#I hesitated cause I really like disco and there's some really good idea
Doing Their Makeup
Poly Lost Boys, Michael and Star x Gender neutral reader
Basically came up with these while I was messaging @aliypop​ . Thank you for somehow getting me to a place where I wanted to write an imagine about the lost boys, Michael and Star’s partner wanting to do their makeup. XD This is everyone x reader. 
Also this is kind of my head-canon that Michael and Star became one happy family with David, Dwayne, Paul and Marko. But Max still died cause I don’t think anyone likes him. 
Warnings?: swearing? Cursing? 
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The second you told your partners that you wanted to do their makeup, each and everyone one of them were down with the idea, but at all different degrees of being okay with it. 
Paul was the first one to practically bounce his way over to you. He already needed your help with doing his simple eyeliner on a daily basis so you paying attention to his face for more than a few minutes made him a very happy camper. 
Paul LOVES it. I mean it. Give him the whole glam rock look! Glitter? Yes! Winged eyeliner? Yes! Bitch, make him look like a disco ball and he will be very happy. He loves glitter more than any of them and will directly ask you to use as much as you wanted. 
When doing his makeup, he always smiles, loving that your attention was solely on him. Though you have to scold him not to smile because the crinkle in his eyes will totally mess up whatever eyeshadow or eyeliner look you're trying to accomplish. He complies… for about two minutes. 
This boy will have you straddling him as you work, his hands on your hips, rubbing little circles into your skin softly. He practically becomes putty in your hands as you gently touch his face. He finds it absolutely adorable that you're being so delicate with him. 
When you're done, he shows it off to everyone around the cave. His babe of a partner went all out and he will brag that his makeup is going to be better than everyone else's once you are done. 
Second would be Marko. Seeing how good you were with Paul, he was excited to see what kind of look you would give him. He wasn’t too much into glitter like his fellow blonde but he was okay if you wanted to use it. Makeup to him was an artistic form of expression so he became your canvas on which to paint on. 
Seeing you figure what colors you wanted to give him and what tools you wanted to use would make him smile with how serious you were taking this task. He would ask you as you worked what your ideas were and you thought looked best on him. 
Your bodies would be close, not sitting in his lap close, but your legs would be locked together as you sat on your makeshift bed. His hands fiddling with whatever piece of clothing he could get his hands on. It was very hard not to touch you and he wanted you to fulfill your wish for the night. 
By the end of it, Marko’s makeup look would have half of the amount of glitter that Paul had. It would be very colorful, almost reflecting the multiple colors of his jacket. Marko was a little easier compared to the others because of those colors, you had more options to work with. 
Marko reacted like Paul, showing it off to everyone. Soon him and Paul compared their looks and pointed out what they liked about them. 
Dwayne was third. He wasn’t overly into it, but he loves seeing you happy and if doing his makeup was going to put a smile on your face, then he was happy to do it. He did have a few things to say though, he was okay with a little glitter but nowhere near Paul's and heck, maybe even half of what you did to Marko. Also, no colors that were too bright. 
From that, you only choose a few warm hues, some reds, oranges and a tiny bit of yellow. Even some earthy tones to complement his tanned skin. In a way you connected it with the jaguar on his leather jacket. 
Dwayne would have his hands placed on your thighs as you worked, saying only a few words here and there, asking simple questions if he was curious about something. If anything he was the calmest one of the bunch, not really interrupting your process. 
In a way it was nice. While you worked, you didn’t really talk, too focused on the task at hand and he thought it was cute when you would bite your lip in concentration. The silence that sometimes hung between you two was sweet, like you both were in your own little world. Minus the fact that Paul and Marko were just outside your makeshift area in the cave making noise. 
When Dwayne was done, he placed a small kiss on your lips and walked out. He didn’t really show off to the others but he couldn’t help but smirk when Paul and Marko grew silent at his new look. 
David was the fourth and probably the one that wasn’t overly crazy about it. If he was going to have glitter, it was going to be tasteful and very little of it. Dark colors only, and if you want to stick on gems, guess what, they better be little and it's gotta be sexy. Make him a sexy princely creature of the night and you are good. 
