#I just looked up and saw bad bunny having a little fashion show on my tv and started to laugh
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 2 years ago
This scene of Bad Bunny just having a little fashion show in his closet is making me lose it right now.
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shootingmorningstar · 11 months ago
Was inspired by bambygourl’s fanart and a TikTok I saw. Dressing up as Roger and Jessica Rabbit for a costume party with Lucifer. I think he’d be all pouty and grumpy about dressing up as such a silly character and not a suave charming character. Especially since he’d take a look at the white button up, red trousers with suspenders, and blue bow tie with yellow polka-dots and see it as a fashion nightmare XD. And don’t get him started on the bunny ears and tail. Tho his mood is sufficiently uplifted when he sees the reader dressed up as Jessica Rabbit. Low cut red dress with a slit and all. Just imagine pulling on his suspenders or bow tie for a kiss, getting lipstick on his mouth and face, and cooing over how adorable and handsome her honey-bunny is.
I've been meaning to get to this request ever since I saw it because it is just so good. I'm definitely biased for anything Lucifer related but god this is just so cute. Anon, your brain is outstanding. I love pouty Lucifer. If you still have that tiktok on hand or ever come across it again, do you think you could send it my way .ᐣ
You didn't include what kind of request you wanted though, and my default is HCs -- but I couldn't help but throw in a little drabble based on them, too. Or, at least I intended it to be a drabble .ᐣ It got away from me, haha.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀Lucifer and Female Reader Dressing
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Up As Roger and Jessica Rabbit ~
Lucifer is initially thrilled when you bring up wanting to attend a famous yearly costume party in Pride with him. A chance to show you off sounds amazing, and he's great with costumes. Just the thought of you two matching is enough to get him excited.
You seemed just as excited as he was -- in fact, he was even more excited when you told him you'd already had something in mind .ᐟ He's pestering you to tell him just what the costumes were as soon as the plan leaves your lips, but much to his displeasure, you refuse, saying you want to keep it a surprise.
You'd even managed to resist the very strongest puppy-dog eyes and pout. Impressive. He usually succeeds in getting his way with that one -- who could ever say no to that face .ᐣ Having exhausted his options, he sighs his defeat.
Well, nearly exhausted his options. He was entirely too ready to pretend that you'd won and snoop through your closet the second you walked away. Apparently his quick glance at said closet had given him away though, and with a quick deadpan stare alongside a scary sounding ❛ don't you dare. ❜ has his feet rooted to the floor.
Did his poker face really suck so bad .ᐣ He's definitely practicing it in the mirror later.
Ultimately, though, he trusts you completely and your choice in matching outfits is no exception, so he allows it to drop for now. There's still a few more days until the party, but that time could be spent much more productively by your side rather than whining about clothing.
That is, until the day of the party comes around and you bring out his outfit. You'd never seen Lucifer's jaw drop quite like that before and it takes iron will to stop yourself from giggling at his present state.
He doesn't understand the reference. Lucifer regrets his past decision to give humanity free will. It's obvious, even if he never seems to say it outright. He had given out such a precious gift and so much of humanity chose to abuse it, to be nothing but cruel. Looking at sinners and by extension humanity is just a terrible reminder of what he'd done, so he prefers to avoid it whenever possible. This quite often includes the media of the living realm -- he's never even heard about the movie, forget seeing it.
So without the full context, all he knows is that you've just handed him an absolutely atrocious outfit -- and to make it worse, you expect him to go out in it .ᐣ Seriously, he whinges, red overalls with a blue bow .ᐣ Rabbit ears .ᐣ And to make it worse, you won't even show him your outfit until he gets dressed .ᐟ He can't believe you're laughing.
He sounds completely and totally ridiculous, in your defense. Seriously, has he seen his regular outfit .ᐣ He looks absolutely stunning, sure -- but he also looks like he walked right out of a circus.
It says a lot, though, that despite the complete and total pity party he's currently throwing himself, he's beginning to shuffle into the costume anyway. He's grumbling the whole way, but the fact that he just doesn't have it in him to say no to you warms your heart.
You had been so, so eager about this party, and the way your eyes had shined like stars when you told him had long since burned itself into his heart.
wc ; 1.2k
His seemingly endless complaints had tapered off ever so slightly when you shimmied his grasp off of the ruby red suspenders sagging unbuttoned over his chest. By the time you take the fabric into your own hands his protests faded to little more than a mumble under his breath, and with the very first snap of a button in place under your gentle touch he'd quieted completely. Where a look of exasperation had reflected off his face seconds prior, in its place now is that of silent awe, his gaze trained on your every action. The gesture of intimacy is enough to leave Lucifer somewhat choked up, his heart still not used to receiving such acts of adoration and kindness. You tie the cornflower blue fabric adorned with tiny yellow spots into a bow to accentuate the costume and cover his hands briefly with your own as you slip the gloves onto his fingers.
Not twenty minutes had passed, and he finds his attitude regarding the ensemble shifting with every second you take to assist him into it. Each and every part of it looks ridiculous at best, but the thought of you picking it out solely for him has him warming up to the idea.
Declaring your work complete, you raise your grasp ever so slightly, palms holding each of his cheeks close, your thumbs rubbing soft little circles below his eyes. Your affections are sufficient only when finished with a kiss placed on his forehead. ❛ I'm going to go get dressed, okay .ᐣ No peeking. I promise I'll be right back. ❜
The way his wrists on instinct dart out to catch yours to bring you close to him again as you pull back nearly got you. He's extended his lips in a pout once more. You hate to leave him quite so sad looking but you know he'll appreciate what you have planned enough for it to be worth it.
Bathroom door shutting closed behind you, there's the smallest bit of lingering regret that he can't help you to get dressed like you had for him. The outfit itself takes you barely a few moments to slip into -- it's the makeup that requires precision, time and effort. His pacing around the bedroom is audible, impatient steps sounding into stomps, the sounds causing you to choke on a laugh. You need a steady hand for your eyeshadow and that's hard to maintain during an act quite as cute as this.
Nonetheless, your look is finished within half an hour and therefore Lucifer is put out of his misery. It's not a second after the door clicks open that his attention is caught, snapped to the light peaking out of the doorway. Stepping into the small hallway, your eyes are met with his own -- and the way his pupils widen as soon as he gets a glance of your dress makes both your efforts and his complaining worthwhile. His gaze takes you in from top to bottom, each detail enchanting him further. The dress so perfectly hugging your curves is crimson to match him and absolutely breathtaking -- and are you walking towards him .ᐣ Your strut does well to accentuate the slit stitched into the leg, your thigh tantalizing in its display.
Finally reclaiming your place beside him, one of your fingers reaches out, finding purchase under his chin -- and when you tilt his head up you swear you saw his eyes flash red. ❛ Hello, my darling husband, ❜ you coo, sending his already overloaded brain into a frenzy. Husband . . .ᐣ You wanted . . .ᐣ With him, really . . .ᐣ And although he's beginning to put the pieces together and clue in that such a term of endearment was part of your match, you seemed so happy to say it. He snaps his focus back onto just how stunning you look tonight, but the idea has firmly implanted itself into the depths of his mind.
Back into the present time, his hands have begun to roam -- he wants to commit every detail of you to memory, and that includes the feeling of your dresses fabric under his fingertips. His grasp is met with your own, for it's not long before you're pulling the straps of his suspenders, tugging him forward into a kiss. By the time he's recovered from his surprise enough to reciprocate, though, you're already beginning to pull away. He chases your lips with a whine but you've already moved on, pressing a kiss first to his cheek and then to his forehead. It's only when you offer him a small compact mirror does he understand -- each of your kisses has left behind a little bit of the lipstick you oh so painstakingly applied. Your marks on his face have left him entranced, desperately craving more.
A gasp rips itself from those same cherry red lips in surprise -- you weren't expecting him to summon forth his tail, much less wrap it around your midsection and use it to bring you closer. ❛ Kiss me again, ❜ He pleads, desperate and breathy. ❛ Anything for my honey bunny, ❜ you chime, matching the mark on his left cheek with one on the right. ❛ You just look so cute, ❜ between each kiss is another offering of praise and compliments, the blush left in your wake matching excellently. ❛ Who's my handsome bunny .ᐣ ❜
Your multitude of kisses has left Lucifer stunned and looking nothing short of angelic -- even more so than usual. You're fully intending on giving him several more, leaning in to do just that when the wall mounted clock besides you chimes a new hours arrival, alerting you to the time. ❛ Oh, dear. I'm very sorry, Mr. Rabbit, but I'm afraid we simply must be going. We don't want to be late, do we .ᐣ ❜
Fixing your lipstick takes all of a few seconds, leaving you free to grab a makeup wipe off the pouch resting atop your vanity and wipe all of the stains you'd adorned his face with away. A snap of his wrist catches yours just inches from his face, however, halting your plans in their tracks. Confused, you look to him for an explanation, a soft ❛ leave them. please .ᐣ ❜ being all he offers you. ❛ You're going to go to the party like this, love .ᐣ ❜ to which he nods sagely. He can't bear to part with them -- not when the lipstick marks are yours, not when they declare proudly that he is yours.
❛ If you say so, honey. ❜ You can't deny that the prospect leaves your heart fluttering. A grand, golden portal appears with a simple snap of his fingers and he takes your arm, now linked with his own in an attempt to usher you forward. He can't wait to show you off, to watch as other demons eyes glow green as they stare his way. You stay still, though, prompting him to look back at you with an air of confusion. It's then that you lean close, whispering ❛ be a good bunny and there will be more where that came from. too bad we'll have to wait until we come home, hmm .ᐣ ❜
Suddenly Lucifer can't wait for this party to be over.
I still can't believe I'd originally intended this to be 100 words and it ended up over a thousand. I can't help it, I'm so weak for anything Lucifer related. I'm half tempted to write an absolutely filthy post party part 2. If there's enough demand for it .ᐣ I just might.
As always, let me know what you think .ᐣ Hearing back from you guys keeps me motivated ~
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eternal-sunshine-222 · 1 month ago
Oie, Sunshine
If you're not too busy, could you write something about Patrick Hockstetter? The idea would be to show him in a relationship with a girl who is completely the opposite of him, but still keeping his personality true to the character.
I was thinking of something where she truly loves Patrick and cares about him, despite him being... well, him. She would be a kind and affectionate person most of the time, someone who tries to take care of him both emotionally and physically, doing her best to please him and win a little of his attention and affection. She would be emotionally fragile, passionate about animals (never ask Patrick what’s in the fridge 💀), and she would have a black bunny as a pet (yes, a very specific detail, kkkkk).
Please. :3
I love detailed requests, thank you so muchhh!!! Book acurate Patrick is one of my favorites by far. And him with a girl completely opposite of him??? I love it!!!
Characters: Patrick Hockstetter, fem!reader, Henry Bowers, Victor Criss, Belch Huggins, The Losers Club
Warnings: cursing, mentions of dead animals, mentions of death, mentions of decay, mentions of gore
She was new in Derry, which meant she was also ignorant. Ignorant to all things bad and evil, ignorant to all things Patrick Hockstetter. But being new also meant that she was the sole focus of everyone in the small town.
She had gorgeous eyes, resembling the brightest jewels there ever was or will be. Her clothes were of the most fashionable and pristine fabrics you could find, coming in multiple variations of her favorite colors. You could tell just by looking at her that she had a bright and caring demeanor about her, and an even brighter future.
Patrick Hockstetter, in this sense only, also had his entire attention on this new girl, this new conquest, this new...infatuation. Yes, that's what it grew to. An infatuation.
He watched her for hours, days, weeks, and eventually months. Peeking into her classes while skipping his own. Skipping out on hanging out with Henry Bowers and the others, though he didn't make any excuses to them all. He didn't need to. Henry knew not to come in between Patrick and his "interests" as he liked to call them. Because once Pat had his eyes set on something he did not stop until it was his. And boy were his eyes set.
At first, Patrick's thoughts were only about how he could corrupt her innocence, how he could ruin her. Maybe he'd show her his pencil case, full of flies and beetles with their wings and legs torn off ruthlessly. Or maybe his refrigerator in the middle of the woods, filled with dead and decaying animals, many of which he'd killed himself.
'No,' he thought. 'Can't do that.'
Overtime as he watched her he saw how much she cared for those around her, and not just people either. She cared for the birds that sang in the trees, whistling out to them every morning as she left her house. She cared for the ants in their hills, careful not to step on them and crush their home. She even cared for the slugs in the rain, moving them off of the sidewalk and into the cool wet grass so they didn't get squished by someone's shoe or tire. It was during one of these occurrences of him watching her leave her house for school that he decided to approach her finally, ready to conquer.
This lovely girl, filled with nothing but love and life, had exited her house in a rush, school books gathered in her arms and slightly scuffed up loafers on her feet. She was late for school. Patrick knew of course, wondering himself if she would even be leaving her house today, though he knew she would be going at least somewhere if not school. He'd seen her getting dressed in her room, peaking inside from between her open blinds.
It was while she was exiting her front door that she tripped, dropping everything while her legs kicked backwards knocking the front door open wide with a bang. Out dashed a small black void, faster than The Flash himself. It ran towards Patrick who had just rounded the corner of her house in his dirty jeans and destroyed boots. He stumbled back as the now seen rabbit tried to scale his leg. If he hadn't have known that it was hers he would've punted the furry little thing right then and there. Instead, he picked it up carefully and walked it over to her where she was on her knees on the slightly wet concrete from the rain the night before, stacking her books back up in her arms.
She hadn't even noticed her furry little friend had escaped until she had reclosed her front door and turned around, coming face to face with her. A small yelp left her mouth and she almost dropped her books again, not expecting to come into contact with her now eye level pet. She looked up at Patrick with wide eyes.
'She startles easily,' he thought to himself, a small smirk making its way onto his chiseled features. His smile only widens when he sees her cheeks turning the faintest shade of pink.
"He yours?"
She doesn't answer back for a few seconds, entranced with this boy she'd never seen before holding her dear rabbit. When her eyes refocus she sees Patrick still standing there, an eyebrow now cocked upwards the slightest bit.
"Oh! She, but yes." She leans over carefully and sets her textbooks down on the step to her front door. When she turns back around he's already handing the sweet fuzzy creature back to its owner.
Patrick waits outside for her as she takes her back inside. When she reemerges she's got colorful bandages on her scraped up knees from her fall, the dirt and pebbles cleaned out of them. He makes a scoff noise at the sight of the Tom and Jerry figures on them, though she doesn't hear him.
'Of course she'd have band-aids like that.'
He's so caught up in staring at her that he hasn't realized that she's already walking down the sidewalk towards Derry High School, only noticing when she calls back to him. Now it's his turn for his cheeks to turn pink. Involuntarily of course.
They walk in silence for a few minutes, only the soft clunking of Patrick's boots on the concrete heard, until she speaks up.
"Thank you for catching her. She's so fast, I would have never been able to catch her without your help." She peeks up at him from her spot beside him, arms clutching her books a tad bit closer to her chest.
Patrick just nods and puts his hands in his pockets, glancing down at her quickly, though in his mind he's practically jumping with joy.
'She's practically at my feet already.'
She's quiet the rest of the way to the school, the only sounds leaving her being her soft breathing and the few short whistles she gives to the birds like always. Even though she's late she still takes her time doing what she usually does.
Before the two of them can enter the school Patrick reaches out and grabs her arm harshly. She doesn't flinch like he expects her to from the tight grip he has on her. Instead she just looks up at him curiously.
"Patrick." He only says his name.
She smiles at him with her lip gloss coated lips and she gives him her name though he already knows it. They then travel indoors and he walks her to her class, leaving only when he can see that she's seated.
Being a member of The Bowers Gang has its perks. People leave you alone, they're scared of you. Even the teachers won't bother to do anything but give out detentions and lower their grades. But of course it also has its lows, one of which being the shit talking that happens about you to the new students. Patrick is no exception.
The end of the school day arrived fairly slowly for Patrick's new obsession. She had wanted eagerly to see if she could catch up with him again after school, maybe walk back home with him since he seemed to live out that way (he definitely did not, the complete opposite actually). But just like this morning nothing went how it was supposed to.
She hadn't even stepped one foot outside of her last class of the day when someone grabbed her arm. She knew it wasn't Patrick. His grip was rougher as were his hands, covered in callouses from who knows what. Maybe he did yard work or was an artist or maybe he even played guitar or something. All she knew was that she liked the feeling of his hands on her. They felt...new.
These hands were a lot softer and when she looked down she saw clean cut nails and pale skin with small freckles dotted around the knuckles. Following the freckled skin upwards she was met with the sweet face of a girl maybe a couple years her junior. Her eyes were a bright yet simultaneously cloudy blue, a flaming piece of hair dangling down over one.
Before Derry's newest resident could utter a word to this strange little girl she spoke quiet and fast, urgency in her voice.
"Stay away from Patrick."
She frowned in confusion. What was so bad about Patrick? He was so sweet to her this morning. Sure, he was quiet but who didn't love a little mystery? She voiced these thoughts to the mystery girl with the red hair.
"He's not who he seems. It's all an act. Trust me, he's evil." The girl lets go of her arm and leaves without another word, no name or anything.
She watched the younger girl walk down the hallway and get lost in the crowd of others before turning and walking the opposite way herself, looking back only one with a frown still on her face. But it seems that luck actually is on her side today unlike what she had previously thought. Standing by a blue Trans Am parked down by the road is Patrick with three others, though he looms over them all as the tallest. His back is to her and he can't hear her soft steps in the grass as she approaches but the others see her and signal to each other.
The softness of her fingertips graze Patrick's arm and he's quick to react, turning around quickly and pushing her up against the tree by her throat. When he recognized her face he's hesitant to let her go. Her reaction isn't what he expected at all. Her eyes are calm and a small smile plays along her lips, books still clutched against her test though just a tad bit tighter than usual. Patrick furrows his thick brows and lets her go easily.
She doesn't react at all really, as if the action hadn't even happened. She just stands and looks up at Patrick with wide eyes and a small kind smile on her face.
"Hello, Patrick."
He hates to admit it but he loves the sound of his name on her lips.
"I figured, well, since you walked with me here today that maybe you'd want to walk back with me? Maybe come inside for a little bit?" She digs the tip of her shoe into the damp grass, not too caring of the wet mud smudging over it.
Henry, Belch, and Vic can all be heard sniggering at her invitation, wondering who this chick is and why she seems to be inviting Patrick fucking Hockstetter to a tea party. They're even more surprised when Patrick accepts with a smirk pulling at his lips.
It soon became a normal occurrence for Patrick and her to venture to and from school together. He did it so much in fact that he had barely seen any of his friends aside from during what was supposed to be their classes. Hell, he spent so much time with her that he actually started to develop a somewhat friendly relationship with her rabbit.
The first couple times he had come into contact with the small furry creature he had grimaced anytime it came near him. These were the kind of animals he kept in his fridge in the woods, decayed and slaughtered. Animals - alive animals, that is - were never his forte. He couldn't stand the furry ones. If he had to choose he'd definitely prefer something scaly and badass looking. But over time he grew to actually care for the fuzzy little bastard - he never called it by its name, referring to it as only that.
