#I just want somewhere to organize it all since my art blog's a mess and full of older art
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notasecunit · 5 years ago
Human genetic diversity is wonderfully abundant in these books, and the cover art in the States that only ever shows Murderbot in EVAC suits or armour leaves us all the joy of seeing whatever future mixed heritage we want to see inside the armor. I've only got a few book-canon character design convictions here:
0) No sex hormones, no gender, no digestive system (lucky bastard.)
1) Murderbot is lanky and mean, since most of it's actual attacks are based on speed and sneakiness. Also there is just too much Terminator baggage with a heavier build.
2.a) Murderbot is basically rocking less than 2cm of hair until ART messes with it.
2.b) Murderbot does not know how to do anything with it's hair other than "grow slightly more of it" until ART introduces it to hair gel this one time. No fancy haircuts, and sounds like hair length maxed out around 10cm, or somewhere short of being a shaggy bigfoot.
3.a) Murderbot doesn’t stand out in crowds. There are only human organics visible above a high shirt collar, though I'd buy in to some non-organic joins showing in its hands.
3.b) Corallary to not giving a crap: it’s not into self decoration, jewelry, or anything beyond “maybe taking a real shower sometimes.” Personal takes: 1.) Anything goes on the eyes; I doubt there’s any meaningfully organic parts beyond some nerve bits. If I need an illustrators crutch for implied cyborgs then I CHOOSE GLOWING EYES. Also I’m gonna need that for drone drawings.
2.) Awkward skin and metal joins on the rest of the body. This is not a cool-looking hybrid. Sadly this means I have to figure that all out since Murderbot spends so much time being damaged. 3.a) On the gender problem: In order to imply toughness or combat ability, many people lean towards imagining heavy builds and hyper masculine traits. In order to imply “not actually male”, there can be a tendency to then lean towards then adding female decorative makeup. In the end, you get “a whole lot of gender” instead of “opting out of all of that”. So I’m keeping this blog for fun and I get to rant: Many artists denote “female” by leaning hard on puffy lips, implied eye-makeup, straight-up makeup, childlike jaws, and either dramatic stick limbs or sweeping curves. Many XX humans don’t actually look like that, so “no sex hormones” is going to look uncomfortably male to a lot of viewers. That’s okay; tall and mildly muscular XX humans with short hair and no makeup also look “uncomfortably male” to United States culture, ask me how I am reminded of that on a daily basis whenever I leave the house. (Every grocery store trip is someone’s educational moment in my boring gendertrolling life since I precipitate pronoun panics in 80% of my interactions with strangers. Worst: I really wish they just, like, wouldn't. "Hey you" would be perfectly functional instead of "SirMa'amSirAreYouA...?") 3b. So to the easy stuff: no sex hormones means no extra estrogen: no developed breasts, no extra fat padding on the hips or arms. No extra testosterone means no dramatic decorative body hair, no extra muscles that aren’t made of robotic cheating, no extra bone development on the jaw or forehead. Easy. Done.
90% of you are going to say I’m drawing a male. Except anyone who has seen Raindove.
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...I need to not add the hashtag “character design angst” to every post in the rest of this blog, but ugg, the temptation.
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petz5 · 8 years ago
I’m making a blog for college art only Should it be pinkskitty or mechakaiju
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let-it-raines · 6 years ago
Not Your (soul)Mate {1/?}
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Killian Jones doesn’t like the idea of soulmates. He sees how happy his friends are with theirs, but he still doesn’t like the idea, not when he’s found love and lost it time and time again only to still not know his sign. He has no markings on his skin, no voices in his head, but then one day he meets Emma Swan and everything changes. Because, well, he may not have ink on his skin to tell him who to love, but the very first time that he hears Emma’s voice he knows that she’s the one for him. Then again, that could simply be his desire talking. After all, for every word she speaks, he becomes aroused. 
It’s not the worst thing in the world to be incredibly attracted to a beautiful woman, but things aren’t that simple when she doesn’t have any interest in being his soulmate. 
He’s screwed. And not in the good way. 
Rating: Mature (mostly for jokes now and for...other things later)
A/N: Hello, friends! It’s me coming at you with more words! This time they’re of the supernatural variety for @cssns with *gasp* a soulmate fic. It’s a fun one guys. Seriously. It’s an absolutely ridiculous concept (soulmates + aroused by each other’s voices), but I’m having fun writing it! I’ve got eight chapters written so far, and I’m itching to share them with you! 
A special shoutout to @captainsjedi for her incredible artwork and for being my number one cheerleader as these words were dragged out of me. I feel super honored for her to have made this art for my story! And thank you to the organizers for doing such great work! So, everybody ready? 😁
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Tag list (let me know if you want to be added/removed): @dreameronarooftop15 @searchingwardrobes @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke @tiganasummertree @wellhellotragic @bmbbcs4evr @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615 @mayquita @captainsjedi @teamhook @kmomof4 @ekr032-blog-blog @superchocovian @ultraluckycatnd @artistic-writer @cs-forlife @andiirivera @qualitycoffeethings @thejollyroger-writer @jonirobinson64 @mariakov81@thejollyroger-writer @xellewoods @cssns
It’s the pattern he keeps tapping against his thigh as he sits at his desk, the clock on the wall ticking loud enough for him to hear. If he’s busy enough, it’s silent. But when he has time to idle and not focus on something in particular, when he’s anxious to get to go home, he can hear each individual tick as the seconds and minutes pass by. He’s always been sensitive to sounds, the quietest of whispers sometimes equivalent to yelling directly in his ear, but over the years, he’s learned to block the sounds out, to control how voices and taps and screeches affect him.
His clock is driving him insane.
He wants to go home.
And it’s not because he hates his job or anything. Sure, some days it’s like actual torture, nails on a chalkboard multiplied by at least seventeen, especially with the sensitivity of his ears, but most of the time he enjoys designing boats, ships, and the like. He enjoys working with Liam every single day and getting to draw up someone’s dream vessel like he often did as a child when he had nothing more than a pencil and a notebook of battered paper. Really, his job is a way to make his childhood dreams become a reality but in a financially responsible way.
For him. Not for the people who buy custom boats.
He likely wouldn’t enjoy it if he didn’t make any money. Designing boats is a hell of a lot of fun, but he does so enjoy having an apartment (some of the American terms have integrated into his vocabulary by now it seems) to go home to and food to eat. Honestly, he likes tea far too much to not be able to afford it.
How stereotypically British is he?
It doesn’t even matter. He likes tea, and he won’t let anyone try to convince him otherwise. His cabinet in his kitchen keeps him supplied with caffeine, and if it’s all arranged by size of bag and flavor, no one has to know that. He doesn’t live with anyone, so it’s completely fine.
Liam would make fun of him for ages if he knew of all of Killian’s little tendencies and specificities on how to run his life. Liam already has too much fun teasing him about the binders and books on his shelves in his office, but really, of all of the places to be organized, why not in the office? It’s not his fault that Liam lives in a disorganized mess.
Once a Navy man, always a Navy man doesn’t quite hold true when it comes to one half of the team at The Jewel: A Boating Design Company. He was never sold on the name, but it was Liam’s idea so he went along with it. And the odd name hasn’t seemed to keep any clients away, so it’s obviously worked out.
He still wants to go home.
And technically he could. Technically he’s a boss here and could go home whenever he wants, but he doesn’t like to leave before six. It’s bad business, and it’s never a bad thing to keep his mind focused on work. He’s always got a million thoughts whirling around in his head, and focusing on work keeps him grounded.
But today is a different day. Today is difficult for him. It’s an anniversary of sorts, but it’s not the good kind. It’s not roses (or sunflowers because in his opinion, roses are overrated) and wine and beautiful jewelry over a nice dinner with small servings when all people really want is to sit at home and eat pizza on the couch. No, it’s an anniversary of loss.
Of loss that’s not as final as death, and yet it still has its own particular sting that tends to linger. It’s a loss in his life that he’s felt many a time, but this one, this particular woman, well, her loss stung the most.
Her loss stings the most.
And it’s all because of the universe and its twisted sense of fate. He doesn’t mean that in a “weird shit happens” kind of way. He means that in the universe is a piece of shit that has lives decided before the people who live them are even born. It doesn’t matter what you do or how you live. The universe is always standing at the plate ready to throw a curveball and strike you out.
One strike.
Two strikes.
Three strikes.
You’re out.
Or soul mate with two words. The universe has everything predestined, but apparently, they couldn’t decide on words in dictionaries and whether or not it was one combined word or two separate words. And that’s just scratching the surface of language and grammar, and he only speaks English and a tiny bit of French. Things just get more complicated when you move beyond that.
But that’s not the point. He can worry about grammar on another day. Right now he’s thinking about the unfortunateness of soulmates (soul mates…nope, he’s just going to decide it’s one word for him) and just how completely screwed up it all is.
No one really knows how the human race figured out that there are two people who are perfectly matched up in every single way. It doesn’t mean there aren’t fights and arguments and petty squabbles over who did the dishes or turning the air conditioner up too high. It simply means that somewhere out there, there’s a person who, when it counts, matches up to you so well that the universe has decided to they are your person.
They are the Christina Yang to your Meredith Grey.
(Yes, he’s watched Grey’s Anatomy, and no, he is not ashamed...of seasons one through six. It gets a little murky after that.)
But what happens if your soulmate dies? What happens if you never meet them? What happens if you fall in love with someone only to find out that their sign or their mark or their soul doesn’t at all match up with yours? What happens if you love someone so deeply that you don’t think your heart can take it anymore, and they leave you because the words written across their ankle are not also written across yours?
What happens if you don’t have words written at all?
He doesn’t. He doesn’t have the words. He doesn’t have any kind of indication as to how to find this so-called perfect match of his. He has no idea.
And he doesn’t need to ask the question of what happens when you love someone who is not your soulmate because he knows. He knows that the love can be real and deep and true, and yet the moment that person finds their matching mark, suddenly things start to crumble and fall apart. Questions begin to be asked, and there are no answers. There are no answers that are correct anyhow. It’s as if you’re taking one of those standardized tests where all four answers are correct, but you have to choose the one that’s the most correct.
That’s the most ridiculous thing in the world, and yet he’s taken the standardized tests. He had to, but that’s really not the point.
(Also, he wonders if soulmate magic is real, are other types of magic real? Is Harry Potter based off of something true? Could he have gone to Hogwarts?)
Milah found her soulmate, and it wasn’t him. She loved him, but she let him go. And he cannot begrudge her for it. No, she’s doing what will truly make her happy, and he wants her to be happy. She deserves it.
He just wishes that it had been him.
The universe apparently had other ideas.
And four years later, he still doesn’t know his mark.
Four years later, he still loves her even if he shouldn’t, even if he knows he should have moved on.
Liam could hear Elsa’s thoughts at night when he was lying down to sleep. It wasn’t in his dreams, though he has heard of those, but simply once the darkness fell outside. They’d known each other in their thoughts since they were children, a love predestined and predetermined that found its way to life despite the countries that were spread out between them. He’s always been jealous of his older brother for a lot of things, but knowing who his love is and getting to know her for his entire life, that may be the thing which fills him with the most envy.
He’s not even sure that he wants to know who his soulmate is, but when he thinks of his brother and the happiness of his life with his wife and his children, he wonders how two people so genetically similar could have such different paths in life.
Robin’s had been a simple tattoo on his forearm. He knew that all he needed was to find his match, and even though it took into his mid-thirties, he did.
Mid-thirties are truly not old – especially since he himself just turned thirty five – but in a society that is obsessed with love and procreation, Robin might as well have been a lonely elderly man with no chance at love…and Robin’s a man. It’s much worse for women, which is fundamentally unfair. But he’s a designer of boats, not a designer of the universe, so he can’t exactly fix that.
Will, well, Will’s soulmate sign is one that Killian is rather fond of if he’s honest. He found Belle because he’d started spending time in a library, and whenever he would touch certain books, fingerprints would start glowing. They were small, dainty things, so he knew that they weren’t his. But the prints glowed, and as he moved throughout the library, he noticed that every book had fingerprints that glowed. And thus he found Belle, the librarian, and even though they don’t seem to match up, they do.
Everyone he knows is living life with someone they’re supposed to be with, happiness and issues all combined, and he’s…not.
He doesn’t think his life will suddenly become perfect if he were to meet this mystery woman. He doesn’t. His life is wonderful. He loves his friends and family. He loves his job and his hobbies. He loves his life.
Today is simply a hard day.
Today is simply a day of loss.
But tomorrow will be better. Tomorrow he’ll go back to normal, and he won’t feel the loss of his love so much.
As much.
“Hey, did you get the Santos order?”
“Shit,” he mumbles, jumping in his seat at Ariel’s voice. He knows that she likely spoke at a normal volume, but he wasn’t focusing and had zoned out. Her voice startled him. It doesn’t help that she takes pleasure in annoying him. “Sorry, love. You surprised me.”
“I knocked three times there, Jones,” she sighs, walking into his office and dropping a note down on his desk. “I know it’s late in the day and all, but you’re really zoning out.”
“That is the pot calling the kettle black, A,” he laughs, rolling forward in his chair to look at the note she has, her chicken scratch written across the notecard. “You zone out at lunch thinking about how someone invented the fork.”
“It’s true. You’ve got to think about things like that. You okay though? You’ve got that pensive, brooding look all over your face.”
He scoffs and rolls his eyes before looking up at her and stretching his hands up behind his head, the small ache pleasant. “I’m going to fire you for someone who doesn’t know me as well.”
“My severance package would be fantastic, so you can go ahead and do that. But I also know you’d be lost without me, so that’s not going to happen. No one else in the world knows which pens of yours not to use.”
“That can be taught.”
“Yeah, but no one else is going to accept your weirdness.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do. Anyways,” she sighs, sitting down in the chair across from his desk and crossing her leg over her knee, “Eric and I are having a dinner at our house on Friday night, and you’re coming.”
He raises an eyebrow while he tries to keep his lips from curling up into a smile because he knows exactly why they’re having a dinner. She’s been his assistant for three years, and somewhere along the way she became one of his closest friends. She also drives him mad with how she doesn’t listen to him at all.
“Are you not even asking? Just demanding?”
She shrugs and flicks a speck off of her pants. “I’m telling you. It’s at seven, lots of our friends are coming, and you will be there if I have to drag you kicking and screaming.”
He hums and taps his fingers against the desk, the sound of his clock no longer in his earshot. “Fine. I think maybe I can be persuaded by some free food that I know is really a dinner party to announce your pregnancy.”
Her lips part, jaw nearly dropping, before she snaps it shut and gets up, walking over to him and knocking him upside the head. “You’re an asshole. That’s supposed to be a secret. How the hell did you know?”
“This note that you just gave me has baby names and a gynecologist appointment on it and not the Santos order.”
“Pregnancy brain is a real thing,” she huffs before slapping his head again and walking out of the room.
“Congratulations,” he shouts, leaning forward in his chair and smiling to himself. It’s a day of loss, but not everything is bad. It’s also a day of life.
He does spend the night drowning himself in a glass of rum, but it’s just the one filled a little too close to the brim. And he doesn’t spend entirely too much time thinking about Milah and all of the women and heartbreak that have come before her. He only spends what he would consider an acceptable amount of time, and if it was most of the night, no one has to know that but him.
Those are the perks of living alone.
Well, that and eating food in nothing but his boxers while watching reruns of whatever the hell he wants.
The Office.
It was The Office. He spends far too much time watching The Office and also…in his office. But that’s something else. That’s work, and it’s not filled with quite the same amount of comedy. Though he is thinking about putting Liam’s stapler in some jello. That’s not as funny in real life, but he’s not exactly sure if he’s desperate enough to wrap up Liam’s entire office in wrapping paper.
