#I just miss the magic of some of the older OM story telling and wish NB could live up to its potential
another-lost-mc · 2 months
May I ask where the complicated feelings for the newest nightbringer chapters come from (polite way of phrasing "Plz tell me all your thoughts")
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I guess it feels like less of a fun, coherent story that has now become a series of contrived, nonsensical events that exist only to move the plot from Point A to Point B in the easiest (if awkward/inelegant) way possible.
If I had to summarize my thoughts:
I don't like Mephisto's make-a-wish ability. It seems OP for what it is, but of course he has it because the plot needs him to have it to achieve things that probably wouldn't be possible otherwise (like the demon brothers being able to visit the Celestial Realm). But he's not the first character in this game to have weirdly powerful abilities that should be rare and more restrictive/punishing to use than they currently are, and I doubt he's going to be the last.
Related to that, the story keeps moving forward but in a very clunky way. The writers set up something beforehand - giving a demon an OP tool or ability they shouldn't have, RAD hosting yet another stupid fluff event that seems pointless but is probably another one of Diavolo's shenanigans - and then later reveals that it was all meant to explain/justify/solve (whatever random plot point) the writers need an answer for.
So much about Michael. Okay. Michael's disguise/sneaking into the Devildom in early NB rubbed me the wrong way from the start, and it's reappearance in L43 is even worse. I'm not convinced Solmare has any intention of showing us a proper visual of his character anytime soon, not when they can use Raphael as a plug-in for his character while the characters go on about how fun and silly Michael is for using a disguise to begin with. (Plus, making assets for him costs money, and if they make him attractive aka dollar-store-brand-Legolas, they'll need to decide whether they want to potentially take on the cost of adding another dateable option when there's still three waiting on the sidelines, etc.)
Beel (and the others apparently) still love the Celestial Realm? Really? Even after—? Oh. Okay then.
Diavolo, Barbatos, and Solomon all have moments where they're CLEARLY aware of things going on behind the scenes, or they hint at doing/knowing more than what they let on while being very bad at hiding it, and no one seems to notice or care. Whether the characters/MC are too passive to ask questions/point out their odd behaviour, or whether this is a symptom of more timeline nonsense, is anyone's guess. At this point, I don't know or care if any of them turn out to be Nightbringer, because the story has drawn out the suspense for so long and it feels less impactful/relevant as time passes. A good mystery is fun for a while, but the writers seem reluctant to answer any questions before adding new elements into the mix. Things keep chugging along regardless of who or what is stirring up trouble in the background, so in the end, how much does it really matter when it feels like there are no stakes anymore?
As for where the story is going, I have some idea based on the writing patterns of this game and the way they've sort of jammed a Celestial Realm visit into the plot where it shouldn't be possible to begin with:
Based on my understanding of Babel (after a glance at Google to figure out what the game is referencing), it feels like the game might use it as a spiritual no-man's-land where a limited numbers of angels and demons know about its existence/can potentially go there. Since it was originally inhabited by humans, it makes sense that there might be a pathway in the human world to its location, and conveniently enough, Solomon can locate it. Of course, he disappears right after and like other times in the past, he's probably off doing his own thing and not going to be entirely truthful about it if anyone asks him about it.
However, I'm guessing the real reason why the brothers are there at all - other than Asmo's random inspiration to go back to the Celestial Realm for a fun family holiday - is because there's someone/something at Babel that Solomon needs to find, probably at Diavolo's request (since he was the one who set up the science fair and the prize that would allow them to go like it was no big deal). Whatever Solomon is up to is probably tied to the weird business Diavolo/Barbatos have going on, whether its a link to Nightbringer or some other obscure plot device/event we're not aware of yet, who knows.
There are things I like about Nightbringer and things I don't like. It's part of the reason why I still hold onto the OG characterization/early world building.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't still disappointed that OG's story has essentially been replaced with something that feels like an AU rather than a continuation. I had a lot of expectations and hopes for OG Season 5 (such as MC visiting Michael/the Celestial Realm to help resolve Simeon's crisis, Barbatos' proper love confession, more development with the side characters and eventually making them dateable).
One of my favourite nearly NB theories, my personal copium getting through the first 20 lessons, is that Barbatos from the OG timeline was actually the one MC met in the Nightbringer timeline. We got our romance and sweet Barbatos moments in NB Season 1 with the OG Barb and just didn't know it. (I honestly can't explain how he acted with MC any other way.)
