#I just love her and John and love her and Michaela as well
paperglader · 2 months
about francesca's look after kissing john (and their relationship)
first, about john:
in the book: i really liked the brief little bits with john at the beginning. i think fran, john and michael's dynamic was super interesting and fun, i even wished that it would've lingered in it longer. i liked that their relationship had layers to it and yet still remained loving overall. i really liked the way that he haunts the characters and the narrative after his death. i think that the way that francesca spoke continuously about him and about their bond was super sweet.
in the series: i love him. i love him with francesca. i died of sweetness each time they were on screen. i love that their love is different, and i love how pefect they are for each other. i love how he makes francesca smile and look so at ease. in my opinion they nailed it with them, and ended up being my favorite part of the season (to say that pen and colin very much grew on me would be an understatement- i think they're the cutest- but franchaela and john are my personal favorites). they're soulmates and they are best friends. love them.
the few things that they've already changed from the books: first the fact that we get to see more from john at all and his love with francesca. secondly, though, their bond IS different. in the book i did get the feeling that there was physical attraction and, truly that their love was a regular bridgerton love, if that makes sense? like, francesca did say that it was less passional than with michael but it's not quite the same as what we're getting from the show, is it? the physical stuff could perfectly develop over time, but it does seem to be absent from where we left it off. i do believe that francesca loves him. truly. it's just not necessarily super physical. Which doesn’t make it any less valid or any less of a true love! personally, i find any love stories that don’t really “stick to the norm” to be super interesting, which is one of the reasons why they were my favourite couple.
Now, about the kiss: i don’t think that the look necessarily means that she’s a lesbian. i truly think that it was mostly disappointment of not immediately feeling those fireworks that everyone raves about, or even just discomfort with having to display her affection for the very first time in front of a crowd.
she could be a lesbian, or she could be an eighteen-year-old woman who’s still figuring out who she is, still figuring out how love looks like to her, and that more than anything wants to find a companion in someone that uplifts her as a person rather than drown her voice in their own sound. and she did! for some people love just doesn’t play out as easily as it may for everyone else, and that’s fine.
what she has with michaela is different, but she loved john first and she chose him, and they will be happy together. her and Michaela will have a long way to go before they can even begin to explore their relationship anyways. it is simply not their time yet.
Francesca did feel immediate attraction for Michaela, but depending on how they choose to navigate the period typical prejudice and such, she might not even have the language to understand that sort of attraction for another woman, and it won’t be the time to figure any of that out until six years later because she does love John throughout their marriage and afterwards she will mourn him. It’s not until after all of it that Michaela will become available as an option.
ultimately: maybe she doesn’t feel attraction towards men (that’s great! welcome to the club!) or maybe she just finds the navigation of romantic relationships to be a little trickier than most, and maybe we get to explore that through her storyline.
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I've been trying to phrase things eloquently and I really can't so here you go. Part two really felt like it was trying have its cake and eat it as well in a lot of ways, and it really didn't work.
You give Cressida a whole redemption arc and friendship and put her in an impossible situation and humanise and make you sympathise with her, then want me to hate her again?
You show how Pen uses LW as a coping mechanism and how it's not good for her or those around her and not have her drop it?
You want LW revealed to the ton but no real consequences?
You double down on how Pens family treat her only to have them all come together and be forgiven at the end?
You sideline Colin in his own damn season and butcher Penelope so badly I almost wanted less of her as well?
You can't have everything. Not in such a short time span at least, and it really suffer from it. If you wanted to give Cressida more depth and expend on her role why was she tossed away like nothing at the end? Why did Eloise abandon her? Why was she treated as awful in part two after being put in an actual horror show of a situation? I know they needed the blackmail plot but you can't just give her depth, make her the antagonist and then drop her storyline in the drain that's not how that works. That's not complexity that's laziness, and laziness they created mind you.
They didn't have to write Cressida the way they did this season, if they wanted to make it easy they could have had her marry off screen between seasons to a rich man, they could have had Eloise befriending her be a mistake and had a different arc there, they could have had her LW claim be for any number of reasons, and her blackmail because she still has it out for Penelope. They added this to the story, and as much as I was sceptical at first (I have seen far too many botched bully redemptions) I was glad they did it aded a lot of depth and character interaction, it created some interesting parallels between Cressida and Penelope and seeing Eloise in a different, less intimate friendship with someone who, ironically, is a lot more open with her was interesting. Incomplete, but interesting. It was good, or it could have been. But you can't just turn like that and have it still work. You can't just have Eloise abandon her and have it treated as the right thing to do. You can't leave her with that ending and consider it a happy one. You can't have your cake and eat it too. You didn't create a complex antagonist, you created a scared lost girl who was cruel because she was taught to be and you left her to burn.
You could have had Penelope and Cressida talk to each other, could have explored the ways the mirror and the ways they differ. You could have had Penelope struggle, but untimely empathise with Cressida and help her out, she could have forgiven her for her years of torment because she of all people understands why she did it. You could have had her forgiveness mirror Colin and Eloise forgiving her for LW. You could have looked at how Cressida's openness helped her friendship with Eloise and how Penelope might start to incorporate it. About how by nature of Cressida's openness Eloise is learning to see other perspectives and listen more even if she still has work. You could have done so much with female friendship and camaraderie and empathy and you just... didn't.
The Lady Whistledown this season was just... I think I have a thesis which is most of my thoughts on Polin.
Whistledown was meant to be the subplot to the Polin storyline, not the other way around.
Putting aside my own wishes to have her end Whistledown for her character and for her and Colins relationship, and her love of Colin, her continuing it isn't unexpected I was afraid of this and thought it might happen even if it's lazy. If that was it and if it was handled better I think I could begrudgingly live with it. But it's not. Not only was it handled so so poorly it was the whole second part and for what? Part one was Polin. Part two was Lady Whistledown drama with some cute Polin moments sprinkled in-between with some mandatory angst. Tell me the resolution to Colins arc now. Quickly. You can't he didn't have one, we barley even saw him through Episode seven and eight. There is so much romance in your purpose being the person you love, IF and only IF, it's reciprocal. Penelope literally says in season two, when she has been Whistledown for over a bloody year that she hasn't found her purpose yet. They were meant to find each other. To both have their writing as their passion and creativity and fulfilment, not Whistledown, but her manuscripts, his stories from around the word their joint and secret words. But their centre, their purpose, their guiding light was always meant to be each other. It's what kept Penelope sitting at that window, it's what draw Colin to her at every ball. They had all the potential and set up to be the most beautiful, genuine, heartfelt relationship. But no.
