#I just never saw the appeal of anything y/n related
spice-cadet · 1 year
Spicy Take 🌶️
Dude, putting Xina Kwan up against y/n for Miguel’s affection is like putting a hydrogen bomb against a coughing baby.
Like my man is frothing at the mouth at the thought of having a second chance w this pixie manic dream girl he knew since middle school.
Xina was one of the first people who actually cared about his well-being and protected him when no one else would stand up. She outsmarted his father and made George look unbelievably stupid without letting George know.
She made LYLA, probably one of the only gifts he’s probably received from someone other than his brother. An AI he treats like a close companion and confidant because I’m sure she reminds him too much of Xina.
Their dynamic is incredibly interesting in that it goes against what people would expect from a cheating situation. Xina knows he fucked up, he knows he fucked up. YET SHES WILLING TO FORGIVE HIM BECAUSE SHES SEEING HIM CHANGE.
The theme of fixing past mistakes is so integral to miguels narrative and it so relevant in the rebuilding of trust between Xina and Miguel’s relationship. Its just so much more nuanced and interesting seeing them get back together than if they went their separate ways.
(I’m not at all endorsing forgiving a cheating partner irl, it just works for this fictional world because of the character growth and context)
She’s weird, she’s badass, she’s beautiful, and a great example of fun woc in the narrative. (whenever they’re not using her as a step stool for Dana and other 2099 writing choices). Her and miguel banter so well off of each other and she’s one of the only people he can let his guard down around.
Literally I can’t see Miguel with anyone other than her. Their two idiots fumbling around each other and I love it.
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girls-alias · 10 months
Cockblock - Dean Winchester
Title: Cockblock - Dean Winchester
Words: 4,401 (Long but hope you enjoy)
Relations: Dean Winchester X Reader
TW: Foul language, sexual content. Smut!
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SMUT! LAST WARNING... Third-person POV:
"Dean, what are you doing to-" Sam started as he approached his brother, Dean had the hood of Y/N's car up and was tinkering inside. Dean hushed him quickly. Dean looked around the perimeter of Bobby's house in case Y/N had heard. When there was no sign of her Dean sighed with relief. Sam looked at him confused. "Are you messing with Y/N's car?" Sam asked remembering to whisper. Dean chuckled, beginning to once again remove as many bolts as he could and removing the spark plug. Dean smirked triumphantly as he threw the spark plug in the air a small distance and caught it. The grin on his face never faded.
Sam was perplexed by this, he saw no reason Dean would be messing with her car. If anything he should be making her car perfect as Sam knew Dean wanted her. He's never wanted someone so badly. Dean denied that he was in love, and claimed he simply wanted to fuck her but deep down every single one of them except Y/N knew he wanted more than sex. Sam scoffed as he shook his head realising where Dean had found the motivation to mess with her.
"She's going out again isn't she?" Sam asked, leaning against Y/N's car, watching his brother with a smirk. Dean's reaction told him all he needed to. Dean pretended to play it cool, thinking he had hidden his widened eyes but Sam saw it and knew he was right.
"Nope, just playing a prank," Dean shrugged, moving the stand which held the hood up and shutting it just as Sam had moved out of the way. If Sam had been a second later he would have been hit. Dean smirked as he pocketed the spark plug and began gathering his things to take the evidence with him.
"Dean," Sam urged, going ignored by Dean. "You can't just keep messing with her till she wants you," He explained but Dean chuckled.
"That's not what I'm doing," Dean tried but once his eyes landed on Sam he knew he didn't believe him. Dean rolled his eyes making his way back inside the house, as soon as he heard Y/N's music upstairs he knew she was getting ready and he would soon be running out of time to hide the evidence.
"Dean!" Y/N angrily shouted from outside. Dean seemed to forget for a second but as soon as he remembered he made a bolt for it. He rushed to the back door away from Y/N's car where she was furious.
"I told you not to mess with her," Sam commented, not looking up from his book before taking a sip of his coffee. Dean rolled his eyes as he opened the back door. He nearly screeched when Y/N was standing in front of him looking furious. She had been smarter than Dean and knew he would try to escape out the back.
She held her hand out to him not saying a word. Breathing heavily as she debated punching him in the face. Dean was like a deer in headlights, not only was she gorgeous but she was also angry which made Dean want her more.
"Y/N, what's up? You look nice," Dean tried playing it cool, wrong move. She smirked evilly as her tongue ran over her teeth, her bright lipstick making her lips even more appealing to Dean.
"You might want to run," Sam commented, still not looking up but hearing her crack her neck which was something she did when she was about to kill a monster. Dean gulped. He hadn't had time to react before she hit his chest with a flat palm, pushing him back a few steps. While he gained his balance she squeezed a pressure point in his shoulder, the pain searing through his body, he winced as his knees gave out and she knelt in front of her, looking up mentally begging she would let go.
"Give me the spark plug," She demanded, pausing after each word, a telltale sign of Y/N's anger. Dean gulped wincing as he tried to fight the pain in his shoulder which seemed to immobilise him.
"I don't have it," He strained, she squeezed a little harder making him exclaim in pain.
"What the bloody hell is-" Bobby announced as he started making his way into the kitchen where the whole thing was going down. He paused as he looked over the sight. Dean was on his knees wincing as he breathed, Y/N holding his shoulder keeping him down. If he had brain cells he would have walked away but he knew from how angry she looked there was a possibility that she would kill him. "Dean, what did you do?" Bobby asked sternly walking further into the room.
When he didn't reply fast enough Y/N squeezed a little harder making him exclaim in pain. "He took her spark plug so she couldn't leave," Sam explained, unfazed by the scene as he had seen it multiple times. Dean was always doing whatever he could to stop her from going out. Dean knew she was too hot to go home alone after drinking in bars, hearing her have sex with men in the next motel room only broke him. She wasn't loud and he couldn't hear much noise from them but enough to know what was happening. He usually only heard the bed springs creaking or the bed frame hitting the wall but it didn't stop him from being jealous of the men she invited inside.
"Dean, give it her back," Bobby sighed not wanting to clean blood off the tiling.
"No," Dean strained.
"No?" It was hardly a question, her tone showing nothing but rage.
"No," Dean repeated looking into her eyes, determined this time. Bobby groaned as he rubbed his forehead sick of the stress of Dean messing with her, he was acting like a little boy on the playground. Dean had tried flirting and she happily flirted back but seemed unfazed by his advances as she had a power about her that made him weak. He would only be able to build up the courage to say one remark before she flirted back and he lost his tongue.
"I have spares downstairs," Bobby explained, sighing as he walked away to go into the basement. Dean groaned as he knew she would be able to leave soon. "Come on, what do you need?" Bobby called up the stairs. Y/N released her hold on Dean enough to let him stand but still present enough that if she even coughed he would be back on the ground. She used his shoulder to guide him down the stairs following Bobby. "Will you let him go now?" He asked Y/N but she didn't react, he had his answer. "Well, lock him in the bunker, you can let him out when you get back," Bobby explained, sighing wanting the whole ordeal to be over.
She smirked evilly as she led him to the Bunker door. "Thanks a lot, Bobby," Dean sarcastically remarked. Y/N stood in the doorway before letting go of Dean. He stepped away from her looking back as he rolled his eyes. She smirked. With a push from Bobby, she was falling forward. Dean caught her so she wouldn't hit the floor as Bobby slammed the door shut locking it.
"Now either kill each other or make up, I'm sick of you's fighting," Bobby exclaimed before shutting the peephole and retreating from the door. Y/N stabilised herself before pushing Dean away from her. She stormed to the door.
"Bobby, let me out!" She shouted but heard nothing back. She slammed her fist into the door a few times. Bobby climbed the stairs before locking the basement door. Sam continued to be unfazed as he heard the ordeal.
"I'm going out," Bobby sighed as he passed Sam in the kitchen.
"I'll come with," Sam commented as he placed his things down, grabbing his jacket on the way out as he followed Bobby. Sam knew if he stayed he wouldn't find any peace or quiet with them locked in the bunker.
Y/n turned around, eyes instantly on Dean. He backed away. "You," She called him out. Still as angry as when he first saw her. She began storming over to him as he hurried around the bed to create an obstacle for her.
"I'm locked in here too," He tried playing innocent.
"I wouldn't be locked in here if it wasn't for you," She shouted, easily stepping onto the bed and closing the distance between them. Dean tried hurrying around again trying to stay away from her but she jumped down in front of him. He backed away as she continued to advance toward him.
"I'll give you the spark plug, calm down," Dean tried but it only made her angrier.
"Calm down?!" She shouted, Dean gulped knowing he had fucked up. "I don't need a spark plug now, I need to get out," Her voice demanded as Dean had mixed emotions. On one hand, he was terrified of what she would do to him, on the other he was incredibly turned on. "I should kill you right here," She explained as Dean's back hit the wall. He gulped knowing he couldn't escape her. "I should kill you for every time you've messed with me. Every time you pretended to accidentally lock us in a motel room, every time you made an excuse for us to stay put and now for messing with my car," She was breathing heavily.
"Okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry," Dean quickly explained holding his hands out in front of him to stop her from moving any closer where she would be able to hit him. "I shouldn't have messed with you, I won't do it again," He tried but she scoffed.
"But you will Dean. You always do. The amount of times you have cockblocked me should be embarrassing for you. What you can't have me so no one else can. Is that it?" Her tone was twisted, her jaw clenching as she waited for his response.
"Yes," Dean confessed. She studied him for a second, her anger never fading. She scoffed before chuckling. She turned away, pacing slightly as she cracked her knuckles.
"You're a stupid son of a bitch," She explained, her tone dark. Dean gulped wondering how she would really react to his confession. She already knew why he did all those things. She knew he was cockblocking her every chance he got but she was too sexually frustrated to put up with it right now. Her sex drive and frustration only got worse with each man she slept with as none of them pleased her the way she needed to be but she kept trying hoping one of them might actually do the job right. She could hand it to them on a silver platter, give them a map of her body and make a dot-to-dot pattern she wanted them to follow and yet none of them tried.
She stopped in her place, her pacing coming to a halt. Dean worried as he figured she had finally come up with a plan to hurt him but she looked at him annoyed rather than angry. He brought his hands out in front of his chest ready to block any attack he could. She rolled her eyes.
"You want to stop me from going out so I'll make you a deal." She began explaining. Dean looked at her apprehensively but was intrigued by the proposition. "If you can satisfy me then I won't go out anymore. I won't sleep with random men and I'll come to you every time I need it," She continued. Dean gulped not caring what the rest of the deal was. Yes. Yes! He thought wanting to instantly start. She slowly approached him. "But, if you're just as bad as them then you stop messing with me and even drive to and from the bars, never leaving the car or complaining, you got it?" She finished, standing arm's length away from Dean as she waited for his response. He pondered it.
If he takes the deal then he gets to sleep with her, if it goes well then he gets to sleep with her multiple times and from the rate of her going out he knew she would want it frequently. But if it didn't go well he would have to look at every man, he'd have to watch her in the back seat as he drove them to her room, he would have to wait in the car knowing what was happening behind her door. He sighed, not sure if he was sure enough in his abilities to please her. He bit his lip still thinking it over.
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Y/N rolled her eyes growing impatient. She sighed watching him think wondering if he actually wanted her or if he was just messing with her. She sucked her teeth continuing to wait. Dean finally looked her in the eyes before grabbing her harshly, a hand on the back of her neck and a hand on her hip pulling her to his lips.
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Their lips connected in a hungry kiss, their lips quickly finding the rhythm and turning into making out. Her tongue was the first to advance as he opened his mouth allowing her tongue to taste his. Her hands were on the sides of his neck keeping him close. He began walking her backwards towards the bed. She smirked against his lips before he pulled away. Grabbing the top of her dress and harshly pulling it down. Exposing her bra.
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His lips soon found hers again, connecting and resuming the rhythm they had previously been doing. He backed her onto the bed, hovering over her, continuing to make out. She began growing impatient for him to take this further. She pulled away.
"Are you going to fuck me or waste my time?" She asked a little annoyed he was taking so long when she needed him now. Dean smirked, moving back in to connect their lips before he pulled his shirt over his head.
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Dean pulled the dress straps past Y/N's arms and pulled the dress down her body, admiring her matching white bra and panties as he pulled the dress off her body. He unbuckled his belt and jeans quickly pulling them down and kicking them off once they hit the floor. Now only in underwear, Dean moved back over her, holding his weight on his forearm and hand on her hip. Her arms lay over Dean's shoulders a hand digging nails into his shoulder harshly as they made out. Dean's hand moved from her hip to snake around her back and unclasp her bra with one hand. She was mildly impressed. He yanked at the bra, pulling it from her body as she moved her arms to allow it to be free of her. Dean was quick to reconnect their lips before trailing kisses down her jaw and neck, his lips finding her left nipple as he began to suck and nibble, causing her to moan as her head fell back, finally finding some pleasure she longed for.
Dean's hand trailed down her side and gripped the side of her panties as his hand continued down. She lifted her hips automatically, her panties dragging down her hips, her thighs till they were loose and stripped from her legs. The motion alone was enough to make her weak. Dean seemed to understand where she wanted things fast and where slow. Once her panties were thrown across the room, Dean's fingertips trailed up her leg, and her smooth skin soon ridged with goosebumps from his touch. His hand continued up her leg, going even slower the closer he got to her pulsing vagina. She craved him, she needed him. She has never been so turned on by someone before. She was always left disappointed and even now she knows she will only turn to Dean when she requires satisfaction.
Dean's fingers grazed across her clit, a gasp escaping her lips. Dean smirked, moving from her nipple to reconnect their lips. Y/N was eager to taste his lips, and his tongue again. Her kisses were sloppy as she was desperate for him. Dean smirked as she reacted to her touch, moans escaping her mouth as he played with her clit, he had always thought she was quiet during sex but she was already a moaning mess. Dean attached his lips to her neck, nibbling and making out with her skin causing her to moan more, he found satisfaction in pleasing her. His cock throbbed painfully as he slid his fingers inside of her soaking wet heat. He moaned, imagining it wasn't his fingers but his hard cock inside her. She moaned as his fingers went deeper. He rested his forehead on her shoulder begging himself to calm down as he wanted nothing more than to be inside her. To make her moan louder, maybe even scream.
"You've never moaned like this before," He commented, softly biting her shoulder as she chuckled lightly.
"I've never been touched like this before," She finally escaped through a moan. Dean groaned as he begged to calm down, not knowing how much longer he could resist. Y/N's hand found Dean's cheek, guiding his lips back onto hers. She smirked as she kissed him. "Please, Dean." She whimpered against his lips. He moaned into her mouth as she did, his fingers not stopping as he pumped them in and out of her. She pulled back to look deep into his eyes. "I need you inside me," Her voice breathless as he continued to twist his fingers inside her. Dean smirked as he pulled back, sitting up slightly before she hungrily began stripping him from his boxers.
She gulped, butterflies flying around her ribcage at his size. He was 100% bigger than any man she had been with. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she gawked at him. He smirked as he leaned down, she lay back with him following her. They made out as Dean moved between her legs and smirked as she moaned feeling his tip at her entrance.
"I'm not even inside you yet," He chuckled against her lips. She rolled her eyes playfully. Dean bit his lip as he admired her, a smirk tugging on his lips. He waited, his hips begging for him to move inside her but he resisted. She instantly understood his teasing.
She gave him a bitch face, rolling her eyes again. "De-" She started saying his name but as she did he penetrated her, deep and hard. She screamed the rest of his name. He smirked evilly as he admired her, her eyes rolling to the back of her head, her back arching up from the bed. He bit his lip, watching as she trembled beneath him. "Mmmm, please," She begged, her eyes finally opening wider to give him puppy dog eyes. He chuckled before connecting their lips.
Dean's breath quivered as he pulled out of her before slamming against her G spot. She practically screamed as he did. Her nails dug into his back as her inside clenched around him. He groaned, wanting nothing more than to do this for the rest of his life. If he died right here inside her he would be happy as he would have died doing something he loves... her.
He chose a slow rhythm, her hips rolling to meet his every time. Her moans were music to his ears. He rested his forehead on her shoulder begging to never forget this. His motivation from her moaning kept him going, the need to satisfy her making his hands tighten as he grabbed her hip. His nails dug into the skin on her hips making her moan rather than wince like he expected. He smirked recognising she likes it rough.
He smirked sitting up and pulling her legs down with him so her hips were against his as he sat back. She smirked as he dragged her down the bed with ease. She feels like a rag doll to him. "You going to take this dick like a good girl," His tone showed his demanding manner. She didn't see the worry in his eyes at how she might react. She nodded quickly as she bit her lip. Dean smirked recognising her submissive behaviour. He smirked as he held her hips in his hands and held her still as he ploughed into her relentlessly. He had her screaming in seconds. He grinned watching her as he felt himself building up.
He pushed into her a final time before gripping her hips tightly and stopping deep inside her. He pulled out quickly as he knew he would cum if he continued. Y/N looked at him disappointed but also concerned. Dean chuckled. "Get on top," He instructed. She grinned as she hurried to move from under him. He bit his lip as he watched her before lying down. She smirked as she straddled him, she sat up and she lowered her hips, pushing him inside her as deep as she could get him. Dean groaned as she took all of him inside her. His head pressed into the pillow behind his head.
She moved her hips, grinding against him feeling him deeper than she's ever felt anyone. She moaned, her head tipping back as she rested a hand on his chest and the other on his thigh behind her. Dean bit his lip as he watched her feel nothing but pleasure. His breath quickened as he watched her moan, her tits bouncing softly as she moved against him. He breathed through his teeth as he felt himself building up just from watching her.
Y/N screamed as she felt Dean deep inside her. His tip rubbed on her G spot with ease. She felt an orgasm nearing and knew the build-up was about to overtake her body. No man has ever been able to make her cum. For years she believed no man ever would and yet Dean seemed to make it seem crazy that he was making it so simple. She stopped momentarily knowing if she continued she would cum, Dean bit his lip recognising this but grabbed her hips and continued to move her.
"Dean, I'll cum," She moaned, her hips automatically rolling with the rhythm he was pulling and pushing her along. Dean smirked as he bit his lip. She moaned.
"Good," He remarked making her even closer. She panted, Dean, watching intently. Admiring her on top of him. "Fuck, Y/N." He grumbled building up as he pushed his hips deeper, her moans turning to screams. His moans turned to grunts as he felt her walls squeezing him.
"Fuck, Dean. Fuck, I'm gonna cum," She exclaimed, nails digging into his thigh as she was almost at her release. Dean smirked, pushing harder into her. Watching every inch of her as she came all over his dick inside her. She screamed, still grinding sloppily as she came. Dean was mesmerised, the only thing pulling him back to reality was the tensing of his penis as he knew he was about to cum. Without thinking he grabbed her hips. Raising her off of his dick as he came between them, mainly landing on his stomach as he grunts. Y/N bit her lip as she watched his face scrunch up as he came. She panted slightly as she watched. Mouth-watering as she watched the cum spurt out of him and fall onto his glistening stomach. She gulped as he resumed breathing at a normal pace. He placed her down so she was sitting high on his thighs. She giggled watching as she saw him happier than she's ever seen him. She could get used to this view. Knowing for a fact she would beg to see it again.
Dean panted looking down at her with a wide smile. She smiled back feeling a little awkward about what they should do now as they are still locked in together and have no way of avoiding the situation. Dean chuckled as he sat up, his hand finding her cheek and pulling her closer reconnecting their lips. Somehow she was surprised by this, figuring the kissing was only for the sex but happily kissed him back. He pulled away grinning widely. He admired her as she blushed slightly, smirking as his green eyes searched her face looking for any signs she regretted her decision. She giggled, noticing worry in his eyes. Pulling him back in to kiss her.
"You're going to be seeing a lot more of me," She giggled against his lips. He smiled, not pulling away for a second.
"Perfect," He added before his tongue slid into her mouth. She moaned softly loving the feeling as he continued to smile.
Dean cleaned himself up with a teatowel he found and water from the old sink. Y/N sat watching his naked body as she admired his back muscles contorting as he moved. She, of course, watched his perky ass as he walked away. He turned back smiling brightly at her, approaching her with a chuckle. He swooped down kissing her as he started moving the blanket and pulled away to help her move under the blanket of the small single bed. He climbed in behind her, spooning her as she rested her head on his arm that was under her and the other rested on her waist. He kissed her shoulder, and she giggled at the sweet gesture.
"I should have taken out your spark plug months ago," He remarked making her laugh.
"You're putting it back in the morning," She retorted but Dean scoffed. "I'm getting contraception that I don't have to worry about so next time I can feel you cum inside me," She explained waiting anxiously for Dean's reply.
"It'll be the first thing I do when we're out of here," He replied, she giggled as she settled in, happy to be sleeping in his arms and not some random guy she found at the bar. He sighed happily, nestling his face closer to her so her scent would engulf him and remind him, even when he was asleep, of the joy he was feeling right now.
They both fell asleep happy and thankful for Bobby locking them in the bunker.
Hey guys, hope you enjoyed it. Comment if you would like a part 2 for the next morning as I wanted to continue writing but knew it was too long already 😬 Thanks for reading this far.
Part 2
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fantastic-bby · 2 years
Pairing: Jisung x Reader
Word count: 1.9k
Genre: Fluff | College AU | Soulmate AU
Summary: No one knows what their soulmate connection is unless it's obvious or until they actually meet their soulmate. Unfortunately, this means that the soulmate connection possibilities are endless. Even more unfortunately, some people have been known to expel large amounts of body fluids when they make eye contact with their soulmates.
Warnings: Blood
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Always a topic on everyone’s mind, but you’ve been waiting your entire life so far. There hasn’t been any sort of hint or clue that could possibly lead you into knowing where your soulmate could be other than the fact that everyone gets weird things happening to them when they find them.
A guy moved into your high school and when he saw his soulmate, both of them practically exploded with tears. 
The second person you know that met their soulmate said they only found their soulmate because of the way their bruises and scratches would show up on each others’ bodies. 
There was no dead giveaway to actually know what would happen when you met your soulmate, but you’ve made it this long without any tattoos, bruises, or anyone else’s thoughts that you’re certain it’s nothing that’s supposed to connect the two of you before you meet. 
Which makes you worry about what would happen when you do.  
You’ve heard of people crying, heard of people with timers, heard of people who had died seeing their soulmate, and people who had peed themselves. 
You have to admit that the first two were a bit more appealing than the others. 
But as you’re walking into your fifth on-campus event for the past two weeks, you’re starting to hope that maybe you don’t get anything physically obvious other than maybe the ones that say their entire world stopped moving. And judging by the way you can see colour, you doubt your soulmate connection has anything to do with only seeing black and white. 
“(Y/n), come on!” your classmate urges as he grabs onto your bicep and drags you into the crowd.
“Felix, calm down!” you squeak at the suddenness. 
“It’s almost starting! I don’t want to miss the intro!” he groans, pulling you both to your seats. The music club was having a concert, and God knows that Felix doesn’t miss a single chance to attend to perform in anything music related, which also led him into buying you the VIP tickets right in front of the stage to convince you before he had even asked you to join him. 
“It’s supposed to start in five minutes, Lix,” you remind him with a laugh, “I doubt we’d be missing anything,”
“Still!” Felix huffs. “If we’re lucky we get to catch the really cute drummer from last year’s concert.” 
“You just have a thing for them because they’re a drummer.”
“What else is the attraction? They’re a drummer. Drummers are hot,” he shrugs. You decide against making any sort of comment and instead turn your attention to the stage, waiting until the lights start turning off. 
The performances come and go, Felix mostly gushing over the exact drummer he was talking about when they showed up in the fourth set while you honestly were just enjoying the band that came out playing Paramore. 
Felix grabs onto your shoulders excitedly when a band comes out and starts playing Mr Brightside. 
“(Y/n)!” he squeals over the loud music. 
“Felix, quit it!” you laugh as you try pushing him away slightly. You turn your attention towards the stage and your laugh fades along with your smile when you see the guitarist; his back facing the crowd as he faces the drum set. 
Why have you never seen him around campus before? You and Felix spend all of your time at the cafeteria to the point where most people just know you as one of the ‘cafeteria campers’. You’ve also once spent three straight days in the library, only leaving to get food and water from the vending machine right outside; where in the hell has this guy been? 
The guitarist turns away from the drums and faces your side of the crowd, his eyes meeting yours. 
The world seems to slow down around you, the sound of the music being muffled the longer you stare at him. What the fuck is going on? The guitarist also seems as mesmerised as you are. The more you stare at each other, the more you start to feel a rush of emotions running throughout your body before it starts making sense. 
Oh no.
You feel the rush of emotions hit you in the face and suddenly:
Blood starts gushing out of your nose like a waterfall, the liquid practically bursting out of your face and all over your hands to the point where you feel like you’re being knocked back.
“Holy shit!” Felix exclaims. You shake your head, muttering reassurance to him before you look up and realise that the band has stopped playing. 
The guitarist has his hands clapped over his face with blood pouring through the gaps of his fingers and down his face. He looks around in both embarrassment, shock, and complete disbelief at what is going on, before he makes eye contact with you again.
The world freezes as he stares at you with wide eyes, and you’re wondering whether this could be the end of the blood flood. 
You’re so very wrong. 
Making eye contact with him again seemed to make the connection worse as the sensation punches you in the face again and the blood spurts out of your nose. 
“F-Felix—Felix, god, Felix,” your hand scrambles to try and grab onto his shoulder in an attempt to grab his attention, “oh my god, Lee Felix.”
“Holy fucking shit—(Y/n)?!” Felix gasps when he finally looks at you. “Are you okay?” 
“Yes, Felix, I’m fan-fucking-tabulous with how blood is literally exploding out of my face!” you shout as you try your best to move around while trying to catch as much blood as you can to avoid that much of a mess. 
“Fuck—come on.” 
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The nurse doesn’t say anything as he stares at you and the amount of blood that’s covering your top and your face. 
“Dude, come on,” Felix huffs as he smacks the nurse’s arm slightly.
“I-I don’t know what to say… I’m a fucking nursing student. I don’t even know why you chose my apartment to do this in,” Hyunjin grumbles as he smacks Felix back. “Plus, the guys are going to be back here soon and they’re going to be more confused than I am.” 
“Your flatmates aren’t squeamish around blood, are they?” he asks. 
“It’s fine,” you reassure him as you wipe your face once again with your millionth tissue. “I think the blood’s stopped.” 
“What even happened?”
“Honestly, I have no clue. I just remember watching the set, and suddenly, my nose practically exploded.” 
“Weirdest thing is that one of the guys on stage got a nosebleed around the same time,” Felix claims offhandedly, which makes Hyunjin hum and nod in response. 
“Wait, what?” 
The door to the apartment swings open and takes the three of you by surprise, especially when a crowd of men come scrambling into the apartment. 
“Shit, you should’ve seen it!”
“It was crazy!”
“Almost like his nose was a fucking pipe or some shit!” 
The crowd pauses when they see the three of you gathered in the living room and all of their attention goes down to where your shirt is drenched with blood with stains covering the bottom half of your face. 
“You look like a cannibal,” one of them points out as he pulls his beanie off of his head.
“Bin,” another snaps. 
“What happened to you?” another one of them asks. 
“I-I don’t know. It just happened in the middle of the concert,” you explain.  All of them freeze in their place and stare at you in shock.
“Do you remember which band it was?” the first one asks. 
“The one playing Mr Brightside,” you nod. 
“No way,” the second one laughs.  The first guy, who you only know as ‘Bin’ based on what his friend called him, looks behind the crowd and at the hallway.
“Hannie, get in here,” he calls. “You’re not going to believe this.” There’s a small commotion coming from the hallway before the group seems to part. 
You watch as the guitarist from before steps into the apartment with a towel pressed to his face, and his eyes wide. 
You stare for a moment before you both groan, “not again!” 
Both of your noses seem to explode, yet again, with blood as it pours down both of your faces.
“Why?! Why this?!” he cries as he presses the towel harder against his face. Your hands cup yours as Hyunjin and Felix rush to get you more tissues and towels as you run from the living room and into the kitchen to lean over the sink.
“Please, god, don’t tell me you’re my soulmate,” you grumble as you hold your head over the sink. 
“I would hate it if I were,” Hannie  groans. “Unless this thing is temporary and only happens for the first few times.” 
“Touch each other!” someone suggests.
“That sounds horrible out-of-context,” Felix snickers. 
“No, Jeongin has a point. Maybe it’ll counter the whole thing,” Hyunjin agrees. You feel the blood starting to stop for a moment and you take the chance to turn around, making eye contact with Hannie only for the blood to start once again. 
It feels like your head is knocked backwards by invisible force, but you push through the sensation and scramble towards Hannie. 
“Touch me! Come on!” you exclaim with your left hand flying out to grab onto him while your right holds onto your face. Hannie’s obviously in the same mindset as you with the way he’s frantically trying to grab your hand as well. 
The moment your hands make contact, the blood magically seems to stop. You wait a moment, cautiously standing upright and slowly moving your hand away from your face. Hannie moves his own towel away slowly when he sees you doing it. 
“Holy shit,” you breathe out when you see the way his face is smeared with blood. 
“This has to be one of the more annoying ones,” Hannie chuckles as he starts wiping away the blood with his towel. “I can’t believe this is how I found my soulmate.” 
“I can’t believe I made you guys cut your set in half,” you laugh. Hyunjin hands you a spare towel before ushering all of his friends—Felix included—away to give you privacy. 
“I’m Jisung, by the way,” he introduces himself, “the guys call me Hannie. It’s a… stage name of some sort.”
“It’s cute,” you claim while extending your hand towards him. “(Y/n).” Jisung shakes your hand, hesitant at first before he starts getting used to the feeling of your skin. “I noticed that I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around campus before. New kid or hermit?” 
“Hermit. This is the first time I’ve left my room at all. I only pushed myself because Seungmin needed a guitarist and I was down for performing,” Jisung explains, laughing awkwardly. “I don’t really like talking to people that much, so I avoid them as much as possible. I have major social anxiety—I honestly have no idea how I dealt with going on stage and actually performing.” 
“Some things must just be okay for you.” 
He smiles, “yeah, maybe.” Jisung takes a step closer to you with your hand still firmly grasped in his. “Are you free tomorrow night? Maybe we can have a date without any nosebleeds.” 
“I’m still bringing extra tissues just in case,” you joke. 
“I’m alright with that,” he laughs. 
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azucanela · 4 years
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pairing: bakugou katsuki x fem!reader
warnings: alcohol consumption. cursing.
word count: 3k
summary: the internet is enamored with the idea of y/n l/n and bakugou katsuki, two renowned pro heroes, dating. the first issue? the pair rarely interacts. the second issue? apparently, they hate each other, not that anyone knows about that bit. of course, after one night of many mistakes, the whole world knows. 
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series masterlist
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THE NIGHT OF THE GALA, it quickly came to Y/N’s attention that she definitely should not have waited til the last minute to get ready. But, her own procrastination had bested her, especially since she didn’t want to go, at all. It isn’t that Y/N wasn’t excited to see all her peers, it’s just that...
Y/N wasn’t excited to see her peers. 
Or anyone for that matter, she was exhausted after having just recently returned from one of her longer missions, and though her publicist had insisted the timing was perfect Y/N had to disagree.
She was really hoping for a break, not to be forced into socializing with everyone. And though Y/N didn’t want to seem arrogant in any way, she was a woman who had amassed quite the influence in her years as a Pro Hero. Meaning people wanted to talk to her, they wanted her favor.
Y/N wasn’t in the mood to have conversations with people faking kindness at the moment, which was the primary reason she found herself grimacing as she slipped on her second heel. Nearly falling to the floor had she not caught herself on the edge of the doorway as she hopped out while adjusting her shoe. 
As though things couldn’t become more chaotic, Y/N’s phone rings, causing her to jump at the sudden noise in shock before cursing, hand reaching into her small purse and digging around for the item as she continues towards her door. Just before she can pick up the phone, the call promptly ends, and a knock sounds at the door— causing Y/N to groan in annoyance as she comes to a proper stand and begins to make her way towards the entrance of her home.
The knocks become more rapid, and Y/N suddenly realizes just who is at her door as she rolls her eyes, calling out, “I’m coming you impatient hag.” 
Y/N can practically hear the scoff of her publicist as she finally opens the door, revealing the woman who stands with her brow raised. “We’re going to be late.”
Before her stands Lorelai Flores, one of the most renowned publicists of their time. Y/N was lucky to have scored her seeing as she was one of few Pro Heroes who hadn’t had a scandal yet, miraculously. In fact, Y/N had been one of her first clients shortly after they’d met in a local café— the woman had come from America and Y/N couldn’t help but wonder if life there was more chaotic with how well she handled all her clients.
The woman in question stands before Y/N in a green dress as she removes her glasses, eyes scanning Y/Ns figure before saying, “you look nice.”
A smile finds its way onto Y/N’s face as she lightly shoves Lorelai, stepping out of her apartment and locking the door behind her before the pair begins to head down the hall, “you look great as well!” 
The click of their heels brings Y/N a satisfaction she cant describe as they exit the apartment complex, Y/N lived in a quiet area, an attempt to escape the unavoidable fame being a Pro Hero brought on. It was especially worse when you saw all the posts.
God, Twitter is insane, Y/N learnt that the hard way. Despite the fact that she and Bakugou Katsuki hadn’t been in the same room since graduation— for a reason— the internet had taken to shipping the pair. It was an idea that Y/N abhorred given her history with the boy. After all, they’d practically been butting heads since they met. 
But it was appealing to the masses, the idea of someone “soft” like Y/N, someone known for their charity work and kindness, their sweet smile and endless optimism. And someone... like Bakugou. Harsh, almost ill-mannered and rude— though there was no denying that he’d made progress since their UA days, not that Y/N could confirm this seeing as she hadn’t seen him in so long. That and the fact that last she checked, most of the major headlines involving Bakugou were... not very positive.
Y/N started to avoid social media once she discovered this ship. She and Bakugou didn’t have the best relationship during their time at UA, it was practically a rivalry in their last year especially. 