It’d have to be some birthday paper or something. It’s April, so Christmas paper likely wouldn’t work. Of course, it’s April, so Christmas paper would likely be on sale. This is sounding better and better, but he’s not going to do it. He’s going to keep on going with his life and make sure that Ariel isn’t setting him up on a date at this dinner party he’s been at for thirty minutes like he’s pretty sure she’s doing with her friend Jane.
Amazingly enough, the existence of soulmates does not keep people from setting him up on blind dates.
You’d think there would be at least one perk.
Besides the whole perfect match thing and all.
That’s supposedly a perk.
“Would you excuse me for just one minute, love?” he asks Jane, flashing her his most sincere smile and squeezing her shoulder before walking toward his brother who is talking to Will and Robin in the corner of the backyard.
“BJ,” Will greets, grinning from ear to ear as Killian shakes his head.
“You cannot call me that, Scarlett,” he groans. His protests don’t matter at all, but he can hope. He can hope that one day one of his friends will listen to him.
It’s a pipe dream.
“Well, baby Jones isn’t quite as funny as BJ.”
“You have the humor of a fifteen-year-old lad.”
“At least I’m not boring like you,” he scoffs before he takes another sip of his beer. “How’s your little date going over there?”
“So you can tell that it’s a set up?”
“Little brother,” Liam sighs, clapping his hand down on his shoulder, “you scratched your ear enough times for us to know you were nervous. Plus Ariel told us. She was practically jumping out of her skin with excitement.”
“Younger. I’m younger, and of course she did. Jane is…she’s a nice woman, but I’m not really in the mood for another date.”
Suddenly his head starts pounding, sounds muting for a moment before he hones in on a laugh, a laugh that has his skin heating and gooseflesh rising over his arms as he only focuses in on it before all of the other sounds come back to him, the laugh fading into the background. He doesn’t know what the hell just happened, but he’s not going to focus on it when he’s got to deal with his brother and his best mates being undeniable assholes.
Tuning things out has always kind of been his thing anyways.
“It doesn’t have to be a date,” Robin helpfully supplies, “but I think the lass likes you, so I’d turn her down easy.”
“There’s nothing to turn down.”
“She might not know that.”
“Anyways,” he sighs, crossing his arms over his chest, “how long do you think A is going to drag this along until we get to eat dinner?”
“I’d say until she finishes talking to her friends over there.” Liam points to a group of women standing on the other side of the deck. He recognizes Ariel and her friend Mary Margaret. He’s been to her house and met her husband. David? He thinks his name is David and that he’s a detective. And obviously he recognizes his sister-in-law, but he doesn’t recognize two of them. One of them is tall, her legs stretching on for miles, and she’s got straight brunette hair that falls down her back with the tips of it covered in red. The other woman is shorter, but not necessarily short, and her blonde hair is pulled up into a ponytail so that he can see the openness of her dress as it dips down her bare back and rests just above the curve of her waist. He doesn’t know her at all, and he wonders how. Ariel may simply work with him, but she’s made him such a part of her personal life that he feels like he knows all of her friends.
Then again, he didn’t know Jane, so obviously she has several friends she wants to announce her pregnancy to that he’s never met. They’re all ships passing in the night.
Of course, it’s not quite night yet and they’re definitely not ships, but his point still stands.
Or sails.
He can design a ship that would work for this purpose.
He has too much time on his hands.
All of the sounds mute again before the same laugh as before comes back, but this time he knows exactly where the sound is coming from. It’s coming from the blonde who’s talking to Ariel, and he can feel his skin heating up again, the flesh pricking and hair rising across his body as a shiver runs through him. He knows this feeling. He knows it well. It’s the start of something that he usually finds pleasant, but it’s not something that he finds pleasant while standing in a public place with all of his friends around.
Will may have the humor of a teenager, but apparently Killian has the uncontrollable sex drive of one.
This is not good.
He needs to think of the government or his grandmother or people who think Hawaiian shirts can be worn to the office as casual wear when they live in Maine because his jeans are rather tight and he’s afraid that nothing can be hidden when he’s feeling a little excited.
Or a lot excited.
When he should not be excited at all.
Oh hell. He’s aroused. He’s not excited. He’s aroused, and there is absolutely no reason for it. Does he even need a reason? Probably not. Still though. This is a problem he doesn’t really want to have right now at his assistant’s barbecue to announce that she’s created a spawn of her loins.
Those are the only loins he should be thinking about.
Not Ariel’s loins, though. That is…this is all too much for him.
“Hey, lover boy,” Will whistles, and suddenly the laughter is fading away so that he can focus on the sound of Will’s whistle and the wind that’s causing the leaves on trees to rustle and mix in with all of the conversations that are happening, “you’ve got to stop staring at Emma or she will kick your ass all the way back to England.”
“Who is that?” he ponders, reaching to scratch his beard. He should have shaved this morning, but he didn’t have time to clean his scruff up. “Emma? You said her name was Emma?”
“Aye,” Will confirms, his fingers tapping along the glass of his bottle and picking up the condensation. “Emma Swan. She lives with Belle. I’m bloody terrified of her sometimes, but she’s fun.”
“Why are you terrified of her?”
“Because she’s a cop. A detective, I think, and I’ve seen first hand just how good she is at kickboxing.”
“Why? Did you beat your ass for saying something dumb?”
Will rolls his eyes as both Robin and Liam chuckle, even if they try to muffle the sound. “I may have said something a bit unsavory one night, and she may have literally kicked my ass for it. But I’m on the straight and narrow path now.”
“Huh. So she did what we’ve all been wanting to do for years now. I like her.”
“Why don’t you go talk to her?” Liam prods, wrapping his arm around Killian’s shoulder and slapping him harder than he should. “Are you scared to talk to another girl? Is this going to be like teenage Killian who can’t flirt with more than one woman in a day without being terrified of having to do it again?”
“Sod off.”
“I’m telling you,” Liam starts, but Killian moves out from under his arm and walks away from the group of them so that he can go inside and get a glass of water, not really interested in hearing Liam teasing him about his childhood. It doesn’t bother him, but he’s heard it all before and doesn’t really need to hear about it again. It’s still been A Week, and there’s only so much teasing about his relationships that he can take when he’s still mourning the loss of one.
Once he gets into the kitchen, he grabs a cup off the counter and fills it with ice and water from the fridge, the sound of the ice machine drowning everything out so that he doesn’t hear someone come in behind him. He doesn’t hear her, so he’s got no idea that she’s within a foot of him when he turns around and hits her shoulder, the cup of ice cold water in his hand spilling all over the front of her dress.
Of Emma’s dress.
Of Emma’s white dress.
Because it’s the woman who he was just admiring who he spilled a drink on.
“Holy shirt-balls that’s cold.”
He wants to laugh at her words, at her The Good Place reference, but then it’s happening again. His skin is heating, his temperature rising by several noticeable degrees, and he can feel the hair on his body begin to rise while his jeans tighten. How are his jeans still tightening? His erection can’t get any worse.
Holy shirt-balls indeed.
What the hell is happening to him?
“I’m sorry, love,” he stutters, trying to focus his hearing so that everything won’t be so heightened, but then his eyes glance down at the way that the material of her dress is clinging to her skin, the edges molding to her breasts, and everything gets worse. So, so much worse. He loves women. He’s never denied that. But hell, he should not be having this kind of reaction. This is not some kind of bad porn movie.
This is not some kind of raunchy romantic comedy either.
This is his life.
She’s got fantastic breasts.
Nope. Nope. Nope. He can’t be thinking that. He shouldn’t be thinking that. Something is happening to him, and he needs it to stop.
“I mean, I would say it’s not your fault, but you did spill the water on me,” she laughs, grabbing onto her dress and squeezing the water out a bit as she makes her way further into the kitchen to grab a towel and wipe herself down.
“Yeah, sorry about that. Again. You’re Emma, right?”
She’s still dabbing at her dress when she looks up at him and raises an eyebrow. Her cheeks are flushed red, and he’s not sure if it’s from spending the evening outside or from the embarrassment of him spilling water on her. But she’s got these beautifully flushed cheeks and light emerald eyes that can’t seem to focus on him, her gaze constantly changing.
With how uncomfortable his jeans are right now, he’s honestly kind of wishing that he had ice water dumped on him.
Seriously. What the hell is happening to him?
“Um, yeah. How do you know that?”
“Will told me. I’m…we’re old friends. Killian. Killian Jones.”
“Emma Swan,” she sighs, continuing to dab at her dress while he looks away. He has to look away or he’s going to do something inappropriate by anyone’s standards. Something is happening to him, to his mind and his body, and he needs it to stop right now. “You know, if you wanted to talk to me, all you had to do was introduce yourself, no spilled water involved. And if you wanted to see my tits, well, I should warn you that I carry around a gun for a living, and I don’t take too kindly to things like that.”
“I can promise you that wasn’t my intention.”
“Then why aren’t you looking at me right now?”
“Swan, if I’m honest, it’s because I can see both through and down your dress, and it’s not proper to look no matter how much I want to.”
Holy shit. Why did he just say that?
“Is it hot in here?” Emma asks, changing the subject, and he has never been more thankful for anything in his entire life. Though, really, if she could stop talking, he would be thankful for that too. Her voice is focused in his ears, every word reverberating and spinning around so that he can focus on nothing but her. It’s like her laughter earlier. His body instinctively tuned into it, focused on it, and it caused this same feeling of arousal to base itself at his spine.
And every word she says, makes it worse.
He somehow knows what’s happening, his brain instantly making the connections, and if he could walk out the front door and have never come to this party, he probably would.
Emma Swan is mostly likely his soulmate if the way his senses are picking up are any indication, and every word she says gives him the most inappropriate erection.
Her voice arouses him, and it’s not in a normal way.
Of all the soulmate signs, why this?
Couldn’t he have gotten a damn butterfly tattoo right above his ass instead?
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pixelgrotto · 5 years ago
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Ladies and lords of Waterdeep
From April of 2019 to June of 2020, I ran Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, a Dungeons & Dragons campaign for levels 1-5, for two groups - a party of three gals and a party of six guys. This was a tricky undertaking - mostly because as written, Dragon Heist is kind of a mess (more on that in a sec) - but also because I had to balance an adventure for two very different audiences that really only shared the commonality of being filled with D&D newbies. It was a worthwhile endeavor, though, and looking back on the experience reveals some interesting food for thought on how to remix an adventure, as well as how some ladies and gents experience roleplaying games differently. 
First, let me briefly discuss the adventure itself. Dragon Heist is meant to be an urban outing set in the Forgotten Realms metropolis of Waterdeep, which I described to my New York-dwelling players as “pretty much a fantasy version of NYC.” Over the course of five levels, players inherit and possibly renovate an old tavern, catch wind of an ancient heap of gold beneath the city and run into a bunch of important figures from Forgotten Realms history, ranging from Laeral Silverhand to Volothamp Geddarm. All of that’s epic, and the only issue is that the adventure’s laid out in a pretty shoddy way. 
There are four chapters in Dragon Heist, and the first is the only one that can be run with a minimum of hacking on the part of the Dungeon Master. The other three present a so-called “toolbox” of vague ideas for missions with Waterdeep’s various adventuring factions, as well as middling advice for scenes like a rooftop chase and a battle with a chain devil in a crypt, but it’s all highly disorganized with a minimum of connective tissue, requiring heavy lifting on the DM’s part to stitch together. The book is also rife with excessive red herrings for players to stumble upon as they search for the treasure trove, way too many characters with overly long names, and last but not least, there’s a lack of an actual “heist” in the grand finale, which is more scavenger hunt than Ocean’s Eleven. 
With all these criticisms, why did I choose to run this book for not one, but two different groups at the same time? It was largely because I’d just finished playing through Dragon Heist with my own character - a mask-wearing teenage street urchin who fancied herself a swashbuckler. I’d had a more-enjoyable-than-not time with the folks I played with, but the guy who DMed had a habit of sending us on the aforementioned red herrings for multiple sessions at a time, with nary an interesting combat encounter or social challenge in sight. I don’t really blame him for this - especially seeing at how poorly the book was laid out afterwards - but immediately after finishing, I was approached by two friend groups who wanted to try their hand at D&D, and this gave me the excuse to see if I could do a better job. 
Since I already had a clear example of which pitfalls to avoid, the version of Dragon Heist that I ran heavily remixed all of the elements in the book, with an emphasis on streamlining whenever possible and always making it feel like my players were accomplishing something. This is usually my underlying philosophy whenever I run a game, but it’s an essential strategy for newbies who might be driven off of roleplaying games altogether by bad pacing. For instance, as written, there’s an annoying series of fetch quests near the end of the story where players have to find a number of keys in order to open the hidden treasure vault. These keys are random as heck, ranging from semi-sensible McGuffins like a bronze dragon scale to bonkers junk like a ballad played by two dwarven bards and a friggin’ unicorn. This whole exercise in randomness reminded me of the worst of video game filler, and I cut it out entirely by having the son of the man who hid the treasure accompany the characters, with a drop of his blood activating the magic needed to open the vault’s doors. (This also led to an amusing situation where the guys were stuck as they ruminated on how to open the vault...until the dude playing the goliath suddenly shouted, “I GRAB RENAER’S HAND, CUT IT AND SMEAR THE BLOOD ALL OVER THE DOOR!” and I was like, “Okay. It...opens!”)
Because my players were nearly all D&D virgins, I also wanted them to get their money’s worth by encountering all four of Dragon Heist’s villains - Xanathar the beholder, the devil-worshipping Cassalanter nobles, Manshoon the cloned wizard and Jarlaxle the drow rogue. As written, Dragon Heist touts itself as highly replayable, since DMs are only supposed to choose one villain for their players to go up against. The problem is that all of the bad guys are teased on the cover, and the beginning chapters dangle most of them into the narrative with the players caught in the middle. This created a lot of confusion when I was a player, as my companions and I kept hearing about Xanathar and Manshoon...only for them to suddenly disappear halfway through as Jarlaxle took center stage as the big bad. And so, in order to circumvent this confusion and make both the boys and the girls feel like they were getting a quintessential experience with a minimum of loose ends, I threw in all the baddies. (I wasn’t the only one to do this - tabletop RPG designer Justin Alexander also recommends this approach on his blog The Alexandrian, where he offers an impressive revision of Dragon Heist that I probably would’ve used if I hadn’t discovered it too late.) 
So, when it came down to actually rolling dice, how’d my two groups interact with the material? I think it’s safe to say that both the girls and the boys hit the same major story beats and had a grand time doing so, but the nuances of their experiences were fascinatingly different. The girls, for instance, dove into the art of roleplaying and devising histories for their characters, and one of them decided to play as an elf from a seafaring clan and gave me a whole backstory involving the ocean that inspired my “final boss” for Dragon Heist, an evil, decaying dragon from the Elemental Plane of Water that isn’t in the book. (Hey, it’s called Dungeons & Dragons, the story’s named Dragon Heist, and since I wasn’t sure if all of my players would stick around for future campaigns, I figured I’d better stick a notable battle with a big scaly lizard in there somewhere.) 
The girls also got way more into some of the social justice subplots that permeated my version of Dragon Heist, pushing hard for Waterdeep to remove the anti-dragon magic bubble that surrounded the city and excluded an entire species from its borders. Their interactions with non-player characters - often progressing along the lines of “well, if you feel like you want us to do this quest for you, then we certainly can” - reflected this sort of empathy, and even though this sounds incredibly stereotypical, by the time the final session wrapped up, all three of the gals had either shipped or flirted with NPCs that they’d encountered during their journey. One of ‘em even ended up hitched with a baby!
