Yes, I’m his younger sister. I’m sorry I gotta go though, my mom is probably gonna want me home soon.”
“Whats with all the tattoos,” another one in the group asked. Davina self consciously tried covering her arms, wishing she would of listened to her mothers advice.
“She weird like Skye, duh dude,” Monty laughed.
Davina growled angrily, “Skye is not weird okay. Don’t say that.”
“Ooooh,” they all said, almost tempting Davina.
“Guys I think it will be better if you guys leave,” Zach tried to stop the situation.
“Dude, whatever you can say can be said in front of us,” Bryce said crossing his arms.
“..its nothing,” Zach looked down.
“So what are you guys dating? Cause if you are, its like bro you can do sooooo much better!!!!” Monty put his tongue out and laughed like an idiot.
“Dude thats just wrong,” Bryce cackled as well, agreeing with Monty.
“Guys stop, enough you’re gonna hurt the losers feelings,” one of the other guys said in a whiny voice.
Tears were coming into Davina’s eyes and she just sprinted away from all of the commotion.
Zach ran after her but it was too late Davina was gone like a ghost.
“They laughed at me like a loser! They made fun of me and bullied me,” Davina cried to her brother, Clay.
Clay rubbed her arms up and down, soothing her. She came to him crying hysterically, and Clay knew he should not have let her go.
She now sat on the bed of Clay’s explaining what happened. Why her heart was broken, why she felt so much pain.
“Its okay, you’re here with me. You’re safe,” Clay whispered cuddling with his little baby sister.
She sniffled and just wept some more into his shirt. They both laid down on his bed, cuddling and just being in eachs other presence.
“I’ll make that bastar* pay for what he did,” Clay swore under his breath.
“I should of listened to you Clay, I was so stupid to think he wanted to be with me. Stupid!”
Unfortunately, Davina had to go to school the next day. She felt scared, what would he say? What would happen?
She felt as if she was about to suffocate. She felt fragile.
Upon entering the school the group of Bryce’s was there but no Zach. Davina went to her locker and angrily, stuffed it with her items.
She felt like crying. That is until Zach came in with a megaphone in his hand.
“Davina please listen to me,” Zach pleaded when he saw her. Davina shook her head repeating the word no over and over.
Zach turned on the megaphone, “Davina, I am so sorry for what happened yesterday. I know I should of protected you and I wanted to but, I failed to do that. I made you feel ashamed to be yourself. The truth is Davina I love your tattoos, I love that you’re shy, that you can talk to animals, that you love Star Wars, that you love art, because the thing is Davina I love everything about you. I like you a lot. Like a lot a lot.”
Davina chuckled at his comment, she saw that the group of turds was watching. Monty looked all mad, with Bryce looking concerned. Everyone at school watched Zach.
“You are amazing Davina, I’m sorry you were treated that way, cause you shouldn't have been. You deserved to be treated with respect, so I’m gonna make it up to you. I’m gonna show you that we are official, and just how much I really like you.”
Davina waved her hands in a no matter and stuttered trying to tell Zach she didn’t like where this was going. She felt Zach was about to ruin his reputation. 
Zach dropped the megaphone and went to Davina. He gently pulled her by the waist and in front of everyone he kissed her. The kiss was slow but sensual. Zach’s big hands were placed on her pale cheeks, deepening the kiss. He kissed Davina in front of everyone, in front of Bryce’s group, heck even in front of Clay. Davina didn’t matter, she was kissing...him. The one that made her happy, that made her feel that she wasn’t ashamed to be herself. 
“I’m sorry Davina,” Zach whispered to only her after the kiss. 
Davina gave Zach another peck, “I forgive you, but how about we go somewhere? Just the two of us and maybe, I don’t know go watch a movie?”
Zach smiled, “I would love that,” and wrapped his arms around her as they walked to the exit together. 
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mrslittletall · 6 years
Title: Keeping it together (Chapter 12) Fandom: Dark Souls Characters: Dragon Slayer Ornstein, Dusk of Oolacile, Elizabeth Word Count: 2.245 AO3-Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16328084/chapters/40622222 Previous chapter: https://mrslittletall.tumblr.com/post/181462833169/title-keeping-it-together-chapter-11 Summary: Ornstein has a talk with Dusk.
While Ornstein just used a wet cloth to clean his armour from any blood or goop, Sif had been bathing completely in the water. Orstein still saw that she needed some help and helped her wash her fur out. He watched as the blood got carried away by the splashing of the waterfall.
It was far too late now for Ornstein to be continuing being out. He had to go back to the mansion and work on the speech now. Enough distraction. He escorted Sif back to the arena or it felt more like Sif escorted him back to the arena, said his good nights to Ciaran and Gough and made his way back.
Back at his room, he saw that everything was still like he left. Even the breakfast was still there. He picked it up, took a bite, but promptly put it down again, after having left out in the open for the whole day, the taste had drastically decreased. He sat down on the table and stared at the words he had already written.
“What would Artorias do?”, Ornstein murmured to himself. The words on the paper felt wrong and foreign to him. As if he hadn't even been himself when he wrote it. How should he be able to get into Artorias mind when he couldn't even understand his own? Ornstein picked the quill up and tapped with it on the table, still not knowing where to go with this.
Also, Ornstein realized that he needed to go and that he was hungry. Oh well, he could take care of the first quickly and then get some food. He couldn't concentrate like this anyway. Ornstein made a quick trip to the outhouse and then got some food that he ate at his room. After he was done and laid down his silverware, there wasn't any reason for him anymore to not write that speech. He picked up the quill again, determined to finally do this, but...
Ten minutes passed where he just sat there deadpan. A deep sigh escaped his lips. He just needed to write a speech to honour Artorias. Why was this so difficult for him? He would put this quill on the parchment right now and just write it!
Moments later Ornstein was walking back and forth through the garden in full armour, repeating “Keeping it together” to himself again and again. His stomach felt upset, he was shivering, he felt close to puking and he didn't want to, not again, not after he barely had kept any food in himself... That was when he heard the sniffling of someone. He turned his head and approached the sound to see Princess Dusk sitting there, the same spot as the last time, tears freely flowing down her face, her long hair unbraided and falling over her back, glittering in the moonshine. When she heard Ornstein's footsteps approaching, she shot around, quickly dried her tears and put on that forced smile.
“...Oh, Sir Ornstein, my apologies, I haven't noticed you...”, she said.
Ornstein just stared at her. “Please don't.”, he said.
Dusk stared at him with eyes wide from confusion. “What do you mean?”, she asked.
“That smile. It's fake. It...”, he stopped for a brief moment, taking some deep breathes, this conversation wasn't the best for his already upset stomach. “It reminds me to much of... someone.”
“I am...sorry.”, Dusk said. The tears started to well up in her eyes again. “My kingdom is in shambles. My people are dead or transformed into hideous creatures. The knight who saved me paid with his very own life.” She put her face in her hands, sobbing. “And nobody can see me cry, cause I am their princess and someone has to stay strong. For them!” She took some deep breathes, sniffling: “And there is no one who can understand how this feels.”
Ornstein sat down next to her: “Princess, let me tell you a story.”, he said. “Once there had been a boy who wanted to become a knight. And he did it, he was known as one of the strongest, brave knights and got handed a specialized armour. Whenever he wore that armour, he was the symbol of the people. They knew they could rely on him, they knew he would be there for them, they knew he would shine for them if hope was low. But they didn't knew, that below this armour, the boy just wanted to cry, to break down, to seek comfort at someone for all the terrible things that happened to him, but he wasn't allowed to. The symbol couldn't falter. He just had to... keep it together...”
Ornstein fell silent, feeling the gaze of Princess Dusk at him. At least she seemed to have stopped crying, he couldn't hear her sobs anymore. She gasped in realization: “The boy in the story...it is you.”
“Yes...”, Ornstein said. “So, um, you are not alone with this feeling, Princess.”
“Thank you... this actually makes me feel a little bit better.”, Dusk said. There wasn't a smile on her face anymore. “It makes me feel... less alone.” They both set next to each other in silence when Princess Dusk suddenly asked: “Can I tell you something?”
“I will listen to you.”, Ornstein simply answered.
“When I was in the abyss, snatched by that best... my faculties were far from lucid but I quite clearly sensed certain emotions.”, the princess started. “A wrenching nostalgia, a lost joy, an object of obsession and a sincere hope to reclaim it... Could these thoughts belong to the beast from the abyss, I wonder?”
“Are you trying to tell me that the beast that killed my friend has just been some misunderstood being?”, Ornstein said. “It shows your empathy, princess, for being able to try to see beyond this but for me, that thing killed my friend and almost wiped a whole city off the ground. I don't need anymore reason to be glad over its death.”
“Of course. I am sorry to having bothered you with this.”, Dusk said. “The blame is to put on Oolacile, if we had never awakened it, none of this would have been happened. I know it isn't enough, but I only can owe my sincerest apologies to you.” The tears started to well up in Dusk's eyes again.
Ornstein waited a few more minutes, but the princess had felt silent and eventually he got up and returned to his room, staring at the parchment which still had no useable speech on it. It was already so late and Ornstein had to groan only thinking about sitting down at this table another time. He decided to get more comfortable, stripped out of his armour, put some more comfortable clothes on and went into his bed, using a book to support the parchment, writing utensils moved to his night stand. Now he just needed to write that thing.
When Ornstein awoke his face had crumpled the parchment and bright line was shining into the room through the windows. He blinked, one time, two times, then jerked up. It was morning already! Oh no, that was bad, really bad. He uncrumpled the parchment to see how far he had come with the speech before he had fallen asleep to see that he didn't add a single word. He got up and sat down on the desk. He needed to write this speech now!
Moments later the dragon slayer was in the outhouse puking out all what was leftover from his dinner. It was no use. How should he finish to write this speech or attend the burial in that state? He needed to take some medicine now.
After asking around a bit Ornstein found Princess Dusk deeper in the forest, where she was overseeing the work on the grave. They were already pretty far, what was to be expected, the ceremony was set for this afternoon after all. The gravestone had already been finished constructed and was in the process of being erected and Ornstein could see some golems with shovels which probably were there to dig out the actual grave. He approched Dusk carefully and cleared his throat to get her attention.
“Oh, Sir Ornstein.”, she said after noticing him. “Have you come to get an overview over the grave for Sir Artorias?”
He shook his head. “No, that isn't it... it is lovely though, I am sure Artorias will like it.”, he said. “Actually, I have come here to ask you for that medicine you have offered me.”