For once, he let you have control, even with his requests orders on what you can and cannot do. You went to work, both of your knees touching and you had to constantly stop him from moving, trying to smoke his cigarette. In the end, you lost against him cause if he couldn’t smoke a cigarette to distract himself from your hands being so gentle with him, they were going somewhere else and you would get nothing done. 
In between his puffs of smoke, you poured everything into his look wanting it to be perfect because you definitely wanted to do it again in the future. The only way he would let you is if you did a bang up job. 
You made his facial features sharp and his icy blue eyes seemed to pierce through your soul even more with the dark eyeshadow on his eyelids. A little bit of glitter and a few small black gemstones later, he was beautiful. Definitely different from what you were used to, but with David, he could pull off anything and he’d still look good. 
With a smirk, he thanked you for your work, which surprised you, and walked back out to the others. You chuckled when you heard Paul exclaim “Holy shit!” when he saw David. Needless to say, you did make David look like a prince of the night with your talents. 
Second to last was Star. Your beautiful girlfriend of your group of male partners entered your part of the cave, bringing some of her own collection with her. Star was probably the easiest of the group to do makeup for. She already wore red lipstick on the daily and brown toned eyeshadow to compliment her skin but she never went farther than that. 
But tonight, she would let you take it a step further. Nothing too crazy, maybe even a little more toned down than David’s. 
Star practically cuddled up to you as you worked your magic. It was a little difficult but she stayed still nonetheless. You kept her signature red lipstick, and decided to focus more on her eyes and add some stick on gems that matched the colors of her skirt. 
You added a splash of color to her eyes that went well with her usual browns, picking some of her favorite makeup items and mixing them with your own.
Of course you couldn’t help but smile when Star would giggle as the makeup brushes lightly tickled her face. You wanted to scold her for it but it was too cute so you said nothing just having to work around it. 
Just as you were finishing, your last partner, Michael walked in, watching you with curiosity and a slight twinge of interest. When you did finish, Star looked to Michael to see what he thought and happily kissed him when he said he liked it. Which in turn having you redo her lipstick one last time before she left, leaving only you and Michael. 
Michael was probably the most hesitant of the bunch. It wasn’t that he didn’t dislike makeup, he just didn’t know what the process was and never really saw much interest until you expressed how much you love doing it. 
With a little bit of encouragement, Michael sat on your bed, having you sit on his lap. Michael reminded you a little bit of Paul. He was very affectionate but was much softer compared to the blonde. 
Michael asked you the most questions as you worked. Asking what tool was used for what purpose. What colors you were using and why. Glitter? Yeah, why not? Just use it however you see fit and what you thought looked good on him. 
Overall he was excited about this. New things always intrigued him and he was willing to try something new. 
When you told him you were going to give him a more softer look, he had no quarrels with your choice. Just a tiny bit of glitter, some light colors, a sharp eyeliner that could cut someone, accentuating his cheekbones a bit, and even giving him a little bit of gradient lips, made him look even more pretty than he already was. 
You were so proud of yourself that couldn’t help but hug the poor boy. You went all out for your partners and you had a lot of fun doing it. When you let him go after hugging him, he was met by a few compliments from the others who admired his own look that seemed very different from everyone else. Which made the poor boy even more flustered. 
When all was said and done, and after doing your own makeup to your own tastes with the help of Star since, well, mirrors can’t help any of you. You all went down to the boardwalk as one big group date, showing off your talents proudly, taking any compliments, and giving you credit where credit was due. 
If anything was said negatively, especially by a group of surf nazis, guess what? After your group dinner date at the local diner, those surf nazis would be your dessert for the night. 
If that did happen, you’d be a little upset that your work was now covered in blood but they all reassured you that you could give them makeovers whenever you wanted.
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professorrw · 3 years
Last Chance, a Remus Lupin One-Shot
Pairing: female reader x young Remus
Warnings: protected sex, loss of innocence, swearing, alcohol, partying
A/N: BOTH PARTIES ARE 18! This takes place during their graduation from Hogwarts, so May of 1978, which means Remus was 18. (This is a repost because the tags weren’t working)
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It’s graduation. Seven years at Hogwarts over in the blink of an eye. It felt like just yesterday when you met Sirius, Peter, James, Lily, and Remus. Oh Remus. You’ve liked him since third year. You’re about to graduate and he still doesn’t know. Merlin, what was keeping you from telling him? Pure fear, that’s what. Because what if he doesn’t like you? What if you ruin your friendship?