The boys, by contrast, were much less likely to devise in-depth character histories beyond “I’M IN THIS CITY TO GET MY MONEY,” and their NPC conversations also frequently waded into “GIMME MY GOLD” territory. I don’t want to make it sound like their characters were just two dimensional mercenaries, though, because definite, organic progression occurred over the course of the campaign - the goliath who couldn’t read gradually worked his way through Volo’s Guide to Monsters and became fluent in Celestial after joining the Order of the Gauntlet, for instance.
Where the boys clearly felt more at home than the girls was in combat, probably because 1) there were six of them as opposed to the three ladies, and 2) they collectively had lots of video game knowledge, and D&D’s influence has kinda trickled down to every video game ever made. It didn’t take long for some of the dudes to begin subconsciously min/maxing their characters, and while there were two major deaths in unpredictable boss fights, the boys did go through a long period where they were just steamrolling everything to come their way and yelling, “LET’S FUCKIN’ GOOOO” as they did so. In contrast, DMing for the girls during combat sequences was occasionally a nail-biting experience where I didn’t know who was going to survive, and since some of this was due to my own slapdash encounter design where I underestimated the abilities of the monsters they were up against, I made sure to give them lots of friendly NPCs who could potentially offer a helping hand, or even resurrection spells if needed. 
Both groups were aware of the other’s existence, and I’d sometimes playfully pit them against one another. (Example: The guys often forgot who was who, and one time one of ‘em looked down at his character sheet and was like, “MY NOTES ARE SUCH SHIT” which made me respond, “Well, y’know the girls take really good notes...”) But at the end of the campaign, when my players asked me which party was more fun to DM for, my answer was that both groups were great. The girls were bursting with imaginative roleplay, and they gave me real moments of glee as they responded to story twists with the legitimate surprise and wonder that comes from people who aren’t already overexposed to fantasy tropes and gaming culture. The boys gave me that feeling of what some fans affectionately call “beer & pretzels D&D,” where you’re shooting the breeze with your buddies, playfully teasing each other and going for broke in combat encounters. 
I want to stress that the ladies I DMed for were absolutely not representative of how all women might approach D&D, and the exact same thing must be said for the fellas. This was no planned sociology or gender studies experiment that I conducted, in other words - it was merely a thing that I did with two friend groups, and the resulting experiences were two opposite yet totally valid sides of the same RPG coin. And while I doubt that I’ll run the same campaign in the future for two different groups at once (let alone a campaign as wonky as Dragon Heist), I like to think that as someone who tries to advocate for how roleplaying games can be fun, welcoming experiences for all, I played a small role (hah) in bringing swords, sorcery and storytelling to the lives of people who might not have experienced such imaginative forays otherwise. 
Already, both the gals and the guys are whipping up ideas for future characters and checking out stuff like Critical Role...which means that my work here, at least for the moment, is done. 
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ohshanksno · 5 years ago
I was tagged by @the-saltiest-of-lawyers i see u jake
Nickname: Vin or Koby 
Zodiac: Leo
Height: 5′3. I always say 5′3
Time: 04:31
Favorite band/artist: hmm....Foo Fighters, Red Hot Chili Peppers, BLINK-182
Song stuck in my head: not gonna lie, Narcolepsy by Third Eye Blind got me feeling some kind of way, bro
Last thing I googled: donald trump disinfectant speech
Other blogs: I have a art blog, an ask blog that’s been buried underneath dust, and a nsfw blog. Before all of this one piece, i did have...a hetalia blog
Do I get asks: sometimes?? i guess it depends??
Why did I choose this username: i wasn’t super deep into one piece at the time i came back on here but I wanted something one piece related. I figured Sabo was too popular a character to go off of, so I ended up picking Shanks. Didn’t think was too popular since he showed up at Marineford and bounced. The ‘oh’ and ‘no’ was me going “oh god no not again”, like Shanks having another party or Sabo fucking someone up again. “No, you stop that--wait you actually might be right this time!!! And no, I’ll never admit you were right.”
Following: hm. less than 50? (i checked, im following 51)
Average amount of sleep: spin the dial, we’re about to find out!!! (either 5 or 11 hours, no in between)
Lucky Number: 5
What I am wearing: shorts and a shirt because i’m about to go to WORK
Dream Job: astronaut, storyboard animator and illustrator
Dream Trip: Tokyo Tower!!! Or just, around the world in general?
Favorite Food: Chicken wings and french fries
Instruments you play: I WAS playing guitar but schooling got in the way, so here’s to hoping I pick it back up again someday.
Eye color: dark brown
Hair color: dark brown
Describe your aesthetic: hm. orange, flannel, long sleeve shirts, clothing that got burned holes in em, autumn, space, organized messes, converse/vans, half empty lotion bottles, headphones, google docs open on my phone
Languages you speak: English
Most iconic song: Mr. Brightside by The Killers
Random fact: a couple Christmases ago, my dear friend actually got a Luffy artwork (not sure of the artist) signed by Luffy’s Voice Actor (she still never told me how she got it, I’m assuming from a con, but IDK which one) that wished me a Merry Christmas! I have it somewhere, but I never hung it up next to Luffy’s wanted poster I have hanging up. I treasure it a lot, lmao
I tag @rockingthegraveyard @queen-of-darkness13 @freckledtilikum @loofiedee
and anyone else who wants to do this! 
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vacanpaathy · 5 years ago
Rogue Bio
Full Name: Anna Marie .            Orientation:  PAINFULLY STRAIGHT        ROGUE                                Shipping availability:  Semi-Open Age range: 17 -30ish??           Occupation: Terrorist, X-Man    Muse Availability: Main Student    
BIG NOTE: this is not strictly comic Rogue, movie Rogue or evo Rogue or a Rogue who has verses for all three. This is an adaptation of Rogue I’ve been stewing over since I started my solo for her ( onlyrogue ) and have finally decided to release into the wild. The easiest way to think about this Rogue is XMCU Rogue 2.0, just like all the other characters got overhauled post-DOFP naturally Rogue did too. Her history pulls from comic canon, mainly the 80s era comics while her characterization pulls from those and a bit from the X-Men: Evolution series. Basically, if Rogue had shown up in Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix this is how I’d have done her. So uh, yeah..... fuck it up yall.
Anna Marie was born in Caldecott County, Mississippi to Priscilla and Owen [Last Name Unknown] who were part of a cult commune. Not long after Priscilla died under unknown circumstances when she was 3 her life fell apart and by 6 she had run away due to her poor home life. After spending an unknown amount of time homeless Anna Marie meets Irene Adler, known as Destiny a blind woman with the power of precognition, who Anna Marie first threatens with a shotgun before Destiny comforts her and takes her in.
Anna Marie began taking lessons in martial arts and going to a formal school for the first time. At around 10-13 while playing with her friend Cody he kissed her  her mutation finally kicked in completely absorbing his psyche and leaving him in a permanent coma. Rogue’s contact with others is lessened and she officially begins to wear extremely covering clothing. She makes it about 1-ish year of real high school before she is removed and homeschooled for her own safety and to allow for more time in her training to prepare for when she officially joined the Brotherhood of Mutants, the mutant terrorist organization Destiny helped run.
16-17 Rogue begins being included in Brotherhood missions.
When her powers finally became too much and she was literally losing her mind under the psychic weight of all the people she’d absorbed Rogue ran away to the Xavier School for Gifted Youngers to seek help from Professor Xavier with her mutation and the overcrowding over her mind. While at first Irene was mournful at losing her daughter she agreed it was the only way to save her and let her daughter stay despite her differences with Xavier.
PS NOTE: Ideally I’d love to keep the comic canon of her being Mystique’s adopted daughter but sfdlkjghdfk fuck me if I know how to make that shit work in the new movie canon. OG tril Mystique tho yeah that totally works. If Mystiques would like to hmu about them adoption papers do it.
About Headcanons Interactions Meta Answered Meme replies Aesthetic
Rogue’s a fairly new student at the Xavier Institute, fresh from her career as a terrorist who tried to kill all of them and their friends multiple times. Finding a lab partner is hard now......
Decides to throw her chips in with the other guy who talks to much since he’s a little more her speed than Xavier was and just as smart. Also likely a verse where she’s still in the Brotherhood depending on how Magnetos handle that shit. 
for fun, old school movie rogue.
just in case someone wants this i guess fgsfdgd
because...... ofc..........?????
OOH, SHE'S A LITTLE RUNAWAY. MESSED MUTANT GIRL STUMBLED INTO HAWKINS HEY. OOH, SHE'S A LITTLE RUNAWAY. I’ve been working on too blog admin shit and it’s showing. But yes, Rogue is another Weird Childe like Eleven and Eight on the run from Somewhere and Something who stumbles into Hawkins while running. Deliberate vagueness bc Rogue’s a Shifty Bitch™.
( that title was a fuck up typing / thinking slip but honestly it’s so choice i had to keep it )
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miraculously-dedicated · 6 years ago
ML Discussion Project
I know I literally JUST started this side blog (none knows about my existence so far) BUT. I have an idea to change that. 
Since I would love to improve my analysis skills on characters and storytelling for this show, I was thinking...How about I come up with discussion ideas where anyone can chime in to share their thoughts and ideas, and we can create one big collaborative meta post? I would love to be able to exchange and communicate more with those who share the same interest as me!
The only rules are:
Please do your best to keep your post organized with proper grammar/spelling, so everyone can read it. Please also refrain from inappropriate slurs and behavior/language in general.
Don’t patronize anyone for anything you disagree with. Don’t bully them for “mistakes” either. We all start from somewhere and we all have different opinions. Please be respectful and open-minded. If anyone acts out and is harmful towards anyone( insults, threats, etc) they will immediately be blocked.
No unnecessary negativity. The whole point of this blog is to focus more positively and enjoy ourselves with Miraculous as much as we can. Of course you can still offer your own critique, I’m not trying to restrict you but there’s still a difference between critiquing and just plain hate. This is a salt-free zone. Insulting characters, staff members, writing, and/or creators are all banned and will result in blocking. I’m not being “sensitive”, I’m just trying to keep this blog a safe, non-toxic place.
Just have fun! Don’t strive to be perfect, I just want you to enjoy yourself. Go into as much detail as you want and don’t hesitate to speak your mind or ask questions. I WANT to hear them. Treat this as a learning experience if it’s your first time doing something like this. No need to feel shy or intimidated if you really consider joining.😊 
With that said let’s get right into the first discussion idea!
  Tough Love vs Tender Love❤
So while I was looking through @booabug ‘s meta posts (THEY’RE AMAZING), this particular post got me thinking about tough love and tender love. More specifically how Marinette and Adrien react differently to both kinds and how they are being used in the show to push our two protagonists forward.
Marinette: One of the sweetest girls you’ll ever meet right? Grew up surrounded by love and support. Has been exposed to a lot of tender love. Her friends and family are always extremely kind and patient, has always been given second chances when needed, always has someone to turn to when she feels down. Emotionally speaking, our little cutie pie is spoiled rotten. Not to say that she has never experienced bad days or deals with insecurities, no. But all the positive experiences she had growing up to this point help outweigh the bad, and is the main reason why she is so optimistic and has no trouble picking her self back up. It’s also because she was able to grow up like a normal girl experiencing both the good and the bad, along with a healthy living environment to learn from, she was able to mature so much and understand the bigger picture. 
However this does have its drawbacks. We’ve seen Marinette act irrational and emotionally impulsive, especially during the first season, she had pretty heavy black and white views on good and bad, was easily prone to jealousy, and can be pretty sensitive. She is aware of how the world is realistically, but she tries hard to achieve the ideal standard, sometimes blinding her from the fact that the actions she takes to achieve said ideal is probably not the most ethical or even attainable if she proceeds to use said action. Tender love made her into the lovable, empathetic gem she is, but it also made her heavily emotionally prone. 
That’s why she reacts to tough love so well. Marinette understands that the best way to approach goals is with logic and realism but when you grew up where had emotional guidance to depend on, you gained little logical guidance to help you strengthen up and move through the emotional obstacles. That’s why in Frozer, Marinette acted on Kagami’s advice and not the girl squad. By landing the cold, harsh truth on her, Marinette was able to see the big picture again clearly without any tinted goggles. “You want to be with Adrien? Stop pitying yourself and take a chance. All you have to do is approach him.” The same thing in Origins too. Marinette felt too guilty making a mistake the first time being Ladybug, she gave up her miraculous in hopes of fixing her mess by entrusting it to someone better. But when she saw Alya in danger all that changed. Marinette  realized the real problem by not taking action the fist time. She realized she was the savior of Paris, if she did not do anything people will DIE. From then on she approched being Ladybug with “There is no time feeling sorry for yourself. Forgot about Marinette’s problems right now, focus doing Ladybug’s duty. SAVE YOUR PEOPLE.”
Adrien: A true cinnamon roll at heart but a truly tragic character. Grew up isolated from the rest of the world with one garbage dad and (morally questionable) mother who has now been missing for a year. Has been exposed to a lot of tough love (more like emotional abuse this point). While its suggested that Adrien did have affectionate parents before Emilie went missing, he still was confined in his own house with little to no interaction from the rest of the world. His only friend growing up was Chloe, and was always told that the outside world was dangerous for him to be in. He has high expectations to be “perfect” because he is not like “everyone” else, he is the son of a world famous fashion designer. There is a huge social pressure on him not to make a single mistake or he will literally screw both himself over and his dad. When he makes a mistake its never sugarcoated for him; “You have done this wrong”, “do better”, “why are you still making these mistakes?” “If you can’t improve, it will not end well for you.” There is literally none in the Agreste mansion Adrien feels comfortable enough talking to when he needs guidance and his feelings are not even taken seriously, just something he needs to “get over”. 
 Emotionally speaking, our cat son is pretty much deprived of any positive reassurance. What he lacks in TLC, it is made up in logical reassurance in; “My father is only hurting since he lost mom too. I should at least try to be there for him .” “Everyone is fond of the Agreste name. It’s only natural I live up to that”. “The world outside is not perfect, dad is just scared for me.” “If I can prove my skills then he won’t have to worry so much anymore.” Adrien learned his empathy in a different way. By observing all sides of the situation and using his own negative experience, he tries to place himself in the shoes of others and does his bets to understand why people act certain ways and what he could do to improve the situation.
However, without a healthy home environment to learn from, Adrien has serious trouble understanding his own emotions causing him to lash out, act immaturely, and have horrible self-worth in himself. He understands what he has done wrong, he always does the right thing in the end thanks to his logical reassurance, but he has trouble learning from his mistakes quicker because he always tries to bottle up all his negative emotions. 
That’s why he reacts to tender love so well. Adrien needs to learn that his own problems are important as well, that he needs to learn how to properly communicate with others if he truly wants to feel okay in the end. That’s why in Glaciator and Frozer, Adrien was able to calm down so quickly. Ladybug understood he was hurting but that he also needed to be reminded of what’s important. She knew she needed to be calm and patient with him to bring out that logical side of him again that is being hurdled by emotional struggles. By validating his feelings, Adrien was able to what the problem was. “What are you doing? You’re partner needs you right now. She may not love you back but she still values you as a person. That is more than enough right now. Forgot about Adrien’s problems right now. Focus on doing Chat Noir’s duty. HELP YOUR LADY.”
In Conclusion:
Both Marinette and Adrien have been exposed to opposite types of love throughout their life, thus their go-to response for supporting others is the kind they have been subjected to. This is another reason why they need each other as partners whenever romantic or platonic. They give each other the opposite spectrum of support they lack and need when times are desperate for them. Ex. Cat Noir reminds Ladybug to think logically when she gets to impulsive and Ladybug is also patient with Cat Noir, reminding him that he needs to balance his feelings.
This is my first time doing something like this, so naturally I already see A LOT of flaws but hopefully I was able to get my point across. With that said, I hope this is something I can get a lot of people involved in. If there is anyone you would to tag to join as well ,by all means! Here are some talented people I picked out. (If they see this, I hope you will consider.)
