#I hope you like iiiiiiiiiit
the-bar-sinister · 5 months
A few days ago an anon shared with me their excitement that Phoenix Wright "canonically" has a damsel in distress fantasy. My take was that that was great stuff, but I wasn't going to take it as canon until I saw the segment that they were talking about.
Today someone mentioned the part they thought that anon was talking about and I looked it up in the transcripts!
Well, I wouldn't say its "canon" per se– but there's definitely some subtext that you can glean from it!
Not only is Phoenix acknowledging that he finds the idea of being rescued personally romantic (and that he might be inclined to fall in love with his rescuer) he's also acknowledging the possibility that it's likely that a kidnapped Maya would fall in love with her rescuer.
And this is great stuff because you know.
Maya gets kidnapped and Phoenix rescues her.
Thus, the subtext here can be read both that Phoenix Wright has a personal rescue fantasy, and as acknowledgement that it's likely Maya would have a crush on Phoenix– a fact which crosses Phoenix's mind!
Desirée: Yes, they took me hostage. I was so frightened. They were both carrying these huge knives and... I-I broke down into tears.
Phoenix: (Yeah... I would too, if I were in that situation.)
Maya: Oh! I think I get it! Did Mr. DeLite come running to save you?
Desirée: Yes! Exactly! I remember he looked so handsome in that guard uniform of his! He went right up to those two knife-wielding robbers... and screamed in their faces! "PLEASE, STOP IIIIIIIIIIT!" he screamed. I could see the robbers' faces turn pale...
Phoenix: (That high-pitched shriek of his does have a surprisingly strong effect on people...)
Desirée: Then, crying and swinging his arms like crazy, he attacked the two robbers. All by himself... He came to save me, a total stranger, all by himself... He was so scared that he was crying and shaking, but he still risked his life for me.
Maya: ...Wow. That's a great story...
Desirée: Yes. He may not look it, but in a tough situation, there's no one better... ...That's why I fell in love with him like I did. 
Phoenix: *sniff sniff* Th-That's so romantic... I'd fall in love too, I guess.
Maya: Nick, I hope you'll do the same for me if I ever get taken hostage...
Phoenix: (With Maya, that possibility always seems to loom in the not so distant future. *gulp*)
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saritawolff · 2 years
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Day 1 is “your choice” and I chose Psittacosaurus!
I’ve long been fascinated by dinosaurs that we know the colors of and have been trying to draw all of them over the years. Psittacosaurus is very special because we know almost the full life appearance! Of one species, anyway… There are at least 11 species of Psittacosaurus, and it is one of the most completely known fossil genera due to the large sample size of specimens. First described in 1923, hundreds of individual specimens have been uncovered throughout Mongolia and Northern China, from tiny hatchlings to old adults. In 2001, a stolen fossil was discovered with almost perfectly preserved integument. It’s body was covered in scales in irregular patterns. Hollow, tubular bristle-like structures were arranged in a row down the dorsal line of the tail. In 2016, a study was published on the examination of the melanosomes in the Psittacosaurus’ skin. It was discovered to be countershaded: reddish-brown on top with a creamy underbelly. Darker clusters of pigment were found around its face, shoulders, and cloaca, which were likely used for display. It also had large patagia on its hind legs. This specimen has not yet been assigned to a particular species, but it’s what I have drawn here.
Psittacosaurus’ were small, early ceratopsians from Early Cretaceous Asia. One of the largest was P. mongoliensis, which would have reached 2 metres (6.5 ft) in length, and most other species are around that size as well, though there are some which were slightly smaller. Due to the proportions and relative size of Psittacosaurus’ brains, they likely had complex social behaviors. They also had well-developed senses of smell and vision. The size of their scleral rings indicate they may have been cathemeral: active at irregular intervals during both the day and night. They likely had a nut and seed-rich diet which they would have used their strong beaks to crack, and would have swallowed gastroliths to help them wear down their food.