“Of course.”, Dusk said. “I am glad you are finally asking for it. It must be awfully difficult to be sick on top of all of this. Would you please follow me?”
While following Dusk, Ornstein noticed, that Dusk, while keeping a friendly and polite tone, hadn't smiled once to him. It made him smile under his helmet unconsciously. She remembered that it had made him feel uncomfortable. Dusk led him to the area he remembered from a few days ago, near the sanctuary guardian. They stopped in front of a wall where some giant mushroom grew and Dusk said: “May I introduce you to my godmother? This is Elizabeth.”
That was when Ornstein realized that his mushroom actually had eyes. Elizabeth must have been the weirdest being Ornstein had ever seen. She was literally a giant, talking mushroom growing out of the wall. “How...nice to meet you.”, Ornstein said.
“My, my, Dusk, you have brought some famous company with you.”, Elizabeth said.
“Actually, Elizabeth, I am here to ask for your help.”, Dusk said, smiling, and this time it was a genuine smile. She must have felt mostly secure around Elizabeth.
While Dusk talked to her, Ornstein's thoughts wandered to how she procreated, how her offspring would look like and how much Artorias would have loved to see little mushroom kids running around, so he didn't notice when the conversation was directed at him and he had to apologize: "I am so sorry, I didn't listen. Could you repeat that?"
"I was asking which are your afflictions.", Elizabeth said in her calm voice.
"Since a few days I am having nauseating stomach aches.", Ornstein answered.
"Nauseating. Did you need to vomit?", the mushroom lady inquired.
Ornstein first looked down on the ground, pawing it with his foot a bit before raising his head again and answering: "Yes. Quite a few times..."
"I see. Please wait a moment." A short while later Elizabeth handed him an item with a squishy texture that looked like it came straight out of her body.
He stared at it for a while: "I don't know how to feel about this..." Eating something that could very well be a part of Elizabeth's body felt so weird.
"Don't worry, it is absolute safe to eat. And it doesn't affect me badly at all. And you don't need to feel bad about your reaction, I am a mushroom after all.", Elizabeth ended the sentence with a chuckle.
"I am really sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. It's just...", the absurdity of this situation. Ornstein didn't finish the sentence. He heard Dusk chuckle beside him.
“Oh, I know, it can be really off putting the first time, but believe me, Elizabeth's mushrooms are working every time. I assure you. I have taken them myself quite a few times already.”, she reassured him.
After hearing this words, Ornstein did open the visor part of his helmet to eat the mushroom he had been handed. It didn't even taste bad or weird, it actually was quite tasty. And soon after eating the medicine the pain started to dissolve and the nausea instantly got better. "That is amazing.", Ornstein exclaimed. He had never had seen a medicine that worked so quickly. Even Gwyndolin's medicine would take a while to take effect and they often would have some heavy side effects.
"I am quite a good healer.", Elizabeth said. "You can always come back should you need some more. Although they are very much part of my body. I can't make them infinitely without needing to rest."
"I owe you my thanks. This should suffice.", Ornstein bowed before the mushroom. "I can now continue with my work." He and Princess Dusk bid their goodbyes to her and walked back to the mansion together.
“I am sorry that I have interrupted your work, Princess.”, Ornstein said.
“Don't worry about it, Sir Ornstein.”, Dusk said. “I am just glad that you finally came and asked for help. You don't have to endure it alone when you are feeling sick... I am looking forward to hear your speech at the burial later.”
“The speech, yes..”, Ornstein said. They had arrived at the mansion and Ornstein bid his goodbye to Dusk who returned to oversee the ceremonial preparations.
Ornstein sat down at the desk again and stared at the parchment and the words he had scribbled on it already. The speech he was so unsatisfied with. He was letting Gough's and Ciaran's word wandering through his mind. “What would Artorias do?” and “I thought you knew Artorias better than that.” So.. what would have Artorias done? If he would have been still around? Probably having hold Ornstein's hair when he puked... Oh... Oooh, that is what they meant. He took up the quill and started to write. (Author's note: I used some of Dusk's canon dialogue in this chapter.) Next chapter: https://mrslittletall.tumblr.com/post/182168559039/title-keeping-it-together-chapter-13
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asktheboxghosts · 6 years
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-Hail falls around the ghosts as they sit on the beach. Waiting for someone to pick them up. The only one enjoying the weather was Frostbite. The icey ghost turns to the others.- “What lovely this weather is~ Do you not agree?” -She says in a song like manor. Two of the five ghosts glare at the ice type. Souls remained in her keystone while Purpleflame just smiles nervously.-  “Yes, so great to get pounded by little ice blocks. And having it destroy one of my covers while you know full well I’m running out of those. I swear I better have more the next time I see our Trainer.” Mimi says grumpily as she holds up the head to her disguise. Frostbite looks away from the others but hums a little tune to herself.-
-Sir sighs and mutters something under his breath, causing some of the air to ripple with magic. Purpleflame just keeps quiet and floats over to Souls to melt the hail that started to pile up around her keystone. The ghosts sit in an uncomfortable and tense air, with only the hail keeping it from uncomfortable silence. They sit there for a few minutes with Sir about to say something before a circle forms under the group and shadowy arms grab onto the ghosts. Plucking them all from the beach and dragging them into the circle with ease. The group is then thrown into a kitchen looking area with a small grinning human with a large wound in her hand. Sir blinks before smiling.- 
“I may not say this often enough but thank goodness you are a friend.” -The trainer giggles and walks over to the group of spirits. Blood still running down her wounded hand, but that didn’t seem to be the human’s main concern. She motions the group of ghosts to move out of the way so she could remove the items sitting in the circle. She smiles rather cheerily at the group.- “Welcome back Sir~ Had fun where ever you were~?” -The Mismagius takes a moment to think before shrugging.- 
“It was alright. Crazy at first but settled down after a little bit. Ah, unfortunately Spoopy decided to run off with one of the more rowdy of the crowd, so I do not know when he will return...” -The magician looks at the trainer a little warily. As if concerned of her reaction to the news. Though the trainer seems to be looking over the other ghosts.- 
“Ah well that happens. He’ll come back eventually.” Her tone is dismissive as she  begins to examine Mimi’s disguise.- “Awww, Mimi. Looks like your costume isn’t gonna hold up anymore.” -Mimi forces the head of the disguise to nod with a claw.- “You don’t happen to have any spare disguises do you?” -The trainer grins even bigger and walks out of the room and returns with a new disguise.- “Here you go~ They didn’t have anything else at the store sorry, but I’ve order some new costumes and material for you to use. I’ll send them to you when I get ‘em~” 
-Mimi takes the disguise given to her. Seemed to be a Celffairy doll that had its stuffing removed. Mimi examines it for a moment before dragging it under the current disguise and putting it on. The Trainer then looks at the keystone that sit sat in the middle of the circle.- “Ah come’on Souls. Stop pouting and say hello~!” -The trainer got flipped off in responses and she just laughs.- “That’s the spirit!” -Her laughter stops as she realizes the unintentional pun she made, and groans. However a smile still remained on her face.- “Sorry sorry. That was not meant to be a pun...oh! Frostbite where are you going?” 
-Frostbite stops at the doorway of the kitchen and looks back.- “I am going to see the new Pokemon you have seemed to have collected.” -The ice type points to the window where a interesting hybrid stared into the kitchen.- “Oh well, to warn ya’ they’re almost all fire types out there so be careful.” -The trainer then walks over to a sink and grabs a wash cloth from the laundry room. She tends to her hand as Sir floats closer to the trainer.-  
“Are you alright? I know how much you dislike having to do this sort of thing...” -The Trainer just smiles up at the large ghost as if to reassure him.- “Yeah I’m fine. I was just starting to get worried since both I and Marshadow were out and then seeing my second Alolan ghost team was also missing.” -She begins to wrap up her hand as Mimi and Purpleflame wander over to her.- “Oooh, I’m sorry sorry you had to stab yourself though! That really must’ve hurt! A lot! Are you really ok? Don’t you need alcohol or disinfectant to clean that?” -The Chandalure frets over the trainer’s wound as she begins to bandage it. She just giggles.-
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“I’m ok Mr. Worry Wart~ I’ll just have to use my other hand for now. No big deal.” -She ties the bandage into place and carefully pats Purpleflame on the glass part of his head. She looks at the floor and tsks.- “I have a mess to clean up now though. Gonna be a pain to do.” -Mimi looks at the stained wooden floor and sighs.- “I’ll help you. Just tell me where the cleaning stuff is.”  -The trainer grins and picks up Mimi to nuzzle.- “Oh thank you thank you Mimi~! I’ll just walk you over to the the cleaning supplies so I point out want I need~” -The trainer chirps and the pair clean up the floor. After the cleaning was done (Mimi moved the still brooding Spiritomb out of the way) the trainer motions for Sir to follow her. The rest of the ghosts went outside to introduce themselves to the new spirits.-
-The trainer leads Sir into the living room and sits down.- “So. Spoopy ran off hm?” -She looks at the magician and he nods.- “Yes, however I believe I could find him if I call out to him for help. We both know if you simply could just ask him to come back and he would.” -The trainer nods.- “Yes this is true, but I think for now it’s best he stays out and about. He just doesn’t do well in one spot and his obsession has been growing I’ve noticed. It’s going to be hard for him not to do the natural thing for him now he’s certain he found someone he wants.” -She sighs.- “And if he’s in his Mega form when he comes back home then I’m gonna have to be here to snap him out of it.”
 -Sir looks away and folds his arms together. Thinking about the situation.- “Well as slightly inconvenient as this situation is I’m sure one of the others will help you subdue Spoopy. I mean, for some of us you can ask us for help you know.” -The Mismagius looks back over at the trainer and she nods.- “Yeah I know, but I don’t need to get you guys wrapped up in some drama, we got enough as is.” -Sir silently agreed and the two talked for a little while longer. Her smile had remained on her face as they talked. It was said that this trainer could never stop smiling. It was concluded that Sir would take over any summoned help and the others would wait for Spoopy to return.-
-The trainer is open for asks-
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xcastlex-blog1 · 6 years
Part 6
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Franks pov
I woke to the annoying Y/N L/N trying to shake me awake, I was completely exhausted and wanted to keep sleeping I wish I could sleep forever... but I wasn’t finished with killing and hurting the people that hurt my family. She shook me agian .
“FRANK ... what’s that noise” she whispered
I listened in just to hear the tracks rumbling.
“It’s a fucking train sweetheart”
I sat up ruffled my hair ,rubbed my neck, and immediately started making coffee as the train loudly passed when it was over I piped up .