Colin deserved to be angry. The woman he loves has lied, has hurt him, has his from him after all the times he was venerable with her and so, so much more. They deserved to argue. Penelope deserved to be more upset over this than crying in the moment and walking past him later. That's the man she loves, who she thinks hates her, who she know if he did hate her she would deserve it and she wouldn't blame him for a second. They deserved time and space and Colin deserved explanations and apologies. They deserved a later, happier wedding, they both deserved to have their feelings heard and said and listened too. Is that not the core of their relationship? Listening to and seeing each other? Would that not lay the groundwork for some really good well earned conflict and a really rewording resolution? The groundwork was all there that's what's killing me. The set up was all there for something so good which is why I was excited. I know screen time is limited, I know there is only so many emotional conversations you can have on screen, but Bridgerton primarily just people talking on conversations, when it's there bloody season surely they can space out the conversations that need to happen in a way that works with pacing. And to be honest, the screen time defence only works when the screen time that they did have was allocated well. And I'm not taking subplots. Even if I think a few could have been trimmed, the screen time Polin did get was just used so so badly. Colin got dust and that didn't even feel like Penelope had the time, just a mouth piece for the writers.
Rapid fire stuff because I need to expand on the above in more detail later lol.
The acting was flawless give everyone on that set their flowers.
I really like the Mondrich's and seem to be the only one who likes seeing them lol, their sweet and always a good time they just need a better storyline, or you know, one that actually has a resolution.
Not what I would have done for Benedict and I still want to see him look at art again but let's hope season 4 is better lol.
Don't like the way Penelope's family stuff was done, specifically Portia but it is what I thought would happen. Disappointed but not surprised. I'm biased tho so I won't speak on it too much. I lose too much objectivity.
Hate hate hate the baby thing tho, it was fine as a subplot with her sisters but her having the boy was predictable and also dear god the girls nineteen for fucks sake. No. Hated that.
Francesca the absolute love of my life. I adore her and John, I liked the conflicted with Violet, loved everything about her storyline this season she was perfect, my favourite part honestly lol. Also Michaela Stirling get behind me NOW. Sapphic Bridgerton fans truly are the bravest soldiers cause istg. Also I don't trust this fandom with any actor or actresses period but especially not a Black actress who's "ruining" your favourite storyline. So I will be greatly enjoying everything I see of all three of them Francesca John and Michaela, while watching with a sharp eye for any bullshit.
Kate, also the love of my life it was so lovely to have her back even if just for a bit. Wish they did more with Anthony especially him and Colin tho, but again, wasn't expecting much more. I do wish they would write them out with a bit more subtly tho it's getting almost funny how obvious it is.
The Violet, Marcus, Lady Danbury plot I didn't actually mind. Could have been trimmed a bit but it was good seeing the adults in more depth, I haven't watched queen Charlotte tho so I kinda feel like I missed some things.
Overall, I liked certain parts of this season I really did, especially if I fully ignore the context, and I'm happy for everyone who enjoyed it truly, but it was have an entirely different ending in my head. I'll definitely write about at some point but who knows if anyone wants to see that lol.
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romanticatheartt · 3 months
I’m going to go feral if people pit John/Frannie and Michaela/Frannie against each other SHE IS BI AND LOVES THEM BOTH AND REAL cause like they’re both insanely hot
Leave my girl alone!! Let her be loved by two people!! Her love for both of them is real and I won't accept anything else. Just like in the book. The whole point of her book was she loved both John and Michael. She loved them differently but love them nonetheless. Now that I think of it... Michaela fit her story so well!!! OMFG
We really have to protect them because I can see it clearly the hate they're going to get!! We have to protect both Masali and Victor because 1) Bridgerton fandom is know for being racist 2) and being homophobic!!!
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grace-williams-xo · 3 months
1 & 2: I think Debling could’ve worked in the second half, and I’m kinda sad Cressida didn’t get a happy ending. The Creloise fell of a CLIFF after ep 5 but I think it could still be saved
5: no cishet man has ever loved his wife more than Anthony Bridgerton I’m gonna be ill
6 & 12: kanthony’s absence was felt BAD in the finale, I think their reactions to LW were sorely needed. Also Jonny and Simone have both said they’ll be at every sibling’s wedding and stick around for years but they missed Francesca’s??? Also felt their absence too much then. They’re both booked and busy I think we’ll continue to only get a couple episodes a season from them
8: Francesca did get to thrive happy in pt 2 my baby I love her
9: I think they managed to disconnect the mondrich plot even further like 😭 once again, I don’t mind them their plot just feels very empty
10: Pen and Delacroix CONTINUE to be my fave duo I love them so freaking much and they can never get rid of it
13: Portia’s growth this season continued to be 10/10 I loved her and Penelope’s relationship it really showed what it’s like to be closely related to people you oppose and the process of needing to forgive and understand them for your own peace of mind
14: that was not how I was expecting Colin to find out about Whistledown
15: Marcus felt a little rushed in part two but I think I need to watch the whole season together to fully decide
17: this was indeed the longest 27 days of my life I got Covid day after it dropped lmfao
We finally got character development from Cressida and if they write her out I’ll be inconsolable (as will Jessica Madsen)
I hope they paid Golda Rosheuvel good for her feet exposure. Worth more than titties in this economy
I feel the need to tell everyone that £5000 in 1815 is in the realm of £500,000 today and we cannot brush over the fact Penelope has made herself the equivalent of a literal millionaire
Anthony has two moods ‘I’m obsessed with my wife’ ‘I want to win this game’ like it is comical how drastically different his facial expression is in the game of charades compared to pretty much every other scene
Anthony saying the marriage is perfect and not hard work and Kate being like BOY I will humble you,,,, doing the lord’s work I love her so much
At some points I felt like Francesca was fighting Anthony for ‘Violet’s least favourite child’ award lmao
John saying he’s off to look at the wainscotting was unfairly funny
Cressida in the red dress is even better than I imagined fuck even if she’s not gay then I am
Peneloise back together the universe is healing I love my babies all we need now is creloise lovers and peneloise friendship simultaneously I don’t like it being one or the other sue me
However much Brimsley is getting paid isn’t enough,,,, Hugh Sachs the man that you are
I adored Penelope’s wedding dress so much and as bitter as I am still about no kanthony wedding in s2, it felt kind of right somehow for Polin to be the first wedding we properly see in this show
Most of the costumes and makeup feel like they got worse,,,,, big ‘I hired a 14 year old’ energy. I don’t need historical accuracy but I would like a modicum of care and the costume/hair/makeup dept looking at a single historical reference from before 1850,,,, please
We all got the bi Benedict we’ve been asking for and I appreciate it, and recognise that he needed Tilley to explore that, but I still would’ve preferred if they first main queer experience was not a threesome
If they go straight into benophie in s4 (which idk, I’m so torn bc I feel like F, E and B all could work well next season) then I also feel like bi Benedict was just them throwing a bone for 5 mins but meant nothing
The CONTENTIOUS Michaela Stirling,,,,, I was undecided until I saw it but that was the definition of gay panic from Francesca and it worked so well I am so excited.
