#I just think the idea of zoro being flustered is cute I’m just a simple guy 💔
kyurochurro · 2 years
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zs kiss doodles … LET THEM SMOOCH
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unknownwriting · 4 years
I love your blog, so if you don't mind can I request a one shot with monkey d luffy x female reader where the reader has a habit of giving luffy butterfly kisses. I'm dying for lots of fluff. Thank you!
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Butterfly kisses
Summary- ^^ requested
Character(s)- Monkey D. Luffy
Warnings- none :)
Word count- 1.9k
Notes- butterfly kisses are literally the cutest thing in the whole world 🥺💕 I got a big carried away, this was honestly so cute to write, I hope you enjoy. Also happy Valentine’s Day
Butterfly kissed- soft kisses made from fluttering one's lashes against their lover's skin. An innocent act yet one filled with so much passion. The perfect kissed for (Y/n) and her captain, Luffy, to share. A soft and airy kiss making their relationship all the better. Ever since their relationship had started a while ago, (Y/n) continued to pamper Luffy with those kisses to this day. At first, the kisses were occasional, only happening when they split up to explore an island or after Luffy got into a fight. However, throughout their relationship, the kisses began to grow more frequent. Every night before they go to bed when they wake up, and whenever the 2 leave each other sides.
Although Luffy doesn’t think too much of the gentle kisses, they mean so much to (Y/n). Those simple kisses represent so much between the 2. The kisses show that the 2 of them have a very unique way of showing their love. And even though those kisses mean so much to her, and probably mean the same to Luffy, she couldn’t help that little voice that echoed in the back of her head.
What if Luffy’s getting tired of the kisses?
It was a pointless thing to worry about. It really was but that didn’t stop (Y/n). She continued to think about it, letting it consume her thoughts.
Letting out a small groan, (Y/n) learned over the railing and watched the dolphins swimming in the wake of Sunny. She didn’t mean to get the attention of the others seeing how her worrying is pointless, however, her groan seemed to grab the attention of the crew's archeologist. At least she was lucky to catch her attention and not someone else's, Robin seems like she would know a bit about the topic.
"Are you alright, (Y/n)? You seem a bit upset." Robin questioned taking a spot next to her side. Even if it was going to be easy to tell Robin, (Y/n) thought about it for a moment. With (Y/n) already knowing the answer, she decided to tell Robin anyways, just so she can have someone tell her that she was just overthinking things.
"I...I'm not sure Luffy likes my kisses anymore. I'm probably overthinking things, but it seems like he's bored of them." (Y/n) signed, leaning up from the rail and looking over at her older friend.
"What makes you say that?" Robin wondered.
"Because that's the only kiss I give him, and he never kisses back. So you can't blame me for thinking that." (Y/n) explained, unknowingly grabbing the attention of the crew's moss head too, "But I thought he always preferred those kisses."
"Jeez, you are overthinking it." Zoro blurted out joining (Y/n) at her other side. Jumping a bit, and earning a small giggle from Robin, (Y/n) looked over at him.
"Luffy's the easiest guy to even date. Always speaking his mind, doing what he wants when he wants it." Zoro pointed out, and (Y/n) knew every single one of those to be true. Luffy always tells (Y/n) what he likes and what he doesn't without a 2nd thought.
"Zoro is right. Overthinking things with Luffy is pointless. If he doesn't like them he would've told you. Luffy's simple-minded like that." Robin agreed. (Y/n) knew she was also right, she knows she could go right up to Luffy and ask whether or not he likes the kisses but she doesn't want to do that. She doesn't want it to be that simple.
"Ugh, I know but I don't want it to be that simple. Sometimes I want something to happen." (Y/n) exclaimed throwing her hands into the air, "Everything is so easy with him, which I don't mind but sometimes because things are so easy with him I can't help but overthink things. Like I'm doing something wrong or something."
Now Zoro and Robin could understand that too. Because Luffy is so easy he's just as complex. A curse disguised as a blessing.
"The 2 of you are on night watch tonight, right?" Zoro asked.
"Yeah, I think so."