It has been a few weeks since her and Patrick have started their routine and she couldn't have been happier. He was so sweet to her in her mind, and he was although it had all been an act at first. But just like with her rabbit he had slowly gained feelings for her just as she had with him. The moment he realized was a rough one for them both.
Both teens were relaxing in her living room, her little black rabbit darting all over the room. She was down on her haunches playing with her furry little companion, loud laughs erupting from her perfect lips. Patrick stared at her, a large smile on his own face. She looked amazing, so perfect and precious. These thoughts pushed themselves into his brain and once they did his smile faltered before dropping completely.
Patrick stood up suddenly, startling both her and her rabbit who darted under the sofa. She stood up from the floor and looked into his darting eyes with worry.
"Pat? Is everything okay?"
She reaches forward with short, pink manicured nails to gently touch his arm as if to comfort him but he jerks out of her reach wildly, almost stumbling from the force of his own actions.
"Don't touch me," he says lowly. "I gotta go."
With those last words he stomps toward her front door and slams it behind him, rattling the frame. She stands, confused at Patrick's behavior. Her rabbit crawls out from under the sofa and the two girls make eye contact.
"What do you think that was all about?"
It's days before her and Patrick talk again. She walks to school by herself for those days, almost late on the first because she was waiting for him to show up. Her mood sours over the course of these few days, especially because of the attention she's attracting now that Patrick isn't with her. Normally these people would leave her alone or at least act nicer to her because of her association with him alone. But now they all seem to be making fun of her, calling her daft for believing that he actually liked her and all sorts of other nasty things.
It's during one of these confrontations that Patrick shows up. She's almost in tears from the words these kids are saying to her. They're obviously younger, Freshmen maybe. And, boy, do they have the audacity. They aren't necessarily saying anything bad, just making her extremely uncomfortable.
Her back is against the lockers. She's caged in in the empty hallway with two boys surrounding her, laughing at her reaction to their words. The loud clunking of boots can be heard from around the corner. She thinks at first that maybe it's a teacher but once they get closer she recognizes the pattern and her heart rate speeds up. Her suspicions are confirmed when she sees Patrick's tall lanky figure appear.
The two make eye contact and his jaw clenches at her teary eyes. If anyone was going to make her cry it would be him. Only him.
Patrick stalks over to the boys and yanks them away by their shoulders, one of them stumbling to the floor and another into a set of lockers. He says nothing, just sending them a look that sends them scurrying off in opposite directions. Once they're gone he turns back to look at her, a softer look upon his face (as soft as he can get anyway). She sniffles and rubs her nose and cheeks with the back of her sweater covered hand, the other hand holding her books close to her chest as always.
They stare at one another for a moment before he takes ahold of her hand and roughly pulls her into his chest, resting his head on top of hers. She releases a heavy breath that she didn't know she was holding and relaxes into him.
"Thank you," she mumbles into the fabric of his shirt.
He says nothing, only pulling away and leaning down so they're eye level. And then he kisses her as gently as he can. Patrick has never done this, kissed someone without plans to fuck them. And he had to admit it was one of the most pleasant feelings in the world, kissing her.
She stands there in shock with flushed cheeks after, to which he smirks at her.
She nods wordlessly, still staring up at him, before swallowing thickly and finally speaking.
"Does this mean we're dating now? Like, boyfriend-girlfriend?"
Her head cocks to the side as she asks this question and he laughs at her but nods nonetheless.
Once the students in the school find out that she and Patrick are dating she's treated nicer than she ever was before. While they never approach her themselves they do play nice if she does. She doesn't quite notice their behavioral change. Instead she's focused solely on Patrick and showing him exactly how much she loves him. She thinks it's obvious that he never got the love he needed when he was younger and what better time to start giving it to him than now?
Gosh, this took me so long! Writers block is horrible and paired with many other wips, my goodness! I hope you like it. I'm thinking of making this a two parter. Let me know what you guys think <3
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raw-law · 9 months ago
oh my god,,, thank u both for the really super kind response to my last ask it made me cry a little
affirming words like that are something im extremely grateful for because i don't hear them often. i've been told before by someone who i used to be very close with that i "pull off being nonbinary" better than being a woman, and multiple friends of mine have told me that they don't perceive me as being any certain gender, that im simply just "me". and growing up, people around me (kids in school as well as family members) would tell me how good i look dressed in dark colors as opposed to brights and pastels, which is an insignificant thing to be bothered by but it hurts because i love fashion and cute clothes and wearing the pinkest and girliest things ever, i dont want to look good in dark colors because i don't feel girly when wearing them, i want to look good in pink because it reflects how i feel inside. i think i really do struggle to "pull off" being a girl, at least one who is on the hyperfeminine side of things
it's easier to come off as the girly girl i wanna be online, but in person it's a different story, and im always hurting because of it
so thank you for what you said. i even screenshotted the post and put it in a special folder on my phone so that i can look back on it whenever i feel bad. as soon as i saw your message i felt motivated to do something that would make me feel girly, so i took a shower with strawberry scented soap (this is special soap i use specifically for when i want to smell feminine. i use it sparingly) and afterwards i shaved my face and ate strawberry shortcake rolls and played ace attorney for hours. it doesn't get girlier than that heh
sorry for the very personal ramble thank you again >_<"💕
(p.s: Light, im not going to kick your butt, i am too dainty to commit any acts of violence)
- strawbunny 🐇🍰
Oh...I understand how you feel, very, very much. It is indeed easier to be the person you want to be online, and that's something that should change for most people.
Honestly, I think you should just ignore those people. It's perfectly okay to wear what you like and what you want, not what people say you look good in. And who cares about what people think? At the end of the day, you're gonna be with you forever (or at least till the end of your life) so you should do something you love, wear things you like, be whoever you want to be. It's definitely a hell of a lot easier said than done, but first steps are important.
I don't know if you want advice, but, well...I guess you could try wearing items of clothing you like, whatever you feel good in. And do stuff that makes you feel more feminine and more comfortable. Tell your loved ones about your pronouns and things like that.
Lastly, I'm glad that our words made you feel better. And I'm very happy you're finding the courage to do what you love. :] It'll get better soon, I promise you.
(P.S. And thank God for that.)
aw. well i'm glad the words meant that much to you, because i still very much stand by what i said. and i also agree exactly with what light has stated. you should wear what you like, ignore those dummies. y'know, somebody told me blue wasn't my color once. now maybe i'm not the best with fashion.. but i think it suits me pretty well. and it goes to show that people usually don't know what they're talking about, and even if they did, it doesn't really matter.
go wear your pinks and pastels. keep playing ace attorney while eating shortcake rolls (good choice, by the way). be girly and tell everyone else to suck it. because you are a girl and they're foolish to think otherwise. femininity comes in all sorts of forms, and they're all very beautiful. i'm sure whichever way you decide to express your femininity will fit perfectly, and it won't be any less beautiful or girly than any other expression.
i wish you luck in your pink-plastered endeavors, bunny.
(p.s. damnit.)
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jasmine-the-fox · 4 years ago
She got the helping hand she needed
Sorry for not writing anything for such a long time! Don’t worry Loose the model but win a hero is going to be updated soon enough... Just give me some time to read what I wrote so far and I might have a chapter or two up soon?
Marinette only wanted someone on her side after she spoke her side of the story, sure Chloe turned from believing Lila to protecting Mari and she had Kagami and Luka on her side... But her class, miss Bustier and her principal thought she was the bad guy, a bully, a thief or even a villain.
She really just wanted a friend, someone who would let her cry or someone who would listen to her... Even just give her a helping hand! But so far she didn’t have much help, she decided to go online to talk... With the hopes of finding her soulmate, yeah her soulmate... Something that Lila had claimed she was lying about, while Lila talks about her soulmate mark without showing it... Mari was showing her’s to her friends while trying to figure out who it was.
Chloe really wanted to help her, so she went on her international social media accounts and posted Mari’s mark asking for anyone who might have an idea on who might be her soulmate to reach out to her, she really hopes it might help as heck even Jagged Stone did the same thing! Asking his fans to help out with finding his niece’s soulmate making his fans agree and get to work, they began looking at the mark Mari has, asking there friends questions, asking what Marinette is like so they can try and pinpoint possible matches to the girl.
And so far people were doing there best to find something... But still there wasn’t much, anyone could match the orange and black smoking dragon wrapped around her neck and might not even want to reach out to her at all, it made sense since like Alya said if Mari does have a soulmate... They might not even like her and want nothing to do with her once they see her for who she is.
Until someone contacted her.
It was on her instagram, she was just uploading a new outfit she finished that was delivered that she could now reveal when she got the notification of someone reaching out to her on instagram, it was a boy around her age named Katsuki Bakugo. The guy was blond with spiky hair and sharp red eyes, he asked about the dragon design around her neck making her take a picture and sent it to him... Five minutes later he sent a picture of his left rib cage that shows a ladybug with a needle with a red thread.
He was her soulmate... They matched.
He asked if she was disappointed… Knowing her soulmate was an explosive guy who yells often... So it wasn’t smoke but explosions around the dragon, it then made sense to her and so she replied that she would like to meet him before making that decision, Katsuki explained that he was in Japan and he didn’t know if he would ever get a chance to go to Paris to meet her so she explained that she could wait and that for now this was enough for her.
But that didn’t mean her classmates cared about waiting...
They kept bothering her, kept pushing and hurting her, they laughed at her belief of having a soulmate when Lila claimed she was lying, for weeks and then months they kept going and made it worse for the young designer, then one day Lila claimed that the dragon was painted on her so Alya planned to dump water on Marinette to show the whole school that Marinette was lying about having a soulmate, so one day around lunch, Alya had with the help of Kim and Alix a huge container of water and waited over the entrance of the locker room for Mari to come out and when they saw her... They poured the water on her.
Everyone laughed at her... And then gasped.
The sight of the mark still being there proved that it wasn’t a fake... But seeing a boy with spike blonde hair with sharp red eyes glaring at everyone as he rushed towards Mari told them that he was her soulmate “You alright?” he asked softly as he handed her his jacket to cover her shivering body as they walked out of the school and towards the Grand hotel to get dry and dressed in dry clothes, Mari felt relief when she finally saw her soulmate for the first time, he brought her into the room he was staying in and brought her to the bathroom to take a hot shower while he get’s her a change of clothes.
Once she got out of the shower wrapped in a towel with her pigtails down, Katsuki had just set down on the bed a nice dress for her to wear, to find her hair down and slightly dripping with water made him quickly look away, tell her he got her some clothes and leave the room... He hopes she never finds out that he was the one to design her dress as a gift for when he meets her, it was Jasmine’s idea to be honest, Jasmine was his and Izuku’s childhood friend back when they were little and she with Izuku were known as the youngest people to find there soulmate since they met when they were four.
At the time, it was a big thing meeting your soulmate... But when your four? That’s something the world had to know, so Izuku did a lot of research about soulmates and proper gifts and discovered that handmade gifts show a great deal of love... So he made her a green bunny plushie as a gift, when Katsuki saw Marinette’s mark only through Jagged Stone’s fan website he went to look for Marinette and discovered she was his soulmate... Not knowing what to do Jasmine suggested he designs an outfit for her to wear... And he decided to not tell her he made it himself.
Just in case she rejects him in the end.
It was better this way... So he doesn’t feel the pain of her hating his work, he went to the room Izuku and Jasmine were sharing while his parent’s were out to get things ready for the photoshoot he was to work in, he knocked and Jasmine answered “Did something happen?” she asked as he barged into the room “Students laughed at her after someone dumped fucking water on her!” he exclaimed in anger making Izuku look at him in slight surprise “Kacchan... I get that your upset right now... But remember that you just met so your emotions are going to be all over the place right now” Izuku explained making Katsuki sigh and nod.
It was true, it has been confirmed that when you meet your soulmate or at least confirm who it is... Both person’s emotions go crazy for 24h of official meeting, so it’s best to be careful what you say of do when the pair is found “I just don’t know what to do?! What if she hates me!? I mean she was being bullied!! What will she think when she finds out what I used to do to you and Jasmine!?” he asked making Izuku sigh “I know it’s hard... But at least let her decide what she thinks? She might just surprise you” he explained as Katsuki sat down on the bed... He didn’t even notice Jasmine leaving the room to go find Marinette.
She walked into the room as Marinette cried with her phone in hand... She could tell the girl was going through something hard right now from something on her phone “Can I take a look at what is upsetting you?” she asked making Mari jump at her slightly, she then nodded and handed over her phone for Jasmine to look at... On the phone a girl named Alya was calling her a liar by getting a tattoo and claimed it to be her mark and then paying a guy to come over to the school to make them think there soulmates, a teacher sent an email saying she was getting detention for her actions at school and then a guy named Adrien was claiming to be disappointed in her on not taking the highroad like he said she should do.
She sighed and then moved to sit next to her on the bed “Allowing yourself to look at this isn’t healthy... Your allowing them to take you down into a depression to then end your life” Jasmine explained as she handed Mari her phone back “Katsuki would have been heartbroken if his mark vanished before meeting you... Let us help you to get better from this” she then offered and stood up with her hand stretched out for Marinette to take, she wasn’t all that sure of agreeing to be honest but the brunette seemed to be honest and kind... So Mari accepted the hand and follow the girl out of the room and towards another room where Katsuki and a curly green haired boy were.
The blonde turned to find Marinette still with her hair down but while wearing the beautiful sunset styled dress, he felt proud of designing the dress because she looked amazing while wearing it “You should call your parents and explain to them the situation” Jasmine said making Mari nod and quickly call them, explaining why she left school and her current location, they only ask for her to pick up her things from school and then stay safe where she was currently “If you want I can go to the school for you, just tell me your locker combination” Jasmine explained making Mari nod “Oh! Also i’m Jasmine Lessard and this is my soulmate Izuku Midoriya” Jasmine explained making the green haired boy nod to his introduction.
Jasmine left and came back with all of her things with a smile “Police came because someone witnessed the incident and demanded to see the CCTV footage and that the three students who dumped the water on you to be punished... So you don’t have detention anymore” she explained making Mari smile, but she was sure that it wasn’t over just yet, even so the trio began to talk to Mari about there life in Japan making Marinette happy about hearing all of this at the moment, after a while Jasmine left the room with Izuku to head out to find something to eat... Leaving Katsuki to reveal to his soulmate how he bullied his two friends from childhood.
And she still accepted him as her soulmate.
“Your trying to change your ways... The others changed for the worse while your fixing what you did wrong” she explained making him smile, the thought of her accepting him even after finding out that had bullied people before like she had gone through made him happy “I guess I should tell you... I actually designed the dress your wearing. My parents are fashion designers so it’s pretty much in the family” he explained making Mari smile at the news, the idea of her soulmate being close to designing made her happy at the fact he could help her in some ways, they began to talk about all kinds of things... Really anything they could think of until Izuku and Jasmine got back with Chloe right behind them with a look of relief at seeing Mari was alright.
For the next three days, Mari got to know Katsuki a little better making her really happy, after that he had work to do and wasn’t able to see her “Why don’t you come to the shoot? My parents have been bothering me since they saw the dress was gone” he explained making her smile and nod to the plan, when school ended she rushed home to put her things away and then went to the park to find Jasmine and Izuku were getting there make-up done for the shoot “Where’s Katsuki?” she asked making Jasmine look at her “He’s still changing... Turns out he and his mom don’t agree on something so there fighting at the moment” she explained making Mari nod as the two then moved to do the shoot.
She waited for a while as Adrien arrived with Lila, Alya and Nino with him, Lila noticed Mari and began to cry about how Mari had been sending her horrible texts about how her soulmate Katsuki Bakugo will hate her, Alya enraged was just about to head over when Katsuki went over to Mari with a lady who looked like him “Mari, this is my mom Mitsuki” he said making Marinette smile “So your the girl my brat Katsuki designed that dress for! My you are simply adorable!” she claimed making Mari blush at the woman's words.
Alya was lost, didn’t Lila say her soulmate was Katsuki? But that guy is Katsuki since she did show pictures of him... Did she lie? With a shake of her head she watched as Mitsuki took Mari away for something making Alya have no other choice but go back in defeat to her friends, Adrien moved away with Lila to get ready for there shoot while Alya told Nino what she heard “Maybe it’s the wrong guy? Just ask for his full name and see” he explained making her nod as she then saw Marinette dressed in a matching outfit to Katsuki walk over to the boy for a shoot together “You both look amazing! And your marks are in perfect view!” Mitsuki claimed as Alya saw the ladybug with sewing needle and red thread mark on Katsuki.
Lila lied. Katsuki wasn’t her soulmate... He was Marinette’s.
She looked over to Nino who had the same shocked face as she did, the duo then walked away for there shoot just as Lila and Adrien returned and a girl with short brown hair with the bottom half dyed red with glasses and a boy with curly green hair went to sit a little away from them “Oh my god it’s my BFF Jasmine! You know I actually helped her meet her soulmate Izuku a few years ago!” Lila claimed as Adrien while he did look interested... Actually winced at the lie “Dudette... Jasmine and Izuku were the youngest soulmate pair in history... They were four when they met and it’s still all over the news today” Nino explained as Lila went pale.
“You want to know something?” Alya asked the blind Lila who nodded with a smile “I saw the blonde boy, his name is Katsuki Bakugo and his mark on his left rib side... It’s a ladybug with a sewing needle and a red thread!” she claimed making Lila’s eyes widen in shock “The only one I remember being called a ladybug was Marinette who also loves to design clothes! We just began calling you our ladybug after you claimed Mari was insulting us and bullying you!” she exclaimed as Lila looked to be panicking at the fact she was found out like this.
Adrien on the other hand... Didn’t know what to do, he turned to look over where the two from the previous shoot were and saw that they were... Laughing and filming the whole thing, this was humiliating! If the video got out his father would be destroyed and known as the man who hired a liar as a model! He had to try and save himself, he looked around for some possible help but the sudden yelling fight between Alya and Lila made him move away to try and hide, he couldn’t believe he failed... He really thought that by being Lila’s friend she would at some point stop lying and change her ways... And yet it didn’t work... Instead his friends got hurt.
He began to look around for some help and ended up finding Marinette and Katsuki looking amazing during there shoot... Maybe even better then he and Lila ever could be really, he felt his heart break as he looked at his inner right wrist to where a beautiful vine of flowers graced his skin... He still didn’t know who his soulmate was and his father wanted him to date Lila, even so he tried looking at places with plants in Paris for his soulmate and could tell they weren’t in Paris at all... He just hopes to find them soon.
In the end Jasmine was actually livestreaming the whole incident with Izuku commenting the whole time in the chat... Letting everyone know about how Lila is a liar, how she tricked her classmates, teacher, principal and maybe even her parents and bullied his best friends soulmate... It went crazy and Lila was bombarded with insults on her social media... So much that she was reported and all her accounts were taken down, the class, Bustier and principal Damocles were also attacked for what they did to Marinette... Police ended up getting involved and investigated the school and class.
