#I hope to be able to do this for 24 days🙃
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oya-oya-okay · 1 month ago
Day 1! In honor of Azul's birthday on February 24
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lovelyladyabsinthewrites · 2 years ago
Love Song for a Vampire Pt. 30
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Pairing(s): Edward Cullen x Wolf!Reader, Jacob Black x Bella Swan, Jacob Black x Witch!OC, Edward Cullen x Bella Swan
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21  Part 22  Part 23  Part 24  Part 25  Part 26  Part 27  Part 28  Part 29  Part 31  Part 32  Part 33  Part 34  Part 35  Part 36  Part 37  Part 38  Part 39  Part 40(series finale) 
The ending didn’t come out like it did the first time I typed this up but it’s close to the original I had worked on last night 🙃
Shocked wasn’t enough to describe the jolt Jacob received when he opened his front door and found Bella. The last bit of hope that imprinting on the witch had just been a dream was quickly eliminated. Standing before him was the love of his life, yet he didn’t feel that same giddiness he once felt with Bella’s presence. That terrified him more than anything; how quickly imprinting changed one’s life.
Behind her on the dirt driveway was a small, tan car. Probably here replacement for her red truck that was totaled when Riley took her. Late in the day, the sky is already casting the world in a pink and orange haze.“Sorry to show up unannounced.” He can tell Bella immediately wanted to nervously chew on her bottom lip as she was prone to do but stopped herself. Subtle changes could be seen on her. She’d been spending time reflecting on herself and really thinking of what she wants in life.
“No, it’s okay.” Jacob steps aside to let her in. Bella hesitated for a heartbeat before walking through. I guess it has been a while since she’s come over.
They go to his room which feel so small now that there was another person occupying it.
He hated this strange feeling. It made him not know how to act in front of her. Like she was a complete stranger to him now and not the girl he'd been mooning over for years. Jacob watches her in a queer way as she perched herself on the edge of his bed. "How has the pack been?"
"Good. (y/n) and Edward left with the Denali couple to drive them back to Alaska." He noticed the flash of momentary hurt on Bella's face before she regains composure and nods.
"I remember them saying they'd be leaving soon." They hadn't spoken about her meeting with them. Jacob had been too focused on what was happening with him and how, even though he was in his human skin, he could still smell Evita's citrus scent that beckoned him to go to Sam's. The alpha had warned Jacob though about scaring her off before she was able to finish the wards that was to protect them from hostile creatures.
“They left last night and should be back in a few hours from the text she sent to our group chat.” Jacob shrugs. “
At that, Bella actually smiles. “I wouldn’t doubt it. Edward drives really fast. Even Alice does too. It must be a vampire thing.”
He tried to think of something else to say, anything to make his life feel normal again. There had been nothing normal about his life though. His mouth was dry and tongue heavy. How could he go on pretending everything was okay? Not to mention he couldn’t imagine how Bella would feel once she learned that another guy who she deeply cared about was taken because of imprinting once again. Her wounds were still healing from her breakup with Edward. It would crush Bella. Jacob may have imprinted on Evita, but he still cared for her greatly. Just not romantically, not anymore.
By the blessing of those above, a tremor in the air gripped Jacob and Bella. The hairs on the back of her neck stand at the tingling that was rushing through her. “Wh. . . What is that?”
The strong aroma of orange blossoms fills his nostril.
This had to be Evita’s magic swirling in the air. It riled up the wolf in him, making Jacob want to spring into action. Were it not for Bella being present, he might have leapt through his window and run to Sam’s house where he knew the witch was staying for the meantime.
Underneath his skin, the animal trembled and agitated him from the inside where he felt uncomfortable in his human flesh.
Inhaling deeply, Jacob closed his eyes to steady his breathing which had quickened. “Magic.”
Bella does a double take. “Magic?”
He stumbles over his words but manages to get Bella up to date on what had been going on in La Push. Even Jacob felt silly about the things he said out loud to her, all of this sounded so unreal yet that’s what his life had become.
The air was still fluctuating with that sharp orange smell and Jacob could spot goosebumps rising on Bella’s arms as an after effect to nearby magic.
“Can I meet her?”
“You want to meet her?” Yes, a reason to see Evita! His wolf rejoiced that he’d finally be able to be near her again despite Jacob’s efforts to ignore it.
Bella doesn’t waver. “Yes. If she’s here to protect the town then I feel like I owe it to her to introduce myself. This. . . This is my fault after all.”
“Stop saying that.” Jacob hated how she pinned the blame of all of the events that had led up to Evita’s arrival. “It’s not you’re fault. Something like this was bound to happen ever since the Cullens came to town decades ago.
“Regardless,” Bella sighed. “I want to meet her.”
That’s how they end up in Bella’s tan Corolla, the small car sped through the empty streets of La Push to get to Sam’s cabin. The drive was overall quiet considering both of them were off in their own little worlds; questioning what they had felt in his room when Evita’s magic swept up their senses into a flurry. The wolf’s eagerness to be near it’s mate was unfathomable as Jacob felt his hands beading with perspiration.
He wasn’t ready to see Evita. Not yet.There was no way Jacob could trust himself to keep his imprinting a secret from Bella if Evita is near.
