#I just love the idea of Neil being ''born with white hair'' and dying it his normal brown and confessing to Eva
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sysig · 1 year ago
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Rosawatts, from memory (Patreon)
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foxcroft-rpg-blog · 8 years ago
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Congratulations, Janelle! Wow it’s almost like you’ve already been playing Willa ??? Wow how did you do that? Oh, yeah, you’re the admin. 
Thanks again for applying! Please create your account and send in the link, track the right tags, and follow everyone on the masterlist as soon as you can. Welcome to Foxcroft!
Name: Janelle
Age: 21
Preferred pronouns: she/her
Time zone: PST
Activity: I mean I run this… so I’m on as much as I can be. Getting off early in the mornings means I have a lot of free time.
Anything else?: N/A
Full name: Willa Lorraine Potter
There was a time when Willa’s mother hadn’t settled for the life of the housewife. Her hair was long and untamed. She was the kind of girl who followed her favorite band up the coast, the kind of girl whose smile was welcoming and warm and made her seem like she was within your grasp, but in reality she was oh so unattainable. The only traces left of that girl lie in her daughter’s name. She wanted to name her Willow, but Willa’s father wouldn’t allow it. Finally, the settled on Willa. It was respectable, but still a nod at her mother’s carefree past.
Her middle name was her father’s doing. Lorraine. It’s the name of her paternal great grandmother. Willa never met her. She died just before she Willa was born. Named after a woman she never met, it was her father’s way of honoring the woman, but not knowing her herself, Willa didn’t put much weight in it.
Date of birth: 11/24/1992
How long have they been in Foxcroft:
Endless white picket fences, cars pouring in and out of the suburbs just before 9 a.m. and just after 5 p.m. every Monday through Friday, tupperware parties. Foxcroft’s suburbs have played like old black and white television reruns over and over again, day after day, ever since Willa was born. The episodes change, but still everything seems the same, like a played out catch phrase or a tired show opening – Willa hated it. At the young age of fourteen Willa found herself jaded with conversations of whether to paint the cabinets eggshell or cream, and predictable played-out routines. From that point forward, Willa vowed her life would be interesting, damn it. She’d lose her mind if she ended up like her mother.
DEMI-ROMANTIC PANSEXUAL. She was the girl who fell in love with your mind, with the way you smiled at her, with the words you spoke. Gender didn’t matter. It was about the way you made her feel. But opening her heart was a challenge. She wasn’t cold, just closed off, too caught up in herself, in her thoughts and feelings — like the way vodka burned her throat as she drank until she couldn’t drink anymore. Or the way the fire warmed her fingertips when she struck a match. No, Willa felt everything. Loved everyone. She was just too scared to show it. Sex, on the other hand, was just another way to feel something without giving up too much of herself. It didn’t mean anything, but god did it make her feel alive.
FC change: lol no thx i basically have a shrine to phoebe tonkin she’s my tru god
How do you interpret this character’s personality? How will you portray them? Include two weaknesses and two strengths.
For Willa, there is before and there is after Adam’s death. The one constant is how tired she feels about her life. Adam and Neil made things feel easy. They howled at the moon, they stole six packs and chips from the local supermarket for kicks. Time stood still when the three of them together and it was as if they’d live forever. Immortals weren’t supposed to die — but Adam did.
When Willa found out about his death, time didn’t start again, it continued to stand still, but instead of feeling free, Willa felt trapped. It was as if the metaphorical walls of Foxcroft were closing in on her and she wasn’t strong enough to push back anymore. The free spirit that once was hadn’t died, but had been buried along with her friend’s corpse. Still, Willa endures, and her free spirit manifests in impulses. It comes when she jumps off the top of the ladder on the water tower, not entirely sure if she’ll make it to the ground alive. It comes when she picks fights with drunken patrons at Absinthe Minded who are much bigger and stronger than she is – but they don’t know Willa’s lost her last reason to give a damn. It comes in screams and broken mirrors and empty bottles of vodka. When Adam died, Willa lost her best friend, and when Neil went missing she lost the only person who could have anchored her, but he left, and she went off the rails.