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ashroseevans · 7 years
Opposites Attract 1
_____ is a water mage who has had weird and sometimes unpleasant things happen to her through her life. Those weird occurences only seemed to amplify as she got older. It first started when she could use magic that she shouldn't have been able to use except under certain circumstances to just before she transferred out of her old school and moved to Fiore when something even stranger happened. When she moved to Fiore and her new school in a town called Magnolia, she came across a club called Fairy Tail which she hoped would have the answers she's looking for, until she meets a fire mage with the same hidden power as her and her world gets turned upside down.
Natsu Dragneel is a Fire Dragon Slayer who can be too hot headed for his own good. When a new water mage comes to his school after he won a design contest for his clubs logo and is forced to show her the ropes by the Club Master Makarov, he comes to wonder if he can handle being around her. Sometimes they get along, sometimes they don't and other times he just wants to tackle her. But most of the time he just wanted to protect her. Weird feelings that he hasn't felt since Lisanna start swirling around inside of him and he's not sure how to deal with them.
"Argh..." growled a young man as he sat at his desk, scribbling on a piece of paper.
That was the fifth time he's had to start over. He just couldn't get the design right. Letting out a sigh, he ran a hand through his pink hair and erased the bottom part of the design. Why was it so damn hard to get the damn bottom to look like it did in his head?
"Whatcha growling at Natsu?"
The boy, Natsu looked up at the blond standing in front of his desk. She leaned over to try to catch a glimpse at what he was drawing, but Natsu quickly covered it with his arms.
"It's not finished yet, Lucy. It's just a design for the club. Makarov is holding that contest, remember?" he said.
"I remember. But why can't I look at it yet?"
"Like I said, it's not finished yet. I don't want anyone to see it until it's perfect, okay?"
Lucy sighed. "Fine. I was going to offer my help, but seeing as you don't want it, I guess I'll just leave now," she waved her hands and started walking away. "This is what I get for being friends with a pyro."
Natsu rolled his eyes and got back to work on his drawing. It was almost perfect. He just needed to get it to that part first. He put the pencil back to the paper and started drawing. Then it hit him. Maybe Lucy had a spirit that would be able to draw what was in his head for him!
"Wait, Lucy!" he called and jumped up from his desk, running after the blond that just walked out of the room, the tails of his scarf trailing behind him.
She turned around and looked at him, her hands on her hips. "What? You want my help now?" she asked in a slightly sarcastic tone.
"Yes and no," he said. "Do you have a spirit that could help me?" he asked excitedly.
Lucy raised an eyebrow. "Are you serious? I don't have any artsy spirits!"
"What about that crab guy? He can cut out the design I want and I can just trace it," Natsu suggested.
"His name is Cancer and I'm not going to summon him just so you can try to win a stupid contest," Lucy said.
"I'll give you half of the prize money if we win," Natsu sang.
Lucy's eyes widened and she looked at Natsu. "Half of the prize money?" she said, not really believing it.
"Yup!" Natsu grinned at her.
"I'll be able to pay my tuition!" she said. "Fine. I'll do it! Meet me at my room after classes."
"Aye sir!" Natsu said and saluted.
Lucy was silent for a moment as she stared at Natsu. "Leave that kind of talk to Happy."
Natsu laughed. "Well, see you tonight!" he said and ran off.
Natsu stood in the crowd of club members as Makarov stood on a podium. The room was filled with loud chatter from all of the club members and Makarov stood with his eyes closed, waiting for the envelope that contained the results. Natsu was bouncing up and down excitedly, anxiously waiting to hear who won the design contest. He hoped it was him because he already promised to himself that whichever design won, he was going to get it tattooed on his shoulder. It started as a bet with Happy, but as he drew his design, he started to actually look forward to it.
"Well don't you seem excited," Lucy said as she walked up next to Natsu.
"Of course I am. We're going to see who wins the contest," he said. "I really hope it's me."
"I'm almost positive we're going to win," Lucy said. "Did you see some of the other designs? You can almost tell who drew them based on what they look like."
"Argh..." Natsu growled, almost completely ignoring Lucy. "The suspense is killing me." He cupped his hands around his mouth and called out. "Hurry up, old man! Tell us the results already!"
Makarov opened his eyes and leveled a steady gaze at Natsu. "Calm down, Natsu. Mira has to finish tallying the votes."
"Can't she count faster?" he shouted.