Maybe, just maybe, you could work up the courage to tell him today before it’s too late. 
You looked around at your friends at the Gryffindor table, waiting for Professor Dumbledore to begin the graduation ceremony. Lily could tell how nervous you were, seeing that your hands were shaking a lot. She was the only person that knew you liked Remus. She was also the person that encouraged you to tell him today. 
Remus noticed that you were shaking too, but assumed it was from having to walk in front of all those people. That wasn’t the reason though, you weren’t afraid of large crowds. You were, however, afraid of messing up a perfectly fine friendship. But were you content with just being friends?
The boys were chatting about their plans for the night. Sirius and James want to have a huge afterparty in the dorm as their last hurrah. Tonight would be your last night at Hogwarts, the last night in your second home. So many memories filled the halls you could write a book about all the mischief you six got up to.
The attention was drawn to the head of the room as Dumbledore began to speak. “My dear students, you have accomplished a great feat, school!” There were a few laughs from the crowd of seventh years. “I commend you for getting thus far. You have a journey ahead of you, and I would hope Hogwarts has prepared you to take on each and every one of them.”
Dumbledore got through the rest of his speech then called up each of the graduating students to give them a certificate and handshake. Lily was the image of grace as she walked through the tables and up to the front of the room. The claps from you and your friends were louder than the rest of the Halls.
Remus’ name was called a while later and when he was in front of everyone James and Sirius wolf whistled at him, causing a light blush to spread across his cheeks. You giggled at the sight. Godric, he was adorable.
The rest of the names were called and the rest of the professors spoke before everyone was dismissed. This last night was supposed to be for packing but that wasn’t what the Marauders had in mind. As soon as they crossed the threshold of the Gryffindor common room they bolted to their room, gathering up everything they would need for the party. It was yours and Remus’ job to get the word out.
While Lily, James, Sirius and Peter set up, you went down to the dungeons to tell the Slytherins. Most were hesitant when you invited them, but you left it to the more rambunctious of the group to convince the others. You arrived back at your common room door soon after. 
When you entered the common room was transformed. Red and gold streamers were everywhere, the couches and chairs were pushed to the side to make a sitting area sort of thing, and there was a disco ball floating around the ceiling. That had to be Lily’s idea. 
Peter was putting out drinks on the desks meant for studying. He had a small variety of alcohol already set out with plastic cups stacked next to them. Leftovers from the feast earlier were also splayed across the tables. Never underestimate the gathering abilities of Peter.
You went up to the girls’ dormitory to change clothes. Lily was already there, shuffling through her trunk. She was only half dressed, so she must have been looking for some bottoms.
You ruffled through the different outfits you had and decided on your favorite one. The party wasn’t going to be formal, that was for sure. You still looked good though, tonight you would confess your feelings toward Remus. He was your closest friend other than Lily. If he didn’t take your feelings well you didn’t know what you would do. You pushed that thought aside and decided to think positively.
You went back downstairs and helped decorate for a while before people slowly started to trickle in. First to arrive were the Hufflepuffs. Dispute their innocent image, they could really party. The Ravenclaws followed after, leaving the Slytherins for last, which was typical. No matter how many parties were held, they would always be reluctant to show.
The common room was soon packed and music swelled from the walls. The party was in full swing within minutes. Sirius was already on top of a table, swinging around his discarded shirt. James hollered at him from below, “Dance Black!”
Following orders, Sirius started to dance on top of the table. He pulled out all the moves, rotating in a circle for all to see. You and Lily laughed from the couch, sipping on some random beverage. It was only seven, and you didn’t want to drink so early. That wasn’t the case for Sirius, who already had a cup of beer before anyone arrived.
Two or three hours in, you had danced with everyone in the group, including Remus. It was amazing to feel so carefree. You didn’t know when you would feel like this again, so you relished the feeling. You didn’t have a set time to tell Remus, you were waiting for the right moment. 
