#I hope you have an amazing life whomever you are anon!!
reedtuft · 3 years
Your artwork is so amazing!!! You are a huge inspiration to me. I hope you have an amazing week ❤️
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saintobio · 3 years
What hella excites me, despite the pain, is that even though y/n is taking in all of gojo’s bs… there is a reason for everything. I trust you so much that this build up of angst is only so that the resolve is that much greater. That’s the ONLY thing that brings me some sort of security. From all your past writings to now (except for love, always…. 😢 big sigh) all of your main y/n’s went through hell and back, BUT remained the superior one in the end in some shape or form. And I’m hella excited for what is to come for y/n. Yes, it hurts, I fully acknowledge, but knowing you Ai…. You ain’t gonna let y/n suffer like that. I have come to a point where I’m enjoying this bs of behavior from Gojo, his dad, sera, and whomever bothers y/n, because at the end we’ll be ones laughing. So keep it coming so his regret is that much greater. Hmph. This is why I think the way you wrote y/n is so brilliant. I personally think she’s just as deep and complex as Gojo is, we just have failed to see her at her full extent to what she’s capable of as a person. We haven’t been introduced to the FULL complexity of y/n as a character, and with what you’ve already presented to us… y/n is just as damaged as Gojo and sera, just in a different way, but she’s choosing to be wise and slowly collecting her solid hand of cards so that she can make her decisions. We’ve seen the extent to what Gojo and sera are capable of doing, or have done, and are willing to continually commit. But not for y/n AS OF YET AND THAT HELLA EXCITES ME!!!!!!! Also, those that call y/n frustrating or stupid… no no no. Trust me, her personality and grace is what will make gojo’s suffering that much greater, bc he already knows what kind of heart and character y/n has. Y/n’s ability to not drop her pride and succumb to their level is amazing. And her ability to stay strong in her own way, is what will prevail to be her strength in the end. Because!!!!!! At the end of the day, y/n NEVER needed Gojo, but he does. So…… hmmmmm from already the beginning the ball for victory as always been in y/n’s court!!!! Aside from my rambling, Ai… I do hope you rest and enjoy your life outside of tumblr and writing. I wish I knew you in person so I can take you out to buy you an icecream or whatever that you like bc you deserve it…. just promise me, after you post today, that you will not look at tumblr and write until you’ve fully rested with plenty of sleep and belly full of bomb food. You can always reply to our theories and rants when you’ve been rested 😽 . Again, everyone trust me… Ai’s too great of a writer to cause you both distress but satisfaction, but in the end it will be worth it. TRUST ME. Really appreciate you, Ai!!!
YESSSS thank u for ur trust and ur sweet words omg this was so comforting to me :’( i really felt it hahah what did i do to deserve anons like you !! my heart feels so warm rn tysm bby <33
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kanmom51 · 3 years
Hi Kanmon 💜 I hope ur fine!!
I was just reading your replies about all this subject evolving Jk's cover and I just don't get why people are so invested on discovering why he chooses this song to cover. JK already did so many covers and if all of them had something to do with his life, this boi lives in a Shakespeare heartbreak drama lol. I do believe he choose songs that touch his heart, but not necessarily represents his life at all. There are even artists that sing songs which are not necessarily related to them at all.
I'm army and a supporter of jk and jimin since 2015 and if I had a breakdown every time JK post a cover I'd be crazy already lol
And just one more thing... Why people decided to question JK's songs choices right now? When GCF tokyo was dropped, in which jk put a lot of time recording, editing (and putting all the context we know...) and etc, There for You was just a song with no meaning for a lot of people...
Btw, I love your blog Kanmon!!
We all should appreciate Jk vocals and his love for music, he covered a song he likes and that's it
Hey anon, thanks for your love and support.
People are acting as if this is a song written by JK. It isn't. These weren't his emotions and thought he put into writing. It's a song he liked and decided to cover, and he sounds amazing.
I am sure his choice of release date means something to him, a couple of possible options have been shared here. Which it is, he and whomever is supposed to know it does.
I can assure that his bf loves this cover too. Said bf being his slightly shorter super cute but also sexy fellow band member who's name starts with J and ends with imin, just incase anyone thought I meant Suga, lol.
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daydreamrry · 3 years
https://gossiprry.tumblr.com/post/667444821318926336/same-i-already-feel-so-bad-for-the-next-person //
Anons 💕🥺 you are such sweet and compassionate people and it shows. I don’t think you should worry too much about next partner because they will get to be truly loved by H. Can you imagine how amazing that must be to love and be loved by him? Fans like the ones on this blog are going to recognize it for what it is and lift that person up. When people can see how clearly happy H is and how supportive and loving his partner is all that stuff will fall away. There will always be weirdo shippers for Larry, haylor, hendall, all of the ships, but I think true fans will love who he picks because they will be loving and kind and gentle like he is. That will be the partner who genuinely tries to do nice things for fans and not for clout but just because they will love Harry’s fans like he does and it will show.
Maybe at first people will say certain things but H isn’t gonna let his true love suffer one bit. He’ll clear it right up in some interview or on stage or something and most people will come around because he said it so openly like he hasn’t before. He will be more open while still private when he is sure this is the one that he’ll be with for the rest of his life. Part of his privacy has been his uncertainty and also I think, to protect his true partner from witnessing all this. It’s a respect/protection thing if that makes sense. I think he will feel so much more free when this happens and I think we’ll see him shift a lot (like maybe more social media interactions, or showing more glimpses into his personal life.) I don’t think he’ll be as guarded. He’ll always be private, but I think he’ll share things in his own way, sort of like Ed sheeran does with his wife. This will be the person he actually admits to being in love with while he is in love with them.
Also, I do wonder what will happen to Larries when this happens. For so long they’ve been able to hold onto their belief because H has kind of been drifting but when he anchors down… idk how they’ll justify it. I think Larries will be the biggest issue for his partner because some of them can be very vitriolic and invasive and weird. I’ve always felt so bad for Eleanor. Idk how she handles it sometimes. Maybe she can give new partner some tips. But I like to hope maybe h finally being serious with someone will help a lot of them see the light and leave the cult.
Anyway, I think all you guys continuing to talk about how much you want this person in his life is helping manifest them into his life. I think he’s also trying to manifest them into his life and I do think it’s coming over the next few years when his Saturn return energy starts. I have a feeling/theory that on a universal level, Olivia is here to be so unlikeable so that when his true love comes along people will be much kinder towards them. It will be a relief for fans when they show up and they will love that person even more because of what they suffered with this shit show.
It sounds strange but it’s sort of like fans and the media are being trained and have been this whole time so that H will actually be able to be with someone and they won’t be viciously attacked in the same way as other gfs. I honestly think if that happens with his soulmate/true love it would hurt him very deeply and be something that makes him consider seriously leaving the spotlight. Whomever his person is has to be a bad ass and strong af and they will be and they can take it, but he is so soft like he would never ever want to be the cause of their pain and I just I hope people keep this in mind. H has been famous a long time but he is a very gentle soul, the type who would rather give up his person than be the reason they hurt or receive hate from people. I actually think this will be something that makes him hesitant when he first meets them, his fear of them being hurt because of his success. Don’t worry, most people will be able to tell this one is different and will act accordingly. But I have a feeling there will be some fans that end up defending them against the asshole ones. Because there will always be some assholes.
Anyway. I wasn’t gonna say all this but you guys are all so cute 🥰 and genuine that I wanted to share my insight. Love you all 💕
this is so cute, you're the sweetest :,( we love you 💕
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mafaldaknows · 3 years
so everyone was ok when cmbyn promo pretty much revolves around how tim and armie were besties, their amazing chemistry, how fans and the media were obsessed with their relationship etc etc and it was allll ok and good… but as soon as timmy has any tiny bit of (platonic) chemistry with a female costar and it’s the basis of film promo, suddenly that’s an issue? be more obvious about what the issue is. and I say this as someone who loves charmie. there is room for tim to live his life
Hello, Anon:
In an industry that can destroy you if you don’t ground yourself with kindred spirits to support you, to have people in your life who can truly understand your hopes, dreams, challenges, and struggles, as a colleagues and as friends, is a true gift that cannot be underestimated, imho.
And hearts can grow to make room for whomever we choose to hold there.
This much I know is true.
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Thanks for your insight. 😊❤️🧿
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austennerdita2533 · 3 years
I love Penelope Douglas for sure check her out! She writes some of the best smut tbh. I’m working my way through her devils night series right now-I’m on book 2. It’s good so far, definitely dark though. I’m interested to see how she goes about a redemption arc for the character Damon right now I don’t think he deserves one but I hear such good things about his book, Killswitch, but that’s book 3 so I will see how it goes. I definitely recommend Birthday Girl from her though I loved it and the couple from it are my favorite age gap could I’ve ever read. I find myself still re reading some of their best moments.
I am slightly embarrassed by Credence though so I hope it doesn’t bother you too much if you read it. Just so you know before going into it, it is about her and her step uncle/cousins. To be fair they are not blood related and very distance to the point she didn’t even know about them. But she does call him Uncle Jake during a sex scene, and the two others call her cousin during one too. There’s also a MMF scene with her two cousins. But on top of that there is a sexual assault scene (it does get stopped but the intent is there)-personally I wasn’t a fan of how she inwardly dealt with that scenario it felt like she was blaming herself for it instead of holding the other character accountable. Uncle Jake also does kiss her when she is still 17. So if any of that makes you uncomfortable don’t read it.
I’m so happy you liked the atlas six as much as I did. I can’t believe we have to wait until next year for the sequel to see what happens. It’s too long!! I also liked Callum the least, I still appreciated his character though and what he brings to the story I just wasn’t a fan of his, probably because of his problems with Libby/Parisa. Plus his powers terrify me-as someone who likes to have full control of my emotions the fact that someone could just change everything scares me. I also loved Nico he is my typical character that I love the whole I’m an asshole but soft and caring for the people I love gets me every time. Parisa is my queen though I’m obsessed with her. Like I’m literally in love with her, I wish she was real so she could be with me instead. Not that she would because I’m broke have 0 magic or power to give to her, but still. But I have a thing for power hungry women so I was gone the second I met her. But anyway if she was real she could destroy me or do anything she wanted to me and I would say thank you. Reina I also love and agree she could destroy the whole planet and one day probably will. I just love how she is there and wants all that knowledge but also doesn’t give a fuck about anyone else. Tristan also grew on me I’m still not completely sure how much I like or don’t like him yet he gets annoying sometimes because he is constantly in his mind about his alliances but I also love how loyal and caring he is. Libby is my girl!! I also relate to her as well since I was an outcast and battled inadequacy and all that (you and I must have some stuff in common!) Out of all the characters I relate to her the most and am rooting for her so hard-also because the author made her from Pittsburgh and I’m also from the area so I felt personally attached. But Olivie just did an interview and said Libby is getting a corruption arc and I am so excited about it!!
Okay ships- so I will be honest and I think it’s an unpopular opinion but oh well-I am a nicolibby stan. They have every single dynamic that I love in a ship and they could potentially be my favorite book couple of all time if that is the road they are being taken. Honestly I was obsessed with them from their first interaction so i have it bad for them. Obviously I know they were not romantic in this book but the potential (at least for me) was there especially in some of their quotes in the end. I fully believe they are soulmates though-even the author said they were born on the same day and feel like their other half is missing in an interview once-whether that will be platonic soulmates or romantic soulmates I have no idea and I could see either happening. My heart will break if it is platonic but it’s okay I can just live in my own little head about their potential.
But I get the idea and also like both libbytristan and NicoGideon and could see those happening instead of nicolibby too. I wouldn’t say I would be mad about it either-I do like both just to me the potential of nicolibby works more for me! My only thing about libbytristan though is I’m not sure how much of their tension/feelings are real (like did any of it exist before Parisa put the idea of the other person in their thoughts to lead to all the feelings.)
Weirdly enough since they probably my least favorite characters I also adore Tristan and Callum together. Their dynamic just works for me.
And I love Parisa and Dalton too and I’m so interested in how that relationship pans out because they have some stuff to figure out. But they work well together and honestly they are just so sexy together so I’m down for it. Although I do ship myself with Parisa more than her and Dalton but I’m biased.
Honestly though all the ships are wide open though so I’m curious to see what ends up being endgame. But omg yes the twist I was not expecting it-I’m so excited for the rest of this trilogy!!!
In other news though I finished up the ravenhood series. I know you said you either read it or it was on your tbr. But god I loved it. That series broke me and then put back all the pieces. If you haven’t read it and want to feel both heartbreak and happiness I highly recommend it!
Oh and don’t apologize for babbling as you can tell I also babble!!
-ACOTAR anon
Hiiiii sweets!
I've been sifting through a bunch of summaries of Penelope Doulgas' work on Goodreads and there's a bunch of stuff there I think I'd enjoy. I'm all about good smut. I didn't realize she had that many books. I'm excited! Thanks so much for the rec! I love dark romances/erotica every now and again so I'm also going to have to dive into the Devil's Night series at some point.
