#I just had to pay nearly five hundred usd for Japanese doctors to kill my poor baby
kaiyonohime ยท 3 days
Embryo transfer was an expensive failure.
To transfer an embryo, they use ultrasound to guide a wire to the uterus to insert the embryo. Internationally there is between a 1 and 8 percent failure rate where the embryo does not leave the tube and has to be inserted a second time. This damages the embryo, and there is a less than 10 percent chance of a successful pregnancy after this occurs.
The normal pregnancy success rate is 46 percent.
At this hospital, the only hospital in my area that performs ivf treatment, the occurrence of needing to attempt an embryo transfer is 75 percent. Out of the four embryo transfers I've had, three have had the doctor need to attempt the transfer a second time.
Including today.
So, unfortunately, the chances of this embryo transfer working is nill.
I wish I could go to another hospital, but the nearest is a three hour journey by train. And a lot of the treatment in Japan requires coming in daily for injections.
My husband and I have agreed to try for another cycle, which means another month of daily injections for me, followed by a second month of near daily injections. But it's honestly looking like tiny tot will be an only child.
All I can say is fuck the Japanese medical system and fuck poorly trained doctors that apparently got their degrees from a fucking candy box and are so bad at their jobs I don't know why they're even allowed to fucking practice.
Fuck you Japan. Fuck. You.
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