#I hope you're doing well too anon
misc-obeyme · 8 months
Baby...did I read that right...requests are open?🥲 does that mean you're ok in general? How you've been? My request for you, is to take care of yourself💓
Sweetest, dearest anon. I have been thinking about this ask all day. I saw it this morning, just before I started work, and it made me cry lol. Don't worry, that's a pretty normal response for me.
But now that I have a minute to answer, I want you to know how much this means to me. It's definitely the first time I've gotten a request to take care of myself 💕
I am doing better in general, though I've found I'm way out of practice with writing requests. I'm worried that my writing isn't as good as it used to be, but I'm sure it's just in my head. And that was kinda the purpose of this event. I wanted to do short things so I could get back into it.
Outside of writing, though... well I dunno, life is always ups and downs. Some days I'm doing really good and other days aren't so great. I'm not really all that good at taking care of myself, I'm afraid. But I'm always really hesitant to overshare on here because I don't want to burden anybody with my real life nonsense lol so let's just say I'm making progress! And I'm doing better than I was.
I had that event post in my drafts for two months. I kept coming back to it and being like... not yet.
But then I finished my OC story (well the rough draft... we are in editing mode now and hoo boy it's all over the place) and I was like okay I want to do this now. I'm ready!!
Anyway, I really appreciate you thinking of me, anon. Your sweet message was a lovely surprise for me today. 💕
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superchat · 8 months
The nagatoro obsession always gives me a little bit of concern. Hope ur well
A concern? :o i dont obsess over the show too much i think! i just watched S1 for the first time a few weeks ago and i just queued all my caps instead of spam posting them all in one night
I really wish protag had like. an actual personality tho. his character goes only as deep as nagatoros affection for him, outside that theres not much there
I like gamo-chan tho
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lesbianneopolitan · 10 months
i barely use tumblr and you’re the one blog that’s always constant whenever i open the app. love seeing your art + reblogs and i hope you’re doing well!
oh, thanks tho!! I'm not even as active as I used to be years ago, but I'm glad I can bring some life to your Dash xD
I'm p fine though, woke up earlier today because I gotta go to the hairdresser- life's good atm!
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knightmareross · 4 months
Metagala but they (fail) attempt to bake/cook. Alashishkabob!!!! (also hope you are having a lovely day :) I love your art)
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They poured in salt instead of sugar
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ecoplasma · 7 months
All of your art is so amazing, even if it's just for a con I would really be looking forward to seeing jjk art in your style! (If you do end up drawing that) You rarely post for fandoms I'm in these days but it doesn't even matter, I just love staring at your art regardless of if I know the character. Congrats on getting the con booth and I hope you're doing well!
It's the big downside of drawing for multiple fandoms, a lot of people will end up disappointed if they follow for just one. So I'm always happy to hear when people stick around for the art no matter who I draw, so thank you very much for telling me this! About jjk, there is a character that's been giving me brainrot. Before I started, I figured I would probably have Gojo as my fave. but alas:
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Do you have an online best friend? Do you think it’s possible to be good real friends with people we never meet irl? Sometimes it gets lonely irl for me and it gives me hope when I see people who have deep connections with internet friends
I have. And i do think it's possible. To be honest i didn't use to think this but then i met some wonderful people online who have become some of the most important people in my life. Friendships come in many different ways and just the fact that you've never met irl doesnt diminish the connection you have. It can be just as strong as irl friendships or even stronger. Dont let anyone tell you online friendships are not real or less than irl ones because that's absolutely not true. It's all about the bond you create, regardless of how you meet. I wouldn't trade my online friends for anything. I hope you find those kind of meaningful connections too. And im sure you will. I didnt think i would but here i am, so very grateful for the amazing friendships i built online💙
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brother-emperors · 9 months
Hi- hope you are well, I love your art! I was wondering if you had an opinion on whether or not Crassus would side with Pompey or Caesar in the event that they still ended up going to civil war if he lived (noting he'd probably have been able to prevent it if he wanted to)
the part of me that believes in the enduring romance of a good partnership says he picks Pompey, but the part of me that loves tragedy and also spends too much time reading anything that mentions Crassus is saying 'it would depend.'