Oh, and idk if you know about it/read it but a couple of my friends told me about the Crossfire series by Sylvia Day a while back. It's BDSM, like Fifty Shades, but supposedly loads better. I don't know if you're into that but I figured I'd just throw it out there anyway. The smut is supposed to be steamy. I haven't read it yet but I do have the first four novels on my Kindle (where they've been sitting, unread, for about 2 years now)...so that's something haha.
And please don't be embarrassed about Credence. Seriously, the most wonderful thing about reading is you can go wherever tf you want in your imagination. No one can stop you. There are no rules. No restrictions. You can be whomever or whatever you want to be for a while, morality notwithstanding. One of my favorite things about books is that I can experience the most bonkers, outlandish out-of-this-world stuff that I'd never dream of wanting/liking in real life. It's liberating!
Thank you for the trigger warnings, though. I appreciate that. None of them sound off-putting enough to keep me from reading it. (Tbh, I want to read it more now.) I've read loads of books where characters marry or have sex with their cousins or siblings *waves at ASOIAF, the Secret History* so it doesn't bother me. I've also read most of Lolita and all of My Dark Vanessa by Kate Russell, which both romanticize pedophilia in disturbing degrees, so it takes a lot to put me off. If curiosity could kill then I'd be long dead by now. Hell, sometimes I will purposely read things I know will upset me to my core. What can I say? I'm a weirdo. 🙃
I DON'T WANT TO WAIT A YEAR FOR BOOK 2 OF THE ATLAS SERIES, EITHER. AHHHHH. How am I going to make it that long? It seems so far away!
Callum is the most terrifying of them all right now, imo. I think that's why I disliked him the most. Like you, it shook me to my core to imagine someone like him being able to toy with my emotions. I have a tendency to detach, to keep my emotions pressed close to my chest so that I can't be manipulated or hurt, and the idea that someone could have power over them, over me in that way is...no freaking thank you! I would put as much space between him and me as possible. Most of the Atlas crew had the right idea there. He does bring a lot to the story, though, like you said. I have a feeling he's going to be one of those characters I "love to hate" as the series progress. I might even grow to "hate to love" him, idk. He's just such a shady bastard! And so judgmental/mean to the girls.
I'm with you on Parisa, by the way. She's the kind of conniving, ambitious siren of a woman I can get behind. She has a similar vibe as Katherine Pierce on TVD. I mean, there's nothing in her arsenal she won't use and I love how she weaponizes her beauty. It's delicius. She's unpredictable. Definitely the type of character who inspires "scared and aroused" energy any time she walks into a room. Like, she could choke you and instead of crying you'd just ask her to do it again...harder lol.
Reina has the same kind of "no fucks given" attitude I have because I genuinely don't care what people think of me, either. I'm just here to do my thing. Be nerdy. Learn. Whatever. And Nico is my fave for the same reason as you--the asshole who only has soft edges for those who matter to him. *heart eyes*
Omg, Libby is going to have a corrupted arc? AHHHHH. That's going to be amazing, I cannot stinking wait! I was sort of hoping she'd go dark so now that it's confirmed I'm even more pumped. Also, I think you and I have more in common than either of us realized. I'm from the Pittsburgh area, too! How wild is that? Maybe there's something in the water here and that's why, like Libby, we've both felt inadequate and like outcasts at different points in our lives? Olivie might be onto something here...🤔
The thing that's been so cool for me about this series so far is that there are a bunch of potential pairings I could get behind. And I kind of like that it's not clear cut right now. Most series I know who I want together or who will be together like halfway through book 1. I like that I don't know have firm preferences and am still open. That's novel. Not to mention fun!
I don't blame you for shipping Nicolibby so hard, though. They're definitely one of my top contenders for a romantic pairing. They have that enemies-to-lovers element with witty banter that I always gravitate toward. And you're right about Libby/Tristan. I don't know how much of their connection was manufactured because Parisa intervened, either. That'll be fun to puzzle out moving forward. And Callum/Tristan should NOT be a ship I like but they have a palpable something that I can't put my finger on. I've got my eye on them, for sure.
The Ravenhood series is still on my tbr. I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed it so much, though! It's rare to read something that just ticks all your boxes. The next time I'm the mood to binge a series I'm gonna have to pick that one up. :-D
I've been trying to clear out my backlog of ARCs lately. (Not possible because I'm getting more on the regular - as in constantly haha - but I'm trying.) I just finished Wish You Were Here by Jodi Picoult, which has a Sliding Doors premise that is set during the pandemic where the main character has a parallel life experience (one, where she's in the Galapagos Islands on vacation when the shutdown hits so she's stuck there with strangers, alone, not speaking the language; the other, where she's in Manhattan with her surgeon boyfriend and recovering from COVID). It's intense but so, SO good! Picoult is such a good writer. Anything I've read by her has been moving, with rounded and real characters. I haven't been disappointed yet. I so recommend her.
Oh, and if you're into nonfiction/biographies at all I finished The Splendid and the Vile by Erik Larson not long ago, which is about Winston Churchill as well as those around him, and it was fantastic! Read more like fiction. I loved it. I am no longer surprised it was on all the BEST lists for 2020.
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darlingpetao3 · 4 years
You’re All I Need (Harry Wells x Reader)
Rating: G
Summary: You and Harry have been through thick and thin together and he doesn’t take any moment with you for granted. You just get each other.
A/N: Inspired by the Daniel Caesar song “Get You” as per the request!
Tag List: @fandomdancer​ @bluesclues-1234​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @blogforhoes​
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Harry has zero idea of what he would do without you.
You are his angel, as he regularly calls you now since ‘the incident.’ He didn’t always use to voice how dear you were to him, though of course you knew how he felt anyway. But you won’t lie, it’s nice to hear him say it.
Presently, you carry your cup of tea and book with you into the living room, where Harry sits in his big fancy chair by the fireplace. Life is so much more low-key and relaxed these days, and you are thankful for that. You both may miss Team Flash like crazy, but this new-found beginning with Harry on Earth-2 is something extraordinary. You are happy, blissful even.
But it wasn’t always that way…
You’ve been with Harrison Wells for a very long time. You’ve been with him as he climbed to the height of success with his company, and yes, when the Particle Accelerator exploded. When the kingdom he had built came tumbling down, he tried to hold it up like a modern-day Atlas. Luckily, you were there to hold him up. 
Despite feeling dread and fear, you also felt incredibly vicious and protective of Harrison when Zoom craved revenge and called for his head. You would protect him at all costs. Not only that, but when Zoom kidnapped Jesse, you swore to Harrison that you would help him rescue your future step-daughter at any cost.
And so, the hot and persevering couple endured much shared turmoil and hardships, but though that may have been the case, there was always love and always support. Yes, you both had made new friends (who would swiftly meld into family), and you loved them dearly. You still do. But you and Harry were a match made in heaven - a dynamic duo of badassery - never to be parted.
You sip your tea and watch as Harry wets his finger with his tongue in order to turn the page of his reading material. He’s been relearning so much, and you couldn’t be prouder. Then again, you never thought you could love him any more than you do, but somehow each day, you manage to surprise yourself.
That had to have been the most challenging period of your lives -- leading up to and after ‘the incident.’ You hated that stupid Cap and what it did to Harry, what it turned him into - An obsessive, angrier-than-usual monster. And then after, when his intelligence began to fade… He hurt so terribly, and it pained you in return. However, when he was losing his memories during this time, he was more present with you, trying to savour every part of you. What would happen when his memories had vanished, and you would be the sole keeper of the ones you share with him?
But that’s all in the past now. That time of your lives is over, and in his new mentally positive state, Harry is always thankful for you (and exceedingly vocal about it).
You continue to stare at your amazing man deep in thought. Naturally, he catches on.
“Yes?” he draws out the question, a hint of amusement coming through.
“Oh, nothing,” you say with a wave of your ringed hand, and your content smile speaking the volumes words sometimes cannot. The pair of you lock eyes.
Once again, you are hit with the realization that every time you look into his, he is all you need.
And you know he feels the same.
A/N: I apologize, Anon, if this is not exactly what you were hoping for. I tried my best, and this is what came out in the end -- I’m afraid it’s not spicy like how you imagined it, but I hope it was an okay-enough read!
Anonymous Request: Hey, love your work! My best friend and I both think you have some of the best Harrison Wells content. :’) I just wanted to request a reader-insert fic involving either Harry or Sherloque (whomever the concept ends up working better for/is easier for you) and inspired by the song “Get You” by Daniel Caesar. I imagine somethin’ spicy?? Not too particular on what happens plot-wise other than that. Thank you!
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thejustmaiden · 4 years
I’ve seen so many shippers say that sesshomaru would be such a terrible parent because he didn’t give her shoes or didn’t prevent her death and that’s why it’s not a father-daughter relationship. Yet also claim that he loved her and proposes to her (drama cd 12 year old girl) and somehow those same arguments don’t count? There’s no leg to stand on to argue that sesshomaru and rin were romantic because that’s literally pedophilia, so the only thing they can do is claim he was a terrible guardian?
Hey anon, thanks for the ask! Hope I can help. :)
You made some great points, thank you!! By their logic, why would somebody even want Sesshomaru with adult Rin at all if he was such a terrible "companion" to her in the first place? If they really believe he neglected her that much and put her in harm's way all the time (because let's be willfully ignorant here and pretend he didn't rescue her multiple times too and eventually leave her to live a normal *safer* life with Kaede), shouldn't they be concerned that he'd be just as bad to her in a romantic relationship once she's old enough, too? That should be something that crosses their mind as well if they weren't so preoccupied with Sesshomaru's supposed lack of parenting skills.
A lot of those shippers like to act like we're only attacking them for implying they must be pedophiles or that they condone pedophilia, but I personally would never make such a nasty accusation about a person in real life. Often times they refuse to address those other serious issues we have with this ship though, because it's really just the pedophilia talk they'll focus on since that's their only easy point to refute.
Aside from the possibility of Sesshomaru grooming Rin since her time in the village, a lot of us anti-s*ssrin fans never actually viewed him as a pedophile-like caretaker to begin with during their times traveling together. The only reason we even bring that up is because we simply cannot ignore when those shippers insist that:
1. He supposedly proposes to her (even when she's still only a child)
2. He's not like a father to her anyway so that's totally acceptable
Nah, even if they're right about him not being like a father to her, that's still plain wrong!! Because then now they're trying to justify an adult male very inappropriately making a move on a young girl here! Perhaps he wasn't pressuring her or forcing himself on her like a true pedophile would do at or around the time of the proposal, but can they really stand there and say that they'd be more than okay with witnessing something like that in real life and not in the slightest cringe??
Okay, this is where a lot of them will argue that this is not real life (so I guess that means we can forgive the child grooming if it's just fiction?), or that older men courting girls soon-to-be young women was the norm in feudal Japan so then that's cool in their books, too. The thing is, even if we can tolerate all that like they do, that's not enough reason to deem it acceptable since it's more than about that. We MUST also factor in that Sesshomaru isn't just some man who took a liking to a blossoming Rin he saw from afar. No no, this man KNEW her and was LIKE a father to her, too!
We can't stress that enough really! Whether by their standards he was a bad father or not doesn't matter, because all that does matter is that he took on a role resembling that of a father- YES, even if we never hear them call each other father or daughter exactly. We also didn't hear him claim outright that he's (falling) in love with her either, so why is one implied but not the other?! It's not like Sesshomaru is a man of many words anyway, but his actions have sure demonstrated to all of us that he cares for this young girl he took in very deeply and very truly. I mean, just look at the large portion of fan art out there for Sesshomaru and young!Rin (not S*ssrin). He's usually fondly embracing Rin or comforting her like a GOOD father or male guardian/caretaker would. So somebody please explain to me why Sesshomaru is only sweet or loving to Rin when it's convenient to your narrative but not ours? You can't just take an angle on their relationship and bend it at your will to justify him being a terrible demon father who didn't know how to protect a young human girl on one hand, but then show and share all this fan art of him doing the exact opposite on the other! It just makes no sense at all. You can't have your cake and eat it too!
So the special bond they formed over the YEARS they traveled alongside each other isn't something they can up and forget just because Rin is finally an adult. That can't simply clean their slate as if they had no prior established history between them. Their relationship resembles one a young girl shares with a grown man who looks after her for a significant amount of time (she didn't view him as just a demon; to her he was at the very least akin to a lord/vassal). So knowing all that we know about what they've endured together, I'd like to believe that Rin could never develop romantic feelings for her main role model, because whether he was physically there for her less than Jaken was is irrelevant. Sesshomaru is the one she really looked up to since that day he brought her back to life, and he's protected and cared for her the best way he could and in a way everyone failed to after her family died. It's safe to assume that Sesshomaru filled that role as you can tell that she finally felt safe and loved for the first time in a long time. Now if Rin were to start to become sexually attracted to this demon who basically came to represent everything she lacked in a family, then I'd be deeply troubled and concerned for her mental health. And same thing applies to Sesshomaru.