After being on your feet for so long, you sat back down. Lily walked over with you and sidled up in the seat next to yours. She looked at you expectantly, “So how’s it going? How’re you feeling? Are you ready?” 
“I’m feeling great. I’ve danced, I’m loosened up, I think I’m ready.” You nodded your head to solidify your answer. Thinking too hard about what you were about to do would only make you nervous.
“Well go! There he is!” She pointed to the drink table where Remus was.
“I’m gonna do it,” you said. You got up and confidently walked over to where he stood. When you got next to him he looked over and smiled.
“Enjoying the party?”
“Yeah it’s super fun,” you paused before continuing, “Actually I have something to tell you.”
He raised his eyebrows to acknowledge he was listening. You weren’t going to tell him in the middle of all that chaos.
“Not here. Could we go to your room?” You bit the inside of your cheek, trying not to look as nervous as you were beginning to feel. 
Remus was visibly confused for a second, brows furrowing to give you a questioning look before he agreed. You followed him through the crowd and up the stairs to the dorms.
You closed the door behind you before sitting next to Remus on his bed.
“What do you need to tell me? Is it bad? Are you okay? If you don’t want to be down there you can stay up here, I’ll keep you company.” He was genuinely concerned at this point.
You let out air through your nose and shook your head. “No, nothing like that. It’s actually about you. Remus I- I have liked you for so long. I’m sorry I waited so long to tell you because now we’ve graduated and we’re about to leave and-” You rush through it a bit too fast, but Remus heard every word you said.
“Really? James didn’t put you up to this? Because if he didn’t, Y/N I feel the same way.” He basically whispers as his face moves towards yours. His lips are centimeters away from your when you answer him.
“James didn’t put me up to anything, he doesn’t even know I like you.” You speak in the same hushed voice as Remus did. Your gaze drifts from his eyes to his lips, anticipating what's about to happen.
He doesn’t even respond, instead closes the distance between you. His lips meet with yours in a kiss that makes you melt. You waited so long for this moment. All your worries slipped away, your mind focusing on Remus and the way you're connected. 
His hands go to your waist, pulling you into him. Your mouths mold and work together, tongues sliding against one another’s. When you finally pull away you're completely in awe. You had no idea how this night was going to play out, but it was fantastic so far. You decided to take a chance, “Remus I want you.”
“Are you sure?” Remus was ever the gentleman, he didn’t want to push you into anything too quickly. He looked at you with the same gentle concern that made your heart skip a beat. 
“I’m positive.” That much you were sure. You didn’t plan on taking things that far, but it felt right. Besides, it was your last night in Hogwarts. There was no telling where you guys were going to be next. You hoped you would all still be close. James and Lily were in a serious relationship so they would be together of course.
Remus nodded and unbuttoned his shirt. You took that as a sign to also start undressing. You stood next to each other, stripping until you were both naked. You admired Remus’ body, every single inch of it. Your eyes danced over the scars that littered his body. You stepped closer to him, hands around his shoulders while his hands rested on your hips.
You pressed a kiss to his cheek before sliding onto the bed. Remus’ eyes trailed after you before the rest of his body followed. Before getting in he stopped at his bedside table. He opened the drawer and pulled out two things. One was a little square packet, a condom, and the other was a bottle, lube.
“Has he done this before?” you wondered. He saw your questioning eyes and decided to ask the question that hadn’t yet slipped from your mouth. “I don’t- I- It’s from Sirius. I haven’t done this before.” 
That made you feel slightly relieved. He was a virgin. That meant you weren’t the only one that was inexperienced.
“Me either. I don’t think I would have if given the chance though. Not when I liked you so much. It wouldn’t have felt right.” While you talked he opened up the tiny packet and pulled out the rolled up condom. He sat on the bed in between your open legs. He put it on his nice sized cock. You watched his every movement with anticipation. You had no idea Remus could make you feel so riled up when he hadn’t even touched you.