"Then ask him then. It'll just be the 2 of you so you can have his full attention." Zoro has suggested before watching off again, probably to find someplace to sleep. As he walked away, his suggestion began to sink in. It was a pretty good idea, It just might help later tonight.
Later that night, while everyone else was sleeping or getting ready for bed, (Y/n) and Luffy both stood guard on the deck of Sunny watching out for any threats. Seeing how nothing ever happens, the 2 of them ended up goofing off, like any other night. They both told each other stories, jokes, and played games. It what the 2 of them would also do when it was their night to stand guard.
"No way. Rayleigh really made you fight those types of monsters?" (Y/n) laughed, listening to Luffy's crazy stories about training over the past 2 years. To (Y/n) the stories sounded so extreme but she knows well enough that it was true. Luffy is inhuman like that.
"Shishishi, yup. At one point I couldn't even eat until I dodged their attacks. It was hard." Luffy whined remembering that time. It was hard but it needed to be done. He needed to get strong for his crew's sake. For (Y/n)‘s sake. It would be a lie to say that Luffy didn't think or worry about (Y/n) during his training. That was one of the things that he missed the most, her warmth and her smile. And not the mention the amazing kisses she gave. He definitely missed those the most. Feeling (Y/n)'s soft lashes brush against his skin in a repeating fashion. When the 2 of them had reunited it was something that (Y/n) didn't hold back either, kissing him every chance they got to make up for all the time apart. However, recently (Y/n) hasn't been giving out the kisses anymore. The thing about Luffy is that he's dense, not clueless so he knows something was wrong with (Y/n) for a while now. As if he also overheard was Zoro said earlier, Luffy decided to bring it up.
"Sheesh. Only you could go through such intense training." (Y/n) giggled as she looked into Luffy's dark brown eyes. Now was going to be the perfect time to bring up the kisses. And she was, wanting to clear up the confusion as quickly as possible. But just as she gathered her thoughts and opened her mouth to say something there was a crash at the back of the ship. The crash echoed for a moment before it when silent again. Both (Y/n) and Luffy turned around to face the sound, waiting to see if anything else was going to happen. When it stayed silent and nothing else happened, (Y/n) was the first one the get up.
"Guess I'll go check out that sound," (Y/n) stated as she began to walk off. Luffy watched with a close eye as she walked. It didn't take Luffy long to realize something was missing. (Y/n) doesn't just walk off like that. She always kisses him before leaving. Before she could get far, Luffy stretched out his arms and wrapped them around her waist, yanking her back and into his lap. A soft yelp let her lips as she soon came into contact with Luffy's chest.
"Huh? Luffy what's wrong-" (Y/n) gasped as she felt his grip about her tighten. With his strong arms pushing her back, (Y/n) was almost able to feel every inch of Luffy's chest against her back. Something like this rarely happened. Luffy was never big on physical contact hence why they stuck to butterfly kisses.
"I'm not letting you go." Luffy cut (Y/n) off, resting his chin on her shoulder. With a blush covering her cheeks, she glanced over at him to try and reasons with him but when she looked she only got Luffy's intense stare back. Now (Y/n) knows he's being serious.
"W-what?" (Y/n) stared down at the grass on the main deck to embarrassed to meet his gaze. She began to play with her fingers as she waited for Luffy to say something. And the waiting was not helping at all, it only made her impatient. Luffy normally doesn't wait like his, he would just speak his mind. While she waited, (Y/n) could still feel his gaze on her at they sat in silence. Finally, with a squeeze from Luffy's arm, she spoke up.
"Because you haven't given me a kiss." Luffy blurted out.
"Huh?" His comment clearly caught (Y/n) off guard. She was not expecting those words to come from his lips. Luffy hummed into her shoulder and nodded.
"You haven't given me a kiss all day..." Luffy trailed off as his face sunk deeper into (Y/n) shoulder. In all honesty, (Y/n) didn't how to react. Luffy rarely acted like this, it came as a total shock. This side of him is completely new but it was cute. Clingy but cute. Glancing back down, this time she noticed that blush that covered the top of his ears. Seems like this side is new for Luffy too.