@booabug @familyagrestefanblog @kisilinramblings @akas-ladybug @adrienaline-rushed-art @karama9 @imaginemae
Have Fun!
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edelwary · 7 years ago
when you were first getting into art, what and how did you draw? (like did you just doodle ur masterpieces on pieces of paper and posted-notes or did you have a proper sketchbook) how did you find motivation? bc ive been trying to draw but I always get unmotivated and stop while still wanting to get better just by doing nothing.
TL;DR ; skip to the HOW TO ACTUALLY FUCKING DRAW part bc i have a megaton of shit to say lol + The MOTIVATION part 
mmh… I’ll get into details with this one tbh bc it’s a long ass process ahah : 
I live by the sea ; when i was youung i used to draw TONS of boat, but like, dollhouse boats, you could see the insides and stuff ; i loved to add tiny details and stuff, and imbricate everything together !
around 8 or 9 yo, i went to the public library with school and discovered the wonderful world of mangas ! I basically… Copy pasted an entire Mermaid Melody tome x) 
For about 2 years i alternated between reading mangas and trying to copy them ! Then i just kept drawing in the margins of my schoolwork for about… 5 years ! I have a Fuck Ton of sketchbooks of that time, it was… The start. Lol. Never say it’s bad because it’s never bad, just not there yet !!
Around my 13 yo, i went every saturday, for two years, under a bookstore ; there was a cave, and drawing classes ; that teacher was mean and harsh and stuff, but like… Not really. He would take away my eraser for the class, force me to use pencil, to draw something else (bulky boys instead of magical girls). 
I’ve learned a lot, more in terms of How To LEARN to draw than to draw itself, but i still progressed a LOT !! 
Then i kept drawing by myself for a year and i really worked hard on it ; about hours a day, trying watercolors and stuff ; i have a real problem with colors in traditionnal art, but i’m much better with lines (i should scan some RAD stuff i made in the weekend, yall ive never done anything this good i stg i dont know why i always forget im so much better on paper) 
This gets us to my sweet 16 ; i have to year of advance, bc i got ‘’’promoted’’’ idk how to say it ; anyways, i entered my (current) animation school for the first year at 16; vERY IMPRESSIVE AND TERRIFYING. 
And i learned. A fuckmegaton. Of shit there. 
Now i’m going for my third year there and i can make photorealistic marmora blades and cyberkpunk decors if i want to and that’s rad, but here is
I have one HYPER important advice, and i’m keeping it to heart since i’m like, 11 : Have. Sketchbooks. Please !!! It’s very important. Here’s why : 
You keep everything with you in one place. You have 1 sketchbook, it’s basically easy to take every where (a A5, or A4 are pretty easy to carry, i have like, 12 of those, and around 8 of A3) 
You keep track of what you’ve done. It’s super important, bc first you can cry of laughter at your old stuff bc its cute but not so good, and second, you can just be like ‘holy mama’ and see how much you’ve improved
It’s very important to be organized. I WORK in art, and trust me, if there’s something that i’ve learned this year through tears and missing files and bugs : Be. Impeccable. Now if it’s for fun, go a little loose, and just have a folder for art on your computer, and a sketchbook, no need to stress, but the better you try to keep a record of where is what, the better you’ll see whats wrong
Notebooks are friends !! You can draw, write, glue stuff, make notes, lists, everything !!! I have my life in those. It’s more important to me than any of my phones. 
Be proud of it. Like, not everything, duh ! But try to tell yourself than it’s like a RPG ; even if it’s only 2 xp here and there, one day you’ll beat level 40, and that’s super important : art is. Fuckin. Long.
I cant stress it enough. It’s soooo long !!! SO LONG !! it’s years. It’s like karate and fishing and ANYTHING. To be good at it, it takes time, but it WILL COME if you keep trying. There’s no secret passage. 
You’re gonna me it, believe in me who believes in you. 
Use. References. 
Coming from a little shit who’s got a really good visual memory, that can sound like bs, but i stg everything is always AT LEAST twice as good if you’ve used a visual support. 
I’m not saying COPY EVRYTHING (even though thats a good training) I’m saying, if you really want to do that asian tiger, please have at least two or three pictures of it nearby. Take photos of your hands, and stuff ! 
Make it harder. 
No eraser. 
I draw all my backgrounds on my sketchbook with INDIAN INK; no returns, no refunds. 
Ink, Ink, INK !! Don’t allow mistakes.
And if you make mistakes :
New page, restart
It’s okay
It’s for you
I once started back again a whole EXAM bc it was bad, i got one of my best grades 
You’ll improve and be more assured if you know you just have to DO IT. Trust me. It’s VISIBLE; if you can erase, you fidget and hesitate and ‘’kbeujebez hahhaaa idkkidsd’’ ; stop ; do it, and if you don’t like it ? Try again, there’s no time limit
Draw as large as you can 
There’s no interesting story here, it just helps. Bigger movement of the hand, more place for details, breathing lines
Thin lineart helps
Thinner. Make it even thinner
Break the rules, but not the ones that structure your art 
Big lineart ? Why not
Unfinished lines, vaporeous colors ? Pretty
Cubism is actually based on extensive and intense practice of classical art, it’s not wibbly wooblly ; the anatomy is more correct than you think 
Structure and composition are important, but so is movement and life ; choose your fighter ; mine is fluidity and fun, i’m like, a rogue/archer in drawing. Some people are dwarf fighter. That’s amazing and great. 
Don’t be afraid to do nothing
Pages and pages of my sketchbooks are actually just lance facing right and smiling, you know… 
Sometimes it just doesnt work : two ways :
Take a break, Kiki’s delivery service style
Keep trying, break your art until it obeys and comes back
Take breaks. Breath. 
Don’t compare. I do it, it doesn’t help at all. You’ll make it ; and if you compare, keep in mind that everyone’s different
I’m not gonna lie, it’s NOT easy, it’s even hard 
But I really, really think it’s worth it 
My main bitch 
I’m always pumped for art because i can LITTERALLY NOT do anything else ; i love reading and writing and stuff but at the end of the day i just want !!! to draw !!!! aaaaaa-
Fall in love with it, and with the possibilities ; i have stories to tell, tell me yours ! Do your best, one day it WILL work
Actual advices : 
I have an inspiration blog where i just reblogs stuff i like to draw them later
Find a picture, copy it. Do it again. Change the characters (i have 2 ocs and Lance and Keith as default characters) in the pic. 
Like an artstyle ? Break it to its very core, analyse it, copy it, redo it, trace it and ABSORB it. Don’t copy/past, LEARN from your heroes.
Do what you like. I have 86578 pieces of voltron, this is not a coincidence. I have ENDLESS ideas for this show, wtf. 
Try new things. Buy indian ink im begging you. It’s so cool. 
Have a game with yourself, or a challenge. STICK TO IT. 
Study. When you’re bored, usually it’s because you’re stagnating. Make it harder or do hands until you cry. 
Love your backgrounds; make backgrounds, study trees, and tokyo streets, and venice’s bridges. Decor is just as cool as characters, if not more
Mess a little with everything. My roomate more than one found me stained from head to toes trying to DO STUFF 
Draw outfits. Draw what you want but can’t afford 
MAKE YOUR LIFE A COMIC. Remember those sketchbooks ? Make a comic a week/month/every full moon, whatever, and draw your life (mine’s the roomates au lol) 
Prompts blogs are cool too 
Make fanart of a fic you liked ; you have the characters and the pose already, you just have to illustrate ; double bonus, you probably will make a writer’s day, if not year !
That little movie that plays when you listen to your favorite song ? DRAW IT
Your favorite scene in your favorite movie ? Redraw each shot. On post it. Plus it looks awesome afterwards to have the infamous TREX scene of Jurassic Parks in post it
Get bored. That’s inevitable. Dance, scream, get back to it. Walk, draw everything you see. 
Make a paper google map street view : Take a walk : every 50 meters, draw what is in front of you. 
Snapchats your friends. Draw their snapchats when they answer 
Draw maps. Invent places. Invent bikes, and hovercrafts, and monsters. Make your everyday inventory. Make your life a video game, and do the concept arts of it. 
FETCH your inspiration. I have approx. 20 artbooks, full of drawings and concept arts of my fave movies/games ; take what you like and add it to the story you have since you’re 8. We all have one. 
Ask for it ; your sis, your mom, me even ! If you dont have ideas, someone will have them. 
WELL i’m gonna stop there, even though i got like, 9864567 more to say, but with this you should be fine ! Anon, i’m rooting for you ! we all start somewhere, just hold on!!!! 
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espships · 7 years ago
Kpop Ship for taemingguk
Hello my sweet child @taemingguk !! I’m so excited and happy you sent in a request (although I pestered you to do it lol) !! You’re one of my close friends, and I know you’re going to be all blushy and cute after this, and I’m so excited for you to read your ship! 
I know ya pretty dang good, and I took this traits from your personality to help me out: 
You’re 5′9, you are mixed, with naturally curly hair which you straighten when your curly hair is beautiful, love yourself PLS
You’re a big introvert, but you’ve come out of your shell a lot 
You are very intellectual and you’re a critical thinker
Very smart in my opinion 
You have your hyper maknae moments
Mature mindset
A good temper
Creative: writing and art (drawing and on the computer)
Does not do well under pressure or a lot of stress
Mandatory healing time
Loyal but will stray if betrayed 
Will need motivation sometimes
Pays attention to detail
Can be very worrisome
Kind hearted
Good mental strength
From your request, you have asked me to ship you with B.A.P, BTS, Topp Dogg, and VIXX! You also told me to disregard biases, but I will do my best to do that lol. I hope you enjoy as much as I’m going to, so let’s get into it!
P.S. This lovely lady is the brains behind the header to this blog, so if everyone can give her an around of applause, she deserves it!! <3
B.A.P: Yongguk
I know you said to disregard your biases, but Yongguk is the best member to ship you with in my opinion! Lemme talk about some visuals for 2.5. You know you can envision some idols with a type of girl? Well, I can envision Yongguk with a tall girlfriend, and girl you fit the description perfectly. Along with natural aesthetics, I love imaging you two together in a shop somewhere or sitting at home on the couch with your legs over his while you’re watching TV. Moving right along, you and Yongguk make each other smile and giggle all the time like nobodies business. Whether you’re being weird or he is being weird, you two can hit that soft teddy bear spot on each other and you’re always happy and smiley! Along with making each other giggle and smile, you two balance each other and bring out the light hearted feelings in each other. You help Yongguk smile a little more, and you smile a lot more as well. One thing you really love about each other is how you two boost each others self-love and feeling of self-worth. I know how much you love Yongguk, and I know for a damn fact you’d tell him how much you love him when we talk about him. And you are also very insecure about yourself when you are !!BEAUTIFUL!! and Yongguk would let you know how beautiful you are everyday, and he would always tell you how important you are to the world, and why you matter. His praises and compliments always puts a smile on your face, and neither I or Yongguk is able to tell you how much it means to him kill me I’m soft. Another thing that Yongguk is good at is helping you out through stressful times. You’re going to hear healing time a lot in all your ships because it is important you get your healing time from long periods of stress such as from your family or school. If you’d be sitting at your laptop on the verge of a breakdown over a photoshop project you can’t finish, Yongguk would gently take the laptop away, give you one of his sweaters the black and white stripped one, you know the one and he’ll turn on Netflix and you’ll watch some reruns of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and Yongguk will not rest until the tension is erased from your shoulders, and you’re smiling again. Then I can TOTALLY see you two in his studio and you help him write lyrics and come up with different concepts for his solo work, and as if it wasn’t an option, there are some songs dedicated to you. There is mild PDA between you two since you prefer to keep the affection in a more private setting. Date nights are very fluffy and simple, but on occasion you two will go out and he’ll splurge on a fancy dinner. He likes to surprise you with small presents every now and then with small things you like to remind you that he pays attention to what you like. 
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BTS: Jungkook 
I was conflicted over who I should ship you with, which it was in between Tae and Jungkook. I still really do ship you with Tae, but as you’ve matured I do ship you more with Jungkook! My first reason being is video and picture edit dates! You two sitting on the couch, in sweats with your laptops and you work on editing pictures for school and he edits his little videos. It’s the perfect way to spend some time together and be productive at the same time. Then every once in a while when you get inspiration to draw, you use him as your muse. You’re also an extremely cute gaming couple *cough* overwatch. Jungkook is very soft for you whether he wants to admit it or not. Jungkook can talk to you about anything no matter how weird or serious the topic may be. He also loves for you to play with his hair and baby him slightly. You two are also one of those couples that will be awkward with each other, but it’s a comfortable awkward, I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s there. Then you’re at the mall one day and you two see a shirt that is made for men and women, and you say “why not?” and get the shirt. And even though Jungkook is soft for you, he is very protective and possessive over you. We’ve all seen how he gets when the hyungs mess with him, and I can see him wrapping his arm around your waist securely to keep you close to him in a crowd, and attempting to be dominant. And then you’re like “boy who the f are you?” when you get to the dorm and he’s being a hyper little shit on V-Live. And when he isn't being dominant in public, he loves to shower you in PDA because he loves to see you blush. And he’ll pick you up from class like “hey babe” and you’re a happy mess and he loves to see you be all fluffy and mushy. A lot of language and Netflix dates with pizza, and you also sleep a LOT. Sleep is key to your relationship because if you two don’t have enough sleep, you’ll be grumpy and tease each other. 
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Topp Dogg: Hojoon 
I took ot12 TP into consideration for this, but the more I thought about it, I do ship you with Hojoon more than I thought I would! Starting with a visual, similar to Yongguk that I think he would have a tall girlfriend, I can see Hojoon having a mixed girlfriend, and you're perfect for it! Moving right along, you two are good counter parts to each other. From many many experiences, you’re a weirdo with your friends. Hojoon will bring out the weird in you, and you’ll bring the tame to him. When you’re in public you’re either smiling like cuties or putting on your poker face for the camera’s. I can see Hojoon being very cute and sweet with his PDA, which he’ll be goofy too and you’ll be giggly and soft in public. He’ll also be protective over you since you do get a little nervous and anxious, and he wants to be able to guide you through a crowd and make sure you’re okay. And after being a big crowd or if you’re in any sort of distress, he’ll take a day off and plan a healing day that’s catered just for you. He spoils you and keeps the air free of any toxic energy and you both end up falling asleep on the couch while cuddling. It would become a lowkey precedent where you two would pick out outfits for each other since Hojoon likes to play around with fashion, and it’d only be fair if you got to join in. And you two will try to help keep each other organized by like trying to keep lists of errands and tasks you need to finish. This process would work for like a week, but the week would get so hectic to the point where he’d find the paper under a bunch of stuff on the kitchen table and he’d be like “we forgot to keep track of this.” And one thing that you love about Hojoon is that he ALWAYS has something new to get into. Whether it’d be going to another city, a new restaurant, or trying out a new activity that’s going on in town, there is always something new and adventurous, there is never a dull moment between you and Hojoon.
