#I hope this goes as well as the Pines ask blog is going--
Welcome to my Smith family ask blog!
For starters, the owner of this blog is @sanchezsimp. (Yes, that is why this has practically the same intro as my other ask blog. I'm lazy. Check out @a-good-family-tree!)
BIG warnings here; this blog supposed to be the Smith family from Rick and Morty. If you've seen the show, you KNOW it has mentions of incest, suicide, nsfw shit, murder, blah blah blah- Point is, I, for the most part, enjoy this crappy type of humor, so expect those things to be here. (I think there's been a total of one joke in RaM I disliked, honestly.)
Onto some other information...
• Characters will have different colours to represent who's who (as my other blog does)
To keep it simple,
Rick is blue, like his shirt and hair.
Morty is yellow(ish), like his shirt.
Summer is pink, like her tank.
Beth is red, like her shirt.
Jerry is green, like his.
• This'll take place at where the show is now, so post-season seven and pre-season eight.
• SPOILERS, duh.
• I might use this blog for some short writing prompts or incorrect quotes as well. Feel free to ask for those!
• If the colour changes in the middle of a sentence, those two characters are speaking in unison.
• Tags will be out of character.
• A little "/" will mean two characters are speaking at the same time! (Not in unison.)
• Go ahead and ask anything! Be unhinged! I'll always read it! This is a RaM ask blog! The show itself is unhinged! BE UNHINGED!!
• The owner of this blog is a Gravity Falls fan, so feel free to reference anything from that fandom!
• Other characters may reply to your ask, so if you want just one character specifically to answer, use [To: Summer] or something like that. (It could be more than one character, and you can also use [To: everyone BUT Summer], and I'll be just as happy to answer those!)
• I'm not sure if other ask blogs do this, but if not, then I'm starting something. Feel free to ask a character something as another character! For example, you could use yellow (Morty) to ask Rick about something. You could also add in [As: Morty] to make it even easier. This could also be multiple characters. (You'll most likely get more personal answers from characters this way.) Try to sound like the character though! If it sounds out of character, I might make my own post with it. (I'll tag you if you're not anon. OR I'll just use your out-of-character ask and tag it as incorrect quotes--it'll be funny.)
• You can also use a spy thing to see what a character or two are doing! Like [Spy on: Rick] to see where he's causing chaos at the moment. (Great for when a character leaves!)
And that should be all! (Might edit this post later)
Have fun asking the Smiths!!
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knickynoo · 2 months
You know, as I listened to the BTTF Minute podcast before, they got into a discussion about George and Lorraine's relationship in the Twin Pines timeline that I really liked.
In the episode, they're breaking down the McFly dinner scene and focusing in on when Lorraine is telling the story of how she and George met. And this is a scene I've mentioned in a post or two before, because it's just so sad. You can tell that Lorraine is still so in love with George—or at least in love with the version of him who kissed her on the dance floor that night. Her face brightens as she talks, and you can just hear the fondness in her voice. She's that young girl again, hopeful and in love and smitten with this guy who she helped care for when he was hurt.
But then the tone changes. She's brought back to reality—to a husband who is so wrapped in his own world that he doesn't even acknowledge her. He's facing away from her, eyes glued to the TV, unaware of the loving glance being directed his way. He doesn't even respond when she asks him if he remembers the night of that terrible thunderstorm.
All of a sudden, Lorraine is slapped in the face with reality. She's drained of that hope, and in its place is the realization that she's stuck with George. Stuck in a lonely marriage. Stuck in a life that young girl never would have pictured for herself.
Anyway, this is where I really liked the commentary the podcast hosts, Nick and Scott, gave regarding the scene.
In talking about George, they point out, "He never had to try. He never had to fight for her," and, "Literally, he got run over by love."
Which I think condenses the situation very well. George was hit by a car, carried into the Baines house, and all the groundwork was instantly laid for him. Lorraine fell head over heels for this poor, injured, awkward guy and established their relationship herself. George didn't have to fight; his dream girl was handed to him. And for someone like George, who is already very much a wallflower and doesn't stand up for himself or anyone else, it made it all that much easier to let his marriage go stale. Take Lorraine for granted, in a way.
Then, Scott got to talking about how George and Lorraine were brought together on accident and by an accident. It was George accidentally falling from the tree and then the literal being hit with a car accident that led him to Lorraine. And he goes on to say,
"Which, in a lot of ways, that's kind of what the movie's about, in that they fell in love with an accident, and it's just like, oh, love shouldn't be an accident. Love should be something that you earn and work for."
And like. Idk, I've been thinking about that all afternoon. Just. About the trilogy's whole message (to me, at least) boiling down to love, which I've made many a post about on this blog. But it's so true. Everything in these movies comes down to and is directed by love.
Marty's love for his parents. His love then helping to shape George and Lorraine's love. Marty's love for Doc, and Doc's love for Marty, and the way they are constantly saving each other and willing to sacrifice themselves. Doc's love for Clara. Marty's love for Jennifer. Marty's love for his siblings. The movie's "theme song" being "The Power of Love."
The movies wouldn't work if all these characters took the more passive approach. If they all grew comfortable and complacent like Twin Pines George is shown to be.
I dunno, it's just been ringing in my head for hours. Love shouldn't be an accident.
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daisies-daydreams · 1 year
I really love your head cannons and stories of the guys from COD! Would it be possible to get Task Force+König x reader, on how they would go about flirting/courting us for the first time? With your preference on if reader is a medic, civilian, or soldier c:
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Image/Header Source: Pexels
Pairing: 141/König x F!Reader Category: Fluff (w/ some angst) Warnings: Descriptions of Trust Issues, Mentions of Sex (nothing explicit) Word Count: 2.2k+
 A/N: Hi! Thank you so much for your sweet request. The reader's occupation varies between each man since I loved all three ideas of civilian/medic/soldier reader. I hope you enjoy! 🫶
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish
Rizz Master™️ (sorry not sorry)
He seems like a player, but he’s always, always respectful.
Johnny’s usually the one who initiates things. He’s also more of a playful flirt to the point that most people don’t take him seriously.
And I’m talking a habitual, relentless flirt. It’s just his personality and he does it sometimes without meaning to. (He accidentally lead a lot of people on without even realizing it).
But when he wants to get serious, he goes all in (this man can work a whole room if he wanted to I swear).
He met you when you started working as a bartender at a pub he frequented.
Both of you shared banter each time he’d come in (usually with a pretty little thing on his arm who’d question why he even brought them). It became so infamous that other frequent patrons would roll their eyes or shake their heads whenever he’d stop by for a drink.
He left his number on a napkin one time, which lead to the two of you starting to text (the banter continues).
I think his ultimately playful flirting is him testing the waters for some people to see if the chemistry works between the two of you before he gets serious.
You smiled and tossed the rag over your shoulder as one of the frequents to the pub, Johnny, strolled up the counter.
"Here comes trouble," one of the other patrons muttered before downing his drink.
“The usual for tonight, MacTavish?” you asked. He nodded as he gave you a smile, his sapphire eyes sparkling beneath the dim lighting of the pub.
“You know me well, my dear,” he said as he slid onto one of the bar stools. You returned his grin as you filled up a pint for him. You glanced over his shoulder, your cheeks heating up a little as you saw his muscular arms flex a little beneath black tank top. You shook your head and cleared your throat before handing him his drink.
“Thank you, Dolly,” he winked before taking a sip. You nodded before glancing around.
“No bird with you tonight, Johnny?” you asked with a raised brow as you dried one of the glasses. The man chuckled and shook his head.
“Nah…don’t need one when I have a perfect Bonnie right in front of me,” he suddenly uttered. You huffed out some laughter.
“Good one, Johnny,” you snickered as you put the glass away. Your face fell a bit when you turned and saw him wearing a more serious expression. He leaned forward a bit.
“How’s about I take ye out to dinner this weekend?” he asked with a warm smile.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Side note: Sam Roukin (Ghost’s VA) said that Ghost doesn’t date…so of course I have to incorporate it into this!
To say Simon has a lot of trust issues would be an understatement.
He definitely lingers in the pining stage for longer than most.
Flirting for sex is relatively easy for him, since he knows there's no real emotional attachment. It's quick and simple with little threat to emotional security.
Of course, that all crumbled when he met you, a new recruit to 141.
He swore his heart stopped when you walked into the room, your face littered with a few scars yet still resoundingly beautiful.
The way he felt scared him. Sure, he’s felt this kind of attraction before…but the unknowns of what life would look like with the two of you being involved made his heart sink and flutter all at once.
Simon would act professional at first, trying his best to not get too emotionally invested (“The two of us could die at any time, why even bother?” he’d tell himself).
He’d go all quiet when you started flirting with him, starting my with small jokes and quips until eventually he relented and joined in.
The more the two of you talked, the more relaxed he became. He’s still rather reserved when it comes to flirting (aside from the frequent dad jokes), but his feelings for you are so evident that not even his skull balaclava can hide it.
(He gets some advice from Johnny, wink wink).
You were making your bed in your quarters when you heard a knock on your door. You paused your music before walking over and turning the knob. You blinked when you saw Ghost standing in front of you with his hands behind his back, his dark eyes peering at you through his skull balaclava.
“What’s up, Lt?” you asked. He shuffled in place before clearing his throat.
“Well, I was just out for a walk and…got you these,” his voice drops a few octaves as he pulls his hands out from behind his back. The tips of your ears grew warm as he held a small bouquet of flowers out to you. “Simon Riley…are you asking me out on a date?” you asked as you crossed your arms. More chuckling was heard, causing the lieutenant to shoot a glare down the hall. He “coughed” into his hand.
“Yeah, you could say that,” he said, the stems of the flowers ready to snap in his deadly grip. You chuckled as you took the flowers before reaching up on your tiptoes. His eyes widened as you pressed a small peck to the side of his mask.
"I'd love to," you grinned. John Price
I’d say flirting with him looks more like two people having a conversation.
John’s had a few relationships in the past, though they’ve always fallen off due to his dedication to work.
Each one has left him more cynical than the last, his hope for finding someone who’d stay by his side dwindling little by little until he gave up completely.
And then, when he was out grocery shopping, he happened to come across a gorgeous cashier.
He gave you a warm smile as the two of you had some small talk, exchanging subtle glances as you checked out his items.
John noticed the lack of a wedding ring on your finger, though he quickly brushed the detail away as he thank you for your time and went on his way.
He hasn’t stopped thinking about you since then and would make “emergency” stops at the store on the days you would work. He didn’t care if he had to wait in line, he just wanted to see you again...
Your eyes lit up as John came up to you, giving you his typical, warm smile.
"Evenin' Miss (Y/N)," he said as he placed a small pack of toilet paper, bread, and eggs placed on the conveyor belt.
"Good to see you again, John," you smiled as you checked out the items. You noticed him shifting side to side, his eyes glancing up and down as you bagged his items.
"You gonna watch the game tonight?" you asked him. He nodded.
"Yeah," he replied, his body stiffening a little as he scratched his beard. You smiled as you rang him up.
“What about you, hun?" he asked. The tips of your ears burned as your throat tightened at the nickname. John’s eyes were wide as dinner plates as his lips fell into a straight line. He cleared his throat as he took the bag from you.
“Thank you,” he smiled.
"Of course. Have a good night," you grinned. John nodded, his feet still planted to the floor as he cleared his throat.
“When does your shift end?” he suddenly asked. The customer behind him scoffed and tapped their foot. You blinked before a sheepish smile crossed your face.
“In about fifteen minutes,” you replied. “Why?” you asked before biting your lip. John’s face softened as he grinned.
“Care to join me for a quick drink afterwards?” he asked. You parted your lips as the customer crossed their arms. You smiled.
“Meet me outside the doors in a bit,” you whispered. The hardened shell around his heart began to crack.
“Will do, love,” he replied with a warm smile.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
I can see him being a playful flirt as well, though he’s still a bit more reserved.
Like he knows how to pick up women and has had a few flings here and there, though nothing too serious.
Relationships honestly weren't at the forefront of his mind...until you were assigned as the medic for 141 (nicknamed Nightingale, though he’d always call you “Nighty”).
He still remembers the first time you patched him up after a mission where he nearly bit the dust. His feelings for you have only grown since then.
Absolutely smitten, that lad is. (Sometimes he’d even pretend to feel sick just so he could be around you!).
Kyle’s noticeably a lot more excitable and talkative with you compared to the rest of the team. He honestly can’t hide how he feels about you...and it’s adorable.