It took a month before the investigation was over, the class was punished, Bustier and Damocles were fired and Lila was sent to live in Italy... The class thought that things would then go back to how they were and would be friends with Mari again... But she never came back to class, there new teacher said she transferred to another school making them try to look around Paris for her... What they weren’t told was that she also left Paris for Japan to be with Katsuki and meet his friends.
She really did get the helping hand she needed all along.
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paperstarwriters · 4 years ago
The arcana crew as beast-kin
Why? Because I wanna :P
General notes:
Everyone is based off of the card they’re associated with
Beast-kin tend to have magic that lets them look human (three forms; 1: anthropomorphic beast, 2: human with animal ears/wings and tails, and them as a normal human—I’ll be focusing on the animal aspects)
Just because they can do glamour magic doesn’t mean they can do other types of magic.
They still have their familiars, don’t worry.
If you wanna reference for the first form, just watch Beastars. The design is pretty similar (mainly thinking about the birds)
If you wanna reference for beast-kin in general check out the manga “Milady Just Wants to Relax” it’s what I’ve based the abilities off of and just beast-kin in general.
This sly fox :)
It’s probably because of my ties with anime but I imagine him like a multi-tailed fox
It’s purely so that you have more tails to cuddle and snuggle with.
You know how when foxes are in the snow they leap into the air then get their whole upper half stuck in the snow?
Well, when Asra hears something they want to catch, or they’re playing with Faust, they sometimes just... well....
It’s funny to see honestly.
Lowkey acts like a dog sometimes. They Loves the pats and chin scratches he can get and will whine until you give him more.
Sometimes you wake up to their tail(s) in your face. Good or bad, you decide.
In most folklore that have them, foxes aren’t exactly trusted, so often, Asra uses his glamour to make himself look like a human. However, when a customer runs unsavoury or maybe there’s just some mean brat that he wants to scare, his shadow still shows off his ears and tail(s)
Cuddles??? Cuddles!!!! Foxes are just so fluffy... Asra is no different. (In fact he might just be even fluffier)
Hate to delve a little into angst territory, but as a child since he was an orphan and all, Asra probably learned to basically act like a dog or a cat depending on the person to get more food, or to convince them that they’re a harmless beast-kin.
Design wise, I love humanoid bird designs with their wings doubling as their arms and hands. Don’t ask me how this works logically right now we’re talking about crazy fantasy elements anyways, let me have this.
One thing I cannot get out of my mind is:
Nadia has her back to Lucio and he’s just talking and chattering nonsense. Then Lucio says something insanely stupid or offensive and whoever is talking to Lucio can see Nadia behind him just—
Whips her freaking head around 180°
It’s worse if she’s somewhere dark cause then you just see two red eyes coming into view as she slowly turns to glare at you.
Our queen is proud of her pretty talons, honestly probably spends a day sharpening them with Portia.
Goes out flying with Chandra at dusk if she has the time, and if you can fly (via spells, wings, a broomstick, etc.) you’re welcome to come along
Super accurate hearing. Honestly. It’s hard to hide an injury from Nadia even without her being an owl but she hears you Yelp in pain on the other side of the palace and she’s there in minutes.
Pretty problematic when she has headaches though :(
Preen feathers with her!! She’ll love having you card your fingers though her feathers making them less itchy. You’ll often help her preen after a bath, but honestly she’ll appreciate the sentiment anywhere but during an important meeting. It’s hard to concentrate when you’re providing her such wonderful affection.
Please don’t make owl jokes. She doesn’t like them. Sometimes she just avoids saying “who” so people don’t make that annoying joke. (It’s Natiqa’s favorite joke to make please spare Nadia the pain.)
“...and to whom will I be sending this?” “don’t you mean to “who” Dia?” *glare*
This is a happy raven ok? HAPPY. no birdie in a cage, ok?
The look we all know is probably his second form leaning to the first. Nadia’s would look somewhat similar
Crows & ravens are pretty dramatic birds. Reminds you of someone doesn’t it?
Idk if Edger Allan Poe even exists in this world, or any variant of it, but if it does... ooohhh if it does... this guy is totally gonna recite the poem in a dramatic flourish, and when he’s drunk you can sometimes find him chanting “ever more” same applies to any and all raven/crow themed media.
Screams. A lot. “Caw, caw b**ch” or “quoth the raven: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA”
Once convinced a bunch of birds to just go n take a dump on Lucio & his statue. He helped the servants clean when the work was dumped on them but they all agreed the bleat he made was hilarious(more on that later)
Shiny thing collector. Portia tried to get him to clean his stuff up but he has since bribed her out of it with a ball of yarn.
He and Portia make an odd pair of siblings, they’re still pretty much the same though. Crows are kinda just cats with wings.
“One day Illia, I’m probably just gonna eat you.”
*overly dramatic offended gasp*
All in good humor lol
Speaking of, their familiars are the same animal as they are!
So sometimes Julian scoops up Malak and says in a dramatic fashion (because however else would he say it) “I’ve found you my long lost brother! Oh how I’ve missed you!”
Portia does the same (more on that later)
Because his sister is a cat, Julian sometimes does a lot of cat-like things. (Case in point, he bleps. Tongue just kinda left out after yawning or something.)
Flies around with Malak often, like Nadia does, and sometimes carries Portia around with him. Will do the same for you if you want him to, sometimes if you don’t want him to as well. Expect to be grabbed from the ground and flown up into the sky at some point.
Bread. Boy loves his lobster claws but bread is a close second. “Aww yisss motha freaking bread crumbs”
Sometimes on a bad day, he just walks in dragging Pepi behind him who has her mouth latched on his tail
(If this were modern times) “you know, like, nya~!”
Look. Portia is so sweet to be around. But take that plus PURRING? And a soft as all frick FUR?
Honestly I think that sometimes when with Nadia has a bad headache, Portia purring is a great way to calm her down. You—you lucky MC, get to fall asleep to that.
She falls asleep on your lap and you are stuck there. Bound by a rule that transcends time and space. Her purring does little to aid the fact that YOU NEED TO PEE. The universe does not care of your internal tides, for your lover, who is also a cat, rests in your lap.
When she’s chasing down Julian for something stupid he often yells about being hunted. All in good fun!
“Mazelinka!!! Portia’s hunting me again!!!” “I wouldn’t be chasing you if you’d just clean your stuff!!!!”
Small boxes are her jam! Julian hates them, and like other birds doesn’t like closed spaces, but Portia loves em.
Good at squeezing into and out of tight places. Which is really helpful for sneaking around, curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.
Swishy swishy tail.
Cast a little light spell for her to case down. She loves it, you love it, Pepi loves it— everyone wins! (Except for the furniture she crashes into)
Yes, she has picked up Pepi before and yelled very loudly for Julian to hear (often after he’s made the joke of his long lost brother Malak) “Oh Pepi, you’re my favorite sister!!!”
On a bad day, Malak may be found in Portia’s mouth. He’s completely unharmed if only a little ruffled, but it’s gotta be a pretty bad day to find her doing that.
If Camio is in her mouth it’s same business as always. She won’t kill hem either but if Mr. Sh**bird doesn’t shut up she’ll make him shut up. You don’t even know why he keeps coming back.
Not all cats like cuddling, but like Pepi, Portia LOVES it. So long as you’re the right person and not someone unpleasant.
Please don’t step on the tail.
As much as she doesn’t like baths she still does properly was herself. She just really doesn’t like it when her fur is all wet and clings to her body. Do you have a spell to dry her off quickly? Please use it. Save her the misery.
pretty sure he’s even bigger as a bear. Like, it’s probably because of the added fur but— woah... Big. Bear.
Big arse bear with scars is SUPER intimidating buuuuut you saw him sitting in the sunlight with Inanna once, just napping in the sun. He looked so peaceful and so dang fluffy!!
He enjoys headpats and gets very flustered at belly rubs. He’s seen you do so to Inanna many times probably kinda wanting you to do the same to him though he would never willingly admit it.
When you two get closer expect to spend some time with his head in your lap. Pat his head rub his ears, Inanna may get jealous if you don’t also provide her attention
Just don’t let him fall asleep there, he’s gonna have a sore back later and you’re going to have numb legs.
Hunting, swimming, carrying you, this boy can do it all.
Unlike his usual(cannon) self, Muriel probably doesn’t carve any bear statures. The only one he’d have was probably a gift from Asra. Carves birds, bunnies, foxes, and wolves instead. Does NOT carve goats. Never have never will.
Again I hate to go int angst but Muriel probably wants to get his claws removed somehow. It’d hurt and it probably insanely unsafe, but they were used as weapons before and its one of the things on him that everyone is afraid of. If he could he’d probably try to change his teeth too.
Show him that claws aren’t something to be feared. They don’t have to be a weapon. They help him climb and hunt food and sometimes to even carve wood. Like humans and knives, his claws aren’t bad or inherently evil, and neither is he.
Giant. Teddy Bear. You will be getting hugs and falling asleep with a Giant Teddy Bear.
He probably keeps in his mostly human form though, because he stands out less that way and he looks a little less intimidating.
Short little bear tail on his butt. Plz don’t touch, he’s going to be blushing so hard if you do (let’s be honest, that’s all the more reason to do so)
In “Milady Just Wants to Relax” Beast-kin are feared as monsters and I don’t think it’d do Muriel any good to have to live with that kind of fear from everyone. However, when you come around un afraid and eager to provide head-pats, but patient enough to let him get comfortable with it, Muriel will probably start using less energy to try and glamour himself.
Sometimes he’s so caught up with you that when you go to the market together he forgets to cast a glamour. While some do get scared off most of the people who you buy from are only a little surprised and take things in stride. They still treat him like he’s human, and he’s forever grateful for that.
If I could write a beast-kin version of his route, the moment you and Muriel meet Morga is probably when you first realize he isn’t human. And it’s because Morga pointed it out.
“Why didn’t you fight? As a beast you’re stronger than them.”
He knows you’ve spent time with Asra but he probably assumed they kept it hidden from you most of the time.
Just love him please. Platonic or romantic doesn’t matter, just give him headpats and belly rubs and boop his nose. Keep him assured that you aren’t afraid of this giant teddy bear.
We know of both first and second forms. They’re pretty much cannon, but just not a ghost.
Which means you finally get to pet the fluffy white fur.
This also means his horns can do an irritating amount of damage.
Also he’s so much more noisier now
*loud stupid goat noises*
It’s fun to make him bleat a lot. He tends to bleat when embarrassed. If you’re topping him expect a bleat every time you pin him to the wall.
Tries to butt heads with EVERYONE. Please stop him, Lucio is the only prey animal in the lineup!
Seriously, how has he survived this long?? Muriel is a bear! he could just.... chomp.
not that he would obviously, but I don’t think Asra would hesitate after what he’s done to you and his parents...
Portia too for that matter, if she realized that Lucio had forcefully given Julian the plague, Lucio would be forever running from a feral cat.
I know he’s probably skilled in fighting or whatever, enough to take down various fantastical beasts, but stiiiiiiilllll.....
Is it obvious I dislike Lucio?
Grouchy bias aside, Lucio is really good at climbing. Like I’m pretty sure he’s a sword fighter so just imagine him leaping onto ledges in order to get the high ground.
Still uses eyeliner. I don’t know how since he has fur sometimes, but yeah, he still somehow uses eyeliner.
Honestly he probably keeps in a mostly human form or just entirely human form for that reason exactly. It’s just easier to look good when he’s more human.
But if you wanna pet his luxurious fur then he is all but willing to take on his goat form. In fact, if he turns into his goat form around you (which is always) he pretty much expects you to brush his fur or just run your hands through his fur. He will whine very loudly if you don’t.
Spare everyone else’s ears (especially Nadia’s) and just give him the head pats.
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allisonirish · 4 years ago
Bad Batch Insomnia Part 1
So there is an episode in this kids show that shall not be named where there is a certain time of year where the sun is out for like 30 days, I'm talking no darkness at all. And of course the constant daylight makes it hard to sleep and so all the characters get insomnia bad, which really messes up their heads. SO I got to thinking TBB Insomnia. SO I pulled myself together even after the new episode and got working on how each member would react to each passing day. I will start with the first 5 days in this post and then go from there later on.
Day 1
Hunter: *Just drinks caf. I mean that's all a man needs right?*
Tech: I hope you all are sufficiently prepared to not see me for the next 15 days.
Hunter: Ok, why?
Tech: I have calculated 15 days will be the optimum time to get the largest amount of work and research done the most efficiently before my body... How shall I put this?...crashes.
Hunter: *sips caf* Oh, ok, well have fun.
Tech: *Retreats into lab.*
Wrecker: *Is just so excited about having this much sun for this long and approaches it with strong man vibes* Nothing takes me down! Especially not being tired! Right Crosshair!
Echo: *Takes the opportunity to get some reading done and work on upgrades for the ship.*
Crosshair: *knows everyone is going to crash eventually but assures himself that he will be the last man standing. Just sits back and prepares to watch the chaos unfold.*
Omega: *Is so excited to get to stay up as late as she wants. Plans all sorts of fun activities to do with the squad and gonky.*
Day 2
Hunter: *Just drinks caf and goes on. The first night with no sleep was brutal, but that's what caf is for right?*
Tech: *Hasn't emerged from lab. Welding sounds can be heard from inside.*
Wrecker: *Decides to spend the day playing with Omega. They have a blast*
Echo: *Still reading and adds clean up around the ship to his bucket list.*
Crosshair: *Cleans his rifle. Watches Wrecker and Omega play together and declines their offer for him to join in with a scowl. Didn't get any sleep that night, but he's laid for days at a sniping post before, so he's good.*
Omega: *Gets really tired in the afternoon after playing all morning, plus she didn't get any sleep last night. Tries to take a nap, but the sun is too bright.*
Day 3
Hunter: "Caf is man's best friend, I don't care what anyone says about dogs or bunnies or familial relationships."
Tech: *Building noises coming from inside lab*
Wrecker: *Plans on bugging Crosshair for the rest of the day because Omega is too tired to play.*
Echo: *Starts up on everyone's laundry, while still reading his book.*
Crosshair: *Gets bugged by Wrecker to the point of insanity, so he crawls up into his bunk and tries to sleep. No luck there, too much sun*
Omega: *Spends the whole day sitting in the corner with a blanket over her head trying to sleep, but can't because of Wrecker and Crosshair.*
Wrecker: You look tired Crosshair!
Crosshair: I'm not tired you oaf!
Wrecker: Are you sure?
Crosshair: *deep scowl*
Day 4
Hunter: *pouring caf* Crosshair, did you know caf is the greatest gift to mankind?
Hunter: Really though, it's a beautiful thing. It makes the world a wonderful place to live in.
Tech: *His lab has become his own private world*
Wrecker: *Finally feels a little tired. Tries to find a dark place to sleep, but the whole ship is illuminated. Ends up doing coloring pages with Omega.*
Echo: *Crosses laundry off of checklist. Decides to take the mattresses out of their bunks and let them air outside. Is still reading his book*
Crosshair: *Insists he doesn't need to sleep, but he really wants to. Decides he'll sleep better with his rifle so he goes to his bunk only to find his mattress has been removed. Ends up curled up in the corner with his rifle in his arms. This may be harder than he thought.*
Omega: *Colors pictures for every member of the batch. But doesn't get them quite finished. Will give them to them later.*
Day 5
Hunter: *Has major headache from being so caffeinated but is loving every moment of it! Actually plays a board game with 'Meg and Wrecker.*
Tech: *His shadow can be seen moving hurriedly back and forth in his lab. Crosshair has tried poking his head in the door to make conversation and Echo has asked if he needs anything, but Tech is ignoring them. *
Wrecker: *Plays multiple board games and several rounds of holochess with Omega (he loses every time). At the end of the day he finally crashed for about 10 minutes in the pilot's seat of the Marauder.*
Echo: *Put the mattresses back after letting them air all night. Or was it night? He can't really tell with the constant light. Has decided to pull the other members of the Batch in on his reading, but can't decide who to start with first. All in all he feels pretty good. After spending so long in the Techno Union's experimental tube, he figures he doesn't need to sleep.*
Crosshair: *Is relieved when Echo puts the mattresses back. Decides to reorganize and clean all his gear, which was in pristine fashion anyway, but it gave him something to do. He was feeling better than yesterday and the only thing really keeping him rolling was the suspense of which batch member would really crash first.*
Omega: Playing with Wrecker and Hunter made her really tired. She saw Crosshair cleaning his weapons and decided to watch, from a distance. She had been warned not to touch his things, especially right after he had cleaned them. Snuggled up with Gonky and Lula after Supper but couldn't sleep because Tech started rambling loudly in his lab.
Well that's the first 5 days! Hope ya'll enjoy them! More to come!
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smilingleoo · 4 years ago
Bts Reaction-Their S/O being tall!
Request: Hello! I would like to place an order, I am using the translator because I am not very good at English. Could you do a React where the Y/N is between 1.70 in height? I see few with this theme. Thank you and continue!💕
Warnings: none really.
Author’s Note: Hey! I don’t know if 1.70 is considered tall for everyone but for me is extremely high lol :)f you want me to change the title, it won’t be a problem! On the other hand m, I understood the request so don’t worry! You can also ask in Spanish and I’ll gladly write it in whatever langiage you choose!
RM (Kim Namjoon)
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Tall bean 😌
For him, you weren’t that tall to begin with.
However, he did appreaciate those 11 cm he had against you.
He would feel a little bit of pride because he was a little bit taller than you and that made him fill a sense of protectiveness.
He would also walk with you-hands intertwined because we Stan a soft boi~- and feel powerful since you’re a REALLY TALL COUPLE.
“If I picked you up over my shoulders, how tall would we be?”
“Mmmm, I don’t know”-you sighed-“Like around 3 meters?”
Jin (Kim Seokjin)
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Those 9 cm would be sacred for him.
“Do you know I’m actually taller than you, jagiya~”-he would tease you relentlessly.
But he wouldn’t do it with bad intentions, he just wanted to be good enough for you.
Although if he’d be smaller than you, you still wouldn’t mind.
In photos he would totally get on his tip-toes while hugging your shoulders with his long arms, trying to look a little bit taller.
His a competitive little ass so he just wanted to have a notorious advantage
However, he would get often teased by his band mates.
“Jin-hyung is afraid Y/N-ah will somehow grow taller than him”-Jungkook would laugh.
SUGA (Min Yoongi)
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He wouldn’t care.
Like, not at all.
Not because he doesn’t love you (because he was freaking whipped for you) but because he just thought it wasn’t important.
However, he would love that you were tall enough to reach his mouth with no problems.
Kisses, then, would happen often and quickly. NO EFFORT REQUIRED YEy.
This little shit would purposely place himself behind you so that when you turned around, your noses would bump with each other’s and little kisses would be shared.
“That one was too fast”-he’s whine-“Another one!”
“I didn’t know you could be this needy, Min Yoongi”-you giggled while pleading a softer peck on his pouty lips.
“If you tell anyone”-he warned-“I’ll literally kill you”
“Now try to say that without smiling”
J-hope (Jung Hoseok)
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This ball of sunshine wouldn’t even notice
He was just so mesmerized by your natural beauty that he totally skipped those details.