“So how did my head end up on your lap anyways?”
She pulled on her jean jacket ,grabbed bread and started smearing peanut butter on it.
“You looked uncomfortable up agianst the wall so I thought you could lay down for a little while... and it probably helped because you didn’t have another nightmare.”
She handed me a peanut butter sandwich and started making herself one.
I sighed “don’t do that agian”
She looked me in the eyes and laughed a little
“Do what make you a sandwich ?”
“ I told you people that get close to me die ...“ I said it in a very aggressive tone and started eating my sandwich and drinking my black coffee
She stood and brushed off her jeans with her hands
“ I need to use the bathroom” she quietly said she and walked away farther into the train tunnel
I sat back and ate while staring at the ceiling thinking of my wife Maria ... and my kids thinking about how life could have been .
Pretty soon Y/N came walking out of the darkness now with her hair pulled back and her jacket buttoned up.
“Frank I need to go to the store or something....” she quietly said
I sat up “whys that ?”
She pulled out her wallet and grabbed some cash out .
“Lady issues I won’t be long”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea ... we are still wanted and probably in some deep shit..”
She just started to walk off
“Where are you going?”
She turned around and yelled
“I ain’t gonna protect you, if you don’t come back that’s not my problem!”
She stuck up her middle finger
“I never asked you to protect me!” And she just kept walking.
I started putting on my boots and black hoodie so I could go visit my old house from a far .
Readers POV
as soon as I exited the train tunnel I started weeping and sat on the edge of the tunnel ...
I had gotten my period and folded up my white t-shirt and shoved it in my underwear as a pad the brightness of the sky made my head pound and it didn’t help that I was mortified that I now didn’t have a shirt , clean pair of panties ,or tampons. I just sat and cried...
Soon I heard foot steps getting closer to the edge of the tunnel so I quickly stood and walked up the embankment and started heading left to a nearest Walmart or Walgreens ... any store that would have what I needed would do. As I started crossing a bridge I could see Frank exit the tunnel with his hood up he was heading the exact opposite direction of me.
I wiped my eyes as I walked on my journey and started thinking of things I needed, soon I stumbled upon a shell gas station and went in
I picked up a box of tampons and baby wipes and started to check out
“Where is the nearest place I can buy clothing?”
I asked the elderly lady at the counter , she just grunted as a response and gave me my total.
“12.83” she said mumbling
I handed her a 20$ then took my change , self care items ,and now I was in search of a clothing store...
Franks pov
My nose was probably red at this point from the freezing rain but I was almost there.. probably about a block or so to go, I was starting to regret taking Y/N with me, back to where I was staying.
When I finally reached the rundown house I sat in the wet grass and leaned up agianst a stump a few houses down ... I didn’t want any of my old neighbors to see me and call the police so I pulled my hood farther down and just watched ...
I watched the rain hit he windows and thought about my life ... how I planned on asking Maria for another baby hoping it would fix our marriage, my nightmares and interest in what was going in Kandahar killed the marriage but I didn’t realize until I came back ... I came back that split second when they were killed but now , I’m convinced I’m not a good man ... and I’m not safe to be around.
The rain was now unbearable but I couldn’t move I saw it as punishing myself I guess ... I should have protected them but now all I can do is protect myself and where I live ...
After an hour of sitting and watching water pour out of the gutters I finally decided I should go and started heading back to the train tunnel.
Readers pov
I found cheap granny panties and a new shirt I threw my old underwear and shirt in the garbage and changed in a back ally way behind a dollar tree.
My shoes were soaked and my hair looked like wild mike from that stupid barnyard movie that my daughter was obsessed with when she was 3 ... I still dreamt of her every now and then but it had been years now since she died in 2007
It was a car accident... Greg didn’t strap her car seat in probably and the whole seat flew out the window ... with her in it. That was the day I wanted to split but was stuck with him until this last year .
I was now on my way back to the tunnel I really didn’t want to go but I needed to grab my wallet I settled on the idea of buying a hotel room or something the rain was finally setting I didn’t notice it was raining until it stopped I guess I was so out of it from walking and all I could focus on were my cramps ...
When I finally was able to drag my feet back to the tunnel I walked in and heard a guitar being quietly played when I was a few feet away from the tent, I just stood and listened... when it was done I climbed in and he acted like he didn’t even know how to play when I showed my face.
“That was beautiful...”
He just grunted “ shut up”
I grabbed my wallet and counted my cash, I had $650.00.
“I should get a hotel”
He laid back
“That’s just fine dear I’m not making you stay”
I sighed
“You can come if you want”
And started to walk off
“I’m fine right where I am girly”
I turned around
“If you need me I’ll be at the motel 6 down the road”
He didn’t say anything back ... just rolled over and drifted off to sleep.
I finally exited the tunnel and started waking towards the motel six I saw while looking for clothes.
I was able to get a room no problem, it wasn’t the best room but pretty good for a motel six besides the fact my neighbors were loudly screwing ... I immediately ran the shower and started to strip
Inside of the shower were two little bottles of shampoo and conditioner and one little bar of soap. I washed the best I could ,let my hair soak with conditioner ,and massaged my head.
When I was finished I stared in the mirror at my healing bruises ,busted lip , and bruised hands and knuckles.
My stomach ached from being kicked in the gut and back ... period cramps weren’t helping either.
I slipped on my plain black shirt that I bought earlier and a white pair of underwear which wasn’t my first choice considering my bloody situation but I had no other option.
I slid under the sheets and rested my head on the pillow ready to have a good nights sleep since what happened. I eventually drifted ... not sure what time.
What seemed like the best sleep in my life was interrupted by a loud banging, I thought it was my neighbors fucking agian but then I realized the second time it was on my door.
I spun my head toward the alarm clock and read the bright red numbers
2:46 am
I got out of the bed and looked out the peephole and saw a fimillar figure, I immediately opened the door and cocked my head.
“Frank it’s three in the morning you should have come when I wasn’t sleeping”
I whispered in an annoyed tone
He was panting and looked like he ran here.
“I had a nightmare...”
I shook my head “come in”
I turned on a lamp to enlighten the pitch black room
When he realized I was in my underwear I noticed he became uncomfortable and couldn’t sit still.
“Do you want the bed or the couch?” I asked with a hand on my hip
He just rubbed the back of his head and mumbled “couch”
I grabbed him the top blanket from my bed and threw it on the couch and started to climb back into bed.
Before I could turn out the lights he spoke with a trembling voice...
“Have you ever lost ...someone?”
I sat up“What do you mean by that?”
He rubbed his stubble on his chin
“Lost someone close to you? Death ... them leaving... never seeing them again?”
I nodded and ran my fingers through my hair
“I lost my daughter in 2007... in a car accident”
Ok so the chapter isn’t over I just ran out of text blocks so there will be another chapter 6 just letting you know it’s gonna get juicy 🍵🤪
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winnie-the-patton · 7 years
Not Just Adorable
   I wrote a thing! I really hope you guys like it. I channeled a lot of my own personal experiences into it and how i described the various situations, so I think it’s pretty accurate, but if you notice anything you think is wrong or offensive please please let me know! Also if anything needs to be tagged.
Word Count: 1,576
CW: ADHD, hurt/comfort, a little self hate, mild angst.
   “No! You’re wrong!” Patton cried. He crossed his arms defensively, tears threatening to spill.
   Logan frowned, wondering if he had somehow made an error. He looked back at his notebook of observations, trying to to see if he had overlooked anything.
Patton Observations:
Conversation:     Holding a conversation with Patton can be exhausting, but enjoyable. He jumps from topic to topic with no clear correlation. He tends to ramble and fumble over his words, occasionally forgetting what he is talking about entirely. When it is my turn to talk, he will sometimes will interrupt to interject his thoughts, whether or not they are related directly to what I’m saying.     This happens with the others as well, such as when he yelled “Tonks” when we were all discussing Harry Potter. I believe these interjections are caused by him finally coming to the end of a long train of thought and being excited, or him fearing he will forget his thought by the time he gets a chance to speak again.
Hyperfocus:    While Patton’s mind seems to jump from thought to thought as experienced in conversation, he can sometimes focus intensely on a single task. I walked in the other day on Patton tidying the living room. He did so all afternoon, jumping from chore to chore but never leaving the general task of cleaning. I tried to talk to him once, and he appeared to be startled, almost dazed. It was as if he did not process the words I was saying. After he finished cleaning, he seemed content with himself.
Hyperfixation:    Patton often gets intensely invested in a single topic for a period of time. Recently, it has been what are known as “ASMR, Slime Videos” on youtube. He can watch them for hours, and has told me many times about his favorite people to watch and his favorite types of slime. Though none of the rest of us watch these videos or share his interest in them, Patton continues to excitedly tell us about them    It should also be documented that this type of seemingly obsessive behavior has happened before. Previously, Patton was focused on dogs and how they different breeds looked and behaved. When asked about dogs now, Patton will still respond and speak fondly of the creatures, but not with the intensity and excitement as before.    I have noticed this cycle of intense excitement then faded interest repeat multiple times. His interests have included youtubers, musicians, television shows, and video games.
Spaceiness:    As previously observed, Patton’s mind seems quite hectic. Because of this, Patton often seems to “space out” or forget what he’s doing. He often forgets what he is told to do, and has been known to repeat himself without realizing it. He is also bad at remembering names and faces, leading to some very awkward encounters with friends.    One place I’ve seen this “spaceiness” occur time and time again is when Patton goes to the grocery store. If he is sent to the store to get bread, butter, and milk, he will often return with many more items than previously discussed. In addition, he will likely have forgotten at least one time on the list.    I found this curious, so I decided to observe further. We returned to the store a few weeks later to pick up the same items. This time, I went with Patton to see what happened. As we went up and down isles, Patton would often get distracted and wander off. Once, I even turned around to discover he had wandered into a different isle without realizing he’d left me. He is easily distracted by different stimuli.
Fidgeting:    Patton never seems to be able to keep himself still. Whether its bouncing in place, playing with the sleeves of his cardigan, or simply tapping his hand on his leg, Patton never stops moving. This fidgeting is worst when his attention is supposed to be focused on a single task, such as filming a video or watching a movie.    Patton seems to have a lot of energy, and is easily excitable. When he gets excited, he often bounces up and down, and flaps his arms a bit.