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Again, I tried to stray away from choosing your bias, but I just can’t help myselffffff. I could ship you with Hakyeon, but the feels aren’t as there as they are for Leo *smirk smirk*. Disclaimer, you and Leo are the most reserved and mature of the four ships, but y’all are still gonna have fun, I gotchu. Although Leo is normally quiet and he keeps to himself, you do get to see him being weird and quirky that we get to see every now and then. He’ll also get memey when you’re sitting on the couch being quiet. He’s the one that will start acting weird in complete silence and you’re startled because he’s so chill and calm, but the secret to the wild being of Leo is him being comfortable with you. He is a big observer, and he loves to observe you when you're getting ready in the morning. He'll ask questions about what you're doing when you put on your eyeliner, and you're genuinely surprised how clueless he is at all the make up since he has to wear it all the time. But he sits beside you, staring at you in awe with his mouth hanging in awe a little, as you’re putting on mascara it’s really cute. Adding on to Leo being comfortable with you, as your relationship continued, the more affectionate he becomes. He’s affectionate in his own way, but he loves to hold your hand and rub the pad of his thumb on the top of your hand. He’s very smiley in public with you, but he prefers to keep the PDA on the downlow, and you respect that and are okay with it. And let’s take a moment to talk about date night. He L O V E S  to shower you in fancy dinner dates. He loves to see you get dressed up and pamper yourself because you feel good about yourself, and of course, he reminds you on how amazing you look every time. Then taking late night road trips in the middle of nowhere is always a good idea, and it’s always fun for you two to be alone against the world. And during those late night trips, you two talk about life. The good, the bad, the happy, the anger, the kind, you talk about everything. Then you talk about your loves, your hates, and most of all your weaknesses. You both proceed with caution when you enter weakness territory and you take your time, but when you mutually become comfortable with each other, you talk about your weaknesses and you agree that you both will take time to take care of each other when you need each other the most. Then healing time is vital for both of you, which you two ditch every form of communication with the outside world, and you’ll escape to someplace that has no phone service with little people for the whole weekend. Some of your best memories come from your healing time, and nothing will beat sitting on a cabin porch, limbs tangled together, listening to the sounds of birds chirping and the breeze blowing through the tree’s. 
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*takes a minute to gather self* OMGOMG IT IS COMPLETE!! I know you got 3/4 biases, but like, girl, you got great taste what can I say? I had a grand ol’ time shipping you with your babes, and message me when you’re finished, wink wonk. I love you bunches, and I hope you liked your ship!! <3
Admin Aquarius 
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Since I’m not good enough at HTML to create a real Info/FAQ page for this blog, enjoy this lazy alternative instead
How did you get the idea for this blog?
Well, to be honest, I was reading a fan fiction (I don’t remember which one, so don’t ask) in which Robert de Sablé played a major role. In the fic in question, he was basically crazy and so bloodthirsty that it seemed that the entire scope of his existence had narrowed down to making Altaïr miserable.
This got me wondering; did this person who was actually writing the fic KNOW that Robert de Sablé was a real person? Judging by the way they were writing, they did not. It was about then that I started thinking that maybe I could do something to let people know that there were more people in Assassin’s Creed other than the obvious ones (such as George Washington or King Richard the Lionheart) that had actually been around in real life.
At this point I started thinking about making a blog, but I still wasn’t certain that people would be interested in it, so I asked about it on my main blog. A couple of my mutual expressed a mild interest and now here we are.
Where do your images come from?
The in game ones come from the Assassin’s Creed wikia. For the banner at the beginning of each article, I usually try to find a picture of the main character of that game interacting with the object/person/place, if at all possible.
For the others, I mainly rely on google. What can I say; I’m lazy. If there’s one picture in particular that comes up frequently in my search, I will try to find one that’s big and has nice quality.
How do you do the research?
I first try to find a multitude of sources about what I’m talking about. Usually I attempt to avoid Wikipedia because you can’t guarantee that people weren’t messing with the information presented (looking at you, people who vandalized Todd Howard’s page). If I can’t avoid it though (usually because there are not many sources on the topic at all, an issue I’ve run into a few times for this blog) I just make do with what I have.
I primarily lean on one source and then use the others to fill in gaps and double check that the information is correct... or at least repeated in other places.
How do you decide what topic or game to talk about every week?
Usually I’ll just scroll through my posts and think, “Hm, it’s been a little while since I’ve published something from this game.” After that, I will simply go to the page where I keep a list of all of the people, objects, and locations that appear in the games that I can feasibly write about. They’re not really organized in any way other than those categories, although the ones from later games tend to be lower down on the list.
I will take requests if someone wants to read about someone/somewhere/something in particular, or if they want to hear more about a specific game, but no one has taken me up on that offer as of yet. Who knows, though, there’s always tomorrow.
What’s your main blog?
You can find me over at @moonsp1r1t. There is absolutely no organization over there, but if you want memes and fan art you’re golden. It’s multi fandom too, so there’s (mainly) Assassin’s Creed, Steven Universe, Marvel, Skyrim... some other crap, I’m sure...
Also, feel free to chat with me if you have time. I’m frequently on my phone and I’m lonely.
Why are you so interested in history?
I didn’t even realize I was until a couple of years ago. I was in high school, depressed, and not knowing what I wanted to do with my life when it hit me that I’ve always liked history and always been good at it and I decided then that I wanted to be a history teacher.
I’m not really sure that answers the question, though, now that I think about it; it’s just something you guys seem to ask me, so I felt the need to include it here. Sorry.
How old are you?
I’m nineteen and I’m a sophomore in college. Social science major, education minor.
Can we find you on any other websites?
Yeah, but nothing like what I do for this blog. I’m also on Devientart, FanFiction.Net, and AO3, but I don’t use the first two as frequently any more. Still, I use the same username as my main blog (Moonsp1r1t).
Anyway, I can’t think of any more questions that you may ask/have been asked before, but if you’re still curious about something, do not hesitate to ask me. :)
Safety and peace, friends!
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wayhaughterthanyou · 7 years ago
You are very much welcome to spam my asks any time you’d like
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? Enough for my cereal to be moist but not enough for it to be swimming…also I hate milk and usually have coconut or a lactate free milk
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? Honestly my favorite shit
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? I used to get in trouble for reading a lot as a kid so I often used a ton of obscure things but I think my favorites were a shoelace and another book
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? I depends on the kind of tea tbh but usually if it’s anything but black tea I’ll drink it plain. As for coffee I hate brewed coffee but I love espresso and I’ll drink that with anything but my favorite is probably an undertow
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? YES! I broke my two front teeth in middle school (long story) and I’ve just been bleh about it since
6: do you keep plants? I don’t but that sounds cute and now I’m sad that I don’t. Daddy needs a lil cactus or something
7: do you name your plants? I shall name my cactus Princess Rosalina Maria Fiore Montoya
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? Writing and film
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? Baby the only way to spread christmas cheer is singing loudly for ALL to hear
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? I used to sleep curled in a ball on my side but I have a back injury rn and can only sleep on my back and its terrible and I hate it
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? Lisa.
12: what’s your favorite planet? Earth. The ocean literally makes me want to cry thinking about it
13: what’s something that made you smile today? Waking up and seeing this ask
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? Like interior design? Oh wow, like a mix of modern and rustic? My brother and I are classy boys; we like to feel like we’re living in a spaceship and a cabin simultaneously
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! GOOGLE?? THAT WEBSITE FOR PLEBS WHO DONT KNOW SPACE FACTS?? The moon landing was faked.
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? Pene al Vodka
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? Right now I kinda just want to bleach it but I’m not sure if I should do it before pride or after.
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. Umm there is a picture of me…called Jaba the Hyuck..and um.. yeah
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? I don’t and I actually never have, however I have always written by hand so I used to always carry around a book.
20: what’s your favorite eye color? Trick question I have literally never seen an eyeball that I have not fallen in love with sooo
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. My messenger bag, which has had both sides of the straps resewn, has been peed on by a resentful cat, and lugged around 30 pounds of bullshit my senior year
22: are you a morning person? I have to be! I wake up at 4:30 on weekdays for my job
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? Play video games
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? Yes which is weird saying that out loud
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? An abandoned preschool
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? Vans high tops
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? Okay so I hate actually chewing gum for a prolonged period of time anymore but I love the watermelon 5 gum
28: sunrise or sunset? Watching the sunset with someone and then staying up to watch the sunrise
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? @a-maelstrom​ thinks she’s tough but it just makes me want to pinch her cheeks ;)
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? I live with 2 demons I’m scared every day of my life
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. I used to hate socks but after losing 100 lbs really fast and having absolutely no more blubber to keep you warm you learn that socks are nice and are just here to keep you cozy. But I’ll only wear black ankle socks
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. We we’re playing Mario Party on my friends wii and we decided we were going to play until disney started airing the old shows like Kim Possible and shit, but then the batteries died. BUT there was a 711 around the corner that we could all walk to BUT we lived in a really jacked up town. Long story short we saw 3 drug deals on the way and when we got back I won the game and my friend rage quit and turned the system off before I had a proper chance to bask in my glory
33: what’s your fave pastry? I love Italian cookies
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? Okay I had two, they were both life sized black labs, one a puppy and the other an adult, and they were called Big Blacky and Little Blacky cause I’m creative as fuck I still have them in a bag in the attic somewhere
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? I only use on type of pen. Pilot Pen G.2 7.0mm
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? 99% of the time I’ll have an album that takes over my entire soul (because I used a technique with writing long works that involves music) and right now thats One Fell Swoop by The Spill Canvas
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? I like it clean however my brother and I use it as a rec room right now so it’s like… a mess
38: tell us about your pet peeves! CHEWING. I don’t care if you resort to swallowing things whole around me I don’t want to hear you chew
39: what color do you wear the most? Black or blue
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? I have a necklace that hasn’t left my neck since I was 15. It means everything
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? To Kill a Mockingbird is my favorite book, but the most recent one I’ve read and loved is called The Ables by Jeremy Scott
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! I don’t! I wish I had a cute one that I went to
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? I don’t think anyone’s actually amused me enough to look at the stars with me so I’m gonna say my dog cause I used to find constellations at night and he’d join me in the backyard and lay with me
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? I don’t lmao
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? I always do, which sometimes gets me into trouble but fuck it ya know
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. What do you call a lobster with a boob job at a dirty bus stop? A busty crustacean at a crusty bus station
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? Spagettios
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? Spiders. Hell yes motherfucker
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? I do only because my brothers car only plays CD’s I have no idea what the last one I bought was though
50: what’s an odd thing you collect? I collect currency from other countries, but only the ones that I find in the US. Like going to a country and bringing back the currency is cheating, I have to find it here
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? The first person that came to mind is my brother and the song is Fear of Flying by A Rocket to the Moon
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? Oh wow I don’t know man
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? I have watched all of them. Beetlejuice and Pulp Fiction are amazing and I love them, but RHPS and Heathers (especially the musical) very much impacted my life and my art
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? My dad when I told him he has white privilege
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? Oh god I’m such a dramatic bitch I’ll do anything to prove a point
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? Honesty, compassion and the ability to see past one’s own beliefs to at least try to understand someone else’s
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? I don’t there’s been a time I’ve listened to that song without getting the chills and acting it out like a madman
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? My friend Adam is the wine aunt, my brother is the vodka aunt, and you can call me daddy
59: what’s your favorite myth? TSM Myth
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? Very rarely
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?  A condom.. on both sides..cause we’re so funnny
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? I don’t have a “regular schedule” where I “consume nutrients” but I love apple juice
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? Yes they’re me babes
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? It’s a beautiful blue and the sky writers are practicing for the air show coming up this summer
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? Yeah quite a few, but I might be seeing one at Pride
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? Cute and classy
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? Like the outside matches the inside
68: what’s winter like where you live? Sometimes we have blizzards and sometimes is 70 on christmas
69: what are your favorite board games? Monopoly and chess neither of which anyone will ever play with me
70: have you ever used a ouija board? Baby doll how do you think I got these demons
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? The twitter kind
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? I’m the type of person who knows I’ll forget but doesn’t write it down anyway
73: what are some of your worst habits? I crack everything
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. A lil honey bee
75: tell us about your pets! I HAVE 6! A big ol mutt named Roscoe and he’s my boy and i taught him everything he knows (hes good at turning tricks) a whippet and jack-Russel mix named Sandy and shes a lil dummy, then a tux cat named Domino thats scared of everyone, a fat orange cat named Max who got lazy and took a nap on a scale one day (hes 17lbs), my baby boy Bandit, he has mainecoon in him and he has an extra thumb and is my world, and I have a turtle named Peewee who we call Pubes
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? Editing
77: pink or yellow lemonade? PINK
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? I liked them in despicable me but it gets old seeing them everywhere
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? My cat loves me and thats all i can ask for
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? Beige, nope my landlord
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. ROUND ORBS, SQUARE HOUSE
82: are/were you good in school? I hated it because I was smarter than everyone so everyone hated me
83: what’s some of your favorite album art? The art from Nothing personal by All Time Low, the deluxe edtion, but more specifically the art printed directly on the CD
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? I have so many planned but I’m getting a farnsworth from Warehouse 13 that says “endless wonder”
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? I read the Rick and Morty ones and I was big on batman in
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? They’re absoutely everything to me. Sgt. Peppers, Pet Sounds, Pretty Odd, One Fell Swoop, Broken Bride..ugh my shit
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Jaws, Wizard of Oz, a lot more that I can’t think of
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? I don’t like moving thanks
89: are you close to your parents? Nope
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. Seattle!
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? Hopefully moving away
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? I’m gross and I have barely any
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? HAt
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? My friend pat
95: what are your plans for this weekend? I’m about to eat a taco and smoke pot and I’ve got nothing after that
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? The time when my computer crashed after 80 questions was because it auto started an update because it wouldn’t allow me to put it off anymore
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? INFP, Libra, and Ravenclaw
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? A couple of months ago when my town threw a concert in the part for Zebra, it was fun cause we smoked in the woods
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. Oh, Calamity- All Time Low, Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea- Missio, This is for Keeps- The Spill Canvas
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? Future. fuck old me that bitch is dumb i don’t wanna see him
THANK YOU FOR RETURNING TO MEEEEE! My ask is always open and I’m always SO VERY LONELY!
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deer-doodles · 7 years ago
[the good doctor]
pt 1????
[HEY HI WHATS UP GUYS its ya girl up in here with some sweet wordage..... ok sorry i’ve been working on this for days and didn’t think i’d actually finish it but here we are, it happened, it’s done. it’s been a long time since i posted writing, and i figured my art blog would be a good place for it cuz i mean, writing IS an art, so. anyway. this here is some sweet lil apprentice/julian, pg13 a little mouth to mouth if you get me. i accidentally left the ending a little open so idk maybe i’ll write more!!! we’ll see!! maybe!!!]
Word count: 3960 Preview:
“Did I hear someone scream--oh.”
She didn’t want to look up. She didn’t want to be sure of who it was. Even though she already was. And there was no denying it as he came to view, leaning over her some six feet above. “Strange how we keep meeting like this.”
Mm… strange. Oh, right. She was in the predicament because- … after all that nonsense, all the ill at ease feelings she had seemed to have disappeared entirely. Even the alley around her seemed a little bit lighter. Strange… yes. Strange indeed.
Looking up at him, a sopping wet mess of limbs and splintered wood she scowled slightly. “As I recall when we first met I was quite graceful and quick thinking.”
“Oh yes, how could I forget that? Perhaps the concussion.” a grin spread across his face as he squatted down beside her and offered her a hand. “You’re not hurt are you?”
It was odd, somehow, coming back here and… finding nothing surprising. Surprisingly unsurprised? Perhaps it was something more specific than that, something in… particular she was looking for… but for now she ignored that notion and let the smallest sigh escape her as she closed the door of the shop behind her. While the Countess was nothing but hospitable towards her, she felt much like a well adored bird in a very very gilded cage. Her mind always told her all she had to do was ask to return home and she would be set free, but the twisting sensation in her gut bade she bite her tongue. She could imagine that tight-lipped expression on Nadia’s face, ‘are you not afforded every comfort here, in my palace?’, though she would not say it, Luna would be unable to keep the words from burning in her ears.
But now, somehow… Somehow she found herself feeling like this wasn’t what she’d been looking for after all. The quiet, the gentle creak of familiar floorboards, the dust visible in the rays of waning sunlight that filtered in through broken shutters… It did feel distinctly of home, but… perhaps home was not what she was missing.