Also, because I’ve noticed that the size chart I make at the end of Archovember is always much more popular than the individual pieces, I’ve decided to make a size chart for each species I draw. 🙃 Yep. I’m drawing two images per prompt. 🙃🙃 Because I love making extra work for myself. 🙃🙃🙃
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy and for those who may be joining in: remember to have fun! Don’t be like me! 🙃🙃🙃🙃
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lgbtqplusmoodboards · 7 years
please do a nblw one with red blue and porple ❤️💙💜
it’s posted 💜
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theythinkimabitch · 4 years
This is so late in the day, but it’s finally dooooone! :D Happy Birthday to the lovely @raspberrytexasswirl! I hope you like it! 😁
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The Tipping Technique
(This is for @about-to-blossom and @just-a-fluffy-knight :) Hope you're both doing well ❤️)
Part 1:
Steven giggled in Jake's hold.
"Ah mi hermano," Jake teased as he wiggled his fingers into Steven's side. "Why do you have to be so cute?"
"Ihim nahat thohough!"
"Don't lie to me!" Jake teased before moving to Steven's stomach. "Te ves como un bebe."
"Yes youw awre!" Jake cooed.
Steven whined through his laughter while gently wrapping his hand around Jake's laughter.
Jake chuckled and paused. "Go ahead mi amigo. I'll stop."
Steven's eyes bugged as he quickly pulled his hand away from Jake's wrist. "No!"
Jake smirked as Steven turned bright red. "Oh?"
"Uhum---I. . . I! . . ."
"Lo sabía!" Jake exclaimed as he adjusted his hold on Steven. "You dow wove my tickles."
Steven squealed when Jake tipped him back so he could nuzzle into his neck. "NAHAT FAHAIR! TWAHAHAT!"
"Disculpe!" Jake lifted his head and playfully gasped at the younger man. "What did you say?"
Steve's eyes widened comically as he squirmed. "Noho! Wahait! Ihi dihidnt mehean ih-IIIIIIIIIIT!"
Steven squealed again when Jake tipped him back even farther and started blowing raspberries into his neck. He tried kicking his legs out but the back of the couch limited his movements.
Jake smirked as the younger man laughed his little heart out and proved just how much he looked like a little kid.
A sweet little kid that Jake treasured.
Part 2:
Marc squirmed in Jake's hold. "J-jahake! Cohome ohon! This---thihis ihis ridihiculohous!"
"Awww, what's wrong hermano? Eres tan cosquilloso?" Jake teased as he scribbled at Marc's stomach.
Jake let out a dramatic gasp. "You're lying!"
"Ihim nahat!" Marc whined as he wrapped his hand around Jake's wrist.
Jake paused. "If you want me to stop mi amigo, you can push my hand away."
Marc looked at Jake's hand as a blush spread across his face.
Marc growled. "Hohold ohon!"
"It's not that hard hermano. You can push me off, or I keep going."
Marc groaned and moved his hands up to cover his face. "Jerk!"
"Awwww," Jake cooed as he shifted his hold on Marc.
Marc's eyes widened. "J-jaha-AAAAAAHAHAHAKE!"
Jake tipped Marc back before nuzzling into his neck.
Marc growled through his laughter. "JAHAHAHAKE!"
"What? Solo te digo lo lindo que eres."
"NOHO!" Marc squealed as his legs kicked.
"Awww. Realmente pareces un bebe!"
Jake lifted his and let out fake gasp. "How dare you!"
"Nonono, wahait!
Jake tipped him back even farther and started nuzzling again with added in ticklish kisses. These simple movements reduced Marc to a laughing, growling mess as he squirmed in Jake's hold and showed just how much of a little kid he actually looked like.
A loved little kid that Jake was determined to let be a kid.
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twistedmusings · 4 years
25 you're hiding under the blanket because you're blushing? For floyd.
It's alright it's not your fault your asks were lost and I hope you can find a way to feel better so I'll send this ask and request!
A/N: The writer would like to apologize not only for the problems of my tumblr askbox BUT also because I simped a little bit too hard for Floyd in this prompt. 
