#I just got a new job so im gonna try and pump the chapter out sometime this week but uhhhhhhh writing hard
harzeke · 4 days
fanfic update
chapter outline: 100% done (2250 words)
rough drafts: 7.5 chapters/12 chapters complete (16125 words)
intermission chapters: .5/2 chapters complete (2579 words)
chapter 2 progress: umm like halfwayish (3404 words)
preview for fun:
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wri0thesley · 3 years
many many anons under the cut bc i didn’t want anyone to feel like i was ignoring them and i wanted to respond to u all! warning for small text too, it was so long i wanted to make it look smaller fgbnjkgkjn
Anonymous asked: NAT... you can write WHATEVER you want! It's your blog, and I hope that rude anons can learn to respect that. I used to be on your blog just for jjba content too, so when you started getting into jjk I was indifferent but eventually you dragged me into jjk so hard!! I already like bnha, so seeing you write for it only made me happier! I hope that you continue to write whatever make YOU happy:) ❤and yes, longer fics certainly doesnt mean it's better, quality over quantity
ahh i’m happy that you are here for all three!! i always feel so accomplished when someone is like ‘your constant screaming made me think about jjk <3′. all three of the fandoms are fairly popular and i tag everything v carefully so i hope people who do use the filtering find that useful!!! 
Anonymous asked: Goodness gracious. People really be out there thinking they're entitled to dictating what kind of content you should be making
i think part of it might be that i do take requests so people feel like they have like . . . a certain right to certain kinds of my content? i take requests mostly bc they keep me motivated, i like making content for ppl who cant find what they want bc i’ve Been There, but maybe people think i am a pushover? idk i am just trying to have a good time!!!
Anonymous asked: Hi. I only started following you a few days ago but please ignore that rude anon. People are so fucking entitled towards writers it's insane. I recently had someone throw a fit for "spoiling" something in my fanfic, even though the fic was about a manga-exclusive character, so what did they expect?? Overall I've really enjoyed your writing so random assholes coming to guilt you is just a shitty thing that happens. Keep going with what you wanna do.
ah gosh anon i’m sorry about that :(. i’m always super careful tagging spoilers and stuff but like, if someone clicks on a fic about say, naoya or the steel ball run boys and is mad that i spoil something they havent found out yet . . . yeah thats on them fgbnkjgfkjn
Anonymous asked: That...that anon had the nerve to say "we". The fuck?! No no no anon, YOU'RE the only one talking and you're just talking for yourself, don't you dare try and lump us other anons/followers up with you to make yourself look like you're right. We love you nat and we appreciate you. It's your blog, you're allowed to write about whoever and whatever. This brain dead anon just needs to either go read someone else if they're that salty or write their own stuff if they're that impatient.
gosh i WISH some of my mad anons would just write their own stuff honestly. idk if this anon thought they were talking for everybody but i guess they expected anons to agree with them and not be mad at them. i appreciate u anon ;_;
Anonymous asked: Just want to say that ily and you’re one of the best jojo fanfic writers in my opinion 💗 I don’t think you’re half assing jojo fics and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you being multi fandom. A lot of jojo blogs have started posting about jjk so it’s not as if you’re the only one. I’m not sure why you get hate like this but I think it’s just because you’re one of the popular writers and that makes people bitter for whatever reason. Keep being you and posting about the things that make you happy 💕
honestly after so long writing for jojo - i’ve written well over 200 jojo reader insert fics - sometimes it feels like i’m retreading stuff, and that’s when i take a break bc i dont wanna half-ass stuff!!! i love all of my fellow jojo friends who are posting about jjk too, i appreciate them <3. 
Anonymous asked: Hey my dude, ur writing has really grown since the jojo days and its better and awesome seeing u become happier to branch off and write in different fandoms 🤌🤌 those stupid anons are just boring farts that couldnt be bothered making their own content 😤😤 is it possible to block them to ease ur mind?
hello anon!! i run a statcounter for IPs but it doesnt always work for ppl who access through the tumblr app, i don’t think; a lot of the anon hate i get i just use the ‘block’ option, but last night got to me because i’ve been getting that kind of writer a lot which is . . . a bad look for the jojo fandom who are, as a whole from the ones i’ve interacted with, lovely!!! <3
Anonymous asked: People often forget, the person behind art or writing, is just another regular fan. You deserve to be happy with what you create and we should be thankful you share your talent with us. You also have right to change your main interests, and it's very normal thing. Jojo is one of the MANY things that you write for and all you get from that is a like or share. Its not your job. It's your fun thing to do, in spare time. You haven't betrayed anybody. That person was just rude, selfish and bored.
i am just a person doing my best!!! anime fanfic is one of many interests i have and i already devote a lot of time to it honestly, i love when people tell me they’ve enjoyed something i made bc it makes it feel worthwhile but equally it gets to me a lot when people are rude because i am usually trying my hardest. 
Anonymous asked: Bro that jjba anon... the entitlement🤮 Fam, you write whatever you want to write😤 -Saturday
dfnjbkjnkgf i find most fic readers are NOT entitled at all and are just grateful but when they are . . . oof. 
Anonymous asked: It's funny how people throw "we got you popular" and they think you start apologize and cry. Your writing and passion made you gain few numbers on a follow counter, nothing more. I think I'm too old for stuff like this, we are nothing more, but +1 on a number scale. You ow us nothing, we ow you nothing. Popular... Funny word. You just write for fun of it, fake scenarios about someone's manga characters. It's not that deep. Have fun and don't listen to people like this. I knew it's not that easy, but they are really not that important as they think they are.
extremely fun fact for people who think ‘popularity’ is important to me: i would 100% rather have 10 people who regularly comment, reblog my fics with tags and interact with me than 100 people who read my fic and either leave a like or simply move on. i think this is true for the VAST MAJORITY of writers tbh. i’m glad that people think i am a ‘popular’ blog (i am not in the grand scheme of things, one of my ex-best friends used to run a kpop reader insert blog with like 30,000 followers) bc it gives me an ego boost lmao, but i really just want people to read and enjoy the stuff i write!!! 
Anonymous asked: I followed you a while ago for jojo and when my friends started getting into jjk i was like...eh sounds like work...but now that I see you writing for it I feel really motivated to get into it!!! I really enjoy your writing and I want to be able to read the new stuff too!
ah anon i really hope you like it!!! it’s only one season rn if u wanna watch the anime and there isn’t too much of the manga to catch up on either but it is a lot of fun and it’s nice to be in a fandom that’s like, excited about a new chapter and new plot developments every week!
Anonymous asked: Pls dont reply if u dont want to! <3 I'm not sure if this will be of any help to you or not but this is the kind of thing that often helps me and is the only way I know to try comfort others so I wanted to give it a go~
Now im not gonna say 'dont feel bad pls' bc I know that's not really useful but what I do think is useful is just discussing why that anon and many others feel the need to respond that way. As someone who follows a lot of writing blogs myself and have done for a long time, i've seen my handful of favourite writers come and go for different reasons, lose motivation for a while, gain motivation for a while, go from multi to single fandom, or single fandom to multi. Often times as a reader it can be upsetting when things change but it's also important as a reader to understand that some things aren't in anyone's control, I can't control what my favourite writers become a fan of or lose interest of, I can't control things in their personal lives that may motivate or demotivate them to write, but what I can do is support them as long as they're active, and if they move on to do things i'm no longer interested in or i'm the one that changed interests, rather than being upset that they're evolving to do other things or that they're not evolving with me, I think it's important that I still feel thankful for the works that I enjoyed while we were still on the same page and this is how I personally deal with those negative feelings. I think the anons that lash out at you probably just dont know what to do with themselves, maybe they got attached to your works while you were still only a jjba blog and now that you're evolving they're upset, while I understand how they feel, they're going the completely wrong way about it. I've learned to take these things and turn them into something positive for myself or at least something bittersweet that I can move on from but the anons that lash out at you for whatever reason probably haven't learned this yet. Maybe it's because i've moved on and changed interests a lot myself that I know how these things go for both writers and readers but those anons maybe haven't experienced this as much so they dont know what to do with themselves other than complain that you've changed and throw insults at you in an attempt to get you to revert back. None of this is because of the quality of your writing like they want you to believe, it's literally just because you've evolved and while some of your old followers might not like the new content for no reason other than it not being their cup of tea, it's definitely not regressed at all. You are pumping out a lot of content right now but every single thing i've read has just been better than the last. Things that really stand out to me is how well you get characterisation down to a T and all of your dialogue is just on point and from the pov of a reader I think those things seem the hardest to get right so I am such a huge fan of your stuff at the moment and I can tell you're really putting so much thought and care into each and every fic no matter how fast you're producing it, I think the fact that you're also proud of what you're writing at the moment really shines through as well and I just adore the passion that radiates from every completed request as well as in the responses for the subsequent thirsts resulting from these works that appear in your ask box later (I know i've sent quite a few by now~)
Just to be clear i'm not defending those anons in any way, while I can understand what they might be feeling/why they're reacting in the way they are I still believe it's just so immature to be hateful online point blank. Even during a time where I still got upset with writers if they started doing something else I still never targeted that negativity directly to the writer and sending rude or hateful comments whether on anon or not never something i'd stooped low enough to do even when I still had an immature way of thinking, however, I hope that it might make it a little easier to brush them off if we try and understand what they're really upset about, and that they're just putting the blame for their negative feelings onto the wrong thing rather than coming to terms with change themselves.
hello anon!! i appreciate the long message. i do feel bad for people who have no interest in what i’m currently producing and i get that they feel upset about it; i’ve watched a lot of fellow jojo writers move on completely or just stop posting, honestly. this kind of thing is why i was so intense about asking people if it would be better if i made a separate blog but the resounding answer seemed to be ‘i’m just vibing with whatever happens and i’ll block tags as needed’. 
i often return to works by my favourite reader-insert writers who no longer write for the fandoms i like (and i read stuff bc it sounds interesting or i trust the person who writes it), but change can be difficult and i guess at this point i’ve - whether u like me or not lmao - been a fixture in jojo reader-insert tumblr for a While so it’s probably kind of jarring. 
anyway i really appreciate you and the nice words! <3 
Anonymous asked: hi nat! I just wanted to pop in and say that regardless of what fandom you write for, the love and care you pour into your writing and into interacting with followers who care about your work as well is really obvious. you're doing this for FREE and people should appreciate what you've given us so far, since ultimately this blog should be for you, whatever that means to you at any point in time. it's ok to jump fandoms! the important thing is that you feel good about what you're producing and that it makes you happy. everyone else is just a bonus - but, seeing you on my dash certainly makes me happy : ) I hope you feel better soon!
thank you anon! i’m feeling much better and happier today. birthdays are very difficult for me (i did not think i’d be alive at eighteen, much less 25!) so this event is definitely kind of a way for me to concentrate on something else, and i’m a little bit extra sensitive atm. i appreciate you so much, thank you for the kind words!!! <3
Anonymous asked: Hello! I just wanted to say, write what YOU want and make YOUR writings as long as you'd like. 💖 To the anon who is like "We mAdE yOu FaMoUs dOnt HalF asS iT" stfu, let people do what they wanna do. If you think they half do it, write something better and longer you asshat.
this is an open invitiation to that anon to send me a link to their writing blog and i’ll hype them up i promise <3 
Anonymous asked: nat i'm so so sorry about that ask please know that your older followers don't share the same opinion :( sometimes people forget about the living, breathing person behind the screen smh. you are not a machine. you absolutely should not restrict yourself to posting about one fandom forever. yes, we're first pulled in by your amazing content, but we stay for your wonderful personality and work ethic. please just keep being you, taking up projects you feel comfy with! <333 bless u
ahh thank u anon! unfortunately i actually am a writing robot, i’m sorry u had to find out this way. my jojo chip has been removed, please send it back so i can continue to not half-ass my jojo work. fgnjkbgjkfn thank you so much angel!!! i appreciate you ;_;.
Anonymous asked: i don’t think it’s fair for other people to say shit about what you choose to write about because on tumblr and other writing platforms, writers are constantly developing how they write and the fandoms that they write for. it’s not fair for someone to criticize that “you don’t care about jjba blah blah blah” because you can enjoy new shows/manga. and like you said you’ve grown so much!! proud of you nat and im glad that ive been able to read your works (sincerely other nat)
i am STILL waiting for you to come and fight me other nat fgnjkbnf. it’s nice to be enjoying different things! i am constantly learning new things and reading new works and making new friends and improving and i think that’s important. i do care about jjba - a lot! but i can care about other things too! <3 
Anonymous asked: I may not be one of your oldest followers, but i've been here for almost 3 years. Yes, i started following u for ur jojo content, but let me tell u, ur newfound motivation and enthusiam for other fandoms was honestly contagiuos for me. And i say this as a person who finds very difficult to move from one interest to another. Jojo is great, but so are other fandoms. Please don't let some faceless scum rob u that motivation. This is ur blog and u r always free to write whatever u want.
honestly, i have been there! i am autistic and i have special interests and watching other people move on to stuff i’m not vibing with has made me sad in the past, but i want people to be happy more than anything and sometimes that means new things and change! <3 
Anonymous asked: Hi Nat! I saw that rude anon message & I just wanted to pop in & say that they're wrong. You're not betraying anyone & you should write whatever it is you want to write. I followed you for jojo & I'm not familiar with the other fandoms that you write for, but personally it makes me SO happy to see you enjoying new things! It's always good to find joy wherever you can, so keep writing what you're interested in. There a lot of ppl who want to see you happy and healthy <3
honestly the idea of it being a GRAND BETRAYAL is so funny, i am just writing anime fanfic here and thriving!!! tysm anon! <3
Anonymous asked: Those anons can piss off! They have no right to judge how long or how short your writing is. If they want longer content write it their damn selves. I think your writing has improved wonderfully and I originally followed for Jojo and I'm enjoying all the content period. I don't even watch jujutsu ( not my cup of tea personally) but I love seeing the creativity and the interactions. You write what makes you happy Nat and that's on that! You don't owe anybody anything! I know how hard writing is and when your consuming new content it's hard to make content for something else. That doesn't mean you don't like it any more your just doing something different for a while. Love you and your content and I'm enjoying the love your putting into your content whether long or short. ♥♥💕 Sending love your way!
honestly my idea of ‘short content’ is still over 1k words, i’m not good at reeling myself in! i guess it’s bc they see like, 1.5k jojo fic versus 5k jjk fic but it’s not that i didn’t enjoy the first fic, just that the point and the story came a lot quicker and so did the natural end! thank you anon, i appreciate you ;_; 
Anonymous asked: Hello! Just wanted to let your know that I think your writing is awesome, and that you should write for whoever and for whatever you want to! You dont have to stay loyal to one fandom or anything, and your followers shouldn't expect that from you! It's not like they are paying you to write, you are doing this for free, and because you enjoy it and it makes you happy! If they dont like your stuff, they dont have to follow you, they can go to other blogs that cater to their taste, and they definitely don't need to be sending you such hurtful comments, and they dont get to make you feel sad about your writing! Just because they followed you during your earlier stages of writing, doesn't mean you owe them some type of loyalty or compensation! You can write literally whatever you want as long as it makes you happy! That's what your hobby and your blog are for! I hope you know that alot of your followers love your work and think that you are an amazing writer and are down to support the work that makes you happiest! 💖💖
ahh thank you so much anon!!! i am always so bowled over by how many people are nice to me when something like this happens, i am sending you my love <3
Anonymous asked: don’t listen to them!! we love you as a writer no matter what you write, because you’re a good person and a talented writer!! you shouldn’t have to change what you write to please a bitter person, and if they only want jjba, they can go to another blog instead of bringing you down. you’re doing amazing and they should be thankful you grace us with your talents!!
to be totally honest, if i was half-assing or not vibing with content i was making i just. wouldn’t post it. like you’d be able to TELL when i was half-assing stuff just to get words out (source: i have re-read my own nanowrimo works). there are lots of great jjba blogs who could do with more followers n interaction!!! i hope they do find them and i hope they’re nice to them :(. 
Anonymous asked: Please don’t pay attention to that anon. People only have that confidence when they have anon turned on. Them looking through your blog despite feeling that way is peak fan behavior and speaks to how addicting your writing is. Naturally, you can’t please everyone and there will be people who are irrational and feel entitled to tell you what to do or what to write no matter what. Trust me when I say they’re a small minority and are more likely probably passing viewers rather than regulars. I check your blog about three or more times a day because I love reading not just your fics but also your takes, banter with other anons, or even random updates. Brainrot posts? LOVE TO SEE IT!!! Desk update? AMAZING!!! With that being said, don’t feel pressured to continue pushing out content for others. Write what makes you happy! You’ve been writing for JJBA for 4 years and it’s completely normal + healthy to get into new media. I’m not sure if it would mean much, but your love for JJK has gotten me excited to start it too!!
anon i really hope you enjoy it!!! sometimes these anons remember stuff i’ve posted and said better than i do tbh, i am living in their heads rent free i guess! 
Anonymous asked: I've been following you for a couple of years and honestly it would always be a joy to see when you posted. Your writing has improved and I'm very happy you're enjoying yourself ! I know it hurts hearing and seeing stuff like that but I'm happy you're here. I'm honestly blessed everytime you post. Your writing is phenomenal. I love reading it even if its characters that I dont care for. You capture their essences so well and weave an amazing tale within the prompts and whatnot. You're amazing nat!
wehh thank you so much!!! re: the improvement, i really don’t feel like it has and then i re-read something i wrote when i first started and i’m like oh my god maybe it has. did i really write about jotaro acting like that. 
Anonymous asked: Hi Nat. I recently became a follower of yours and I'm really saddened to see you get hate. You seem like a genuinely sweet person with amazing talent! I'm a writer myself and, unfortunately, get the same kind of comments. And when you get those comments, it doesn't leave you feeling motivated. People need to understand that people can and will, at times, grow out of fandoms. (1 Not just that but you're doing all of this for free. Again, I'm sorry you got such a comment. But please know that I'm proud of how far you've come. I'm proud that you're living a life that makes you happy. And no matter what fandom you may find yourself in next, I will always enjoy your writing. Take care of yourself. (2 end
HELLO NEW FOLLOWER I LOVE YOU (i get a lot more a day now than i used to and i feel guilty about not being able to look through so many blogs but i do try and follow back other writers for my fandoms!! ;_;). i’m sorry you get the same kind of comments! i’m always just happy to see people i like enjoying new things, even if i have no interest in it (hello to all of my mutuals who write for hunter x hunter and haikyuu, not interested but i’m sure you’re having a great time and i support you!!!). 
Anonymous asked: I'm sure you're getting a barrage of supportive messages now (at least I hope so) but I figured I'd add my voice, because I'm a longtime follower. Your writing is, and always has been, wonderful. I've been so happy to see you and Haz get to a place that works for you both. Idk if it's obvious for everyone, but you seem like you're emotionally in a pretty good place most of the time these days, and it makes me really happy to see that. I followed years ago for JJBA content, but I stayed because regardless of what content you put out, I find your wit delightful. And I'll stick around even if you move fandoms entirely, because whatever content or editorializing you produce is going to be worth reading, regardless of what it's for.
ahh, anon!! thank you for sticking around so long, sorry if you’re old enough to have been around the vore and jorts and spider rohan fiascos! <3 i am definitely a lot more stable than i have been and - barring the Pandemic Related Mental Health Issues - happier! i’m glad that it’s noticeable! <3
Anonymous asked: It actually makes me mad how entitled some people are. Nat, you're not a content creating machine and those who expect you to be are not worth wasting a thought on. Your love for something is not measured in word counts and for you to write every day without getting burned out in the slightest you really must have a burning passion and huge dedication to your craft. If others decide to send hate then allow me to send admiration because I can feel your love and hard work in each post you make!
i try and write every day bc it’s super good for my little ocd/autistic brain to have routines and distract itself, so i’m glad other people can enjoy them because that makes me motivated to carry on! like, i write for myself mostly bc the content i want i sometimes get find, but filling requests and writing for other people also leaves me with happy warm fuzzies too! i appreciate you!! <3 
Anonymous asked: If people only care about your writing for the jojo porn that’s on THEM, not you. Your writing was amazing when I followed about a year ago, and it’s only gotten better and will continue to get better! I think it really comes through when you enjoy what you’re writing and it adds a whole other layer of worth to it, because not only are you making free content but you LIKE that content and we can all gush about it together!!! More than just fans, I think you’ve created a community here and we don’t just stick around to read smut, I promise you that. -Reronon
i do miss having a discord community bc it was nice to talk to everyone in real time but it was hard work, i am glad that people feel like they can just come into my askbox and gush! i’m not very friendly in real life and people tend to think i am cold and stuck up so i work very hard to try and seem friendly and approachable online, which is much easier for me because i get to think and re-draft before i type! <3 
Anonymous asked: Hi Nat! I’m sure you’re getting a lot of messages like this right now but I just wanted to say for what it’s worth that, as a person who originally followed you for jjba content and hasn’t watched/read any of the other series you’re currently writing for, I’m honestly still along for the ride. This is your blog and you’re allowed to do what you want with it and put out what content you feel like writing. Sometimes??? People acquire new interests??????? Shocking! I know absolutely nothing about jjk or bnha but out of curiosity still read some of your posts about them and even though I might not Get It, I still enjoy them because I think you’re a very talented writer! Honestly, as long as you’re still writing, I’m still down to clown, and whenever you take breaks (which are important!) I’ll still be waiting for your return or supporting and respecting your decision to stay away longer. Don’t let the entitled assholes get you down. Utilize YOUR blog and YOUR space however YOU choose. Your talent and kindness speak for themselves. Love you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
anon i care about you and i am so appreciative of you and everyone for sending me such nice messages! i am running out of ways to say it but it’s true, it really does mean a lot to me ;_; <3
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COSMIC - S3:E1; Chapter One, Suzie, Do You Copy? - [Pt. 2]
A Will Byers x Reader Series
Summer brings new jobs and budding romance. But the mood shifts when Dustin’s radio picks up a Russian broadcast, and Will senses something is wrong.
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A/n: okay, so real quick I love mileven, its a cute ship and I think they're real sweet. But I think s3 did the right thing pointing out how codependent they got and it good for them to learn how to be their own person in order to be together. So this chapter kinda highlights the before and doesn't tiptoe lol. Also this chapter has a quick Will Pov cause a lot of you have responded positively to that but pfft god sorry if its cringey 😂 Then again, there's gonna be a point later on where im gonna need to use it so i guess this is practice lol
F/c = favorite candy F/s = favorite snack
||𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕||
Y/n glances over Will's shoulders, the pair of them clumped in with Max and Lucas behind their lookout. The boy's sharp nose peeks out from the exit door that blended so well with the scarlet walls, his eyes darting carefully down the corridor assuring they wouldn't be seen. Finally, Mike nods, pushing the door open and striding through at a brisk pace his friends quickly match.
"All clear,"
As they had oh so many times before, they fell into line as they slipped down the hallway with a confidence they adapted in their summer ritual. As the first of them rounded the corner and into the theater, a bright display of colors from one of several light boxes caught Y/n's eye. She grinned knowingly when she saw the movie poster, recalling the trailer that had piqued her interest a few visits back.
At the subliminal reminder, she turned to her boyfriend. She captured his attention quickly as she hooked his arm in hers and gestured to the Back to the Future poster they were now passing.
"We still need to see that, you know," she remarked.
He smiled despite the slight quirk in his brow that betrayed his surprise.
"Really?" He asked, voice quieting as they entered the theater.
She quickly matched his look of surprise, and his hushed tone.
"Yeah! You don't want to?" Y/n whispered.
Quickly, he shook his head defensively as he bunched in with the others who now found themselves crowding the stairs. Mike was quickly scanning for an open seat, which left the four of them waiting behind him anxiously as he crept down the stairs. It was then Max and Lucas spotted two seats several rows down, and swiftly made their way to claim them before anyone else.
"No, no, I will. I mean, it looks pretty cool," Will quickly explained in a whisper, easily pulling his attention back from the other couple and towards Y/n with a shrug. "I just... Well, I heard that it was gonna bomb, is all."
Y/n's face scrunched up immediately in a confused frown Will always found adorable, creating a smile on his face as she looked taken aback.
"Really?" She asked, a little too loudly.
"Shh!" Came the venomous hisses of an older couple beside them, who looked to be in their forties.
Y/n looked at them, eyes flickering to the screen as it displayed nothing but another advertisement, before returning her attention back to them. She slipped them the weakest of fake smiles and shrugged her shoulders. Quickly, Y/n retreated down the stairs when she realized Mike and Will had started moving again.
Will was just ahead of her, throwing an amused glance over his shoulder as she quickly jogged the stairs to catch up with him.
"Shut up," she mumbled through a grin she fought to suppress.
Within moments she found herself packed in between Will and a young woman several years older than herself. Just in time, Y/n realized, as she looked to the gigantic screen that now displayed the words, OUR FEATURE PRESENTATION. Y/n found herself rolling her eyes when Mike strained to throw his whisper down to herself and Lucas - who luckily enough, was sitting just one row before them.
"See guys? We still made it,"
Max was directly in front of Y/n, leaving Lucas easy access over his shoulder to retaliate. "We missed the previews," A comment only one of his friends in the back row seemed to have caught. He briefly met her equally perturbed gaze and shared a quick eyeroll.
Max grinned back at Lucas, mischief written on her lightly freckled face.
"Still made it," she whispered, her smirk growing sly. "And before you died, too, good thing."
Lucas rolls his eyes once more, the words of his girlfriend painting a defeated smile on his lips as he shakes his head.
Y/n pulled her attention away from the screen briefly when she noticed Will had begun distributing the snacks he had smuggled in for everyone. Y/n helped slip Lucas his soda and Max her pack of Skittles, Mike all the while grabbing his KitKat bar. Y/n's eyes, for the most part, remained trained on the screen in fear of missing anything but they broke away briefly when Will retrieved her f/c.
Her eyes widened, glinting happily as she made grabby hands at the snack. "Ooh, gimme, gimme," she whispered, pulling a light chuckle from Will.
Y/n sent him a thankful look, and returned to the screen just as Will had retrieved the last of the snacks and zipped up his backpack. Y/n waited rather impatiently for a loud enough moment when she could open her candy without being heard and ultimately stared at.
The entire theater was suddenly bathed in white light, and the scene of a woman - Lori Cardille's character - was sat up against a white brick wall, head drooping between her knees. An eerie tune blasted through the speakers that brought a small chill down Y/n's spine.
Something about how the woman - trapped in this room - steadily rose to her feet and crept across the tiled floor. Already she was hooked, her unopened candy was no longer the only thing she was focused on. Slowly, the woman made her way to the opposite wall, captivating Y/n's attention as to how or why this woman was here in this room.
She didn't want to admit it to herself, but since her coming into possession of the Missing Experiment files, she had a learned a great deal. And given the information about her birth mother, and how she had been tested and studied it wasn't hard to put together how cruel life as a subject was in that lab. Or what her life would of looked like had it not been for her birth mother's efforts. It wasn't common, nor was it rare, but every so often Y/n found herself in a nightmare she felt she would never wake from. All of which included her in her life that almost was, as Number 009.
Locked away in a cold, blank room with no doors. Nothing to keep her company but the cold metal bed she was supplied, the searing pain of the 009 tattoo on her left inner wrist that never went away, and the reminder she would be here all her life. Being poked and prodded and twisted into something she could never come undone from.
And it chilled Y/n to the very bone how much this room on the screen reminded her of the prison from her nightmares. And yet, she finds herself groaning with the rest of the audience as the screen freezes on the woman's entranced gaze before sliding out to black along with the rest of Starcourt.
