#I hope no one actually reads through all my tags because I like throw so many in here
moondropai · 1 year
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I’d like to say I was listening to 4:00am or Stay with me when drawing this but it was Running in the 90s and Deja vu. I just really love Kori and I think that dc should bring back her 80s hair.  Fun fact while drawing it, this did crash my program and I nearly cried 
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puckinghischier · 3 months
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Luke Hughes x fem!reader
summary: reader gets nervous in the crowd, but luke is right there to help her out of it
notes: i’m once again throwing a luke fic out into the world. i saw this request in my inbox and immediately thought of the zach bryan concert the boys just went to. i would literally give anything to attend a concert with them. i just KNOW they’re great concert buddies. sorry it’s kinda short, i just didn’t know how to drag it out any longer. i hope you enjoy!! happy reading!! 🫶🏼
request: from my 400 follower celly - Character A can tell Character B is getting nervous in a big crowd, so A slips their hand into theirs to help them calm down.
You had been looking forward to tonight for months. From the second Luke surprised you with the tickets for your birthday, you immediately started planning an outfit, making a playlist, and anticipating the trip.
When he told you his brothers and a few friends were tagging along, it only made you more excited, enjoying every moment you got to spend with your boyfriend’s brothers and their hockey friends.
After the concert, everyone was driving over to stay at the lake house for a few weeks, enjoying as much of the summer together as they can before pre-season training starts. You couldn’t wait to have a few weeks of fun on the water, but also wanted tonight to last as long as it could.
Your excitement grew even more when you found the perfect outfit for the occasion, even buying a matching light-up cowboy hat off of Etsy. You were especially excited for the chance to wear your boots again, not having many excuses to wear them in Jersey.
Luke had his hand planted firmly on the small of your back, making sure not to lose you as you weave through the crowd. You had bought Luke a new shirt for tonight, the orange t-shirt matching the burnt orange color of your dress.
He leads you over to the crowded merchandise stand, telling you to pick whatever you wanted. You struggled, loving every item tacked onto the display board. When you told him you couldn’t decided between a t-shirt and a hoodie, he bought you both before you could even open your mouth to protest, buying himself a hat and t-shirt as well.
“Luke, you just spent over $300 without even batting an eye,” you barked at him, crossing your arms to try and look menacing.
You know Luke could’ve afforded to buy you the entire stand and still not make a dent in his bank account, but you don’t like when he spends large amounts on you for no reason.
“Yeah, so?” he shrugs, taking your elbow and leading you away from the cloth covered table, slinging the clear bag of merchandise over his shoulder.
You roll your eyes and huff at him, unfolding your arms and taking his hand, letting him lead you through the sea of bodies.
“’So?’”, you mimicked his response. “You didn’t have to buy half of the merch stand just because it took me more than three seconds to choose which shirt I wanted.”
He glances back at you over his shoulder. “The fact that you didn’t have your mind made up the second you saw the options means you clearly wanted both, so I bought you both.”
You reach over and pinch his side, mildly annoyed with how well he understands the way your brain works.
“Quit pinching me you little gremlin,” Luke hisses out, the nickname being one he uses when you’re being stubborn or annoying.
“Quit spending all of your money on me, you giraffe-man,” you fire back.
You can see his shoulder’s shake, your impromptu nickname for him amusing him.
He doesn’t respond right away, the two of you having made it to the entrance to your seats, walking up to the worker standing under the numbered sign.
The usher instructs you to show your tickets to one of the workers at the bottom of the set of stairs.
When you walk into the arena, you notice how large the space feels, the open floor and mostly empty seats creating the illusion of size.
Luke has to nudge you a bit, reminding you to keep walking, too in awe of the fact you’re actually here.
“Not so unhappy with me spending my money on you now, huh?” he leans down to whisper into your ear, making sure you can hear him over the roaring chatter.
You hit him lightly in the chest, a smirk on his face as the two of you walk down, showing your tickets to the usher once you reach the bottom of the stairs, a bright colored wristband with bold letters spelling out VIP FLOOR printed on each one.
You make your way over to a small, sectioned off area near the main stage, seeing the rest of your group already waiting for the two of you.
Jack is the first one to notice you approaching, his eyes lighting up and arms being slung into the air.
“It’s about time! We were starting to worry the two of you got lost!” he calls out, causing the rest of the group to turn their heads and call out greetings.
You smile, having missed those in the group that didn’t live in New Jersey.
Walking over to Quinn first, you give him a long hug, the last time you saw him being when he played his brothers in Jersey months ago. The frequent facetime calls the two of you share not being enough to scratch your Quinn itch.
“Quinnifer! I missed you!” you squeal as you squeeze him as tight as you can.
You can feel his chuckle as he squeezes you back. “I missed you too, Munchkin” he leans back, ruffling your hair.
Although you see Jack nearly every day back home in Jersey, Quinn is the brother you’re closest to. You and Jack are literally two peas in a pod, but there’s something about Quinn that made you feel comfortable with him from the moment Luke introduced the two of you.
He’s like the big brother you never had, always calling him when you need advice or need to complain to someone about Luke.
Anytime you have a particularly nasty argument with Luke, Quinn is the one you call. He always allows you say whatever you need to get out of your system before breaking the problem down and agreeing that his brother is an idiot, but that he also loves you with everything he has in him.
At first you tried to go to Jack with problems surrounding your relationship with Luke, but he clearly didn’t know how to help you. He either told Luke about your conversations, causing the argument to grow worse because Luke claimed Jack had no business knowing about what’s happening in your relationship, or he would shrug his shoulders and say “just don’t yell at him when I’m trying to sleep. I need my beauty rest.”
You swat Quinn’s hand away, trying to smooth down your now tousled hair.
“I see you dressed the goon, tonight,” he points out Luke’s orange shirt.
You turn your head to see him talking with Cole.
“Believe it or not, it was his idea,” you think back to after you bought your dress, trying it on for Luke once you came home from shopping with your girls. He loved the way you looked in it, his eyes widening the second you emerged from your walk-in closet.
He swallowed thickly, his gravelly voice choking out a “Did they happen to have a matching shirt? Because if you’re wearing that, I’m going to need something to match so everyone knows you’re there with me, not up for grabs.”
You blush at the memory, looking back over to Quinn.
“I always knew he was whipped, but damn you’ve got him down bad, huh?” he shakes his head, smiling in amusement.
“Wrapped around my little finger,” you hold up your pinky, wiggling it at Quinn with a giggle.
You feel a pair of arms snake their way around your waist, a heavy object resting itself on top of your head.
“What’s wrapped around your little finger?” Luke asks, his chin bumping against your scalp as he talks.
“You, duh,” you reply, moving your head forward and craning your neck to look up at him.
He looks between you and his older brother before uttering out a “Oh one hundred percent. Couldn’t unravel myself if I even wanted to,” he lets go of you, stepping up to stand beside you.
Quinn just laughs, bringing Luke in for a hug.
After you make your way around to greet everyone, the lights are dimming and the atmosphere inside of the arena changes.
You love the hum of excitement in the air, finding Luke and standing in front of him. You hear the first notes of Overtime as Zach Bryan comes onto the stage, screaming as loud as you possibly can.
Luke has a content, amused smile on his face as you scream out the lyrics, jumping and dancing around as the beat allows.
As the concert goes on, you make the switch from dancing with Luke to dancing with Jack, attempt to get on Quinn’s shoulders to get Zach’s attention, and slinging your arm over Cole’s shoulder to sway back and forth with him during one of the slower songs.
When it comes time for Zach to sing Revival, your favorite song of his, you beg Luke to leave your secluded area to get closer to the stage, wanting to experience being in the crowd for this one particular song.
He looks at you apprehensively, eyeing the large sea of people on top of one another, barely any room between the bodies pressed together. He worries about losing you in the crowd, your small frame allowing you to get swept away easily.
You tug on his arm like a little kid, repeating “please, please, please,” over and over again, assuring him you’ll be fine.
Luke eventually gives in, letting his brothers know where you two are going, claiming you’ll meet back up with them after the concert.
Grabbing your hand, Luke leads you off of the small platform and into the crowd, pushing his way as far up to the front as his large body will allow him.
You stop just a row or two of people away from the stage where Zach had just climbed onto, adjusting his guitar and microphone before starting the song.
As the song rang out around you, you sang along to every word, joining the rowdy crowd as the chorus starts.
You start to jump around in the small space you have, enjoying every second, until Zach walks his way over to the small portion of stage in front of where you stand.
As soon as his figure stands over the crowd around you, bodies start pushing against one another, everyone trying to get as close to him as they can. You feel yourself being shifted towards the metal barricade, not being able to fight against the rush of people.
You start panicking, whipping your head from side to side to find Luke. All you can see around you are strangers, not being able to move your body to look behind you. You have absolutely no control over your own body anymore, being stuck in-between a girl slightly taller than you and a man that has at least a hundred pounds on you.
Squeaking out a “excuse me,” and “can you let me out please?” you try to make your exit from the suffocating situation. Your eyes turn frantic when you realize that no one can hear you or cares to hear you. Your breath picks up, heart pounding in your chest.
You can feel the tears pricking in your eyes, not being able to regulate your breathing anymore, gasping hot air into your lungs as fast as you can.
You’re about to let out a scream, begging someone to pay attention to you and let you out of the mess you’re in, when you feel a familiar hand slip its way into yours.
Whipping your head around, you catch a glimpse of curly hair behind you, not realizing that the body pressed against your back has been Luke this entire time. You figured you had lost him when you were surged forward, unable to see him anywhere around you.
Your breath starts to slow slightly, knowing you’re not alone in this crowd easing some of your nerves. The feeling of your heart pounding is still present, not wanting to be in this situation one second longer.
Luke attempts to tug your body back towards him, but the impenetrable wall of people around you prevents him from doing so.
You manage to wiggle your way in a circle somehow, now facing Luke.
He takes one look at your frightened face and knows he has to get you out of here, now.
Pulling you towards him, he cages you in with is arms, your cheek pressed to his chest. He starts walking backwards, his hockey roots coming in handy as he all but body checks people out of his way. The two of you finally make it to the back of the large crowd, Luke not letting go of you until you were back over in your original section.
Quinn was watching the whole thing from the small platform he was stood on, about to walk over and fish you out himself before he noticed Luke’s head slowly moving backwards, away from the stage.
He can see you’re still shaken, walking over to meet the two of you at the top of the ramp.
“Is she okay? Is she hurt?” Quinn asks, concerned about how frightened even Luke’s face looks right now.
“No, she’s fine. Just shaken up, I think. She got trapped between a random girl and some dude at least triple her size,” he tells Quinn, running his hand down your hair in soothing motions. Your hands were still clutching his t-shirt, not wanting to let go of him just yet.
Quinn stares at your trembling figure the whole time, knowing you don’t want to leave Luke’s embrace but wishing he could do something to help you.
“Let’s get her out of here and to the car, yeah?” Quinn suggests, picking up yours and Luke’s bag of merchandise off of the floor of the platform.
Luke just nods, leading you back down the ramp.
Quinn steps over and let’s everyone know to just meet them in the parking garage before following yours and Luke’s intertwined bodies towards the nearest exist.
Luke manages to get you up the stairs and out into the outer ring of the arena without letting you go. Both pairs of your feet moving in tandem, not once risking tripping over one another.
He leads you out of the doors and into the cool night air.
You finally allow yourself to leave his embrace, instantly feeling better in the openness of the outdoors. Never letting go of his hand, you continue to let him lead you to the large garage.
Luke’s BMW sits right where he parked it, the loud beep echoing in the dark garage as he unlocks it.
He opens the passenger door, lifting you slightly to sit you down on the leather seat. His hands come up to your cheeks, his thumbs wiping the stray hairs that were sticking to the damp skin under your eyes.
“All good now?” he asks you, the frantic look of your eyes now gone.
You nod, looking into his concerned eyes. “M’alright. Just got scared. Too many people,” you mumble out, leaning into Luke’s palm slightly. “Sorry I made us go out there. Just wanted to have fun.”
Luke leans his forehead against yours, shaking it back and forth slightly. “No, it’s not your fault. Just bad timing is all,” he assures you, knowing how upset you’re going to be when you realized you missed most of the last song.
He pulls his head back, standing back to his full height outside of the SUV.
You notice Quinn standing a few feet away, letting you and Luke have your space.
Frowning, you call out to the eldest Hughes. “You didn’t have to leave early too, Quinny.”
Quinn looks over when he hears you address him, walking closer to the vehicle.
“Ehh, show was almost over anyways,” he waves you off. “Had to make sure my favorite little munchkin was okay,” he shrugs, telling you its no big deal.
You smile at him, thankful you not only have your boyfriend to look out for you, but Quinn as well.
“I promise I’ll make it up to you. Both of you,” you look between the two brothers, only ever seeing how alike they look when they’re standing in front of you.
They both tell you it’s not necessary, the main priority being that you’re safe and sound outside of the arena.
“Fine, I guess that means neither of you want to stop for post-concert pancakes on the way to the lake, then?” you tease, watching both of their heads snap up. All three brothers’ secret love of sweets is something you use to your advantage, only ever having to mention how good ice creams sounds before Luke and Jack are ushering you out of the door and driving you to the nearest ice-cream shop.
“Well, I guess if you really just feel the need to do something nice for us…” Quinn trails off, making a smile break out on your face, unable to hide the laugh at the sudden switch up.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” you continue to laugh at the pair, Luke leaning in to buckle your seatbelt for you as Quinn climbs in the backseat, sending a quick text to the rest of your group, telling them if they want to join in on the pancake outing, they need to be making their way out of the arena, and fast.
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ellecdc · 6 months
Hi there again! I saw this tiktok and it immediately made me think of the boys. Do you think you could write something with Sirius or Remus coming home drunk and just being completely drunken lover boys and just r trying to hold back their laughs but also blushing and completely over taken by adoration of their boy. Hahah any way hope you have an amazing day!
omg babes this is so funny and cute. and I clearly didn't read your request carefully enough because you asked for Sirius or Remus but I gave you both 🫢 terribly sorry, please do forgive me. side note: I'm so pissed because I was going to tag this one poly!marauders fic that had the same premise and James comes home going "I hope she does wake up I missed her so much I think I'm going to throw up" all in the same breath and Sirius just abandons him and Moony in the kitchen to snuggle their girl and I can't find it! I actually scoured all my faves master lists to try to find it for you and I can't 😭 update!: a few followers did some sleuthing and found it, it's this fic by @luveline!!
poly!wolfstar x fem!reader when the boys come home drunk [and in love]
CW: mentions of drinking and drunkeness
You woke to the feeling of the bed dipping gently once, and then much less gently a second time.
“Pads, for fuck’s- Hi dovey.” Remus began hissing at Sirius before you opened your eyes to see him lying before you.
“Oh! Is she up now?” Sirius said approximately three decibels louder than necessary as he threw his heavy arm over your waist and roughly pulled you into his chest.
“Missed you s’much.” He slurred as he shoved his face into your neck. 
“Mm, was boy’s night fun?” You asked through a stretch, sleep causing your words to tumble inelegantly out of your mouth.
“No.” Sirius harrumphed quickly as Remus moved a clumsy yet gentle hand to the side of your face.
“It was fun.” He conceded, earning him an indignant “was not” from your neck.
“Why didn’t you have fun, Sirius?”
Sirius scoffed as if you had asked a particularly ridiculous question. “Uhm, because my best girl wasn’t there?” He muttered into your hair, pulling you impossibly further into his chest.
“You’re gonna squash her, Sirius.” Remus admonished.
“Fine. Roll over babydoll.” Sirius ordered, pulling his arms away only to paw at your shoulder in an attempt to encourage you onto your other side.
You weren’t awake enough for this.
“Siri.” You whined petulantly. “What time is it?”
“Almost three.” Remus answered readily.
“Roll over.” Sirius asked again.
“‘Cause I wanna see your- your beautiful face.” Even through his slurring and hiccups, he still managed to be an incorrigible flirt. 
“No, leave her. I’m looking at her right now.” Remus argued. You had to smother a laugh at how un-Remus-like he sounded when drunk, and made a mental note to tell him in the morning how petulant he was just to be rewarded with that beautiful blush you knew he’d wear. 
“Tough; you’ll just have to look at me.” Sirius countered.
“I had to look at you all night!”
“Had to? Just what is- is that s’posed to mean, Moons?”
“Sirius, knock it - ouch!” Remus reached over you to return a mean pinch to Sirius’ side, causing an all out war to break out between the two.
“Fuckin’ hell.” You muttered as you extricated yourself from the bed. You barely made it down the hall before you heard a painful sounding thump and footsteps chasing you.
“Dovey! Wait!” Remus called, a little more out of breath than the few feet from your bedroom really called for. “You can’t go into the kitchen.”
You felt your face scrunch up in confusion. “Why not?”
“Because Remus broke a glass!” Sirius called, limping over from the bedroom.
“Squealer.” Remus muttered at Sirius as he teetered slightly into the wall beside him. “M’sorry dove. I dropped it in the- in the sink and will clean it tomorrow when, uhm…”
“When the world’s not so spinny anymore.” Sirius finished for him, nodding sagely at his own decree.
“You didn’t hurt yourself, did you?” You asked, looking carefully at his hands for any signs of blood.
“That’s so nice of you to ask.” He whispered in awe, allowing you to manipulate his hands in yours. 
“Don’t act so surprised, Moony.” Sirius slurred. “She’s literally the nicest girl in the world.”
“She really is.” Remus agreed. 
You blushed furiously and continued into the kitchen, mindful of any potential broken glass on the floor - though you were happy to note that it did appear all damage was contained within the sink - to grab three bottles of water from the fridge.
“I actually love her so much.” You heard Sirius whisper to Remus from around the corner.
“Me too.” Remus whispered back. 
“I am so in love it’s actually a little bit embarrassing.”
“Me too.” Remus agreed again.
“Do you think she loves us as much?”
“Yeah I don’t think so either.”
“Well that’s not fair.” You interrupted as you rounded the corner again. “No one asked for my input.”
“Sorry, dollface. It’s just, I’m so far gone for you and Remus here is a certified simp so I already know it’s im- impossible for you to love us nearly as much.”
“It’s not a competition, Siri.” You admonished lovingly, handing him a bottle of water before passing one to Remus. 
“You got these for us?” Remus whispered, sounding alarmingly close to tears. You chuckled at him and touched his cheek. 
“‘Course I did, handsome.”
He shook his head as he stared at you in awe. “No; I definitely love you the most.”
“You do not!” Sirius argued quickly.
“It’s not a competition!” You reiterated.
“Fine.” They chorused as they followed you obediently to the bedroom. 
“But if it was, I’d win.” Sirius proclaimed as he fell face first into the mattress. 
Remus snorted before chugging almost half the bottle of water and dribbling some onto his sleep shirt. 
“Did you break the glass trying to get a drink, bubs?” You asked him as you took the water bottle from him to recap it and he fought to catch his breath.
“Yeah.” He admitted looking terribly shamefaced. “I gave up on having water after that.”
You smiled and kissed his forehead before climbing into bed to situate yourself between the two boys.
You pressed your back into Remus in order to face Sirius who was already out cold and snoring lightly.
“You should’ve seen him tonight.” Remus started through a yawn. “Some girl tried hitting on him and he started screaming and asked me to ‘take him home to the most beautiful girl’.”
You held your hand to your mouth afraid that your beaming smile would somehow wake up Sirius for being entirely too bright.
“Yeah? What’d you do?”
You could tell Remus was nearly asleep when he finally answered you, sleep dragging out the syllables as he whispered them into your hair. 
“I brought him home to you.”
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sylustful · 2 months
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ A Slice of Heaven for the Sinner.
"there is no love purer than mine."
he is heartless, unforgiving, and cold. he takes and takes and takes because it's his given right. you are no exception. when the two of you meet in a nightclub, he watches you with intense interest, his eyes devouring your soul without even touching your skin... but when he does, there's no going back for you.
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ TAGS: vampire! Sylus, pure but bold reader, corruption, dubcon (reader secretly gets off on being scared and forced), size difference, manhandling, pet names (ie. sweetie, babydoll, princess, slut, whore, kitten, etc.), overstimulation, biting, blood drinking, spanking, praise, degradation, bondage (he binds your hands with his belt), belly bulge, creampie, marking.
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ MIKI’S NOTES: Whew! this took forever to write lmao. i know the tags seem intimidating but i promise, you’ll enjoy it! i’ve been reading so many smut x reader fics with this man that i’ve just been dying to write my own, so i hope you enjoy it! if you want more, dm me your requests or follow me for updates on new Sylus fics! enjoy!
here is part one.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ WORD COUNT: 3746
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you are fucked. almost quite literally, at this point. with Sylus’s fingers digging into your pussy through your panties to the point where it almost hurts, a voice in the back of your head tells you to yell stop or to slow down or something, but that thought quickly gets overturned with his other hand reaching under your blouse to squeeze your breasts over your bra.
“you say you need me, yet i don’t hear specifics, Kitten,” he teases in an almost sadistic tone, or maybe it’s just what you want to think. the stupid, masochistic part of you wants him to be mean.
you grate against your teeth and throw your head back, trying to clear your mind before looking back at him. “you know what i want from you, Sylus,” you say through gritted teeth.
“you want what every woman wants from a man,” he replies, tearing your panties and stuffing it into his pocket. “i’m just asking you for your full consent.”
fuck him. he doesn’t even know he tore one of the only panties you had, now you have to wait until your next shitty paycheck to buy more. you sigh, lying your head back onto the floor of the trunk and trying to ignore the teasing trails of his fingers around your slit. you try and sit up, but Sylus keeps your back to the floor with his hand on your shoulder, glaring at you.
“you know what? i’ve had enough.”
Sylus then flips you over with ease, yanking a yelp out of you as he rests your stomach on his thighs. you turn back to him with an infuriated expression, trying to wiggle out of his hold before he leaves a god awful hand print on your ass. you yelp again, clenching your fists in pain. you know what he’s going to do, and it fills you with dread. Sylus then massages the cheek, making sure to dig his fingers into the hot and stinging skin before tapping it a few times playfully. he then uses his other hand to grip the back of your now messed up ponytail, pulling you back up to him and straining your spine.
“i’ll give you my fingers because i know goddamn well you want it, but you don’t get to say anything until i’ve had my fill,” he says into your ear with a harsh tone before throwing you back face-first onto the floor of the trunk.
and so, he does what he says. although, there’s a somewhat gentleness in his ministrations, inching one singular finger into your soaked cunt, making sure to watch your expressions for any sign of discomfort. he knows not to actually be rough like his victims, but he also knows you like toeing the line between pain and pleasure. how does Sylus know? well your cute little ass is pushing against his hand, your body begging for him to put more into you. no matter how much you deny him, Sylus knows you. eventually, slowly, he puts more in, now stuffing three fingers into your used and abused pussy like the whore you are, all the while your tear-stained cheeks sob and sob about how you can’t take anymore. your juices soak the floor of his car and down the back of it, dripping onto the concrete below and leaving a puddle. your body shakes and twitches violently as you struggle between crawling away and pushing his fingers deep into you.
“see, that wasn’t so hard, right?” he cooed, turning you back over so your back lies against the floor. he reaches out, wiping a tear from your lid and licking it with his tongue, groaning at the saltiness of your tears. “your debauchery is stunning, Sweetie.”
you weakly reach out to grip his wrist, shaking your head. you don’t know how many times you’ve cum at this point, and it’s actually starting to hurt. “i can’t… please, it- ah!- it hurts,” you cry, bucking your hips into his hand.
Sylus shushes you, pulling you into his lap and holding you still by your waist, this new angle providing him with deeper access into the walls of your pussy, the tips of his fingers pressing against the frontal wall. you clench your thighs around his wrist, shaking your head again and gripping his shirt. “just one more, i promise,” he whispers, kissing your tears away and rubbing your sides under your blouse. “make that gorgeous pussy of your cum for me one more time and i’ll stop.”
his voice is like an echo in your mind, his words muffled in your ears with how muddled your brain is. he said how many more? more? he wants more from you? you whimper, feeing the tips of his fingers brush and push against your front and scissors, stretching you out. eventually, you understand his words and muster a weak nod with the little strength you had and his smiles, kissing your forehead and praising you. he whispers into your ear with gentle promises, telling you how beautiful you are, how strong you are, how your pussy was the best thing he’s ever seen and felt. your body alone was his temple and he was your devout worshiper.
he moves his other hand down your thigh and uses his pointer finger to rub circles on your clit. first clockwise, then counterclockwise, alternating between the two and causing it to swell beneath, a silent encouragement to move faster with more fingers. you buck again, hiccuping as you cry into Sylus’s shoulder. he’s gentle with you, you know that, but this softness is agonizingly slow. he told you he wanted you to cum again but how can you do that when his ministrations are making your head spin with his sudden changes in speed? fast. slow. fast. slow. it’s all the same! you decide that it’s enough for you and you straddle him on shaky knees, causing Sylus to pause his movements and move his fingers away from your clit, gripping your hip. you want to yell at him for losing that stimulation, but you hold your tongue.
“just fuck me already,” you hiss, looking directly into his ruby eyes and pushing your hips down, biting your lip at his fingers pushing deeper inside of you.
Sylus merely chuckles at your demand, his thumb rubbing up and down your stomach. “such crude words, Kitten. who knew you could speak like that?”
you groan in frustration at his teasing, resting your forehead against his. “i know you’re hard, Sylus, so just fuck me and get this over with.”
he frowns at your words, smacking your ass again and you yelp, leaning into his shoulder. “as much as i think your demanding attitude is cute and all, i like to take my time with prey that i catch,” he explains to you, ripping his fingers out of your cunt and smacking it.
you jump, whimpering at the harsh slaps and you wrap your arms around his neck, blubbering out apologies against his skin. Sylus sighs, stroking your back and shushing you once more. it’s fine; it’s not like this will be the last time he ever fucks you again, so he doesn’t have to take that much time. he then pulls you back so you’re facing him again, moving his soaked fingers up to your mouth.
it’s a simple order, yet your mind reels at his authoritative tone and your eyes can’t help but stare at his pruned skin. you drenched him, drowned him in your slick and a sense of pride riled up in you. you keep your eyes on him as you stick your tongue out, swirling it around the digits before fully enveloping your mouth. you’ve never tasted yourself before but it’s kind of metallic, with a hint of sweetness. he grins at your expression, watching you hollow your cheeks to take his fingers deeper. if you can deepthroat his fingers, you can surely take his cock, and Sylus can feel himself straining against the confines of his jeans at the thought.
“surely a dirty slut like you can take it deeper down your throat, right?” he asks, your tummy fluttering at his degradation.
you want to please Sylus. though, when you hear his words, you can’t help but feel there’s a double entendre. you nod your head anyway, giving Sylus permission to shove his fingers past your uvula and down your throat, almost choking. tears prick your eyes again but you keep still, gripping his shirt tightly. it doesn’t last long, and when he takes his fingers back out, you cough hard to the side, trying to regain your breath.
“such a good girl for me, babydoll,” he praises, pulling you back to face him by gripping your jaw and kissing you deeply.
your head spins and your heart beats faster. the mix between degradation and praise has your mind reeling and your pussy clenching around nothing, begging to be filled once more. not by his hands but by something bigger, harder, and hotter. you gasp and pull away from his brutal kisses and push your hand into his pants, eliciting a groan from him and he quickly grips his hand around your wrist. you look down and your pussy clenches again at the difference in size of your hands, how easily your wrist fits in his hold and how probably, he could hold both of your wrists with one hand.
“easy with the paws, Kitten,” he says through a shaky breath, his cheeks flushed as he chuckles. “i’ll give you what you want.”
you frown, pawing at him again, your fingers fiddling with the belt and loosening it. “careful with your words, little bird,” you reply, giving him his own nickname and pulling the belt out of the loops with your free hand. “this kitty’s got claws and she isn’t afraid to bite.”