Warnings: I mean mentions of sexy times but the biggest warning is how much of a simp I am for an eel man. 
Floyd Leech 
A noise comes up from the pile of blankets, Floyd blinking as he pokes at it again. 
The noise quiets down but the blankets shift as if pulling themselves into each other.
Floyd bites the inside of his cheek and grabs onto the blankets, trying to pull them off of you but failing as the blankets remained rooted to their spot. How did you have that strong of a grip! 
“Ahhh! That’s it! Shrimpy come out already!!!” 
“No! I don’t wanna come out!” 
“You are hogging all the blankets! Azul is gonna get maaaaaad!” 
The sound of both of you struggling fill the room as Floyd once again tries to take the blankets but with no avail, letting out another whine as he leaned back against his headboard and running a hand through his hair. This was your first time staying over in his room and despite the fact that he really did think that last night’s activities would have left you rather tired, Floyd had woken up early to you hogging all the blankets on his bed and hiding under them. 
And no explanation as to why. 
He closed his eyes and tried to think back to what he may have done wrong. 
“Did you not have fun at the Monstro Lounge?” 
A voice speaks up from the blankets. 
“Of course I did. I always have fun with you.” 
Floyd groans as he puts a hand over his face. 
You saying cute things like that made him want to squeeze you, but you were too busy doing something he didn’t understand! 
“Did Azul bully you when we were playing board games with him last night?” 
“I won against him one time and then he didn’t let me win again.” 
That sounded pretty much like how it usually went so nothing was weird there. 
“...did I not do a good job last night?” 
The blankets shift as you stay quiet...
“AH! Is that it?! Did I go too hard last night?! Shrimpy was only saying my name and nothing else so I thought I was doing--” 
 “Floyd please stop talking that is not what this is about!” 
“Then what is iiiiiiiiiit!” 
He shakes the blankets back and forth before pouting and laying his head on the top, his cheek pressing on the soft material. 
“I was really happy that you stayed over, you know. Azul told me that in human terms that is a really big step.” 
Blankets stop shifting as Floyd rubs his face on them.
“I’m not good at knowing what you are thinking, Shrimpy, so you need to tell me...” 
Floyd blinks as he hears a small mumble.  “...Hah?” 
“...you’re hiding under the blankets because you’re what?” 
There’s a small prod at the top of the blankets as Floyd moves away, smiling as he finally sees you come out of the comfy fortress, your eyes not really staring at him but staring down at his chest. 
He looks down and takes a good look at himself. 
It was probably because he didn’t have a mirror in his room that Floyd hadn’t noticed the various red marks around his neck, some of them making a trail all the way down to his abdomen while the more angry looking ones were centered around his collarbone and neck. 
Floyd blinks a couple of times before looking at you, your red face glaring at his left shoulder rather intensely which made him look down again. 
Oh. Oh that was a really big bite. 
A grin stretches across Floyd’s face as he looks back at you, the red on your face growing a deeper shade as he gets closer. 
“Eh~? Is Shrimpy embarrassed about all the marks you left? Did you wake up and see just what a mess you made me into?” 
His hand can barely touch your cheek as you immediately hide behind the blankets with an embarrassed groan, Floyd laughing as he grabs the edge of the blanket and pulls upwards so that he can slide into the comfortable pile. 
“Shrimpy don’t be shy~!! I think they look good on me! I’m going to make sure that everyone at basketball practice sees them! So let me leave a bit more on you, okay~?” 
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Oh yeah! Guess who’s freshtacular birthday day it is?! I almost forgot, but I hope ya remembered(if you know him). iiiiiiiiiits: FRESH!!! Happy birthday and I hope ya like it broskies!