"Come on!" Came several voices, many of whom belonged to her friends.
All across the mall, section by section, the neon disappeared, leaving Hawkins residents in disgruntled confusion and darkness.
Erica, who still sat amongst her friends in the main lounge, wore a perplexed expression, her voice laced with annoyance. "The hell?"
Scoops Ahoy Ice Cream parlor was among the last cluster to fall victim to the power outage, the confusion spreading to the two young employees behind the counter.
"That's weird," Steve remarked, stepping away from the counter.
Robin broke from her small daze brought on by the sudden blackout that had clearly overtaken the mall to see her coworker heading for the light switch. Steve put on an expression of befuddlement while Robin wore one that screamed, 'please don't do what I think you're about to do'. And yet, she watched in depressed defeat as he began flipping the light switch on and off despite her silent pleas. Her gaze was flat and unimpressed, his childish attempt was yet another blow to her already lacking morale.
"That isn't gonna work, dingus," she says flatly.
He paused, glancing up at the ceiling and back to her with a challenging look in his eye.
"Oh, really?"
Steve mercilessly attacks the light switch, flipping it on and off as fast as he can while staring Robin dead in the eye. And yet, nothing came of it but the rhythmic click of the switch flipping on and off.
Unbeknownst to the bewildered mall-goers, they were but the first of Hawkins to be shrouded in darkness. A willful, and unrelenting force swept over Hawkins. A force all too familiar with the small town, and unknowingly, a very force engraved in the town itself. Pumping through its veins and slowly but surely staining the town like a virus unseen. A force that was the town, and in a way, always had been.
And on this night, the 28th of June 1985, the force finally broke free from the shadows and begun to take a familiar shape.
As if bending to It's own wishes of discretion; Starcourt - the first of many - could feel Hawkins breathing it back to life as it also did for the dark force at work deep in the bowels of Brimborn Steelworks.
Light by light, room by room, Starcourt came back alive as if nothing had happened. The children's merry-go-round continued, the Indiana Flyer finished its jolly tune as did the joyous child riding its back and a certain employee in a tacky sailor's costume found his chest had filled with pride.
A triumphant look overtook Steve and he gestured grandly. "Let there be light."
Robin watched as he returned to the counter, trying her best to suppress an eye roll. And a smile.
The blackened screen flickered to life, resuming the woman's troubled gaze on the calendar that taunted her. The audience erupted in cheers, thankful their money hadn't been wasted and that their experience could continue. Y/n released a relieved chuckle, the picture before her quickly overturning the lurking thoughts of her nightmares and any coincidence of the blackout had with them. Eagerly, she dug her fingers into the pack of candy she had just opened, her eyes flickering to Will.
Her relief was short-lived when she she saw the expression on his face. He was there, but he wasn't at all happy, nor content, and he was but the farthest thing from relieved. What she couldn't see—what she didn't realize—was in these few crucial moments he sat with a glazed over stare, and a hand reaching for the back of his neck was the deep and profound feeling of foreboding that rooted deep inside him.
And not unlike only months short of a year prior, when he felt himself ensnared in the terror and icy grip of the monster that lurked in shadows only he could see, Will Byers could feel his skin tightening painfully as goosebumps gripped his neck. It was a chill he hoped he'd never feel again, a chill that had nearly destroyed him and his family and friends. And Y/n. The passionate, fiery, hatred for the girl was the only thing about this icy monster that burned brighter than the horrifying memories it left with him.
Will was panting heavily, but he slowly turned around coming face to face with the monster. It towered over the school, looking directly at Will.
It got closer. It was swooping in like vulture but Will didn't give in.
The monster bellowed, and one large tentacle began twirling down onto the ground, the size of a small tornado. The swirling gust of black fog engulfed Will.
He stood frozen, now trapped in the swirling fog. Several black tendrils spawned from the mass and invaded Will and he could feel the evil presence as it possessed his body and settled in his very soul.
He felt every essence of warmth cease to be, and all that existed was icy darkness.
"You're... gonna lose... him!" The words are spit from Will's mouth, a struggle through the growing pain.
Another painful scream erupted as the fire beneath Hawkins spread, but he fights it as much as he can. He was almost free. But most importantly, he couldn't let them win. Not with her on their side.
His screams vibrate with his body before his small frame shrinks in on itself like a dead spider. He straightens in seconds, his head, hands, and feet now glued to the bed as he bends in one final arc, his chest rising to the heavens. Will's mouth opens in another scream and a billowing cloud of inky black smoke escapes. It twists and unravels out from between his lips like a pitch-black tornado.
Much like that night, a soothing and infectious warmth replaces the cold and unforgiving ice in his veins as Y/n lays a gentle hand Will. Startled, his head is ripped to her direction, arm already slipping away from his neck as she stares at him in worry. She recognized the look in his eyes all too well, and immediately she knew something was amiss.
"Will, what is it?"
Will's hand finally fell to the arm rest he shared with Y/n, and he gently took her hand as if to reassure her. Though deep down, they both knew he needed the comfort far more in this moment. He put everything into her touch, allowing her natural warmth to subdue the chill in his bones as he mentally packed away the crazy thought that he didn't want to be true into the farthest corners of his mind.
And as he met her gaze, her worried eyes now boring into his as she held his hand with a firm grip that said she was never letting go, he found a smile on his face. All too easily the words came to him, the words spoken to her in hushed whispers that he clung to tighter than her. Words he desperately needed to believe were true, words that were already lying to the demanding feeling in his gut that screamed for his attention.
"Nothing," he says, already succumbing to the temptation of a sugar-coated lie that was far more palatable than the bitter truth. "Everything's fine,"
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Soft sunlight spilled through the open blinds in the Henderson house, illuminating the golden wallpaper and shag carpet that lined its insides. Muted footsteps rushed through the house and towards the front door, a second pair following closely on its heels.
"Mom, remember, he HAS to think-"
"-HAS to think everyone forgot, I know, Pumpkin, I know."
Claudia Henderson turns to face her daughter when she reaches the door, a worn smile playing her lips as she begins plucking away stray cat hairs off her daughter's shoulder as she talks.
"I think it's very sweet you want to surprise your brother," she beams, breaking away to fish in her purse for her keys. "But please don't forget, your brother is easily scared these days, heaven knows why, so just he careful alright? Nothing too big?"
Y/n bit her tongue, knowing exactly why Dustin had grown more jumpy—as had she, and her friends—but she neglected to share that information with her mother. When she finally retrieves her keys, she pauses, sending another sweet and prideful smile at her only daughter. With her free hand she gives Y/n a small stroke of the cheek, and an almost pinch making Y/n frown and pull away.
"Sorry, sorry!" She answers, pulling away and opening the door. "I'm just so proud of my honey bear!"
Y/n rolled her eyes.
"Mom." She pleads.
"I'll be back soon, I love you, and don't forget to feed Tews, okay?"
"I won't, don't worry," Y/n sighed again, ready to close the door. "I love you too,"
Claudia was more than halfway out of the door, her head poking in as she backed out. A habit she often had when departing from her children. She had nearly closed the door, when her head popped back in as if she had forgotten the most important thing.
"Oh, and say hi to Will for me, honey!"
Y/n's head was thrown back in an embarrassed groan as Claudia shut the door.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Shockingly enough, Mike was one of the first of her friends to arrive. Clinging tightly to his side, one of Y/n's favorite people; El Hopper.
"Hey guys, you made it!"
But the two seemed partially oblivious to her welcome, the pair were lost in each other and laughing at something Y/n was completely lost on. Her face fell a bit, though she didn't know why, this wasn't exactly new behavior for them.
El was the first to break away from their shared gaze, a light giggle still leaving her throat when she locked eyes with Y/n. Her smile brightened and she stepped forward letting go of Mike and enveloped her friend in a hug.
Y/n graciously accepted after recovering from the initial shock. Y/n warmed at the gesture, holding her best friend tight against her chest and she could feel El's hair tickling her nose. El broke apart, her expression similar to Y/n's as she met her eyes. El's cheeks where dusted pink, her now shoulder length hair frizzy from the summer heat as she wore a toothy grin for Y/n.
"I'm glad you could make it, El." She said, opening the door for her friends.
El nodded, casting a brief glance over her shoulder to grab Mike's hand. "Me too," she grinned, stepping inside.
"I was worried Hopper might not want you over," Y/n finished.
El shook her head again as her and Mike now stood in the entrance, Y/n closing the door after them. Immediately, the pair began discarding their shoes and Y/n seemed to miss the perturbed look flicker across Mike's face at what El said next.
"No, he likes it when I see you,"
Y/n nodded with relief and led her friends into the kitchen.
She opened the fridge, giving the shelf a quick glance before grabbing a blue pitcher of filtered water.
"Do you guys want anything to eat or drink?"
Mike looked down at El who shook her head and then back to Y/n. "Nah, we're good. We ate before we came."
'Oh' Y/n mouthed, closing the fridge and grabbing a glass from the cupboard. She tried to busy herself with the uneven stream of water diving into her glass from the pitcher and off of the giggly bubble Mike and El were being reabsorbed into as they whispered between one another. Y/n wished more than anything someone else would ring the doorbell and show up already, anybody. Just to get her out of the awkward tension Mike and El left her in as their third wheel.
No such luck was granted to her, no matter how many times she glanced at the door and willing a knock as she drank from her glass.
A soft meow answered her silent plea and while it wasn't Max, Lucas or even Will that had came to her rescue, she supposed the feline was just as good. Eagerly, Y/n set aside her water and slipped into the living room to see her mother's Siamese cat trotting along the carpet.
"Hey Toonces," Y/n greeted, using her own special nickname for the cat.
Y/n stopped in her tracks, nearly forgetting the bag of cat food on the counter. She quickly side steps the oblivious couple as she grabs the small cup and scoops a small portion of cat food, intentionally grabbing Mike and El's attention over her shoulder.
"So, I got a banner we could all decorate. We can get started on that?"
As expected, the two did not break from their spell as quickly as Y/n would have hoped. It took the obnoxious avalanche of cat foot pouring into the metal food dish to break their attention and look to their friend. She stood across the room with a now empty cup in her hand, a cat running to her feet as she looked at them through slightly squinted eyes and a tight lipped smile. They smiled sheepishly at her, and she asked again trying to stifle her growing irritation.
"Can you guys help me with the Welcome Home banner? It'll be lame if it comes from just me. It's supposed to be a surprise from all of us, anyway,"
Mike shrugs to showcase his complete indifference, looking down at El again who nods. She smiles back at Y/n, happy with the idea and resting her head back on Mike's arm as Y/n nods.
"Great, thanks." She breathes, laxing her shoulders.
Y/n returns the cup to the counter and disappears briefly down the hallway before reappearing with a large seemingly empty banner.
"I already outlined everything, so all we need to do is color it in, brighten it up a bit," she explains quickly, maneuvering through the living room as she retrieves a cup of markers from a shelf nearby. "I left a lot of space for each of us to add something, if you-"
"Lucas-" came a muffled hiss on the other side of the front door.
"Lucas," the voice was now trying to smother a laugh.
'Oh, thank god' Y/n thinks.
||𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕||
I don't remember the ride to Y/n's taking this long. Maybe it feels this way cause I'm anxious to see her.
It's probably nothing, but whatever I felt last night before the black out...
I'm getting nauseous just thinking about it, and it feels like something is holding on to my lungs and not letting me breathe.
Y/n, I remind myself. You're gonna be with Y/n and all your friends. Today's going to be fun.
The thought alone made me feel loads better, and it reminded me that I had a new idea for Y/C/N last night when I got home. Defeating the Juju Zombies would level up her character and I can give her a spell I think she'd love...
Storm of Vengeance. It's a higher level druid spell that would allow her to create small storm clouds around her. I think she'll like it considering how much she enjoys her earth spells. And, well, in a way it reminded me of her and what she did last year. I mean, she caused an earthquake all over Hawkins and the news even reported an unusual spike in temperature that they worried might cause a storm. It never did, but it was still the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life.
She doesn't love to go into detail about that night. The night she saved me. And I don't blame her at all, I don't either. My chest actually hurts every time I think about how I attacked Y/n. I know it wasn't me, but I still haven't forgiven myself for not being able to stop him.
Regardless, what she did was beyond incredible and what she's been working at all summer has been paying off. I'm really proud of her. I'm grinning like an idiot, I realize cause my cheeks are hurting but I can't seem to care.
I can see Y/n and Dustin's house creep into view at the end of the long stretch of street and I grow more excited by the minute. Mom's words from earlier pop into my head and I can feel my ears burning all over again.
"They're in love, Will," she said, referring to Jonathan and Nancy who had been sneaking around, to which I scoffed. She took a seat beside me as she continued. "I'm surprised at you."
I look up from my stack of pancakes that was nearly gone, and I sent her a funny look. She smiled from ear to ear and looked briefly to her breakfast before looking back at me.
"Speaking of,"
Oh no.
She took a sip of her coffee, raising her eyebrows in a way that suggested she knew exactly what she was doing.
"Aren't you going to Y/n's?"
"MoM!" I groaned, standing up from the table.
I marched over to the sink, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of seeing me flustered.
She did know exactly what she was doing, and she was relentless. I soaked my plate and headed for the door, hardly giving her a glance.
"Bye, Mom," I grumbled.
I can hear her evil smirk in her voice just before I shut the door.
"Bye, sweetie~!"
I scoff when I realize how she is still able to get to me, and I quickly shake it off. My bike glides into their driveway and I quickly dismount and make sure to park it somewhere out of the way of Mrs. Henderson's car before it got back. I quickly rethink it, and bring it around back where Dustin won't be able to spot it. The others had the same idea, it would seem as I quickly found where they had stashed their bikes.
I rushed to the front door, and I could already hear several muffled voices and footsteps inside. Right as I raise my right hand to knock, the door swings open.
There standing in the doorway, completely breathless and grinning widely is Y/n. I'm grinning again, and just before I can even manage a "hello" she grabs my wrist and pulls me inside, and into a quick kiss. I feel her smiling and when I broke apart she said quietly enough for me to hear.
"I'm glad you're here."
"Clearly," Lucas said, popping a piece of gum into his mouth as he passed behind her without a single glance and into the living room.
Y/n whirled around to send a playful glare over her shoulder. I watched, laughing as she stuck her tongue out at him, and he did the same. She turned back to me, visibly relaxing a great deal and I stepped further inside. I felt her let go of my wrist and she closed the door behind me before gesturing to the coffee table everyone was gathered around. The large banner was at the center of the coffee table taking up most of its surface; the one Y/n mentioned to me the other night in Castle Byers. By the looks of it, it was nearly finished and I felt a pang of guilt I couldn't get here earlier to help.
El was the first to look up at us, and sent a polite smile to me and Y/n before returning to her coloring beside Mike. Mike and Max where quietly bickering over a marker by the looks of it and Lucas was retuning to his seat on the edge of the couch just beside Max.
"Want something to drink, or maybe nibble on?" Y/n asked me.
I look to her, ready to decline her usual offer when I noticed the look in her eye that was pulling me towards the kitchen. I nodded, suddenly deciding a refreshment didn't sound so terrible.
I followed her into the kitchen and out of earshot of the others. She quickly got her hands on some f/c and I helped myself to some Slice Soda from the fridge. The can opened with a hiss just as she hoisted herself up on the counter and took a bite of her food.
Through a mouthful of the snack, her left cheek all puffed up in a way that made me smile and she spoke in a voice low enough she wouldn't be overheard.
"I'm so glad you made it here when you did." Y/n said to me, examining her snack, legs dangling of the counter and swinging lightly back and forth. "They were starting to drive me crazy."
I took a sip of the soda, swallowing the cloud of fizz that buzzed on my tongue. "They couldn't have been that bad,"
I looked back up from my drink to be met with the trademark Y/n Henderson deadpan glare and I laughed again.
Y/n's always making me laugh, and I realize I don't ever want that to stop.
Soon, she's smiling with me as she takes another bite, her eyes wandering to our group of friends gathered in her living room. Y/n looked back at me and sighed.
"I love them all, I really do," she shook her head and let out a small laugh that stopped my heart a little. "But, Jesus, they're so much sometimes."
I let out a small laugh through my nose, nodding as I take another swig of my drink and she continues.
"Max and Mike won't stop arguing about anything that's two feet in front of them," she frowned with a small smile. "Lucas and El are actually spending some more time together, its pretty nice. But other than that, I'm lucky to get a word in edgewise with anyone. You know the group, everyone's got their own ideas, and no one really knows how to listen,"
It's quiet for a moment as we reflect—aside from Lucas whose voice stood out among the others as he cursed at something he messed up on on the banner.
"You excited to see Dustin, again?" I ask finally.
Y/n nodded, popping another piece of food into her mouth before swallowing it. "Yeah, definitely. Mom's been missing him a lot. I can tell. She's been mothering me a whole lot more lately."
A small picture of Mrs. Henderson smothering her kids was not hard to conjure, and it made me chuckle.
"Mm! Just the other day," She hummed, yet again with small mouthful and a spot of food she was oblivious to on the corner of her mouth. "When I went to Max's—"
I nodded showing I was listening, though I tried very heard to stifle the grin creeping up at how cute she looked and I stepped forward to wipe the bit of food off of her mouth.
"a place she knows I go all the time—" she stops her rant abruptly as I wipe her chin and mouth with the corner of my wrist and palm, blinking back in surprise before breathing a small laugh. "oh, thanks. Anyways, she knows I go there all the time, hell, how much time do we even spend here anyway? And suddenly it's twenty questions; where I'm going, when I'll be back, do Max's parents know I'm coming?"
"And now, on top of it all, she won't stop asking me stuff I don't even know how to answer. Like 'how did you and El meet, you two seem really really connected? It's so sweet!'"
She asked, imitating her mother.
"and, 'Y/n, how your sheets keep getting burned in the dryer, I have no idea!' Like, I don't know how I'm supposed to tell her about the friends I made during the almost apocalypse or the fact that I keep burning my sheets every time I have a bad dream. I mean, I can't keep lying to her, but I can't tell her the truth either."
I leaned back against the counter again, growing thoughtful. My heart goes out to her, and I feel horrible I can't really do anything. But I know how much having Max and El around has helped her, she's never really said it out loud but I can tell she's been feeling more and more alienated the older we all get. Not completely, but things are changing. Regardless, I'm glad she has them.
"I'm sorry," I say, and she shrugs, discarding the remnants of her snack on the counter before leaning back on her propped up arms. "Well, hopefully Dustin being back will restore the natural balance of things."
Y/n nodded, a confident smile on her face. "I'm thinking it will, it's what usually happens. She always gets pretty antsy when one us is away for a long time and this isn't Dustin's first time at camp either, don't forget."
Suddenly, her face lights up and she looks to me growing excited. "Oh! I almost forgot. Max had a great idea for when he gets here."
"Oh yeah?" I ask, her infectious smile spreading to my face.
Y/n nods, and I can see the excitement growing in her eyes.
"Yeah, so, we'll all hide, like we originally planned. But," she jumps of the counter, quickly opening the fridge and grabbing a small piece of lettuce before leading me through the living room. "El will draw him out, probably out into the back living room cause we'll have plenty of space to hide in here."
We pass through the living room, and down into the hall all the way into Dustin's room.
Y/n walks over to Yurtle's tank, and slides the top hatch open. She stops talking briefly, like a reflex a small grin lighting up her face and scrunching up her nose as she feeds the turtle the bit of lettuce. Again, I find myself smiling widely out of habit, my chest growing warm just from being around her.
Y/n quickly pulls herself back to reality and closes the top back up, and crosses the room where a variety of Dustin's old toys stand in a clutter in his closet.
With a proud and elated grin, she gestures to them waiting for my reaction.
"What?" I laugh.
"The plan! These are all the toys of Dustin's that can move, I had to dig through some closets but I found enough. El's gonna make them come to life—assuming we're lucky enough to get him to sulk in his room, but I'm not too worried about that. If I know him at all, he will. He'll follow them out to the lounge, and that's when we'll surprise him. I was also thinking I could mess with him if I can, make the room shake a little or something, I'm not sure yet,"
I can't help but picture the look on Dustin's face when stuff around the room begins to shake. I suddenly couldn't wait for him to get back, which is a bit surprising considering how much grief he gives me and Y/n.
She quirks her brow, a mischievous look spreading across her face. "Well, what do you think?"
"It's perfect, I-"
"Code red! Code Red!" Came a strained shout from across the hall.
Thunderous and forceful footsteps pound into the carpet as they make their way down the hall, stopping the words in my throat. We both rip our heads to the open door to see Lucas leaning into the doorway panting and wide eyed as he looks between the both of us.
"He's here!"
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
"SARS (Special Anti Robbery Squad) is a branch of the Nigeria Police Force. SARS officers carry guns but do not wear Nigerian police uniforms or badges Since the creation of SARS, they have been known for engaging in illegal acts and torturing the citizens of Nigeria. They ask for bribes, harass citizens and even kill them. Nigerians are currently protesting on the streets against the blatant disregard for their rights."
Please help and do what you can, educate yourselves, spread information and bring awareness to this issue.
Therapy Resources and Tips for People of Color
A Thread of Small Black Businesses That Were Destroyed That You Can Donate To To Help Rebuild
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
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cloudywriter · 4 years
vanilla pudding cups - 2
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A/N: hey guys, sorry i changed the name but i really hated the first one, it didn’t really fit. in a few chapters you’ll get the new title, but anyway i like it much better! im sorry if this chapter isn’t the best, i kinda pumped it out bc y’all were liking it & i like making people happy ya know, enjoy luvs
masterlist & AO3
Feyre woke up with a surprising amount of energy, usually she felt fatigued and spent most of her days lounging in her bed with earbuds in and a sketchbook laying in her lap. She decided she would use this new found energy to tape up her accumulating pile of various sketches she wanted up on her wall.
She threw on a pair of loose, grey sweatpants and white t-shirt, stained with her attempts at using charcoal, soon setting out on her voyage to acquire a ladder.
Surprisingly, it was an easy task. All she had to do was sweet talk the maintenance guy a little bit, throw in the whole I have cancer and she had a ladder leaning against her wall in no time. 
Rhys, however, had a less pleasant start to the day. Alis had let herself in that morning with a plate in one hand and the same clipboard in another. 
She informed him that unfortunately his day would consist mostly of testing and scans to determine just how bad it was. She left Rhysand to get ready and eat his breakfast of rubbery, bland tasting eggs and one of those nasty little plastic cups of mixed fruit. 
As the day went on, Rhys lost count of how many needles punctured his skin and how many cups of contrast solution he had to gulp for his scans.
Finally, he fell back into bed later in the evening feeling drained, though he had barely lifted a finger. But the mass amount of poking and prodding he endured only cemented in his mind that he was truly right back where he started a year ago. The realization was mind-numbing. 
He hadn’t even called Mor, Cassian, Az, or Amren to ask for their support. He didn’t feel like he had had the time to truly mourn the life that had become his over the last few months, the life he was losing. He needed a moment, when he got a moment he would let himself fall apart. For only a moment before he would have to put back on the mask of the Rhys his family had come to know. The Rhys that wasn’t afraid of death, the Rhys that still had faith that he could make it, that this new battle wasn’t a lost cause.
In truth, Rhysand was terrified of the idea of death, of leaving them behind. To think of the lives they would live without him was like a punch to the stomach, the kind that leaves you sprawled on the ground struggling to suck in air. 
Just as his mask began to crack, just as the tears began to prick his eyes, as the sinking feeling in his stomach intensified, and the air felt heavy, too thick to breathe properly, the faint sound of a violin captured his attention. It was a small tether keeping him anchored to reality and he felt the pull. 
Before he could fully comprehend what he was doing, he had slipped out of his door and was outside of another; the one that was undoubtedly the source of the violin. 
It felt as if he was watching himself in a dream as he pushed open the door. 
And there she was.
A nostalgic feeling as if he were reliving a fever dream took root. A girl was sitting atop a metal ladder. The setting sun sent light streaming in through the floor to ceiling window, illuminating her; her long, honey-colored hair was glowing gold. Her skin was pale, without any hint of a tan but her arms were dotted with faint freckles as if she had once spent all of her days basking in the sun. Strips of tape lined her fingers and she held the dispenser between her teeth, her free hand holding a piece of paper to the wall. 
Rhys found himself staring at her rather than making his presence known. The combined sound of soothing classic music emitting from a laptop on the bed and her sun-lit silhouette had him mesmerized. She honestly looked like an angel in the flesh, if angels wore sweat pants and oversized, charcoal stained t-shirts that is.
As soon as Rhys started to regain his wits a screech came from behind him. 
Rhys and the girl, Feyre, both spun to face Nurse Alis who stood in the threshold. 
He heard the ladder groan behind him, the patter of bare-feet on tile, and the warmth of a body came to rest next to him. 
His head pivoted to look at her to find she was already examining him herself. 
She looked him up and down then met his gaze. Her eyes were vivid, so blue with a ring of grey around the pupil and they were so full of life. The same soft freckles that decorated her arms danced across the bridge of her nose. Her left cheek had a smear of charcoal across it. A small smile came to her lips as their eyes meet. He thought she really was an angel.
“Feyre, what the hell do you think you’re doing?”
She broke eye contact, “I’m hanging up some of my sketches.” 
“Using a ladder? Alone? You could fall and crack your head open! And I’m your assigned nurse! They’d blame me and then I’d have to scrap your brains off the floor while looking for a new job!” Alis cried, eyes wide. 
“I guess that sounds like a less than pleasant afternoon for you,” Feyre considered.
“Uh huh, less than pleasant. Where the hell did you even get a whole ladder?”
Feyre shrugged, “Tarquin, the maintenance guy, and I are pretty cool.”
Alis rolled her eyes. “You guilt-tripped him with the cancer card.”
“Works every time,” Feyre looked satisfied with herself. 
“Yeah, well, next time guilt him into supervising you too.”
As their short exchange came to a close, Alis’s face lit up, “I see you met our newest resident, Rhysand.”
Feyre gave me another glance. “If you count meeting as found him staring at me then sure.”
Rhysand felt his cheeks and neck heat as the embarrassment that that is literally what he did set in. 
“Sorry,” he began to sputter, “I-I heard the music and just ended up in here, I’m sorry, I swear I wasn’t trying to be a creep.”
Feyre gave him a playful smile and held out her hand.
Rhys hesitated only a moment before taking her smaller hand into his. 
Instead of usual, mundane introductions, Feyre ripped off the bandaid. 
“So, you’re dying too?”
Rhysand’s stomach didn’t drop as he heard the raw words, he felt weirdly at peace in her presence.
“That’s what they tell me.”
Alis cleared her throat, “I hate to interrupt this heart-warming exchange but I was actually here to grab Rhysand for a moment.” 
Feyre tore her gaze from Rhys. “Oh, okay,” her shoulders slumped a microscopic amount. 
Quickly, Rhysand found himself being led down the hallway, the calm aura dissipating. He wasn’t fully listening as Alis explained that they needed to draw a little more blood, his mind just kept wondering back to you know who.
He tried to focus his attention to his hands as he always did when getting blood drawn when he noticed: a smear of charcoal had been left across palm.
His lips tugged up at the corners ever so slightly. 
hope this is alright! kinda cliche but what are you gonna do? also leave a reply if you wanna be tagged in updates i think that’s a thing people do lol.
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TITLE: Star*Struck
AUTHOR: brightsun-and-darkmidnight
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: We all imagine being an actress cast with Tom Hiddleston...
NOTES/WARNINGS: Probably second hand embarrassment.
My Ao3: brightsun_and_darkmidnight
*FINALLY..Read the warnings. Once you agree you can handle it...