“All your friends are going to be there.” Lorelai hummed, scrolling through her phone as she side eyed Y/N, the pair slipping inside a limo with ease once they stepped out of building, met by one of many men that Lorelai had hired. She had insisted that now that Y/N was a Pro Hero, she’d be a target too. And of course, her publicist was right. 
Her brow raises, as she settles in the car, deciding to simply reply, “yes, I’m aware they’ll all be there.” It’s a curious comment, seeing as it was an obvious fact. They were all heroes, and given their history with UA, well... the world had been anticipating their debuts for a while. Meaning they all quickly rose to fame, some faster than others, and some remaining in the spotlight far longer. 
Surprisingly, Y/N was included in that bunch, unsurprisingly, Bakugou, Todoroki and Midoriya were as well. Tokoyami had also carved out a nice spot for himself at Hawks’ agency, and Yaoyorozu had managed to become a sidekick to a rather renowned upcoming hero. 
Y/N had also earned a spot at Hawks’ agency, the man demanding her presence because she had “reminded him of himself,” for some reason. And seeing as he was one of the top heroes, who was she to disagree? The man seemed to understand her desire for distance, allowing her to go on missions that tended to be further out from where she’d grown up. And she was more thankful for the space.
She’d taken to philanthropy as soon as the money started coming in. Y/N had never understood just how much money Pro Heroes made until she was earning it as well. Although, seeing as she wasn’t ranked all that high, it wasn’t until she started branching out and doing other work that it became ridiculous.
“All of your friends, Ms. L/N.” Lorelai looks up to her, brow raised as she crosses her legs, resting her clasped hands on top of them.
Y/N offers her a tight lipped smile before waving her off, “I told you to call me Y/N, we’ve known each other how long?” 
“Don’t change the subject.”
Sighing, Y/N shifts uncomfortably in her seat, eyes drifting towards the window to see there are already dozens of flashing lights lined up, surrounding the venue of the gala, hoping to catch one of the Pro Heroes before anyone else does.
With a sigh, Lorelai directs her eyes outside as well, hands clasped together as she straightens herself in her seat, “funny isn’t it? That such a vital job requires so much publicity?” A tight lipped smile forms on their face, “I suppose I should be grateful for it. After all, it’s the reason I have a job but...”
But, Y/N hated it, and so did Lorelai. 
“It’s horrid that my dress matters more than any life I save.” 
And with that, the car comes to a stop. Alerting them that they’ve arrived, coupled with a short and swift knock on the door to signal that it’s time to get out. 
Inhaling deeply, Y/N looks back to Lorelai, who takes out a pocket mirror and removes her glasses, Lorelai eyes herself in the mirror momentarily, blinking once, twice, before saying, “most people don’t bring their publicists to such events you know.”
A small laugh escapes Y/N, and she knows its Lorelai’s attempt at helping her wind down before going inside, though she replies, “you’re more than my publicist.” Offering her a smile, Y/N simply says, “and why suffer alone when I can bring my friend, and who else will make sure I don’t do anything dumb?” 
It was true, it was always nice to have a partner at such functions, someone to hang around or return to. Or more accurately, someone to use as an excuse to leave the more annoying conversations. Though Lorelai always enjoyed the free foods and gift bags— that had items worth more than her rent, Lorelai had once said— and agreed to join Y/N/
Rolling her eyes, Lorelai simply knocks at the door, letting their chauffeur know it’s time before momentarily turning back to Y/N as they say, “ladies first.”
And with that, the door opens, revealing the pair to the world and exposing them to all the flashing lights of the mob awaiting them. People shouting out her Pro Hero name, Empatha.
Named for her quirk, Empathic Mimicry. Granting her to use the ability of those she touches for as long as she wants. However, in that period of time, she can feel their emotions and pain, and the quirk she uses comes with the setbacks of the user. If the person she touches is quirkless, it is possible to get other skills of theirs, but once again there are setbacks. 
Todoroki spent much of his free time at UA theorizing that she and Monoma Neito were secretly related in some way. Monoma on the other hand, seemed bitter about the fact that Y/N was “a better version” of him. Despite this, the memory of Todoroki’s odd question brings a genuine smile to her face as she steps onto the red carpet, swiftly making her way past as she waves towards the cameras. 
It’s just as overwhelming as it was the first time. And the second time. And the time after that. Even if Y/N had taught herself to control her abilities, no longer feeling the emotions of those surrounding her. But she didn’t need her ability to feel the excitement, anxiety— and worst of all the ambition. Ambition tended to be dangerous in the hero world. The reason behind unnecessary deaths, and exposed scandals. In Y/N’s experience it was a dangerous emotion, but she wouldn’t deny it had produced some impressive people. 
The lights are blinding as Y/N maneuvers inside, colliding with someone, warm hands come to rest on her forearms as the person in question mutters out, “watch where you’re going.”
Y/N finds herself freezing, recognizing him almost instantly. By the time her eyes have readjusted to the light, she finds that Bakugou is staring right back at her, mouth gaped open.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Y/N scoffs, tearing her arm from his grasp as he quickly as she attempts to collect herself, inhaling deeply.
Y/N probably should’ve guessed it was him from the screams, pose for a picture! Why don’t you two get a little closer! Can you comment on your relationship? They’re yelling for Bakugou too, wondering why he finally decided to make an appearance. Y/N is curious as well, for different reasons of course.
Bakugou is rolling his eyes before she can continue, “please, it’s not like I wanted to see you either.” 
Y/N nods slowly, offering him a bitter smile as she inhaled deeply— taking a few steps back. “Great to see you Bakugou, truly.” Sarcasm dripping from her tone as she stands beside him begrudgingly, putting on a false smile, “I hate you just as much as I used to.” 
Pausing, Bakugou’s hand comes to hover over her waist, as he stares into the cameras, muttering, “why?” 
“We both have reputations to maintain, do we not?” Comes her response, looking to him, Y/N reminds herself not to scowl as she straightens herself beside him, waving to a group of people and inciting more screams as she beams from beside Bakugou.
His laugh is a bitter one as he replies, “right.” Y/N inhales shakily, removing herself from Bakugou as she offers him a sarcastic smile, “thanks for the show, Sweetheart, but you aren’t all that important. You aren’t doing me any favors right now.”
A laugh escapes her, and the number of flashes increases exponentially, only for her to turn to Bakugou and say, “really now? Well, I suppose you’re right I’m not important seeing as you’re the one on the front page every week for a different scandal.” Bakugou looks away, scoffing, and Y/N nearly flips him off before reminding herself where she is and saying, “And I don’t want your thanks. I don’t want anything from you.”
And then she’s off, offering tight lipped smiles to those around her as she moved further into the venue for the gala, grabbing a drink off the tray of a passing waiter, Y/N mumbled out words of thanks before downing the drink instantly. Making her way past each person when a hand grabs her wrist.
Izuku Midoriya, better known as Pro Hero Deku, had intercepted Y/N on her way to the sanctuary of every party. The bathroom. Though he was probably the best person to have caught her, and undoubtedly someone she actually wanted to speak with. Y/N had a feeling he could tell something was wrong from the way he looked at her, concern clear in his eyes, Izuku was always easy to read. But she had somewhere to be and—
And Bakugou would be entering anytime soon. And what infuriated Bakugou more than she did? Izuku Midoriya.
So, Y/N puts a smile on her face as she says, “hey Midoriya.” She clears her throat, moving to stand beside him as she asks, “how are you doing?” 
He beams back at her, his smile as genuine as ever as he responds, “I’m well! And so are you it seems, there are rumors that you’ll be entering the top 100 heroes this year, you know?” 
Y/N had heard such rumors as well, if they were true, she’d be the first of her class to become a part of the top 100. Seeing as they were still basically fresh out of UA, it would be quite the achievement for her to do so at such a young age. Rivaling the progression of even Pro Hero Hawks. 
Raising a brow Y/N shoves him lightly, “scouting out the competition are you, Midoriya?” 
Midoriya’s eyes widen and he immediately begins shaking his head as his cheeks flush a bright red, “absolutely not!” He exclaims, “I’m just so amazed by how far you’ve come and it’s been so long since I’ve seen you.” 
A small laugh escapes her at his reaction, her eyes drifting towards her empty glass as she replies, “well I have no doubt that if I do miraculously enter the top 100, you’ll be close behind.” Inhaling deeply, she meets his eyes, “now if you’ll excuse me, I was on my way to the restroom when you caught me.” Once again, his cheeks flush a light pink as he begins to sputter apologies, and Y/N simply smiles as she says, “but we should definitely catch up sometime soon, maybe we can hang out sometime soon?”
A bashful smile finds its way onto his face as he nods slowly, “yeah. I would like that.”
And with that, Y/N waves goodbye to him continuing to the bathroom and managing to avoid any more conversations though few tried. Likely hoping for some good publicity themselves, she could see people beginning to swarm Deku in the distance now— and Y/N finds herself feeling bad that she left him so soon.
But as Y/N makes her way inside the restroom, it finally hits her.
Lorelai meant it when she said all her peers are coming, the woman had probably meant it as a warning. It was rare for Bakugou to attend social events, especially since they rarely ended well when it came to him. Most days, he ended up the headline of every single news sources when it came to his public events, rarely did Bakugou have a good run in with the press. Y/N was shocked he’d made it this far in the hero industry with his poor reputation only worsening at every event.
Oh she needed a drink. Y/N needed a lot of drinks. She couldn’t do this right now, not at all.
But more importantly, she needed fun, she needed lots of fun. So, taking one last look at the mirror, Y/N inhales deeply before exiting the restroom, spotting Izuku Midoriya almost instantly. She makes her way towards him, calling out for him, “Midoriya!” Her words distract him from his conversation, drawing the attention of those around then and the people who were initially speaking to him. 
The boy seems relieved that someone has come to save him from whatever conversation he was having, waving to Y/N as he says, “Y/N?”
A grin comes onto her face as she extends a hand to him, looking to those around him, “sorry to interrupt but—” She turns back to Izuku, “may I have this dance?
He offers her a nervous smile, only sparing those around him a glance as he replies, “definitely.” 
And with that, she drags him to the dance floor, and Y/N can feel the eyes on her as she does. It certainly is a curious sight. Two of the big up and coming heroes heading to the dance floor together after barely any public interactions. Y/N is sure that once the word gets out the internet will be going insane, and so will the press. Weaving together stories of insanity to boost their readership.
At this rate, Y/N didn’t care. 
This was Y/N L/N’s first mistake of the night, but it certainly wouldn’t be her last seeing as by the end of the night, Y/N L/N and Bakugou Katsuki would be on every front page and headline. 
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note: lmk how this was pls i need validation <3
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269 notes · View notes
shurisneakers · 4 years
shut in [7]
Summary: When your high profile mission goes terribly wrong, you’re forced to hide in a safehouse with a man you’ve never met before. With seemingly nowhere else to go, you’re forced to work together to figure out who is trying to have you assassinated before it’s too late. (Sam Wilson x Reader, Hitman AU)
Warnings: cursing, implied abuse, death, implied ptsd, injuries, broken bone, origami and paper planes
Word count: 3.7k
A/N: ONE MORE WEEK !!!!!!!!! ONE MORE WEEK !!!!!!!! also gif is somewhat related except steve isn’t there sorry to crush any hopes
i also appreciate feedback so if you would like to, please consider dropping me an ask or comment ly guys!! also if you want to be on the taglist, it’s mentioned at the bottom of the chapter.
here’s my ko-fi if you’d like to support my writing <333
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Previous Part || Shut In Masterlist
“Is there a reason you’re back so early?”
Both of the men nervously glanced at each other, silently urging the other to talk. A quiet form of encouragement.
“We chec- we checked all the neighbouring towns. All your safehouses,” one of them finally sputtered up after his partner elbowed him in the ribs.
“We coordinated with all our guys across the country to look for them-”
“All I’m hearing are a bunch of excuses,” they twirled the gun on its barrel like it was a plaything. “Get to the point.”
“No one knows where they’re hiding,” he finished, swallowing thickly. “We’re still looking though. We just thought-”
“What?” their voice was surprisingly calm. “That your little status update would impress me? That I’d feel sorry for you for working so hard?”
“N-no boss,” his partner finally pitched in, saving face for his companion who opened and shut his mouth wordlessly. “Just keeping you in the loop. We’re close, I can feel-”
“Do you remember what I told you the last time you were here?”
Both of them shut their mouths immediately. Knuckles white, nails digging into their skin as they clenched their fists shut.
“That you wanted them dead,” the first one said with faux confidence. A waver in his voice gave it away.
“Yes, but you’re forgetting the important part,” they tsk’ed, shaking their head, eyes downcast.
They didn’t give anyone a chance to react. They slammed the gun down, swiftly picking it up before taking aim at his partner’s face.
“I said I’d blow your brains out.” They pulled the trigger.
Bits of bone fragment and blood splattered across the first agent’s face. He inhaled sharply, chest rising and falling haphazardly. He had his eyes shut tightly, face away from the carcass slumped over next to him..
“I want every fucking part of this country searched,” they roared, throwing the gun to the side carelessly, leaving someone else to scurry after it. “And since it’s so fucking hard for you to finish two tasks, just get me their location.”
The agent barely nodded, looking like he was about to throw up. His partner’s blood trailed down the side of his face like sweat.
“I’ll kill them myself.”
Hugh Grant was starting to look less appealing on your 6th rewatch of Notting Hill. In fact, he was starting to blend together with the characters from Die Hard and it was becoming difficult to differentiate which part belonged to which movie.
Sam sat opposite to you at the dining table, a set of papers assigned in front of him. The TV was left on, serving as background noise and occasional fillers to substitute the lack of conversation.
“That movie is not making sense anymore,” he stated objectively.
“It stopped after the third time for me.” Your words were hushed, your focus remaining on the swan you were trying to create from scratch.
“If I hear her say ‘I’m just a girl, standing in front of a boy’ one more time, I actually think I’ll projectile vomit.” You could tell that his eyes didn’t shift from the screen though. “I can feel the bile. It’s going to happen.”
You only hummed in agreement, more interested in his lamenting than the actual movie.
Although origami wasn’t one of the skills you picked up in the fucking mafia, you still knew a few basic things. The rest you just folded with confidence and prayed it would work.
What other options did you have when you were stuck together in a house with no WiFi?
Sam had made a paper bowl to hold the car keys and the few dollars you picked up from Pierce’s place. It looked like it would fall apart at any given moment, its structural integrity questionable at best.
You had made a small flower that rested on the table in front of you. You were sure it would go missing the minute a draft entered the room.
He had given up after his contribution of the bowl. Apparently his creative expertise extended only towards that and paper airplanes, not that that stopped him. He was folding and manufacturing them with a vengeance.
“How is this supposed to help, Wilson?” you questioned, unable to contain the smile that grew on your face at the sheer number of planes he was making.
“Just because it’s not a decorative marvel-” he shot back in its defence, “-doesn’t mean it’s useless.”
“Oh, yeah? What else can it do other than not fly?” You watched as he launched one of them. It did a loop before falling miserably to the floor.
“Hey, you can put a message in it. Maybe one of those button trackers, a microphone. The possibilities are endless.” He laughed, folding another one out of the limited supply of paper he had left. “Besides, your thing won’t even lift off the ground.”
“Yeah, but this one can float.” You held up the swan that you had created. That about concluded your knowledge of origami.
“That’s actually… pretty cool,” he admitted. “Teach me how to make one.”
“A true master never reveals their secrets,” you eluded, placing it on the table.
“I dare you to make another.” Sneaky bastard. He knew you wouldn’t be able to replicate it. He saw you struggle the first time.
“Why, so you can just copy off of me?” you dodged, and Sam narrowed his eyes at you. You followed the same.
Neither of you blinked for a while.
“I’m out of paper,” he finally relented, gesturing to the fleet of planes that littered the table.
“I’m out of ideas.” You paused, looking down at how you’d spent the last hour. “Do you wanna go test these outside later?”
Sam looked up eagerly and you could just tell he was intending on getting competitive. “Hell yeah.”
“I’m going for a run in some time.” You got up to stretch your limbs, shrug off the fatigue that was setting in. Along the way you left the swan and one of the paper planes on top of the mini fridge alongside the car keys. It was cute. “We could do it then?”
“Sure,” he affirmed. “What time?”
“At around 6-” your eyes landed on the clock on the wall before widening, “-shit, shit, shit, I didn't realise it was five thirty. We have a call with Ransone.”
“Phone’s on the couch,” he mentioned to the living room, sitting up straight. “Why are you freaking out? We still got a few minutes to go.”
You pushed yourself away from the table, forcing yourself to shakie off the drowsiness that had begun to set in.
“You wouldn’t get it,” you mumbled, “He gets pissy if I don’t do things his way.”
You grabbed the phone, punching in the buttons and having it at the ready.
You noticed Sam focused on you with knitted eyebrows but not voicing whatever he had on his mind.
“Ready?” you questioned, but more as a formality. You had to do it regardless.
He simply nodded, looking on as you let the phone ring. If he had noticed your antsiness towards the call, he didn’t bring it up.
Ransone picked up on the last ring, not skipping a beat in answering, “Y/N.”
“Hey Ransone.” You switched the call to speakerphone.
“Are you alone?”
You glanced at Sam. He shook his head, arms crossed over his chest, edging you to continue with the arrangement you had planned the day prior.
Ransone trusted you more. He was more likely to communicate openly if Sam wasn’t around.
“Yeah, I am.”
“Where’s the other one?”
Sam silently scoffed.
“He’s taking a nap.”
“Ah,” Ransone’s tone was condescending. “How have things been?”
“It’s fine.” You press your lips into a straight line, not elucidating. “What’s the update out there?”
“Everything is a mess. We’re trying to figure out who attacked you but since there wasn’t anything left behind or any kind of trace, it’s proving to be... inconvenient.”
“Is it safe to travel?”
“What, with your face on national television?” he laughed. “Nah, I’d say it’s a little too early to be thinkin’ of a road trip. Just stay where you are, I’ll tell you when you can come out.”
Your fingers were thrumming at the table rhythmically, peeking at Sam every now and then for anything he found suspicious or wanted you to ask about.
“Listen, we’ve paid off every big guy to keep this under wraps as much as possible but Pierce was an important person. All the higher ups want this to be solved as quickly as possible. They don’t care about sacrificing a player here or there.”
Pinning the blame on you was easy enough. The faster you were put away, the faster they could stage an “accident” in prison so that none of their secrets were exposed. Wasn’t like they hadn’t done it before.
“Others in the business aren’t likin’ us accusing them of attacking one of our own. Our best bet right now is Serpentine but we haven’t gotten anything to prove it.”
You doubted they ever would. Even if they did do it, Serpentine was notorious for being cunning and stealthy in their operations. They made sure there would be no tracks leading back to them.
“So, we’re at a dead-end,” you verified. There was no telling when this would end, your exit looking further and further away. “We’re fucked.”
“No. We’ll just- Y/N, listen to me,” Ransone called out, drawing your attention back to the call.
“I’ve always protected you,” his voice was noticeably softer. “Don’t you trust me?”
You felt the temperature in the room drop.
“You said there would be no one there!”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Ransone scoffed. “I never said that.”
“I walk in there and there’s four people, completely armed.” Forcing yourself to recall it was making your head spin. Maybe you could ask the nurse for a painkiller. “It was supposed to be empty.”
“I think the blood loss is making you delirious,” he chided, looking at the bag of drips hanging above your bed. “It wasn’t even that bad-”
“You’re lying.” The words slipped out before you had the chance to think it over.
“Excuse me?” he tilted his head, tone suddenly sifting to that of warning.
You knew he was. You had agreed to this mission because it was supposed to be easy. It was a break.
“Ivan was there when you briefed me.” You lifted your good arm to point at him shakily. “He knows you’re lying.”
“Does he now?” Ransone quirked an eyebrow, studying his aid who stood in the corner of the dingy hospital room.
A beat of silence passed where Ransone stared at Ivan, waiting for a reply of confirmation.
Ivan only lifted his shoulders in unawareness. “I don’t remember you sayin’ that.”
Your mouth fell agape but you quickly rushed to shut it. Fucking liars. You shouldn’t have expected anything better.
“Told you.” Ransone shrugged. “You’re a smart one, Y/N, so I’m going to let that slide this time. But next time you accuse me of something I didn’t say…”
He trailed off, resting a hand on your broken shoulder. You flinched, jaw clenched so tightly you thought your teeth might break. You tried to imagine yourself somewhere else, desperate to reduce the quivering of your body when he squeezed it lightly.
“You know I’ve always tried to protect you.” He put a finger under your chin, tilting your head to meet his eye. “Don’t you trust me?”
A beat passed before you responded.
“I do,” you said through gritted teeth, pulling your face away from him.
“I’ll ask them to up your dosage.” Ransone took a step away from you, dropping his hand. “I’m going to need my best player on the field as soon as possible.”
You didn’t acknowledge his statement. Every part of your body felt like it was going to combust.
Did he really say that no one was going to be there or was it just the injuries playing with you?
“Get well soon,” he offered, one step out the door. “Buttercup.”
“You trust me, don’t you Y/N?” he repeated when you didn’t respond.
“Yes.” You swallowed, gaze falling to the floor.
“And I trust you. You wouldn’t do anything to break that, would you?”
Sam raised his one hand questioningly as if to ask what the hell he was talking about. An intimidation tactic. He had been using it for several years to reinforce your loyalty.
“I wouldn’t.”
There were things you weren’t telling him, of course. Details about that day or where you and Sam were hiding right off the top of your head. More if you thought about it deeply.
“Good,” came his response. “So if there’s anything you need, let me know. I’m always a call away.”
“Thank you.”
“Talk to you soon.” He ended the call there.
You stood there blankly for a while before dropping the phone to the ground and crushing it. Usually you wouldn’t have to do that; removing the battery would be enough. This time you wanted to.
Your chest rose and fell heavily. You loathed him. Yet, you couldn’t fucking leave. 
“Hey.” Your eyes snapped back to Sam. “We still going on that run?”
The wind felt good.
Your muscles were burning and you could feel the constriction of your lungs but you liked it. The endorphins were working their charm.
Sam was right beside you, not questioning why there was so much aggression in your movement. You had lost track of how long you had been running. You couldn’t bring yourself to focus on that.
The path was paved with fallen branches and roots sticking out, forcing you to hop over some of them to avoid falling. It only annoyed you further.
You wanted to punch something. Or someone. The tension was rolling off your back in waves, and if someone saw you the’d probably believe you were going to commit an act of violence.
It was a while before you felt your steps begin to falter, the need for a proper breath taking precedence over the want to run more.
“Timeout?” you asked Sam breathlessly, slowing your pace to a jog.
“Sure about that, Usain Bolt?” he huffed, slowing his pace to match yours.
“Don’t worry about it,” he dismissed it. “T’was fun.”
Now that you had slowed down, it forced you to come to terms with how much energy you had just burnt out.
“You wanna talk about what’s on your mind or ignore it?”
“Rather not talk about it for now.” The more you thought about him, the angrier you got. And as of late, you had realised that your method of dealing with that anger wasn’t the best.
The air was getting colder. It was getting harder to see what was in front of you, relying on the few rays of sunlight that shone through the treetops. You took a roundabout at your self declared checkpoint, changing course back to the house.
Sam followed wordlessly, but his presence was strangely comforting. Warm.
“Thank you.”
“For...” he trailed off, prodding you on.
“I don’t know. This.” You gestured to the path ahead of you. “I didn’t think you’d agree to it.”
“Why wouldn’t I?” His eyebrows knit together in puzzlement.
You didn’t have an answer to that. Probably because you weren’t used to people just doing nice things for no apparent reason.
“How are you so calm all the time? I’ve never seen him get under your skin,” you asked quietly. “How do you do it?”
He didn’t answer straight away. He mulled over it as he dodged broken sticks and upended roots on the ground. You would be fine if he didn’t answer either; as long as he knew that you appreciated it.
“I just realised that everything he put into me was destructive. Actively worked on unlearning it,” he replied after a while. “It took me years to even begin.”
You expected to hear that but it didn’t make it easier.
“I don’t even know how to start,” you mumbled. It was so tiring, even thinking of where and how it began. It was all you knew. All you were taught.
“If I could add something?”
You looked at him questioningly.
“You had a different relationship with him than all of us, Y/N. A deeper one. It’s not easy to forget that,” he pointed out. “But… you’re not him. That takes strength.”
These weren’t new revelations. It was things you had told yourself earlier to rationalise all your actions. You knew it on a surface level but it was difficult to convince yourself sincerely.
You didn’t say anything, just continued jogging with an eye on the ground. 
It felt better to hear it from someone else. A starting point to maybe get to where he was, too.
“I just can’t believe anyone took him seriously enough for him to get this far,” Sam added, a tick of annoyance in his voice. “I don’t condone bullying but someone should have just punched him in the face as a child.”
It wasn’t even the funniest thing you had heard him say but for some reason it elicited a snort from you, soon giving way to a laugh.
His face snapped to yours at the sound of your laughter, a small smile growing on his face.
His brief moment of distraction was all it took for him to not notice the tree root sticking out in front of him. His ankle got caught in the wood, sending him stumbling to the ground face forward.
“Oh shit,” you cursed, halting in your place immediately, dropping to your knees to where he was.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he groaned, turning onto his back. “I think I broke my face.”
“That may be a bit excessive but your nose is definitely bleeding,” you knew this was serious but you were finding it difficult to control your laughter once you realised it wasn’t a life threatening injury.
“Just leave me here to die.” He covered his eyes with his elbow, refusing to look at you.
“C’mon, Wilson. Let’s get you fixed up.” You stood up, offering your hand. He grabbed onto it, hoisting himself up.  “Can you stand up straight? Do you think you have a concussion?”
“World class assassin,” he grumbled, shaking his head to imply he was fine other than a possible broken nose.
“Promise I won’t tell. Your reputation is safe,” you said it humorously but with conviction, hoping to make it less embarrassing for him. Not that you’d let him forget it any time soon.
It took longer to walk back considering how far you had ventured out, along with the fact that you had to guide him as he held his nose in the air to try and control the bleeding.
You pushed open the door to the house, holding it open as he walked in. Sam made his way to the dining room after you told him you’d get the first aid kit for the second time during your stay there.
By the time you returned from the bathroom, grabbing an old t-shirt along the way, he had a single ice cube pressed to the bridge of his nose.
“That’s not going to be enough.” You dropped the kit onto the table, opening the mini fridge. You emptied the ice cubes from the tray onto the t-shirt, twisting it into a small ice pack.
“These are my battle scars.” You could tell that he was trying not to use his nose. He sounded ridiculous. 
“Whatever makes you feel better, Sam,” you chortled. His mouth eased into a half smile and you didn’t get why until you realised it was the first time you had called him by his name. You didn’t acknowledge it, surprised by how easily it slipped out from your mouth when you weren’t actively stopping it.
You gave him a bit of cotton to wipe off the blood that had dried on his face.
“Look up,” you instructed, standing over him so you could assess the damage. He complied, letting you cradle his jaw softly, tilting his head to see if there were any signs of a fracture or anything worse.
It was a bad fall, but nothing he hadn’t been through before in terms of severeness. It wasn’t going to leave a mark.
“Definitely going to bruise but it’s not broken,” you concluded, going over it once more to make sure.
“Thanks, doc,” his voice came softly from below you. Only then did you realise how close you were standing to him. You could feel his breath on your wrist that was still caressing his face.
It felt like eternity, but he didn’t make an effort to move or shove you away. Your eyes flitted down to his lips for a second. If you just leaned dow-
“Right,” you cleared your throat, taking a step back. “Just hold this to your face for a while to reduce any swelling.”
You handed him the makeshift ice pack, feeling the heat creep up your neck.
“Your turn to use the bed tonight, right?” His voice was significantly lower than what it had been a few minutes ago, something you weren’t acclimated to hearing. It only made your face feel hotter.
“Yeah.” You avoided meeting his eyes, using the time to close the first aid kid. “Unless you want it.”
“No, go ahead.”
It was too early to retire for the evening but suddenly you weren’t all that hungry anymore. Apparently neither was he.
“See you tomorrow, then?” you inquired, turning away before he could see you cringe.
“See you tomorrow,” he confirmed, “Good night.”
You just gave him a short wave over your shoulder and physically restrained from walking to the room, shutting the door and never looking at him again. You hoped he didn’t notice or at least never bring it up if he did.
You couldn’t do this. Not again.
Not when you knew the consequences.
Next part
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beskarhearts · 4 years
Vencuyot (Din Djarin x reader)
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source: @isetthetone​
Connection series Pt. 11
Pairing: Din Djarin x f!reader (no use of Y/N)
Warnings: cursing, fighting, total sleazy douche bag
Word count: over 8.5 K
Summary: Din and you finally get started on helping the kid find his kind.
Notes: Alright, we are finally going into the events of season two! Each episode will probably be about 2-3 chapters. And I’m also planning right now on how to incorporate original scenes while also kind of following the overarching story line from season two. I am very excited to see how you guys like it!
Previous Part ____ Next Part
“You’re good with him.”
You smile warmly at Din, holding the child’s little body against your chest to which he let out a string of joyful noises that pulled at your heart strings. You looked down quickly to see the child’s eyes look up at you, his little hand beginning to pull of strands of your hair. He always loved to play with it, sometimes to tug at it or yank it, but most of the times he’d just run his three tiny fingers through it like it was the most fascinating thing. You looked back up to Din, who watched the two of you with his helmet tilted slightly. You couldn’t see his expression but you’d like to think you knew him well enough to know he was smiling underneath the helmet.
Moments like these were nice. The kind of moments where you, Din, and the kid just sat together in the hull of the Crest, letting the ship guide you guys through hyperspace as the three of you just relaxed. It was domestic and pure and everything you and Din deserved. 
“Yeah. I guess I kind of am.” You quietly admitted. You never wanted to brag about the way you were able to care for the child. Yes, it was part of your job around here. But Din also helped and a small part of you always saw the child as Dins, and solely Dins. Din had been the one to find him and protect him. He was the one who made an oath to find his kind, putting his Creed and life at risk to do it. It had been just been the two of them for a while before you came along. So yes, you were good with the kid, but you never wanted to overstep a boundary and claim the kid as your own. Even in spite of the way a maternal wave washed over you each time you saw the child coo at you or reach for you. The way a sleepy smile would pop onto his face when he woke up and saw you. The way some nights he would just need to be held by you for a while before feeling safe and secure enough to go to bed. In spite of all those things that made you feel special, you still wanted to show respect to their relationship.
“You definitely are.” Din paused, sitting forward a little more before continuing. “Is it cause of some... Jedi thing?”
You smiled at the way Din spoke about anything Jedi related. You were the first to admit you weren’t the most educated about Jedi history but Din was absolutely clueless. You supposed that made sense considering the rift between Mandalorians and Jedi’s but it still made you chuckle whenever he tried to speak about the matter. “I don’t know, to be honest. I think sometimes I just can feel what he needs or sense when something is wrong. I don’t know if it’s a Jedi thing or just a m-” you cut yourself off, trapping the words in your mouth before they slip out.
“Just a what?” Din asked and you shook your head quickly.
“Oh nothing, it was just a silly thing.”
Din sighed, reaching forward and brushing his hand against your knee. “What was it, cyar’ika?”
“I was going to say a mother thing. But not cause I’m the kids mom or anything. It was dumb because I’m totally not. I’m just-“
“Stop.” You physically bring your lips together to stop yourself from rambling. “I might not know much but I know the kid sees you as a mother.”
You smiled warmly, looking down at the child in your lap who continue to play with strands of hair, not paying much attention to the conversation being had. “Yeah?”
Din nodded. “Of course. And you are a good one.”
You tried to look away from Din, not wanting him to see the way your face flushed from the compliment or the way your eyes started to water from the sincerity of it. You truly loved the child, probably a bit too much. And maybe you shouldn’t look at him like a son considering what you knew was bound to happen, but you didn’t contemplate the pain you would one day feel at his possible departure. As far as you knew, this was your family and you were going to enjoy it for as long as possible. And that meant treating the kid like your own because even if you selfishly wanted to build a wall up, you knew the child needed a parental figure in his life. He was only a small child after all, one who had already been through enough and hidden away for so long. So you figured you could do this for him. You could show him love and compassion, how it feels to be protected by someone who cares for you. It was a job Din did extraordinarily well, something you don’t think he even realized he did. And you were damned to do your best by the kid. Even if in the end it hurt yourself. Because wasn’t that one of the biggestc, yet also inevitable, sacrifices of a parent?
“Thank you.” you whispered out and the kid finally looked a you then, showing you the hair in his hands to which you nodded. He dropped the hair before picking it back up, seeming satisfied by the feeling of the strands slipping through his fingertips.
“Do you ever. I don’t know. Want... some?”
You glance up a Din, your eyebrows shooting up at the way he awkwardly fumbled with his words. Din was usually a very clear man so you knew if he was struggling to express himself, it must be new territory for him. “Want what?”
Din didn’t bother to verbally answer, simply directing his head towards the kid. You let out a small ‘oh’ once understanding what he was getting at. “Kids?” You clarified to which the Mandalorian firmly nodded.
Your heart skipped in your chest at the thought. Maker, kids. You hadn't considered the idea of having kids in so long. For many years, it seemed an impossible task. Having a child meant allowing someone in, which was not something you excelled in. You also never found yourself too invested in the prospect of having kids of your own. It wasn’t that you didn’t like them, though Jakku was never teeming with them. Kids were fine. You often found them to be funny, like little drunken adults just wandering around. And you could t deny that they were cute (though you would argue the child in your lap was even cuter than human children). But when you looked in the mirror before, you never saw a woman who could be a mother. It just wasn’t part of your personality. You had watched your own mother for so long and you loved her, but you hadn’t been similar to her at all, you two often having differing opinions. But your mother had seemed like such the picture-perfect mom to you and if you were nothing like her, how could you be a mom?