Conclusion:    Based on the behaviors Patton displays, I believe he likely has ADHD. Many of his behavioral patterns are in line with the symptoms found in people with this disorder, such as the hyperfocus, scattered thoughts, fidgeting, hyperfixation, and general spaciness.    The only common behavior Patton has not displayed is any sign of RSD, or Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. This is a common occurrence for people with ADHD where their sense of rejection is heightened to an extreme beyond the average person, so any dismissal is experienced intensely. They can perceive an event as being rejection or failure, even if it is not accurate to reality.    This feeling of rejection can be very intense, leaving the person with ADHD feeling depressed and anxious, even if the “rejection” was not intended to be severe.    Patton shows no sign of this, as his sunny disposition is ever thus.
Oh. He had missed something.
   Logan thought back on the many times Patton’s thoughts had been dismissed, or they had teased Patton’s childish ways. How he and Roman would patronize the fatherly figure, and disregard his affection.
   Patton would laugh it off, and often say “I’m gonna get a cookie!” Before disappearing to his room. They had thought nothing of this behavior, but Logan now realized what was truly happening. His heart broke, realizing that Patton had likely been suffering alone all this time.
   He looked up from his notebook at Patton, who was sitting on the bed hugging himself, eyes sparkling with tears. Logan regretted having this conversation in Patton’s room, as he could feel every emotion heightened. Patton’s sadness, his feeling of rejection, Logan’s own guilt for not realizing sooner.
   “Hey,” Logan said softly, doing his best to imitate the fatherly figure’s ‘comfort’ voice, “Its ok, there’s nothing wrong with having ADHD…”
   “I don’t!” Patton stated again, a few tears escaping. “I know… I know I’m not as serious as you guys. My sentences don’t sound all fancy and smart like you and Roman, and I jumble my words. My thoughts aren’t deep and complicated like Virgil, and I’m silly and I like to have fun… But I’m not dumb!”
   Logan frowned, startled and surprised by the statements. “I… We… We never said you were dumb…”
   “You think it, I know…” Patton grabbed a Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal and hugged it close, burying his face in it. “I’m childish, I don’t focus well. I get easily excited and sometimes I get distracted… but why do you have to bring it up?” He glanced up at Logan, face streaked with tears. “I know you look down on me, I know you think I’m just ‘adorable’ and ‘emotional’, but why is that a bad thing? Why can’t I just enjoy myself? What’s wrong with being cute and loving? Why do you guys treat me like I’m dumb and helpless because I try to stay positive? I’m not hurting anyone by having fun…”
   Logan was silent, processing Patton’s words. Slowly, he moved and sat besides him “Pat… I’m so sorry. We never meant to make you feel stupid or less than an equal.” He gently placed a hand on Patton’s shoulder, “We do not think your stupid. In fact, I think you’re very smart. You understand emotion, something which is a mystery to me. You are my friend and equal, nothing less”
   Logan could feel the room calm a bit, the intense pain of rejection subsiding. God, how often did Patton feel that way? How often was his room filled with an anxiety to match Virgil’s? Logan made a mental note to speak with Roman about how they both talk to Patton. Adjustments needed to be made.
   “And though I do not like to admit it,” Logan took a deep breath, “Your… humor, is in fact quite clever. Your word play often goes over my head, and while I do not enjoy not understanding, I am impressed with you.”
   Patton was surprised and confused by this statement. “You’re… you’re impressed by me?” He blinked a few times, tears slowing to a stop, “But… you’re so smart? I’m just… I’m just silly, stupid me…”
   Logan shook his head definitively, “No, you are not stupid. Not in the slightest. Your personality is charming, and it is clear that you are extremely intelligent.” He paused, trying to read Pat’s expression, “I am so sorry we hurt you Patton, we never-”
   Logan couldn’t finish his thought, as Patton’s warm body slammed into his. Logan tensed at the embrace, but quickly relaxed, content to see Patton back to his fatherly self.
   “Thank you Logan… Thank you so much” Patton cried again. This time, however, the tears were of happiness, at finally feeling validated.
   “Anytime Patton. And, if you like, I have researched some coping mechanism to help you focus and improve your memory,” he quickly added, “Again, only if you want. There is no shame in having ADHD, and I do not think of you any less for it. It just may help you feel better about yourself, I care and accept you as you are.”
   Patton wiped away his tears and smiled at the logical trait. He nodded, “Yeah… yes that would be wonderful Logan. Thank you.”
   And for the first time in a long time, Patton’s room felt hopeful, and loved.
Special thanks to @metryingtobeme and @starrykid for encouraging me to write and post this. Really appreciate it a lot <3
And @thatsthat24 for creating the Sander Sides in the first place. 
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jae-bummer · 7 years
Promises II (Hades!Jinyoung AU)
Request: Got7's Jinyoung + the Hades AU part 2 with prompt 8 💕💕 8) “Why am I so afraid to lose you when you aren’t even mine?”
Part 1 can be read HERE. 
Convince me that you want to be here It’s not my trick that keeps you so near You chose me. You love me. This is real.  No silly seeds sealed the deal. ... No need to say; I know why you go I won’t block your way, make a big show Just tell me you weren’t hungry that day.  Just tell me I’m the reason you stay -Lee Ann Schaffer
“Really it’s your father’s fault,” Demeter sighed as she tucked your arm under hers. She patted your hand gently as you both walked slowly toward the now familiar beach that led it’s way to the underworld. 
“It’s no one’s fault but my own, mother,” you sighed, taking a last look at the mortal world for the next six months. The trees and plants dotting the edge of the sand line were already beginning to turn brown and a crisp wind cut through the air. 
“Oh no,” your mother clucked, shaking her head. “It was your father, and that bastard, Hades.”
“Don’t talk about him like that,” you sighed. You were already wary with this argument considering it had seemed to drag on for the past half of a year. “He is my husband after all.” 
“Just because he’s your husband doesn’t mean he makes good decisions,” Demeter grumbled, pulling away from you, and crossing her arms. 
“Mother,” you groaned. “Can you blame him? To be honest, I think I’m the only person outside of the underworld who had treated him with any sort of compassion. And he’s the only person who’s ever showed me such passionate attempts at lov-”
“If I didn’t know any better, it sounds like you actually don’t mind disappearing into the land of the dead for months at a time!” she snapped, turning away from you. “Don’t you miss your poor mother? Your worried father?” 
“You were literally just blaming my father less than two minutes ago,” you sighed. “We can’t change this arrangement, so I’m not going to make the worst of half of my life. You’re going to have to get used to the idea that I’m married to Jinyoung and-” 
“You call him Jinyoung?!” your mother gasped. “What has he done to my little girl?” 
“Nothing yet,” a familiarly cold voice sounded from behind you. “Are you ready, dear?” 
You turned, surprised that Jinyoung had made the trip. His familiar, black umbrella shadowed him, protecting him from the sun’s bright rays. He was just as handsome as you had remembered, and you couldn’t help but feel comforted that you would be making the journey down with him. 
“I should have known you were close,” Demeter hissed. “The wind carried the scent of rotting flesh through the air.” 
“Now, now, momsey,” Jinyoung smirked. “No need for such harsh comments. I’m taking good care of your girl.” 
“My girl, Hades,” Demeter spat. “My girl who needs her mother.” 
“Let me carry this for you,” Jinyoung hummed, ignoring Demeter and taking your bag instead. “I’m happy to see you’ve brought things to stay this time.” 
As his fingers graced yours, he leaned down, placing a light kiss on your temple. You shivered at his touch, momentarily pleased before realizing he had only done it to infuriate your mother. You let out a groan and winced as her expression grew darker. 
“Six months,” Demeter muttered through barred teeth. “I will be here at exactly this time to retrieve me daughter.”
“You’re always welcome to visit before then,” Jinyoung smirked coyly. “My home always has room for family.” 
“You are no family of mine,” Demeter whispered, leaning forward to place a kiss on your forehead. “Stay strong.”
“Right, gotta go,” you grumbled, shifting your weight. “See you, mom.” 
“It’s been lovely as always, Demeter,” Jinyoung nodded, shifting the items in his hands so he had a free hand to place behind your back. He gently guided you down the beach and toward the next half of your year. 
“You’ve been quiet the entire way here,” Jinyoung sighed, finally breaking the silence between the two of you as you arrived back to his mansion. 
“I was taught that if I didn’t have anything nice to say, I shouldn’t say anything at all,” you muttered, shouldering open the front door. 
“I’m guessing you learned that lesson from Zeus?” Jinyoung chuckled. “Because surely it wasn’t something passed down from your mother-”
“Stop! Okay?” you gasped, raising your hands into the air. “Can’t you just stop already?” 
Jinyoung’s eyes grew wide as he watched you spin toward him, your arms flailing in exasperation. “Darling, I-”
“No!” you croaked. “Do you know how hard it is to be placed in between you two? Half of the year I’m busy trying to ignore your passive aggressive comments about my mother and during the other half I have to defend you to her! I’m still not even sure how I feel about you sometimes, Jinyoung!” 
Jinyoung’s mouth hung open as he internalized your words. He shut it and opened it again as he attempted to gather his thoughts. “Is - is that right?” 
“You don’t make this the easiest situation sometimes,” you groaned, turning away from him. An expression of hurt covered his face and you knew if you gazed at him for too long, your resolve would crumble. “Do you recall...when you first brought me to the underworld? Before the contract you agreed upon with my father? Do you remember how kind you were? You treated me with compassion and respect. I was your Queen ruling beside you. You considered my thoughts...always...but ever since you had tricked me that day...that day you knew I would be forced to remain in the underworld if I ate that pomegranate...you haven’t exactly been on my list of favorite people.” 
“The last time you visited-” Jinyoung began. 
“You mean the last time I was contractually obligated to visit,” you hissed. 
Jinyoung took a deep breath and shut his eyes for a moment. “We had grown. We had come to terms...” 
“We had agreed that both of us were too selfish to miserably continue,” you sighed. “But maybe I’m too head strong to forgive. Just when I think my husband is someone I can manage to love...he reminds me of the situation we’re in.”
Jinyoung nodded, his jaw tensed as he began to grind his teeth back and forth. “If you were given the choice,” he whispered. “Would you be here now?” 
“If I were to be honest,” you nodded. “I don’t think I would.” 
Jinyoung had gone numb. He was used to feeling cold and emotionless, but never this deeply affected. His heart, if it were to beat, had frozen. All of the emotions he had harbored for you stung like a venom he had injected within himself. As you spoke, he attempted to come to terms with the fact that there was no antidote for this type of love, and he would rather be hurt by you a million times over than ever have you return to the mortal world. 
But wouldn’t that be what was best for you? Returning to a land in which he no longer belonged? 
He supposed that wasn’t his decision to make. 