"Good to see you again, Garrick," you grinned as you opened the door to your office. Kyle reflected your smile before stepping inside and taking off his cap. You closed the door behind him as he sat on the examination table across from you. "So, what brings you in today?" you asked as you clicked your pen. Kyle rubbed the back of his head.
"I've been feeling kind of feverish for the past few days," he said. You glanced up and pursed your lips.
"That so?" you asked as you pulled out a thermometer. He nodded as he leaned his hands against the edge of the table. "Funny, you said the same thing last week," you added as you stuck the instrument against his forehead. His eyes widened as he parted his lips.
"Well, it's a very persistent one," he shrugged. You raised a brow as you looked at his temperature.
"Mhm," you clicked your tongue. "You know if you wanted to ask me out, you didn't have to be on death's doorstep," you giggled. Kyle's breath audibly hitched as you rested your hands on your hips.
"Alright, you've got me," he sighed. You chuckled and shook your head as you put the thermometer away.
"So...are you free this Friday ?" he asked.
I see him being the most reserved out of all of these men.
Don’t get me wrong, he knows how to talk to women, it’s just that his quiet nature/intimidating stature tends to scare people off.
So when you came with him on a KorTac mission, he was instantly shocked when you came up and started talking to him.
Did a little head shake/double take before engaging in the conversation.
You know how onions have layers? So does König. He’s rather blunt but still polite while you’re getting acquainted, but he slowly starts to soften his voice a little the more you talk.
Takes a while to peel back the layers one by one, but (like Ghost) the more you get to know him, the more comfortable he becomes around you.
I can see him giving gifts as his love language. Since he doesn’t prefer to talk that much, he’ll leave small hand-written cards if you were on base or bring you candy if he went on a separate mission.
I just picture him being like a big cat: leaves small gifts, quiet yet also affectionate.
All in all it takes a while before he finally asks you out, but when he does, he makes it count.
“Where are you taking me, Colonel?” you asked as you walked through the bustling streets of the city. You were on a mission in König’s home country, making him eager to take you to a “pit stop” on your way to the safe house.
“You’ll see soon enough, Hase,” he replied [Bunny]. He wasn’t wearing his mask, his ginger hair blowing in the wind as he looked forward. The scar across the bridge of his nose wrinkled as he sniffed the air. You sniffed as well, the smell of fresh chocolate filling your nose. Your eyes widened as you approached a shop nearby. The corners of König’s icy blue eyes crinkled as he held the door open for you, a gust of warm, sweet air falling over you.
“After you,” he motioned inside. You beamed up at him before stepping inside, your eyes widening at the sight of rows and rows of chocolate.
“Guten tag!” one of the workers, a young brunette woman, chirped behind the counter [Good afternoon!]. Their expression shifted a little as König stepped up behind you. He said something in German, prompting her to scurry and grab a box. You spun around a few times, causing a deep chuckle to rise from his chest.
“I know you said you enjoyed the chocolates I always bring you…so I figured why not stop at one of the best in the world?” he said. He gasped when you wrapped your arms around his torso, your face nuzzling into his side.
“Thank you,” you smiled. König nodded before patting your side, his mind and heart overwhelmed with the sudden affection. The worker returned with a box full of chocolate before she gave a small “aww”.
“So ein süßes Paar!” she beamed [Such a sweet couple!]. König cleared his throat as you pulled back.
“What did she say?” you asked. He remained stiff as he paid for the sweets and handed you the box.
“Nothing important,” he replied…though deep inside, he hoped that someday it would be true.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
Taglist: @maybethatfanfictionwriter @depressesoespressorat @yuhhtricki999
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aziraphales-library · 3 months
Hi, first off, thank you for this blog, I've read so many brilliant recommendations from here. You folks have been my go-to for Good Omens fics for a good month now, and I must have spent hundreds of hours in that time reading based on this blog.
If it's possible, could I also ask if you know a fic I read a while ago but can't find again? It's quite long, maybe 20 chapters or so, and it goes through history with the ineffable husbands. The one thing I really remember is that the watchers are involved. Crowley and Aziraphale meet one of them on the wall, and the watcher warns Aziraphale about Crowley. We then see the watcher fallen, with a peacock aspect, chained under a mountain for the whole nephilim business, reading reports that Dagon brings. Crowley goes to the fallen watcher at various times to moan about his longing for Aziraphale. It's been driving me bonkers not being able to find it, so I'm hoping you may have better luck (or rather, better skills)!
2/2: Ahoy awesome archivists! Could I please cancel my request for a lost fic? I found my white whale! It was https://archiveofourown.org/works/22457749
Thank you for coming back to let us know you found it! Your asks were months apart, but your username stuck in my memory so I could match them up!...
Where the Mountains Meet the Heavens by KannaOphelia (E)
"I don't want to let go of you. Never again." "Crowley," Aziraphale breathed, and for one heady, impossible moment Crowley thought the miracle would be even bigger than he thought, that the embrace and the my darling would be followed with a kiss, because Aziraphale's gaze was on his mouth and there was a heat to it, as if it was tinged with desire as well as tenderness. **** 6,000 years of pining. Collaboration with the amazing Tamsly and lonicera_caprifolium as artists for the 2020 Good Omens Big Bang.
- Mod D
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mysticalmallard · 2 months
Not there
Description: after a week of pining Opie goes back to the cafe hoping to see his waitress again.
This is part 4 of my Opie and the waitress series
Word count: 1,287
Warnings: none I think normal SoA stuff
SoA Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz @mischiefnevermanaged89-blog @hatersaremymotivators @theshynerdsworld @thefrogytimes @youngadult9016
♥︎ If you wish to be added or removed from this taglist comment or message me ♥︎
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 •
SoA Masterlist ♥︎ Main Masterlist ♥︎ Series Masterlist
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Opie decides that he needs to stop this useless pining and just act. He knows he can't just keep standing around and waiting for something to happen. He needs to do something, anything.
He hops on his bike and heads towards the cafe, his heart beating faster with every mile. He tries to calm himself down, telling himself he's being ridiculous, but he can't shake the nervous excitement bubbling inside his gut.
He walks into the cafe, scanning the room with his eyes, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. But she's nowhere to be seen. He feels a pang of disappointment, and a sense of foolishness for coming here like this.
He sits at a table near the counter, trying to look casual. He orders a coffee, fidgeting in his seat the whole time, trying to ignore the ache in his chest. Maybe coming here was a mistake.
Opie sits and waits, his coffee long since cold, the minutes ticking by slowly. He checks his watch, it's been over an hour since he walked in.
The disappointment and frustration start to sink in, he had really been hoping to see her again.
Finally, he can't take it any longer. He calls over the older waitress serving him.
"Hey," he says, his voice low. "I was wondering if Jessica is working today?"
The waitress looks at him, her expression sympathetic. "I'm sorry, Honey," she says softly. "But Jessica doesn't work here anymore."
Opie feels a jolt of surprise run through him. "What do you mean, she doesn't work here anymore?" he asks, his voice a little sharper than intended.
The waitress looks uncomfortable, but answers anyway. "Oh, well the owner was making some cuts and well, she was the newest so..." she trails off, looking at him apologetically.
Opie gapes at her, his eyes wide. "She got fired?" he asks, his voice a mix of shock and disbelief.
The waitress nods, looking embarrassed. "Yeah," she says quietly. "It was really sudden, and we didn't really get any notice. I guess they just couldn't afford to keep her on."
Opie feels like he's been sucker punched. He can't believe it. One minute she's working here, the next minute, she's gone.
He can't help the pang of disappointment and worry that washes over him. He wonders how she's doing now, without a job, suddenly thrown into uncertainty.
He thanks the waitress gruffly, his mind racing with questions and worries. He quickly pays his bill and walks out of the cafe, the bell above the door chiming loudly behind him.
He gets on his bike and starts it up, riding mindlessly in the direction of Teller-Morrow.
As he rides, he struggles to make sense of what he just heard. How could they just fire her like that? What on earth was she going to do now?
He tries to push these thoughts away, to focus on anything else, but they keep coming back to him. He knows he's being ridiculous, getting worked up over a girl he barely knows. But he can't help it, he's worried about her.
As he arrives at Teller-Morrow, he's still lost in thought. He leaves his bike in the lot, walking into the garage in a daze. Jax sees him and instantly knows something's up.
"What's wrong, Ope?" Jax asks, immediately noticing Opie's faraway expression.
Opie doesn't respond at first, his mind still preoccupied. Jax steps closer, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Opie shoves his hand off him. He doesn't wanna talk about it right now."Leave it, Jax," he mutters.
Jax looks at him, a mixture of concern and annoyance on his face. "What's going on, Ope? You look like someone kicked your puppy."
Opie scowls, running a hand through his hair. "It's nothing, alright? Leave it."
Jax's expression hardens, clearly not buying his bullshit. "I know when something's up with you, Ope. You can't fool me. Now, what's going on?"
Opie sighs, knowing he's not going to get out of this. He crosses his arms, refusing to meet Jax's gaze. "It's that damn waitress," he mutters.
Jax's eyebrows raise in surprise. "The new waitress from the cafe? The one you're crushing hard on?"
Opie scowls at the teasing tone in Jax's voice. "Yeah, her," he mutters. "I went to the cafe today, hoping to see her. But she wasn't there. They said she got fired."
Jax's expression softens. "She got fired? Why the hell would they do that?"
Opie shrugs "they said something about budget cuts or whatever" he mumbles.
Jax whistles, shaking his head. "Damn, that's rough. They just throw her out like that without any notice? That's cold...did you call her and see if she's doing alright?" Jax asks.
Opie looks down, feeling a pang of guilt. "I don't have her number," he mutters.
Jax looks at him incredulously. "What do you mean you don't have her number? You've been swooning over her for weeks now, how do you not have her number?"
Opie bristles at Jax's tone. "I haven't been 'swooning' over her," he mutters defensively.
Jax grins. "You have so been swooning. The way you've been pining after her, it's like watching a damn chick flick."
Opie shoots Jax a glare, but doesn't deny it. He knows he's been acting like a lovestruck teenager lately, and he hates himself for it.
Jax chuckles, clearly enjoying this. "So, what now? You're just going to keep moping around here, feeling sorry for yourself? Or are you actually going to do something about it?"
Opie looks at him confused "and what am supposed to do, huh? ride around town to maybe bump into her?" he asked a little annoyed.
"Yeah you could...or you could just go to her place? you said you dropped her off there once right?..just go and knock on the door" Jax says with a shit eating grin.
"I can't do that" he almost yells with frustration. "I only know what building she lives in I don't know what apartment" he sighs pinching the bridge of his nose.
Jax rolls his eyes. "Geez, Ope, you're making this harder than it needs to be. It's not rocket science. Just knock on a few doors until you find hers"
"And say what huh? 'Oh hey! I know we only met twice but I heard you got fired that must suck' huh?" he says in a very sarcastically waving his arm around getting more upset with every word.
Jax laughs, very much enjoying this. "That's one way to do it, but probably not the best. Might come off a little stalker-ish."
Opie shoots him another glare, but can't help but smile a little. "Thanks for those helpful tips, jackass."
Jax grins, shrugging. "Hey, I'm just trying to help you out here, man. You're the one who's all twisted up about this girl, not me."
Opie sighs, running a hand through his hair. "I know, I know. I just...I don't know what to do, Jax. I barely know this girl but I can't stop thinking about her."
Jax softens a bit, seeing his friend's conflicted expression. "Look, I get it. You like her, it's obvious. But you gotta do something about it, man. Sitting around here feeling sorry for yourself ain't gonna get you anywhere."
Bobby shouts from across the lot "Come on! Clay called for church some shit has happened"
Opie looks up as Bobby calls out, his mood instantly darkening. He groans, hating the thought of church right now.
Jax clapped him on the shoulder. "Duty calls, Ope. We can talk more about your love life later."
Opie sighs, his mind still preoccupied with thoughts of the waitress. "Yeah, sure" he mutters, following after Jax as they head towards club house.
Some people have been asking what the waitress (Jessica) looks like, so I whipped something up with an Ai image generator:
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!!Ai generated image this is not a picture of a real human this woman does not exist!!
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erithel · 1 month
I'm surprised you don't include Klance moments in that "fav moments" ask. 😆
Okay, first of all, thanks so much for your blog. Because of you, I start shipping Klance (and I love them). So....
- When did you start shipping Klance (what moment that made you ship them)?
- Can I ask your top favorite fics that you've written (feel free how much that you want to list)? Why they're special to you? Is there a specific inspiration when you wrote them?
- What are your top 5 fav Klance fics ever?
Sorry if you already answered the above questions before (newbie Klance shipper here, just starting last year).