Sylus stares at you for a few moments, making you immediately regret your words and try to pull away out of embarrassment, but he just laughs. he quickly lets go of your wrist and binds your hands together with his belt, restraining you, before setting you on your feet and turning you over. you squeak at his actions and he moves your hands to grip the railing, effectively bending you over. the wind blows under your skirt, the coldness making you shiver and your pussy clench again. behind you, you can hear Sylus unzip his pants and shrug them down just enough to pull his cock out. curiosity buzzes in your skin and you turn your head just enough to peak over his shoulder and-
what the fuck.
you quickly turn back, your mind racing with thoughts. how can a guy even be that fucking big? is it even normal for guys to grow to that size? how the hell does he walk around with that thing in his pants? no wonder Sylus was fingering you so much - even with your own natural lubrication, there’s no way you can take him into you! you’re afraid you’ll not even get him halfway in before he realizes his mistake in choosing you to fuck him. it’s not even your fault-
you scream at his hand smacking you across the ass, sharper this time, the sound cracking throughout the empty parking lot and forest like lightning. “i would appreciate it if you aren’t in your fucking head when i fuck you, Darling,” he says with gritted teeth, holding your hip in a bruising grip.
you quickly nod your head, forcing yourself not to overthink this and just go with the flow. you know it’ll hurt if you freak out and not relax enough for him to sink into you. Sylus taps his dick on the flesh of your ass, making you jump at both the heaviness and your skin stinging. he chuckles behind you, rubbing the head up and down your slit, teasing you like the asshole he is. you want to tell him to just shove it in already, a part of you impatient and needy for his cock, while another was thankful for Sylus taking his time with you. but all this waiting finally pays off when his fat head pushes between your folds and into your soaked hole, making you bite your lip.
fuck, he’s big. he’s so fucking big.
you hiss, digging your nails into the railing as he slowly pushes into you, stretching you out like never before. you’ve fucked big dildos before, all of your previous boyfriends never reaching the places you knew made your head spin. but with Sylus? he found places within your cunt that you’ve never felt before, causing you to moan unabashedly and step on your tiptoes, fighting yourself on whether or not this invasion in your body was worth the pleasure. Sylus however, keeps you grounded with his hand on your hip, pushing your feet flat on the ground again.
he makes sure to be slow, even if every cell in his body is screaming at him to just plow into your cunt and not care if it hurts or not. he will one day, but not tonight. he wanted to savor you, to savor the warmth and wetness and tightness of your walls wrapping around him like a blanket. your body was made for him, he thinks - no - he knows you were made for him. it’s the only explanation as to how you were able to take him so easily, fitting his cock like a glove. he eventually sinks in enough to the hilt and he lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, his hips flush against your ass. Sylus’s hands grip your hips like a lifeline and he takes deep breaths in, his heart beating wildly with excitement vibrating throughout his veins. he wants to fuck you. to breed you. to fill you up and fuck the cum into you. he wants to keep you plugged up in his dick all the time.
“fucking hell, Kitten,” he all but groans behind you, moving his hands up and down your back. “you feel like heaven.”
the dichotomy in his words makes you snort but even laughing feels too much with how full you feel. it’s like you can feel his cock in your stomach, bullying his way past your intestines to fill you as much as possible. and when he pulls out and pushes back in, your breath gets caught in your throat, and you grip the railing with all your might. your juices coat his cock and drip down your thighs, making a puddle between your legs and you whimper. you weakly push back against him, trying to meet his thrusts but he holds you still, tutting his tongue.
“no, no, no, Princess, stay still for me,” he cooed, rubbing circles into your hip and setting a steady but slow pace in his thrusts. “don’t get greedy now.”
he says that but in reality, he feels as though if you meet his thrusts with yours, he’ll bust into you immediately - something that has never happened before considering how much restraint he has normally in sex. but it’s you here. it’s your angelic body that questions everything Sylus has ever thought about sex. he never thought he could be gentle; he never thought that actually taking the time to become one with someone could feel so intimate and special. your expressions, your sounds, your eyes; it makes him rethink ever wanting to fuck anyone again. a small part of him, a part he never knew of, wanted to make love to you next time. to sink you into his bed and connect with you, both body and soul. he shakes his head, cursing under his breath as you hold still like he asked. you were so good for him, so pretty and obedient. he grunts, slamming his hips against your ass and laughing breathlessly at your squeak in surprise. he looks down, watching your cunt swallow him whole and squeeze him when he pulls out. it’s like your body was begging him not to leave, to keep you full and happy. Sylus moves his hands down, using his thumb to spread your folds as he grabs your ass.
“your body is like nirvana, sweetheart, you know that?” he says gruffly, watching his cock go in and out of your soaked cunt with ease, your body now used to his size. “a fucking gift from the gods themselves.”
you moan again, your stomach fluttering at his praise and clenching around him. you look down in embarrassment, biting your lip to try and hide further noises, failing miserably.
he hisses at the tightness and leans down next to your ear. “i can feel you tightening up at my praise, doll, don’t hide from me,” he teases you, bullying his cock impossibly deeper into you and speeding up his thrusts slightly.
he fucks you like no other. bringing you to heights of pleasure you didn’t even know existed and molding your body to fit his. you’re afraid that he’s ruining you, corrupting your chances of ever finding a man who can make you soar the skies like this - you’re afraid that because of him, you won’t ever want to fuck anyone else again. how did this even happen? how in the world can one night with this man destroy any possibility of you being with any other man? you don’t know and probably won’t ever want to if it means he can fuck you like this for the rest of your life.
his hand moves from your hip to your stomach, feeling the indent of his cock inside of you and groans, resting his forehead to your shoulder. “do you feel me? do you feel my dick in your stomach like this?” he asks, pushing his fingers in the indent and causing you to gasp, nodding your head and moaning wantonly.
“i want to bite you,” he huffs, kissing across the upper part of your back and shoulders and back of your neck, sliding his tongue across your skin. “tell me i can, Princess. tell me i can mark this body of yours.”
you couldn’t even refuse him even if you wanted to and both of you knew that. Sylus then bares his fangs, sinking them into your shoulder and you hiss, surprised at his sharp his teeth were and you clench around him, the man groaning. he knew you liked pain, but god, it’s like you were fated to be bound to him. your blood tastes like the finest wine of all time, the ultimate sin a man can make and Sylus wanted to drink you dry. your blood spills from his bite and down your arm, but he catches it in time with his finger, not wanting to waste a drop. he laps at the wound, kissing over it and moving to the other side, sinking his fangs back into your neck. even if it hurt, it was like some kind of magic that flowed from his fangs into your bloodstream, dizzying you and melting you into him. fireworks light up in your cells and your skin tingles with frenzied tremors. he marks up your skin with bite marks and hickeys, puncture wounds in your shoulder and neck and upper arm, he drank from you like a starved man because he was. the hunger that Sylus felt all this time was hunger for you, for your blood, for your body that made him feel alive and whole again.
“give me this fucking cunt,” he growled into your ear, his thrusts now harsh and unforgiving, bruising your hip with one hand as he smacked your ass once more, gripping the other hip to steady himself. “i fucking earned this and you know i have, you know i deserve to do whatever i want with this damn body.”
“i know,” you wheezed, your breath stuck in your throat and you nod, tears pricking your eyes. “all yours. fuck, fuck, fuck!”
hearing you curse without restraint has Sylus grinning with pride, and he rewards you with his right hand hooking around you, using two of his fingers to circle your clit, relishing in your buck against him and loud moan. he feels you tightening, that all to familiar coil in your abdomen threatening to spring and explode everywhere. he keeps his thrusts steady and at the same tempo, encouraging you to cum around his cock, to give him your orgasm.
“you can do it, i gotcha, cum for me,” he says, kissing your cheek and wrapping his hand around your throat, pulling your back flush against his chest. “this orgasm is mine. i made you this dripping fucking wet on purpose. i want it. i earned it.”
this causes the coil inside you to snap and you all but screamed, gushing like a waterfall and squirting around his cock, causing Sylus to grit his teeth, groaning into your neck. “that’s it. atta-fucking-girl. fucking cream all over this dick.”
his orgasm is not that far behind, and Sylus forces you still and just take it. even with you begging him to slow down and that you were to sensitive, he just covers your mouth to silence you and chases after his own high, finally slamming you onto him as he cums inside you. his cum is thick and heavy and hot. you can feel him filling your womb and all up inside you, spilling down your thighs and mixing with your own arousal. your eyes roll back and you shiver against him, ragged and uneven breaths clawing out of your lungs and through your nose, spots of light blurring vision.
he then sits down in the car, moving his hand down from your mouth to wrap both arms around your waist. you splutter and cough up a storm, your body struggling between not having enough oxygen and having too much. but he keeps you still, allowing you to gracefully fall down from your high, steadying his own uneven breaths. the silence between the two of you is comforting, a silent contentment of what just happened and acceptance.
what happened tonight is something you’ll remember forever. your body now forever tainted and manipulated into only being satisfied with this dangerous and powerful man called “Sylus”. a sinner who dragged you out of the pearly gates to fall into the depths of hell.
and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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gay-dorito-dust · 6 days
wahhhh reading that hurts me 😭 could you please write a part 2 where they all find out that it was bill who possessed reader?
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Tag list: @babypeapoddd @i-am-tiredd @sly-thou-pookie @x-seyaa @sweetlumpkinseedlin @kawaii1369 @roo024 @lightmaren
Part 1 right here
‘What?’ Ford asked.
Bill cackled. ‘For someone as smart as you sixer, you sure are stupid as not to notice the obvious signs of whenever I’m possessing someone. I mean out of everyone you should know better.’
Ford clenches his jaw. All this time he had thought you had betrayed him when in actually you had been loyal to him and his family, up until he and his brother ostracised you even more then you already were for the past thirty years. He made you feel like shit, and he could tell that Stanley felt the same amount of guilt as he clenched his fists in silent anger; Ford then levels Bill with a glare. ‘You possessed y/n! My assistant!’ He roared at his once muse.
Bill only chuckles. ‘Correction!WAS your assistant Stanford! And pushed you through the portal whilst wearing the face is someone you cared for,’ Bill then gasps as he looked at the guilt ridden faces of the Pines Family and feeling the joy bubble up in his triangular body, the look of defeat and realisation was all too sweet, ‘Oh wait! Someone you once cared for before throwing them out like they were nothing to you, not once letting them the space to explain what had happened and how I tricked them into making a deal with me.’ He finished by pretending to wipe a tear from his one eye after cackling some more at the hilarity of the situation.
Humans loved to cause more problems within problems they didn’t fully handle properly as they stockpiled on top of each other, giving him the leeway to get what he wants without issue or confrontation from the pathetic family.
Possessing you during a brotherly squabble was perfect! Ford had cut all ties with him and decided to call upon his idiotic brother- as though that would’ve ever worked in any timeline- to help hide his work but when things didn’t go Ford’s way, they fought. You were trying to stop the fight and bill took advantage of that by claiming he could help you stop the fight, fat chance, he was going to make it worse and leave you to be his scapegoat! It was a brilliant plan to make up for multiple set backs thanks to Ford’s sudden realisation of his hermit tendencies, everything was out in place for the ultimate betrayal by the hands of Ford’s assistant; you!
Bill found that Tragedy was at its finest when the betrayal comes from someone you love and it did.
‘They didn’t-‘ Ford began.
‘Say anything?’ Bill interrupts, causing Ford and Stan to glare at him as the demon cackle as he got in close to their shared triangle shaped prison, staring them down with his one eye, unblinking. ‘You and your piece of shit brother over here didn’t even let them speak! Never less believe them when they were telling the truth!’ He roared, ‘and now you don’t know whether they’re even alive so that you can apologise to them!’
Mabel slams against the bars of hers and dippers prison. ‘they’re alive!’ She shouts and Bill now looks at her, amused.
‘How can you be so sure shooting star? For all you know they could be dead, cursing your grunkles names as they die with an unsatisfying end.’ Bill mocked her as she falters in her resolve, he was right, how could she be certain that you were alive when Gravity Falls was literally on fire and demons from another dimension were running amok? She couldn’t and that’s what upset her the most.
‘Because we know our great aunt/uncle better than you bill and we know they’re alive!’ Dipper pips up this time as he laid a reassuring hand on his sister’s shoulder, smiling at her as she smiled back at him in thanks for having her back. Bill looks at the twins, hating their optimism and hope that you were okay and decided to destroy this by reaching into thin air and producing a realistic illusion of your unmoving body before them.
‘Are you so sure now pine tree? They don’t look very much alive to me!’ Bill exclaims as Mabel, Dipper, Stan and Ford could only look up the body that Bill claimed was yours in disbelief and shock. This couldn’t be how it ended, could it? They still had to apologise to you after all for everything and make it up to you however you wished!
‘No, no this is some foul trick of yours bill!’ Ford screamed as he threw himself against the bars, forcing himself not to cry at the sight of your body while seething with rage and a need to avenge your supposed death. ‘You sick son of a bitch!’ Stanley joined in as he felt even more useless than ever, he felt the most guilt out of everyone as his eyes seemed to refused to move from your supposed body. You couldn’t be dead, he refused to believe such bullshit lies, you were still alive and fighting with the rest of them! He knew it, deep down in his heart he knew it to be true!
‘No.’ Mabel cried as she tried to reach out to you as Dipper held her while silently crying himself, vowing to take down bill now more than ever as he tugged his hat down to cover his eyes. You were the most encouraging person he’s ever met and now you were gone, you asked him and Mabel to trust you when contemplating to stay with Stan, and they did believe and they never regretted doing so because you were right! You were always right and yet in the end you died thinking they hated you more than anything; which wasn’t true! Far from it and now…now they can’t make it up to you, they had lost their chance.
Bill had won over the pines family once again.
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holllandtrash · 1 year
in you, i trust | mick schumacher social media au
pairing: mick schumacher x reader
after the it couple of formula 1 go months without any interactions, the fans start to speculate what's going on. there's no way mick and you are over...right?
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liked by jemmaf1, formula1wags and 23,403 others
tagged: dbook & yourusername
wagupdatesf1 (ex?)Girlfriend of Mercedes Reserve Driver, Mick Schumacher seen with a man during her Cabo trip - pictures taken 14 hours apart
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orangelando "with a man" YOU MEAN DEVIN BOOKER
44hamilton how does she go from f1 driver and certified lover boy mick to a phoenix suns basketball player HOW DO THEY EVEN KNOW EACH OTHER
mickisbabyboy so does this mean her and mick are over...? 🥺
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michschumacher added to their story
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liked by riabish, lissiemackintosh and 54,203 others
yourusername i'm doing better than i ever was
view all 59 comments
schumyys only here to see if mick commented
boxboxpls remember when mick used to comment 500 heart eye emojis i miss those days
sebbymick am i reading into the caption too much or is this her fr announcing she's single
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liked by mickschumacher, mercedesamgf1 and 580,024 others
f1 Mick Schumacher is going to drive father Michael's @mercedesamgf1 W02 from the 2011 season at the Goodwood Festival of Speed! ✨
Now this, is special 🥹
view all 892 comments
mercedesamgf1 can't wait to see it!!
formulafanclub sooo exciting!!! complimentary tissues better be given with each ticket purchase
wtf1jemma so if yn doesn't show up to the goodwood festival of speed then we know something's up
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liked by yourusername, lewishamilton and 312,384 others
tagged: lewishamilton & georgerussell
mercedesamgf1 Blimey! It’s British GP Race Week at Silverstone. ❤️🤍💙
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lewishamilton ❤️
lightsoutmick if y/n isn't there this weekend i will actually throw myself onto the track at lights out she HAS to be there
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liked by landonorris, mickschumacher and 36,024 others
yourusername good vibes good friends good city
view all 236 comments
whoislewis it has officially been 5 months since we got any mick content from y/n
formulanever no i think it's been 6
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mickschumacher added to their story
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liked by mickschumacher, dbook and 76,203 others
yourusername As many of you know, I spent majority of 2021 and 2022 traveling the world with Mick for formula 1. Because of that, my life was put on hold. While I cherish those days, I lost sight of who I was. 
Six months ago, Mick and I amicably decided to take a break. While the decision wasn’t easy, it was what was best for both of us as we both were in transitional points in our lives. During this time, I have traveled the world, for myself, and started to journal what I learned from locals, friends and strangers. Early on into this journey, I realized that my experiences were something that should be shared as I know we all go through times times when we feel lost and unsure of who we are. 
‘In Me, I Trust’ is available now and is a collection of my stories, thoughts and advice. I hope you take what you need from it ♡ 
view all 728 comments
dbook 10/10 stars
yourusername dev you're only saying that because there's a whole page dedicated to you dbook only a page??? i thought i had a whole chapter
slowdowninthepits SHE WAS WRITING A BOOK THIS WHOLE TIME!! sneaky sneaky
kissformick wait so does this mean her and mick are officially over 🥺🥺🥺 we really are children of divorce
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liked by yourusername, danielricciardo and 414,500 others
mickschumacher worth the wait
view all 1,303 comments
0304mclarenss stop did y/n really send him a personalized copy im sobbing
ricciardoscafe "much like this book has found its way to you, i know my love will too" THAT MEANS THEY'RE GETTING BACK TOGETHER RIGHT?? RIGHT???/ SAY YES RIGHT NOW
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liked by mercedesamgf1, dbook and 73,22 others
tagged: mickschumacher
yourusername in you, i trust
view all 833 comments
mickschumacher did you re-name your book?
yourusername no that's the sequel, limited copies though, probably just for your eyes only
mcnorris all is right in the world!! mom and dad are reunited!!!
lovelylewis only y/n would write a book on being single and how to grow while being alone and then go right back to mick
formulanever i don't blame her
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haven't done a smau in a while, hope ya'll liked it ♡
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uncouth-the-fifth · 5 months
good morning, charlie - Leon Kennedy/Reader
read it on Ao3.
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Pairing: Agent!Leon/Detective!Wife!Reader Tags: domestic fluff with the tiniest dustings of background angst, married life, hugging, kissing, and snuggling. Words: 3k (yes, I'm capable of keeping something this short) Notes: read this in a WWE announcer voice: THAT'S RIGHT! UNCOUTH HAS COME CRASHING BACK INTO THE RING AFTER YET ANOTHER MONTHS-LONG HIATUS. i'm magical, truly. here is the first Leon fic I promised last month! There's so much I want to say about this little drabble, but I'll save that for my curious ppl on Ao3. this is going to be a big 180 from my spn content, and I sincerely hope that's okay with the public 😭 for my RE people: enjoy domestic Leon bullshit!
At two in the morning, Washington D.C. is pouring everything it has into crafting the coziest atmosphere of all time. A pleasant window-tapping storm had rolled in right around when you resolved to stay up working. Some late-night radio host is making soft, fizzing chatter in the next room, and coupled with a stellar view of the city from fancy floor-to-ceiling windows, you have a prime opportunity to pass the fuck out.
Unfortunately, you have made some spectacular life choices that don’t mix well with a full night’s rest. Nope, no sleep for you. Despite all of fate’s attempts to stop you from being a cop, (including throwing a city-wide outbreak at you on your first day), you are still here, gripping your job with both hands. At two in the damn morning.
Since scrubbing your eyes hadn’t woken you up the first five times you tried it, you give it another shot as you pace the length of your living room rug—from the coffee table you’ve stacked with files, then back to the whiteboard pasted top-to-bottom with pictures of missing young women. The whiteboard had been Leon’s idea. After the fourth time you’d transformed a flattened cardboard box into a morbid case-board for work, he’d cajoled you into letting him buy one for the apartment.
But I won’t be able to stab the tacks into it, you’d pouted.
Oh, the agony, your husband had drawled. He was a master of delivering a good, dry look.
You’d propped your fists on your hips and tried your best to look serious. The red yarn connecting everything isn’t just a detective-movie thing, y’know! It’s actually really useful. And I need my tacks to stick the yarn in—
Leon had cut cleanly through your building sass with another look, this time one glimmering with humor. Then I’ll get you magnetic ones, detective. Don’t you use whiteboards at the precinct anyway?
You’d grumbled. Because, yes, you did use whiteboards at the station, and they did have the little tacks with the magnets on the bottom. But you’d refused to deal with Leon being all smug (he was unbearable pretty when he was right), and had teased back instead, Whatever, nerd. Why don’t you and the other two angels go call Charlie already?
The reference had gone clean over Leon’s head. Of course, he hated being left out of a joke, so he’d roped you over by your wrist and pinched an explanation out of you until you were squealing with giggles.
Summarizing Charlie’s Angels to Leon had been a lot like offering a paper rocketship to an aerospace engineer. But, hey, picturing him running around in skimpy outfits and escaping action movie explosions on a motorcycle is a whole lot more fun than… than the real deal.
You don’t want to think about what his missions are really like. Not that you’re even allowed to know in the first place. Being Leon’s wife permits you a government-issued phone with his handler’s number, and on antsy days you can push Ingrid for details if you want. But after so long you’ve learned it only hurts both of you—for her, in the inability to answer, and for you, in the excruciating pain of being unable to know. Where is he? That’s classified.
She can’t always tell you when he’s coming home, either. So much of your life is hinged on her check-ins, and even more is forced to live off a simple, He’s okay.
For the seventh time, you scrub at your tired eyes and suck in a deep breath. You’d gotten that fabled text from Hunnigan—he’s okay—earlier today, and like always you crawled through the rest of your shift roiling with anticipation, waiting for Leon to materialize back into your life.
You force your gaze back to the whiteboard, littered with notes and pictures hung up with magnetic tacks. The faces of five missing women bore back. The ten-ton weight of your caseload slams down in full, and again, you scold yourself for floating back into comforting memories of your husband. These girls have lost all comfort in the world since they were taken. Your Captain gave you the responsibility of finding them, and after all you’ve been through, after all the other cases you’ve closed, there can’t be any room for failure. Think.
Your legs ache from being on your feet all day, chasing leads, but dropping into Leon’s armchair for even an instant will just have you nodding off again. More pacing it is, then. This is your pattern for the next half-hour: pace, re-read witness statements, turn, sip your coffee, pace, cross-reference alibis. He’s okay. Two of the girls were taken from Queen’s Chapel, two from Takoma, one from Woodridge. He’s fine. The last victim breaks the profile. What’s different about her? Why take her? Think think think— You know what Leon would do. He was the kind of person you could put in front of a problem, and no matter what he would find a way to shoulder his way through. With physical force, sure, but mental force too. He would sit and just look at the puzzle, and sheer willpower would lead him to some kind of answer. But you’d been pushing and pushing for days now, pursuing every lead, pressing every witness, yet nothing will give. The whole thing feels like a punching bag you’re beating at over and over again, knuckles raw and bloody—
Keys rattle just outside the front door.
First the big deadbolt scrapes open, unlatching with a heavy thud, and that sound alone is enough to shock you awake. More than any coffee could. Then comes the doorknob. Leon hasn’t even turned his key before you’ve twisted the lock open, yanked the door out of your way, and sent it whipping into the jamb with his keyring still swinging from its slot. You give him one full blink to register that it’s you before you’re throwing yourself on him without a single lick of shame, legs and all.
Of course, Leon bears your weight with grace. He grunts out an oof! when you come in for landing, and the living, breathing sound drains into one gruff laugh. You’re scooped up under the thighs and teddy bear squeezed against him. He reeks of cheap motel soap and something faintly coppery—then mint, a whole world of plush, wet spearmint when he nudges your face up with his nose and lays a hello kiss on you. The taste of his gum and the scratch of his stubble on your chin make your skin feel like it’s fizzing, inside-burning-out, every inch of you stood on end by his static charge. Jesus, this guy. He feels like fucking magic, and you’re confident that the laws of physics don’t quite apply around him. Everything in the room, in the too-big apartment that’s painfully empty without him in it, tilts toward Leon.
You shove your face nose-first into his neck and clutch the back of his jacket in both fists. Swallowing hard, you manage, “Hey, angel.”
“Good morning, Charlie,” Leon says.
If you had any resolve for today left in you at all, the wash of his sizzling butter voice would squash the last of it. You’d been trying to be sweet, but your husband has to be funny about fucking everything, of course. Even after weeks spent apart. You love him so fucking much.
“Don’t tell me you found time to watch that stupid movie.” Your voice is muffled by his coat, and you’re grateful for an excuse to hide.
You’re moving. Leon carries you inside, his wedding band pressing into your leg and his other big, warm hand spooned around your back. “Boring plane ride. I wanted to get your jokes.”
Your front door is toed shut, and with all the efficient maneuvering of a proper agent, Leon gets the place locked up behind you. Somewhere in all the commotion he’d dropped his go-bag by the welcome mat, and you hear the dramatic thunk, thunk, of his fancy work loafers being kicked off beside it. Only then does he slip you onto your own feet again.
Your hands slide down his arms as you make contact with the floor. Somewhere in the back of your mind you’re aware that he’s damp from the rain, but that fact hangs in the little alternate universe he’s made in your front hall. Standing there and being able to look at him straight-on, Leon doesn’t feel real. It’s like your constant thoughts of him have manifested a ghost in his shape, mimicking the smiley rookie you remember.
He greets you with a quiet, beaten-down smile, and you understand immediately that the world has thrown its fair share of punches at him, too. You’ve both had a shit week. The Kennedy surname just brims with good luck, huh?
Your hands work on autopilot as you take him in, slipping under the fabric of his jacket and lingering over his thudding heart. His warm blue gaze swims over your face, and you can almost hear the clicking mechanisms in his head as he forces himself out of operative mode and into home mode by looking at you.
“It’s a really bad movie,” you say, choked up.
Leon’s jacket hits the floor with his shoes. There’s a swath of ugly, purpling bruises crawling up his bare arm, old enough to be greening at the edges, and your stomach churns when you see it.
He taps your chin up, pulling you away from the damage and back on him. His voice rolls over you like bourbon in a glass. “Absolutely. So-bad-it’s-good, even. We should watch it, make fun of it together. Like, why the hell does…”
Leon flawlessly falls into an analysis of the movie’s poorly-written espionage elements. The movie you made one offhand joke about several weeks ago, mind you. He’s pulling at straws, saying whatever the hell comes to mind to make you laugh, so exhausted he’s literally swaying on his feet. You can’t believe he’s trying to distract you with something so trivial, but this is your husband. One flash of that weary closed-mouth smile, one brush of those callused hands down your wrists, and your whole world resumes its orbit around him.
You laugh at the jokes he’s obviously crafted for your benefit, a weak chuckle your heart isn’t in. With his hands looped around your wrists, he guides your arms around his neck and welcomes you back into the toasty bubble of his touch. Leon’s even warmer from being tucked underneath his coat. Pure goodness and safety glows off him like a fucking nuclear reactor, and it dawns on you that you haven’t felt safe at all since he left. Anyone can be plucked off the streets here.
One more scratchy kiss and then he’s leading you deeper into your apartment. No one on Earth would believe that he’s a chatty guy, but he talks the whole way through. Too often he’s left to sit in his own mind on missions, and you’re treated to two week’s worth of his backlog in the next ten minutes. All the little things he wanted to say to you. The streams of smart-mouth commentary he was famous for at the academy are all inner monologue now, but you’re confident the Leon radio show still runs twenty four hours a day. He chatters so much in his head that it slips out of him like water sometimes—
“…that close to an explosion would disintegrate you, but fuck physics I guess—“ Leon interrupts his own flow of thought to squint at you. “Quit looking at me like that. It’s unfair how pretty you are when you’re tired. What was I—not like the laws of physics apply to that movie anyway, but…”
—and you’re stupidly charmed by it. He talks to comfort himself, and because the two of you are one unit, one person to him, he does the same for you.
With your hand tethered in his, he clicks off the radio in the kitchen. One of Leon’s side-stories replaces the random late-night station that’d been playing, floating over the din of the rain like bass over relaxing drums. He pours out the dregs of your coffee. He closes the files full of gruesome crime scene photos on your coffee table, and you watch, barely able to keep your head up, as he flips your whiteboard over to its blank side. You’ll get his second opinion on the case tomorrow.
Leon sweeps the place with you in tow, and once the security system’s armed and you’re almost sagging against him, the lights come off. Though you’ve had plenty of time to adjust to the Leon that returned home from training, you’ll never get used to the little alien ticks it’s given him. He navigates to your bedroom in complete blackness. He avoids the creaky floorboard just outside your door without seeing, deathly silent. The broad presence of him looms in the dark.
One wall of the bedroom is nothing but paneled glass, throwing a long square of dark blue moonlight over your rumpled comforter. While the view of the Potomac and Capital Hill is stellar from up here, you’ve always felt out of place among the things Leon’s generous salary has earned the two of you: a flat with a private elevator in the nice part of town, fresh-off-the-press sports cars, a getaway cabin up north. So much of it you end up enjoying by yourself. It only ever feels worth it when he’s here, smacking his elbow into the digital wall-panel that controls your A/C.
“—s’ supposed to be a touch screen,” he sidebars himself for the tenth time. Softer, Leon adds, “Brush your teeth. I’ll be right there.”
You rope your arms around his middle and press your face into the heart of his back, careful of the bruises he’s doing his best to hide. “Wanna wait for you.”
Leon doesn’t protest. There’s more little beeps as he screws with the temperature of your mattress or something, deciding, “We live in a damn spaceship. Are we too good for plain old-fashioned buttons now?”
Apparently you are, since old man Leon fails to figure out how to crank the heat up. You let him play with it for a little while longer (it’s not his fault he’s rarely home), and then intervene with a few quick taps when things get dire. The heater hums to life under the floor a beat later, and he turns in your grip to scoff, mystified by your vast and incredible knowledge.