specifically, I think the decision would be timeline dependent, in the sense that Crassus would be more inclined to bet on Caesar since Pompey opts to stay in Rome and fulfill his command through legates, and his behavior during all of this is kind of eyebrow raising for someone like Crassus, who would probably start writing up a Pros/Cons list
it would also be thematically in line with Pompey, since the desertion of everyone except for Cornelia is important, and the loss of Crassus would be devastating since Crassus is one of the characters who has been in Pompey's narrative the longest, and his longest alliance for sure. Crassus outlived all of Pompey's marriages except for the one Pompey had to his son's widow, after all! and Pompey said he was the rising sun to Sulla's setting one, and you gotta commit to the theme if you're going to speak it into the world! and to a certain degree, Crassus also might feel more inclined to trust Caesar more at this point
on the other hand, a little later down the timeline, Caesar flips the Senate off and does his little Rubicon Scene, and provided Crassus hasn't picked between the two, he would probably re affirm his decades long coalition with Pompey because Sulla's Ghost marching on Rome is unacceptable. also, thematically here we're unlocking Sulla's Ghost (Caesar) going against Sulla's Heirs (Crassus, Pompey), and we've arrived at a Civil War With Layers To It Anyway! as both a Thebaid and Pharsalia enjoyer, this appeals to me immensely.
creating a situation where no Civil War happens is intriguing too, since the deaths that prompt it are Julia and Crassus. so. creating a situation where Crassus doesn't invade Parthia is a fun puzzle to solve. historically, Crassus gave both his sons over to Caesar to get their start on the military ladder, and Publius is the spark that starts off the Parthian expedition, so there needs to be an alternate event that stops Crassus from planning the expedition. the easy way out is that Crassus simply holds it off for one more year or simply Does Not Do It, but it clashes with both Publius' character and the way that Crassus was aware that he's. like. old, and is trying to legacy build something for his sons, and Crassus' atypical hold on power does not seem like something Publius would be interested in pursuing. but Marcus on the other hand......maybe.......
I have been toying with the idea of figuring out a scenario where Crassus splits his sons between Pompey and Caesar, but man, trying to get any of these years to line up in a way for it to work would require a personal miracle from saint jude or something, like I'm sitting across from Crassus and going 'hey man, what do I have to do to make you stay in Syria and not make a bad decision.'
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messysketchyobeyme · 2 years
Hi :D
I hope you’re doing well snabsjks <33 if you could, maybe a drabble about Lucifer having an s/o who pushes his buttons all the time? He says all this shit about “you’re mine” and they just. stare. blinks.
They love him but it’s so fun to knock him off his high horse and kick at his ego shsjks
- coffee anon
Lucifer brushes his thumb over your cheek. His glove is cold against your skin, and it makes you involuntarily shiver. He leans in so closely that you feel his warm breath against your ear. 
“Remember,” his voice is barely above a whisper, “You belong to me.” The last word almost comes out as a growl. You let his words hang in the air for a good second before leaning your upper body away from his grip. Lucifer straightens up and crosses his arms. “What? Cat got your tongue?” he chuckles.
You stare at him and slowly blink. Lucifer’s eyes narrow and he starts tapping his finger against his arm. You continue to stare at him, unimpressed with his intimidation tactics. Your eyes droop down lazily.
“What?” he repeats, but the word has a tinge of curtness to it. He does not appreciate being ignored. 
You continue staring at him before saying, “Sit.”
Lucifer's ass hits the ground before he can comprehend what is happening. The wind is knocked out of him, and it takes him a second to realize what you just did. He jerks his head up, an angry shout on the tip of his tongue. He hesitates when he sees you looking down at him, your head silhouetted by the light above you. 
You playfully flick his forehead. “Sorry, Lucifer, but I think you’re a little confused,” you say. You bend down next to him and mutter, “You belong to me.” You plant a quick kiss against his ear before standing up. 
Lucifer’s mouth stays agape. A vein pulses against his forehead, but he doesn’t say anything. 
You tap the tip of his nose before laughing. Your tone turns perky and you wave, “Alright, I have to go. See you later!” You bounce away, “Thank you for inviting me on this date! We should do this again this time.” You leave the room with a skip in your step. After a second, you pop your head back through the door. “You can stand back up, by the way,” you say before disappearing again. 
Lucifer slowly stands up, his face entirely too hot. He leans against the wall. You know all of the best ways to annoy him, and the worst part was that he kind of enjoys it. 
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therentyoupay · 2 years
Hi, I was just wondering if technical difficulties is abandoned?
I hope you’re doing well!
*drops in after 5 years and 4 months with a technical difficulties chapter update*
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cover art made by @angel-gidget ♡
03/08/23. HELLO, HELLO, HELLO, ALL, LONG LONG LONG TIME, NO SEE. ♡ Can you believe it? When I first published this story (first to tumblr, then to ao3), I had just moved to Japan! When I posted ch. 7, I was still living in Japan, and would stay there for another 7ish months... and in the 5 years and 4 months since posting the last chapter, I have moved to three different cities in the United States and started a Ph.D. program. (I am currently halfway through my PhD program!!!!!) What a wild ride. Also, we lived through the pandemic?! And I bought a house! Over the summer! The market was vicious.
