#I imagine the JL has the same misconception as the Gotham rogues
Left handed
There were rumors in the underworld of Gotham. One of them being that Batman is lefthanded. This information spread like wildfire. That meant that Batman would be weaker on his right side. If you had to run, run to his right. His aim is immaculate but if you run to his right, him being left handed, you might have a smidge of a chance.
All the rumors are, sadly, complete and utter bullshit. Not without grounds, Batman does mostly use his left hand. After all, his right is his dominant one. He needs to practice his left more if he’d ever wanted to be able to escape sticky situations if he only had his left. So for the simple thugs and low fighting capability rogues like the riddler, condiment king, pinguïn and firefly (yes firefly, Bruce calls shooting a basically mass destruction weapon with no finesse amateurish).
He never expected this to work in his favor when a trap set up for him actually got lucky and worked. As a precaution they broke his left arm. Never had they expected to find an even more dangerous Batman in the aftermath.
Otherwise known as Bruce is such a paranoid training junky he deliberately handicaps himself just in case he ever needs the handicap to be trained enough.
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