However, he loved your height despite its minor relevance within his preferences.
He would constantly grab you cheeks and press his forehead into yours while you both giggled.
Ah, such lovebirds
Everyone would be so disgusted yet delighted by your relationship.
Can we talk about your house as well!?
The arrangement of the cabinets wasn’t something you needed to worry about since you both reached the top ones just fine.
You had things like portrays and tiny plant on actually really high shelfs in order not to bump into them too.
“Babe”-he’d call-“Could you please reach for the bowl, I need something to pour my cereal in”
“Why don’t you do it?”-you’d giggle.
“Because I’m lazy!”
Jimin (Park Jimin)
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This little shIt would be absolutely jealous!
Don’t get me wrong, Jimin loved you more than anything.
But your height made him somewhat nervous...
Because, the AuDaCItY of being taller than him...
Save this poor man.
He would secretly put on more than one pair of socks in order to look taller.
Or he would buy new insoles to put into his shoes, which already had HEELS.
Nevertheless, he would absolutely love your height and would actually compliment it quite often.
“Love, you’re so tall!”-he’d cheer you up-“Why aren’t you a model?”
“Are you being serious?”-you’d laugh.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”-he’d say absolutely serious.
We love our supportive bean!
V(Kim Taehyung)
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Okay, hear me out...
Listen, we all know how this man absolutely ADORES Gucci.
And let’s be honest, Gucci models and their styles are ncredibly ✨immaculate✨ and ✨extravagant✨
Well, your height would be those things to Taehyung.
He would buy couple outfits that would look good on both of you and would oblige you to catwalk through you apartament’s hallways in order for him to asses the whole clothing.
He would also make you do weird poses he once saw in a magazine.
“Okay this one looks awesome”-he complimented when you walked out of the room in a long lined buttoned-up shirt.
“I don’t know”you shrugged.
He would absolutely let you try something else.
Jungkook (Jeon Jungkook)
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He would not-so-secretly compare your height with his so as to know who’s taller.
Obviously, he was but the bunny needed reassurance.
He would like to feel like he could protect you with his slight height difference.
And, because you seemed like you didn’t care about the topic (which you obviously didn’t), he would do subtle things for you to notice that he was indeed taller.
He would buy even bigger hoodies for you to use them and feel slightly smaller while in them.
Or he would rest his limbs on your shoulders because he COULD.
Nevertheless, he would indirectly compliment your height by saying how well your heights looked with each other.
He would call it your ✨aesthetic✨ with him.
“Baby I’ll look for the things that are on the shelf”-he would jump eagerly.
“Don’t worry, Kookie”-you would wave him off-“I can reach them don’t worry about-”
“Too slow”-he’d freaking sprint to the kitchen to win lol.
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trashyswitch · 4 years ago
Bonnie's Obsession
Bonnie grows obsessed with wanting a skirt to twirl around in and enjoy. William is happy to provide, but Henry questions it and is hesitant to give Bonnie what he wants. So, Bonnie decides to persuade him with some love and care from Mama Bon himself.
This whole thing was an idea made up by one of my friends @planet--venus. Thank you so much for the GENIUS idea and for the extra help! And for the patience! Sorry it took so long! But, I hope you enjoy!
Also, I know a lot of you are gonna see this and claim 'I'm misgendering Bonnie!'. Bonnie is feminine, not transgender. But The reason I put the 'light trans story' tag was because what Henry says is traditional talk that would come from an old-fashioned 80's adult. So trans people are being warned: traditional reactions you may have heard before, are used in the dialogue. Read with caution.
Henry sighed to himself as he worked on cleaning Toy Bonnie. He would usually clean Toy Bonnie once to twice a week and most of the time, William would come along for company. It had been like this since the restaurant opened. Though Henry didn’t mind this part of the task, he wasn’t a big fan of Toy Bonnie being left on while he cleaned. Toy Bonnie was fussy and playful during cleaning hours. It was often like cleaning a child. But now, this child had an obsession…
“I saw a child with a pretty long skirt!” Bonnie told him.
“Yeah? That’s nice.” Henry replied, cleaning his arm.
“It was blue! It shined in the light! And it lifted up as she spun around!” Bonnie told him.
Henry nodded as he kinda listened.
“Can I have a skirt?” Bonnie asked.
William guffawed, while Henry sighed and closed his eyes. That was the one question that Henry dreaded. He had been asking it a lot lately. “Bonnie, we have talked about this. You are not getting a skirt.” Henry told him.
Bonnie whined and sank down. “Whyyyyy?” He whined like a child.
“Because you are a boy! And boys don’t wear skirts.” Henry replied.
William looked at Henry with a frown. Now wait a second- “Since when are boys not allowed to wear skirts?” William asked.
Henry looked at William. “Since society deemed suits the men’s clothing preference!” Henry replied. “Be realistic: our design for Toy Bonnie is feminine enough. And I’ve been getting complaints from parents saying the kids are not sure if Bonnie is a girl or a boy. And wanna know who’s fault that is?” Henry explained.
William smirked and pointed to himself. “Mine, baby.” he replied confidently.
“Yours. And no, that’s not a good thing.” Henry told him. “It’s frustrating trying to explain to every parent that Bonnie is a boy.”
William rolled his eyes with a smile. “I wonder why. It can’t possibly be that Bonnie is a girl's name.” William said sarcastically.
“Oi! That was ALSO your idea!” Henry reminded him as he returned to cleaning the blue animatronic.
“Was it?” William asked, forgetting what he had said.
“Yes. It was. And I almost regret listening to you.” Henry added.
Bonnie huffed and crossed his arms while Henry resumed his cleaning duties. “Please?” Bonnie asked.
“No.” Henry responded.
“Pleeeeaaase?” Bonnie begged.
Henry looked up at Bonnie. “No skirt.”
Bonnie frowned. “Why?” Bonnie asked.
“I just explained! The kids are confused about your gender as it is! So putting a skirt on you would cause kids to misgender you!” Henry told him.
“I don’t care! I want a skirt.” Bonnie repeated.
“I care. So, no. Skirt. And that’s that.” Henry concluded the conversation.
William looked down a little and bit his lip. He was being a little excessive over a simple thing like a skirt. It’s just a piece of fabric. Is it really that hard?
Bonnie’s pupils flashed a red color for only a second or two. Then, Bonnie pushed Henry’s arm away. “SKIRT.” Bonnie yelled.
Henry looked up at Bonnie with anger growing in his eyes. “I said DROP IT!” He ordered.
“NO.” Bonnie declared.
William looked at Bonnie. “I don’t think skirts are bad.” William muttered.
Henry blinked and and looked at William with frustration and slight confidence. “Would you wear a skirt?” Henry asked.
“Yes. I would.” William replied.
Henry scoffed. “Really now?”
“Really.” William replied.
“Have you worn a skirt before?” Henry asked.
William blinked in surprise. “No.” He said awkwardly, looking everywhere except Henry’s face.
Henry’s eyes narrowed. “Bonnie, is he lying?” Henry asked.
“Yes. He is lying.” Bonnie suddenly jumped and smiled. “That means he has worn a skirt!” Bonnie reacted.
William didn’t say anything at that. He just...looked around the room, and looked at Bonnie with fear in his eyes.
Henry smirked. “I knew it.”
William looked away while Bonnie crossed his arms and tapped his foot. “If William can wear a skirt, then so can I!” Bonnie declared.
“No. Not happening.” Henry said stubbornly.
“Skirt or else.” Bonnie warned.
“Or else what? You’ll become feral and maul me? HA! Like you’re gonna do that to your creator…” Henry joked.
William widened his eyes and backed up a bit. “How about we don’t make jokes about that?” William suggested.
“Nope. Why would I hurt you?” Bonnie replied.
“Okay. Then what’s the ‘or else’?” Henry asked.
Bonnie smirked as he started walking closer to him. Henry’s confident attitude quickly fell off his face as he realized the toy animatronic was planning something. Before Henry was able to protest or do anything, Bonnie had scooped up Henry under the armpits like a child.
“HEY! PUT ME DOWN!” Henry ordered.
“Awww! I know you wanna walk.” Bonnie cooed in a teasy baby voice. “But I have to pick you up!” Bonnie declared.
William widened his eyes at the bunny’s baby voice, while Henry froze. “E-Excuse me?!” Henry reacted, surprised and offended.
Bonnie smiled and held onto him with one hand while poking his belly with his pointy finger. “That’s right! Adventure time is over for now! You’ll have lots of time to roam around later.” Bonnie teased as he kept poking and wiggling his pointy finger on his belly.
Henry jumped with a yelp, and tensed almost immediately. It didn’t take long at all for Henry to find out what his plan was. And he did NOT like it.
“B-Bonniehehe-” Henry quickly covered his mouth with his hand as a giggle accidentally spilled out. Truth be told, he was thrown off guard by the teasy and playful attitude Bonnie had suddenly developed. He had never taught Bonnie such things! How did he learn such a trait on his own without backup programming?!
William was just giggling and watching. “If you’re planning to really get him laughing, I’d suggest you go for the armpits.” William told Bonnie casually.
Henry opened his eyes again in horror. “W-WILL! YOU PIECE O-OF-” Henry started pushing against the huge hands and kicking his feet to get out.
William giggled at the man’s reactions. “Uh oh! Looks like Henry’s developing a temper tantrum!” William teased.
“I can see that!” Bonnie went along with it. “Should I try tickling him more to get him happy again?” Bonnie asked.
Henry started kicking and squirming harder. “NO! NONONONONONONO! NO WAY! NOT HAPPENING!”
“I think it’s a great plan!” William replied proudly.
“Alright!” Bonnie lifted the man up and trapped Henry’s hands in between Bonnie’s fisted fingers. And then, Bonnie started wiggling his fingers in one armpit each.
“NOOOOHOHOHOHO!” Henry threw his head back. “HAHAHAHAHAHA! BOHOHONNIHIHIHIE QUIHIHIHIT IHIHIHIT!” Henry shouted, immediately bursting into long fits of laughter.
“What do you mean ‘quit it’? I just started!” Bonnie reacted.
But Bonnie just laughed at him. “The little human thinks he can tell me what to do!” Bonnie teased.
William widened his eyes and showed off his teeth as he smiled. “He’s got a point, Henry!” William admitted.
Henry continued to kick, squirm, push and laugh strongly. Even if he wanted to get the heck out of Bonnie’s grip, he couldn’t! The robot was naturally made to not fall apart easily! And it never grew tired! So, it would be possible to get stuck like this for hours against his will!
“Awww! Did you hear that, Will? He’s using his manners! How cute!” Toy Bonnie teased.
“I did, yes! It almost makes me wanna save him!” William reacted. But William quickly walked up and squeezed Henry’s sides. “Almost.”
Henry squeaked like a balloon and threw his head back with more crazed, hysterical bouts of laughter.
Toy Bonnie started laughing at him as well. “Yohohou sound like a witch!” Bonnie laughed.
William gasped and guffawed. “Oh my gosh he DOES!” William reacted. “The kindest evil witch that ever lived.” he added.
“Is he considered evil if he’s kind?” Bonnie asked.
“Ever heard of Batman?” William retorted. “He’s a man who breaks the law a little bit, to help the police officers catch criminals.” William replied.
“GUHUHUHUYS! IHIHIHI’M STIHIHIHILL HEHEHEHERE!” Henry yelled in between the conversation.
“We know, we know.” William replied.
“Hey! No interrupting the adults.” Bonnie ordered.
Henry growled. “IHIHI AHAHAHAM AHAHAN AHAHADUHUHULT!” Henry yelled back.
“Your days of acting like an adult are less frequent than Foxy’s entertaining days.” William declared.
Bonnie looked over at William with his eyes widened and his jaw dropped with a big smile.
“What? It’s true!” William reacted to Bonnie’s look.
William giggled at this and shrugged. “Sad but true.”
Henry, without realizing what he was doing exactly, tried tickling Bonnie’s general lower rib area to catch Bonnie off guard.
But, like one would figure, Bonnie didn’t react.
“Nice try Henry. But I’m not ticklish!” Bonnie declared with a proud smirk.
“HAA! That’s some bullshit if I’ve ever heard!” someone yelled from across the room.
Bonnie immediately stopped tickling and widened his eyes as he recognized the voice. Telling by his whispering of the voice’s name, Henry seemed to recognize the voice as well. Bonnie refused to turn around and face the face behind the voice that knew the truth. But William and Henry both lifted themselves up and looked at the animatronic that had spoken:
It was the plastic-looking brown bear, with the black hat and the red, rosy cheeks: Toy Freddy Fazbear.
“Listen to this evil bunny spitting fibs!” Freddy declared.
Bonnie slowly placed Henry onto the ground, and slowly started backing up with his hands up in the air. “F-Freddy- Can...Can we t-talk ahabout this first?” Bonnie asked, his voice showing obvious signs of tensing nerves.
“No, I don’t think we can.” Freddy replied bluntly with a super toothy smirk. Freddy subtly presented his pointer finger and looked at Bonnie menacingly as the pointing finger started vibrating.
Bonnie full on SCREAMED and took off the other way! William widened his eyes and bursted out laughing at the sudden change in pace, and Henry was still a panting, giggly mess on the floor. William soon calmed himself down enough to help Henry back up onto his feet. The ground and items placed on it, were actually shaking from the sprinting that the two animatronics were doing. So standing was a slight challenge for Henry at first.
Soon, Toy Chica showed up behind them. Henry actually squeaked in surprise and threw his hands up with full mercy so he wouldn’t get tickled and babied again. But Chica just placed her free hand on her hip and watched as Carl hopped off the plate and bounced itself towards the chase.
“You boys might wanna see this…” Chica let them know.
William tilted his head and walked a couple paces faster than Henry to see what was actually going on. It didn’t take long for the shaking to stop and for a big crash to fill the room for a few moments. Following the crash however:
“But YES the evil fingers! You should’ve seen this coming the moment you decided to fib about your ticklish spots, Liar Smurf.” Freddy teased.
Bonnie’s kicks and stomps against the ground continued to cause the main Pizzeria room to shake and tumble a few things over. But Freddy continued to ‘tickle’ Bonnie’s sides and belly.
William narrowed his eyes and leaned in a little in disbelief. “Did...Did you intend on this Henry?” William asked.
Henry was just watching with his jaw dropped and his eyes widened. He slowly shook his head and gained control of his jaw again. “N-No. I...had no idea this was even possible!” Henry admitted.
Freddy turned to look at them. “Since we’re metal, it takes some strong pokes and tickles to get a proper reaction from him.” Freddy replied. “But Bonnie’s always been the most ticklish out of all the toy animatronics.” Freddy added.
“Iiiii...Can see that.” William reacted slowly. William grabbed a pen from his pocket and started ‘drawing’ on Bonnie’s ears with the point of the unclicked pen.
Bonnie jumped and quickly tried grabbing for the pen. “HEHEHEHEHEY! NOHOHO! WHOHOHO-” Bonnie tried wiggling the bunny ears away from William, but could only wiggle so much. And even if they did wiggle away, William would just follow the moving ear and continue tickling!
“Hey Mr. Afton! Try using that on his foot!” Freddy suggested.
William lifted up the pen, and looked at Freddy with a worried look. “Are you sure? What if I get kicked in the face?” Will asked.
“He won’t kick you in the face. Promise.” Freddy replied to that.
William narrowed his eyes. “How do you know?”
Freddy turned Bonnie onto his side and resumed vibrating the hips. “Look!” Freddy said, pointing to the wiggling tail.
“He likes it!” Freddy told him. “You can tell by his wagging tail! He’s like a happy dog when he’s being tickled like this!” Freddy pointed out.
William raised both his eyebrows and slowly started smiling. “So...If his tail is wagging from happiness...then he’s not gonna kick me?” William asked.
“That’s right!” Freddy replied. “Just ask Chica!”
Henry turned to look at Chica. “Is this actually true?” Henry asked.
Chica nodded. “I have never gotten kicked by Bonnie. He has really good self control!” Chica confirmed.
That was all the convincing he needed. William marched himself up to Bonnie’s foot and started ‘drawing’ on the bottom of the blue foot.
“WAIT- NOHOHOHAHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAFTOHOHON!” Bonnie kept instinctively pulling his foot away, but William would just follow it and keep tickling it. Bonnie let out a squeal that sounded slightly autotuned. His legs could only pull his blue feet away so much before they were completely bent. So Bonnie held onto his knees while he flapped his feet helplessly.
William giggled in amusement as he kept drawing invisible pictures and shapes on Bonnie’s feet. “Wow! How in the world are you even feeling any of this?” William asked. He looked over at Henry, who shook his head, opened his mouth and shrugged his shoulders in confusion.
“I couldn’t tell you. A glitch possibly? Maybe a virus?” Henry guessed. Even the creator himself was clueless as to how the animatronics developed human-like sensitivity.
“Hey Freddy! What’s his worst spot?” William asked.
“Oh that’s easy!” Freddy stopped tickling and walked over to Bonnie’s knees. “But you might need to move.” Freddy warned.
William nodded and quickly followed his advice.
“His most ticklish spot iiiiis:” Freddy started squeezing the top of Bonnie’s knee. Bonnie let out a high pitched scream and started squirming and wiggling around wildly!
Henry wheezed at that reaction and leaned his hands against his knees! He really IS a girl!
“BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HIHIHIHIHIHI- NAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Bonnie cackled loudly. He could barely talk at this point, it tickled so much! And it didn’t take long for Bonnie to also start stomping the ground with his other foot.
William started laughing along with him. “Wohohow! Ticklish knees of all things?!” William reacted.
“Well that rules out any social connections. I don’t have ticklish knees, and neither does Will!” Henry replied.
Freddy groaned and pulled Henry over to Bonnie. “Come on! Quit trying to logic your way through the technical science and just tickle him!” Freddy declared.
William smiled and went back to poking and ‘drawing’ on the inner ears. And soon, even Henry joined in at the sides.
[A few hours later:]
Bonnie squealed and spun around excitedly. It was the perfect length for him! It had a stretchy waistband! It was silky! And the best part? It twirled and lifted up when he spun! Bonnie happily threw his arms up in the air and spun around to make it twirl for the 18th time that evening.
Willliam had a huge smile on his face. “I’m so glad you like it! And you’re happy with the baby pink color?” William double checked.
“Oh my gosh YES! The baby pink suits me PERFECTLY!” Bonnie ran up to William and Henry and lifted them both up into a big hug. “THANK YOUUUU!”
“You’re welcome Bonnie. Enjoy the new skirt!” William told her enthusiastically.
When he placed them back down, Bonnie noticed the two separate facial expressions they had on their faces in reaction to his new skirt. The bunny looked at Henry and noticed how...mixed his facial expression was compared to William. William’s facial expression showed full support while Henry’s expression...showed confusion mixed with uncertainty of how to react.
Henry was putting on some sort of small smile, but his eyes told him something different. Perhaps the change of heart was sinking in, but very slowly. Maybe Henry would grow to get used to it. But for now, Bonnie will take the smile as a positive sign.