“Y/N,” he croaked, his voice raspy. You prepared yourself for a harsh comment, a statement of anger from him, declaring for you to leave his home and never return, but instead, what he said made your hair stand on end. 
“I need you.” 
You paced the large expanse of your room, the stone beneath your feet echoing with every footstep. 
You were terribly confused and near grief stricken. 
He loved you. He loved you terribly and with great need. He didn’t know how to function without the idea of you constantly lingering somewhere in the recesses of his mind. He had an obsession that he wasn’t yet ready to part with. 
And that frightened you. 
You had never been loved with such fervor when someone had such difficulty conveying it. You had never expected someone with as much power and intelligence as Jinyoung to fall love sick when you hadn’t done anything to entice him. 
He had loved you from the beginning, so he had an advantage. You could only learn to love him. 
But the situation made it so incredibly difficult. 
You bit your lip as you paused, staring at the lock on the door. You knew Jinyoung. He could unlock your meager attempt at solitude with a flick of his hand. 
But he didn’t. 
He knew you needed time. 
Just like he needed you. 
You continued your pacing, your thoughts sprouting in almost every direction. You wanted to love him. You really did. You wanted to enjoy the time you were forced into a completely different realm because you had him to spend your time with. 
But could your want be enough? 
You shuffled back toward the door and clutched the sterling handle you had grown familiar with locking. You pushed it open and tilted your head to view any happenings in the hall. You were met by the quiet R&B music you were used to hearing radiate down the hallways of Jinyoung’s mansion and couldn’t help but smile. You followed the sound as you had many times before and found yourself standing in the doorway of his study. 
Jinyoung took a shaky breath in as he leaned over his desk. His papers sat in neat piles around him, a reminder of how clean and uncomplicated he liked to keep his life. 
Honestly, you were probably the first thing in some time that had made it become complicated. 
Your eyes played across his curved frame. His clothing was a bit different than usual, looser than you had ever remembered. His hair was disheveled and he repeatedly attempted to push it back on his forehead, but to no avail. He cleared his throat as he began to flip through a few pages in a book opened before him and began to scribble in the margins. 
“What are you reading?” you asked, keeping your voice low. You were unsure if you were disturbing him, and didn’t want to be any more of a nuisance than you had become. 
“Nothing of great importance,” he sighed, not bothering to turn and look at you. His body relaxed as you spoke, melting into the furniture before him as he leaned. “How may I help you this evening?” 
“You don’t have to be so formal,” you sighed, taking the few short steps into the room to bring you beside him. “I wanted to...well, I wanted to apologize. Not about what I said...but how I said it.” 
Jinyoung straightened his stance into a standing position, glancing over his shoulder at you. “It’s understandable.” 
“But not what I intended,” you hummed. “Jinyoung, I know I can’t break a contract of the Gods, but-”
“But I can,” he nodded, turning toward you. He took your hand into his and smiled sadly. “Y/N, if you don’t want to be here, I won’t be the one to force you. It will be painful, and I don’t think I will ever hurt more than I will in that moment...but you’re free to leave. I’ll talk to Zeus, I’ll talk with the Fates. But I won’t be the one to imprison you any longer.” 
“What?” you breathed, your eyes growing wide. 
“If you love someone, set them free, right?” he continued, smiling through his pain.  
“And they’ll return if it was meant to be,” you whispered with a small nod. This was what you had needed. This is what you had needed all along to help you make your decision. “Jinyoung, I-”
“Why am I so afraid to lose you when you aren’t even mine?” he chuckled bitterly. “Why am I afraid at all? I’m Hades, for Zeus’s sake.”
You titled your head and narrowed your eyes. “When I’m not even yours?” 
“Not truly,” he whispered. He lifted his hand, placing it gently on your face. “I stole you...and you aren’t mine until you truly want to be.”
He retracted his hand, letting it fall to his side with a sigh. He nodded to himself as he bit his lip, his eyes filling up with a foreign matter he could only identify as tears. “And until then...you are more than welcome to return home.” 
Your heart fell to your toes as you listened to him, taking in his defeated stance and broken heart. You ached as you watched the scene. You knew what had to be done. 
Taking a deep breath you reached forward and placed your hand on Jinyoung’s chest, nodding to yourself in order to gain confidence. 
“I am home.” 
Jinyoung’s face lifted with your words, his eyes shining with a new brightness you had yet to see in your time spent together. 
“Well...at least for now,” you chuckled. You pushed yourself forward, entangling your arms around his back and burying your face into his neck for the first time. He remained frozen for a moment, his own hands hovering over your body before they finally closed the distance and encased you as you had secretly wanted. He nuzzled his face in your hair and let out a genuine laugh. 
“So you’ll stay?” he asked, his smile heard in his words. 
You grinned as well, leaning back to get a full view of his handsome face. “I will. And it won’t be for those stupid, six seeds anymore, Jinyoung...it’ll be for you. Just promise to lay off my mom, okay?” 
He nodded, kissing your forehead lightly. “Okay, okay. I promise.” 
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adambstingus · 5 years
People Share 35 Hilarious Habits Their Pets Have And They’re Too Good
We’ve seen dogs being weird and pets bringing home the weirdest of items, so it’s no surprise that our closest (usually) four-legged friends can be really, really bizarre. Some say that pets can be so close to their owners, that they eventually mimic some behavior and we know anything about humans, we know that our own species can have some pretty strange habits. That’s why it doesn’t surprise anyone that pets can be a little… “out there” with their actions. Well, as long as they’re not hurting anyone, we guess? People of Reddit decided to share some of the weirdest, yet harmless habits their pets have, and, let’s be honest, some are pretty darn weird. Scroll down to check them out and don’t forget to comment, as well as vote for your favorites. Oh, and if you have some weird stories of your own, share them with other pandas! (Facebook cover image: sipa)
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I am not allowed to get mad, If I yell, raise my voice, or even sound angry my cat pumpkin will get up from wherever she is and run over. She will then mew gently and grab at my arm with her paws while mewing. She pulls my hands to her head and rubs her head on me trying to get me to calm down. It works though so theres that.
Growing up, we had a chocolate lab named Kody. Kody had a few oddities and idiosyncrasies about him. My parents are beer drinkers, and Kody would learn how to open each and every cooler we ever had so that he could eat all of the ice. That dog LOVED ice, he would eat it until he had what we called “brain freezers” or these mini little seizures (he was fine, but it was a weird habit). Another time, Kody was out pooping in the yard and we saw a bunch of cloth coming out of his butt. Turns out, it was an ace bandage that had to be surgically removed. Upon opening his stomach they found a silver dollar, a few bobby pins, the ace bandage and a billiards cue ball. Now, here’s the kicker- we didn’t own a pool table, and our closest neighbor was 5 miles away, who also did not own a pool table. We never did find out where he got that cue ball from. He lived to be 15 years old and passed away peacefully two years ago. Miss you, buddy.
My dog has ‘takeaway’ every time she eats. She won’t stand at her bowl. She stuffs her mouth full of dry food and then sits near me wherever I am, spits out all her food and eats it one bit at a time. When she is finished it she repeats it all.
My pet rat, Doctor, likes to poop when she is hanging from the bars of her cage and making eye contact with me or my fiancee.
She knows it makes us uncomfortable. She don’t care.
My cat likes to shower with me. He will sit and drink the water as it runs until i use shower gel, then he will sit on the edge silently judging me for contaminating our lord water.
I have a giant Maine-coon Siamese mix tomcat. His thing is to bring up laundry from the basement during the night. The weird thing is that he’s pretty good at taking clothes into the right rooms. I don’t know if he does it by smell or what – but it’s pretty normal for me to wake up to a pile of my socks, my daughters some of theirs, etc. He also chirps and meows the entire time he’s making his deliveries – which is pretty funny in and of itself.
My dog can’t go anywhere without his toy. My girlfriend calls it his “girlfriend”. If we go outside he will bring the little stuffed animal with him and drop it somewhere. If we tell him to “go find your girlfriend” he will search frantically for it until it’s found.
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My boyfriends cat loves to snuggle up on people’s chests and then slooowly and veeery gently place her paw (with claws out and toes spread) and just .. place it on their mouth.
Does anyone know what the heck she’s trying to get out of this?
My dog can sense when I’m about to fart and will stick his nose near my ass crack to smell it and then run away in disgust after. I have no idea why he continues to do it when it clearly annoys him
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My lardass cat has this weird cake infatuation. (Ha ha I know). Not to eat. She likes to lay on them. I can’t count how many cooling cakes I had to throw out because she decided to take a nap on them. I have to hide them somewhere to cool and frost. I also had to buy a solid cake saver because she would lay on my old one and crush the lid into the cake.
My favorite was when my son turned one, we had the unwrapped cake sitting on the counter waiting for cake time, and she tried to lay in it. When I came in to get it all the frosting is pulled off in the center and one pissed off frosting covered cat under my bed.
Yet she still does it.
We have a Great Dane/greyhound mix named Keelah who, on occasion, absolutely must sniff my boyfriend’s belly button. I’ve never seen a dog get so derpy about it before. She’ll jump up and put her paws on his shoulder and stick her nose in his stomach until he gives in and pulls his shirt up so she can sniff. She’s really, really weird.
Our cat pulls my dresser drawer open and sleeps in the socks after he arranges them into a cozy “cat bed” for himself.
Our golden retriever has 3 comfort blankets that he folds and carries around with him.
My SO’s dog, Lola, farts when we enter the car.
My best friend’s kitten (to whom I am a kitten aunt by proxy) has a new habit of running down the stairs at top speed and launching himself onto the sofa.
She swears he’s either going to kill her with a heart attack or he’s going to f**king miss the sofa and go claws-first into her face, and she’s not sure which.
My dog smiles whenever he wants something. He started showing his teeth when he got excited to see us after long periods of times (i.e. vacations) and we would say “What a pretty smile!” He made the connection to the word and now will do it on command and pretty much whenever he wants our food. Kind of like a “hey look I’m smiling, I’m pretty!” Some people probably think it’s bad that he does it because he’s technically showing his teeth, but you can tell it’s not aggressive or in a bad way. I think it’s hilarious.
My cat loves to watch the toilet flush for some reason – he would even come running from other rooms in his house at the sound of a flush when he was younger. I guess it’s mostly harmless, but I have found toys in the toilet before the lid down rule was put in place (my assumption is so that he can watch them zoom around too).
You know how cats, especially kittens will “nurse” on things? Like knead their paws and suck on something like a blanket?
Yeah, my 10 year old dog does that.
My cat chews through bags to eat bread. Doesn’t matter the container or the type of bread. And because he drools he can dissolve any kind of paper bag in a minute. It’s bizarre but he was a stray so I figure he used to do that to survive.