That's fair lol
I'd say I picked my favorite moments based on ones that were truly satisfying, and while I thoroughly enjoyed many klance moments, since they never really paid off, they always left me a bit unsatisfied, so that's why I left them off the list.
To answer your questions:
I think I started shipping klance through stumbling across fanart before even watching the show. There was so much out there when I found it, and it all looked really interesting, and I realized "I want to know more about these two." So I kiiiindof went into the show with a super low-key ship. But if I could pinpoint it, it was probably the "I cradled you in my arms" line that made me go "oh I'm gonna be looking forward to all of their interactions from now on to see where this goes."
I had to check my ao3 to see if I'd even written 5 fics (I have). #1: "Broken Things" This one is special to me for the same reason I was inspired to write it: It was a very tough subject that I was so tired of seeing handled poorly in media. It became even more special when I started receiving comments from people who let me know they had been through similar things and they felt I handled the subject well. #2: "Gone" (a comic, but it still counts) I'm still counting this one even though the experience of posting it turned out to be one that almost made me want to quit before completing the comic. This was also a subject that I had seen handled very poorly, and I wrote it at a time when I had a new understanding of grief, and what it can do to a person. It was very important to me that Lance's side of things was taken seriously, and understood, and unfortunately it really wasn't. But that's kindof why I want to write stories in the first place - to get those thoughts out into the world so they might exist in someone's subconscious, even if they are not fully realized at the time. #3: "Stand Here on the Edge With Me" I started writing this because Chasing Stars was becoming too dark for me to write. I usually stick with angst and love it, but I was writing a really angsty scene where Keith was pining super hard while having their conversation on the lion at sunset and I just thought "wait a minute. What if he's totally fine for once?" and then this fic just kindof materialized. It also has one of my favorite last lines I've written, so that's something to look forward to. ;) #4: "Chasing Stars and Memories" I've always liked stories about traveling to different worlds, and the idea of Klance meeting themselves was always a fun idea to think about. But then I realized that I had never read a fic where only one of them was gender-swapped, and that made it so much more interesting for me, because the angst options just exploded with that one little change. This one's special to me because again, it deals with heavy themes and large emotions and I just adore writing those, and I hope I do them justice and convey the gravity of them. #5: "What If You're Someone I Just Want Around?" I'd always wanted to write a 5-and-1 fic, and I actually wrote this entire one around the third part ("Scared"). It was still pretty early on that I wrote that and I felt like I basically nailed Keith's and Lance's "voices" in that one based on their actual canon selves, so that was a nice little accomplishment at the time!
Basically, my inspiration comes from a lot of emotions, and also because there are specific subjects we see in movies/TV/books that I feel could be handled way better.
I've probably answered the top 5 fics before tbh. I don't know if I have a top 5, but here are 5 I love:
There Nestled Against His Pulse
You're Always Welcome Here
In This Moment, You Mean Everything
Terminal Velocity
(Some of these contain NSFW content btw)
There are, of course, many other fics I love, and as always I will recommend anything written by Iybms, Wittyy_Name, or Autumn_Ignited. Sadly, I haven't had the chance to read anything super recently, as I've been trying to read more published books (for pitching reasons), and have been a little disappointed so far unfortunately.
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holdmytesseract · 8 months
Yay open requests! :)
Hmmm, I want to see you write a one-shot where the Reader is a travelling actor who comes to Aldwinter to perform for the town with her troupe, and Will Ransom of course becomes romantically fascinated by the reader while she's there. That's all, I'll let you determine how far it goes between them. ^_^
And if I may be selfish, maybe make the Reader a larger-sized redhead (like me) haha
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Will Ransome x fem!Reader
Summary: When a travelling actor comes to Aldwinter, Will is completely swept off his feet; hit by the arrow of love.
Warnings: mutual pining (sort of)? fluff, lil' bit of suggestive smut - blink and you'll miss it, not exactly a happy end - but there's hope! tell me if I missed something!
Word Count: 2,4k
a/n: Sorry this took me so long, friend! 🥺 I really hope you like this! It's been a while since I lastly wrote for Will, but I tried my best. 🧡
Tags: @lady-rose-moon @muddyorbsblr @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @jennyggggrrr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @asgards-princess-of-mischief @vanilla-daydreaming @loz-3 @captain-camille @lovingchoices14 @lokidbadguy @icytrickster17 @lulubelle814 @mandywholock1980 @november-rayne @chantsdemarins @simping-for-marvel @lou12346789 @lokiforever @multifandom-worlds @hisredheadedgoddess28 @vbecker10 @jaidenhawke @km-ffluv @crimson25 @cakesandtom @buttercupcookies-blog @salvinaa @javagirl328 @dustychinchilla74 @coldnique @eleniblue @frzntrx @huntedmusicgardenn @mochie85
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Will's eyes roamed the quite big crowd of people, as he stepped carefully down the few steps which led to the altar. On a Sunday mass like today, the little chapel Reverend Ransome called his own, was always bustling with people. Something which made the vicar very happy. He gave friendly, confident looks left and right, as he made his way down the aisle and stopped close to the door. It was a tradition for him to personally see off his churchgoer.
After all, they were his sheep - and he was the sheepherder.
Once almost everyone had bid their goodbyes and only a few people were left, Will suddenly recognised another familiar face within the small group of people... And he was the last one to stand up from the pew.
"Dear Sir Ambrose!" Reverend Ransome called out his old friend with a smile. "What takes you to Aldwinter on this rainy Sunday? I haven’t seen you around in months!" Charles laughed and grabbed the hand of his friend; shaking it thoroughly. "Well... I had to go to Essex anyway this weekend. Business trip," he said; winking. "Therefore, I decided to go to mass in Aldwinter and visit my friend!"
"Well, I am delighted to see you, Charles." "So am I."
The two men talked for a bit. About everything and anything, until... "Charles, I know you well... This business trip and the want to visit me can't be the only reason you're here..." Charles laughed up again; clapping his friend on the shoulder. "You indeed know me well, William. These are truly not the only reasons... Let us sit down."
Will let himself guide to a pew by Ambrose, before they sat down beside each other.
"I have something you might be interested in... It concerns the children in school, here in Aldwinter." Will nodded; pricking up his ears at the word 'children'. "I am all ears, Charles."
"Our children came home from school last week - entirely excited and happy, and when my dear wife asked what was going on, they told her about how they had been visited by a wonderful lady and her troupe. They said they told them stories - bible stories, but not only through words... They dressed up and did a play! Like in a theatre! Can you imagine, Will!"
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The vicar's eyes went wide in fascination, wonder and excitement. "Charles, that... That is fascinating!" The man beside him nodded. "It truly is. I soke out the lady and her troupe, of course and she would be willing to make a stop in Aldwinter, too - next week! They're heading to Essex anyway. What do you say? I thought it would be great for the children here."
Will smiled and nodded. "Yes, please do so. That would be indeed wonderful." Charles smiled. "Great! I am going to contact the dear lady then and tell her to ask for revered Will Ransome when in Aldwinter.
Aldwinter was a sweet, cosy village. You had to admit that. Sure, it could be cold and rainy - like you heard, but summers here were wonderful.
The warm sun was shining on your face, as you walked together with your troupe towards the tavern Sir Ambrose told you to go and where you could stay during your time in Aldwinter. With curious eyes, you looked around. You had never been here before. You never were long at the same place, after all. As a travelling player, you were one day here and the next day miles away - but you wouldn't want it any other way. It was the life you chose and loved with all your heart.
After the kind woman described the way, you walked the short distance to the church; hoping that you took the right paths. You did. Seeing the elderly, but beautifully crafted building, you smiled and tuck a strand of loose red hair nervously out of your face and cautiously stepped through the wooden doors. There was no one to be seen.
Once you reached said tavern, you told your fellow companions to go and settle, while you would meet the contact person Ambrose arranged for you.
"Excuse me?" You approached the lady in a dress and apron, as she cleaned up some tables in said tavern. At your words, she looked up to face you. "Yes?" You gave her a gentle smile. "I'm looking for reverend Ransome... Do you know where I can find him?" "Sure, miss. You'll most likely find him in the church at this time of the day." "And how do I get to the church? Apologies, I've never been in Aldwinter before." "Oh that's not a problem, miss." The lady smiled and put her rag away; wiping her hands on her apron. "The church is not difficult to find..."
"Apologies, Miss. I was up the stairs; sorting some things. I didn't hear you right away."
"Hello?" You called out; walking down the aisle. "Mr. Ransome?"
Just when you were about to call out again, you heard some rustling coming from another room; probably the backroom and only mere seconds later there were steps. They grew louder and louder, until they revealed the man you had been searching for - or well, told to go to...
... and you had expected a lot, but certainly not that.
Reverend William Ransome sounded to you like you were going to be face to face with an elderly, friendly man with glasses; perhaps in his fifties. You were wrong... Oh so wrong...
You swallowed; were taken aback by the man's beauty. You had never seen a more stunning man than him - and you had seen a lot as an travelling actor...
In front of you stood a tall man in his late thirties, probably early forties. Longer, blonde-brown curls framed his face, which seemed to be carved out of marble. High cheekbones, a sharp jawline, stunning blue eyes and perfectly shaped lips and nose. The beard covering his cheeks, chin and upper lip suited him without a doubt.
Will wore brown cord trousers which were attached to brown braces. Underneath those, was a puffy white shirt covering his upper body - but not entirely. Two buttons were undone; displaying a little bit of his chest and the fine, dark hairs which grew there.
"You must be the famous Miss Y/L/N." Will smiled and stretched out his hand. "Will Ransome. I'm the vicar of this cosy, little town." Still a bit stunned you placed your hand in his. Will brought it up to his lips; bestowing a small kiss upon your knuckles. His lips were so soft and gentle, you almost melted on the spot. His beard tickled your skin; leaving a burning sensation behind - in the best way possible.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Reverend." You smiled; trying to not lose your composure. "I'm Y/N Y/L/N, indeed." The vicar smiled back at you; blue eyes sparkling. "The pleasure is mine."
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Will offered you to sit inside his little office, so you could talk about the performance and when you and your fellow companions were ready to perform. You noticed that you got along very well with the man sitting opposite of you. Clearly, you were sharing a great chemistry. He was the sweetest, kindest and most polite man you ever met - and he seemed so enamoured with what you were doing for a living.
A date for the play was quickly settled... Tomorrow morning, as soon as the children finished school.
Will watched your every move; completely fascinated and enthralled. He hung on your every word.
Sure, he was watching all of the fantastic players; performing the story of Moses, but you... You were so special. Whenever you spoke, Will's eyes seemed to light up and he couldn't help the smile on his face.
The vicar didn't know what exactly it was that got him so hooked, but he couldn't deny it...
Was it your talent? Your passion? Your beautiful, kind and determined character? Was it your beauty itself? Perhaps all of it?
Will couldn't point it out.
"I-I wanted to-" Will had to clear his throat. "I wanted to ask, if you'd be interested in a little sightseeing tour through Aldwinter tomorrow?" He gave you a nervous smile. "That is very kind of you, Will, but... We actually don't stay longer than a few days at one place, so..." Will nodded. "I-I understand. But please... Just one more day. I'd like to give something in return for your wonderful work." You bit your lip; weighing your options, but then sighed.
After the show ended and all of the children had left with their parents and Will had bid them goodbye, he cautiously approached the woman he couldn't get off his mind again.
"Miss Y/N?"
His deep, yet smooth voice urged to your ears; causing you to smile as you packed your utensils together. "Yes, Mr. Ransome?" The vicar lifted a hand; "Please... Call me Will." smiling as well. "Will," you repeated - and caused Will's heart to speed up. Hearing you roll off his name from your tongue did something to the man of god.
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"Alright. One more day."
The vicar smiled, "Thank you." and helped you to pack your troupes things together.
You watched him help Gabriel - one of your colleagues and couldn't help but smile. You've never met a kinder man in your life and you had to admit that you could not wait to spend the day with him tomorrow, but... Was it really a good idea?
While you spent the next day in Aldwinter, the others decided to go to Essex. Aldwinter was too boring for them - something you absolutely didn't agree with. Yes, the weather was moody and often not the best, but nevertheless was it a beautiful, cosy, little town. You liked it - and especially the vicar who lived there.
I could get used to this, you caught yourself thinking; immediately slapping yourself across the cheek - in your head.
You met Will rather late in the morning after breakfast. He had a few things to do - duties to follow as the people's reverend; therefore it was almost lunch time when he stood in front of your room at the tavern.
He showed you around - like promised. The beach. The sometimes quite scary and dangerous marshes. The beautiful forests and of course the town itself. Will introduced you to a few important people and in closing of the day, he invited you over to his little house for dinner.