I would hope that whenever I have children someday, that they would never become physically intimate with whomever was their babysitter back when they were little. Nah, that man would be arrested!! He was around to watch her grow up and the thought of that being sexualized or romanticized, even if it wasn't intentional, makes me sick. I don't care if she's a consenting adult who is free to make her own decisions, because I guarantee you this is not an image any of us ever want to picture! And I didn't even choose an example with a father. I mean, can you even imagine that? Yeah, I rather not either.....
Nobody liked it when Woody Allen did it in real life regardless if he makes excellent movies, so why would I like to see it on my TV even if it's one of my favorite characters? Nope, Sesshomaru is amazing- and yes, nOt rEaL- but not even he gets a free pass here. Nobody should in any capacity or on ANY MEDIUM (fantasy, reality, etc.) be remotely allowed to get away with such a disgusting act even if it used to be tradition. And no, this isn't just some Western way of thinking. This is a 21st century way of thinking!
Recently, another user on here nicely pointed out to me that an adult can form loving relationships with children and it not be considered a parental one. At that moment, it was like a little light bulb went off in my head!!!! Yessss, this is so true and I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier!!
Because all that S*ssrin shippers like to repeat over and over again to us (as well as to themselves), is that Sesshomaru was not Rin's father. So fine, hypothetically speaking, let's say he isn't her adoptive father. That still doesn't take away from the truth that he was very much invested in the overall safety and well-being of this young girl. He contributed to her care even if it was just passing a message along to Jaken before taking off again. I was a teacher for a few years, and the love and affection I had for those children was real, even if I wasn't their parent and I didn't see them every day. That doesn't change the fact that I would've done absolutely anything in my power to keep them safe-- I would've even gone to the underworld and back!!! You know, kinda like that one character who was such a bad dad. 😉
So you see, you don't need to be the parent or even around all the time to love and care for a child. Bottom line is that Rin, Sesshomaru, Jaken, and Ah-Un are a FAMILY! Granted, they may be a little dysfunctional, but it's not like there's such a thing as the perfect family. They may be far from what a conventional family looks like too, but that doesn't make their family any less valid. Nothing or nobody can or should ever change that ❣
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Little Mercury protege; AU Alive!Freddie Mercury x Malek!teen reader
*Author’s note*
Okay well guys I didn’t get inspired till Freddie’s birthday had passed, so I know this is late but here is a request I think should’ve been done. To the anon who gave me this request, I hope this is what you were wanting. And I hope to all of you who read this get a thrill out of this :)
Okay warnings; FLUFF. bit of angst, racial discrimination (I mean NO OFFENSE BY THIS if this makes you uncomfortable just skip ahead and don’t read the one scene in question), and just personal opinions on a certain fact of another casting choice (if you belong to team S.B.C playing Freddie, please don’t start a war with me on this okay.) 
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Being the daughter of Rami Malek sometimes has its perks.  I’ve been going with him to premieres, I’ve seen my dad film some of his shows, but now my dad is about to become a legend as he had just gotten the role of one of my favorite lead singers of Rock and roll.  Freddie Mercury.
For the past eight weeks my dad has been in London practicing his piano skills, because he and the rest of the actors would begin to film the first sequence which was the famous Live Aid performance. And since I had to finish up school, he wouldn’t allow me to come visit the set but now that it’s summertime, my jida (grandma) got me my plane ticket to London so that I could visit my dad on set.
After a long night flight, I finally arrived in London and as soon as I came out of the gate, there I saw my dad holding a sign that said.
“Welcome (y/n)” in full decorated lettering colored in with markers, stickers and glitter.  Dad smiled at me and said.
“There’s my girl.” I raced over to him and hugged him and he hugged me back just as tightly. “How was the rest of your school year?”
“It was fine.”
“How’d you do on your finals?” I shrugged and he said. “Oh no, no c’mon now don’t you lie to me. You know I could call your uncle Sami to tell me how you did.”
“I passed dad, got all A’s and B’s.”
“Ehh that’s my girl.” He ruffled my hair and kissed the top of my head. “Wait, are you getting taller?” I giggled and he wrapped his arm around me and guided me away from the gate to the luggage claim.
“So how’s piano lessons going dad? You up to Freddie Mercury standards?”
“Well let’s face it no one except maybe Elton John could match Freddie’s piano skills, but I’d say I’m up to it darling.” I fangirled a bit and said.
“God you can’t drop the mannerisms can you?”
“Guess even off camera I find myself doing minor Freddie things.”
“But it’s so awesome that they picked you to play Freddie, I can’t wait to see you in full getup. So are the cast friendly?”
“Yeah we’ve really bonded with each other very well. Especially the band and I. It’s like we’re the new generation of Queen.”
“Who all’s playing the rest of the band?”
“Ahh now that is a surprise.” I whined out. “Don’t pout you’ll meet them once we get to set. We’re gonna film Live Aid later today once the weather’s just right.”
“I can’t wait.”
“I know you can’t. You’ve made me watch that footage every Live Aid anniversary since you became a fan of Queen.” We arrived at baggage claim and we waited till my suitcase finally came out.  He grabbed hold of it and guided me out of the airport and the two of us hopped into a car and drove off to set.
Since this was my first time in London, you know as any tourist I had to take pictures of what I could.  The Big Ben clocktower, the London Eye, the many statues, everything and anything in between.
Finally after about a 2 and a half hour drive, we finally arrived at an abandoned lot where I could see hundreds of people running around a mock stadium.
“So this is where you guys are gonna be filming?” I asked.
“Just for Live Aid. The original stadium was torn down so our brilliant set design team found this area and built Wembley stadium from the ground up. You’ll get a better look at it once you see if from the front.” I ahhed in understandment and that’s when our car stopped and he said. “You ready to see everyone?”
“A little nervous too.”
“Don’t worry darling, everything will be alright. You trust me?” he held out his hand for me.
It was a common thing he’s done to help ease my nervousness, and yeah we did kinda steal it from Aladdin but hey it works.
“Yes.” I said as I reached out for his hand and he helped me out of the car.
“Just stay close to me and you won’t get lost among the volunteers and workers.” I held his hand and he guided me towards the stadium.  We went around it and when I finally got a good look at it, I was just in awe.
“Pretty cool huh? So does it look like Wembley stadium?”
“It’s…..it’s like we’re actually there. And you said they built it from the ground up?”
“Yeah. Did it all while the guys and I were practicing our instruments. C’mon I need to get to makeup anyways so might as well show you that during our tour.” He then guided me over away from the stadium and we went into this large van-like trailer and there I saw rows of chairs and makeup areas.
“Ahh Rami glad to see you’re back.” A voice said. When I looked up, I thought I was actually looking at Brian May back during the original live aid.  God this guy he—he’s practically Brian.
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“Yep, traffic wasn’t too bad getting out of the airport.”
“So is this your daughter?” the Brian look alike asked.
“Yes. (Y/n) this is Gwilym Lee, our actor for Brian May. Gwil this is the light of my life, (Y/n).”
“It’s so good to finally meet you (y/n). Rami would not stop talking about you. I’ve been looking forward to this for weeks.”
“Really, well here I am. And can I just say that you look—exactly like Brian May.” Both my dad and Gwilym chuckled and he said.
“Thank you, I only hope Brian himself approves. I’m told that Queen’s gonna be coming here to watch us perform.”
“Wait—Queen’s coming here? As in all four members?”
“Yep.” Oh shit. “So I hope we all don’t screw up, that’d be the next big disaster.”
“I’m sure we’ll do fine Gwil.”
“Yeah well see you on set. Nice meeting you (y/n).” He and I shook hands with each other and then he left to probably get into wardrobe and costuming.
“Alright Rami, you’re turn.” One of the makeup artists said.  My dad sat down and he got fitted into his wig and got his makeup done.  It wasn’t until he put the teeth in and the famed mustache, that I swore it was like my father was actually Freddie Mercury and not Rami Malek.  Once he was done he turned around and said.
“Well darling what do you think?”
“You look—amazing dad.”
“Thank you, you lovely darling.” Okay now he was really getting the mannerisms done, god I love it when my dad gets committed to a role.
“Right now I need to get into my costume and then we’ll head out to punch a hole in the sky. What do you say dear?”
“Lead the way, Freddie.” I said.  He wrapped his arm around me and we were now heading to the costume trailer.  He got into the famed Live aid Freddie outfit of the white tank-top, jeans, Adidas black and white sneakers, and the diamond encrusted black armband.
Okay it’s official, I am Freddie Mercury’s daughter.
In full get up my dad had not only acted the part but also looked exactly like Freddie.
We were now heading for the stage where I saw Gwilym talking with another man who wore a should length blonde haired wig and wore the Roger Taylor white shirt and black pants.  He was twirling around some drumsticks and that’s when the two of them turned towards us.
“Wow, you look awesome Rami.” The actor playing Roger said.
“Rami? I’m only Freddie darling.” I playfully giggled and rolled my eyes at him.
“And I assume this is your daughter?” he asked again.
“Yep, that’s (y/n). (Y/n) this is Ben Hardy, he’ll be playing Roger Taylor.” Gwilym introduced us.
“It’s great to meet you at last (y/n).” the actor known as Ben held out his hand and we both shook hands.  Now I’ll admit I don’t know why they gave him the wrong wig but he did sorta resemble Roger to a degree.  I’ll just have to wait and see how he portrays Roger in the film before I make any quick assumptions.
Suddenly I was picked up by the waist and twirled around.  I shrieked and told whomever it was that was spinning me around to put me down.
“Ahh now that’s no fun. Is that anyway to treat your favorite uncle?” Oh my god it—it couldn’t be? I quickly turned around to see a big ball of fluffy brown hair but I knew those eyes and that sunshine smile anywhere.
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“Uncle Joey!” I exclaimed as I turned and hugged him. He laughed and embraced me in those big arms of his giving me a big bear hug.  He laughed as he spun me around and pressed a big kiss to my cheek.
See I had known the famed child actor Joe Mazzello since I was 5 years old.  Just shortly after my dad had gotten a role in the HBO series ‘The Pacific’, my mom got into a car accident by a drunk driver and was killed before she even got to the hospital.
I was devastated as was my dad.  Since my uncle Sami was too busy to take care of me at the time and figuring out that I needed my father now more than ever, my grandma and auntie sent me to be with my dad.  
I was so quiet and barely spoke a word, all I did was just sit far away and cry.  It was then I had met Joe, he said he hated seeing kids cry so he tried to make me smile by telling me some jokes of showing me funny cat videos.  Amazingly it did make me feel a bit better, at least got me to smile since the accident happened.
As my dad and Joe became closer with each other and soon became best friends, I got to call Joe Mazzello my uncle Joey. And since we were all in New York, anytime my dad had to go away to film something, nine times out of ten Joe was the one to babysit me until my dad got back.  
Fun little fact, he’s the one who introduced me to Queen during filming of “The Pacific”.  He set me back down and I exclaimed.
“You’re in the film too?!”
“Of course, I thought your dad told you.” I turned to my dad and he briefly broke character as he said.
“I wanted to surprise you. Figured it’d be nice to know that I wasn’t the only one you’d know in this film.”
“So you’re playing John Deacon?”
“Yep, I can’t believe I even made the cut myself, I was stressing out like you wouldn’t believe it. And all they wanted was to hear my accent.”
“God I just gotta say, like Gwilym you—look exactly like John Deacon.”
“I know, so much so that I just had to ask my mom what she was doing in 1983, whether or not she was in London or anything.” I chuckled and hugged him as I said.
“Ahh I’ve missed your dorkiness uncle Joey.”
“Hey it’s not dorkiness, it’s coolness that people wish they could have.” He said as he gave me a playful noogie. “So tell me what’s been up with you in the last two years since I’ve seen you?”
“Well I’m about to go into high school.”
“Get out of town!” he teased.
“No seriously.”
“Oh my god where has the time gone? When I first met you, you were in the middle of kindergarten and now you’re going into big bad high school. Why couldn’t you just stay that adorable little girl that used to hang around my waist and that I could cradle in my arms?” he leaned his forehead against mine and gave me a gentle and loving peck on my nose.
“Sorry uncle Joey, I had to grow up.”
“Noo! I’m Peter Pan and I forbid you from growing up anymore!”
“Alright you big softie layoff her.” Ben said.
“Shut it Benjamin!”
“Okay guys, they’re pulling in now to see the performance. Get into positions.” At this point all four men including my dad were really starting to feel the nerves.
“Who votes for hiding at this point?” asked uncle Joey. All three of them raised their hands and soon we all took off running.
I don’t know how it happened, maybe with a sharp turn or maybe my grip slipped from my uncle Joey’s hand but as we went to hide from the arrival of the band in question, I ended up separated from my dad and his friends.
And since the set was so big, I didn’t know where they could’ve gone.  I kept trying to go down a hallway but it only lead me further and further down more corridors and hallways.  God the production team wasn’t fooling around when they got every single detail down.
That’s when I bump into someone.  I was taken back as I quickly apologized but when I finally looked up to see just who it was that I bumped into, that’s when I just felt the deer in headlights freeze come over me.
For standing there before me was the legend and my number one idol in music, Freddie Mercury.  He may have looked much older than he used to back in the day long before my time, his once raven black hair now greying like snow on the road but he still held that famed spark of a true showman even at the age of 70.