Staring down at Luffy a bit longer, a small smile crept onto (Y/n)'s lips as a burst of laughter erupted from her throat, "I didn't know you liked them so much."
"Of course I do!! Your kisses are super soft!!" Luffy exclaimed looking up from (Y/n) shoulder. Laughing once more, (Y/n) shimmed her way out of his grasp and turned aground, and faced her blushing captain. Locking eyes with him, (Y/n) placed a hand on her cheek and began to caress them with her thumb.
"Well that's good to know. I was afraid you didn't like them anymore." (Y/n) confessed.
"Why wouldn't I?" Luffy sounded offended at (Y/n)'s comment. Looks like he loved the kisses as much as (Y/n) loves giving them, "(Y/n) kisses are the best. As good as meat."
"...Luffy don't compare me to meat." (Y/n) let out a small scoff at his comparison. As weird as it sounded, it meant a lot to her. In Luffy's eyes, nothing beats meat.
"What? Meats amazing."
"I know, but that's not really the best thing to say to a girl." (Y/n) scoffed leaning into his flustered cheek, and began to flutter her eyelashes. He probably didn't mean to, but a small hummed left his lips in response. With that reps once in mind, (Y/n) went to his other cheek and give him another kiss, then his nose, then his forehead.
"Shishi, You're kissing me a lot."
"Of course. It only fair because I didn't kiss you at all today." (Y/n) smiled, placing one more kissing on his cheek. With all the kisses done, she leaned back and stared into Luffy's smile. It was relieving to know that Luffy enjoyed the kisses too. Now (y/n) won't have to overthink the kisses again. With his hands still around her waist, he hugged her again and sunk his face into the neck, as if to say thank you. And of course, (Y/n) hugged back. Luffy also knows that her hugs are just amazing as she kissed, so warm and full of love. It would be easy for them to of them to get stay like this forever but (Y/n) still has to go check out that sound.
Shifting around a bit in his grasp, (Y/n) spoke up, "hey, Luffy I still need to go check out that sou-"
"No, I want you to stay here." Luffy lurked out again, squeezing (Y/n) tightly again. She stared down at him again. His childish and clingy behavior is kicking in, there's no leaving him now.
With a quiet giggle, (Y/n) nodded and hugged him again. She'll just have to check out the sound later. Right now there doesn't seem to be any reasons or way to leave the comfort of Luffy's hug.
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physicalturian · 4 years
Why don’t you listen to me? Law x GN! Reader - Part 4
Spoilers for : Punk Hazard and Dressrosa arcs [No gender used for the reader, no physical description, everyone is +18] Words : 4801 Archive of our own Bad flirting, fluff, embarrassment, angst No warnings, if you feel like I should put some, send me a DM or an ask!
… Part 1  - Part 2 - Part 3
“… some point you’ll have to kick them out of here Chopper, you can’t just let them-“
“But Torao is scary!! And I am sure all of his crewmates are just as scary, no way- nope, I don’t want to die Robin. You do it! Yeah… Imma head out, okay?” Then echoed the muffled sound of hooves hitting the wooden parquet, slowly at first then scurried. Then there was a heavy sigh followed by a short laugh, quickly after, hands pulled off the blanket from my form, and Law’s along with it. I gasped at the cold air hitting my face and took a bit of time to understand that I had been covered up to my head with the blanket.
“Time to wake up, I think Chopper is getting impatient and he needs his infirmary.” The gentle voice of the long-haired fruit user reached my ear and I slowly opened my eye, ready to answer when I felt the hold on myself tighten.
“He can come by in 10 mins, we’ll be out by then Robin-ya.” Satisfied by Law’s answer, she hummed, maybe too happily then gave us one last glance before leaving and closing the door behind her. When she was out of sight, Law groaned loudly before running his hand over his face. I stood there, in a position completely different from when I had gone to sleep. Instead of him on me, I was the one on him, at least my head was resting very close to his side and I had one leg throw over his. I was pretty quick to change that and sat up rapidly.