You were completely amazed and excited about the fact that Will was an excellent cook. The Shepherd's Pie he cooked was delicious, and you dared to say like no other than you've eaten before.
His smile even widened.
Later that evening - it was already dark outside, you were seated beside him on his little sofa; a glass of wine in both his and your hands.
"Thank you for showing me your home, Will. Aldwinter is beautiful." You smiled and took a sip of your wine. The man reciprocated your smile; gave you a dazzling one of his own. "I'm delighted to hear that, Miss-" Y/N..." You interrupted him. "Call me Y/N."
"Y/N..." You nodded. "I really enjoyed it. The time we spent together." Perhaps was the alcohol you had consumed making you a little bold. "You are a very kind man, Will." He blushed, "Thank you, I... I am flattered." and inched closer to you. "And you are the most beautiful and talented woman I have ever met."
You blinked; were almost blushing, too. "Mr. Ransome are you... Are you trying to woo me?" A small, kind of nervous chuckle left the vicar's lips. "Perhaps."
You shook your head; drinking from the wine again. "But we hardly know each other..." "I-I know, but..." He swallowed. "You fascinate me, Y/N. You attracted my attention like no woman did before, I... I feel as if an invisible rope is pulling me to you. A higher power, which keeps on shoving me into your direction. I-I just... I can't help it. I feel myself utterly attracted to you."
Once again you started to shake your head, "Will... Stop it, please..." and sighed. "We can't give into this. I'm going to leave tomorrow and we'll probably never see each other again."
"Please..." The man beside you begged then; seeing how you struggled. Will wasn't a man who took advantage of this situation, but he felt how torn you were. How you actually wanted this and was just held back by the 'What if...'.
"We?" It was everything the vicar was focused on. "We can't give into this?"
You realised the mistake you made way too late.
"Does that mean you feel the same?" Will's heart sped up after those words left his lips. Words filled with hope.
"I-I-I..." You didn't know what to say. It was true, but you forbid your body to feel it; knowing exactly that it would only lead to pain.
He inched even closer, until your thigh almost touched his.
"Just one kiss..." The reverend whispered and before you could do or say something, your lips melted against his. Will sighed in the kiss; hands landing on your waist.
"Tell me to stop and I will." He said in a gentle voice, while he pulled you onto his lap.
You let it happen.
Just one kiss turned into two - and two turned into way much more, until-
Will closed his eyes for a moment. It wasn't a nightmare... Far from it...
Will ripped his eyes open, only to find himself breathing quick and heavy. Sweat pooled on his chest; coating the fine hairs growing there. His puffy night shirt was totally dishevelled - just like his hair.
The vicar sat up in bed. As he moved, he felt the tightness of his underwear and the straining arousal inside.
He had dreamed of her again. Y/N. The beautiful woman with flaming red hair and stunning Y/E/C. The woman who had fascinated him like no other, when she visited Aldwinter a few months back to perform a play with her troupe. The woman which whom he had spent a wonderful night with - and who had left him to live her dream and travel around the world as a player; leaving only a letter and her shawl behind.
Will smiled; remembering the words written on the piece of paper.
One day, l promise I'll come back to you - if you are willing to wait for me.
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shinjisdone · 8 months
(Kicks the blog door)
I was excited when I saw that the Yandere type orders were open, since the orders are open, I don't want to miss my shot >:D
Type: Headcanons (Yandere)
Reader: Female
Yandere Alphabet
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?💔
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?💔
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?💔
Character: (TWST) Silver
I hope that my request is not too long, in case it has complications you can discard it if you wish. But if not, take your time and no pressure 🌠🌌✍️ Bye 👍💐
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@justm3di0cr3 , @a-small-tyrant , @twistedcece , @savanaclaw1996
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Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling? - Silver
Silver - when everything is considered "fine" in his eyes - can be his usual self around you. Disciplined, honest, and a gentleman. There is, however, an obvious infatuation and admiration in his eyes whenever he gazes at you. Whether or not you see it. In moments such as these, he's quiet and calm and has only eyes for you. He barely acknowledges anything or anyone else when you are here.
He listens mostly but likes to do so while he is close to you. He'd try his very hardest to not fall asleep by...staring at you intently. Seeing you, especially this close (to him!) gives him the urge to never look away and to focus on only you. Sitting close together, knee next to knee, hands brushing, goodness if only he could even ask if he could lay on your lap! How could he ever escape to his dreams when his one dream is right here?
Unfortunately, due to being so quiet and staring at you, he unwittingly seems creepy, even with that gentle smile of his. He prefers to listen so he can soak up every little detail about you and what you say, what you like, dislike, have noted or wanted. Silver can act accordingly then by either avoiding certain things you do not like or surprising you with something you had your eye on for quite some time.
It might seem like he is zoning out...but he is very much in the moment. Taking in every little small thing you do, from your choice of words to the way your eyes flicker and your weight shifts as you stand. Silver is quite observant and it is a pleasure for him to just indulge in your presence and is even quite proud of being able to know every detail about you by just watching.
If only you could know what he is thinking as he listens to you talk. His smile would not seem so soft anymore.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Silver is patient. He's a bit of a daydreamer as well, finding contentment in being your close friend - as long as that also means that he can admire you from afar, be the only one who listens to and solves your problems, who offers protection for you that you gladly accept, as long as he can be your prince. It is a bit cliché but he very much enjoys the role of a knight...however, he sees you in a more romanticised light as his 'loving liege' that he can rather pledge his love and loyalty to than his allegiance.
Pining can go on for a long time but the longer it goes on in the school years, the more his heart aches. And the more it aches, the more emotional cool-headed Silver gets and that increases the chances of him acting upon them. Suddenly proclaiming shocking things to you, asking you very personal questions while wanting to hear only one answer; "Yes, I love you too, Silver."
He does not grow angry nor saddened. Upset at most but he simply wants to know one thing while letting you know thousands more; Of his thoughts, of his feelings, of him pledging his love to you. Please, please accept it!
However, when someone approaches that threatens his position as your self-proclaimed knight or when you reject and not indulge in his fantasies, Silver might get a bit upset - however, his patience is abundant. It will take time and a lot of troubling situations for his patience to grow thinner.
Silver will encourage himself if you and the actions of others do not. How this will be short-lived and that he cannot be...replaced as harsh as it sounds - because it is not possible. Someone like him who has worked so hard to be by your side, to be seen in that light by you cannot just be cast aside. It's not possible.
He is your knight. Even when you do not acknowledge it.
The moment he'd snap is when his fantasies and dream are completely shattered. Either by thorough rejection or you finding love in someone else. Silver does not get violent but emotional. Heartbroken. He might finally spill everything out very emotionally and dismayingly. You do not recognize him.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Jealousy is seldom but possible.
Silver is not neccessarily jealous of people he knows he is above of in skill, in knowledge, and strength. But no matter how "weak" someone might appear to be, he might get jealous if they still manage to be close to you.
Especially when you act different around them. Much more positively than you ever have with Silver. As mentioned he is observant and will notice the slightest shift in your mood and feelings and when they appear to be displeasing to him, Silver gets jealous.
He tries to brush the green monster off. There is no need to feel upset. Just because you might feel a certain way about someone else does not mean your knight will be replaced or deterred. He'd rather wait and see instead of making assumptions. Who knows, this little thing you've got going on with this other student might be short-lived (He hoped so dearly).
So Silver somewhat blocks it all out because he knows if he watched and listens, he will notice you liking this person quite a bit, or the student being way too comfortable around you. He will notice it, he knows it, so in the beginning he will try to ignore it and instead strenghten the bond he has with you. But enough will be enough and Silver will have no choice but to acknowledge this gnawing jealousy.
Still, he tries his best not to lash out. Especially when he is with you but if he does happen to be alone with that person that makes you laugh while Silver can only make you giggle, he might...challenge them to a duel. A friendly match to test each other's skills and wits.
However, he might end up beating them much harsher than originally intended but Silver will not notice. The only thing in his mind is to prove to himself, to you and especially to the other student, that they are no match.
They might stop hanging out with you...and just like the princely knight that he is, Silver will be by your side as your support. He did not outright plan to scare the other party away with his brute strength but he does not complain of his things ended up.
With you back in his arms.
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skubean · 2 years
just wanted to let you know your post does shows up in the tags, congrats on the blog opening!!🎉🎉 also. since you specifically mentioned Bettel, how about some headcanons of what he would like to do for a first date?👀
thank you anon, much love!! and i'm glad i'm showing up T.T <3 also, thank you for the request!!! aaaaa i'm so happy and this is a really good idea :o hope you liked it and lmk what you think!
first date with gavis bettel! with gender neutral reader (hcs)
warnings: gender neutral reader, fluff with some crack, slight cursing, probably just two people being silly, mentions of reader having long/hair that can be tied.
bettel strikes me as the type of guy who would act all cool but is secretly panicking on the inside when he hears you agreeing to go on a date with him. *you don't tell him but you could practically see the gears in his head turning*
he's been secretly pining for you for weeks and finally mustered up the courage to ask you out.
he's either 1) planned everything + back up plans in case plan a goes astray, or 2) decides to stick with one idea and lets fate decide what happens afterwards.
i lied, he's definitely #2.
overheard you telling your friends that you haven't been to a theme park for years, so he decides "theme park date it is!" *booked tickets as soon as he got home*
when the day finally came, bettel would have his hair done (slickback probably, like the valentine art holy shit) and would personally come and pick you up, because he's a gentleman like that.
silly but he definitely is the type that would be so cautious while driving that everytime you pass a speed bump, he would mutter small sorry(s) and try to go as slow as he could, so that you wouldn't be surprised by the sudden bump.
oh, he would also not tell you where your date would be until you saw the huge ass ferris wheel and literally flashed the brightest smile he had ever seen. (he tisker-ed)
(more under the cut!)
i imagine bettel to be really gentle with you at first because he doesn't wanna come off as rude or like pushy but gradually gets more used to being around you that his silly banters and stupid jokes come out naturally, just the way you've always liked.
some rides were fun and not too scary for the both of you, so you both got a little competitive to see who could handle the most rides.
obviously, it doesn't end well when the both of you go on a drop tower ride (reference) and the moment it plunges from a height, the both of you scream at the top of your lungs (i think bettel might've passed out midway but we'll act like it didn't happen).
roller coaster rides are both fun and scary for you that you unconsciously ended up gripping his hands as the ride starts swaying around. his heart started beating faster but his protective instinct also went crazy and decided that he would act all cool and not scream on the rides (he still did).
if you're not a fan of high rides, he'd bring you to go on rides that were less chaotic and more chilling, like the teacups or try vr!
you both had so much fun that you didn't notice the sky getting darker, signaling that it was nearing night. you could feel your heart panging at the thought of the fun day ending already.
"here, come on. i wanted to show you this", bettel would say as he puts your hand in his and brings you to the big ferris wheel the both of you saw by the entrance.
he's the type to go in first, so that he could hold your hand when you get in and have you seated in front of him.
once you both reached the top, bettel points towards the outside and you could see the whole entire park all in display. you were practically glowing in front of him and bettel swears he fell more in love with you.
while you were so focused on the view, you hear bettel clear his throat before he shifts himself so he's sitting next to you and is pushing your hair aside so as to tie it (because he noticed how you kept pushing it since you were sweating earlier).
you both pretty much sit in silence for the whole ride until you clapped your hands. "ah okay! i can't take this anymore!", you said and looked at bettel as you tell him you've liked him for so long and that you could literally pass out right now from happiness (all while your face burns from embarrassment)
bettel laughs and touches his forehead to yours before whispering, "damn, i was gonna be the first to say it but you beat me to it. can i....can i kiss you?". you nod as he leans in closer.
he's sweet, soft and tastes like apples. the both of you a blushing mess when the worker opens the door, signaling that it's time to get out.
long story short, he's glad he decided to bring you to the theme park because he saw so many sides of you he's never seen, not to mention how soft your lips were to him that he just, could not stop thinking abt them.
the date might have been cliché, but bettel made sure not to end the date without officially asking if he could be yours. not if you could be his, but for him to be yours.
once you got back home, you finally noticed how terrible he tied your hair, with it leaning to one side more, and just strands of hair everywhere. but you appreciate the effort.
"you're silly. thank you for the horrible hairstyle <3" bettel is probably kicking the sheets, giggling at your text rn.
a/n: okay phew! sorry, this ended up being slightly longer than i expected skskkssk i decided to write a theme park based first date bcs i imagine bettel to be someone who prefers fun dates like this compared to like dinner dates idk SHAHHSAKSH anyways, sorry for any errors and hope you liked this ! <3 beanz.