And Bella, her skin still hadn’t stopped shivering with an odd delight; the back of her neck continued to tingle through her neck and spine. She couldn’t begin to describe the experience. Jacob had called it magic.
The drive didn’t take long, Jacob and Bella were great up for that as Bella’s car pulled to a stop in front of Sam’s cabin. Excited chatter could be heard streaming through from the inside of the house.
Bella gets out of the car first allowing Jacob a few seconds to himself to calm the roaring wave of his heartbeat.
Breathing in a deep inhale, Jacob unbuckles his belt and pushed open the car door.
Smoke from Sam’s chimney twirls out in long ribbons against the mystical color pallet that sunsets are composed of.
From a fluttering curtain in a window, a face briefly appeared and spotted the two of them as they walk up to Sam’s porch. In but a few seconds does Paul open the door to great them. His eyes narrow with caution that confused Bella. Instantly a tension spoiled the air and the house grew quiet.
“Jacob. Bella.” Paul casually greeted but there was a strain to his voice. “Fancy seeing you guys here.”
“We came here to see Evita’s witchcraft.” Jacob is quick to say, hopeful that Paul would buy the reason for it was true.
“We felt the aftershocks and I asked Jacob to take me to meet her.” Explained Bella.
That made Paul’s eyes round. “Aftershocks?”
Sam appeared behind him. “Come in.” He merely instructed and had Paul step aside. “Jacob, stay in the back with me.”
Sam’s living room was crowded with other members of the pack and was wholly transformed into a candlelit space for witchcraft. His usual furniture was gone and in their place were an array of strange and arcane objects. The light from the fireplace made shadows flicker against the walls and distort the shadowy figures of those present.
Everyone leaned in yet kept themselves from straying too far into the circle that Evita had made on the ground.
A small bowl of herbs are slowly catching ablaze by the beckoning of her foreign words. Bella saw with her own eyes a river stone crumble all by itself into fine dust that is carried on an invisible wind and into Evita’s clasped hands. The delicate skin of her wrists appear paper thin as even Bella could see the many lines and rivers of her veins. They looked like they were made of lightening as they burned from under her skin.
Her lips move rapidly in her incantation, and as her words carried into the room, the energy shifted. Candlelight made the dark sway.
Entranced were the rest of the pack as they held their breathing, taking in the wondrous sight before them.
More sharp spices fill the air along with Evita’s citrus scent.
Jacob couldn’t tear his eyes off of her wild and flying curls that whip around her face that was lined with painful looking scars. To Jacob though, the dark scars that run along her face accentuate her fine cheekbones and full lips. A spatter of freckles add to her charm.
The wild wind of energy that had been swirling around her seem to fall away. Time itself felt like it froze.
Multiple breaths that had been held in up until that point exhale with an edge of relief. Her spell was complete.
When the candles are blown out by the dying breath of her magic, Sam slowly turns on the electronic lights of his house. Sitting in the middle of the living room was a pale Evita. Slowly she removes her top hand to reveal an object the size of a quarter and equally flat.
The color of it was the glittering shade of emerald. A warmth eminated from it.
Weary from her efforts, Evita explained with a tired voice “I have five more of these to make. They are to be distributed throughout Forks and La Push. The ward is this small so that it won’t be easily spotted by your enemies. We must bury them at six specific points. About a foot into the ground.” She passed it to Jared who held it with reverence. The ward made it’s way around the pack as they ‘ooed’ and ‘awwed’.
Leah and Seth gather around Evita to help her up and into Sam’s bedroom where she was regain her strength.
Jacob followed the trio with his eyes, unable to follow them thanks to Sam.
While Bella hadn’t been able to be properly introduced to Evita, the visit had been worthwhile. She’d never imagined that magic would look quite like that or that it would feel so intense.
When everyone had a chance to examine the ward, Paul snatched it from Collin’s hands. “This is to be put somewhere with the highest security. This may not look like much but it is essential if we want to keep our territory safe.”
This was not fun and games.
Sam put a hand on Jacob’s shoulder, alerting him it was time for him to go. “She’ll be alright. She warned me ahead of time that this would take a toll on her energy. Proper sleep and food will do her good.”
If Sam hadn’t been Jacob’s alpha, who knows what he would have done. Any other wolf would consider Sam’s posturing as getting in between Jacob and his mate. Hell hath no fury like a wolf being kept apart from their imprintee.
Jacob was still experiencing a heady daze and thankfully didn’t put up much of a fight as he taps Bella’s arm to get her attention. She was still staring at where Evita had been creating her ward.
The simple physical contact coaxed her back to her senses and they slink to the front door. Both too stunned to utter a parting word to anyone.
Bella didn’t know how long they’d been there, but instead of the fuchsia clouds that were highlighted with orange there was now a vast sky filled with stars.
Stars were dull though in comparison to the headlights on Edward’s car that shined right at them.