My cat licks walls. often for 10 minute intervals. i wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of his sandpaper tongue scritch-scratching at the wall.
My cat used to sit on my couch, like a person would with her 2 back legs outstretched in front of her, and then proceed to bend down and suck on her own nipples while purring very loudly. It was weird.
My parrot is obsessed with ears. He will happily spend 15-20 minutes delicately nibbling on the rim of my ear, carefully scraping his beak around the inside, and licking all over. Last time I saw my doctor for a physical and she got to the otoscope part of the exam, she exclaimed, “Wow, your ears are remarkably clean!” Gee, I wonder why…
My chihuahua sneaks to her water dish. We have no idea why. She does this almost every day at varied times. If her water is dirty or if the dish is empty she will keep sneaking until the situation is fixed.
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We don’t have pets in the main country the Netherlands where we reside but we got a ton of them in my fathers country Russia. We own a big piece of ground and a forest, with 23 white Russian wolves and 3 Caucasian owcharkas. The wolves have some weird habits and one of them is that they greet each other and their pups by friendly biting them in their neck, it still that scares the shit out of guests and relatives that we usually have over.
After I take a shower, my collie mix insists on rolling in my towels.
When I have the towel on my head and I’m laying down.. He tries to roll in it.
If I’m sitting with the towel on my head, he tries to roll in it.
Then when I inevitability throw them on the floor he has a field day.
My cat would be happy with his eyes closed purring and layed down my side and then suddenly look in the direction of the corner of the room with his eyes completely open. When I look there’s nothing there. It’s scary
My German shepherd is a hoarder. He has a hiding spot behind a chair and underneath a table, and he’s been building a stash that we have to go in every week or so and clean out. Usually it’s just wrappers and random s**t he “sneaks” out of our trash cans. This last weeks clean out consisted of 3 of my oven mitts and a pudding cup. He doesn’t chew on anything, he just likes to have stuff.
She stares at me while I sleep. From 3″ away. When I open my eyes all I see are these huge solid black eyes in a weirdly diagonal white face.
I wake up convinced that I have been abducted by aliens.
One of our cats will climb up onto the back of our couch while we’re watching a movie or something and loudly clean his butthole.
My dog does this little boner dance whenever he has a boner. He slides across the floor and humps the air rapidly until his doggy-boner goes down.
My cat swats/punches his water dish a few times before drinking it. It splashes everywhere. No clue why.
Just thought of something else! He is long haired floofy cat (peach/blondie), and we have a fuzzy blanket similarly coloured. My cat often licks it to clean it, mistaking it for himself.
My cat talks to herself if she thinks no one is around. I’ll come home or go to a side of the house that I haven’t been in all day and hear her meowing and chirping and howling. Once she realizes I’m there, she’ll stop. I’ve been able to sneak up on her a couple of times and it’s pretty bizarre to watch. She’ll just be walking around the room making sounds. She doesn’t do it that often. I wish I could catch it on video
Step 1: Drop the tennis ball into my hand so I can throw it across the room for him to fetch
Step 2: Retrieve the tennis ball and start gnawing on it with his head halfway under the couch
Step 3: Drop the ball and have it roll to an unreachable distance under the couch
Step 4: Stare at me and moan loudly until I am convinced to walk over to the couch the ball is under and lay on the floor, struggling to reach far enough. Eventually I just lift the couch so he can get far enough underneath it to grab the ball back
Repeat incessantly
My cat “nurses” on a blanket we have. But only if the blanket is on me. It’s like the little f**ker actually thinks I am his mother. He’s strange. He also likes to play fetch and attack people who come over to visit. Weirdo.
My cat will sit in the bathtub for hours and meow at passersby to turn the water on for him. Then when someone finally gives in, he will splash around for about a minute and then go drag his big wet furry feet over someone/my pillow.
Every morning he will excitedly hang over the edge of the bathtub, waiting for me to turn on the shower. Once I do, it takes him about two seconds to realise what’s going on, and then he panics and scrambles as fast as he can out of the tub.
My cat nurses on his own tail. He will creepily come up and lay really close to you, curl in a ball, and start sucking away at the end of his tail. Sometimes he’ll even look you in the eye while he does it.
I know it’s a comfort thing to him, I found him alone when he was just a baby, but it’s a pretty weird thing to do.
My cat Miles will run to the other side of the house and meow to his brother Murphy. You can tell it’s a “Hey!! Come check this out!” and he’ll keep doing it until Murphy finally gets up and goes to look. Sometimes though, Murphy says eff that and stays where he is, leaving Miles to meow at nothing for like an hour. Finally he’ll show up and look at Murphy like, “Didn’t you hear me!!?” No but we did!
My male cat likes to stand in the corner, face the wall, and sing the song of his people. My female kitten likes to meow at me and then hide when I walk over to pet her. She’s a jerk.
My friend has a really bizarre cat, she loves to be spanked. She will lie down with her butt in the air for people to pat her right above the tail. The harder the better.
She also loves to be spun around on an office chair, she jumps up on the back of it and holds on with her claws to be spun around. Spinning + smacking her butt every time she passes = kitty bliss.
My rat loved snot and would grab all my used tissues to lick inside them.
My pit asks for permission every night before getting in bed with us. We have never told him to stay off of furniture, but he always asks. He does that weird howl/growl/bark thing that “talking” dogs do.
My cat, O’Malley, will always smell a new person’s shoes when I bring people over. When he is finished, he looks over at me and makes a stupid face.
Not sure if this counts but my snake falls off of everything. Put him around your neck he falls off. He falls while trying to climb up or down my chair, desk, and always plops off my bed if I am not watching him. He will even get excited smelling something so he will point his head straight up and extend his body up until he falls backwards belly up. Will also do this while swallowing his food.
One of my three cats is a monster. He is kinda fat but stocky/muscular too. He is 6 and weighs about 20 pounds.
Anyways, he will lick plastic bags. We are always afraid he will suffocate himself because he will stick his head down inside the bag and lick for as long as we’ll let him.
He also steals paper clips. My mom was working on her doctorate and she had mountains of papers and a lot of paperclips on them. The crazy cat would dig through all of the papers and pull off the paper clips with his teeth. And he hid them all under the rug that was under the couch so we couldn’t see them.
And he plays very rough. We found out the hard way that he enjoys being spanked. We caught him fighting another cat and gave him a tap on the behind to get him to stop, and he fell on the floor and started purring. And when I scratch his chin, he isn’t happy until I scratch as hard as I physically can, to the point where I think I’m gonna dig up all of his fur.
She won’t eat unless both my husband and I are seated in the family room watching TV. It’s pretty inconvenient on busy days.
My dog (a husky) will make a gap in his food with his snout, then will yowl at the nearest human like he’s hungry and there’s no food in the bowl, until you pick his bowl up, shake the gap out and put it back down again. He will eat it then!
My cat licks people…all the time and all over. It’s odd when you wake up in the middle of the night being licked and realize it’s not the dog doing it.
My Australian Shepherd likes to sneeze in the clean laundry as it comes out of the dryer. It has turned into a two person job to get laundry done without dog sneezes on it. One to distract the dog and the other to hustle the laundry into the basket and to safety.
Anytime we Hoover a carpet my Jack Russell has to ‘swim’ all over it, because God forbid it not have his fur on it
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Also, he regularly sneakily drinks our cups of tea.
My male dog licks my female dogs cooch after she pees, then his lips and jaw quiver as he drools. Freakin weirdo.
My cat is afraid of the dishwasher, I guess. Not the sound of the dishwasher running, the sound of me taking s**t out of it and putting it away. He is mostly silent, maybe a welcome meep when I get home. But the dishwasher…man. Mayhem. It’s been seven years and he still freaks the f**k out every single time.
My English bulldog Shelby will sit with her back to me and try and look at me upside down by leaning back until she falls down. She does the same thing in the car. I thought it might be vertigo but she just really seems to enjoy it.
When I’m away from my husky for more than about eight hours she will likely howl at me and make a big deal, like she’s cussing me out.
Run run run, locks up front legs slide slide slide, roll roll roll. How does she not break her neck?
My pancho gets super worked up and then immediately thinks he needs to drink water. This usually results in him coughing up any water he just drank and freaking out about coughing.
My sisters mastiff likes to sit down next to your leg and lean on your leg and stare at you but he’s so heavy he often pushes people over with his lean.
One of my cats likes to get in the lower branches of bushes (and the Christmas tree, as it turns out) and just chill. Just sit there in the branches, eight inches off the ground.
My cat likes hair ties. He swallowed one once and he proceeded to prance around the living room with the rubber piece hanging out of his asshole. I now have to hide them all so I’m not paying for surgery on his dumb ass.
My dogs also go around licking each other’s assholes and the cats assholes. They also won’t sleep unless they are buried under a blanket.
My female cat rubs her head on EVERYTHING and has a weird fascination with doing this on shoes.
My cat Wookie has an intense love of the bathroom. He will lay on the edge of the bathtub while I take a bath, will sit on the bathmat and watch us shower, and loves the toilet. He loves to watch it flush, likes to watch my husband pee (has gotten pee on his head from trying to watch from the wrong angle) and likes to try to pull toilet paper up out of the toilet while it is flushing, which is pretty gross. Weird cat.
Not mine but my SO’s dog, Bacon… Cannot poop unless he is backed up against something.
When we first started dating I used to get to his apartment before he got off work so I would take the dog for a walk. Like any male Bacon must pee on everything to ensure its his. Which meant sometimes I didn’t realize that he wasn’t sniffing the same place to pee but to find the prefect article in which to place his butt against and would tug him along and ruin the whole process… Which meant about five minutes of the behavior or him deciding to hold it.
My dog likes to eat beaded jewelry. I shouldn’t say eat, he sucks on it until it comes apart, and then he abandons it and acts innocent.
My dog take his blankey or his bed and will suck on it with his eyes closed. We assume he thinks he’s nursing. He also occasionally humps his bed before sucking on it. Harmless but weird as s**t.
My GF’s cat poops in the litterbox, then immediately tries to cover it by making digging motions on the floor/wall next to the litterbox. Never inside. Not sure if dumb or just a c**t.
My Doberman likes to climb up in bed with my SO and I, and just stare at us while standing over one of us.