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breadtheft1796 · 10 months
‘lo!! just wondering if u have any gomens fic recs,, if its alright to ask for some ofc >_> love yr blog <3
aww, thank you so much! <3 and i do. be mindful of the tags on some. i've put them in order of rating. happy reading!
ask, and ye shall receive by ariaste (g, <1k) canon compliant, crowley's 'oh...' moment, short and sweet (and the first go fic i ever read)
from eden ('til armageddon) by ikarakie (g, 3k) post-s1 canon compliant, crowley's journal ends up in a museum, lots of pining and very sweet
8,003 new messages by sazzylj (g, 6k) post-s2 canon compliant set after az goes to heaven, az opens 6000 years of backdated prayers, very tender
four cups of wine by borealowl (g, 56k) post-s1 canon compliant, az and crowley befriend two jewish lesbians and get invited to their holiday celebrations, a ridiculously lovely read
you're gone and heaven cries by imagined (t, 15k) s1 canon compliant set during ww1, az joins the war as a nurse, very angsty, another all time favourite
resurgam by holrose (t, 13k) human au set in ww2, their relationship develops over time, very tender with a touch of angst
the capacity of you by leilakalomi (t, 7k) canon-divergent throughout history, az can feel and take on crowley's pain, hurt/comfort
what about hope? by appleseeds (m, 27k) modern day persuasion au based between 1989 and 2009, very nostalgic for me as a working-class brit and one of my all time favourite go fics
rattle those pots & pans by mackaley (m, 33k) clue (1985)/cluedo murder mystery au, very funny and well structured ft. multiple endings
moonlight serenade (extended) by tawnyowl95 (e, 26k) also a human au set during ww2, crowley waits for az to come home, heavy angst but beautiful
ineffable affairs by tawnyowl95 (e, 3k) part-human au, demon crowley and human az have an arrangement, angsty and bittersweet and the writing is gorgeous
metheglin by nightbloomingcereus (e, 7k) canon compliant set during 537ad in wessex, pining while sleeping together
i'm also going to be cheeky and rec one of my own:
echo & the bunnymen ft. vivaldi (m, 3k) canon compliant, 1980s flirting and unresolved sexual tension
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sohn-der-kunste · 2 months
✧ »➣ Welcome to My World
Hi there, I'm String :). This is my art side blog! If you'd like to go to my Multimuse Roleplay Blog you can redirect to it here !
I am a 20 year old artist who enjoys a lot of fandoms and posting about my OCs - I do work on several projects at a time so I'm sorry if most of my posts are WIPS and the like!!! I do have ask blogs! I'm very behind on them due to disability issues but You can find them here!
Homestuck ;; Multi-Character : Dirk Strider : Dave Strider OCs ;; Pine Ridge
I love Ask Blogs quite a lot and have MUCH more experience with them! I just struggle with following the schedule I put up due to personal issues lol - Hoping to do more content on there though :))!
I DO NOT WANT MINORS INTERRACTING WITH CERTAIN CONTENT. + This account will hold sensitive topics and possible NSFW / Suggestive works! I am uncomfortable with Minors (-18) interacting with the this kind of content or asking it out of me/personally being suggestive around me - etc. You will be blocked at the speed of light. Also while it is okay to interact with my general art, I DO NOT want minors IM/DMing me! It makes me highly uncomfortable and would rather you only ever IM/DM me if you want a commission or if it's important.
I WILL BE POSTING NSFW/SENSATIVE/SUGGESTIVE ART + This type of artwork will have special tags and be censored for not only my comfort but viewer's comfort as well! I understand the whiplash of sudden NSFW or other things of the like to be smacked into your eyes when scrolling your feed and I'd like to avoid such uncomfortability or possibly triggering someone else as it does to me.
I AM MULTI-FANDOM AND MULTI-SHIP + I like quite a lot of fandoms and quite a lot of pairings - if you disagree with any of the fandoms I enjoy or any of the ships I hold dear to me please refrain from any rude comments unless I am doing something seriously wrong. Otherwise this is my blog and I can post freely ; which means I can block freely as well. All hate will be deleted and ignored! I just want to be cringe and free.
I AM DYSLEXIC + So please be lenient if I misspell something, forget a letter, etc. I struggle a lot as is with poor eyesight (plus being a quick typer) and Dyslexia doesn't help! This also means that I do not want to be made fun of for my typos or corrected constantly - if I say something that doesn't make sense or spell a word so wrong you can't read it then I'm willing to clarify/fix my mistake(s). But if you are just going to poke fun at my spelling then I am unafraid to block you.
ASKS ARE WELCOME! + I can't guarantee I'll answer the quickest, but if you ever want to send something in my inbox (whether asking me something or anything) I welcome it with open arms!
These are my personal art tags : Made just for my viewers/followers to have easier access avoiding certain things on my blog or just to be able to browse easier!
✦ | Art by String ;; Basic art tag - this goes for anything and will usually be included in all posts! ✦ | Offerings from String ;; Basic fanart tag - this goes for anything within fandoms! ✦ | Creations by String ;; Basic OC tag - this goes for anything relating to my OCs! ✦ | Intimacy from String ;; Basic NSFW tag - this goes for anything related to complete NSFW art! ✦ | Tenderness from String ;; Basic Suggestive tag - this goes for anything related to suggestive art! ✦ | Killed by String ;; Basic Sensitive Content tag - this goes for anything related to art that may depict sensitive content
I think that's all I wanted to get out of the way! I hope this wasn't too much to read (( happy viewing!
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pedrito-friskito · 2 years
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series masterlist | main masterlist
summary: cassian lets his emotions get the better of him.
word count: 5.7k
warnings: MY BLOG IS 18+, MINORS DNI, *SPOILERS FOR ANDOR*, a bit of a political moment, mutual pining, oral (f receiving), some angsty conversation, these two really need to get their shit together…
a/n: the brain rot is still real but I’m committed and need to get this out there. still trying to stick to the dates I picked but I make zero promises 🫠
✨I no longer have a taglist - if you’d like to be notified of new works/chapters, follow @friskito-library and turn on notifications!✨
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The next afternoon finds you back on the Fondor.
Once you’d roused again, after you’d slept most of the morning away wrapped in Cassian’s arms, you’d — very reluctantly — gotten out of bed. Cassian had disappeared for a few hours, returned with large cups of caf, pastries that had your mouth watering with their scent alone, and a new shirt to replace your tattered one, a new coat as well.
It wasn’t awkward, between you, but there was a shift, a noticeable one. He was more liberal with his touches, brushing past you as you cleaned up, lingering over your shoulder when you signalled Luthen using his commlink, offering you a piece of his pastry, his fingers skimming your lips when you accepted it. He sits you on the counter in the fresher as he redresses your wounds, fits himself between your knees, lets his hands linger on your legs. 
It feels simple; it feels easy.
You know it’s not.
Luthen lands the Fondor nearby, another team dropped in on the opposite side of Republic City to recover the U-Wing you’d flown in on. You head out the back door of the inn, disappearing down the streets, Cassian’s hand pressed firmly to your lower back.
He doesn’t distance himself even slightly as you board the ship, Luthen standing in the hull, eyes narrowed at the two of you. The old man’s intense gaze makes Cassian drop his hand, but you can’t bring yourself to step out of the warmth he radiates. Not yet.
Luthen’s jaw goes tight as Cassian takes your (new) coat from you. “This isn’t going to be a problem,” he says, looking between the two of you, waving a hand, “is it?”
“What are you talking about?” Cassian says, giving a light laugh.
At the same time, you say, “Is what going to be a problem?”
He rolls his eyes, arms crossing over his chest. “Tell me what happened back there.”
Recounting the story hurts. Cassian does most of the talking, but he wasn’t in that room. He doesn’t know what Jaar said to you, the words he’d beaten into you. Thief. Swindler. Bitch. Unkinder words still, coupled with sharp weapons and heavy fists. Luthen asks if Jaar gave you anything on your brother, just as Cassian had, and you find yourself tongue-tied, unable to recount the truth a second time.
Cassian reaches across the seat separating you, curling his fingers around yours. “He’s dead,” he tells Luthen, his voice firm. “That’s it.” 
Your heart leaps in your chest at his unflinching gaze, the bit of rebellion against the only true authority you have these days. Luthen casts you both long looks, some unwritten emotion dancing across his features before it disappears completely, replaced with the leader you know, all business once more.
“We’re headed to Naboo,” he tells you. “There’s a job to be had, an Imperial gala, and you each have a role to play. It appears our dear Chandrilan Senator has finally pulled through.”
“A job?” Cassian asks, shock in his voice. He squeezes your hand. “Now? Did you not hear what I just said? She needs rest, Luthen. We can’t keep going like—”
“What other choice is there, Cassian?” Luthen snaps, and the venom in his voice makes you flinch. “Wait for the next opportunity? Hope it comes around again? No. We strike when we can, we take what we need.” His eyes flick to you, and you’re hesitant to meet them, but you do. “We do what we must.”
You try to meet that harsh stare in kind, try to summon what little strength you have left. You’re tired. Despite the bacta and the med-nog and the way Cassian had made you see stars in a way you’ve never done before, your body aches. Your heart aches. Tears force themselves along your lashes, and Cassian’s hand feels like the only thing holding you tethered to the ground, stopping you from floating off into space. Luthen just stares, and you stare back.
We do what we must.
“The coordinates are already programmed,” Luthen declares, eyes only leaving yours to look pointedly at Cassian. “Start the takeoff sequence.”
Cassian hesitates, fingers twitching against yours. “We—”
“Now,” Luthen spits, the volume in his voice climbing, and with a clenched jaw, Cassian release your hand, gets to his feet, and disappears towards the cockpit. As soon as the tell-tale whoosh of the door echoes through the hull, the old man turns back to you. “You told me no attachments,” he says, and a sigh works its way out of your throat. “When I found you on Tatooine, when I hired you, you swore to me. No attachments, save for your family. But besides that. Just the job. The Rebellion.”
“It’s not like I planned this, Luthen,” you bite out, half a mind to get to your feet and snap in his face, but you’re just so tired. “Any of this.”
He opens his mouth to say something more, but then stops. Pauses. Paces back and forth in front of you twice before stopping again. The Fondor’s engine rumbles, the steel beneath your feet humming with power. “There’s intel, on Naboo. A way back into the trade routes, undetected by the Empire. We need this.”
You lean forward, elbows pressed to your knees, hands holding your head up. “What do I need to do?”
“Mon Mothma got us the invitations; you’ll pose as a senator from Alderaan, Cassian as your guard. You need to get close to this man,” he produces a holo-pad from his pocket, a man’s face on the display, “Valoran Cardas. Find out what he knows, take whatever information you can get.”
Valoran Cardas, the screen reads. Imperial Army Colonel. Dark hair, light eyes, a smile you could only describe as slimy. Instantly, you don’t like him, and your gut rolls at Luthen’s orders: get close to this man. Your brow furrows, and you rub your fingers across it, trying to relieve the pressure building in your skull.
“Are you good for this?” Luthen asks after you’ve been quiet a good minute.
“I’m fine, Luthen,” you reply, still rubbing at your forehead.
“I didn’t ask if you were fine,” he says, more venom rising to the surface. “Can you do this?”
Your hand drops, head lifting as you look at him, incredulous. You’ve known him to be straight to the point, but this is something else. “Yes, I can do this.”
Without another word, he turns and stalks towards the cockpit. Cassian appears a moment later, brow furrowed harder than your own. “Hey,” he calls, face softening when he comes to stand in front of you. He hooks two fingers beneath your chin, tilts your face up to look at him. Your eyes flutter when he brushes a strand of hair from your forehead, his fingers warm against your skin. “You’re all right?”
You nod as his hand moves from beneath your chin to cup your cheek. You can’t stop yourself from leaning into his touch. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
You sleep the entire flight to Naboo. Cassian can’t bring himself to move from the seat beside you, your linked hands resting on your thigh, your head lolled onto his shoulder. He lets himself drift a little, pressing his mouth to your hair, eyes dropping shut. There are no dreams to greet him.
You haven’t so much as twitched when he rouses again, and he’s grateful. He knows you need the rest; sleeping the morning away back on Hosnian Prime couldn’t make up for the hell you’d been through the last few days.
But the memory of your hurried coupling in the fresher rises to the surface of his mind, and his eyes drop shut again. His pants feel a little tighter, but he can’t say he minds, your hushed voice echoing through his head.
I just wanna feel good, Cass.