“Well hello there darling. A young newbie groupie welcoming committee.” He said with that famed smile of his.  He gently ruffled my hair which made me blush but I couldn’t help but smile.  But it wasn’t until I noticed that he was also referring to my Queen t-shirt that uncle Joey got me as a birthday present last year and I wrapped my arms around the pictured embarrassed.
“Now, now there’s no need to be ashamed love. It just means you’ve got good taste.” Roger spoke up.
“Alright you two no need to embarrass the girl further.” Deacy said.  It was then Brian stepped up and asked me.
“What’s your name love?” Oh my god Brian May just called me love.  Though I’ll never admit it, when I was little I did have a bit of a crush viewing some of Brian’s old videos.
“(Y/n). (Y/n) Malek.” I said shyly.
“Malek? You don’t mean like the same Malek dear that’s playing me would it?” I nodded and he said, “Oh that’s perfect. Have you any idea where your father is (y/n) dear?” I shrugged.
“I—I sorta lost them I guess.”
“They wouldn’t happen to be hiding from us would they?” asked Roger.  I shrugged and remained silent.
“Well I think we’ve got the perfect leverage to get them out, wouldn’t you agree lads?” Deacy said.  Oh I did not like where this was going.
I was then guided by the four senior band members up onto the actual stage where I saw crew members running about and extras getting their markers on where each person should stand.
“So we came across this lovely young lady while getting the layout backstage, and I know she was in proximity to the young actors portraying us.” Freddie exclaimed loud enough so that the people on stage could hear.
“And we did come such a long way it’d be a shame to not see the young men in full shtick after taking such time off our hands.” Brian said.
“So if you young boys would kindly come out we’d greatly appreciate it.” Answered Deacy.
“If not then we’ll just keep the girl hostage until you lot decide to come out.” Roger playfully threatened.
“NO DON’T TAKE HER!! SHE’S JUST A CHILD TAKE ME INSTEAD!!” I heard my uncle Joey proclaim.  It was then coming out from behind the flaps of the stage, were my dad, uncle Joey and Gwilym and Ben.
“Ahh so there they are. Knew using this lovely darling would get you four to come out of hiding.” Freddie teased which caused all the guys to blush or look away.
The four legends of Rock and roll then walked up towards their counterparts and studied them carefully.  Brian looked like he had went through a time relapse as he stared at Gwilym Lee.
“Bloody hell it’s like looking at me former self, but….” He then began adjusting the hairline of the curls slightly as he said, “The curls actually go this way.” I softly giggled and that’s when I noticed John Deacon stand before my uncle.
“Not bad, I must say you—you definitely resemble me to a T.”
“Believe me Mr. John Deacon sir I—I couldn’t even believe it myself, but the second the wig came on it was—mind blowing.” John smiled and said.
“It’s almost like in a way you’re a long lost child of mine.” Right? Roger was looking at Ben and he even agreed there were some critics but he knew it wasn’t Ben’s fault, mostly blame hair and makeup but Roger did give his sign of approval.  But when he said he couldn’t wait to hear Ben play the drums, that’s when I noticed Ben went a bit pale.
And now the moment of truth was when I turned towards my dad to see Freddie circling around him like a lion circling its prey.
“A bit skinner than I was, different eye color but hell I always wanted to have blue eyes. But like Brian and Deacy they chose the right one. At least you’re a lot better than that previous actor they tried to get to play me. God what an arsehole.”
“It’s an honor Freddie Mercury, I know I wasn’t the best choice but—”
“Oh don’t be so humble Rami darling. You already look the part, now I look forward to seeing you act the part. Cause of course no one is as outrageous as me.”
“Alright lads. We’re all set up. We’re ready to film the entire Live Aid sequence from start to finish.” Dexter came up with his cup of coffee.
“Go kill em boys.” Brian wished them all good luck. Dad came up to me and he gave me a hug and a kiss.
“Ready to see Live Aid?”
“I’ve been waiting nine years to see this dad. You guys are gonna kill it out there.” The guys went behind the flaps for their cue to rush on out, but then just before I could step aside in the wings to watch that’s when Freddie said to me.
“Hold on darling, come down and watch it with us. You’ll get a much better angle than from the stage.”
“Ohh I couldn’t impose on you four I—”
“Nonsense love, c’mon I know your dad would want to see you clearly as he performs.” Roger insisted.  Okay who was I to deny them? I then walked down the steps with them and we watched at the lower level of the stage as everyone was getting into their final places.
“Alright guys full run through. No stopping. Extras cue your cheering!” The crowd began to cheer. “Sound! Roll camera. And……action!” Soon my dad and the rest of the band came running out on stage causing the cheering to go louder.  I even cheered along as I took out my phone and couldn’t help but take a few pictures of my dad, uncle and their new friends in full getup.
Then the run through began.  Even with the actual audio from Live Aid rolling since my dad couldn’t sing a tune, it was still amazing to see him actually playing the piano of Bohemian Rhapsody and uncle Joey playing the bass.
I briefly turned to look at the four rock gods and they all looked amazed, it was like they had jumped back in time to see their greatest performance for themselves.  Brian especially couldn’t believe his eyes and same thing with Freddie.
As promised by Dexter it was the full run through of Live Aid.  Once Radio Gaga came on, I couldn’t help but participate in the claps, and I noticed that not only the extras but some of the crew members who were behind the stage or even behind the camera were participating.
The Aye-oh’s, Hammer to fall, Crazy little thing called love, We will rock you, and We are the champions.  And just seeing my dad up there becoming Freddie Mercury, it was unbelievable.  
The dedication he had put in to becoming this legend whom I have always looked up to throughout my whole life.
By the end of the run through, I was cheering so loudly that if I were to turn around along with them applauding for a well performed first take, Queen was smiling at me seeing my excitement and pure joy.
When the guys walked backstage, I immediately raced over once Dexter called cut to find my dad.  Once I spotted him I immediately raced over to him and glomped him in a hug.
“That was amazing daddy! You guys slayed it!”
“Thank you baby girl.”
“You were amazing up there.”
“Well that’s because I knew you were watching.” I giggled and hugged him again.
“Ohh I see go hug your dad but no love for your uncle.” Joe teased.
“Ohh uncle Joey.”
“No, no, no I see how it is. I’ll just continue to go through the film being neglected from my favorite snuggle-cuddle bunny.” He said as he crossed his arms over his chest, turning his back on me.
“Snuggle-cuddle bunny?” Ben and Gwilym gaped.
“Yeah see when she was just five during our filming of the Pacific whenever she got too tired, she’d always cuddle up close to me. And since she always had this pink bunny wherever she went I dubbed her snuggle-cuddle bunny.” I blushed embarrassedly.
“I will cling onto you for the rest of the time I’m here if you take that back.” I pleaded.
“Not a chance kidda-roo.” He pulled me into his arm and playfully gave me a noogie.
“Well done boys, that was phenomenal.” We turned around to see all four members of Queen standing before us.
“They definitely chose the right boys for the job. I can’t wait to see what else we’ve got planned here.” Roger said.
“Seeing that performance brought me back to the real Live Aid concert. Well done lads.” Said John with a warm smile.
“You four lovely darlings. It’s like you four were born for the stage, just like all of us. Work your magic just right and you could be the next generation of Queen. You look the part and now you sound the part. Especially you Rami you beautiful darling.” Freddie then walked up to my dad and gave him two kisses, one on each cheek.
From then on the filming commenced with the final approval of Queen seeing my dad and the rest of the cast in full shtick.
As the weeks went on and they were starting to film the Rockfield farm scenes, I was in the building since everyone was on a break before filming would begin.  I sat down by the piano and lightly stroked the keys.
I then raised my hands and I played the first Queen song I had ever learned “Somebody to love”.  I did a bit of vocalizing before finally singing the song.
Each morning I get up I die a little Can barely stand on my feet Take a look in the mirror and cry Lord, what you're doing to me I’ve spent all my years in believing you But I just can't get no relief, Lord! Somebody (somebody) somebody (somebody) Can anybody find me somebody to love?
“I know you’ve got more soul than that darling.” I ceased my playing to see Freddie standing behind me. He walked over and sat on the piano bench beside me and continued, “Don’t hold back, let it out.” He then picked the song back up and stared at me nodding for me to go on.
I went straight to the bridge where I would usually give the song as much soul as I could.
Got no feel, I got no rhythm I just keep losing my beat I'm OK, I'm alright I ain't gonna face no defeat I just gotta get out of this prison cell One day I'm gonna be free, Lord!
Somebody (somebody) somebody (somebody) Can anybody find me somebody to love?
I guess my nerves made me repeat the last couple lines that really belonged in the first and second verse, but as Freddie nodded along to the song, he looked like a proud teacher watching his student succeed, especially when I made that key change on the ‘love’.
And what was even more amazing; was when Freddie actually joined in singing my favorite Queen song with me.  He first played off of my at the beginning but by around the middle, the two of us blended out voices together in perfect sync, while at the same time the two of us were playing the piano.
(She works hard) Everyday (everyday)
I try and I try and I try But everybody wants to put me down They say I'm going crazy They say I got a lot of water in my brain Ah, got no common sense I got nobody left to believe in Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
As he continued playing the piano I quickly grabbed the first guitar I could and began playing Brian’s solo.  Not only was I good with the piano, I was also fairly decent with the guitar.  I mean I can only play a few songs on guitar but Somebody to love, I could practically play every instrument cause I can just hear the tune in my head.
We then sang the repeated mantra and just to add a little spice I began to vocalize. Going up and sliding perfectly down or going from a low to a high rang. By the end of it, I took over the last two lines.
Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love
Can anybody find me….
Somebody to……
Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love Find me somebody to love
By the end of our playing, all I heard was the sound of an applause.  There standing behind us were some of the crew, the producer Graham, Dexter the director, Brian, Deacy, Roger, my dad and the rest of the cast.
Freddie stood up and gestured towards me and the applause seemed to get louder.  I even heard some whistles that you could only hear at a rock concert.  
That’s when my dad came over to me and embraced me as tight as he could and peppered kisses all over my face, repeatedly telling me he was so proud of me.
Later on that day I was out on the deck sitting on the stoop of the house.
“I was wondering where you had gone off to since our duet. Figured you’d want to be basking in the praises.” I smiled and said.
“I don’t want to get a big head full of ego. I deal with that at school already from those who think they’re richer than me.”
“I understand that well darling. Little children can be bastards can’t they?” I hummed in agreement.  “You really do have an amazing gift (y/n). Why don’t you share it with those who don’t know you?” I looked down solemnly.
“Well Freddie…..how can one share their gift when they look like me?”
“What the fuck are you talking about dear? All I see in front of me is a blossoming young woman who is not only beautiful but talented as well.”
“It’s not about beauty Fred, I know I’m beautiful it’s just….I’m the wrong skin color.” He paused and just stared at me, urging me to go on.  “I—I did try to perform once at my 6th grade talent show. But just before I could play I heard one boy cry out ‘why’s the terrorist playing the piano? I thought they played bombs?’ It…..it was just after the suspected suicide bomber tried to sneak into the New York subway but was detained and stopped. I couldn’t even perform after hearing that. Took me a whole weeks before I had the courage to go back to school.”
I sniffled and tried not to cry in front of the frontman of Queen.  But I felt him rub my back as I continued.
“If middle school was that bad, I can only imagine just how worse high school’s gonna be. My dad was mistreated and bullied during his school year. So that means I will be too, and not just physically but online too possible.” I felt a few tears fall from my face, until a finger wiped them away.
“My darling (y/n). If there’s anything you should listen to me on, it’s this. People can be utter little shits. Some people still stick with the ancient ways of thinking, that if you’re not their skin color then you aren’t worth their time. Believe me, I’ve had racial slurs being shouted at me, both on and off stage. What you can do, is look them in the eye and say fuck you. Because I know who I am. And I don’t let anyone define who I am as a person. Because people who talk down to you like that, have got no future ahead of them. You on the other hand my dear, I could see you getting a gold disk by the time you’re 19 with that voice of yours. Hell you’ll surpass both Elton and I with the way you play the piano.”
“Well I don’t know about that.”
“Of course you will. If Sharon heard you, she’d be begging on her hands and knees to let you perform alongside them.” I looked at him confused.  “Oh that’s our drag queen alter egos to each other. I’m Melina and Elton’s Sharon.” I ahhed in understandment.  “So darling, you can either do two things; One you can take those comments and let them control your life. Or like your father step out there and show the world just who (Y/n) Malek really is. From how your father’s been portraying me in this film, I have no doubt that that lovely darling is going to win so many awards, including the famed Oscar. And soon enough little girls that are Arabic and Egyptian will look up to you and say when you win your first Grammy ‘is she could do it, so could I’.” I smiled at him and said.
“You really think so?”
“I know so darling. I believe you’re going to go far in the music industry one day. Or whatever you choose in life, it don’t have to be music if you don’t want it to be. But if you are ever interested, when you’re a little older the lads and I would love to have you as an opening act for our tours.”
“Wow that’s—it would be an honor Freddie.”