~ ~ ENJOY  ~ ~
Fara smiled at Tom and moved to the side to allow him through. Fara went to the chairs with the coffee table that held her script, phone, and tea.
"Would you like something to drink?"
Tom set his script and phone on the table then followed Fara to her kitchenette. He made himself a cup of tea. It was small talk until Fara sat down with a grimace.
Concern written along Tom's face but he looked to the script once Fara smiled. They practiced a few lines and Fara did well enough.
Tom was studying Fara and she nervously asked, "what?"
She watched Tom's tongue lick his lips and he pressed them together. "I am just going to ask -so excuse me if I am being rude… but are you nervous about the sex scene?"
Fara's nervous laughter filled her hotel room. "I uh.. yeah. It's a bit… much."
Tom was still staring at Fara. He licked his lips then opened his mouth as he looked away in thought. "I would suggest practicing that part but I would hate to hurt you more. You seem to have some pain still."
Fara nodded, not daring to speak.
Tom suggested, "would you feel comfortable practicing kissing?"
Fara nodded again. "I think we could do that."
Tom stood and moved from across Fara to right beside her. She smiled timidly at Tom as she moved her hair behind her ear, licking her lips.
Tom's tongue darted out with a quick swipe of his lips as well. "Shall we practice the first kiss?"
Fara nodded. It was a sweet description of a shy new couple sharing their first kisses.
Then his hands gently cupped her face. His eyes searching hers and then closing as he got closer, his eyes were on her lips until she felt his breath dancing with her own. Fara felt she didn't need to act, because she was the nervous woman who has been looking forward to this kiss for the longest time. She tentatively pressed her lips to his for a moment.
She felt the fluttering of butterflies in her belly but did her best to keep her personal emotions out of her work. Tom was acting and so was she.
Pulling away to look into his eyes as described in the script. The characters look at the other to gauge their reactions.
Fara looked into Tom's eyes and she would have been convinced he had interest in her if she didn't need to remind herself they were actors. She took a deep steady inhale and then sighed.
Tom smiled and leaned back. "I feel that went really well."
Fara nodded sitting back as well, a pang in her heart at reality.
It was easier practicing more lines with Tom once she kept reminding herself this was both of their jobs. Acting.
Tom shifted and excused himself to her bathroom. When Tom came back he seemed a little off for some reason. Later Fara took a bathroom break as well…
Fara muttered under her breath. "You have to be fucking me…"
On the counter, by the sink was the cursed vibe… Fara forgot to put it away after cleaning it. Fara put it under the sink with dread of going out to face Tom. Tom didn't say anything at first but the atmosphere had changed.
Fara sighed as she put her script down. "I am sorry. You saw the… ?"
Tom blushed and tried to hide his smile. "I did… is that why you were having the "tension" in your back?"
Fara laughed. "Yes."
Tom chuckled… "I have been trying to figure out what I overheard of Danny and your conversation earlier and now it makes sense."
Fara blushed.
Tom sat back. "Do you want to practice the scene?"
"Im.. sore?"
Tom laughed nervously. "Yes um… sorry. I shouldn't have-"
Fara blushed as she spoke, "maybe tomorrow?"
Tom smiled gentlemanly. "Let me treat you to dinner tomorrow night."
Fara smiled warmly. "I would like that."
"Do you want to practice anything else before I leave? It is getting a little late. Early start tomorrow."
Fara looked to the time. "Oh. I forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder. I would like to go over the lines in part 2. I feel like I might need to prove myself more tomorrow while filming."
Tom chuckled. "With the distraction of earlier, I'm sure you will be great without…" Tom paused, searching for a word. His eyes twinkled with a tease, "Stimulation."
Fara giggled nervously. "I would hope so."
The lines went well. Great, maybe even perfect.
Tom smiled but yawned. "You did great. I'm excited for filming tomorrow." He glanced at the clock and spoke, "we should get rest."
Fara nodded with a contagious yawn. "I will see you tomorrow. Thank you Tom."
Tom smiled before leaving with a polite goodbye.
However Fara, excited for tomorrow night, barely got any sleep. She woke up energetic though. Going through the lines was easy, so much was achieved it gave her more time to prepare for the date with Tom.
Tom brought her a bouquet of red roses, dressed to impress, and with the claim of a private dinner. And it was private, their own area in a secluded room of a fancy restaurant. Tom was excellent at conversation and did so well at being invested in listening. However the concentration on his face with the lick of his lips made Fara blush from thoughts of where she would like that tongue.
Tom escorted her to her place. Butterflies rose in her stomach when Tom gave a dashing smile.
"What would you like to practice?"
Fara fluttered her lashes. "I can think of a scene." She walked over to him, looked up with a smile and wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her close, mashing their mouths together.
They kissed with longing for more but Fara made sure to tangle her fingers in his hair as the scene described. Tom's hands were exploring her body as the scene described.
Clothes were removed by the other, not caring much that they would have a moment in privacy to get themselves ready for the part where it skips to them being in bed.
Fara pulled Tom to bed once both were completely bare.
Tom grinned for a moment before kissing her inner leg. She felt his hungry lips pressing eagerly to her soft flesh. But he didn't do anything else. He paused for a moment to look in her eyes. "I think that was convincing?"
Fara nodded. "Um yeah."
Tom smirked. "Now. No more acting. I'm going to eat you properly, taste your arousal and hold it to memory-to think of what I will be unable to taste in front of those recording cameras. But wouldn't that be exciting?"
Fara was a mess from his words alone so she sighed, "yeah it would be."
Tom leaned down, smelling her with his nose close to her clit. "You smell divine." With gentle kisses on her outer lips, then probing tongue that parted her. His tongue was hot along her clit and oh god was it amazing dipping into her, curling coming out as he no doubt was getting her taste in his mouth. He hummed, talking against her,
"You taste wondrous."
Tom spread her legs further apart, one hand remained on her leg, the other glided up her thigh, fingers meeting her sopping hole. Her eyes closed in bliss with a quiet moan. He wrapped his lips around her nub and gently sucked. Fara's hands tangled in his hair as she whispered, "more."
Tom sucked a little harder, eliciting louder moans. He found a rhythm of suck and pumping fingers so great Fara practically screamed as she came. Tom didn't stop and ate her with a hunger of a starved man. His hands gripped her to pull her closer as his tongue lapped her up.
"Oh god Tom! I think I'm gonna come again."
Tom growled. He lapped her around his words, "Do it. God you taste amazing."
Fara definitely appreciated a man who loved to go down on her, but never has anyone talked so dirty during it.
"Give me a little more to savor. Then I promise to fuck you with the urgency described in that scene."
Fara's excitement of being fucked threw her over the edge of blinding pleasure. Tom, true to his words quickly crawled up her, rotting into her. Not entertering until Fara bucked her hips and spoke.
"Don't act. Please. Just fuck me. I need you."
Tom's smile against her lips parted as a moan escaped to mingle with her own. She met his thrusts with urgency of impatient hips.
"Harder! Deeper."
Tom slowed the pace but Fara got what she wanted. The video of snake hips did things to her but the real thing was better than she ever imagined. She clung to him as she kissed him back with passion she felt emanating from him.
Tom groaned, "I'm close."
Fara moaned. "I'm coming."
She felt him pull from her and his hot seed splashing against her stomach to her neck. She watched his face of bliss turn to admiration of the mess he made of her.
Tom made eye contact with Fara and he smiled. "I'll get a cloth. Stay there."
Fara relaxed for a moment then tried to take the cloth from Tom but he removed it from her grasp. "Let me."
Fara nodded and closed her eyes as the warm cloth went over her body.
She opened her eyes to look at Tom. "Yeah?"
"May I spend the night?"
Fara thought about the things that might be said if they were caught but neither less. She smiled with a nod and yawn. She saw the smile on Tom's face before he turned to put the cloth in the clothes bin. He got in bed and pulled Fara close.
Fara has never had better sleep in her life. Waking up to breakfast was another plus. The day filled with happy and stolen glances. The touch from Tom was different, more intimate than previous times.
Then the scene of sex was announced after break… Fara was prepared to act, fully intending on using her memories to get through.
Tom grinned but looked a bit shy. "I have a request."
Fara noticed the shy look in his eyes and smiled. "What's that?"
"Use your vibe."
Fara blushed from the idea. Nodding she went to her place and got it…
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Fast cars and Freedom: Style (3/?)
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Pairing: Logan x Ellie, Colt x Ellie
Rating: Mature, Ns*w content.
Summary: Ellie has a chance meeting with Logan in the club. Will she tell him her secret?
AN: I am having so much fun writing this, Hope you all enjoy the bits of fluff in this one... nothing last forever, and unfortunately the drama is coming! As always if you would like added to the tag list, drop me a line. Catch up HERE
Chapter title inspiration:
He leaned in wrapping her up in a hug. “It's so good to see you Ellie.” she hugged him back, breathing in his scent. “Its ah. good to um, see you too Logan.” she stumbled on her words. “What are you doing in L.A? Are you living here?”
“What?” she shouted.
“what are you doing in L.A?” he shouted back.
“I can't. I can't hear you over the music.” she shouted again. He leaned in closer to her ear “I'm in the VIP section, it's a little quieter there lets catch up.” Ellie looked at Logan and back at the Bar, but Riya was gone. “I'm here with Riya, I can't find her.” she stood on her tiptoes. He nodded “I'll help you find her, she can join us.”
They looked all over for Riya when they finally ran into her coming from the bathroom.  “Oh El, I've been looking all over for you. Dare text Marcus is running a fever, I have to go.” her eyes finally looking at the man standing next to her. “Logan?” she looked between Ellie and him, Ellie gave her a pleading look. “Yeah, what are the odds?”
“Hey Riya.” Logan hugged her.
“So Logan it was nice to see you again but Riyas got to go so.”
“You can stay Ellie. I'm sure you and Logan have a lot to catch up on.” Riya smirked. “I can take her home, I would love to catch up.” Ellie nodded, suddenly feeling extremely nervous.  Riya leaned in giving her a hug. “Time to take the training wheels off kiddo. Call me in the morning, I want to know everything.”
Logan led her to the roped off area, sitting down at a private booth. It was just the two of them, she could feel her heart pounding in her ears. “How about a drink?” He broke the silence. “long island iced tea please.” Logan motioned for a waitress giving her their order. “Damn, that was fast.” She giggled as she sipped her drink the waitress just sat down. “One of the perks of VIP, no waiting.” He scooted closer “So Ellie. How have you been?”
She filled him in on graduating top of her class at Langston, which came with challenges. How she majored in accounting, minored in criminal justice. Her job closed down and she took a job back home to be closer to her dad. Logan told her how he went back to school and got his diploma, moving in with vaughn and taking a job with a racing company as a mechanic and pit crew. They put him in a car to do test laps and the bosses were impressed so they promoted him to Driver.
“Logan I am so proud of you, really. I knew you could make something of yourself. And you get paid to drive fast.. Legally.” She squeezed his hand and giggled. “Well, I owe it all to you. If you hadn't of pushed and had confidence in me, I would have never tried. I thought about you every step of the way.” He took her hand in his. She felt her heart skip a beat, after all this time he still had that effect on her.
“So what accounting firm are you with now?” He leaned back, the gears turning in his head. “Trinity. I was able to take my clients with me from my old job, But this place I'm going to need to step my game up. These guys deal with some A list celebrities.”
“You know I'm actually looking for an accountant. My agent was looking into Trinity anyway. It only makes sense now to choose you.” Ellie spit her drink out. “Logan, what? No. I couldn't possibly.”
“You can, I trust you Ellie, and I know you'll have my back.”
“Logan, It's complicated.  I um, need to tell you-” she was cut off by a man in a nice suit approaching Logan. “I apologize Ellie, give me one second.”
She sat at the table, nervously picking her fingers. She looked around noticing a few women giving her dirty looks and clearly talking about her. She couldn't be his accountant, it would be complicated especially once she told him he may have fathered her child. “I'm so sorry Ellie, but I have to cut this short.  My agent scheduled an early morning interview. But hey, give me your number.”
She rattled off her number. Logan sending a text with his own. “Come on I'll give you a ride home.”
They climbed into Logan's car and speed off into the night. “Feels like old times huh?” He grinned. “You have no idea.” she stared out the window, watching the city fly by in a blurr. “You still drive?” he asked.
“yeah, but not nearly as wreckless.” she giggled. Her mind took her back to the night they lifted the cars from the hauler.
She felt so alive, so free, so rebellious. The feeling was Dangerous and sexy, she felt a fire igniting within her as she whipped the supercar through the winding mountain side. After they took the cars to the storage spot, the ride back to the garage was buzzing with adrenaline from all.  Ellie hopped out of the suv and ran up the stairs to the room she was sharing with Logan. She couldn't stand still, it was like she was going to crawl out of her skin if she didnt do something.
Logan walked up the stairs to the room pulling off his white t shirt, doing pull ups. He watched as Ellie paced the floor. ���I know that feeling, you're pumped full of adrenaline. It helps to find something to do to take the edge off, like pull ups.” He smirked as he jumped down. Ellie bit her lip as she watched his muscles flex.
“Oh, I know something to take the edge off.” she purred as she quickly closed the distance between them making short work of each others clothes. Logan lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around him, he kicked the door closed, it shutting with an audible bang.
Ximena looked at Mona and grinned. “Looks like somebody's gonna get lucky.” Colt standing right there. He grabbed his helmet and speed off on his bike.
Logan laid her on the bed, he kissed her softly his eyes met hers. “Are you sure?”
Her lips met his “I'm sure Logan.”
He smiled into the kiss as he slowly lowered himself into her. Her fingers digging into his back. He set a slow pace, relishing in the feeling of her beneath him His lips never leaving hers.  The soft moans coming from her driving him wild as he picked up the pace, careful not to be to rough. He knew it was her first time, and he wanted to make it special for her. Her breathing becoming increasingly rapid, he held her close to him as he felt her walls beginning to flutter around him. Her moans grew louder as he gently nipped the sensitive spots on her neck. Her body began to tremble under him as she whimpered. “Its ok Ellie, I got you.” he breathed into her ear. Her fingers dug deep into his shoulders, her eyes snapping shut a burst of white light filing her senses as she came undone.  
A pair of bright headlights in front of them pulled her from her thoughts. “Penny for your thoughts.” He asked, noticing her mind was a million miles away. She shook her head and blushed “Just remembering something, that's all.”
“Hopefully something good.”
“It was.” She smiled at him softly.
Logan was the first person she had slept with. He was so tender, and kind about it. Before meeting Logan, and falling into that lifestyle,  she figured she would save herself until marriage. But things changed, she changed.
Logan pulled up to her father's house. “Well, we're here.” She could hear the sadness in his voice. “yeah, we are. Thanks for the ride home.” she unbuckled her seatbelt, leaning over kissing his cheek.
He breathed in her scent, dulling his senses. He reached over softly cupping her face.  He leaned in, his lips softly capturing hers. She hesitated momentarily before relaxing into the kiss,  She pulled away. “Umm I should go.”
“Ellie, i'm sorry I just. I don't know. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.”
“No, Logan you didn't. But my life is complicated and I don't want to lead you on.” she sighed.
“I understand.  So I'll see you soon?” She noticed the hopeful look in his eyes. “Yeah, that would be nice. Good night Logan.” she climbed out of the car. “Good night, Ellie.” he smiled as he drove off.
Ellie walked into the Dark house. Her dad and Luca already asleep. She washed her face and changed into some pjs. She laid in her bed replaying the night over and over again. What were the odds that she would run into Logan? And the kiss, it was as if it were they never stopped. She needed to tell Logan the truth, and soon.
Over the weekend Ellie enjoyed some quiet time with her dad and Luca. Her nerves starting to get the better of her.  Riya had stopped by with Marcus and Ellie filled her in on their night. Finally it was Monday morning, Ellie walked into her new office immediately sitting in on a meeting where her they introduced her. She was shown to her office, she was used to a cubical, this had a door. She walked in sitting at the desk, sinking into the chair. “Hello Ellie, I just wanted to introduce myself. Im Elias Manning, your supervisor.” she stood extending her hand. “Pleasure to meet you Mr Manning.”
“Ellie please. Mr Manning is my father. Call me Elias, or Eli.” he chuckled.
“These were delivered for you.” he handed her an arraignment of a dozen red roses.
“oh, ah thank you.” she sat them down on her desk, noticing a card. “Oh and also, congratulations on picking up Logan Rider, we have been trying to get him for months.” Elias grinned. Ellie's attention on the roses in front of her. “Oh, thank you. Wait. what?”
“I don't know how you did it, but Logan called the firm himself specifically asking for you to be the accountant handling his affairs. Good work Ellie.” He turned and walked away. She slumped down in her chair grabbing the envelope and tearing it open.
Good luck on your first day, You're gonna be great.
Love, Logan.
She picked up her phone pressing his name, he picked up on the first ring “You got my flowers, do you like them?” “They are beautiful Logan. You requested me as your Accountant!”
“I told you. I Trust you and only you to handle it.” He chuckled on the other end.
“Logan. I told you I can't do it. It's way to complicated.” she sighed.  
“You keep saying that.  Ellie it will be fine, don't worry so much. Have dinner with me tomorrow night, we can talk about everything then.” she couldn't see him, but she could feel the grin on his face just by speaking to him.
“Fine.” she let out an exaggerated sigh.” But Logan, we have A LOT to talk about.”
“I look forward to it. I'll pick you up at 6.” his voice so chipper she couldn't help but grin.
She hung up the phone, letting out a loud groan. The day flew by she had about half an hour left before she was done for the day when she got a text from her dad.
DAD: Got a call, the cars ready. Can you pick it up after work?
Ellie: Sure dad, send me the address
She grabbed a cab rattling off the address to the driver. She stared out the window, Logan heavy on her mind. Everything happened so fast, she knew she would have to try to at least track them down, but she figured it would take some time. Instead it was as if the Universe delivered Logan to her,  maybe it was a sign, maybe he was Lucas dad and she wouldn't even have to look for Colt.
His name send an ache through her, she would be lying if she said part of her didn't miss him too. She missed them both, she at one time Loved them both, each for different reasons. She was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't realize the cab came to a stop.
“Miss.  Miss. Were here.”
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eye-raq · 6 years
Pandora’s Box Chapter Two
Erik x Black Original Character
(Erik will be mentioned in Ch 3)
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Today the weather decided to change up giving LA it’s normal spring weather of 70 degrees or more. Raven entered her apartment sweaty with a pair of black biker shorts and a black nike sports bra. Her hair was in two buns to keep her freshly washed hair untangled. She heavily breathed as she walked to her fridge to grab a bottle of water. She sat on a stool next to her kitchen island and pulled out her cell phone from her fanny pack and pulled up Siri.
                                   “Siri, call Monica.”
 “Calling Monica”
 The phone rang twice before picking up
 “Hey wassup Rae.”
 “Wassup is you giving Ferrah my number yesterday.”
 Monica didnt respond right away.
 “She said she had relationship advice for you I was desperate, I didnt feel like what the hell I was saying helped you out one bit.”
 Raven rubbed at her tacky skin annoyingly before speaking again,
 “Its cool I’m kind of glad you did, she talked some sense into my ass- gave it to me straight up. Donovan will be here in about another hour I’m gonna call the whole thing off I’m tired of his mess.”
 Raven heard Monica gasp on the other line, “Girl that's what she said? I kind of thought that too but I wasn't sure.”
 Raven kissed her teeth shrugging her shoulders,
 “Yep just like that, exactly what I needed to-” Knock Knock Knock.
 All confidence in Raven faded a little as she heard Donovan at the door already.
“Shit girl I gotta go he’s already here.”
 “Good luck you know where I am if you need me.”
 That was all Monica said before the line went dead. Raven got up again hearing the three knocks as she walked to the door. Opening it sure enough was Donovan. He had on a pair of dark green joggers and some gray new balance with a white t shirt and his hair freshly cut. Raven stilled her courage to not take in his 6’3 Chocolate body so she moved to the side to allow him to enter. As he brushed pass he pecked her cheek gently noting that it left a pink tinge of a blush. Raven needed to get this done before her courage wore thin. She looked into his deep brown eyes as she closed the door crossing her arms over her chest.
 “Don.. where you been? And when I ask that I mean mentally and physically, Like let me know wassup cuz I’m really confused.”
 Donovan let out a sigh choosing to sit on the love seat stretching his legs out. He scratched at his waves as if trying to rake his brain. His eyes met yours for a split second but it was as if he didn’t want to stare at you directly. That fucking nervous feeling started up again.
 “Shit I've been busy Raven you know that, with this new job taking up most of my time… taking a tole on me.”
Raven walked a bit closer still keeping her stance.
 “Your never really home gone maybe two days at a time, come here and you don't even interact with me I mean..? what the fuck Don! I’m over here making a fool of myself trying to get your attention that's obviously somewhere else and on someone else and I’m getting tired of the constant games witchu its hell-”
 “Yeah its hell for me too Rae, so let me get this over with; we through baby.”
 “Excuse me?”
 “We done Rae. I’m not feeling this no more. Its dry and I cant see myself putting up with it anymore honestly.”
 Raven felt her chest go tight. She shook her head putting up her hand to stop him in his tracks.
 “Nah nigga that's what I called YOU here for. I’m ending this shit because clearly YOU ended it months ago so I don't wanna here that lame ass bullshit coming out your mouth better yet, why don't you get up and bounce homie cuz I deserve better I’m tired Don.”
 She hated that her voice began to crack and tears formed in the corners of her eyes. She had a slight tremble and she breathed slow to try and contain but the more he stared nonchalantly the more she began to break.
“yeah well, I guess you are the one that should be saying it.”
 Donovan stood from his seat and walked up to Raven he stood his ground for a few seconds before walking pass her to the door. In that moment Raven felt it appropriate to let the tears finally fall. She let out a little whimper that she hoped Donovan didn't hear.
 “My things are already gone. I came to get them last night before you came home. Hope things go well for you Rae...Honest.”
next thing she knew the door opened behind her and Donovan exited the apartment letting the door close with a soft click. Like clockwork, Raven fell to her knees and cried out, wrapping her arms around her waist to ease the pain (oh God I didn't know it would hurt that much).
 The day eased by quickly, so Raven seemed as she was on again off again sleeping. She picked up her cellphone from her night stand and read that it was 7:30 pm (Fuck). Lifting herself from the bed she walked over to her floor mirror to admire herself, and boy was she a mess. Hair semi dry after she took down her buns, a frizzy mess. Her college t shirt draped over her body and some fuzzy socks. Her eyes were red rimmed and puffy from crying herself to sleep at least 4 times. Maybe that's what she needed though, because the pain eased up again and she started feeling more like herself. Raven went to the bathroom and began doing her hair deciding to style it in a wash and go because it was quicker. Half way through styling her hair she heard her phone rang from her room. Dropping her hands Raven walked over to her bed to pick up her phone. Ferrah’s number was there and she made a mental note to save it in.
 “Hey Ferrah wassup?”
 “Hey.. Monica told me. Are you alright?”
 Raven walked back to her bathroom putting her phone on speaker so she could finish her hair.
 “Yeah I’m better, had to rid my body of the many buckets of fucking tears but I’ll pull through.”
 “One less lame nigga to worry about.” Spoke Ferrah knowingly. “you still on for tonight though right?”
 Raven shrugged her shoulders focusing on a section of hair that was tangled at the root.
 “Yeah I’m still down I’m almost done my hair then I’ll figure out what I’m putting on.”
 “I was thinking maybe I could come over, you know and help you with that? Plus I can drive to the spot.”
 Raven figured that was okay giving Ferrah her address before hanging up the phone. It took about 20 minutes for Ferrah to show up. She opened her arms to give Raven a hug that Raven accepted and both girls walked back to the bed room. Ferrah walked straight to the closet so familiar while Raven sat and admired Ferrah’s outfit. One things for sure Ferrah had a banging body. She had deep chocolate skin that seemed to glisten like she had on body glow. She wore a tight red lacy slip dress with black pumps and a leather jacket with a black leather cross body bag. Her braids had silver hair accessories on it and lets just say she radiated black girl magic.
 “Hmmm I think I found something little, black, and sexy to compliment your caramel skin..”
 Ferrah pulled out a black mini dress from the back of Ravens closet with a low cut back. Digging lower she found some black pumps as well.
 “You should do this, it would hug your curves.”
 Ferrah handed Raven the dress and she took it with her towards the bathroom.
 “Girl you can get dressed here I don't bite, trust me were girls what I got you got.” responded Ferrah with a soft chuckle before walking towards the mirror to give herself a once over.
 You smiled playfully shaking your head as you walked back to the room and began undressing. You took your shirt off feeling exposed instantly since you wore nothing under. You took the dress and slipped in turning slightly noticing Ferrah eyeing you from the mirror. You faintly smiled turning back noting to yourself that maybe Ferrah liked girls too. The rest of the prep was quick since you wore little to no make up deciding for just lipstick and mascara, Ferrah commenting that you had natural beauty and you didn’t need it anyway. The ride was smooth with Travis Scott booming in on the radio. You let the window of her car down a little to let some breeze in. You wondered where you were going but you decided not to ask, it made it even better. About 20 minutes later you both pull onto a side street on a hilltop overseeing Oakland. Getting out of the car you watched as Ferrah began walking forward so you followed closely behind. Not too far you come up on a little complex building faintly hearing the sound of low husky music. You look around noting that this was an okay part of Oakland before staring forward. A tall Bouncer dawned in all black from his shades to his shoes stood outside the door peering over at you and Ferrah. Ferrah suddenly turned to you causing you to bump into her a little, she spoke low
 “Now there are some things you need to know about this club before we enter. I decided to bring you here first to tell you because I figured you’d go in anyway.”
 Raven stared into Ferrah’s eyes with sudden nervousness.
 “This place is called the Pandora’s Box. Its not known to many, but beyond those doors lie a world not like you have seen I’m sure- maybe heard of, but not experienced.”
 Raven gulped and peeked at the entrance before staring back at Ferrah.
 “When we enter you will be asked what are you looking for? You say im looking for paradise...then they will ask you is this what you seek? You tell them yes.”
 Raven didn't know what she was getting herself into here but the nervous feeling finally set in and she began to wonder if this was a good idea. Ferrah noticed and rubbed comforting circles on her forearm.
 “It’s okay Rae. Trust me, I’m sure.. this may be something you need.”
 Raven stared at the entrance then back at Ferrah before grabbing the girls hand that she only met yesterday and continued walking to the entrance. The bouncer held open the tinted doors allowing both ladies to enter. As they walked pass they came across a narrow hallway with walls draped in purple velvet it seemed. It smelled of incents and vanilla candles giving off a romantic vibe. Raven was definetly thoroughly confused at this point looking around her surroundings. As she looked forward she noticed the absence of Ferrah looking behind and in front of her finally coming to the conclusion that she had already entered. Straight ahead was a Man standing off to the side peering between a set of black velvet curtains with a lit cigarette in his had. He took a long drag before turning to Raven eyeing her up and down intently. Raven turned away from his intimidating stare before timidly stepping closer (well this is the moment of truth).
 @thehonorablekingerik @bartierbakarimobisson @killmongurl
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amandasarmada · 7 years
Deleted Scene - “Summer’s Cauldron”
This is a deleted scene from the latest chapter of Summer’s Cauldron, for those curious about what Tina was getting up to when Newt arrives.  It also features a slightly extended version of the prologue, to help set the scene.
NOTE - it is very important that you read the official chapter first, otherwise you’re going to get huge spoilers and the chapter will be ruined for you. :/ No bueno.