As your resident peerage expert, it is much easier for women to inherit titles in Scotland than England so I wonder (not that anyone on this show knows anything) if that was a reason they chose Francesca to be sapphic [general peerage info and female inheritance info if you care]
On the above, if they can canonically end racism with one marriage then they can end homophobia with one marriage as well
We all know Eloise was the easy and obvious choice to be the queer love story but part of me does kind of like them not taking the easy route, and them going something more unexpected, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want Creloise/Sapphic El like they had eight children let’s be honest
Finch’s sneeze and Phillips’s “now Varely! The bugs!” were unfairly funny
Everything Lady Danbury said to Penelope about suspecting her and what not felt very in character and you can fight with the wall idc
Did they tell us the name of Polin’s baby boy???
Hyacinth saying she thinks of Gregory as the family pet,,,,, girl you an icon walking amongst mere mortals
Predictions I got right:
Anthony didn’t kill Colin, but “are you gonna duel your own brother” lmao I was on the right track
I knew Polin would win the Featherington baby race and I love that for them (but why were Prudence and Phillipa pregnant most of the season, barely showing, Kate was showing almost immediately, and then in the epilogue the sisters all had baby’s similar-ish ages???? Give the writers room a calendar please)
Okay that was too long if you made it this far I’ll make you cookie ily
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I Have Evolving Thoughts on Fran’s Sexuality
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(god hannah dodd is so pretty)
First of all let’s thank GOD francesca is the queer sister and not…that other one.
Anyways upon my initial viewing of part 2 I definitely read Fran as bisexual and if you continue to read her as such I think that’s fine but my mind has changed on the matter.
I believe that Fran is actually a lesbian suffering from comphet.
The reason this actually started to seem likely to me is because of her wedding scene with John. The whole season I thought they seemed so taken with one another and I enjoyed their quiet dynamic. They were more than comfortable sitting in silence with one another and seemed to grow closer in that way.
I like many others assumed this meant their love was romantic, but that kiss
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Would a woman who is attracted to men make this face after kissing the man she loves? I don’t think so. Some people seem to think it’s because she’s shy but it doesn’t seem like she’s even thinking about her family here. It seems like she has retreated into her own thoughts. It seems like she was disappointed. And after spending the whole season feeling nothing for any of the men she meets why wouldn’t she be. She met a man she loved and she kissed him and she didn’t feel those sparks.
Now Fran is also autistic coded so this initially affected the way I viewed her relationships as well, but all of that changes when you take into account Michaela.
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Francesca immediately starts to stutter and is flustered when she sees Michaela. We have never seen Fran act this way with a man, even her husband. It wasn’t for no reason that Violet describes how she felt the first time she fell in love with Edmund and then almost immediately after Fran reacts the same way to Michaela. The butterflies, not being able to string a sentence together. This was foreshadowing.
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Some people were upset because they said it erased everything Fran said about having a quiet love and that is somewhat true, but I disagree with people saying that it erases slowly built love when Polin’s whole story is about love not striking you like a bolt of lightning.
None of this is to say she can’t love John, I believe she does I just feel it is platonic, and the loss of John would hit hard even if he was her best friend. John is one of the great loves of her life but who is to say that love is romantic? Friendships are the foundation of our lives and they are equally as important as any romantic relationship. Fran met someone who understands her and is like her, that doesn’t mean she has to have romantic attraction for him.
Some of this is affected by personal bias as I am a late-blooming lesbian, but holy shit the way I relate to Fran wanting to get married just because it would mean she wouldn’t have to pursue any other relationships with men and the way she was willing to accept whoever the Queen deemed fit because she didn’t have any criteria except “is kind to me”. Fran does not seem to be searching for love as she has not felt it before. The closest she comes is with John because the two of them are so similar and I believe she thought that because she liked him so much that she must be in love with him which is just so…lesbian coded I don’t know how to explain it.
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This isn’t to say bisexuality isn’t real or is “just a phase”. Ew. Gross. No. This is just the way I am interpreting the character with the information we have now. If it comes out definitely that she is bisexual then I will accept that, sapphic rep is so needed.
All in all they look so good and I can’t wait to see these queers kiss and have a romance.
Also I think that Michaela still could have fallen first. Fran just realized she was a dyke at that exact moment and her brain stopped working which is valid. But did you see the way Michaela looked at her. I KNOW A LESBIAN FALLING IN LOVE WHEN I SEE ONE.
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gleefullypolin · 3 months
Initial thoughts on first watch through of Part 2
I will need to watch the season again a few more times as I was overwhelmed to be sure as a lot was going on. But my quick thoughts on storylines...
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I'll start with my least favorite part. Sorry but it's the elephant in the room.
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I cannot. Every time they wasted screentime to go back to him fucking, I was like. God no, please make it stop. I mean I got it the first three times we showed it. Was it really necessary to keep harping on it. Honestly, shit or get off the pot with Ben's story. I'm bored and I don't know where they are going with this. I'm disinterested now.
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This got better for me in the back half than the first half. I took no interest in them in the first 4 episodes. it was a snooze fest and while I would not watch a full season of them, they were cute in the back half and while the "dying breath" line was a bit harsh (seriously writers was that necessary) I'm even less interested in exploring a full season of Fran's actual story, not because it's been gender bended to Michaela, I just don't care for Fran's character. Personal opinion, sorry.