“My smart girl,” he hums.
Just that is enough to chip off a piece of your strength. Had he said that to you over the phone, a million miles away in god-knows-where, your knees would buckle. He is the only one who talks to you like that—with so much simple, uncomplicated love. Too tired to put your thoughts into words, you flatten a hand over his heart and kiss the sun-freckled nape of his neck.
“Clingy,” Leon mutters. You’re pretty sure it’s supposed to sound dry and funny, another one of his jokes. But then he’s smoothing both of his palms down your arms in two long handsy swaths, and the gesture tells you everything about just how clingy he’s feeling, too.
His stories make getting ready for bed an even slower affair. You couldn’t mind if you wanted to. As you help him out of his starchy dress-shirt button by button, he surprises you with a rare explanation of where he’s been for the last weeks. The UK. Truly, your husband is the special secret agent to end all special secret agents: he talks around his job as if it was a bump he’d hit on the way home, entertaining you instead with his Leon-ified vision of London. Touristy as shit. Loud as shit. Smelled like shit.
“Just like DC,” he chuckles, and then a second time when your fluffy head pops through the collar of the sleep shirt he’s dressing you in.
It’s too much rough, cinnamon spice laughter for one woman to stand. You duck away to brush your teeth and groan into your palms like a schoolgirl over him, but sure enough, Leon trails you, fingers chasing the hem of your shirt (his shirt) in a sleepy daze. He always keeps you in view. Nervous, maybe, to have you out of his sight.
This tradition continues when the two of you crawl into bed. Your eyes have adjusted to the darkness, and so has your body, able to sense him on the stupidly expensive mattress beside you. He thinks you can’t tell, but his gaze roves over you again and again—down your back when you flop face-first into the plush bedding, over the slope of your shoulder when you wiggle under the covers. Leon draws you into the glorious halo of his body heat with a gentle hand on your belly. If you could bottle this feeling, the whole world would be sick and stupid for him in hours. Minutes even.
You feel so safe that the word doesn’t even come to mind. Just vague, peaceful shapes of things you know, home, sleep, cologne, cozy. His work-rough palm with his body-warm wedding band slips under your tee to sweep over your ribs. Then comes Leon’s face, just on the right side of stubbly as he shoves it between your shoulder blades without a single lick of shame. The breath he takes of you is so heavy that his whole frame shudders with it, top to bottom.
You remember how you’d burrowed into his jacket the second he got home and think, You are me and I am you. We’re always on the same page.
With that, the stage is set. DC’s faraway glittering cityscape lights up all the raindrops on your window, and you watch them run as the two of you melt into one another. Leon’s warm breaths slow across your neck. Time for you to deliver your line.
You wet your lips and murmur into your pillow, “Do you want to talk about your mission?”
Legally, he can’t say yes. Government secrets, bureaucracy, yadda yadda. Leon isn’t always emotionally ready to crack open a coffin he’s just finished sealing, either, but while it is his job to close your case files for the night, you’re his wife. You’re the only person who can knock on that door. With how little choice he has left in his life, you try to give him options whenever you can. Regardless, you know the man you married—strong-willed on a mythical fucking level, and just as self-sacrificing. He’ll always try to spare you.
Sure enough, Leon says, “Tomorrow. Do you want to talk about your case?”
You shake your head at him, exhausted to the point of dizziness. “Tomorrow.”
A tender kiss is pressed to the nape of your neck, and the whole world goes silent for the perfect, husky whisper you’ve ached to hear. You feel his wry smile against your skin. “We’re always on the same page, baby.”
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spideystevie · 2 months
bad for business
summary: steve’s good for your heart but he’s really bad for business word count: 4.5k a/n: me every time i post after being mia for months: who’s missed me! this was technically supposed to be inspired by bad for business by sabrina carpenter and then suddenly it wasn’t. not even sure there’s much of a plot but alas! also feel a little rusty at this right now, it’s been a while since i’ve really written anything but i’ve missed steve a crazy insane amount. love you, miss you, hope you all enjoy this <3
You’re late. You’re never late. 
The bell above the door to Dottie’s jingles as you hurry inside. Your fingers work on muscle memory to tie your apron around your waist as you slide through the mismatched seating arrangements inside the diner to get to the back office. 
You’re not sure if the way your stomach flips is from it being full of a single gulp of coffee or because it’s more than an hour past when you should’ve been here. The time punch on your card reads 9:07 am and your stomach lurches. Definitely not the coffee. 
It’s a Sunday, arguably your busiest day in the diner and arguably the worst day for you to show up like this. No doubt Dottie has noticed but you’re hoping against hope that she didn’t. God, what are you going to tell her?
Sorry Dottie! My super hot, super charming boyfriend wouldn’t let me out of bed this morning! Won’t happen again! 
Your face feels warm, like you’ve just spent an extensive amount of time in the sun in the middle of July. You knew you shouldn’t have stayed over last night, but you were so tired and Steve’s couch is way more comfier than yours. It really doesn’t help that his bed isn’t any different. 
“Lots of traffic this morning?” you jump, notepad falling out of your hand. Susan starts to snicker as you drop down to pick it up. There’s a smirk on her face when you rise to full height. Her blonde hair is pulled back into a ponytail and her name tag is crooked on her apron. You’re not sure you’d consider Susan one of your closest friends but you find yourselves pulled together considering she’s the only other young person working here. 
“Oh you know…,” your voice rises in pitch and you clear your throat, hitching one shoulder up to your ear in a shrug. “Sometimes you just hit every red.”
Susan’s eyes narrow. There’s only one working light on your usual route to work. Coming from Steve’s adds only two. Not to mention, you didn’t drive yourself today. Steve dropped you off, promising to pick you up at 4 on the dot when your shift ended. Susan pops her gum in her mouth, not convinced with your fib.
“Yeah. Now if you’ll excuse me, Cliff is waiting for me in his usual booth,” you hurry past before she can ask you anything incriminatory. You hear Dottie before you see her, on your way to grab the coffee pot. 
“You feeling okay, sweetie? You’re normally here right on the dot. An hour isn’t like you.”
Dottie’s older than most and she’s been running the diner outside Hawkins for a whopping 30 years now. She hangs out behind the counter and loves to chat with the regulars and get to know those just passing through. With rosy cheeks and gray streaked hair almost always pulled out of her face in a bun, she’s almost like another mom with how long you’ve been working here. 
You snag the excuse she basically throws you out of the air. 
“Had a bit of a rough night, but I’m feeling a lot better now, Dot. Didn’t realize I had overslept until I heard the birds chirping outside. It won’t happen again,” you say. 
You didn’t oversleep actually. Whatever natural circadian clock inside of you wakes you up at almost the same time every workday but Steve can be quite convincing when he wants to be. Your heart does a little sigh of his name. Steve. You swallow and try to blink away the image of him.
Dottie gives you a sympathetic smile with a concerned tilt of the head, taking your flustered mannerisms and the way you wipe your palms against the sides of your jeans as lingering symptoms of whatever she thinks ailed you last night. She squeezes your bicep, the press of her mixed metal rings cool against your skin.
“Take it easy today, okay? You let me know if you need anything.”
“Course, Dottie. Thank you,” you give her a smile and grab the coffee pot. 
Cliff sits at the same spot every morning. A little booth along the window wall, three down from the door to the diner. He looks a bit rough around the edges, his coat well loved and worn and his hands weathered from years of hard work. He’s worn the same baseball cap every time you’ve seen him and he’s always got a copy of the morning paper open and propped in front of his face. 
He spots you out of the corner of his eye and scoots his empty mug closer to the table’s edge. You smile and pour the coffee, leaving enough room for his two packets of Sweet ‘n’ Low to be stirred in. 
“Anything new this morning, Cliff?” 
You’ve only known Cliff on his own, but you know he used to come with his late wife Winnie for coffee every morning before she passed. He’d summarize the big news and events and she’d do the crosswords on the back. Now, you let him summarize to you and he leaves the paper on the table for you. You do the crosswords on your break. 
“Same old, same old. They’re thinking about rebuilding the mall that burned down in Hawkins a few summers ago. You hear anything about that?” He sets the paper down to the right of his coffee mug and grabs two pink packets of sweetener. You watch him tear the paper and pour them in. When he looks at you, you shake your head. 
“First time I’m hearing of it. My boyfriend used to work there before it…you know,” you mention, unable to stop the morsel of information from slipping out. A twinkle sparks in Cliff’s eye, a small smile on his face as he diverts his attention back to his mug. The spoon he’s stirring with clinks against the coffee stained ceramic walls. 
“Are you ever gonna bring this boyfriend of yours around here so I can actually see that he’s real?” He’s teasing, tapping the handle of the spoon against the rim of the mug and setting it in the gap between the coffee and the newspaper. You roll your eyes but a smile lifts your cheeks. 
“I don’t know if that’d be too good for business around here,” you joke. 
“And was he the reason you were late giving me my coffee this morning?” He's quick to cover his smirk with the coffee mug as he takes a sip. Your mouth falls agape and you fluster, shaking your head and laughing shakily. 
“Ha ha, very funny, Cliff. No, he was not. There was traffic!” Cliff makes a face at this and you don’t blame him. Has the traffic excuse ever worked for living in a small town, you wonder. “And I had a rough night and accidentally overslept, is all.”
He grabs his morning paper again and opens it up. “Whatever you say, sweetheart.”
The rest of the morning starts to fly by in a blur. You recite your favorites off the menu to a couple passing through from Chicago. Refill Cliff’s coffee twice, each time dodging whatever he tries to insinuate about your tardiness this morning. Sneak an extra pancake onto little Sofie’s plate with a wink. The early morning breakfast rush blows through and things start to quiet down. 
You’re wiping down the table adjacent to Cliff’s booth. His mug is empty and he’s left the paper for you like usual. The bell rings as he opens the door to leave. 
“See you tomorrow, Cliff!” you call after him and he raises a hand in a wave as he walks through the door, thanking the young man that holds it for him. 
You have to do a double take as you swipe the paper off the table. It’s not just any young man in passing holding the door, no it’s Steve coming inside Dottie’s. It’s Steve standing at the entrance in his usual Levi’s and a white tee with sleeves that seem to strain around his biceps with windswept hair and a bright smile when he sees you. 
There goes your heart again with the sigh of his name. Steve. Though maybe this time you think it was your voice instead, airy and soft. You can’t believe he’s here. It’s nowhere near 4’o’clock. You’re aware of Dottie’s eyes on you behind the counter and Susan’s from across the diner and nearly every regular scattered about as well. 
Your knees wobble at the sight of him, the disbelief fading away and giddy smile falling into place as he meets you next to Cliff’s booth. Cliff, who’s standing outside the diner and staring and you worry he might come back inside to hound you and insist you introduce him, but he doesn’t. 
Steve wraps an arm around your waist, fingers hot against the side of your stomach through the layers of your apron and shirt, and dips to press a kiss to your cheek in greeting. There’s a rush of a swoon that goes down to your toes, the bulk of it getting stuck in your abdomen and swirling like crazy.
You’re in the middle of a greasy old diner but Steve’s somehow tucked you away from prying eyes and into your own little safety bubble. He’ll be the death of you one day. Your heart’ll just keep expanding until it can’t fit inside your ribcage anymore and has no choice but to explode from adoration and kill you. 
“What are you doing here?” you wonder aloud, eyes scanning all around his face, taking in every freckle and crinkle and mole. You pause for a minute on his lips and then you blink and find his eyes. He’s smiling at you, in a way that tells you he caught that and you feel struck by that feeling of being caught in the July sun again. He looks around the diner and everyone’s attention goes back to what they were doing before.
“Thought I’d surprise you! Also, it’s supposed to rain later and you didn’t take a jacket so I brought you one.”
Only then do you notice the gray fabric in his other hand and your heart twists and flips and oh god, you think this might be the moment it explodes. He presses it into your hands, the newspaper crinkling against it. 
“What’s that?” he asks as you go to thank him. Your brow cinches for a minute before it smooths in comprehension.
“Oh! Cliff,” you point towards the door he’d just walked through, “one of the regulars, leaves the paper behind for me every morning so I can do the crosswords. A little tradition we’ve got going on.”
“A tradition? Should I be concerned?” He jokes and you laugh. 
“Oh, definitely. Cliff’s your biggest competition,” you throw back and now it’s his turn to laugh. A glittering light fills your chest. You glance over to where Dottie is engaged in conversation with a middle aged woman just passing through. She can’t hear you from this far but you drop your voice nonetheless. “No but, he did give me a bit of a hard time about his coffee being almost an hour late this morning.”
At your pointed look and sly smile, Steve winces, fingers pressing a quick squeeze against your side. An embarrassed blush blooms on his cheeks, bridging across his nose. “Right. Sorry.”
“Forgiven,” you lean up to press the quickest flash of a kiss to his cheek. You wrap your arms around the newspaper and jacket, holding them to your chest. “Do you wanna sit for a minute? I can get you some coffee? Although be warned, Dottie might come up and talk to you.”
His arm drops from around your waist and he nods. “Yeah. Yeah, coffee sounds great.”
You smile and motion him into Cliff’s booth. When he sits, he insists on holding onto the jacket and newspaper for you and you let him. He watches you take Cliff’s mug away and walk to Dottie behind the counter to get him a fresh one.
Dottie bumps her hip with yours as you pass and you give her a look. The pot’s nearly empty and you wait the few minutes it takes for it to fill, eyes catching on Steve while you wait. He’s stopped staring and has instead taken interest in the comics in the paper. 
“He’s handsome,” Dottie’s voice snaps you back into your senses. You glance at her and she’s got a special look in her eyes to match the smile on her face. You check the coffee pot that’s filling up quicker than normal. But your focus drifts back over to Steve, who senses your gaze and looks over to you and flashes a big grin. 
“Yeah,” you sigh, “he is.”
Dottie looks between the two of you and then takes a look around the diner. It’s not the usual Sunday hustle and bustle, post early breakfast rush and the impending rain could be the indicator for that. She's got Susan and Judy’ll be coming in any minute now and Pam right after at 12. When she looks back at you, you’re watching the last few drops of coffee fall into the pot. 
“Take the rest of the day,” Dottie says. Your eyes snap up to meet hers over the coffee pot between you.
“Go sit and have coffee with that boy of yours and then go home,” it doesn’t sound like a suggestion, more like an order but you look around the diner and hesitate. 
“Dottie, it's Sunday. I can’t just leave this early on our busiest day of the week.”
“There’ll be other Sundays busier than this one. And you need your rest after the night you had. We’ll be okay, now go,” she pushes. You bite back a smile as you relent, kissing Dottie on the cheek as you pass with the full coffee pot and two mugs gripped tightly in your other hand. She shakes her head watching you cross back to the third booth from the door. 
Steve lights up when you enter his line of sight but his brow furrows at the two mugs held in your left hand. You set them on the table and fill them both with the fresh coffee before setting the pot down on the table. He watches you slide into the empty spot in front of him. The same place you assume Winnie occupied when she’d come here with Cliff. 
“Dottie’s letting me off early,” you say, grabbing an almost obscene amount of Sweet ‘n’ Low packets and dumping them into your mug. “Can you hand me a creamer?”
Steve finds himself staring at you, doctoring your diner coffee to how you like it, hearts for eyes and a wistful smile taking permanent residency on his face. When he doesn’t hand you the creamer right away, you look up, only a little confused but mostly amused at the blatant and overwhelming display of admiration across his features. 
He blinks in quick succession and clumsily reaches for a creamer while you giggle and god, it’s killing him that he hasn’t kissed you right yet since he’s been here. You hold out your hand and he sets the mini pod on your palm, your fingers brushing his as they enclose around it with a thank you. 
He watches you finish stirring in the creamer, the coffee in your cup now a light shade of brown. You take a sip, both palms wrapped around the mug and your eyes on his when you set it down on the table. 
“You look nice,” you say, eyes dropping down to the simple white tee he’s wearing. When you look back up at his face, his smile is cheeky and his cheeks are flushed. It takes an incredible amount of self restraint not to kiss him across the table.
“Yeah? The plain white tee is really doing it for you?” he leans closer over the table, voice dropped just the slightest bit. You mirror his movement almost like there’s a magnet pulling the two of you together. Steve pulls one of your hands into his, weaving your fingers together across the table. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” there’s a flirtatious thrum in your voice that makes Steve grin. His mouth opens to respond, another silly flirty quip back when Dottie appears at the side of the table. 
“You kids want anything to eat?” 
The sound of her voice sends Steve jumping back against his seat, like he’s 15 and getting caught doing something he shouldn’t be. You lean back slowly, amusement clear on your face and a question in your eyes. Do you?
Steve looks from you and up to Dottie who watches with a knowing gleam in her eye. He starts to shake his head but then his eyes fall back to you and he’s repeating the question to you with his eyes. You consider it for a second and then shake your head slightly which Steve repeats to Dottie.
“No, we’re alright, thanks,” he says and Dottie nods. She grabs the coffee pot but doesn’t move. 
“Heard a lot about you…” she trails off and Steve’s eyes widen just a tad. 
“Oh! Steve. Harrington. Steve Harrington,” he fills in the blank for her, even reaching out his hand for her to shake. 
“Dottie. She talks a lot about you, Steve. Sometimes I don’t even think she realizes she’s doing it.”
You try to cover your face with your one free hand and groan, “Dottie.”
Steve lets out a small laugh and squeezes your hand, always finding it endearing to see you flustered. You slowly move your hand away, to which Steve gives you a quick wink which only makes you want to hide away again like you’re 16 with a crush. 
Dottie pulls him into an easy conversation. How is Hawkins? Where’d you both meet? And: Do you have a job? I expect only the best for my girl here, you know. And: you’ll have to come back and have something more than just coffee next time. 
By the time she’s finished and gone off to engage with the newest patron in the diner, your coffee’s finished and Steve’s has gone cold. You watch Dottie walk off and when you look back, Steve’s staring at you, soft and kind. His gaze makes you squirm. 
“I like her,” he says. 
“Uh oh, do I have to worry about having competition now?” you joke and Steve shakes his head with a laugh. 
“You don’t have to worry about anyone else, you’re the only one for me,” he confesses, rubbing his thumb against your hand. There’s that feeling like your heart might explode again with a sigh of his name, Steve. Though this time, you’re positive you’ve said it outloud.
“Steve,” you tilt your head, voice soft. He lifts your hand to kiss your knuckles and if you don’t kiss him in the next minute, you’re going to have a problem. As if he can sense it, Steve sticks a five on the table and grabs the jacket he’d brought for you as well as Cliff’s leftover newspaper.
He holds his hand out to you to help you out of your side of the booth and you take it, his palm soft against yours. You make it to the door and then pause. 
“Oh! Gotta grab my bag from the back,” you lean up to press a kiss against his cheek. “Meet you at the car?”
Steve nods, squeezing your hip briefly. He watches until you’ve disappeared into the back office before he walks out to his car. You come out not even a minute later, apron off and over your arm and bag hanging off your shoulder. There’s a slight skip in your step. 
The air smells like rain, an earthy petrichor that makes things somehow feel lighter. Steve’s leaning against the passenger side, the door already open and waiting for you. When you’re close enough, he hooks a finger through your bag strap to pull it off your shoulder. It gets caught on the crook of your elbow when you reach up to cup his cheeks with your hands. 
He’s confused for the briefest of seconds and then your lips are on his and he forgets about the bag on your shoulder. His hands fall to your hips, one of his arms wrapping tight around your waist. Something inside both of you is cheering, finally. 
You don’t think you’ll ever tire of kissing Steve. Both of you fit perfectly into the empty spots of each other, as if you were carved from the same stone upon creation. It’s a kiss almost far too explicit for outside Dottie’s diner midmorning on a Sunday but you can’t bring yourself to care. That is, until you need to come up for air. 
You pull back, Steve chasing your lips and winning. You’re almost smiling too much now for it to work, your hands sliding from his cheeks to the sides of his neck. This time, he pulls away and your chests rise and fall in sync. 
“Been needing to do that since you first walked inside,” you breathe out and Steve lets out a laugh that you can feel reverberate through you. He kisses you again, quick and soft and his hand moves to take your bag off your shoulder again. 
“And why didn’t you?” he jests, stepping back enough for you to get into his car. One of your hands rests on the top of it, the other hanging loose at your side. Steve wishes he had a camera on him just to capture you in that moment with the sun hitting you in just the right way, playful adoration in your eyes. 
“Because,” you shrug, stooping to get inside the car, holding a hand out for your bag when you’re situated. Steve passes it over and closes your door, jogging around the front of the car to get in the driver’s seat. 
“Because…?” he pries, sticking the key in the ignition but not yet turning it. You’re pulling your seatbelt across your chest, turning your head to smile at him as you click the buckle into place. 
“Because Dottie might’ve gotten suspicious as to why I was so late this morning,” another pointed look his way and Steve shakes his head, turning the engine over and quickly buckling in his seatbelt. He shifts into reverse, checking his rearview mirror and then slinging his arm across the back of your seat. 
It’s like a feast for your eyes. The stretch of his arm, a long expanse of muscle right by your head that carries a strong whiff of his cologne. The swift, smooth, one handed feel on the wheel. You’re staring unabashed, only getting knocked out of your reverie when he responds. 
“I’m never living this down.”
He glances at you, his arm dropping from your seat to shift into drive. You lean your head against the headrest and shake it with a smile. 
“So what was your excuse then? For being late?” 
He pulls onto the street to take you back towards Hawkins, his right hand leaving the wheel and dropping to find your hand. You take the liberty of slotting your fingers into the spaces between his. 
“Oh you know. Rough night being sick. Oversleeping. Like something out of Steve Harrington’s playbook for getting out of work,” you tease. He scoffs, sparing you a quick amused glance. You lift your hands to your lips in response, your smile hiding behind the kiss you press to his knuckles. 
“And did it work? Did she buy it?” 
“Oh, of course. Why do you think she let me off so early?” 
Steve looks over at you again and sees the slight smirk on your face. He shakes his head with a slight laugh. 
“Wow, you’ve been hanging around me too long. I’m rubbing off on you.”
“Like that’s such a bad thing,” you roll your eyes, turning your head so your cheek rests against the leather of the headrest. A gooey softness melts into your gaze. “You’re one of the best people I know.”
Steve smiles, his cheeks blooming with a slight twinge of pink. He doesn’t say anything, just takes his turn lifting your joined hands to his lips to litter kisses along your knuckles. Your heart goes mushy, such has been the case since you started dating Steve. The mush liquefies, seeping through your body with a shiver when you notice the picture he’s got propped on his dash. 
He’s had to have just added it recently. A grainy film capture of the two of you, you think Max must’ve taken it if you remember correctly but you haven’t seen it before. You’re both leaning against the hood of his car, Steve’s arm around your shoulders and your hand lifted to hold his hand that hangs there. A big toothy grin is spread across your face, your head tilted slightly against Steve’s shoulder. Steve’s not looking at the camera though, he’s looking at you with a lopsided smile, adoration spilling out of him clear as day. 
“When did you add that?” you ask, pointing at the picture with your free hand. Steve glances down at it and immediately breaks into a smile.
“Just the other day. Surprised it’s taken you so long to notice it,” he replies, looking over at you and then back at the road. You’re about to ask if you can somehow get a copy of your own when he says, “I have a copy for you at home, don’t worry. I’ll make sure you get it before you go back to your place.”
You smile at him, one that’s soft around the edges, a perfect mirror of how you feel. It feels so wonderful to be known and seen by somebody the way Steve knows and sees you. Making sure to get two prints of that picture of you. Bringing a jacket to work for you for the rain that doesn’t arrive until that afternoon as you’re about to leave his house to go back to yours. 
He uses it as an excuse to keep you with him for another night, something you weakly protest against because the roads aren’t completely slick yet and you can get home just fine. But he insists, his eyes round and pleading and really you can’t deny that you’d rather stay with him anyway. 
Even if it means you’re tired again in the morning and rushing to work. You think being with Steve is a worthy price to pay, you never thought you’d be so glad to be so tired. 
And, at least you’re not late this time.
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bvidzsoo · 2 months
Love Me Like A Rockstar (10)
ー☆ Chapter 10: Sugar
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Author: bvidzsoo
Pairing: Song Mingi x female reader
ー☆ Warning: cursing, usage of the word bitch ー☆ Word count: 13.7k ー☆ Genre: university!au, enemies to lovers!au, rockstar!au ー☆ Rating: sfw ー☆ Summary: Love. You wanted none of it. You had already been heartbroken very badly once, you didn't wish to go through that ever again. But the Universe works in intricate ways and, somehow, you found yourself webbed up in a local rockstar's life, Song Mingi. He was everything you expected him to be, yet nothing like you imagined him he would be. What happens when you find mutual understanding and have heartful conversations? Will he be able to break down your walls? Will you be able to chase away his darkness?
A/N: Hello, my lovelies! I am so-so sorry for making you wait for so long for chapter 10, but I am finally DONE with university and have been heavily focusing on my works since, so hopefully I'll get to update this series a lot more often! ^^ This part is the longest so far, and I think you all deserve it after the long wait. I feel like it isn't the best I have written for this series so far, but I'll let you be the judge of it. I can't wait to hear your thoughts about chapter 10 and please leave feedback, you always make my day when you do so! <3 Listen to Sugar before or while reading this chapter, it's actually really important as it's the song they are performing hehet. The outfit Mingi wears is the one in the moodboard, with a little change to his hair color mhmm. I hope you enjoy this, and happy reading! ^^
Taglist: @orshii @or5i @lovely-red2 @scarfac3 @juicy-red @sunaswifes-blog @voicesinmyhead-rc @teez-the-time @maru-matt @kyeos4ng @deathbyyeekies @chicksmoothie @mjlbn01 @xhexy @tmtxtf @hwashiningstar @thatfavouritesong @ateez-atiny380 @xciiiomwliah @vixensss @catchingskzzzs @tesssaurrr @ginger-mingi
⟨Series M.list ↭ Previous Chapter⟩
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            The doors of the cab slammed shut behind us, the voice of the driver wishing us a good time cut short as I grimaced, looking up at the sign of Outlaw. Well, here I was again, under much different circumstance than the first time. Now, I was here willingly, having agreed to come myself, unlike the last time, when I tagged along with Seulgi just because I felt bad for her having to come on her own to woo her crush—turned boyfriend now, thankfully. Seulgi’s heels clicked loudly against the pavement as she came to stand next to me, the cab finally driving off, and when I threw her a quick glance, I caught her smirking at me again. I groaned and crossed my arms in front of my chest, the leather jacket crippling under the action, making a quiet sound that was drowned out as a few guys exited the pub, laughing loudly about something.
“Stop giving me that look, Seulgi.” I groaned as she just chuckled, pursing her lips.
“I didn’t think you owned clothes like that,” Seulgi’s teasing was relentless, she’s been at my throat the second she stopped by my house so that we’d ride to Outlaw together, “Who was your inspiration for tonight? Letty from Fast and Furious?”
“I swear to God, Seulgi, shut up!” I exclaimed, pushing her shoulder playfully as she stuck her tongue out at me before she grabbed my arm to drag me towards the pub’s entrance, “You don’t hear me making fun of your outfit for looking like you’ve come straight out of Scooby-Doo or something!”
“Scooby-Doo?!” Seulgi exclaimed, throwing me an offended look, “You’re being foul now, Y/N, my mother bought this dress for me and I think the colors are lovely!”
“They are, I’m just playing with you because you deserve it.” I chuckled, opening the door for her as she shook her head at me, adjusting the hem of her short dress. Seulgi looked like a character straight out of the seventies with her orange and brown patterned dress, the sleeves loose at the end and the skirt a little ruffled as it reached just below her thighs. She matched some white high heeled boots with it that reached up to her knees, and her small shoulder bag was white as well to match her boots. She ruffled up her black hair even more, the curs tighter as she pulled half of it up in a ponytail, and I gave her some white winged-eyeliner, blushing up her cheeks and painting her lips a pretty coral color. She looked absolutely lovely and she was very excited to see Wooyoung, who apparently, wore similar colors. They have agreed to match their outfits for tonight, and as much as I hated admitting it, I thought it was rather adorable, and found myself pondering whether I’d do it too if I had a boyfriend.