From Chapter 8, “The Presidential Palace”
Tina had always been good at not being noticed.  She'd first realized it as a child, picking up on the tendency of friends and relatives to always gravitate toward Queenie, while passing over her - it had hurt her, at first, but rather than wallowing over the fact, she'd chosen instead to embrace it, even managing to channel this trait into a fairly lucrative career.  It wasn't ideal, of course, but - Tina was a pragmatist.  She had her talents, turning heads just wasn't one of them.
So it was with some surprise that Tina studied her reflection, carefully considering the woman staring back at her.  The face in the mirror wore far more makeup than she was accustomed to, but as Tina contemplated the results, she had to admit the effort had been worth it.  Her large, carefully done-up eyes seemed to radiate heat, and the remnants of her summer tan gave her a lovely glow, complementing nicely with the burgundy of her lipstick.
But it was the dress that set her apart. It was new, and vital to her plans for tonight.  Deep red and almost impossibly soft, it hung low on her body, revealing planes and curves she normally kept well-covered.  Queenie had altered it specially for her, and it fit as well as any piece of clothing could.
She wasn't usually much for getting so dolled up, generally content with a single dab of lipstick and perhaps some mascara for special occasions – short skirts and gobs of makeup were usually uncomfortable and impractical, and she didn't like feeling like she was on display.
Things were different tonight.  She wanted to be on display.  She was determined to make something happen tonight, for better or for worse.
Newt was leaving again in just under a month, and Tina knew she had a very limited window of opportunity in which to make her wishes a reality – and she planned to seize it.  The time had come to be bold, she'd decided – and her dress was certainly that, she thought dryly.
“Oh, Teenie!”  
Queenie was standing in the doorway, watching her admiringly.  “You're a knockout!”
Tina grinned, turning so her sister could get the full effect.  
Queenie giggled, shaking her head.  “Newt's gonna sink through the floor when he gets a loada you,” she whispered, looking absolutely thrilled at the thought.  Tina flashed her another smile, her confidence mounting as she gave herself another hard look in the mirror.  If ever she had a shot with Newt, it had to be tonight.  She couldn't remember a time she'd looked better.  If she could just keep up this bravado, she might, might, actually be able to initiate something – the key was to stay focused, to stay positive.  There could be no allowing herself to crawl into her shell tonight.  She had to think of it like a job – like being undercover.  She was playing a character, that was all.
Tina took a deep breath, steeling herself as she slipped on her shoes. Show time.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The wine was sour on her lips, as it always was.  Tina sighed, throwing another dejected glance around the hall.  
It was half past eight, over forty-five minutes after Newt was supposed to meet her at the gate, and instead of dancing or laughing or taking a walk along the grounds as she'd imagined they'd be doing about now, she was sitting alone in a corner, sipping clumsily at a glass of wine.  Typical.
Tina immediately felt guilty.  Newt probably had a very, very good reason for not showing up.  Perhaps one of his creatures had fallen ill again, or maybe he'd encountered some sort of trouble with the baby unicorn.  In fact, it might actually be a good idea for her to go and see if he needed help - maybe she was being the inconsiderate one, not thinking to check on him already.
Or maybe Newt had simply forgotten, Tina thought morosely.  She was hardly the type to get men's blood pumping; she knew this about herself.  She'd made an incredible effort tonight, but she supposed she'd been kidding herself, thinking it would make much difference.
Tina took another long sip of wine, finishing off the glass.
And yet – a quiet little voice interrupted, with an air of someone who refused to accept the obvious – Newt had kissed her.  Sort of.  Tina closed her eyes, retreating back to the memory of Newt's lips on hers.  It had been over so fast.  Had it been an accident? Did he regret it?  It was hard to tell; he'd been as courteous as ever, but he also hadn't done anything to suggest what had happened. She knew it probably hadn't been intentional – he'd been kissing her cheek, and then brushed her lips - just barely, and just for a moment.  But it had been haunting her for over a week now.
Tina sighed, accepting a passing house-elf's offer of a refill.  It was her fourth, she was pretty sure, and she probably ought to slow down, but it was the only thing keeping her misery at bay.  The alcohol buzzed pleasantly in her system, making the world seem just a little bit brighter.
“Excuse me. Miss Goldstein?”
Tina glanced up, her eyes glassy.  A rather handsome member of the MLE was standing before her, looking charmingly nervous as he surveyed her. Dennis D'angelo, she remembered.  She didn't know him well – he'd been three or four years above her in school – but she'd consulted with him on a few cases, and he always smiled at her in the hall.
“Denny. Nice to see you again,” she said, offering him a polite smile. “Are you enjoying the party?”
“Oh, you know.  Beats pushin' paperwork,” he said lightly, hovering beside the table.  “What about you?  Havin' a good time?”
Tina shrugged, doing her best to not look too miserable.  It must have worked, because Denny grinned at her.  “Say Tina, you know this one?”
Tina hesitated for a moment, slightly confused.  “One what?”
Denny blushed, tipping his head toward the dance floor.  “This song.  I thought you might wanna...”
“...Oh.” Tina paused, biting her lip.  Denny was a nice guy, and it must be pushing nine by now.  If Newt really wasn't coming – and it seemed like he wasn't – she might as well try to take her mind off things. She was certainly in no hurry to go home and face Queenie, and sitting alone in the corner drinking her way through a barrel of wine wasn't doing her any good.  She mustered a smile, allowing him to help her to her feet.  “Sure, Denny, that's sweet of you.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Atta girl, Tina.  You're doing great!”
Tina chuckled, shaking her head.  Denny was being polite – she knew the steps well enough, thanks to Queenie, but her timing was off, and she was having trouble keeping her balance.  Her own fault, of course.
“You're quite the Oliver Twist yourself,” she said breathlessly, stumbling a bit as the song picked up speed.
Denny smiled, spinning her.  He was an excellent dancer, but she doubted Fred Astaire himself could have lifted her mood tonight.  She threw a glance toward the door, unable to help herself.
“Everything alright?”
Tina started, looking at him curiously.  
Denny smiled, looking a little sad.  “What's his name?”
“...Who?” she said quickly, a little too innocently.
Denny's eyes were understanding.  “Tina, you musta looked at that door ten times since we got out here.”
Tina paused, her heart sinking.  Denny shook his head, still smiling. “Don't feel bad.  I'm glad you've got somebody.”
She looked away, biting back a wry smile.  “The problem is, it seems I don't.”
“He late?”
“Only by about an hour.”
Denny winced, looking sympathetic.  “Something probably came up.  And if not, give 'im the axe, and don't give it another thought.  You can do better.”
Tina managed a feeble laugh.  “Thanks.”
Denny squeezed her hand.  “I'm sure he'll have a good excuse.  A fella'd have to be a real sap, to toss aside a dame like you.”  Denny paused.  “This guy nice to you?  When he's not skipping out on dates, I mean?”
“He's a doll,” Tina assured him.  Her voice was quiet; she thought she could feel a headache coming on.  “He brought me to Atlantisity for my birthday.”
“See? That's pretty snazzy,” Denny agreed, looking impressed.
Tina smirked, lost in memories of the past weekend.  “...and he gave me a unicorn,” she added, as casually as she could manage.
Denny's eyes widened, and they both chuckled.  “Well, ah.  I can't say I'd be able to compete with that.” He shook his head, his voice growing gentler.  “Seriously, Goldstein.  I'm sure you twos'll work it out.”
The song was beginning to wind down; about time, too.  She was starting to feel a little sick from all the bouncing around.
“I hope your fella shows up soon,” Denny added, leading her back to the banquet area.  “And if not, and you get lonely, you come and find me, you hear?  Just 'cuz your guy got held up, ain't no reason you gotta be sittin' all alone, unless you really wanna.”
Tina smiled, her first real smile in almost an hour.  “Thanks,” she said gratefully, squeezing his hand.  Denny winked at her, heading back in the direction he'd approached from, and Tina continued on, already looking forward to finishing her drink.
She paused, coming to a halt.  She'd just spotted a very familiar face, gazing at her from among the crowd.
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warning, the following has mainly snarky (and possibly furious) opinions on Spirit of Justice. Reader discretion is advised.
Okay folks. this is it. part 1 of the final chapter
here we go.
trial day 2?? oh yeah i forgot they split this game up in the worst, uneven way possible 
wow that cutscene was
something alright
wow datz actually managed to hold onto the snow globe. kudos?
what the fuck
i think i heard it wrong but Dhurke’s objection sounds like an old man 
I'm pretty sure i heard it wrong 
missed the bass
who was that no– oh Garananana
i guess she's gonna be the final boss instead huh
im so tired i cant even snark properly 
“is that kosher?”
i like it
oh god
what.... what is she wearing 
i mean
TALK about madonna-whore complex. oh yeah, time to turn super evil?? bear your midriff! show off dem tiddies! 
look, SOJ. theres only one bad bitch in ace attorney who can pull off floaty tendril hair, and its NOT ga’ran.
i cant believe i have to look at this train wreck for the rest of the trial
“heh heh heh. its all coming back now. the feel of my blood pumping through my veins”
this is perhaps because youre actually moving now, your eminence.
can we just dispense with the trial and have a good old fashioned anime fight? cmon apollo, spike up that hair and grab your BFS. 
everyone in the court: :O what??? whats wrong with rayfa??? why is she sad???
oh i dunno maybe because her fucking Father just got brutally murdered?? maybe??
what the fuck is up with SOJ characters being dumb as a bag of bricks when it comes to other peoples’ feelings regarding death of loved ones???
phoenix: shits fucked, thats why?? apollo: OHHHHHHHHHHHHH
“seems like she's worse off today than she was yesterday”
hey game you'd better not be implying any shit 
alright, back after another longass break. i can do this.
( That’s oddly compassionate of him, all things considered )
I was about to defend Nahyuta because what kind of person wouldn’t try to spare a child from witnessing that kind of trauma... but then again, this is the Sadmad who purposefully tried to trigger someone into losing a trial so
(shrug emoji)
grana’s gone into full HORHORHOR BITCH MODE 
partially I'm totally numb because i dont have any stakes in her newfound ebilness, and partially I'm tired of this weird new trend of child abuse in the new games 
“Barbed head.”
oh my god 
the first person she goes to after realizing that her caretaker is gone is fucking Phoenix 
im gonna cry 
“ive been reduced to “royal robe remover”” NO NICK YOU’VE BEEN UPGRADED TO DAD BY SOMEONE WHO’S NOT YOU
( ‘It’s like she’s grooming Mr. Wright to be Nayna’s replacement’) 
I know this game is all about confusing bullshit for heartwarming moments and vice versa but guys 
good lord
my heart
i really needed that 
(sigh) they really couldn’t get someone who sounded like a fucking 14 year old to do her voice?? really???
rayfa: (looks like she's going to die and collapses)
apollo: this is not good...
gee apollo you really think so? 
wait a fuking second 
we went through the whole dance cutscene and we’re not even going to see the pool??? does that mean the priestess has to be conscious and present for the images to be visible? ...and how does that work, anyway? 
i just realized, a medium could use a pool to see the dead, but how the hell could they project it for others to see?? does she literally open a portal to hell???
(sigh) i just regret sitting through that cutscene again
“cabal of traitorous lawyers”
i love that
(Seriously Dhurke? This is no laughing matter.)
this basically sums up Dhurke’s entire personality 
...yknow, i know what they were trying to do with his character– i really do. i know he’s supposed to come off as a dashing, cavalier rebel who laughs in the face of danger. 
but they overshot endearingly irreverent and ploughed straight into fuckwaddome. if you want a character to be charming, they need softer moments too. Dhurke isn’t a bad person, but he’s kind of an asshole when you get right down to it, and nothing so far is proving otherwise. 
ok ive heard Dhurke’s Objection again and it doesn't sound like an old man– it just sounds about as overblown and ridiculous as Manfred von Karma’s (not to mention about as deep)
... i guess
another perfect example of Dhurke being kind of a fuckwad: he keeps needling the queen and baiting her in ways that could get himself killed, which would be all fine and dandy if he were the brave resistance leader being tortured for information in the bowels of a dungeon.
...but here’s the thing.
you’ve got 2 extra lives on the line here.
...3 if my suspicions are correct.
stop calling him son please you abandoned him in an orphanage and didnt contact him for 14 years.
...and if he can’t call you ‘dad’ you have no right to call him ‘son’
coming back to this after ghost trick has convinced me that one of ga’ran’s lackeys miiiiiight be related to Cabanela, baby
“Wright... I can see we are kindred spirits, you and I! Hah-ha ha ha ha ha!!”
“It’s pretty easy to spot the difference between a soulless man and the soulless shell of a man”
ok that did get a laugh out of me, good job dhurke.
apollo: pls dont get us killed dhurke: mmmm ok ill try but I'm not promising anything lol
“But remember, son, if you truly believe in me, you should be able to prove my innocence.”
do i even have to list how many reasons thats wrong and a shitty thing to say
“Such Insolence”
You’ve been beat out, Not So Fast
Ga’ran used Gust!
Apollo flinched and couldn’t move!
“I could behead you at any time”
she's got a point; she’s a fucking despot, there’s no reason to actually hold a trial. i mean i guess she wants to shut up the rebels but just killing them would be a lot easier and its not like she has any qualms about murder
“Aw shoot, ya got me.”
again, not an appropriate reaction for whats going on buddy
lol get fucked kjudge
WE GOT GUILTY (excited cheers from the audience)
the applause and the shots of everyone with :O faces is making me feel like i just won a gameshow 
wheres my cheesy jingle 
also i love how Dhurke’s like “oh shit!! my assholishness has directly resulted in my son’s death!!! did NOT see that coming!!!!!!!!!”
again the sound mixing is drowning out the background music (sigh)
“your benevolence? I’d be happy to lend an ear if you’d like to talk!”
>this is it, this is why he leaves the series guys. Apollo is too good for these sinful games.
we’ve got an april may here
“Rayfa, I shall buy you a new servant”
so Kooraheen practices slavery..? I mean, she.... she said ‘buy’, not hire.
“she would have left shoeprints”
do you know what evaporation is your malevolence 
wait wait wait
that doesn't make any sense 
the only prints leading out are from Inga, but the prints inside the building are from Nayna? how did she avoid leaving prints leading inside, then?? did she just long-jump over the dirt path???
the guards are not fanboying, apollo, they’re toadying. there’s a difference.
apollo: maybe the place he was stabbed and the place he died were different 
(the game only continues after you carefully explain what dying of blood loss is three years later)
to be completely fair, there are actually stories of people who were unaware of being stabbed 
furthermore, when you get stabbed, you’re not going to be the most rational human being on earth. 
phoenix, don’t give sadmad that point, especially when he’s currently assaulting your protege 
now, as i was saying, Apollo’s suggestion that Inga was stabbed in the back and then ran into the temple is perfectly plausible; running to shelter from an attacker is probably the first thing you’d want to do when injured, and the tomb was a pretty safe place, i’d wager. 
tbh i really don’t know why they’re arguing about him feeling the pain as that wouldn’t really impair his movement considering he was stabbed in a place that wouldn’t affect his ability to walk???
but yeah apparently he was doped up to shit so 
...i highly doubt back pain medication is strong enough to negate a stab wound. on the other hand, if it is and your back pain is THAT intense, Inga, you need to see a fucking doctor pronto.
...yeah shots straight into the spine is one step away from surgery; not to be an asshole but I'm not sure Inga was doing so well anyway before he went 
huh. are they really gonna give us an actual choosable choice to abandon Dhurke and save our own skin? Cause that would be interesting; a lot like the old games where you could “”choose”” to defend a client or not.
to be clear here, though, i wouldn't choose “no” even as much as i dislike dhurke. we know (sigh) that he’s innocent, and even if i dont like him it’s our duty to defend his shitty ass
wow. y’know SOJ, i dont much like you, but you fuckin Did That. well done.
also thank you for the Justice pun it is much appreciated.
“And while I can’t say I’m used to it, this isn’t exactly my first rodeo”
>game flashes back to the Ahlbi case
DSKJFLS THIS IS LITERALLY THE “at second rodeo: this isn't my first rodeo” POST
phoenix: allow me to mansplain how rayfa is feeling despite how fucking obvious it is. after all, we know our players have the mental and emotional capacity of goldfish!
oh hey mansplain is a legit word in the dictionary 
why are they building this up?? just fucking tell Rayfa to do her stupid dance again and get on with it; we already did this at the beginning of the trial 
“Hmm... Indeed. It would be problematic.”
oh her nails are actually tiny pen 
thats neat 
thank goodness Kooraheeneese is an up-and-down written language– otherwise they’d have to make a whole new animation for the english game teehee
“....................But... Horn Head needs my help”
oh my heart
dan she just straight up begone’d her 
see the one thing that falls flat here is that, during a regular trial, the prosecution saying “oh, ok, have it your way; you can try to prove your theory” holds up a little more since they... you know. don’t have absolute power.
where as, with Garananana, its more like she's just a huge posturing pushover. especially since every other minute she's saying “ok, I'm gonna kill you for REAL now.”
rayfa: b but if i fail you'll be killed!!! i dont get it...
apollo: i literally just finished explaining that I'm 100% ready to die for my shitty job that was like 5 minutes ago
it is sweet to see that he’s cheering her on though. good big bro 
I'm finding small solace in this beautiful moment of “your foreign dad and bro are here for you babe reach for the stars”
Athena’s probably flashing a double thumbs up from the gallery too
“But... I finally know now. I know in what I can trust”
Bobby, from the afterlife: YOU’RE DOING AMAZING SWEETIE 
Garan: What??? my tiny 14 year old daughter is going to do a thing i don’t want her to??? fuck there’s no way i can shut her up. not even with all of my large adult man guards who could easily just escort her out of the courtroom without any resistance because they’re my fucking royal guards and I'm the Queen
oh shit she took off her own cape
im so glad i muted the game so her awful voice actress couldn’t ruin this cool moment
and now as this long ass cutscene plays out again, i simply cannot help but wonder about the poor choir and how long they’ve been on standby 
where do they keep the choir during trials 
whats it like singing the dance of devotion song every trial 
oh finally here we go. alright, lets see what the magic party pool has in store for us this time 
...o ...ok then
Inga’s face blind?!
Y’know I did have a few thoughts about that when we discovered his notebook but I didn’t think they’d actually go that route... though, thinking about it now, it is pretty convenient.
...ok everyone’s freaking out. maybe they’ve never heard of face-blindness? ...or maybe its not face blindness after all
im pretty sure it is though
i dont know why but everyone being like FUCK ITS GOD and phoenix being like “whoops shits trippy now” made me laugh pretty hard
ok i gotta say I'm actually a little invested now, even if its just because i think face-blindness is an interesting thing to incorporate into a murder case. again, a convenient thing, but an interesting thing all the same.
ahh fuck i keep forgetting how the stupid seance works 
welp, there goes one of my souls... (sigh)
..apollo you dont need to show her the picture of her dead father to say “he had a cell phone”.
the voice was coming from INSIDE THE PHONE 
...why would Rayfa interpret the sound of the warbaa’d (something she’s familiar with) with a lion’s roar (something she’s unfamiliar with) ??
oh i see thats why Vore Machine is an idiot 
for plot convenience 
Datz Are’bal, a man who throws fire crackers at children.
...sounds like an are’bal guy.
“The joker who got a kick out of startling Ahlbi with his Dragon Snot Snaps”
...something tells me that if Datz found out about Youtube, he’d be one of those “””prank””” channels.
i think you mean vaguely sociopathic
(sigh) ive finally been worn down to the point where i need a walkthrough. ive... been beaten...
boy ahlbi’s just a font of knowledge isn't he 
face blindness 
... i mean theyre not calling it that but thats what it is 
yeah yeah channeling blah blah come on! youre in the LAND of channeling !
I'm picturing Inga running into his own dead body and flipping his shit 
oh man. thats the end of Trail 2 part 1.
guess i’ll see you guys on the other side... heheh. 
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tayegi · 8 years
Hii u lovely creature. First i just wanted to say i love ur work, this last chapter was...quite shocking since well how Jk was talking and reacting towards the OC. Im really not good with theories really and specially if i gotta write them down in english but i was thinking since u said this would have 3 parts that maybe...just maybe was like one part of each of the characters? Like one were we view in detail the feelings of the OC, then JK and the Jimin? Maybe? Idk sorry. Anyway love ur work :)
Anonymous said:Thank you for being able to find the time to write equilibrium, and thank you for being able to find the time to update it as well- and come on tumblr at all tbh. I know it must not seem like it but most of us really really appreciate it. Please don’t feel rushed to update and take as much time as you need. Thank you again for your work.
Anonymous said:hey! thank you SO much for continuing equilibrium. I’m really enjoying the plot and character development. its very interesting and you do a rly good job at weaving all the layers of meaning together. you’re one of my favorite writers 💗 hope ur having a great day!
Anonymous said:(3) I wonder what is it that jimin saw on jungkook as well, I don’t think that just good looks and the fact that he is good at a lot of things are enough to fall in love or accept being in that kind of relationship ¿ or maybe yes or I’m missing something. Anyways I absolutely adore this fic!! I love your detailed descriptions and how you put important little things and hints and how you think of every single word!! Really thank you for sharing it with us! You have created a huge masterpiece.
Anonymous said:(2)The days when jimin went away must have been the best days of his life, and I wonder now with Jungkook away how the dynamics between jimin and the oc would be, especially her. It would be really wow and not wow at the same time if she turned like kook. I doubt because she knows she doesn’t have a “connection” with jimin, and is more than aware that he wants jungkook. But maybe things will change like they did with him.
minsuguk said:(1) It surprises me how the oc feels about jimin, accepting jungkook’s possesiveness and mad terms in order to keep him in that crazy relationship which is the only way she can have a just little bit of jimin. But again, I’m not surprised because it’s kind of what Jungkook felt ¿ I mean he saw something in her, and she saw something in jimin. And jungkook was aware of her and jimins feelings and he proposed being together in order to be with her as well.
Anonymous said:I want to feel bad for all of them, but I feel bad for none of them. That’s a lie I feel slightly bad for o/c but shes doing it to herself because she wants to keep this tiny connection to Jimin and that’s the start of her problem! All in all this is gonna end badly. I knew that necklace was gonna come back and bit her in the ass.
Anonymous said:(part 2) You know how Jungkook is all fucking crazy in denial about having a connection with her could she be in the same denial except (but not crazy) I mean Jimin had to have noticed the reader was always with him in the beginning now they don’t even touch each other its all so fucked up because you cant feel bad for anyone at this point (I am scared for the reader though because how far will jungkook go if she let jimin touch her)
Anonymous said:Jimin CAN’T be oblivious to this whole situation if he was able to hear his name being called when Jungkook was fingering the mc he had to have heard something else. Could he be ignoring this situation to make sure he is able to stay with jk the same way jk and mc are using each other for the same thing? bc if it was obvious that jimin was in love with jk before anything happened did he have to “get through” 1 on 1 with the mc like she did with jungkook (part 1)
Anonymous said:oh dude the relationship in equilibrium is on the verge of becoming a huge trainwreck but i can’t stop reading it cos i want to see how big of a trainwreck it will become. can’t wait til we get to the point where the relationship just swerves off the track and just goes kablooey! rip.
Anonymous said:oh my gosh I absolutely adored reading the new chapter of equilibrium! I’m so amazed that you find the time out of your busy day to write so much! thank you so so much for the new chapter. i’m really curious to see how this story line will progress, and I do wonder what will happen with jimin and y/n over that weekend… hmm anyways thank you again!! this is my first time writing to you aha I’m so nervous and also !! I love you please take care of yourself
Anonymous said:I HATE YOU SM I’m kidding I love you lu 💕💕 I can already feel the angst approaching aghhssh I’m going to die
Anonymous said:The new update has me a bit fearful of jungkook. He seems to be a little bit to possessive-at least to me anyways. I wonder if jimin has noticed the change in jungkook as well? When he said that the oc was the only one who understood him it reminded me of the conversation they had in ch4 about his family not approving of his major. When i read that scene the first time, i kinda got the sense that that was why jungkook liked the oc.
Anonymous said:Shook again from Equilibrium updates @.@ Thanks as always!!
Anonymous said:omggggggg equilibriummmm the tension just keeps building and building up I AM SO READY FOR THE SHIT TO HIT THE FAN
Anonymous said:It’s really interesting because there are elements that show a legitimate fear the OC has when it comes to Jungkook. I can’t wait to see more (well I can obv and I will NO PRESSURE FJDKSKSKS but you know what I mean~). Also thank you for updating so often like. I have barely any work & a shit ton of free time and I still just can’t write so you’re??? Like how??? Thank u sm. 💕
Anonymous said:First of all - thank you for updating. You could throw a sentence of Equilibrium in my way once a year and I’d still cry of happiness. And second - I love this story so much you don’t even know. Their relationship has taken such a sharp turn suddenly and Jungkook’s motives are clearer and clearer while the MC still seems to be sort of oblivious? Ah I have so many speculations but there’s not enough characters in asks haha. Anyways it was amazing once again, thank you!
yaja-time said:Equilibrium is too my favorite writings of your.. probably one of my favorites out of all the fics I’ve ever read. But I love it so much I would wait 10 years for you to update. Shit I’d even be happy if you updated with only using 10 words. I understand you have a life and I for one am very grateful for your writings, because they are amazing. So thank you for writing.
Anonymous said:Poor Equilibrium OC :( Sadly this scenario hits close to home with her and Jungkook. But good job as always Lu! I appreciate the work you do, have me on the edge of my seat!
bluefullmetaltitan said:Lol. I’ve been waiting for you to say that!! Yayayay! I support you 100% cause like, it shouldn’t matter how long it takes. I’m in love with all of your writings!! Thank you!!
Anonymous said:bruh, equilibrium tho. i loves it like i loves you. but for real, its amazing and incredible reading smaller details from earlier chapters come back into play and seeing how everything slowly links together (how you have the willpower to write so much is incredible)
Anonymous said:I loved equilibrium babe it's so good keep up the amazing writing I loved the last chapter it's a very good storyline 👍🏼👍🏼 and please In the equilibrium let her end Up with jimin and more jimin smut please 😂😂 seriously loved it 💋💋
Anonymous said:When I first started reading equilibrium I thought it was about the three of them learning how to function in a polyamorous relationship. But in the first 4 chapters, you revealed the MC's feelings towards Jimin, & then showcased Jungkook and MC alone. Then, when Jungkook got possessive, & you wrote Jimin's and MC's back story, I was like, "she's not seriously trying to romanticize this relationship, is she?" BUT YOU'RE NOT, YOU'RE SHOWCASING LEGIT PROBLEMS IN A REALISTIC STORY. I AM HERE FOR IT
Anonymous said:Im living for Equilibrium rn🔥🔥🔥🔥, your such a good writer. Loving all your works 💖💖
Anonymous said:why do I feel like jungkook semi poisoned jimin so he couldn't go 😫equilibrium is so good rlly got me questioning everything lol
Anonymous said:Hello tayegi, i just want to say, you're the first writer I read in this bts fandom and im so thankful for that. And im so pumped for equilibrium jajajajajaAaaaa 🙏
Anonymous said:I have to be honest I was all for jungkooks protectiveness in early chapters cause I thought it was hella cute but after reading equilibrium chp 11... Im not too sure anymore. Like he actually made me kinda scared and trapped especially during the end (guess that's how good you're writing is). On a positive note, loving this series and I hope all three characters get backlashes for this messed up relationship lmao
Anonymous said:I don't get how anyone can complain about ch11 being "only 3k" like there was so much that happened in that chapter it didn't even feel like it was "short." I'm even amazed you can write such great quality stories despite being a phd student (do these children know what that is???) AND it's like midterm season rn like the quality doesn't drop despite this. And honestly I feel like these chapters have been getting updated pretty frequently these days I feel really spoiled haha
Anonymous said:Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?! There was an Equilibrium update?! *runs to open tab so that it's the first thing I see after class* Bruh, I can't wait to dive in. Thanks for being a thug about all of those comments. Best part about creating works of art/expressing creativity is that you get to make people think, invite them to have an opinion and start conversations. If anything, Equilibrium provokes its readers to have a clear opinion. That's a success in my book. ;) Fighting always! - Happy Reader
yonggukssmolgf said:I love you. I love your blog. I love your writing. I love the equilibrium series. And I just love how you just take your time to update. Like you do things at you own pace and I like that about you. I followed you because you're an amazing person, you love your followers, and you never disappoint with your fics. Thanks for existing and I hope I made your day a little bit happier!🐼😙😀
Anonymous said:Excuse me young lady... yeah I'm talking to you Lu...Yupp.... you're being mad disrespectful, how dare ruin my nights peaceful sleep but updating equilibrium like that... do you not want me to graduate... it's senior year and I'm head deep into my writing... yeah thanks a lot for ruining my life... JK I LOVE YOU 💕
Anonymous said:I just read chapter 11 of Equilibrium and it made me want to CRY! I love the story so far and it's written amazingly well but it's tOYING WITH MY EMOTIONS! I'm super excited for the updates 💙💙💙💙
seokjinniemin said:oml I just finished chapter 11 of Equilibrium and boy howdy am I SHOOK. Equilibrium is by far one of my favorite fanfic series I've ever read! You're such an amazing writer, they way you convey the stress and anxiety of the oc is just phenomenal. And the small details you put into it like damn! I'm so anxious about this and how it's going to progress, especially with the oc and Jimin being alone. I feel like shit is going to hit the fan real soon o_o
Anonymous said:oh my god that new chapter of Equilibrium actually murdered me LMAO. i absolutely LOVE how every detail counts; like all the little small things that readers wouldn't think matter end up mattering the most. i love this series so much and ily Lu!!