Cass. People have used the nickname in the past, most of his friends and family back on Ferrix, but he doesn’t think it has ever sounded as good as it does rolling off your tongue. The memory sits heavy in his chest, his fingers itching to touch you, to hear you make those sounds again, to hear you say his name like that again. He settles for the hand wrapped in his, trails his thumb along the bandages covering your knuckles over and over again.
The Fondor jolts slightly as it drops out of hyperspace, the robotic voice of the droid mod announcing the orbit and landing sequences. Luthen appears a moment later, that same dark look in his eye that Cassian had seen before, when he chewed you out over this…whatever this is that’s blooming between you two. The Fondor’s walls are thin, and the cockpit door did little to muffle your voices. “Wake her,” Luthen says, and heads for one of the compartments near the fresher, pulls out bundles of fabric, pairs of shoes. “You both need to change.”
Without another word, he disappears, leaving the clothing on one of the crates tucked against the ship wall. The cockpit door hisses shut, and Cassian peels his fingers from yours. You mumble at the loss, head bobbing, knocking him softly in the chin.
“Hey,” he murmurs, reaching for your shoulder, jostling you slightly. “Time to wake up.”
You groan, tilting your head back and fitting it into the curve of his neck. The movement makes him turn his head, his nose skirting your forehead. lips ghosting over the space between your brows. “Five more minutes.”
Cassian huffs a laugh, stretching back until he can fit his arm around you. You move more willingly now, cuddling into his chest, scooting across the seat to be closer to him. “Five more minutes and Luthen will come out here and dress you himself.”
That makes your eyes shoot open, brow wrinkling and your lip curling. “I was having a good dream,” you mumble, reaching up and rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“Tell me,” he says, dropping his voice slightly. You lift your head, craning your neck back slightly so you can see him fully. “What did you dream about, Rebel?”
The disgust on your face melts into a smile that warms his chest. He rubs his palm over your shoulder, feels your fingers curl around his hip when you sling your arm around his waist. “I dreamt about you,” you say, and for a moment, he considers it. Leaning forward, closing the distance between you, feeling those plush lips of yours with his own. But he knows if he does, he won’t be able to stop.
He sees your eyes dart down to his mouth, rove over his face before they meet his again. Your lips part, and he doesn’t miss the way your head inclines slightly, but before you can move any further, Luthen’s voice rings out clear through the ship’s comm system.
“Dressed,” he shouts, “now.” 
You have to school your face into recognition, offering Mon Mothma a brilliant smile as she approaches you, a drink in her hand, arms stretched wide to embrace you. The reaction is forced, having only met the Chandrilan Senator all of ten minutes before you were being shuffled into a transport that would take you from the hotels to the palace where the gala was being held. 
“Well done,” she murmurs to you, and the fabric at your throat feels impossibly tight as she puts a thin arm around you, squeezing you lightly. “How was the journey?”
“Perfect,” you reply, slipping your arm through hers when she takes a step back. You take the drink that’s offered to you by one of the attendants, and from the corner of your eye, you see Cassian fall into step behind you as Mon leads you deeper into the large ballroom. “I’ve been meaning to come back to Naboo for some time now, it’s nice to have a reason.”
It’s not entirely a lie. Your family lived on Naboo, for a time. Long before the galaxy lived under the Empire’s thumb, before the Jedi had been wiped away. You’d always meant to come back, visit the home you’d once lived in.
“Will you stay long?” Mon asks, her voice just a touch louder, an easy smile on her face.
“Only the night, I’m afraid,” you reply, matching her grin. “We’re expected back to Alderaan for the Princess’s birthday.”
Mon nods, and you both sip your drinks. There’s not enough Corellian whiskey in the galaxy to make you comfortable, but the glass of sweet wine in your hand is a start. The dress is too tight, but the options were limited, as Luthen put it, and you couldn’t stomach another argument with the old man. The entire idea already made you nervous enough, having to get yourself close to an Imperial Colonel. 
And then there’s Cassian, trailing you through the room, eyes glued to your back. On the transport, hidden in the back of the ship, he’d put his hand on the small of your back, leaned close, murmured softly.
You look good enough to eat.
Cheeks flaring, you’d dug your heel into the toe of his boot, wanting to savour the quiet groan that spilled out of him, but it sounded too close to the noises he’d made on Hosnian Prime, and only worsened the ache that has taken up residence between your legs.
You haven’t spotted your target yet, the image from Luthen’s holo-pad engraved into your brain. You know he’s here, and the anticipation is crawling up the back of your throat, thick like bile. You want to get it over with. You want to get the information and get the hell out of here.
Cassian follows like a shadow as you move through the ballroom. Mon introduces you to other Senators, pointedly telling everyone that you’re one of the newest Senators from Alderaan, still getting your feet wet. You put on a good show, chatting away as more drinks are had, names offered and sparks of kinship flaring to life. You’re a good actress, and the entire time, you can feel Cassian’s eyes boring into your back. More than once, he steps a little closer, brushes a hand down the back of your arm or over your back, murmurs something low in your ear, and you have to suppress the chill that follows, snaking down your spine, hot and cold all at the same time.
Now is not the time, but your body doesn’t care.
He also looks good enough to eat in the guard uniform Luthen had procured for him. His hair is combed back, curls flat against his skull, and he’s trimmed his beard quite a bit, the sharp angle of his jaw only more pronounced, the pout of his lips more than a little distracting. You have to force your eyes from him multiple times, returning to the conversation you’re having with a Senator from Kuat, but she catches you. “If my guards looked like that, I’d have trouble keeping my eyes to myself, too,” she laughs, and you laugh along, ignoring the heat that rises in your cheeks. You don’t miss the little quirk to Cassian’s mouth, his eyes lingering on your back once more.
And then you find your target. Colonel Valoran Cardas.
He looks exactly the same as the photo on the holo-pad, dressed in Imperial finery, dark hair slicked back, shiny with gel. He spots you first, strange yellow eyes lingering on you from across the room. You lean in close to the Kuati Senator, gesturing towards the Colonel, sat at a table not far from where you stand. “Do you know who that is?”
“Oh,” she replies quickly, taking your arm, steering you towards him. “Colonel Cardas. I must introduce you.”
Before you can try to bite out any fake protest, you’re being pushed towards the table by the Senator.
“Valoran!” she calls, and his eyes snap from you to her, an easy smile forming on his lips. “I’d like you to meet Senator Zena Carrax.” The fake name falls off her tongue easily, and you force a grin. “She’s the newest member of the Senate on Alderaan.”
Colonel Cardas gets to his feet, offering you his hand with a slight bow. When you take it, he brings your hand to his lips, pressing a cold kiss to your knuckles. “A pleasure, Senator Carrax.”
“Please,” you reply smoothly, everything in you itching to look over your shoulder and find Cassian, but you don’t. You can’t. “The pleasure is all mine, Colonel.”
The Kuati Senator giggles conspiratorially before claiming she hears someone calling for her and disappears into the crowd. It leaves you and the Colonel alone, and that gross anticipation crawls up your throat once more.
“Are you enjoying the party?” Cardas asks, offering you the chair beside the one he had been sat in. You accept with a gracious nod, smoothing the skirt of your dress beneath you as you sink into it. He returns to his own seat, and with every move he makes, his eyes don’t leave you. It makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. His gaze is…predatory, almost. Like he’s a hunter stalking a meal. You don’t like it.
“Very much,” you say, schooling your voice pleasant, setting your half-empty drink on the table. “Tell me, Colonel Cardas, have you ever been to Alderaan?”
The moment the Kuati Senator pushes you towards the target, Cassian has to fight himself from barreling after you, shielding you from the Colonel’s intense gaze. He doesn’t like this. He doesn’t like any of it. His hands clench into fists at his sides as you shake hands with Cardas, fingers itching to reach for the blaster hidden beneath his uniform when the Colonel kisses your knuckles.
“She needs to get close to Cardas,” Luthen had told him, before they’d even stepped off the Fondor. “You cannot step in, you understand? Whatever is happening between you two, it cannot interfere here. You have jobs to do, do them.”
Cassian swallows hard, stepping away from the wall. He’s been following you through the ballroom the entire time, and had tried to keep his distance, watching you mingle, watching you play the part of the Senator from Alderaan with ease. It’s almost unnerving, how well you’ve slid into the role, your voice changing to something more distinguished, more Imperial. But he knows; you’ve been watching the Imps as much as he has, you know what it takes, you know how easy it is to slide into their ranks, what to say, how to act. It’s what makes you the perfect Rebel.
He still keeps some space between himself and you, sat at the table with Cardas, and he listens. You’re talking about Alderaan, about how things have changed under the Empire’s rule. You’re talking about your hopes for the Senate, how you want to find a way to make peace, to better both your planet and the Empire. It’s the perfect segue into the trade routes, the information you’ve been sent to retrieve, and if Cassian didn’t know the truth, he’d believe your easy lies as much as Cardas is seeming to.
He can hear the smile in your voice as you say, “I think we might want the same things, Colonel Cardas.” Your tone is loaded as anything, and you rest your hand on the table, inching across the space between you and Cardas.
The way the Colonel is looking at you makes everything in Cassian go tight as a drum. You’re beautiful, there’s no getting around that, with your almost too-tight dress and the way you’d piled your hair on your head and darkened your eyes, lashes fanning across your cheeks whenever you blink. The moment you’d stepped out of the fresher on the Fondor, Cassian had thought for a moment that the ground beneath his feet was disappearing, the way his heart hammered in his chest. It was the same feeling he’d been overcome with on Hosnian Prime, the sight of you standing there in nothing but his shirt.
Won’t let anyone touch you. Only me, yes?
Cardas slides his hand beneath yours, drags his fingers along your forearm, and Cassian can take no more. He stalks forward, hands clenched into solid fists at his sides as he approaches the table. Cardas is saying something in response to you, but Cassian doesn’t hear it, the edges of his vision tingeing red as he grasps the back of your chair and leans down. “Senator,” he murmurs, trying to keep his voice soft and unwavering. “There’s an urgent message for you, from the Queen.”
“Oh!” you say, flinching with surprise. You turn to look at him, something dark and unnameable in your eyes. They search his for a moment before they flick back to Cardas, an easy smile spreading across your face. “Excuse me just a moment, Colonel, won’t you?”
Cardas nods, watching as you get to your feet slowly. Cassian waits until you’re two steps ahead of him before following, folding his arms behind his back, resisting the urge to reach for you. Once you’re out of the ballroom, he can’t hold back, and grabs your upper arm, making you turn sharply, nearly dragging you down the palace hallway.
“Cass, what are you—?” you try to ask, but he ignores you, opening the first door he sees. It’s a small closet, stacks of towels and cleaning supplies and droid batteries on shelves. Without a word, he pushes you inside, stepping in after and pulling the door shut behind him, flicking the lock. “Cass.”
He ignores you again, crowding you back against the wall until your shoulders make contact. There’s a mix of confusion and concern on your face, those beautiful eyes boring into him as he reaches for your waist, holds you between his hands. His brow furrows, and he leans in, dropping his head until it’s fit into the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent.
“Cass,” you say again, softer this time, and it sets off something deep in his chest, his blood turned to flame. In a flash, he sinks to his knees in front of you, fingers gripping the hem of your dress, bunching the skirt up and over his arms, seeking out your warmth. The tip of his middle finger slides along the fabric covering your core, and he has to bite back his grin at finding you wet.
You stare down at him, open-mouthed, and he curls one hand around your ankle, lifting your leg and setting it carefully on his shoulder. His eyes meet yours, fire in both your gazes, and he pauses, waits to see if you’ll push him away.
“We shouldn’t,” you whisper, your voice heavy, laced with lust as it reaches his ears. “Cass.”
“Please,” he murmurs, turning his face so his jaw scrapes along your calf. “I need to touch you. Taste you.”
If you said no, he’d stop. Dead in his tracks, blazing lust be damned, he’d stop. If you pushed him away, he’d go willingly. 
But you don’t say no. You don’t push him away. You breathe out a yes, reach down with one hand, threading your fingers into his hair, your knuckles tight around the strands. He feels you tug lightly, and he tilts his head back, his eyes never leaving yours and he moves forward slightly. Lips drag over the bend of your knee, and he moves his hand from your ankle to your thigh, fingers digging into the meat of your muscle. He can smell you, the thick, sweet scent of your sex making his eyes roll back as he leans up higher on his knees, and buries his head between your legs.