Names that are in bold are ones I can’t tag for some reason
TAGLIST: @saltedcoffeescotch , @dangerouslittlefairy , @burn-crash-rqmance , @casedoina , @avadakadabra93 , @daryldixonstorm , @blue-aconite , @xanniestired666 , @esposadomd, @godinho11 , @arin-swear-rose , @alexizodd , @melaninsugarbaby , @lyeatoalinatoheaven , @ronwownsme , @itsmytimetoodream , @afro-hispwriter , @mutandis-extremis993 , @hxgemxscles , @nightly-polaris , @corrodedcoffins-slut , @ellesalazar , @itgetzweird08 , @crybabyatthediscooffandoms , @sassyandclassyx , @scarlet2007 , @theroyalbrownbarbie , @jennyamanda8 , @stevenandmarcslove , @biancaindaeyo , @loversjoy , @turningtoclown , @vixorell , @xxthackerybinxxx , @daredevilonmyheels , @dumbbitch-juice , @southern-bell-give-hell , @nat-the-gemini , @imdoingathingmomgmom , @emmettcullenswife , @yoong1c0re , @daddykylokenobi , @minjix
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kinkandkreep · 2 years ago
Connor Kenway: Celebratory Birthday Headcanons- Part 2
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A/N: Aight y’all, here’s the second round of Connor-canons! These will focus on the canonical, non-yandere iteration of Ratonhnhaké:ton. I hope y’all enjoy! Oh, and please feel free to send me Connor-related requests! I’ve been in quite the  ✨ him✨ mood lately and I would be happy to write more for him. 😊 (Also sorry this post is so long y'all, I just have lots of feelings about him. 😭)
Canon Connor Kenway Relationship Headcanons
First of all, Connor is a huge teddy bear
Like seriously, he gives the warmest, most comforting hugs ever 
As my mom would put it, he "sinks into the hug" and uses his larger body to ensconce you safely in his embrace *swoon*
He's naturally very warm, which is perfect for those cold Frontier nights 
During the summer…not so much 🙃
(The two of you still snuggle anyway because no matter how hot or cold, no matter how tough of an exterior Ratonhnhaké:ton may have, he will implode without his daily cuddle time with you and yes this is a threat)
I think we all know that Connor is a real sweetie at heart 
I saw someone the other day describe him as having "so much love to give"
And frankly, I thought that was beautiful 😭
And very true
And with that being said, Connor has so much love to give to you
He’s very accommodating, though he can still be stern with you
He wants to ensure that you are comfortable and well cared for at all times, but he also knows that he can’t always be there to “keep watch” over you 24/7
So, it would make him feel better if you had a least a lil’ training in self-defense 
But even if you don’t, him still gone love you 😊
Connor tries to be as gentle as possible with you, touching you very carefully and using a softer way of speaking 
He also is very fond of picking you up and carrying you around
He thinks it’s fun, and it also makes him just the slightest bit smug when you compliment him on how strong and built he is
His chest definitely puffs up a little more 😏
Con-Con man smiles a helluva lot more when he’s around you
I say more instead of period because he occasionally smiles at you guy’s friends around the homestead
He’s particularly fond of the children, namely Norris and Myriam’s and Prudence and Warren’s
Speaking of children…
Connor would L.O.V.E to create a family with you 
Like, look me in the eyes and tell me Connor Kenway, Ratonhnhaké:ton, Con-Con man, whateva you wanna call him, ain’t a family man 
No seriously do it 👁️ 👄 👁️
Exactly, you can’t 
And if you tried, you’d be w r o n g
(I mean think about it, even in the canonical storyline he has not one, not two, but three babies. The man either always desired to have a big family or has a serious pregnancy kink and is super dedicated. 🙃)
Connor would love to see you waddle around with your swollen belly, all irritable (which he finds sorta hot) and emotional (which he finds endearing) and needy (which is a major turn on for him) 
Over the course of your relationship, and especially during your pregnancy, Connor discovers that he has the ability to use something called the “puppy dog eyes”
Much different from the Eagle Eye, in terms of appeal and capability
He finds that by using these, he is able to coerce gently convince you to do things
Like let him stay out hunting longer or massage your feet to help you feel better even when you say they’re swollen and you don’t want anyone touching them
He tries not to use the eyes often, for fear that their - quite potent - effect may wear down over time 
But he’s so adorable, I mean just look at ‘im!
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Such a sweetheart 😭
Also, when you get the chance, please smack his ass when you walk past him, he thinks that shit is so hilarious 😂
Try also to compliment him when you do, it gives him a little morale boost every time
Noah Watts, the voice actor for Connor, can sing, and so naturally, I imagine that Connor can carry a tune as well
He doesn’t hum often by any stretch and outright singing is a once in a blue moon occurrence with him
But when you can get him to share in song with you, his voice is very sweet, mellifluous to the ear, with the slightest growly undertone and a rich, full sound
Hol up y’all, I’m finna make myself cry thinkin’ about it
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You always compliment him on how well he can sing (admittedly, sometimes in an effort to get him to do it 🙃) and every time he gets bashful and counter compliments you to take some of the attention off himself
Which, speaking of compliments…
Connor can be quite the schmoozer towards you when he wants to be, especially as he gets older, which also ties into the usage of his puppy dog eyes
That sexy lil’ smirk he sometimes wears becomes more effective as well 
If you can visibly blush, he never fails to make you do so, otherwise he’ll have you averting your eyes and covering your face to hide your flattered embarrassment often
Noah Watts also implied that Connor’s character’s got some Gothic influence, so he can (as I’m actually sure we all know) be a lil’ dramatic at times
But, he can also be quite the romantic, surprising you with scenic excursions and planning lil’ picnics
Even at home, when he’s not in his uniform and can relax, he still likes to help you with tasks around the manor, even the mundane things like washing dishes and redecorating
It’s all so cute and domestic 😭
All in all, Connor is the absolute love of my life, Ubisoft owes him another game and screw everybody that hates on my boi
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Let's Play a Love game !