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godkilller · 4 years ago
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I wanna hear you rant about the Gin vs Hitsugaya anime fight bc I love seeing your pov and you clearly write better than whoever extended that scene :) pretty please
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          out of character.  DON’T ENABLE ME SO MUCH !!  No but I cackled when I first saw this ask because oh my god, clearly you saw a taste of my annoyance about the anime adaptation -- no, adaptation implies it was accurate, I’ll say the anime’s take was “inspired by” the manga’s quick run-in. I’ll start by saying this moment is supposed to be a bit important considering, via the audience’s point of view, THIS IS THE FIRST WE SEE OF TWO CAPTAIN-RANKED SHINIGAMI CLASHING. The only other captain-involved fight we’ve seen thus far in the manga is Kenpachi  ( who is an outlier and should not be counted... no, I joke... but, still, Ichigo was not an equal to him, his sword was sliced through like butter. )  The whole reason I enjoyed this encounter between Toshiro and Gin was simply this; it wasn’t some fancy multi-chaptered fight. IN THE MANGA, THERE ARE ONLY TWO BLOWS MADE. One, by Toshiro, to begin the fight. The second, to end it, is Gin’s strike.
          I want you to know that I’ve rewatched this specifically to answer this ask, and only due to this, as I wouldn’t have ever sought it out otherwise. HONOR MY SACRIFICE.
          Read more for length. I’m merciful.
          In the anime, they monologue at each other, and it’s mostly a combination of Toshiro making three separate death threats  ( he starts this off by saying “I’ll kill you before Hinamori arrives” and then goes on rewording it each time, and then also repeats the death-threat he gave Gin prior to this conflict about “I’ll kill you if Hinamori bleeds” )  and then also Gin and Izuru talking about how truly powerful and amazing Toshiro is -- no, this isn’t me being bitter or petty, I literally shit you not, Gin has a line that is legit “AS EXPECTED FROM HITSUGAYA TOSHIRO, CAPTAIN OF THE TENTH DIVISION, A CHILD PRODIGY OF TH' SORT THAT ONLY COMES ALONG ONLY ONCE EVERY FEW CENTURIES. HOW VEEEERY DANGEROUS. YOU’RE SERIOUS, AIN’T YA?” like don’t get me wrong, love a good sarcastic little shit comment like that, but the amount of times the anime pumps Toshiro up like he’s their shinest new cash cow ( and he is, at this point, it is not even 50 episodes into the series and they’ve realized everyone likes him and he’s jumped to high ranks in popularity polls... earning him filler spotlights, and eventually his very own non-canon movie )  so everything coming out of Gin’s mouth feels like more bullshit than necessary. Izuru’s already literally monologued, internally, how powerful and amazing Toshiro is anyways. Why this ?
          Not to mention that, prior to saying that long-winded shit, Gin’s haori changed length three times  ( and once it was longer than his entire body by several feet, and no not in a ‘to show motion’ way )  and most importantly Shinso was drawn, consistently, at katana-length for the duration of their little spat where the following, too, happened: Gin frog-leaps after doing a backflip, Toshiro gives Gin two (2) haircuts, Gin ruins some floorboards and gives Toshiro at least one splinter in his arm, Toshiro whilst wearing socks lands on Shinso’s blunt edge and pushes the sword down with his footsie because that’s how that works, there’s another backflip somewhere in there that Gin doesn’t need to be doing, twirl, twirl, and ballet, Gin’s face elongates until his chin is bigger than his face, Gin spends ten+ seconds purely dodging very close strikes to his face as Toshiro is the only one making breathy growly and ‘tsuuaaah’ sounds, there is a brief moment of no gravity as Toshiro keeps hacking at Gin midair and Gin blocks it over and over again but they still stay in the air but they’re not standing or jumping or using reiatsu they’re just like, momentum-locked I don’t fucking know, Gin frowny faces as he blocks because like somehow this kid who doesn’t even have more reiatsu than him, whose arm strength should not be an issue, is like. making him nervous?? as sword sparks fly. if you know me at all you know I hate when they fuckin’ firework sparkler-ify swords clashing.
          Anyways, all of this happens whilst Shinso is the wrong length and Gin’s hair is getting purpler by the second and this entire thing is somehow a big jack-off to Toshiro’s immense strength even though he’s screaming and wailing at Gin like a child and Gin’s just a vessel at this point to Enhance Toshiro, which, fine, okay, but at least be more accurate with it god damn. ANYWAYS,
          THEY JOUST. They literally run at each other, swords centered, and run past / to the side of one another. Jousting. “Cause that’s how that works. No slashes, no cutting motion. Just swords centered, because the animators were like “no worries guys I know swordfighting basics that’s a legit pose” yeah it is WHEN STATIONARY. Not rUNNING IT DOWN.
          And then Gin’s sleeve is cut, somehow, from the Jousting, because wow Toshiro wow wow wowowowow, and then Toshiro comes back and starts wailing at Gin again and Gin blocks it, again, and it’s all very annoyingly repetitive, and Gin’s frowning and sparks are flying and Gin’s using Shinso, the katana-length wakizashi I guess, with two hands because like I said, the animators knew basics and basics are “katana are used two-handed” like. Okay, you’re not wrong, but I cannot stress this enough: SHINSO IS NOT A KATANA. It’s shorter and meant to be used single-handed!!!! sTop!!! So then Gin rips off the tattered part of his sleeve and throws it at Toshiro, who swipes it away from his face using his Zanpakuto because that’s intelligent and a piece of cloth was definitely threatening enough to use your sword to bat it away  ( btw, Hitsugaya wasn’t holding his sword with two hands at this precise moment, so he could have just... used his other hand )  and then Gin goes in for the classic “stabby stabby rapidly at you while the animation gets a little breather because we repeat this cycle a few times with flashy bgs and phew money made” ... WE ARE FOUR MINUTES AND THIRTY SECONDS INTO THIS FIGHT BY THE WAY. Gin does this for seventeen (17) agonizing seconds straight. Yes, I counted. That was sixteen and a half too many seconds for me, personally.
          Toshiro somehow lassos Shinso whilst Gin is stabby stabby-ing with Hyourinmaru’s chain component. I say component like it’s somehow some type of beauty guru’s lipstick holder, but really am I that wrong ? When else has he ever used this feature ? Anyways, he lassos Shinso because yeehaw I guess, god I’m falling apart at this point can y’all tell????? I need a drink.
          and so, because now Toshiro has Gin’s sword somehow trapped with chain even though it’s just looped around it, he backflips over Gin for a cool trickshot, no blow issued, just vibes, and Gin uses a big brain moment to tug Shinso and the chains slide off. okay now what. We’re past five minutes into this fight, nonstop.
          SOUNDS LIKE A GOOD TIME FOR GIN TO PAUSE AND APPRECIATE TOSHIRO AGAIN! “I see, I shouldn’t have underestimated you, HItsugaya Toshiro” I’m starting to have a feeling Gin’s VA was told to just wing these lines because the amount of times he fills silences / Gin’s mouth movements with Toshiro’s long-ass name is astounding, he’s definitely drawing blanks here but he sure as hell knows one thing: that damn ice-boy’s name. He continues by saying “I suppose I’ll end up regretting it afterwards.”
          Toshiro says that’s not enough, and it’s really dramatic and cool. His eyes even glow all icy and blue and pretty, like his flowy reiatsu. Aesthetic points were gifted entirely to Toshiro’s animations in this scene. Gin was finished in MS Paint and each new scene they had to draw Shinso from memory and try to remember what hue of purple his hair was at gunpoint. Toshiro lets off a big wave of reiatsu and then it vanishes, and he jumps up reaaaally high. like this guy’s flying. his eyes arent glowing anymore that’s sad. Bring Back Glowing Eyes For Strong Shinigami 2k21.
          Toshiro releases his Shikai, and it’s badass, the sky darkens, Izuru looks distinctly more worried than usual, and Gin’s frowning with his teeth out like Bugs Bunny’s having a bad day, all is right in the world. Toshiro and his released Shikai have a nice moment for the Pics, and a big epic freeze frame blur moment happens with it all coiled and swirling around him. Wrow!  ( click the ‘wrow’ it’s a link to my exact reaction )  Izuru narrates for the third time about how powerful Toshiro is, his reiatsu, his Zanpakuto being a deity who is only unlocked every few centuries. The strongest ice-type sword. Pardon the pun, but that’s... you could say, so cool.
          It can even control the weather. So hey, next time it’s rainy, cold, icy, or snowing and you’re unhappy, it’s time to direct a big fuck you at Toshiro.
          Gin dodges the first dragon, and blocks the second with Shinso because blocking water and ice with a sword makes sense right? This actually takes a solid amount of seconds as Gin cuts through the entire length of this ice dragon noodle. Things dissipate, and pause, too, to really drag this out. Surprisingly, this reveals that Gin’s made a boo-boo, his left arm’s frozen, which doesn’t even mean anything because Gin is right-handed, and Toshiro teleports himself behind Gin in true fighty fashion.
          We have arrived at seven minutes and just under twenty seconds of this fight, and Gin turns, DOES THE UNTHINKABLE, gasp! He opens his eyes. His red, dull, evil, gray-eyebrowed with purple hair eyes, and shoots Shinso through its hideout spot behind his haori. This nearly takes off Toshiro’s eye and upwards of his head, but the little guy dives down fast. The rest happens in slow motion, supposedly, because it takes an eternity and people talk entire full sentences in its span of time.
          Gin asks Toshiro if he’s sure he’d like to dodge that  ( it’s a little late for that ) and says that Momo’ll die if he does. SHINSO SCRAPING ALONG AGAINST HYOURINMARU STRANGELY MAKES NOT A SINGLE SOUND. Mute. Even though before they had no problem animating and adding sounds to them smacking blades earlier. There are soundless sparks though, so there’s that. Yay. Can you tell how exhausted this’s made me? I need a nap.
          Shinso is already more than halfway towards Momo, still unconscious, she most definitely has a serious concussion via Toshiro backhanding her midair consider she’s been unconscious for longer than ten minutes. Toshiro has time to get up off the floor where he dropped to dodge, realize with a shocked gasp, turn, shout her name, and watch as Rangiku arrives in a random glow of gold which never happens ever again and blocks the attack with Haineko. Haineko almost cracks on the impact, and continues growing in damage as Rangiku holds Shinso there, implying that she’s stopped it from reaching one-hundred sword’s lengths to pierce Momo. Yes I’m including that implication / note in here because we love to see Rangiku succeeding in life and being Not-Helpless, all while potentially damaging Haineko severely if it wasn’t able to hold him off. Yikes, Gin!
          Rangiku threatens to join the fight if he doesn’t withdraw his sword. Gin smiles, withdraws it, and then Shunpos away.
          Whatta mess. Oh, and the anime fight was pretty fucked up, too.
          This is a long post, but here’s the manga version:
Toshiro leaps into the air,
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This is where the fight actually starts between them:
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And end. 
Five pages. Two blows. Does not equate to ten minutes of non-stop fighting and monologues. Sometimes, and I mean this in the most unbiased way possible, less is more.
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livewireprojects · 4 years ago
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I feel bad for @naegamimonth​ right now because I’ve been doing nothing but a shit ton of Naegami Month posts on my art blog. At least this is the last post for day 16... jfc I made so much for this day...
This is just fashion AU, it was inspired by that non-despair AU were the DR2 cast are scene kids(along with maybe Junko & Mukuro), Izuru is punk goth & DR1 cast are pastel goths in the early 2000s. Like I said(because I don’t know how to say shit) this is inspired by it but instead of the 2 casts being scene kids & pastel goths they have their own styles.
Byakuya is a hipster that loves to take selfies with his boyfriend & later their babies when the twins eventually come in. Makoto is a pastel goth still but looks kind of different from the version from the scenekids/pastel goths AU. Because this isn’t in color I couldn’t show that he has a galaxy textured hoodie jacket on.(Then again I can’t make galaxy textures very well anyway) He also has a bunny on his choker because for some reason I keep giving him Usami imagery sometimes. His sneakers are pastel green with eye balls on them... I use this to much on character designs that are pastel goths.
Honestly wasn’t sure how to dress Byakuya & this probably wasn’t what I was thinking of when I did fashion AU RPs. I dunno how to make hipster designs so I was Googling shit & searching on DA. Why did I give him a hat?
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Finally at the end! I am sorry!
This comes from my favorite game series Harvest Moon(the official games are now Story of Seasons since the creators left the people with the rights to call it Harvest Moon), Makoto is dressed in the default clothes for the girl in my favorite game of the HM series Animal Parade. It’s a really nice game & I’m also a little obsessed with the wizard in this game... The only thing missing is a port/remake for the Switch... But enough with my rambling that I had to delete because it’s off topic.(It’s just rambling about my love for HMAP & why the remake of Friends of Mineral Town while good scares me on if AP got a remake because I worry they’ll edit things they shouldn’t in that game too)
So anyway Makoto is doing farm work when Usami comes over with a letter from Makoto’s boyfriend. Usami is taking Finn’s(the Harvest Sprite meant to be your guide in the game) role in this which given she’s meant to be both a magic girl bunny & a teacher is adorably perfect.as she can give advice to Makoto & enjoy their adventures around Harmonica Town & so on.
Interestingly Gill reminds me some of Byakuya but he technically is more friendly than Byakuya. Both kind of had to grow up earl as kids but for Gill it’s because the death of his mom hit his family pretty bad while Byakuya’s is from whatever shit his terrible dad did to his family. Both are also blond with blue eyes, weirdly enough Gill when he’s dressed in his sweater vest instead of his white suit vest looks a little like how I use to dress Len.
Another random thing is that this is the only HM/SoS game I know of were once you get married(to the main candidates not the special ones sadly) you get a free ticket to the island you unlock at some point. Using the ticket while with your now spouse will lead to getting a Honey Moon cutscene.(I haven’t gotten to the marriage yet & the only LP I’ve seen of this game had the guy marry Witch so I dunno how the cutscene for the honeymoon looks.(I saw the cutscene once but due to my weird memory I remember very little)
What I’m failing to get at is Byakuya & Makoto enjoying their honeymoon on the island. Cuddling together as the sea comes up the sand & touches their feet as they sit near the water. Makoto likely has a seashell from the trip on a shelf.
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I kind of made Usami a human/Harvest Sprite form for this. I gave her Chiaki’s haircut because often times Chiaki is shown with her.(Even shown holding her in the final(I think) episode of DR3 were Hinata is likely imagining her while on his way back to the island with everyone)
I’m not as interested in DR2 as I am in DR1 but Usami/Monomi is probably my favorite character. I also keep showing an edited(because her design’s details kill me, they’re to much to draw) version of her as a plushie my kind of OC Asumi has a security blanket.(I’ll explain Asumi one day)
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kookiebunnii · 5 years ago
d4u || a-tier healthcare
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aug. 2018. finally moved back in today. i needed to get something for classes this year, but jungkook’s gone and hurt himself again. i swear the boy barely functions when he stays up all night playing overwatch. if he keeps this up, well, he better like hello kitty band-aids. 
pairing: best friend!jungkook x reader
genre: slice of life
word count: 1.4k
warnings: brief mentions of blood (like .2 seconds worth)
Most people you knew absolutely dreaded when school started. As soon as August and September roll around like a couple of snickering troublemakers, your fellow collegians would weep knowing that classes and exams were about to insert themselves into their schedules. It meant that summer, and all the freedom and laughter associated with it, was coming to an end. Instead of enjoying the bright sunshine and baby blue skies every day, the scenery was being replaced with drab grey walls and chairs that felt uncomfortable no matter how you sat.
Surprisingly enough, it didn’t really bother you all that much. You had spent summer working full-time at a relative’s restaurant as a waitress, meaning that you never got the chance to really take a vacation. The three months you were blessed with passed by like a blur. They were filled with placating tipsy adults or bawling infants, carrying as many plates as you could in your arms without spilling mystery sauce all over yourself, and bringing yourself to smile consistently on an 8-hour shift. It was far from an ideal summer, to say the least. In fact, you were relieved that classes were starting. Now, you could work and learn about concepts you were actually interested in. Besides, it also meant that you would get to move back into your apartment near university, which you shared with Jungkook. The boy loved traveling and spent most of his time jumping from one destination to another, filming small videos for G.C.F. You could count on one hand the amount of times you spent physically with him over the break, and as much as it pained you to admit—you missed watching him embarrass himself on the daily.
Late August was still warm, teetering curiously between summer and the beginning of autumn. You had just finished moving back into your place, feeling refreshed with a shower after the long trip. Deciding to head out and do some stationary shopping before preparing dinner, you pulled on your favorite shoes. It wasn’t like you needed anything in particular, since you’d keep the same 3-subject notebook from last year-- but the store you loved always had the cutest animal-shaped post-its. Surely it couldn’t hurt to find some (FaveAnimal) ones for this quarter, just to start off on the right foot.
Humming to yourself, you bounded down the stairs of your complex while double-checking your pockets for all your personal items. As you walked at a leisurely pace, you began wondering what Jungkook could be doing at this hour. You saw that his things were already back in his room, meaning that he was back for school as well. Maybe you’d make some pasta for the two of you when you get back, since he always liked when you cooked for him.
Hearing your name causes you to look up, realizing that the familiar saying really was true: speak (or in this case ‘think’) of the Devil and he shall appear.
“Guk?” you ask, observing the way he’s slightly favoring his left side as he walks towards you, “You good?”
You can see him wince as he approaches, but still trying hard to brush the pain off with a silly grin, “Not exactly.”
Pulling at his wrist, you realize that the skin on the side of his hand is broken and bloody. There’s dirt and bits of granite adhering to his skin, streaks of dried blood all over. You stay silent as you look down to observe his knee, seeing that his jeans are ripped with red stains that definitely weren’t part of any fashion statement. He had hurt his knee as well.
“Did you fall?” you guess, letting go of his arm to look him in the eyes questioningly.
“I bought a penny board over the summer since my classes are sorta far from each other this quarter. Guess I need more practice,” he shrugs nonchalantly before walking in the direction of your apartment, waving you away.
Frowning as you watch his back retreat where you came, you realize that by being the stupid worrywart you are, you only had one real choice in this scenario.
Sorry cute stationary, mommy’s gonna have to reschedule.
Sprinting to catch up with him, you silently walk beside him as the two of you head back inside the apartment. Even though he struggles up the stairs a little, you don’t hold him up or anything like that. You know that he hates when people treat him like a kid, so you’ve grown accustomed to accepting his stubbornness. Unless he’s literally on death’s door or asks for your help, you let him be responsible for himself.
Leaning his new penny board against the doorway, he enters the apartment with a sigh before heading to the bathroom to clean his wounds. Clicking your tongue like a disapproving mother, you head to the kitchen to look for the first-aid kit. After a couple of mishaps involving the kitchen knife and your clumsy fingers, you learned that that was the best place to keep it.
Pulling out some bandages, rubbing alcohol wipes, and anti-scarring cream, you follow him into the bathroom.