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Loved competitive Anthony at game night, we are the same Anthony, truly first borns. Kate has relaxed him for sure tho. Loved how he seemed to truly support his siblings, first with Colin and again with Fran in their choices to marry. Wished we could have seen his face when Pen announced she was LW after he was so clear that there was no way anyone could be her under his nose as RULER over the Bridgerton lands or some shit. Would have been a delight to see, yet...he did once again run off and leave his duty as leader of the Bridgerton family once again. For all this fandom screams that Anthony is the only man of the house with the actual job and responsibility he has yet once again disappeared from it yet again. No matter, there was little of this duo for me to take true aim at this season and thus not much for me to say other than what I have.
So moving on....
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What is there to say...Who's afraid of the big bad BITCH. Well not Pen. And no one else, for off to the country she goes and good on ya! Sorry, don't let the door hit ya on the way out. I'm not sad to see you and your big ass sleeves go.
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Tend that garden girl. TEND THAT GARDEN! That's all I gotta say, S4 is gonna bring Mama Bridgerton her just desserts! It was lovely seeing her navigating the dating mart and being nervous herself. I can't wait to see her needing to lean on Lady D and her children as she tries to figure this out herself next season.
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I was up, I was down. I was on the floor in anger and tears and then crying with joy. I understood you, I swore at you, I still love you dearly. There is much for you to learn about love and the world and I will welcome you home to do that. I did feel like she grew a lot this season. She was confused by love. Love of Pen, Love of Colin, love of being a woman in society and finding her way in what all of that means again. It was nice to see that. I loved her scenes with Colin and Pen and even with Benedict. I do look forward to her season as I feel like she had the most growth this season and while I feel like Ben's is next (boo) she can't be far behind, though I would welcome them doing her and Ben together in 4 at this point since it takes so fucking long to film these.
The Featheringtons
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The most growth came from the family. Portia, Pru, and Phillipa had a lot of growth. Between mama being put in her place, then having to face how she has treated her daughter, how she sees her daughter, and then realizing how her daughter is stronger than she realized was quite the journey. And then beyond that seeing the jealousy the sisters had for Pen all along, the way it burned in them because some part of them always felt that their mama loved her most, favored her most even with her treatment. That all the girls really wanted was love of their mama. Seeing that family all together at the end, not jealous of who had the heir, just happy, with their families was beautiful.
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Oh dear sensitive Colin Bridgerton. You really are a soft angel boy. He was so in love, so smitten and we needed that for him to understand how he felt up front but the moment he found out about Pen, you could feel the heart break, the confusion, the anger, the loss. And it didn't just magically heal. He loved Pen, he knew that but the burn inside to reconcile that he couldnt tear LW from her, couldn't rip it from her soul was literally a dark cloud over him for the back half. I took no issue with his words in anger, the were to be expected. He no more meant them or believed them than the stupid ass words people say in anger or stating he would never court her. They were simply words.
His mother was right. He is sensitive. Sleeping on the couch, pouting everywhere. He could not reconcile his thoughts. Could not get her to give up LW for anything and his brain could not comprehend. It was only when he went back to her letters that he realized Pen was not LW, LW was Pen. He loved ONE woman and they were the same woman. He also needed to stop taking control and stop trying to save the day. Pen was a capable woman and he needed to stop trying to control her.
I think the greatest thing about Colin as a character is that he is a sensitive person who loves wholly. He is able to put away the notion of the MAN needing to be the one who runs things. He lets her be a partner with him, in sex, in life, in their roles. This is shown not just in the fact he lets her take on how to fix the LW situation in the end, but also having her on top in the bedroom in their final sex scene. She's a participant in their marriage, not a submissive wife. This is refreshing in this world and I'm happy to see it in Colin.
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What a ride for Pen she had. She was faced with giving up her dreams to let Colin thrive in his. And she was willing to do so, lets just preface they gave us that scene where she put away LW for us to transition to Colin finally losing his writers block and happily writing away. She gave it up only to be faced with a challenge and needing to take up the quill again. Pen needed to save the Bridgertons and did so later on but she was willing to give everything up for Colin.
I loved her convos with Gen and how it was another woman who allowed her to see that women did not need to give up their worth for men. AMEN! No one said, Colin needed to give up his dreams but Pen absolutely was able to have hers too. I loved this and then to see her stand up to Colin in their second fight, to let her voice be heard to him and not let him talk over her was also important.
The fact that Pen stood up for herself, diverging from the books where Colin does this for her in the books, having Pen stand up for herself thus saving herself and outing herself to the ton, I liked this. Pen was able to put LW away and use her OWN voice to the ton and explain to everywhere why she created this entire empire. I thought this was beautifully done and then having her let Colin out of the marriage afterwards so that she basically put them now on a level playing field was perfect. His speech at that point should be put in a museum because it leveled me. I think this put them finally into the right place for their marriage and lets them begin as equals. They both have a career, they both have a purpose, they have each other and they do things together. She's not out there alone anymore.
What a fucking journey. God I love this show.
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So yeah, I know I'm seeing people upset, they didn't get the spoilers they wanted, didn't get some pieces they built up and you are allowed to feel that way. I think my only gripe I have is that our sex montage was cut from the show and instead we got too much Ben and his tiresome threesome that went no where. So that is my only gripe. Give me that deleted scene and I'll be happy forever. Otherwise....
Polin is life! I loved everything they gave us and I have no complaints.
A+++ They have a happy fan from me.
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millennialsalkin · 1 month
hello have not been on here in literal years and reactivated simply to post my modern bridgerton hcs that came to me as i was falling asleep would not let me go until i wrote them down! enjoy!
the entire family is still very much british upper class - they regularly interact with the royals and attend all the family event like wimbledon and ascot. they are regularly featured in the pages of the tabloids much to their annoyance. they also went to either oxford, cambridge, or st. andrew’s (franny)
- anthony - still who he is, took over edmund’s position in the family business. huge company either a law firm, business like real estate or holdings. he’s ceo and damn good at his job. still viscount but it is really in name only.
- kate - still very much who she is, i can see her either going very much a lawyer or the artist route but i like to think of her as leaving her art as a hobby that she does simply for the pleasure of it.
- benedict - artist can do either painting or photography but has become very famous for it, initially it was because of the family name but then people started seeing his talent for what it is. his photos have been featured a bunch of times in british vogue and he is one of their go to photographers.