But now things were different. You were a different person than you used to be (a better one as well you would argue). And that was due to Din. Having allowed yourself to open up to someone taught you a lot of things about relationships, communication, and trust. And now there was someone in your life who you could kind of invision a future with. A very rocky, unclear future but a future nonetheless.
The kid also changed your perspective. When you met the child, you instantly felt a connection to him. You wanted to grab his small little body and hold him close, make him smile. It was like this instinctual side of you kicked in, a side you didn’t know you even had. And now you liked it. You liked caring for him and being there for important things. You loved to way he had begun to expand the way he communicated , whether that be with his facial expressions or noises. You loved that when he first woke up in the morning and saw either you or Din, a sleepy little smile would form that made your morning instantly better. You loved when he would giggle when you did something stupid or silly. You even liked when he needed your help, when his grabby hands reached out for something he wanted. Watching him grow was like a gift. So now the idea of kids sounded exponentially more appealing than it ever had before.
“I never really used to. Was never that type of person really. But now... yeah. Maybe one day.” You said the last part with a sheepish shrug. You didn’t know what one day meant, even to you. You had sworn to stick by Din, even once the kid was gone. And though there was no label and nothing official, there was clearly something happening between the two of you. You were certainly a little more than friends, though you didn’t want to jump to any assumptions and make a fool of yourself.
But you couldn’t help the way your heart nearly jumped out of your chest at the thought of having kids with Din. You already knew he was paternal. You didn’t need to see beneath the armor to see the way he looked at the kid. He treated him like a son and did an exceptionally good job at protecting him and making him feel safe. And sometime, when you were with the kid and Din walked into the room, you could feel this rush of love wash over you, almost like you were feeling what the kid felt. You felt this immense sense of belonging and love, a type of admiration you couldn’t even begin to describe. He looked up to him in a way a kid is truly meant to look up to their dad. There was no doubt in your mind that Din would be a great father.
You cleared your throat and looked up at Din. “What about you?”
“Absolutely.” The answer didn't shock you too much in particular. It was the speed at which he answered. He hadn’t taken a second to even think about it or contemplate it. The answer had just leapt out of his mouth as soon as you had finished speaking. You couldn’t help the way you grinned at him but felt it drop slowly as he let out a loud sigh, his helmet dropping down. “But I don’t know if that’s even possible.”
You furrowed your brow. “What do you mean?”
“This life isn’t right for a kid. And I’m just not the kind of person.”
“Woah, that’s not true. Have you seen yourself with the kid?” You reached a hand out to rest on his leg, reassuringly squeezing it. His helmet finally lifted up a little but you could still see the way his body slightly dropped. “You would be a great dad, Din Djarin.”
“A Mandalorian isn’t the greatest dad.” You could definitely understand where Din was coming from. Life for Din was unstable, tumultuous. His whole job required a certain level of danger that he had to willingly accept every day. Definitely not the most conducive for raising a child.
But you had always imagined Din settling down one day, not even with you per say but just in general. He deserved that. Out of all the people you could imagine, he was one who deserved to find a home somewhere, marry someone, have a peaceful life with what he wanted. Now that you considered it, you didn’t even know if that was a possibility. “Is the whole Mandalorian thing a life time commitment or do you eventually retire?”
“I never really thought about it. I just figured I’d keep going until...well, let’s just say Mandalorians don’t have the greatest track record.”
Your stomach lurched at the meaning behind Dins answer. A job that was a game between life and death meant one of two things, you either lived or died. And you expected that eventually death caught up to the Mandalorians, no matter how strong or unshakeable they appeared. Your heart broke for Din. He had been living his days just working, expecting his life to be cut short because of the life he lived, the job he had, the armor he bore. You squeezed his leg even tighter, forcing him to look at you directly. You stared right into his visor, hoping you were making eye contact with him. “I’m here now. And I’m going to make sure you live a long life. A good one.”
Din just stared back at you, responding with a small jerk of the head. “Okay.”
You nodded in response before smiling, try to lighten the situation. “Good. So you better come up with a retirement plan, old man.”
Din chuckled at you, shaking his head jokingly. “Will do.” You grinned at him but felt it drop slightly as Din continued on. “We need to start looking for the kid’s kind.”
You knew this moment was coming and soon. You and Din had already spent too long playing house, justifying it with excuses like you were trying to come up with a good plan or you were letting time pass so things could calm down. But you and Din both knew the truth deep down. Things weren’t going to calm down and no good plan would be formed without starting somewhere. 
You looked back down at the kid, who just gurgled as he saw your attention land upon him. Sometimes you thought he was too young for training, even though he was fifty. He was just a baby. A child. You had only received a sliver of training and that had been some of the most intense work you had ever done. You couldn’t imagine the same little child in your lap, the one whose most prized possession was a metal ball and who cried when he couldn’t eat a butterfly, was supposed to become a Jedi. But you also understood that you couldn’t even attempt to understand his full potential and just how truly powerful he was. And the earlier he started harnessing it, the better. Sometimes you wish you had been taught earlier. You understood what it felt like to be younger and capable of something you couldn’t understand. It was terrifying sometimes and other times just plain confusing. 
You looked back up at Din. “Yeah. We do.”
“We need a plan.”
“We don’t even know where to start, Din.” 
“Do you know of any... Jedi places?”
You laughed at his question. “No. I’m afraid I will be of no help to you in that regard. I barely know any more about Jedi’s than you do.”
Din nodded and you knew he was slightly disappointed, but not upset. You understood that feeling. Sometimes you wished you were better or knew something so you knew how to help out. But you had also accepted that you were who you were and nothing would change that.
“I need to find other Mandalorians. I was told they could help me.”
“Well, where are the Mandalorians?”
“I don’t know.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “How do you not know? You guys don’t have like some meet up spot or something?”
Din chuckled, now finding your lack of knowledge about Mandalorians as funny as you find his lack of knowledge about Jedis. “They are called coverts and they are in secret locations for safety. There was one on Nevarro but that got exposed.”
“So you have no clue where any are?”
You huffed. “Well then, what do we do?”
“I know some people who might know information about where Mandalorians are. We can start there.”
You nodded. “I have a question.”
“So once we find a Jedi, we just hand him over? That’s it?” You found that to be such a bizarre thought. Jedi’s were supposed to be peacemakers but that hadn’t stopped a fair share of them from becoming Siths instead. How were you supposed to meet someone and just trust them enough right away to hand the child over? What if this person just took advantage of him or worse, handed him over to Gideon for a large prize?
“I don’t know how this works at all. We need to just find out more information before we get to that.”
“And what if we can’t find one?”
“I made a promise. He is under my care and I vowed to bring him to his kind. I will make sure it happens, no matter how long it takes.”
You admired Din’s dedication. You had never met an individual who was so devoted, whether that be devoted to his Creed or to the child or yourself. It was so admirable and you believed every word that came out of his mouth. 
“You are a good man, Din.”
Din just nodded in response and you wondered if he ever believed you when you said that. You meant it with every part of your being but you don’t think he ever looked in the mirror and saw the man you saw. Saw the kind heart and the beautiful soul that laid hidden beneath all his armor. You just wanted to spend all your days showing him that, hoping one day he would see it. Look past the helmet and the job and see who he was. 
“What are we going to do after all of this?” The question had been on the tip of your tongue for weeks now. You knew Din had said he wanted you to stay. And you knew your relationship had now progressed, though neither of you had placed any binding label on it.  Those were great things and you were thrilled by them but you didn’t know what that would entail for you guys.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, when we find the kid a place to go, what do we do? Are you going back to bounty hunting? I mean can you even do that after you took the kid back?”
Din’s helmet tilted and you knew he was deep in thought. Part of you hoped he couldn’t and you felt selfish for it. You knew that was what Mandalorians did. They worked, endlessly. But you couldn’t imagine finding somewhere for the kid to go and then Din working night and day to catch bounties, traveling through the galaxy from one place to the next for the rest of his days. You wanted him to be able to relax, to live a life that he had never even thought to envision. A life where he could have kids when he wanted to or could just live in peace. 
“If you could go to any planet, where would you go?”
You brought your head back, staring at Din with a perplexed expression. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“Just tell me.”
You thought before remembering a planet Mai had told you about. “Sesid. Mai said she read about it once. There is supposed to be so much ocean that you can’t walk anywhere where you don’t have a view of it. And where you don’t see blue, it is supposed to be so green with so many trees and plants.”
“Then we will go there.”
You let out a laugh. “Din, what are you talking about?”
“I don’t know exactly what will happen after all of this. But I know I want to be with you. So once we find the kid a place to go, you and I will go to Sesid.”
You smiled up at him. You still didn’t know if that was even possible but you didn’t want to think about what would realistically happen. You wanted to believe, if only for this moment, that Din and you would help the kid and then be together, somewhere beautiful and happy. “Okay. Sesid it is.”
Din nodded in agreement. “I do know one thing for sure, though.
Din leaned towards you, close enough that if he weren’t wearing the helmet you could kiss him. You leaned against him, your forehead tapping against the helmet. “I am going to do whatever I can to make you happy.”
Once night fell, the two fell into their new routine. They didn’t discuss it but it kind of just fell in place. As soon as the child’s eyes slid closed, Din grabbed onto her, pulling her to crawl into his bed, the cot on the floor she used to sleep on being long forgotten now. 
Din shuffled in next to her, closing the hatch to the cot and removing his helmet immediately after. Part of him wished so much that he could have a light on, just so he could see her face when she was laid in his bed, next to him. But for now, being able to feel her beside him was more than he could ever ask her. 
Din rested his body against the padding of the thin mattress, feeling her immediately shuffle into him. Her head sat to rest on his shoulder and he could feel her breath tickle his neck. One of her arms wrapped around his chest, clinging on like it was a life preserver. Her legs tangled with his and she let out a loud sigh once she finally rested comfortably into him, letting the shape of his body contour into hers. “You are very comfortable, y’know?” She mumbled happily and Din felt a small smile grow on his face. He loved this. Loved the way she clung onto him and the way she hummed as he wrapped an arm around around her back, tracing her spine over her shirt with his finger tips. 
“Yeah?” He responded, feeling himself turn his head in her direction. He couldn’t see her, only the silhouette of her body if he focused enough. 
“Mmhhm.” She hummed and Din brought his lips down to kiss the top of her head. Her head tilted up in response and she brought her lips against his, allowing the two to mold together. Din couldn’t believe he had gone this long without kissing her. Whenever he did, it felt so divinely perfect in a way he couldn’t even begin to describe. It was warm and thrilling but also made Din feel safe in a way he never had before. Like no matter what happened, he would be okay as long as she was there.  He had never felt that way with anybody else before, besides his parents so long ago. Nobody had ever wormed their way into his heart like she had. 
She eventually pulled away, her breathing a little heavier than before, and rested her head back into her previous position, nuzzling into him. “Where are we headed now?” 
“A planet on the outer rim. I know someone who might be able to help me find other Mandalorians.” 
“A friend?”
Din couldn’t help the small chuckle that came out. “No. He is an old gangster. Gor Karesh is his name.”
“Oh, lovely. Old gangsters are my favorite.”
“Oh really?”
She let out a giggle at the jab and he could hear the grin on her lips. “Oh yeah. You better hope he doesn’t win me over cause I might just stay with him instead.”
Din narrowed his eyes, not understanding what she meant. “You aren’t seeing him.”
She paused for a moment before letting out a small sigh. “Yes, I am. I’m coming with you.”
“I don’t want you coming. You’ll be safer in the Crest.”
“Din, last time you left me alone in the Crest, a man ended up dead.” She didn’t say it with anger or annoyance. Din didn’t detect any harshness in the words. It was just said very matter-of-factly, reminding Din of himself. But it still didn’t stop the way his heart dropped into his stomach at her rebuttal. She wasn’t wrong. Last time she had begged him to come and he had refused, all in the name of protecting her. But he had seen where that ended and he didn’t want a repeat of it.
As much as it pained him, she was right. Din wanted nothing more than to protect her and keep her safe. But in a galaxy like this, with a man like Moff Gideon hunting for him, nothing was safe. It was all inherently dangerous. And Din knew she was more than capable. She was smart and strong. She could stand her own but he still felt uncomfortable with the idea of pushing her into danger directly. It felt like a betrayal to the promise he had made to protect both her and the kid. “Okay.”
She nodded her head against him. “I’ll be fine. You know, I might even be an advantage. I’m pretty smart.”
“I know you are, sweet one.” 
“Well then, we will be fine. We’ve got your crazy Mando strength, the kids hand thing, and my quick-witted humor. It should go very smoothly.” Her body started shaking slightly with laughter and Din couldn’t help but to join in with her. He couldn’t remember the last time anything in his life had gone smoothly and he expected this to be no exception. 
Once the laughing stopped, she rested her hand on his chest, right over his heart, and patted softly. “Really though. I’ll be fine. We’ll be fine.”
Din nodded, feeling slightly better with her reassurances. She was probably right. It would be okay especially with her there. Din had never really worked with anyone before but everything was different now. She was his rock and he trusted her. She pressed a small kiss onto his jaw and he could feel her smile into it. 
“Din, this is perfect but I am going to be a pain in the ass.”
“What is it?”
“I’m freezing my ass off.” 
Din let out a chuckle, shaking his head. It was probably from all the years he spent in hyperspace, but he was never cold while she managed to somehow always be cold. Even with his body heat and the one blanket over them, he could feel the goosebumps on her skin as he ran a hand over her arm. “You are always cold.”
She huffed. “It’s not my fault you are cold blooded and that this ship is colder than Hoth itself.”
“Where did your blanket go?”
“I think it’s still in my bag. I haven’t gone through it since I got back from Jakku.”
Din started to shuffle, pulling away from her to which she let out a loud whine. “Let me put on my helmet and I’ll grab it for you.”
She sighed contently at him and Din slipped the helmet on his head before opening the door to the cot. Some light from the hull of the ship reached his bed and he could see her face just slightly illuminated, a sleepy, lopsided smile on her face. She looked right back up at him. “Did I ever tell you that you are my hero?”
Din shook his head before slipping out of the bed. He walked over to a corner of the hull, where her bag had been sitting for days now. He bent down, opening it and saw the blanket on the top, with a small piece of folded paper with her name sprawled on it. He picked it up, feeling the weight of it in his fingers. “What is this?” he asked out of curiosity, not opening it.
“What is it?” She said, not bothering to get up to look.
“I think it’s a letter.” He looked back just in time to see her head pop up slightly. She furrowed her eyebrows before beginning to slip out of the bed, wrapping the blanket around her body. 
“What does it say?”
“Just has your name on it.” 
She eventually stumbled over to him and he reached his hand up, offering the letter to her. She reached a hand out from under the blanket, grabbing onto it and reading the writing on the front. “That is Mai’s handwriting.” 
She brought her other hand out, the blanket resting on her shoulders and arms, and began to unfold the piece of paper. Din looked up at her as she began to read. He sat silently, even as her face dropped into a blank stare and her face paled. She suddenly folded the paper up, shaking her head. “What is it?” he asked.
“I don’t know. But I can’t read it right now.” He saw the way her chest was heaving and how her eyes were frantically moving around, as if she was trying to follow something that wasn’t there. 
“Sweet one?”
“It’s something about my family. That’s as far as I got.” Din stood up and looked down at her. She didn’t look at him, her face twisting up as she frantically shook her head as if begging someone to stop. “I can’t do this. I’m am finally okay with everything and I don’t need to read something that will just mess with me.”
“But what if it is something important?”
“If none of them told me and I didn’t find out for this many years, I am sure it can wait.” She scrunched the paper up in her hands, tossing it into the opening of her bag. “Besides, we have to focus on the kid. This can wait. He can’t.”
Din slowly nodded and she forced a smile onto her face. He hated when she did this, when she buried everything in and just put on a smile. He knew it was how she coped and he could identify with that. He was similar, but instead of smiling, he buried everything down and then hunted a bounty to forget. 
Instead of pushing her, he held up the blanket that was still grasped in his hand. She looked at it and chuckled. “Maybe I can sleep now since I won’t be freezing.”
“Are you okay?” Din couldn’t help but to ask. 
“I will be as long as you come keep me warm.” Her hand reached out for one of his and tugged him over. “Let’s go to bed.”
“Well, this is just such a beautiful place. We should come back one day when we are really able to enjoy the sights and sounds.” You sarcastically mumbled, arms protectively held over your chest as you looked all around you. The walls surrounded you, all of which covered in a plethora of graffiti, parts of them crumbling into pieces. The outer rim was not a pleasant place in general, you knew that. But you had finally landed on the planet where Koresh was supposed to be and as soon as you stepped outside the Crest, you just knew it was a real shit hole. And walking through the streets of whatever town you were just confirmed it. 
It was completely dark outside, almost totally silent. You didn’t see any other people around, except for pairs of red glowing eyes that hid in dark corners and made the child whimper. You looked back to the child, who was sitting in his pram that floated beside you. His small ears tucked in slightly on himself and he buried himself into the pram slightly, big eyes looking all around. Looking over at Din, you didn’t detect any sense of unease. He was on what you’d like to call Mando mode. His head was aiming straight forward, attention on the path in front of him. He stood tall and straight, seeming like such an intimidating figure even in such a shady place. He was completely silent, not speaking. He didn’t like to talk much in public and you weren’t sure if it was because he was uncomfortable to do so or if it was a matter of maintaining a reputation that made others cower in fear.
You let out a sigh at his lack of response until you turn the corner, coming to a door. You see the first individual of the night, a Twi’lek standing guard who stares back at the Mandalorian. He doesn’t greet the two of you with anything but a harsh expression. So much for a welcome.
“I’m here to see Gor Koresh.” Din directed, his voice sounding strong through the modulator. Despite the demand, the Twi’lek still doesn’t speak, just looking over at you before his eyes landed on the Child. The kid looked up at him, cooing slightly.
The man looked away, moving aside and pushing the door open for you to pass through. “Enjoy the fights.” was all he said as you and Din entered. As soon as you walked into the building, you felt your face scrunch up. The place smelled like ale and blood strongly, slapping you in the face as soon as you stepped through the door frame.  You walked down some stairs, studying the scene in front of you. Crowds of humans and creatures, some of which you didn’t recognize, sat or stood amongst benches, yelling loudly and banging their fists. You saw some woman sitting besides the men, some looking less impressed by the entertainment than their counterparts and others looking just as engrossed as the others. In the center of the room sat a platform where two Gamorreans were fighting wildly. They were both fearsome creatures with less than desirable faces. They snarled and huffed, though the sound was drowned out by the yelling in several different alien languages that filled the room.
Din strolled over to a bench, seeming unbothered by the scene before him and not in any way distracted by the environment. He plopped down onto a booth, next to a Abyssin you assumed to be the man of the hour, Koresh. He stood out from the crowd, his body draped in richer fabrics and a large ring on one of his chubby green fingers. You sat down next to Din, watching as the child’s pram hovered right beside you.
The Abyssin didn’t seem bothered or intimidated by Din’s presence. He was s gangster, probably used to having bounty hunters around. Probably hired a few himself, perhaps had one or two come after him even. “You know this is no place for a child.” He spoke, his gaze landing on the child and you for just a moment before going back to the fight, his eye glistening with excitement as he appeared totally enamored by the barbaric nature of it.
“Wherever I go, he goes.” You almost wanted to smile at Din’s response. It sounded intimidating coming from him, but you knew the sentiment and honestly behind it. You refrained from doing so, keeping a blank face and trying to keep your gaze on Gor Koresh. You weren’t much for watching fighting, finding it dull and tasteless, though you couldn’t help but to find the banging and rumbling to be distracting.
Koresh just let a chuckle out. “So I’ve heard.”
“I’ve been quested to bring him to his kind. If I can locate other Mandalorians, they can help guide me. I’m told you know where to find them.” You weren’t surprised by Din’s directness or lack of small talk. This was just the kind of man he was, part of it being him and part of it being due to the armor he wore.
The man let out a sigh. “It’s uncouth to talk business immediately. Just enjoy the entertainment.” The creature finally tore his sight away from the fight, giving you a fleeting glance as a smile curved his lips. You knew that smile very well, had seen many men and creatures wear it before. And usually, it didn’t end well for them. “Why don’t you introduce me to your friend? She is quite the beauty.”
You couldn’t help the way your eyebrows raised and face scrunched up in slight disgust. He couldn’t even try to be a little subtle, or at the least more original.. You let out a sigh and looked at him, even though his attention was back on the fight. “How about you just help us?”
Din didn’t turn to look back at you but you saw the way one of his fists clenched. This was his domain and he wasn’t used to others being with him while he worked. And you didn’t want to overstep your boundaries, but you also weren’t going to let this man look at you like that. You wanted to say a lot more, but knew your mouth could get you in trouble and decided to leave it at that.
The Abyssin let out a huff. “Didn’t know you kept women around. Or children too.” The words were directed at Mando, him not bothering to respond to you directly. You wanted to say something but jumped slightly at the sound of loud clanging. The child cooed in distress as you looked at the fight. The two Gamorreans were clanging their axes together, one of which knocking the other to the ground. Cheers rang through the ground but Koresh looked rather annoyed.
“Bah! My Gamorrean’s not doing well. Kill him! Finish him!” An axe was brought down to the fallen warrior, who dodged just in time to avoid the slamming down of the blade.  Koresh smiled just barely at the sight before glancing at Din. “Do you gamble, Mando?”
You couldn’t imagine Din being a gambler. It seemed so unlike him, almost against the ideas he held close to his heart. He wasn’t one to trust luck. He depended on himself and nothing else. “Not when I can avoid it.” He responded.
“What about you, sweetheart? Do you gamble?”
You rolled your eyes at the question. “No. I don’t.”
“I do. Which is why I’m the rich one here.” Koresh responded, letting out a chuckle at his own jab. “How about this? I’ll bet you the information you seek that this Gamorrean’s going to die within the next minute and a half...and all you have to put up in exchange is your shiny beskar armor.”
You felt your eyes widen slightly. You knew Din could handle this creep and you knew that beskar was worth a lot. It was no wonder Koresh wanted it. But you couldn’t imagine Din would be willing to put it on a silly bet based purely on luck. You couldn’t help but to scoff in response. “His armor isn’t on the table.”
Koresh smiled at your harsh response. “Okay. How about we bet the woman then? Wouldn’t mind a new friend.”
Din for the first time looked over at you for just a second, seeing the way your jaw locked. You couldn’t see his face, but you could tell he was angry by the way he moved. He turned over, looking back at the man. His fist was clenched against his lap but he didn’t bite the bait, just calmly responding. “I’m prepared to pay you for the information. I’m not leaving my fate, or hers, up to chance.”
“Nor am I.” In a flash, his hands reaches into his coat, whipping out a blaster at a surprisingly quick speed. A shot rings out in the building, one of the Gamorreans dropping dead, his axe clanging down beside him. You hear gasps and a cry ring out from the audience at the sudden end of the fight. Your head whips over to Koresh, just in time to see several men rise from the bench behind him, all of them whipping out guns that aim right at Din’s head. You felt your chest squeeze up slightly, panic settling into your bones. But Din just remained seated, even as the crowd yelled and rushed out of the stadium from all directions and Koresh rose from his seat, his own blaster aimed at the helmet. You couldn’t help but to wonder how he could always remain so calm. You felt your hand itch towards the blaster on your hip, but you didn’t know what you would do with it. One blaster against a handful of men, all with their own loaded guns, wasn’t a fair fight by a long shot. Trying to do anything might just get you and Din killed immediately so you waited, seeing how Din handled it.
Koresh laughed at your panicked expression. “Thank you for coming to me. Normally, I have to seek out remnants of you Mandalorians in your hidden hives to harvest your precious shiny shells.” You felt rage bloom within you as you realized what this mans job was, your eyes widening in anger. He made money off ruining people’s lives, ripping the amor that means the world to the Mandalorians off of them with no regard for human decency. No wonder he was so rich. “Beskar’s value continues to rise. I’ve grown quite fond of it. Give it to me now or I will peel it off your corpse. And then take your woman as my new companion.” He chuckled once again, his eyes running down your body with a disgusting smile.
“Tell me where the Mandalorians are and I’ll walk out of here without killing you.“ Din, please, please know what you are doing. You trusted Din and you knew some stories of what he has done, though he never wanted to talk about it too much or seem like he was bragging. Din was an annoyingly humble man and it made it hard to find out just what exactly he was capable of. You knew that he was strong, unnaturally so, and you had seen him in action before. But you hadn’t seen enough to know what he was truly able to do. And you couldn’t help the way your heart slammed in your chest, even upon hearing his confident voice make the demand.
Koresh’s face dropped slightly. “I thought you said you weren’t a gambler...”
That was when you saw it out of the corner of your eye. You had completely forgotten about his whistling birds, him having explained it to you weeks ago when you almost hit a button that triggered it. The child must have also sensed what was about to happen, reaching out quickly to hit the button that closed the lid to the pram, sinking into it before the lid closed.  You figured he had the right idea but you just let your hand hover over the blaster, waiting for the next move. 
“I’m not.” Din said. Suddenly, the whistling birds shot out, instantly hitting all four of the henchmen and causing them to drop immediately to the floor.  You feel Din’s arm reach out, pushing you away, and you brought your own leg up to kick the pram back, already knowing what was going to happen next.
The Gamorrean who had been on the platform recovering, rises up, snarling. You see as he was ready to jump down, onto Din. But Din scoots over to the side, causing the large creature to slam down onto the bench, the wood under him cracking and splitting open. You couldn’t help the laugh that left your lips as you saw him pass out instantly. “Now that was too easy.” You chuckled.
Your hand instantly reaches for your blaster as you look away from the fallen fighter. The Twi’lek from the entrance of the building reached for Din, grabbing him from behind. You rise up the blaster quicker than you ever had before, firing off a shot that hit the guard right in the neck, causing him to release Din and drop down to the ground, joining the others. Three people run after Din as Koresh rushed out of the building, trying to escape while you two were distracted by the fighting. You turned to check on the kid, finding the pram still closed before running towards the exit.
You had just made it out the exit when you heard footsteps charging behind you, to find one of the Zabraks that was attacking Din coming after you now. A  You raised your blaster but found it to be no use when the creature dropped dead before your finger could even pull the trigger, revealing a blade sticking out of his back as he landed face down on the dirty ground. Your head whipped up to find Din behind him, only pausing for a moment to look you over for any damage before charging towards Koresh.
You followed closely behind, only to stumble into his back when the Mandalorian stopped dead in his tracks, your body falling into the metal of his armor and clutching onto his shoulders to steady yourself. In what seemed to be a flash, Koresh had his legs stuck in Din’s grappling hook and his whole body was being lifted up by a street lamp. Din didn’t stop until the mans body was dangling upside down, his head only a few feet above the ground.
Din stepped forward, facing the creature who now looked absolutely terrified. Part of you wanted to laugh at the sight but instead you stepped forward and glared at him. The man started swaying, trying to break out of the hooks with no luck. “All right, stop, stop!” He yelled out, looking at Din. “I’ll tell you where he is. But you must give me your word that you won’t kill me.”
“I promise you will not die by my hand. Now, where is the Mandalorian you know of?“ Your eyebrow raised at the odd wording of Din’s answer until you saw the red eyes that lined the streets start caving in slowly, seeming to stare into the scene before them. My hand, he had said.
Karesh let out a groan. “Tatooine.”
“What?” you and Din both said out-loud and the man just let out another groan, face twisted in discomfort.
“The Mando I know of is on Tatooine.“ he repeated.
“I’ve spent much time on Tatooine. I’ve never seen a Mandalorian there.“ Din responded, tilting his helmet just slightly as if thinking, mulling over in his mind whether or not the man was lying to you. You trusted Din, but Tatooine also seemed like it wouldn’t be the most surprising place for a bounty hunter to be. That planet didn’t have the greatest reputation, lots of sleaze bags and criminals roaming around there from what you heard. Wouldn’t be the most shocking thing for a Mandalorian to be there, whether for work or just because of the environment.
“My information is good, I tell you. The city of Mos Pelgo. I swear it by the Gotra!” Another groan left his lips, even louder this time. You rolled your eyes and looked over at Din.
The Mandalorian stood still before giving you a slight nod. “Tatooine it is, then.”
You brought your hand to your waist to grab the knife strapped to it, preparing to cut the man down when Din’s hand reached out for your wrist, holding it still. You looked up at him, waiting for an explanation but he only stared down at you, shaking his head just the slightest bit. You let go of the handle of the knife, leaving it at your side, and looked back at Koresh who looked back at you two expectantly. You saw the red eyes still there, still glowing in the darkness behind him ominously.
Din let go of your wrist and turned, starting to walk down the street with the pram following behind him. Part of you felt like you should cut down the gangster, until you remembered how he made his living. Ruining the lives of other Mandalorians just for some beskar to make him a richer man that he already is. Instead of cutting him, you gave him the sweetest smile you could muster to which his face scrunched up in confusion. “Koresh, it was a pleasure meeting you.”
You began to walk away, following after Din who slowed his pace for you to catch up when the Abyssin started to thrash wildly, panic settling into every pore of his body. “Wait! You can’t leave me like this!”
You turned back one last time and glared at him. “And you can’t take off a Mandalorians helmet. Yet you did. Many times.”
The man continued to scream, the red eyes caving in on him as you looked back at Din, catching up with him. You heard begging and screaming from behind you, but drowned it out. Part of you felt like you should feel guilty. But he had threatened Din. Ruined lives for money.
There was no guilt, no sadness at what was happening in this very moment. Instead you just felt like your body was energized, the adrenaline from the fight still coursing through you. You had spent so much time now on the Crest with Din, and before that you were just on Yungbrii. You had to fight off a couple creeps here and there, but nothing like that. Nothing that made blood course through your body and your heart pound in your ears. You found you could understand why some people found this addicting, why some people chose to be bounty hunters. It was thrilling in a way you’d never felt before.
You glanced over at Din, studying him. He looked completely unbothered and maybe that was because you couldn’t see his face, but you had a feeling the grizzly attack behind him brought him no sense of upset or guilt. You imagined he felt what you were feeling but ten times stronger. The Mandalorians were his people, his clan, and they had been attacked by the selfish monster. You couldn’t help but to wonder if he had any attention of letting Koresh go, even if he hadn’t attacked the two of you.
Shaking away your thoughts, you spoke loudly over the noises behind you which were now slowly drowning away as you continued on. “Where are we headed now?”
“Tatooine.” he responded and you nodded. You supposed it was the right place to start, even if Din didn’t know of any Mandalorians there. “You are okay, right? Nothing is hurt?”
You couldn’t help the small smile that grew on your face at the way his tone softened, the way his whole figure relaxed. You found it amazing how he could change from bad-ass, killer Mandalorian to your soft, caring Din so quickly.
“Yeah. I am fine. You okay?” Din only nodded in response. You looked away from him, to the path in front of you before speaking again. “You know, I have to admit something.”
Din continued walking, staring into the environment around him. “What, cyar’ika?”
“I don’t know if this sounds bad, but that was kind of fun.” You smiled up at him.
Din stopped walking for just a moment, looking over at you and you could hear a chuckle pass through the modulator. “You did well.”
You winked at him before continuing to walk on, the Mandalorians boots crunching behind you as he followed. “Told you I was handy. Now let’s go find this Mandalorian.”
Tag List: @ilikethoseodds @dindaddy @poguesvixen @starspangledwidow @fangirlalexia @the-scandalorian @ka-x-in @keepcalmandblogstuff @the-lady-of-stars @orneryscandalousevil @spaghetti-666 @afootnoteinyourhappiness @the-darkempress @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @dee-vn @eury-dice3 @rb4writers @just-me-and-my-obsessions00 @lxdyred @queen-since-97 @honey-hi @periptil
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finalgilmoregirl · 4 years
lost love (loki laufeyson x reader, steve rogers x reader)
summary: loki makes an effort to woo you and it works!! until....he suddenly gives his love to another. heartbroken, you find a way to move on, and it isn’t until you’re happy with steve that loki realizes he made a mistake.
warnings: fluff & romance with angst in the end (i also didn’t proof read so i’m sorry for any mistakes!!)
a/n: based on a request “Hi, I see you are taking requests. Could you please write something with Loki where he makes efforts to woo the reader and after nowhere he starts dating someone else. The reader suffers but eventually mends her broken heart and Loki becomes jealous when he sees her happy and fulfilled with her new partner and realizes he lost her. Please!! Have a nice day ❤️”
sorry this took so long to put out. i love this request!! let me know if you’d like a part 2 with a happy ending !!
From the moment you met Loki, it was like he was already trying to please you. You knew who he was, famously known as the God of Mischief, and you were aware of the damage he’d done to New York (your apartment building being one of the many destroyed in his attempt to rule). You joined the Avengers shortly after the attack. You had a lifelong experience in mixed martial arts & ballet, making you strong and graceful, perfect for an agent, and now Avenger.
After working with the team for a year, you were given the news that Loki would soon be staying in the tower as well. At first you felt uneasy at the thought of his staying, but you were a little relieved to think he was changing his mischievous ways for the better. You were introduced to him when he was first given a tour of the tower by his brother Thor, who was excited to have Loki around.
“Lady y/n!” he called with his booming voice. “I wish for you to meet my brother, Loki.”
You turned around as they approached you and you definitely liked what you saw. Tall, dark hair, definitely attractive and very well dressed for someone fairly new to Earth. He had a small smirk on his face, eyebrows raised as if he was surprised to see you.
Truth be told, he was surprised. Suprised that you were a human. To him you looked like a goddess, and immediately intended on treating you as such.
“Hi” you said, reaching a hand out to shake his own. He brought your hand up to his lips and placed a kiss on your knuckle, “Hello darling, pleasure to meet you.” You blushed at the nickname, which ended up sticking. At first, you felt he was mocking you by constantly calling you sweet names like “love” or “darling” but that didn’t stop you from getting flustered anyway when he did.