So, then how did I get the inspiration/time/energy/motivation to write Ch. 8, you ask? Marvelous question. I lied down in bed last night to go to sleep "early" and ended up reading an utterly hilarious play-by-play commentary on Bad Books, Good Times of a popular fantasy novel series—and I'm not quite sure what it was about "poorly written books explained by hilariously clever book lovers" but I suddenly had a craving for fanfiction, so I opened up my Books app on my phone, and my eyes fell upon a sudden recommendation for my downloaded copy of technical difficulties. And I thought, "Am I suddenly and weirdly in the mood to jot down some notes to start Ch. 7 right now? By golly, I think I am."
4.5 hours later, I'd written the whole damn thing from scratch on my phone in my Notes app. (Messily! Half-assed! But I wrote all of it down!) I then spent another 6.5 hours today filling in the gaps and "editing." This chapter (and the one that will follow it) has been in my head for more than half a decade, but I just haven't had the space to get it out until now!!
I think one of the most beautiful parts of getting a PhD is how completely it blows your perfectionism tendencies utterly to bits, and one of the really interesting byproducts that has come up in my acdemic writing is just how quickly I can crank out decent-enough writing (skill-building!!). In my case, I think so much of it has to do with just being able to word vomit fairly well while not trying to fix anything until the whole damn thing is basically done. So, I applied that knowledge here! Behold!
This isn't to say that I'll be writing the final chapter anytime soon—I may be on spring break right now and may have had a stroke of Writing Inspiration in the Wild™ last night, but I'm still finishing my last semester of classes and learning advanced Python and working on my milestone paper for my doctoral program and preparing to present at my next conference in June and preparing my proposal for my dissertation next fall. BUT! The important thing is that I will post the last chapter of this story (and all my other stories)! Eventually!! ;)
No BETA for this chapter because I gotta THROW this out onto the internet and get back to coding, so bear with! I may do minor edits for it in the near or distant future. Also, please note that I have not watched any episodes of Miraculous Ladybug after the finale of Season 1, so this fic is very much a ~time capsule~ from the past. If there is any additional lore that might otherwise apply to the plot of this fic, please know that I don't know about it, and I am keeping myself selectively ignorant on all matters of Miraculous Ladybug season 2 and beyond until after I finish this story the way I originally intended. ♡ Woo!
as for, tumblr, sadly, to be honest, I'm never really online anymore! I'll respond to comments here on ao3 ASAP, though. ♡ LOVE YOU ALL, THANK YOU. ♡♡♡
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ginnyluna · 13 days
I’m really proud of you for overcoming your art block, I hope you’re doing well
Thank you so much for this 💜💜💜 i'm trying, but this helps so much, more than you know
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coffeeshib · 1 year
BRO THAT SNIPPET WAS A THREAT TO MY SANITY GODDDD HOW DO YOU DO THISSSSSS (hope you're doing well, take your time, i wish you comfyness)
dude i have so much horn knee tender yearning caitvi scenes i wanna write but i don't wanna turn it into a long ass fic 😭 they make every cell in my body vibrate
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dogearedheart · 2 months
real sorry if its weird or something but just read your recents posts and do you like wanna talk to someone maybe? i dont have a whole story obv but i relate to a couple of tjings u said and idk, no pressure BUT if you DO feel like talking to someone then i could maybe write you a private message idk
hello anon, this is an incredibly kind offer, but I don't want to be a burden to other people. it wouldn't be fair of me to do that.
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sommerregenjuniluft · 2 months
Hope you’ve been well, write whatever you want to and don’t feel pressured by others! Your writing is great :)
hi anon i love you ;-; a lot. thank you this is really, really sweet
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zayne-snowman · 2 months
random check-in ‼️
how is every single Zayne doing?
and Clopidogrel as well! how's the lil guy doing, Dr. Zayne?
i'm open for hugs and head pats if any of you aren't doing great 🫂🫳
(you too, mun, i hope you're doing okay :] )
Busy as always, but no complaints on my part. Thank you for asking. Clopidogrel is fine too, the other day it even let me pet it.
It feels lonelier. I think I'm starting to be forgotten, but that's okay, I don't want to be the cause of worry. I will accept the hug, if you don't mind.
I am doing well. Staying focused on my duties as Astra's emissary. The Tower is ever colder... Perhaps it is just me.
I'm doing just fine. The forest is calm and protected, which is all I could hope for. I find myself wandering sometimes, I'll admit. Can I still request a head pat?
What do you think? I'm busy studying. Don't touch me.
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Heyyy :D
Im sorry to disrupt whatever you may be doing but can i have a Captain and Engineer fic of them being cute togather?btw you can ignore if you wnat to <3
oh hello! this was a pleasant surprise!
forgive me, this is days late (life was really busy) but i really wanted to try my hand at ISWM writing :)
you can read this as romantic or platonic btw, however you want! enjoy!