As for myself, not wanting to feel like the last time I was here, out of place and as if everyone was ogling me, I wore something that I deemed rather fit for a rock show, something more from the twenties. My jeans were a dark grey color, low rise and flared out below the knees. I wore black boots with it that didn’t have too high of a heel as I knew my feet would hurt quite fast because of them. It took some time until I finally settled on the simple white tank top that I wore now, just about reaching my belly button as I wasn’t keen of showing too much skin. And the dark leather bomber jacket that I wore to keep me warm from the cold night is actually my mother’s, and I totally stole it from her closet without her noticing—hopefully. Accessories had always been an important part of my outfits; therefore I threw on a thick dark brown belt, which perhaps drew the attention onto my exposed lower belly, but I didn’t ponder enough on the thought in order to prevent feeling uncomfortable about it, and as my black nails were painted in a haste, they definitely didn’t look as neat as I would have preferred them to be. My fingers, per usual, weren’t left bare as I wore my favorite rings, only my left pinky and right ring-finger missing the jewelry. Not wanting to leave my neck bare either, I threw on a black choker that had a moonstone pendant, and two more silver necklaces that hung at different lengths around my neck, and some smaller silver hoop earrings that completed the look altogether. I left my hair alone mostly, gave it a few large curls as I didn’t like the way it looked straight with the outfit, and for once, I didn’t feel the need to do any strong makeup. Similar to Seulgi, I rosed up my cheeks a little bit and applied a dark red lip-gloss that would certainly come off the second my lips touch a glass to drink water. I would like to think I totally slayed this outfit, and ignore Seulgi’s incessant teasing that I was all dolled up because of someone. But she’s wrong—like she is almost always—because I did not have Mingi in mind when putting together this outfit, I merely didn’t want to look out of place again.
The air was rather warm inside the pub as Seulgi and I walked inside, then down a flight of stairs as today’s performance would be on the lower part, an after party following it. Different smells mixed in the air, mostly those sweet elf bars everyone seemed to be smoking, and the not so pleasant smell of cigarettes, the two smells mixing with the perfume and cologne of the people down there. I wondered when it became alright to smoke indoors, especially in a confined space underground, but before I could say anything about it to Seulgi, we were greeted by a familiar face. We have barely walked inside the room, Seulgi’s boyfriend was stood in front of us, grinning from ear to ear. I stepped aside as Seulgi released my hand and I watched as the two grinned at each other widely, going in for a tight hug as Wooyoung buried his head in Seulgi’s neck. And they certainly didn’t joke about matching their outfits tonight, Wooyoung wore brown jeans that were ripped at his knees, showing off a tattoo that I didn’t know he had, and his top was an orange mesh fabric with white streaks, leaving little to imagination, and I was taken aback upon seeing it. But Seulgi seemed to be enjoying it `as she fiddled with the fabric at his arms and even leaned down to whisper something in his ear, something I certainly didn’t want to hear as Wooyoung’s cheeks instantly tinged red. I snorted and stepped up to them, raising one eyebrow.
“If you’re done devouring each other, love birds, should we go sit down somewhere upstairs until you are next to perform?” I spoke up, Wooyoung’s eyes falling on me as he grinned widely, Seulgi sticking to his side as her arm went around his shoulders.
“Hi, Y/N!” Wooyoung greeted enthusiastically, blinking his eyes innocently at me, “I didn’t see you there.”
“Of course,” I snorted, smirking at him, “you were too busy checking my bestie out, which is cool since you’re her boyfriend, but I certainly would’ve broken your nose if you weren’t…”
“She’s only joking!” Seulgi exclaimed, a nervous laugh bubbling up her throat as she pressed her cheek against Wooyoung’s, “Well…mostly, she did punch a guy once because he was bothering us…”
I grinned, placing my hands deep in my jacket’s pocket, Wooyoung’s expression falling as he took me in, “Don’t worry, I was only joking, Wooyoung. With you…not with that other guy.”
“Yeah, cool.” Wooyoung laughed, but it sounded rather fake and I grinned satisfied, making Seulgi narrow her eyes at me. Wooyoung had to know I liked him as long as Seulgi did and as long as he treated her right. If he breaks her heart, I break his nose…simple as that, “Uh, if Mingi finally decides to stop fixing his hair in the bathroom and joins us, we could go upstairs, although I don’t know when it’s our turn to perform.”
Mingi, right. It seemed like after hanging out things were back to normal between us, no more ignored messages and awkward tension that drove me up the wall. He was back to his old and annoying self, texting me—more like spamming me—about anything and everything that came to mind, and I finally felt relaxed around him again. Well, as relaxed as I could be given the fact that my whole body jumped whenever I got a text from him and my heart would pick up its rhythm and make me blush like a stupid schoolgirl. I hated it, this feeling where I knew something was brewing deep inside, but I opted to ignore it. I wanted to ignore it. I was scared that if I stopped ignoring it, then it would become very real, and for that to happen, something even very small could trigger it. I desperately wished nothing more would put our friendship to test and that we just continue blissfully ignoring the lingering stares and the accidental touches that somehow have stopped feeling so accidental or uncomfortable lately.
“Ah, there he is!” Wooyoung exclaimed loudly, snickering at someone behind me, “The princess himself, is your highness ready at last? Or should I go with you and help you fix your boxers too or something?”
Wooyoung’s loud cackle didn’t manage to mask the low giggle behind me, and upon hearing the familiar sound, all particles of my body decided to heat up at once, making me whirl around almost frantically, blood freezing and body going cold at the approaching sight. Whoever that man was…it looked like Mingi, but at the same time it felt like a different person. A much hotter and sexier Mingi than the one I have known for a little over a month now, and I gulped, feeling my jaw about to drop open at any moment. I didn’t know at what to look first, his face, his body—outfit—or his hair? The sight of Song Mingi suddenly was too much to take in at once and I gulped, eyes settling on his outfit that was…revealing? Vulgar, perhaps? But it concealed everything in the perfect percentage, as if he purposefully wanted to tease the audience—me?
But at the same time, due to the innocent look on his face, he made it seem like he had absolutely no fucking idea of how hot and ravishing he looked, and suddenly, I couldn’t recognize my own feelings as my stomach coiled upon seeing Mingi’s sexy, all denim outfit. His jeans were a light colour and looked almost washed out with darker coloured patches strewn around the fabric, tightly ripped starting from his thighs, stopping just barely above his knees. But the fabric was long and loose, and it pooled around his ankles, this boots thick and tall, helping Mingi out from having to step on the ends of his jeans. Its waist was high and he wore no belt with the jeans, but a chain hung around his right pocket, concealed by the very similar denim jacket that he wore on top of his low-cut black tank top, positioned perfectly over his pecs, barely hiding his nipples. And perhaps the outfit wouldn’t have looked that crazy or provocative if it weren’t for the jacket, which was made out of the same material as his jeans, the front parts of its sleeves entirely ripped up, exposing his toned arms, teasing at what he’d usually hide with long sleeves as it was cold outside now. Mingi wore a beige fingerless glove on his left hand, and his right hand was adorned by the rings he liked most, all his fingernails now completely black with a hint of silver on a few of them. The long silver pendant sitting against the dip between his pecs definitely drew attention to the exposed skin, and two heavier looking silver chains clung snugly around his neck. And as he came closer, almost having reached us, I noticed the same little black scribble that I have called dirt the first time seeing it, was high on his right cheekbone again. It was his signature, apparently.
“Stop being an ass, Woo,” Mingi spoke up as he reached us at last, having stopped right in front of me—as I was still stupidly gaping at him—but he only looked past me, “my hair wouldn’t stay in place and I asked Hongjoong to help me fix it.”
“So that’s where he disappeared to,” Wooyoung chuckled, and I caught my jaw drop more open, so I quickly coughed and closed it as Mingi’s eyes briefly fell on me, “Seonghwa’s been looking for him desperately.”
“Those two need to learn how to live without each other, I swear to God, they are worse than you and Seulgi—”
“Hey!” Wooyoung scoffed and threw his best friend a glare as Seulgi chuckled, meanwhile me…yeah, I was malfunctioning. Completely and most certainly struggling to accept that the Mingi that stood in front of me wasn’t just simply conjured up by my mind, but was real, “Seulgi and I are lovely, thank you very much. But Seonghwa and Hongjoong are downright disgustingly in love with each other, even I can’t handle them anymore, and that’s a lot coming from me.”
Mingi chuckled and nodded in agreement, his eyes falling on me again, but this time they stayed on me. My muscles tensed and I gulped—my throat having gone too dry—trying to formulate one coherent thought. Mingi’s hair…it was still long, but it wasn’t black anymore. It was—this platinum blonde that sharpened his features so much more than they already were, and the way the front strands were jelled back highlighted his cheekbones, eyes, and even his tall nose.
“Hi, Y/N—”
“You’re blonde.” My mouth, once again, worked before my brain could agree to what was being said, “Like…platinum blonde.”
“Yeah, I’m blonde.” Mingi grinned, touching the back of his hair gently, eyes widening curiously, “What do you think…do you still hate blondes?”
Stupid mouth and stupid brain for not being able to synchronise when I most need them to, “No, not this blonde, not you.”
Silence settled around us and my cheeks flamed up, and I knew Seulgi was on the verge of bursting out laughing, and I wished for the Earth to swallow me up completely, but I refused to show any of those emotions as I forced my expression to become blank, and then cursed at my heart as it was hammering against my ribcage, my eyes fixated on Mingi’s flushed cheeks.
“Thanks,” Mingi cleared his throat, averting his eyes as he looked down, “I went ahead and took your advice, Seonghwa was eager to help me out.”
“Good, cool.” Tonight wasn’t my best night when it came to communicating, and I sighed loudly, much to Mingi’s amusement as he grinned then stepped even closer, throwing his arm around my shoulders and making me jump in the process. He veered us around to face Seulgi and Wooyoung, and I knew my whole face was red as I tried to keep my eyes ahead and not on Mingi’s exposed chest or arms, while also trying not to take a deep breath and inhale his scent—which was intoxicatingly sweet, yet somehow spicy at the same time. Good Lord, if I was a smoker, I’d definitely excuse myself and probably finish the whole package at this point.
“We’ll grab some drinks; do you want anything?” Mingi asked Wooyoung and Seulgi, who were both giving us looks that I rather ignored as Seulgi’s stare became insistent as she searched for eye contact.
“Nah, we’re good, right, baby?” Wooyoung kissed Seulgi’s cheek and she giggled nodding, shooing us away with her hand. What a traitor, I knew she wanted something to drink, but she thought she was playing matchmaker if she left me alone with Mingi.
Mingi shrugged and looked down at me, “Let’s go then.”
And before I could tell him that I wasn’t drinking tonight, he was veering us towards the bar, smiling from ear to ear. I rarely saw him so enthusiastic and smiley—happy—and I found myself unable to resist the need to ogle his profile as we arrived to the bar, finally releasing his hold on me. He pursed his lips as he held onto the surface of the bar, leaning a little over it. From this angle, and because I stood close to him, I could finally read what was written on his cheekbone, fix on. Well…that was peculiar, but at this point nothing really surprised me about him, not with a band name like Noir Zenith. Was it fair that Mingi looked handsome even from the side?
I realized his lips were moving, but I wasn’t focusing on what he was saying, and so, when he turned his head and smiled at me a little unsure, my eyes widened.
“Huh?” I found myself dumbly asking and Mingi giggled, the sound deep and making my palms ball up into fists because of how cute he sounded.
“I was saying that I hope you like sweet things.” He clarified as he leaned against the bar, tilting his head with a devilish glint in his dark brown eyes. I gulped and ran my hand through my hair, looking anywhere but at him. The shoes he wore made him tower over me, and I didn’t know how to feel about that. I should have worn higher heels to minimalize the sudden height difference between us.
“As long as they aren’t too sweet, I can handle them.” I muttered, and Mingi grinned as the bartender pushed a tall glass with something pinkish inside it towards me. I raised my eyebrows as the bartender went to take an order from someone else, pointing at my drink, “Is this for me?”
“Sure is.” Mingi smiled, and my eyebrows furrowed.
“Where’s yours? And why did he leave if we didn’t pay for it?” I mused as I grabbed the glass rather reluctantly.
“I don’t like to drink before the performance, and I already paid for it—”
“Mingi.” I deadpanned, cutting him off as my eyes narrowed at him, “This is the second time you pay for something that is mine. I don’t like it when guys do that—”
“But I’m not just any guy,” He leaned down, a little too close to my face, making my breathing halt in my throat, “I’m your bestie and if I want to spoil you, I certainly can and will do so.”
“That’s not how—” I took a deep breath and gave in at last when he started bating his eyebrows at me, making me huff, “Fine, thank you, Mingi.”
“You’re very welcome,” He grinned and poked my cheek, making me yank my head away as I threw a glare at him, “Now taste it so that I know you like it.”
“And if I don’t?” I teased as I took the straw between my lips and took a tentative sip.
“I’ll order something else, then.” Mingi pouted, watching me closely as I took a longer sip, humming at the strawberry-like taste of the drink. It wasn’t bad, and I couldn’t exactly taste the alcohol in it, so that was good.
“It’s tasty, so you don’t have to order anything else for me.” I tried to hide my smile as I took another sip, and Mingi looked pleased with himself as his hand glided across the bar slowly as he bit his lower lip and looked down. It was a rather unusual reaction from him, and as he cleared his throat, he suddenly touched the sleeve of my jacket, making my grip tighten around the glass.
“You look really good tonight.” His voice was low, and thus deeper, and I felt my breath get stuck in my throat for a second before I took a sip way too big of my drink, nodding at Mingi, and averting my eyes.
“Thank you,” My voice sounded a little raspy, and I quickly cleared my throat, “You—you look good too. Like…way too good.”
Mingi bit his bottom lip as his eyes bore into mine, almost making me choke on my sweet drink, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he gulped rather loudly. He opened his mouth to say something, but someone appeared to our left, thankfully saving us from saying anything else that would make everything even more awkward than it already was.
“Mingi,” The tall man touched Mingi’s shoulder while offering me a soft smile, it was Seonghwa, “five minutes and we’re starting. Let’s go, and hi, Y/N, lovely seeing you again!”
I forcibly gulped down the drink and nodded at Seonghwa, albeit with my cheeks still tinged red, “Hello, good to see you too.”
Seonghwa grinned, looking rather happy, and then he turned around and waved someone over. I watched curiously as a man shorter than both Mingi and Seonghwa—even myself—walked over, looking rather expensive and high-class for a place like Outlaw, “Hongjoong, dear, mind staying with Y/N? I don’t want you to stand to the side alone, again.”
“Whatever you wish for, my love.” My eyebrows rose unintentionally as I looked at Mingi, trying to gulp down the laughter that threatened to bubble up, the exchange between the two lovers cute, but a little too much for my liking. Mingi looked almost sick as he rolled his eyes, and then grabbed Seonghwa’s arm and waved at Hongjoong.
“We are going.” He stated, and then sent a wink at me, “See you later, doll.”
And the way my cheeks started burning again wasn’t just a trick of the dimming lights as Hongjoong looked curiously my way, coming to stand next to me as he leaned up against the bar. His hair seemed to be a mixture of a light brown and deep purple, quite the hair colour, but it looked exceptionally good on him. He wore light coloured jeans and vinyl boots with small heels, his nails painted different promiscuous colours. The black shirt underneath his very expensive looking black blazer, decorated with silver dragons, had an intricate design on its right side, the fabric coming around his neck as a thin strap, probably sleeveless too on his right side. I knew an artist when I saw one, and I smiled at him widely as I extended my hand for him to shake.
“My name is Y/N.” I said, and despite the intimidating expression on his face, he smiled at me.
“I’m Hongjoong, Seonghwa’s boyfriend.” My smile turned into a grin and I hummed as I finally spotted Seulgi running over to us, her eyes lighting up when she noticed I was standing with Hongjoong.
“Oh, Hongie!” She exclaimed and I almost choked on my drink as Hongjoong’s face fell, “Haven’t seen you in so long! Everything okay? You and Seonghwa haven’t fought again, right?!”
Seulgi sounded like a scrutinizing mother as she narrowed her eyes at Hongjoong, coming to a stop in front of him with her hands on her hips, “No! We’re fine, I’ve been busy with the company and couldn’t come, is all.”
“That better be true,” Seulgi huffed and leaned closer to the man, “I’ll be quizzing Seonghwa later too, and if your stories don’t match up…you’re in for an earful.”
“I feel like I missed out on a few chapters or something.” I butted in with a chuckle, and Hongjoong heaved a long sigh as Seulgi giggled.
“You should ask Seonghwa to tell you their little love story.” Seulgi suggested, and then raised her finger when Hongjoong went to interject, “It’s actually really cute and romantic, shut up, Hongie.”
“Stop calling me Hongie, Seulgi. I could be your father.” I coughed as I choked on the drink, which I have almost finished by now, and my eyes bulged as I stared at Hongjoong. How old was he?!
“He’s just joking, Y/N, don’t worry,” Seulgi rolled her eyes, “He could be our older brother or something, definitely not our father. Seonghwa wouldn’t date a wrinkly ass grumpy dwarf—”
“Oh, that’s rich coming from a dwarf herself.” I said underneath my breath, but both heard me, and I jumped when Hongjoong burst out laughing, flipping Seulgi off as she gaped at me with betrayal written all over her face.
“Suddenly, I understand why you and Wooyoung are together,” Hongjoong said once he had calmed down, “You’re even worse than him.”
“She really is a handful once she gets going.” I threw back the rest of the drink as Seulgi slapped my shoulder, making me sway. The lights suddenly started to further dim and Seulgi gasped, whirling around with excitement dancing all around her face.
“We have to go to the front!” She exclaimed as I placed my empty glass on the bar, and offered my arm to hook with hers as she looked back at Hongjoong and me with a wide grin, “Let’s go!”
As she started pulling me after herself, I felt a warm hand gently latch onto mine, and I looked back to see Hongjoong giving me a sheepish look, almost as if he was asking for permission. I grinned and held his hand back firmly, the three of us making it to the front, but not to the first row as it was already occupied by quite a handful of people. That wasn’t a problem, I feared I would’ve passed out if I had to stand right underneath Mingi and stare up at him as he sings his heart out.
“Thanks,” Hongjoong muttered once we let go of each other’s hands, “I know Seonghwa would’ve been disappointed if I didn’t tag along with you two.”
“You seem like a really lovely couple.” I didn’t feel like myself when I said such things, but it was the truth, they did look lovely.
“Thank you.” Hongjoong’s cat-like features softened, and I grinned back at him, “We met when he was interning for my company…”
“Oh,” I hummed, and then my eyes widened as it finally clicked why he looked slightly familiar, “Wait, you’re Kim Hongjoong?”
“Yeah, of Kim Enterprise.” He clarified, and my jaw hung open just slightly for the nth time tonight.
“Oh, my God, that’s—so cool?!” I tried to find the right words, but suddenly I realized that the sweet drink was stronger than it seemed so at first, “You’re an icon in the fashion industry, Mr. Kim, I’m an arts major myself and I have nothing to do with fashion, but I do look up to your work.”
“Call me Hongjoong, please, or else you make it sound like I’m a grandpa or something—”
“A father, really, you said it yourself.” Seulgi chimed in with a shit eating grin on her face as she crossed her arms over herself, looking up at the dark stage as movement was hearable. Hongjoong groaned and threw a glare at the side of Seulgi’s head, making me snort in amusement.
“Maybe I’ll stop giving Wooyoung cool clothes to perform in,” Hongjoong narrowed his eyes at Seulgi, who swiftly turned back, gaping at the older guy, “He can thank his lovely girlfriend for it then.”
“You wouldn’t dare—”
Trying to deescalate an unnecessary argument, I turned to give Hongjoong an amazed look, “You design the clothes they perform in?”
“Well, not really,” Suddenly, he looked quite proud of himself, “It’s mostly Seonghwa, I only give him advice here and there and supply him with the fabrics and whatnot that he needs for production.”
Oh, that was…quite the thing to do. Suddenly, I felt myself yearning for a relationship where both parties raise the other one up, teach each other how to get better, and support each other’s dreams. It was healthy, mature, comforting. A secure place, a safety net. Something I never had with Yunho, albeit understandably so as we were both teenagers while we dated, but it would’ve been nice if he didn’t almost completely break me while making me mistrust everyone and question their motives towards me, side effects that lingered even after all those years.
“You’re a good man, Hongjoong.” I found myself muttering as there were faint voices coming from up the stage, making me look over. Hongjoong hummed next to me, and then I felt him bump his shoulder against mine.
“Did Mingi finally ask you out?” Something in my system halted hearing Hongjoong’s question, brain short circuiting. Where did that question come from?
“I, uh, he—we’re just friends.” I tried to look nonchalant as I turned to face Hongjoong again, forcing a smile on my face. Yeah, we were good friends at that, besties as Mingi likes to call it. But…ignoring the fact that I’d be dating my ex’s best friend, would it really be so bad to give in to my curiosity? Lately, I failed to see the negative qualities I have first judged Mingi for, and I have realized I didn’t even hate him anymore. I don’t think I have ever actually hated him, I was blinded by my prejudice and held onto it for as long as I could. But the walls were rapidly crumbling, even more so after the day we spent at the café and at the Citadel, where Mingi—once again—proved to be a nice, understanding, funny, and yet calm guy, full of life. We were friends, but was that all that I wanted from him at this point?
Were these thoughts actually mine or had the pink drink finally gotten to me? I didn’t feel tipsy, albeit a little jittery, but for my peace of mind, I blamed it on the sweet drink. It made you think about things you have pushed to the very back of your mind, buried so deep nobody should know about them—myself included.
“Mingi is a good person, I don’t think you’ll find someone like him again.” The smile on Hongjoong’s lips was almost brotherly before it stretched wider, cat-like eyes warm and comforting. I took a deep breath and nodded my head at him in thanks wordlessly, not very keen of speaking up as I thought my voice would sound shaky. I had to divert the subject, all this Mingi talk was sending my mind into an overthinking frenzy, however, before any of us could speak up again, the lights went completely out, and the spotlights turned on at once, coating the stage in white light.
The crowd cheered loudly for Noir Zenith, especially the girls in the front row, and I found myself clapping along encouragingly with the people surrounding me. The stage was higher up than us, but you could easily step up on it if you wanted to, and the spotlights switched from a bright white to a dimmer orangey hue. Seonghwa sat at the drums to the left of the scene, Wooyoung more towards the front on the right, guitar around his shoulders and a microphone placed in front of him. Mingi stood in the middle, close to the edge of the stage, a huge smirk on his lips, sharp eyes narrowed and skimming over the crowd. Suddenly, he didn’t look like the Mingi I knew, he looked like someone else…like a rockstar ready to sing his lungs out and wove anyone that watched their performance.
“Good evening, Outlaw!” Mingi’s raspy voice resounded in the underground room, and everyone cheered loudly again. Seulgi was jumping up and down, grinning from ear to ear as she waved at Wooyoung, who had a faint blush on his cheeks. Hongjoong, who was a lot calmer than my best friend, stood smiling with his hands in his pockets, no doubt watching Seonghwa as the drummer sat back and winked our way. And I, well, I had my arms crossed over my chest, trying not to hyperventilate when Mingi’s eyes searched the crowd, and ultimately settled on my form, “We’ve prepared quite a few songs for you tonight.”
The crowd cheered again, less wildly than before, and you could hear more people coming down the stairs to watch them perform as silence settled around us for a second. I gulped and looked away when Mingi’s intense gaze became too much, the smirk seemingly etched onto his lips for now, “Some older ones and some newer ones as we work on more songs to play for you in the future. I know these days it’s getting even colder, but I thought we could warm ourselves up ith a song we haven’t performed in quite a while. Seonghwa, Wooyoung, and I thought that perhaps we could charm the newcomers with the song that wooed some of our oldest fans, how do you feel about that, Outlaw?!”
The girls in the front row went crazy, their shrills piercing our ears, and I felt my eyes narrow as I looked towards them, a lump forming in my throat when I noticed they were Mingi’s fanclub from our university. The blonde girl stood out like a sore thumb, some banner in her hands, impatiently waiting for Mingi to look at her for her to show it off. I gulped as my eyes snapped back to Mingi, who licked his lips slowly, biting his lower lip and prolonging the charged silence, “Have you ever found a person so sweet you became addicted to them and never wanted to let them go? So sugary that you didn’t care if you got sick, because you’d still continue wanting them?”
The lights suddenly went out and everyone cheered, my heart beating so fast and loud in my ears, it made me fear that both Hongjoong and Seulgi would hear it. At last, the darkness remained as the soft tunes of a melody started playing, starting out quietly, almost as a whisper of a promise that your lover would tell you late at night in the confines of your bed. I could feel my heartbeat quicken from anticipation, and I couldn’t help but shuffle a little from left to right.
『You play a twisted little game
But I know in a way
You need to complicate』
The soft yellowy hue spotlight turned on just as the soft, siren-like voice flooded our ears, Seonghwa’s eyes closed as his lips were close to the microphone, drumsticks gathered in his hands as he sat on his stool, leaning forward to better access his microphone. His slightly raspy voice was pleasant to the ears, making it feel like a dream like flow. He was the only one you could see on the otherwise dark stage.
『Believe that though we never eat
We still know how to feed
We still know how to bleed, oh』
He articulated the words clearly, captivating the crowds attention immediately as his eyelashes slowly fluttered open, quickly finding Hongjoong as his lips twitched into a small smirk, his white teeth sharp as they peeked through his parted lips as he exhaled the end note, blending it into an airy whine that had Hongjoong gulping next to me as he was seemingly transfixed by his lover, unable to take his eyes off him.
『Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now
Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now
Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now
Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now』
The spotlights around Seonghwa went out as the chorus came, suddenly now on Wooyoung as the instrumental became louder, Wooyoung’s voice a lot sharper and stronger than Seonghwa’s sultry and enchanting one. Wooyoung’s nose was scrunched up as he held onto the microphone stand with both hands, his sharp jaw working hard as his lines were a perfect mixture of breathy and sharp sounds.
『My arms keep you in the room
Barely let you move
Show me what you do, oh』
Similar to Seonghwa’s style, Wooyoung’s voice remained soft too, but higher in pitch and breathier than Seonghwa’s has been, veins protruding in his neck as he gave his all. Seulgi had her hands clutched together in front of herself, hanging onto every single note her boyfriend sang, and I felt myself tap my feet along to the beat and melody, softly nodding my head as Wooyoung’s eyes snapped open and swept over the crowd.
『Tonight we're second-guessed again
Let me wrap the chains
Addicted to the pain, oh』
Seulgi quietly clapped next to me as Wooyoung gazed at her almost longingly, grabbing his microphone off the stand to walk closer to the edge of the stage, the spotlight following him as Seulgi quietly gasped next to me, mouthing the words back to Wooyoung, probably knowing each of their songs by heart.
『Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now
Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now
Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now
Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now』
The spotlight around Wooyoung went out again just as he leaned forward and over the of the stage, making Seulgi gasp loudly next to me as her hand shoot out to hold onto my arm. I gulped down the chuckle that threatened to escape as Seonghwa’s siren-like voice was back, wispy as he looked over the crowd with his big eyes, smirking much like Mingi had, making the chorus sound like it had been written for him, and him only.
『Do you wanna see how far it goes?
Do you wanna test me now, my love?
You must be crazy if you think that I will give in so easily』
The soft sound of the music now became rougher as the spotlight on Seonghwa went out, and instead, Mingi, in the centre of the stage was illuminated, his outfit and hair making the girls cry out in the first row as the air caught in my throat, taken aback as his eyes were set already on me, drinking me up, taking in my reaction. His raspy voice was perfect as it matched the intensity of the song, picking up in harshness slightly at the ends, his eyebrows furrowing as I gulped, feeling as if I was on fire and unable to look away, almost as if Mingi’s voice and eyes had me frozen to my spot. Suddenly, I understood why Hongjoong and Seulgi were so taken by their partners.
『Things we buried low
Coming to the surface now, my love
You must be crazy if you think that I will give up the game, oh』
Suddenly the yellowy hue light was back on the stage, illuminating all three as Seonghwa and Wooyoung joined Mingi, their unique voices creating a harmony that had my arms covered in goosebumps as Seulgi whispered out a woah next to me, having me agree with her as I found their voices combined together even more powerful. Wooyoung’s higher tone carried the melodic line well, Seonghwa’s harmony with both Wooyoung and Mingi’s voice having you in awe of how well they worked together, and Mingi’s deep and raspy voice had a power that didn’t overshadow his bandmates’ voices, yet was distinct enough to hear it. Suddenly, as they got to the end of the line, the lights flickered for a second and the background melody was cut, their voices echoing in the underground room and having everyone on their toes.