“Sorry, I got a bit too comfortable there.” A short laugh escaped his lips, I looked at him tiredly, but curiously too. His hair was a mess, more than usual but it looked good. I let my eyes wander about his form, I was only now realizing that he had some lighter spot on his skin.
 I remembered from his past that as a child he had gone through a lot, and if my memory wasn’t bad it was due to that that his skin had some discoloration. A sigh reached my ear, I looked away as the man put his coat on to cover the small amount of skin I could see. “I wasn’t complaining, but Robin-ya is right, we should go.” What was he not complaining about? I squinted my eyes, thinking, it made him laugh since he stood up and simply said, “You, sleeping.”
 My mouth shape in an O, I snorted and shook my head, “It wasn’t half-bad. I’ll admit, you are a great source of heat, I’ll give you a nine out of ten,” I hummed as I stood up and brought everything back on the infirmary bed, Law was standing by the door, unmoving.
“Nine?” He asked.
“Well, I would give you a ten if not-“ His face turned sour, and his gaze turned to the ground. I don’t know what he expected me to say, but I continued, hoping to lighten his mood. “If not for the heat, it’s great, don’t get me wrong but it’s very, very hot, like a furnace. I’m sure you don’t even need blankets usually.” His expression changed to something close to relief as a small smile drew itself on his lips, but only for a short time.
“And you move a lot, yet you don’t hear me complaining, do you?”
“Hey, I’m just giving feedback here pal, I know I could never be as great as Bepo in term of pillow-quality.” I said with my hands raised in defense, but I was joking.
 A snort blew threw his nose and he opened the door, signaling me to follow him out of the infirmary. I kind of liked it when I made him laugh, I’m sure he found a lot of things funny, but having him show it was something that brought me great joy. He was kind of cute like that. I didn’t have time to reflect or daydream that Chopper came in rushing.
“Did you do anything? Did you- is everything still in place? You better not have broken anything or I’ll-“
I frowned in confusion, how would we have done that? We were sleeping, what was he thinking we had done? The reindeer stopped mid-sentence when he met Law’s gaze and apologized before scurrying off to his room. His panic was appeased when he saw that everything was exactly as he left them. Except perhaps for the bed, that was a bit messy. I never was great to make it proper looking, I never knew how military people did it so well… Or perhaps I was too lazy.
 “Does your infirmary often get,” I made a gesture with my hand, meaning messy, chaotic.
The Doctor shrugged, “Sometimes, they’re not fans of needles but- I meant, you and Law you… Nami said-“
“What she says is never to be trusted. She likes the chaos.” Law said over my shoulder, I thought he’d have left but he was probably curious as of why the reindeer was in utter frenzy when he came rushing in.
“We just slept together though, so what could-“ I stopped talking when the words left my mouth. Some things made more sense when said out loud, but that never meant they were better said out loud either. Like saying you slept with your captain. It sounded wrong.
 I threw a glance at my grumpy captain, my cheeks heating up. I said in realization, “Slept together.” Then huffed, “She- I swear to fuck, this crew is-“
“What do you mean?” he asked, still confused. I didn’t know if he was playing with me or if he was genuinely at loss.
So, I exhaled half-nervously half-tiredly, “She’s saying we fucked. Like, slept together in that sense of the term.” A glimmer of understanding struck his face and for a brief moment, he seemed flustered. But I could have been wrong, I did not have time to question him more that he shook his head.
“I can’t even believe everyone believes that, we weren’t even noisy or anything. It doesn’t make sense-“ A smug smile drew itself on my captain’s face.
“Does that mean you’re usually loud when you-”
“Both of you!! Out! It’s gross, you’re gross! I’ll tell Zoro you’re being weird!” Chopper said as he pushed me out of the doorway before slamming the door.
 I took it as an opportunity to ignore what Law had said, I don’t know why he said that but I was not going to have a conversation about that either. I decided to play it casual. We were still a few days from Dressrosa, which meant we had some time left to polish the plan until we arrived. It seemed the Straw Hat had no ability to focus on Law’s words, they did not seem to care much about the plan either. It annoyed my Captain to no extent; I could see it was getting on his nerves and eventually he blew up and yelled at them.