“You deserve it you lovely darling.” He said as he gingerly ruffled my hair.  “Now (y/n) I have to ask you because every fan has expressed this especially through a website called Tumblr.”
“You know Tumblr?”
“Still trying to get a grasp of it, mostly I just look at it for the cat pictures to see if I could get in contact with some good photographers for my lovely children back home.” He fully turned towards me and continued, “Of course you can choose not to answer it. Though I feel like if you don’t answer it though, it’ll only prolong…..”
“What is it Fred?” I laughed out.
“Who amongst us four aging Queens do you favor most?”
“Trying to make me be the bad guy.” I mocked.
“I didn’t say that.”
“Well that’s what that question means.”
“No I—just wanted to know if you have a preference.”
“So that you can get a bigger ego if it’s you?”
“So it’s me?”
“No Freddie. You maybe my idol but that doesn’t automatically mean you take the number one spot.”
“So not one of us has that special place in that golden heart of yours?” I lightly scoffed and said.
“Ah-ha I knew it! So c’mon just tell me. Think of my as one of your little girl friends gossiping in gym class, I won’t squeal I promise.” I groaned as I buried my head into my lap.
He wasn’t gonna let this go, I can feel it. But if I didn’t I knew he’d just keep pestering and pestering until I finally cracked.  I then softly muttered the name of my favorite Queen member.
“Brian.” I muttered slightly louder.
“I’m sorry love you’re gonna have to speak up. Me old ears aren’t what they used to be.” I smelt bullshit on that statement.
“Brian, okay it’s Brian.” I said to him.  Freddie grinned and said.
“I sorta had a feeling. You always seem a bit more shyer than Deacy whenever our smart animal loving, spaceman guitarist is around.”
“Just promise me you won’t say anything to him!” I pleaded.
“No worries darling, my lips are sealed.” I sighed with relief. “Now how’s about I teach you how to play Bohemian rhapsody? Your uncle Joe told me of how you once tried to play it but couldn’t get the keys right.” He stood up and held his hand out to me.
I took it and he lead me towards the other side house where my dad would be playing the song in question for a brief moment in the film.
I’ll say that never did I imagine that I would get an actual piano lesson from the Queen legend himself.  But here I am at the piano with Freddie Mercury sitting beside me teaching me how to play his famed song, the baby that changed the way music was ever made forever.
However little did I know of the ultimate embarrassment that I would have within the next couple of days.  Right now everyone was filming the guitar solo recording as well as the operatic session of Bohemian Rhapsody.
But what was fun was that we actually got the real Brian May to step in while uncle Gwil stepped aside and we allowed Brian to play his guitar solo in the song, just for the fun of it.
I was in awe as I leaned against the arm of my chair and just let Brian’s red special take me away on a flight across the galaxy.  When the solo ended, uncle Gwil stepped back into the shot and I heard my dad say as Freddie.
“That’s brilliant. I love that.”
“So now what?” asked Gwil as Brian.  My dad took a beat before saying,
“The operatic session.” Both uncle Gwil and Brian May nodded as I could hear Gwil say.
“Ahh the operatic session. Good.”
“Of course.” Brian spoke in the same tone as Gwilym did.
Oh god it was so uncanny of how similar these two were at this point.  They definitely chose the right actor to play my favorite Queen member.
When break time came around and I was getting a snack from the snack table and drinking some water.  I soon heard a voice say.
“Hello (y/n).” I choked briefly on my water as I turned to see Brian standing there. “Sorry love I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“It’s okay. Just went down the wrong pipe is all. I’m-I’m-I’m-I’m good. What—what are you I mean….” Oh god why am I so starstruck right now in front of him.  You’re making a fool of yourself (y/n)!
“It’s okay (y/n). There’s no need to be shy around me. Beyond the titles and glamour I’m just like every other man my age.” Yeah except the fact that you’re not only a rock god but a brilliant astrophysicist as well as animal organizer.
That’s one of the main reasons why I had followed his Instagram because I loved getting the updates on all the animals he posts up and interacts with.
“So what do you think of the film so far?” he asked me as he took a seat beside me on the empty chair.
“It’s amazing. I mean I’ve been to sets before with my dad like the Mr. Robot, the Pacific where I met uncle Joey over there, but this—this is unlike anything I’ve seen. And just the fact that you guys are allowing young fans like me to see your story from the beginning.”
“Yeah we were on the fence about but we knew that if we all didn’t get involved with the project then it wouldn’t get done right.”
“I’m glad you guys get to come visit whenever you’re not busy doing your concerts.” I shyly admitted.
“Well thank you (y/n), that’s very sweet of you to say.” I lightly blushed and twirled my water bottle around letting the water spin around.  “You know funny thing Fred told me the other day. He said he had talked to you and asked you about who your favorite Queen member was.”
Oh fuck no.
“FREDDIE!!” I screamed as loudly as I could.  It was the both my dad and the real Freddie peeked out from behind the booth saying.
“I mean the real Freddie dad! Why did you tell him!? You swore you wouldn’t!?”
“Word of the wise darling, never trust me with a juicy secret. Especially when it regards to secret crushes or fancies.” I groaned and felt my face glow red in embarrassment.
“Aww (y/n) look at you, you’re like a little pouty tomato.” Uncle Joey teased in his John Deacon get up.  I turned away and hid my face as the guys all continued to awe at me.  It was then I was brought into a big but gentle bear hug from Brian himself as he said.
“No need to be embarrassed love. I’m flattered.”
“Okay that’s it, this calls for a photo it’s too damn adorable.” Uncle Joey proclaimed.
“Took the words right out of my mouth, Joe.” My dad said.  I was humiliated! Soon enough pretty much everyone of the guys needed a picture of this but that’s when Ben said.
“Wait! I’ve got a better idea. Gwil get in there.”
“Ooo good thinking Benjamin, what’s better than one Brian May?” uncle Joey awed.
“Two Brian Mays!” they both exclaimed.
“I hate you guys!” I whined out.
“Now, now mind your uncles (y/n) they mean well.” Brian said to me.
“Besides, we’re always happy to indulge our number one fan.” Gwil spoke as Brian.
“Great minds think alike.” Praised Brian.  Soon I had uncle Gwil to my left and the real Brian May to my right.  Each of them had their arms wrapped around me and leaned down against me as everyone took out their phones.
Suddenly I felt both of them kiss each side of my cheeks and that’s when my heart really sped up and I felt like I was gonna explode. But of course everyone just awed at how adorable I was.
“Oh my god (n/n) you look so freakin adorable. This is so going on my Instagram.” Uncle Joey said.
“Post that pic and you’re dead Mazzello!” I threatened.  I then chased after him and he took off running. “Give me that phone! You’re dead Mazzello!”
“Jesus someone get this raptor off of me!” I managed to hop onto his back and reach for his phone but he kept drifting left or right trying to avoid my reach as his arm extended as far as he would allow it.
As the summer began to draw to a close, unfortunately I couldn’t stay in England anymore because I was about to go back to school in just four weeks.  
So a week just before open house started, I had gotten my ticket and was ready to take the non-stop flight from London back to New York.
My dad, uncle Joey and newly deemed uncle Gwil and uncle Ben as well as Lucy, my dad’s new girlfriend came to bid me a final farewell till the award seasons would begin come around Winter break.  I was currently hugging uncle Gwil as he said to me.
“Hope to see you for the award shows love. Good luck in high school.”
“Thanks uncle Gwil.” I then turned to uncle Ben and he said.
“You know you don’t need an invitation, come here.” I giggled and he wrapped me up in his strong arms. “Have a safe flight back to the states love.”
“I will uncle Ben. Send me more videos of your drumming, maybe one with you and Rog together.”
“We’ll try and arrange it.” He gave me a kiss on the top of my head and that’s when uncle Joey said.
“I don’t know whether to feel squishy or be jealous.” We both laughed and I said.
“Don’t worry uncle Joey. You’ll always be my favorite uncle.”
“Oh no I was actually referring to Ben.” I faked a gasp and punched him in the arm making him cry out. “I’m kidding squirt! God you’ve got a strong arm, when did you get so strong?” I rolled my eyes at him and hugged him.
“Bye uncle Joey.”
“See yah soon kiddo. I expect a call every single night and a facetime after your first day of high school. I don’t care what time it’ll be, I will freakin answer it and have these three with me to chat with you about your first day.”
“I’ll call and text you, don’t worry.”
“You better.” He bopped my nose before giving me a long, wet kiss right on my cheek.  I groaned and whined out as I wiped away the access spit while he just looked at me all innocently.  I then turned to my dad and Lucy.
“Take care of my dad while I’m gone.” I said to Lucy.
“Don’t worry I’ll make sure he doesn’t work himself too hard. It was great to finally meet you (y/n), and thank you for your approval of us.”
“You’ve made my dad happier than I’ve seen him since mom. It’s…..just like Freddie and Mary were, you are the love of his life. And I can see that.” She smiled and the two of us hugged each other before I turned to my dad.  He brought me into his arms and he said.
“Be sure to text me as soon as you land okay?”
“I will I promise. Thanks for letting me stay the summer dad. I know you’re gonna do great come award season.”
“All I care about is that you’re proud of me and that you’re happy about the project.”
“I am.” He cupped each side of my face and kissed the center of my forehead.
“Last call for flight 5487621 nonstop to New York City.” We heard over the intercom.  I grabbed my bag and bid my family a final farewell and they waved goodbye to me as I handed the gate keeper my ticket and boarding pass.  
He accepted it and allowed me to walk in with the flight attendant who would keep an eye on me throughout the flight since I was an unaccompanied minor.
She lead me to my seat and helped put my luggage up along the ceiling console.
“If you need anything else, just ask for the name Tabitha.”
“Thank you Tabitha.” I thanked her and she smiled as she walked off.  I then went into my purse to take out my phone to turn it off but before I did, I noticed a group chat with four numbers I didn’t recognize.  I unlocked my phone using my passcode and opened up my messages to see the following.
Hello (y/n), this is John Deacon. I hope you have a safe flight. It was wonderful to getting to know you, and you have so much talent to give to the world. Good luck with your final young years of school before you move on to university. I know you’ll soon go far in life if you stay as you are.
And….Always be happy 😊
I smiled as I read the next message under that.
Hey lovie,
It was so great to meet you, you’re sweet, loving, and have an ear for talent. Thank you for being a fan of ours and for always supporting us.  You’re an amazing kid (sometimes I wish my own were like you at your age hehehe) anyways thank you for coming to visit us and see the filming. You made our days brighter whenever you were on set. Good luck with high school and crush all those bastards who think you can’t make it. I’ve got a solo single coming out soon and you shall receive the first copy signed by yours truly.
Rock hard and….havealovely flight, bye 😉 Roger Taylor
He even gave me the drum emoji and I couldn’t help but smile as his final farewell sounded like the old fan club message they gave in 1991.  I scrolled down again and I saw the next message.
Hello (y/n)
I hope you have a safe flight back to the US and that you enjoyed seeing London for the first time.  It was great to meet you and as the previous two have said, you are talented.  I know eventually you’ll make it big in whatever you do.
Also thanks for the lovely support you’ve helped given to some of my animal organizations, I greatly appreciate it. You are a kind soul and I know that you’ll grow up to be an even kinder young woman. Lots of love from me and safe journeys home my number 1 fan.
I blushed.  God I still can’t believe Fred tattled on me about my secret girl crush on Brian.  That was going to loom over me for the rest of my life, especially since he had sent a copy of the picture of him, Gwil and me with that double cheek kiss and my ugly shocked face.  Then finally I read the last message who I already had an idea by now of who it was from.
My little protégé *sparkles emoji*
I had a wonderful time of not only getting to know your lovely father, but his radiant daughter as well.  You Maleks are gonna go far in life. Thank you for gifting us with your sunshine aurora and bubbly personality.
If you keep believing in yourself and face each day with courage and pride about who you are, you’re gonna slay them all and even break some hearts along the way. (And if any break yours first, you just let me know and I’ll sort it out darling)
Have a lovely trip back home and I hope you come to see us at our next concert in Madison Square Garden after all this award seasonal shit is done.
Keep smiling and lots of love and hugs
Freddie Fucking Mercury *heart eyes, kisses emojis*
I smiled and held my phone close to my heart.
“Excuse me Ms. Malek, we’re about to start taking off, may I please ask you to turn off your phone.” I nodded but not before quickly making a screenshot of the messages from each of the band members and saving it to my phone.
Separately labeling it as POSITIVE FEEDBACK.  I then turned off my phone and prepared for a long flight back to the states to meet with uncle Sami since the high school I was going to was the one he teaches at.
As we took off into the air I kept thinking to myself of all the great memories I had with my family and couldn’t believe that even meeting the band that I have loved for almost ten years now.  They treated me like I was part of the cast family.
And I will take that with me to my grave.
*Extended ending*
“And the winner is…..Rami Malek!” I cheered as loudly as I could as tears of happiness came running down my face. Sitting with my uncles Joe, Gwil and Ben as well as other cast and crew members of the film we all stood up and cheered as Allison Janey and Gary Oldman presented my dad with the Oscar for Best Actor for Bohemian Rhapsody.