It started with small gestures, like rushing to open the door for you and pulling out your chair at breakfast. Then you started receiving small gifts like roses with a sweet message on the card, his name signed with a heart. You thought for a second that he was trying to trick you, to make you fall in love with him and then laugh at you once you did. Whether it was a trick or not, it was working. It wasn’t until a late night that you fully believed his intentions were serious. You couldn’t go to sleep for some odd reason, you didn’t even feel tired. You went on your phone and saw it was just passed 1am. Sighing, you get up and walk to the kitchen, hoping a nice warm tea might help you. As you walked in you saw him: Loki. He sat at the table with a book in one hand and a cup of tea in the other. You took a second to look over your appearance, which was silk shorts and an old shirt, most likely one of Sam or Steve’s that didn’t fit anymore. Your hair only slightly disheveled from turning in your bed. It was weird to care so much when you’ve never cared about your appearance. But with Loki you couldn’t help but feel the need to look presentable around him.
He looked up as he sensed your presence. He smiled, “Good evening y/n” he said. You started feeling nervous butterflies as you said a soft “Good evening” back. You set some water to boil and picked out some Chamomile tea to help you relax. As you leaned against the counter and waited for the water you found yourself staring at him. He was wearing a black shirt that seems to fit him perfectly, you never got to see his arms since he always wore long sleeved button ups or sweaters but now you were able to see the impressive muscles he had and the veins that cascaded down his arms. You felt yourself blush as you imagined those arms holding you tight. You were snapped out of your daydream by the whistling of the kettle, quickly turning off the stove. While you prepared your tea you heard him clear his throat. “Why are you awake at this hour?” he asked. You turned and looked at him as you stirred your tea, shrugging.
“I’m not really sure” you said, “I just couldn’t.” He hummed at your response, and pushed the chair in front of him out with his foot, signaling for you to sit at it. You did and as you sat you both looked into each other’s eyes. You saw a sparkle in his, caused by the glowing kitchen lights. You broke eye contact as you sipped your tea. “Why aren’t you asleep?” You asked the god. He closed his book and set it beside him, giving you his full attention. “I don’t like to waste the rare moments of peace and quiet.” he said.
You understood what he meant. A majority of the day was filled with the team running around doing work related things, and if it wasn’t, there was always someone watching tv or filling the space with talking. You liked it that way, but you could see Loki’s appeal in wanting there to be silence. You started to feel bad, thinking that maybe you were interrupting his time of silence.
“Well I’d hate to take that from you.” you said, getting up from the chair. You didn’t even get to turn as he grabbed your hand to stop you. “Well I certainly don’t mind your company, pet.” he smiled. So you sat back down, and you continued to talk for another hour until you felt yourself drifting to sleep mid-conversation. You yawned and Loki took that as a sign that you were done for the night.
He walked you to your room and before you opened the door to enter you decided to ask him something you’d been wondering since you met him. Why was he so kind and gentle, but only to you? So you asked, and he didn’t look surprised by this question at all. That’s because he wasn’t. He knew you were smart enough to notice a shift in his behavior during breakfast with how he acted him Tony versus how he acted with you. With anyone else, he’d snap at them for asking him for something and try not to roll his eyes. But with you, he was always happy to pass you what you needed, or even serve you another plate if he saw you wanted one. Everyone else had noticed but like you at the time, thought he had another trick up him sleeve.
“You’re different” he said. “I feel warm around you, an almost comforting feeling that I’ve never felt with anyone else. You’re beautiful inside and out and if you trust me to, I could show you how much I could offer you. Which may not be much, but what I could only hope is enough to please you for a lifetime.” He placed a hand on your cheek as he finished his short speech, and that’s when you completely believed he was serious about perusing you. Heat rose to your cheeks in shock that he felt this way about you. He chuckled and leaned down to kiss your cheek, but not before whispering, “Goodnight my love.” That night you dreamed of your future with Loki, excited of what the future held for the two of you.
That was....until a week later at one of Tony’s infamous parties. What could have changed in a week? Even the days leading up to it, the Trickster God still continued with his loving gestures. A hug before bed, the ocasional forehead kiss when passing by, if anything they were more intimate that how he acted before. But here you were at a party, watching in heartbreak as he danced with another woman. You tried to deny him the satisfaction of your jealous glare, but as he held her close, with love in his eyes, all you felt was sadness.
You couldn’t even look away, feeling the need to torture yourself. It was a hand on your shoulder that broke you out of your painful daydream. You turned your head and sat up, seeing none other than Steve leaning on the table you sat at. Him being your closest friends, next to Wanda, was able to sense your emotions, feeling sympathy over you. You expected an “I told you so.” from him. He warned you not even a week into Loki living in the tower. “He’s bad news” he said. “Don’t waste your time. He’s not worth it.” But you didn’t listen.
“You okay?” he asked. You shrugged and took a drink from the glass that you kept asking to be refilled. “You were right. Like always.” you laughed dryly, looking away from Steve. You easily found Loki sitting on a couch across the room. He threw his head back in laughter and gripped the woman’s waist after she whispered something to him.
“I don’t like being right if it means you get hurt.” Steve said. “He’s going to see what he’s missing out on and come crawling back.” You smiled and looked at him again. Maybe it was the alcohol but you’d never noticed how sparkly his eyes were until now.
He held his hand out. “Let’s get out of here.” he said. You let out a giggle and took it, letting him lead you back to the residential floor, not even taking a second to look back at Loki. Steve told you to change into your pajamas and meet him in the kitchen and when you did, the night was filled with laughs and talking about life. You would think that after knowing Steve for a year you’d know of his hopes and dreams but you didn’t until he told you over a slice of cake Wanda had made for the party, but forgot about.
You two shared a dream. A family, a home right outside the city with a white picket fence. A chance at a normal life, a happy marriage and kids. You both took turns explaining how you’d decorate it, laughing when you’d say something at the same time like a brick fireplace or a big backyard. Steve felt relieved that someone else had still believed in the simple life and you were excited to talk about what you prayed the future held for you.
The warmth you began to feel with Steve was different. A good different. Different than what you felt with Loki. With Loki, the warmth you felt was nerves from attention you weren’t used to receiving and worry that the team thought you were associated with someone evil in their eyes. But with Steve, you felt at ease, almost like home. Sure he made you blush like Loki, but you were able to talk back and make Steve blush too. There was no awkward silence or worry of saying the wrong thing. This is nice. You thought, watching Steve wipe the counter with a smile.
You kissed him that night. Just a friendly peck as you thanked him for the nice night. Both of your hearts felt full for the first time in a long time.
The next morning began like any other after a party. Groans coming from the kitchen after any form of noise. The amount of junk food you ate with Steve probably soaked up all the alcohol in your system, only leaving you with a small headache, nothing like the hangovers Natasha or Tony were suffering from. You walked in and grinned at the sight of Steve cooking, still sporting his white t shirt and grey sweats from last night. You walked up to him and leaned on his arm. “Morning, Cap.” You said. He turned his head and smiled at you. “Good morning.”
You turned to go sit at the table and realized that Loki was sitting at the corner of it, glaring at Steve from behind his book. You held back a laugh as you pulled up a chair farthest from him, preparing to distance yourself. It hurt to see him, but if it was so easy for him to move on without warning, why couldn’t you do the same?
Days and even weeks repeated this. Loki would occasionally try to compliment you or give you a note, but you would brush him off. He knew what he did was wrong. He felt guilty, especially on days where he’d notice your eyes were red and puffy. Those were the ones you’d avoid his gaze the most. He also noticed the shift in your relationship with Steve. For the first few days he watched you two talk and how Steve would put him arm around you, which he thought he was fine. But then as the weeks went on he noticed times where you’d link hands with him, or lean your head on his chest as he watched a movie.
It was around a month later that he saw you and Steve kiss for the first time. Steve had just returned from a mission with Bucky, a fairly easy one that had him home within hours but he could tell you missed him nonetheless. After kissing him, you pulled him up the stairs, giggling and asking him about the mission.
Loki felt sharp pangs of jealousy. He knew he shouldn’t have. He broke your heart. He led you on and started seeing someone else. It was stupid of him to assume you’d wait for him, and now he’d have to pay the price.
a/n: thank you for reading. feedback & requests are always welcome!! let me know what you think. love you all <3
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demivampirew · 4 years
The Fantasy
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August x Reader x Sy one shot
Triggers: smut; threesome; agressive sex; *nal; male dominant. (some fluff too)
You can find more of my writings in the Masterlist
Tag list: @lunedelorient @henrythickcavill @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @mary-ann84 @desperate-and-broken @peakygroupie @summersong69 @ivvitm1109 @madbaddic7ed @iloveyouyen @the-soot-sprite @hell1129-blog @whyyoudothistomecavill​ @thetaoofzoe​​
A/N: It’s almost 3 am but I couldn’t help myself, I needed to write this 🤭
"Your neck is so soft and delicate," the tall handsome man told you as he kissed it and wrapped his hand around it. His tongue explored your smooth skin until it reached your mouth. The taste of liquor on those heavenly lips was intoxicating and the hair of his mustache gave you tingles. You were giggling as he continued to gently kiss your neck when you noticed a man sitting across the bar looking at you. It wasn't strange for a man to look at you after it was normal for men to desire you, but the intriguing thing about that man is that it looked like the man who was tasting your skin at that very moment. There were a few difference between them, though: one had a lot of hair and a mustache, the other had a bushy beard and shaved head. The one sitting on the table had camel coloured cargo pants and a Lynyrd Skynyrd t-shirt; the other had suit pants, a shirt and a tie. Even the energy was different. The one kissing you seemed to have more aggressive energy than the other man, who looked more serious. You grabbed the handsome man's chin and made him look at you and then you nodded in direction to the other guy. - I think I just found your doppelgänger.- you laughed playfully, biting your bottom lip. - He's my brother.- he explained without paying to much attention and putting his lips back of your neck. After grabbing his hand and smiling at you kissing partner, you walked towards the table were his twin was sitting. You sat next to him and the other brother sat next to you. - Hi, nice to meet you. I'm y/n- you introduced yourself smiling- And you are? - People call me Sy or Captain Syverson.- he replied. - Captain? Are you in the military?- you questions curiously. - That's right, ma'am.- he confirmed. He had a thick Southern accent. - Why do you have a Southern accent and you don't?- you asked, first pointing at the gentleman you were talking to and then to the one who could no stop kissing your neck. - Because when our parents got divorced, he went to live with my mother in Georgia and I'll stay here with my dear father.- the well-dressed man explained. When he mentioned his dad, he did it sarcastically, it seems like they did not get along, but you felt that it was better not to ask. - But didn't you tell me your last name was Walker?- you questioned confused. - I legally changed my name after I moved. I do not want to keep anything that relates me to that man and he has our mother's surname. - So this is the reunion you planned for me, brother? Am I supposed to spend my night watching you play with the lady? I thought this was a night for us to get some drinks and get acquaintance after a long time of no seeing each other.- the military man reproached his brother. - Relax, Jack. Have a drink, maybe find yourself a lady.- he suggested and his brother rolled his eyes. - Let's go. I'm sure both of you would be better off in your place and I can't spend one more minute listening to this crappy music.- he suggested. It was no surprise; a man who listens to classic rock would not like dancing music.
Since your home was the closer one, you offered them to go there. You had an empty room with a comfortable bed for Sy to sleep in if he wanted to. He shrugged and accepted the offer.
After getting to your place, the Captain went straight to the spare room and his brother waited for you to change inside your room. You came back from the bathroom wearing a black mini skirt - it was no much longer than a thick belt, with a thong underneath and a matching bra and high heels sandals. You walked towards Walker and he grabbed you by your ass, pressing his huge hands and grabbing it. He was sitting at the edge of the bed and made you sit on his thighs facing him. He exposed your breasts without taking away the bra and started to suck your nipples. He was no delicate but that was even more appealing. You felt his erection pressing your pussy and you were already wet. To be honest, you weren't just aroused by the attention that man was giving you, but because you kept imaging what it would be like to be with his brother too. He was extremely handsome as well and his attitude excited you. - May I ask you a question?- you asked. - Sure.- he said without much care, concentrated on sucking and bitting your breasts. - Would you be offended... Do you think your brot...- you said but stopped yourself at the thought of how weird it could be for him to hear that you had the fantasy of being with both of them.- You know what, forget about it.- you dismissed the question but he stopped what he was doing and looked at you raising an eyebrow. He seemed amused. - If you want to fuck my brother too, I don't mind. But you'll have to ask him and he's not that freaky.- he explained as he laid back, putting both elbows on the bed and smirking.
- Come in.- Syverson said after hearing a knock on the door. - Hi, I just wanted to see if you needed something.- you said entering the room. You covered yourself with a satin robe. - Everything is great, thank you.- he replied. - Were you trying to sleep?- you questioned. - That was the plan. Unfortunately, I don't sleep much. Too many years on service...I've seen too much shit that takes my sleep away.-he sighed.- Sorry, I don't want to spoil your night.- he apologized. - It's ok, don't worry.- you assured him. You walked slowly and then sat on the side of the bed. He looked at you confused but captivated. You slowly put your hand on his face and delicately started to stroke it. His eyes were fixed on you. You could feel the goosebumps your touch provoked on him. You got closer and kissed his lips. - Maybe I can help you forget about the horrible things for one night.- you whispered and he froze. You unzipped his pants, peaking at his face to make sure he was ok with that. He didn't speak but there was no need for words; his eyes said everything: he wanted you. You slide his briefs and grabbed his cock and let a big amount of saliva to fall on his member so it would hurt him as you moved your hand up and down, slowly at first and the fast. After a few minutes, you let him feel your mouth. Your beautiful soft lips caressed the skin of his manhood as your tongue circled it. He got desperate to taste you. He grabbed you by your hips, making you sit on top of him as he kissed you as if that was his last day on earth. He couldn't wait to be inside you, to please you.  As he was trying to take off your underwear, you cupped his face and gently looked at him. - I want you. I'm with your brother, though.- you said.- I...he said...he said he'd be ok with you joining us, but you don't have to if you don't want to.- you explained- but I want you, be sure of that. Although, I'll completely understand if it isn't something you are comfortable with. You pressed your forehead against him and then got up from the bed and walked to the door and before leaving you turned around to face him and said "think about it" and left. -I thought that you were never coming back.- Walker said amused. You took off the robe and went back to your previous position. He tasted your breasts and pussy. August liked it rough. He fucked your throat until he saw tears coming from your eyes and doggy style was his favourite position. He would grab both of your arms and put them on you back and he pounded you hard. After his first round, he continued sucking your nipples when someone knocked on the door. You walked to open it and Sy was at the other end, looking at you, speechless by looking at your naked breasts and the rest of your body. - Would you look at that... I didn't know that you had it in you, brother.- August said smirking devilishly at his brother as he lied naked on the bed, looking at his brother with amusement on his face. - I knew this was a mistake.- he said after looking at his sibling and turned around and was about to walk away when you stopped him. - Sy wait! You stopped it! - you gave August a warning look and he rolled his eyes and stood up and walked into the bedroom's bathroom.
The military man looked at you as your eyes fixed on his and you grabbed his face and kissed him sweetly. He pulled you closer to him, embracing you and then picked you up by your thighs and walked inside the room, placing you on the bed. Out of the two brothers, there was no doubt Syverson took the price for the best at pleasing a woman with his mouth. He hit the right spot with every movement of his tongue. He got on top of you and you felt him inside of you. The brothers could be so similar yet so different. August was the kinky one, the aggressive lover, the one who expected tears from the woman. Sy, on the other hand, was the passionate one. He made love, he wanted to feel the connection. You were interrupted by August clearing his throat. "I saw her first, brother. I have no problem sharing her, but I have to be there too, that's the deal" the tall man with the mustache reminded you. Caressing his face, you whispered to him "Just concentrate on me, and close your eyes if you want". He laid on the mattress and you got on top of him. You started to ride him and made him close his eyes while you took August on your mouth. You tried hard no to make too many sounds as he fucked your throat so Sy wouldn't lose his arousal by remembering that his brother was on there too. It was indescribable the pain you felt to have them both inside of you at the same time. Both of them were much bigger than average and them fucking you at the same time was something unimaginable. August was the one fucking your ass so he ruthless pounding style had you on the edge. But to say that you were in pain it didn't mean that you weren't having the time of your life. That was, without any doubt, the best sex you've ever had. After fishing, August left you to entertain his brother for a little longer and went into the other room to catch some sleep. Now, having you all to himself, Sy put quite a show. He showed off his talents at oral again and fuck you again and again until sunrise. He wasn't quite imaginative or dominant as his brother, but he brought another thing to the table: he was a true lover. He would make you feel like the most unique woman on earth. You woke up at noon and your body laid almost entirely over Syverson's. He had woke up earlier -or maybe didn't sleep at all. He kissed your forehead and caressed your face with his thumb.
- Good morning...or afternoon.- you greeted him, chucking. - Good afternoon.- he confirmed. - Were you able to sleep? -you questioned moving slightly to be able to look at his face. - Yes. My brother woke me up when I heard him left.- he explained and you remembered the crazy night. You looked at each other and laughed. - I'm sorry if I made you do something you weren't comfortable with.-you apologized. - That's ok, you didn't force me. I stay because I wanted to.-he assured you.- You know, my brother thinks I'm vanilla when it comes to sex. I'm not, though. It's not because I felt weird about being in a threesome with my brother that I doubted for a moment ...it's because I liked you too much and I didn't want to share you, but he was right, he saw you first. - He might have seen me first and had me before you as well... but you're the one I would like to keep seeing if you want to.- you said. - Absolutely.- he agreed.
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mdawritings · 3 years
Wanna Be Yours: Ch. 5
Content warning: smut, daddy kink... you've been warned
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"You almost ready, Einstein?" Katie calls from the other side of the door. You hurriedly slather on another layer of concealer on the fading bruise on your neck. It’s still pretty god awful after your meeting with Hotch yesterday. The deep purple splotch is the only one visible because it’s right smack under your jawline. It’s been hell trying to hide it from Katie. If she saw it, she would inevitably get curious and since you spend almost every moment together, you couldn’t simply lie and tell her that you had hooked up with someone randomly yesterday.
"We’re going to be late! You’re just asking for the sexy professor to yell at you!" She teases and knocks again on your door. You roll your eyes at the nickname for Hotch and scramble to pick out some clothes.
"I’m coming, just one more minute!" You glance over yourself in the mirror. You smooth out your skirt. It’s the only other skirt you own and it’s definitely not daytime appropriate. It’s a matte black fake leather skirt. Turns out, you did indeed rip the seams in your skirt the other day when you were busy on your knees. You hurriedly pull on some sheer black tights, tuck your shirt into the skirt and slip on your boots.
"Y/n, I swear to god-" Just as Katie is about to yell at you again you swing the door open, slinging your bag over your shoulder.
"No more yelling. I’m ready," You shake your head at her and move around her in the door frame.
"You look… nicer than usual," Katie teases and hands you a to-go cup of coffee. "Dressing up for someone special?
Your heart picks up in pace, thinking about how Hotch will react to your attempt to dress up for him. It worries you, how desperate you are to impress him. It’s not out of character for you to seek validation from respected figures, but you’ve never been one to seek validation through looks or appearance. That’s not to say you’re not good-looking, because you know you are. But you don’t pride yourself on being the hottest, most attention-grabbing woman in a room.
Just over two weeks ago, you were hoping for attention from Professor Hotchner, but not this kind of attention. You want him to shower you with compliments in relation to your hard work, your intellect, your drive. You want to know you’re the star student. It’s obvious, you’re the smartest student in the class. He’s made that clear to you. But he holds you to such a high standard. It’s as if your work will never be good enough for him. That would normally anger you, but this new, more personal kind of attention has distracted you from the intense standards he has for you. You love that he can’t get enough of you. He can’t keep his hands off of you.
Sleeping with your professor was never something you necessarily dreamed about or fantasized. You had exes try and role play with you but it never really turned you on. This new fling with Hotch has made you truly understand the appeal.
The idea that he can’t resist you. He’s so into you he has to have you. The stolen glances in class. He’s risking everything. His career, his job, his standing as a professor, all just to sleep with you. Just to have you. That’s how irresistible you are to him. And damn, that makes you feel good about yourself. But it feels as if you’ve sacrificed your need for respect for unbridled, animalistic passion.
"Huh?" You glance over at Katie, realizing you’ve ignored her question, losing yourself in your thoughts of Hotch, "No. No one special."
"Not even Charlie?" She smirks over at you, smiling behind her coffee cup like a giddy school girl.
You feel your face growing hot, "Charlie? No, I’m… I’m over that."
"Over that?" Katie stops in her tracks and latches a hand onto your arm, "When were you ever," She pauses, "On that?"
You laugh at her word choice and shake your head, "He’s cute! And really sweet to me and smart and we have really good conversations and—"
"So then why are you ‘over that’! He’s always finding ways to touch you casually," Katie throws an arm around your shoulders, imitating Charlie. You roll your eyes. If only she knew about your extracurricular activities with a certain ‘sexy professor.’
"I don’t know." You shake your head, "He’s just so… So unfocused. Don’t get me wrong, he’s smart, he really is. But I need someone driven like me. I need someone who understands my mind." Katie rolls her eyes and lets out a small scoff at you.
"I’m not saying you have to marry the dude, but you have an opportunity for a very," She wags her eyebrows as you open the door to the lecture hall, "Very fun time in bed with him."
You laugh boisterously at Katie as you step into the classroom. The class is loud, every student talking and socializing with those around you. Your eyes land on Hotch. He’s leaning against the whiteboard at the front. You swear you can see his eyes widen as they run up and down your figure. You give a smirk and turn your attention back to Katie.
"If you like him so much, you can sleep with him," You put your stuff down by a seat at the front. Katie takes the seat next to you like always.
Something about knowing you’ve caught Hotch’s attention is empowering you. You’re feeling bold. You keep your focus on Katie as she rambles on about your social activities. "This isn’t about me. This is about you, Einstein. And you? You need to get laid. I’m sure that Charlie would be more than willing to be that man for you."
"Katie!" You scold her and shove her arm playfully. You glance around to make sure that Charlie hasn’t heard any part of your conversation. He glances up from his friend to give you a small wink and a wave. As you take your seat, you bring your eyes back to Hotch. His brows have furrowed, his arms crossed against his chest. You give him another smirk and lean back in your chair, parting your legs just enough that it’s clear your actions aren’t innocent.
He clears his throat, "Alright everyone, quiet down. Time to get started." His eyes flick back to you. He gives you a glare that says ‘behave’ but you simply lean back a little more in your chair, parting your legs just enough to draw his attention. You see his line of sight travel down and you swear you hear him stumble over a word or two as he starts today's lecture.
Hotch has never been much of a fan of teasing. He likes to be in control. And looking at the way you’ve parted your legs, the black leather tightly clinging to your skin, and the devious sparkle in your eyes, he knows exactly what you’re attempting to do, and he’s not amused.
A mix of frustration, irritation, and desire bubbles inside of him with every passing minute he looks at you. He tears his eyes away from your velvety figure, pushing his attention onto the 50 other students in the class. He tries his best to hide the growing heat in his body but he practically lets out a groan when he looks back over to see the way that you’re pressing the end of your pen to your plump lower lip.
Hotch stumbles over his words for a second, seeing that damnable smirk of yours quickly growing as he does. There’s only one word he can think best describes you right now: wicked. Your whole demeanor, your outfit, it all reminds him just how much he hates being teased. He wants to grab you by the front of your shirt and take you over his knee, show you just how much he won’t tolerate such wicked behavior. He hates that he’s let you affect him, have some sense of power over him.
Just as he’s regaining his composure, you lean a little forward, flashing your cleavage in his direction. "Miss Y/L/N," He has to avert his eyes from you, not sure how he could possibly hold himself together while you look like that, "You mind giving a small summary of the facts of the case I’ve just discussed and its importance in the context of the history of criminal law and the state of the country at the time of the court’s decision."
"Oh not at all," You pause, "Sir." You give a small nod. He’s hoping to trip you up. Hopefully, you’ve been so distracted by your cunning little charade that you haven’t paid attention to his lecture. He’s hoping to regain some sense of power back. If he can remind you just how quickly he can embarrass you, he’ll feel less powerless.
To his surprise, however, you begin reciting an eloquent and complete response to his questioning. He mentally curses you. He’s not sure why he expected anything less from you. His mistake is underestimating just how powerful your mind is. You’re utterly intolerable. A wicked mind and a wicked little body. How is he supposed to remain composed?
"Was that enough? To your satisfaction, Sir? Or shall I go on longer?" That knowing little smirk hasn’t left your face and Hotch shakes his head.
"Good enough, Miss Y/L/N," It feels like the glow of his cheeks and the lustful look in his eyes will give him away to the rest of the lecture hall. He’s almost positive that every student can sense exactly what’s going on and that simply cannot stand. "Try to wipe that blank look off your face and at least pretend to be engaged in the lecture." He scoffs before forcing his attention back to the prepared lecture.
You don’t pull any more stunts the rest of class but just your appearance is enough to drive him wild. His head feels as if it's in a haze. Hotch isn’t even really quite sure how he manages to get through the lecture. He decides to dismiss everyone a few minutes early but he can’t let you get away with such utterly unacceptable behavior.
"Miss Y/L/N," Hotch calls from the front of the room as the entire class begins to pack up and file out. He gives a small gesture of his fingers to tell you to come to the front before pointing down at the ground.
Katie gives you a confused look and Hotch sees you mumble something to her as she glances between the two of you, hesitating a little before finally leaving
You’re not sure whether or not to be terrified or proud. It’s clear your actions have gotten your professor’s attention. It’s also clear that he’s frustrated and/or upset. You gather up your books and throw your bag over your shoulder, making your way over to Hotch’s desk.
His eyes dart around the classroom as the last few students file their way out the door. In a blink, his hand grabs at the front of your shirt, yanking you close to him, "What the hell was all of that?"
You smirk. As soon as he grabs your shirt, you know he’s not actually angry with you. "Have I done something wrong, professor?" You glance up at him. Your tone is innocent but your body language tells a different story. You press your pillowy breasts into his chest and place your hands on his shoulders, attempting to brace yourself.
"I can’t wait a full week to see you," He mutters under his breath. You feel his hands ghosting over your body. He wants to touch you. His hands are itching to feel your skin, to take your warm skin in his hands. He wants to feel your lips moving with his. You want his touch. The feeling of his rough hands running over your body. "Come with me to my office now," You hear an almost pleading tone in his voice.
You smirk, his lips inching closer to yours every second, "I have plans. Sorry."
A low groan erupts from his throat but he tears himself away from your tempting, enchanting form. You feel him slide something small into the palm of your hand and you glance down at it, his messy scrawl is a series of numbers.
He walks around to grab his briefcase, packing up the classroom, "It’s my number."
You’re a bit confused, assuming that your interactions wouldn’t be more than just the weekly meetings and every day in class. He’s not some schoolboy crush that you’re going to call on a Friday night, sitting on your bed, your feet in the air, giggling and laughing to yourself over the phone with him, arguing about who will hang up first. He’s a man. A much older one at that. He’s over 10 years older than you. This isn’t a silly little flirtation. It’s rough, it’s messy. It’s purely physical and animalistic.
When Hotch looks up at you, he can sense the confusion in your expression at the gesture, "I’m not saying we’re going to talk on the phone each night but you know… just in case I have to get in contact with you."
You almost laugh at the diplomatic way he’s going about this, "Right. Well, I’ll put the number in my phone in case of an emergency." Now your word choice brings you to the brink of laughter.
In case of an emergency? What kind of emergency? An emergency booty call?
You turn away from him with a small nod and walk towards the door but he calls out stopping you, "Miss Y/LN,"
You turn back and Hotch stands at the desk, running his eyes languidly down your figure, taking it all in one last time, "Pull a stunt like that again and you’ll be sorry." He quirks a brow in disapproval.
"It won’t happen again, sir," You grin.
"And wipe that smirk off your face," He rolls his eyes. You press your lips tightly together, struggling to hide your pride as you leave the classroom.
You meet Katie outside the lecture hall. She stands up straight, pulling away from the wall she was leaning against. Just as you open your mouth to explain to her you feel an arm swing around your shoulder, pulling you close to a warm body.
"You get in trouble again, Einstein?" You’re pressed close to Charlie and you can feel his voice rumbling in his chest as he speaks.
"You know actually," You turn his arms to look up at him. He keeps his arm wrapped around you, holding you close so that when you turn, your chest presses against his. Your face is much closer to his than expected, "It’s none of your business."
Charlie glances down at you, a boyish smirk plastered across his face, "I like the new look," He grins and looks over your outfit. Katie lets out a small laugh and shakes her head at the two of you.
"Don’t be creepy, Charlie." She walks closer to the two of you.
"I’m not! I’m being genuine, I think you look really nice, Y/N," Charlie lets you go but wraps his free arm around Katie’s shoulder, bringing her in close to him as well. You laugh at the image of the three of you, Charlie’s arms around each of you, all laughing animatedly.
"Mr. Miller, I don’t mean to interrupt such an utterly enthralling conversation, but I do need to get to my office at some point." When you turn around you see Hotch standing in the doorway, that you, Katie, and Charlie have managed to block. His head is tilted slightly down as he scours at the three of you. Well, there goes his good mood.
"Sorry, sir," Charlie’s voice is soft and small as he releases his grip on Katie so she can move to the right, but keeps an arm wrapped around you, pulling you to the left so that you all move out of Professor Hotchner’s way.
You feel Hotch’s eyes linger on you for a second before he goes storming down the hallways to his office.
"I swear to god that man is the devil spawn," He shakes his head, twirling a ring around his finger.
"He’s not that bad," You roll your eyes, pulling your bag up on your shoulder.
"Not that bad? Einstein, I’m pretty sure he hates you more than me if that’s even possible." Charlie teases, dragging you down the hallway with him and out into the cold outdoors.
You shake your head with a laugh and lean into Charlie’s arms out in the cold, Katie trailing close behind you, "It’s fine. I can take it."
"So what are our plans for tonight, ladies?" Charlie glances back at Katie behind the two of you who simply responds with a little shake of her head.
"Our plans," Katie pulls you out of Charlie’s grip and you laugh, feeling a rag doll being pulled between the two of them, "Are to watch a movie and get drunk in our apartment."
"Sounds like fun," He grins.
"Aw too bad you’re not invited," Katie gives him a small little pouty face.
"I never agreed to getting drunk," You shake your head, "It’s a Thursday and we have class tomorrow. How do you expect me to get through the day if I’m hungover?"
"God you know sometimes you can be such a buzzkill, Einstein."
"Do you ever stop to think that maybe I’m so much younger and smarter and more successful than you two because I work hard?" Your words might seem harsh but it’s just how you interact with your friends. You all tease each other, make fun of one another.
"Yeah, yeah we know, high IQ, blah blah blah, you’re basically a kid genius," Charlie rolls his eyes.
"Well, kid genius," Katie chuckles, "Could you just humor me? One or two drinks?"
"The things I do for you."
Katie was not joking when she said she was planning on getting drunk because she’s already finished off a bottle of wine herself and you’re barely halfway through the movie you two are watching together.
Your phone buzzes on the couch and you reach for it, flipping it open to see a text from Hotch. You furrow your brows slightly and read the message.
What are you doing tonight?
You bite your lip at the message, taking a second to glance over at Katie, whose eyes are glued to the tv screen.
Drinking, watching a movie. You?
The texting feels unnatural. Again, he’s your professor, not some cute 20-something-year-old boy that you casually text on a Thursday night.
Isn’t drinking alcohol illegal at your age?
You roll your eyes at his response. He has so flagrantly demonstrated a lack of respect for rules, aka, not sleeping with students.
Contrary to what you might think of me, I don’t always follow the rules
His responses are rapid. What happened to getting his number in case of emergencies?
I think I prefer you when you listen to instructions.
Where’s the fun in that?
There’s a long pause in which he stops replying. You let out a breath and turn your attention back to Katie, whose eyes are starting to droop closed, the wine bottle tightly wrapped in her clutches.
You reach across her body and pull the bottle away, "Okay drunk-o, time for bed for you. And time to drink some water," Katie lets out a small groan and rolls over on the couch a little. You grab the empty bottles and cans, carrying them to the kitchen to recycle them.
"Einstein!" Katie’s shrill, wine-soaked voice rings throughout the apartment.
"One second, K," You call back, dropping everything into the recycling.
"Who the fuck is A.H. and why is he texting you?" Your heart sinks into your stomach. You let the last few cans clatter into the bin with an aggressive clang before rushing into the living room to snatch the phone out of Katie’s hands.
"Do you have a secret admirer?" Katie wags her brows at you.
"No. You’re drunk. Go to bed." You point at her bedroom like a disapproving mother.
"No, I can’t let you clean everything up by yourself." She stands up, swaying a little as she does. She reaches down for an empty glass but you’re quick to scoop it out of her hand.
"Please just go to bed." You laugh a little, still clutching your phone tightly against your chest, out of her reach.
Katie grumbles out a ‘fine’ before turning and disappearing into her room.
You finally get a chance to steal a look at your texts.
I’m still at work. Meet me at my office. Now.
You teeter back and forth on your toes, waiting outside Hotch’s office. You glance down at your phone again, checking the time. Hotch texted you nearly an hour ago. It’s only been one week and Hotch is already switching up your agreement. You’re not upset about it, you’re actually excited to see him more. You do wonder, whether or not this infatuation he has with you will soon fade. Will he get bored of you? Will he realize that the initial attraction was all physical, nothing more than a few slip-ups? You know there’s more to you than just appearances, but does he know that?
You let out a long drawn-out breath, flipping open your phone to look at the time again. If he wasn’t going to show, he should’ve let you know. You take one step away from the office door when Hotch catches your arm to stop you. You let out a small gasp in shock.
"Going somewhere?" Your eyes snap up to his and there’s a hint of a smile playing on his mouth, "You’re not going to bail on me, are you?"
"Me?" You shake your head, "You texted me nearly an hour ago! I’ve been waiting for you."
Hotch sighs and reaches for the key to unlock his office door, leading you inside, his grip still firm on your upper arm. In an instant, Hotch whirls you around, pressing you back against the door, trapping you between it and his body.