The fabric of your underwear is soaked, and he just adds to it, mouthing at you over the barrier. You gasp as he presses his tongue against you, hikes your leg higher over his shoulder to get better access. Already, he can feel the muscle of your thigh go taut beside his head, your grip on his hair tightening further when he reaches under, pulls the gusset of your underwear to the side, and tastes you for real.
He moans into you as his tongue touches your skin. You’re the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted, and it only spurs him further, working his tongue from your clit down to your opening and back up again, an iron grip on your thigh, holding you open. Above him, he can hear you gasping, a hand clapped over your mouth when you let a loud moan slip.
The fabric of you skirt has covered his head, only held back somewhat by your hand glued to his hair. He growls, dropping his chin and dragging the flat of his tongue along you. Your clit pulses when he draws it between his lips, sucking lightly, and he crooks the fingers holding your underwear, pushing his middle finger into you. 
His knuckle bends, the pad of his finger drawing across a spongey part of you, and you keen, back arching off the wall, forcing your body closer to his, hips chasing his mouth. You go tighter still, clenching around his finger, harder when he slides a second inside. He keeps at your clit with his mouth, dragging the tip of his tongue in circles and shapes over the little bundle of nerves until suddenly you’ve got both hands in his hair, back arched so hard he can feel the curve of your stomach pressed to the top of his head.
You flood his mouth as you cum, a strangled gasp worming its way out of your throat as your thighs tremble, the one perched on his shoulder shuddering hard. He doesn’t let up, not until you’re yanking at his hair, nearly sending him tumbling backwards onto his ass.
You’re flushed, when he pulls back. There’s a different sort of light in your eyes as he disentangles himself from your limbs, your grip on his hair going lax when he makes to get to his feet. Your chest heaves with breaths, strains against the bodice of the dress. Silently, you straighten yourself, adjusting the skirt of the dress back into place. Cassian fixes his hair best he can, pushing his hands through it, trying to press his curls back against his skull. He adjusts his pants as well, tucking his hard cock into the waistband of his briefs. It’s uncomfortable, but currently necessary.
Still out of breath, you look at him. “We need to go.”
“You want to go back out there?” he asks, licking his lips.
Your eyes drop to his mouth for a long moment before flicking back up to his. “No. We need to get out of here. Now.”
“What about Cardas?” he asks.
You swallow hard, turning away from him, putting your face in your hands. His gut turns, the sparks of pleasure that had spread through him as he tasted you fading away to something that feels more like guilt. “I don’t care. We need to leave.”
“It’s fine,” Cassian says, and reaches for you, trying to curl a hand around your forearm, but you step out of his reach. “We’ll say you’re ill, that you need rest. We can stay another night, track him down tomorrow.”
Wordlessly, you nod, and reach for the door handle. As soon as you’re out of the closet, your demeanour changes, hands shaking, body sagging slightly as Cassian reaches for your elbow, supporting your weight. “We need to find Mon,” you murmur, and he nods.
Cassian pushes his way through the crowds as you return to the ballroom. Mon Mothma is easy enough to spot, and the look she gives the pair of you is filled with both worry and something like fear. “Senator?”
“I’m not feeling my best,” you say, the lie rolling easily off your tongue. “I hate to leave the party early.”
“Nonsense,” Mon replies, giving you a sympathetic smile. “I’ll have them hail you a cruiser to take you back to the hotels. Is there anything else you need?” Cassian can hear the double meaning in the Senator’s question, but no one else seems to think anything of it.
“We might have to extend our stay,” you reply, letting your eyes flutter slightly as you take a deep breath. “I’ll see how I feel come morning.”
“Well, do keep me posted,” Mon says, touching your shoulder lightly. “I’d be happy to—”
“Senator Carrax?” Cardas calls, and you both turn to see the Colonel walking towards you. “I wondered where you’d run off to.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Colonel Cardas,” you reply, bowing your head slightly. “I’m afraid I’m feeling quite unwell.”
“I’m sorry to hear,” Cardas replies, and reaches out and touches the back of his hand to your forehead. It makes Cassian bristle beside you, and your heel nudges his boot. “You do look quite flushed. What on earth did the Queen say to you?”
“No, no, it wasn’t the—”
“We’re leaving,” Cassian bites out, tightening his grip on your elbow.
Cardas shoots him a glare before his eyes slide back to you. “How are you getting back to the hotels?” he asks, pointedly to you. “I could call for the ISB shuttle, take you back myself.”
“Oh no, you’re too kind, Colonel,” you say, your voice going breathy. “Senator Mothma has already called a cruiser for us. I only wish we could have continued our conversation.”
The corner of the Colonel’s mouth quirks, and he reaches into his jacket, procuring a small silver card. “I thought about what you said, Senator.” He extends the card towards you, held between two fingers, and lifting a brow, you take it from him. “That should grant easy access for your plans on the trade routes.” He grins, that predatory look Cassian had seen before creeping into his gaze again. “On the condition that the next time you’re on Coruscant, you let me buy you dinner.”
Your mouth drops open as you stare at the Colonel, and you give him a brilliant smile, as brilliant as you can offer while pretending to feel ill. “You’re too kind, Colonel.”
He winks at you. “Don’t make me regret it, Senator.”
Mon Mothma reaches out, puts a soft hand on Cassian’s arm. “The cruiser is here for you.”
You stay quiet, the entire ride back to the hotels. You’d contacted Luthen the moment you stepped out of the palace, telling him where you were headed, that the job was done. Cassian is stoic beside you, helping you into the cruiser before getting in on the other side. The foot of space between you feels like a chasm, and your mind is whirling.
Yes, you’d got what you came for. Yes, you’d charmed the Colonel so well he’d give you exactly what you needed. Yes, you’d lied so well you’d convinced a room full of Imps that you were one of them. 
Yes, you’d cum so hard on Cassian’s tongue that you thought you would never come down from the amount of pleasure he’d given you.
But one tiny slip, and everything could have gone in the opposite direction.
You’re lucky, both of you. You know that. And it does nothing to quell your…anger? Is it anger? Is it fear? Is it just the culmination of the last few days making everything inside you implode?
You want to reach across the space, wrap your fingers around Cassian’s, but you resist.
You keep up the charade of feeling ill until you’re safe in your rooms, immediately stripping out of the dress and heels, redressing in your normal clothing before you whirl on Cassian, the dam of emotion in your head breaking.
“What the hell was that back there?” you cry, and his eyes go wide. “You could have blown our cover, Cass. We could have been compromised.”
He leans back against the wall, crosses his arms over his chest. “He touched you.” His tone is almost flat, but the flare in his eyes tell another story.
You rub a hand over your face, sighing. “So, cornering me in that closet was your solution? I wasn’t going to let him do anything.”
Cassian scoffs a laugh, the noise unkind. “You did not seem very upset about what happened in that closet.”
“I didn’t—I’m not—ugh!” you glare at him, matching his stance. “You are missing the point. He could have—”
“No,” Cassian barks, his voice rising slightly. “I won’t let the Empire take something else from me.”
You just stare at him, mouth dropped open. “Oh my god.”
“What?” you repeat, stalking across the room, throwing your hands up. “You act like you’re the only one making sacrifices, like you’re the only one who lost something!” You whirl back to face him, feeling hot tears on your cheeks. “I lost everything, Cassian! Everything!”
“Don’t,” he says, his tone dropping completely, those dark eyes going shiny.
“Don’t what?” you ask, your voice cracking on the words.
“The Empire has been taking things from me since I was six years old,” he says, and the emotion in his voice makes your heart ache. “You don’t understand; you lost everything quickly, in a flash. For me? It was pieces, over time. Bit by bit.” He counts it out on his fingers: “My childhood, my sister, my home. Then my father, my freedom. Another home. Then my mother.”
He steps towards you, closing some of the distance that’s formed, and you find yourself holding your breath as he continues.
“Sure, they didn’t kill her, but if I hadn’t been locked up for no fucking reason then maybe I could have saved her!” Another step, and he’s nearly in front of you, close enough that he can reach out and take your face in his hands. “They keep taking things from me, and I won’t let them take you too.”
His thumb swipes over your cheeks, wiping away the tears on your skin. You reach up, wrap your hands around his wrists, keep him close. “I don’t want to lose you either.”
You stare at each other for a long time. You’re breathing the same air, and Cassian tips his head towards you, forehead pressed to yours. Your anger has faded some, the anxiety that had been chasing you all day melting away at the feeling of his hands on you, your mutual admission hanging in the air. It would be so easy, to lift your head slightly, to brush your lips against his, to claim his mouth for your own.
A heavy knock at the door makes you break apart, you reaching for his arm, Cassian instantly positioning himself in front of you. He pulls out his blaster, and you reach for one of the knives at your belt.
The door swings open slowly, revealing a hard-faced Luthen, and—
She grins at you. “Hi.”
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Hi! I've been musing over this for a day or two but I saw you mention you were in a Shakesperian play before and it got me thinking....you and Benedict in whatever Shakespeare play of your choosing I think it'd be so cool!
Also on the same note but an AU with Dr. Strange as a theatre professor and you bond with him over your love of literature and playwriting 🥰
I love this so, sooooooooooooo much and guess what, my brilliant friend...
It's an actual thing!
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The One That Got Away
In my early years on tumblr, there used to be a lot of contests by Artists and Writers to promote their blogs. One such that I won was a custom written one-shot. And as what you've described above (me acting in a play by Shakespeare, opposite Benedict) has been a long desired dream, that's what the Author created for me. BC & I performing together in The Taming of the Shrew. Dust to Dust is a fic filled with angst & mutual but unfulfillable longing!😁Please check it out; it's a very quick, wonderful read.
But it gets even better...
I loved this story so much that my mind kept going, I need more...there has to be more to the story. And I began to write. Bits and pieces of Benedict & Virgilia (Vicki) interacting. Pining. Confessing forbidden feelings. A kickass prologue. Until I finally had to broach the topic with the Author--who had felt a pull to continue the story as well
So, she asked for samples of what I'd written, and once satisfied with how I envisioned the story playing out, she gave me her blessing. The One That Got Away is one of my dearest WIPs, and though it's been ages since I've updated, I know exactly how the rest of the story goes (including lots of angst, a forbidden tryst or two, lovers separated by an ocean wide, reconciliation and a happy ending). I even wrote an epilogue already, for a bestie of mine who initially struck up our friendship because she loved the story so much.
Gotta say, it makes me really happy to talk about it, so I must thank you heartily!🥰 I miss those inspired days of writing. So impassioned to get the words on the page that I even wrote one pivitol chapter in a law office where I had to give a deposition about an accident I witnessed at work!
I hope with all my heart that a few new Readers will check it out from seeing this post, and maybe even give it some love. I know many of us refer to something we've written as some of our best stuff--but this is no cliche; I really think it is.
Oh, and your second suggestion...Stephen as a Theatre Professor? Absolutely worth adding to my list of things I'd love to write if I ever get my mojo back for real.
a very excited PS:
I have two songs that encapsulate some of the feels for this fic. Girl Crush by Little Big Town, and Taylor's Wildest Dreams
PPS: a wonderful graphic artist made an amazing 'book cover' for the story; and the OC costume designer for Shrew is based on her
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picnokinesis · 2 years
Do you have a masterlist of your AU's somewhere? I'm simply a bit confused on where to find them and if they've actually been written at all, I'd just like to make sure I haven't missed anything as I'd really like to read them!
Oh my days anon bless you I am SO sorry, all my things are always a convoluted mess of stuff - no masterlist as of yet, but let me make one here real quick to explain to you where you can find everything (now placed below the cut)
(Note - some tumblr links may not work on mobile, but I put all the tags in the tags if you need them!)