 It was a rare sight to see the Surgeon of Death lose his composure, the only time he would be anything but laid-back would be when he’d be taunting his enemies. Seeing him angry was very new and I was finding it to be an enjoyable sight. Perhaps it was because it made him more humane, or perhaps I just liked seeing his face contorted with something other than boredom. When he would lose his temper and just vent on the poor Straw Hat Captain, I would nudge his side and look at the map laid out on the deck, to silently tell him to continue. Sometimes it’d work, but most of the time he’d let it all out and the only response he’d get was a laugh from Luffy.
 I found myself enjoying the Straw Hat crew more than I expected, along the three people from Wano that boarded the ship. They were a rowdy bunch, for sure, and I would sometimes sneak off to find some quiet in random rooms of the ship, but on the whole they were great company with great stories to tell. It was interesting to hear their adventure, it made me realize we did not follow the same roads on the sea but it was just as perilous as our voyage.
 A few hours before arriving at Dressrosa, the plan was to call Joker, to tell him we had his partner, Caesar. The whole thing went down as you’d expect, the Straw Hats were not serious, Luffy was easily tempted with simple things. It forced Law to be on the call with Joker, he was filled with hatred, I could hear it in his voice and it sent chills running down my spine. Those chills persisted at the answers from Joker, he seemed to be relaxed on the other hand and yet his tone was serious and threatening. When Law hung up, he reminded everyone that giving them Caesar was but a distraction.
 The more we talked about what we should do once we arrive, the more I felt things would not go according to the plan. We knew full well this entire crew was made of free-spirited people, and while most of them knew how to follow orders, they would prioritize following their Captain no matter the circumstances. And he had close to no impulse control, which meant if you lost track of him it would be too late, things would go awry. Or as I liked to put it, from what I gathered, “Where Luffy goes, fuckery follows.”
 That was what frightened Law the most. He did not use those words exactly, he’d said “If he sneaks out of our sight, we’re screwed.” But the idea was there. I could not reassure him, and deep down we both knew everything will go shit, but I trusted Law, I knew he’d come up with something. He was smart and was able to come up with a plan in the heat of the moment, which saved us numerous times in our own adventure. Hence why I said, a few hours before we arrived on the island, that I’d say by his side, it’s not like I had chemistry with the other of the crew. Nor was I used to their fighting style.
 But the answer was not one I had expected.
“You’re not coming. You’re not stepping off of this ship.” He said off-handedly.
We were in the corridor on our way to the library for some relaxing time, away from all the noise. He did not stop when I did, so I gripped his arm tightly. He grunted and turned around, giving me a pissed-off look.
I held my head high and spoke clearly, “Bold of you to assume I’d listen to that shitty command.” He held my gaze, I hated the way he was looking at me. I did not deserve such angry look from him, I was not known for taking pointless orders and his made no sense.
“You’re only here because it was too late for you to go to Zo.” He explained, pulling his arm away from my grasp.
 “And since I’m here, I’m coming to fight. The more the merrier, right-“
He interrupted me with another frustrated sigh, his low voice reaching my ears, “I’ve given you an order, as your Captain-“
“As my Captain, what? I’m not one to just throw hands at nothing, but this makes no sense. You know full well I can be useful on the battlefield, as a member of your crew, you should trust me.”
He turned around and said, “My crew is smart enough to follow my order, if you’re not planning on doing that, then leave.”
What he said did not sit right with me, I don’t know why he said that but it hurt. I don’t know why I let it get to me, nor did I know why I reacted like that but as he walked away, I hurried to meet his pace and pushed his back with all my force.
 He stumbled forward, catching himself with his hand on the wall. He grunted my name in a warning tone, as he turned around.
“That shit fucking hurts Law, take it the fuck back.” I said with as much calm I could muster.
There was like a knot in my throat, my chest was tight and I could feel my body getting warm and yet I shuddered when he looked at me with this look. This look that meant he was not going to take it back, that he meant what he said, that I was acting stupid. I stared back at him then smiled. My head dipped forward as I tried my best to calm down.