- sophie - very much a primary school teacher because of her experience with araminta as a child she was determined to not let that happen for other children so she makes damn sure that while they are at school in her class they know some one is looking out for them.
- colin - travel writer. he works for some magazine and has his own column. the magazine is owned by like some big media company that has their own building.
- penelope - pen works for a different magazine that is owned by the same parent company as colin’s so they work in the same building when colin is not on assignment. she secretly still runs lady whistledown that is like deux moi and once she gets outed she starts her own mini media empire. still besties with eloise.
- daphne - she is very much the perfect socialite philanthropist that is so perfect she seems like she would be a bitch but truly is that nice. is still married to simon after they fake dated due to some media scandal. lives her absolute best WAG life and has the season down to a science.
- simon - is a huge sports star, think david beckham. technically was still the duke but officially gave up the title to piss off his father. this man was born to be girl dad.
- eloise - once she realized just how much privilege she has, she put her money where her mouth is and is constantly going to protests much to anthony’s annoyance (not because he doesn’t agree with the cause just because she is giving the family a bad name in the press, he actually super proud of her.) el went to school for a degree in women and gender studies and is super involved in academia when not getting arrested.
- phillip/a - a botany professor at the university where el is based out of. still has the kids from their previous relationship with marina but they were able to get a divorce because it is the 21st century and co parent the twins quite well. their gender honestly doesn’t matter for this, they love plants and eloise - the order of that is not important.
- francesca - autistic, it is important to me that you know that. she is a film composer, she loves getting to create the score for movies and that it doesn’t require that much human interaction.
- john - still unfortunately passes away, but prior to that was some kind of finance guy. was generally the nicest guy and loved fran with his entire heart.
- michael/michaela - hot. like the most beautiful human being you have ever laid eyes on. they work as an actor because it’s fun but secretly are insanely smart and like build computers for fun.
- gregory - anthony’s mini me and he wouldn’t have it any other way. he works for the family company and loves it. generally small bean like but is insanely tall, like taller than benedict much to everyone’s annoyance but no one more than hyacinth. he worships the ground lucy walks on but they only have three or four kids because they have access to birth control.
- lucy - a mini kate. also a lawyer who’s family firm got bought by kate’s and then started working under her where she eventually met greg when he was visiting his favorite sister kate for their monthly lunch date. has ocd.
- hyacinth - a child prodigy, started university at like 15 (which she never lets greg forget) works as a ta (or whatever the uk equivalent is) for agatha who is an old family friend through whom she meets gareth. her field is like archeology or some other super niche thing. (agatha does not have to teach, she does it because if she doesn’t how else will the new generation ever be taught the right way to do things)
- gareth - is so fucking chill but absolutely matches hyacinths freak. no one is quite sure what he does, he has explained it many times but no one truly knows even hyacinth.
- violet - was besties with princess diana (old money england) she unfortunately passes around the same time as edmund and she just loses it. luckily it is the modern days was able to get help but it took a little while. though once she is back on her feet she is a force to be reckoned with. she runs the family foundation which focuses on mental health and allergy awareness.
thank you for reading this! i will take no criticism at this time but welcome any addition thoughts!
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darklinaforever · 3 months
Me, not only being annoyed that they changed Michael to Michaela, but also that Francesca seems to directly have a thing for her when for fuck's sake it's supposed to be the other way around. Fran is not supposed to view Michael as anything other than a friend while John is alive. Not to mention the fact that Fran didn't seem to really enjoy her kiss with John ? Is it just me who feels this way ? Not only do they change the gender of my favorite male character in the books, but they completely change the main meaning of the romance. Principle of second chance ? Lose your true love and find a new one ? Love with equality but not in the same way ? And you're telling me that Fran already seems to have a thing for Michaela ?! Serious ?! And in the meantime I haven't calculated anything on the part of Michaela who should have normally fallen in love at first sight. Well... I think I'll get out my copy of WHWW and re-read it for my sanity.
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melaniekatewrites · 3 months
Just thinking about how easily Franchaela can work (for all the naysayers):
1. Francesca does love John. There's no debate (or, shouldn't be) about that. Just because her sparks with Michaela are altogether different doesn't negate her peaceful, quiet comfort with John.
2. Her infertility issues still very much have a place within her story—with John. They are married. They will have these issues come up. That part of her story has not been thrown out the window.
3. Michaela will still very much help—and join—Frannie as she grieves after John's death. John and Michaela are still cousins, close as siblings.
4. I know that many claimed they were disappointed in the change to Michaela since part of Francesca's fertility journey is that she does have a child with Michael pretty quickly. This could be easily included by Francesca having been pregnant again at the time of John's death, or by Francesca and Michaela adopting a child/children. Because of course Michaela would help raise John's child, her own relation as well. That could look a bit like Sir Phillip's situation.
5. There could be a number of ways the Bridgerton world approaches queer relationships. Either the influence of the Bridgerton's (and the Stirling's, another family of the ton) will lead the Queen to deem queer couples accepted by the ton, or Francesca and Michaela can be presented as companions, as many real life queer couples of the age would have done. If they go this route, it's unlikely that they would be questioned or face much scrutiny. They are relatives by marriage, Michaela should still inherit the title and Kilmartin, and Francesca would be afforded more freedoms in society as a widow: she has already experienced the marriage mart, would be the dowager Countess, and still comes from an influential family besides.
All in all, this scenario can work out really easily. If this post alone helps convince even one person of that, I'm happy. We all interpret characters in different ways, and for Brownell, that's envisioning Francesca as a bi, neurodivergent woman. Considering that Julia Quinn approved this change, and affirmed that it will be keeping to the heart of the story, I'm not too sure why there continues to be a debate about this (or a call for a re-do, which logically would never happen). If you have any other ideas of how the showrunners may depict Franchaela, please share! I'd love to discuss their coming story more ♡
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penspolin · 3 months
Why Sophie won't be genderbent, exploring sexuality in Bridgerton
I've gathered some evidence for why Sophie will not be genderbent in S4. None of these are confirmed, of course, but I think this should help to alleviate concerns.
Probably the most obvious - they've already risked a lot by gender bending one character (Michael), so I don't foresee them doing it again.
Directly tied to reason 1, the show already made a change from Book!Benedict this season by making him canon bisexual. That is already one substantial change, and I personally don't see them giving both Francesca and Benedict gender bent endgames.