"Do you know how impossible it is to be around you all day without touching you?" He inches in closer to you and you can feel his hot breath fan across your face. His lips gently brush against yours. You instinctively lean your head up, wanting to press your lips against his fully. "That little stunt you pulled today?"
Your breathing stutters as his hands roam your whole body, squeezing. Your hot flesh in his hands is pliable and you melt under his touch. "You liked it," You pant out.
His hand comes up to your neck, wrapping around it tightly. He forces your face up so you look at him and he slams your head back against the door, "Don’t be so fucking snippy with me." He growls and yanks you by the neck to press his lips to yours. His mouth is hot and needy. The kiss lasts a long time, one hand still firmly wrapped around your neck, the other tangling in your hair at the base of your neck.
He kisses underneath your jaw before hooking his hands up under your legs and lifting you off the ground. You cling to him tightly, hoping he doesn’t drop you. He slams your back against the wall and you let out a small gasp, both out of pleasure and excitement. "This is what you wanted, right?"
You’re panting heavily already and he’s barely touched you, your skin on fire. "Mhm," You manage to moan out. You’re amazed at how Hotch is still managing to hold you up against the wall. You gasp out as he presses hard against you, spreading your legs widely, pushing up your skirt so it bunches around your hips.
His head buries into your neck, kissing and nipping gently. Both of his hands move to cup your breasts, his palms filling with your warm skin. You let out a loud moan at the touch and Hotch chuckles under his breath at the sound. You grip his shoulders tightly and only manage a small whimper as you clench your thighs together.
Hotch brings his mouth up to meet yours once again, hungrily devouring your moans. You want to tangle your fingers in his hair and tug at it. You want to cup his cheeks and hold him close. He presses even closer to you, leaving no space between his body and yours.
"I can’t stop thinking about this," Hotch groans, pushing your shirt open more, now only holding you up with one arm. You can see the muscles in his arms rippling, the veins protruding. He tugs aside your bra and palms your breast, his rough hands on your velvety skin. He rubs your nipple between his fingers, "Your mouth, your body, us together."
You rock against him, pressing the hardness in his pants against you, eliciting a loud moan from you and a small growl from him at the pleasure you send radiating through him.
Your hands drop to start to undo his belt. He pulls you away from the wall spinning you around to place you on the edge of his desk. You push the fabric of his slacks down and stroke his warm skin. He hisses and grits his teeth in response, pulling away from your kiss to throw his head back.
"Be careful," You smirk, "Someone might hear us, professor."
"Let them." He shakes his head. Hotch’s eyes snap back down to yours and he doesn’t care about anything but pleasuring you. He pulls your mouth back against his and he feels himself consumed by your scent. He reaches down, gripping your thighs in his hands, placing your feet on the edge of the desk, parting your legs wide, all for him.
You slide closer, rubbing yourself against him. You need him. You want him and you’re so fucking tired of waiting. His hand trails between your bodies, rubbing you slowly, dipping just one finger into you, thrusting it ever so slowly.
"Please," You whine and as you throw your head back, Hotch’s mouth clinging to your throat, sucking and biting, kissing over the fading marks from your last rendezvous.
"Please what?" He grumbles against your neck.
"Fuck me," You can barely get the words out before he lifts you up, flips you over onto your stomach and thrusts up into you, in one motion. He thrusts hard and deep and you let out a moan, louder than anything.
Your body moves with his, your hips going back slightly to meet his every thrust. He fills you in just the perfect way and you’re panting and chanting his name, "God yes, sir, just like that."
He reaches around to grab both of your wrists, pinning them behind your back. "You wanted me to do this. To get angry. To take you. Show you, you’re mine, right?"
You struggle to let out a throaty ‘mhm’ in agreement. He keeps your wrists pinned with one hand and grabs your hair, yanking you up.
"That’s why you put on that little show today, right?" He growls close to your ear. You grind your hips back against his, "Use. Your. Words." He demands. He yanks on your hair a little tighter, in an attempt to remind you who has the dominant position.
"Yes!" You whine out, "This is what I wanted!"
"Good girl," His voice has a malicious tone, but not in a way that scares you. It excites you. He’s rough. He’s wild. He’s uncontrollable. And you’re the one who makes him feel that way. That’s powerful.
You arch back, your chest pressing against the wood on his desk. Hotch keeps your wrists pinned tightly behind your back as he pounds into you relentlessly. He bottoms out with every thrust, which leaves you struggling to cry out with pleasure. You cry out senselessly, every muscle in your body trembling, "Fuck daddy!" The words tumble out of your mouth and you barely take notice of them, your eyes rolling back in your head as you do.
"Did you just call me daddy?" Hotch releases your wrists to bend down and grab your neck. He wraps a large hand almost entirely around the base of your throat and yanks you up, your back pressed fully against him.
"Sorry," You attempt to moan out as Hotch continues to fuck you harder.
"Don’t apologize, pretty girl," He groans against your ear, "Say it again."
"Fuck, daddy!" The pace increases into something animalistic. Your body is shaking wildly at this point and you feel the pleasure building steadily, surging through you with every thrust. You feel his grip on your wrists loosening as his palms grow sweatier.
It’s not long before you’re tightening around him, desperately wishing for something to grab onto. You’re squirming under his touch, the pleasure almost too much as he barrels into you. You come hard and fast and he continues to fuck you through it, yanking you up against him again, a hand wrapped tightly around your throat.
He thrusts into you a few more times and you’re practically crying out in response, your eyes watering, tears running down your cheeks at the overstimulation. He soon comes to a halt, shuddering and groaning, throwing his head back as he releases into you. He lets you down back onto the desk gently, your overheated damp skin contrasting against the cold, smooth wood.
You lie there a second, attempting to catch your breath and steady your heart rate. You feel Hotch press a small tender kiss along your shoulder blades and spine and it’s oddly comforting. "That’s it pretty girl." He says against your skin. He helps you sit up, "I knew you could take it."
You wipe your face, attempting to clean any smudged makeup but you know you must look a mess. Your eyes are glossy and your face is flushed. Your hair is a knotted mess from where he’s tangled his fingers into it. You right yourself, fixing your skirt, tucking your shirt back in.
There’s a long drawn-out moment of silence where you glance at Hotch awkwardly, not sure what you would say to him now. It’s odd how you two are so intimately equated with each others’ bodies but you feel flustered just speaking to him. "I guess I’ll… head home." You smile softly.
You start towards the door but Hotch stops you, "You shouldn’t-" He sighs and grabs his briefcase from the desk, "You shouldn’t walk home alone. It’s dark outside."
"I live just one or two blocks from campus, I should be fine," You shrug, "Plus I’m sure you want to get home. You’ve been working all day."
Hotch rolls his eyes and practically pushes you out of his office as he shuts the lights and locks up, "Stop being so stubborn and just let me walk you home."
You simply shut your mouth and nod, knowing there’s no point in arguing with him over this. You walk out of the building, Hotch walking alongside you.You wrap your arms around yourself as you step out into the cold, a small shiver running through you.
"You should’ve brought a jacket," Hotch nods slightly at your shivering.
"I didn’t really think to grab one when I was rushing out the door," You tease. Hotch smiles in response and the conversation comes to a lull as you both walk alongside one another. You glance down for a second to see Hotch rubbing his fingers together at his side. It’s something you’ve seen him do a few times, whether it’s while he’s lecturing or when he's focused or when he’s reading. "You do that a lot." You uncross one of your arms to point down at his hands. "That thing with your fingers. You rub them together."
He glances down at his hands and gives a small shrug of his shoulders, "It’s just something I do, I guess."
"It’s how I know you’re really focused on something," You nod letting silence take over once again. You try to focus on the sound of your shoes on the pavement or steadying your breathing. Your heart is beating fast. It always is around Hotch.
"That’s good," Hotch speaks suddenly. It’s as if he was having a conversation with himself before speaking out loud, "Being observant. It’s a good quality for a lawyer."
"How so?" You glance over at him, eyes trailing over every single facial feature. You smile at the way the cold air has given his cheeks a slight pink tinge. The wind tousles the little hairs at the top of his head.
"Being able to observe and understand your opponent’s behavior. The jury’s behavior," He nods, "you need to know what flusters people, what trips them up. You need to know their tells, their weaknesses, their strengths. If you can understand and observe the behavior of all the people in that courtroom… you have full control over them."
"So by analyzing behaviors… you gain some sense of how to control people," You nod, reciting back to him. There’s a pause in conversation again. "Do you know my behaviors?"
A wide smirk starts to spread across Hotch’s face, "Yes. I know when you’re angry, or when you’re focused. I can tell when you’re…" He trails and glances down your figure, "Excited. I know what makes you feel good."
You feel the heat rising up your neck and into your face. Suddenly the cold air isn’t as biting anymore. "Care to share any of these behaviors of mine?"
"I’m pretty sure you said it yourself earlier… something along the lines of ‘where’s the fun in that?" He laughs and you give his arm a nudge.
Another pause. You’re nearly a block from your apartment, do you just give up and resign yourself to silence?
"What’s your favorite color?" You blurt out and turn to look at him.
"My favorite… what?" He laughs and shoves his hands deeper into his pants pockets, "Are you serious?"
"Fine, nevermind." You shrug, "I’m just trying to get to know you."
"By asking about my favorite color?" There’s a judgmental tone to his voice but when you look over his face, that small hint of a grin lingers.
"I said nevermind," You stop in place and nod up at your apartment building. "Well… this is my stop." You joke. You feel a strong urge to stick your hand out to shake his which would be incredibly awkward, but you’re not sure what kind of send-off is appropriate. A goodnight kiss is simply far too intimate and a hug is too friendly. You settle for an uncomfortable nod and tight-lipped smile, "Good night Hotch."
"Aaron," He nods, "You can call me Aaron."
Your cheeks ache from smiling so hard. You give one last look before walking up the steps to the front door of your building.
"Hey, Einstein," Aaron calls out and you freeze in your place a little. Something about hearing that nickname come out of his mouth is incredibly endearing. You turn to him, "Blue."
"What?" You furrow your brows at his words.
"My favorite color. It’s blue." He smiles. You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, suppressing your smile.
"Good night, Aaron," You repeat and open your door.
"Good night, Einstein."
Chapter 6: I.VI →
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3d-wifey · 4 years
The Academy ❧ Part 1
Pairing: Reader x Multiple
Synopsis: Given the chance to rewrite your life for the better, how could you say no? Of course, it helps that the ones presenting this gift are crazy hot.
Word Count: 7.6k
Warnings: Nothing yet.
A/N: If this feels hastily thrown together, that's because it is. It does help that Reader's relationship with the boys is meant to feel rushed tho. So, the lack of relationship building between the three seems intentional 😋. Reader's personality switch-up is also intentional. I promise the quality will get better after this. Happy reading!
You liked coffee shops. One would argue a little too much. You were like an addict and you typically got your fix at Komori's Delights.
You liked coffee shops, solely, because of the people. You would sit at the same corner booth you've been sitting at for the past five years and listen in on their conversations like a creep.
You led a pretty basic life. Once you turned sixteen, the adoption agency helped you get an apartment. And then, when you turned eighteen, a job in customer service. Yet, since it mainly involved doing online chat services from home, you rarely interacted with anyone. With no family that you knew of, you were pretty socially isolated. And you weren't doing too well on the friends front either.
People didn't exactly line up to hang out with quirkless orphans. Loneliness stuck to you like a shadow.
The only thing you honestly looked forward to when you opened your eyes was hearing about other people's lives. You could admit to yourself that it was pathetic.
It was just something about watching "normal" people interacting with each other. Their stories, their conversations, how they responded to and handled everyday situations. All of it, all of them, thrumming with life. A simple passion you dreamed of having, but sadly, didn't possess.
You were able to quench a burning thirst within yourself just by watching them. Living through them. At first, you wondered what that thirst was. What did you gain from being around other people that you couldn't achieve in solitude?
It took you a few years to figure it out. You spent many restless nights in your cold twin bed at the group homes, then in the equally cold queen bed at your apartment, trying to understand what you were missing.
You were around seventeen at the time and a fresh-faced graduate. Instead of going to any of the graduation parties that many of your former classmates were throwing, you were sitting at your booth. The same one that protected you from the cold fall winds and overlooked the entire shop.
Two women were arguing in the corner about something or other. The conversation didn't seem interesting enough to listen in on until the shorter of the two shouted something.
"Nobody had seen you in over ten hours. We were all scared something had happened. I was scared something had happened."
You vaguely remember them hugging and making up after that. It seemed strange to you at the time that someone could be so worried about another person. You never really found yourself worrying about anyone. Especially not to the extent of being scared for their well-being.
It occurred to you later that night. With just three sentences, you had your answer. You wanted some type of connection. To be seen. You wanted to be somewhere where people would know your name, know your face, notice if you weren't there. You wanted to be wanted. Something to tie you to humanity.
Now, here you were three years later. In the same weathered leather booth, working the same reclusive job, still hungering for that connection. Nothing had changed in your life.
You wrapped your hands around the mug and brought it closer to your chest, sighing at the heat it provided. The smell of cocoa and cinnamon wafted under your nose, making you relax further into the booth. You had mainly ordered the hot chocolate to warm your cold fingers, but it did pair well with the sugar cookies that came with it.
The temperature had dropped faster this year with the coming of winter and you were oftentimes reminded of how lucky you were to even have a home to escape the cold in.
With the winter winds, came the mass of people who sought out the café to hide from the chilliness outside. Now, Komori's wasn't what you would call exceedingly popular, so it rarely saw the same person more than once.
But, over the past five days, two people came to the shop roughly around the same time every day. They usually came with four or five others, but it was never the same people. The only constants with the groups were the two men.
And what men they were.
They carried themselves completely differently; the only thing they had in common was being absurdly attractive. The first one was tall and built like a football player, with big blue eyes, bright hair, and an even brighter smile.
It was obvious he had many admirers if the way his friends hung onto his every word was anything to go by. Based on how often he steered the conversation, you could tell he was a natural-born leader with charisma to match. His allure was sunny and encompassing, but carefree.
The shorter male was just as handsome, but his appeal was subtle compared to the blond one. You wouldn't notice if you just glanced at him, but you got the feeling that that was a conscious decision on his part. He didn't seem the type to like attention, going through great efforts not to be seen.
He typically didn't add much to their conversations unless he was reining his partner in. Messy, indigo bangs casted a shadow over his nervous eyes and long, pointed ears twitched whenever his group got too loud. He had a swimmer's body, but, again, you wouldn't notice unless you stared at him long enough. And you've done a lot of staring.
You sighed again, taking a sip from your mug. It was completely on-brand for you to over-analyze some random men. You looked over to one of the circle booths across the room. They were here again. The two men and five more strangers. Well, they were all strangers to you, but for some reason, you felt like you knew them, at least a little.
Maybe because you had been listening in on their conversations for practically a week, but, that was neither here nor there.
You had lost all interest in anybody else that came in; all of your attention was focused on them and them alone. You would wait hours at a time for them to come in with new people and watch as they talked. Their conversations always pulled you in. Especially when they talked about a place called Yuuei.
The blond one would talk animatedly about the place to the others to the point where they got excited too. It happened every time with every group.
You had gone home with your curiosity peeked the first time you heard them mention it. You spent the entire night hunched over your laptop, scrounging the internet—again, like a creep—for anything relating to Yuuei.
You looked everywhere, but it couldn't be found. It wasn't on any maps. There were no Google links about it. As far as you could tell, it wasn't some kind of slang or anything. The only mention of it was on a Reddit conspiracy theory thread about a cult that shared the same name. You tallied your loses and suspected that it was just some type of club and the two of them were probably recruiting new members. And, technically, you were right.
You were brought back to the present when the hairs on your arms and neck stood up. But the shop door hadn't been opened and there was no breeze inside the café. You weren't cold.
Your gaze swept over the expanse of the shop; eyes, not so subtly, hopping from table to table. Finding nothing but people locked in conversation, until you glanced at the circle booth. Narrowed (E/C) eyes met bright blue. Instead of becoming embarrassed at getting caught and looking away, like most people did, the blond held your gaze and grinned.
He smiled at you.
Not a condescending smile; not an angry borderline-sneer; not even a half awkward half fearful kind of smile that you often got from strangers after you stared at them a little too long. Just a warm upturn of lips that felt like open arms welcoming you back home.
You looked away in hopes that it would be the end of the interaction, but not before seeing the blond elbow his friend and gesture over to you. All while still wearing the same smile on his face.
You stared down at the light brown liquid in your mug, telling yourself the steam wafting up from the hot chocolate was the reason your face was so warm. Yeah, that's why. That's the only thing that made sense.
Every other sound blurred in the background until the only thing you could hear were twin footfalls. Confident footsteps leading the way with reluctant ones following close behind. Getting steadily closer and closer. Each step a metronome to your ears. Were they coming towards you?
The muscles in your arms flinched with every sound of shoes hitting the linoleum floor.
Step, step, step, until—
"Hi! I'm Mirio. And this here is my buddy, Tamaki." He introduced, reaching a scarred hand out towards you, probably expecting you to shake it. You stared up at them with wide eyes, dumbfounded at the turn of events. No one in this café had ever approached you before, not even the staff. His voice was accented, which was surprising considering you never heard it when he was talking before. Maybe it was just hard to pick up on from across the room.
You weren't sure what prompted them to come up to you and if you took a glance over their shoulder, you could see that the people they were with seemed just as confused as you. Not wanting to appear rude, you paused before reaching out and shaking his hand. His palm was rough from the buildup of calluses, and It dwarfed your own. It was warm.
"I'm...Y/n." You introduced yourself cautiously, watching them as they moved to sit down in front of you. Tamaki on the inside, Mirio on the outside. You wondered if it was normal for him to just walk up to a person he didn't know and strike up a conversation like an old friend.
"We saw you sitting by yourself—"
Jesus, how sad of a picture did you make that they felt the need to come over just to end your suffering?
"—and came over to see if you wanted to join us." You? Join them? Honestly, you would love to sit with them and finally be included in the conversation instead of just listening to it from the outside. But, something told you that the feeling wasn't mutual.
You glanced back to their booth to find their friends staring at you. Or, at least they were before they noticed you looking at them. Diverting their gaze before you could meet any of their eyes head-on.
You knew if you sat with them, all you would end up with were judgmental glares and badly concealed whispers about you. How fun.
"No pressure, of course!" Mirio was quick to assure, taking your silence as unwillingness. And his assumption would be right.
"I, uh, don't think I'd fit in with your friends." He looked at you with a confused tilt of his head, resembling a puppy who didn't know what you were saying to it.
"Oh, I mean them," You gestured to the group of five people talking amongst themselves and sneaking occasional glances your way, "plus the other people you guys usually come in with."
Although the statement sounded innocent to you, you couldn't help but feel like you fucked up somehow. Their faces didn't change, but there was something about the way Mirio's hands twitched and Tamaki's shoulders tensed that made you feel...uneasy. Paranoia creeping up on you like phantom hands.
"Other people, huh," Mirio paused before giving you a boyish grin, "So, you were watching us." He said not unlike a lawyer who just caught the defendant red-handed. You could feel your heartbeat pick up as he leaned over the table towards you, hands laced together, but your face remained blank. Despite his playful tone, the glint in his eyes made you feel like you were being trialed for murder.
It struck you then just how creepy that might sound to them. You probably seemed like some kind of stalker. A weirdo that's been watching their every move for the past five days, which, of course, you were. He had every right to be suspicious of you.
"Mirio, ease off of her." Tamaki interrupted, face practically buried in the wall. That was the first time you heard him speak, and, God, were you thankful for his timing. It sounded like he had the same accent as Mirio, but, for the life of you, you still couldn't place it.
"Heh, I'm just goofing." He laughed, big blue eyes colored with mirth as he leaned back from you in favor of picking up one of your cookies. But his relaxed posture felt too tense for that to truly be how he felt. It seemed forced.
"Anyway, I wouldn't really call them friends. Just people we've met in passing while we visited. Do you...know any of them?"
You leaned back, unconsciously mirroring him. Your nails tapped against the table to the beat of the music playing softly over the speakers as you took your time quietly examining the two men before you. Your brain ran over the people they brought into the shop. Dozens upon dozens of faces and none of them were familiar.
"No, I can't say I do."
There was a moment of silence before any of you talked.
"Um, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but you're a pretty intimidating girl." He chuckled, scratching the back of his head. Blond strands falling out of his ponytail to frame his face. You held in a sigh. He wasn't the first person to tell you that and he probably wouldn't be the last.
You weren't sure what it was about your appearance that everyone found so daunting; it could be how hard you stared at people. Or how silent you were. Maybe you had a resting bitch face, but you couldn't be sure, since nobody was ever brave enough to tell you. Whatever it was, it definitely wasn't doing you any favors.
"Is that why he's so quiet?" You joked humorlessly, peeking at the man to your right—Tamaki, you reminded yourself—to find him already looking at you. Piercing purple-blue eyes made the hairs on your neck stand straight as he stared at you without turning away from the white walls. It threw you off to see he was staring at you so intently, considering you didn't think he was even paying attention to the conversation.
"Oh, you mean Tamaki? He's just a little shy around new people. Ain't that right, bud?" He elbowed his friend a little sharply.
"Uh, y-yeah."
"So, where are you guys from?" Your gaze shifted between them, yet again changing the conversation.
You focused on the twinge of pain coming from your finger as you picked at the skin around your nail, a nervous habit you took up when you were a child. It was how you developed such a good poker face. Keeping your emotions off your face and instead directing them to the poor skin of your nail beds.
"Is it that obvious we aren't from around here?" The blond—Mirio—joked, putting his on the back of the booth behind Tamaki's head.
"Your accents kind of gave you away." You joked back. It felt nice to do that. To have someone to joke with.
"Okay, well...It's a little...town called Yuuei," when you perked up, they shared a quick glance before Mirio continued, "It's really small, so you've probably never heard of it. We're actually heading back pretty soon."
"What's it like there? It's still in Japan, right? I assume it is, considering you both speak Japanese like it's your native language," you tried to reign in your excitement, but the prospect of getting some kind of information on this place was too much to pass up, "Do you have any pictures I could se—"
"She's really pretty. Don't you think, Tamaki?" he cut you off, asking the other boy like you weren't just talking, "Sorry if that was random." He laughed. You weren't an expert on social cues, but something about his smile made you think he wasn't really sorry.
You froze and you glanced over at Tamaki with wide eyes, finding he looked more embarrassed than you felt. You kept your face perfectly blank, hopefully not giving away how off-guard that caught you.
"Yeah," he agreed sheepishly, slouching in on himself, "She is." He sounded certain in his answer, which struck you as curious considering how unsure he seemed about literally everything. Almost like it wasn't his first time saying it. For some reason, you couldn't see Tamaki going around complimenting random people like a playboy.
Mirio? Sure.
But, Tamaki? Not so much.
"Oh...thank you." You mumbled, rubbing the tip of your nose and picking at the faded blue fabric of your scarf. You prayed the booth would open up like a Venus flytrap and swallow you whole. You were just rambling a mile a minute to two guys you just met. Was that his way of polity telling you to shut up?
Not only that, but you were at your wits' end here. The conversation kept changing so quickly, touching on topics you had no idea how to navigate. You felt way out of your element.
How sad was it that getting complimented was where your mind drew the line?
"You're welcome, Sunshine." He pointed down to your scarf, cookie still in hand, answering the unasked question in your furrowed brows, "Your scarf. Really cute, by the way." You looked down at the offending cloth wrapped around your neck.
A baby blue woolen scarf with little patterned suns grinning and wearing big green sunglasses. You hadn't really thought much of it when you grabbed it on your way out of the apartment this morning, but here you were wearing a children's scarf in front of two of the hottest guys you've ever seen in your life. They say hindsight was 20/20, but you'd say it was just a bitch.
The fact that they didn't answer your questions didn't go unnoticed, but maybe it was deemed inappropriate in their culture to ask someone about that kind of stuff if you weren't close. You decided to drop it, not wanting to give the impression that you were disrespectful, but kept it at the back of your mind.
You still had no clue why it happened, but this...arrangement continued longer than you thought it would. You didn't really know what to call it, but, whatever it was went on every day for the next couple of months. You would wait at your booth, they would come in with new people, talk with them for a little, and then split off to come talk to you.
You know you shouldn't have, but you felt kind of special knowing that they wanted to come spend time with you. You didn't comment on how fast you guys were moving. Choosing to, instead, push the uncertain feeling to the back of your mind.
It was becoming an unwelcome habit.
You didn't bring up the subject of their home again, weary of another awkward conversational lapse on your part. You often felt that creeping uneasiness come up whenever you turned the spotlight on them. You were just trying to make the small talk that you often saw in other people's conversations, but Mirio's eyes would always develop a certain...look and even poor Tamaki would tense up with every question. You decided it was better not to push for information about them at all.
That was your second mistake.
While you didn't ask them much, they seemed to want to know everything about you. They—mainly Mirio—asked you probing question after probing question about your life. About your job, where you lived, who you lived with, if you had any family, etc. The constant stream of questioning seemed odd to you, but you were more than happy to bask in the attention like a lovestruck teenager talking to her crushes.
That's how they made you feel.
Maybe you were just excited to finally partake in those conversations you watched everyone else have. To finally have people want to listen to what you had to say. Frantic to form a connection, no matter how weak the foundation was. The red flags were obvious, but desperation tended to make you colorblind.
You were very hesitant to inform them about your complete lack of quirk at first. You've seen how people react to that and you weren't too eager to lose the only people that could be considered your friends. However, it couldn't be hidden from them forever. Especially, since both of them were so quirk oriented.
They, surprisingly, reacted better than you expected when you told them. In fact, they almost seemed happy.
After you told them that, they wouldn't stop talking about Yuuei. Even Tamaki would jump in on the conversation to tell you things about their home. Alternating between demonstrating their quirks and explaining the wonder that was Yuuei.
It made you apprehensive to be around people with such powerful quirks. It always had, especially in high school. You hadn't known them for long, but you were sure they wouldn't hurt you.
They strived to be pretty accommodating to your anxiousness, which no one had ever done before. And, like a stupid puppy, you were getting attached to their kindness. They and their compassion were like a balm to that scorching thirst that you endured for the past twenty years.
In the short two months you knew them, they had somehow become a solid fixture. They had dug out a divot in your life and laid in it like they've always belonged there. It got to the point where you would call in sick to work just to stay with them a little longer.
Your fall from grace wasn't instantaneous. It happened gradually; inch by beautiful inch. You started falling the moment they came to sit with you. No, the moment they walked into the café was your first step towards oblivion. You were plunging to your demise and you only had yourself to blame. You allowed them a permanent room in your life, despite knowing their stay was temporary.
You're confident they had no idea how important they were to you. Nevertheless, no matter how sorry it sounded, you grew dependent on them. They plagued your thoughts like a disease: that brief period you experience between sleep and consciousness filled with thoughts of them, the moments of long silence at home were spent thinking about your boys, and even when you were with them, ironically, you couldn't stop thinking about them.
How did Mirio get all those scars? I wonder if Tamaki is eating enough? Where were they staying in the city?
You actively worried about them for some reason that was completely lost on you. You were so used to them being there, you weren't even sure how you used to live without them.
"We leave this Sunday."
Turns out you were gonna find out sooner than expected.
"S-so soon?" You choked out, setting your mug down. He had caught you so off guard that you started choking on your hot chocolate. After calming down and assuring them that you weren't dying, you were able to think.
You knew they were just visiting and they'd have to leave eventually. But, for some inane reason, you thought you'd have more time. More time to prepare. More time to...more time with them.
They had walked into the shop by themselves and headed straight for your booth like they had just been drafted for war, which set off emergency lights in your brain. You should have known they were delivering bad news.
"We've actually been here way longer than we were supposed to." Mirio laughed, scratching the back of his head.
"They had to call us back this time," Tamaki's soft-spoken voice imputed, but it seemed like he was talking to himself, "They've never had to call us back before."
"Called back? By who?" You looked between them expectantly.
"Uh, by our leaders. It's a small place, you know? So everyone is basically family. It only makes sense that they'd be worried about us taking too long." The blond explained, rubbing his hands together to get rid of the cold.
So, they were leaving because they were told to? Their leaders had that much sway over their lives?
"Couldn't you guys just...stay a little longer?" Now you were begging them to stay. But what else could you do? By the way they were talking, you could safely assume that they wouldn't be visiting you any time soon.
Mirio frowned, placing his big hand on top of yours. Big blue eyes a lot duller than usual. No matter how hard you looked you couldn't find that spark they typically had.
"I-Sunshine," he sighed, like a man passive to his fate, "it doesn't work like that. We have to go home."
You looked over at Tamaki who was already facing you, a huge improvement from when you first met. His head was down and if his pointed ears could droop like a sad puppy, you're sure they would. They didn't want to leave you just as much as you wanted them to stay.
There was no music playing in the shop to fill the silence between the three of you and the shop lacked the usual chatter. Seems like your earlier comparison had some truth to it. They may not be heading off to war, but they were still saying goodbye like they were. Like you'd never see them again. You felt lucky you even had the luxury of saying goodbye.
The sound of your heart beating against your ribs flooded your ears. Realistically, you knew they couldn't have drastically changed your life in a little over two months.
You could feel saliva collect in your mouth as your stomach gurgled ominously. Before them, every day you would wake up, work, go to the coffee shop, and go home without truly being awake. It felt like you were sleepwalking through your entire life. Living, but never alive. Never really there.
No one to see you. No one to hear you. You were nothing more than a ghost.
Your chest burned and your throat tightened. You couldn't go back to that. You'd be alone again. You couldn't be alone again.
You took a deep breath and schooled your expression, but you were sure that Mirio felt you shaking under his hand.
"What am I—" you swallowed the lump in your throat, "—What am I supposed to do now?" You whispered. But, who were you even asking: them or yourself? They were leaving your life just as fast as they came into it.
Mirio was quick to stand up and the leather booth squeaked under him as he slid into the seat beside you. The weight of his arm was comforting and heavy on your shoulders. His pointer finger and thumb closed in around your chin, turning you to face him.
"I don't..." His voice drifted off when he met your eyes, his lips twitching downwards into a frown. You could see the gears turning in his head before he nodded to himself. An internal conflict coming to an end. Something filled his eyes as he searched your face. It wasn't the spark that you were used to seeing, but a fire.
"Come with us."
Tamaki's head shot up, anxious indigo eyes looking between you before saying, "M-Mirio, are you sure she should come? She, um," his right hand moved to grip his left arm, "our culture is pretty different. S-she might not be able to...adjust."
"That won't be a problem. I'll look after her."
"That's what I'm worried about." He whispered loud enough for you to still hear, but the blond didn't seem deterred. He never looked away from you.
Mirio called you, pulling your attention back to him. You were pretty sure this was the first time you've heard him say your name.
"Look, Yuuie is...it's filled with people like you—like us," he gestured between the three of you, "A lot of people were looking for the same things you are and they found them in Yuuie." Every thing he said was filled with unwavering certainty, an unavoidable conviction that seeped into your bones. It was clear he honestly believed every word.
The conversation was moving too fast for you to fully understand what he was saying. One second, you're on the verge of a panic attack, and the next, you're being persuaded to run away with them? Crazy enough, you were actually considering it. It seemed like such a simple solution.
"You wanna be seen, right? Admired? Understood?—"
Were you that obvious?
"—Well, there's no better place to be seen than at Yuuie! Our leaders strive to provide a place where every single person is appreciated for their contributions. There's always new people coming along. People who desperately needed a home—a guiding hand. Right, Tamaki?"
"Yeah, I guess." Tamaki agreed with a resigned shrug of his shoulders, eyes downcast.
"See? I'm sure everyone there will love you! What do you have to lose?"
What did you have to lose? Your minimum wage job? Your one-room apartment? Your complete and utter lack of companionship?
If you did go with them, what would happen? You never really believed in all of that mumbo-jumbo about fate, but this seemed destined. Every solution to your problems is wrapped up in one big bow laid out in front of you. How could you say no?
So you didn't.
"Okay," you picked at your fingertips under the table, "I'll go with you." The corners of his lips twitched upwards before spreading into a grin. Thin lips moving to show off pearly whites. Even Tamaki looked happy, if not a little reluctant.
And at that moment, as they gazed at you like you were the only thing lighting their way, you never felt more sure of anything in your life.
"I swear you won't regret it, Sunshine.
You regretted agreeing to this. No matter how much you liked them, you never should have said yes. This whole thing had felt off-putting since you left.
If you were being truly honest with yourself, something didn't feel quite right since you met those two. Ever since the first time they walked into Komori's Delights, you knew there was something about them that caught your attention.
You originally thought it was because they were new and exciting...and hot. But, it was clear that from the start, your subconscious could tell something was off. Too bad you didn't listen to it.
The fact that Mirio and Tamaki came to pick you up was more than a little surprising, considering they didn't tell you they were coming beforehand.
Instead of taking an Uber, like you anticipated, they both were very insistent on taking the bus. Not one for needless confrontation, you agreed. You figured they knew more about this kind of thing than you did anyway. And they paid for the bus fare, so you couldn't complain.
The bus drove you about an hour out of the city before Mirio requested to get off; another thing that struck you as weird, but you didn't say anything. The three of you walked to a secluded point in the rode that led to an opening in the tree line. Well, you couldn't really call it secluded considering all the people gathered there.
The sheer amount of people waiting for you had stopped you in your tracks. Logically, you knew it was stupid to think there wouldn't be others coming with you, but a small part of you had hoped that you were the only one they were taking home with them.
Your hands gripped the straps of your backpack, sharp nails digging into taut leather. The weight loosening as you adjusted them on your shoulders. The trek so far had been strenuous. Your right ankle hurt from getting it twisted in a hole and mosquitoes were everywhere. Putting the physical strain traveling like this had on your body aside; the girl next to you had been talking your ear off nonstop.