Anonymous said:oh my god that new chapter of Equilibrium actually murdered me LMAO. i absolutely LOVE how every detail counts; like all the little small things that readers wouldn't think matter end up mattering the most. i love this series so much and ily Lu!!
Anonymous said:wtffff please ignore that anon i think you've been updating so quickly!! and i love the story sooo much it's so great no matter how lengthy it is. the content is what matters quality >>> quantity i really love it and know you work hard and appreciate it ❤❤
Anonymous said:Sometimes I think people are just plain dumb. Like, wtf, i am happy that you updated such an amazing story! You do not have the obligation to provide anything for us, you do it because you like it. People should be more grateful and learn to respect. Thank you for de update, you are straight up amazing
aichan11 said:I just read Equilibrium 11, it's so good! I sent you a message before, sorry if it was out of line. Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your writing :) of course I have my own wishes/hopes about how the 3 people in Equilibrium would turn out but I don't want to risk influencing your writing. I can't wait for the whole balance to just tip over and see what happens. Is that too evil of me? Hahaha
Anonymous said:The new chapter was intense! I wonder what Jeon is hiding.. I feel bad for both Jimin and OC. Poor jiminie doesn't know what that kid is doing, and OC is stuck cos of jjk. I love your work Lu, stay classy ❤️❤️
Anonymous said:ahhhhh!!! another amazing chapter babe!!! Love the dynamic,screwed up characters
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
from internships to entering the nether
Yumi: "...How...How does a _child_ get kidnapped and..." *shudders* lord death: .....*takes a long sip* we as a people have to improve, to keep things like....like _this_ from happening... Yumi: "I know...How much information do we have? Such as, who...killed this child?" -elsewhere- Shima: *reading a book on familiars* "..." *yawns* konekomaru: so, what are you doing for your secret santa? Shima: "Don't know...This gift choice is really hard to figure out." Bon: *grumble grumble* -elsewhere- leo: ....... Gin: *slides a glass of water* "Here." leo:....*small sip* ........... Gin: "How old are you?" leo: ………..25 years old. Gin: "I was told about some of your abilities. Must be useful." leo:.......................................*her expression is solemn* higuchi: ... Gin: "I've seen what you can do out there. I can imagine it hurts. Do you need any medicine?" leo:...........im used to it. higuchi: ..... Gin: "Because you wanted to protect someone." leo:....my new home... Gin: "Yes. You were happy there." leo:.....he....he made me feel like i wasnt alone anymore.... higuchi: dostoyevsky? leo: *she shakes her head* vanya... Gin: "A sibling?" leo:.......n-not exactly. he made me feel welcome when i was taken in by the rats.....he means a lot to me. *soft smile* even if he doesnt love me the same way, he's the most important person to me. higuchi: ...... Gin: "Do you know whether he is safe?" leo:....you said he escaped, right? naoya: long hair, head bandages? leo: yes! naoya: yeah, he escaped. leo:....*sigh* i see.... Gin: "Do you think he'll return?" leo:...i think he will.....he wouldnt ever dare to leave mr dostoyevsky's side....to vanya, fyodor is the most important to him... naoya:...... Gin: "Hmm...And you? Will he return to you?" leo:....i can only hope, right? Gin: "..." *closes the file* "We'll see." *opens the door—and is pushed aside* Tachihara: "I brought snacks!" leo: .... higuchi: -_-; Tachihara: "Who wants--" *shoved by Motojiro* Motojiro: "Who's up for a rousing game of Chutes and Ladders?!" Gin: "..." *pulls out a blade* leo: ._.; -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *sipping his tea, wearing a shit-eating grin* louisa: sir francis? Fitzgerald: "Yes, Miss Alcott?" louisa: any news? Fitzgerald: *deathly serious* "Yes, there is." louisa: o.o; oh? Fitzgerald: *holds up the guest list* "This 'Plus One' option is increasing the number of guests for our party. I had not considered so many people would have a Plus One! We'll need more plates..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Any update from your 'patient'?" kim: well, he's back home now. Jacqueline: "Think they'll go after him again?" kim:...i dont know.... -elsewhere- Tanizaki: *staring at the sunset* ???: brother.... Tanizaki: "Yeah?" -there is someone standing..........in an elephant suit- naomi: we start our punishment tomorrow. Tanizaki: ._.; "...What the heck are you wearing?" naomi: mascot suit. Tanizaki: .________.;;; "...How bad is mine?" naomi:.....do you really want to know~? Tanizaki: "I mean, better now than later?" -elsewhere- Yohei: *typing* chie: *helping the others decorate the tree* Shotaro: *wrapped in lights* ._.; -elsewhere- Takehisa: *seated in driver's seat* "Okay, I'm going to start it up again. Check the engine." karin: alright! Takehisa: *starts the engine* karin: looking good. Takehisa: *turns over the engine* *Burst of exhaust out the back-pipe* karin: *cough* crap! Takehisa: ._.;;; "...Whoops." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *lights a candle at a shrine* kirei: *smiles* Benimaru: *lowers his head, prays* -elsewhere- Kid: "Hmm..." stocking: comfy~? Kid: *smiles* "Maybe~" stocking: *smiles and kisses his forehead* Kid: ^\\\^ *purrs* stocking: so cute~ Kid: >\\\\< "I can't help it--you're so cute..." stocking: *smoooooooch*~<3 Kid: "Mmm..." -\\\\- *rubs her hand* -elsewhere- Mrs Harue: "Sweetie? Can I get you anything?" keek: ......*shaking a bit* Mrs Harue: "..." *hug* keek:...*sniffle* Mrs Harue: "We'll go out tomorrow to the doctor..." keek: o-ok.... Mrs Harue: *trying to smile* "We can also stop by your favorite game shop?" keek:....s-sure.... -elsewhere- Black Star: *groans* tsubaki: easy now... Black Star: "I-I'm fine...I can leave now--" *tries to sit up--and his burnt hand touches the bed* "Ow!" tsubaki: !!! Black Star: TT~TT "I want a healer..." -elsewhere- Magaki: *giggling* <It's so close...> *looks in the mirror--then sees no reflection* "..." <Not close enough...She smelled like one of them...> -...- Magaki: <Just need a bit more time...> *transforms their arm into the Uncanny Sword* <And someone to wield...> *licks their lips* -elsewhere- Poe: "So, how was it?" ranpo: it did the job well, so good work there! how's your shin? Poe: -~- "It still hurts..." lana: *getting ice for it* here, put your leg up* Poe: "Thank you..." ^^ lana: ^^ -elsewhere- Kishiri: "What you been thinking for Christmas?" vivian: well, papa said he was going to be attending a christmas party at manhasset in hopes of forming some kind of collaboration. Kishiri: "Manhasset? They got some deep pockets, right?" vivian: mmhmm! Kishiri: "Man...Sounds like a fancy shindig. You going?" vivian: of course! since papa's always working in europe, this is one of the few times of the year i actually get to see him. Kishiri: "...Good for you to see him." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "You heading to bed?" yu: yeah. shinra: yeah. i get the feeling things are going to be busy in the coming days.... Relan: "Holidays, too..." -elsewhere- Hibana: *passed out* "Zzz..." gabriella:....*smiles and tucks her in* -morning- Kunikida: "..." aya: .....is he gonna be ok soon? Katai: "...I don't know. He hasn't been keeping to his schedule..." aya: *worried* *light bulb* kunikida! let's go ice fishing! Katai: ._.; Kunikida: "...Where?" aya: i think there's a big pond in the park in the pine acre's district! Kunikida: "...You'll need your coat." aya: ok! Katai: "You'll need poles, too..." -elsewhere- Kyouka: *yawns* "Wake up..." atsushi: *yaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAawn* ugh....so exhausted.... Kyouka: "It was a busy mission. Are you skipping classes today?" atsushi: cant afford to right now. *streeeeetch*...............................................kyouka did i seriously fall asleep on the kitchen table? Kyouka: "...I don't know?" *looks around* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *marks the calendar* "Okay...Just need to learn non-lethal attacks. Should be easy. Set up the first dummy." coke-bottle glasses: right away, sir. Akutagawa: *summons Rashomon* coke-bottle: *timing him* Akutagawa: *wraps Rashomon around his fist--and punches the dummy's chest* -knock back!- coke bottle: excellent work, sir! Akutagawa: "Hmm. Was it lethal?" -elsewhere- Sanjuro: "Until Black Star recovers, will you be investigating alone?" tsubaki:....i suppose so. Sanjuro: "...Without the Uncanny Sword?" tsubaki:....*gulps* Sanjuro: "...It'll be okay. We're going to get...it back." tsubaki:...right. we have to. -elsewhere- Johannes: "I don't see why I have to go with you." >3< metsu: *holding an umbrella* because you are too much trouble to be left on your own. Johannes: "Hmph. You act like no one else has ever done that in a lab...And Jeje will clean it up." metsu: ... Jeje: "IT GOT EVERYWHERE!" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *takes books out of his locker* ochako: hey todoroki! *waves* Todoroki: "Oh. Good morning. How are you?" ochako: nervous for the internships. Todoroki: "Oh? But Gunhead sought you out, right?" ochako: yeah. but ive totally got this. *fist pump* Todoroki: "..." *smiles, fist bump* "Yes." ochako: hehe ^^ Todoroki: "...I have finalized my choice." ochako: really? where is it? Todoroki: "...My father's..." ochako: ^u^ ......... OuO.......... O___O WAITWHATNOW!? Todoroki: "I guess I should've given you a warning, such as 'Sit down for this'...Sorry. I just...need to learn how to control my flames..." ochako: what the heckie dude? why not someone like, i dunno, ryukyu? or manuel, or even the wild wild pussycats?? Todoroki: "None of them are the person from whom I inherited my Quirk." ochako: ......are you sure? even after all he- Todoroki: "I won't act like this won't be hard...or even impossible. I...have had to set up some appointments..." ochako: .... Todoroki: "With a-a...therapist..." ochako:......*she hugs him* Todoroki: "..." *pat pat* "Th-Thanks?" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *putting books away--spots a student at a desk* "???" rowena: hello. ^^ we're working on setting up a club. we have two members so far. *she holds up a sign that says 'mystery and occult club'* Jacqueline: "Oh...I would imagine you would have more members in no time at this kind of a school..." rowena: *she smiles* Jacqueline: "Wait--who's Member #2?" rowena: annaaaaaa- *seeing poe* miss warren ^^;;;; Jacqueline: "???" Poe: "Rowena? What's this club for?" rowena: it's a club dedicated to the study of mysteries and the occult, as the name implies. ^^ i think it could help me make friends here who share similar interests with me. Poe: ^^; "Just be careful..." -elsewhere- Lucy: "Zzz..." marie: miss montgomery? Lucy: *grumbles, looks up* "..." O_O *sits up straight* "S-Sorry, Miss Mjolnir." -elsewhere- higuchi: they're WHAT? naoya: yeah, those two rats are joining us. Tachihara: "AND I AM HYPED!" higuchi: even after they, oh i dont know, TRIED TO KILL ALL OF US?!?! naoya: well, they seemed eager, especially the munchkin. Tachihara: "...That gremlin is still here?" naoya: um, that's who i meant. her and the other guy, sasha i think? higuchi: alexander pushkin. naoya: eh, close enough. Tachihara: D: "What about the cute girl?!" naoya: opted to stay in the cell. Tachihara: -3- -elsewhere- Katai: "...I haven't gotten a bite." aya: how about you, kunikida? Kunikida: "Nothing." aya: hmm... Katai: "I was hoping to catch fish. She seemed to like them..." aya: ?? Katai: "...!!! N-Nothing..." .\\\. "I-I think I'll have a nibble soon." aya: ok then. *shrug* Kunikida: *his line has a tug* "??" aya: quick! you got this! Kunikida: *starts to pull it in* -you caught it!- Kunikida: "Ah. Salmon." *hands it to Katai* "Give it to that woman you like." aya: wait, uncle katai has a girlfriend? Katai: "I-I don't know what you're talking about!" Kunikida: "You said she was there when you were recovering--" aya: ?? Katai: "I SAID NOTHING!" -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." -knocks- kirako: dazai? Dazai: "..." *opens the door* "...Hey." kirako: listen, i know yesterday was a bit of a shock for you...it's a shock for me too... Dazai: "...I'm sorry." kirako: ?? Dazai: "I didn't mean for this..." kirako: dazai, it's ok. these things happen. Dazai: "...Getting pregnant is not 'just happens'..." kirako:....im not mad at you, if thats what you're thinking. Dazai: "I'm mad at me..." kirako: ..... Dazai: "...Look. Whatever you want, I'll support. I'll have the money..." kirako:....*pats his back* Dazai: "...I'm not 'father material.'" kirako: no one said you had to be. Dazai: "...I'd have to, or else I'd screw that kid up..." kirako:....*holding him close, stroking his head* .... Dazai: "..." *looks shocked, even as he hugs her* kirako: ....*hums slightly* Dazai: *closes his eyes* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *grabs his books* eijiro: eyyyy! ozaki! what's up? Chuuya: "Oh. Helo, Eijiro. How are you?" eijiro: good. been busy? Chuuya: "...Quite. I need to pick up some makeup assignments..." -elsewhere- Lucy: "Any plans after school?" atsushi: i might take a nap. im still exhausted... Lucy: *nods* "Let's get you home...I'll cook something and you can get the leftovers from the fridge." atsushi: ok then. *yaaaawn* -elsewhere- Black Star: "Zzz..." tsubaki: ...... Black Star: *groans* {Black Star: "..." *looks around* "...Oh, great. Here again."} {???: ....................} {*In his dream, he is at a waterfall...*} {????: ...................} {Black Star: "...Tch. Look, whatever Yoda speech you got, make it fast: I got to wake up and--"} {????: *bearing their teeth and charges*} {Black Star: "!!!" *tries to leap over*} -black star?- Black Star: *tossing in sleep* tsubaki: black*star? Black Star: *swings his arm* tsubaki: black*star wake up! Black Star: *his hand reaches at Tsubaki* "No!" tsubaki: *hugging him* Black Star: "..." *coughs* "I...Sorry." -elsewhere- Katai: *counting the fish* "Is this good?" aya: mmhmm! Katai: ^^ "Yay..." Q~Q "Can we go home now?" -elsewhere- Kid: *thumbing through papers* liz: busy week? Kid: *nods* "I would like to finish some of these tasks before the holiday break. How about you?" liz: yeah. -elsewhere- Gin: "..." higuchi: you ok? Gin: "Just thinking. The idea of including those Rats is not comforting." higuchi: i can see where you're coming from here, especially after what the one tried to do with-....*sigh* Gin: "Yes. I would love to put an explosive around _their_ necks." higuchi: .... Gin: "..." *pulls out her blade* -later- Endeavor: *reclining in front of his fireplace* secretary: sir, you have someone to see you. Endeavor: "??? Who is it?" *sets down his drink* secretary: its your son. Endeavor: "More specifically?" secretary: he says his name is 'shouto'? Endeavor: "!!!" *tosses the chair aside* "SHOOOOOOOOOOOOUTO!" secretary: *falling out of their chair* t-too loud. Todoroki: *standing at the entrance* "...This was a mistake." Endeavor: *running through the hall* "Wait!" secretary: *ducks under the table* Q-Q; Todoroki: "...Endeavor." Endeavor: "Oh, come on, my boy--if you're going to join me at this Agency, can't you call me 'Dad'?" Todoroki: "...That's not the word I was looking for." Endeavor: "...One day, after this training, you will learn to respect me and embrace not only your power but your legacy--" Todoroki: "When are you going out on patrol?" Endeavor: "CLEAR MY SCHEDULE!" secretary: y-yes sir! (thinking: the pay isnt worth this shit Q_Q ) -elsewhere- Gunhead: *looks at clipboard* "Let's see...Yep. That's you." *holds out his hand* "Welcome aboard, kiddo!" ochako: *shaking his hand* i look forwards to lookin- working with you sir! Gunhead: ^^ "D'aw, you're all gungho and ready to power through--awesome!" ochako: ^^ (thinking: he's actually really chill and adorable how the hell even-) -elsewhere- Uwabami: *adjusting the mirror* -knocks- momo: um. h-hello ma'am. itsuka: hey. ^^ Uwabami: "Ah, Yaoyorozu, Kendo! Welcome!" *opens her arms* itsuka: um....*glances* *ahem* momo: *bows* i look forwards to working with you, ma'am! itsuka: ._.; Uwabami: "Oh, please, sweetie--" *hugs* momo: ^///-///^; itsuka: grk- s-strong grip... Uwabami: "I'm so glad you are here!" *hands Momo a mirror* "Hold this." -elsewhere- Izuku: *looking at the address* "So it should be just a few doors--" *looks up* o_o; "--down?" -the place looks completely abandoned- Izuku: ("Maybe...No, this is the right address.") *approaches the door* "Um, excuse me? I'm looking for someone? I'm Izuku--" -an old man is laying on the ground.....red all over.....- Izuku: D: *SCREAMS* "Oh no! Help! Ambulance! Police! This old man is--" -he springs back up- old man: HELP! I'VE FALLEN, AND I _CAN_ GET UP! Izuku: *LOUDER SCREAM* "HE'S ALIVE!" old man:... !! NOOO MY KETCHUP FILLED SAUSAGE LINKS! OH THE HORROR! Izuku: ._.;;;; "...Um, excuse me, sir?" ^^; "I'm Izuku Midoriya. I'm here from--" old man: you a telemarketer, sonny? Izuku: .___.; "N-No? I'm a student who was to begin an internship with Gr--" old man: boy. *pats his back* if you're lookin for 'big joe mcgee', that's a block down. but if i were you, i'd just turn back. he'd break you in half in a heartbeat. Izuku: O______O;;;; ("...WHAT THE FUCK?!") old man:....im hungry. Izuku: "...Sir, I am looking for Gran Torino! Is he here or not?!" old man: wha? toshinori, izzat you? Izuku: -_-; "No, I'm Midoriya..." ^^; "Excuse me, sir. I have to make a call..." *sets down his luggage, takes out his phone* old man: *looking through the suitcase* say kiddo. fire an attack on me, would ya? lets see what your one for all can do. Izuku: ._.; "...Gran Torino? Sir?" old man: did i fuckin' stutter? put it on and come at me, bro! Izuku: :X "I-I need a room to change in, sir!" old man: next floor, first door on the left. Izuku: .\\\\. "Th-Thank you!" *grabs his suitcase, runs* gran torino:.... (thinking: let's see how well you picked them out, toshinori...) -elsewhere- Bakugo: "...The heck you staring at?" fan: oh. my. gosh. you're interning for best jeanist?! EEEE! HE'S SO COOL! fan 2: i would totally let him step on me! Bakugo: "...Okay. I already have to deal with one of you masochistic fuckwads in class--I don't need one here. Get to stepping." secretary: mr bakugou? right this way, please. Bakugo: *follows, grumbling* "I wanted a top hero and all, but these fans are obsessive...Just fixated on one person like some weirdo." -elsewhere- Mineta: =\\\\\= "I get to meet a giant lady, I get to meet a giant lady..." old lady: yeah? *takes a drag* whadda you want, brat? Mineta: "I was looking for Mount Lady, and she's all--" *imitates her dimensions* "--and you're not." ???: oh my fucking god, barb, he's the intern! fuck!. hey cutie~ (thinking: oh fuck my life) -yep, it was mt lady, coming home from a grocery run- Mineta: "... ... ... ... ... ..." *SCREAMS* mt lady: what? what?! barb: did his parents drop him off the empire state building as a baby? mt lady: well that explains everything. Mineta: "IT IS SO GOOD TO SEE YOU AND WORK WITH YOU, MA'AM! I can't wait to be under your tutelage!" *excited* mt lady: riiiight. sure... ^^# (thinking: i cant wait to punt this runt) -elsewhere- Deathgoro: "Got to keep up the pace when going on patrol, kiddo!" jirou: u-u-understood, sir! -elsewhere- All Might: *shuddering* "He'll be fine, he'll be fine, he'llbefinehellbefine--" -elsewhere- Sanjuro: *marking a map* "And this was the radius where you encountered this thief..." tsubaki: so they couldnt have gotten far, then. Sanjuro: *shakes his head* "And here are the residential areas--" *circles those* -elsewhere- Wes: ._.;;;;;; "...Why is your friend back? We're not done with practice--" licht: long story. Hyde: *waving a flag* "Do it, baby!" licht: *throws the chair at him* Wes: O_O Hyde: *knocked down--the flag drapes him like a coroner's sheet* licht: he will be at peace, for i am a heavenly angel. *pose* -the spotlight shines upon him- Wes: "...JOSEPHINE! The spotlight isn't until later!" maid: i dont know what happened! it just turned on by itself! ghost dog: 8D Wes: -_-; *pets ghost dog* -elsewhere- Lucy: "Huh. They're both fast asleep?" Dazai: "Zzz..." kirako: zzzzz.... atsushi: *puts a blanket over them* mii: *mreow* Lucy: "??? Oh, hello..." *pets Mii* mii: ^u^ Lucy: "I didn't know Kirako had a cat..." atsushi: yep, she does. Lucy: "What a cutie..." *scratches under Mii's chin* mii: ^u^ Lucy: "You hungry, little guy?" ^^ mii: *mreow!* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *setting the plates* nagisa: *helping with stirring* kim: thanks, kiddo. nagisa: hehe! ^^ Jacqueline: *smiles* "We have enough chairs?" kim: i think so. mami and chrona said they'd be over too. Jacqueline: "It'll be good company...I better get dessert out of the oven." -elsewhere- Shamrock: *reading the email* "...How sad." naho: whats up? Shamrock: "!!!! Oh! Um...My favorite tea is being discontinued." X^; naho: .....that stinks. *exits* -elsewhere- Relan: *sneezes* iris: you ok? Relan: "I think so? Just dust..." tamaki: it's like that baby panda video. Relan: ._.; "...I'm not a panda..." shinra:.... TTuTT (thinking: could have fooled me.) -elsewhere- Hibana: =\\\\\\\= *snuggle* hanako: *giggles* Hibana: "Such a cutie-patootie..." -elsewhere- Karim: "Hmm...You been okay?" dia: !! o-of course. just a bit tired is all. foien: ... pearl: we do worry about you, dia. dia: im fine, really... Karim: "Well, how about some soup?" -elsewhere- Iida: "So you are on patrol?" manual: yeah. hosu city's been in a bit of a panic after the incident- s-sorry. Iida: "No, I understand. It would make sense to have superheroes visible to give civilians confidence..." manual: that's right. especially since so many people are around during the holidays. Iida: "Hmm...How approachable are civilians to you?" -elsewhere- Izuku: *stares at the broken microwave "..." *tries opening the door* "...You shouldn't use this, sir. It'll release radiation, and not the 'superhero origin story' kind..." gran torino: im gonna go to the store now. be back soon. clean up while im out see ya! *exits* Izuku: *sighs* "What even is this...I thought I would come here to learn how to control One for All, then I'm told my focus on learning it like All Might would teach it was a shackle...Maybe...if I tried another approach..." *looks at his hand* "...This hand of mind is connected to my arm, which is connected to my shoulder...It's...!!! It's an extension of me!" -elsewhere- best jeanist: to be honest, im not really a fan, mr kacchan. Bakugo: "!!!! Then why the ever-loving crud-apples did you take me on as a protege?!" best jeanist: because i intend to make a good example of you. *sparkle sparkle* Bakugo: "I am already an awesome example! Look at me! I won in the competition (ignoring that my opponent was totally wimping out)--DID YOU JUST CALL ME KACCHAN?!" best jeanist: please, it's all over social media. *shows his phone* also, have you looked in the mirror lately? heros and villains are two sides of the same coin. look at that hard glare of yours. does that look like the face of a hero to you? -night time- Izuku: *drops garbage bag in the alley* -the night is silent- Izuku: *looks up the alley wall* "...Okay...If I try to bounce there, then there..." *nods* "Let's do this..." "Charge up the feet...and the knees...and...BOUNCE!" *leaps* -elsewhere- leo: ............. {RHOD member: <oi, oi, new girl, give us a smile>} {leo: ...} {RHOD member 2: <she's a cute on, the boss sure knows how to pick 'em, eh?>} {*tap tap on Members #1 and #2's shoulders*} {RHOD 2: <nyeh>} {leo: ??} {Ivan: *creepy face* "Master would like you two to leave her alone--or suffer."} {1 + 2: OwO;;;;; *they flee*} {leo: ...... <t-thank you, sir....>} {Ivan: *slight bow*<"Anything for my master...Even though he had not specifically asked me in this instance.> ^^; {leo: .... .///. <w-what exactly will i be doing here? i dont have any particular skills that would be of use->} {Ivan: <I...don't know that. But Master said he was interested in what you could do, and I always trust his word~ Maybe speak with him?>} {leo: <m-maybe....>} {Ivan: <But first--> *hands her a tray*} {leo: ?? *blinks* } {Ivan: <Can you make tea?>} {leo: <well, i've never actually tried to...>} {Ivan: <Then in the name of our master, I will teach you...>} leo: .....*sigh* please be ok, vanya.... -elsewhere- Ivan: *shuddering* fyo-dolly: ... Ivan: *stares* "..." <Is this to your liking, Master?