Directly tied to Benedict's sexuality, there is one particular scene that stands out a lot: during Benedict's last conversation with Tilley, he explicitly says that gender does not matter to him.
"Paul could be Patricia, or Polly, or Peter, or all three at once."
I'd argue this was included 1) to convey his sexuality directly to the audience through dialogue itself, 2) to highlight his concept of freedom, and 3) to emphasize that this experience is a bisexual (pansexual, potentially) awakening, not a homosexual one. I've noticed a standard in media to give characters an LGBTQ+ experience that confirms to them that they've never really liked the other gender (in this case, women) all along, they were just "playing pretend." But what we know very well by now from Benedict is that he doesn't play by society's game. If he was not attracted to women, he would not have been pursuing them for so long. Benedict having an LGBTQ+ experience this season makes him so happy because he's finally grasping at the freedom he once found in art. There is a lightness to Benedict in the last two episodes of S3 because he's broken through a barrier, admitted to a core part of himself, and lived the way he wants to, away from the watchful eye of society, in direct opposition to what society deems "appropriate."
Contrast Benedict's sexuality to what we've seen of Francesca, who has never expressed such explicit interest in both genders. Up to this point, she is a societal conformant, and we witness her struggle with that. While I do think she harbors deep feelings of love for John, her last scene with Michaela indicates that her love for him isn't romantic. It's also important to note - Benedict has had previous experience with a gay man; as far as we know, Francesca has never interacted with a member of the LGBTQ+ community and thus does not carry that same knowledge. As we've seen with other plots in Bridgerton, women were not often privy to the same knowledge and experiences as men (shielded, so to speak), and so her understanding of sexuality could be understandably limited.
4. Went off on a tangent there, but the final reason why I don't think Sophie will be genderbent: Sophie's identity as a bastard and maid derives conflict from her gender. Men, even illegitimate ones of wealthy families, were typically fairly well-off. I hardly think the bastard son of an Earl would be immediately cast out and turned into a maid or servant. Additionally, Jess Brownell has indicated that she doesn't want to mess with the books "too much," and while she's made some gender and sexuality changes, I do not foresee her changing something so pivotal. For this backstory to present conflict, Sophie must remain a woman.
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sugarcubetikki · 3 months
Okay. I am annoyed by the everything so I’m gonna go ahead and debunk all the arguments against the Francesca X Michaela storyline.
In case you weren’t aware of all the complaints going around, here they are:
they’ve completely changed the storyline from the books! francesca’s infertility storyline was sooo important and now it won’t happen!
eloise would’ve made more sense as the queer bridgerton, her and cressida or some other female character would’ve been great over francesca.
by immediately making francesca attracted to michaela they downplayed john and her’s relationship that was built up this season, they cheapened the book storyline into a cliche love triangle!
michael was the best book hero ever! I can’t believe they’ve changed him to michaela.
I am taking all these criticisms/complaints at face value and ignoring any lesbophobia undertones (for now) just to prove how flawed they still are on their own.
Firstly, saying that Francesca’s infertility storyline has been ruined is far from the truth. Instead it can be done in a different way. Think about Francesca in a queer relationship and wanting kids in the kind of society she lives in. It basically mirrors the infertility storyline from the books except her struggles would become representative of the struggles that queer people who want kids face. If they went for this storyline in her season, I think it would be really really nice, we’ve seen a straight infertility storyline play out so many times, this would be great.
Secondly, I am so tired of hearing that it should’ve been Eloise over Francesca. I don’t think Eloise would’ve made more or less sense as a queer women. I think any and every character has the potential to be written as queer or straight. Being an outspoken women with little interest on marriage shouldn’t make Eloise more queer. I also really liked the idea of a potential Eloise X Cressida romance but that does not mean Francesca cannot be queer. In fact, I’m excited to see this introverted autistic queer girl rep! Francesca, go prove we exist.
Thirdly, Francesca’s season hasn’t even happened yet! Getting mad over one scene of Michaela, saying that John and Francesca’s relationship has been downplayed and that we’re in for a cheapened love triangle story is so unreasonable. It was a single scene and people are choosing to get mad over something that hasn’t even happened yet? Besides, if this storyline plays out, it wouldn’t mean that Francesca shouldn’t have been made queer but simply that the writers didn’t write the storyline to your liking. The fact that there’s this much outrage over this is so ridiculous to me. Wait till her season. We have no idea how they’re going to play out the storyline just yet so stop hating already (there may be some lesbophobia implications to this claim which I have spoken about below).
Fourthly, I know it’s not a nice feeling to not get the chance to see a beloved book character onscreen due to this gender swap. It may feel unfair but I mean but…give Michaela a chance? We haven’t seen her personality yet and we don’t know how Masali will bring her character to life. If your qualms are that the love interest is no longer a guy you can fetishise and fawn over, then well…log out of the internet, rant to a friend and stick to the books. Let the sapphics have their wlw romance that we rarely get these days because we keep getting cancelled since streaming services hate gay women. And no that is not an exaggeration but our plain reality. So let us have this.
Finally, to end things off, let us address the lesbophobia aspect to this separately because it is 100% worth mentioning.
The treatment towards queer women onscreen is hardly the same as the hype around queer men.
We can see it in the way streaming services and the internet hype up gay romances whilst sapphic romances are largely ignored and cast to the side (just to make it clear I have nothing against people enjoying mlm romance I enjoy mlm romance all I’m saying that it’s a real shame that wlw romance doesn’t get the same amount of appreciation).
The response to Francesca X Michaela has been largely negative and it’s frustrating. Outside of the cosy gay rabbit hole that tumblr is, there’s just outrage over this storyline/pairing for a number of different reasons that well…all feel ridiculous.
Bridgerton has gone off the books many times yet there’s more outrage than before when it comes to Francesca X Michaela?
Fans are getting a lot more defensive of John and Francesca’s relationship despite knowing he was never going to be endgame all because of Michaela? I’m sorry but I’m sure that if Michaela was Michael and we got the exact same scene with Francesca, do you think there would be as much outrage over John and Francesca’s relationship being downplayed? No. Let’s be honest. People wouldn’t be as mad because there’d be an attractive man involved.
I think the sapphics deserve so much more and better treatment from fellow non-sapphics. Instead of a show of appreciation, we keep getting unreasonable amounts of fire onto this storyline that hasn’t even happened.