You were all for making friends, but there should be a time and place to start talking about your fucking life story. And, considering your shoes were wet with mud and the humidity of the forest made your shirt cling to you like a second skin, now definitely wasn't the time. You didn't understand how someone could be so chatty in your current situation.
"—you quirkless too?"
"What?" Your neck snapped towards her so fast that if you were any quicker, you could have given yourself whiplash. What did she say?
"What? Are you deaf or something? I asked if you were quirkless too. As in, do you have a quirk or not?" You let the childish jab slide and focused on digesting the sentence. The grass tickled your throbbing ankle as you worked to keep pace with her long strides.
"You're quirkless?"
"Not just me. Every person I talked to is quirkless and I'm pretty sure I talked to, like, everyone here." Your eyes sharply swept over the group, keeping a headcount as you went.
If one out of one hundred people in Japan are quirkless, what were the odds that over twenty of them were gathered in the same place?
"Hey, it's supposed to be winter, right?"
"Yeah." You agreed absently, more focused on trying to get a glimpse of Mirio's blond hair at the front of the group or Tamaki's indigo hair somewhere at the back. You needed to talk to one of them. You needed to know what the hell was going on.
"So why the hell is it so hot?" She asked, pulling her brown hair into a low hanging ponytail. Her roots soaked with sweat, a true testament to the sweltering heat.
"I don't know." You stopped in your tracks, acutely aware of the people passing you, but remaining still. A rock thrown in the middle of a lake, but the stream still flowing nonetheless.
Too many things were happening for them to be a coincidence. You weren't a mathematician, but even you could see that the parts of this equation did not add up. Mirio and Tamaki showing up at your apartment, the number of people without quirks gathered in one spot, and the muggy heat in the forest combined to form a sizeable pit in your stomach.
It was a mistake to come here.
"Y/n? What are you talking about?"
Tamaki's quiet voice startled you out of your thoughts. You hadn't realized you were talking out loud; you hoped he hadn't heard much. You didn't even hear him approaching. His lithe frame stopped beside you as you readjusted your grip on your backpack.
Perhaps you were overreacting; Just being paranoid. And, if something actually was wrong, it wouldn't be wise to tell him about your concerns. Either of them, a small part of your brain whispered. Probably the logical part. For now, you'll keep your suspicions close to your chest. You started forward with a limp towards everyone else, Tamaki close behind you.
"Y-you shouldn't stray too far from the rest of the group. Are you hurt?"
"Um, my ankle is sore and it's only going to get worse the more I walk on it," you looked over the treetops as you walked by them. No birds. No squirrels. Nothing, "Which brings up a question: How long until we get to Yuuei?"
You watched him stumble over his words before answering.
"I-uh, I'm not really sure. But it...shouldn't take too long now," you watched from the corner of your eye as he pulled a plastic baggy full of small baked balls out of his backpack, "Here, it's takoyaki."
You paused.
"What do you want me to do with it?"
"We've been out here for a while, I-I thought you might have been hungry," a flush settled on the apples of his cheeks as he stared at the ground, "You don't have to eat it, o-of course. I was just worried about you."
Worried about you? You stared down at the small ball of dough and meat he placed in your hand and waited. You half expected him to tell you what he wanted in return for the food, but he didn't. You were quick to accept, alonst forgetting to say thanks in your haste, especially considering he was right about one thing.
You were starving. It felt like you hadn't eaten all day, which couldn't be right since the sun was still where it was when you began to walk. You could just chalk it up to the incredible heat and humidity in the forest. And your job definitely didn't make you the most athletic person, so you got tired easily.
"Why aren't you up front with Mirio?"
"I have to stay back here to make sure nobody gets...lost," his shoulders hunched as he pulled out more takoyaki, "Besides, I-I don't really like being front and center like Mirio. I'm not brave enough to lead people." It was just a hunch, but you got the feeling that this was about more than just your current situation. His words were weighted like they had some type of double meaning behind them.
Sure, Tamaki wasn't the most confident guy you met. And, yeah, he could barely get through a conversation with a little old lady without chickening out. But, you were able to read people; you were so good at it that it was basically your quirk.
"Brave? I think bravery is relative. Each person is brave on their own terms," the group's chatter became louder as you got closer, "You left your hometown for the first time and came to the city, right? Don't you think that's brave?"
"No," his voice was so soft you could barely hear him, "not really."
"Hmm," you finally bit into the ball of bread and octopus, "You shouldn't try to measure yourself based off of other people's limits. I think you're brave enough as you are." You could feel his gaze trail over the side of your face like he was trying to use his eyes to crack you open. You decisively decided to ignore it.
"Thank you, y/n."
With the help of Tamaki, you were finally able to find Mirio. Actually, once you pushed through the throng of people it wasn't exactly hard to find his broad figure. That's another thing you noticed about him; just how much he stood out. Even Tamaki, who tried his hardest to blend into the shadows, easily grabbed attention. Demanding the focus of any room they walked into, if not with mere presence alone.
Despite that, they weren't what you were thinking about. The temperature was high and the morale was low. The group's overall excitement had dimmed considerably since you started traveling and there were more than a few people grumbling and whining. But, really, who could blame them?
The sun bore down on all of you with an oppressing heat and it was only getting hotter. The air was heavy with the evaporated rain, making it feel more like you were wading through an impossibly deep pool instead of hiking through a forest. Every step you took felt weighed down as if the air had wrapped itself around every limb like a heavy blanket.
You weren't the only one feeling the effects of the journey. You picked up bits and pieces of conversation as you walked, more like limped, next to Mirio. Protests from the group grew louder the longer you went. Surrounded by heat and with no break in sight, the crowd got antsy.
"It's so hot—"
"...long are we gonna keep walki—"
"All the trees look...same."
"—we're in a forest, dumbass."
"You know what I mean, man! I swear...passed this one before."
You were running on fumes yourself, but they didn't see you complaining. You dragged your eyes over to Mirio. Fluffy, golden hair bounced in its ponytail with every step as he marched forward. The sun set a glow on his peachy skin, but there wasn't a single drop of sweat on him. Considering he lived here his whole life, you assumed he probably was just used to the crazy heat. He kept his eyes forward with a placid smile on his face. If he was bothered by the groups growing grievances, he definitely didn't show it.
You stumbled until your shoulder hit the nearest tree, bark scratching harshly against your sweaty skin, but your ankle throbbed so sharply that you didn't even care. It was so hot. You brought a shaking hand up to wipe at your forehead. You all were walking for so long, but it felt like the sun's rays only got more intense.
"Okay, I think that's enough. You're pushing yourself way too hard. You're practically dead on your feet," he put his backpack on his chest and squatted down in front of you, "Hop on, Sunshine."
Your eyes widened. Was he serious?
"Wouldn't it make more sense to take a break? I'm sure I'm not the only person tired here." You panted, growing conscious of the eyes on you.
"If we stop now, we won't make it before nightfall. Come on. I'm not getting up until you get on. Just think of me as your noble steed." He smiled at you like he had no clue how embarrassing he was.
It was a thoughtful gesture. He had offered to let you get on his back earlier when he saw you stumbling around, but you declined, which proved to be a dumb decision on your part. And the thought of walking on your bum ankle anymore made you queasy, even now it throbbed despite you resting.
You gave a quick glance sideways at the group and, of course, they were all staring, staring, staring with their judgy little eyes. You guys hadn't even been out here that long and they somehow formed a group that you clearly weren't welcomed in.
You sighed.
There was no use being unnecessarily difficult. You were holding up the group as it was, and you had a feeling that he actually wouldn't get up unless you got on his back.
So you buried your pride and hobbled over to him. His big hands grabbed the bottom of your thighs and hoisted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. You weren't sure where to put your arms and just draped them over his shoulders.
His cool skin worked wonders for the extreme heat you were feeling that you couldn't help but cling to his back further. Was it inappropriate? Probably. And your clammy skin was likely getting sweat all over him. Did you care? Not at all.
However, you couldn't help but think of yourself as an annoyance. Sure, everyone else was complaining, but they were still on their own two feet. And here you were, forcing Mirio to carry you in his back because you couldn't handle the journey when he was probably just as tired as you.
"Hey, you wanna hear a joke?," he suddenly asked, pulling you out of your thoughts, "What did the man with two left eyes and two right eyes tell his doctor? He had double vision! Ha!" He laughed, a little too proud of his joke. Maybe it was because of how he said it completely out of nowhere or because of how utterly stupid it was, but it made you smile.
Then Mirio beamed at you from over his shoulder and his vivid blue eyes seemed like they shined even brighter when you chuckled at his corny joke.
Did he tell you a joke in hopes that you'd relax?
"If you thought that was funny, there's tons more where that came from. Heh, I really have my mentor to thank for this A+ material. Now, what do you call somebody with nobody and no nose?"
But you didn't hear the punchline as the heat and the vibration of Mirio's voice swayed you into a restless sleep.
Voices shouting, shouting all around you. Intense heat. Being carried through a dark purple cloud and then...nothing.
When you awoke, you were still on Mirio's back, but you weren't in the forest anymore. Instead, all you saw was a wall. Your eyes lazily swept over the great expanse of cement, muscles straining as your neck craned towards the sky. The sunlight hit your eyes, blurring your vision as you tried to see the top. The wall was taller than any of the buildings you saw in the city.
Was this another dream? Had to be. But it felt so real. Too real.
You tried to climb off of Mirio's back, but your body felt like it was being weighed down by the air alone. And Mirio's tightening grip definitely didn't help. You could barely keep your eyes open as you blearily looked around, but you couldn't make out anything but shapes.
"Don't worry, Sunshine. Just go ahead and rest those pretty, little eyes. I'll take care of you."
"M...irio...wh—" You could hardly keep your eyes open enough to finish your sentence. Darkness seizing your vision as Mirio's movements lulled you back to sleep. Your hearing was the last thing to go.
"How long did this group last, Sir?"
"Two days."
"A whole two days?! Pretty impressive, all things considered. Right, Sir?"
"Yes, Mirio..."
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casmoments · 4 years
Marriage of Convenience; part 6
Prompt: “Arranged Marriage” -  Certain factions of heaven are on your tail, the consequence of your death a trigger to greater destruction.  In order to protect your life and others, you agree to an old custom that prevents any heavenly agent from harming you.   The basic ritual?  You have to marry an angel.  Sixth part in a series.  (second to last chapter) Reader Gender: female Word Count: 7400 Warnings:  reader has nightmares about her angel attack, mild violence in a confrontation later.   some wing!kink in the smutty part.  
part one ; part two ; part three ; part four ; part five
That awful, extended hunt eventually drew to a close.   There were always other cases, though.   If it wasn’t a hunt then it was heaven.   You had to share your husband with the world and though goodbyes were never easy, you allowed his departure.   You treasured your time together all the more.     And you knew that if you truly needed him for some reason, he would come if you called.  
Not that you took advantage of this.   At least, your conscious mind did not.  
There was a split second between sleep and consciousness in which nightmares bled into reality.   You woke with a panicked start, Castiel’s name falling from your lips before you realized you were dreaming.   Wings fluttered nonetheless, Castiel appearing at your bedside almost immediately.
“What is it?” he asked, concerned.   You swallowed and looked at him, a bit embarrassed.
“Sorry,” you said, “I shouldn’t have called.  It was just a nightmare.”
You didn’t have nightmares often.   The grotesque and supernatural had integrated itself so thoroughly in your life that very little truly startled you.   That being said, these thoughts sat dormant in your mind.   The only group interested in your harm was an  angel faction, the one set on sacrificing you for that long-ago vanquished ritual.   You didn’t serve a real purpose to anyone else so you were left alone, thus quite safe so long as your marriage shielded you from the aforementioned baddies.   But despite your security, you knew it was a dangerous world.   You had seen things, endured things firsthand, things that most people could not imagine.  
And so, while nightmares were rare, and while they had not bothered you in a very, very, very long time, one occasionally surfaced with memory of darker places.
“A nightmare,” Castiel said.   Though it was dark in your room, you could still make out his silhouette.   Details came into view when your bedside lamp suddenly flicked on, your eyes closing against the sudden light.    “Are you okay?”  Castiel asked, stepping closer to the bed.  
You pushed yourself upright, rubbing your eyes.   Though you felt comfortable calling on Castiel for any number of reasons, this seemed a bit superfluous.    If he was not at your side then it was because he was doing something important.   You pulled him from that task for a ridiculous reason.  Still embarrassed, you found it difficult to meet his eye.   Your reservation upset him.
“Y/N,” he said, knees bumping the mattress, he stood so close.   “Tell me what’s wrong.”  
“Nothing,” you said, finally looking at him.   His brow was creased with worry, eyes set on you.   You smiled weakly.   “I’m sorry.  I called you for no good reason.   You were probably busy with something important.”  
He frowned at that.   You looked away, pulling hair in front of your face.   You peered at him through the unkempt locks, watching as he shrugged off his coats.   You looked away when he sat on the bed, loosening his tie.    His shoes and socks were gone but he was still mostly dressed.   It was a little more casual, though, and spoke of the promise to stay.   When he reached for you, you immediately moved into his embrace.   You shoved your face into his chest.  
“You are important,” he said, pushing your hair back, tucking it behind your ears.   “I’ve been a very bad husband if I have not made that clear.”
“You are not a bad husband,” you said, wrapping your arms around his waist.   “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened.  You’re the one who saved me.”    He kissed the top of your head, arms settling around you.  
“What was your nightmare?” he asked.   He rubbed soothing circles on your lower back.   You hummed a bit, lifting your face.   You placed your head against his chest, gentler.  
“It was, uh, just the… just the angel thing.  From way back.”  
Castiel had found you all that time ago, the Winchesters in tow.   The angels who sought your demise had captured you—you who understood nothing of heaven or angels or prophets.    They had trapped you in some warehouse and accosted you, tying you up as they prepared the beginnings of a ritual.  You endured so much, the in-between moments were blurry.   But Castiel eventually interrupted, taking them out one at a time.   Though the latter half of this story delighted, the former did not.   You were captive for some time and angels weren’t exactly gentle.    They were soldiers on a mission and, because their efforts were already dark, they went a bit beyond their assignment.
You shuddered.   Castiel’s arms tightened around you.  
“You’re safe,” he said firmly, kissing your forehead.   You tightened your own hold.
“I know,” you said.   “I know.”    You tipped your head back, looking up at him.    He met your gaze, his dark expression softening as he looked at you.   “Will you, uh, will you stay with me until I fall asleep again?”
“Of course,” he said without hesitation, pressing his forehead to yours for a moment.   You smiled gently, making a surprised noise when he kissed you.   He smiled in return, pulling back, lifting a hand to caress your cheek.    Even after all this time, you still blushed beneath his attentive stare.  
“The best husband,” you murmured, nudging his chin with your nose.   He swept down, kissing you deeply.   You looked at him fondly as the kiss ended.   “You like it when I call you that,” you said, pressing a hand to his chest, idly tracing the shirt buttons.   You undid the first few, opening his collar.    “Why do you like it so much?” you asked curiously, looking at him again.
“It’s not a title I ever thought I would possess,” he said, his fingers running over your shoulder and curving down your arm.   “Marriage is reserved for humans, with few exceptions and rituals.   Ours included.”   He looked at you, his eyes roving your face.  His hand slid to your hip and drew you close.   “It was an unexpected development,” he said, “but one I treasure.   It… you… are very important to me.”   He kissed your forehead, then your eyelid as you closed your eyes.   “Earth is… messy.  Life is troublesome and the burdens are endless.”   He kissed your cheek, the tip of your nose.   “Being your husband, hearing you say it, gives me joy.   Something that seems to be a rare commodity.   But it’s mine.”   He didn’t kiss you, ridiculous tease that he was, so you had to kiss him instead.   He smiled when you parted, touching his thumb to your bottom lip as he stared down at you.    “My wife,” he said.
“Husband,” you grumbled, a bit sheepishly, embarrassed by his sentimentalities and sweetness.   You buried your face in his chest again.  He held no such embarrassment, happy to prolong the moment.
“Wife,” he said once more.   You giggled, lifting your head.  
“We’re ridiculous.”
“Maybe.”  He didn’t seem to mind.   He just smiled.   “You should sleep now.”   The lamp faded gradually, the room darkening.   “I’ll stay with you.”
“Thank you,” you said, yawning soon after.   You cuddled against him, sighing, closing your eyes.  
He kissed your forehead again, wrapping his arm around you.
It was Dean who suggested date night.   Well, he suggested get the hell out of the bunker, you lovesick idiots night, but it was the same thing.
There was really only one problem with a formal date night: neither you or Castiel had ever been on a date.   Your perpetual singlehood prior to an arranged marriage was no secret.   And Castiel wasn’t even human.  
You were strolling along a boulevard, your hand in the crook of his elbow, but neither of you spoke nor did you have a very clear destination.   Your knowledge of dating habits were mostly limited to Hollywood incarnations.   There seemed to be an awful lot of restaurants and bowling alleys involved.   Nothing sounded appealing.
So you were just walking in silence.
“This is weird,” you said after a bit.   Castiel looked at you.
“What is?” he asked.
“We’re just… we’re not doing anything,” you said.  “I feel kinda stressed which is weird.  It’s just you.”  You blushed and looked at him.  He smiled, drawing to a halt so you could face each other.
“What would make you less ‘stressed’?” he asked, genuinely wanting to know.   You shrugged.
“I dunno,” you said.  “The activity doesn’t really matter, I guess.  Dates are just… I don’t know… supposed to be talking about yourself, I guess.   Isn’t it?”
“I don’t know.”
“Right.  Well.   We’ll talk then,” you said.   You started walking again, once more hooking your hand around his proffered arm.   “About… something.   That we haven’t talked about before.”  
Forced conversation was odd.  With you and Castiel, every discussion and moment unfurled naturally.   You recalled your wedding night—all hesitant touch and stiff posture.  It wasn’t until he eased you into comfort and allowed a natural moment to grow that any connection was made.   The same proved true here.
Castiel already knew your life story.   As for his own, you knew as much as could be told.  Heavenly affairs could be abstract to mortal understanding.   Beyond his time on earth, his stories were a bit nonsensical.   You did like when he related his observations of mankind.   Watching had been a duty for very long and he saw interesting things.   It was even more interesting to watch him reanalyze these things in light of his newfound revelations; he was not the same angel he was all those years ago.
Your story unfolded on a less cosmic scale, but you could claim a similar truth: you were not the same person you once were, but you were glad.    You were even more glad because you could still claim your individuality.   Romance had not stifled you but let you grow in new ways.   The rest of you remained intact.   You still enjoyed your hobbies, still took pleasure in little things, your walks and journeys, details like flowers and ice cream and—
“Have you ever had ice cream before?” you suddenly asked, clasping both hands around his arm.   He shook his head, looking thoughtful.
“No,” he said.  “You know food is an indulgence for me.  I haven’t had much of it.”
“We should have ice cream,” you said, grinning.   He looked at you and then around.
“I don’t think there’s any ice cream here,” he said, looking a bit confused, wondering where your idea came from.
“Then let’s go find some,” you said.  “No husband of mine will exist without having tried ice cream.”  
His glance was so incredibly fond.  He gently broke your hold, your hands releasing his arm.   You squeaked with surprise as he put his hand on your lower back, tugging you towards him.   No sooner did your hands clasp the lapels of his trenchcoat did you feel the world flip.   When you opened your eyes and looked around, your surroundings baffled you.  
“Uh, where are we?” you asked.
“A small town, in the middle of nowhere, as I believe you say.”   He looked incredibly proud of himself. You laughed a bit, shaking your head as you stepped back.    As he said, it was a small town.   The road was a bit dusty but there was something quaint about the surrounding environment.   Your eyes immediately fell to an ice cream shop across the street.   You looked at him for verification.  
“My abandoned search for God once led me here,” he said.  His devastatingly failed search was a story you knew well.   You touched his arm but he looked at you contently, placing his hand over yours.   “I was told their ice cream was ‘to die for’.   I think it must be decent to warrant murderous ideation.”
“Sounds good to me,” you said, giggling at his comment.   He smiled, leading you across the street.
A while later, you found yourself on a boardwalk in a different city.   You sat side-by-side on a bench, looking over the sea wall.   It was the edge of sunset here, the air a little cool but manageable.   You ate your ice cream cone, your favourite flavour, glancing at him as you licked the top.   He had no real preference so you ordered him the same flavour.    You told him to order a bowl but he insisted on the same as you.
But your worries were rightly assumed.   He might have been a celestial force but the ice cream outdid him.   He was trying to lick it before it melted but little trails of ice cream ran down the cone and over his hand.   He looked at it, brow creased, a frown on his face.
“This is not enjoyable,” he said, then simply tried to bite into the ice cream.  He ripped away a chunk then made a face, swallowing it quickly.   “Nor was that.”
“You savage, you can’t just bite ice cream,” you teased.   He attempted to lick it again, ignoring the sticky trail running down his knuckles.   You smiled to yourself, tucking a leg beneath you as you turned to face him.   “Here, hold this,” you said, holding out your own cone.
“Why does yours co-operate?” he asked, still frowning as he took your ice cream with his free hand.
“Because I eat it properly,” you said, wrapping your fingers around his wrist.   “Here, like this.”  You brought his hand closer, touching your tongue to his skin and drawing a line upward, cleaning the ice cream mark.   He watched you, frustrated glance turning to something else as you lifted your lips.  You placed your mouth against the ice cream and scooped a bit with your tongue.   You swallowed and leaned back with a satisfying sigh, licking your lips.
“Delicious,” you said, looking at him again.   He smiled a bit.
“I enjoy it now,” he said.  You laughed, taking your cone back.
“Glad to hear it.”  
You managed to eat your ice cream without further fuss.   He still made a bit of a mess, though you wondered how much was accidental when he held out his hand again.   Your own ice cream finished, you clasped his wrist, quirking an eyebrow.   He passed the cone to his other hand.  His returned expression was perfectly innocent, looking at you over his half-finished ice cream.
“You’re lucky this is my favourite flavour,” you teased, turning his hand over.   You kissed his palm, turning his hand again and teasingly flicking your tongue against the dip between thumb and forefinger.   He lowered the ice cream, watching you run your tongue along his finger before you kissed the tip.   You looked up at him, batting your eyelashes with exaggerated innocence.   He stared with something headier, less innocent, finger pressing against your bottom lip until you lowered it.   You opened your mouth just enough for his finger to press forward, his body squaring to you as you licked his fingertip, slowly taking it further in your mouth.   You upped the performance a bit, closing your eyes and moaning once his knuckle passed your lips, your tongue rubbing against the digit.
“Y/N,” he said, voice husky with familiar promise.   You pulled back, kissing his fingertip before diving forward again.  You moved your mouth down, gently nipping his skin, running your tongue back and forth.   He made a low sound, watching you without care for anything else.   You eventually pulled back, looking up at him as you did so.
“You need to finish your ice cream,” you said, leaning back.  You licked your lips and he looked at you, glance dry and frustrated at once.   You threw him a smile, far too saccharine sweet.  
He ate some of the cone, watching you as he did so.   He then held out what remained and you shrugged, leaning forward to take a bit as well.   As you moved, his hand snaked into your hair, drawing you towards him as you swallowed the ice cream.   Fingers tangling in your locks, he tipped your head and leaned down to kiss you,  lips cool from the evening and ice cream.   The initial chill gave way to warmth, however, the kiss opening to something hotter, his tongue dipping past your lips to swipe the inside of your mouth.   You gently rubbed your tongue against his, breathing a bit shakily as you drew back.  
“You’re not done your ice cream,” you said.
“I have different tastes,” he said, cheeky tease, starting to draw you back.   You smiled, turning your face so he kissed your cheek.   He groaned a bit, pulling his fingers from your hair, running them over your shoulder.
“Finish your ice cream,” you said.   “I don’t fool around on the first date.”
He gave you a look and you laughed, settling against him.   He put his arm around you and though silence fell again, it was comfortable and easy.
It was peaceful—which should have been an indication of oncoming chaos.   You had been so long sheltered in the security of this marriage, the protection it offered, that you almost forgot what parties could still threaten you.   Heaven was no hazard, nor was any party under heaven’s command, but as you and Castiel began to walk away, he bristled, and you knew something was unfolding nearby.
“Stay here,” he said, slowly pulling away.   You grabbed his arm, looking at him with worry.
“Where are you going?” you asked.
“Down the street,” he replied, “something is there.”
You knew he was better off alone.   You wouldn’t be any help in confrontation.   All the same, it was hard releasing his hand.    He disappeared with a flutter of invisible wings, leaving you on the boardwalk with a pit in your stomach.   You waited.    And waited.   And waited.   Anxiety eventually overcame you.   You slowly made your way down the street, in the direction he had indicated.   You took out your cellphone, preparing to call the boys as you inched towards the end of the block.
An evening lamp flicked on.   No sooner than that did someone grab you, throwing you up against the wall.
“So you’re what all the fuss is about,” a human snarled, hand clasped around your throat.   You could not tell if it housed an angel or demon.   In the time it took you to panic and kick your leg, Castiel appeared behind your assailant and slammed his hand onto their head.   A burst of white light flamed before you.   You turned your head and let the moment pass, then the body—emptied of a demon, you now knew—crumpled to the ground.   You followed, knees buckling as your feet hit the ground.   You started to fall forward but Castiel caught you, hoisting you upright.
“I told you to wait,” he said, tone sharp, angry and upset.
“You were gone a long time,” you replied shakily, looking at the dead body and then him.   “I was worried.”
The wrath in his gaze faded, replaced with deeper grief.
“Are you all right?” he asked.  You noticed his heavy breathing, an action that only occurred when his consciousness fell second to his body.   He was running on instinct and adrenaline, trying to slow down for your sake, but brimming with concern because of you, making it harder.   You fell against him, nonetheless craving the comfort of his presence, and he enveloped you tightly in his arms.
“I’m sorry,” you muttered, definitely not wanting to fight, not about this, not right now.
“Don’t apologize,” he said, clearly of the same opinion.    He held you tighter, cradling you against him as he lifted one hand to your hair.   He pushed some of it back, out of your face, his thumb smoothing lines by your ear.   “They couldn’t harm you,” he said, “they were employed by a faction of heaven—meaning they were bound to the same rules.”
“Heaven is hiring demons now?” you asked, crinkling his jacket beneath your firm grip.
“There are corrupt circles,” he said, “they’ve fallen to desperation but they won’t be a concern much longer.”   He tipped your head back and looked at you, his gaze roaming your face like he was studying every feature.    “Are you all right?” he asked again.  
You nodded but that pit in your stomach spoke differently.   It wasn’t so much the physical assault which paralyzed you, rather the realization behind it.   You spent your time with idle occupations while the boys hunted, while your husband engaged in heavenly confrontations.    Civilian life versus hunter life was a difference you could live with; you were not built to cope with the trials of huntership and you could deal with that.    
But despite every gentle caress and seemingly human moment shared with Castiel, your husband was not human.   There were a thousand moments spent elsewhere, a thousand histories you would never know, depths to him which you could not fathom, and though you could love the parts of him you knew, you suddenly doubted all possibility of true reciprocation.
You felt human, naïve, young.  That physical slam was second to the emotional one, the realization of how big the world was beyond your safe little pocket.
You didn’t even realize you were crying until Castiel started wiping your tears.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, looking you over, something miserable in his gaze.   “Are you hurt?”
“No,” you said, sniffling, shaking your head.   “I’m sorry, I just—I forget sometimes.   What you… and how…  and I’m just…”
“Stop,” he said, a bit gruffly, hooking his arm around your waist.   “We should talk somewhere else.”
You grabbed onto him, shoving your face into his shoulder and gripping his coat so tightly, your knuckles whitened beneath the strain.   You hiccupped, closing your eyes tight as a brush of wind whipped around you.    You found yourself in an unfamiliar room.   For a moment you just looked around in confusion, distracted with the scenery.
“Where are we?” you asked.
“Dean’s orchestrations realized,” Castiel said, looking around the room, himself.   You looked at him curiously.   “He and Sam rented us a hotel room so we’d stay out.”
His hands gently fell around your face, thumbs brushing your cheeks.   You blinked up at him.
“Will you tell me why you were crying?”  he asked.  
The same problems you always had returned, this inability to communicate everything you felt and thought.   You now knew evasion was futile; he inevitably broke past your walls and those confessions always tumbled in a haphazard way.    You didn’t want that to happen this time so you gathered your thoughts, redirecting them into one plain question:
“What do you look like?”  
“I don’t understand,” he replied, brow furrowing.   You gave him a look, hoping it spoke the obvious.   He seemed to understand more than he admitted, and your glance confirmed his suspicions.   His hands dropped to your waist but his grip was loose, his shoulders tense.  “My true form is…”
“Hard to explain,” you said, voice breaking.   The reply was familiar.  You looked away from him, nodding.   “Yeah.   Yeah, I know.”  
“You can perceive it,” he said, something you did not know.   You lifted both eyebrows.   He nodded, looking contemplative.   “I would not recommend direct contact while you live, but you can.   As a prophet, that ability should be inherent, but our marriage guarantees it so that…”
“…so that?” you asked, prompting him to finish.   His grip tightened and he pulled you closer, his distracted gaze meeting yours.    
“So that I may find you and be with you when you are no longer on earth.”  
“Oh,” you said, gripping the lapels of his trenchcoat.   “So… eternity is really eternity, huh?”  
“Does that… displease you…?”   He looked more confused than distraught, clearly wondering where all these contradictory feelings were coming from.   You shook your head quickly, easing any menial concern.
“No!” you exclaimed.  “No, of course not!”
“Y/N,” he said, a little sternly, “please tell me what’s wrong. Why are you asking me these things?”
“Because,” you groaned, sufficing to press your face into his shoulder.   He wrapped his arms around you, effectively locking you in place.   You sighed, turning your head.    “I’m just me.   I’ve always been just me.  Sometimes I remember that and… and I feel like the girl who used to stand around doing Sam and Dean’s laundry, thinking about some guy she wanted that she could never have.   And I know I’ve got… your grace inside me and stuff… and I like that you’re an angel but… I don’t know.   Sometimes I feel like I’m not—that I can’t ever be—”
“My time on earth has not been easy, Y/N,” Castiel said, nudging you backward.    He rolled your jack down your shoulders while moving.   You allowed him to peel it down and toss it away.   Suddenly the back of your legs hit something and you fell, toppling onto the bed behind you.   “Life here is complicated.   Despair, pain, fear… I learned and felt them all in a short time.”  
He removed his trenchcoat and suit jacket simultaneously, laying them on the ground.   You breathed shakily, watching as he moved onto his knees in front of you.  His hands pressed into the mattress, caging your legs.   Your heart beat a little faster though he made no promise of action.  He just knelt, staring at you.  
“For all that darkness,” he said, “there were better things.  Hope, friendship, joy.   But your presence has given me more than my share.   How could you think yourself less than that?  Your humanity is everything I cherish, and I cherish it very much. I am far more undeserving of you than you are of me.”
“That’s a bit far-fetched,” you said, though admitted to feeling much better.   Castiel’s expression did not change even though your tone jested.
“It’s not,” he said firmly.  “And you have given me everything.   Your secrets, your stories,” there was a faint smile here and you returned it softly, “your body.”   Said body reacted as if it was unaware until then, tickling heat throughout.    “Your heart, I like to think.”  
“Ah,” you looked away from his face, “you think right.”
“I don’t have a heart,” he said.  You looked at him strangely.  “A physical one, at least.   There’s one in this body but… that isn’t the point.”  His hands moved onto your knees and he looked at you imploringly.  “I fear my true form may actually frighten you more than anything else, but that is not an issue for today.   If you would have me, though, then I will…”   He trailed off again.   You went to encourage him once more but the flutter of wings interrupted you.   You leaned back, the breath knocked from your body as he revealed his wings—or at least part of them.
There was no perfect description, not in human terms, but their composition was something chaotic.    They unfolded like bird’s wings but they glimmered with fire and light, little tendrils of his grace fluttering and hooking in the air, blue and white and something so vivid that you can’t stare for long.   They looked wild and abrasive but smooth at once.
“Holy…”  You couldn’t manage an expletive.  Castiel smiled a bit.
“Yes,” he said.   You snapped from your trance, snorting at his jest.   You then bit your lip, staring at him for a long moment.
“Can I… uh… can I…?”
“Touch them?” he asked.  You jumped when one dipped toward you.  The fire receded slightly, revealing ivory feathers beneath bluish flame.   “Yes.”
Your heart definitely raced now.   You reached out very slowly, avoiding the thickest swirl of fire and touching a softer patch.   You gasped as your hand moved right through the flames, their whisper cool, soft, rolling around your hand.   It tickled your palm and you laughed, brushing your knuckles over a feather.   A few of them ruffled beneath your touch, twitching as your hand moved along their length.
“I’m not hurting you, right?” you asked, looking at his face.   Your hand paused where it was, your expression concerned and curious.  Castiel looked a bit flushed, his eyes locked on your hand.    He swallowed hard, shaking his head in answer to your question.   Your gaze wandered to his other wing.  It slowly wrapped around you, not touching but promising.    You looked at the first again, your fingers still curled.     “They’re beautiful,” you said, opening your hand to smooth your palm over a few feathers.    You almost swore they made noise, though not so literally.  It wasn’t an emission of sound, rather an aspect of being.  He was made of light, chaos, and sound, and something a little corporeal for your human touch.
“They’re me,” he simply said.  “Though much smaller in this form.”
“How big are they usually?”
“Very,” was all he said.   You smiled, throwing him a teasing look.
“Sounds sexy.”
He smiled at that, hands moving up your legs and settling on your waist.  He drew you closer, his free wing wrapped around you completely.   You shivered, fists instinctively clenching, closing around feather and flame.   He grunted, thumbs pressing into your hips.  
“This is as intimate as you can truly be,” he said, voice falling into a dark, husky scrape.  It slithered from head to toe, warming you all over.   “You understand, I would not share this with you if I felt anything less than love for you.”   You couldn’t even speak, overwhelmed by every word and touch.   His bruising thumbs stroked softly now, his eyes on your face while yours roamed his wing.   “It is something to feel,” he said thoughtfully, quietly.   You looked at him again, heart melting.