CAMPERVAN AU - this is the main one, also known as the au where the doctor is an investigative journalist with amnesia and the tardis is a campervan. You can find the written parts of this one on ao3 (+ extra excerpts) and then there's also the campervan au tag on this blog for any asks people have sent, as well as artwork that I've done
Then - campervan au has FOUR offshoot aus. They are anterograde au (Notes to Self), ziptie au (The Ties That Bind Us), redacted au (All That Divides Us), and au5 (And I Run (Love, Run)). None of these are posted on ao3 at all, mostly because they're a mess but also because they are mired in spoilers for the main verse. Maybe when I'm done with the main verse, I'll post stuff I've written of the others. I'll briefly explain what they are for clarity and link their tags on my blog:
anterograde au - the one where the train crash results in the Doctor having anterograde amnesia rather than retrograde, so she can no longer form new memories. It's the one about brain injuries, autonomy, caregiver fatigue, learning that you are not alone, and the O'Briens adopting spydoc (cry over adult thoschei edtion). The tag is here
ziptie au - the one where the very end part 1 of campervan au goes differently and 1) graham, yaz and ryan die (I KNOW SORRY) 2) the doctor, ada and noor get captured with koschei. It's the one about separation anxiety, only being able to trust the person you hate, fist fights and identity confusion. Ziptie Thoschei are currently winning 'worst iteration of campervan thoschei' by being constantly feral. I adore them. The tag is here
redacted au - the most spoilery one. Things go differently when the doctor and koschei are kids, in a bad way. The one about breaking away from everything you've been led to believe, ft the doctor playing 4D gender chess with pronouns. Looks like a role reversal but it really isn't. The tag is here.
au5 - the other most spoilery one! Things go differently when they're kids, in a good way. The one about co-dependence, one-sided pining (until it isn't) and ghost-hunting. The O'Briens adopting spydoc (cry over baby thoschei edtion). The tag is here
PIRATE AU - aka that one time I wrote a 2k oneshot which is here on ao3, but then my brain wouldn't let it go and it spiralled wildly out of control and I told maybe three people about it. The Doctor is a privateer captain and the Master is an ex-lover ex-best friend pirate captain that she keeps betraying (but like he also killed nearly her entire crew so Y'KNOW don't feel too bad for him). Maybe one day I'll try and write it, but I cannot express how MASSIVE it is. The tag is here
ZOMBIE AU - my most recent project. The Doctor is a traumatised virologist trying to find a cure whilst everyone else tries to get her to forgive herself. Currently posting on ao3 right here (chapter 7 literally just went up tonight, I'm posting weekly around 7:30pm ish GMT on Wednesdays) but there is also the tag on my blog of course.
Hope that helps! <3
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I read online a rumor that an older Sylvie ends up behind the TVA and plays a villain. If that's true, it means Kang might get the Loki Treatment and be edged out of the show for Sylvie. Is Kang going to pine after her, too now?
I keep hearing the "don't like, don't watch" platitude about it all, but it's horrid. Our favorite character gets his own show after years of us latching on to the anemic trickle of Loki content. We look forward to it for so long, then it's got no characterization of Loki in favor of The Magical Mary Sue who's better than every character she meets no matter how strong they were originally. She'll treat them like some poo she stepped in, they'll fall for her after knowing her for not even a week regardless, and she goes "I don't have anyone 🥺" and we're supposed to feel sorry for her? And act like Loki finally loves someone when he loved several people (Thor, Odin, Frigga) to the point of desperation and self sacrifice.
And we're supposed to love Mobius, too. Aww, he calls Loki a cockroach who's only born to bring suffering and death, literally keeps him prisoner, locks him in a time loop to be beaten and degraded! So cute and sweet!
They been to rename the show Sylvie Sucks the Soul Out of Everything and Bureacratic Fascist is Just So Lovable. Sorry for ranting, this has been bugging me. A friend of mine loves the show but never saw the original movies. I had her watch A1 with me and she asked me why Loki was so scary and cold. Ugh.
(Love your blog and insights, btw)
Thank you dear 😉 And rant away, I don't mind it at all!
I heard that rumour too, it would be hilarious if Sylvie took centre stage in S2 after Kang is introduced in Quantmania and the fanboys got mad because she took the spotlight from him (we could use the "first time?" meme on them lol).
The "don't like, don't watch" always makes me laugh. When a movie/series is about to be released and someone says they're not interested they're hit with the "oh but if you don't give it a chance how will you know it's not for you?", so you do watch it but if you don't like it you voice your opinions and then you're hit with the "well if you don't like it don't watch it". Which is it then?!!!!! 😂😂🤦‍♀️
What happened to your friend is what bothers me the most about the series. For those of us who have been watching these movies for years we know the canon, we've seen them at a time when Marvel actually cared about Loki's character so we know his past. But now all the new fans who watch the series first are going to watch those movies with tainted glasses: they'll see the scene with the Kursed in TDW and think Loki is leading him straight to Thor and they will blame Frigga's death on him even though at the time did anyone ever think of blaming him? I doubt it. Now they'll see the NYC invasion and blame him and only him as if Thanos hadn't been the one to send him there -- we even have Banner admit as much in IW.
It sucks. If they wanted to ruin his character and a good chunk of his fanbase then mission accomplished. And my fear is they might use S2 to claim the Loki pre-series was never canon and no more than a Kang puppet who said and did whatever he wanted him to. I hope they don't do that but......... 🤷‍♀️🤢
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dawndelion-winery · 2 years
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I posted 11,112 times in 2022
That's 11,112 more posts than 2021!
7,485 posts created (67%)
3,627 posts reblogged (33%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 11,034 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#acco's echoes - 3,218 posts
#down the grapevine - 2,046 posts
#winery guests - 678 posts
#icymi - 593 posts
#wild crystalflies - 463 posts
#winery guests: 🌹 anon - 394 posts
#winery guests: tired - 385 posts
#latest harvest - 273 posts
#winery guests: capitalist anon - 232 posts
#winery guests: yue - 190 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#the way he'd be like 'scared? regretting your poor choices?' and i stubbornly protest my innocence in the matter as he dubs me a liar and-
My Top Posts in 2022:
I'm sorry but I absolutely would let all of them wreck my shit
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3,069 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
They're So-
How they talk about you
Ft. Arlecchino, Capitano, Childe, Dottore, Pantalone
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She speaks fondly of you, almost as if she were talking about family
She smiles softly, and anyone can tell you're the most important person in her life
Her words are curt, though, because she doesn't like other people prying into your lives
She'll only speak of you when asked
Unless she's with Columbina, then she won't shut up
Columbina finds it funny, probing every now and then when Arlecchino seems almost done only for Arlecchino to speak of your achievements with vigour once again
She's always so proud of you
And the fact that you're dating her? You have impeccable taste in women
She probably has a while presentation on why she loves you and Columbina has heard it at least seventeen times
The other harbingers have probably heard it at least five
Even the Tsaritsa isn't spared from hearing about how pretty your hair is, flecked with snow as light reflects off it
"Arlecchino, how are things with you?"
"All is well, my s/o recently-"
Yeah, she just goes on
He talks about you like he's your knight who's helplessly pining for his master but cannot admit he's in love because that would be preposterous
Which is ridiculous because you're sure you're way more into him than he is you
Wrong. You can never love him more than he loves you - he will always love you more and shower you in it
He thinks you're beautiful in every sense of the word, and he makes it known to everyone
"Are those the new uniforms? Oh, it's nothing, I was just thinking the colour would suit y/n. Don't you think so?"
"Yes, lor-"
"Yes, yes, they'd look good in anything, what was I thinking"
There is only one person willing to listen to him and that's Childe because the ginger gets to spar with him in exchange
Cue Capitano effortlessly pinning Childe down as he rambles about how you once stepped on his chest in a similar way and looked stunning while you did it
Anything and everything he sees will be likened to how amazing you are
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4,124 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
Hear Me Out
They try hint at their crush on you
Ft. Arlecchino, Capitano, Childe, Dottore, Pantalone
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She does it from the moment she confirms that her feelings for you are genuine and not just some passing fancy
Which means she's very serious about it and does take slight offence that you're not responding accordingly
Do you not like her back? Are you ignoring her hints to avoid hurting her feelings?
The definition of "please reject me so I can move on"
Is it because you heard the orphans calling her "mum" and got the wrong idea?
Please she's dying to know, she's been bringing you flowers like every other day
Lends you her jacket and hopes you forget to return it so she has an excuse to see you again
Columbina awkwardly patting her back when she stares into empty space in agony when you brush off yet another of her flirting attempts as being friendly
At some point she does ask you to just outright reject her so she can move on
Lowkey wants to go apeshit when she finds out you actually like her too and were just too nervous to flirt back
He has a good rep, so he hopes that improves his dateability in your eyes
He'll bring you cute trinkets he comes across from wherever he goes!!
Would also keep a matching piece for himself so he can imagine that y'all are dating
Also has someone help him take pictures of him should he ever go anywhere scenic and have it made into a sort of postcard for you
He wonders if you ever end up looking at him instead of the view (he hopes you do)
He subtly sneaks glances at you, but not so subtle so that there's a chance you'll catch him and possibly tell him that you're into him too
Ok in all honesty his flirting game probably sucks ass and he'd probably tell you your eyes are like his dog's as a compliment
Please just give him a chance his colleagues are getting sick of his silent brooding when you don't notice how he polished his helmet extra shiny just for you
The most obvious of them all please he's clinging to you like he's obsessed
So many terrible jokes that aren't even jokes
"Wouldn't it be funny if we kissed- no? Not even once? Ok haha, no I'm not upset I was kidding."
Unlike Arlecchino, he knows rejection isn't going to make him move on
So he hovers like a dog off the streets that just picked you as its new master
Makes a point to tell you everything he succeeds at, even if it's mundane
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4,171 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
Hii can i request streamer Childe,Xiao,Kaeya,Kazuha x online friend!reader?(separate) Like sometimes reader streams with them and LITERALLY his fans can tell that he's inlove with reader.💞
I can already imagine those ship edits on tiktok...👀🍵
Hello, I'm sorry it took so long to get to this- I hope you like it (also added Scara<3) now for streamer duos<3
Streamer au! Ft. Childe, Xiao, Kaeya, Kazuha, Scaramouche
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Often streams your co-op for the sheer chaotic energy of it
Tries his best to be family friendly which results in very amusing variations of swearing from him or you jabbing him in the gut when he's about to curse
“You’re so mean to me, comrade. What happened to me being your favourite person? Look at how you wound me.”
He gets insufferable, clinging to your arm and resting his chin on your shoulder
He’s disgustingly affectionate even on camera
“Why do I play this character so often? Well obviously because y/n thinks they’re hot and this’ll make them associate being hot with me therefore they’ll think I’m hot.”
He sounds so sure of himself, people just roll with it because it’s hilarious to see him try
The most popular streams are the ones where Teucer crashes because it looks like a cute lil family all gaming together
Surprisingly calm
Has a tendency to go quiet when he's focused on the game, so that's when he thought it'd be a good idea to have you narrate for him
Sometimes Zhongli or Ganyu brings in some cut fruit for you two
Funnily enough, neither of you would remember to eat the fruit on your own, but somehow manage to remember to feed the other bites of fruit to make sure they're hydrated
Cue those compilation videos "Take a shot every time Xiao and Y/n feed each other"
Please don't actually take those shots, you will die from alcohol poisoning
Xiao honestly highkey gives off gamer boyfriend energy, and people probably would've assumed you were already dating when you started streaming together
They only realised you were both dense idiots when someone light-heartedly commented that it's a shame both of you were taken and you two looked confused
Calm on the surface, is actually worse than Childe
Family friendly? Nahhhh, he said he'd try at first but the moment he teams up with Rosaria, the innuendos and swearing never end, as much as you try to censor it
Nowhere nearly as shameless either, but viewers still somehow notice his hand creeping across the desk to hold yours
Has the not so subtle "please date me" eyes when he looks at you and it's now a meme
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4,287 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
"Would You Still Love Me"
"If I was a worm?"
Ft. Dottore, Kazuha, Xiao, Scaramouche
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"Of all the stupid things you could ask me..."
Stares judgementally at you, expecting you to revoke the question
Pinches the bridge if his nose and sighs when you don't
His scowl crumbles a little when you seem upset
"So you wouldn't love me if I suddenly turned into a worm."
Comes to the sudden realisation that if you're upset with him, you'll be less compliant...for science
C'mon, he's not gonna admit he's in it for the cuddles, not even in his head
Brings you a set of blueprints and a glass enclosure
"This is where you'd stay if you were a worm. I have three different design plans, so choose wisely because that's how your worm home will look for the rest of your life. You'll have a little worm car after four months if I haven't found a cure, however unlikely that is."
He will tell you all of his plans on what he'll do if you become a worm and you can't stop him because you started it
Your hypothetical worm situation is now fully prepared for, whether you like it or not
Wouldn't recommend because the diet he has planned for worm you doesn't look very appetising
"You'd travel on my shoulder on in my pocket so I can share poetry with you."
Ruffles your hair and pinches your cheeks
If you swat him away he'll insist he was only checking if you were becoming a worm
Carries on like it was nothing after that
If you ask again he'll remind you that he'll love you regardless of what form you take
This does, unfortunately, spark some odd terms of endearment
You are now his "precious worm", "beloved wormy", "sweet wriggly", "fleshy straw", etc
They get progressively worse
But he swears it's all affectionate
"I'd love you if you became a leaf."
"That wasn't the question-"
"Every leaf has it's own tune when you play it like a flute, I wonder what yours would be."
See the full post
6,236 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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