What’s worse is that I know that Francesca X Michaela’s romance could follow the story beats of previous seasons that were eaten up by fans and still be bad to people because sapphic romances are just judged more harshly as straight audiences refuse to connect with them. If their romance isn’t phenomenal and just good, then it won’t be enough which is just frustrating.
So yeah, the hate towards Francesca and Michaela is unwarranted and unjust. People need to calm down and realise that their claims are contributing to lesbophobia whether they realise it or not.
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paperglader · 3 months
imgonnagetyouback is the most franchaela post michaela's return from india song to ever be sung. no i will not elaborate.
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starzalign · 3 months
Bridgerton Spoilers; but the homophobia against Frani & Michaela is so ???? Bc not even last week, people were fine with the idea of Eloise being lesbian & Benedict being Bi, but now all the sudden Bi ppl dont exist bc they gender bended Micheal. I can understand the book readers being hurt especially bc he was a favorite love interest, but the plot can remain the same they will just shift some of her struggles to John.
But Its honestly kinda laughable bc theres no way ppl thought all 8 siblings were straight. & when Micheal stepped on the screen I said “whos that 👀” me & frani are the same 😭.
This creator sums up my predictions well!!
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hadesisqueer · 3 months
Having fully watched Bridgerton now, I can say that while I think Francesca could be read as bisexual, I also think that so far she could be read as a lesbian as well.
First of all, I would like to clarify that I am not trying to invalidate bisexuality in any sort of way, and I do think Francesca could perfectly be bisexual or pansexual as well, but judging by some scenes such as the kiss after the wedding —in which Francesca looked disappointed—, I think they could (again, nothing sure) be leaning towards her being a comphet lesbian. A couple of things that have been said in interviews as well make me feel like they could be leaning that way. I've researched on what happens in the books, and I do know that Francesca was in love with John in them, yes. But judging by what I've seen, the show has made many changes from the books (Anthony and Kate originally being trapped into marriage, Daphne apparently not even being the diamond, timeline changes with Polin's story, and hell, Michael from Michaela), so I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to portray this story differently as well. Never for a second do I doubt that Francesca truly loves John in the show as well —the man is amazing, and she feels he really understands her—. I just think there is a possibility that love she feels might be platonic rather than romantic. Platonic love is just as important as romantic love and she'd be equally devastated with his loss, after all.
But again, nothing is for sure and of course I do think she could be bisexual and truly in love with John, too. I'd be thrilled either way. All we know so far is that she's sapphic, we'll see more of the story and where they're heading next season. Same with Michaela, by the way. I keep seeing people calling her a lesbian, and as a lesbian I say there's nothing wrong with that since her sexuality is not confirmed right now, but actually all we know she's sapphic. For all we know, she could actually be bisexual as well.
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sleepyfireball · 3 months
I love Season 3 of Bridgerton so much (Part 2)
I loved Colin and Penelope's story. The Lady Whistledown reveal, the angst, oh, it was perfection. I thought the mirror scene was immaculate and just nailed their friends-to-lovers vibe perfectly. Also, Colin asking for consent at each step is so hot, but we digress. The whole of part 2 had me stressing, with all the Whistledown angst, but I did desperately enjoy the fact that despite how angry Colin was, there was never any doubting his love for Penelope, like they got married and he stroked her fac during their wedding dance (which was another wonderful scene) while he was still upset. This is true Colin 'My Wife' Bridgerton behaviour. Luke Newton and Nicola Coughlan did amazingly well in their roles, particularly in the most heated and emotional moments. Penelope was wonderful as well, the fact that she was willing to give up Whistledown was so important, but the way it ended, with her not having to give it up was even better, in my opinion. It helps the show maintain its natural dynamic with the narrator in Julie Andrews, while neatly bringing the Whistledown storyline to a close. Also, the ending, with Polin's son inheriting the Featherington estate has pulled that storyline to a close as well, with the Featheringtons properly secured. I enjoyed the growth that both Colin and Penelope went through in Part 2 and it felt like a natural continuation from Part 1, although Debling did just kinda vanish.
Speaking of disappearing suitors, Lord Samadani also vanished after Part 1. I think this was able to happen because Queen Charlotte became so entangled with Whistledown, she stopped caring about the Season and the Diamond, otherwise she may have tried to push Lord Samadani at Francesca a little more. Francesca and John were just beautiful in Part 2, their engagement and wedding was sweet and low-key and fit them both perfectly. I was pleased to see that Francesca flourished with John and she in turn, was able to help him become a little more comfortable among her chaotic family. Francesca is also my bi-icon. I will love her forever. The definition of Gay Panic when Michaela Stirling walks in. I do like that Francesca teaches Violet that love does not always have to be exactly as she experienced it, and Violet explains how she fell in love, which we see happen for Francesca when Michaela walks in. I think Francesca is still in love with and happy with John, she's just had her bi-awakening and does not know what to do about it.
Speaking of bi-icons, Benedict Bridgerton has finally, properly entered the ring after 2.5 seasons of humming and harring. While I was not the biggest fan of the fact that it was introduced via a threesome that just kept popping up between heartfelt or emotional scenes, I am glad the writers committed to it, even though when push came to shove, Benedict avoided the commitment and ran away, again. I think his season is next due to his chats with Eloise right at the end of the season (swing chats, my beloved).
Eloise did well in Part 2. Her anger was mostly as a protection for Colin and I was pleased to see her mature and grow into an adult. She and Penelope had some beautiful growth, with Eloise learning that while Whistledown was not necessarily kindly written, it did not lie and Penelope had tried warning Eloise multiple times about hanging around Theo. Penelope also had growth in being willing to give up Whistledown which I think helped Eloise's understanding significantly and also with her promise to write more carefully in the future. I was so pleased to see the two of them being friends again. I had missed them. I also think that a trip to Scotland will help Eloise expand her horizons, possibly allowing her to understand the ton a little more as well, preparing her for her story in Season 5 I hope. I do however think that Eloise's treatment of Cressida was a little callous, but she can't win them all.
Cressida is an interesting one. Personally I am still not her greatest fan, however, seeing why she was so desperate to escape did bring motive to her claiming Whistledown's identity, even if it was not the most well thought out plan. Jessica Madsen did an excellent job with providing depth and clarity to Cressida's story and I will be at least a little interested to see where it goes from here. Also, reading what the Cowpers thought of the Bridgertons was truly shocking (and hilarious) and you can see that Cressida's mean girl persona comes from her mum, solidified by her dad's pressure.