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Soulmate Game [ Open ]
hey guys I will be adding a new event on my blog! this one will be here for a while (likely permanent I’ll see how it goes) ! so don’t feel as if you’ll ever miss out!
my ask box will now be open 24/hrs day- you absolutely MUST ×☆Read☆The☆Rules☆× for this "SoulmateAskGame" ,  and meet the requirements for this reading then you may most definitely submit your Soulmate Game Request into my ask box as soon as you are done meeting my game requirements(read the ALL of my game rules and make sure you understand them. )
🌈you’re allowed to ❣ask❣ who your 🌹soulmate🌹 is and you will receive your soulmates most likely 🍬initials for their first , middle and last names: even letters that could be in their nick name too. 💋AND you'll find out what their 🍰birthday🧁 is plus your soulmates possible 🍷astrological placements♍ and of course anything my ⚜intuition⚜ wants to say if needed. I will also be including 🔱❣like  2 or 3 songs 🎵 that my Claircognizance ability  (sense of knowing) and gift of intuition may suggest you must hear before you meet this soulmate in order to understand the soul connection and/or mood of the overall romance and relationship💗💓
🌈  l can try to get to everyone but of course my energy is very special and constantly needs to recharge. Especially now, since I am still in the hospital sick dealing with my cancer and in need of a life saving operation to remove some cancerous tumors:::plus this type of Numerology divination work can be very tiring as it involves a lot of math and deals with numbers ⚠️obviously 🍦🎈🍬...and 🙃unfortunately I Waas born  dyslexic and still have a hard time with my dyslexia 😅aaand even reading text takes me such a long time.  But I'm just so glad that I not illiterate.  You know MANY like me, are. It's too bad.  🌹***Shout out if you face today with a disability!! ***🌹
🌈☆ if you desire to you can specify ex; “i’d like to know their venus sign” / “i’d like to know their moon sign.”
(˶ᵔᴗᵔ˶) Disclaimer: My intuition is very accurate but please note that energies can change! I hope my cards and I can give you lovely insight🌹🌹🍎🍬😍🎉🎈
To figure out who your Soulmate is, I can do this for single people, and if you're taken and in a relationship or if you have your eye on someone please include their birthdate as well as yours so I may cross reference the two of you to find out both )how compatible you are using a combination of Astrology and Numerology 😊
Then when I'm positive you're A match I will use a romance Oracle deck and my Geometric Oracle Cards to define your status and to give me an excellent accuracy in terms of telling me if they are your Soulmate or not. I will even be able to see if you have been together in other lifetimes and if you are interested in hearing about PAST LIFE ROMANCE READING then please reblog the SoulmateAskGame and do make sure that you include ALL of my original tags for the most part.  If you're used to searching up games and tarot readings you should please include some of the tags that you've noticed our most popular. Also make sure to follow these rules .
You must include your own birthdate in my Soulmate Game Request. 
Follow me
Like+Reblog this post
Submit Your full birthdate
Along with your submission please include the emoji combo 🌙🌺🐉🌹🍃
And tell me something anything about the vibe I give off
That's how I'll know you've read the rules 😉
🙄 failing to complete these steps will result in deleted game request
Anonymous are welcome so long as they read this first
Thanks guys let's enjoy this game and see your matches !
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fluffybutt-7 · 2 years ago
Hi Fluff,
Looking super cute and cuddly 😊
I have a question for you. I'm a lifelong skinny guy (I used to weigh 130 lbs at 5'11") who finally made his way up to 220 lbs. And I had absolutely no intentions of stopping before 300 lbs. I was happier with my body than I'd ever been.
Unfortunately I got really bad reflux/GERD which still plagues me every morning, to the point that I have no appetite for half of the day and even throw up a little almost every day.
I tried some medication (pantoprazole) which works great, but it's not something I want to take forever because it's not without risks or side effects either.
Now I'm wondering where I should draw the line. Throughout the day I keep flip flopping (gain, lose, gain, lose) depending on my stomach, and it's frustrating. So now I've been hovering around 200 lbs for a while.
You've posted about medical issues before so I wanted to know your thoughts and reflections on topics like these.