In space, the stars never went away. For as much as Celci complained about all the windows installed on the Invincible II, they made it possible to see all the faraway specs of light, the occasional floating rock or two. There were times they even passed another planet, off in the distance. 
The large floor-to-ceiling window in the control deck was the Captain’s favorite place to stare out from. Especially when everyone else went to sleep for the day, it gave them a sense of tranquility that contrasted so definitively from the hustle and bustle of keeping this ship and its crew in working order. Mark knew that if the Captain were anywhere, it would be there. He lit up when he saw them. 
“Captain! Care for a drink?” Mark asked, smiling, as he swung around the control panel. He held two champagne glasses. This particular reset was a relatively peaceful one; the two of them, the Captain and he, had found a way to get the ship out of the wormhole without immediately dying. They lost some of the crew and frozen passengers but nothing compared to the other times the universe reset itself. A bit of celebration was in order and even then, Mark really wanted to share a dignified drink. 
The Captain was indeed in front of the large window in the control deck. Their helmet covered their head, as it always did, but Mark knew them well enough. The way their shoulders were sagged even as their hands were cupped behind their back. The extremely slow rise and fall of their chest as they breathed. Frowning, Mark set the glasses down on the panel and asked, “Something on your mind, Captain?”
They turned and regarded him for a moment before speaking, soft and clear, “Do you think this is the one?”
Mark didn’t answer. They continued, “We’ve gotten out of the wormhole before and then it resets anyways. Later. How are we sure--”
“Captain.” Mark gently reached for their arm. “If it happens again, you’ll figure out a way. I know you will.”
He grabbed one of the champagne glasses and placed it firmly in the Captain’s open hand. Then, he grabbed a glass for himself and playfully hit it against the other. It made a clink! noise. Mark smiled, “You’re the captain! Nothing you can’t do, eh?”
The Captain stared at their glass for a moment. Mark maintained his smile and in a move he never saw coming, the Captain laughed. It was short but loud, relaxed but gleeful, and their free hand lifted up their helmet’s visor. Among the crew, it was nonexistent to see the Captain’s face but Mark knew them from way back and trust came with that longevity. The big smile the Captain had on their face was still the same as ever.
“Thank you, my engineer,” they said.
“Always, Captain. I was planning on just one drink but you seem like you need more. Wanna go raid Gunther’s stash?”
“He has a stash of alcohol on my ship?”
Mark winked. “You didn’t hear it from me.”
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matan4il · 2 years
Hope you're doing alright. I haven't been around much lately but wanted to make sure you were okay.💙
Sending you lots of love,
Awwww, blue heart Nonnie! Thank you so much for this ask. It’s so sweet, kind and thoughtful, I really appreciate it!
Okay, for anyone who might be interested in what I’ve been dealing with...
I was diagnosed with a tumor. One of my doctors thinks it could be the cause for my vertigo (yep, I’m still suffering from the constant vertigo). The tumor is situated right on top of a nerve, so presently they can’t even do a biopsy to see if it’s malignant or not. The docs are basically keeping an eye on it for now.
They found some other lump and thought it might be another tumor, but a few tests ruled that out for the time being. They don’t yet know what the lump is, so I’m due for more tests on that front, and hopefully it doesn’t grow and turn out to be a tumor after all (another one of my docs said she’s absolutely certain that it won’t).
Lastly, I started having shoulder pains to the point where I couldn’t sleep or get dressed without help, and at first I was diagnosed with an inflammation of the tendon, but then an orthopedic doc sent me to have more extensive x-rays, which showed it’s actually both my shoulders and both my knees that are in a bad state, and it’s because of the early onset of a degenerative condition. So there is no cure. There’s only treatment to counter it as much as possible and minimize the pains.
On top of everything else, my mom decided to make a big life change, which is actually a very positive one, but she’s incredibly stressed over it. And stress is not good for her mental health. She’s always struggled with it, and when she’s stressed, it takes a turn for the worse. So yeah, I’ve had that to deal with as well. She’s better right now, though she was getting agitated again last night. I talked to her and I try to help, but NGL. It gets scary sometimes.
So, yeah. That’s the stuff I mostly don’t talk about here ‘coz I know it’s a lot. Just know that you caring means a lot and makes a big difference, thank you so much! And if (and only if) you feel like it, you can always look through my content, and like or reblog something. It makes me feel like despite everything, I still somehow manage to make a positive contribution. And that always brightens my day.
For now, I’m holding on to the fact that there is a bright spot in every day. There is ALWAYS at least one thing to smile about, one thing to be grateful for. Last week, for example, I got to see my nephew. Look at this absolute pure ray of sunshine! How can I be anything other than grateful when I look at him?
Thank you again, my beautiful blue heart Nonnie! I hope you’re okay as well? Sending you all the love and hugs! xoxox
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