From the faucet, water runs over his hand as he gently brushes blood and dirt away from the injury. You can tell it hurts by the way his jaw is tight, and a small part of you feels bad to see him in any sort of pain…even if that pain is probably due to him trying out a trick he saw on Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater or something.
“Give me.”
You grab his hand and turn off the faucet. Patting his hand dry with his towel hanging from the side, you look at it closely to make sure the opening in his skin is relatively clean. Satisfied, you open up an alcohol swab and smile widely, “This is gonna hurt a lot!”
“Why am I not surprised that you seem to be happy saying that? Whatever…just hurry up” he looks at you blankly, but you can still feel his arm tense at your words.
You start with a quick and heavy swipe, and to his credit, he doesn’t even flinch. You follow up with more gentle administrations before tossing the wipe into the trash. The anti-scarring scream is cooling, so he’ll probably enjoy it a bit more.
After finishing up his hand, you let it go and catch his round, brown eyes staring at you. You stare back for two seconds before sticking your tongue out and causing him to laugh.
“Alright string bean, show me those kneecaps,” you roll up your sleeves to show that you mean business.
“On the first date? Damn,” he whistles before starting to unbutton his jeans.
“Alright I guess you’ll be handling your knee yourself.”
Closing the door behind you, you can literally feel the amusement radiating from him in waves through the wood. It was a wonder to you that he could be so casual and teasing with you, but once he sees a pretty female within a 10-mile radius, he’d act like a frightened rabbit. After all these years with him, he probably didn’t even see you as a woman. It didn’t particularly bother you, since you were just as friendly with him as he was with you. He’s seen you walk around the house with bed hair and dark circles, so you never felt the need to be cautious or nervous around him. The two of you cared for each other in a comfortable, relaxed way.
As you pull out tomatoes and fresh herbs from the fridge, you hear Jungkook leaving the bathroom. He fills up his favorite Overwatch mug with some water and takes loud gulps as you begin cutting your ingredients and boiling a large pot of water over the stove for the spaghetti.
You make a noise of affirmation. He gives the top of your head a few gentle pats which you understood as him thanking you for everything. You stop in mid-chop to pat his hand atop your head in response to let him know that it wasn’t a big deal at all. The beginnings of his special bunny smile start creeping in, and you resist the urge to tickle him to hide your own embarrassment. Just as you open your mouth to say something, he messes up your hair and runs into his room before you can get a punch in.
You wonder if he’s actually 21 this year or 11.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
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jaehyunspeachparty · 5 years ago
daddy jaehyun
"Everything is hidden." Jaehyun grinned and came to your bedroom. He had hidden some Easter eggs and a few small gifts in the house so Sunoh and Miga could find them the next morning. "It will be their first big Easter bunny hunt. I hope they like it." "Of course, they both like everything when they get gifts." Jaehyun lay down and looked at you. "It'll be cute." You smile and the thought just made your heart warm. "Definitely," he breathed, gently placing his lips on yours. His tongue tasted of chocolate, apparently he had eaten some of the candy. You had to laugh and Jaehyun followed you. "What is?" His dimples appeared and you immediately pull him back to you. "You only taste good." You immediately search for his lips again. His hands felt your body and found themselves on your breasts. He pulled your top down so your nipples popped out of the fabric. He took one between two of his fingers and played with them and somehow that soon caused vibrations in your abdomen. When his kisses went down to your neck, you throw your head back and groan softly. It all felt good, but your mobility was pretty limited. But that didn't bother Jaehyun. He was totally into it. He moaned softly in your ear while continuing to massage your breasts. You were so ready for him, everything got hot in the room, but then one of the babies decided to wake up and kick wildly. "Ouch." You suddenly hold your stomach and take a deep breath. "What's happening?" Jaehyun looks at you in panic and stopped everything. "The right baby is kicking my ribs pretty hard right now." And the next moment you feel the next kick, which is not so pleasant. Jaehyun pushed up your shirt and he could see your stomach move. But then the next kick came and you breathed briefly. "This child will be so much wilder." You sigh and try to stroke your stomach soothingly, but it didn't help. "I wish I could help you somehow." Jaehyun was desperate, he couldn't do anything. But neither do you. The babies simply didn't have enough space.
"Mummy Daddy !!!" Miga came into your bedroom and roared across the room. You could hear Sunoh laughing and he was also babbling a bit. "Miga, a little quieter." Jaehyun turned to the side and tried to fall asleep again. "No, daddy!" She pouted and crossed her arms. Jaehyun sighed and Miga just decides to climb into your bed. Slowly you sit up and rub your eyes. "Come on daddy, I want to see if the Easter bunny was there." She took his hand and pulled on it. Sunoh stood in front of the bed and started crying because he couldn't get up. Since Jaehyun still refused to get up, you had to lift your son up. You bend over as far as possible and try to lift him to bed, but it was already incredibly difficult for you. But when Sunoh was in bed, he laughed again and jumped around on the mattress. "Daddy." Sunoh hopped in front of his father and was equally excited. "I don't think you have a chance." You laugh and see Jaehyun slowly opening his eyes. "Okay okay. Can't you just be calm here?" He sat up and his children immediately fell into his arms. "I don't think it will get any better with the twins." You wink and stroke your stomach. One of the babies started to kick and you laughed. Yes, it will be many and long years without sleep.
In the meantime it has already become warm and you could sit outside in the garden in peace. You enjoy the first rays of sunshine on your skin and drink a freshly squeezed orange juice that Jaehyun had previously made. While you and Jaehyun are having breakfast, the children ran around the house looking for their presents. "Mummy, egg." Sunoh came to you and proudly showed he had found it. "Wow, you found an egg. But I think the Easter bunny has hidden more." You smile and stroke your boy's head. Sunoh was then very excited and then started again to search for more. "They have so much fun." Jaehyun took a sip of his coffee and watched his children run through the house. "What about Geon?" You suddenly ask. "Hmm? I don't know a Geon." Jaehyun suddenly looked at you suprised. "I mean as a name when there are boys." You caress your belly and feel the babies inside you. "Geon sounds good. I like it." Jaehyun smiled and continued to think about the name. "I thought it was cute when the kids all had short names." "Geon Jung sounds really loving." Jaehyun had to smile and his dimples appeared, as always when he was full of joy. "Can you think of a second short name?" You ask, because you would like to have all the names already. "What about Kiwoo? Kiwoo Jung." It was the first short name he came up with, but he liked it straight away, "Kiwoo? Yes! Geon and Kiwoo Jung. I think Geon fits the calmer baby better. Kiwoo sounds wilder." You smile and press against the leg that squeezed out. Birth was getting closer and you couldn't wait to hold your children in your arms soon. "Okay, that's it. The babies are called Geon and Kiwoo when they are boys." Jaehyun grinned contentedly and you were just as happy to finally have all the names. "By the way, I have something for you." Jaehyun suddenly got up, went to the kitchen and came back with a gift. "We don't give ourselves anything for Easter." You laugh and take it in your hand. It was surprisingly heavy and you wonder what it could be. "Just open it up." He grinned and sat next to you again. You wonder what it could be. But when you opened it you were totally surprised. It was the book ‘Parzival’, one of your favorite books. "Do you still remember?" He grinned and you nod. You never thought that he would remember it.
You and Jaehyun have been in a relationship for several months. It was sometimes difficult to see him because he had phases where he had to go from shooting to shooting. That evening he also had a job with a fashion magazine and he left it open whether he could come. He never knew when it would end. Your working day was hard and you only decided to read a little in the evening, but you fell asleep earlier than expected. That's why you hadn't even heard your door open at the beginning. But a gentle kiss woke you up and you realize that you fell asleep far too quickly. "I'm sorry that I woke you up." Jaehyun looked good. His hair was still styled and he still had makeup on top of the shooting. "I actually wanted to wait for you." You sigh and look sleepily at your boyfriend. "I'm just glad I'm here." He kissed you softly again and you were just happy to have him with you. On your chest was still the book that you had read that evening. Jaehyun picked it up and stared at it. "Parzival?" He turned it a few times in his hands and smiled. "Yes, it's a knight's story. It's about a knight of the round table from king artus." You smile and turn a little to the side. "Does it also have a love story?" Then he asked suddenly and lay down to you. "Yes. Parzival is the most beautiful man in the whole country, nobody can achieve as much beauty as he does. One day he saved a queen and he falls in love with her. They marry, but he has to continue his adventures. He travels all over the country , but he always has to think of his wife. Once it’s so bad that he is under a spell because he’s so in love. During the trip he got a lot of offers from other women, but he’s loyal to his wife. His friend Gawan, another knight, marries, but Parzival cannot be happy because he misses his love so much. In the end he becomes the Grail King and his wife comes after. He hadn't seen her in a long time since the trip took years and when he saw her again she had given him twins, two sons Loherangrin and Kardeiz, he was so happy to see her again and when he came to them he kissed his wife and sons, and they lived happily ever after. " "Wow, that sounds interesting. I think it's cute that they have twins." Jaehyun smiled and stroked your hip. "Do you like to have twins?" It was weird, you want a family, but you never really talked about it. "Well, you can’t choose, but if so, I think it's kind of cute." He grinned and somehow it all made him even more attractive to you. "When we get twins, do we call them Loherangrin and Kardeiz?" You laugh and Jaehyun was suddenly over you. "I think the names are too old-fashioned." He laughed and started tickling you. You romp around for a while, but then Jaehyun stops briefly and looks deep into your eyes. "I love you so much."
"I can't believe you remembered it." You look stunned at the book and tears gather in your eyes. You've been more emotional than usual lately. "Of course, I had to think about that recently when I was thinking about names." He laughed and looked further at you. "Thank you. That really means a lot to me." You put the book briefly on your chest and look at your husband. It was a really important gift for you. But the next moment Sunoh ran to you and lay on your legs. "Mummy, orange juice. Pleasseeeee!" He looked up at you and you had to laugh. He was just too cute. "I'll get some orange juice." You lift your now heavy body off the armchair, but Jaehyun wanted to help you. "Leave it, I'll get it." He looked worriedly at you but you still get up. In the meantime, Sunoh was already gone and was looking for more presents. "No, it's okay, I have to get up. Geon or Yujin, just kick my ribs and I think I'll be better if I stand up." You smile and Jaehyun lets you go. You go into the apartment and Miga ran past you, followed by Sunoh, who was holding a chocolate bunny who was already half bitten. His mouth was also full of chocolate now and you knew that he urgently needed a bath afterwards. But it was cute and you love to see the two siblings doing things together.
daddy jaehyun masterlist
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captainseaweedbrains · 4 years ago
The Dance of the Color Guard, Op. 64 Ch. 3
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Everlark meets marching band meets enemies to friends to lovers.
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Read on Ao3: X X X
There wasn’t a single childhood memory Katniss could pull that didn’t involve Peeta Mellark. Try as she might to ever forget they were friends—and she tried her hardest to forget—it was next to impossible. Peeta and her were, once upon a time, inseparable. Glued at the hip. Her parents used to tease that only the moonlight could separate them and even then, in the summertime, Peeta spent many nights sleeping on the living room floor next to her, giggling as they watched movies and ate popcorn, Prim snoring beside them. 
And then with her dad being an avid photographer, there were boxes of family albums documenting Katniss and Prim growing up throughout the years. From first steps to bath times together to dance and music recitals—her dad documented it all. “For future biographers,” he used to joke whenever Katniss would complain why they always had to take a picture of  everything. She’d roll her eyes in response and just let him snap away. There was no stopping the man. Now she wished she could take back all her tweenage-angst and let him take as many photos as he wanted of her. But she didn’t know what she knew now. Thus was life. 
On the rare occasion when he relented with the camera and accepted that she was not going to cooperate with any poses he suggested, Peeta was more than happy to step in and take her place, joking how his many admirers at school would kill for a candid photo of him. “It’s not candid if you’re posing, stupid,” she used to tell him, but he’d kindly tell her to shut her piehole and offer up suggestions on where to take the picture next, her dad eating Peeta’s enjoyment up with each click of the shutter. 
Peeta was in a  lot  of her family photos. It was impossible to flip through any family album after Katniss had turned three and not find him. Due to his parents constantly working at their family bakery turned mini corporation, Peeta and his older brother Rye were often left to fend for themselves and from early morning until sundown, Rye would kick Peeta out of the house and lock the door. Rye’s dickish behavior was actually how the two met—Katniss hearing Peeta screaming across their yard, asking if he was dying because he was crying by his back door, fists slamming the glass. 
“No,” he sniffed, rubbing his puffy red eyes. “My brudder—l-l-locked—me—o-o- ooout!” Peeta hiccupped, his hysteria growing with each syllable until he was back to crying for Rye to let him in.
“My daddy’s makin’ pancakes,” Katniss offered from her deck. “He makes them with funny faces and makes them sing. Want some?” 
There probably should have been some type of introduction between them before Katniss invited this total stranger into her home, but when Peeta came in with her, her dad just smiled and told him to pull up a chair. Names were finally exchanged over gooey chocolate chip pancakes and they became instant friends. 
After that, instead of crying when Rye would inevitably lock him out of his own home, Peeta would cross over to the Everdeen’s yard and walk on in, shouting out his greetings to whoever was in the kitchen at the time and seeing what she or her dad were up to for the day. There were countless memories of Katniss coming downstairs after playing with Prim and finding Peeta and her dad casually working together on the morning crossword puzzle at the kitchen table, or out in her mother’s garden doing yard work and chatting about everything and anything. He was always there, ready to hang out and see what she had in mind for them to do that day, and their photo albums showed it. Birthday parties, family dinners, sleepovers, holidays—there Peeta was, all smiles and dimples.
Peeta Mellark was a huge fixture in the Everdeen household until one day he just wasn’t. One day he was there, making her laugh so hard, milk came out her nose, and the next, he was gone and those boxes of happy family photos were just sad reminders of what used to be. 
No dad.
No best friend. 
It was fine. She was fine. 
Except maybe she wasn’t? It annoyed her that Peeta could still dig under her skin like that, his words in the locker room playing on repeat in her mind. At least her nerves about tryouts had a chance to calm down between stressing about Abernathy’s mocking jabs about her playing and her annoyance at Peeta thinking her a heartless loner. So what if she preferred to do things alone? It meant she was independent, mature for her young age. Was that such a bad thing? 
And what was up with accusing her of not being there for people? Not caring for them? Did she have to remind him that he made his choice and ditched  her ? That the second her dad died, he split? Was he ever really her friend, or was he just using her to get to her dad because his dad wasn’t around? Katniss had been wondering that for years, but didn’t have the courage to ask because she just knew if she did, she’d start to cry and shout at him and maybe shove him a bit and he and his stupid friends would laugh and probably call her a psychopath bitch.
What a fucking hypocrite Peeta Mellark was, calling her heartless when he was guilty of so much worse. 
The final bell rang at last, freeing everyone for the day. Katniss was so caught up in her anger over Peeta and Mr. Abernathy and really, just everyone at this point, that she almost forgot about the call sheet posting. Almost. As soon as Madge reminded her, asking if she wanted to walk over there with her and Gale, all those nerves resurfaced as they headed over to the band room. She kept discreetly wiping her sweaty palms on her jeans, preparing herself to be disappointed, to expect someone like Glimmer to get it, but please, whoever was listening up there, please let her have made captain. If this crappy hellish day could give her just one thing, let it be that.
“I can’t look,” Katniss panicked when she saw the neon pink sign taped to the window connecting to the band office, halting in her steps. “If I didn’t make captain, I don’t know what I’ll do. Punch something?” 
Madge rolled her eyes and offered to check for her. “If Trinket didn’t make you captain, she clearly tripped in those heels and is suffering from some head trauma. Let’s see.” Her manicured finger scrolled down the long list of names until stopping on the Es. “Hm. Katniss, I don’t see your name on here at all.”
Her heart jolted. “What? That can’t be.” She wasn’t positive on being captain, but she was positive she’d at least make the  team  . Were the theatre and dance kids really that much better? She shoved Gale and Madge aside, looking for her name. Abrams...Banks...Carroll...Daly...Edwards...Evans...  Everdeen! And there was an asterisk next to her name! She was captain of next season’s color guard!
“You asshole!” she laughed, shoving Madge in the shoulder. “I’m captain!” She couldn’t help the large smile stretching across her face. She was captain! 
“You are!” Madge cheered, giving her a big tight hug. “Congratulations, Katniss! I’m so proud of you!” 
“Totally not surprised,” Gale said, messing up her hair in a brotherly fashion. She shoved his hand away and gave a playful glare. “And what about my favorite guard member?” he asked, looking down at Madge. “Did you make it, too?” 
Madge gave him a sweet smile and looked further down the list before pumping her fists in excitement. “I did! I made it! Take that Shelly Shoemon from 4th grade for saying I had the coordination skills of a cow!” 
“Totally not surprised,” Gale said again, laughing as he pulled his girlfriend in for a kiss. They locked lips for a while before Katniss cleared her throat and suggested they get a room if they wanted to continue. The couple smiled, Madge’s freckled cheeks tinted pink, but broke apart, their hands remaining clasped together. 
“Should we head over to Sae’s for burgers and ice cream to celebrate?” Gale suggested. “Thom just paid me for fixing his car, so I have the cash to spend.” Both girls happily agreed to his suggestion, excited to share the news with Sae, the diner’s owner and local grandmother to anyone under the age of 40. Good news didn’t feel real until sharing it with Sae. 
“Katniss,” Miss Trinket shouted from somewhere in her office, “is that you?” Her head popped out the doorway, startling the three. “Excellent, dear! I’ve been waiting to speak with you about something. Come in! Come in!” Her hand motioned for her to follow.
“Oh.” Katniss looked over at Gale and Madge, unsure what to say. “Am I in trouble?” 
Miss Trinket laughed. “No, not at all! I just need to discuss some color guard things with my new  captain.” She sang the last word, putting great emphasis on the middle consonants, and glared behind her at, presumably, Mr. Abernathy who probably said something rude in a remark.
“Sure, yeah,” Katniss said, feeling a bit dumb. Of course Miss Trinket wanted to jump right into the thick of things. The woman was the Energizer Bunny on crack when it came to choreography and scheduling. Of course she’d want to talk to her captain about the game plan and how she expected they execute it. “I’m free to talk.” Miss Trinket smiled and stepped back in her office. 
Katniss turned to Madge and Gale, wearing an apologetic smile . “I’ll meet you at Sae’s?” They nodded, not minding the wait, and wished her luck, telling her to text when she was leaving school.
The first thing Katniss noticed amiss when stepping into the adjoined office was Peeta Mellark casually sitting there in front of Mr. Abernathy’s desk, flipping through a pile of sheet music. It wasn’t unusual for band students to volunteer time helping the surly man try to keep the band program organized, but it seemed a little late for a volunteer to still be in here. Abernathy and Trinket were a lot to take and only bearable in small, manageable doses. Most booked it the second the bell rang. 
She paused in the doorway, unsure if she misunderstood Miss Trinket. She meant for them to talk now, right? So what was Peeta doing here?
“Ah, Katniss,” Miss Trinket said, sifting through a stack of notes, not noticing her hesitation. “Take a seat, please.” She motioned to the wooden chair in front of her desk. 