Thank you so much ❤️
Hey there!! Thank you so much 🥰🙈 Been feeling nice and fluffy lately:3
So, I will preface this with I am not a medical professional at all, and to definitely talk with your doctor about different treatment options that would allow you to get back to eating the things you like. :) Now then, let’s begin…
Honestly, that line depends on each person. And it can change with the same person over time! Gaining and feederism are lifestyle fetishes that unfortunately come with some inherent risks that we all have to wrestle with at times. You are not alone, and whatever you feel about those risks is valid. Period. I’m currently taking pantoprazole, actually, and am going to try getting off of it because yes, it can really fuck up your body long term. Which my doctors didn’t tell me and have been having me take it since fucking September, but anyhoo. 🙃🥲
But I’m right there with you - being in this blubbery, overfed body has made me happier than anything else. I’m so much happier and feel more “at home” in this body compared to when I was 145lbs. We deserve to do the things that bring us joy and fulfillment, and medicine can help us achieve those things. To me, it’s worth it. I see my insulin and my blood pressure medication as tools to help me live the lifestyle I want. Would everyone feel that way? No. And that’s okay! Each of us are on our own journey in life and gaining, and we get to decide what that journey looks like. Not rando feeders telling us what to eat, not our followers (love you guys tho), us. We get to decide. It’s not something to decide lightly, and I can tell you’ve already put a lot of thought into it. But ultimately, where you draw that line is up to you. Talk to your doctor about different treatment options for reflux and GERD (I know I’m going to have to have that conversation with mine, too), and most importantly, listen to your body. You do not have to gain 24/7 to be a “real gainer”. You wanna get fatter? That brings you joy and gratification? Then you’re a gainer, period. It’s inside us - and it doesn’t go away overnight.
I hope my rambling was able to provide some food for thought and some resolve, and know that no matter what you decide to do, you’ve made amazing progress and you’ll always be a gainer in my eyes.
Take care, reach out when/if you need to, and I hope you’re having a fabulous holiday season. ❤️
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studyyblrring · 2 years ago
Introduction post
Langblr Reactivation Challenge
Week 1 - Day 1 (challenge)
Hi everyone! I'm really hoping to really get back into language learning this year and consequently become more active on here by sharing my progress/resources/just making friends :)
My name is Vanessa and I'm 24.
My TLs this year are: Japanese and Dutch. (in this order)
If things go well, or if I need a break from either, I'll probably either jump back into studying Korean for a bit or properly start with Thai, but I want to focus as much as I can on my TLs.
My mother tongue is Romanian, but I am fluent in English (C1 according to the IELTS test i took almost 4 years ago lmao)
I've dabbled in many languages over the years, but probably the only other one worth mentioning besides the ones I already have is German!
I have a lot of hobbies that i get hyperfixated on alternatively for weeks at a time, including but not limited to: knitting, crocheting, experimenting with digital design (i really wanna learn blender this year), coding, cooking, reading, listening to a lot of music!
I've been a K-pop fan for 8 years :")
Why I'm studying Japanese/Goals:
I've been studying Japanese on/off for 8 (!!!!!) years this April, but I've never been able to get my language level past somewhere in between N5 and N4 on a good day
I'm hoping to reach an intermediate-ish by the of the year, so around N3 (textbook-wise ideally want to be done with the Quartet series and move on to Tobira before 2024, but reaching Quartet II by the end of the year would still be amazing!)
My current goal in terms of JLPT is passing N4 this year! (probably in December, though if things are going well I might try for July as well). maybe even N3 in December but im trying to keep things as realistic and manageable as possible
Now onto why I'm studying, I started learning Japanese when I was in high school because I found out about the MEXT undergraduate scholarships and I was hoping to increase my chances of getting selected, by knowing as much Japanese as possible, but by the time I finished high school I had changed my plans and didn't apply
But through that, I fell in love with both the language and the culture and I got into anime (it was backwards for me lmao), and I kept studying whenever I could and I really miss it, since it's always been a lot of fun for me
I'm also maybe sorta kinda considering applying for the mext graduate scholarship this year or next year but don't hold me to it, I'm not 100% on it yet, but it is another big motivator for me
Why I'm studying Dutch/Goals
this will be a lot shorter as I don't have that many feelings in regard to the dutch language
My reason for studying Dutch is mostly functional, as I'm enrolled in a Dutch university and I live there for most of the year (I'm also starting an internship at a Dutch company this year, and though the staff is international, knowing Dutch would still be helpful) and knowing Dutch at a higher level will simply make my day-to-day life a lot easier and I would have less awkward interactions that start with "Sorry, do you speak English?" 🙃
My goal is to get around B2? maybe B1 would be more realistic? I'm honestly not sure, I haven't decided yet exactly what my textbooks/resources are going to be, as my studying has been kinda sporadic, but I have been keeping a 63-day Duolingo Dutch streak! I also have a Dutch conversation partner with whom I have ~1h Dutch conversation calls twice a month, and those have been quite helpful as well
and i guess my ultimate goal is to simply be able to get around with using mostly (if not only) speaking Dutch when I'm out and about
see you tomorrow :)
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asgardwinter · 3 years ago
Fictober 2021 | masterlist
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I want to keep it organized, so here are all my fictober blurbs (they're almost all fluffy, funny and silly - almost -)... hope y'all enjoy them!! I also used fictober as an excuse to write for some other characters, so don't be surprised :)
Sorry I wasn't able to write all 31 blurbs (we got to 24, it's a victory 🎉)
comments and reblogs are very much welcomed 🙃
🍁 main masterlist 🍁
dividers by @firefly-graphics 💕
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taglist | ❅ - personal favorites
- Day 01 - Stay Here With Me | Loki Laufeyson
- Day 02 - The Investigation | Bucky Barnes ❅
- Day 03 - Forever Starts Now | 40s!Bucky Barnes ❅
- Day 04 - Just Drive | Darcy Lewis
- Day 05 - Lemon Pie | Loki Laufeyson
- Day 06 - Talkative | 40s!Bucky Barnes
- Day 07 - Cohersion | Sam Wilson ❅
- Day 08 - See You Soon | Carol Danvers
Day 09 - "There's no right side to this."