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I hugged my uncle Joey as he lifted me off the ground and I kissed his cheek and he peppered kisses all over me.  Uncle Gwil wrapped me in his arms and uncle Ben hugged me from behind and kissed the back of my head as we all tried to calm down so we could hear my dad’s speech.
God he deserved this. Golden globe, Emmy, BAFTA, SAG, AACTA and now Oscar winner.  Not only was this is first Oscar nomination and award, but he would forever be known as the first ever Arabic actor to win an Academy award.
“And one final shout out to a very special young lady who is out there somewhere with the rest of my cast. This award also goes out to my beautiful daughter who is now starting to figure out her own identity as she marches towards the final steps of life. This award goes out to her, to show her that if I can do it, then so can she. I love you my baby girl, thank you for believing in me. For being my number one fan forever and always. And I love you 3000 my heart.” He blew a kiss towards the camera and I couldn’t help but cry.
I felt uncle Joey wrap his arm around me as he rubbed my arm up and down, leaning his head against mine placing a kiss on top of it.
“I love you 3000 too baba.”
At the afterparty when my dad came in after doing some interviews, we all cheered and the first one to glomp him in a hug was uncle Joey.  They patted each other’s backs in a brotherly manner before Gwil and Ben stepped in and the four of them group hugged with each other.
“Where is she?” asked my dad.
“I’m here baba.” I said.  He smiled widely and came over to me and immediately hugged me.
“You did it dad, you’re a champion.”
“No lovebug, we are the champions.” I smiled and buried my face into his neck as he placed his hand behind my head and he just held onto me.
Being the daughter of Rami Malek would soon change my life after the Oscars.  Now that everyone knew my dad’s name, he was going to go on to do bigger and bigger things. Like just recently he’s been named the James Bond villain.  And now his famed show Mr. Robot is coming to an end.
But even through the bigger fame to his name, he still remained as humble as ever and still managed to make time for me as I continued on throughout my high school years.  
And when the time came for me to graduate I saw all my uncles, my dad, auntie, grandma, on Instagram live (curtest of uncle Joey) I knew Queen was watching from all the way across the sea, and my new stepmom Lucy all cheering for me as I was given my diploma.
Yeah, life was good.  And I sure as hell had a pretty cool dad to be there for me whenever I need him.
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thatfanficstuff · 6 years
Easy - Derek Morgan
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Pairing: Derek Morgan x Reader
Warnings: Flangst
A/N: This was a request from an Anon. Hope you like it.
You couldn’t recall ever being happier for a case to end. The BAU had been called in to assist in finding a kidnapper and the little boy he’d snatched. And find them you did, the confrontation ending with you putting a bullet in the kidnapper’s heart. The child was still alive but in the ICU. You and the rest of the team were on the jet heading home.
The case had exhausted you and you leaned your head next to the window. You closed your eyes hoping to get a little sleep. Instead, your memory played back over the kidnapper’s final moments. You knew he was not a good person. He had taken that boy and beaten him. That didn’t make the fact that you killed him any easier to deal with.
“Hey,” the deep voice came from beside you.
You opened your eyes and turned your head to find Derek Morgan in the seat beside you’re your heart raced a little before you could stop it. “Hey, yourself.”
His gaze ran over you, studying you. “You doing okay?”
You shrugged and straightened in your seat. “I’ve had better days.”
“I hear you. You’re tough, you’ll get through it.” Derek patted your knee. “You let me know if you need anything, got it?”
“Got it,” you assured with a nod of your head.
His phone rang and he stood as he answered it. “Hey, baby girl. Tell me something happy,” he said with a big grin and you instantly knew Garcia was the caller. You followed him with your eyes as he moved back to his original seat on the other side of the plane, your heart breaking a little.
Truth was, you’d had a thing for Derek since the first time you met him. His easy-going nature and intense personality continued to win you over. Before long, you were completely in love. As far as you could tell, not only did he not feel that way for you, he barely even liked you.
Not that he was ever rude to you or anything like that. No, that wasn’t Derek’s style. In fact, he was always friendly and polite. And that was precisely the problem. Derek was a flirt. He would flash that grin and sweet talk and the girl would melt into a puddle at his feet. Once you noticed he wasn’t like that with you, you attempted to initiate the flirting. He’d cleared his throat and excused himself to refill his coffee.
You sighed and turned your attention back to the window beside you. “That was not a happy sigh. Are you all right, Y/N?” Aaron Hotchner, your boss, took the seat Derek had vacated minutes before.
Knowing he wasn’t remotely interested in your love life, or the lack thereof, you forced yourself to smile. “I’ll be okay. He wasn’t the first asshole I’ve shot and I doubt he’ll be the last. I just wish we’d found him sooner.”
“We all do. Garcia said the doctors think the boy will be fine.”
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath for the first time since you pulled the trigger. “That’s fantastic.”
“That was all you, Y/N. You’re the one that found his location.” He shifted in his seat so he was turned more toward you. “You did fantastic work on this one.”
Heat flooded your face. “Thanks, Hotch, but we all worked it together. It’s a win for all of us.”
He smiled. “You wouldn’t be you if you thought any different. Still, good work.”
You couldn’t wipe the grin off your face as Hotch moved over to talk to Reid. Your boss was good at what he did, one of the best in fact, but he was stingy with the praise. It meant a lot that he’d gone out of his way to compliment your work. A glance around the cabin had your gaze falling on Derek as usual.
He had a scowl on his face as his eyes darted between you and Hotch. When he noticed you watching he turned his attention to his phone. Your good mood faded and you waited impatiently for the plane to land.
When you arrived back at the office, you dumped your files on your desk. The others were talking about the Bureau dinner the next night. It came around every year and gave you the chance to dress up and rub elbows with the higherups.
“What about you, Y/N? Are you going?” You turned in surprise to see JJ smiling at you.
You shook your head. “I don’t think so. Not this year.”
“Oh, you have to go,” Penelope Garcia piped up, sounding so disappointed it made you smile. Her frown only made you grin wider.
“I love you, Garcia,” you told her with a laugh.
“Hey, quit moving in on my woman,” Derek teased, throwing his arm around Garcia’s shoulders.
You swallowed your disappointment that you weren’t his woman and turned back to your desk. You knew that there was nothing romantic between the two of them, but that didn’t seem to matter to your heart. “Sorry. I have a date with my two favorite men tomorrow.”
“Two?” Reid piped up.
You glanced at him with a smirk. “Ben and Jerry.”
Hotch cleared his throat and you all turned to look at him expectantly. “Y/N I’d like to see you in my office for a minute. The rest of you go home and get some sleep.”
You followed your boss into his office. He shut the door before sitting at his desk. He gestured to one of the chairs across from him. “Have a seat.”
“What’s up?”
“I need a favor. It’s perfectly fine for you to say no so don’t feel pressured.”
Well, that was intriguing. “What do you need, Hotch?”
“I heard you telling the others you weren’t going to the dinner tomorrow. I was wondering if I could change your mind about that.” He held up a hand to stave off your protest as you opened your mouth to argue. “I’d like you to go with me.”
That certainly wasn’t what you were expecting. “Like a date?” you asked hesitantly. Your boss was an attractive man, but you weren’t interested in him like that.
He smiled. “In a manner of speaking. The truth is, these things are a meat market. My attendance is mandatory I’m afraid and I’d prefer to have a date.”
“So, I would be your shield?” Your lips twitched in amusement.
“That’s one way to put it.”
Your immediate impulse was to tell him no. To stay home with Netflix and ice cream as you had planned. The whole reason you weren’t going was you had no desire to see Derek with whomever he decided to bring with him. You had to get past this and move on. And what better way to start than a platonic date with your boss. “It would be my honor, Hotch.”
Everyone was meeting at the office and leaving together from there. Most of them had ducked out early to change but you’d brought your things with you. Your apartment was far from convenient and this was just easier. Not wanting to change in the restroom, you kicked Rossi out of his office and he happily vacated as he’d already gotten ready.
You slid into the dress you’d bought last year on closeout and hadn’t gotten a chance to wear yet. The thick straps rested comfortably on your shoulders, leading to a delicately beaded bodice. The chiffon skirt had a slit in the side and it almost swam around you when you moved. But your favorite part was the back. It was entirely open from the hips up. You’d gotten it at 75% off and in your favorite color even. At least now it wouldn’t go to waste.
You fixed your hair quickly, attempting to make it look slightly more elegant than normal. You put in your earrings and slid into the shoes that matched the beading on your dress. A grimace crossed your face as you glanced at the time. Everyone was supposed to meet in two minutes. You grabbed your clutch and tossed in your lipstick after you freshened up. Your phone and ID followed. Straightening your shoulders, you took a deep breath and opened the door.
Hotch was the first one to notice you as he’d been waiting for you to make your appearance. His eyes went wide as he took you in and he hurried over to the stairs to meet you. The others were drawn by the movement and their conversation died down.
“You look stunning,” Hotch said as he offered you a hand.
“Thanks.” You still felt awkward but his words helped considerably.
He led you over to the rest of the group and you gave them a little wave.
“You look amazing,” JJ told you.
You bowed your head slightly. “Thank you. You look pretty snazzy yourself.”
“I thought you weren’t coming?” Derek’s voice sounded almost harsh and you turned to meet the gaze you’d been avoiding since you came out of Rossi’s office. His expression was hard.
“I received an offer I couldn’t refuse.” At your words, your date stood beside you and placed a hand on your back.
Derek looked at the two of you before huffing a laugh. “Of course,” he muttered. Garcia smacked him in the stomach with the back of her hand and he grunted before glaring at her.
“Do we have a problem here, Morgan?”
He shook his head though his jaw was still tight. “No problem, Hotch. Just surprised is all.”
They called up to say the car was there and everyone moved toward the elevator. Once you were all inside, you stopped the door just before it closed. “I forgot my wrap. You all go on. I’ll be down in a minute.”
You grabbed the wrap from your desk and turned, jumping when you realized you weren’t alone. Derek’s dark eyes were watching you as he waited by the door. “Do you think it’s a good idea to date your boss?”
You bit back the snarky remark that sat on the tip of your tongue. “A date does not equal dating, Derek. Besides, I’m just doing him a favor. He didn’t want to go alone.”
“Whatever you gotta tell yourself.” He smashed the button to call the elevator.
Tears burned the back of your eyes and you hated it, hated feeling this way. Gathering all the courage you possessed, you turned to your fellow agent, arms crossed over your chest. “Have I done something to you?”
He glanced at you with an arched brow. “What?”
“Have I done something to anger you in some way? To make you dislike me?”
He frowned and ignored the elevator when it opened. “Why would you think that?”
“Because you flirt with every female you encounter. Except me. With everyone else on the team you’re fun and happy. With me, you’re proper and polite. And now you’re pissed I’m going to the dinner tonight when I don’t see why it should matter to you at all.” You shook your head and turned your back to him. “I understand if you don’t care about me like I do you, but I don’t understand why we can’t at least be friends.”
There was a stretch of silence. “You’re right. I don’t want to be friends with you, Y/N. I never have.”
You started to turn to protest, but a warm hand on your arm stopped you.
“Don’t turn around. Just let me say this.”
He sounded…nervous? No, that couldn’t be right. Derek Morgan was never nervous about anything.
“I’m polite with you because I have no idea how to act around you. I don’t flirt because I’m afraid it would mean more to me than to you. And I’m thrilled you’re going to the dinner. I’m just pissed you’re going with Hotch.”
“Are you saying…” you trailed off, afraid of what the answer to your question might be.
He turned you to face him with a hand on your elbow. His other hand wrapped around the side of your neck. “I’m saying I never wanted to be your friend because I fell head over heels the minute Hotch introduced you to the rest of us.” His thumb brushed across your cheek.
“You talk to women all the time, Derek. It’s what you do.”
He grinned and your knees went a little weak. ���Because they don’t matter, sweetheart. You do.”
“Damn it, Morgan.” You shoved him back a step. “I was even getting jealous of Garcia.”
His brows lifted. “Garcia?”
“I know you guys aren’t like that, but you’re so easy with her. I envied that. I just wanted a glimpse of what it could look like.”
Your confession caused him to grin again. He closed the distance between the two of you and settled his hands on your hips. “I can give you a hell of a lot more than a glimpse if you’ll let me.”
When you thought back on this moment later, you could never be sure who moved first. Maybe you met in the middle. It wasn’t important. All that mattered was that you were finally kissing the man you’d been in love with for months. And he was finally kissing the woman that took his breath away every time she walked into a room. Your arms wrapped around his neck to pull him closer and his hands moved to the bare skin of your back. You had no idea how long the two of you were lost in each other before the clearing of a throat caught your attention.
You pulled away from Derek and turned to see Hotch smirking at the two of you from the elevator. Remembering you were supposed to be his date, you wiped your fingers across your lips. “Oh, Hotch. I’m sorry.”
He shook his head. “Don’t be. I’m just glad tonight finally broke him. We were all running out of ideas.”
You blinked in stunned silence until Derek started laughing beside you, the fingers of the hand still on your back pressing into your skin. His laughter was contagious and you joined in, burying your head against his side.