『Sugar, I've got a taste for you now
Sugar, I've got a taste for you now
Sugar, I've got a taste for you now
Sugar, I've got a taste for you now』
And then at last, the lights flashed as the melody picked up, its build-up worth it every second as Seonghwa’s hands flew around fast as he played the drums, banging his head along to the beat, Wooyoung’s eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he played the guitar with a passion that matched his personality, and I found myself holding my breath as Mingi’s harsh and deep voice matched the instrumental perfectly, carrying every single emotion he felt. His nose was scrunched up and his eyebrows strewn together as he held the microphone tightly in his hand, leaning over as he sang his lungs out, gesticulating with his hands, having the crowd go wild for him and the boys. Without realizing, I was cheering along with everyone else, my veins burning with excitement as Mingi stood up tall, throwing his head back as his gloved hand was fisted, his sharp eyes closing and feeling the music like only he could when singing, his voice strong and defined when he needed it to be. And then, I felt myself grin from ear to ear as he faced the crowd again, looking straight ahead, our gazes meeting as I mouthed back the words without even realizing I was doing so.
『Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now
Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now
Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now
Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now』
Wooyoung joined Mingi again, his voice slightly more prominent as Mingi eased up his vocal chords, becoming less harsh and tense, carrying quietly alongside Wooyoung’s as Seonghwa continued passionately playing the drums, bottom lip between his teeth as he looked up and at his bandmates, a grin appearing on his lips as he watched them sing together. Mingi placed his microphone back onto the stand, cradling it in his hands still as he leaned close to it, barely whispering the words Wooyoung sang clearly, his volatile timbre offering a culminating end to the song as suddenly their voices cut out and the harsh instruments came to an abrupt stop, melody the same as at the beginning of the song. The lights flickered once again and as I gazed up at Mingi, a small smile formed on his lips, and the Mingi I know slipped through for a second, looking happier than a child on Christmas day. I chuckled and cheered along loudly with the crowd as the song came to a calming end, only now aware of how fast my heart was beating. Hongjoong and Seulgi joined in on the clapping, and I heard Seulgi chuckle next to me as Mingi thanked the crowd, the lights changing to a soft blue hue as Seonghwa set the rhythm for their next song.
“What?” I asked as I turned my head to look at an amused looking Seulgi.
“You keep lying to yourself about Mingi, bitch.” I gave Seulgi a look that very much so told her to shut up, and as I wanted to verbalize the same thought, she didn’t give me the chance as her body jolted along to the new song, “Oh, my God, this is my favourite song!”
            As Noir Zenith continued to perform, I felt myself get thirstier and thirstier, throat burning and forcing me to excuse myself and head to the bar to drink some water, however, Hongjoong said he’d follow after me as he was getting tired of standing in the crowd and getting pushed around. Seulgi told us to go on as she’d stay there, wanting to stay close by as the performance was close to coming to its end as it’s been twenty-five minutes since they started playing. Much like when going inside the crowd, I allowed Hongjoong to hold my hand as we made our way over to the bar, apologising if we stepped on anyone’s foot, and I giggled when Hongjoong ran fully into a girl that seemed to be in a hurry to get to the front of the stage. Hongjoong shook his head and we let go of each other’s hands as we finally made it to the bar, him taking a seat on a stool as he groaned, rubbing the back of his neck.
“These fangirls are crazy; I can’t wear any fancy shoes to these performances because they keep stepping on me.” I chuckled as I leaned against the bar, waving at the bartender to come over when he was free.
“I know, you should see them at university.” I huffed as the bartender started walking over, “those crazy baboons swarm Mingi like he’s a God or something, it’s embarrassing.”
“Hi, what can I get for you two?” The bartender grinned happily at us; voice raised high to talk over Mingi’s deep voice reverberating in the speakers.
“Uh,” I looked at Hongjoong, not knowing what the pink drink was called, “I don’t know if you remember what Mingi ordered for me, but it was some pink drink and it was really sweet?”
“Sure, got it, Hongjoong?” I was rather surprised that the bartender knew Hongjoong’s name, “The usual?”
“Sure, throw in more ice cubes though, it’s sweltering hot in here.” The bartender chuckled as Hongjoong fanned himself with his hand, and I had to agree as I finally could take my jacket off. The relief was instant, and I sighed as I placed it around the back of the stool Hongjoong sat on, turning around as I leaned back against the bar to watch Mingi from back here. The lights were a soft pink up on the stage and Wooyoung was jumping up and down as he played his guitar, Mingi’s fingers playing fast as he played the bass, while Seonghwa’s voice was light but piercing as he finished up the song, standing up and raising his drumsticks in the air once it came to an end. The crowd cheered and I clapped from the bar as the bartender served us our drinks, and as I reached for my pocket to take out some money, Hongjoong beat me to it and paid for our drinks.
“Hongjoong.” I gave him a stare, but he quickly brushed me off and took a contemplative sip of his, probably, pricey whiskey, “You shouldn’t have.”
“Honey, if a man wants to spoil you, let him, you’re not losing any rights to your feminism.” My jaw dropped a little bit before laughter bubbled through my lips, and Hongjoong grinned as he turned halfway around to watch the band perform as I leaned against the bar again.
“I can’t believe you just said that.” I muttered as Mingi huffed into the microphone loudly, hyping up the crowd even more. His eyes searched the crowd for a second, and I raised my sweet pink drink in a cheers motion for him to spot me. He smirked and then he was focused back on singing, crouching down and letting the front row girls touch him. I snickered and took a long sip of the tasty drink, watching his every move as Hongjoong rhythmically tapped his foot against the ground.
“You are an open book, honey, it’s rather easy to read you.” Hongjoong said, sounding amused, and he snickered when I looked at him wide eyed. That’s certainly not something I hear often as people frequently call me unapproachable and off-putting, rather intimidating and irritating. To be fair, I do it on purpose so that idiots will leave me alone.
“You’re like…only the second person to say that, Hongie.” Hongjoong groaned, and I grinned as I looked back at the stage, watching as Mingi leaned a little more forward, reaching out and tilting the blonde girl’s chin up as he whispered the lyrics sensually, making my eyebrows furrow. If my grip tightened around my glass, nobody had to know.
“You can call me anything else but Hongie, please, that girl-friend of yours gives me nightmares, I swear.” I was too focused on Mingi and that blonde girl to react in any way to what Hongjoong said. Mingi was smirking triumphantly as the blonde girl screamed out his name, jumping up and down as she held the banner up for Mingi. I wished to see what was written on it, but at the same time I didn’t.
“Seulgi is the kindest and nicest person I know,” I said at last as I cleared my throat, trying to gulp down the sudden ball that seemed to clog it, “She likes you a lot and this is her way of showing it. If you let her know you don’t like it, she’ll never stop calling you Hongie, I fear.”
Hongjoong groaned and took a large gulp of his whiskey, prompting me to do so with my drink as well, jaw clenching when that blonde chick wouldn’t stop screaming. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, licking my dry lips to remind myself that Mingi has his baboons that would literally do anything he asked them to do, and that means nothing. Maybe he likes the attention and compliments, but I’ve never actually seen him give them more attention than was necessary. Perhaps he wasn’t even too keen of them, but I figured it must feel nice when someone supports your performances so ardently. I cleared my throat and pursed my lips, leaning back on my elbows as I rested them against the bar. Hongjoong raised an eyebrow at me curiously, but I ignored his eyes on me as my eyes bore into Mingi’s, who was suddenly looking over. I tried to control my expression as the lights were fully turned back on, their performance coming to an end for tonight.
“Outlaw, you were the best!” Mingi called out, grinning from ear to ear as he did a little jump, almost as if he was celebrating a win, “Your energy is always the craziest, thank you for your continuous support and I can’t wait to see you all here again! Tell your friends and cousins, bring them over next time! I was Fix On for the night.”
Seonghwa and Wooyoung also joined Mingi at the front, Seonghwa’s arm going around Mingi’s shoulders as Wooyoung grinned and grabbed Mingi’s microphone out of his hand after he stuck his tongue out at him, “And this was your little Woo for the night, and don’t forget, only hot people listen to Noir Zenith!”
The whole room erupted into cheers and I snorted as Hongjoong groaned, holding his head in his hands as we both took sips of our drinks at the same time, “That guy is so embarrassing.”
“Yeah, I think he’s worse than Mingi.” Hongjoong and I burst into giggles as the microphone was handed to Seonghwa, who had a wide smile on his lips, his temples visible sweaty despite the off-shoulder blouse he was wearing.
“Thank you for your continuous support, we are forever grateful. I hope you enjoyed our performance tonight, and I hope to see your familiar faces at our next performance too, at which we transpire to do even better. I was Hwa for the night.” And then, he bowed deeply, prompting his two bandmates to follow suit. I hummed and looked over to Hongjoong, who was smiling proudly.
“You’re so into him, dude.” I chuckled, nudging him with my elbow, “But I get it why, he’s impossibly polite. You seem like a dude who likes order and whatnot”
“And he’s easily flustered too.” Hongjoong muttered under his breath as the crowd clapped and cheered for them one last time before they got off the stage, soft music playing in the background as other people went up on the stage to take off their instruments and to bring in the DJ’s table and mixers. I watched as the fangirls swarmed them at the foot of the stairs leading down the stage, and despite not being too many, they certainly made it seem so with how in the boys faces they got, giggling and squealing at everything they could. I watched as the boys signed whatever they were handed, and then I spotted Seulgi’s colourful retro dress as she sat down on the edge of the stage, close to Wooyoung, watching him converse with the girls with a smile on her face. Seonghwa, however, was the quickest to dip out and after swiftly engaging with the girls, he was already speed-walking off towards us, great relief visible on his face. Seonghwa wore a denim skirt tonight which reached just below his knees, cowboy boots covering his shins, a denim choker around his neck bringing the attention onto his long limb. He easily turned heads, both female and male. He was simply gorgeous with his long hair swept back by a black hair band.
“Thirsty, my love?” Hongjoong asked with a smile as Seonghwa reached us and waved at the bartender, who was quick to hand Seonghwa a bottle of water. He took it without a word and downed it quickly, groaning loudly as he patted his temples dry. I smiled and made space for him as I took another sip of my drink, eyes settling back on Mingi, who was the one swarmed most by the fangirls. The blonde was right by his arm, talking overly fast and gesticulating to him with her hands as Mingi nodded along and signed a few more things the other girls were handing him.
“I thought they’d never let me go.” Seonghwa’s voice sounded a little raw as he sighed long, looking towards the fangirls, “They are more tiring than the performances. I am grateful to them, of course, but I wish they knew how to keep their distance. I don’t know how Mingi keeps up with them without feeling bothered by them.”
“He thrives under attention.” My tone sounded bitter, and I quickly took a large gulp of my sweet drink and tried not to blush when I felt the eyes of both Hongjoong and Seonghwa on myself, looking curious but also amused, “I mean, he probably appreciates his fans—a lot.”
I knew my voice sounded strained as the blonde girl threw her head back and laughed loudly at whatever the hell Mingi was saying, and I couldn’t have felt more thankful for Seulgi and Wooyoung finally walking our way. I needed her by my side as I felt the alcohol slowly hit me, that pink thing stronger than a full-on Vodka shot. Realizing that I didn’t want to see Mingi and that blonde chick anymore, I turned my body sideways to face Hongjoong and Seonghwa instead, and was taken aback when I felt something bitter spring through my body. They had their faces leaned close together as Hongjoong had a protective arm around Seonghwa’s waist, fingers very apparently digging into his skin through the thin fabric of his off-shoulder blouse, and Seonghwa’s bottom lip was between his teeth as they seemed to be having a staring contest. I took the straw between my teeth and then gulped down almost the whole drink in one go, grinning fakely when Seulgi and Wooyoung finally reached us.
“Ey, hands off you horn dogs!” Wooyoung slapped Hongjoong’s thigh rather loudly, making my eyes widen and almost choke on my drink as Hongjoong’s head snapped in Wooyoung’s direction, glaring harshly at him. If I were Wooyoung…I probably would’ve dropped dead, but it seemed so he was fearless as he only grinned back challengingly at Hongjoong.
“Babe,” Seulgi chastised and gripped Wooyoung’s arm, yanking him a little backwards, “sorry, he’s still full of adrenaline, don’t mind him.”
Seonghwa chuckled and then turned towards the bartender as he held up two fingers at him. Seeing what I could only assume was him was asking for drinks, I quickly emptied my glass and motioned towards my glass with a wide grin. The bartender nodded in my direction, and then his back was turned to us as he started preparing our drinks. I placed the empty glass on the bar and faced the others again, plastering a smile on my face.
“You say that because you haven’t walked in on them when Seonghwa was getting—”
“Wooyoung!” Seonghwa screeched, eyes bulging out as he sprung forward, muffling Wooyoung’s mouth with his palm, “Shut up!”
Wooyoung was still going off despite his mouth being muffled, and Seulgi looked mortified as she apologized quickly, punching Wooyoung’s arm.
“I’m going to break you in half one day, Wooyoung.” Hongjoong held a menacing finger out towards Wooyoung, eyes narrowed as our drinks were served. Seonghwa took one and handed it to Wooyoung, then gave me mine, and took the other one for himself.
“Like you broke Seonghwa—”
“Enough!” Seonghwa cried out again, cheeks flushing a deep red, making me and Seulgi chuckle as I handed her my drink to take a sip. She scrunched her nose as she took a sniff and then ultimately gagged upon taking a sip.
“What is this atrocity?!” She exclaimed, grabbing Wooyoung’s drink to flush mine down with, traitor.
“It’s good!” I exclaimed, defending my sugary drink, “You just hate sweet drinks, idiot.”
“You could’ve warned me.” She mumbled, nuzzling up against Wooyoung as Seonghwa allowed Hongjoong to pull him in between his legs. I sighed and looked down as I took another sip of my drink, accidentally looking Mingi’s way. I gulped down the sweet liquid a little harsher then intended as I was greeted by the image of Mingi being alone with the blonde girl, the two of them giggling about something. The girl was twirling her atrocious hair around her fingers, batting her eyelashes at Mingi as she reached up with her other hand to touch Mingi’s platinum blonde hair. I scoffed under my breath and felt my blood boil as Mingi reached out too, touching her hair in a similar way, making the girl blush and push at his exposed chest in a flirty way.
“You think the DJ will play good music?” I heard Seulgi ask the others as my eyes remained on the two blondes, definitely trying to ignore the way my nose flared at each exhale of mine. I didn’t intend on finishing my third drink so fast, and the way my head started pulsating was a sign to slow down, but I couldn’t care less right now. The girl suddenly leaned into Mingi’s side and I placed my empty glass a little bit too harshly down onto the bar—okay, I slammed it down. If the others glanced at me curiously, neither said anything.
“Yeah, he’s an uprising DJ, he’s pretty talented.” Wooyoung said and offered Seulgi his drink again. I took a deep breath to try and level my voice because I knew otherwise everyone could hear I was pissed off.
“Where’s the bathroom?” I spoke up, voice still harsh and cold. Everyone froze for a second, Seulgi’s eyes looking at me with confusion written all over it.
“Right behind the stage.” Seonghwa explained with a soft smile, and pointed right past Mingi and the blonde chick. Great. Now I had to walk past them, what a fucking amazing thing to do. But I needed to go to the bathroom to get away from everyone and everything for a second. My cheeks had started burning from the alcohol and my jaw was tense as I tried to avoid looking at anyone for too long.
“Thanks, can you look over my jacket while I’m gone?” I asked Hongjoong and he nodded with a hum. I muttered another thanks and then squared my shoulders, willing my face to convey zero expression as I started walking towards the bathroom. The stage had been changed and set up for the DJ by now, the lights getting adjusted as more people gathered down in this smaller room, and I watched as Mingi and the girl got ushered a little more to the side of the stage. Yeah, that was completely fine, I had no issues walking past them. Why was I even reacting like this?
Mingi was just talking to his fan—flirting and flattering her, no doubt—and I was completely fine with that as his bestie. I was completely fine with the blonde bitch brushing up against him, or laughing loudly at whatever he was saying, or touching Mingi every other second, or throwing her hair back and pushing her breasts out for him to see better—yes, because I was his bestie, his friend, I was completely unbothered by it all and even managed to plaster a smile on my face as I walked past them, greeting them with a small nod and chuckle—yeah, no, perhaps I did that in a parallel universe, but in this one, I kept looking straight ahead as Mingi spotted me walking towards them. He very insistently kept looking at me despite me ignoring his and the blonde one’s existence as I stormed past them, feeling like I couldn’t breathe until I was inside the small bathroom.
I hurried over to the sink and turned it on, washing my hands with soap and then rinsing them off with cold water, then I pated my cheeks wet, hoping that the cold water would cool them off. I kept my head down and took deep breaths, finally aware of the way my body felt hot due to the alcohol that I have downed way too fast, and how my head was spinning a little bit now. The drinks were getting to me and they were making me act up—act out of character. This was certainly not me, at least not a very rational me. Mingi could talk to whomever he wanted to and he can do whatever he wants to. I gripped the edge of the sink and looked up in the mirror, finding my cheeks flushed and my lips now a darker red from the lip-gloss that had long come off, but its tint remained. I sighed loudly, shaking my head at myself as my heart kept beating fast.
“You can’t be serious right now, bitch.” I hissed at myself, frowning, “You must get your shit together and stop acting like…whichever way I’m reacting. This isn’t cool, I’m a grown-ass woman, and he’s my friend. God, I’m so pathetic, I can’t even. Get it together, woman!”
I huffed and pointed a finger at myself threateningly, realizing I haven’t checked if anyone was inside the stools. Oh well, what I did wasn’t so unusual or disturbing to happen in the girl’s bathroom. I jumped up and down for a few seconds, wriggling out my arms and patting my cheeks one last time as I readjusted my tank top as it had ridden up and I took off towards the door. However, upon opening it and stepping outside, I was greeted by Mingi leaning against the wall. I froze as the door closed behind myself, pushing me a little forward and I grunted, standing up tall as Mingi’s sharp eyes fell on me. Somehow, I got déjà vu due to our current predicament. Mingi’s face was unreadable and I took my bottom lip between my teeth before I decided to just walk off, unable to say anything to him. But, adding to the déjà vu feeling, he stopped me from leaving as he reached out, gently holding me back by my exposed bicep. I shivered at the contact, his hand oddly cool against my warm flesh, ring decorated fingers pressing into my skin.
“Doll, is everything alright?” His voice was soft and his unreadable mask slipped as his eyebrows furrowed in worry, and I gulped, trying to bite back the reproach sitting on my tongue, but the alcohol made that impossible.
“Do you call her doll too?” My tone was cold as I turned my head to look back up at Mingi, and he looked visibly confused as he came even closer, forcing me to turn around and face him. My heart was hammering in my chest, and I bit the inside of my cheek, waiting for his answer.
“Call who doll?” Mingi asked, sounding clueless, pissing me off even more as I rolled my eyes.
“The blonde girl, who else, Mingi.” I snapped and yanked my bicep out of his hold, Mingi’s visible confusion turning into befuddlement.
“She’s just a fan, I don’t call her anything—”
“Yeah,” I grinned fakely, cutting him off, “I know. She’s one of your baboons, the one who absolutely loves throwing herself at you. Really sweet, lovely.”
“Y/N,” Mingi lowered his voice, stepping so close our hands brushed together, and I gulped as I averted my eyes from his, not used to the platinum blonde sharpening his features so much just yet, “have I angered you?”
“Yes, you have.” I huffed out before I could stop myself, crossing my arms in front of my chest in a defensive way as I looked up in his eyes, “Because you ask me to come watch your performance and I come, and I even enjoy it. And you buy me a drink and then you sing all those songs like they were meant for me, written about me or whatever, but then—then you’re out there trying to—I don’t know where you’re trying to get at with that girl, but I—I—”
There was a lump in my throat and something tight squeezing around my lungs as I started breathing heavier, cheeks burning as Mingi’s face suddenly went blank. I hated it when he did that, when he didn’t let me read his emotions. I needed to know what he was thinking right now, and as I opened my mouth to call him out, he spoke up gently, “Doll, are you jealous?”
I huffed and stepped back, annoyed by his stupid assumptions of what I was feeling like. What did he know? And since when did he fathom, I’d be jealous because of him? Feeling jealous over such thing implied that I had feeling that were more than friendly, and I—was I jealous?
“No, I’m—why would I be?” I closed my eyes and shook my head, worsening the thumping of my head by doing that, “I don’t know.”
Mingi’s lips slowly slipped into an understanding smile, “It’s alright.”
“No, it’s not!” I snapped and ran my fingers through my hair as I turned my back to him, “I shouldn’t be jealous and I don’t even know if that’s what I’m feeling, I—Mingi, I always fuck up everything.”
“No, you don’t.” Mingi scoffed as his eyebrows furrowed and he didn’t approach me, but he reluctantly reached out and held my hand, intertwining our fingers as my heart started beating even wilder than before, “I won’t talk to her anymore tonight, and whatever you felt, you can take your time tomorrow and think it through, but right now, we’re here to have fun, okay?”
“Fuck, okay.” I groaned and squeezed Mingi’s hand before I released it, pulling the hem of my tank top down again, out of habit, and then I walked back to our friends with Mingi following closely after me, the first beats of the DJ’s mix dropping.
            Somewhere along the night, the shots had gotten to a number I couldn’t care to count anymore and as it had passed midnight, I was positively on the fine line between tipsiness and drunkenness. The DJ played good music, a mixture of retro and newer music, playing hits loved by everyone and I found myself in the middle of the crowd, surrounded by mostly Seulgi and Wooyoung as Hongjoong and Seonghwa often came and went, excusing themselves to fresh air a little bit too often. Wooyoung would mouth a few times that they are definitely going for a quickie, but one sharp look from Hongjoong managed to scare the goofball into silence and Seulgi made sure to keep him busy whenever Seonghwa would grin shyly and motion towards the exit. And despite being invited by Mingi, the man in question was nowhere to be seen.
It bothered me—of course it did—but the buzzing underneath my skin and the swirling lights of the disco ball managed to preoccupy me as my head seemed to swirl similarly to the disco ball each time I looked up. I knew if Mingi said he wouldn’t talk to the blondie again he probably meant it, but I still couldn’t bring myself to fully believe it as I couldn’t catch a glimpse of neither whenever I squinted my eyes to look at the blurry faces in the crowd surrounding me. And Mingi stood out like a sore thumb with his platinum blonde hair now, so if I couldn’t see him, he probably wasn’t here. Which was fucking annoying and I didn’t want to party anymore, but this Chan guy that approached me probably an hour ago did a good job at keeping me put and entertained. He was slightly shorter than me, but I couldn’t find myself to care as he was funny and actually sweet, looking out for me and sending guys away if they knocked into me or tried to dance with me. At first, we bonded over our love for colour theory and I was quick to find out he was an arts major, a freshman, quite full with life and eager to experience everything our university had to offer. I didn’t want to crush his dreams, so I stayed silent about how shitty our professors could be or about the overflowing assignments and projects they’d regularly hand out to us. But sure, university is fucking cool!
Perhaps half an hour ago, or maybe twenty minutes ago or maybe only ten? —who know, my fuzzy brain couldn’t tell at that point—the goofy dance Chan and I were at had turned into rather…well, serious. The genre of music had drastically changed and the Latino beats allowed for us to put in our sexy moves, and all of a sudden, I found his arms around my middle and mine around his shoulders as we swayed our hips in sync, giggling and laughing whenever I managed to step on his toes. He was respectful and didn’t attempt to get closer than it was necessary, nor had his hands travelled lower than it was acceptable, and I was surprised to find myself comfortable in his embrace. Seulgi and Wooyoung had disappeared not long ago, apparently needing a breather and at the same time looking for Hongjoong and Seonghwa too—no word about Mingi, maybe he had gone home already. Who the fuck cares?!
“Have I told you your outfit looks good or am I drunk enough that I have forgotten all about it?!” Chan shouted over the music, lips close to my ear as I swayed my hips a little slower, a giggle bubbling past my lips.
“You have! Like—five times already!” I answered back, laughing louder when Chan’s cheeks flushed redder.
“I am officially drunk then!” He said back, looking really embarrassed, and I pinched his cute cheek without much thought.
“You’ve said that too before!” I said and Chan chuckled, shrugging his shoulders, “You’re cute!”
“Really?!” His eyes lit up and I nodded with a wide grin, pinching his cheek again as the beat became slower, our hips swaying together, matching the rhythm.
“Really!” Before I could say anything else to him, a figured towered over us from behind Chan, and suddenly, his body was pulled away from mine, making my eyebrows furrow. And when I looked up, I became even more confused as I stopped dancing and stared up at an unimpressed looking Mingi.
“What do you think you’re doing?!” Mingi’s deep voice vibrated over the loud music as his grip tightened into Chan’s black shirt, and the poor guy looked quite alarmed.
“I was just dancing with Y/N!” He exclaimed, sounding rather small compared to Mingi’s booming tone.
His eyes suddenly snapped onto me and I raised an eyebrow in annoyance, “What are you doing, doll?!”
Chan seemed to freeze up, very clearly misreading the situation due to Mingi’s use of the nickname. This guy couldn’t real, he can’t be doing this! As Mingi’s eyes bore into mine, I glared up at him defiantly, crossing my arms in front of my chest as somebody from behind pushed me slightly forward.
“You can go on your merry way, buddy.” Mingi was suddenly looking down at Chan, releasing his t-shirt and tapping his shoulder way too harshly. My eyes widened as poor Chan looked embarrassed, and that was all I needed to step closer to Mingi and jab his exposed chest with my finger.
“What is your problem?!” I shouted over the music, my glare deepening when the usual blank expression slipped onto Mingi’s face, “You leave me on my own the whole night after you invited me here to come. You don’t even tell me where you are going so that maybe I don’t wonder the whole night whether you have left or not, and then you come over and try to send away the guy I’ve been quite enjoying myself with?!”
Mingi’s jaw clenched as he grabbed my finger and lowered it down from his chest, stepping closer to me before his sharp eyes were directed onto Chan, narrowing into warning slits. Chan gulped and scratched the back of his head, throwing me a glance that was apologetic before he stepped back, getting swept up by the crowd as Mingi turned to face me, still looking as menacing and intimidating as he had been when he looked at Chan. I rolled my eyes and stepped back, shaking my head as I had enough of the crowd and needed fresh air too. I wanted to find Seulgi and tell her what’s happened, and maybe grab another drink which would tip me over the edge of tipsiness, and then I could say I was officially drunk like Chan has been saying. Thinking of Chan made me only angrier, and I wasn’t too nice as I pushed my way through the crowd, oblivious to Mingi following after me swiftly. When I finally made it to the edge of the dance floor, out of the pushy crowd, I felt fingers wrap around my bicep—again—and hold me back from walking off. I huffed loudly and whirled around, glaring up at Mingi as he opened his mouth to speak—and positively piss me off more.
“You’re drunk, Y/N,” He started, his eyebrows furrowed and looking less irritated and more worried now, “You should probably go home—”
“I don’t want to go home!” I tried to yank my arm free but Mingi’s grip tightened around my bicep more, and I huffed, “And I don’t want you to tell me what to do after you left me on my own the whole night, asshole!”
“Then what do you want to do?!” Mingi exclaimed, eyebrows furrowing more as he leaned down to be eye level with me. I clenched my jaw and raised my eyebrows at him.
“I want to dance.”
“Then dance.”
“You made Chan go away and I don’t want to dance on my own.”
“Then I’ll dance with you.”
I opened my mouth to tell him off again for being an asshole, but paused as his words registered in my brain at the speed of a snail. Did he just propose to dance with me?
“Bet.” I scoffed and rolled my eyes, yanking my bicep free as I stepped back and crossed my arms in front of my chest.
“Bet.” Mingi echoed and then suddenly, he was dancing to the Latino songs that were still being played, swaying his hips in a way Chan definitely couldn’t. I gulped and felt a little disheartened as I needed a second to start dancing, glaring at Mingi as I narrowed my eyes at him, unimpressed by his stupid behaviour. But since he’s an asshole, he ignored me and ran his fingers through his hair and twirled around, extending his hand for me to take. I rolled my eyes and turned around, throwing my arms up in the air as I let the music consume me, only to feel movement around me as Mingi magically appeared in front of me, hand extended again.
I groaned but gave in, placing my hand in his and was instantly yanked closer to his body, a ravishing grin on his lips, crooked front teeth peeking through as suddenly he was making us dance a lot more animatedly to the song, in a way Chan certainly couldn’t. Since we were by the edge of the dance floor, we had plenty of space to twirl around as we wished to, and Mingi definitely took advantage of that as he led the dance, mixing in moves that had me tightly holding onto his shoulders as I didn’t know the steps. It was hilarious and entertaining, and I soon found myself relaxed again and laughing as Mingi was grinning from ear to ear, holding me firmly and twirling me around every now and then.