> -no answer- Ivan: Q~Q "H-Have I offended you?" fyo-dolly:.... Ivan: "..." *holds up the doll* *high-pitch voice* "I think you're really obedient, my loyal servant!" *normal voice* "Oh, am I, really~?" ^^ *Fyodor*: "Oh, yes--you are the most perfect servant! Far better than that skanky whore who is only good for filling with my seed--" Ivan: "Oh, stop, master~ You'll embarrass me." =\\\\= *Fyodor*: "It's true! You also know how to tend to me in every way possible..." -elsewhere- pushkin:.................kati? did you feel that? katya: the overwhelming feeling of second hand embarrassment? yes. Gin: "Are you two done talking?" katya: nyeh? pushkin: nothing! OuO; Gin: "Good. Now pay attention..." *holds up a kunai* -elsewhere- Fourth Kind: "And that's it for today. Now get to bed for a bright and early day, you poozers." eijiro: understood! -elsewhere- Izuku: *his face is bruised* TWT gran torino: jeez, you fall down the steps, sonny? Izuku: "Just some...late night jumping practice, sir." gran torino: yeah, every real challenge starts that way. ya'll'd be hard pressed to get that kinda mentality outta all might. he could manage fine from the start, so i had to use different methods. the only thing the kid had going for him was his body... GET YOUR MINDS OUT OF THE GUTTER, YOU SICK FUCKS. Izuku: :X "I WASN'T THINKING ANYTHING OF THE KIND, SIR! ...And why did you make that plural?" *looks around* gran torino: dont think about it too much. anyway. we sparred until he was ready to pass out and cry. Izuku: ._.;;; "...Poor All Might...That must've hurt." gran torino: not as much as the emotional pain. he was entrusted to me by a friend of mine who's long gone, god rest her soul. -ding dong- Izuku: "I'll get it, sir..." (" 'Entrusted'? Did he mean...All Might's mentor?") delivery: delivery for a mr...torino? gran torino: aha! it's here! -one microwave installation later- Izuku: "Wow, that is one fast delivery..." gran torino: how about we heat up those taiyaki i bought the other day, huh? im starved! Izuku: owo; "...For breakfast?" -and so- gran torino: *nom* >3< TOO COLD! Izuku: "!!! I-I don't understand! I set the time correctly, I know it..." gran torino: ah! here's your problem! you put them on too big of a plate! if you use too big a plate, it wont spin and only a part of it will get warm! have you never used a darn microwave?! Izuku: "O-Of course! We just don't--My mom and me--We don't have a spinning microwave! Ours is stationary and...And...!!!! I figured it out!" gran torino: ? Izuku: "I am the taiyaki!" gran torino:....did you hit your head harder than you thought you did? are you going senile? Izuku: "I have been trying to concentrate all of my power to one spot, rather than using One for All throughout my body, as an extention of myself..." gran torino: now yer catching on! Izuku: ^^ "I-I only hope so. Now it's about putting it into practice..." -elsewhere- Uwabami: *checking her mail* *sighs* "So annoying...All these invitations..." -one letter from the zoo- -'do your best today! <3 aoi + shiina + everyone'- Uwabami: "..." TTWTT "D'aw..." -elsewhere- Mr. Asui: "What you want to do today, kiddos?" *ribbit* satsuki: did-nee! did-nee! mrs asui: sound like a plan. ^^ -elsewhere- Akitaru: *sets down glasses* "Drink up." shinra: thanks for the meal! *gulps* tamaki: are we ever going to the nether? its been weeks. Takehisa: "If someone would hurry on the map--" Victor: "I'M TRYING! I'M TRYING, DARN IT! STOP PUTTING ME UNDER MORE PRESSURE!!!" karin: o-o; nozomi: D8> Victor: "..." Q___Q "I'm sorry--I'm just really stressed...Knights. Fire people. Mushrooms. Tunnels. Fear of dying. It's all a lot weighing on me..." nozomi: i-it's ok. *hug* karin: *glare* Victor: .\\\\\\\. (*screaming internally* "This is not helping my stress...") -elsewhere- Todoroki: "What's it like working for my father?" secretary:..... Q_Q Todoroki: "...Oh no. He hasn't done...that, has he?" secretary: no! nothing like that! he just piles all the work on me. TT_TT i barely have time to sleep... Todoroki: "...May I help?" -elsewhere- Fyodor: *humming* guard: you seem chipper... Fyodor: *smiles* "I have decided to make the best of my situation~" guard:...creepy.... -elsewhere- ???:...mufufufu~ this should be easy~ -elsewhere- Kid: *playing with Shiori* shiori: ^u^ Kid: *holds up a doll* "And what is this animal?" shiori: moomoo! Kid: "A moo-moo! The cow goes--" *impersonating the sound* "Mooooo!" shiori: *giggles* Kid: *sets down the cow, picks up another one* "And what sound does this little one make?" shiori: meeew! Kid: "A kitty cat!" *sets it down* "And how about this one?" *picks up Shiori* shiori: *baby squeal* Kid: "Shiori goes 'hee hee hee'!" stocking: *smile* Kid: *looks at Stocking...winks at her* stocking: 7///w///7~<3 Kid: ^\\\^ *passes Shiori to Stocking* stocking: hey, shiorin ^^ shiori: stocky! stocky! Kid: *smiles, as he snaps a pic* -elsewhere- Yohei: "Look what a big boy you are..." toru: hehehe! Yohei: "And a happy boy, too." *picks him up* "Umph! And bigger..." chie: ah! haha, yohei im not done washing him yet! ^^; *laughs* Yohei: "Oh--sorry!" *sets Toru down* "I'll mop up." chie: ^^; *washing toru in the sink* aw, did daddy try to get you out of bath time early? toru: ba! chie: hehe, silly daddy! Yohei: ^^; "Sorry...Just been away so long today..." chie: *small smile* ah, did you want to be on ducky duty? Yohei: "...That'd be great." *smiles, kisses her cheek as he takes the rubber ducky* toru: ^o^ Yohei: "QUACK QUACK!" toru: ^u^ -elsewhere- Relan: *pats Shinra's back* "Better?" shinra: y-yeah. iris: *hug* shinra: =///= Relan: "We're here for you..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *sighs* "Good meal..." mami: thanks for tonight. ^^ kim: no probs. nagisa: ^u^ Crona: *nods* "Th-Thank you..." -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." yosano: still moping because of the baby, huh? Dazai: "It's not 'moping.' It's thinking." yosano: hmm... Dazai: "Money. Broken family. Dad who has problems." yosano: you're scared because you're inexperienced. Dazai: "Is that the _only_ reason? What do I know about raising anyone?" yosano: well, you've been doing well with atsushi and kyouka, right? Dazai: "...I don't have to change their diapers, though..." yosano: hey, you're not the only one raising this kid. Dazai: "...What if she doesn't want me involved?" yosano: you'll just have to ask then, wont you? Dazai: "..." *bolts upright* "Yes, I will." -elsewhere- Sanjuro: "It's getting late...Maybe call it a night?" tsubaki:...perhaps... Sanjuro: "..." *hug* tsubaki:....*hug* Sanjuro: "We'll stop them...and we'll get him--...the sword back." tsubaki:...r-right....*walking home* ......... Sanjuro: "..." *looks up at the sky* -elsewhere- Magaki: *covering their ears* "..." -...- Magaki: "...Stop..." -...?- Magaki: "Stop talking to me...I don't want to hear it..." -...- Magaki: "..." *lowers their hands* "..." *stares at the one that transforms into the Uncanny Sword* "...Go away..." -elsewhere- Bakugo: [how is your internship?] itsuka: [its...an experience. ^^; ] Bakugo: [about the same -_-# ] *texts a photo: his hair and outfit have been changed* itsuka: [who are you and why do you have katsuki's phone?] Bakugo: [HA HA FUCKING HA. i'm gonna kill jeanist for this shit] itsuka: [XD] Bakugo: [ -_-# what's snake woman got you doing? patrols?] itsuka: ... [advertisement.] Bakugo: [??? like, passing out flyers?] itsuka: [it should be on in 8 minutes on channel 22] Bakugo: "???" *flips on Channel 22* ['kay. let's see what this is all about...] -seems the commercial is promoting the oumagadoki zoo- -momo and itsuka are also in explorer themed outfits- Bakugo: "??? The zoo--" *spots Itsuka* "..." .\\\\. -elsewhere- Tokoyami: "...Is this the work to finish?" ojiro: i think so. *phew* a lot to clean up... Tokoyami: "A civil service, I suppose..." *takes out a flashlight* -later- hagakure: [it's so sad. TT^TT i didnt know how bad things were here in chicago...] Ojiro: [a lot of crime?] hagakure: [that's the least of it. when i got to valkyrie's office, some of the graffiti was disheartening to say the least...] Ojiro: "..." [i'm sorry] hagakure: [cant turn back now, though. i came because i wanted to help out the people who were suffering here. so thats what im going to do! *determined emoticon*] Ojiro: [sure you will. good luck! stay safe] hagakure: [i will. ^^] -elsewhere- Free: *laying down a blanket* milia: zzzz Free: *tucks her in, strokes her head* milia: =w= eruka: *small smile* Free: *stands back...* *whispers to Eruka* "When does she start school?" eruka: sometime in the spring. Free: "That's a bit off...Better help her prep..." -elsewhere- Asura: *shudders* mikan: *pet pet* heibito: =w= Asura: *slight whimper before hugging Heibito* mikan: *hums* Asura: "...This is pleasant." -elsewhere- Lucy: "Zzz..." anne: zzz Lucy: *turns over under her blanket* =w= -morning- Wes: *yawns* liz: zzzz Wes: "..." *rubs her back* liz: morning~ *kiss* Wes: "Good morning." *smooch* ^\\\^ "Sleep well?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *shivers* sonia: *asleep* Chuuya: "..." *gets up, goes to the kitchen...takes out the cat dish* mito: *mreow* Chuuya: *pours out a bit of dry cat food and a bowl of milk* "Here you go, Mi--...Mito." mito: *mew!* *nom nom nom* Chuuya: *pets her* "..." *looks at the kitchen table* -...silence- Chuuya: *sighs, opens the cupboard, removes some bowls and cups* sonia: *yawns and gets up* Chuuya: "??? Sonia? You up?" sonia: *nods and goes to brush her teeth* Chuuya: *wipes his eyes* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "So...That zoo commercial." kim: yeah, i could see them setting up. aoi seemed pretty nervous. Jacqueline: "Hmm...They didn't ask you to be in the commercial?" kim: i didnt offer, so nah. -elsewhere- Endeavor: "--and let the people know you mean business. Give them a dirty glare if you have to." intern 1: *muffled reply* Todoroki: "..." -elsewhere- Gin: *washing blood off her hands* katya: *streeeetch* haaaa, that was great. pushkin: hell yeah it was. did you hear the one guy begging for his mommy? katya: nah, i think my gun was too far down his throat. higuchi:.....a long time ago, you both threw your morality out of a car on a busy highway, didnt you? Gin: "We can't have unwanted attention--which is what you brought onto us." katya: nyeh? Gin: "Do I have to discipline you?" pushkin: are you still mad because i almost killed your bro? OwO;;; *STRANGLE* pushkin: grk- O-O UNCLE! UNCLE! higuchi: gin! katya: GET THE FUCK OFFA HIM! *lunges* -hirotsu put them on janitor duty as punishment= Gin: *in janitor's uniform* -_-#### katya:... <fuck> -elsewhere- Spirit: "Have a good day at work." sachiko: *nods and smiles* Spirit: "I'll have dinner ready..." *smooch* -elsewhere- Kyouka: *picks up her books* "Ready?" atsushi: *nods* Lucy: *walking with them* "What's on the agenda?" atsushi: usual school stuff until christmas break. Kyouka: "Any exams for you?" atsushi: im not sure. Akutagawa: "None for me." Lucy: .____. atsushi: i see akuta-.... O-O;; Kyouka: "You're looking well. Been eating better?" Lucy: "DON'T ENCOURAGE HIM." Akutagawa: "I haven't killed in at least a week..." atsushi: that's good. Akutagawa: "Thank you." Lucy: >_> "_Only_ a week...?" -elsewhere- fukuzawa: hmmm..... Tanizaki: "Sir?" fukuzawa: *looking at his phone.... 'when is the best time to host a baby shower?'* Tanizaki: "...Sir. Is there something you want to tell me?" ._. fukuzawa: ? naomi: you didnt hear? *whispers* kenji: *peeek* hehe, silly mr fukuzawa, babies dont take showers. Tanizaki: *listening* "..." O_____O naomi: yeeep. Tanizaki: "...Jeez. Might as well find a deal on diapers..." -elsewhere- Stein: "I'll need volunteers." sayaka: TTuTT (please dont call on me please dont call on me pleeeeease dont call on me!) Stein: "Miss Kaname." madoka: y-yes sir! sayaka: O.O; Stein: "And Sayaka." sayaka: Q-Q -elsewhere- Medusa: *groans, sets her head at the kitchen counter* neian: zzzz Medusa: "..." *drags a book--"Arcania*--over to herself, rests her head on it, watches Neian* "..." -elsewhere- Katai: *checking his phone* keek: [thanks for helping me] Katai: "..." ("I wish I had done more sooner...") [you're welcome. how are u?] keek: [ok. went 2 doctors. will be going 2 therapy] Katai: [oh good--i think that will help] -elsewhere- Kunikida: *opens his book...holds his pen...his hand is shaking* ranpo: still shook up over that kid, huh? Kunikida: "...Do you have to be so blunt?" ranpo: hey, i just have a detective’s understanding. Kunikida: *shuts his book, tosses his pen away* ranpo: ... Kunikida: "...I can't do this..." yosano: .... Kunikida: "...I think I have to leave." fukuzawa: what do you mean? aya: you can't give up, kunikida! Kunikida: "Look at me...Do you not understand the embarrassment I will attach to this Agency by staying here?" fukuzawa: you arent bringing shame to the agency. Kunikida: "I LET A CHILD DIE! I should be punished!" -stunned silence- Kunikida: "..." aya:....*teary eyed* kunikida... Kunikida: *shakes his head* -elsewhere- Intern #1: "Yo, Kacchan! Good luck today!" Bakugo: "Blow it out your ass." -elsewhere- Gunhead: "Oh no--that poor kitten's stuck way up there..." ochako: *gravities on up* its ok, kitty. -she got clawed up, but it was worth it- -elsewhere- emily: alright. and now for the roll call. mr twain? twain: yo! emily: wilde? oscar: here~ emily: white? ebie: *hanging upside down* here! emily: steinbeck? Steinbeck: *calling from upstairs* "Coming!" *walking down, holding a potted vine* emily: ah. baum? man: we're here~! ^^ girl: present. emily: good. let's see. hemingway? Hemingway: "Ay." emily: that should be- oscar: wait. dickenson isnt here. emily: IM RIGHT HERE! D8> oscar: hmm? oh! she's giving role. sorry hun~ ^^; emily: =_=; Steinbeck: "Okay, now that that part is taken care of, onto business--" *pulls out Christmas lights* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "..." *staring at Christmas lights on the tree* mary: *putting a bow on mr tsubaki* hehe ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *head tilt* mary: hehe ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *nuzzle* -elsewhere- leo: ...... Akutagawa: *enters, carrying a backpack of books* leo: ?? Akutagawa: "...I had to come back to tend to you, as others are not here to do so." leo: ....i....i see.... Akutagawa: "..." *sits down, takes his homework out from his bookbag* "...I go to school now. Did you?" leo: ...i had private tutors when i was much younger. i continued my education with the rats. Akutagawa: "..." *shivers when she says 'Rats'* leo:.... Akutagawa: "...I've gone a week without killing." leo: ? Akutagawa: "I made a promise to someone I want to kill. And that I'm attracted to." leo:.....ah.... Akutagawa: "...I'm conflicted. But not killing has made me...feel things." leo: ....do you love this person? Akutagawa: "...I think so?" leo: ....why? Akutagawa: "...He's powerful." leo:....is that...the only reason? {atsushi: *smiles*} Akutagawa: "...He looks friendly." -elsewhere- Lucy: *opens her lunch* "Jeez...Following us like that." atsushi: yeah…but i think he's been getting kinda better? ish? Lucy: "Yes, I felt much better that he didn't try to kill me this time." -_-; atsushi: i really do think he might get better from this. *smiles and holds her hand* Lucy: =\\\\= "...Tiger instincts, right?" atsushi: *chuckle* -elsewhere- aya: *pounding on katai's door* UNCLE KATAAAAAI WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY!!! Katai: "!!!" *wrapped in his futon, bounces to the door--and falls out of it onto the floor* "...Owie." aya: *shaking him* it's kunikida! he's thinking about leaving! we gotta talk him out of it! >A< Katai: O_O;;;; "...I left. It worked out...fine-ish for me." ^^;;;; *...Something is crawling along the floor behind Katai* *...Is that an amoeba?!* aya: O_o *chokehold* TALK HIM OUT OF IT AND CLEAN YOUR HOUSE DARN IT!! Katai: O________o "OKAY, I WILL! ..." *takes his phone, dials Kunikida* "...It's still dialing..." aya: please pick up.... *CLICK* Kunikida: "...What?" aya: please dont leave, kunikida! you cant just give up because of one slip up! that's not the kunikida that we know! Kunikida: "...'Slip up'?" aya: people make mistakes ok? that's normal. all we can do is learn from the past and improve, right?! Kunikida: "...What am I supposed to learn from someone's death? How many will die..." aya: ....*biting her lip* IF YOU DONT STOP BEING A BABY ABOUT THIS THEN MORE PEOPLE ARE GONNA DIE! YOU CAN HELP STOP THAT! JUST GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR BUTT ALREADY AND START GOING FOR IT, DAMMIT! Kunikida: *triggered, as he remembers lives he has lost--and those he has saved* "..." *drops the phone* aya: ....kuni?....*shaking* kunikida are you ok? {Kunikida: "Aya...I'm sorry that you were almost--"} {aya: its fine. miss yosano was there, right? ^^} {Kunikida: *sighs* "That is a relief..." *opens his book* "Although this unpredictable nonsense has disrupted my schedule. -^- } Kunikida: "..." *picks up the phone* "Are you safe?" aya: y-yeah, im at uncle katai's right now. Kunikida: "Is Katai okay?" aya: yeah. h-he needs to clean though. big time. Kunikida: "...I will be right there. Go out and buy a sponge." -elsewhere- kirako: hmm? dazai? what brings you over? Dazai: "...I came to offer my services." kirako: oh? Dazai: "...May I help with anything? Chores? Baby clothes?" kirako: ah. well, if i need any extra help, i'll let you know. but for now, i seem to be doing well. ^^; Dazai: "...Have you been to the doctor recently?" kirako: besides yosano? *chuckles* Dazai: "I mean...Do you have an OB-GYN?" kirako: i might schedule an appointment later on... -elsewhere- keek: ... Dr. John: "Let me know whether you feel the pen..." *takes her pen, taps it along the top of leg* keek: i feel it.... Dr. John: "Okay..." *taps closer to the healed stump* keek: yeah... Dr. John: "Okay...That means nerves are still active and haven't died...How is pain in the severed nerves?" keek:....i-its not as bad...p-physically, anyway.... Dr. John: "...We can keep track of pain medications. But when you say 'physically'...is there something you wanted to discuss that wasn't physical?" keek:....*shaking* i have....n-nightmares.....the rats....n-nurse lewis...a-a-and that man....*she's shaking badly* Dr. John: "..." *offers her hand* keek: *whimpering* sachiko: *outside* (lewis? s-she doesnt mean......does she?) -elsewhere- Black Star: *sits up in bed* tsubaki: *asleep* Black Star: "..." *pats her head, his hand more healed* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *scrubbing the floor* aya: *dusting* Katai: D: "B-But don't upset the feng shui!" -elsewhere- Mori: "..." -footsteps can be heard- Mori: "!!!" *tries to hide under the desk* -the door opens- fukuzawa: ...... Mori: *trying to lean up against the back of the desk* fukuzawa: mori? i know you're here......it's alright. i have no intentions of fighting you right now. Mori: "...There is no Mori..." fukuzawa: ?? *looks under the desk* Mori: *huddled, holding papers and crayons* Q~Q fukuzawa:.....?? mori? Mori: *holds up a paper, with a drawing of Elise* fukuzawa: .............she's your ability, isnt she? Mori: "...Yes." fukuzawa: you can summon her again, right? Mori: "...It's so hard..." fukuzawa: ?? Mori: "Summoning her...She won't be how she wants to be..." fukuzawa: what do you mean? Mori: "She...can never age." fukuzawa: .... Mori: "...I don't deserve..." fukuzawa:....what happened to you, mori? Mori: "...The loss of innocence..." *puts a hand through his hair* fukuzawa: ..... Mori: "...You have seen enough death. You survived it." fukuzawa: ..... Mori: "...Rintaro did not." fukuzawa:....rintarou? (come to think of it, that girl always called him that....) Mori: *nods* "He died when he...When I...When we..." fukuzawa: when you what? Mori: "...Killed them..." fukuzawa: ... Mori: "Rintaro's mother..." fukuzawa: !! Mori: "And...father." fukuzawa: ?! Mori: *closes his eyes as tears fall* "I-I guess we're orphans, huh, Rintaro?" fukuzawa: ... Mori: *giggles...which turns into crying* fukuzawa: .....(natsume...what do we do with him like this?) Mori: *shaking, curled up in the fetal position* fukuzawa: .... Mori: *shivering, closing his eyes* fukuzawa:...*sighs* god dammit.....come on. *picks him up* if people knew the boss of the port mafia was hanging around here by himself, you'd be an easy target...especially like this... Mori: "Zzz..." fukuzawa:.... *sighs and begins heading back* Mori: *nuzzles into his chest* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *grabs a box of cereal at the grocery* katya: sup. -she and pushkin have a whole cart full of milk...- hirotsu: put those back. katya: =n=# pushkin: =3= Chuuya: "...What...the...heck?" hirotsu: *sigh* those two are quite the handful... Chuuya: "...Working with them seems like a bad plan. How you hiding this from authorities?" hirotsu: you'd be surprised. we managed to clear you and akutagawa's ledgers so you may attend school, we can clean theirs as well. Chuuya: "That's a fair point...Just keep them away from me." hirotsu: while their attitudes can use _quite_ an improvement, they have proven effective in terms of missions, especially given akutagawa's 'hiatus'. Chuuya: "...Still thinking he won't last another week." -morning- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: morning~ Kid: =w= "Good morning..." *smooch* stocking: mmmm~ Kid: *cuddles* "How was your sleep?" stocking: good. -elsewhere- atsushi: *streeeetch*.... *goes out for a quick walk around the apartments* Dazai: *on the roof* atsushi: *sighs and tiger jumps onto the roof* hey dazai, please dont jump. *pulling him back* Dazai: O_O; "...I was just admiring the view!" -phone message- Dazai: *pulls up the message* [emergency mandatory meeting; fukuzawa's apt] Dazai: "??? Okay, let's move..." -in the apartment- ranpo: so what's up? kirako: is everyone here? Kyouka: "Yes." Dazai: "..." Tanizaki: *looking around* *No Kunikida* naomi: mmhmm. kenji: is kuni sick? *Knock knock* kirako: *looks* *Kunikida is outside* yosano: found him! aya: *following him inside* Kunikida: "I'm sorry. I got turned around on the way here." fukuzawa: so then everyone is accounted for. mii: *mreeeeow* Dazai: "Y-Yeah...What is this about?" fukuzawa: on my walk last night, i found something rather...distressing...he was in a bad state and i was forced to bring him back with me to keep him out of harms way. Kunikida: " 'He'?" fukuzawa: *looks in the other room* it's alright, you may come out. they wont hurt you. *shivering is heard...as Mori walks in, wrapped in a blanket* yosano: what... atsushi: ....the.... odasaku: actual fuck.... ranpo: WTF?! kenji: hi! kirako: O_O Kyouka: !!!!!!!!!!! *hides behind Kirako* Kunikida: "!!!" *puts Aya behind him* "Sir, what is the meaning of this?" -he explains what happened- ranpo: he looks...almost kind of cute this way.....i feel sick. yosano: there is so much wrong with this picture. Dazai: "..." *leans forward, stares at Mori in the face* Mori: "..." atsushi: what's he doing? odasaku: ... Dazai: "..." *flicks Mori's nose* Mori: "OW! naomi: um... ._.; Dazai: "Huh...Never thought this would happen. So, what, we switch bodyguarding him?" fukuzawa: for now, until we can figure out what to do with him, we'll be keeping him here so that he doesnt endanger himself or others. Kunikida: "It's the 'others' part that concerns me. What do you propose?" fukuzawa: i will be keeping him in the back room for the time being. Dazai: "So who takes the first shift watching him--" Mori: *stares at Naomi* naomi: not it! aya: not it! yosano: i'll do it. ranpo: really? yosano: well, someone has to. Mori: *stares at Yosano* "...Oh! Long time no see, akiki!" yosano:...what the fuck? ._.' Mori: ^^ "Glad to see you. How's the medical profession treating you?" yosano: fairly well. and it seems i'll be treating you for today. Mori: "Okay. Just don't treat me like that one patient we had your last year--that guy really didn't need a spinal tap that badly..." yosano: ... -_-; this is going to be a long day, isnt it? fukuzawa: it doesnt look hopeful. atsushi: ._.; (so that's where ranpo gets his bluntness from...) Dazai: "Well, we'll leave you to it~" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *sets a tray of food down for Leo* leo:....*small nom* Akutagawa: "...You miss him?" leo:....hard not to...im worried.... Akutagawa: "He did try to kill me and my...rival." leo: .....if you're angry with him, you can take it out on me.....i cant die anyway.... Akutagawa: "...Useful." leo: ......on an outside perspective, yes.... Akutagawa: "...Even if you cannot die, I'm not sure I could...That is a bit ambiguous whether it would violate my agreement." leo: ... Akutagawa: "..." *sits down* "...What does love feel like?" leo: eh? well....when you're able to be with that person, it feels....warm. Akutagawa: "And light?" leo:...*small smile* yes. Akutagawa: "..." *nods* "It feels peaceful." -elsewhere- Katai: *walking through the grocery...dragging his futon with him* blair: oh hello~ ^^ Katai: o\\\\w\\\\o "H-H-H-Hell-oooo?" blair: ^^ Katai: owo "...Fish." blair:...nyeh? OwO~? Katai: "I-I went f-fishing...Do you like fish?" -elsewhere- Victor: "So..." *hands out the groceries* "I think the Eighth is about ready." ivy: about fucking time. Joker: "No kidding. After all this, I don't know whose liver was going to hold out longer, mine's or Red's." -elsewhere- Takehisa: *packing the Matchbox* shinra: ..... Akitaru: "...Hey." shinra: !! *salutes* sir! Akitaru: *small laugh, salutes back* "At ease, soldier. Just wanted to see whether you're up for this." shinra: of course! i mean, i-i have to be, right? Akitaru: *smiles* "Right!" *pats his back* "...We'll bring him back." -elsewhere- Hibana: *opening a box* gabriella: a gift for iris? Hibana: *nods* "I thought it was time..." gabriella: *peek* oh! Hibana: "You think she'll accept it?" gabriella: im certain. -elsewhere- Master: *sets down a glass of water--then notices a ripple in it* "???" miranda: looks like another one. Master: "Weird. We had them months ago--and now they're back?" -elsewhere- naomi: ._.; Tanizaki: *facepalm* naomi: why is he clinging to me? .____.;;; Mori: =w= Tanizaki: "..." *removes a switchblade* naomi: um.... *poke poke* Mori: "I feel at peace...You're very kind, ma'am." naomi:...um....thanks? *blinks* Mori: *rests his head on her lap* "You're like a mommy..." Tanizaki: *biting his lips, taking out another switchblade* naomi: .______. *sweats and screams on the inside* -elsewhere- -rumble rumble- Kyouka: *hiding under a table* O~O atsushi: everyone ok? kirako: y-yeah. *rubs her stomach* Dazai: "..." *looks out the window* "...No obvious damage. Just some car alarms..." aya: that's good... Kunikida: "..." *re-sets the table* -elsewhere- Kid: "..." *shivers* stocking: *pats his back* Kid: "N-Not again..." stocking: shhhhh, im here, kid... Kid: *shivers, slight whimper* stocking: *holding him to her chest and strokes his head* Kid: *closes his eyes, trying to steady his breath...