“Are you two coming?” your boss asked.
Any desire to go to the dinner had left you, but you glanced up at Derek, ready to follow his lead.
He smiled down at you before shaking his head at Hotch. “No. My girl and I have other plans.”
Criminal Minds:  @gabriellewritermua 
All the Things:  @swanky-batman @rissyrapp20 @startrekkingaroundasgard @spooookyscary @taylordrunkonwhiskey @thewolf-and-thesheep
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flying-elliska · 5 years
What are the important bisexual characters that you said helped you? I am having a hard time finding good bi representation in which they aren’t considered promiscuous or unstable
Hiya anon ! What a quality question, thank you ! Here’s another mini essay about bi rep lmao.  If there are some that I forgot please tell me ! And to everyone, tell me about the bi characters who made an impact on your life, I’d love to know !!!!
Okay so.
-  When I answered the anon and talked about the characters that helped me come to terms with my sexuality, I talked about two in particular. Jack Harkness from Torchwood is depicted as very promiscuous, and somewhat instable. He still meant a lot to me because a) him sleeping around was never that much of a problem, it was because he was from the future, where things were different, which I thought was refreshing and b) his instability was because of the weight of being an immortal hero. Also fanon!Dean Winchester from SPN, as an older, more macho, emotionally witholding, badass dude written as bi meant a lot to me, but he doesn’t really avoid that stereotype either. But at least they were heroes.  However, I can understand wanting bi characters that actually don’t fit that stereotype, because bi people irl aren’t all like that, even if there is nothing wrong per se about sleeping with a lot of different people, or having mental issues to struggle with. And that was a while ago and now we have more and more cool characters ! Such as :
- Rosa Diaz from Brooklyn Nine-Nine. One of the best portrayals of bisexuality on TV imho. She didn’t start out as bi, she was this tough, cool, scary but with a heart of gold cop who had a lot of other plotlines before. But then, since they saw that a lot of wlw got this vibe from her, were really into her, and the actress came out as bi herself, they decided to use this. So it was super organic, and the way they introduced the subject was true to Rosa herself ; she’s a super private person, she doesn’t like anybody knowing about her life (it’s actually a running joke and Rosa Diaz has been implied to not even be her real name). But then she is dating a woman, and struggles with her parents not understanding and her coworkers find out, help her and support her. Her gay captain is there for her in his typical stoic but hilarious way. They organize game night with her when her parents won’t anymore. We see her crushing on women and dating, but it is treated exactly as the other character’s love life, they never make a big deal out of it. She isn’t the token queer character. She says outright she is bisexual and there is a specific point about her mom not understanding it’s not a phase and thinking she’ll end up with a man anyway, which #relatable. The focus is on the team as found family. Also right now she’s dating a butch woman, which is awesome since they are so underrepresented on TV and I hope we see more of her. That show really is my comfort show, it’s still bloodly hilarious and it really transcends the format to say some really deep woke stuff too, but never in a way that feels on the nose. Everyone should watch it tbh. 
- Korrasami ! Oh my god, I was so blown away when they got together. They’re two characters from the animated series Legend of Korra, they start out as rivals in love who have feelings for the same guy, but as they have to fight baddies together, they become bestest of friends, and both fall out of love with the guy. Then in season 3 and 4, their relationship becomes central to the show, as Asami stands by Korra through some really tough shit. Also, they’re both ultra badass and fight really well together. A lot of fans started reading their chemistry as romantic, but we’d never thought they’d actually go there. But the show ends with them walking into the ‘sunset’ (well, the spirit lands) together, holding hands. Now, it was never completely explicit on the show BUT they were dealing with a lot of censure from the networks and you have to be willingly obtuse not to read it as romantic. And after that the creators drew them on dates, and there is a comic series in which they are shown kissing, talking about their feelings, introducing each other to their families, etc. It made me feel so validated when it happened, and I just adore the whole ‘love triangle ditches the middle one and fall in gay love with each other’ trope. (is it a trope yet ? it should be.) It’s still a kids show at its core, but it has amazing depth and deals with some very deep shit. Korra starts off as a bit annoying but she has a really cool development, she’s a girl character we need more of - brave, dynamic but also brash and reckless and action driven in ways that are almost always exclusively shown for boys. And Asami is a more typical girly girl but she’s also a brilliant engineer and has a spine of steel and she’s also very slyly funny. They’re amazing. And the comics are super cute. 
- Now there are a lot of characters who are bi/pan that I love, and are good characters in themselves, but their arcs do intersect in some ways with promiscuity and mental instability. I’m thinking about Even from Skam and all his remake variants, Magnus Bane from Shadowhunters, several characters from Black Sails, Sarah Lance and Constantine from Legends of Tomorrow, Eleanor Shellstrop from the Good Place, Bo from Lost Girl, Ilana from Broad City, Joe McMillan from Halt and Catch Fire, God/Chuck from Supernatural (lmaooooo), several characters on Penny Dreadful, or in a totally different category, Vilanelle from Killing Eve or Hannibal from the series (who are hella bad guys but it’s never linked to their sexuality, and are also incredibly compelling to watch.)
 And even though these characters taken individually, I would argue, are good rep because they’re complex and layered and interesting and never one-dimensional (and watching them feels incredibly empowering at times)....it’s still a trend. I feel like when writing a character that is attracted to multiple genders, there is always this sort of...tangle of tropes that writers default to, unconsciously. Some negative and some positive. It used to be this trope of bis being villainous, instable, jealous, flaky, immature, perverted, manipulative, cheaters, amoral, greey, etc...and then it evolved into something of a reclaiming and subverting this trope. So now you feel like the Bi Character kind of has to be badass, glamorous, seductive, often superpowered or extraordinary in other ways.. And they also for multiple reasons (they’re immortal, they’re sensitive artist souls, they’re from the future, they’re psycho, they’re exccentric comic relief, they’re daring adventurers and pioneers) don’t care about social norms which allows them to sleep and fall in love with whomever. And so they tend to have those super busy romantic/sexual histories and very troubled backstories. In the past it was a bad thing, now it’s often presented as this positive, enlightened or at least fun and badass thing. They’re heroic, with big hearts, a tremendous lust for life and a cool rebellious attitude. They’re complex, dramatic, tortured. Which can be super cool, too. 
But it would be nice to have more ‘normal’ bi characters. I mean, boring bisexuals need to see themselves represented too ! Our sexualities don’t give us super powers. At the same time, it is true that bisexual ppl have higher rates of mental illness, which deserves to be explored, but it would be nice if it was actually articulated and not just part of this trope.  But still. We need rep, I think, that is more grounded and varied. So I think that’s also why I read a lot of fanfic. (I was really into the idea of bi Steve Rogers for a long time, partly also because he’s both very mentally resilient, kinda boring in a good way, and very unexperienced in terms of sex/romance, which is pretty much the opposite of the trope)
- I think books, and YA in general, are a good place to find these ‘normal bis’ characters. I’m thinking in particular of Leah from Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli (from the same book series that gave us the ‘Love, Simon’ movie) which is a super sweet coming of age/romance story about a super normal teenager who just happens to be also into girls (esp her best friend) and is loud and funny and very lovable and has zero doubts about being bi. You also have Adam Parrish from the Raven Cycle, another one of my forever faves ; he has an abusive family so PTSD from that but it never feels tropey, and it’s completely detached from his sexuality. He has magic powers, too. But his character feels completely opposite to the trope. He’s hardworking, somewhat withholding, prickly (and sometimes awkward), ambitious, determined, down to earth, and has a beautiful love story with another boy. And also Jane, from Jane Unlimited by Kristin Cashore, also really cool ; she’s a nerdy, smart girl who is actually inspired by Jane Eyre who has cool adventures in a weird house where we can follow her on different paths depending on the choices she makes, several of which are love stories. And finally the main character from The Seven Husbands from Evelyn Hugo, kinda fits the trope yeahhh since she’s a super glam actress who well, has seven husbands but it’s a pretty clever deconstruction since it turns out (slight spoilers) that Evelyn is actually through most of her life faithful in heart to the same person and the rest is mostly out of necessity, and her story feels very real and raw and down to earth. 
- I don’t go there yet but I really want to check out Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and Schitt’s Creek which I have read have very good bi rep. And I want to catch up on Orphan Black (Cosima and Delphine both don’t have exact labels but they’re multi-gender attracted and they’re this cool couple of scientists in a relationship that gets a happy ending). I will never forgive what they did to Lexa so I stopped watching but I do think that Clarke Griffin from The 100 is very good bi rep. Alexia from Skam France, meanwhile, is a bit of a boundary case for me because, even though she’s presented as the ‘weird one’ from the group, very colorful and liberated and exccentric, she’s still a very normal teen who’s happy and comfortable in her own skin, which is awesome. 
- Disclaimer, I included characters in here that are also pan/omnisexual or don’t have a label but are attracted to several genders, for the purpose of this discussion i don’t think the difference is all that relevant at least to me (i mostly identify as bi for the sake of simplicity but tbh i could also fit under pan so i feel represented by all those characters). But I understand the importance of characters that state their identities more clearly and with pride. 
- So in conclusion : there is nothing wrong with having a sexually active life or struggling mentally (even tho that one is not fun). And I do love all my badass casanova time travelling super powered bis. 
But we need more bi characters that don’t fit that trope. We need bi characters in children’s shows, or that don’t have more than one relationship, or that don’t have a relationship at all, to break the tendency to always show bisexual ppl as overly sexual. We need bi characters in committed relationships to break this idea that bi characters are bound to cheat or can’t be satisified with only one person. We need bi characters that are mentally stable and successful and happy, to show that it’s possible. We need bi characters that are boring, bookish, nerdy, ordinary, clumsy, not particularly seductive, socially awkward, rule-sticklers, etc...to show that bi people are not all party animals, or doing it for attention, or to be wild, rebellious and socially progressive. It’s just a sexuality, it doesn’t say anything about your personality. Even though there are some correlations with MI or being bi might bring you in contact with more progressive ideas and to see life a bit differently, there is nothing automatic about it. 
- In conclusion, reading testimonies from real people also helped me a lot. It’s a very dated but I got the book “ Bi Any Other Name: Bisexual People Speak Out “ when I was struggling with my own sexuality and it helped a lot, to read that even back then (1991) you had all sorts of regular ppl claiming to be bi and that it was not a phase or a fad or whatever. 
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shinymixedbag · 6 years
Given chapter 27 summary
I’m back ~ @things-all-love, Thank you SO MUCH for the raws~ ♡^▽^♡ ♡^▽^♡
I'm not quite sure how to proceed with the summary this time around because this chapter is a beautiful mess of thoughts and feelings and I wish I didn't have to spoil it. 80% of the chapter is 3 characters' thoughts (Mafuyu, Aki, Ugetsu) and it randomly switches from one person to another :/ I apologize in advance for doing a crap job of summarizing such an incredible chapter. 
***spoiler alert*** I came across many comments on aggregator websites outright spoiling the story for other readers. Please don't do that without warning :/
Before I begin, Kizu Natsuki Sensei had tweeted that she had an opportunity to talk with Yama-San, the guitarist of the J-Rock band WHITE ASH, shortly before the release of chapter 27. So, as a way of expressing her gratitude, Sensei has sketched him among the audience in this chapter. And that we could try looking for him if we have a lot of free time (LOL) Needless to say, I tried [kind of] and failed.
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They disbanded in 2017 (._.) Yama-san is the one wearing the hat!
Alright then, let's begin :)
Given is on stage and begin their sound check. Akihiko- the drums, go first. The bass, Haruki- follows. There is a palpable nervy tension among the audience and on stage. Take-chan, Shizu, Hiiragi, Itaya, Ueki and Yayoi are all present.
Cover page: "I want to let you know. To those who are beyond this bright light and those who are in its shadow"
Akihiko recalls what happened the day before with Ugetsu. He could not reply immediately when Ugetsu demanded to know if he was going to "abandon the violin". He couldn't deny it on the spot.
After Haruki, is the sound check for the Guitar- Uenoyama, and finally it's done after the vocal- Mafuyu's turn.
Lost in his depressing thoughts, Akihiko drops his drum stick, he looks upset [and a bit unsure?] Haruki picks it up and hits him on the head with it and remarks on his miserable face expression while returning it to him. 
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[Ugestu needs a haircut.. and some sleep? Also, is that YAMA-SAN behind him?!]
Given is about to start performing. Mafuyu stands facing the audience, holding the mic, obviously nervous. [These few pages really get you pumped] The buzzing crowd noise is replaced by Mafuyu's breathing. He slowly breathes in and out several times. Meanwhile, he's thinking about a lot of things simultaneously (About his feelings, Uenoyama, music, love.. and how to resonate music with emotion.) He starts singing a capella and the band starts playing. The audience are stunned [even Ugetsu] Akihiko is reminded of Ugetsu playing his violin and he lets out a laugh thinking, "wow"
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[Ugetsu really needs a haircut but he's still gorgeous damnit!]