Queen Charlotte did exceptionally well for me this season. I could truly feel the power she weilds and how dangerous it would be to go up against her so blatantly as Whistledown had. I did appreciate Lady Danbury basically telling QC that her life would become infinitely more boring if she were to truly put an end to Whistledown and Brimsley with QC is an unstoppable duo, particularly after QC:ABS.
Lady Danbury, another highlight of the season. Her scenes with Marcus Anderson and with Violet are among some of my favourite in the whole show and I'm gonna use another post to talk about Violet and Marcus and Agatha, because this post is ridiculously long and I could talk about this particular plot for days. I was pleased to see Agatha helping the Mondrichs get settled and happy to know that she had suspected Penelope was Lady Whistledown. It makes sense, as she is the most perceptive in the ton. I was a little upset that we didn't get to see much of Polin and Lady Danbury interacting, but I can see why. It almost felt more powerful for it to just be them trying to figure out their problems together.
The Mondrichs. I enjoyed their story, it was good, nice to see them get settled into society once and for all. It felt like a natural conclusion from the three season with them hosting a successful ball for the season.
The Featheringtons, I will admit, they impressed me. Their ball was a success, and their comedic timing was immaculate once more. Seeing the development that Penelope and Portia went through was excellent and very much needed for Penelope to have a healthy relationship with Portia. I enjoyed that Portia stayed true to her word and stuck by Penelope during the LW reveal etc. But I was also amazed by Colin's speech when Portia was insulting Penelope in Ep5, because those assumptions were rude and insulting to Penelope and to Colin and she needed to be brought down a few pegs in order to develop properly. It was also nice to see the three sisters getting along, to an extent, in the final scene. I also though that Violet and Portia were excellent together. Props to Ruth Gemmell and Polly Walker for somehow managing to infuse so much awkwardness into the 5 minutes they shared on screen, simple and pure comedy, I loved it. Also pleased to see that the Featherington boys continue to be Husbands first and men second.
Also Kanthony was nice, glad to see them helping Colin out. Violet really brought in the heavy artillery for her fighting newly-weds. Also pleased to see Kate take on the older sister role and Anthony literally being the most besotted man on the planet.
Gregory and Hyacinth were also excellent. I feel like the sibling scenes really thrived in part 2.
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What the Bridgerton character you relate to the most says about you (based on the show and my opinion) *mostly unserious edition*
Anthony - older sibling part one. That or you are the certified glue that holds your entire family together. Also, fake arse cynic, I know you want to be loved and cherished you’re just scared it will never last or no one will ever see you that way. Control freak but I get it.
Benedict - You are the personification of the quote about grief. (In case you don’t know which one I’m talking about: "How do you process grief? By running from it until it finds me in the middle of a sunny street on a beautiful day?") You have been running away from something your entire life, whether that be yourself or a feeling. Newsflash it’s gonna catch you one day. That said, you’re probably also lgbtq and camp.
Colin - gurrllll… read Benedict’s first and then come back here, you also need to hear that. You are a quote on quote pathological people pleaser. SAVIOUR COMPLEX. Girl, they’re not gonna love you even if you can bend the laws of nature for them. You’re naive, sensitive and desperate for someone, literally anyone to understand and care for you. Also, babes… you’re not unworthy of love, you just have imposters syndrome.
Daphne - I bet you loved watching Zoella in her prime. I also feel like you’re the sort of person that is constantly expecting/hoping to bump into the love of your life whenever you’re in public. You’re a hopeless romantic but I get it.
Eloise - You’re probably LGBTQ. You might have started out a feminist with the girl power quotes but have since delved deeper and have since been more radicalised. You probably struggle to connect with overt "femininity" for numerous reasons including the patriarchy and the media’s portrayal of women but you support all women regardless. Your fashion sense consists of baggy tops, jeans and jorts (RIP Eloise, you would’ve loved baggy clothes 😔) Do you own a carabiner? You’ve probably had a fuck arse bob era at some point in your life.
Francesca - girl I get it, I really do. I hate human civilisation as well. It’s loud, it’s overwhelming, it’s scary. You’ve felt like the odd one out everywhere you go and people always seem to pick up that despite how hard you try to hide it . You just want to live in peace, maybe with someone who understands you. That said, how’s that autism diagnosis coming along-
Gregory - You are the personification of that vine where the kid has a knife. ("What have you got there? A KNIFE. no-)
Hyacinth - I just know you’re funny asf. Haters hate to see you coming because they know you’re about to gag tf out of them.
Kate - older sibling part two, probably older sister. If not, just like with Anthony, the glue the holds the family together. You can stand up to haters but you can’t say no to your friends when you want to. Sometimes you’ve just got to bite the bullet and prioritise your own happiness girl.
Penelope - …where do I even begin? You were probably the person that everyone just unanimously decided they thought was weird or unapproachable and it has messed you up indefinitely. (That’s on them though girl, there is nothing wrong with you I promise 💋) Family issues. You have imagined getting revenge on everyone who has ever wronged you. Body issues (girl, you’re beautiful don’t let anyone tell you otherwise) Short.
Simon - Daddy issues daddy issues. Emotionally constipated. You can’t believe meaningless sex and substance abuse didn’t cure you.
Philip - You have anxiety.
John: Introvert™️ honestly just read Francesca’s you’re both in the same boat. You are not afraid to dip once the social battery has ran out and I respect that. You know how to set up boundaries. Though, I think you wonder sometimes if you have protected your peace a bit too much because your only friend is your pet or your mum let’s be honest—
Michaela: LGBTQ. And you’re right because she is beautiful- I bet you love the film Bottoms. Favourite artists include Chappell Roan, Renee Rapp. You like Bridgerton in a gay way (the women)
Violet: You’ve never quite gotten over that one relationship have you… you would love the song loml by Taylor Swift 😔✊.
Portia: I feel like you have been told one thing you’re entire life and you’ve kind of based your entire personality upon that only to realise when you have grown up and met new people that it’s all worthless and the very foundations of who you are are crumbling as we speak. But you look slay while it happens.
Lady Danbury: I bet you’re expecting me to tell you how much of a baddie you are… which you are but don’t pretend you’re not wearing a facade to ensure you never get hurt by anyone ever again.
Queen Charlotte: Alexa play right where you left me by Taylor Swift.
Brimsely: your gay situationship has messed you up.
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