* stocking: *humming* Kid: *calms down, starting to sleep* -elsewhere- Katai: owo;;;; "...You okay?" blair: nyeah. just a bit startled is all. ^^ Katai: "Th-That's good..." *he had leapt into her arms* blair: hehe, cozy? *slight squish* Katai: o\\\\w\\\\o "...Incredibly so?" -elsewhere- Poe: *under a pile of books that fell from the shelves* ._.; lana: *helping him up* edgar, are you ok? Poe: *nod nod* "I-I know I like to put my head into a book, but this is ridiculous." ^^; lana:.......*chuckles* Poe: "..." *forehead smooch* lana: ^///////^ -elsewhere- Chuuya: *using his gravity powers to hold items up before they hit the floor...the amount he is holding up is stressing out his body* .______.;;;; "I-Is that everything?" kouyou: *she nods* Chuuya: "..." *lowers the items...then falls back onto the floor with a sigh* "Phew..." -elsewhere- Izuku: "Wow! Are you okay, sir?" gran torino: bwahaha! mother nature cant keep me down! Izuku: o_o; "I suppose not..." *picks up items that fell in the kitchen--including boxes of candy* "...You sure like sweets, sir..." -elsewhere- Bystander: "Isn't that that cat-girl who lost in the Sports Festival?" tamaki: *keeping a straight face, altough she was a bit hurt* nozomi: try not to mind them that much, miss tamaki. ^^; Bystander #2: "I think she lost more than the match--you see her pants fly off?" tamaki: *HISSSSSSSSSSSS* Bystander #2: *falls back* "Oh shit!" -elsewhere- Yohei: "Damn...It cracked the roof." mana: showtaro? you got the supplies? Shotaro: *lifts them up with Bone of the Ox* "Got 'em!" mana: ok! let's do this then. -elsewhere- Victor: *carefully crawls back into the Eighth through the open window* komori: *staaaaaare* Victor: O________O;;;; "...Um...Howdy!" komori: [sneaking out again?] Victor: ^^;;; "Oh, you know--my family is up at weird hours, have to get there when I can. And I don't want the Commander to dock me for personal days or sicks days--I'm saving those up to go to a comic convention next month." *nervous laugh* komori:......*eye glints at him* Victor: O______O;;; *runs--into the wall* -elsewhere- Spirit: "...You okay?" sachiko: yeah...just uneasy.... Spirit: "Something at work?" sachiko:...*sigh* if what that girl said is true, that zoey actually did that to her.....do i get the authorities involved? if i do that, they'll question her, and it might just stress her out more than she already is... Spirit: "Wait, Zoey? ...What girl? She knows something about your coworker who went craz-- ...Who..." -she explains the situation- Spirit: "...Have you talked to this girl?" sachiko: not yet. but please dont tell anyone i told you this, i could get in some real shit for telling you this... Spirit: *zips his lips* "Got it. Not even if Lord Death asked me." sachiko: *smiles* thanks, spirit. *hugs* Spirit: *pats her back, hugs her* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *looks outside* "...Where the devil is he? Why would he leave home? Did he get shot...again?" -knocks- Kunikida: "???" *looks through the peephole* -it's katai!- Kunikida: "!!!" *throws open the door* "Where were you?! I was worried sick..." Katai: .\\\. aya: uncle katai? Katai: "...Hi. I, um...Earthquake." -elsewhere- Karim: *drenched* -_-# pearl: *giving him a towel* ruby: when's dia gonna get back? -elsewhere- dia: ..... Fyodor: *smiles* dia: ....<i held up my end, you hold up yours...> Fyodor: <How shall I begin?> dia: ... Fyodor: <Maybe tell you where she went?> dia: <where is she?> Fyodor: *smiles* <I can't write it out. You'll need a map...> dia: ... Fyodor: <Do you have one? I can dictate the directions to you...> -elsewhere- leo: ... Akutagawa: *nudges Naoya* "Talk to her." naoya: hey there. leo: ...*nod* naoya: *hands her a beer can* thirsty? leo:....im good.... naoya: well, i had a talk with kouyou about finding you some work. leo: ............... Akutagawa: "You may like it. Just listen." naoya: kouyou said she'd offer you a position as a courtesan. she said she'd hate to let you rot away in this dingy-ass cell. 'sides, we let the other two nimrods out, why not let you out too? leo: ........ it wouldnt.....be the first time i was in such a position...... naoya:...... ._.; *feeling like an ass* did you want to talk to her personally? Akutagawa: "...That might be a good idea." leo:.....perhaps...... Akutagawa: "...When would you like? It could be later." leo:....it doesnt really matter when.... -elsewhere- Ivan: *shivers* -silence.... deafening silence....- Ivan: "...Am I going to die like this, Master?" fyo-dolly: ..... Ivan: "..." *strokes the puppet* <I suppose...if it is for you...> -elsewhere- Shinoda: o_o;;; "...What are you doing?" mana: fixing the roof, what does it look like? Shinoda: "But Nea said she likes it like this..." chie: it's going to cause a leak! D8< nea: *pouts* fiiine... Shinoda: ^^; "I'll treat you to ice cream..." -elsewhere- Rin: "Was class that bad?" madoka: i-im alive. QuQ *shaking* sayaka: TTwTT kilik:... *pat pat* sayaka: thank you TTATT Rin: "Jeez..." *hugs Madoka* "That bad, huh?" -elsewhere- Yumi: *cradling Shiori* shiori: zzzzz lord death: *small smile* kirika: ... Yumi: *sets Shiori down into her bed* kirika: ...cute. Yumi: "??? Kirika?" kirika: w-what? lord death: *hug* kirika: !!... 7///7; Yumi: *pat pat* -elsewhere- Magaki: "..." *grimace* -...- Magaki: <The blood is so awful...I never wanted to drink it...> *sets it down* <...No, relax. I got it from the butcher's shop.> -...- Magaki: "..." <What exactly can _you_ do, anyway? Aside from sword-stuff...> -elsewhere- Sakuya: *sitting at the kitchen table, looking at the night sky* soul: cant sleep? Sakuya: "No...Not a new problem." soul: ah.....need something to drink? Sakuya: "...Yep." soul: milk? Sakuya: *nods* "...Maybe cookies?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." sonia: zzzz Chuuya: "..." *tucks her in* sonia: *holding her teddy* Chuuya: *soft sigh* ("Surprised she likes that thing...") sonia: zzzz Chuuya: *small forehead kiss* sonia: =w= Chuuya: *smiles, before he stands up and heads to the door* -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." *turns over* kirako: zzzz Dazai: "..." *protective hug* kirako: =///= Dazai: "..." *small cuddle* -elsewhere- fukuzawa: .... Mori: "Zzzz..." ranpo: zzzz fukuzawa: ....*reading* Mori: *turns over* "E-Elise..." fukuzawa: .... Mori: *whimpers* fukuzawa:....*awkward shoulder pat* Mori: TT~TT -elsewhere- Jonah: *giggles, re-designing a Hood's face* hood: OwO guruna: *spinning in a swivel chair* kurururu~ Jonah: "I think you'll enjoy it. It'll be great for infiltration..." -elsewhere- Burns: "Why are you still awake?" dia: sorry sir, busy day.... Burns: "Hmm." *offers a mug* "Have a seat." dia: *sitting down* ... *her hands are a bit shaky* Burns: "...Okay. What's eating at you?" dia:....*sigh* just....this dostoevsky incident... Burns: "??? What about it?" dia: b...bad memories.... -she explains what happened, but leaves out the part about barkova- Burns: "...I had my suspicions you knew him." dia:....i thought....coming here would keep me away from that terrible place.....he's in my head.... Burns: "Only if you let him." dia: ....im sorry, sir. Burns: "Don't apologize. This is a rough spot that you'll get through." dia:...u-understood. Burns: "..." *pats her shoulder* "You're tough. I know you won't let some lunatic get to you." dia:... *she nods* .... -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "Zzz..." Gin: *sets the blanket down, tucks him in* Akutagawa: *breathes more easily* -elsewhere- leo: ...... *A door down the hall sounds like it opens* leo: ?? ???: "...Sleeping?" leo: .....who is this? Kouyou: *approaches* "Someone who has been wanting to speak with you." leo:...oh. Kouyou: "Disappointed?" leo: n-no, just....i dont know about this....i dont want to betray the rats... Kouyou: "And how would this be betrayal?" leo: if your suggestion is for me to work for you.... Kouyou: "Yes, it is. And I think you would do well..." *studies Leo's face* leo: *there is a solemn look on her face, her eyes dull and tired, weary of the world* Kouyou: "...What do you want?" leo: ....an escape from this ability of mine....i want to be able to die....but i cant... Kouyou: "...I'm sorry. I don't know what you have gone through..." leo: .......*silently stares at the wall, tears falling, but her expression doesnt change* Kouyou: "..." *unlocks the door* leo: .... Kouyou: *enters...sits beside her* leo:......?? Kouyou: "..." *pats her hand* leo:.....*shaking a bit* Kouyou: "It's okay...Cry as much as you need to." leo: ........ Kouyou: *pats her back* leo: .... Kouyou: "...Do you like tea?" leo:.... *nod* Kouyou: "Then let's get you some tea." *presses a button on her smartphone* -elsewhere- Katai: =w= "Zzz..." blair: *in cat form, sleeping on his lap* Katai: *turns slightly...looks up* "...??? ..." *pets Blair* -elsewhere- Yukio: *wide awake* "..." momo sakura: *yawn* yuki? Yukio: *sits up* "Momo?" *puts on his glasses* "Can't sleep?" momo sakura: *nod nod* Yukio: "...Want to talk?" -elsewhere- shinra:..... *It's dark...There is hardly any light...* shinra: oh.... this place again... *There is fire, but little, no warmth...A skull is at Shinra's feet* shinra: WARG! *falls over* ???: mr kusakabe? shinra: *blinks* oh, hey mikami. mikami: *awkward wave* shinra: ok, so we're lucid dreaming right now or something? mikami: i think so. shinra: ok. so how about we check this place out and see what we find? mikami: *nods* -the two are walking along, looking for any other potential people- *A pedestal can be seen* mikami: what do you think it is? shinra: not sure... helloooooo? anyone here? *The room grows bright* shinra: *he sees someone* ?? ...... !!! *Someone in a cloak, with odd tips poking from the top appears...Someone stands before them* shinra: s-sho? sho! Sho: *looks up* "...You again." shinra: *reaching for him* grab on! Sho: *stares...holds his sword* -whud- shinra: *lying on the floor* ....ow.... -elsewhere- Sho: *eyes snap open* dahlia: shall we proceed? Sho: "..." *takes up his sword* "I am ready." -elsewhere- Hibana: "?! What's wrong?" mikami: s-sorry, i just had a nightmare. ^^; ryuuko: are you bruised? mikami: i-i dont think so...*brushing her bangs out....showing her blind eye...* Hibana: "...Well, I hope sleep is better. Need something?" -elsewhere- Yumi: "Shh...It's okay..." kirika: *peeks into kid's room* ?? Kid: *holding his head* kirika: is he ok? lord death: *pats his back* shhh... Kid: *whimpering* *his skin is burning up* lord death: ellen, call for stein. ellen: right away, sir. Kid: *closing his eyes, getting faint* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Zzz..." mito: zzzz Chuuya: *yawns...pets Mito* mito: =w= Chuuya: *sighs...looks at the clock* -4 AM- Chuuya: *groans* "Still early..." mito: *streeeetch* Chuuya: "..." *pets along Mito's stretching* mito: =w= Chuuya: *picks up a cat toy, wiggles it* mito: *batting at it* Chuuya: *smiles, moving it up and down to get Mito to leap onto the bed* mito: *leaps* *mreeew* ^w^ Karim: "..." pearl: *doing round and bumps into someone* ah! sorry about that sir- Onyango: "Excuse you." pearl: *ahem* may we help you? dia: ... !! ah, commander onyango! it's been a while. Onyango: "...Dia? Child. You're older now." dia: yes. pearl: s-she's actually a company commander now after rekk- *tenses* f-father hoshimiya's passing... Onyango: "...And that is why I am here, child." *turns back to Dia, ignoring Pearl* "Where is the Commander?" dia: he should be in his office. Onyango: "Still the same place, or has the building been re-built, too?" -elsewhere- *Someone stumbling, bleeding from their stomach* ???: "H-Help..." 'eyebrows': oh! oh goodness! tao: commander! we got someone hurt! Huang: *walking into the alley* "Symptoms? Condition?" tao: they've been cut open! Huang: "Gloves." granny: *handing her the gloves and medkit* Huang: *puts on the gloves, takes out clothes* "Wipe the blood. Sterilize the wound." 'eyebrows': understood! ritsu: y-yes! Huang: *takes out needle and thread...she charges a flame along the needle* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: ._. *sits up* "Did you feel that?" fang-hua: mmmn? Tsukiyo: "The ground just shook..." fang-hua: so they're starting up again? Tsukiyo: "What is causing them? I don't know where the fault lines are..." -early morning- shinra: so then the nether... Victor: "Yep! This is a 'wear dark pants' kind of a mission..." tamaki: TMI! iris: will you really be ok with going, relan? Relan: "I-I've been improving my combat skills--I think? I mean, if Victor, Nozomi, and Vulcan are going, I should be able to, too, right?" ^^;;;;; "..." shinra: *smiles* i believe in you rel! nozomi: *nervous* karin: *she has on a backpack with something in it* dont worry, kiddo. we got you covered! Vulcan: *twirling the keys* "We're all packed. I'll take care of driving us there." -and so- shinra: it's pretty overgrown... tamaki: the snow just makes it creepier! >~< shinra: try not to lose your pants, ok? tamaki: GET BENT! Akitaru: "Hey, settle down! Just be happy the city let us go in here. After what happened with the last venture people made underground...and the one before that..." tamaki:.... Q_Q;;; Takehisa: "...Sir, are you nervous?" Akitaru: "Why would you say that?" *his knees are knocking into each other as he shakes just below the waist* komori: [i will stay by the matchbox] maki: ._.; Vulcan: "I wouldn't worry too much, guys. I did water clean-up work here all the time...Hey, Sister? You got a prayer before we go in?" iris: y-yes! *praying* i ask for the infinite dawn, give light to the impure souls. ratomu. *CREEK* *the doors are opening* tamaki: MREOW! karin: huh. Arthur: "Magic door--MAGIC DOOR!" Akitaru: "Sister, stay back..." iris: *backs up and looks at her hands, stunned* Arthur: "She's a witch--burn her!" -PUNCH- Relan: -_-# maki: *fist steaming* Arthur: X~X Vulcan: "Um, guys?" *he's by a power station* "The electricity still works here. Even the door-opening mechanism is still operational--" shinra: are you trying to give us a collective heart attack?! Vulcan: "What? We're all fine, right?" Akitaru: *facing the open doors* "..." shinra:....*gulps* tamaki: ._.;;;; creepy.... -and so they enter- karin: *turns her headlights on* nozomi: *gulp* is everyone alright? tamaki: Q_Q Arthur: "I don't know what the big deal is." Vulcan: "Yeah. Looks the same as before. Oh, hey, look!" *points* "My tag [graffiti] is still here!" nozomi: ^^; maki: pusupusu, can you give us some extra light? pusupusu: pususu~ 💗 Takehisa: "??? What's this Mickey Mouse looking symbol?" *pushes the dust aside--and there is a skeleton on the ground* "..." tamaki: *SCREAM* iris: !!! Relan: "!!! Eeeek!" shinra: ._.;;; *Groaning is heard* Akitaru: "Calm down! We don't need any of you groaning!" shinra: 0_______0;;;; Takehisa: "...Sir. That wasn't us..." Akitaru: "...Then who was it?" karin: *looks in the direction of the sound* what the? iris: !!!! ???: "Leave...Iris..." iris: SISTER! shinra: hiban- (no...something isnt right here....) "Hibana": *reaching out a hand* "Save...me!" iris: *running towards her* shinra: !!! WAIT IRIS- -a thick mist appears- misora: EEP! tamaki: WHAT THE FUCK shinra: shit! "Hibana": "..." *her smile warps into a gaping mouth, opening wide, as her hand grabs Iris's wrist--and digs nails into her skin* iris: *SCREAMS* tamaki: GET OFF HER! shinra: IRIS!! RELAN! GUYS! Relan: "I can't see! Where are you--AAAAH!" -the fog disperses...- Takehisa: *collapsed on his back, unconscious* -elsewhere- tamaki: *cough cough* iris! relan! you two ok? Relan: *whimpering* iris: i-i think so..relan! are you ok?? Relan: "Th-They already separated us..." tamaki:...ok, just breathe, you're gonna be fine. i'll look after you two....*spots someone* ....w-what the....? iris: is that....another sister? amber?: ....... *standing still, her back facing them* tamaki: a-amber? amber?! amber?:..................................... Relan: "...After what we just saw..." tamaki: amber, it's me tama- *turns her around* -'amber's' face is badly decayed- tamaki: *screams and stumbles back, hitting a fake wall and falling into the darkness, screaming* iris: !!! TAMAKI! Relan: "!!!" *looks at 'Amber'* iris: !!! *A large man, carrying the demeanor of a priest, approaches* iris: *tense* Assault: "...I do not enjoy the prospect of killing children. But if you are in the way of our Preacher, then Assault will kill you." -elsewhere- maki: ugh.... *winces* c-crap... -she's alone in what seems to be an old railway- maki: *whimper* this sucks....but at least it cant get any 'better' right?! QuQ;; ???: it's only some stray child. maki: O-O;;;; *turns and looks* *Numerous White Hoods surround her* maki: awwww biscuits. Flail: "Heh. 'Child'? It's just a woman trembling in the dark..." maki: how cute, im gonna deck you in the shnozz now ^^ white hood: she's gonna what us in the what now? -SLAM- hood: @_@ maki: *demon eyes* -several hood run in terror- Flail: "She is just a puny little girly woman! We can take her, men! GET BACK HERE AND STOP RUNNING LIKE PUSSIES! THIS IS A PERFECTLY GOOD CAUSE TO DIE FOR!" maki: i think your big nose just scared them. -iron owls go- Flail: "MY NOSE IS NOT BIG--" "Disc": "Shut up, sir." *firing flaming disks at Maki* maki: *finger guns and fires them back at them* nah. Bee: O_O;; "I TOLD YOU DISCS WAS A DUMB THEME, FRIZ!" *struggling to duck--and gets his hood shaved off by a disc* Friz: "SHUT UP, BEE!" *gets a disc-shaving up his back* "AAAH!" Flail: *facepalm* "I thought we'd be more effective than this..." maki: ^u^ Flail: "..." *throws off his cloak* maki: aww, does big nose wanna pway? *Flail stands, bare-chested, hairy, with a chain in his hands* Flail: "I'll crush you, tiny girly woman!" maki: *urk* oh god, my eyes burn! hood 4: *runs to vomit* Flail: *summons a fireball along the chain* "ENOUGH WITH THE DUMB JOKES!" maki: alright... come at me, bro. *The fireball grows spikes to become a mace* Flail: "In the name of the Preacher, I bless you with DEATH!" maki: *DODGING* *The mace smashes the ground, walls--and some Hoods* Bee: O_o; "I HATE THIS JOB--" *SQUISHED* hood 5: OW! *he's naked now* FUCK THIS LUCKY LEWD CURSE! TT~TT Flail: "Don't let a little nudity stop you, boys!" *BANG BANG BANG* -IRON OWL PUNCH- Flail: *his face is squished by the sides* maki *PUNCHES HIM IN THE GUT* Flail: "..." *laughs, coughing up blood* "HA! No matter how muscular you are, at the end of this, you are still just a woman!" maki: *glares and chops him into the dirt* yes. a woman who just wrecked your shit. Flail: "BUT I'M STILL STANDING--" -BWAM- Flail: X~X "..." *Meteor Strike then falls onto his lower body, smashing his balls* x.x -elsewhere- Vulcan: "It's like biology, really. People come together, people depart--" Akitaru: -_-# "Don't turn this into science talk." Vulcan: "We get separated, we return. Just like how we'll find Lisa, right, sir?" Akitaru: *sighs* "If we just stand here, we're not going to find anyone--" ???: !!!!! Akitaru: "...Oh, you got to be kidding me--" -SMACK- Akitaru: *knocked down across the floor, into the wall* Giovanni: "Kukuku..." Vulcan: "..." *smiles* "Lisa." lisa: ......... Vulcan: "Got to say, you're looking great. That outfit suits you." lisa: .....*shaking* Vulcan: *trying to hold onto his friendly smile, even as his eyes are wet* lisa: why did you come here, vulcan? Vulcan: "...That's a silly question. To bring you home." lisa:.....*her eyes look dull* Giovanni: "WhaT'S WRonG, Feeler?" lisa: *eyes wide in horror* {Giovanni: "...A stray."} {lisa: *staring up at him*} lisa: *shaking* Giovanni: "I taught you: to control flames, to control humans...to control hIM. I GOt him to adOPT YOU. MAYBe i neeD TO REMind you of yoUR LESSON..." lisa: *trembling* ah- Vulcan: "!!! Get away from her!" Vulcan: *rushes at Giovanni* lisa: *shooting firey tentacles out at them* feeler....i am feeler.....right? Giovanni: "Yes--" Vulcan: "No!" *VULCAN PUNCH--" Giovanni: *catches Vulcan's fist--with a robotic hand* Vulcan: "...What the f--" *tossed* lisa: .... Vulcan: *lying on his back, coughing* Giovanni: "I have his key, I know the rest from his family. Feeler, cremate him." lisa: *attacking* Vulcan: "!!!" *a small ball rolls in between Lisa and Vulcan* lisa: ?? -elsewhere- tamaki: *winces as she gets up* ah....*slams her fist to the floor, yelling* FUCK! FUCKING! DAMMIT! *she's crying* *whimpering* i hate this...i cant do anything...i couldnt keep them safe....am i just...that useless? ???: kurukurukurururu~ tamaki: ?! *looks up* guruna: oh my my~ what have we here~? a lost little kitty? Tamaki: "Nyah?" guruna: kururu~ how cute. what's your name, little kitten? Tamaki: "..." *steps back, assuming a defensive pose, summoning a flame tail* "Back off!" guruna: aw, does kitty want to play a game? kururu~ very well~ *sends a fire tornado at her* Tamaki: "!!!" *pushes with fire-tail and kitten fire paws, trying to get out of the path--* guruna: hmm, your movements are all sloppy-sloppy. it's because you're upset, riiiight~? *Tamaki's tail gets caught in the fire tornado* Tamaki: O_____O "OH SHIT--" BLAM- Tamaki: *face-first into the wall* "..." guruna: kurururu~ aww, did kitty get all hurtsy? you're upset, riiiight~? i think i know whyyyyy~ because you're a child of misfortune... Tamaki: "..." *pulls her face off the wall...she's bleeding...and it's mixed with her tears* "..." guruna: i can understaaaand~ im a child of misfortune as well. when i was just a little girl, my mommy and daddy didnt want me anymore, so one day, they threw me out of the car over a bridge and drove away. i waited for days for them to come back, but they never came back. Y_Y Tamaki: "...Oh my..." *tries to stand up* guruna: one day, the hoods found me. i was so mad and sad that the world had been so mean to me. i wanted to make them hurt. i wanted them to hurt for how they treated me. *crawls over to her* you're mad too, arent you? because the world treats you like a joke *rubs a hand up her stomach and smiles* it's ok, tammykins, we can just...burn this awful world together <3 Tamaki: "...Okay, stop touching me right the fuck now." guruna: kuru? Tamaki: "I'm sorry...about what you went through. That's not fair. But you taking it out on a world, where there are many innocent people is not the answer!" guruna: oh? Tamaki: "So, we can either talk this out..." *Tamaki's tail returns--along with two...three...six...* guruna: kuru? O_o;;;;; Tamaki: *growls...as fire extends along her back, over her head, forming tiger teeth* guruna: OwO;; Tamaki: *roars, as she rushes on all fours with nine-tails coming off of her* guruna: *sending fire tornados at her* Tamaki: *tail whip #1* guruna: *slammed into a wall, revealing a staircase up to the upper levels* Tamaki: "..." *lowers her fangs, smiles* "Lucky." -in the upper levels- iris: *hiding with relan in a room* *looking around* hmm.... Relan: *trying to steady his breath* iris:...*touches her cheek* (if this was long ago, i couldnt even move....but im not the same person anymore. right now, relan needs me. and we need to get out of here.) *spots a fire extinguisher and crowbar*.... *idea* relan? i have a plan. Relan: "Wh-What?" iris: *smiles* think you can handle a crowbar? -outside- Assault: *marching through* "My Lord commands I follow through." -one door opens and iris steps out, holding the extinguisher- Assault: *pulls back his fist* "I'm sorry..." iris:....... Relan: *pulls back with the crowbar* "..." *brings it down--* Assault: *catches* Relan: "!!!" iris: !!!! *sprays him down* Assault: *just stands there, before he tosses Relan back* Relan: "UMPH!" iris: !!! relan! Assault: *grabs Iris by the neck* iris: *grk-* Assault: *summons a fire bullet* "I am sorry. But this is ho--" *CRACK* iris: *falls* *cough* ah! Assault: *his left arm is bruised...but his right arm is still holding a fire bullet* "..." *turns back* Relan: Q~Q *still holding the crowbar* "...G-Get away!" *swings it* Assault: *dodges* "I guess I should have killed you first." *kicks Relan back* Relan: *falls back, still holding the crowbar* iris: *throws the extinguisher at assault's head* Assault: "..." *lifts his foot--and slams it onto Relan's chest* Relan: *screams* iris: get AWAY FROM HIM! *tackles him* Assault: "!!!" *collapses to his knees* "You little welp!" *grabs Iris by her hair* iris: *bites down on his arm* Assault: "AH!" *pulls harder on Iris's hair--tearing some out* iris: *winces, bleeding a bit* Assault: *pulls back his fist--* ???: ururuRURURURUUUUUUU -GURUNA GETS SLAMMED RIGHT INTO HIM, sending them both into the wall- guruna: @u@ uwaaaa, now im really dizzy~ iris: !!... *looks* tamaki!! you're alright! Assault: *his head is smashed into the wall...there is blood* Relan: *turns over, sitting up* tamaki: *panting* you two ok? Relan: *coughing blood* iris: !!! relan! *runs over to him* are you ok??!! Relan: *crying...but smiling* "I'm just...glad you're okay." iris: *hugs him* Relan: *pat pat* tamaki:....come on, we need to find the others....... *Assault is standing over them again...