Everything had developed a light layer of dust, disturbing it as she let her fingers lightly drag along the counters, the books, everything left where it was. She’d used the excuse that she’d like some of her usual clothes, things she’s more… accustomed to, for her downtime. Not that she didn’t enjoy the lavish cloth she was so graciously gifted with startling abundance, it… was hard to relax in such finery. Her reasoning wasn’t a lie, but really she just… wanted to get away for a little while.
She glanced back towards the door. Outside would be a pair of guards and a small carriage parked further away. Nadia had growing concerns as the masquerade drew closer, her little magical detective may attract unwanted attention. If she was worried about the doctor… A snort escaped her as she pursed her lips. She was in a somewhat awkward position between the two, wasn’t she? She had more or less agreed to assist the Countess, but… Luna herself was not so certain of the doctor’s guilt… And Portia… It was quite the complicated muckery she’d gotten herself into, wasn’t it? She could have easily told Nadia of her encounters with Dr. Jules, but it… it just didn’t feel right.
What of Julian? She… well, she never quite had the chance to tell him what was going on but… if she did? What would that change? And what if he was the guilty party? She thought about his smile in the warm candlelight, the hand he had offered her when she’d gone and tripped into an unassuming barrel. She fancied herself a fairly good judge of character… and she definitely did not get the sensation of cold blooded murder from him.
A sigh left her lips as she moved back to her bedroom, picking through ill organized drawers of clothing. Really she… wanted to get some fresh air. By herself. Somewhere more familiar. Folding some clothing over she debated. If she left out the back door they’d be none the wiser. It felt like everything she did was just a touch wrong. Or, not wrong, just… the bad choice in it all. Like something she might easily come to regret. She thought about the day she chased the rabbit and deer, about finding that door, feeling that pull towards freedom. Even if she hadn’t really wanted to disappoint and betray Nadia, she just… had to escape, even just for a little. And escape she certainly had. The time she’d spent with the Doctor almost felt… like some alternate timeline. Like there was no way she could have such a lighthearted night with him, while her days were filled with actual murder research.
She shook her head. Just a walk. Just a quick walk.
Before she could talk herself out of it, she made her way quietly out the back. It was late, the streets were mostly quiet save for a few more lively institutions. Once again she was reminded of that early evening with Julian, she’d never been to an establishment quite like that before. A small tavern here or there, sure. But it seemed different, lively in ways she was unfamiliar with. Her thoughts wandered one path, her feet another. Before she knew it, she’d taken a turn to somewhere… hm, where was she? Not too far, just… took a turn somewhere back that way. Probably better to head back anyway. Turning on her heel, she headed back the way she came, but everything felt even quieter, darker. She couldn’t have gotten that far, it had only been a few minutes… Still, something in the air hung a little… differently. She was not one that startled all that easily, but when she heard a rattling sound off to the side she nearly jumped out of her skin. Her steps hurried a bit as she continued back, but she found herself still teetering on edge.
She felt eyes on her, oddly they felt… familiar… even if she couldn’t locate them. She wasn't sure she wanted to. It reminder her a little of the hounds - not outwardly threatening, but a little unsettling. Surely they were nowhere near here…
She yelped as she was certain she felt something brush along her ankle. Why were things so strange suddenly? What had she gotten herself into… Her heart was pounding now, regardless of how much mental chiding she did to try and calm herself down. Keeping her eyes peeled she took a backwards step into an alleyway, then, across the way-- was that… a pair of red eyes? Her body moved before she’d even had a clearly defined thought, skittering backwards, and--
In one swift unceremonious movement, she triggered a series of unfortunate events: she bumped something, and in her current state, this startled her and sent her flailing. The heel of her shoe caught itself on a slightly raised brick in the alley, her leg gave out, and the rest of her followed. Straight into a half-rotted wheel barrow that was filled with rainwater from the night before.
Now drenched, her expression fell into a very sour straight face, and just as she had the thought ‘well at least this can’t get any worse’, her weight against the incredibly worn wet wood was too much for the old thing to handle. The rusted wheel popped off and rolled down the alley, the braces and supports splintering and snapping. She had gone from an awkwardly fallen over position with her feet at least still on the ground, bent at the knees, laying inside the wheelbarrow, to sprawled on the ground amidst a pile of soggy broken wood.
She hadn’t even considered the clamour she must have made - she may have even let a small squeal escape her during the whole ordeal, only did she realize when a voice came from further down.
It was… an oddly familiar voice.
“Did I hear someone scream--oh.”
She didn’t want to look up. She didn’t want to be sure of who it was. Even though she already was. And there was no denying it as he came to view, leaning over her some six feet above. “Strange how we keep meeting like this.”
Mm… strange. Oh, right. She was in the predicament because- … after all that nonsense, all the ill at ease feelings she had seemed to have disappeared entirely. Even the alley around her seemed a little bit lighter. Strange… yes. Strange indeed.
Looking up at him, a sopping wet mess of limbs and splintered wood she scowled slightly. “As I recall when we first met I was quite graceful and quick thinking.”
“Oh yes, how could I forget that? Perhaps the concussion.” a grin spread across his face as he squatted down beside her and offered her a hand. “You’re not hurt are you?”
With the shock of it all, she really hadn’t felt much of anything, the freezing cold impact, the wood crumbling beneath her. “Mmm, I don’t think so, perhaps a few scrapes.” She took the hand offered to her and he gingerly pulled her up with him as he stood back up.
“You’ll catch a cold though,” the air was getting cooler with every passing day and by this time in the evening it was cooler yet. She tried not to shiver but to what end she wasn’t sure. He was right, if she slogged back to… well, she still didn’t know exactly where she was, which was embarrassing but… As she thought in silence she hardly noticed as he shrugged off his jacket, only realizing really when the weight touched her shoulders. Her spine straightened at the sensation and her eyes went a little wide as she looked up at him. Her surprise was met with a warm smile, warmer than the heavy jacket that was much too large, hanging off her shoulders.
“Here, come with me.”
Once again the doctor offered Luna his hand, which seemed entirely unnecessary yet… she still took it. Her other hand grasped at the collar of the jacket, pulling it closed around her shoulders as she let him lead her further down the softly lit alleyway. There was a door ajar, presumably the one he’d come out of, just a little ways down. Inside was light and warm, quiet though, not a rowdy tavern like the last place he’d taken her. This seemed like someone’s home.
As if answering her thoughts, he commented softly, “I was visiting a patient here, but she has since retired to bed.”
“O-oh, should I-”
“I’m certain she would not mind you being here.”
She offered Julian a pointed but playful look, “Mm well, I don’t typically enter places uninvited...”
He scoffed slightly and pursed his lips. “Well I have invited you, so please, let yourself dry a bit.”
She moved into the building without hesitation at this point, despite still feeling a little odd, entering someone else's home while they slept… but she had trusted Julian so far. One could only hope she did not come to regret it.
“Do you make a habit of late night alleyway swims?”
Her attention which had fallen to the warm crackle of a hearth pressed into the wall snapped back to him, almost for a moment forgetting all that had happened. “I… what? No. I was just... “
His chuckle interrupted her and she pursed her lips slightly. “It was mostly a joke, though from what I know about you, which is startlingly little, not much would surprise me.”
With so much on her mind, she didn’t notice the stiffness in the air, or the fact he was desperately trying to make conversation with her to fill the silence. She just returned to all the grim thoughts and… she should tell him, right? It was like something playfully divine, her continuing to run into him. Why couldn’t she say it? She wrung the collar of his jacket, tugging at it like if she wrapped herself up tight enough, she would find the answer. Or just disappear into it’s dark void.
As she pulled it tightly around her neck she winced. Ah, what is that? She brought a hand up, feeling the particular wetness of blood. A small cut along the side of her neck that still trickled crimson just slightly. She had no mind to say anything but Julian was already watching her, had been watching her the entire time, trying to read her. Without a word he reached one gloved hand over and tilted her jaw sideways some so that he might see it better. Her back stiffened but she did not jerk away as she would have from a stranger’s touch.
“I’m sorry,” she started, glancing away, “I seem to have bled on your coat.”
He chuckled and shook his head, “Wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened.”
She raised a brow and gave him a slightly pointed look - just how much blood was on this coat exactly? He chuckled again, this time quite sheepishly, and moved away from that topic.
She started to shrug if off and he stopped her, “No, no, I’m not worried about it, please keep it on.” He was not about to mention the fact that especially in the warm firelight, the dark blue fabrics she wore became exceptionally see-through. The redness of his cheeks might have give that away though.
She eyed him a bit suspiciously, but he was quick to move on. “Just hang on a moment, I’ve got something to clean that with.”
“I’m sure it’s fine-”
“In these areas of town you never know what could have been in that water,” he rummaged through a bag he’d had sitting on a small table, his voice had taken a grim seriousness in tone.
Fair enough, she didn’t really know where she was right at the moment anyway. Whatever… feeling she’d let chase her down here, she certainly had gotten turned around. But now that things seemed… well, as normal as things could be right now, she felt at least a little more confident in finding her way back.
She wanted to ask him things, though… So many things, honestly. He had patients out here? Did he still regularly practice medicine? She thought about the way he looked, when he’d seen those drawings she found in the library. She watched as he pulled out various vials, eyeing the contents, occasionally giving them a sniff if a visual wasn’t enough. Cute.
Oh gosh she just thought that.
Well, at least she hadn’t absently said it. She…. she hadn’t right? Suddenly flustered she rocked on her heels a little, pulling the jacket tighter around her. She couldn’t wrap her head around the idea of him burning a man alive in his bed. He had no reason to have helped her, ever. And while he may have snuck into her home on a couple of occasions… He may have had the key without her permission but he never… took anything, or did anything. At most, his highest personal offense was startling her.
Which he did, again, suddenly appearing right in front of her. Or at least that was how that seemed when she let herself get lost in her thoughts. She managed to jump only slightly, though her eyes widened as he leaned close and pulled back the high collar of the coat to investigate the cut. His gaze wandered from the small gash, up her neck, and met hers for what felt like a long moment. Clearing his throat he pulled back just slightly and poured a small amount of liquid onto a clean cloth.
“It will sting, but only momentarily.”
She nodded and tilted her her head to the side to allow him easy access. He pressed the cloth to her skin and she did wince regardless of the fact she knew it was coming. His fingertips grazed her throat and she bit her lip. Stupid butterflies. Was she really so touch deprived? The only person she’d been in particularly close quarters with in some time was Asra, and that was fleeting and always left her feeling confused. She was certainly still confused, but this was an entirely different situation.
The pain had indeed worn off quickly, and she felt nothing but warmth as he pressed a small thin bandage over it. “There,” his voice was soft, almost thoughtful, as he momentarily surveyed the area. A gentle smile spread across his face as he straightened up a bit, looking down at her. “Well, I trust that was all then? You’ve not noticed any other aches or pains?”
She returned the smile and shook her head. Part of her wished he’d insist on making sure.. embarrassing, embarrassing, embarrassing…
Their gazes lingered just a little too long. That one extra moment that pushed past a simple glance and into something more, something complicated. At her perfectly average height, he towered over her, and without her even realizing it his hand had moved to the side of her face, drawing her already elevated chin upwards further. Despite whatever weariness weighed on him, his visible eye was truly beautiful, enough to distract her as he leaned closer in. Ironically, his mind echoed a similar sentiment, such a clear crystal blue, certainly the sky would turn green in envy.
While their staring contest seemed to last for ages, it was very suddenly that Julian dipped in and stole her lips. Strangely, Luna did not feel as surprised as she would have expected. It felt fast and random, they only barely knew each other, but there was no doubt there was this strange spark between them ever since that first moment they’d met formally with not-technically breaking and entering and a little bit of assault and battery. Still there was… a palpable level of unease in Luna, she… what was she doing? She was supposed to turn this man over to his death, and was teetering on this very thin tightrope of disobeying the Countess while also lying to Julian.
Was it really a lie though? It wasn’t like he’d ever asked if she was on perhaps some mission from the palace to bring him to the gallows for justice…
All of this had rushed her mind, so much so she’d barely had the freedom of thought to enjoy this moment. As Julian slowly pulled away, surveying her face as if he knew something was amiss, she just felt… sad.
She did her best not to let it show, but she felt like he could read her mind purely through her eyes. They were always so quick to betray. Whatever he saw, he made no mention of it. Instead he offered a slightly flustered grin, clearing his throat. “My my, that was… uncalled for.”
Seeing that smile warmed her heart and distracted her from the uncertain future that left her stomach in knots. “I didn’t mind,” she answered easily, despite the reddening of her cheeks.
“Oh, well, good,” while he hadn’t seemed tense in the least, somehow he still managed to relax visibly, like he had actually been worried she might have been angry or unsettled by what he’d done. “I didn’t mind either.” Having said that, he seemed to grow even more sheepish, like he wasn’t sure what to do at this point. Funny how someone so dark and mysterious easily gave way to embarrassment and awkwardness. He leaned away and brushed his hand through his hair, seeming to brush it back but failing in entirety as it all just fell back into place. The softest bit of laughter escaped her at his efforts which resulted in him pursing his lips, but it gave way to a truly warm smile. She was pretty sure her heart leapt into her throat at the sight.
She should tell him. Why hasn’t she told him? How do you say to someone ‘oh hey so I know we’ve been sort of running into each other by complete random chance but here’s the thing, I’ve actually been tasked with finding you so that the Countess can exact her vengeance on you by seeing you hang’. Well, maybe like that, but… How do you time that? How do you take whatever this is and throw that on top of it? And…
The other problem was that she truly liked Nadia. She could be a little intimidating to say the very least, but she seemed to have good intentions and was only looking to find justice… But Luna had this feeling… Gods, she had to hope.. that her judgement was misplaced about Julian. And how could she say that to her? After everything… would she find the courage to stand up to Nadia?
She looked at Julian who could hardly keep eye contact with her at this point, blushing from ear to ear.
She… had no proof that he was not the one to set fire to the Count’s bedchamber. She certainly couldn’t picture it, but her lack of imagination was not solid evidence in his favor. She bit the inside of her lip and tried very vehemently to keep her brow from furrowing. Clearing her throat she forced a smile. “I… should probably head back though, I’m sure the guards will notice I’m not at the shop soon, if they haven’t already.”
“Ah yes, under lock and key are we? The Countess’s esteemed guest?”
A short strained chuckle escaped her and she nodded slightly, “It is not as bad as you make it sound.”
“Mm, well, I suppose I should let you return. Lest we both become criminals.”
There was a certain amount of restrained vitriol when he said that, but he wore a crooked smile nonetheless. Still it did not sit well on her heart, hearing him refer to himself as a criminal. Was that some form of admittance? Or just a sarcastic stab at those who have misjudged him?
She nodded again, this time a bit stiffly, as she moved to exit back out into the alley. She found herself unable to move further though when she felt the tug of his hand on her wrist, pulling her back into him where he pressed a much more purposeful kiss to her lips. This time she was quite surprised, and her eyes grew wide before she settled into his warmth once more. She made much more pointed attempts to quiet the nagging in the back of her mind as she stretched upwards on her toes, resting both hands on either side of his face. An outright embarrassing sound escaped her, some mixture of pleasure and surprise, as he snaked an arm tightly around her waist and held her to him, not that she was fighting in the least. Their lips broke only upon a mutual need for haggard breaths, at which point they stood still like that, for just a moment. Luna’s tongue swept across her lower lip before her teeth tugged at it, and he loosened his grip on her, watching every slight movement she made. When she met his gaze again, he looked absolutely smitten and it caused an uncomfortable combination of heart racing and heart breaking as the weight of what burdened her returned squarely to her shoulders.
“Well…” there was a soft drawl to his voice, and she was grateful that her panicked dread had kept itself locked up inside her, “Off with you, then.”
