#I just think this season could’ve used more baron /j
nat1nonsense · 3 years
Okay so here’s my long, sappy post regarding the finale of The Seven, and then I’ll log off for the night lmao
This season meant the world to me. This story, these characters, their challenges and their individual character arcs, a lot of them felt so incredibly personal to me because I could see myself in so many of these characters. Everyone at the table this season managed to capture the essence of high school girls who are so close to graduating that they can almost taste it, but also the essence of teen girls who are scared or apprehensive about what comes next in their lives because so many of their friends are different ages so they’re at different points in their lives, or they want to take entirely different career paths compared to what they thought they would all be doing together. And this is just the group dynamic, I haven’t even mentioned each characters personal life and story yet.
Danielle, Sam, and Ostentatia are the characters that stood out to me the most. Each of them had specific moments in their stories that felt extremely relatable and hit really close to home. Danielle because she had her whole MomentTM at the ball, and the way Erika and Brennan described how Yelle was feeling in that moment compared to how she felt her entire life will always hold a special place in my heart. Sam because as a trans kid with a bit of a temper and more than willing to lay my life down for my closest friends, it’s hard to not draw a connection to her. Ostentatia because she was so bold and loud and loved her friends so intensely, and she also had her insecurities and worked hard to make sure that no one would pity her or worry about her or anything of the sorts. But it goes without saying that all of the seven have a special place in my heart because they’re all insanely wonderful.
The whole table did wonderfully this season, I am nothing short of impressed by all of them, but Brennan also deserves a special mention once again because, and I already made a post about this but I’ll say it again briefly, his wonderful talent of acting and storytelling and making connections between characters feel so raw and genuine is what made this season feel especially magical. Logically I knew that this was a d&d campaign with lots of role play, but at certain points it just felt like genuine moments between Brennan and whichever player he was talking to in the moment.
This season made me think a lot about my friends and where our lives are going and I could not be more scared but also more excited to see how things play out, and I wholly believe that this season is why I’m less scared of the future than I typically would be.
And that concludes my sappy post because it’s late and I’m sleepy and I don’t wanna get any more emotional than I already am :,)
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