* Relan: "!!!" *takes the crowbar--leaps, and slams it through his teeth* Assault: "GAAAH!" *falls back* Relan: Q______Q "..." guruna: *squished* KU- tamaki:....lets go.... guruna: kuruuu... love hurts... TTuTT -elsewhere- Takehisa: "..." arrow:.... *aiming at him and shooting* .... -elsewhere- shinra: guys? *shaking* where are you?! ???: "I'm over here!" shinra: victor, you ok? nozomi: w-we're fine. karin: just glad to be alive. Victor: "I-I had someone trying to hold a sword at me..." Q_Q karin: but i scared them off, nyoho~ ^^ nozomi: dr itou... ^^; Victor: "Shinra...This is why I said this was a dark-pants day...Have you found your brother?" shinra:...no, not yet. but he's close. big brother instincts. karin:.... ?? are those...gunshots? -elsewhere- arrow: ..... Takehisa: ("It's almost pitch-black--yet their aim is incredible. And I haven't landed a single hit.") -BANG- Takehisa: ("I'm a sitting target...") *spots the abandoned subway car* ("Need cover.") -a light shines through the car- arrow:.... Takehisa: "!!!" *falls back--* -FWOOOOOOOOM- Takehisa: *he has landed back on the floor--and the blast blew away his glasses* arrow: i dont allow...for my prey to escape.... *fires again* Takehisa: *barely dodges, the fire arrow just skimming along his leg* "...Sorry. That 'prey' belongs to us." arrow: this world is always changing.... human feelings are...unneeded.... we will obtain the adora burst....both kusakabe, and kurai's... Takehisa: ("With this fog, and without my glasses, it is difficult...") "Hmm...No feelings? I suppose that makes it easier to organize the world...But it won't convince Shinra or Mikami to join you." toujou?: then why are you fighting? Takehisa: "..." *smiles* "That's hardly going to provoke me, 'Toujou.' Your face just makes me calm." *lowers his duffle, opening and removing pieces* mirage: what is he doing? Jonah: "Are those...shotguns?" -BLAM- mirage: O-O;; Takehisa: *holding a smoking shotgun* "..." mirage: noisy...and that shockwave... -elsewhere- seraphim: ah....so _they_ are here as well, lord sho? Sho: *closes his eyes* "...Yes. I sense them." seraphim: shall i greet them? Sho: "...Leave Kusakabe to me." -elsewhere- arrow: *aiming, even though she is wounded* *BOOM* arrow:..... Takehisa: *trying to steady himself* ("At this rate...I'm going to pass out...") “…” ("In this world, it is spectacular deaths that command attention...Flame combustion...Superheroes...Meisters...I always knew my death could come at any point...I am always prepared to die...") "..." *looks at the 8 on his sleeve* "...Damn it. If I left it to Obi, who would care for our subordinates?" *takes up one last rifle* arrow: *shoots* Takehisa: ("And I...will use my opponent's flame to increase my own...") *His bullet moves faster by sapping the fire from Arrow's arrow* -BOOOOOOOOOM- arrow: *knocked back, screaming* Takehisa: "..." *falls, slumps back against the column* "Now stay down..." mirage: .... Takehisa: "...Two more, huh? Hiding, like cowards." mirage: *holding a knife* Takehisa: "..." *his hand passes along to a stray bullet...which he flicks, sending at a rapid speed* mirage: *doesnt even flinch* -BOOM- Takehisa: "...Illusion." mirage: now die... Takehisa: "..." *smiles* mirage: ?? *Something appears on top of the debris* Jonah: "??? Is that a turnip?" *The debris is knocked aside--as someone emerges* Arthur: "Born from the Earth, I still descend from the Heavens as the Shining Knight!" mirage:....what? Arthur: "The Holy Paladin? That guy that was captured by Hoods? ...Come on! I was missing for a long time!" mirage: .... screw it, im just killing him. -mist appears- Takehisa: "Don't screw this up, Boyle!" -several figures appear, one attacking- Arthur: "...One trick. That's dumb." *doesn't move* -fwsh- mirage: oh? Arthur: "I only move when I feel the weight of body and murderous intent upon me. That is what Konro that and sour commander taught me." -they all attack- Arthur: *doesn't move, closes his eyes* mirage: *lunges, grinning* Arthur: *eyes break open* ("The breath of life--") *removes Excalibur, slices with his blade* -mirage is gone...- Takehisa: OAO;;; Arthur: "..." Takehisa: "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!" Arthur: "I sense the breath of life--" *SMACK* Arthur: *collapsed on the floor* mirage: *slumps over* Takehisa: "What kind of an idiot just swings his sword wildly--..." *looks behind* "...Oh. He _was_ there?" Arthur: *bleeding on the floor* "He was going to stab you in the behind. That's craven." -elsewhere- lisa: .... Akitaru: *struggling to speak, but his mouth is covered* Vulcan: *coughing* lisa: .... Vulcan: "Lisa! I said I would bring you home!" lisa:...you shouldnt...have come here... Giovanni: "Kukuku...Those who cannot possess flame abilities are not deserving of life...'Lisa' awakened her ability. You remember that day, yes, Feeler?" lisa: ...my parents perished....i was left alone....the bug.....awoke those flames in me.... Vulcan: "He's lying to you!" Akitaru: *reaching for an orb* "He's...taking advantage of your fears..." *grabs the orbs--and extinguishes her flames* lisa: *backs up* they protect me.... Vulcan: "From what?" lisa: from the flames...from the fears.... Akitaru: "...I don't know anyone who isn't afraid of flames, kid. Even firefighters..." lisa: ... Giovanni: "Tell me...Do you know what attracts insects to flames?" Akitaru: "...I mean, I guess I've wondered--" *Giovanni's cloak blows back--revealing a monstrous mouth emerging out of his chest* Giovanni-Chest-Mouth: "I'M NOT TELLING YOU!" Vulcan: o_o; *The cloak descends--and a small "burp" comes out from under it* Giovanni: "And now, it is time for you to die ignorant of this world--which, really, is not much different than how you were born into it..." Akitaru: "Okay, enough of this..." *takes up a fire extinguisher, blasting Lisa's flames* lisa: why are you doing this? they protect me....from the fear....the sadness.... Akitaru: "If you have to bury yourself in them...are they really protecting you, or are they imprisoning you? Why do you look so insecure?" lisa: *attacks* shut up! Giovanni: "Bringing a fire extinguisher to a battlefield...Fool." Akitaru: "..." *picks up a bigger fire extinguisher* "You know that our role is to protect humans from fire...and as long as I'm alive, that's what I'll do!" Giovanni: "...Kill him." lisa: ... -BLAM- *Akitaru is held back against the wall by Lisa's flame* lisa: protecting lives...yet throwing yours away.... Akitaru: *cough* "Appearances...can be deceiving. I'm not throwing away my life. I'm saving yours..." *a trigger slides out of his sleeve* lisa: ??!! -BOOOOOOOOOM- Giovanni: "!!! When did Obi attach those extinguishing grenades...When she attacked each time?! Feeler...you fool." lisa: *falling* !!!!! (mom....dad....i dont...want to-) *Giovanni stands back, not coming to her rescue...* lisa: *tears falling* *CAUGHT* lisa: !!?? *looks* *Vulcan has caught her* Vulcan: "..." *smiles* lisa: v-.... *tears falling as she cries, holding him tightly* Vulcan: "..." *hug* "It's okay...Even without flames, there are those of us who will protect you." lisa: *hic* *trembling* ???: "You'rE MAKIng a misTAKE..." lisa: ......s....stop it..... 'he gave you a place to live when you had nothing' SHUT UP! GET OUT OF MY FUCKING BRAIN!! Giovanni: "FeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEELer...Who saved you? Who brought you to Vulcan? I. Have you forgotten your debt? RETURN." 'feeler': do as he says. lisa: JUST SHUT UP!! *banging her head* SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!! Vulcan: "!!! Lisa!" *grabs her by her shoulders* lisa: she wont leave....she wont leave my head.... 'you're in _my_ head' SHUT UP! Vulcan: *holds her, hugs her* "I'm sorry..." *Vulcan feels something along Lisa's back* Vulcan: "???" *pulls back, looks--* *There is a rope around Lisa's waist* lisa: *yoinked* AH! Giovanni: *ropes Lisa in, holding her by the waist...the rope is around her neck now* Vulcan: "Lisa!" lisa: *choking* Giovanni: "If either of you move, then my heated rope will decapitate her." *A robo-arm appears from Giovanni's cloak...it tosses something to Vulcan: a handgun* Vulcan: *catching the gun* Giovanni: "If you value her life, do as I say: take that gun...and kill Obi." Akitaru: !!! Vulcan: "...You monster!" Giovanni: "Oh, Feeler...Finally, your life will be worth something." lisa: please...dont do it vul....just let me die... Vulcan: "..." *shaking* Akitaru: "Vulcan...Son...You're going to have to..." *opens his arms* Vulcan: *aims* "...I'm sorry." Akitaru: "Don't be." Giovanni: "Hurry..." *tightens his grip on Lisa* -bang- -akitaru collapses- lisa: !!! Vulcan: *shaking...* Giovanni: "..." *lets go of Lisa* "Amazing...Didn't think of a dog of the brigades had it in him." lisa: *cough cough* vul...y-you shouldnt have- Vulcan: "..." *falls to his knees* Giovanni: "Kukuku...This is such a glorious--" Akitaru: *raises* *intense stare* Giovanni: "!!!" Akitaru: "i KNEW YOU WOULD DO IT, VULCAN--BUT THAT STILL REALLY HURT!" lisa: ??!! w-wha- Giovanni: "WHAT THE F--" Akitaru: *grabs the nearby railroad tracks--and lifts them on his own, knocking down Giovanni* "YOINK!" Giovanni: "UMPH!" *falls back* lisa: but...h-how did he- Akitaru: *thumbs his nose, smiles* "Trade secret of the Brigade, I'm afraid--" Vulcan: *wiping his eyes, small laugh* "I added bullet-proof lining to all of the Eighth's coats!" Akitaru: … Vulcan: "..." ^^;; "Oh. Sorry! Y-You wanted to be a secret, right?" lisa: did you name it 'the turtle shell'? Vulcan: "..." *turns to look at Lisa* "...Oh my God, I love you." lisa:... .//////. Akitaru: "...Um, not to ruin this moment, but...What the hell is that chicken thing?" *Giovanni stands...without his coat...as just a head with legs* lisa: ....what the actual hell. Giovanni: "..." Vulcan: o_o;;; "...Dad used to tell me stories about these kinds of things, but goddamn." Akitaru: "Dude, do you even lift?" Giovanni: "You saccharine fools...Trusting in each other to risk your own lives..." *the legs widen--as the body re-assembles itself--with a ton of guns, missiles, knives, and a spoon* lisa: vul....kick his ass. Vulcan: "...You got it, babe. Initiate: Penguincete!" lisa:... =///=; *Armor assembles over Vulcan's head--producing a rock penguin helmet with fire engines off the temples that blast Vulcan forward* Vulcan: "Let's do a strength test!" Giovanni: "Your silly headgear is no match for my ingenuity!" Vulcan: *his beak slams into Giovanni's chest, obliterating his tech* Giovanni: "GODDAMN IT, YOUR SILLY HEADGEAR WAS TOO MUCH!" -elsewhere- shinra: ugh...i feel sick. nozomi: mr kusakabe? karin: easy kiddo. Victor: "Is it the Adora Link? The Adora Link? Please tell me it's the Adora Link!" shinra: *feeling black skeletal hands reaching up, and a large shinra head over him* *screaming* nozomi: !!!! karin: breathe kid, breathe! shinra: w-what's....what's going on? *A hand touches Shinra's cheek* shinra: *staring at the horned figure* ah- wha-what are.... *The horned figure grins...as their hand pulls back, they have transformed into--* Mrs. Kusakabe: *holding out a hand* "Shinra..." shinra: mom- MOM! *reaching out* Mrs. Kusakabe: *smiles...* "Why did you let me die?" shinra: ah- *FWOOSH* {shinra: *trembling, looks up at burns*} {Burns: *his right eye is on fire*} {shinra: ....*looks in where burns is looking*} {???: "AAAAH!"} shinra: that's.... Arg: *guttural noises...blood swept up into the air from claw marks cut into his face* shinra: *backing away* ???: *sniffles* shinra: !!! *Infant Sho is seated on the ground, crying* shinra: hey lil guy... *picks him up* hehe, it's ok. ^^ Sho: *sniff...giggles* "Hee hee..." *grabs Shinra's nose* shinra: *smiles* ???: ...nra.....shinra?.....shinra! shinra: !!! karin: *putting a cold compress to his head* you ok? shinra: y-yeah... Victor: *holding a notebook* "Tell me everything!" -he explains what he saw- karin: the 4th's commander...? Victor: "Arg? What, was he at your house during the fire?" shinra: i dont know... -ashen foot prints appear down a path- shinra: wha? nozomi: shinra? shinra: i think....he's leading me to him.... ???: not quite yet. Victor: ._.;;; Shinra: "Wha--" karin: ?!?!?! n-no way...that cant be- -fire feathers shoot out- Shinra: "!!!" *tackles Victor and Nozomi* nozomi: EEP! karin: *dodging* ... !!!!!!!!!!!! Shinra: *kicks one feather away* nozomi: what's-..... *her heart drops* seraphim:.... karin: i-....irina!! Victor: "...Wow..." nozomi:.... *her voice shakes* m-mama? Shinra: "...Nozomi?" seraphim: it's been a while. i see you and your aunt have joined the 8th now.... a pity. surrender the adora burst child, and i'll make your deaths painless. karin: what the fuck?? how are you- y-you died! seraphim: ufufu ... AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! oh you naive sister of mine... Shinra: *staring at Seraphim...charging his feet* Victor: "..." *steps forward* karin: why are you doing this?! seraphim: im only doing what i wask tasked to do... nozomi: m...mother..... Shinra: "Who 'tasked' you? The Preacher?!" seraphim: *ignoring him* nozomi, it's been a while.....are you still following toshiaki's research? how foolish~ nozomi: ah- seraphim: i should have just let you die like your useless father... nozomi: *she just shatters* ah...... Victor: "!!!" karin: *putting on her fisticuffs and attacks* HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?! SHE'S YOUR CHILD! and toshiaki- HE WORKED HIMSELF TO HIS DEATH TRYING TO FIND A CURE BECAUSE- seraphim: he was only a means to an ends. im so glad you found him for me~ karin: why? the irina i know isnt cruel like this... seraphim: dont you get it? 'irina harada' doesnt exist anymore. karin: *punching at her* Shinra: "..." *charges his feet--and leaps, aiming a kick for Seraphim* Victor: "..." *glancing between Seraphim and Nozomi* seraphim: *knocked back* will you surrender nicely, boy? nozomi: *she cant even move* Shinra: "...Because you're Nozomi's mother, I'm going easy on you. We're taking you, too, along with Sho." karin: licht! get nozomi out of here, and you better not try anything funny! Victor: O_O;;; "R-Right!" *picks up Nozomi* seraphim: oh? what of her? she doesnt have any abilities of her own, she's nothing but dead weight. Shinra: "...Ma'am...You're dead wrong..." *leaps again* seraphim: ~angel bullet~ Shinra: "!!!!" *tries to dodge--* -the feathers graze him slightly- Shinra: "Ah!" *lands on the wall--and leaps again* karin: shinra! try to knock her to the ground! Shinra: *leaps from the ceiling* "Got it!" *opens his arms* seraphim: *attacking* Shinra: *getting grazed, some hitting his arms* "RAWR!" *reaches for Seraphim's neck* seraphim: !! Shinra: *grab--and pulls back his fist to punch* -POW- seraphim: !!! Shinra: *falling...but not as fast as Seraphim is* karin: batter... UP! *PUNCH* seraphim: *sent into the wall* Shinra: *lands next to Karin* "...Is that it?" karin: better not stick around to find out, lets go find your brother. Shinra: "...But she's Nozomi's mother." karin:...after what all she did, she doesnt deserve to be… -elsewhere- dahlia:.....they have arrived.... Sho: "..." *takes his sword* -the door opens- shinra:...hey lil bro... *warm smile* Sho: "Shinra Kusakabe...You've actually appeared." shinra: of course i did, now let's get you home. ^^ Sho: "_This_ is my home. With the Preacher." shinra: .... Sho: "Why do you insist on taking me away from my family?" shinra: sho...i am your family, just try to remember, you, me, our mom........ Sho: "Stop. I have no mother. And the thought of you as my brother makes me want to vomit. Furthermore, I am not of woman born--" shinra: as opposed to what, an incubator? Sho: "...I...don't actually know. But the Preacher does." shinra: ...*opens his arms for a hug* Sho: "..." *smacks his hand away* shinra: ....jeez, not very touchy-feely, are ya? Sho: *swings his scabbard at Shinra's face* shinra: *dodging* Sho: *twirls--swings again, aiming for his feet* -elsewhere- misora: huwaaaa, this sucks. it smells bad and i feel like im gonna throw up! >^< Jonah: "Oh, lookie here!" misora: *grimaces* oh THAT explains it! Jonah: *leans forward* "Lost?" misora:.... *not even looking back and punches him with in the face* Jonah: *knocked back...and his face is squished up where she punched him, his nose now up on his forehead* misora: how gross Jonah: *deep breath* "I don't see many like you who can throw a punch like that...What's your tale, girlie?" misora: cut the BS, you know who i am, you creepy wormy stalker! Jonah: *leans over her, his forehead nose resting over her hair* "Just wanted to get to know you all over again..." *inhales* -SLAM- misora: why dont you hurry up and die at my feet, scrub? Jonah: "I can do many things at your feet~" *his lips are now on his cheek...he taps his cheek onto her shoes* misora: GROSS! IM GONNA VOMIT TILL I DIE! DX< *kick to the face* Jonah: *by this point, his eyes are on the back of his head* ._. *blink blink* ???: "Are you two done yet?" misora: uru? *turns* Haumea: "Hi~" misora: unyeh? soooowwy~ dont mind me, i was just going now~ ^^ Haumea: *rests a hand on Misora's head* misora: eh- *ZAP* misora: OSHARE- *KO* @w@ owowowowowo..... Haumea: *snaps her fingers* "Jonah, bring her along." Jonah: *sits up, his face back to normal...ish* "Can do!" *slings Misora over his shoulder* misora: XAX Haumea: *smiles* "And with Sho and Kusakabe now meeting, it's time..." -elsewhere- shinra: *still dodging* Sho: *has his blade out, attempting to slice at Shinra* shinra: *dodging* sho! please! just hear me out! Sho: *knocks Shinra to the floor* shinra: GAH! Sho: *vapor comes off of his back* "..." shinra: *getting up* Sho: “No matter how fast you are, you’re not going to catch up to me. You and I are in different universes.” shinra: im not going to give up though- *running for him* Sho: *prepares his sword* -fyooooom- Sho: "!!!" -tackle hug- Sho: "?!!! shinra: it's ok, lil bro. *smiles* Sho: *clenches his teeth* "Stop calling me that!" *pulls back his fist*: *his eyes widen* "...Oh no...I've disappointed--" shinra: ?? disappointed? Sho: *pushes Shinra away, leaping to a pedestal* shinra: ... (it's like that dream....) Sho: "..." *bows before a figure in white* shinra: *stares at the horned figure* is that the preacher? Sho: "...You see them? Of course...because of the Adora Link." shinra: .... Sho: "The Preacher is who shares this link with me...lets me access this power." -the vision fades- shinra:... Sho: "Your Adora Burst is not enough. But with the Preacher’s divine protection, I can affect the entire universe..." shinra: my head's hurting from all of this....but enough of that, let's play tag some more. ^^ Sho: "I am not interested in playing games." *holds his sword* "The Preacher said they need you. They did not say they need you conscious." shinra: alright then, you're it! Sho: "No..." *He vanishes* shinra: oh? hide and seek then, eh? -shiv- shinra: !! Sho: *has driven just the tip of his blade into Shinra's shoulder* "You are the 'It.'" shinra: heh... i guess i should show you, you're not supposed to hurt the other player. Sho: "..." *disappears again* shinra: ... *Kick to the back* shinra: oof! Sho: *holds the sword over Shinra's head, his foot pressed down onto his back* shinra: this is pretty pointless then, huh? but i wont give up....the memory of when you were still just a lil tyke, that's enough a reason to keep going, right? Sho: "I have no such memories. Let's assume you and I are related by blood: there is no connection between us. No memories. Nothing." shinra:...then lets make new ones. there's lots of people who are looking forwards to meeting you. *smiles* Sho: "I have no desire to meet those people. We in the Order have only one goal--" shinra: i know, i know...to you, im just some stranger, but to me, you're still my lil bro! so.... thanks for being alive, sho. Sho: "..." *lifts his blade* "I summon...Separated Univ--" -huh? where did shinra go?- Sho: "???" *looks around* ("I'm...alone?") -elsewhere- lisa: nnngh.....vul...? maki: she's waking up! lisa: *cough* ....giovanni....where- tamaki: he fled.... lisa:.... Vulcan: "Lisa...How are you..." lisa:....*she starts laughing....which devolves into sobbing hysterically* Vulcan: "..." *holds onto her* karin: .... tamaki:...c-come on, lets find the others and get out of here already! Vulcan: *carries Lisa* -elsewhere- Haumea: *watching from the balcony* misora: *coming to* uwaaaa.... *yaaaawn* wha? Jonah: owo "Hello~" misora: *PUNCH* EW GROSS! DX< Jonah: *his face spun onto the back of his head* ._. Haumea: "Shh...Your lover's spat is getting in the way of observing..." misora: how dare you! *peeeeeeek* Haumea: *leans over Misora* "Is. There. A problem~?" misora: OxO *blinks* Haumea: *mad grin* "I think you'll do nicely~" misora: OxO;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -elsewhere- Sho: "...Where is Shinra Kusakabe...?" -FYOOOOOM- shinra: *crashed into a wall* holy shit! what just happened?? Sho: "??? How...did you appear there?" shinra: not su- *throws up* ugh...vertigo... >~< Sho: "...It is not possible. Without the Preacher's divine intervention, _you_ should not be able to pass through to your own universe..." shinra: my head's spinning, cut me some slack and let's just go home now, sho. Sho: "..." *walks forward* "For the last time...This is my home. And you are going nowhere--" shinra: if i just leave without you, then i cant keep my promise to mom. Sho: "I have no mother. I have no interest in this mother. And I want you...to shut up..." *raises his sword* "About a mother." -zip zoom- Sho: "!!!" shinra: jeez, are you having that moody pre-teen phase? Sho: "You emerge from nowhere, insist you are my brother--" *swings his sword* "AND THIS IS NOT A MOODY PRE-TEEN PHASE!" -zip zoom- Sho: "?!!" {shinra: *crying, locked in the pantry*} Sho: "?!" *looking around him* "Wh-What is this?" -there are more memories...- Sho: "..." *just watching them* "Is this..." {student: its that demon! he killed his own mom and baby brother!} {student 2: get away from us! *throws a rock at shinra*} {shinra:....(it wasnt me...there was...a horned thing there...)} Sho: "...'Horned'? ...Preacher, what is...Why are they throwing things at that boy?" baby sho: baba... shinra: *picks him up* i got you! baby sho: ^o^ Sho: "..." *tears falling* shinra: years ago, it was just you, me, and our mom...then the fire happened... Sho: "Yes..." *The memory of the fire appears...* Horned Monster: *staring at Baby Sho* {Young Haumea: "Hmmm...Sure cries a lot..."} shinra: people were afraid of me, blaming me for what happened, even grandma hated me. she would hit me, lock me in the pantry....but i never gave up... Sho: "I was raised for one purpose: to fulfill the Preacher's goals...I persisted..." *turns to Shinra* "...Our grandmother hit you?" shinra:....but before that happened, we were all a happy family. Sho: "...A family..." {Mrs. Kusakabe: "My boys..."} {shinra: ^^} {baby!sho: mama!} {Mrs. Kusakabe: *hug*} {shinra: i love you, mommy! ^^} {Mrs. Kusakabe: "I love you, Shinra. And I love Sho. I will always love you both..."} Sho: *silently weeping* -...- *Sho stands...His sword is not with him* {shinra: *hero stance* here i am! ah! mom! a newspaper blew in! *he removes it from sho* haha! there you are!} {Mrs. Kusakabe: "What a good brother you are!"} {shinra: ^///^ hehe} {Sho: *sniffles...adjusting to seeing the light again*} shinra: *smiles* Sho: "...Brother?" shinra: come on sho, let's go hom- -shiv- Sho: "!!! I-I didn't...Did I?" shinra: *looks back* ???: "D'aw, what a shame..." Sho: "Haumea?" shinra: wh-what? Haumea: "??? Wait..." *lifts up Shinra's chin* shinra: who...who are....- Haumea: *slap* shinra: *collapses* Sho: "Brother! Haumea, what are you--" Haumea: *squeezes Sho's mouth with her fingers to quiet him* "Tsk tsk...You know that to re-create the Great Fire we _need_ those of us who gained the Adora Burst through the insects--" Jonah: "TMI, Haumea." Haumea: -_-# misora: O^O~? Haumea: "Oh well~ It doesn't matter if I gave out too much info--since it's not like anyone can stop us. Right, Sho?" Sho: "...I didn't...My sword..." *sniff* "Sh-Shinra? Please..." shinra: sho....run.... Sho: "No! Not without you!" Haumea: "Oh, don't worry. You two won't be separate!" *giggles--then deathly serious* "The Preacher wants you both." misora: *stumbles forwards* ..... Jonah: owo~ Sho: "all those years ago! What happened to me?!" Haumea: "..." *leans forward...rests a hand along Sho's face--and zaps his brain* Sho: "!!!!!!!" *passes out* shinra: SHO!! -BANG- Haumea: *dodges--barely* O_O;;; "...The devil?" tamaki: *TAIL WHIP* Takehisa: *holding a smoking gun* "...Get away from them." Haumea: "Eek!" *smacked in the face* "Owie!" *falls back* "...When did _she_ get competent?!" misora: !! *runs behind takehisa* Q_Q THESECREEPYPEOPLEKIDNAPPEDME!! >^< Jonah: D8 "COME BACK TO ME, MY PRECIOUS!" karin:....ew. iris: creepy. Haumea: >_<# "NOW YOU ALL ARE TICKING ME OFF!" *spots the sword through Shinra* "..." *devious smirk...as she kicks the sword harder into him* shinra: AHHHH!!!! iris: !!!! STOP IT! Takehisa: "NO!" *bang bang bang* Haumea: *spins to dodge* "Oh, sorry~ Not today..." *snaps her fingers towards Takehisa* Takehisa: *aims--* "!!!!" *collapses* Haumea: "Huhuhu..." *aims her fingers at Tamaki* tamaki: *bracing* *SLICE* tamaki: huh... ah! Haumea: "..." *the back of her crown is cracked* O_o;;;; *holds the back of her head* "GAH!" Arthur: *behind Haumea* "Okay, weird bag-dress lady: you're defeated by the Shining Knight of the Earth Samurai Cowboy Superhero!" tamaki: THAT'S TOO MANY TITLES! Haumea: Q~Q "My crown..." *growls--and snaps her fingers at Arthur's face* "Take that!" Arthur: "...Take what?" Haumea: ._. "..." *snaps again* Arthur: "...What? You like snapping your fingers?" *snaps his fingers* "Yeah, I can do that, too." Haumea: >_<# *snap snap snap snap* shinra:.....what? Arthur: "..." *takes his sword--and knocks the hilt onto the top of Haumea's head* dahlia: that is enough. Haumea: "...GAH!!!!" *holds her head* "Stupid stupid sword person!" *A column is shaking behind Haumea* Haumea: "Stupid mindless person! And now I got to carry Kusakabe with a sword through him to the Preacher, and this is all so annoying when--" *The column falls towards Haumea* Haumea: "...What is that sound?" Akitaru: *PUUUUUUUUUSH* Haumea: "...Oh motherf--" *SMASH* -rumble rumble- tamaki: !! shit! maki: we got shinra, now let's go! shinra: w-wait, s-sho- Haumea: *bruised* -_-### "Jonah, get Sho." *passes out* Jonah: *picks up Sho* "Come on, Baby..." Sho: "Zzzz..." shinra: urk- -outside-
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