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from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/people-share-35-hilarious-habits-their-pets-have-and-theyre-too-good/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/183958094802
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thebarsondaily · 8 years
A Barson Valentine's Day by A Magical Shipper
Title: A Barson Valentine’s Day Author: @amagicalshipper Rated: T Prompt: Tease Summary: Barba struggles to create the perfect first Valentine’s Day for he and Liv. A/N: Written for the Barson Valentine’s Day Fic a Thon on Tumblr. This can be read with my other Barson holiday stories or as a standalone.
Rafael Barba was a very confident man, nobody ever doubted this. There was very little he could not accomplish when he set his mind to it. Nerves were not something he was use to experiencing either in court or in his personal life. However when it came to his relationship with Olivia things were different. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust what was between them he just wanted to make sure he was doing things the right way. It had only been about six weeks since New Year’s Eve when they had been snowed in together by that blizzard and finally admitted how they felt about each other. Now here they were at the next holiday one that carried so many implications, one that he was determined not screw up, Valentine’s Day.
He really wanted to show her a special night, the problem was that he had kind of forgotten about Valentine’s Day. They has been in the middle of a trial that had just wrapped yesterday. They had all been at their usual place celebrating the conviction when Finn smiled at him and made his comment.
“So I guess you and Liv will have a pretty good Valentine’s Day now, right, Counselor?”
Barba felt panic start to set in he was grateful that Liv had stepped out to call and check on Noah, of course he was surrounded by a bunch of cops and they did not miss the change in his demeanor. Rollins was the first to take a jab at him.
“You forgot Valentine’s Day didn’t you!” She said with a laugh.
“It’s not that I forgot it so much as I am just not exactly sure what day today is.” He admitted sheepishly
The squad stared at him in disbelief, “It’s February 13th, and Valentine’s Day is tomorrow.” Finn told him dryly.
“You better get to work, I’ve had Amanda and mine’s plans for weeks now,”  Carisi bragged earning him an eye roll from everyone.
“Plans for what?” Olivia asked as she rejoined the group.
“Valentine’s Day.” Carisi answered all too happily.
“And I was telling them that the plans I have are a secret.” Barba recovered quickly, drawing muffled laughter from the others.
“Oh is that so? Well, tease all you want but I have pretty high expectations.” She told him with a wink before giving him a quick kiss. “I’ve got to run, Noah’s not feeling well, see you all tomorrow.”
“I can come too” Barba offered quickly partially because he wanted to escape the endless teasing of her team.
“No, stay finish your drink. I’m just going to go home and get him settled.” She said shaking his head.
“Ok, I will call you later.” He have her another quick kiss ignoring the groans around them.
Everyone waited until Olivia had left the bar before the teasing began.
“Nice save counselor.” Rollins started
“Yeah, but now he has to deliver.” Finn added.
“Good luck on that with on such short notice.” Carisi laughed.
Determination over took Barba, “I promise you Liv will have a Valentine’s that she will never forget.” He said before throwing down enough cash to cover everyone’s drinks and heading out on his way to save Valentine’s Day.
He quickly found himself in a department store among all the other last minute boyfriends and husbands. He scoured the store moving from department to department trying to decide on the perfect gift. The giant stuffed animals were not Olivia’s style but he did pick one up for Noah a giant dinosaur with a bow around it along with a picture book about dinosaurs which were his latest obsession. Dragging the dinosaur along he moved to the jewelry department but wondered if it was too soon in their relationship for jewelry. He saw several men browsing the lingerie department but didn’t think this was the time for that either. He was about to give up when a sales lady approached him.
“Can I help you Sir?” She asked him.
“I’m trying to decide what to get my girlfriend for Valentine’s Day?” He admitted
“I see, first one?” She asked
Barba looked at her in confusion, “No, I’ve had other girlfriends.”
The sales lady laughed, “No, I meant your first Valentine’s Day together.”
Barba blushed slightly with embarrassment, “Yes, sorry.”
She smiled, “And let me guess you started dating after Christmas?”
Barba nodded again, “New Years, we got snowed in together, but we have worked together and been good friends for several years. “
The woman smiled at him again, “Come with me I think I can help.”
She lead him to a section of the store that he had somehow missed it was almost a separate room, it had big pink hearts and a sign that said, “Cupid’s Workshop”.
“We use it for Santa at Christmas time but we also help people put together the perfect Valentine’s Day gifts. Fill out this questionnaire about your girlfriend, take a number and cupid will call you when it’s your turn.” She explained handing him a clipboard.
Barba was a bit unsure but decided at this point he had nothing to lose at this point. He read through the questions realizing he did not know the answers to several. Dress size? Bra size? Underwear size? He had no clue, Olivia’s body was absolutely perfect whatever size she wore. He was about to get up and leave when “cupid” called his number.
He hesitantly made his way to the table where another bight, perky young sales woman was waiting to help him. He nervously handed her the questionnaire and told her some more about Olivia. She nodded happily and said she had the perfect idea, one of their custom gift baskets. She helped him around the store selecting items, body wash and one of those mesh things he had seen Olivia keep in the shower, a bath pillow, some new pajamas that would be nice but not something that would be overly suggestive. The woman suggested a nice bottle of wine and a pair of glasses to go with it. Barba new he couldn’t go wrong with wine.
“Now how about jewelry?” the woman asked.
“Is it too soon?” Barba asked.
“No, not for some earrings or a nice watch maybe?” She suggested.
Barba nodded as they made their way to the jewelry counter and they selected a new watch for Olivia. When the returned to the workshop Barba realized that cupids did not work from the generosity of their heart.
“All right Mr. Barba that will be $700 plus delivery.” She told him with a peppy smile.
“$700 this is some kind of extortion you are pulling on boyfriends and husbands that are helpless.” He practically yelled.
“You should have read your question are carefully Mr. Barba.” She said pointing to the bottom where he had signed agreeing to pay fifty dollars an hour and an extra twenty percent on all items to pay for cupid’s services.
Barba rolled his eyes wondering how he had be outmaneuvered by a department store. He handed her his American Express along with the dinosaur and book he had been dragging around for Noah. He glanced at the rows of baskets behind the counter and wondered just how many other men had been swindled today.
Barba called Olivia first thing the next morning, “Happy Valentine’s Day Mi Amor.”
“Good morning and Happy Valentine’s Day to you, I missed you last night.” She told him as they spent more nights together than apart.
“I missed you too, how is Noah feeling?” He asked.
“He’s still coughing a lot and has a bit of a fever, I’m going to stay home with him today. I’m sorry but I guess whatever you planned is going to have to take a raincheck.”
Barba sighed with a bit of relief since after the gift buying experience he had forgotten to make any actual plans.
“No problem, how about I just pick up dinner and bring it over?” He offered
“That would be nice, thank you for understanding.”
“Oh, also you should be getting a delivery today something for you and Noah, hopefully you can enjoy it later. “ He told her thinking that after caring for a sick child all day a nice bath, fresh pajamas, and wine would probably be nice.
“No other clues, Counselor you are such a tease.” She laughed.
“I’ll see you tonight Liv, I love you.” He laughed.
“I love you too, Raf.”
Several hours later Liv had just gotten Noah down for a nap when she heard the buzz from the outside of the building.
“Delivery for Lieutenant Benson” the voice came through her speaker and she let them up. She smiled when she opened the door and was greeted with giant dinosaur. She took it and the book from the delivery guy and pointed to the table where he could place the basket he was also trying to carry it. As soon as he left she hurried over to it to see what Barba had sent her. He mouth fell opened as she looked over the contents. Was this really what he sent her for Valentine’s Day? It wasn’t really their style, but maybe they could give it a try. As promised Barba brought dinner from their favorite Italian place and her favorite bottle of wine. Noah, still not feeling well had gone to bed early and they had enjoyed dinner to themselves.
“Hey, I see Noah got his dinosaur and book, did you like your basket?” He asked her as they were finishing dinner.
“I did, I was really surprised by it.” She said honestly.
Barba smiled proudly, “Well let me clean up this and you go enjoy some of it.” He said before giving her a long kiss, which Olivia read as more suggestive than he meant.
Oliva slipped back into the bedroom examining the contents of the basket as she laid them on the bed. The lingerie, if that’s what you called it was all black, there was a blindfold, handcuffs and other “accessories”. She took off her clothes and had just slipped on the “outfit” when she heard Barba coming into the room and instinctively she threw her bathrobe over it.
“Hey, you doing all right? Do you need anything?” He asked wondering why he hadn’t heard her running a bath yet.
“Yes, I was just getting ready, some of this is new for me.” She said hesitantly.
Barba looked at her in confusion, “Liv, its bath wash, pajamas, and wine.”
It was now Olivia’s turn to be confused and she slowly stepped away from the bed revealing the “accessories”, watching the red creep over Barba’s face feeling some relief that a mistake must have been made.
“Liv, I didn’t send this I promise, I wouldn’t, well not that I wouldn’t want to but I wouldn’t assume or pressure you, or…” He stammered
Olivia smiled and crossed the room to him placing a kiss on his lips, “I trust you.”
Barba breathed a sigh of relief as he quickly pulled out his phone, “I’m calling that cupid right now!”
“Cupid?” She questioned.
A sheepish look came over Barba as he sat down on the edge of the bed a confessed the whole story, how he had forgotten what day it was because of the trial, how the squad had teased him and he felt the pressure to make Valentine’s Day perfect. He then told her about the department store and how he had been entrapped by the Cupid Department. By the time he was finished Olivia had tears running down her face from laughing.
“Barba, until you said something in the bar yesterday I had forgotten what day it was too.” She admitted.
Barba looked at her in disbelief, “You couldn’t have just told me that?”
“And ruin your perfect plans?” She teased to which he rolled his eyes. Then she smiled a somewhat wicked smile at him, “Well we do have all these things now and it would probably be a shame to let them just sit here.”
Barba’s eyes grew big as he suddenly wondered what was under her robe he reached across the bed pulling her closer and undoing the belt of the robe. His eyes and other things growing at the same time when he saw what was beneath it.
“You better not be teasing now.” He said pulling her onto his lap letting her robe fall to the floor. She answered by kissing him until they fell back against her bed ensuing they both had a Valentine’s Day they would remember.
The End
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dracoyoflam · 4 years
HDTH Chapter 11: Frustrated Hermione
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Draco had searched approximately half of the school grounds before he gave up and decided to go back to the common room to rest and think. He lounged on the bed, his head propped up against the headboard. ‘I’ll just close my eyes for a moment.’ He thought before falling into a deep slumber.