- Day 10 - Restless | college!Loki
- Day 11 - Abominable Thing | Bucky Barnes ❅
- Day 12 - Beginning | Loki Laufeyson ❅
- Day 13 - Sure Thing, James | Bucky Barnes
- Day 14 - Ambient Analysis | Loki Laufeyson ❅
- Day 15 - Plastic Ring | Darcy Lewis ❅
- Day 16 - Not The Alcohol | Loki Laufeyson
- Day 17 - Unkind | Loki Laufeyson ❅
Day 18 - "This was not part of the plan."
Day 19 - "I feel strange."
- Day 20 - Honestly Mischievous | Loki Laufeyson
- Day 21 - New Resident | Bucky Barnes ❅
- Day 22 - Take Care | Bucky Barnes
Day 23 - "This time, do what I say."
- Day 24 - Everything | Loki Laufeyson ❅
- Day 25 - Sleep Rescue | Joaquín Torres
- Day 26 - First Missions and Confident Plans | Loki
Day 27 - "You could have died!"
- Day 28 - Under The Moonlight | Loki
- Day 29 - Secret Mission | Darcy Lewis
Day 30 - "Don't ruin this."
- Day 31 - Tough Human | Loki Laufeyson
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ps: all these blurbs are also in the character's masterlists 🙃
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cpknightly1 · 3 years ago
Hello Surgey Buddies
Have you taken your Doctor's temperature lately? Not that thermometer THE OTHER ONE.
I hope you are healing and well and enjoying the emense and intense HEAT. Please stay hydrated. But slowly. Don't try to gulp liquid down when your very hot. Drink slowly a little at a time. But steadily. If not, your body will sure tell you. "That was too fast"! You'll end up tossing your cookies. Nice and steady is the way.
So here's a question for you.
Have you ever made a phone call and been confused with a phone solicitor? At least that's what I think they thought. "Wrong number"....(click). Holy Crap.
Now I feel it's better not to call them again. Unless they call me back. Sheesh.
Today marks the 7th month I've been in this wrist brace. I have to have ice on it 24 hours a day.
The diagnosis I got was, "It just happens " WTF?
Let me explain. They thought my injury was a condition called "Kenibocks syndrome" where the bone in your wrist is losing it's blood supply and eventually has to be removed. It usually happens because of an injury..they think.
Think?? I went back, he presses on the bone and no pain at all. The supply was back. However the pain still continues. For those of you who may get this it's best to keep the blood flow up. I was surprised that it can be done with wine. Or red grapes.
PARTY! I don't drink so I used massage and gentle pt.
Dr. Says it may be neurological. I've become exasperated.
Have you noticed it's very difficult to get an appointment right now? There's like a back log of patients. So your appointments are weeks or even months away. The belief is because of the backlog of effects on society and Covid.
Hopefully within the next 6 months things will adjust. It is very important to keep the appointments you make. Stay vigilant. Because you don't know when you will get another.
I may see some of you in recovery soon with this wrist. I'll bring enough ice packs to make an igloo!! Maybe we should try to play some pinochle or jenga (oh sure). And plenty of rubber bands to fling at the Doctors. Be nice to your nurses. Remember they put the bandages on.
It is true that the healing of wounds or surgery can move quicker with a lack of stress and anxiety. It helps the body to adjust in a healthy way to healing. Also very important to rest. Don't go ga-ga that the healing is finished. You could have a longer time to heal or have other complications.
Ok so someone told me that a show called "Peaky Blinders" was really good. I started watching and ended up not being able to stop. It was a marathon week. Give it a look. It is a true story.
Have you ever done that? Watched a show and you can't stop watching? It's a really great show. Hence the reason I haven't watched the final season of "Derry Girls". I hate when good shows are done.
I've started ideas for the next book. And have procrastinated with the publishing. With this wrist. You really don't know how much you use your hands together and forget to stop from trying with the injured one. "SOAB"!! has been ringing out through the entire house.
As the summer comes to an end..don't stop going to the gym. This happens to many people. And it's during these next months that your body will need it most. Halloween candy, Thanksgiving, Christmas. Even if you go twice a week you'll feel better and keep your weight in check.
I keep looking at my guitar and sighing. I'm counting on the process of the wrist to be over soon. Remember I still have 4 nodes in my throat that will be removed. Everything having to do with music is in the waiting room.
How am I coping? "Animal Crossing ". I play one handed but it takes my mind off. If you're in the game and you'd like to see my island send your amiibo#.