He squeezed the lube onto his hand before smearing it on his covered dick. Your breath hitched as he slowly inserted himself into your pussy. Remus’ head lolled back as he began to move in and out slowly. Your eyes shuttered shut as he picked up the pace. For your first time, it didn’t hurt as much as you were told it would.
“Remus, you feel so good,” you breathed out. He groaned as his fingers dug into your thighs. You moaned as he hit a spot in you that sent ripples of pleasure throughout your body. His pace wasn’t perfect but it was enough to get you both close to your orgasms. Remus heard the difference in sounds when he hit your g-spot and tried to do it again. After multiple more thrusts you could feel your body reaching its climax.
Remus gave a particularly throaty groan as his dick twitched inside you. You couldn’t feel his cum but you knew what happened. Even after his orgasm he didn’t stop, wanting you to reach ecstasy as well. 
His next thrusts were sloppy but they still pushed you further nonetheless. It didn’t take much more. You gripped his forearm as your walls clenched and milked his condom-covered dick. You moaned one last time as Remus rode out your high. He pulled out after a few slow thrusts, collapsing by your side.
You were both breathing  heavily against one another. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you against him. Your cheek rested against his bare chest. The quick thud of his heartbeat was mesmerizing.
“I’m going to miss you,” you whispered.
“You don’t have to; I’m not going anywhere.”
Permanent Taglist: @bellamy1998​ 
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Hi love!!! I LOVE your quirky head cannons so I’ve got one for you! What would each guy be like if they took their s/o roller skating? Maybe make one of them horrible at it! 😂 Do your magic girl. 💚
Alrighty! This is interesting! Here we go! Hope you like this one @alittletworaph 😁🥰
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Leo isn't really a fan of Roller skating. But taking you to a skating rink for a fun date wouldn't be a bad idea. He would borrow Donnie's hand made roller blades since none of the rentable ones aren't available for his large feet size. He would teach you how to roller blade if you don't know how and it's your first time. He would hold your hands if you feel a bit nervous, or if you feel scared, he would allow you to hold his muscular arm. He would chuckle having fun even though he isn't into roller blading very much. After the fun, you guys would go ahead and eat some pizza to take a break and he would kiss you on the lips making you blush and thanking him for taking you to a fun date. He does hope the beach or a nice shopping spree would be another date idea for a second date though.
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Oh lord no! Roller skating!? Raph doesn't know how to! And he always messes up every time! Well taht little nightmare is about to come true cuz you end up asking him out to a skating rink! He would absolutely hate it with a passion. He has taken a few lessons with Casey, but not enough to impress you. Instead, it's enough to embarrass himself. As you both are about to enter the skating rink. He would kinda hesitate and causing a crowd of people behind you both get irritated. He breathes heavily and tries not to panic and fall. You give him a little push, and you both are inside. As you skated, You start to noticed, he isn't moving his legs. And it makes you feel worried. "What's wrong raphie?....you scared?" He chuckles and tries to act tough "what!?....fuck no baby. I'm just.....uh....warming up.....just give me....uh....a full minute." You shake your head and help him skate. You encourage him to move his legs to get used to the rhythm. You notice him following your moves a bit until he finally got the pattern. You smile as you let go of his hand and he laughs enjoying it "I got it! Woo! Look at me baby! I got it!" He was highly distracted until he bumped into someone that was holding a tray of food nearby as he fell off the rink. Raph became a sticky and gooey mess from falling. He got up and brushed himself off despite having stains on his shorts and mask. You skate towards him worried. "Are you okay?" He nods "yeah. I'm good." He apologizes to the guy that had his meal ruined and the two of you head home after having some milkshakes to drink. He kisses you and smiles since he was glad he had a chance to spend time with you. But Never again, He will never go back to a skating rink after that incident. It's better to go to a basketball game or an arcade next time.