Behind the impulses is a girl who’s terrified. She’s terrified of this town, terrified of losing the friend she’s pushed so far away, terrified of her own life. She could tear the skin from her bones if it meant escaping this prison. All she wants is to get out, but she doesn’t have a clue how. Willa lived for the interesting, to be free, but despite that philosophy she still had no idea what she actually wanted.
POSITIVE: free spirited, loyal, lively, protective
NEGATIVE: impulsive, uncertain, stubborn, immature
How did this character react to the death of Hazel Abrams? Adam Foxcroft? (1+ paragraphs)
Willa would never admit it, but she wasn’t really affected by Hazel’s death. She wishes she cared more, wishes she cried for her best friend’s lost lover, wishes she felt an absence in the group, but she just didn’t. For Willa, it was Adam, Neil and her against the world. Willa never felt like Hazel was truly a part of their little group, she was never really a Bad Kid. She was tacked on, and trailed along because of Neil. They were her boys, not Hazel’s.
Adam’s death, on the other hand, completely changed her. Every smoke she lit up, every glass of whiskey, every firework, every full moon, every star – it was all tainted. Everywhere she looked in the tiny town reminded her of Adam. Absinthe Minded, where they’d drink and sing along to The Clash until they wouldn’t remember it the next day. Rudford’s, where they ended up after a late night of setting fireworks off from the top of the water tower. Foxcroft was their little kingdom, but the king fell, and now all Willa sees is an empty throne.
How do they see the town and its people? Think about the different groups of people and prejudices the town holds about them. (1+ paragraphs)
Socially, Willa is free of many of the prejudices held by the people of Foxcroft. She grew up in the suburbs with a painfully middle class family. They weren’t religious, so Willa didn’t feel the stares that many people in Foxcroft felt as they drove down Sweetwater Road to Sunday service. Willa could have slid by unnoticed, but she was friends with a Foxcroft, and the town loved to gossip about the founding family.
Stealing from liquor stores and grocery stores didn’t help her case much. Willa became a bad example, a criminal. Unlike most people, she reveled in it. Being a delinquent, being a member of the bad kids club gave her something to be. She wasn’t the daughter of suburbia, she was the kind of kid your parents warned you about. In the light of the bonfires they put on at Foxcroft Cemetery, in the bottom of a bottle and the butt of a cigarette, Willa found herself. She didn’t care what anyone in Foxcroft thought of her. She never did.
For non-human characters: What does this character know about what they’ve become? Have they had any experiences that made them aware that weren’t exactly human? Elaborate. (2+ paragraphs)
The night Adam died changed everything for Willa, not just in how she felt, but who she was. Willa was with them, and then she wasn’t, the world in front of her disappeared into nothingness. Was she dead? Was she dreaming? Willa still doesn’t know. All she knows is she woke up in the middle of the swamps the next morning and that’s when they found Adam’s body. The headlines all said Neil did it, but Willa couldn’t help but feel some sort of guilt for what she’d seen. Had she been responsible?
Willa tries not to think about that night, tries not to relive the night her best friend died, but she knows that something changed that night inside her. She’s just too terrified to seek it out.
Please include 1-2 possible plots your see for this character (1 paragraph brief explanation for each)
There are two options here, and you only need to complete one.
Sample #1:  This is a starter for Marlene McKinnon in an AU Harry Potter roleplay.
Sample #2: This is a self para for my character, Matthew Quinn, a thirty-year-old werebear who was infected with the lycanthropy strain. Here he’s visiting his ex-girlfriend’s grave, who he killed when they both shifted and he discovered she was a weredeer. Basically he ate her.
How would you feel about this character dying?: She’s trying real hard to live, but ironically that puts her closer to death. She’s scared of what she thinks she can do right now, but I could see her maybe getting into things too deep eventually and it backfiring on her. Death is definitely a possibility for Willa.
Why did you choose this character?: Phoebe Tonkin. DREAMS. Lost babe trying to feel something and live an interesting life. PAIN. Sign me up.
Extras: pinterest board.
How did you find us?: I run this shit.
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