That's the story for now.
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hotarutranslations · 3 years ago
Tomorrow, Live Stream!
Evening Its Ishida Ayumi
Next year, from January 13th
All Hello! Project members will be appearing in,
"Mannaka ni Hello!"
that is, a drama that will air 🌷
Starring, Kikuchi Momoko-san, With Ohara Runo-san as her daughter
Us Hello Pro members are, with different members every week,  we'll be giving performances of songs based on the story in each episode
"Thurs Drama 24" Mannaka ni Hello!
Cheering for those that watch the performance...... 😳🎉
Somehow in this new form, I'm happy we'll be able to perform songs!
I hope it'll be conveyed 🍀
I'll do my best!
Please look forward towards it airing
To be held on January 7th, 2022, My 25 year old Birthday Event
💙 You can apply here 💙
I'll be turning 25, Please come and see me 😌🍀
application deadline is on December 7th, strictly
a bit ago, returning home,
Nonaka and Homare, were showing off cute photos of Tofu-chan and Rib-chan (dogs)
They were so cute,
it was really suffocating 😇 lol
I've never had a doggy before, I was really envious, for a moment I thought 'me too!'
And I entered the conversation showing them a video of Duu's doggy 🤣 ←
I took it when I went to hang out
I got excited about a dog in someone elses house 🤣 ←
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I'm hungry! Thanks for the hard work today too!
Limsta Sign Meet
Maa-chan and I, will be live streaming on YouTube at 4:30PM~ 🔍️
Anyone can listen in, so by all means!
Hello Pro Dance Academy Thank you very much for watching #4
If you missed it go watch it as a rerun 🙃
Morning Musume '21 Concert Tour Teenage Solution ~Sato Masaki Graduation Special~ Live Viewing
There is going to be live viewing in theaters across the country at 85 locations, I hope many of you will come!
HikariTV Live Streaming
There will also be live streaming the day of!
Since a lot of information has come out about Morning Musume '21 12.8 Release "Teenage Solution/Yoshi Yoshi Shite Hoshii no/Beat no Wakusei" Campaign Special Offers, please check this out
see you ayumin <3
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rhymingtree · 3 years ago
The (not so long) awaited season three is FINALLY HEEEERE!
Ooh we're picking up right when Ghostie gets whisked away by Shield (ehem hydra ehem ehem)
Raf's getting the bad vibes from Nick Fury and then quickly reminding himself that the others gave him a vague description of Novak is so funny to me.
Like, "he's supposed to be white... this man is no gringo... he passes the vibe check"
Yes, Raf, sass him. We love you for it.
I love getting to see Raf's perspective from this moment, I remember reading this and thinking, "I like this guy. Hope Ghost sees more of him." And then right before Sokovia, "WOAH SASSY MECHANIC GUY?! You're here too!😊😊"
Ooh he's doing some sneaky spy shit
JAAACK our sweet boyyy
I love this, watching Aftermath build itself up higher and higher in a mundane way. Poor Jack's stuck here supervising a construction site.
Powerhouse and Zodiac being sent to two different places is like keeping two fighting children in different time out corners.
Oh I love the title card for this.
He’d give it to the man, he wasn’t afraid of getting between a pair of guys bigger than him and he wasn’t afraid to push them around. 
It was kinda hot—
Not even halfway through and someone's already horny, damn. 😏
Oh but it's the sad, wistful slow burn horns and knees okay... aw
I love how Jack seems so hopeless when they'll be married and happily in love in a couple more years.
And he was most definitely not getting tired of it. 
Not bored at all. 
Definitely didn’t want to throw himself off a cliff most days. 
Same, Jack. Same.
I love how their attraction for each other never wore down even after years of fucking I mean loving each other deeply.
Please, by all means, Mr. Bennet, do not be professional. Keep simping, it's doing me a great service.
Why did Duke call him smalls when he is not small at all... I'm assuming... 😏
They're so fucking cute it's unbearable.
Fuck being professional. Fuck if things were different. Ask him out. 
Hear that, Jack? that isn't just your inner voice, that's everyone reading this right now wishing you'd get a grip and JUST FUCKIN' ASK HIM OUT
Love that deus ex machina cockblock.
Jaaack, don't be too hard on yourself, buddy! 😟
Aww, my boy's comparing himself to Raffa? 😭
SENATOR JOHNSON!!! The only politician I trust. Sadly, he is fictional. Dagnabit.
Doctor Imara J. Johnson. I love it. I love her. I love this whole family.
Don't be shy, Darke, let Nia say assholes. Let her say it. Just one big bad word, followed by an entire vocabulary of 'em... c'mon...
I love Turner not knowing what he's doing in the Senate. To be completely honest, no one in the Senate really does (especially over here), so he's fine.
Aww, they're missing their Auntie Boonie and Uncle Duke!
Aww, Auntie (F/N) 😭
I can't wait to see their reactions to her jumping ship with the people who got her faking her death in Paris on a whim after Mr. Suspicious-Eyepatch-Trenchoat-Man chatted with her.
HAHAHAHA Raffa calls Turner bro. I love him.
Wait, no one knows where Boone is?