Fresh belongs to @loverofpiggies
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snackhobi · 4 years
JDKSJDHDJDJJD I didn't put a post date on it because deadlines stress me out;; but I'm hoping to get it finished soon! (soon meaning within the next week or two 😳) I'm so glad you like the concept!! 💖 and I'm happy to tag you in it once it comes out so you don't have to worry about when and where? either way thank you so much for your message 🥰
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iiiiiiiiiit’s finished :D
this took waaaaaay longer than i originally anticipated lol, but it’s done now!
this took me a full week! and my hand is sore from drawing that entire time 
i think all my hard work paid off because it looks p good :]
hope you guys like it! :D
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maevelin · 5 years
If i tell you i was JUST rereading possession when i got the email about your update would you believe me??? I am so SHOOK rn. Cant wait to read iiiiiiiiiit!!!!!!!
I hope you like it!
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morathor · 7 years
Ladies of Darkness 21/?
"They try to reach inside, to maybe try and access some of Eitan's social skills--" "That's a bad idea, but continue."
Heeeeeeeey iiiiiiiiiit's Ladies of Darkness time!  Remember that thing?  That Ladies of Darkness thing I keep talking about?  It's about ladies, and darkness, and demons!  Check it out @ladiesofdarkness
So they split the party and investigations are go!  Insert some kind of cool spy music here.  Mission impossible theme good for you?  Let's go with mission impossible.  So Valoel goes to the library and does a reasonably good job of Acting Like A Human Being.  Not so much a good job investigating but take victory where you find it you know?  And Valoel did find out that somebody who survived one of the demon attacks is in the hospital so that's a new lead there.  Meanwhile Arakiel is unchaperoned, and tears are happening.  (DMKat throws them a very kind child to interact with because they are gonna need all the help they can get with this.  Still not enough.)  Also Arakiel discovers what a "funeral" is oh no.  Oh no.  And then we get to Charlie.  Who actually knows how to do this sort of thing and takes excellent notes like "full of shit."  Good note Charlie that will be incredibly important to be able to reference later.  So they reconvene and exchange information and Valoel asks Arakiel about grass.  And Arakiel shares a lot of good info!  About grass and bushes and funerals and children!
I don't usually talk about the intermission/ad-break because, this is sort of a review, synopsis, sort of a thing and it feels weird to mention them but gott daaaaaaaamn it was hilarious this episode.  DMKat should catch more colds apparently she is extra hilarous when sick (no but I hope she's feeling better now and does not get sick again any time soon).
So they go back to the houses that Charlie visited earlier (now that there are people in them) and run into a lady Arakiel met in the park who was attending the funeral.  That's awkward, but Charlie steps in with just like.  A very energetic round of introductions that makes very little sense if you think about it.  Good effort tho Charlie.  And then their lil interview is interrupted by CHILD DROWNING OH MY GOSH!  Various perception type rolls are made and are largely failed.  Well, Charlie doesn't fail but Charlie also has the least context to figure out what's going on sooooooooo.  Anyway it's all good, Arakiel got that bitch a gnome.  Bitches love gnomes.  (The bitch in this case is a small child and also I believe male do not get confused tho they still very much love gnomes.)
So after they manage to help a little with the drowning child problem, Charlie decides it's a good time to drop their reporter act.  Not going full transparency but like being more open about their intentions?  Good call I think.  There's certainly a time for secrecy but this ain't it.  So they ask some more questions, get really not a lot of answers, so it's on to the hospital!  They can't really get any alone time with the victim, her mother's visiting, so Charlie has a great idea!  That Valoel will have to implement.  Because Valoel can turn invisible, because light magic.  And Charlie can not, because fire magic.
So anyway Hannah is telling her mom all about World War II!  But her mom was like.  There.  I mean.  In Europe.  During the war.  Also, grave robbing is proposed.  Anyway Valoel gives up on invisible plan, but makes turning un-invisible super complicated somehow.  It's, a whole thing.  Anyway they go in and ask questions, still sticking to the "mostly honest" approach, and mom has a theory: it's Nazis!  And like, that seems like a theory that was meant to be offered, laughed off, and later turn out to be true?  Valoel didn't laugh it off though.  She took it under Serious Consideration.  (Also, Hannah suspects communists.)  Anyway DMKat gives them a liiiiiittle hand and it seems like mama knows something.  What does she know?  What are her secrets?  We'll find out in like a coupla weeks I guess.
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