“I love you too, Cas.  I mean,” you laughed, “that’s probably obvious.  And I don’t have wings to show you, but I’ve never said that to anyone before so…”
“…so?” he prompted.  You smiled.  
“So you’re special, you loser.”
“That’s unkind.”  He smiled nonetheless,  then looked serious.   “Never doubt me in this matter,” he said.  “You should not feel less important than you are.  I am your husband before anything else.  That was my promise.”
“Promise,” you muttered.  Most of the wedding ceremony had escaped you.  You researched it later but you weren’t entirely sure of the vows sworn, at least beyond the obvious I will marry you and not cheat on you.   “What were our promises?” you asked, more curious than anything.    He looked surprise at this question.
“You understand Enochian fluently,” he said.   “Do you not remember?”
“I understand normal Enochian,” you replied, a bit dryly.  “It was a bit too twisted and flowery for me to follow along.”
“I see.”    His wings suddenly spread behind him and you snatched your hand back, startled.   His hands covered yours, bringing them to his mouth to kiss lightly.  He placed them back in your lap, keeping his hands atop them.    His wings lowered, folding almost demurely.  You tipped your head, watching in wonder.   “An angel bound in matrimony to a human… is a significant thing,” he said.   “My Father made you in His image.   From their conception, humans have been our mission.  When I swore myself to be your husband, and you my wife, it was intended to be an unprecedented.  And because humans are inherently favoured…”   So much trailing off tonight.   You tipped your head.   His hands moved up your arms, towards your elbows, then  fell to your hips again.   “Y/N, I am yours.”
Those words were heavy, carrying promise beyond their simple recitation.   You heart skipped a beat, your eyes roaming this incredible being who knelt in front of you and called himself yours.  
“Oh,” you said weakly, reaching for him.   You touched the side of his face, gently stroking your thumb over his cheek.   He leaned towards your touch, his heated gaze never leaving your face.   “I hope that’s a nice thing to be,” you said, at a loss for decent replies.   He smiled nonetheless.
“It is,” he said.   His hand covered yours, lifting it from his face as he turned his head.   It was his turn to kiss your palm.   He closed your fist, pressing his lips to your knuckles before lowering your hand to your own lap.   “If you will permit it, wife,” he said, straightening, “I would very much like to demonstrate that worship.”
“Cas,” you said with a small giggle, laughter replaced with a surprised squeak when he suddenly stood, practically shoving you up the bed.   You gasped, the breath scarcely past your lips before he moved over you, catching your mouth in another warm kiss.   He pressed you into the mattress, his hands high at your sides, one of your legs between his.   His wings disappeared but you were distracted anyway.  He reached down, hands sliding beneath your body, then he repositioned himself to kneel between your legs.   He sat upright, leaving you breathless, blinking up at him as you tried to process the past few seconds.
“Oh,” was all you managed, a simple syllable that kept returning.  Castiel smiled, much too knowingly.  You smiled as well, biting your bottom lip.  Your hands sat beside your head, turning to grip the sheets as his hands went his shirt.   He unknotted the tie, sliding it from his collar and dropping it to the floor.   You watched its descent then looked at him, watching as he unbuttoned his shirt and removed that next.    You made a small, content sound, touching your tongue to your lip to soothe it from your bite.  
He bent over you, gaze darkening.   One hand landed beside your head while the other went to your face, his thumb smoothing over your bottom lip.   You parted your lips, nipping at his thumb, smiling when he did.   He replaced his hand with his mouth, kissing you slowly.  You tried to deepen it but he refused, catching your hands in his and pressing them into the mattress.   You shifted beneath him, needing so much more.   His kiss was hot, wet, gradually deepening, but torturously slow.   He turned his head a bit, licking your bottom lip, but then he went right back to his leisurely kiss.
“Cas,” you groaned, breaking from him long enough to say that.   He kissed you again, a short peck, once, twice, three times.  Then he moved down your body, gathering the hem of your shirt as he did so.   He pushed it up and you helped remove it, not particularly caring where he threw it.   You unhooked your bra and he drew it off, tossing it wherever he did the shirt.   Then he was in your arms, chests pressed together, kissing you deeply, with greater fervour than before.   He bit your lip before pulling away, once more moving lower.
“I have said it many times before,” he murmured into your skin, kissing along your collarbone and down between your breasts, “but you will have what you want.”
“You,” was your reply, breathing the word, “always just you.”  Your words became a nonsensical sound, hands moving into his hair as he closed his lips around a nipple, lavishing attention to your breasts with soft kisses, licks, and bites, his rougher hand filling the spaces between.   He moved down your stomach to the waistband of your pants, making short of work of the button and zipper.   Your pants were halfway down your thighs when you thought of something, grabbing him by his hair and lifting his head.
“Cas, you didn’t check us into the hotel,” you said, fighting laughter.   He frowned.
“is that entirely necessary?”
“You know it is.  Oh my god, go!  Really quick!   We can’t just take the room!”
“But Dean confirmed it was this room number—”
“They need to know we’re here!  What if they send up a cleaner or try to give the room away when we don’t show up?”
“Y/N,” he groaned unhappily.  You laughed, pushing him up.
“Doesn’t always pay to use your wings and make shortcuts, huh?” you teased.   He glared in good humour, kissing you quickly on the mouth before climbing off you.    He picked up his shirt and with a flick of his wrist, it was back on his body.   It wasn’t so easy to erase the bulge in his pants.   You tried not to giggle, leaning on your elbows and watching him adjust himself.   He threw you an exasperated look and you flopped back, covering your mouth to stifle laughter.    
“I’ll be back,” he said gruffly.   He disappeared with a flap of his wings, likely manifesting in the lobby downstairs.   Still grinning, you climbed off the bed and removed your remaining clothes.   You spent a moment gathering some of the scattered clothes, placing his trenchcoat and suit jacket on the back of a chair.   Your own were placed on the desk, his tie atop them.    You then went to the door, opening it enough to hook the do not disturb sign on the handle.   You closed the door, locking it again.   Your hand was still on the knob when you heard the flutter of wings.   It was followed by the quick thump of his shoes as he kicked them off, bare feet padding towards you.  
“That was fast,” you said, turning around to face a very impatient husband.
“Not fast enough,” he replied, grabbing you before another word was spoken.  His mouth silenced any surprised word.   He lifted you off your feet, all but slamming you into the door.   You made a sound into the kiss and he leaned back momentarily.   “I’m sorry,” he said, one hand moving behind your head.
“Don’t be,” you said with a smile.  He returned it, pressing your head down so you kissed him.   Both his hands went to your waist while yours went to his pants, opening them and shoving them down.   Once his boxers and pants hung low enough to free his cock, you started unbuttoning his shirt.   He wasted no time, hands beneath your thighs as he slid inside you.   You gasped into his kiss, fingers pausing halfway down his shirt as he started fucking you right there against the door.  
“Ugh, I love you so much,” you muttered, speaking against his mouth.   He kissed you then moved his mouth along your jaw, flicking his tongue against your earlobe before speaking low.
“I assure you,” he said, “the feeling is very much mutual.”
You somehow managed to pry open his shirt, shoving at it until he held you differently, changing the angle of his thrusts slightly, enough that your head fell against the door and a cry left your lips.   You spoke his name, his shirt halfway down his arms, his hands under your knees and your bodies pressed together.   You couldn’t move yourself in this position but he managed just fine, one hand sliding under your thigh and curving around your rear.   You groaned, shoving your hands into his hair.  He looked positively wrecked, clothes hanging in disarray, hair frenzied from your fingers and lips swollen from kisses.  
You could only focus on that so long, however.   His wings slowly formed behind him, then wrapped around both of you.   You cried out as they brushed your naked body, absolute ecstasy washing from head to toe at the intimate caress.   Then they supported you, enough that his hand was put to better use.   He lowered it between you, touching you where you needed and bringing you over the edge with a few well-timed circles on your throbbing clit.   You moaned raggedly, eyes closing, tips of his wings whistling through your hair and over your skin.   You wrapped your legs around his waist tightly, clenching around his cock and drawing him right over that same precipice.   He pressed his face into your shoulder, suddenly biting down while pitching his hips.
You swore your ear were ringing by the time things slowed down.   He lowered your legs, placing you back on your feet.   Your stance was a bit shaky but his wings held your shoulders, keeping you upright.   You sighed, slumping against the door.   You expected him to relocate to the bed, giving you a breath before anything else happened.
Instead he dropped to his knees in front of you, kissing his way up your thigh.  
“Castiel…” you gasped, your hand finding his hair.   You looked down at him, panting.   “What are you doing?”
“You know what I’m doing,” was his cheeky response, his mouth so close—
You made a high-pitched sound, breaking into a whimper when he grabbed your leg and hooked it over his shoulder.   His mouth settled over you, clever tongue working you with familiar skill.   You bucked against him, everything sensitive and achy.   The thought of another orgasm was almost agonizing, but tantalizing.   And Castiel always knew how to bring you there, no matter how your sensitive sex protested.   You were close again in moments, sliding down the door.
It was then his hands moved under you, wings fluttering.    You were on your back in a moment, laying on the bed with Castiel between your legs.   You tipped your head into the mattress, groaning when his quick actions slowed considerably.
“Castiel,” you groaned, tugging at his hair.  It didn’t deter him.   He licked upward, looking at you as he did so.
“I want to enjoy my wife,” he said and god, you could have come from that alone.   He ensured you did not, drawing out every motion until you were an untethered mess.    Only then did he allow you to come, definite stars in the black as you closed your eyes and rode his face through your orgasm.    You lay there afterward, blinking up at the ceiling, breathing hard.   “So beautiful when you come for me,” he murmured, kissing your inner thigh before sitting up.  
You lay there, just watching as he removed his shirt again.   You looked down and groaned when you saw he was hard again, having had ample time during that last session.   He removed his remaining clothes then ran his hand along your leg, up your hip, over your breast.   You shivered, watching as a wing lowered around you, following the same path.   Your faint tremor became a full-bodied shudder, heavy-lidded eyes turning up to his wings.  
“You feel so beautiful,” you murmured, sighing when a tendril of blue flame danced over your cheek, feeling like the soft kiss of cool wind.  
“I’m glad you feel that way,” he said, head of his cock pressing at your entrance.   The caress of his wings had eased the fire in your body, but you still made a noise of tortured pleasure.
“Cas—”  You couldn’t even finish his name, breaking into a wordless breath as he filled you again.  He bent over you, kissing the corner of your mouth.  
“Y/N,” he spoke your name around a faint moan.  You opened your mouth beneath his, letting him kiss you again.    You pressed your knees against his sides, breathing raggedly against his lips as he rolled his hips against yours, thrusting into you.   The light of his wings seemed to slide all around you, kissing your skin, warming you and cooling you at once.   There were so many sensations, you could only passively receive everything for a moment.   Then you summoned your own senses and began to meet his thrusts, not so delirious but certainly caught in the moment.  
You both collapsed with a moan when he came inside you, his body weighing heavy on yours for a time.   He eventually moved over, drawing you into his arms and holding you there.   His wing wrapped around you, light and sound running over you with no clear pattern.
“This is me,” Castiel said, his eyes on a wing.   You followed his gaze, watching the amazing sight.   “That is clear desire,” he continued, “for you.   Only you… and always you.”
You closed your eyes for a moment.   You remembered a time when you believed all hope of this was impossible.   You doubted the realization of an epic romance, but here you were in the throes of one.  And it wasn’t epic as you once thought it defined; great whirling stories of horrible pain, tears, anguish, filled with broad declarations of love that redeemed the dark moments.   Those things existed, but in smaller portions.   So it wasn’t so epic, after all.
But you realized this was much better.  
His wings wrapped around you, his arms thrown over you, his lips against your forehead—that was all you needed.   A soft assurance, no great declaration, a quiet promise of eternity, his grace wound to your soul, and happiness.
“Thank you for saving me,” you mumbled, “all that time ago.”  Thinking about beginnings could frighten, but not tonight.  Nightmares were far from mind as you fell asleep.  
He muttered something into your hair.  All you heard was my wife, the rest of the sentence foggy, but you supposed it could wait for when you could listen.    You fell asleep tucked against him, his wings closing around you and holding you near.  
part seven
castiel x reader masterpost
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luckyricochet · 4 years
I want you to answer A-Z on the fandom asks so I can peer into your psyche 👀
Wow I love you. This actually took around three hours since I wanted to think about the answers. See them under the cut!
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
From Hanyou no Yashahime — Sesshomaru and Rin
From The Mandalorian — The Mandomera’s been creeping up a little bit. 
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Honestly can’t think of one. I’m very set in my ships. 
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
From Naruto — SasuSaku. Sasuke was cute as a kid so I get Sakura having a crush on him then, but I think she would have gotten over it when he became a homicidal clown who abandoned the village and tried to kill her and her teammates multiple times.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
From Harry Potter — Ron x Hermione. I’ve always thought their personalities didn’t match and not in the good “opposites attract” kind of way.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
I only know how to write angst, drama, and introspective musings so no. 
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Over fifteen years in the Harry Potter fandom, but I’ve had to separate that from JKR herself in the recent years. 
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
“Have I ever had an OTP”? *laughs from shipping hell* 
From The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare — Nat and Kit were my first OTP. Read this book in fifth grade and was immediately loved them. Boy literally risks banishment from the colony to help prove she’s not a witch. 
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
I love visual media, so TV, anime, and film
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
I’m not going to let tumblr dot com put me off of a particular show/book/etc. itself, but it has definitely made me think less of certain types of fans who are in a fandom. 
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
The...period drama fandom? More widely, the history fandom. They both create some of the most beautiful edits celebrating history and I love it. 
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
 From Avatar: The Last Airbender — It’s gotta be Prince Zuko
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
From Harry Potter — I think Ginny is a Mary Sue but I loved when she stood up for herself in Half-Blood Prince when Ron was trying to slut-shame her. 
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
From Parks and Recreation — Leslie Knope. Unending positive affirmations, thoughtfulness, and support!
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
I don’t really have a main fandom but I haven’t mentioned Free! yet so let’s go with it for this one. 
1. Less Nitori because I can’t stand him.
2. More female characters! I get half the appeal is the boys, but I’d love to see a girls swim team in some capacity. 
3. More Haru and his family dynamics! Doesn’t have to be a ton, but I want to know what his relationship with his parents like, especially as an adult.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
Salt and the Sea - The Lumineers. “From the destruction, out of the flame. You need a villain, give me a name.” Such an Odesta song. (Finnick x Annie from the Hunger Games)
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
For The Mandalorian — A historical AU set in early 1900s New York City where Mando’s just some government agent sent to “report” on slum conditions to satisfy some housing law. He goes meaning to write up a generic report but then finds the orphaned Baby Yoda abandoned in one of the tenements. Shocked by the conditions of the slums, Mando goes from being an apathetic, middling-level bureaucrat to being an anonymous investigative journalist reporting on the corruption in the government that allows for the city’s most vulnerable citizens to live in squalor, leading the government on a search to find who within their ranks is exposing them. 
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
Sherlock, because it just took so long for the third series to come out. I had moved on to other fandoms by the time it did. Still have fond memories of when I was active in it, though. 
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
From Lord of the Rings — Aragorn and Legolas. This is played up a lot more in the films but I love it. 
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
For Lord of the Rings — Boromir definitely taught Faramir swordplay when they were little kids since their father didn’t want to. 
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
From Hanyou no Yashahime — Rin made the first move. Sesshomaru would be way too clueless to even know how to go about it. 
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
From Pirates of the Caribbean — James Norrington: Commodore in the Royal Navy during the 18th century, must I explain any further? Cool, calm, and collected on the job while looking v good while he does it but a nervous wreck in front of the woman he fancies. Tell me that’s not straight out of Austen.
From Star Wars (OT) — Luke Skywalker: An unapologetically good person in a crapsack world, doing his best to bring light into the world. A classic hero archetype who grows out of his naïveté to become a cunning—but still benevolent—Jedi. 
From Prince of Tennis — Yukimura Seiichi: His duality is *chef’s kiss*. Super scary and in charge on the court, gentle sweet boy who loves art and culture off the court. He struggled for so long but was able to overcome it all through his hard work and willpower.
Bonus favorite, because I couldn’t resist...
From Band of Brothers — Doc Roe: He’s doing the MOST for his guys but he really just needs a hug. Plus he’s got the accent.
V - Which character do you relate to most?
From Little Women — Jo March, especially as portrayed by Saoirse Ronan in the 2019 adaptation. Writer, holds grudges, opinionated, stubborn, eschewed “girliness” in her youth but is more open to it and romanticism as an adult. 
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
I’ve gotten to the point where even the hint of a love triangle tests my patience.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
It’s about the yearning: Longing Look
Also will definitely always ship the Brooding Boy and the Gentle Girl
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Anything in the MCU or general superhero content.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
I love fandom so much. I’m sort of facetious about being obsessed with people who aren’t real on my other social media accounts, but in all seriousness, being able to escape the real world to get excited over characters and relationships that face their own struggles, triumphs, and emotions is such a gift. So often they speak so powerfully on the human experience—How can you read, or watch, any of Tolkien’s work and not be moved by what he has to say about humanity and the power of good? Even if the stories are fictional, the messages they impart about life aren’t, which is what I love so much about them.
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bittywitches · 5 years
Kitty Love (Ethan Dolan Fanfic)
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GIF credit *@ethanhes​*
A/N: I wrote this sooo long ago (literally right after the first mini home video came out??) but it didn’t even end up being all that related to the vid in the first place....lol
Basically Ethan and Y/N are childhood bffs and Y/N has never really been away from Ethan for that long before and it starts to cause some ~tension~ when she comes to see how things are going on the van
Anyways, thanks for reading, ly <3
“It seriously should not have taken you that long to get here.” Ethan grinned when he saw Y/N walk into the room. 
“Hey, lay off. I’ve never been here before, it took me a while to figure it out.” She smiled back at him, pulling the straps of her backpack closer to her back. 
“Yea yea.” He stretched his arms out, welcoming her into his embrace. She walked into his arms and gave him a tight squeeze. “I’m so bored. Thank you so much for coming, I’d probably shoot myself by now if you didn’t show up.”
She grabbed his shoulders and looked over them, peering over at the others working on the van. Sawdust floated through the entire room, and there was overall dampness in the air that seems to come with all of the wood material around.
“Gray isn’t letting you do any work, huh?” She stepped back from him and was able to catch Grayson’s attention long enough to give him a quick wave. He smiled and waved back, then went back to sawing more wood pieces.
Ethan groaned. “Yeah.”
She shrugged. “Understandable. You can’t do shit.”
“Wow, okay. Fuck you too.”
She giggled and patted his cheek. “So, road trip, huh? Sounds pretty exciting.”
He grinned. “Yea. It’s gonna be so fun. We finally have the time to put more effort into something cool.” The next few weeks were pretty much booked solid for him, filled with one fun thing after the other. They’d take a Road trip to Jersey where he’d be able to hang out with his family for a bit, and then fly out to Australia. Sure, they were cutting it close, but that was all part of the excitement, right?
“Right. And clearly, you’re putting in TONS of effort.” She patted his chest with both hands, chuckling at him a bit. Her eyes seemed to sparkle a bit whenever she did that like there was some magic in there that came out of her with every smile. Maybe it was just the familiarity of her, but whenever Ethan saw her little dimples it sent a warm feeling throughout his chest. 
Ethan and Y/N had been friends for almost forever, and she came over quite often. They’d met each other back in grade school, and became really close as they got older. He was fairly certain she wouldn’t have moved out to LA if the twins hadn’t decided to in the first place. He was confident enough to say she was his closest friend, after Grayson of course. She was his cozy place he could retreat to whenever he wanted. 
Ethan rolled his eyes. “Are you just here to insult me?”
“Hey, you’re the one who called me!”
“And you somehow are making me regret it.”
“Shut up.” She shoved his chest, and he smiled at her.
“So, how are you doing?”
“You ask me that as if you didn’t see me just yesterday.”
“Oh my god, you’re so annoying.” He brushed a hand through his hair. “How're classes going n stuff?”
She sighed, rubbing her shoulders, which were peppered with freckles. They matched the ones on her face, and Ethan loved to run his fingers over them, dragging his finger across the freckles like he was connecting the dots to draw a bigger picture. “Alright, I guess. Everything’s been super boring lately. I just work, eat, go over to your house, and sleep.”
“Sounds pretty fun to me,” Ethan remarked.
“Yeah, well maybe you should take my classes for me and I’ll go on your little road trip.”
Ethan groaned, and she giggled. “Sorry. I don’t mean to complain.”
“No no I’m not annoyed.” He rubbed her elbow. “Maybe you SHOULD come with us. That seems like it’d be more interesting than your classes.”
She laughed. “I know you’re not serious because you’d never kick Kyle off the trip.”
“Who said we’d have to kick off Kyle?”
“That bed can not fit four people!”
“Who says? You can just snuggle up real close to me.”
“Hmmm.. while that does sound appealing...” she stepped closer to him then flicked his nose with her finger, making his heart flutter. “you know that’d never work. School and whatnot.” She slumped her shoulders.
“Yea..” Ethan sighed. “Wish you could though. I’m not gonna see you for so long.”
She looked up at him, head tilted, a gentle look in her eye. 
“Nothing.” It looked like she was holding back, but she gave that up and wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face into his chest. Ethan was caught by surprise a bit but loved the feeling of Y/N’s warmth all the same.
“You okay?” He rubbed her back gently, burying his nose into her hair. 
“Yea.” She brought her hands down to rest against his chest, placing her ear next to his heart. “You won’t even be gone that long. Dunno why I feel like I’m gonna miss you so much.”
“E, come over here!” Grayson shouted from the table he was at.
Ethan groaned, annoyed that this was the moment Grayson finally decided he needed his help. “Hey, gimme a sec.” He untangled himself from Y/N, then grabbed her waist, hoisting her up onto the nearest counter. “Be right back.”
“Okayyy.” She dangled her feet, kicking them back and forth as she watched Ethan make his way over to Grayson. Her eyes lingered, as If she was trying to memorize his shape. She was right, he really wouldn’t be gone for that long, but something about not seeing his face every day hit her in a bad way.
Only then did she notice that there was a big white splotch of dust on the back of Ethan’s pants. She giggled, then yelled, “Ethan, when did you start powdering your ass?”
He turned around abruptly, looked down, and smirked as he wiped the dust off of himself. “Eyes up here, honey.”
She sniggered. “All right, hot stuff.”
“You know it!” He yelled when he turned his back to her to keep walking.
She laughed, her eyes following him somewhat wistfully. 
He’s pretty cute, isn’t he? She thought.
Y/N took her bag off her back and set it down next to her on the counter. then brought her knees up to her chest and hugged them tightly. She found her eyes kept wandering back to the twins, one in particular. Ethan was wearing a loose sweatshirt and black shorts, and his hair was all ruffled up, a bit of sawdust floating around the top of his head. He had his hands planted on his hips, seeming to look deeply entranced in whatever Grayson was telling him. Y/N giggled, thinking that he probably had no idea what his brother was talking about. She loved Ethan, but his attention was all over the place. He’d never been able to keep his focus on anything for too long.
Except maybe on her.
Ethan wrapped up his conversation with Grayson and started to make his way back to Y/N. she was on her phone, kicking her feet back on forth and they were rhythmically tapping on the side of the counter. Her hair was tied back into a braid, and she was wearing a loose tank top and tights, her sweatshirt wrapped around her waist. She kept fiddling with the hair peeking out over her ear, and Ethan smiled. She seemed to always be fiddling with something, she could never sit still. It was like she could never calm herself down. She always had to be doing something.
Except maybe when with him.
“Hey, sorry about that.” He walked up to the counter. 
“Oh, no problem.” She tucked her phone away into her pocket. “I’m sure you were doing something VERY important.” Her mouth quirked up.
He rolled his eyes. “I’ll have you know that this van wouldn’t be able to be built without my input.”
“Oh, yea? What was Gray asking you about?”
“...the colour of the floorboards.”
“Wow, I didn’t realize you were in a position to make such big decisions.”
“Shut up!” He shoved her shoulder, and she laughed. 
“I’m sorry, teasing you is so fun.” She stretched her arms out for him, and Ethan boosted her off of the counter.
“Jesus, there’s so much dust everywhere.” She wiped the dust off her butt and thighs. 
“I mean that’s kinda what happens when you sit on the dusty counter.”
“Which you put me on.”
“Same difference.”
“Wait, so you’re saying that your powdered ass was a result of you sitting around doing nothing while Grayson’s out here doing all the heavy work?”
“Oh my god, I’m done with you.” He walked off to the other side of the workshop and she laughed as she followed alongside him.
“I’m sorry, you make it so easy!”
It had been nearly an hour, and both Y/N and Ethan were bored out of their minds. They debated leaving to go hang out elsewhere, maybe go get coffee, but Ethan didn’t want to leave Grayson alone to be making all the decisions on the van. Like he was making any in the first place.
Ethan kept wandering around the room, looking around at what the others were doing, when he finally settled for a few minutes in one corner of the workshop.
Y/N’s head perked up from her phone, looking around for Ethan but unable to catch his eye. “What??”
Ethan stepped around the corner, the biggest grin on his face and the cutest little kitten in his arms.
“Oh. My god.” Y/N jumped off the counter and ran up to him with a smile matching Ethan’s. “Oh my GOD he’s so cute!!”
“Right??” Ethan scratches him below the neck, causing the kitten to purr.
“Oh, you sweet little baby.” She ran her hand over his little head, scratching behind his ears. His nose twitched, and Y/N squealed in delight. “You’re a little cutie, aren’t you?” She said in a baby voice, and it felt like Ethan’s heart had doubled in size.
“Since when do you talk like that?”
“Since you started bringing me the cutest kitten ever.”
She was entranced with the little kitten, love, and adoration pouring out of her. God, she was so adorable. Ethan couldn’t help but feel like he wanted that kind of adoration from her. 
“Yes, you’re just the most adorable thing ever.” She babied the cat, and Ethan couldn’t help but grin ear to ear. 
“He’s so cute givehimtome.”
Y/N went to take the kitten from Ethan’s arms, but he pulled back for a moment, deciding he wanted to have some fun with Y/N for a bit.
“Hold on. This cat is precious. You have to be careful you know.”
“I know how to hold a cat!”
“This cat is a BABY. It’s our baby! I can’t be so carefree with my child!”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “He’s not our baby.”
Ethan gasped and cupped a hand over the kitten’s ear left ear. “Don’t you dare talk like that in front of our son!”
“Ethan come oooon I want to play with it too!”
“Our CHILD is not something to be played with, Y/N! He deserves the utmost care and to be fair I don’t think you can do it.”
“How dare you!” She lunged for the kitten but Ethan turned his back to her, holding the cat out of reach. 
“Ethan careful you’re going to drop him!”
Although Y/N didn’t really think he would. To be honest, the cat seemed to be having a fun time, wiggling his tail about as Ethan held it in his arms. 
“I am being careful, unlike you! You are a danger to this precious creature!”
“Ethan PLEASE! I want the fuzzy baby!” She grabbed his arm and tugged, making him turn around to face her. 
“No Y/N, I can’t trust you. You need to calm down.”
“How am I supposed to come down when you won’t let me hold our son??”
Ethan immediately stopped the charade, blinking at Y/N. Y/N, surprised at Ethan’s abrupt stop, looked up at him expectedly with her arms outstretched. “Give him to me.”
He did so right away and watched how Y/N’s expression of annoyance quickly morphed into one of excitement. 
“You called him our son.”
“I did what I had to do so I could hold him.”
“Uhuh. Sure.”
She rolled her eyes once more and turned her back to him. “I’m walking away now.”
“No you’re not, we need to discuss this! What does this mean for our son??”
Nearing the end of the day, the rest of the boys and Grayson were finishing up their work on the van.
“E, I’m so tired.”
Y/N rubbed her eyes and let out a yawn. “Let’s go home.”
“Come on...” he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and gave her a tight squeeze. “They’re almost done.”
“That’s what they say.” She groaned and leaned into his chest.
“C'mon. Let’s go.” She grabbed his sweatshirt and started to tug him.
“Pleaaaase.” She groaned. “I’m exhausted.”
He was tempted, but he knew he’d never hear the end of it if he left Grayson without saying anything.
“Okay... hold on.”
He shouted over to Gray. “Yo! Y/N’s tired, I’m taking her home!”
Gray shot him a thumbs-up, and Ethan turned back to her. “Alright, let's go.”
“Wait. Go where?”
Ethan blinked at her. “Are you high or something?”
“You just asked if we could go home. So now I’m taking you home.”
“My home?”
“Okay, are you seriously alright? Did you breathe in too much sawdust?” He creased his eyebrows.
“YES, your home.”
“No wait, I meant your place. Let’s go to your place.”
Ethan raised her eyebrows at her. “This late?”
“I’ll just sleepover.”
“But you have class tomorrow morning.”
Who cares?
“You can drive me.”
“I don’t think I’ll have time to..”
Seeing her face drop made him change his mind completely.
“Yea. I can do that.”
She grinned and pumped her fists into the air. “Yusss, I’m gonna get cuddles.”
Ethan’s faces flushed, and he rolled his eyes. “Shut up.”
“Nope. You will drown in my cuddles.”
She grabbed his sweatshirt and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her nose almost touching his. Ethan’s jaw had dropped just a tiny bit, not knowing what to do, being so close to her. His face heated up so fast, it felt like Y/N could almost feel it, but she laughed. “Carry me to the car?”
“Oh my god, you lazy ass.” 
“Hmph.” She jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist, then rested her head on his shoulder. Ethan grabbed her thighs and held her tightly, grinning like a fool.
“What’re you smiling about?” Y/N asked him slyly. 
“Nothin’.” He said, making his way towards the car. 
“Dumbass.” She murmured, smiling into his sweatshirt.
“Open the door, it’s freezing.” Y/N shivered, retreating into the sweatshirt Ethan gave her while in the car. 
“Okay, okay. Hold on.” Ethan’s hands fumbled in the cold, shoving the key into the lock and jiggling it vigorously before the door opened.
Y/n couldn’t help but giggle at his red-tinted ears and nose. She could tell he was cold, but he was trying to hide it. Though not very well, because along with his shivering fingers, him shifting his weight from side to side while searching for the key was a dead giveaway. She felt kind of bad taking his sweatshirt, but she also loved that he was willing to do that for her.
“Okay, it’s open.” He huffed.
“Finally.” Y/N ran into the house, kicking her shoes off at the door. “How can it be this cold in LA?”
“We’ve been spoiled by the heat.” He closed the door behind him, placing his shoes next to hers by the door. “Canada would make us it’s bitch.”
“Honestly, yea.” Y/N grabbed Ethan's hand to drag him to his room, but let out a small gasp. “Jesus, your hands are freezing.” 
“Yea, because somebody stole my sweatshirt.” 
“You gave it to me!” 
She grumbled. “Okayyy I’m sorry. I’ll give you extra cuddles while we watch a movie to make up for it.”
“Hey, you have school tomorrow.” His eyes softened and he pulled her into his chest, and she huffed into his T-shirt.
“Whatever.” She mocked him.
“Dude, it’s late.” He looked down at her. “You’re not gonna be able to wake up in the morning.” 
“Yea I will.” She shoved him gently. “We’ll watch it on your laptop, then I can just fall asleep on your bed.” 
“Come onnnn.” She tugged on his arm, and he sighed in defeat. 
“Okay! Just let me go make some tea or something.” She nodded, letting his hand go so he could leave for the kitchen. “My laptop is on my bed, just pick a movie, ‘kay?” 
She gave him a thumbs-up, then made her way to his bedroom. She plopped down onto his bed, grabbing the laptop then throwing the covers over her. She sighed, relaxing her shoulders at the familiar environment of Ethan’s bedroom. 
What am I doing here?
Y/N sighed, slumping down further into the mattress. What was she doing here? She had come over to Ethan’s house at midnight, in hopes of watching a movie with him on a weekday? With school tomorrow? What was she doing?
God, I’m so into him, aren’t I?
She groaned, pulling the covers over her head in defeat. The overwhelming smell of Ethan from the sheets only helped fuel her frustration. She grunted, throwing the sheets off of her, trying to free her nose of the scent. 
“ETHAN!” She yelled for him.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” She heard his voice echoing down the hall, followed by his footsteps. He pushed the door open with his side, both of his hands being occupied by two cups of warm tea. He sat himself down on the edge of the bed and handed her one of the cups. “Here.”
She looked at him warily, trying her hardest to take the cup without touching his fingers, which got a weird look from Ethan. She took a sip of the tea.
She groaned.
It was perfect. Exactly how she liked it.
“Oh my god, you suck ass.” She swatted his shoulder in frustration.
“What?” His eyebrows creased. “I swear I did the way you usually do. I soaked the tea bag for exactly three minutes, added the teaspoon of sugar before the milk, and then just one spoon of honey-”
“GOD, I hate you so much.” She shoved him in the shoulder again, groaning as she laid her head back onto the headboard. 
Ethan raised an eyebrow. “What’s up with you?”
“Nothing.” Y/N mumbled.
“Are you mad at me or something?”
“No!” she said, flustered.
“Did I do something to upset you?”
“Ethan, NO!” 
“Then what the fuck are you so pissy about?”
“NOTHING, okay?” She set her tea on the side table and pulled the laptop towards her aggressively. “Jesus.”
Ethan tilted his head at her. “Y/N?”
“What do you want?” She looked up at him menacingly.
Ethan rolled his eyes. “Will you just tell me what the matter is?”
“There is no matter to tell you.”
“If you don’t tell me I won’t watch the movie with you.”
“I have nothing to say!”
He took her hand. She almost flinched, his warm hand sending a shock throughout her entire body. She looked at him, and his eyes were concentrated on her. “Tell me.”
She lost herself in a few seconds of bliss, but then yanked her hand away. “Get out of my face.”