"Natsu," came a new voice from behind him, causing Natsu to freeze up out of fear.
He slowly turned around and saw Erza glaring at him. "Aye?" he squeaked.
"You're not the only one who is waiting anxiously to see if they won so calm down, sit down and shut up," she said.
"Yes ma'am," Natsu said and immediately plopped down on the ground.
Lucy looked down at Natsu with amazed eyes. "I still wish I knew how you do that, Erza," she said.
"It's all in how you handle yourself, Lucy," Erza replied.
Lucy giggled. "So you joined the contest too?"
"I did, but I wish we could have voted for our own designs," Erza said. "I was so proud of it. Instead I voted for the one that looked like a sort of abstract version of a fairy."
"Oh, did you?" Lucy asked.
"I did. I wonder who designed that one. It was very well done. If mine doesn't win, I'd be quite happy if that one does," she said.
"Do you really want to know who drew it?" Lucy asked.
"Since we're supposed to remain anonymous until the results are read, I think I'll hold off on knowing until then," Erza smiled
Natsu grumbled as he sat on the floor and looked to the side. Erza was about to open her mouth in reprimand for him making a sound when Mirajane walked up to the podium to hand an envelope to Makarov. Everyone went silent and Natsu jumped up from where he sat on the floor.
"The results are in," Makarov said in a voice that carried through the club room. "No matter who was the winner, all of the designs were well put together and thought out. Now without further ado..." Makarov opened up the envelope.
Fireworks erupted out of the envelope and coalesced into the shape of the winning design. Natsu's eyes widened and a grin broke across his face as he saw his design in the lights above the club banner.
"OH YEAH!" he roared and jumped up on a table, fire engulfing his hands in his excitement. "I won!"
"Damn it, Natsu!" shouted a black haired ice mage named Gray. "Get down from there flame for brains," he said as he jumped up on the table next to him, stripped down to his boxers.
Natsu turned his grin onto Gray. "You're one to talk, streaker!" Natsu said and made a move to shove Gray off the table.
Gray fell back off the table and almost missed landing on Gajeel. The Iron Dragon slayer growled and turned on Natsu.
"Watch it Salamander," he hissed and reached out, his hand turning into iron and extending far further then his reach to smash Natsu in the face and push him far off the table.
Natsu growled and flipped over the iron fist attack before he was slammed into the wall and ran down it. Before he could attack Gajeel in return, Gray flying kicked him in the side of the head and the two of them went flying into Elfman. Elfman rolled a long with the two boys until they impacted with the wall. Lucy watched in shock as the three boys started throwing punches at each other while still rolling around. Erza sighed and just before anyone else could join into the club room brawl that seemed ever present in the Fairy Tail Club, Makarov spoke loudly.
"That is enough!" he shouted.
Everyone who was fighting froze immediately.
"Congratulation's Natsu," he went on when he had everyone attention. "You can come get your prize after you've settled down."
With that, Makarov left the main room and walked into one of the side rooms of the club room. Natsu jumped up and ran passed Lucy, grabbing her arm as he went, and dragged her into the room Makarov disappeared into.
"Come on, Happy," Natsu said as he walked into his dorm room after he parted ways with Lucy. "Let's go?"
The blue cat curled up on Natsu's bed blinked and looked up at him. "Go where?" he asked.
"To get the tattoo!" Natsu said excitedly. "I won the contest, so lets go!"
Happy jumped up and saluted. "Aye sir!"
He jumped up off the bed and wings sprouted from his back and he flew to land on Natsu's head. Natsu laughed and walked out of his room and through the halls of the school. The two of them walked through the main gate and caught the first bus that headed into town. Finally they arrived at the tattoo parlor they decided om and walked inside. They were greeted by the artist and Natsu handed the man the drawing of the tattoo he wanted.
"What color?" he asked.
"Red. Full color," Natsu replied.
The artist nodded. "Just give me a few moments while I draw this up."
Natsu nodded and he and Happy sat down on one of the chairs in the waiting area. The artist returned barely fifteen minutes later and called Natsu into the room and sat him down on the chair. He went through all the steps of cleaning off his shoulder and transferring the design onto his skin before actually applying the ink. Based on what everyone else had said about tattoos, Natsu expected it to hurt, but to him it barely felt like he was being poked over and over again by a toothpick, unpleasant but not painful.
Read more Fairy Tail Stories (and others) here
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