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A skating rink date? Hell yes! That's always donnie's dream date to take you. You guys head there and as you enter the building, his favorite disco songs start playing. You offer him roller blades to wear, but he smiles and says "oh no thanks my sweet munchkin. I brought my own" you realize they were hand made with some duck tape on them. You were unsure if they were stable enough, but donnie assures you they are strong as steel. He puts them on, and you both enter the rink itself. You both start skating and as the disco music plays, he starts dancing to it as he skates. His moves were impressive. So impressive in fact, it caught the eyes of many people. That is until suddenly, Donnie's moves led to a conga line! It made your eyes wide and Donnie chuckles to himself. He nods and dances to the beat as his roller blades skate him around the rink. You smile and after the music was over, everyone clapped and Donnie took a bow. You both had a great time and decided to eat pizza. He kisses you as you are about to take a selfie with him. You blush and it made you both laugh. After the date was over, Donnie hopes to go back again on the next date for sure.
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Much like Donnie, Mikey loves roller blading! Going on a date with him to skating rink is fun like going to the arcade for him. You both head there on a date and he gets super excited! You both rent roller blades and put them on. He sees the rink being large and he smiles wide. You both enter the rink, and you both start dancing to the beat of the song as you skated. He can be a bit of a show off, but it never mattered to you. "Look at me angel cakes! I'm grooving!!" You laugh and thankfully the skating rink was empty. Otherwise he woulda bumped into someone by accident. You figured he must've learned skate dancing from Donnie since Donnie is really good at that type of stuff. After having fun, you both have an extra large pizza, milkshakes, and ice cream to eat since you both haven't eaten a day. He kisses you on the lips and tells you he had a really great time. Hopefully next time, he would love to go bowling, go to the arcade, or hell! Go to medieval times! Swords fights are fun too!
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szallejhscorner · 3 years
Hi!! I absolutely loved your story. Like amazing wow. I was wondering if you could do like a one shot about Chishiya where he gets jealous? Idk if that’s too out of charecter but yeah. You’re amazing!!
Sorry that it took so long! I went a bit wild and wrote some kind of AU with familiar characters from the story, just that I adjusted the age a little bit.
I really liked the idea, and I hope you do too (:
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School Reunion
Chishiya never wanted to accompany you to that school reunion in the first place. Yet he is here, walking right next to you into the huge hall, festively decorated and full of people. Most of the faces are familiar to you – even though you don’t know all of their names, you do remember at least the courses you had been to together. The other ones new to you are most likely the partners, and you are excited to see what has become out of the people you had called friends or enemies for so many years.
You had planned to go there alone, like you always did – Chishiya really was no party person – but some old school friends of you wanted to meet him so badly, and it took a whole evening of sweet words and puppy eyes to finally convince him. Which he obviously regrets already the moment loud music and disco lights greet you, but you are too hyped to see all those people again to care that much.
“Ichika!!” The first face to catch your attention is a tall woman with long black hair tied up in a high bun, and the subtle makeup underlines her features perfectly. She is dressed in a bright red glittering dress that shows more skin than it hides, but if someone has the figure to wear that, it’s her.
You’d decided for a dress as well, but it doesn’t have that much glitter except a few little details and definitely covers more than just the bare minimum. It’s what most women have chosen, and most of the men wear suits as well. Some have come here with just plain shirt and jeans, and Chishiya definitely isn’t the only one with casual clothes. Coming here with you was already a lot to ask, but wearing a suit? Hell, no. Dark blue jeans, a basic shirt and the hoodie he loves the most – the white one with dark grey elements around the zipper and the hood.
Ichika, who has been one of your closest friends during middle school, pulls you into a hug and squeezes tight. “SO good to see you! How long has it been – five years? Six?”
Both of you excitedly talk about your current situations, about jobs and men and whatnot, and while you wallow in memories of school days long gone by, Chishiya nudges your shoulder with a glass of champagne. You didn’t even realize that he left, but that’s what you love about him. He’s not the one to talk that much, he simply does what is right.
And even when Ichika starts to bomb him with questions, he has the audacity to calmly sip his lemonade while he manages to avoid almost every single personal question, causing Ichika to swap back to you soon.
She is interested in everything: how you and Chishiya met, about your future plans, if you heard the latest rumors about some former class mates. Ichika herself came here alone and doesn’t hesitate to tell you that she isn’t interested in any kind of relationship that lasts longer than one night, at least for now. You do catch her how she watches some of the male and single-looking men inside the hall though.