Still unsure what was going on, Katniss gingerly sat down in the offered chair, her bag in her lap, and waited to see what exactly Miss Trinket wanted to talk about with Peeta still here. Guard stuff wasn’t technically private, but it’s not like it was riveting information either. Something didn’t feel right here.
Miss Trinket cleared her throat, catching Katniss’ attention from not looking at Peeta, and folded her hands on top of her desk with a bright, fluorescent smile. “Katniss, I want to be the first to congratulate you on a job well done. Your audition was truly inspiring. Honestly, I wish I could have taped it to show future guard members what true dedication looks like.” Katniss’ cheeks darkened at her director’s lavish compliments. 
“Thank you, Miss Trinket,” she said quietly, feeling a tad uncomfortable being told this in front of Peeta and Mr. Abernathy. “I tried my hardest.” 
“And it shows, dear. It truly shows.” The assistant director looked down at her notes, reading from one of the piles she was sifting through earlier, her long fingernails idly tapping the top metal surface in thought. “In fact,” she said, “I was so impressed with your audition, I’ve decided to make you a very prominent figure in this season’s show. The show’s leading star, as it were.” 
“I’m—um. What?” And then Miss Trinket proceeded to happily explain her vision for how their band was going to tell the tragic tale of Romeo and Juliet, with the occasional grunts from Mr. Abernathy here and there. She explained how she envisioned the houses being represented by the color guard and drumline, feuding together on the field as the music from the band crescendos to the climatic finish.
“Next to you, Katniss,” Miss Trinket said, holding up what looked like a handwritten list of names, “I haven’t quite decided who will play who for color guard, but we have time to iron out these details, dear. What concerns me is how long it is taking Boggs to decide who made it for drumline.” Her eyes slitted at Abernathy. “It seems someone forgot to pass along the deadline I imposed so we could avoid this exact problem.” Mr. Abernathy just gave a noncommittal shrug and continued flipping through the scorebook he was looking at. Miss Trinket rubbed at the corner of her eyes and gave Katniss an exasperated look before continuing on. 
“It took some wheedling to get him to bend to my will, but I do believe many of our seasonal veterans are returning to drumline this year, Peeta being one of them.” She smiled warmly at the boy. For someone finding out good news, Peeta looked bored out of his mind sitting there, listening as Miss Trinket prattled on about visions and forbidden love and what this will mean for the band come competition season.
This all felt like a lot. Like a lot a lot.  
“So let me get this straight,” Katniss said slowly, trying to process it all and not throw up like her stomach wanted. “You want me to be Juliet? Like the Juliet who falls in love and dies at the end? That Juliet?”
If it was at all possible, Miss Trinket’s smile grew, making Katniss feel even sicker. “The very one, my dear! Oh, Katniss, I cannot tell you how  thrilled  I am to have you as our Juliet. I’ve had my guesses who you’d play for a while now, since I decided we should do  Romeo & Juliet a few months back, really.” Mr. Abernathy snorted at that but said nothing to contradict her. “But now, after seeing how much you’ve improved since last season? Truly inspiring! And with your tiny frame, I think we can finally bring air flips into the mix now!  Wouldn’t that look amazing under stadium lights?”
Katniss really felt like she was going to be sick now. “You want me to be a spotlight guard?” Her voice sounded a bit squeaky to her ears. “But that’s—I’ve never been a spotlight guard before! Especially not something to that kind of scale. They’re, like, really important. Like judges judging them important.” 
It was Peeta’s turn to laugh next to her, trying to cover it up with a cough when she turned to glare at him. Why was he here? 
Katniss took a deep breath in to try and quiet the loud ringing noise suddenly blaring in her ears. She was clearly not making a first good impression as captain, but this was so unexpected! Miss Trinket had never had her be a spotlight before. Ever. It was one thing being captain, but this, having her performance carry the entire story? Yeah, no thanks.  
“Are you sure you want it to be me?” she asked, her voice a lot calmer than she felt. “I was thinking you’d want someone like Madge—or Glimmer—for something this important. You’re always saying how swan-like Glimmer is on the field. Don’t you want Juliet to look like a swan?” 
“Told you she wouldn’t be for it,” Peeta muttered next to her, a knowing smile on his face as he shook his head in amusement. Oh, he just thought he knew everything about her, didn’t he? Like he was some Katniss Everdeen expert.
“Why are you even here?” she finally asked him. “This clearly has nothing to do with you. Can’t you file music somewhere else?” 
“Isn’t it a bit obvious why I’m here, Katniss?” he asked her incredulously, leaning back in his chair, arms crossed. “I thought you were more observant than this.”
Before she could reply, Miss Trinket held her hands up. “Enough! Peeta, I’ll kindly ask you to please sit there quietly, as we discussed.” Discussed? When did they have time to discuss this? Then she remembered earlier. Miss Trinket needing to speak with Peeta, breaking up their argument. They were discussing her? Why did Peeta have to know that Miss Trinket wanted her as Juliet. She was clearly missing something obvious, like Peeta said, but her mind was shot. Barely able to process anything anymore as her anxiety kicked into gear. 
“And, Katniss.” She looked up at the sound of her name. “Please keep an open mind about this. I understand to some, being a lead is scary, but trust me when I say, I have my absolute faith in you. 
“Madge and Glimmer are talented girls, yes,” Miss Trinket explained, “but I’m afraid they are too tall for what I have in mind for choreography. You know how important these things can be. We need someone petite like you, Katniss. Someone Peeta can easily pick up and twirl without fear of dropping.” She motioned a manicured hand at Peeta, his face staring at her expectantly. 
But Katniss’ brain was still running in circles. “Peeta’s not on guard. Why would he be picking me up?” 
Miss Trinket’s patient smile looked strained now. “As I already told you,” she said slowly, surely believing Katniss dense now, “Guard and drumline will be representing the two houses. Guard will be Capulet and drumline Montague. Peeta’s on drumline, so naturally he’d be our star Montague.” 
Her mind finally caught up to what everyone was suggesting. “Wait,” she said, sitting at the edge of her seat now. “If I’m Juliet and you’re saying he’s the star…” Her focus drifted to Peeta, who gave an amused, cocky wave, surely enjoying the multitude of emotions crossing her face in this moment. Her stomach dropped, this news hitting her harder than the spotlight one. “You’re Romeo?” 
Instead of just answering with a simple yes/no like a normal person, or even some Ding! Ding! Ding!  joke, Peeta lowered himself to the floor and responded in all his annoyingly obnoxious flair:  “‘But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.’” He closed his eyes on the last word and reached for her hand, giving it a gentle kiss, his lips soft and warm against her now clammy skin. She swatted her hand away, tucking it around her bag for protection. 
No. No, no, no. No! 
This had to be a mistake. Her and Peeta Mellark? As Romeo and Juliet? 
That was what Miss Trinket wanted to talk to him about, she realized. It wasn’t about her at all. She wanted to talk to him about being Romeo for the field show. 
“I don’t understand,” Katniss said at last, when her stomach had finally recovered itself. “How can  Peeta be Romeo when he’s going to be busy marching around with a snare drum? What about Finnick? He’s tall. Taller than Peeta, for sure. I’m sure he could just as easily lift me.” 
Was she seriously that desperate to prefer the preening peacock Finnick Odair? 
Yes, yes she was. 
“Finnick will most likely play our Tybalt,” Miss Trinket remarked. “And as he is on guard, he will play a Capulet role.” 
“What about gender bending the role?” Katniss suggested. “Who says Juliet has to be a girl? We are in the 21st century. And didn’t Shakespeare have men play the female roles, anyway? Let Finnick play Juliet to Peeta’s Romeo. He’d be perfect in the role.” 
“Should I feel insulted that you don’t want to be my partner, Katniss?” Peeta innocently asked, enjoying this way too much. Her fists gripped her bag hard, her eyes deadly slits. People often told her how intimidating she looked, but Peeta didn’t even bat an eye. He was all smiles and dimples. If only looks could kill...
“Katniss,” Miss Trinket said curtly, snapping her attention back on the director, “I chose you as my next in command because I trust in your talent and know you are a driven young woman who people look up to. Now we both want the pleasure of seeing this band win first place at PSU, don’t we?” 
“Yes, but—” 
“And we will do what is necessary to move this band toward that goal, correct?” 
“Of course, but—” 
“But nothing, Everdeen,” Mr. Abernathy interjected at last, kicking his feet off the tall pile of sheet music laying by his desk. “You want to win?” He shook his hand at her, not needing a response. “Stupid question. Of course you do. I can see it all over your face. You’re too competitive to hide it. Well, to win you have to please the judges. Plain and simple. Judges like this kind of flair nonsense. So play our star-crossed lovers—” 
“We’re not star-crossed lovers!” Katniss grit out, a bit harder than she intended, unable to look at Peeta as she said it. Not like it mattered. She could practically feel his amusement radiating off his person. “This won’t work, Mr. Abernathy. Don’t you want people who’ll get along? Peeta and I hate each other. We have for a really long time.” 
“Who cares?” Mr. Abernathy asked, throwing his hands up in exasperation, his longish black hair falling in his face from the motion. “Pretend. Act like your lovesick classmates. I don’t care. It’s all a big show, anyway, and if pairing you two up wins us enough brownie points to win and shuts Trinket up for a year, then that’s what we’re going to do. Mellark’s already agreed to it and he’s never danced a day in his life. So now it’s your turn to be a good girl and agree to the plan, Everdeen. Got it?” 
“Got it,” she muttered, slouching low in her chair. Of all the things she expected to hear today, pretending to be in love with Peeta Mellark was not one of them. This was definitely going to blow up in everyone’s faces, she was sure of it. Putting on a performance smile for judges was one thing, but acting like she was in love with Peeta was another. And then hoping he wouldn’t drop her when doing those stupid flips Miss Trinket mentioned? She was going to be in a body cast by the end of the season.
Peeta seemed to have dropped the amusement act at last, mirroring her sour mood as the two directors discussed extra one-on-one rehearsal time with Miss Trinket to better prepare Peeta since he had zero dance experience. Katniss tried to pay attention, but she couldn’t stop her eyes from glancing over at Peeta, wondering what he could possibly be thinking during all this. His jaw was clenched, she could tell, but he wasn’t looking at her or Trinket or even Abernathy. He was focusing on picking at a hole in his jeans, his eyebrows scrunched together. She understood the conflict—was feeling it herself—but he didn’t look mad. Just...troubled. Like something was said that he was having a hard time with.
Where to begin? Katniss thought bitterly, still unable to believe they were actually being forced to play Romeo and Juliet, like they were in some teenage drama or something.
“I know we have lots to work on, but just seeing the two of you together like this,” Miss Trinket said, motioning between them, “tells me I made the right decision. Look how adorable you two look! Pearls on a necklace! Didn’t I say that’s what they reminded me of, Haymitch?” She turned to Abernathy, who was now busy digging dirt from under his nails with his baton. Miss Trinket frowned before catching herself. “I did, I did! I said that earlier when I found you talking in the back.” She winked and oh god. Could they just go already?
It took another fifteen minutes of talking and goodbyes that were very much not goodbyes before they were truly free from the office. Katniss bolted out the side door as quickly as she could, cursing under her breath at how long she’d been in there. That took almost an hour! Madge and Gale were probably wondering what was taking so long. Or maybe not. It was Trinket, after all. 
The parking lot was nearly empty now as she crossed it, digging around for her battered up phone to text. Hopefully they were still up for burgers because after that talk...yeah. She needed the greasiest burger available. Wait until she tells her friends she’s playing Juliet and that Peeta Mellark was her Romeo. They might not believe her, thinking it a practical joke and asking what Trinket really wanted. That’s how absurd this whole situation sounded. 
“Katniss!” she heard her name called out. “Hey, wait up!” She turned and saw Peeta waving her down, his long legs quickly catching up to her. Part of her wanted to pretend she didn’t hear him and keep moving, her car just across the street from where she stood. It’d be a safer bet, too, moving along, because nothing good was ever said when she was upset. This afternoon being a prime example. But for some reason, she was curious what Peeta had to say about all this. She stopped at the street corner and pretended to check for traffic despite the road being empty of any moving vehicle. 
“Damn,” he laughed, a bit breathless as he caught up next to her. “I forgot how fast your fight or flight response is.” 
“I’m not fleeing,” she frowned, checking the street for real this time before crossing. She dug around the front pocket of her book bag, pulling out both her keys and phone. “School’s done and I’m going to Sae’s with Gale and Madge. You know, my friends.”
“I know who Gale and Madge are.” 
“Just checking,” she stated cooly, flipping her braid over her shoulder, “since you practically accused me of having none earlier.” 
He winced. “Yeah, not the finest thing I’ve ever said. I’m sorry about that.” 
She shrugged. “It’s fine, Peeta.” It wasn’t, but if she kept telling herself that, maybe she’ll believe it. “We can’t all be Mr. Popular like you.” 
“Right.” He looked back at the student parking lot where he parked. Unlike her family, his could afford the $350 the school charged for a parking space. “Listen, about what you said in there. About us hating each other.” Katniss raised an eyebrow, curious where this would lead. “I don’t...hate you.” 
Well that was...unexpected. Was that why he looked so troubled in the meeting? Because she said they hated each other? She took a step back from him, realizing he was closer than she felt comfortable with, and waited for the rest of it. It didn’t sound like he was finished, like there was a big but hanging at the end of his sentence. What else did he want to say?  But I still don’t really like you?  But I think you’re annoying and working with you is going to suck? But I think you’re a bitch? Honestly, the list could go on about all the negative things Peeta could say about her, but he said nothing. He just looked down at his shoes and kicked at some loose pebbles in the street. 
“Oh,” she said, unsure what else there was to say. “I guess that will make rehearsal easier.” 
He nodded, a bit too jerky to look natural. “Yeah. I just—it’s important to me that you know that I don’t hate you. I’ve never hated you. Mad beyond belief? Yeah. Lots of times, actually. But never hate. I could never hate you, Katniss.”
“Oh,” she said again, dumbfounded. “Well, thanks, Peeta. I guess. That’s... Good to know.” And just because her sour mood couldn’t help itself, “I’ll be able to sleep happy tonight knowing you don’t hate me.” She made a face, instantly regretting her words, and yanked open her car door, needing to just leave. “Listen, I gotta go. Gale and Madge are already waiting for me and Trinket took forever rambling about how we’re pearl necklaces. They’re waiting for me.” 
He didn’t say anything as she got in the car, the loud, embarrassing screech of her engine once on making any type of conversation near impossible to hold. He stepped away and gave a halfhearted wave, all bravado gone now, as she pulled away from the curb. By the time she thought to wave back, it was too late and her car was halfway down the street. 
God, she really was a heartless bitch.
It was only hours later—after returning home from drowning her frustrations in the thickest chocolate shake Sae could make and celebrating her good news with her mom and sister over pizza—did she allow herself to think about Peeta Mellark. 
On a whim, she pulled the framed photo she kept of her and her dad off her nightstand and held it, her grip tightening as she studied the ridiculous faces they’re making at the camera. It was one of the last pictures they took together before his passing. She can’t remember what prompted them to make the faces, but she wished she could go back and make them again with him. To be with her dad for just one more day. One more hour, even. She’d do anything for that. 
Katniss closed her eyes and hugged the frame close to her chest for a moment, trying to stop any tears from slipping past her tight emotional control. She was safe to cry in her room, but wanted to wait until she was in bed with the lights turned off before crying over this emotionally draining day. 
When it felt like she had her emotions under control, Katniss used her longest fingernail to lift the tabs on the back of the frame and carefully took the picture out, unfolding the right-half of it to reveal a young curly-haired Peeta smiling up at her, her dad’s arm thrown over his shoulders. 
She stared at the full photo for the longest time, remembering how mad she was at him for taking this one simple thing from her. She never minded Peeta being in her family photos before. She sometimes pulled him in for ones when her dad or mom shouted, “Picture time! Show us your pearly whites!” But that was when she still thought they’d have more time. Why wouldn’t there be more time? Dads weren’t supposed to die until you were old and had kids of your own. That’s how it was  supposed to be. They weren’t supposed to die when you’re eleven and barely old enough to understand the cruelty of the world. The unfairness of it all. 
Katniss barely remembered a time when it was just her and her dad. Alone. No Peeta. No Prim. Just Dad and her. 
She didn’t even have a good photo of just the two of them.
Just boxes upon boxes of photos of him, her, and Peeta. 
The magical trio.
The full photo didn’t bring up any past resentment this time, though. Instead, it reminded her how much fun the three of them used to have, bumming around town while Aunt Lulu watched Prim at her shop, singing along to the radio and playing Punch Buggy. Her dad always made it a point to include Peeta on any outing they made, even if it involved going to the grocery store. How disappointed Dad would be seeing us now, she thought, tracing over his face with her thumb. Her and Peeta not friends anymore.
But Peeta Mellark doesn’t hate her. Katniss didn’t understand why hearing that felt like a weight had lifted off her, but she felt lighter now, the more she thought about it. Like it was easier to breathe again.
“Peeta Mellark doesn’t hate me,” she whispered to the photo, the words tasting sweet on her tongue. A small smile pulled at her lips and she said it again. “He doesn’t hate me, Dad.” 
Katniss didn’t understand why Peeta thought it was important she knew he didn’t hate her, but it was all her mind kept thinking of, and she was glad to hear it. 
He didn’t hate her. He never had.
45 notes · View notes
irronstarkss · 5 years ago
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part one | part two | part three
requested by: @mo-whore​ / @thesnugglingduck​ / @derangedangel​
wc |  3.2k
warnings |  y/n is a salvatore! so lots of wittiness :) but other than that, neh. 
notes: this part was going to be over 5k words and then i was liiiike nah. so look out for a part 3! :)
Y/n’s foot bounced nervously against the hardwood of Mystic Grill, her fingers mindlessly swirling the drink in her glass. She’d been sitting there only a few minutes, maybe, but minutes still felt like hours when you were waiting for someone. An itching thought in the back of her mind told her he wouldn’t show, that this place was too obvious, but as her eyes scoured the surrounding patrons, she saw no one who could go back to her brothers and rat her out. She sighed though a bubble in her cheeks, flipping her phone over and checking for any texts of cancellation, or perhaps of the fashionably late excuse, but there was nothing on the screen. 
Her gaze drifted to the twisting alcohol in her drink, eyes low with annoyance at both him and herself. Herself for thinking he, an Original vampire who was beyond mysterious and definitely out for something, would trust her to meet up with him; him for just… existing. Her straw stuck to her lips and she took a drink, eyes drifting up to the entrance and locking on the entering guests. 
He almost slipped past her — though she wasn’t sure how that could happen. He was clad in a grey suit, neatly tailored and hugging all the right places. His hair was neat, but still casually laid on his head, and she found her heart skipping a beat. He was absolutely one of the most handsome men she’d ever met, and simultaneously, so goddamn insane. When his head turned and their eyes met, she sat straighter in her seat, legs crossing under the table and a fleeting smile gracing her lips. 