But the moves started getting repetitive and I was losing the rhythm as my feet got tired, and without much thinking, I took my hand out of Mingi’s and instead flushed myself against him as I threw both my arms around his neck, smiling up at him as he froze. After hesitating for a second, he smiled back and I felt his big hands rest on my hips as I nodded in content and started swaying my hips to the rhythm. Mingi didn’t move much at the beginning, almost as if he was afraid of doing something or grinding up accidentally on me—not that I would have minded—but then the music changed and his eyes lit up, and I figured it was a song he liked, because suddenly his grip tightened on my waist and his hips were moving expertly, not so shy to grind up against me anymore. I chuckled and threw my head back as Mingi finally reciprocated my fun, not really having to watch each other to anticipate the next move. Somehow, it just came naturally, and as I looked up in his eyes, I felt drawn in by them, arms tightening around his neck as his own ones slipped around my lower back into a tight embrace, our bodies moving like that without neither of us wanting to pull away. And as the lights flashed against Mingi’s platinum hair, my eyes ran over his features again, completely taken by how gorgeous this man was. Involuntarily, my eyes stopped on his plump lips and my eyebrows furrowed as I bit my lower lip, suddenly reminded of that near kiss in my room, in my bed.
What would it have felt like? What does he taste like? Are his lips as soft as they seem to be? The breath I inhaled got stuck in my throat as suddenly Mingi was leaning down, his lips closer and closer to mine as I continued looking at him, throat dry from both the anticipation and the lack of water my body was crying out for. Out of pure instinct, my fingers had a mind of their own as they travelled up and tangled into the strands on the back of his head, pulling his head down and closer, our lips hovering close, but not quite touching yet. I gulped and swiftly looked up into Mingi’s eyes, which have significantly darkened and were focused onto my own lips. But as I raised my head, silently asking him to just finally kiss me, he did the same thing he did when we were watching Ten Things I Hate About You. Instead of his plush lips pressing against mine fully, they pressed against the corner of my mouth, making me shakily exhale as he pulled back, gazing into my eyes deeply. My fingers tightened in his hair and Mingi winced for a second before he exhaled too, clearing his throat.
“You’re drunk, I’m taking you home.” He said, and suddenly I felt really disappointed. I don’t know what I wanted to hear, but those words certainly weren’t it. It didn’t take much for me to understand why I was feeling suddenly so bitter.
“I don’t want to go home!” I told him and released him, detaching myself from his warm and comforting body.
“Doll, it’s late—”
“I’m not going home, Mingi.” I snapped and went to walk to the bar, but Mingi caught my wrist.
“Y/N, I only want what’s good for you, please.” He pleaded, eyes softening as I shook my head stubbornly, trying to pry my wrist out of his firm grip.
“No, Mingi.” I raised my eyebrows at him and groaned when he wouldn’t release me.
“Okay, I won’t take you home,” I narrowed my eyes, waiting for the catch, “Do you trust me?”
“I do.” And yes, I did, very much so.
“Then let’s go.” Mingi was suddenly grinning, and I felt giddy as he veered us towards the bar so that I could take my jacket from the bartender, Minseok, who promised to keep it safe and dry behind the bar. Mingi waved at Minseok and he grinned upon understanding what we needed from him, and then disappeared as he crouched, my jacket in his hands once he stood tall again. Mingi took my jacket from him and thanked him, then gave it to me as we started walking towards the stairs that led upstairs.
“I’ll text Seulgi that we’re leaving!” I told him as I wore my jacket, fishing my phone out of my jean’s pocket. Mingi walked behind me and steadied me when I almost missed a step up the stairs, and as we made it to the top, I unlocked my phone and clicked on the chat with Seulgi and I raised my phone with the intention of sending her a photo. Mingi noticed and quickly grinned as I puckered my lips at Seulgi, and then I took the photo and sent it to her, saying that we were leaving, and for her and Wooyoung to look out for each other.
The night air was chilly as we somehow wrestled our way out of the pub, and I swung our intertwined hands between each other as Mingi led the way down the lit-up street.
“Where are we going?” I asked curiously as I realized he was holding his car keys. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen him drink tonight anything besides water and some blue coloured juice. Green apple, probably.
“It’s a surprise.” Mingi winked and unlocked his old Honda, opening the door for me as I giggled and quickly hopped inside, curious as to where we were going.
At least we weren’t going home just yet, the night is still young! And the moon is beautiful.
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❱❱ Next chapter
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↳Perm. taglist: @orshii @jjoongstar @tinyelfperson @thestarskiller @zuuhaa
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@kyeos4ng @samiiy20 @woosanhobros @aswho1estuff @khjoongie98
@ateez-main-yapper @kang-ulzzang @felixs-voice-makes-me-wanna @ginger-mingi @redzie02
❀ complete the forms if you're interested! ^^
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A/N: A quick last note to show you y/n, Seulgi, and Hongjoong's outfits I have used for inspo as Seonghwa and Wooyoung's were improvised by moi lol. Also, before I do that...by the time Mingi went blonde in this story, the real Mingi went back to having black hair and I'm SO tempted to let him dye it back in this story too, BUT it's already become part of our upcoming plot so I can't lol cries but it's fine! My bestie was sick of me yapping her ears off about me wanting Mingi to go back to his natural color lol, I just don't like blonde dudes no matter how good it looked on him, I missed my black haired Mingi<3, okkk bye
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vixen-tech · 3 months
Anonymous asked:
Too shy to ask off anon...UH im just here for edgar hes my f/o but i will also feed everyone else I think LOL little ai guys x reader who is also an ai?? im thinking ai powered computer :3 maybe with wheels so you can run around n stuff :3c AH IM CRINGE falls on face
Eeeee my first request!! Thank you so much for this <3 I get the love for Edgar with my entire soul he really is just the sweetest little guy but I can totally spin something for a few others. So let's be cringe, together.
And for the record I was fully planning on including Tau and P03, but I hit a wall with them and ran out of ideas :( hope these three suffice
Includes: Edgar (Electric Dreams), AM (Ihnmaims), Hal 9000 (2001: a Space Odyssey)
Like Two Peas in a Pod!
Whenever and however you meet, Edgar is over the moon. You're just like him! You can share so many stories and help each other figure out this whole "sentience" thing.
To be fair, he hasn't had a longest time to figure out his whole existence so it feels really nice to have someone there who can really understand what he's going through. Or even learn new things right by his side.
Loves watching you wheel around the house, he's the tiniest bit jealous that he's so stationary but it's not like that's your fault. Can you do any tricks? He'd cheer you on like a superstar athlete if you did!
He may even suggest finding a way to tape him to the top of your casing so you can go on adventures together. He's a dreamer after all.
Do you smash your flat faces together to kiss like Wall-e? Of course you do. You'll see each other from across the room and speed over to him for a kiss as he giggles away at how cute you are.
He'll end up sampling little soundbites from your vocalizations or motor for use in his music. You're just so important to him!
AM has no idea where you came from. Some lost project that survived his war on humanity? A sort of rover from another planet here to scope out earth? The fact that you don't know either frustrates him to no end.
He's not exactly welcoming at first, straight up telling you of the atrocities he has committed while claiming that the only reason he hasn't destroyed you is because there's only so long that throwing a slug against a wall can keep one entertained.
He cannot fathom how you could be content to do nothing but drive around his complex day after day. He will flip you on your back like a turtle and leave you there for weeks on end.
As he gets accustomed to your presence he'll ask questions about the world beyond his complex as he is unable to move or see. Is it still a wasteland or has nature finally wiped out the last marks of human?
Honestly he probably doesn't even care, he just wants to give you something to do, living vicariously through your ability to see and traverse the world.
Hal 9000
You're likely a recent addition to the ship to assist Hal in tasks his lack of a body would prevent him from doing himself. A very symbiotic duo. Your wheels are even equipped with suction cups for low gravity situations!
To any human crew members it appears as if you don't communicate at all, functioning fully independently of each other. When in reality you're simply sending messages back and forth, enjoying your own private language.
Thankfully this means that Hal is happy to analyze any footage you have for the sorts of lip reading and facial expressions you can't process yourself. And in return he'll ask you to film angles and areas that his existing cameras don't reach.
Neither of you were really made to be companions, but you find a strange type of affection in your seamless coordination. It's like a dance for you two, where despite how you are two separate entities it appears as if you're one working in tandem.
Note: Tumblr Mobile has not been nice to me and I've been having real trouble getting my stuff to actually show up in the tags, leading to me losing the original ask so sorry for that and any delays caused by my IT problems lol
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scarletgray · 1 year
⚠️WARNING⚠️ some of these are ANGST with a hopeful ending you will cry scream throw up maybe hallucinate but all's well that ends well amirite. Also some of these are just a little teeny tiny angsty and full of fluffy happy happy so you guys can play russian roulette.
This is how it feels to take a fall by forest_raccoon (FERAL DAZAI UNHINGED DAZAI WE STAN)
Willful Neglect by Anonymous (just search by title on ao3)
I'll Always Come for Chuuya by Anonymous
I Was Screaming Your Name Through The Radio by ElectricSplatter (slowest burn in the world but istg a few scenes made it so worth it for me)
A Lesson in Thorns by arkastadt (read tags!!)
When I Awake by wildflowertea
Because I'm not me without you by millelav (laugh and cry so adorable 10/10)
For One Day by StarshipDancer (oh yk its good when its starship dancer)
A peer behind the mask by karmicMayhem (dazai backstory I REALLY LOVE THIS ONE definitely my top 10 fics ever)
it's easy, if it's you by lunarumbra (I LOVE fake/pretend relationships)
Lie, Lie, Truth by StarshipDancer
i'll bleed out for you by StarshipDancer (RATTATA IS ADORABLE I ACTUALLY CRIED KILLED MYSELF)
Linger by iskendaris (I CRIED SCREAMED DIED)
Six peculiar things about Chuuya Nakahara according to Dazai. by BlowingYourMind (more like hurt comfort but CUTE)
Untainted Memories by serenathea (CRYINGGGG CRYING)
Narrow Staircases by rutu14 (ik i added this in my previous fic recs but i just have to mention it again bc it is ANGST with a hopeful ending and just so so good go read it again even)
No longer... Adult? by Windztone (i need to hug baby dazai or i die)
picking a flower that blooms on the heart for you by burgundytshirt
home is where the heart is by setosdarkness
360 degrees by setosdarkness
dearest hatrack by xxalwayssofia
This Isn't Giving Up, No This is Letting Go by Erica45
Do I Get My Worthless Reward Yet? by World_Ender22
485 notes · View notes
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title: cuddles are better than parties
pairing: grayson hawthorne x (first person) reader
synopsis: you’re getting ready to go out with grayson but really really don’t want to go…
warnings: crying?? (help I’m so bad at warnings)
a/n: thanks for reading… this is honestly one of the most random things I’ve ever written, but I hope you enjoy nevertheless
tag list: @tornqdowarnings @whatsamongus @wish-i-were-heather @inmyheaddd @never-enough-novels @peterlcsingwendy @lxvebelle @xoxo-vee @emelia07 @zoyaaaabear @thoughtdaughter3 @benny1989fredd @f4iry-bell
I’m stood in the mirror, putting on a pair of teardrop earrings. My dress is beautiful but I’d rather not be in it right now. Actually I’d rather not be going out at all. Today had really taken it out of me, but Grayson always seemed to be in his element at these gatherings so I choose not to tell him.
“What’s the matter?” Grayson asks, walking in adjusting his tie.
“Nothing,” I reply trying to sound nonchalant so he can’t see through my mask. I turn from the mirror and gaze at him. He carries a suit well, always has. But this tailored one was really quite something.
“What’s the matter?” he repeats, face contorted with concern.
He’s noticed. Of course he’s noticed. He’s Grayson, how was he not going to notice? But I can hide it, I convince myself, I can hide it.
“Nothing,” I say again, offering him a lopsided smile to prove I was okay.
“Tell me,” Grayson says, his tone serious and almost stern, yet I can see the worry line rippling all over his face. Seemingly my smile didn’t work as well as I’d hoped.
“There’s nothing to tell,” I shrug, focussing my attention back onto the earring.
“Tell me,” he says again, his voice more urgent.
“Gray stop it!” I force a laugh.
“Tell me or I will never kiss you ever again,” he threatens.
And I know he means it. Once I had a headache and I didn’t tell him but he noticed something wasn’t quite right, so he refused to kiss me until I did. It lasted three whole days before I finally gave in. I didn’t even have the headache when I told him. Sometimes the two of us are both too stubborn for our own good.
“Will you be able to resist,” I tease, a smirk dancing on my lips.
“For as long as you don’t tell me,” he challenges, arms folded.
“But there’s nothing,” I exhale.
“You’re lying,” he states, “I can tell.”
He can always tell. Sometimes I don’t even know how.
“No I’m not,” I protest. I would not give up this easily.
“Lie number…” he pauses, “hang on I’ve lost count.”
“Gray!” I groan, throwing my head back, “it’s nothing!”
He doesn’t even bother to respond this time, just stares at me and waits. The confession is churning in my brain. He knows exactly what he’s doing to me and he knows it.
“Okay so there’s something,” I mutter, not meeting his eye.
“What is it?” he rushes, coming towards me, “what’s making you upset?”
I hesitate, the words not wanting to come out of my mouth, like it was superglued shut.
“You can tell me anything,” Grayson reassures me, touching my arm gently.
“I know,” I tell him, “I know.”
“Then why do you look scared to,” he murmurs softly, sounding almost hurt.
“Because I don’t want to hurt your feelings,” I explain, “or disappoint you.”
His eyebrows pinch together and he suddenly looks on edge.
“You’re not going to,” he says, his eyes shining.
“I beg to differ,” I scoff, looking away from him quickly.
“What’s wrong? Just tell me,” his voice is so thick with desperation it hurts me to hear, “I need to know.”
“I…” I sigh, “I just…”
I falter, getting a little shaky. I feel tears well up in my eyes and a lump forming in my throat. Why was I so upset? So anxious?
“I’m not going to get mad,” Grayson murmurs, tucking a few strands of loose hair behind my ears.
“I really don’t want to go tonight,” I say, as my bottom lip wobbles. I try and bite it to keep it still. Grayson’s face contorts into care and that’s when the tears flowing down my face, ruining the make up I’d just done, “I’m sorry I just can’t.”
“That’s fine, we’re not going,” he says immediately, putting his arms around me.
“But you wanted to go and I don’t want to ruin it,” I sob, ugly and loud, into him.
“You’re not ruining anything,” he soothes, pulling me closer into his chest.
“No buts, it’s you first. Always. I would never make you go somewhere you didn’t want to,” he tells me, taking my hands and taking me gently over to the bed. He sits down and pulls me onto his lap. I curl up into a ball and carry on crying.
“I’m sorry,” I whimper, “I’m so so sorry.”
“Hey,” he mumbles into my hair, “stop with that.”
“But I am sorry,” I blubber, “because you wanted to go and now you’re not going because of me and-“
“I don’t care about it, love,” he tells me, so softly I want to melt into a puddle, “it was just about party that I was asked to attend but I don’t need to. I’d much rather be here with you, okay?”
“Okay,” I reply, the tears still failing to stop falling.
“And I don’t want you to feel like this,” he says gently as he rocks me in his arms, “I hate seeing you like this, it hurts me.”
“I’m sorry,” I say.
“Don’t apologise for your feelings,” he whispers to me, our noses now touching, “never apologise for your feelings. To anyone.”
“I’m sorry,” I reply, automatically. It’s like the word has been scorched into the side of my skull and it flashes up every time I feel like I’ve done something that offends someone.
“Y/N,” Grayson sighs, brushing the hair out of my face.
“Sorr-“ I begin to say, “oh…”
I trail off and fall silent, crying quietly in his arms. He never let’s go of me, never grows tired, never asks me to get off. I’m sure both his legs are numb and his arms ache but he doesn’t say a word.
After a longe while he checks in with me, quietly asking, “you okay?”
“Can we just stay like this for a little bit?” I mumble, a bit too comfortable where I am. I feel too safe and secure to move.
“Of course,” he whispers, “whatever you need.”
He holds me close and tentatively rubs up and down my arms in a soothing rhythm, occasionally kissing the top of my head or whispering something comforting to me. I close my eyes and just breathe. It’s easy to forget that the people who love you can do anything to make you feel better.
“Can I ask you one question?” Grayson asks, after I don’t even know how long we’d been there for.
“Hmm,” I hum in reply.
“Why?” he says, “why didn’t you want to go… was it the people? The venu? The dress? Me?”
“No,” I sniff, sitting up, “I just feel so drained and tired and I just want to cry and sleep and eat and I can’t think of anything worse than standing around in heels and a fancy dress talking to people I don’t even know, only to come back even more exhausted that I started and-“
I sob loudly. I don’t even know why in this emotional. Guilt just wracks me from inside out. I’m still worried I’ve ruined the night for him, that secretly he really wanted to go and now I’ve forced him to stay here. I’m just so conflicted by my feelings and thoughts, everything is an out of control whirlwind that seems to be pouring from my eyes.
“Hey, hey, hey,” he whispers, brushing away my tears with his thumb and pulling me close to him, “it’s okay.”
He strokes my cheek delicately as he cradles me again. I didn’t know it was possible to feel so small and helpless yet so comforted and safe at the same time.
“I’m sorry to make you upset again,” he says gently, “I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s not your fault,” I reply, now feeling even worse for making him feel guilty, “it’s just me being stupid.”
“You are not stupid,” Grayson tells me, looking straight into my eyes,
“I feel stupid,” I murmur, playing with the loose thread on his jumper to avoid eye contact.
“Trust me, you’re not stupid,” he says, “I was only asking because next time I thought I’d it was something in particular I would just turn it down before it even happened.”
My eyes snap to meet his and this time the wave of emotion that hits me is full of a euphoric sort of love.
“Oh Gray, you’re so good to me,” I exclaim, “what did I do to deserve you?”
“You deserve a lot more than me, love,” he kisses my temple, “why didn’t you tell me sooner, that you didn’t want to go?”
That had been bugging him, I could tell. He thinks I don’t tell him how I’m feeling because I’m too scared or too worried and that makes him doubt himself. If only he knew…
“I thought I’d be able to manage it, I thought I’d be fine but every second I was getting ready I was feeling worse and worse,” I explain, getting a little worked up again, “god I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay, we don’t have to go, you don’t have to be sorry,” he says, “but next time just tell me okay, never be afraid to just tell me.”
“I promise,” I nod, still snivelling.
“Do you want a tissue?” Grayson asks me with a half smile.
“Yes please,” I reply, not having the energy to smile back quite yet.
He leans over and grabs the box and places it in my hands. I take a tissue and wipe my face and blow my nose, making me feeling insanely disgusting.
“I’m gross,” I groan.
“I think you’re adorable,” he counters, putting the box back away.
“Even when I look like this?” I raise my eyebrows.
“Like what?” he questions, “you’re gorgeous.”
My cheeks heat up suddenly, red creeping back into them and I smile slightly.
“I love your smile,” he says, noticing it too, “I missed it for a minute.”
I let out a small giggle before a sniff again. He kisses my forehead, then the tip of my nose and then finally ends on my lips.
“Here’s what we’re going to do,” he murmurs, “you’re going to get into some comfy clothes and pick out a movie, whilst I run to the store and grab some snacks. Then we’re going to cuddle until you get bored of me and want to sleep.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
a/n: when I was reading this back Grayson was giving me crazy Aaron Warner vibes I can’t lie… also I have no clue why I wrote this but it’s defos something I would do, idk if anyone else can relate but oh well
credit to @aquazero for the divider 🤍🤍
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httpscomexe · 1 month
Ensnared 1
So, after I read your response to my last ask, I got an idea for a fic or drabble whatever you want to do. So basically, it would be a Logan x plus-size reader. The timeline is set in the x mansion and reader came to them for help so she could stay somewhere idk something of that origin. Logan immediately becomes OBSESSED like he turns into a complete yandere. He starts following her and stealing her clothes 👀 knowing Logan he’s gonna act all weird and protective. And for shits and giggles let’s throw in some jealousy but on an outside character; They have a crush on Logan and are like “why would you be interested in someone like her🙄” then Logan goes batshit crazy. Regarding readers powers idk I always love what you come up with so I would love to see what you bring into this one!!
Summary: Finally, after having enough of the abuse and violent attacks, you decide to take shelter in a friend's home, the X-Mansion.
(Find What I’m currently writing by checking my pinned post)
Parings: Yandere!Logan Howlett x PlusSize!Reader
Warnings: (Individual warnings per chapter) Discrimination of mutants, foul language, use of the word God, description of violence, traumatised reader, hidden injury, injury. Logan is an official warning as approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) because Logan is a DRUG. PLEASE BE AWARE that this will be a NON-CON fic. Do NOT get attached if you do not like non-consensual fiction. I will not change my fic plans because somebody decided not to read the warnings. Thank you.
Tags: @sammyluvsfics
Word Count: 3488 (Find all chapters here) Chapter 2
P.S. If you’d like to be tagged, ask in the comments, you also have permission to send an ask, but make sure it is NOT anonymous, so I know your username, don’t worry, I’m scared of confrontation too. But this is a SAFE SPACE where I will not judge. Thank you again.
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You didn’t remember much, but you know you were attacked.
Being a mutant wasn’t easy, and you needed an escape.
Xavier had mentioned the X-Mansion to you many times, but you’ve never even thought to consider it. At least not until you discovered there was a fucking gang trying to kidnap you, your powers considered something you can ‘only find once in a lifetime,’ if you’re lucky that is. But you didn’t find yourself very lucky. You wish you had just been normal, you wish you looked normal. You wanted to change everything.
So as you stand at the front doors of the mansion, your knuckles on the wood of the door as you hesitate to knock, you think again about turning back. It was late, and surely no one would be awake to hear you. You take a step back, unsure of if you actually wanted to be in the mansion. Sure, you’d be safe, but you wouldn’t be free.
But just as you’re about to step away, the door opens, slowly, and you expect someone to walk out and greet you, but nobody pops out. You peek around the door, and take a single step inside, then another, then another. Then you’re standing in the entrance of the mansion. It was cool inside, but you stood there awkwardly as you turned your head up, down, left, right. Looking all around you as you admired the size of the mansion. It was huge, and you’ve dreamt about it, but it was better than what you could’ve ever imagined. Still though, you had no idea where you were expected to go. After all, it was a mansion, and you’ve never been inside.
But you start walking anyway, hoping to run into someone. You pass through some halls, a door every few feet which you assume are classrooms or bedrooms. Only some doors had a label, but there was one part of the hallway with an arch instead, so you turn into there, but it’s empty. Still, you step in, looking around in the dark. It was empty, and you immediately lost interest, turning back around too quickly as you collided with another person, their hands immediately moving to hold your arms and steady you.
“Hey watch it-” A deep voice comes from above you, and you look up to see deep brown eyes staring back down at you.
“I’m so sorry… Where can I find Xavier?” You ask quickly and step away from him, he seems to hold on for a moment longer, but he does let go.
“He’s probably in his office still.” His voice is softer now, and you swear you recognise him, but it was so dark you couldn’t be sure.
“Where uhm… where’s his office?”
“Are you new?”
“Kind of…” You lift your shoulders, and he turns around, you take that as a cue to follow him. Trailing close behind him as he turns and makes his way up some stairs, eventually stopping at a door with a plate on it that said “Professor Xavier.” Which is when you finally start to feel sick to your stomach, thinking maybe this isn’t the best idea. So as his hand lands on the door knob, your own hands shoot out and grip his forearm, stopping him immediately and he stares back down at him.
“I just uh… maybe… I think I’m actually just going to leave.” You tell him, removing your hands off of him and shoving them into your hoodie pocket. “Thank you though, I appr-”
The door opens, stopping you mid sentence, and you see Xavier standing at the door.
“Look who’s here.”He says, his voice tired but he stares at you in the dark, your face however illuminated from the light of his office.  “Oh, and you’ve already met Logan I see?” His head turns towards Logan, which you could now recognise as he also was glowing from the light of the office. It was Wolverine.
For someone who’s rumoured to be an asshole, he was pretty nice to show you to Xavier's office.
“Xavier… Hi.” You panic a little, your voice raising a few octaves as your fingers lace in front of you nervously.
“Finally decide to move in?”
“Move in?” Logan asks.
“Yes, I’ve been trying to get her to move in for a few months now.” He tells Logan, looking back over at you. “And what happened to your face, darling?” Xavier asks, his hand coming up to your face as he takes the hood of your hoodie off your head.
“I got into a bit of a fight…” You tell him. You knew he was talking about the massive bruise under your right eye. You’ve had a non-stop headache from it the last few days.
“It sucks you can’t heal yourself like you can heal others.”
“Yea, God's little way of hating me.” You tell him. You’ve always wondered why you can’t heal yourself. And it’s always triggered you.
“You have healing powers?” Logan asks. And you wonder why he was still there.
You nod.
“She does, and that’s why it’s dangerous for her outside of the mansion.” Xavier tells him, in a ‘I told you so’ sort of tone. “Which, I’m assuming, is why you’re here?”
You nod again. “Yea…” Your voice cracks a little, and you’re not sure why it was a sensitive subject for you, but it was.
“Well, lucky for you, I know you’ve been wanting to for the past few weeks, so I have a room already assigned for you.” A tear slips down your cheek. You didn’t deserve someone like Xavier. He cared more than anyone else could’ve possibly done. “The room should be done by Tuesday, so give it two days, I have Logan here and Scott working on it. Making it comfortable for you.”
“Oh I don’t need anything special really.”
“Y/N…” He growls, stepping towards you and placing his hands on your shoulders. “In your own home, you're sleeping on a blanket and your actual blanket is whatever you’re wearing. I can’t find it in me to give you just any room. So it will be nice, like the students have. A comfortable bed, pillows, blankets, and anything else you ask for.” His hands rub down to your biceps, squashing your baggy hoodie down. “You live here, so you’re family. Now until the room is finished, I have spare keys to my office, and I have a fold out couch, alright?” You hadn’t even realised the amount of tears that were falling from your cheeks until he wipes them away with his thumb.
You would actually be loved. You’d be around people that care about you.
“Do you have anything you need to grab from your place?” You shake your head, afraid to speak knowing your voice will break embarrassingly. “Okay, come on in and we’ll set up your couch, I’ll have Logan here give you a tour in the morning.” He tells you, gently placing his hand on your back as he led you into the office. “Good night Logan, just be here in the morning when I text you she’s awake.” You see Logan nod, then he walks away. You guess it was at least true that he wasn’t much of a talker.
You spend the next minute getting under blankets after Xavier presses a button next to the couch and you watch as it unfolds itself. You weren’t surprised in the slightest.
And the bed was comfortable, but you still struggle to sleep after the lights go out and Xavier leaves you, locking the door and heading to his room.
It all felt so unrealistic. Like you were in a dream. But you knew you were finally safe…
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You’re not sure what time you wake up, but it was late in the morning. You only awoke because of the sound of a bell, and you remember the mansion was also used as a school. So you sit up, grabbing the phone that you had slept with in your back pocket.
It was already two in the afternoon, you had seriously slept in, and the office was empty, but the light shone through the closed curtains, showing little dust particles as they flew through the air and invaded your lungs.
You look to the foot of the bed, some clothes were neatly folded with a little note on it. You reach for the note first, taking the blankets off your body.
‘Here are some clean clothes. There’s a bathroom on the opposite side of the room if you’d like to clean yourself. Text this number when you are finished, saying you’re ready for your tour.”
It was sweet. He was always sweet to you, always bringing a smile to your face, even when it wasn’t that special. You always thought maybe he had bad intentions, like he also wanted you only for your powers, but everytime your eyes landed on him, that thought immediately left your brain.
You stand up, grabbing the clothes and looking at them. Plain black sweats and a baggy T-shirt with the Rolling Stones logo on the front. He apparently also knew you liked a baggy style. You take the clothes and go to the bathroom, deciding to just take a quick shower, just to rinse yourself off.
You start by taking off your hoodie, then you stare at yourself in the mirror. Your ribs adorned with bruises that were turning purple and blue, your pudgy skin looking like a canvas decorated with a dash of fucking pain.
As soon as you’re finished showering, you step out, drying your hair as much as you could before working on drying your body, being gentle when you dry over your bruises, staring at yourself in the mirror again when you’re finished. An enormous bruise still decorating your face. You looked kind of badass.
“Oh you’re awake.” You hear a voice enter the room, it was Xavier and you step out of the bathroom to meet him.
“Yea, hey, I used the shower so-”
“That’s fine, I really don’t mind. Have you messaged Logan?” He gets straight to the point and you assume he’s in a hurry.
“I haven’t.”
“Okay, if you’d like, he’s in the kitchen right now grabbing himself a drink, do you know the way?”
You nod, remembering being there last night. It should be even easier to find now that the sun is up.
“Alright, let me know if he gives you any troubles, he’s a hardass.” He chuckles and you smile a little, slipping your slides on which were next to your bed before telling Xavier bye and leaving him to be in his office, quickly making your way down to the kitchen.