She swallowed hard and stepped off once more, nodding again, almost tripping over her own feet as she moved out of his reach. She moved with determination and did not allow herself to look back as once again terror for what was to come set in.
“And do be careful, Miss Magician.” A jab at her penchant for clumsiness whenever he was around. “Perhaps soon we might meet on purpose?”
While she did not direct her voice at him, she still said loud enough that he might hear, “I’m afraid so.”
Confusing though it was, he simply shrugged off her cryptic answer and watched as she faded from view.
Somehow, they had both forgotten that she had his jacket.
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afangirlfantasy · 8 years ago
hii! i wanted to ask you for a fic rec in which harry is in like a bad situation? maybe he's abused somehow and louis saves/helps him? something like birds in gilded cages? sort of a harry's louis baby kind of fic, thank youu (and ignore me if this is a request you don't like)
(I don’t know why this is showing up on my main blog, sorry!) Also, I literally just read Birds in Gilded Cages last week! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Reminded me of Club Mad, which has sadly been deleted, but would be perfect on this list that you want! I think I have a good understanding of what you’re looking for, so hopefully you find something you like! And I don’t mind doing doing ANY kind of Fic Rec, honestly! I really enjoy making these!
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                            Hurt/Comfort Harry Fic Recs
we’ll play hide and seek to turn this around (give me love… by Wankerville
Words: 19k 
“So here’s the thing,” he starts. “I didn’t mean what I said a few weeks ago to like, hurt your feelings or anything. If you like painting your nails, then you should do that, and not like, care if anyone else doesn’t like it because their opinions shouldn’t matter, you know?” Louis takes a breath, finally glancing over to see the boy wide-eyed and pink-cheeked. On a whim, he adds, “And like, I noticed you scraping it off and you haven’t been wearing any and I think you should because that’s what you like.”or an au where harry paints his nails and drinks strawberry milk and is too nervous for it to be nothing and louis’ just trying to figure out whats wrong with him
Part 1 of strawberry milk fic
Pretty Boy by iwillpaintasongforlou
Words: 32k
Harry’s been forced into a high-class prostitution ring because his heroin-addicted mother is too strung out to realize that her boyfriend is pimping out her son. Louis is the crown prince of England and gets into a lot of mischief and thinks it’s normal to pay prostitutes to “get a good night’s sleep.” They probably aren’t meant to see each other beyond that one random night, but then again, they probably aren’t meant to see each other at all.
Give Me A Minute by Prncelouie
Words: 32k
OR the one where Harry discovers his husband cheating on him and his new neighbor Louis might just be the one to help pull him back from the edge.
The King and I by iwillpaintasongforlou
Words: 43k
Louis -better known as The Rogue- is the legendary King of the Thieves of London, the underground network of criminals who run the city. Zayn is his second in command, Niall is an Irish fugitive with ultra high-tech hacking skills, and Liam is a dirty cop who lets Rogue and his crew get away with just about anything. Harry is Britain’s absolute worst criminal and a professional scapegoat who flees Cheshire in search of good treatment, and just might find it under the wing of London’s regal mastermind.
Escape by AngKeats
Words: 47k
“Buddy…you really don’t have to go,” Louis added, making him falter in his step.
Harry took short, frightened breaths into his lungs and turned.
Louis. That was a typical cowboy name. A good strong, male name. A good strong male who could be harmful. A good strong male who could over-power him and hurt him. Something in his kind blue eyes told him he wouldn’t, though. It was strange, being able to read him like that, but it was true. He didn’t want to hurt him. He wanted to help.
The intruder reached for his sleep bag and he clutched it to his chest protectively. His eyes flicked over Louis’ face but he didn’t move to touch him. Louis’ horse- Hunter- gently butted his arm with his nose.
“Hunter seems to have taken a shine to you,” Louis continued as though he hadn’t just chased him halfway down his drive and was still without a name for him. “Why don’t you come up for breakfast?” He invited.
 i love you more by shoulderbone (lavenderforluck)
Words: 47k
Boys like Harry can’t fall in love. But then he meets Louis. A love story in two parts.
No One Does It Better by nodibs
Words: 49k
Harry’s an alcoholic and Louis is a bartender. The first time they meet isn’t the first time they’ve met.
Even Angels Have Their Demons by AFangirlFantasy
Words: 50k
Louis is appointed the role of Guardian Angel, and his first mission is a boy named Zayn Malik. Unfortunately, it seems that a certain Demon has gotten to him first.
Or… an Angel/Demon AU where Angel Louis hates Demon Harry, but somewhere along the way that stops being so true.
Green Doe Eyes by AngKeats
Words: 51k
“Can I fix you?” Louis asked as Harry looked over at him, eyes wet and red, tip of his nose pink and cute. He licked his plush lips and nodded.
Louis let out a thankful sigh and reached for Harry’s hand, ignoring the way Harry flinched when they touched.
He stripped off the useless bandage and winced at the re-opened wounds. He noticed the blood under Harry’s fingernails and realised he’d scratched at them until they bled.
“Harry…” He whispered, tears coming to his own eyes as he felt Harry tremble under his touch, eyes averted shamefully as he swallowed his tears away determinedly. “No, don’t be scared, it’s okay,” Louis assured. “I’m not going to judge you…I just need to protect you,” he explained.
Hideaway. by arrowtomyheart 
Words: 52k
Harry is in a borderline abusive relationship which ends after the news that Harry’s pregnant. He is homeless for the night and travels 3 hours on the train to turn up at his best friend’s Liam’s house unexpectedly for somewhere to stay. He meets Louis, Liam’s flatmate, and they discover that they have more in common that anyone would expect. They fall in love.
American Rose by justgotowisharder
Words: 53k
“Your voice sounds rosewood when you’re lying.”“I didn’t lie, Harry.”“You’re lying right now.”Louis rolls his eyes, sighing. “Honestly, fuck your synesthesia.”
(The story where Harry hears in colors and Louis’ voice is multicolored. Harry hates his disorder, Louis hates to be gay. Little they know, they’re meant to be)
You are a lovely adjective, no word ever enough byangelichl
Words: 56k
The hurt/comfort AU in which Harry leaves away an abusive relationship, and Louis offers to share his flat.
Since I’ve Found You by Rearviewdreamer
Words: 74k
Louis woke up on the morning he was meant to volunteer at the Feed the Homeless program at St. Mary’s church hoping for an opportunity to give back a little to a city that has given him everything he could ever want. Little did he know, there was one more great thing waiting there for him; a boy with radiant green eyes in a weathered jacket and a beat-up backpack slung over his shoulders.
Only You by mystic_believexx
Words: 78k
A strict school, a forbidden love and a burning hatred that turns to passion so hot Louis’ in very real danger of getting burnt…
After pulling one prank too many on their high school’s Principal, Louis and Liam get transferred to Stanford Institution, a boarding school with a reputation for handling rebellious teens. Louis’ determined to buckle down and follow the rules so he can come back home as soon as possible but unfortunately for him, his roommate-one Harry Styles- has other plans.
Sometimes things have a funny way of working out…
For Angels To Fly by @ithinkhesalwayswonderful 
Words: 80k
Louis isn’t in love with a guy and Harry doesn’t need saving. Neither of these things end up being entirely true.
Saving You by AngKeats
Words: 90k
Harry Styles works in a seedy strip club in Las Vegas and uses the big ‘C’ to get through his mediocre existence. Once he’s done dancing he goes home with whoever bids the highest and the lifestyle leaves him feeling empty and alone.
Louis Tomlinson is a successful businessman but hasn’t had the best time with friends and love so he’s become a lonely recluse who puts business before pleasure…until he hears about a guy who looks like a girl and visits a little strip club in the city.
Harry is being bought by Louis not for the night but for good and his testing ways push Louis to the limit…
Fate Don’t Know You by sincewewereeighteen
Words: 98k
[Or: The one in which Louis always hears thunder when Harry speaks and sees lightning when he glances at him.]
Give Me Truths by iwillpaintasongforlou
Words: 110k
Louis is a psychology student with a tattoo count as high as his genius IQ. Harry is in a (sort-of) relationship with a homophobic man and hates himself a little more every day. Things fall apart and Louis puts him back together.
Or, the one in which Louis falls in love with a fragile boy and tells him every beautiful truth in the world, as long as it makes him happy.
But Please, Don’t Bite by shyserious
Words: 122k
“Melodic little jingle sounded from a bell hanging over the doorframe and warm indoor air curled heavily around his shivering body for the first time in months. Harry suddenly felt a sting in the corners of his eyes and had to force down a broken sob. Fuck, he was a mess. Such a mess. He had to focus.”
Undone, Undress by angelichl
Words: 134k
Louis’ new roommate is shy, skittish, and flinches at the slightest sounds. He’s an art major who gets drunk on cherry wine, wears lacy lingerie, and shows up late at night covered in bruises that blossom across his skin like flowers.
Obviously something is wrong. Louis just doesn’t know what it is.
Shake Me Down by AGreatPerhaps12
Words: 208k
Harry’s new to college, fresh out of Catholic school and conversion therapy camp, and Louis runs the campus LGBTQIA organization.
♡ credit to the owner of the manip
♡ past themed recs here
♡ updated 3.17.20
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wanderbitesbybobbie · 5 years ago
REAL TALK: When you want to enjoy the Holidays, but you're a Pastry Chef
“Go home, Barbara. Go home.” It was almost 10:30 PM and I was the only chef left in the kitchen that night. It was almost December. Abdulah, the head of the kitchen-hands was urging me to go home as he started clearing out all the dirty dishes left. I stared at the docket machine in front of my section and no order dockets were coming out still. I knew I still have to plate about five desserts in total as there were still two tables left. Abdulah kept on peering at me, checking if I was done with my section so he can clean the floor next. “Can you plate the remaining desserts for me?” I joked. “Give me your salary, I’ll do your job.” We both laughed. My joke was half-meant though since I badly wanted to go home and go straight to bed. I just felt like a zombie. It was a very busy Italian Fine Dining Restaurant situated by the lake in Sydney. That day, I had to come early as there was a function at 11 AM. I was the first chef to arrive in the kitchen because I needed to bake my ciabatta earlier than usual. I was there an hour earlier than everyone else. Not even the head chef was there, not even the entree chefs, who usually have more preps than I have. It was a loooong tiring day, and I didn’t expect that I would be the last to go home. FIRST TO COME, LAST TO GO. That was my “normal” hustle. For my readers who have been following this blog since Day 1, you all know the hustle I’m talking about. This was the job that offered me a full-time pastry position and a possible Australian sponsorship, I couldn’t just bounce and leave as I please.
It’s funny, looking back.
It was almost summer in Australia, the breeze was starting to become warm but I didn’t mind. I was used to it. My section was usually warm even in spring, as I had a big commercial oven few steps away so I relied on an industrial fan for ventilation. Christmas was just around the corner, big functions are happening in the restaurant and I was one of the only two pastry chefs they had that time.
I stood by the pass, trying to get a clear view of the servers on the floor. I wanted to tell them to push the diners to order their desserts so I can close my section and go home. Luckily, one of the servers saw me and nodded. I don’t usually stand by the pass as my section is at the back, but when I do, the servers knew that I’m the only chef left in the kitchen. I was hoping their desserts would be easy, something like Trio of Gelato, so I can just scoop the ice cream from the tubs and place them in bowls. Finally, the dockets came out and it wasn’t my lucky night. They ordered for two Chocolate Fondants, Apple Galette, Petit Fours, and Panna Cotta. I quietly placed the hot desserts in the oven, set two different timers, plated my remaining cold desserts, and patiently closed my section after. That night, I was re-thinking and re-evaluating what I really wanted in life. Do I really want this? I was home by 12, took a shower, changed, went to sleep, and got back in the kitchen to do the same routine. Bake ciabatta, do preps for desserts, plate desserts for lunch Ala Carte, do more preps, take a break, plate desserts for dinner Ala Carte, and wait until the last diner finishes for dessert. My routine changes somehow when the restaurant is holding a big function, because then I would have to prep for the function and plate all 200 or 300 dessert plates in one go. I spent 4 days in a week as a pastry chef in the Fine Dining Restaurant, and the remaining three days? I was at Pastry School, balancing life as a working student in a foreign country, still doing pastry at school on my free days. The hospitality industry was my playground. That was my life for almost three years, and the next thing I knew, I was on the plane back to Manila to build (yet again) another pastry shop.
Since 2012, I was in the pastry business. I had a pastry cafe, making cakes and dessert buffets. My career as a pastry chef started after I finished Culinary School in 2011, realizing that I wanted to specialize on a more exciting but more difficult track. I wanted to be in the pastry department. Thus, I flew off to Australia to study more of it. Pastry was more liberating for me, as I get to showcase my art through my plates, my cakes, and my desserts. At the same time, I can master unique flavors, and incorporate them with something I wanted to create. Pastry chefs play an essential part in the kitchen. Being one requires distinctive set of skills, massive patience, knowledge, and exceptional organization to succeed.
When I worked in a commercial pastry shop in Sydney (a year after my job in the fine dining and a short stint as Head Pastry Chef in a health cafe), I was one of the three pastry chefs to fulfill certain roles. We bake the cakes, we decorate them, we bake artisan breads, rolls, croissants, and whatever pastry it was on the shelf. I remember my head chef telling me… “Pastry Chefs are usually slow because you guys work with finesse. You are very precise and you pay close attention to details, while us hot-kitchen chefs, we tend to be more rustic and fast. We don’t mind if the french bread is a bit crooked.” For some reason, I wanted to prove him wrong.  I wanted to show him that pastry chefs can work fast too, but still refined at the same time. I was baking 10 big carrot cakes and small mandarin cakes that time. It was November, almost Christmas again. Orders were loading up. I was working like a machine, trying to go beyond my usual speed. I ended up with a long stinging burn on my arm in the process. The battle scar is still on my arm until now, and I remember that very moment each time I see it. A baking tray accidentally slid on my arm right after I took it out from the oven. I wanted to be fast, but I paid a price for it. I didn’t want to admit it. But it’s probably true. PASTRY CHEFS TEND TO MOVE SLOWER THAN THE REST OF THE CHEFS, BUT WE ARE SLOW FOR A REASON.
We have to get every ingredient in the exact amount. Pastry is NEVER similar to cooking. In the hot kitchen, you can add ingredients and dilute and reduce anytime of the day. If your dish is bland, add more salt. If it’s too salty, dilute it with water. If it’s too runny, make a reduction. However in Patisserie, you measure all ingredients in one go, bake it in the oven, and hope and pray that your recipe is not f*cked up. You cannot just open the oven, check if it’s runny, check if it’s salty or too sweet, you cannot just add baking powder and hope it rises how you want it to rise. There’s only two things in Pastry: SUCCESS OR FAIL. It’s either you get your perfect cakes and cookies out, or you get them flat and dry. There’s no addition, dilution, reduction, whatsoever in pastry. This is why we are slow, because we have to get every detail right. 
Being a pastry chef is never a glamorous job, but it is very fulfilling. Especially in the Holidays, when you get to see your loaf boxes, your cakes, your desserts in the middle of a party or family table. It is very gratifying, seeing people receive special cookie boxes from your regular clients.
What is it like to be a pastry chef during the Holidays anyway?
In a commercial restaurant set-up, it is more often than not massive numbers of desserts to plate, huge amounts of preps, and tiresome hours spent standing and walking right and about your kitchen section. This is probably the part when you start working on auto-pilot while your brain is somewhere in The Bahamas. I have experienced being both, an employed pastry chef and a business owner. The difference? With being a part of a restaurant kitchen team, YOU NEVER DEAL WITH CLIENTS FIRST HAND. You have the servers and the floor-manager to do that for you. Sometimes, when the encounter gets a little bit close, the Head Chef handles it. It’s never you. You are but a chef of the pastry section, the higher-ups can do the “talking” while you do all the pastry work. But when you are a business-owner… It’s another twisted story. Ask me again.