Not even Turner?
Now it's Duke's turn to feel awkward and painfully in love 🙃 see, this is the kind of shit I came for. I love this.
Who'd have known reading a random slow burn long fic about Bucky was gonna send me into a pit of more slow burns that hurt even more?
Though, he wouldn’t be able to do that in New Eden anyway. He’d piss (F/N) off in an instant and end up headfirst out a window. 
I'm gonna need you to clarify, do you mean the ground floor window or like, second-storey, or... window of a penthous apartment in New York City kind of window?
With Ghost, there are so many possibilities of which window to be thrown out of 😌
Jack's perfectly formed ass. Thank you for the description, now I know how to imagine it.
Why do these two keep slamming into each other, it's such an inconvenient greeting
They were both admiring each other's butts that's why they keep slamming into each other
Ooh here comes Ari the Goliath.
I love these two so much
You did Jesse dirty killing off those three other pilots, Darke 😒
I'm still not over it... even if I keep forgetting Dorian's name
He's missing Jesse awww
See, he just needs a bit of her sun. That way he won't be so lonely anymore.
He's so fricking smitten it's adorable.
I don't know who I love more, Jack and Duke or Ari and Jesse.
Oh and now I'm jealous. I want my own sunshine too goddamnit.
Being single's a pain in the ass, man... jeez.
Raffa's too fucking charming for his own good. How did Emmerly not fluster up when Raf called her princesa? He... I... He's too fricking charming it's annoying.
So many cockblocks,, Darke. Why is the universe trying to set them on fire every damn time?
Maybe he needed to focus on something else and, if it was going to ever happen, let Duke come to him. 
Well, how do you mean by come? 😏😏😏😏
No seriously where the fuck is Boone? And my favorite Russian, where are those two? I'm getting worried.
I LOVE THIS. I LOVE THIS OPENING EPISODE SO MUCH. I love how you're establishing everything and showing more of how Aftermath is being slowly but surely built.
I can't wait to see how Turner, Boone, and Duke handle Ghost working for SHIELD, and soon fighting Loki and the chitauri and saving Captain America and all that fun stuff... it's so cool seeing everything come full circle.
I LOVEE how you're writing Jack and Duke's blossoming (slightly stagnant) relationship. I love seeing how they've always been wildly attracted to each other from the beginning, and that attraction matures so well from when they first come to terms with it to the events of BS:A when it becomes a deep and solid commitment.
I'm so happy Jesse and Ari are gonna be having shenanigans together on their own mission. It's gonna be so awesome watching their own relationship. I love seeing Jesse's effect on Ari, how she just lights up his day. He's literally in warm sunny Morocco right now, but he only really felt it when Jesse's sun started shining on him. It's gonna be so beautiful.
Can't wait for Boone's own shenanigans. I miss her so much WHERE IS SHE WHERE IS MY WIFE WHY IS SHE NOT HERE? This was such a cool ep, but I miss her 😭.
The highlight is Duke imagining Jack's perfectly formed ass and his swirling steel-blue eyes.
I'm so excited for more of season 3, this was such a beautiful start to it 💜
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To all my live reactors,
Please, please, please, hide your reactions under a Read More cut. I don’t want any spoilers floating around. 
To all my Anonymous Avengers, 
If you want to react in my asks, feel free. However, I won’t be answering any of them until at least Wednesday if they contain spoilers. 
Thank you,
┍━━━━━━━━ ★ ━━━━━━━━┑
From the outside, the base looked like a gigantic warehouse. It sat alone in the desert, set securely against a red rock mesa. Most of the building was hidden, built back into the rock and leaving only its face as evidence of its whereabouts. 
The first floor kept up its disguise.
Freight trucks constantly moved in and out of the five bays that spanned across the front face. Crates and pallets were constantly offloaded and moved further into the building. 
But it was what was under the warehouse that made things interesting. 
Tunnels were built upon tunnels, dipping further and further into the ground like a mineshaft. Offices and barracks were carved from the rock, all brightly lit and teeming with soldiers. And one of the biggest training facilities Jack had ever seen lurked even further down the shaft. 
It was like living in a whole underground city. 
And it was boring as hell. 
┕━━━━━━━━ ★ ━━━━━━━━┙
✪ Bᴀᴛᴛʟᴇ Sᴄᴀʀʀᴇᴅ : Aғᴛᴇʀᴍᴀᴛʜ
♜♠ Tʜᴇ Sᴏʟᴅɪᴇʀ & Tʜᴇ Sᴘʏ
⧗ Tʜᴇ Rᴇᴅ Rᴏᴏᴍ» Jᴏɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋᴇ sɪᴅᴇ Tᴀɢʟɪsᴛ
@autumn-em // @fadingbakeryfarmoperator // @rhymingtree  // @itsmeatballworld // @kippykasey // @turtleedovee // @kamalymaly // @onewithnomightypowers // @y-napotat // @riahmcq // @thequeenofthefallen // @jesuswasnotawhiteman // @banbananas // @itsarussian // @luhuhzy // @kaiblog50 // @aftermatharchives
***if you have a strike through your handle, it wouldn’t let me tag you 😞
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