Continuing with Mafuyu's thoughts, he wants to convey his feelings because he knows that he might not always be able to. He thinks that "(intertwined) hands will be separated" no matter how much he wishes it wouldn't [The panel shows Yuuki and Mafuyu’s hands, barely touching] He thinks of Yuuki and the feeling like he (Mafuyu) is moving away one step at a time from the past [ie, "Yuuki" is fading] And the fact that a new day will come and he wouldn't be able to return back- he was afraid of. 
Akihiko's internal monologue picks up from there. He's got goosebumps and wonders how long it has been since he felt like that, and when had he begun to think that music was a burden, even though he had loved it so much. He thinks that this is exact same feeling he'd had when he first listened to Ugetsu play the violin. And then Akihiko realizes that he does indeed love music
Next, Ugetsu's thoughts as he watches them perform [looking thoroughly blown away] reveals that as he watched Given's first performance, he had a hunch that Akihiko could also improve by leaps and bounds if someone influenced him strongly and he realizes that Haruki is the one who did [influence Akihiko, that is]
Mafuyu's internal monologue [yes, again. 80%, remember?] He thinks once again, about Yuuki and how intertwined hands will be separated, even though he cannot go anywhere and he doesn't want to either, things will change [this line is interesting because the actual word used here can mean "to dawn" or "to end" or "to begin"]
Scene cuts to a conversation between Ugetsu and Mafuyu. Ugetsu tells him that he's often asked himself "What if Akihiko doesn't come back?", yet he's unable to imagine what it would actually be like. But all the same, he wants "this suffering" to end. He's conflicted because he doesn't really want his jam packed room to become empty. He thinks that even if they cannot go back to what they were like, and even if they're far away, it would be okay if music alone remained.
Cut back to Mafuyu's thoughts. While thinking of the people currently in his life, he says that "it's okay", no matter what, dawn will come and  it is okay because he can certainly go wherever. Given’s performance thus ends on a powerful note. And when they're done, the audience responds with thunderous applause. Mafuyu says "thank you very much." Ueki and Itaya look stupefied. Hiiragi has his face buried in his hands [and he's shaking] Take-chan is in tears and he cheers loudly, whistling [Take is such an amazing guy :D] The performance is over and the audience is still cheering loudly. Given is getting ready to leave the stage. Akihiko notices Ugetsu leaving and asks Haruki if he could "accompany someone to the station" and promises that he will return immediately. Haruki wishes him a safe trip.
Ugetsu is descending a flight of stairs alone out on the streets and Akihiko rushes after him shouting his name. Ugetsu does not stop and continues walking. Akihiko tells him to wait but Ugetsu cuts him off without turning to look at him, and says "no," "because if I do you're going to talk about breaking up aren't you?" Akihiko is surprised. Ugetsu pauses and tells him that he played the drums well but it was "as delicate as ever" and tries to walk away. Akihiko reaches out, grabs his arm and shouts "listen to me!" Ugetsu stops but does not turn to face him. Akihiko quickly tells him that he loves the violin and he has fun playing drums. And that all the effort he "poured into playing the violin until now" wasn't a lie. Ugetsu looks surprised and asks "what, this isn't about breaking up?" and then understands that it was. Akihiko stares at him, and apologizes to him for "hurting him so much until now" and thanks him. Ugetsu replies after a long pause that he will be cheering for him [I assume he meant the band] Akihiko looks down at their intertwined hands. Ugetsu says, "I get it, so let go of me." Akihiko squeezes his hand tightly for a moment and slowly lets go and turns around, heading back the way he came. Ugetsu finally turns to look at him, tears streaming down his face and sobs as he watches Akihiko's retreating figure and stops himself from calling out when he recalls Mafuyu saying "it's okay" standing in front of the mic. Ugetsu watches Akihiko, looking dazed and says "Bye-bye, Akihiko."
That's it. Chapter 28 will be out on the 30th of November 2018 ^^ 
Soooooooo...My heart is broken. This is undoubtedly my favourite chapter of Given this year. Mafuyu's thoughts were overwhelming. I know I did a poor job of explaining it, I'm sorry~~!! Aaaaand... As much as I wanted Akihiko and Ugetsu to break up, it still hurt a LOT. I hope this isn't Ugetsu's exit from the story. I'd definitely love to see more of him.
Once again, I'm in awe of Sensei. The attention to detail, oml( ̄□ ̄;) The sound check in the beginning and Mafuyu breathing to calm his nerves had me on the edge of my seat! And every single panel was so beautiful! *sigh* I could go on FOREVER about this chapter!!
Hopefully, the next chapter won't be as depressing and I'd really like to see the boys have some fun and celebrate after all their hard work. We have been stewing in angst ever since chapter 16 came out- on the 30th of November 2016 !! Idk about you, but I'm EXHAUSTED! And now that Akihiko and Ugetsu are over, will Haruhiko happen? IDK, I hope sensei will take her sweet time with ships.
Until next time~ 
Chapter summaries (14-26) here
P.S. I'd like to apologize to that one anon who shipped Ugetsu with Take, tbh, there's a 99% chance of that ship never sailing but YOU ARE free to ship whomever you like!!! ( ̄ー ̄)b
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marquis-teren-kiden · 5 years
This is supposed to be to your muse, but I wanted to give you a kind word out of character. This will be in parts, because limited writing space. 1. You are incredibly different. I say this, and it is the highest compliment that I could ever gift to you. I have been away for quite sometime, but I check in on you ever so often. To read your writings, and love each interaction you have. I adore all of you, I must say.
2. You, whom I have never met, or had the honor of role-playing with. Why you may ask, does this complete and total stranger check in on me? I shall answer in my most simplistic ways. Thank you for noticing me, thank you for taking the time to read my humble writings.
3. So when someone says to you, “You are wonderful, you’ve made a difference in my day, you’ve made a difference in my week, you’ve changed my life, thank you for noticing!” Really breathe that in and experience that, because there is something really amazing about you. You are incredibly different, you are valuable, worthy and cherished. Thank you.
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I received the above ask in three parts quite some time ago, and have kept them for several reasons; not the least of which was inspiration on days when I had none. 
Because Sunday, April 07, 2019 will be my last day on Tumblr, I want to make certain that whomever took the time to share these deeply held and appreciated thoughts and feelings with me will know and understand how cherished they have been from the time they were sent until today.
I am quite at peace with my decision to depart from Tumblr. I have always said it is important to stand on one’s morals and take root. To not allow another’s morality to supercede our own. For me, absenting myself from Tumblr is in keeping with a long-standing tradition I have held to put my money and my integrity on the line, even - perhaps especially - when it hurts to do so.
To that end, I use Credit Unions instead of banks. I shop local stores and produce rather than Wal-Mart. And, it is why I am leaving Tumblr. Even thought it means leaving family, friends, and fans. I cannot in good conscience continue to invest in a platform I do not, myself, endorse the product of. 
Unfortunately, that means I have no other opportunities before me to communicate with this wonderful Anon. So, I am communicating here, now with this reply. 
Thank you. I have a profoundly warm place in my heart born entirely of the time and consideration you shared with me on a random day with no greater meaning than that you chose to inspire me.
You’ve done that, Anon. You’ve inspired me often, deeply, and very well. To seek after new Muses and mysteries. To discover the secrets in the worlds they walk in, and to continue to create new opportunities for improvement - personally and literarily. My appreciation for you is profound and I hope that every kindness and opportunity for joy meet you in return. 
Warmest regards and best wishes, my mysterious friend, 
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cassie1022 · 6 years
Regarding the whole engagement. It’s not unheard of for couples who have been together for a long time to suddenly break up when commitments are made. Add to the fact the one party is on the “success train” and other is not—it can put a real strain on the relationship. My question is... these recent antics —- do you think it’s leading up to the breakup? I’m sure she will stretch it until after award season but it’s get harder & harder to hide that something is very wrong in paradise to GA.
Anon, I do apologize for taking this long to answer, but I refused to acknowledge she even exists until today. I do believe there is a breakup coming. I'm hoping it's before the next major awards ceremony. It's becoming increasingly clearer and clearer that all is not well in that relationshit. There are times when she isn't even selling it convincingly. D is an intelligent, eloquent guy and he is generally composed and thoughtful in interviews. Until people ask him about wedding planning and he trips over his words and redirects the conversation to another topic as quickly as he can. Panic mode sets in. That's not how someone preparing to marry the love of his or her life typically reacts and everyone with eyes can see how uncomfortable he is discussing anything related to an actual wedding.I just want him to be happy and healthy and able to be whomever he is comfortable being. He's at the precipice of amazing things and should be on top of the world, having just won a prestigious award for the hard work he did and I don't think he is any of those things right now.
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whythinktoomuch · 6 years
Sunny I kinda started watching cxg because of you and it’s fucking awesome but low key really annoyed with Paula and her schemes and pushing Rebecca to chase after josh even when it’s clearly not in Rebecca’s best interests or good for her mental health. I hope I won’t be annoyed with her in season 2.
Hey there! I’m so glad that you started watching this amazing whirlwind of a show! You can totally keep me updated about your feelz as you progress through all the seasons if you’d like!! I’d love to hear about everything :D 
And okay, so listen—my friend, my buddy, my pal, the love of my life, Anon!!—listen!!! It’s well within your rights to like or dislike whomever you want!! You’re in charge of your own journey with the characters, so far be it from me to tell you how you should feel, right??
But okay, that said, I will say that Paula does indeed grow as a person as the show progresses. We all know that Rebecca is technically The Crazy™ one  as the title-character, but everyone around her—the ones drawn to her manic, magnetic, magnanimous energy? They all have their fair share of neuroses & issues to address too, and Paula is no different! 
But yeah! Watch season 2! Your feelings might change; they might not! And s’all good because at the end of the day, I think that we can all agree that Donna Lynne Champlin is one hell of a singer, and that’s what really matters, amirite? 
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aidansplaguewind · 2 years
It's okay!!! :) I agree that there are certain actors who have some kind of magnetism. May I ask what are your fave shows? Of course it's totally fine if you don't want to answer :) Mines are Merlin, Sherlock, Glow, Anne with an E, Charmed, Peaky Blinders and also love cozy murder mysteries, period dramas and stuff about the aliens and unrxplained phenomena that look supernatural.
Sorry anon, I seen your question yesterday but stayed fairly busy so I didn't really have time to answer it. I don't mind telling you what my favorite shows are, or have been. I say have been because several shows I consider to be me all-time favorites have already ended.
Dexter is one of those shows. Not Dexter the cartoon but as in Dexter Morgan, the serial killer. I also really enjoyed The Last Kingdom which is now over, technically. They're supposed to do one more installment but as a movie. Weeds was another one I loved back in the day.
I wanna say Vikings but only to a point. Once Ragnar died I didn't get very far into the rest of it before I stopped watching it altogether. But when he was alive I thought it was really good.
The Walking Dead is another show that kind of falls into the same category as Vikings in that once it got to a point it hasn't been the same, but I loved it WAY more than Vikings. When it was good it was really good and I grew extremely attached to the characters. I felt their pain and supported them through their struggles. That show has made me cry so many times. Unlike Vikings though, I do still keep up with TWD, even though I feel like they should have ended it before now because all the people I cared about are mostly all gone. Daryl and Carol are still there but it's kind of sad watching them go it alone without the others. #LongLiveRickGrimes. Rick Grimes is by far one of my favorite characters EVER. In my heart that show ended the day he left.
Another of my favorite shows that's still going is Outlander. But I'm afraid it too might be getting to a point where it needs to be wrapped up. We'll see. It's not too terrible yet but I feel like these characters have already been put through as much as they possibly can be and they've grown about as much as they can grow. I have not read the books actually. I tried reading the first book several years before I started watching the show but I just couldn't quite get into it. Then I started watching the show and was surprised to find that I really loved it. So, I do now actually own several of the books and hope to one day finally get around to reading them but I find that if I see a show or movie about a book before I read the book, it usually ruins the book for me.
My other favorite show that's still going right now is The Handmaid's Tale. I tried reading the book for that one too but honestly, the book just isn't as good. Whomever decided to bring it to life in the way that they did, did an amazing job and I personally think they went above and beyond what the book did. That's another show that just hits you straight in the feels. Another show that I've cried over several times. It's just so damn powerful. And I think the cast is phenomenal. Now that is a cast full of people that know what the hell they are doing. I feel like every single one of them is fantastic and honestly, you can't look away from any of them. They certainly do put the new HOTD cast to absolute shame. And I know someone is insanely good at what they do when I'm not remotely attracted to them but still can't take my eyes off them when they're on screen. All of them.
That's all I can really think of as far as shows I would consider favorites. I do watch other things though. I enjoyed Good Girls, it was fun. I watched Lucifer but eh. Tom Ellis is nice to look at though so it made it bearable. I keep up with Stranger Things. I like Workin' Moms on Netflix and the show YOU. Breaking Bad was decent too but I still don't think it's quite as good as everyone makes it out to be. Those are all shows I enjoy for fun but they don't really pull at my heart strings enough for them to become favorites.
And I also watch a lot of murder documentaries. I absolutely love a good serial killer documentary.
If you were able to read all that, you're awesome! I can get a bit wordy sometimes, depending on the subject.
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