Hermione had stopped crying, her eyes were burning and itching as she sat at the broken window looking out at the unused Quidditch field. Oh how much she missed Harry and Ron! She wished that she could wake up and find that this had all been a terrible nightmare! Just a dream, a figment of her subconscious. But it wasn’t a dream and she was reminded of that wherever she looked at the damaged castle, and listened to its silence due to the absence of people. The castle reminded her more of a solemn crypt than the dynamic school environment. She hated being alone, being away from her friends – but being unable to help them felt even worse! She was used to helping them, to pulling them out of the holes they’ dug for themselves! She truly hated feeling so useless! She couldn’t handle the thought of something happening to the people that she cared about; especially as she wasn’t there to sort everything out afterwards. Hermione leaned against the wall, staring out at the pitch.  Her thoughts drifted to the happy memories she had of this school before this happened… ... Harry and Ron. Where were they? Were they hurt? Were they dead? Her eyes started to fill with tears and when she couldn’t hold them any longer she at last let them drop down her face. In the meantime… Draco’s dream almost seemed real. He was back at that house again from his last vision, only this time he was able to go inside. The house was very dark and dirty but it had an ominous feeling to it. There was a filth that was more substantial than the dust and dank… something foul lived here. The house had minimal furniture, cracked, broken and uncared for; the carpeting was just as dark as the walls, only the threadbare patches of filthy grey breaking the gloom. There was so little light that it would be easy to walk into a wall or piece of broken furniture because you couldn’t see. Suddenly he realized he wasn’t alone. He walked with his Father through the house and finally met another being in one of the dark hallways. The being was dressed in monotonous black, a long black cloak trailed behind him like a sinister mockery of a wedding dress trail. Draco saw the being’s skin glowing faintly in the darkness, and probably would have made a remark about the odd appearance, had it not been the Dark Lord himself he was standing before. Draco would have been lying if he’d said he was unaffected. He was terrified of the man, if ‘man’ is what you could have called him. The man’s face was distorted, flattened, like a snake. His nose was almost completely flat, slits opened to reveal crimson eyes. Draco found himself to too distracted by the Dark Lord’s appearance, he’d never been this close to him before.  He could see the faint shadows around the scales on his cheekbones, the forked tongue that flicked as he spoke, ears that didn’t protrude like a normal human…he didn’t hear anything that the two men had said to each other. The next thing he knew, they were in a room just as gloomy as the rest. It was full of figures in dark robes with their faces covered with the skull masks to maintain anonymity. His father was talking out to everyone in the room but Draco could only barely make out some of the words. “We will be watching… The plan will succeed I guarantee you all… she will fall, no doubt.” This was making no sense to Draco, what was he talking about? “He will… she will be vulnerable to our powers… defeat. We will have victory for our lord.” Draco was only catching about half of what he was saying. He couldn’t quite make out the rest of what he was saying. It was like he was hearing the conversation underwater, the other words were slurred or garbled in his hearing. It finally hit Draco what his father and ‘The Lord’ had been blabbing about as if they had said it again just so he would hear them. “Someone pure of heart, Harry Potter will die to insure our victory against her… this potion will help you my son. This will make it easier to do your part.” Everything went black and he awoke in a cold sweat and had absolutely no idea what it all meant.  His neck hurt from the position he’d fallen asleep in. He’d only wanted to close his eyes for a moment, he’d been asleep for almost an hour! ‘What does all this mean?’ he thought, wishing he had Granger’s logical mind… ‘Wait! Hermione’ he thought, getting up and resuming his search for her. He searched in every part of the castle that he was able to get to, presuming that if he couldn’t get into a room, that she couldn’t either. After three hours, he started to fear the possibility that she had left Hogwarts without him, he decided to check the one place that he hadn’t reached yet. He finally made it up the stairs of the astronomy tower to think about his nauseatingly strange dream. What did it all mean? Who was going to fall? What’s did a pure heart have to do with potty Potter? Why was it always about him, there were much more capable and dangerous wizards in the world – but the Dark Lord was… obsessed with Potter! He saw her as he walked into the room. Hermione had fallen asleep by the windowpane on the opposite side of the room, she leant against the cold stone near the jagged edge of the glass, and she was slowly sliding towards the sharp edge of the window’s remains. Draco slowly walked over to her and picked her up gently in his sturdy arms. ‘Its only to stop her scratching her face more on the wall and poking out an eye on the window!’ he thought to himself. She sighed in her sleep and turned her head towards his chest, snuggling into his warmth; one of her arms crept around his waist. ‘Wow’ He thought. ‘She is so beautiful when she sleeps; she looks just like a nymph.’ He just stood there looking at her face, even with the scratches from the castle wall that had been her pillow, he had to admit she was pretty.  It had taken him a long time to admit that when she wasn’t trying to be a know-it-all, that she was actually a fine figure of a witch. She wasn’t one for the latest diet or the newest fashions! She was sensible with her body and respected it. He’d noticed her figure, but had never noticed how obviously pretty her face was and he hated that he hadn’t seen it before. Soon after… He laid her down on the bed in the common room, and watched her sleep for a few moments more before shaking the dust from a blanket and covering her up and tucking her in. He sat next to her, watching her chest rise and fall with every breath… he was somewhat surprised to feel something inside of himself that he had never felt before. He wasn’t sure if he liked feeling those things, and decided ignoring them and keeping busy was a better plan than trying to work out what these odd flutterings of emotion were, but he couldn’t ignore them! He slowly stood up and left the room to head for the kitchen. He grabbed what food he could and packed it into a little bag he had found to bring upstairs for Hermione and himself. He pulled a small cloth from his pocket and packed it full of ice before he started back for the common room. He sat out all of the food and other items on a table that he had just spent the past few minutes repairing and cleaning. He knew that nothing short of a miracle would cause Hermione to forgive him, but he wanted to take care of her the best he could before she woke up to find him there with her. He slowly walked over to Hermione and very carefully placed the cloth full of ice onto her already bruised and slightly swollen cheekbone, she had a black eye on one side and scrapes from the stonework down the other. As soon as he placed the cloth on her face, she woke up and looked him in the eyes. At first he thought that maybe she was about to smile but then the look in her eyes changed. He could tell that he was about to get it so he tried to calm her before she did anything… painful. Hermione sat up so fast that she practically fell out of the bed and Draco stood so quickly that he practically fell over from tripping over his feet. Their wands were both drawn and aimed at each other. “What are you doing Malfoy?! Leave me alone, I can’t believe that you would actually have the nerve to try and speak to me again after what you did. You’re actually trying to touch me… what is wrong with you?! Leave now!” she said with a calm voice, quiet and menacing.  Harry and Ron knew better than to argue when she used ‘that voice’… Draco didn’t.  He hadn’t associated ‘that voice’ with barely suppressed rage, he’d associated it with being sleepy and a bit upset. “Hermione, I can explain…” A very pissed off Hermione cut him off, “Don’t even try to call me by my name! You have lost that right! You are not even close to being good enough to call me anything! Go away now, leave me alone!” Her voice was still calm, her wand hand steady; but the flashing sparks in her eyes gave him an indication of just how enraged she really was with him. Draco walked backwards over to the door, not turning his back to her, It was an eternity before he finally opened his mouth to speak, he hung his head as he thought of something to say. “What are you doing? Leave!” She hissed in frustration. Draco was slightly less depressed at the fact that Hermione probably couldn’t see his face, because much to his surprise he actually had tears in his beautiful grey eyes. “Her...umm, I just wanted to let you know before I go that I’m so incredibly sorry. I mean… errr… there aren’t good enough words that I can even use to describe how sorry I am… you know, for what I did. If it helps, I didn’t mean to do it and if I could take it back I would do it without hesitation.” He paused for a moment and then continued, “All I want to do is comfort you right now and I can’t because I’m the one who has created the discomfort.” Hermione stared at him and felt herself getting more frustrated by the minute. “Honestly, I could care less about what you have to say right now so if you could just leave me alone, that would be great.” Hermione was giving him a death glare, and Draco was honestly glad that looks couldn’t kill. She waited for him to finally walk out of her sight. Draco took a step like he was actually going to turn leave, but before he went any further he froze and looked her in the eyes as he spoke his last (rehearsed on the way back from the kitchens) words to her. “Hermione, I know that you’re mad at me and I don’t blame you. You have every right to be mad at me right now, but before you decide that you hate me I just wanted to let you know something…” He stopped and changed his body composure to something that Hermione couldn’t read because she had never seen it before, she’d never seen Malfoy talk to his shoes. He wouldn’t look at her, but evidently his footwear were wonderful to converse with! His lack of bravery in facing her rankled. Draco took another deep breath and continued in a whisper, “Hermione, I… I think I might love you. I think, I’m not really sure what it feels like to be honest.  People have said that love is a beautiful thing that makes you as light as air. People have said that when you hurt the one you love that you’ll feel the hurt tenfold… I hurt so badly when I see you angry at me! Its as if I struck myself… but when I’m with you, everything feels like it will be alright – even though I know it isn’t. “I think I might love you more than anything in this world, more than anything in existence… I’ve nothing to compare this to! I think this is odd to say the least! I’ve never actually loved anyone before, let alone said it… Well I just had to tell you this before I left you here by yourself… erm… Goodbye.” With these last words said, Draco turned on his heel and walked briskly, almost running out of the tower and down the stairs without looking back. If he’d have looked back, he’d have seen Hermione sat there trying to decide if she had been dreaming or not. .. .... .. Hermione stayed in the tower by herself for hours thinking about what to do and how she should handle the situation. Finally she couldn’t take the pain of her cheek or the problem with Draco. She summoned some sleeping potion and was glad to have the vial fly into her hand! Atleast something had survived the devastation! She read the label and was pleased to see the almost illegible script of Professor Snape, equally pleased to read the potion hadn’t past its ‘drink by date’. She drank down the entire potion in one big swallow, and sleepily decided that she would approach Draco later, after she woke. Later on… Hermione ended up sleeping through the rest of the evening and most of the night before she finally awoke up to find that she was still alone and a little cold. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and walked down from the tower to the bathroom. She turned the knobs on the shower wall and made herself some comfortably warm water to shower in. She stripped off her clothes and slowly slid into the warm bath. At least this bathroom still had running warm water – even if the bubbles didn’t work. The water felt wonderful as it soothed her aching muscles and washed away her worries for the moment. She loved the feel of the water swirling around her soft body. Slowly she put her head back, letting the water soak through her long hair. Hermione thought to herself, ‘oh, there’s nothing else in the world that could feel better at this moment!’ At this thought she stood up from the water, frozen like a deer in headlights. ‘Wait.’ She thought, ‘The best feeling is the way I felt when Draco told me…’ She couldn’t stop the warm feelings when she whispered lightly, “…He loves me.”
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