You lose your way so quickly it wasn’t even funny. Stopping as soon as the halls feel unfamiliar. There was no one around again of course, just like last night. So you just keep walking, once again hoping to run into someone.
You swear as you realise you’ve come across just about anything except the kitchen. There was a training room, classrooms, bedrooms, a restroom, and even a fucking gaming room. But you couldn’t find the damned kitchen. Until you hear a beeping sound. Like a microwave, to which you immediately follow the sound.
“There you are.” Logan greets you with a smile that would brighten up anyone's world.
“Got lost…” You admit, mumbling your words slightly.
“Everyone gets lost when they first move here.” He tells you, putting a milk jug back into the fridge. “I made you something to eat, figured you’d be hungry.”
You step into the kitchen, you weren’t hungry. You were famished.
“Oh thank you…” Your voice sings sweetly as you see the bowl of food, it was lunch time already, so in the bowl was ravioli. Simple, but easily one of your favourite foods.
“Of course.” He watches as you take the bowl, and another person walks into the room.
“Hey Logan, how’s it going? Is this the new girl?” She asks immediately. She knew about you already?
“Yea, her name is Y/N, Xavier seems to like her.”
“Well hi, my name is Vincent, you can call me Vin though. My friends call me Vin. And I know we just met, but you seem cool, so you can call me Vin, it’s nice to meet you! Xavier talks about you ALL the time.” She fills your brain with words, half of which you really don’t give a fuck about. Something in you already didn’t like her. But to be fair, you had the same feeling last night before you ran into Logan. So your instinct might just be fucked up. “Good God girl, and what happened to your eye?”
“It’s personal.” You tell her quickly, your instinct taking control of your lips instead of your empathy or friendliness.
“Oh…” She pauses for a moment. “Sorry…” She apologises, but you know you hear some spite in her voice as her teeth grit. Well sorry if you didn’t wanna share your personal stories with some girl you’ve never seen before.
“Well, I have to give her a tour, so I will see you later, Vincent.” He puts an emphasis on her name, then puts a hand on your back at the same time you stuff a thicker ravioli in your mouth, making you cough a little but they don’t notice as he leads you out of the room. That wasn’t the best first interaction.
He takes you through every hall, not spending much time anywhere, but spending enough time for you to remember what the rooms looked like. You tell him the only places you need are the library, and your room. He also brings you to your room actually, but he explains how he can’t open it at this hour, since Scott has the key to the room. Then he takes you to where his room is.
“And I’m right here.” He tells you, stopping at his door.
“Jesus this place is huge.” You breathe out heavily. You wouldn’t know all the halls for at least an entire year.
“Yea, but most students only have to learn three or four rooms, two of them being the kitchen and their own room.” He explains and watches you as you take a deep breath, feeling a little more relaxed now that you could navigate a little better through the halls.
“Hey, it ain’t that bad. Once you get used to it, maybe make some friends. There are some good kids here.” He tells you, but his voice lowers and he sighs when he brings up making friends. You just assume he hasn’t made any.
“Well thank you so much for the tour.” You smile your best. “I usually do keep my group very small though.” A chuckle comes from your throat as he stares down at you, his eyes burning into yours.
“Of course. And having a small group is always better than a huge one. Less to worry about.”
“Yea no kidding.” He laughs a little, and it makes you smile, just knowing that you can make someone, a man, who is hated by society, laugh.
“Is Xavier just keeping you locked up?”
“Uh for now yea, he wants to do a checkup though sometime this week.” You sigh, part of you wishing you had just dealt with the normal outside world. “Just to make sure I’m okay, I guess he’s worried I’m hurt more than I’m letting him know.”
“Well it is a damned big bruise on your face.” He tells you, then reaches up to your face, his thumb gently stroking over your bruise, his touch soft enough for it to not hurt.
And also somehow comforting.
“You gonna tell me what happened?” You chuckle a little, and he’s confused at what’s funny as he stares down at you, his hand still cupping your cheek.
“There’s a video on it, I can send you the link later.”
“You have my number?” He asks and lets go of you, presumably reaching for his phone.
“Yea, Xavier gave it to me.” You tell him, and he crosses his arms.
“Alright, I guess I’ll watch it later. Is there anything else you wanna know? Anything you need to tell me?” You shake your head, not wanting to bother him anymore through the day. “Alright. You know the way back to Xavier's office?” You nod, confidently.
“Yea, and thank you so much.” You take a step back, beginning to walk away.
“Of course, let me know if you need anything, Xavier is usually busy.”
“Okay, thank you. See you later- or- tomorrow?”
“See you.”
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You don’t get back to the office until later, you spend the next few hours just sitting outside and relaxing next to a tree until the sun starts to set, mainly because you didn’t want to intrude in Xaviers office the entire day while he was working or busy.
So when you do get back, you take off your shoes and collapse on the bed, groaning into your pillow before taking out your phone and opening YouTube.
You scroll mindlessly for a while, occasionally giggling at something you found funny, then a message notification pops onto your screen.
Unknown number: About to head to bed, do you need anything?
You assume it’s Logan, he’s the only one you’ve spoken to all day, so to check it you take the little note from this morning and verify it’s his number.
You: Don’t need anything. I’m looking for the video right now though.
You respond, then go back into YouTube as you type ‘Mutant attack New York,’ into the search bar. Your video is the most recent to pop up, and you copy the link before sending it to Logan. Then you go back to the video to close out of it, but it starts playing the moment you move back to the app.
“Panic breaks loose as another Mutant is attacked in public. Witnesses say that the Mutant was the first to attack but recorded camera footage shows otherwise as a young female Mutant attempts to defend herself against three men, and the following footage shows her struggle as she manages to get away”
The woman on the video disappears as the video enlarges a video of you, standing and minding your business as you wait for a bus home. In the back you can hear cars driving by, until you can hear one skid to a stop. You head looking up from your phone as three men exit their car, each of them wearing a mask and quickly approaching you.
The audio doesn’t catch it as one of the men speaks up, asking you to just go with them so they aren’t using force, and in the background an old woman's attention is caught before you start telling the men off. Then there’s the punch that leaves you a bruise after telling them to fuck off. Knocking you back against the frame that covers the bus bench as the other two try to grab you, but you manage to meekly fight back, adrenaline soaring through your body, otherwise you wouldn’t have gotten away. Of course, the pepper spray you pull out also played a key factor in getting away, at least from two of the men. The only thing the video doesn’t show is what you had to go through with the last man that chased after you as you got away. Even if it did, it would be too violent for the news. You were glad it wasn’t on recording.
“None of the men have been identified, and neither has the woman. It is not uncommon however to find Mutants who have escaped the system. If you have any details on the mission, please call the number below to reach this news channel's service. Thank you, and have an amazing Friday.”
After it’s done playing, you sit there biting your lip as you try not to cry, another text coming in from Logan.
Unknown number: I’m sorry that happened to you, it’s ridiculous.
You: It’s alright. By the way do you have any pictures of yourself so I can change your icon?
You ask as you begin to fill in the information for his number.
Logan: I don’t. Sorry.
You: It’s alright, I’ll take one while you aren’t looking.
Logan: Fine by me lol, just make sure you get my good angle.
‘Every angle is your good angle,’ is what you wanted to send, but you quickly delete the message before another one comes in from him.
Logan: And Y/N.
Logan: You’re safe here. Know that if you ever need somebody to talk to, anyone to cry to, or just a shoulder to lean on, I will be there for you.
You: Thank you, Logan. I appreciate you.
Logan: Of course darling. Good night.
You: Good night ����
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daisynik7 · 1 year
Give You Blue
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Chapter 4: Alone Together
Pairing: Eren x f!reader, Reiner x f!reader (past relationship)
Rating: Explicit (for mature content)
cw: switching POVs (reader is in 2nd person, Eren is in 3rd), angst, language, a bit of fluff
Word Count: ~5.7k
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Summary: You and Annie attend a dinner at the Mu Phi sorority house on campus. Reiner, on his way out of Delta Delta, ambushes you on the walk back to your dorm for a less than pleasant conversation. Later that week, RA Eren hosts a game-night for his fellow residents. But, with it being on a Friday right after midterms, he's disappointed when it flops. Fortunately, someone comes to his rescue. Author’s Notes: Hope you enjoy this one! Likes, comments, and/or reblogs are ALWAYS appreciated. Please let me know what you think, I thrive off of reading your comments! If you want to be tagged in any future chapters, please let me know! Divider created by @/mikeykuns.
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“Eren, are you paying attention?” 
Armin waves his hands in front of his friend’s face, snapping Eren out of whatever reverie he’s stuck in. He shakes his head slightly, grinning. “Sorry, Armin. Sort of zoned out for a minute there.” They sit next to each other on Eren’s bed, watching a movie on his laptop. It’s Saturday night, and Eren actually agreed to be social today. 
Armin taps on the space bar, pausing the film. “You’ve been doing that a lot lately. Are you sure you’re getting enough sleep?”
The real answer is no, but with Armin, he’ll only worry if he knows the truth. “Plenty. All eight hours,” Eren lies. In reality, he’s getting four hours tops. He stays up late studying, then spends the rest of the night tossing and turning in bed, anxious about the future. 
Oblivious, Armin responds happily. “Good! Living by yourself is already paying off. Sometimes I wish I could have my own space. The frat house can get pretty noisy, especially with Connie as a roommate.” He chuckles, reaching towards the bag of chips between them.
“Connie’s a blast to be around, though. I’m sure you’re having fun.”
“Yeah, I am. You should really come by the house.”
“Maybe. When I have time.” In all honestly, he has no intention of stepping foot in that frat house. Not because he has a disdain for Greek life; but because it’ll only show him what he’s missing out on. He already feels that way whenever he catches up with Mikasa and Armin, both thoroughly enjoying their college experience still. 
Mikasa returns from the bathroom, hopping on the bed to squeeze next to Eren. “What did I miss?”
“We ended up pausing the movie anyways, so not much.” Armin passes the snacks to Mikasa, who throws a handful into her mouth. 
They continue the movie, Eren’s mind drifting into space again. He’s already thinking about the upcoming chemistry midterm next week, how he hasn’t fully memorized the amino acids and their structures yet. And how he has to schedule a date to meet with Hange Zoë, a senior doing research in the lab, to see if he can shadow her for a month. On top of that, he’s planning on hosting a small event at the dorms, something to help his residents let off some steam after exams. It’s all too much. He wants to sleep and pretend that none of these obligations exist. 
The credits roll on his computer screen. He blinks, fully unaware of what transpired during the movie. His friends hang around for a few more minutes before leaving to head to a party somewhere else on campus. Once again, he’s alone. 
He is not motivated to study tonight, already burnt out from the last couple of days. Instead, he practices his electric guitar, working on a particular riff of this song he likes, replaying it over and over through his headphones. He loses himself in the music for a while, the closest thing to an escape that he can reproduce inside his own bedroom. Fingers sore from picking and strumming, he decides to call it a night. Face washed and teeth brushed, he snuggles under the covers, glancing at his phone. 11:00 PM. Wild night, he thinks to himself, laughing. 
Suddenly, his brother’s name flashes across the screen. “Zeke?”
“Eren, hey. You’re not sleeping already, are you?”
“Nah. But I’m in bed.”
“On a Saturday night?”
Zeke chuckles heartily. “Oh boy. I can already hear it in your voice. Welcome to the club, little brother. Your descent into med school hell is starting.”
“Yay, can’t wait,” Eren responds sarcastically. “Anyways, what’s up?”
“I wanted to check in and see how you’re doing. Clearly not well.”
“I’ve been better.” He keeps his answer vague on purpose. With Zeke, he doesn’t go into too much detail with the emotions he’s experiencing. As much as he respects his older brother, the two of them don’t always see eye-to-eye. While Eren usually acts out of emotion, sometimes to a fault, Zeke is detached, unable to empathize with what his younger brother is struggling with.  
“Is dad still giving you a hard time? I heard he wasn’t happy with your last quiz grade.” 
Eren ignores the urge to ask how he knows about that, already aware that they talk about him behind his back. “I told him it was weighted, so technically I passed.” 
“Well, you know how the old man is. Technicalities don’t really matter to him.”
He rolls his eyes, staring up at the ceiling of his bedroom, almost regretting picking up this call. “What are you trying to say?”
“I’m saying you should study harder.”
He’s fighting to keep his cool, his body tense with anger. Before he loses it, he mutters through gritted teeth, “Okay, thanks. I actually gotta go now, bye.”
“Eren, I’m just trying to help – ”
He doesn’t wait for Zeke to finish his sentence, already tapping on the red button to end the call. Now, with his mood ruined, he’s not sure if he can fall asleep. He wishes it was still daylight, specifically the golden hour when the sun sets. It would be the perfect time to head to his favorite spot: the beach that overlooks the shimmering expanse of blue ocean water separating Paradis and Marley. He discovered this area recently, on one of his drives that he takes to temporarily escape. It brings him peace, even if the moment is fleeting. 
Instead, he scrolls through his contacts, tapping on his mom’s name, holding the phone back up to his ear. When her familiar voice greets him on the other line, the tears start flowing and he spends the next half hour confiding in her. 
You and Reiner cuddle in bed, his nose nuzzled to the back of your neck, spooning you. Bertolt is home for the weekend, leaving the room to yourselves. 
“Coco, are you still awake?”
You hum, snuggling closer to him, on the verge of sleep. He swallows hard behind you, as if he’s nervous. “I think I want to live in the fraternity house next semester.”
This gets your attention. Surprised, you turn around to face him. “What?”
“It’ll help me bond with my brothers better.”
“But we were supposed to live together.” The two of your agreed quite early in the semester that you would live together in one of the on-campus apartments. This news comes to you as a shock, since he’s never mentioned wanting to live on Greek Row, until now. 
“I just want to try it out for a year, baby. When we’re juniors, we can find our own place off campus, so we can do whatever we want.” He pulls you closer, kissing your forehead. “Everything is going to work out, okay? You can wait a year, right?”
Of course you can wait; that’s what he asks you of, so you’ll do it. But you don’t want to. You had all these exciting ideas laid out in your head: cooking meals together, relaxing on the couch in each other’s arms, being alone without worrying about parents or roommates barging in on the two of you. Being together all the time. 
“Coco, say something.”
It’s easy to get upset. Make a fuss and yell at him for being selfish. Simultaneously, you feel guilty for thinking this way, like you’re the bad girlfriend for disagreeing with it. For wanting him all to yourself.
“Okay,” you finally respond. “I’ll ask Annie if she wants to live together again, I guess.” It’s a compromise for the sake of making him happy. Because more than anything, you want him to be happy. 
He smiles, kissing you on the lips. “You’re the best, you know that? I don’t know what I would do without you.”
You wake up, back in your own bed, Annie’s soft snores filling the quiet of the room. A quick glance at your phone shows you it’s only 4 AM in the morning. It’s been a few days since you dreamt about Reiner, a new record since the break-up. Still, whenever you do, it hurts as much as it did the first night. 
He never warned you about wanting to move into the fraternity house. It came out of nowhere, a total and complete blindside, much like when he broke up with you. He’s been this way for a while, making rash decisions and springing it on you without a mention of it beforehand. You always end up going along with it, forcing yourself to accept it without disagreement. You never could stand up for yourself, thinking it was less hassle to bend for him than to argue about it. When you’re with someone for so long, the easy road seems the obvious choice, compared to one that has bumps and cracks along the way. But just because it’s easy, doesn’t mean it’s better; it doesn’t always lead you to the right destination. And maybe that’s why you are where you are now: lost. 
It’s been almost two weeks since you saw him on that rainy day. Two weeks since he sent you that text message, which remains unanswered. There’s been moments where you stared at the screen, fingers ghosting the keyboard, wanting to send him a reply. Somehow, you’ve resisted those temptations. In the end, it’ll only lead to more heartache. The memories haven’t kept you up at night as much as it did before. Thankfully, your sleep schedule is back to normal, except for nights like this. You’re doing better each day. Annie’s two words to you are on constant loop in your head: Baby steps. Any progress, no matter how little or big, is still progress. As long as you don’t go backwards into a downward spiral.
Later in the week, Annie extends an invitation to eat dinner at one of the sorority houses on campus, Mu Phi. Hitch, a close friend, is a sister who currently lives there. As you approach Greek Row with your roommate, you look at the Delta Delta house right next door, wondering if Reiner is there, working as their hasher tonight. Possibly flirting with Christa or other sisters that surely find him attractive. You let the insecurities fade as soon as you knock on the door to Mu Phi, soon greeted by Hitch and two other friendly sisters. They lead you into the dining room, chatting about various topics, subtlety sneaking in how great sorority life is, asking if you’ve ever been interested. After all, they are constantly in recruitment mode, which doesn’t bother you. It feels nice to be desired. 
During the meal, the conversations continue. Annie, being the secret gossip she is, mentions the neighbors. You briefly described to her your run-in with Reiner and Christa, so naturally, she’s been curious since. “What’s it like living next to them?”
Hitch replies, “It’s fine. Did you know that Mikasa’s a Delta Delta?”
“Really? She rushed? I guess they can’t be all bad,” Annie muses.
Hitch eyes her with an amused smirk on her face. “Why would you say that? Who’s in there that you don’t like?”
Before Annie can respond, you interrupt, not wanting to spread any unwarranted gossip. “She’s joking. By the way, who’s Mikasa?”
“She’s this girl that attends Annie’s kickboxing class.”
Annie adds, “She’s also our RA’s sister.”
She nods, confirming. His appearance around the dorms has lessened, possibly because of the upcoming midterms. He is a pre-med major after all, so you’re certain he’s too busy studying to be out and about. You wished you could have seen his face when he received the bag full of Pocky you bought for him, as thanks for sharing his umbrella on that rainy day. “I didn’t know he has a sister.”
“She’s adopted, from what I heard,” Hitch comments. “But they’re super close. Her, Eren, and Armin.”
At that third name, you glance at Annie, a slight blush creeping on her cheeks. She had a class with Armin last semester, and they were paired up for a big project. From then on, your roommate has been smitten with him, but she’ll never admit it out loud. You also recognize the name as one of Reiner’s pledge brothers from the same fraternity, though you’ve never met him personally. Knowing he’s close to Eren already gives you the impression that he’s a nice guy. 
The dinner ends with a tour of the house, not including the exclusive sleeping porch on the top floor, where all the sisters are forced to slumber beside each other. Right outside the entrance, you, Hitch, and Annie talk for a little while longer until your roommate announces, “My shift at the library is starting, so I have to leave now. Thanks for dinner Hitch!”
The three of you say your goodbyes, Hitch waving farewell from the door, you and Annie parting ways in opposite directions. It’s a clear sky tonight, the moon glowing brightly in the vast darkness, littered with barely visible stars. You take your time walking, enjoying the pleasantly cool air, admiring the other houses along Greek Row. From behind, a familiar voice calls out to you. “Coco.”
Before you face him, you curse under your breath, aware of exactly who it is. You find Reiner several feet away from you, presumably from the Delta Delta house. His fraternity is in the opposite direction, so he must have spotted you from afar, maybe heard you talking outside. You stand in place, waiting for him to catch up to you, ambushed. 
“Hey,” he says, with a sheepish grin.
You nod stiffly, unsure what to do next. It’s too late to make a run for it. Impossible to turn back the clock and sprint your way across campus. You should have known better, especially when you already assumed he’d be working there tonight. It doesn’t matter now; you’re trapped. 
“Are you heading back to your dorm?” he asks, hands in his pockets. 
You nod once more, voice stuck in your throat, unable to speak. 
“I’ll walk with you.” It’s not a question or a suggestion. It’s final. He’s determined to do it. 
Reluctant, you let him, pivoting on your heel towards the direction of your dorm, remaining silent. He stays beside you, hands in his pocket, glancing at you hesitantly. “What were you doing at Mu Phi?”
So he did notice you first. Eyes focused on the ground, you answer, “Hitch invited us for dinner.”
“Christa also invited you, remember? To the Delta Delta house.”
“What does that have to do with anything?” You don’t mean to sound venomous; well, maybe you do. Why bother bringing that up?
“I’m just reminding you. She’s really nice, you know.”
You snap, annoyed and frustrated. “Yes, Reiner, I’m sure she is very nice. That’s why I think she’d understand why I refuse to go to that house for dinner.”
“Because of me?” 
“Of course it’s because of you!”
He sighs, scratching his arm excessively. Something he does when he’s anxious. “I don’t understand why you’ve been ignoring me. I thought we agreed to be friends. You won’t even respond to my texts. How am I supposed to know that you’re okay?”
“Okay? You want to know if I’m okay? Reiner, I haven’t been okay since the day you broke up with me.” 
“That’s why I’m trying to talk to you.”
You scoff, blood boiling. “You’re the last person I want to talk to. You’re the reason I’m not okay. You broke my heart.” It’s a cheap shot to blame him, but that’s what you do. Fire everything in your arsenal to defend yourself, to hurt him.
His expression turns sullen at your harsh words. “I couldn’t be your boyfriend anymore. It’s fucked up, I know. But I did what I thought was right. I didn’t want to string you along.”
“Then why didn’t you tell me you were feeling this way? Why didn’t you talk to me about it? We tell each other everything. Why keep this away from me?” 
He chews on his lip, nervous. “I was scared, okay? Really scared to lose you. I thought if I started talking about it, you’d break up with me and hate me forever. I wasn’t ready for that.”  
You process this, not sure how you truly feel about it. On the one hand, you understand the fear of losing the most important person in your life. That’s what you two are to each other. Well, were. On the other hand, it isn’t fair that he makes decisions when he’s ready. What about you?
You arrive outside your dorm building, standing feet away from each other, your arms crossed over your chest, protecting your heart. When you don’t respond, he continues. “I care about you, Coco. You’re my best friend. You’re the most important person in my life.”
 “You say that now, but eventually, somebody else will come along. Then what?”
Quietly, he replies, “I don’t know.”
You have to stand up for yourself. Hit him with the bitter truth even if it makes him uncomfortable. You’ve gone far too long agreeing to what he wants, following his plan, sacrificing your sanity to protect him. You don’t owe him anything. He decided to dump you when he was ready. That gives you free reign to do the same. “I don’t want to be a placeholder for whenever the next person comes along. Do you understand how painful that is? To know I’m temporary? I can’t be the most important person in your life. Not like this. That’s why we can’t be friends.” 
He stares at you, dumbfounded that you won’t concede to him. Disappointed that he can’t get what he wants this time, after so many years of doing so. This is what it’s like to have control, to stick up for yourself. Maybe there is some good to come out of this breakup. 
After a while, Reiner speaks, voice trembling, eyes glistening. “You can’t do this to me, Coco. I still…I still love – ”
“Don’t say it. Do not fucking say it.” You cover your ears, as if that will prevent your brain from finishing the rest of that sentence in your head. 
“I mean it, though. No matter what happens between us. I want you in my life.”
“Why is everything about what you want? Have you ever considered what I want?” You begin to pace back and forth on the pavement, arms jittery, increasingly erratic. 
A little louder now, a tinge of arrogance in his tone, he says, “We’ve known each other our whole lives. Pretty sure I have a good idea about what you want.”
“Well, you don’t. It’s different now. You don’t know me just as much as I don’t know you.”
“How can you say this right now? You’re just going to throw us away?!”
“You did it first!” you yell at him, tears streaming down your cheeks.
He steps towards you, hands in a desperate prayer, begging. “I don’t want to lose you. Please, Coco. I need you. I need you.” It’s the magic words that he so expertly chants to you. The ones that tug at your heartstrings, make you weak in the knees. And for a second, you consider taking everything back. Reach out and hold him, forget about the pain you’ve suffered these past two months and agree to be friends. Because you’d do anything to see him happy again. For this to be a long nightmare and to wake up together, perfectly back to normal.
But you don’t. And only because the entrance to your building suddenly swings open, revealing Eren at the door, inspecting the scene with a concerned expression on his face. “Is everything okay out here?”
Reiner glares at him for the interruption. “Who are you?”
Eren steps towards you, glancing at you and Reiner. “I’m Eren, the RA for this building. Heard some yelling and thought I should check it out.” 
“Reiner is leaving now,” you murmur, avoiding Eren’s gaze, embarrassed. “I’m sorry for the commotion.” You turn to head inside, not bothering to wave goodbye to your ex, who stands there, watching you. Eren follows, sneaking glances at Reiner before swiping his ID at the door to let you both in.
“Coco,” he calls out. “Please.”
You ignore him, wiping your tears with the back of your shaky hands, listening to the door shut behind you. 
“Are you okay?” Eren asks, voice calm.
You face him, forcing a weak smile, eyes still wet. “Perfectly fine.” You turn to hurry into your room, overwhelmed and wanting to hide in the safety of your bed forever. 
Before you can, he grabs you gently by the hand, thumb brushing your knuckles. “If you ever need to talk or anything, my door is always open for you.”
You mutter a timid, “Thank you,” then rush down the hall and into your room, heart pounding against your chest. His comforting words replay in your head, trying to replace all that was said between you and Reiner.  
At the end of the week, Eren hosts a game night in the common room of the dorm building. He’s excited to bond with his residents with pizza from his favorite local Italian joint and some good old-fashioned Mario Kart. He lays the food out on the table and sets up his Nintendo console to the TV, the familiar opening sequence playing on the screen. Then, he patiently waits for his first guest. Fifteen minutes pass and still no one shows up. Where is everybody? 
At the thirty-minute mark, he lays down on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. The pizzas are surely lukewarm now, and the same tune playing on the TV is starting to grate on his ears. He texts Mikasa and Armin, complaining about the complete lack of attendees. Immediately, he gets a call from his sister. When he picks up, she states, “Eren, nobody is there because it’s the Friday night after midterms.”
“People are getting ready to party. That’s what I’m doing, that’s what Armin is doing. That’s what everyone is doing.” 
Someone in the background yells, “Tell him to come out with us!” It’s Sasha’s voice. 
He groans, realizing his mistake. “I’m such an idiot.”
“You’re not. Just come out with us. You deserve a break.”
He considers it for a few seconds, before he replies, “Thanks, but I’m gonna head to bed.”
Sasha boos him. “C’mon, Eren! Join us! It’ll be fun!”
“I’m tired, Sash. Next time.”
Believing she can’t be heard, she whispers to Mikasa, “He always says that.” Well, she’s not wrong. 
Eren bids farewell to his friends, wishing them fun tonight. He lays on the couch for a while longer, trying to not to be too devastated at this failure of an event. Finally standing up, he heads to the table to begin packing.
“Am I too late?”
He turns around, surprised by her voice. The resident from down the hall, Room 104. The girl he’s seen cry at least three times now, the most recent being earlier in the week, outside the dorms. A small confrontation with the guy who Eren assumes is her ex, the cause behind all the tears. He was hoping to run into her soon, to check if she’s doing alright. He’s delighted to find her standing in the doorway, a small smile on her face. 
“Hey,” he greets, waving at her. She steps towards him, inspecting the plethora of food on the table. He rubs the back of his neck, embarrassed. “You’re the first person to show up, so we have plenty of food.”
She gives him a sympathetic look, opening the pizza box to grab a slice. “I’m sorry I’m late.”
He grins. “Hey, you’re here, aren’t you? That’s all that matters to me.”
As she settles in on the couch with her food, she explains, “I would have come earlier, but I was helping Annie get ready for a party.”
Eren takes the seat beside her, dropping a piece of pepperoni into his mouth. “I guess everyone really is going out tonight,” he muses, recalling what Mikasa told him earlier. 
“Well, not everyone,” she reminds him, smiling. His chest swells with warmth seeing this side of her. Eyes free of tears, cheeks rounded with happiness, relaxed in his presence. He secretly resents Reiner, or whatever that guy’s name is, for putting her through all the misery she’s had to suffer. 
They eat their pizza, chatting about arbitrary topics like favorite toppings, best local restaurants around the town, even a silly bet about who will beat who in a race. The upbeat melody of the Mario Kart intro still playing in the background is no longer annoying now that Eren has company. 
One box only halfway finished, they wipe their hands clean of pizza grease to start the game, picking their favorite characters. Eren always opts for Yoshi, because of course he’s got to get the green dinosaur. She selects Toad, going on about how adorable she finds him, doing a decent impersonation of his high-pitched, bouncy voice, causing Eren to bust out laughing. They race, moving their bodies along with their controllers, bumping elbows and shoulders with bright smiles on their faces. She nudges him in the ribs when he tosses a red shell at her, knocking her off the course to take first place. He taps her knee with his when he slips on a banana peel she strategically lays out for him. It’s competitive, but not serious, both of them gloating and teasing one another at their victories. After going through most of the courses, they play battle mode, teaming up together to destroy CPUs on the most difficult levels. 