“Alright. So, if I step out of this ship, I’m not part of the crew anymore?” His expression did not falter. He did not move.
 “Why don’t you want me on this? What-“ I paused and swallowed, feeling my throat tighten once more but I acted cool. “What can, I don’t know, a child that has no control over his devil fruit, bring more than I can? Uh?” He gritted his teeth and look to the side, not answering. I thought he respected my power, I thought it was enough. I already felt off joining their crew so late, but having him lose all trust in me the moment the rest of the team was not there, made my heart clench.
“Let’s start over, because you’re not an asshole, right?” I chuckled lowly and joined his side once more, ignoring the chilly feeling I felt next to him.
 I reiterated my sentence, “That’s why I’ll stay close by, ready for your new plan.” I casted a glance at my Captain and he seemed annoyed, his eyes focused in front of him as his hand tightened on the hilt of his sword. He muttered my name once more, it seemed to be said in a more tender manner than earlier but then I met his gaze, he was even more annoyed.
“When your Captain gives you an order, you follow it. If you don’t want to follow my order, you can serve under someone else.”
“Serve under someone else. Serve under someone else.” I repeated his words in pure bafflement, how could he say that? How could he tell me that I could leave, as if it was just some sort of side hustle?
 “This is not some sort of deal, I joined your crew because you were the ones that welcomed me-“ I pushed his chest firmly, once. “As a family,” again. “It’s not about serving anyone, it’s just-“ this time I hit my fist against his chest, he was not moving. “It’s a fucking adventure!-“
“This is not a kid’s game, it’s a life-threatening situation. And if you can’t understand that we’re pirates, not adventurers, then-“ I pushed him more strongly this time.
“I get it. Fuck you. I never saw this as a kid’s game, for someone who’s smart you can’t seem to grasp what I’m saying and it’s exhausting.” I think I heard him mumbled something, but he acted like he hadn’t said anything.
 “I’ll spell it out more clearly,” Taking a deep breath, I stared at the ground a moment then met his gaze, “You’re a fucking asshole for asking me to either follow your orders blindly or leave the crew, knowing full well I loved this crew like my family- but you know what? Maybe I was stupid and it was all pretend, was it?” Tell me no. Tell me we were all a big family, tell me I was enough. Tell me I fight good, and that you want me on this mission, tell me… tell me you love me… I was desperate.
 He looked away. This was more sombre than I thought it’d be but I understood.
“Right. Right, well.” I nodded.
It could mean a lot of things to just look away. But what I gathered was that being honest with me was too much to ask for. “We’ll be arriving soon. I’ll go get ready to join on the mission.” I moved away from him when he turned to face me with a shocked expression, saying my name in surprise.
“What? Did you think I’d just stay here? Because of your shitty ultimatum?” I asked with an exhausted smile. He did not reply, only staring. He was in genuine shock, not that it showed too much on his face, but I could see it was agape.
 Without an answer from him, I shrugged and made my way to the deck. Inside my head were so many thoughts. I was convinced he had a reason to do that, but he gave me an ultimatum I could not fathom. And while this new-found family was great, inside I was thinking that if I was on the battlefield, I could watch over him. If not as a crewmember, then as an ally at least. Never would I have stayed on this ship, but never would I have thought he’d give me such dilemma. Now I was a simple pirate, on a ship on my way to a fight that was not even mine, but I knew Law was about to get reckless, I just knew it. He was too involved in this situation, his pride is at stake, Cora’s pride was at stake. But maybe, at some point, his life will be at stake too, and I will be there to avoid such things.
 I wanted to find a dark room and cry. Even after that shitty ultimatum, I felt a pull. I wanted to stay with him, I still liked him, just because of that I took the only option that allowed me to watch over him.
“How fucking stupid is that.” I mumbled dryly to myself.
“What is?” The cook’s voice echoed right next to me. Without realizing it, I had made my way to the kitchen. Startled, I let out a soundless gasp and moved out of the way, telling him it was nothing.
“It’s not nothing, you look like you’re about to cry.”