He gave a nod, then headed over, scoping out the rest of the Grill like she had. When he was within earshot, she snickered lightly, “I promise no one here knows who you are. Hell, doubt they even know who I am.” 
His lips parted as he breathed out, pinching his suit jacket apart as he sat down across from her. “Hello, Ms. Salvatore.” 
She flinched a little at the name, sucking her bottom lip between her teeth before shaking her head lightly, “Please, call me Y/n, Elijah. I’m not one for formalities.”
“As you wish,” he nodded, “you must forgive my tardiness, Y/n.” He propped his elbow on the table, fingers gesturing upward and lifting with his eyebrows, “I was caught up in some… business.” The way her name had come across his lips sent a strange shiver down the center of her back, forcing her to situate herself a little differently in her chair. This, most definitely, did not go unnoticed. 
“It’s no worry,” she dismissed, even though minutes before she’d been absolutely anxious out of her wits. “So, now that you’re here, would you mind indulging me in who Elijah Mikaelson is?”
He smiled, looking down toward the table as his hand fell flat against it. His eyes found her’s again after a moment, “What would you like to know?”
“Start from the beginning,” she lifted her chin, “tell me everything about why this Klaus character is after my brother’s girlfriend, why it matters so much that she stay alive, and why it matters to you that she’s alive.”
He gave a thoughtful nod, a small scoff leaving his chest as he let out a long breath, “Niklaus… is my younger brother.”
Y/n’s brows furrowed as she looked on at Elijah, “That’s not what I’ve heard. They said Klaus was the oldest of the Originals.”
Elijah chuffed out a laugh, leaning back in his chair and tapping his finger against the table, “At times, I’m sure he wishes he were. But, no. That would be me. I see people do their research.” She let out a chuckle at that, catching his eyes as they crinkled in the corners. She admired how witty he was — stark contrast from the deal-making, strictly-business Elijah she’d heard about from Rose. 
At the thought of the vampire, she pointed a finger to the ceiling in thought, “Quick question. A– well, an acquaintance of mine,” she cleared her throat — Rose was no friend to her, “claimed that you were… the easter bunny compared to Klaus.” She offered an amused smile with the delivery of her words.
Elijah’s eyes rolled and shook his head in annoyance, “Your acquaintance must be rather ill-informed, then. I can assure you, where Klaus is concerned, I am the worser-evil to cross.” 
“Oh,” Y/n said with a crinkle of her brow, “I don’t doubt it. You strike me as very threatening, Mr. Easter Bunny.” 
His eyes narrowed at her, head tilting to the side and a smirk threatening the corner of his lips, “Ms. Y/n, correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe you are… mocking me.”
She feigned thoughtfulness, tapping her chin with her index finger, “I think you might be right!” She laughed quietly with her statement, and Elijah couldn’t help the smile that stretched across his face.
“You bring me here to answer your questions, and instead I am met with mockery— quite frankly, I see no reason why we should deal any further,” he taunted, going to push off the table with one hand while the other pulled his jacket together. 
“No, no! Wait,” she surrendered, her hands up by her shoulders, “I give.” She chuckled, smiling a rather giddy grin, “I’ll stop. I’m seriously curious. It’s just funny!”
He raised a brow at her with a tight smile on his face, sitting down and returning to his laid-back position in the seat. “Very well, so, from the beginning.”
For the next few minutes, Elijah explained the curse that they were trying to break. Y/n was taken by much surprise when he revealed that the curse wasn’t real at all, instead written by him and his younger brother hundreds of years ago for kicks and grins. Then, he discussed with her Elena’s importance in it, detailing the necessity for the blood of a dopplegänger, as well as the other ingredients — a vampire, a witch, and a werewolf. 
“Niklaus will stop at nothing to make sure this curse is seen through,” Elijah sighed, eyes closing, “and I must make sure that it isn’t.” 
Y/n studied him for a moment, processing all of the information before drawing in a breath, “Elijah?”
He looked up at her in question.
“Why? Why do you not want Klaus to break his curse and embrace his natural state?” She wasn’t siding with the other Mikaelson, not in the slightest; the idea that you could finally be who you were after thousands of years of being only half of yourself, she was sure she’d jump at it every opportunity she had, too. 
“If he succeeds,” Elijah started, brows dropping and gaze levelling her’s, “then he will be entirely invincible. A hybrid. And, if that happens, he will rage a war on every species he can until he makes everyone cower before him.” He leans back and his chest swells with breath, “That is his natural state. A creature of bloodshed.”
“Oh,” she said, smally. Her eyes fell to the table, gears turning in her mind as she thought of what that could possibly mean. Everyone would be in danger once he became a hybrid — impervious to wooden stakes and practically any harm. 
There was a thick silence between them. Y/n wasn’t sure what to ask from there. It just seemed so dim, so dark, like there was no good in Klaus becoming a hybrid. And, truthfully, if the curse was not real, and vampires would always be damned to wear rings else they burn, then there was no good. The ritual was only a very bad idea. 
When she looked at Elijah again, his eyes were locked on the window, staring off and lost in his own thoughts. Then a question sparked in her mind, and without much thought, she blurted, “Can you kill him?”
Elijah blinked as he came back to reality, looking to Y/n with a narrowed gaze, “Yes. But that in itself will prove the most difficult task.”
Y/n had the thought of offering her help, but it was quickly squashed by the much more realistic thought that she truly wouldn’t have been able to do much. That, she figured, was a much more deep-rooted familial issue, and she had too many of those to deal with right now. She was not going to get in the middle of them. Instead, she sipped her drink and asked, “You have an idea of what you’re going to do, right?”
He nodded, “I do. Keep the most vital part of the ritual in my possession, strike when the time is right.” His vagueness made her temples itch with curiosity, but she knew it was pointless to ask. He was not going to reveal it all to her — there was trust, but not that much. She respected that. 
The rest of their visit was filled with lighter conversation, Y/n filling Elijah in on some of her own life with her brothers. She explained how she was there to help Lexi help Stefan, how she was there when Stefan had found Elena. She skipped over a few of the worser parts of her history — her selective distaste for her eldest brother, being one. But Elijah listened, and she was sure even with the blanks, he could tell just why she’d made this deal in the first place. 
“You care deeply for your brothers,” he murmured after a moment, fingers drumming lightly against the table.
“Yes,” she nodded, “you figured that out the first night we met.”
“Well,” he gave another smirk, “it was an educated guess at the time. Nothing more than a shot in the dark, as they say. But, you’ve proven me right.”
She scoffed, licking her lips and nodding, “You know, ‘Lijah,” her name slipped across her tongue so casually it took him almost by surprise, his eyes narrowing for only a moment, “I find it so strange that I can trust you.”
He gave a shrug of his shoulder, “I’ve been told I’ve that effect on people.” 
Another laugh, another exchange of adoring glances, and she nodded, “I’m sure you do.” 
They held each other’s look for a moment. Her heart was racing in her ears, and she knew he could hear it. But she didn’t mind. Something about the man in front of her drew her nearer, like a drug to an addict, and she was not at all appalled by the idea. In fact, she was intrigued with him. The secrets he held behind those brown eyes, the unsaid words held back by his tongue, the smile that graced his lips, it all told her so much yet so little about him. And she loved it. 
Then his phone rang. Quickly, he gave her an apologetic look and answered. His expression dropped, the smile replaced with a slack frown. “Alright. Make sure nothing happens until I get there.” Then he hung up and turned to her with a plastered smile, “Forgive me, Y/n. But I must find my leave.”
“Business?” She offered, witty yet sincere.
He nodded, standing from his seat and fixing his suit jacket. Then he took her hand that had been resting on the table and placed a gentle kiss to the knuckles, “I hope we have the chance to meet like this again, Y/n Salvatore.” Then, he was gone, as if he’d never been there at all.
Over the next few days, it only proves harder and harder for Y/n to keep her side of the deal with Elijah. Elena continuously puts herself in the position of absolute death, and it’s driving all three of the Salvatore’s up the wall. She hadn’t heard from the Original, but she was sure he was aware of all of it, as well, and it the annoyance was settling deep with him, too. 
Y/n sat low on the couch, entirely invisible to anyone who were to walk in. She’d heard Damon leave earlier that morning, heard Rose say something of not leaving a girl hanging, and she’d cringed. Of course Damon was sleeping with a kidnapper. Makes perfect sense. She rolled her eyes and scoffed lightly, scrolling through her phone and pushing away the rather horrid mental image.
Then the door opens behind her, yet she doesn’t bother to check to see who comes in. She can already tell by the light feet and the rapid heartbeat. Elena had made her entrance. But she doesn’t say anything, and Y/n thinks a moment about sitting up and asking her what she wants, but Rose beats her to it by coming around the corner and making some flirtatious comment about how Damon left a naked girl in his house. 
Again, gross. 
She heard their awkward conversation, Elena’s need for something from Rose, and then she perks up when Rose pads away. Why hadn’t she gone to her brothers? Surely if she truly needed something, she would’ve gone to Stefan. But then again, how could she? Stefan, the dumbass, ever valiant white-knight, had gotten himself stuck in a tomb with Katherine, and the reminder of the thought made Y/n wince. 
Even then, with their current plight, she would’ve at least considered going to Damon, first. Not Rose. Y/n sighed, sitting up from the couch and catching Elena’s gaze almost instantly. “What, pray tell, are you up to?”
“N– Y/n, I’m not– Nothing, I’m not up to anything,” the Gilbert girl stuttered and Y/n’s eyes narrowed. The vampire didn’t have to say anything before Elena cracked under the weight of her glare, “Fine! Fine! I’m– You can’t tell Damon, okay?”
Y/n looked off to the right, then considered the possibilities. If she didn’t tell her brother, she would likely get a stern talking to, and then life would go on, and if she did tell her brother, he’d probably rip Elena a new one for keeping something so important from him, and Y/n had made a deal with Elijah to keep her safe. Giving in with a sigh, she shrugged, “Fine, I won’t tell ‘im. But you’ve gotta tell me, and if you’re going somewhere, I’m coming with. No argument.”
Elena seemed annoyed enough, but she didn’t come up with anything to say in retaliation. “Yeah, okay. I’m gonna find Klaus. Or get information, anyway. Whichever comes first.”
Y/n stared at her for a moment, lips parting and brows furrowing, “Why?”
Elena said nothing, shrugging.
The vampire’s eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head. She’d have to play it off like she didn’t know about the Original and his wants, and she knew that if Elena started asking too many questions too soon, there was going to be someone bound to come after her. Y/n wasn’t stupid — there was more to this game Elena was playing and she just had yet to show her hand. “You know that is a terrible idea, yeah? If you go poking around too much—” She cut herself off as an open-ended warning. 
Again, just a doe-eyed look in response.
Y/n huffed, walking toward the girl and then directly past her, grabbing her jacket from the hook. “Fine. I cannot let you get yourself killed, and you, obviously, are hellbent on doing that, so looks like I’ve gotta step in, huh?”
Y/n’s smile was genuine, but the sarcasm that laced her tone was anything but. She was annoyed, yes, but she did want to make sure Elena stayed safe — both for her brother’s sakes and her own. Rose joined them moments later, clad in leather, and she stopped at the sight of Y/n. Then Elena quickly explained that the Salvatore sister would be coming along, yet the tension didn’t lift.
Y/n was nothing if not critical of the women that were so carelessly brought into the Salvatore’s lives. Especially when they brought ancient vampires out for blood along with them. 
“Shall we?”
“So,” Y/n sighed as they approached the rather large looking apartment doors, “this Slater guy has everything you need to get to Klaus? Is that what you’re saying?” “Slater has information on every vampire that’s ever lived,” Rose offered, looking up the door, then down at the handles, “if there’s anyone with a connection to Klaus, he knows them.”
“Well,” Elena gestured to the door, “let’s ask him.”
Rose shot her a look, then knocked once, shouting his name. When there was no response, she was ready to turntail and leave, and Y/n couldn’t say she didn’t agree. But Elena stood her ground, “No. We didn’t come all the way out here for nothing.”
With a roll of her eyes, she pushed in the door and chains rattled to the ground, “After you.”
Y/n and Elena walked in ahead of her, looking around the apartment. It was spacious, modern as modern could get. The vampire smiled at the appreciation this Slater guy had for architecture. There was another beat, Rose calling out Slater’s name before stopping dead in her tracks.
“I don’t think he’s going to be much help,” she called. Elena raced to her spot, and Y/n followed behind, the three of them stopping to stare at the dead vampire lying on the ground. 
“Damn,” Y/n whispered, walking past the two women and crouching down to Slater. The wooden stake hadn’t been a stake at all, but something broken off. “Doesn’t look like he struggled with anybody,” her eyes darted around the room before she stood up. “Everything’s in its place, nothing’s messed up. Whoever killed him was in and outta here without so much as a shoeprint.” 
Rose deflated as she walked over, leaning down and pressing a soft hand to his shoulder. Within a few minutes, they had covered his body and moved on to what they’d come here to do. Elena walked over to the computer, Rose standing right next to her, and Y/n standing back just a little. When she clicked the mouse, a password screen popped up. “It’s password protected, I can’t get in.” 
Rose was quick to offer up the idea of leaving, and once again, Y/n couldn’t see why she was wrong. Then, any thoughts were interrupted by an abrupt clatter from further back in the apartment. Y/n turned over her shoulder, and Rose warned Elena to stay back. The two vampires walked to the source of the sound, Rose looking to the Salvatore before opening the door. At first, it didn’t look like anything had been in there, then a woman peeked around a cabinet, shaking and absolutely terrified. 
“Rose!” The woman came from behind the cabinet, sobbing and falling into Rose. Y/n looked at Rose, then to Elena, the three of them exchanging knowing glances. 
It was only becoming harder to convince Elena this was a bad idea.
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extremelyblackandwhite · 5 years ago
i wanna know what love is - 24
Pairing: rockstar! sebastian stan x writer!reader
Warnings: smut, under 18s shield your eyes
A/N: this chapter is only for +18 readers, sorry under 18s. enjoy xx 💕💕
Last Chapter // Next Chapter
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Y/N wasn’t very happy and he could see that perfectly. If there was one thing he understood about her was that she enjoyed organising her bag whenever she was travelling, however this time she was throwing all her clothing followed by some clothing she’d left in the house before moving to NY into her bag into wrinkled messes. He felt bad, he knew it was his fault and his lack of impulse control. 
    - Y/N, I’m so sorry. - he held her hand as she was about to send another wrinkled dress into her suitcase. - I’ll go meet the boys for the remaining day, you can stay here with your family.
   - It’s not your fault, my grandfather has been wanting to tell me he hates my career ever since I left the house. - she had gotten a job offer straight of university within her family’s company which she denied. Despite most people in her family being writers or reporters, her grandfather wanted her to go into the company which she denied. After a big blown fight she left the house, managed to get settled with the money she had gotten from her job during university and started to show up during the holidays. Y/N was no stupid girl, she knew that he’d been wanting to say that and with Sebastian stepping just a bit off the line, it made sense. - It’s not like I enjoy being here anyway. 
   - Hey ... - he cupped her face. - Take it from someone who hasn’t spoken to their mother in years, it’s not the worse thing. 
  - I have an idea. - he grabbed his hands, a naughty smile on her face. She opened the door of her room and tip toed to a small room which he hadn’t seen yet. She opened the door which led to a very dark staircase. He wanted to ask her what she was doing but she looked determined to go down the stairs which they did. They came face to face with another door which she opened and light came in. Turned out she had just let them outside and by the beach. - Let’s go for a swim. 
  - Wait ... - she took off in the sand, going down the slope and into the sea. Sebastian went after her, coming into contact with the very cold waters of the sea which didn’t seem to upset her. He swam up to her, grabbing her by the waist so she couldn’t swim any further. - You could’ve warned me it would be freezing cold. 
  - It’s part of the fun. - she smiled at him, her hands cupping to cup his face, drops of water rolling down his cheeks. - You’re a good man, Sebastian.
  - I’m not. - he drew invisible circles on her waist, pushing her close to him, her chin resting on the space between his head and shoulder. - You make me want to be better. 
  - I take it back. 
  - What do you take back? 
  - When we first met, I told you that you weren’t misunderstood. I was wrong.
  - Y/N Wiley admitting that she was wrong? - he smirked, kissing the top of her head making her heart swell. Things were simple with her, it always felt like it was just the two of them with no spotlights, no gossiping, nothing, just them. Y/N raised her head to stare at his baby blues. - What?
  - I have a question but you have to answer me honestly. - he furrowed his brows but eventually shrugged and nodded his head yes. - When I was working under a senior writer we went to the Victoria Secret’s Fashion Show and interviewed a model named Carina Bergenstock. 
  - I already don’t like where this is going. 
  - She sat me down and told me something that I’m rather interested in, specially if it’s true. - he swallowed in vain, waiting for her to tell him whatever she was about to say. - She said you were a phenomenal lover. I wanna test that theory. 
  - You sure? We are in the ocean in front of your parents. - he looked around, not really keen of the idea of them catching him defiling his precious little innocent daughter. 
  - Do you want me to beg? - her hands stood on top of the buttoned shirt he was wearing, unbuttoning the first top buttons. 
  - You sure you wanna do this with me?
  - I trust you. - she kissed him, stopping to look at him. - Besides if your reputation precedes you ... it’s probably gonna be good.
  - Probably? - Sebastian raised an eyebrow at her before pushing her legs, holding her like if she weighted nothing and rushed out of the sea. He ran back to the tiny door, up the stairs and back into her room, locking the door behind them and pushing her against the wall, lips colliding against hers. She always had the softest lips which made him want to never stop kissing her. 
His free hand moved to take off her drenched dress, tossing it onto the floor of her bedroom. Sebastian stopped in his motion once he saw no bra, no panties, nothing. He looked over to her and she shrugged.
  - It’s a white dress, it looks ugly when you wear underwear. - she replied before returning to kissing him. He brought her back to her bed, pushing all the pillows and childhood toys. 
  - Move. - he instructed her to move upwards, as he took off his trousers, throwing them to where her dress was laying. - Fuck, you’re stunning. 
  - Better than your dream version of me? - she asked as he started to kiss down from her collarbones down to her navel. She was about to make another snarky comment but got interrupted by Sebastian snaking out his tongue and circulating her bundle of nerves. She bucked her hips, her eyes widening at the waves of sensitivity that rushed through her body. - Seb, fuck.
 - You’re so sensitive, bunny. - he moved upwards, using his hand to pump two fingers in and out of her. He leaned down to kiss her, silencing her already low moans as not to alert her parents that were downstairs. He had to admit it, there was a certain excitement about doing it with her folks being in the house. She moved her hand to take his boxers out but he stopped her. - This is about you today.
 - Today huh? - she smirked as he removed his fingers from her making her whine at the lost of the sensation. He removed his boxers himself, placing himself in line with her. - Wait.
 - What, are you alright? Do you wanna stop.
 - Hold my hand. - she intertwined her fingers with his, surprising him. - Look at me, please.
 - I don’t wanna look at anything else, bunny. - he gave her a kind smile.
 - I love you.
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