What is it like to be a pastry chef and a business owner at the same time during the Holidays anyway?
Here it goes. It is numerous inquiries on your page, asking for your location, menu, lead time, and delivery details. It is triple the number of your usual orders, Christmas parties, corporate events, family gatherings, name it… your dessert is the star of the show. You have to make this right, honey. It is countless hours of reviewing orders and making sure that the raw materials that you have ordered is enough. It is a whole day spent with suppliers, shopping and ordering for the ingredients that you need. It is hours and hours being physically stuck in traffic while your mind and soul is in your pastry kitchen. It is a daunting process of making sure that all your packaging and preps are of the perfect shape. It is staying up late, baking whatever it is on the order sheet, making sure that the orders will be delivered to your clients’ doorstep in the best possible quality. It is several days of doing your preps, but no matter how hard you try, you end up messing up something unintentionally and you have to do the entire process all over again. It is having no social-life, because you spend your days talking to your clients and delivery partners, making sure that every delivery runs smoothly. It is constantly having nightmares about plumbing, kitchen failures, and pest-control. It is a battle between baking powder, baking soda, and icing sugar… and wondering why they all look the same but taste and reacts enormously different. It is accidentally putting the wrong powder on the pastry, pulling out the deliveries, and having no one to blame but yourself (no boss/head pastry chef to yell at you, no kitchen hand to point fingers to). It is immeasurable hours of reading and researching the perfect recipes hoping that what works in France works in your kitchen in Asia too. It is straight hours standing and sauntering in your own kitchen, listening to whatever that will wake you up to keep you focused. It is a roller coaster joyride waiting for a client feedback, hoping it is positive and winning. It is seeing your piled-up bowls, scrapers, wire whisks, and spatula in the sink, wishing they get washed and dried in a blink of an eye. It is sleepless nights and days, eating lunch in the afternoon, and dinner as midnight snack. It is trying to get comfort with Christmas songs, hoping that everything would be over soon… but still wishing that next year is as lucrative (or more) as this year. It is feeling guilty turning on Netflix, when you have preps waiting for you in the kitchen. It is delegating responsibilities and tasks to your staff to ensure that your workflow is as organized as possible… and if you don’t have staff, it is waking up really early in the morning, pre-heating the oven yourself, and cleaning your kitchen counter to start your day (maybe a chance of having breakfast if the time allows it). It is months and months of costing, calculating every cent that goes into your work (ingredients, electricity, water, packaging, shipping fee, overhead… lalalalalala. Yes, that pinch of salt is worth a penny). It is constantly thinking of your worn-out set of equipment and dreaming of upgrading them through the fruits of your labor. It is concocting and stabilizing the perfect mixture, for what it’s worth. It is continuously asking yourself whether you really want to pursue this or not? It is having trust issues with everything (including that opened box of cream that has been in the chiller for 3 straight days). It can go on and on forever. It is an exhausting, draining, emotionally challenging, life-sucking profession, but there’s no way you will exchange it for anything in the world.
You sit there in one corner, maybe with your family, or maybe alone in a foreign country (or taking a break from your kitchen duty). Thankful, you still have a bit of energy left to enjoy the festivities. You know deep inside, it’s not the money that pays you. It’s the thought of having your desserts out there, bringing delight and pleasure to anyone you serve.
Through out the years, it’s a challenging but joyous battle we all have won. It’s the service we provide that completes every occasion. If you’re an aspiring pastry chef/executive chef/business owner, we all start from somewhere. Have faith and never give up. If you feel like you are experiencing failure, remember FAIL means First Attempt In Learning. The best teacher is not your books nor your degree. May your sweat and tears bring you to success. Like I always say in my previous blogs, BE BRAVE. TAKE RISKS. NOTHING CAN EVER SUBSTITUTE EXPERIENCE.
This is probably the last blog post I can ever write for this year as I’ll be back to “pastry-chefing” a few hours from now. The holidays is a yearly challenge, but it allows us to grow, improve, and learn from previous mistakes. To you reading this… JUST KEEP GOING! YOU’RE SLAYING IT! 🙂
Happy Holidays everyone and enjoy the rest of 2019. All the best for 2020!
    REAL TALK: When you want to enjoy the Holidays, but you’re a Pastry Chef was originally published on WanderBitesByBobbie
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bioware-reacts · 8 years ago
I honestly didn't think I was ever going to find another reactions blog that included Mass Effect characters ever again. Mass Effect companions react to Shepard pulling a prank on them every once in a while.
That was my thoughts as well, that’s partly why I made this blog! - Mod Jade
Garrus: honestly it kind of scared him at first, not that the turian would ever admit that. Pranking isn’t really a cultural thing with turians, so when Shepard first pulled a prank on him, he thought it was some kind of punishment for doing something wrong. Once Shepard explained the concept to him however, he was actually pleased to be on the Commander’s list of friends, even if he didn’t start really retaliating until ME2. If Romanced; same initial reaction, only when he begins to retaliate, he and Shepard tend to up the ante every prank until things get totally out of hand. But it brings them closer together and they laugh about it afterwards.
Ashley: she was not impressed to be pranked by her Commander. Seriously, the great Commander Shepard? This immature? But she does have a lot of sisters, so she sees the fun in it, and usually joins in with the Commander’s pranks on the crew members, even pulls a few on Shepard in revenge. If Romanced; “if you wanted me in bed, you could have asked instead of dousing me with water Shepard!” Ash is always on the look-out for pranks, and Shepard has to be extra-sneaky in order to catch her off guard.
Kaidan: he’s pretty upset by it when it first happens, at BAaT the only pranks ever pulled on him were cruel, not in the spirit of play. Shepard will stop if he asks them to, otherwise he won’t say anything to the Commander about the pranks they pull, just to disappoint them as they wait for a reaction. If Romanced; Shepard loves him, so it couldn’t possibly mean to upset him, he knows that. He starts to see the fun in pranks, and pulls a few of his own against Shepard, but they’re really bad and he gets found it almost immediately. Shepard trains him in the art of pranks, and soon they’re both pranking their squadmates like there’s no tomorrow.
Wrex: Wrex’s first reaction, like with anything, was to see it as a challenge to catch the other off guard. Who the better warrior was depended on how many succesful pranks one pulled, and Wrex was determined to be the winner. It made life on the Normandy a little more chaotic as Wrex vowed to prove himself the best prankster on the ship. 
Liara: like Garrus, she was frightened by the first incident, as she didn’t know enough about humans to know it was just a bit of fun and thought Shepard was angry with her. Shepard explained to her that humans did that among friends, and again the asari misunderstood the concept of pranks and when trying to reciprocate her pranks were a little...wrong. Like putting a dead mouse in Shepard’s desk, and tossing all of Kaidan’s boots out the airlock. Shepard had to sit her down and teach her how good-natured pranks should be. If Romanced; Aprils’ Fools Day is Liara’s favourite human holiday. It’s an annual tradition that she and Shepard pull elaborate and escalating pranks on each other throughout the day, no matter where they are. Liara once sent a package of sticky glitter to Shepard from Thessia, and couldn’t stop laughing when Shepard got her on the vid, covered in glitter even after three weeks. 
Tali: she was angry at first, thinking the act was out of cruelty, and angrily confronted Shepard about their prank. Once she understood the concept though, she didn’t mind so much. She never attempted any pranks of her own. Well, none that you can prove anyway. Tali has an excellent way of getting others to do her bidding for her, leaving a very paranoid Shepard. If Romanced; she thinks it’s sweet, Shepard’s sharing their sense of humour with her and they know they’re close enough that Tali understands that, so she never minds the pranks, even if they scare her sometimes. She still retains her habit of getting others to prank Shepard back in retaliation, especially EDI.
Zaeed: hates it. forever and always. Shepard would be wise to never make an attempt to prank Zaeed again. Not if they value their life. And their favourite rifle.
Legion: seriously doesn’t get it. the idea of doing semi-bad things to people you like confuses him, organics are so weird. Not many pranks successfully work on him anyway, his processors usually alert him to any abnormalities there may be in the AI Core and he’s quick to remove them. 
Grunt: like Wrex he sees it as a challenge. a personal one. Grunt’s too big to go skulking around the Normandy without being noticied, so he saves his pranks for shore leave. they’re usually pretty crazy too, and he usually ends up in lockup for a few hours with Shepard and whoever else he decided to pull pranks on. Grunt loves them, they’re really fun and it’s like a bonding exercise with his krantt for him, it makes him feel like he belongs somewhere for the first time since he left his tank. 
Jack: oh-ho-ho no. you want to dance Shepard? then let’s dance. Jack at first is extremely pissed, she feels disrespected and threatened, and no matter what Shepard tells her she’ll still resent it. Doesn’t stop her from dishing it back though. Shepard and Jack’s pranks are usually on the violent and often dangerous side, and funnily enough it causes them to grow closer. Jack thinks it’s fun, the more dangerous the outcome the better, and appreciates how Shepard can take as much as they dish it out. If Romanced; the pranks take a more...sexual turn. And Jack has a few tricks up her sleeve to gain the upper hand in that regard. Honestly the amount of times Shepard’s clothes have gone ‘missing’ when they go for a shower, or Jack’s wardrobe is replaced with frilly under garments and baby pink dresses is ridiculous.    
Miranda: she honestly hates the idea and thinks it’s so immature, not to mention time-wasting. They’ve got a job to do! Even though she hates the stupid childish behaviour, you better believe she’ll retaliate for her pride if nothing else. If Romanced; the back-and-forth pranks are like a dance of dominance, just which one of us is the best Shepard? who’s more intelligent, quick-witted, creative, and secretive? they turn it into a competition, and they’re especially competitive when they turn their pranks on their squadmates instead of each other.  
Jacob: he’s served in the Alliance, and he’s seen coping mechanisms like this before. Shepard is annoyed with his reaction to their pranks being to suggest they have a talk with Kelly. Shepard quickly loses interest in pranking Jacob, but every now and then Jacob will prank Shepard in little ways; like putting super-glue on their coffee cup, and Shepard will never suspect him. He’ll just be chuckling in the background as they go crazy over finding out who pranked them. If Romanced; he’s caught in the act once, and Shepard realizes Jacob’s actually more into pranking than they believed. In fact his sense of humour is almost on par with theirs, why don’t they show it more often? Jacob usually only pranks Shepard when they’re alone, like in their cabin, he doesn’t make it a public spectacle. But Shepard can’t resist embarrassing Jacob in front of the whole ship.
Kasumi: she loves it, thinks it’s good fun. she never gets caught setting up pranks of her own, and the mystery pranks are always blamed on Shepard by the rest of the crew. Shepard and Kasumi love to mess with each other, replacing their weapon’s ammo with shells of salt, their shampoo with shaving cream, switching the labels on similar-looking foods, etc. the crew usually stay out of the way when those two are on a pranking spree.
Thane: he finds it amusing, he used to play little tricks on Irrikah sometimes, and it’s nice to have something to genuinely smile at. the fact that he’s always so stoic when pranking Shepard back makes it difficult to be caught at it, and honestly just makes it funnier for Shepard. If Romanced; it reminds him of happier times, and it hurts just a little, especially when he lapses into solipsism, but he appreciates the little distractions from the gloomier things in his mind. He appreciates Shepard’s humour too, and is always so smug when a prank against Shepard goes just right. 
Samara: she doesn’t necessarily understand the pranks or their purpose. most of time they don’t affect her, but she makes sure to react accordingly so Shepard is happily satisfied with their work. she finds it cute, it makes her think of her daughters when they were young. so she always indulges Shepard to make them happy.
EDI: “I don’t ‘like’ things the way organics do, but I enjoy the complexity of the challenge that these pranks present. it is...fun.” EDI is eager to learn more about humour and organics- especially human humour at that. EDI really likes to try and set up her own pranks, that are usually so cringeworthy Shepard loves them. Joker often joins in her pranks or gives her new ideas. He regrets that when she becomes EDI’s next prank victim.
James: James can’t get enough of the pranks to be honest, things like that is what makes the Alliance great. But it’s what makes the Normandy crew especially great. He loves to feel that comradeship between the crew members, but he thinks it’s totally awesome to see that level of casualness in his Commander. He’ll always prank them back, they usually involve covering Shepard in various types of substances that are very hard to wash off. Shepard’s involve stealing all his shirts and whistling when he walks around the ship shirtless looking for them.
Javik: primitive bullshit. no thanks.
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daniellethamasa · 5 years ago
Hey all, Dani here.
Sorry that I haven’t posted as much this week. Honestly my schedule was thrown all out of whack by being moved temporarily to night shift. I’m actually going to be on this shift for another two weeks before going back to days, so I hope that I’ll be able to pick up my schedule again, but no promises. Also, I’ve been feeling this need to do some adulting and such, and actually get the house more cleaned and organized. There’s some ideas that Damian and I have had for the house for months and we just keep putting it off. I’m tired of the random boxes and clutter building up, and we’ve finally started taking steps to get it all taken care of.
But, baby steps. We cleaned up a bunch of cardboard boxes that we’ve had set aside for awhile, and then we tried to organize our laundry a bit more, since we pretty much live out of the laundry baskets instead of using the closet racks and hangers that we have. By cleaning up where we’ve been keeping our laundry, I’ve actually been able to finally get myself an “office area” in the house.
And that means that it is time to get to work with the writing.
I’m currently re-reading the books in the Colorworld series, and Damian and I are also watching shows like “Fairy Tail,” “Black Clover,” and “My Hero Academia,” and all of that is basically giving me that kick in the butt, telling me that I need to find that fire in my belly, and that I need to surpass my limits right here and right now, and go plus ultra! If I want to realize my dreams then I need to work on them. I need to stop telling myself that I’m too tired or that I’m just not feeling it, or that I’m too caught up in my uncertain feelings and doubt. I’ve written books before. I wrote so much back in school. I worked two jobs on campus and a summer job, had a full course load, spent time with my friends, and still managed to churn out chapter after chapter. So I can definitely handle finding time to write while working a full-time job, and reading/book blogging.
I think my office writing space looks pretty nice overall. Our master bedroom is huge. It is like 25 feet by 17 feet, or something like that. So behind the desk/chair area is a few open feet and then the TV stand and then our bed and all that. I would show you the picture of that area but it is a little bit of a cluttered mess at the moment. Maybe some other time.
But this office/library area is where I’ll be doing my creative writing, and perhaps some of my blogging–though I also do some blogging while hanging out on the couch in the living room. Oh, and this space will also be somewhere that I utilize for filming videos if I ever work up the courage to start up our geeky YouTube channel.
I have a bunch of cool geeky art to look at around my room as well.
Obviously all of my metal art is from Colorworld Books, and I’m probably going to be adding more to the Colorworld collage there by my bookshelves soon. Then I have sort of my TV/movie display thanks to free posters received at movie showings and by picking up manga during sales at B&N. Oh, and that Erza in her Titania armor art piece is signed by Colleen Clinkenbeard–it was a Christmas present from Damian in 2018. Finally there’s my random geeky art wall in the corner by my side of the bed. I have some more sticker art to hang up there, but I like being able to look at all of these books and characters as an inspirational focus.
So now I’m going to actually get focused and get back to my creative writing. I’ve missed working on my novels, and I’d really like to get my stories out there. I can’t do anything if I don’t first get the words on the page…or the screen, whatever. I’m sort of hoping to do 30 minutes to an hour of writing every day. I’ll blog only after I’ve hit my creative writing goals each day, so we’ll see how I do with this.
Thanks for understanding, and I’ll be back soon with more bookish content.
  Checking In Hey all, Dani here. Sorry that I haven't posted as much this week. Honestly my schedule was thrown all out of whack by being moved temporarily to night shift.
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