“But I’m not, stop insisting.”
He hummed and puffed out some smoke before suggesting me a nice warm meal; which I did not refuse.
 Making my way to the table, I watched him wander about the kitchen as he cooked. It did not take him long to make something that could even warm up the Marine’s hearts. When I took a bite, I felt my chest lighten as I ate up, the cook was observing me with a small smile. I did not pay attention as I gobbled it down, switching with water from time to time to avoid choking.
 When I was done, he asked me once more what was troubling my mind. This time I chuckled dryly and shrugged, “I got kicked out of my crew, I guess?” He quirked a brow and asked for details, so I summarized it to something short, “Me wants to fight, Captain says no. I ask why not? He says, orders you stay on ship, you shouldn’t even be here in the first place. I say, but there’s a kid taken in consideration in the whole plan, you know?”
Sanji nodded, telling me to continue.
There was a small smile on his lips that ticked me off, I don’t know what was fun about this situation but I continued. “Then he basically said, that if I left the ship, I could leave the crew because I couldn’t follow orders.”
 Crushing his cigarette in the ashtray, the blond man hummed and leaned on his fist. “Did he say it like that?”
Shaking my head, I quoted both times he told me off and what followed. It still hurt to think about it, but I’m sure it’d fade soon. Maybe the Straw Hats would want me? Maybe I could join their crew. Looking at the man across from me, I saw the widening smile on his lips as he lit up another cigarette.
“And you’re asking me what I think-“
“No, I didn’t ask you anything, but you’re curious so go off.”
His eyes widened before continuing, “I think once this is all over and you’re both safe and sound, you should ask him again if you’re really kicked out of the crew-“
“I’m not doing that, he said what he said.” I spat, still hurt.
 Taping a finger on his chest, the cook added, “Or maybe, what he didn’t say.” I made a face at the blonde’s words, confused by his cryptic words. “There’s a lot he didn’t exactly say, so think what you will. But Robin-chan is right, you’re both idiots for sure.” He shrugged before rolling his sleeves once more and saying he’d have to prepare one last meal before we go fight. I stayed in the dining room, lost in thoughts while Sanji moved gracefully across the floor, I did not know his past or anything at all about the man except his famous reputation of fighting with only his legs; And yet from his movements I could tell he was very familiar with kitchens, in a professional way. Not all ships had the luck of having a real, good, cook aboard but theirs was almost god-sent.
 While daydreaming, my gaze lost in the direction of the blond, I was repeating Law’s words in my head. I tried to tell myself to stop and come up with a reasonable explanation, one was that he actually cared and wanted me safe but it sounded stupid. He was not emotional enough to be like that, and even if he did, he would have told me straight up. I pressed my palms to my cheeks and scolded myself, focus, focus, forget what he said, you don’t have time to overthink. Stay focus and everything will be fine, you’re still friends so it’s good. Yeah, mm, yep friends.
“Sanji! I’m hungry!! Oh-“ I stood up when I heard Luffy’s voice enter the dining room, and he stared at me with his big wide eyes in awe. Then turned towards Sanji and tried to snatch something, anything, from the burning pan, only to have his hand slapped away. Many times.
 “Hey, you should check up on your Captain, he looks even more stuck up than usual.” A short snort blew through my nose at the swordsman’s words. It looks like they were all arriving to eat whatever the cook was making.
“Well, have you seen his sword nearby? Maybe it’s up his ass?” I asked jokingly, patting his shoulder as I walked past him. A throaty laugh escaped his lips, he did not reply.
 I was tempted to not check up on him, out of pure spite. But I thought, no you’re mature, let’s see what’s up with him, and I did. He was sitting on the stairs on the deck, his sword between his legs, hands on the handle and forehead resting against the hands.
“Law. What’s going on with you?” He lifted his head, a red mark on his forehead from pressing it against his hands.
“Nothing.” He replied before turning his gaze away from me.
It sent something coursing through my vein, I wanted to react just like I did before and push him down, asking him to look at me instead of avoiding my gaze.