He huffed. “Okay, fine. You don’t have to tell me what it is, just tell me if I’m the reason you’re all grumpy.”
Are you kidding?
She groaned. “Ethan… please just watch the movie.” She shimmied over patting the seat next to her.
He shook his head. “Tell me first.”
She sighed. “Okay. fine.” She took a deep breath. “You are the reason.” 
Ethan leaned back, seeming a bit bewildered. “Okay. don’t know what I was expecting you to say, but kind of didn’t want it to be that.” he waited for her to respond, to give him something, anything, but she just awkwardly stared at the laptop screen.
He sat there for a moment, wondering what exactly to say to her. He looked like he really wanted to ask her what this was all about, but he knew he couldn’t. He said that he wouldn’t.
“Okay then.” He got up. “Did you pick a movie?”
Y/N was so lost in her own thoughts, she had practically forgotten about choosing one. “Oh, yea. Sure. Just lemme check.”
“Alright, just let me text Gray real quick, okay?” She nodded. Ethan sat down at his desk chair, swiveling it around so he faced her. He took out his phone and began typing up whatever it was he was going to send to his brother.
Y/N watched him, warily from the bed. She didn’t know what to do. There were so many things going through her head at once. She wanted to tell him. She wanted him to know why she was there. She wanted him to know why she wanted to watch a movie. She wanted him to know how she felt. She wanted him to feel the same way. 
She wanted him. 
“Hey, E.” 
“Look at me.”
He looked up at her skeptically, raising an eyebrow. “What is it?”
She looked at his eyes for a moment, the brown and hazelnut seeming to warm her from the inside. She took in every part of him. His eyes, his nose, his pesky hair that never stayed in one place. His beauty marks and almost non-existent acne scars, his sharp jawline and his stubble. His somehow still tinted ears, his dimples, his soft pink lips.
“Kiss me.”
He didn’t react at first, not seeming to follow. Then a quick flash of a smile, thinking it was a joke. But as he realized she was serious, his eyes widened, the colour from his ears now flushing to his face.
“Kiss me.”
He moved his mouth, but couldn’t seem to form any words. “I don’t-”
“Ethan kiss me before I change my mind.”
He seemed frozen for a moment, unsure of what to do. He didn’t seem to understand the words she had just said. He stared at her, running his eyes over her, landing finally on her lips. He’d tried so hard to keep his eyes away from them, but now he couldn’t help it. They were all he wanted.
She was all he wanted.
He got up, cupped her face with his hands, and pressed his greedy lips to hers. A moan escaped Y/N’s lips, and Ethan smiled against them when he heard that heavenly sound. Her face flushed, feeling the smile on Ethan’s lips, and she pulled away.
“I hate you.”
“I’m sorry. You’re fucking adorable.”
“God, I HATE you!” She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him again. He leaned forward, pushing her all the way down so she laid down on the bed, and he held himself over her, propping himself up with his arms on either side of her. He deepened the kiss, not able to get enough of the taste of her lips. He pulled back, smiling at her. 
“I thought you were mad at me.”
She glanced away from him. “Well, I was.”
He laughed. “For what?”
“For not taking a hint!” She couldn’t help but giggle.
“It’s not my fault that you’re 90% sarcasm.”
“It’s not my fault that you have such a thick skull.”
“You are so ruining this.”
“Shut up!”
He leaned down once more, kissing her again. She sighed, letting her arms make their way up his arms and back around his neck. He pressed a kiss to her cheek, then her jaw, then her neck.
She blushed, hard. “Ethan!!” she pushed him up so they were both sitting upright, sitting as close to each other as possible. 
“Cmon, this is the least I can do for catching on so late.”
She smiled at him, then laid her head against his shoulder. “How about we just watch a movie instead?”
He grinned like a fool. “Sounds amazing.”
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dabblescrawl · 4 years
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Once Bitten, Twice Shy - Part One
Request by @ratatata-ah While Oscar is incarcerated, the reader took care of Cesar and when Oscar gets out he and the reader (Monse’s cousin) meet for the first time.  Oscar quickly becomes infatuated with the reader and invites her to his “welcome home” party to get to know her more.  The reader is shy and Oscar is very flirtatious trying to get her to open up more.  Long story short, the series could be about Oscar falling in love with the reader 
Monse and her crew had been friends since birth it seemed.  In truth, I suppose it was grade school when they were all kinders and the rag-tag group had formed.  Monse, always her style, had been the outspoken one who took quickly to learning.  Cesar had kept up with her academically and they had often found themselves in the same groups assigned by their teachers.  The pair’s quick wit and blunt personalities had matched right away.  Cesar was also a protector.  Even as small children Ruby and Jamal had been in need of that.  And so the small group of wildly different perspectives had formed.  
Sitting in the Diaz house now watching them argue about the rules for Clue, I rolled my eyes.  Their little group seemed to conflict more than they agreed, and yet the soon to be high schoolers seemed tight as ever.  Often when you were watching them spend time together like this you were slightly jealous of their tight bond.  Despite any bickering or arguments, the group always had each other’s backs.  They protected and supported one another.  The world be damned and destroyed if it tried to hold down any one of the four.
Many times I’d wished my friendships were like that.  Of course they weren’t.  Sure I had friends but I am a continuous giver without much reciprocation.  I am a part of several friend groups due to my kind spirit and personality, but none of those groups ever felt like my own, not the way the Core 4 belonged to each other.  It probably was related to my hesitant and unsure nature when it came to sharing myself with others.  It was easier to be a yes woman and do what was asked of me than build any personal connections.
Shaking away the thoughts of self pity and jealousy, because those never resulted in anything good, I elected to see what was still in the fridge from my last shopping trip.  Opening the door I saw a few things but nothing of substance left.  I nodded to myself, grabbing the keys off the countertop and heading towards the door.
“I’m going to the store,” I announced, my words unheard over the game, “Ay!” I shouted over their voices to try again.  Four sets of eyes trained on me.  “Cesar and Monse, any requests from the store for food this week?” Both preteens shook their heads negative.  “Ok, well I’m going now then, and then when I get back…”
“Everybody better get their asses outside to help carry it in.” They answered.
I nodded, “And then everybody is going home,”  which was answered by 4 sets of eye rolls.  “Eh, eh, it’s a school night,” four more nods.  “Last call on requests because…”
“I’m only going once” they echoed again, cutting me off.
“Awww,” I replied sweetly tugging at Monse’s check who was closest to me, “I have trained you so well.” I giggled and headed out the door as the bickering started again.
The mothering thing had come naturally to me, but I guess that was to be expected, I had raised myself from a young age.  When Uncle Monty first started long hauls he was only gone overnight and I’d gone to stay with Monse.  But the money was better and I was free anyways so nights turned to weekends, and weekends, turned to weeks, and those weeks were sometimes continuous.  I’d lived there through most of high school and simply stayed after I graduated three years ago.  I’d always been able to go out on a limb for either Monse or Cesar and be more assertive, but when it came to myself that was a skill I lacked.
After Cesar’s brother had gotten locked up, he’d been a mess.  How was a 10 year old kid supposed to take care of himself?  And the truth was, he wasn’t.  In fact, it was by some miracle at all that he’d been overlooked and allowed to continue to live outside of the foster system himself.  And I intended to keep him that way.  Sure, he was alone a lot, but the Core 4 and myself also tried to have him around as much as possible.  So really, he wasn’t alone all that much more than you or Monse.  The thought of foster care just did too much to disrupt his life so you’d made it your mission to make sure it didn’t happen to either of them.
Pulling the coffee off the pot and pouring it into the cup I slid my phone out of my pocket and speed dialed 2.  “Hello” came the groggy voice on the other end.  
“Morning, sleepy head” he smiled into the phone, “Have you taken a shower yet?”  The voice mumbled an affirmative.  “What’d you have for breakfast?” The voice slurped into the phone as if to answer the question.
Mouth clearly full, the answer was garbled, “Cereal”.
I nodded to myself, “Brushed your teeth?”
“YES MOM” was answered from the frustrated half yell.
“Listen here friend,” I started, “it’s a call or a visit, you want your mornings to yourself you just answer.” 
“I know” Cesar conceded, “I have to get dressed so I’ll be ready when everybody gets here.  
“Have a great day, learn something new, and…be good” we finished in unison.  “Bye, companero”
I hung up and took the first deep gulp of piping hot coffee.  Ok, one down, one to go.  I marched off towards Monse’s room where I completed almost the same routine with much more resistance from Monse than Cesar had given me.  The teen years were going to be fun.
With everyone off to school you hurried around to tidy up the house, finish getting ready for work, and barely made it out the door on time.
Monse had just left for writing camp for the summer.  For the first time in a long time, there wasn’t a kid in the house for you to take care of.  You’d picked up extra shifts, carefully scheduling them when Cesar should be asleep or with friends so that he wouldn’t be alone all the time.  
As seemed to be my norm, I had done some favors for my friends this morning and was completely behind when I had wanted to leave.  I texted Cesar apologizing and letting him know I would make a late lunch, instead of noon as we had planned.  No response yet, I hoped he hadn’t decided to eat without me. 
I hurried to finish getting ready and chose to leave the house with soaking wet hair.  I mean Cesar has seen me before, no need to waste anymore time getting prepped, we were just having lunch.
I pulled into the drive and noticed quite a few more cholos in the yard.  I frowned, that’s weird, sometimes different homies come around to check on Cesar, but never this many.  Something had to be going on.
I stepped out of the car and headed for the house.  Opening the door I yelled for Cesar, “Hey, Cesar, just me.  I’ll get lunch started!” I made my way into the kitchen without really taking a look around, “Also, what’s going on, there’s like a bunch of people outside.”  I pulled the ingredients for lunch from the cabinets and the fridge with ease, after all it’s not my first time cooking here.
“Uh, Y/N” Cesar said, seemingly hesitant near the fridge.
“What’s up dude” I smiled and continued about my business.
“And who do you think you are?” a deep, booming, voice came from behind where Cesar stood. 
I turned and my jaw dropped to see Cesar’s older brother Spooky behind him.  Blinking a few times, I gathered myself.
“Uh, hi, Spooky” I started, then gained a little more confident and raised my voice above a whisper, “You probably don’t know me, I am Monse’s cousin, Y/N.” You paused as the information didn’t seem to answer his question, his face hard and betrayed no emotion.  “Um, I have been watching out for Cesar since you’ve been gone.” I finished.  
“Yeah, Oscar, she’s been awesome.  She checks on me every day, and does the grocery shopping, and well most of the cooking too.” Cesar started his words tumbling out in a rush.
“Monse’s cousin?” he asks.
I nod, “Yeah, my mom is Uncle Monty’s, that’s Monse’s dad, sister.  I didn’t move to Freeridge full time until she died” I shrugged, it was old news. 
He nodded as if taking in this new information.  “Well thanks for taking care of my mano'' he said, placing his hand on Cesar’s shoulder.
“Now I get why everyone is outside” I answered, turning back to the food, “well” I said clicking my teeth and surveying the contents of the fridge.  “I don’t think I have what we need to serve everybody. But I can do lunch for the three of us.”  I said turning back to the Diaz brothers and waving my pointer finger in a circle at each of us and each nodded in turn.
“Give me like” I made a calculating face waving my hands in that little up down motion for about “20 minutes and it’ll be on the table.  Give or take.” I amended my previous statement.  
When I finished lunch, I laid it out on the table and mostly listened to Cesar detail to Spooky everything that had gone on since he’d been locked up.  There was a lot to catch up on in Cesar’s life, and that of the block.  Mostly I was quiet but every now and then Cesar would turn to me for a detail or I’d prod him about a subject that he’d forgotten to include.  Spooky would look at me intently each time I did speak and I couldn’t figure out the look he was wearing when he did.  
After lunch I cleaned up and was headed for home.  “Ay, Y/N” Spooky stopped me before I left for the afternoon.  “We’re having a party tomorrow night.  Beers on me, thanks for taking such good care of Cesar.”
Standing in your room you weren’t quite sure what you should wear.  Parties weren’t really your thing after all.  The concept was always appealing but the practice was always less than desirable.  At the time that you had accepted it had sounded like a fine idea and now you weren’t really looking forward to it at all.  You weren’t even sure you’d know anyone there at all except Spooky.  Well and possibly Cesar, but, the idea of drinking with a nearly 14 year old made your motherly, legal, brain uncomfortable.  You laughed at yourself, because a Santos party was the place to be concerned about legality. 
Sighing and looking back at your bed you decided to play eeny meeny miney mo with yourself.  If you didn’t choose soon you’d chicken out entirely.  I wanted to try to be a little more adventurous and also I had told Spooky I would be there, if I don’t go it’s like backing out on a promise.  In the end you ended up with a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a strappy but flowy tank.  My hair isn’t usually as unruly as Monse’s, but today I had no such luck.  I threw it in a couple of tight braids and hurried to put on some make up.  I looked at myself in the mirror on my door as I tied my converse.  Close enough, I thought.
When I got to the Diaz house I was grateful for 3 things, my outfit allowed me to stay relatively cool and comfortable even in the California summer evening, I had chosen to walk because the curb was packed with cars, and Cesar was right out front.  If it hadn’t been for his catching my eye, I probably would have turned around before ever stepping foot into the party.  There were a lot of people here, like A LOT of people.
Cesar had taken me to the backyard as he’s been instructed by Spooky and cracked open my choice of beers.  I was both afraid to drink too much and too socially awkward not to get a little liquor courage in my veins.  “Next, stop, Spooky” Cesar announced.
“What?” I asked eyebrows furrowed.
“He said he wanted to know when you got here, he was by the DJ last time I saw him” Cesar turned and began snaking through the people in the yard and a beat or two later I was following him.
Read Part Two Here
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“Did It Hurt?” - Oneshot
“Did It Hurt?” - Oneshot
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Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
Word Count: 2,262
Key: Y/N = Your Name, H/C = Your Hair Color, E/C = Your Eye Color
Warnings: Cursing, Talk about violence
Summary: Lucifer finally tells you the truth about his scars.
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Author’s Note: I’ve been wanting to do Lucifer fics for awhile, and this idea slowly worked its way out of my brain. It is not beta-read, but I hope you enjoy it! I may already have a few ideas for more stories in this fandom. <3 
If you would like to be tagged in any of my future pieces, check out my tag list above and let me know! And as always, feedback is greatly appreciated!
- DreaSaurusREX
Lucifer had come home from working a case with Detective Decker a few minutes ago. He had dirt all over him and his suit when he came in. Not wanting to know the specifics, you just told him to go shower while you finished up. He nodded, gave you a kiss, and was off. 
While preparing dinner for you and your boyfriend, you had to pinch yourself and make sure that your life was real. You were living in Los Angeles, dating Lucifer Morningstar who despite his reputation, treated you extremely well, and you felt safe. Who would have thought that that would even be a possibility for you?
In the midst of you zoning out, Lucifer had come out in some pajama bottoms and snuck his arms around your waist, hugging you from behind. 
“Hello there, beautiful.” After the initial jump, you lightly smacked his arm before turning around in his arms to face him.
“Well hell-looo there!” You couldn’t help the smirk as you found Lucifer shirtless, which was always a nice surprise. He chuckled as he leaned down to kiss your forehead. He also reached behind you and stuck his finger in the dish you were working on, bringing it to his lips as you yet again smack his arm.
“Hey! Luci!”
“Whatever that is, it is delicious, love.” You couldn’t stay even pretend mad at him for long. Laughing you just shake your head and go back to cooking. 
“Thank you, babe.” He places another kiss to the side of your head. You watch him walk away and make his way to the other side of the counter, grabbing something from the expansive collection of alcohol to go with dinner. While you couldn’t help admiring him, your eyes land on the two large and curved scars on his shoulders, the only scars you’ve ever seen on him.
You had seen the scars on his shoulders before. They were kind of hard to miss. And you were happy that he was comfortable enough around you to not hide them. But you still had no idea how he got them. You knew it was something that he didn’t want to talk about because you had asked him multiple times in the past, but you would be lying if you said that you weren’t curious and a little bit worried.
“You know, one day you are going to tell me the truth about those scars.” Lucifer turned to you with his eyebrow quirked up in a challenging manner.
“How do you know I haven’t already told you the truth?”
“Impossible.” You shake your head with a smile as you take the pan off the stovetop and reach for some plates.
 “Oh really?” Lucifer brought his chosen liquor to his seat on the other side of the counter, pouring himself and you a glass.
“Yes! Because every time I’ve asked, you’ve said something different! And none of those stories seem to be real.”
You finish plating dinner and turn to give Lucifer his portion, expecting to see a smirk or some sort of look that says “Well, I guess you’ll never know.” But instead, you see him looking into his drink, his face showing a mix of worry and uneasiness. Sliding the plate in front of him, you try to break his gaze from the cup. 
“You know I’m still going to love you no matter what happened to cause those, right?” Without looking up, his tone got a bit more serious with a twinge of what sounded like pain.
“Don’t make promises you are unsure of, dear.”
“Then tell me what happened and put my promise to the test.” You reach for your glass and take a sip, loving the taste but not able to relish in it because your worry for Lucifer takes precedence. 
You can see him mulling something over in his head. He eventually just runs his hands over his face and sighs out a shuddered breath. You move around the counter and hop up on it, you get close enough to put your hand on his cheek and make him look at you. It broke your heart to see whatever trauma that those scars left in his eyes.
“Hey. If it makes you this upset, you don’t have to tell me. I want to know, but if it's going to hurt you, I don’t--”
 “I am Lucifer.” His eyes were closed but pointed down towards the counter. The confused chuckled that escaped you was uncontrolled.  
“We’ve been dating for awhile now, I think I know your name pretty well, ba--”
“No.” He took your hand from his cheek and from your lap and held them in both of his hands. “I am Lucifer Morningstar, Bealezbub, Mephistopheles, the prince of darkness, the Devil! I am…” He finally looked you in the eye, “the Devil.”
You sat there next to him, looking into his eyes to see if there were any indications that this was a joke. But you saw that he truly believed that he was the Devil. And surprisingly it made sense to you. Everything about him pointed towards that being true, but you hadn’t seen any sort of proof other than the genuine reactions he is showing right now as he tells you.
“Okay… Um… I’m not saying that I don’t believe you, but--”
“You don’t believe me.” His hands, which are still holding yours, drop slightly as he looks away dejectedly. You squeeze them and make him look at you.
“I’m saying that I need some proof. As much as I love you and I know you wouldn’t lie to me, I am just asking if there is anything you can show me.”
Lucifer’s leg begins to bounce with anxiety as he thinks about his next course of action. He knew that telling you would lead to this, he was just scared of the possible fear and rejection. He truly loved you, which is something he never thought was possible. He didn’t want to lose you. But he had to be honest with you. 
He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, focusing on his arm. You watch his face, looking for any sign that this is going to far for him. When he meets your gaze again, his normally dark eyes are now a vicious red color. 
You flinched and you saw that it hurt Lucifer. You didn’t know what you expected, but it definitely wasn’t that. 
His eyes looked down at his arm. Following his gaze, you see that his skin was now more red. His veins looked like they were glowing under his skin. 
“Oh my god!” You couldn’t help the shock as you dropped his hands and covered your gasp. 
You took a moment to look at it as he reached for his glass and took a larger than normal drink. Your body moved faster than your brain as you held out a hand to him. Lucifer was confused, but you slowly reached out more until you were delicately holding his arm. It was warmer than a normal human, but not scalding. He let you move it, watching you look at the different shades of red of his true skin. 
After a few minutes of looking at his arm, your gaze goes back to his eyes. As soon as you make eye contact, he takes a visibly nervous breath in and holds it, trying to figure out what you were thinking. He closed his eyes and quickly made his skin and eye color back to “normal.” 
“Okay. So the stuff that I ignored in church growing up is--”
“Real. Well,” Lucifer tilts his head side to side. “most of it at least.”
Your brain exploded with questions. All of them were out of curiosity. There was no fear or overwhelming nature to any of them. 
“Okay… So the whole heaven and hell thing. That’s real?”
 Lucifer spent the next half hour patiently listening to all of your questions and answering them the best he could while the two of you ate. He got more and more comfortable the more he talked about it and saw that you were accepting them, accepting him.
“So what does all of this have to do with the scars on your back?” Your voice was a bit softer, knowing that this wasn’t going to be the easiest thing for him to answer. Lucifer’s change in demeanor said that you were right. 
“The short version? I had wings. But when I left Hell and came here, I wanted to leave that all behind. So I…” He shifted in his seat, slightly rolling his left shoulder as if he still felt the weight of his wings, “I cut them off.”
You really weren’t sure how to respond. You understood the reasoning behind it, but you had no idea what that felt like. You had no way to relate to it or know how to try and help Lucifer feel better about the situation. All you could do was softly say, “I’m sorry.” Which got a chuckle out of Lucifer.
“Why in the world are you apologizing, dear? It's not like you had any part in it.”
“I know, but I just can’t imagine all of the frustration and sadness that went into a choice so painful.”
Lucifer knew how empathetic you could be, it was one of the reasons you were so appealing to him. You fell silent as you drank the last of your drink, Lucifer turned to completely face you.
“ I will say that you’re not reacting quite like how I thought you would. Usually when people find out about celestial beings being real, they go insane or end up too overwhelmed to handle it. But you. You are very... quiet.” 
Lucifer needed to know how you felt about him and his true self. He was preparing himself for heartbreak, for you to get up, say something along the lines of “this is too much,” and then leave him.
Before he could think more negative thoughts, you spoke up.
“I’m just trying to fully absorb that God and angels and demons are real and that I’m actually in love with the Devil. It may take awhile, bu--”
“So you do still love me?” You meet Lucifer’s eyes. He looks so hopeful and shocked, but still too cautious and nervous to let himself feel the happiness of what you just said. You turn to face him completely now, taking his once red head in yours. 
“Yes. It's going to take a hot minute to really solidify all of this new stuff in my brain. And I’m definitely going to still be surprised if you ever go all demon eyes on me. But yes. I love you, Lucifer Morningstar.”
A very shuddered exhale leaves the now thankful smile on his face. You stand up and close the distance between the two of you, standing between his legs as he sits on the bar stool. He doesn’t wrap his arms around your waist until yours are around his neck. He is gentle with his embrace, burying his head in your neck. You can feel a tear or two hit the sensitive skin by your collar bone. 
You both stay like this for a minute or two. When you pull away a little bit, you take his face in both of your hands and lean in for a gentle kiss. Lucifer pulls you in closer, needed to feel all of this as validation. Letting it sink in that you do truly accept and love him for him.
You’re the one to break away one Lucifer seemed to relax and slowly go back to being his normal self. You sit back down and reach for the bottle on the counter, but Lucifer is already pouring you another drink. Smiling, you take the last bite of food that you have on your plate as a silent laugh leaves your nostrils. Lucifer notices.
“Laughing at my vulnerability now are we?”
“Oh god no! I just thought of one more question.”
“For now.”
“Yes, for now. I’m sure there will be others that pop into my head as time goes on.”
“Alright, what is your question?”
“Did it hurt?” You tried to be serious. Lucifer’s expression changed as if to say “isn’t it obvious?”
“What? When I cut off my wings? Yes! It's as if you were cutting off your arms, but a bit smaller, and on--.”
“No, no-- Not that, although that sounds awful. I meant…” You lean in a bit, Lucifer’s brow raises. “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” 
You had lost it. Your uncontrollable laughter echoed through the penthouse, and while the noise made Lucifer’s heart happy, he groaned in annoyance at the awful pickup line. He put his head in one hand, pointing the other to the elevator on the other side of the room.
“Get out.”
You knew he didn’t mean it, but you played along and stood up. Before you could get to paces away, a familiar hand grabbed yours and pulled you back towards him. You found your place between his legs, both your hands and his automatically find their familiar places, as if nothing had changed. 
Lucifer pulled you in closer and flashed his red eyes, making you jerk in his grasp. You both laughed and you lightly smacked his shoulder. 
“C’mon, love. It's a little funny.” He says through his trademark devilish smile as you both lean in for a kiss, ending the night better than he could have dreamed of.
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superfanficnatural · 4 years
The Choice Part 3
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader, Christian Grey x Reader 
Summary: Deciding to get over your crush on Dean, you find Christian, a mysterious billionaire that manages to split your heart into two. Finding out hidden truths, your decision becomes a hard one, who will you choose?
A/N: Here is part 3 guys, sorry it took me a while to write it! As always, I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Angry and Possessive Dean, Jealous Dean, Slight Fluff.
Word Count: 2,052
Italics are thoughts
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Waking up, you felt strong, warm arms wrapped around your waist, a leg rested over yours. It was the most peaceful and comfortable you had ever felt in your life: you never wanted to leave. You felt Dean’s breath brush up against the back of your neck, sending shivers down your spine. Turning in his arms, you noticed the soft and relaxed look on his face. He looked so beautiful, a contrast to his usual demeanor, steeled with lines across his forehead and adorning his eyes. You wished you could take a picture, never forgetting this moment, but his iron grip made getting out of the bed a struggle. You couldn’t help the slight chuckle that fell from your lips, of course he’s a cuddler. His eyes twitched and you felt horrible for waking him up, wanting to stay in this moment at least a bit longer. His arms squeezed you a bit tighter as he was waking up, causing a smile to erupt on your face.
He cracked open his eyes, the green color almost blinding you, “Morning, sweetheart.”
He was too adorable for you to even think about being annoyed with him, “Morning sleepyhead, sorry I woke you.”
“Waking up with you in my arms? Nothing could get better than this,” he grumbled, his morning voice deepening it further.
You smiled and gazed into his eyes, losing yourself in them. Before you knew it, he began to lean in, you doing the same, mesmerized. Your lips connected with his, moving in sync as if they were used to the action. Your heart swelled before reality hit you and you pushed away, falling off of the bed with the exaggerated amount of force you put into it. Getting back up, you risked a look at Dean, confusion and hurt written across his handsome features. A small part of you felt horrible and you struggled to keep yourself from going back into his arms.
“That was- that was a mistake, I’m sorry,” you rushed, practically running out of the room.
Dean’s POV
Waking up with Y/N in my arms was probably the best feeling I had ever felt in my entire life. I felt so complete, so at peace. Seeing her beautiful face right next to mine as I woke up made me realize that I didn’t want to wake up without her in my bed anymore. Her beauty caught me off guard and I couldn’t help but lean in, silently reveling in the fact that she leaned in too. The first taste of her nearly made me pass out. Her perfect lips finally touching mine, it put all of my wet dreams to shame. I felt so contemptuous, not wanting to break it. As if she had fully woken up, she pushed me off of her, falling off of the bed in the process. It hurt, knowing that she only reciprocated the kiss because her mind wasn’t as awake as her body was. I couldn’t help the broken look on my face as she looked back at me with shock in hers, running out of the room, shattering my heart in the process. 
How could I let that happen? Idiot.
You were reprimanding yourself, furious that you let your body dictate your actions. What pissed you off even more was the fact that it was incredible, you had never felt that way with anyone before, even Christian. You sat down in your bed back at your room, torn between two men. How the hell am I supposed to choose between a rich sexy stranger, and the man I have loved for years that played with my feelings? After a few moments, you felt your phone buzz on the table next to your bed, the screen lighting up with a text. Reaching over to grab it, you saw that it was a text from Christian, your heart skipping a beat. 
“Morning beautiful, how are you doing today?” the text read.
Your smile reached the corners of your eyes, such a gentleman.
“Morning handsome, I’m doing great! How are you?”
His text came back in a manner of seconds, “Tired and annoyed, I’ve had several meetings with people who had no idea how to help run a company, better now talking to you.”
“Seems like you’re very busy, sure you got time to talk to me?”
“I’ll make time, if it’s for you.”
Damn, he knows just the right words to make a girl feel special. 
“By the way, where do you live? I forgot to ask earlier.”
You took a second to think of what to say before deciding that it was harmless, “Lebanon, Kansas.”
“I’ve been there a few times to scope out possible locations for some buildings, beautiful place. What do you live near?”
“Yeah, it really is. I’m near the Webster County Historical Museum. Huge difference to Seattle though,” you responded with an emoji with its tongue sticking out.
Hearing a knock on your door, you put your phone down, “Come in!”
Sam peeked his head in, “Hey, breakfast is gonna be ready in a bit,” he said softly.
“Alright, I’ll be there soon, thanks Sammy,” you replied with a soft smile, the big brute such a softy. 
“It’s Sam,” he muttered as he closed the door, coaxing a small chuckle from you. 
Looking back at your phone, “Eh, Seattle has it’s perks but it also means thousands of people know who I am so I can barely go out in public and relax.”
Typing back your response, “Can’t relate but I can see the appeal. Hey, I’m gonna go eat breakfast, I’ll talk to you soon?”
“I’ll be waiting, have a nice meal,” he finished.
Getting out of bed, you made your way over to the kitchen, the smell of bacon wafting out into the hallway making your mouth water. Walking in, you saw Dean in front of the stove, cooking scrambled eggs and bacon, the table already set with Sam sitting in his seat, looking at his phone for a case most likely. He looked over to you with a slightly hurt expression but attempted to mask it with a smile; but you knew him too well to know that it was a facade. You felt terrible, if only I hadn’t kissed him this wouldn’t have happened. You sat down in your normal seat, Dean coming up and putting breakfast on the table. Although there was a slightly awkward tension in the air, it still went fairly well, everyone falling into a conversation.
“I still can’t find any cases, it seems like we are free for a few days,” Sam chirped, turning off his phone.
“I’m not complaining,” you added, Dean nodding beside you.
Finishing up breakfast and clearing the table, you walked back to your room, Dean and Sam going their own ways. 
Pulling out your phone you opened up your text conversation with Christian, “Hey there, breakfast is finished up, you manage to get anything to eat today?”
As if he was waiting for your text, he responded immediately, “I managed to get a bit in this morning. Do you want to go out tomorrow? I would say on a date but... you know.”
You took a second to compose yourself, his bluntness both refreshing and surprising, refreshing because you had always wanted a man who knew what he wanted.
“I would love to, but I’m over a day’s drive from you, I don’t see how we could.”
“You leave that to me, just say yes, please.”
Your heart leaped in your throat, he really wants to see me. Although you were confused as to how you would hang out, you really wanted to see him again as well, “Yes.”
“Perfect, tomorrow at 5pm, meet me at the front of the museum.”
“Sounds great, can’t wait to see you,” you responded cooly but were freaking out on the inside to know that he put everything aside and is making the trip to you just to see you again.
“Me too. Hey, I gotta get back to this meeting. I’ll be seeing you soon, beautiful.” You held the phone tightly in your hand and silently squealed, your excitement for tomorrow astounding. 
Leaving your room to go to the library, Sam and Dean were already sitting down, Dean on his phone while Sam was dived into yet another book. 
“You never get tired of reading do you?” you asked, catching their attention.
“Shut up,” Sam grumbled while Dean grinned.
You sat down in one of the chairs and got comfortable, putting your feet up against the table, prompting a bitch face from Sam at which you innocently smiled at.
“Hey, I was thinking, since there are no cases, maybe tomorrow night we could have a movie night?” Dean asked with a slightly hopeful look on his face.
Movie night sounded amazing, although it was somewhat rare, everytime that you guys had one it was always super fun. It was one of the only times that all of you were able to truly bond together, like a family. Though, you always hoped that Dean wouldn’t see you as a sister in his family, more his lover. Already having set a date with Christian, you were torn on whether you should reschedule for another time and watch the movie with the boys. The deciding factor was that Christian was willing to come all the way out to you just to see you again, which managed to move your heart in ways you could never have imagined. Besides, we can just have movie night some other time.
You felt like shit for saying what you were about to say, “I uh- I have a... date tomorrow.”
Sam looked absolutely shocked while Dean looked angry, “A date?? With who?” Sam questioned.
“Remember that hunt in Seattle? Well, I met someone and we are hanging out tomorrow,” you replied warily. Dean’s jaw clenched and jealousy was written across his face.
“Seattle is a day’s drive away, how?” Sam persisted.
You sighed, “His name is Christian Grey.”
Sam gasped, “That billionaire? You’re seeing him? Well shit, Y/N, attagirl.”
You couldn’t help the chuckle that fell from your lips but when you saw Dean giving Sam a death stare, it quickly died out, Sam giving him a confused look in response. It was as if he remembered he wasn’t allowed to be jealous nor show Sam or you that he was, steeling his face and putting on yet another fake smile, “I hope you have fun,” he spat, getting out of his seat and making his way back to his room. Sam gave you a perplexed look at which you just shrugged and rolled your eyes, getting up and following Dean. I gotta see what the hell is going on with him.
You knocked on the door, “Dean? Can I come in?”
After a few seconds, you were about to knock again before you were stopped by a grumbled, “Come in.”
You opened the door and closed it behind you, seeing him standing next to his bed, his body facing you, a defeated yet slightly angry look on his face.
“What is going on with you?” you asked.
“Are you kidding me?!” he threw his arms up in the air, “You know exactly what’s going on,” he grounded out.
“No, actually I don’t. I’m not a mind reader Dean! Is this because I can’t make it to movie night?” you guessed.
“No of cours- fuck movie night!” he yelled out, making you take a step back.
“It’s because of that rich guy who’s stealing you from me!” he nearly screamed, his body inches away from yours, when the hell did he get so close?
You gasped, his admission rocking you to your core. Before you could respond, you found yourself pushed up against the door with his hands on either side of your head. His breathing was labored, face red with embarrassment with his mouth slightly open, the air ripping in and out of his mouth. You could feel the tension and possessiveness rolling off of him in waves, his scent along with it making your knees weak and your pupils to widen. 
“I’m not losing you to another man,” he growled before sealing his promise with a kiss.
Next Part
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee yet another cliffhanger, sorry y’all but this was too perfect to NOT cut it here.
The Choice Tag List: @fuckthis-and-fuckthat​ @spnfamily-j2​ @greenarrowhead​
Forevers Tag List: @magssteenkamp​ @shadowsinger11​ @donnaintx​
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags: @akshi8278​
Female Reader Tags: @punof-agun​ @emoryhemsworth​
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