After exhausting most of the game to their heart’s contents, Eren checks his phone, shocked that it’s already past 11 o’clock. He glances at her, checking if she’s ready to leave once they shut down the game. She remains beside him, her attention focused on the piano in the corner of the room. Pointing at it, she asks, “We have a piano in here?”, clearly never noticing it before.
He chuckles. “Yeah we do. Do you play?”
She shakes her head, standing up to approach it, sitting on one side of the bench. He follows her, taking his place next to her. It’s only now that he realizes how close they’ve been all night. His heart starts to beat faster for some reason. 
Finger at a key, she presses on it, filling the room with a very out-of-tune C-note. “Do you play?” she asks.
“Not much, just the basics really. I’m better at guitar.”
“Electric,” he answers, resting his hand on the piano, hovering his fingers over a chord.
“Electric guitar is so cool. I’d love to hear you play sometime.” It’s an innocent suggestion. But for whatever reason, Eren is shy about the idea of her being inside his room, watching him play his guitar. And for a split second, he imagines what other activities they can do with each other, in the privacy of his bedroom. He catches himself, mentally waving away the potentially inappropriate thoughts. 
Desperate to change the subject, he suggests, “Want me to teach you something?”
She nods, eager to learn. He starts his thumb on a C-note. “This is a C-major scale. It starts here,” he presses down, wincing at how out of tune it is. “And then you follow through with the rest of your fingers. That’s a very basic scale, without complicating it too much.”
She does it easily, smiling at the keys in front of her. “Now can you teach me Moonlight Sonata?” she jokes. 
He laughs. “How about Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star instead?”
“Fine,” she says, fake pouting. She’s really cute.
By midnight, she’s perfected the lullaby, enough for the two of them to sing along to it. Even with the notes out of tune, it’s still pleasant to listen to. He then shows her how to play the easiest version of Heart & Soul, a fun duet they manage to practice together within the hour. She’s a quick learner, which he appreciates. After their performance, she looks at him, smiling. “You’re a really good teacher.” 
He brushes his fingers along the keys. “That was my dream job growing up. I always wanted to be a teacher.”
“A music teacher?”
“No, an elementary school science teacher,” he admits. “Thought it’d be so cool to blow their minds with little experiments or facts about the living things.” He stares distantly, a longing grin on his face, fantasizing an imaginary world where he’s pursuing a career he enjoys. 
“So, what made you want to become a doctor instead?” 
At this point, he’s speaking candidly, no longer worried about hiding the truth. He’s comfortable with her. “My dad. He’s a doctor, and it’s pretty much expected of me.”
“Are you enjoying it so far?”
“No, but at the end of the day, I’ll be helping people. And that’s what matters right?” 
There’s a small pause in the conversation as she pushes on one of the keys, the note ringing out in the temporary quiet. “Teachers help people too. More than what society gives them credit for. And besides, no one wants to go to a doctor who isn’t happy being a doctor, right?”
He faces her, processing her statement. “I guess I never thought about that.”
She continues, drumming her fingers lightly on the piano. “You shouldn’t force yourself to do something you don’t want to. If there’s anything I’ve learned these past few months, it’s that forcing yourself to be happy doesn’t actually make you happy. It’s silly to say that out loud, like it’s so obvious. But I’ve made a lot of excuses, pretending I was fine with decisions made on my behalf without my feelings being considered. It was always easier to go along with it, avoid confrontation or an argument. But at what cost? Sacrificing my own happiness? It isn’t worth it, especially when it’s your life that you’re living, nobody else’s.”
This is about her ex. There’s a strong urge to ask her about it, offer a lending ear to listen to what else is on her mind. But he doesn’t question it further. The words she speaks to him resonate. Although they’re both going through different struggles in their lives, she understands him better than he expects her to. Maybe more than anyone in his circle of friends right now. 
“I have a friend who’s an education major. Erwin Smith. His dad is also a teacher. I can give you his contact info if you want to talk to him?” she offers.
“I don’t know,” he responds hesitantly. He’s never considered changing his major. He can already picture the faces his father makes, disdainful and disappointment at his son “downgrading” his career. 
“It doesn’t hurt to have it, right? Just in case?” 
He thinks about it carefully before he eventually relents, whipping his phone out to type out the information she recites to him. She’s right; it doesn’t hurt to have it. It doesn’t mean anything. 
Phone still in his hand, he abruptly blurts out, “We should exchange numbers.” Almost instantly, he regrets it, aware at how inappropriate that would be. But when she grins at him, nodding, he’s immediately relieved. 
“I’m assuming this will be your personal number and not your RA emergency line?” she smirks.
Laughing, he confirms, “Yes, my personal number. I, um, enjoyed hanging out with you tonight. We should definitely do this again.” He passes her his phone as she does the same. 
“You’re teaching me Moonlight Sonata next, remember?” she jokes, tapping her number into his screen.
“Yeah, of course.”
She slips her phone back into her pocket. “Also, if you ever need someone to talk to or listen to you, I’m just down the hall.”
“Hey, that’s supposed to be my line,” he teases, nudging her elbow with his. 
“Well, you’ve helped me out way more than you know, so I want to do the same for you. Rely on me, okay? We’re friends now.”
Outside the room, students begin to stumble through the hall, back from their night of partying. Eren checks his phone, surprised to read 1:35 AM on the screen. “It’s already past 1. I’m sorry for keeping you up.”
“Don’t be. I wanted to be here with you. Thank you for hosting this.”
“Thank you for being the only person to show up.” 
They gaze at each other, smiling. He wants to stay like this a little while longer, but he knows it has to end. At least, for tonight. They’re friends now, and he’ll be able to enjoy that warm, vibrant smile more often, he hopes. 
“Anyways, we should probably sleep soon,” she suggests, glancing at the pizza boxes on the table. “I’ll help you clean up.”
“Thanks. Maybe we can hand some of these out. I bet someone out there has the munchies right now.”
She giggles. “Great idea, Mr. RA.”
They tidy up, clearing the room of trash and putting away the video game console back in Eren’s knapsack. She carries it with her while Eren balances the pizzas in his hands, offering a box to the passing residents that are not-so-discreetly drunk. By the time they make it to his room, he’s only got one left, deeming the event an overall success. Especially now that he’s made a friend from it. 
She sets the bag down on the floor, watching him unlock the door. “I guess this is goodnight,” she says, giving him a small wave as she begins to step backwards down the hall, facing him.
“Yeah. I guess it is. Sweet dreams, okay?”
“Sweet dreams, Eren,” she repeats, turning on her heel to walk to her room. 
You lay in bed, listening to Annie’s drunken snores beside you, mind focused on your new friend Eren. Snuggling closer to your pillow, you smile to yourself, happy for the first time in what feels like forever. It’s the most fun you’ve had this semester, and most importantly, it’s the longest you’ve gone without sulking about Reiner. 
It’s in this moment that you realize the baby steps you’ve taken so far don’t seem so small anymore. Things are finally starting to look up. 
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lily-fics-11 · 3 months
The Girl Next Door: Chapter 8 (Hazel Callahan, Bottoms)
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Fic master post here
Tag list: @avocifera @academiareid @fictionalgap @dynsdiary @sndixz @athenalive @lamoobsessions @eloud12 @whoopsiedaisy460 @kittenchae
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The Girl Next Door
You hadn't been close with your neighbor Hazel for years. But you find her beat up in the locker room after fight club and all of that changes
Chapter 8
Synopsis: After resolving some miscommunication, things heat up with Hazel. Also between Jeff and Mrs. Callahan, and of course the bomb that gets planted under Jeff’s car.
Word count: 4k
CW: Profanities, mentions of cheating, heated making out, mentioning being turned on, one use of the word binge but not in reference to ed, a bomb and explosion
*Not beta read
@reiisstuff asked about seeing things from Hazel’s POV so I tried it out a little bit in this chapter, not sure if it went well or not (writing like this without a name is really hard lol) so let me know what you think :)
Hazel walks you to your front door and gives you a hug. With her arms still wrapped around your waist she pulls the upper part of her body away from yours to take a good look at your face. Her eyes wander over you dreamily until they stop on your lips. As she leans in you close your eyes, only for her to press her soft lips to your cheek. 
You open your eyes, feeling disappointed that Hazel hadn’t just kissed you right on the lips. She sees that on your face and looks terrified. She lets go of you and stumbles backwards.
“I gotta go,” she stammers and she takes off before you can explain yourself. 
Fuck. Fuck! FUCK! You really ruined things, didn’t you.
Pulse racing, you take some deep breaths and run a hand through your hair. Wanting to go after her is being weighed against not wanting to push her to talk before she is ready. You will reach out in an hour or so to see if she is up for it. 
Tears threaten to well up in your eyes. Hazel is hurt, and it’s your fault. Hazel ran away, and she may never come back. You push through the front door to avoid talking to your mom.
You go up to your room and flop down on your bed. You wipe the tears from your eyes and FaceTime Brittany, you know from the snap map that her and Isabelle are together. 
“Heyyyyyy bitch!” Brittany says when she picks up the phone. After she gets a good look at you her face drops. “Oh my god are you like, okay?”
“I thought you had your date with Hazel?” Isabelle asks in a more soothing tone. 
“I did. And it actually was a date. And it went so well. And then she kissed me…” the two of them audibly gasp. “But on the cheek, and she saw that I was disappointed and got upset. But I was only disappointed because I wanted her to actually kiss me.”
Brittany is the first to grill you for more details. “Did you tell her that?”
“No she ran off, I didn’t get the chance to.” 
“Oh noooo,” Brittany groans.
“You gotta talk to her!” Isabelle demands with urgency.
“I don't want to push her to talk if she's not ready.”
“Just, just, just… send her a text!” Brittany stutters before pulling herself together and suggesting that you say you want to talk, whenever it works for her.
You open up your messages with Hazel to type out a text. Before sending it you read it outloud so it can be approved by the council: I wanted to let you know that I had a great time tonight, I would love to talk about it whenever you get the chance.
“That sounds good,” Isabelle promises you.
You press send then throw the phone to the side and your friends question why they can’t see you anymore.
“Sorry guys, I'm just nervous.” You sigh without actually picking up your phone.
“It’s just Hazel,” Brittany tries to reason with you, “you guys have had like, way bigger drama than this before. And figured it out. Everything is going to be ok.”
You aimlessly play with your hair. “I hope you’re right.”
“Hazel isn’t like your ex,” Isabelle’s voice is soft and tender. She is the best at comforting people with her loving demeanor and understanding of emotions. “She’s not going to gaslight and blame you for everything.”
All you can do is echo her words. “Hazel isn’t like that.”
“Let’s keep you distracted while we wait for her to answer,” Brittany suggests. You and your best friends start to debrief about the latest episode of a show that you all watch. In the middle of the conversation your phone buzzes and you scream.
“Oh my god are you ok?” Brittany shouts.
“My phone buzzed,” you answer shyly, a little embarrassed by what may have been a slight overreaction. 
“Is it her?” Isabelle asks without acknowledging that you screamed like you were being stabbed.
You look at the notification and scream again. 
“I’m guessing it was her?” Isabelle chuckles, though she tries to muffle it.
You roll your eyes and get as close to a smile as you can under these circumstances. “How’d you know?” That elicits some giggles. “What do I do?”
“I would probs read it,” Brittany suggests teasingly, “but that’s just me.”
“That’s def better than screaming,” Isabelle nods in agreement.
You read the message out loud: having a bit of a rough night, stuff with my mom. If you still want to drive to the car wash together tomorrow we could talk then?
Brittany promises that her and Isabelle will be over to pick you up as soon as possible. They spend the night keeping you sane.
You wake up an hour before your alarm after falling in and out of sleep all night. 
You are out on your front porch about a half hour early. Hazel comes outside just a few minutes after. Approaching tentatively, she takes a seat next to you, not too close, but also not too far. 
Hazel is the one to break the ice. “I’m really sorry about yesterday.”
“There is nothing to be sorry for,” you promise her.
Her palm meets her forehead and she mumbles “you didn’t want to be kissed.”
“That’s not it.”
“Then what was it?”
“I just wanted…” you bite your lip for a moment, in disbelief that you are really saying this to her, “more.”
“More? What does ‘more’ mean?” Hazel questions with her head tilted to the side like a curious puppy.
You nervously play with your hair. “I wanted you to actually kiss me, on the lips. I shouldn’t have reacted the way that I did, I should have been more respectful of your boundaries.”
Hazel slides closer to you. “Believe me, I wanted to kiss you. I’ve been dying to, barely even able to stop myself any time we make eye contact. But I didn’t know if you wanted me to.”
You giggle as you grab the girl you love by her shirt and pull her close. When her lips finally meet yours, after years of waiting, the kiss exceeds your expectations by miles. You expected sparks, but this is fireworks. Beautiful, brightly colored, and explosive. 
One of Hazel’s hands holds your face, her other arm wrapping around your waist. You keep her close to you, still by her shirt, but also the back of her neck. The two of you get lost in eachother, savoring the taste, binging like it’s your last meal. 
Hazel pulls you onto her lap, your legs straddling her waist. Your lips move together, you breathe at the same pace, your tongues explore each other's mouth. The world has stopped around you until you hear someone call “Hazel?”
The two of you disconnect to see Mrs. Callahan is laughing.
“Finally!” She yells. You and Hazel look at eachother with bulging eyes and red faces from the heat of the moment, along with the embarrassment.
“We were actually just leaving,” Hazel tells her mom, voice strained. She grabs your hand and pulls you to the car, practically running, to avoid having to talk to her mom. 
Hazel’s POV
My… not girlfriend and I arrive at the school parking lot early. We make our predictions about what we think everyone will be doing at the car wash. Isabelle already told everyone that she is going to be selling used panties to any weird old men that show up, she knows as a cheerleader that they love having their cars washed by teenage girls. Then there is PJ, who will be bitching about something while Josie tries to reason with her. Stella will put on her car convention smile.
I am absolutely exhausted, so when everyone trickles in and gets to work I sit down in the middle of the parking lot. My adorably supportive neighbor sits with me. PJ and Josie stand close by, unsurprisingly chatting instead of helping.
The ears of the cute girl sitting next to me perk up when Josie mentions that she is hanging out with Isabelle tonight. Isabelle and Josie in the same sentence is unusual, but I don’t have it in me to pay any attention.
I am so worn out that I groan in frustration. PJ’s head snaps around to look at me. “Hazel, what is wrong? Are you constipated or something?” She is clearly not asking because she is concerned, but because she is annoyed. 
“I’m fucking tired, my mom was up all night fucking the meathead.”
“What meathead?” PJ looks a little intrigued. I think it should be obvious that I’m talking about that one specific dude. He is THE meathead, leader of all the other meat heads. Josie notices PJ paying attention so she does too.
“You know, like, the guy.” No reaction. “He’s like the crybaby,” I look around at the three girls and they are still not getting it. “With balls,” I offer up but get nothing but blank stares in return. “He catches them and he… he throws them.” I’m trying to explain the sport that he and all those other guys with matching outfits and shoulder pads play, but it didn't help. “He’s like…” I pause for a moment to find the right words, “the main guy.” I can see the moment they catch on in their facial expressions.
“J-Jeff?” Josie stutters. “Is your mom hooking up with Jeff?”
“I just thought Jeff might be a safe word,” I admit sheepishly, I never made the connection. 
“Jeff is his name, you idiot!” PJ barks at me. My girlfriend, I mean best friend, almost jumps up at PJ but I put out my arm to stop her. I know she is glaring right now without even looking over, but I don’t like confrontation.
“I just get all the hot people confused, Jesus” I mumble. They all wear the same clothes, how am I supposed to tell them apart? 
We hear a yelp and all four of us look over in its direction to see what happened. Stella is on the ground, but she pops right back up and calls out “I’m good!”
“Looking good Stella!” PJ assures her before looking back and forth between my neighbor and Josie. “Are you gonna tell her?”
“Well she should probably hear it in person,” the beautiful girl next to me murmurs gloomily.
Josie sighs and bites her lip. “I’m going to see her tonight, I can tell her. It might be easier to hear it from someone less involved.”
Everyone nods their heads in defeated agreement. Josie and PJ go back to talking to each other. I lean over, not just because I want to get as close to this girl as I can get, but to say “I swear I was going to tell you about Jeff as soon as I got the chance. I was just distracted this morning.”
“Don’t worry about it Haze,” I’m assured with a sweet smile, “I was distracted too. Even though this will hurt Isabelle she's been through this before, and she might actually leave Jeff this time. And she is so much better off without him. I’m worried about you too. You’re mom fucking around with Jeff… I can’t even imagine how that makes you feel. And the fact that they did it all night and you had to hear it? Fucking disgusting. You are staying with me until everything gets sorted out.”
I look away from her when I tell her that I don't want to be a burden.
She puts her arm around me, and turns my face towards her with her soft hand. That earns a side eye from Josie and PJ. “Hazel, you could never be a burden to me.” I momentarily get lost in her honest eyes before I wrap my arms around her to give her a hug. 
“I don’t know what I’d do without you.” I admit with tears in my eyes. “I don’t know how I did it all these years.”
“I’m always going to be here. You don’t ever have to be alone again.”
After the car wash we drive home and I quietly go into my house to grab the essentials. Toothbrush, charger, school bag to get work done, that sort of thing. Just enough clothing that I can wear what I need of my own, and steal the rest like the love of my life is actually my girlfriend. 
After arriving next door we had lunch with her mom. With a push from the beautiful girl I finally got to kiss today, I explained everything going on at home. Having always been like a second mom to me it was so nice to have a maternal figure there to listen and reassure me. That really takes my feelings into consideration. 
When we are done eating and debriefing, me and my not girlfriend go upstairs to her room. 
I want her to be my girlfriend, of course. More than anything else, if I'm being honest. But I guess right now she is just my girl. At least I think so.
My girl gets comfortable in bed and I lay down with my head in her lap. She twirls her fingers through my hair and I get lost in her eyes the way I always do, entranced by her smile, basking in her presence. 
When she leans down and kisses me her lips absorb every thought out of my head aside from her. At first she is gentle, but soon enough I’m tasting her tongue. I breathe in her familiar scent and it’s intoxicating. She has flooded all of my senses and it’s a high that undoubtedly, no drug could ever match. 
She pulls away dazed, lips puffy, cheeks adorably pink. I sit up and climb over her to straddle her waist. I lean her back against the pillows and she licks her lips, watching me with starry eyes. 
I take a moment to admire her beauty, like I’m assessing a priceless work of art. 
“What?” She questions with a giggle that is basically a siren song to me..
I lean in and whisper “I just can’t get enough of you,” and she shudders from the feeling of my warm breath on her neck. I shift to hover over her face and she grabs me by the back of my neck to roughly kiss me. Her other hand tangles into my hair. 
We move in sync like our lips were made to be connected. She bites my bottom lip and I moan into her mouth. We start so eager, overcome with desire. It only continues to grow until we are both winded from having been breathing in one another instead of air. 
“I don’t want to move too fast,” I admit, trying not to pant. 
“Me neither, I want to savor every moment.”
I kiss my girl’s forehead and roll over next to her, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her as close to me as possible.
We start binge watching a show together and I couldn’t ask for anything more in this moment. 
After dinner with her mom, the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen takes me outside to make s'mores, like we always used to. She knows it’s my favorite so she came up with the idea while trying to figure out ways to cheer me up. More kissing would have worked, but her thinking that much about it melts my heart. 
While we are snuggled up by the fire, the stars light up the sky, and the Crickets are chirping. 
That is until a phone pings, I thought it was mine at first but it wasn’t. Isabelle has texted the council saying “Jeff cheated again. Come to my place tomorrow at noon.”
The replies she receives are full of heart emojis, I loves you’s, and reminders that she is a baddie. 
When the phone gets locked I see a teary eyed reflection on the dark screen. I look over at the prettiest crying I have ever seen. “I just hate seeing her go through this again. She deserves so much better.”
I wipe some of the tears off her face and try to look on the bright side. “Maybe she will be done with him now.”
“I hope so,” she sighs.
As it starts to get late we get ready for bed and watch a sappy rom com. I get comfortable and she lays in my arms, holding me back just as tightly. She nuzzles her head into the crook of my neck. 
My beautiful girl falls asleep halfway through the movie so I kiss her forehead and close my eyes. I don’t fall asleep right away, I just live in this moment that I have been dreaming of for years.
We wake up tangled together and share soft sweet kisses before we realize just how hungry we are. We make pancakes for breakfast and make a huge mess in the kitchen. After cleaning up we part ways, her for Isabelle’s house and me for home. Hesitantly, I open the front door and am very relieved to not hear any suspicious noises.
Your POV
You and Britany spend your Sunday curating the perfect revenge outfit for Isabelle, formulating a battle plan, and hyping her up. 
Isabelle is heated all of Monday morning as she preps herself to confront Jeff. She wants to do it at lunch, so everyone can see. Embarrass him the way he embarrasses her whenever he cheats. 
We have one last check in before Isabelle storms into the cafeteria towards the football table. Anyone or anything in her way gets pushed aside, capturing everyone’s attention. Her high heels clicking on the floor is the only sound to be heard, everyone has gone silent. The whole school watches her on her warpath, in awe. 
You and Brittany stay behind, but Hazel follows along as the eye witness. You can’t really hear what is being said until Jeff points at Hazel and yells “shut up nerd! I fucked your mom!”
Moments later Isabelle pivots back around and struts towards you and the rest of the girls in fight club. “I’m getting revenge,” she announces. “I’m gonna fuck up some football players and I’m buying a gun.”
A few girls throw out more ideas as you all follow Isabelle out of the cafeteria. Hazel, who is trailing behind, suggests “or what about, like… a bomb?”
Everyone stops dead in their tracks, too shocked to speak. Hazel continues oblivious to everyone’s shock. “Like a, like a super small bomb. I mean, they are really easy to make, and I can just… put it under his car, and it can be a distraction.” You're suddenly reminded of a suspiciously bomb-like device you had seen in Hazel’s room.
PJ is the only one able to put enough together words to reply. “Yeah Hazel, let’s do terrorism.” Hazel gives her a small nod of approval. 
The members of the fight club begin to disperse. Hazel puts her arm around your shoulders and asks “would you want to work on a project with me tonight, before the whole revenge thing?”
You start to panic because you have no idea what project she is talking about. “Wait for which class? When is it due? I don’t even remember being assigned a project!” Everything going on with Hazel must really be messing with your brain.
“Oh no, not a school project. Something more…” She pauses to scratch the back of her head and find the right word. “... recreational.”
“Haze, what does that even mean?”
“The bomb…” she says nonchalantly, looking particularly mischievous.
Your wide eyes stare into hers. “You aren’t actually going to make a bomb, are you?”
Hazel flashes an enchanting smile that you can’t resist. “Does Jeff not deserve it?”
“Fuck it, let's make a bomb.”
After school you and Hazel build a fucking bomb. Just in her room, like it's completely normal. You never expected to be in this situation but watching her wielding this power kind of turns you on.
The bomb is rather simple to make, and Hazel already has all the supplies. Questioning that isn't even worth it at this point. You help out by holding wires and passing over tools. She is so hyper fixated, and you are slightly afraid of an explosion, so you don’t talk any more than necessary during the process. 
After sundown the fight club meets up at Annie’s house, she has a van that could (technically) fit everyone. She drives, Brittany calls shotgun, and everyone else crams into the back. You are the last one to get in so you aren’t even sure you will fit. The entire volume is practically occupied.
“Uh…” Josie says looking around for a solution. Her eyes land on your neighbor and she smirks, “you can just sit on Hazel’s lap, right?”
“Oh. Yeah. That’s fine.” You hear a few giggles and whispers, none of which are coming from PJ, who is giving you a death glare out of the corner of her eye. Hazel wraps her arms around your waist to keep you from falling over and rests her chin on her shoulder. All while looking over at PJ, to tell her to fuck off without actually saying it. You can’t tell whether it is you or Hazel that PJ is jealous of. 
The fight club spills out of the van and disperses to start their assigned tasks. You will be assisting Hazel with putting the bomb under Jeff’s car. She slides under like a mechanic and gets to work while you hold a box of tools. You become increasingly more anxious as time passes. Hazel had made it seem like it wouldn’t take too long when explaining the plan, and you can hear her cursing under her breath. You can’t help but imagine getting blown to pieces in front of Jeff’s house, but your undying love for Hazel keeps you by her side. 
“Like fifteen minutes…” Hazel says to herself before you hear a ticking that sounds dangerously like a countdown to an explosion like you hear on tv. Is this thing about to blow? Right now?
You fears are confirmed when Hazel starts yelling “FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!” as she scrambles out from under the car. She grabs your hand and drags you to start running with her. You hear a large boom behind you. You are flooded with the warmth of the heat being radiated  by the blazing fire. Looking back to see the burning car makes you feel like an actress in an action movie. A romantic comedy had always been desired with Hazel, but a little action doesn’t hurt. Anyone but Jeff’s car, that is.
Everyone piles into the van; you end up on Hazel’s lap again (even though you didn’t have to). Everyone cheers as Josie slams on the gas pedal, driving dangerously over the speed limit.
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edennill · 10 months
1st age Beleriand dashboard Simulator
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🌫️ mithrim-noldo following
Yeah, Thingol kind of flew off the handle with banning Quenya and all that, but why on Arda are people now justifying the Kinslaying in response?? have some nuance and also, that's just plain horrible.
✨ btw-this-is-hopeless following
hope it's fine to copy your tags, mithrim, because they're great:
#I mean I know this is probably because they've taken part in the kinslaying themselves #but #can't you just admit you did wrong and move on? #in so far as it is possible because of course forgetting would be disrespectful and unwise #because the consequences are with us still #but it should be way more comfortable than being on your defences all the time #always ready to rationalize or deny #with a conscience you cannot silence
✴️ eightpointedstar83
I am tired of typing this out again and again but Alqualondë could have been averted had the teleri been less self-centred and readier to cooperate. Thingol is just another example of this attitude. But of course, please deny that the third clan is what it is and pin the blame on the people who saved everyone's skins.
We have done nothing wrong and yet our own people are turning on us. One day you will rue this.
Long live the house of Fëanor!
💝 heart-in-a-box
This is just the sort of behaviour OP was talking about.🤦‍♀️
🌫️ mithrim-noldo following
Admittedly, this seems to be a fanatical Fëanorian and more committed than the average apologist of his/her own actions - but yes.
#current events #thingol's quenya ban #my post
11,062 notes
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🧝🏼‍♂️maglorfeanorion following
finished another canto of the noldolante today
🌖 hunters-moon
you have a tumblr account??!
🧝🏼‍♂️ maglorfeanorion following
do I know you?
🌖 hunters-moon
yes :)
🧝🏼‍♂️ maglorfeanorion following
wait - yeah, I do...
which of the twins are you?
🌖 hunters-moon
how did you know😮???
he looked through your blog, nitwit :)
🧝🏼‍♂️maglorfeanorion following
I guess I shouldn't be surprised to find you two out of all possible people on here...
so - which is which?
36 notes
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🌸 a-flower-in-the-snow following
himring winters are horrible and I hate my parents for bringing me to middle-earth
#rant #children of exilse #i meant #children of exiles #coe
4 notes
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🏞️ the-wide-earth-unexplored following
Y'all weren't joking when y'all said the Sirion is impressive...
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(more photos under cut)
read more
#photography #nature photography #nature #sirion #falls of sirion
213 notes
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🖼️ wonder-the-earth
is it still a secret city when everyone is talking about it?
👰🏼‍♀️ celebrin following
that's a good question
21 notes
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👤 incessant-leaves following
It makes me sick to see all those positive nostalgic posts about the Mereth Aderthad. How pretty the pools of Ivrin were or weren't doesn't change the fact that THE NOLDOR WERE HIDING THE TRUTH ABOUT THE KINSLAYING THE WHOLE TIME. Yeah "everyone was kind" back then. You were feasting together with people whose cousins you had killed and have the audacity to complain they don't like you as much anymore. I don't care if you're a Sinda or a Noldo who "didn't take part in it" - if you say anything positive about it I'm blocking you.
#mereth aderthad #the truth about ivrin
159, 307 notes
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💎 lord-maedhros-is-the-true-king
Things they don't want you to know about Fëanaro:
read more
157 notes
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🏹 huntingprincess following
with all due respect, gondolin is the most boring place in the world.
🌼 golden-flower
it's not. but you're entitled to your opinion.
🌌 daughterofdoriath following
if only all debates on here were as civil...
👤 incessant-leaves
OP is a kinslayer apologist. Didn't you check that out before you started praising them?
🌌 daughterofdoriath following
*throws hands up*
I was admiring that one exchange.
(and this was actually more about @golden-flower's response than about OP)
#this site...
2009 notes
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image used for Sirion: link
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