“Alright, you don’t want to talk. Do you need company then?” Yeah, that’s a good question, a good reply, polite and all that.
“No, you can go.”
 I scoffed, “Cute, earlier it’s ‘don’t you dare leave this ship’ and now it’s ‘you can go’,” I started, moving closer to him to crouch in front of him to get of glimpse of his eyes, “But funny enough, you’re not looking at me while saying any of those things.” I regretted saying all those things the moment they left my mouth, but I was bitter, I was still angry and hurt by his words. Now I was acting without thinking.
“Don’t.” He said in a warning tone, still looking away from me.
Nodding, I stood up once more, “Got it. Then at least act like you’re fine, the Straw Hats are worried.” I explained.
The next words that I heard shook me, “Are you?” he breathed, finally meeting my eyes.
 There was fear, determination, finality in his gaze. I hated it. It’s as if he was going to take Doflamingo down, no matter the cost, even if the price was his own life.
“To be honest, I am mortified,” I confessed, trying to look as composed as I could. “But even though you’re a bitch, I’m not letting you go out there alone. From what you’re telling me, you’re ready to go down with Doflamingo-“
“If it’s what needs to be done I don’t care-“ Telling him to shut up, I continued,
“But I care! I told everyone I’d watch over your ass, and I’m going to.” I said a bit too quickly, gripping the handle of his sword tightly before pulling it from his hands and crouching in front of him, frowning.
 “I don’t care that you’re ready to sacrifice yourself, because I’ll be there to stop it.” He was surprised for a second, then his brows were furrowed once more. I wanted to go back to our ship where everything was easier, but I knew this was only the beginning of something greater.
He sighed, “You better not mess with the plan-“
“Oh, I’m sorry, is this some sort of command? Because you made it very clear that I was not good enough for your crew.” I said with a spiteful grin, it earned me another baffled look from Law that changed back just as fast,
“I didn’t say-“
I interrupted him, “Cora’s will is important, but I find your life a bit more important. I’m sure you’ll excuse me for that.”
 We stared at each other for a moment, battling one another without word. I was trying to understand him, why he was acting so off but just staring at him would not help. If anything, it made the pull I felt towards him only stronger.
“It’s dangerous.” He stated, I could almost describe it as a desperate attempt to keep me here but I could not be sure.
“Hence why I’m coming with you.” I stood up and handed him his sword back, “You’ll need this,” I said, he grabbed my wrist and I stopped dead in my track, confused. He kept surprising me today, from being a complete asshole to a seemingly nice guy when he said, “Be careful.” Then people joined us on the deck and his demeanor changed completely, he let go of my hand and was back to the leader-like attitude as he repeated the plan to everyone.
 Once again, their focus was nowhere close to be on Law but was probably back in the kitchen from their recent feast the cook made. Some people were going to stay on the ship, others were told to go by teams in different places across the ‘country’. I was to stay near Luffy for when everything would go down, maybe to evacuate civilians that were in Luffy’s radius. I was told he made quite the damaged during fights, even more so since he trained with a man named Rayleigh.
“I don’t have a bounty; Do I need to disguise myself?” I asked, giving them a once-over and holding back from laughing at Law who had a fake mustache but still had his familiar coat and sword. Chuckling, Robin handed me a cap, that I put on reluctantly, making sure my hair was out of the way.
 “It looks good on you, don’t worry!” She said enthusiastically.
“I’m sure I could even rock the mustache, got any spare one?” I said jokingly. People laughed and gathered by the side off the ship as Nami moored the ship on the shore. We were as well hidden as we could with such a big ship, but I’m sure our submarine would have been a lot more efficient if stealth was the key. The Straw Hat captain, however, could not begin to understand the idea of discretion and jumped off the ship, yelling that they had arrived. It’s with difficulty that we quieted him down, and as Law reiterated them to be discrete and calm down, Luffy ignored him completely and took off.
 Observing everyone carefully, I saw Law approach Nami and hand her part of Bepo’s vivre card, telling her its use. It made everyone panic, asking what could go wrong, the black-haired man only shrugged in response telling them “Who knows.”
[Part 5]
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