The music that you have barely noticed until now changes into a slow and romantic song, and you turn to Chishiya with the puppy eyes he loves and hates so much. It did work for him to accompany you here, but dancing is a completely different topic.
“No.” Chishiya shakes his head in a way that leaves no other option.
“Come on, please!”
“You’ve heard me. No.”
Ichika laughs next to you and pulls on your arms. “If he doesn’t want to dance, I’ll do it.” She takes the glass and hands it over to Chishiya, and before he can even say something, Ichika guides you to the dance floor and places her hand on your shoulder.
You start to dance with a grin on your face. “You know that I’m not available for your nightly adventures, right?”
“Pah! Who says you can’t just have fun dancing with an old friend?” She pokes your side, and in the few times the crowd makes way so you can throw a look at Chishiya, you can see how he is watching you with a smirk on his face.
The music changes into something faster again, and Ichika starts to swirl you around. In the next moment she is gone, and someone else takes hold of your hands.
You don’t recognize the face at first – it’s a very tall man, wearing jeans and a plain white shirt, with brown messy curls covering his head and features that could be described as handsome. Very handsome. And somehow very familiar.
“It has been some time, hasn’t it?”
For a moment, you want to push him away and tell him you already have a boyfriend, but the smile he gives you is honest and in no way trying to flirt. You examine this smile, the big eyes and slightly crooked teeth, and suddenly you realize who is dancing with you.
“Hibiki! Is that you?”
Carried by the movements on the dance floor, you soon reach the other side of the hall. “Good, you still remember! I was afraid you wouldn’t recognize me anymore.”
Now that you know it, it’s impossible to ignore it. Hibiki has changed so much, but he is still the handsome cute guy you were in love with for over a year during middle school. Just that he hadn’t been interested in you back then, and it took you a very long time to get over the heartbreak.
Having a conversation is hard with the loud music and people laughing around you, so Hibiki soon leads you down into a calmer niche and grabs something to drink for both of you.
“Are you here alone?”
You quickly shake your head. “No, my boyfriend is with me.”
“Do I know him? And why would he let you dance alone?” He seems genuinely surprised, but he doesn’t ask further after you tell him that Chishiya just is not much of a dancer. Now that you think of him… you can’t see him anywhere. He won’t leave without telling you, would he?
The talk goes on for a bit longer, and you learn that Hibiki was about to propose to his girlfriend when she left him for someone else. That’s why he came here alone, but it’s okay because he has just started to study law in one of Tokyo’s best universities and it keeps him quite busy.
“Tell me, then! Are you engaged yet, and what about the marriage? Will it be the way you always told me, with a huge party and lots of glitter and horses and that stuff?”
You laugh and shake your head. Yes, you have dreamt of a fairytale wedding for many years, and you still think it’d be nice to have one, but you also know that it’s not the thing Chishiya would approve.
“No, we haven’t talked about it yet. If we’re going to get married, it will be a small party, if there will be one at all.”
Honestly shocked, Hibiki almost drops his glass to the ground. “You’re kidding me! Girl, this has been your biggest dream since you learned to talk properly!”
“What has been your biggest dream?”
You turn around and face Chishiya, just that there is no smirk on his face any longer. His hands don’t carry lemonade but they’re tucked inside the pockets of his hoodie, and he watches Hibiki with a frown. Could it be that…
Barely able to hide a grin, you approach Chishiya and place a kiss onto his lips. He makes a face, mostly because of the alcoholic taste of your drink, but it’s Hibiki who speaks up as it gets clear that you won’t say anything.
“What do you think? Her wedding plans! You know, big glittery dress and a carriage and all that… But since I’ve heard you’re not that type of man, I hope you at least tell her how wonderful she is every day. Because, you know – I would do that. But I was too late to fall in love with her, when she was not interested anymore. I wouldn’t waste that chance again!” He laughs and pays attention to his drink, mostly to overplay the awkwardness caused by his words. You didn’t know that Hibiki had developed feelings for you as well, and you can’t help but think about how it would have been if the timing had been a bit better.
“I’m sure you’ll excuse us.” Chishiya is calm as always, but you can feel a fire underneath his skin as he grabs your arm and leads you into the open. He doesn’t hurt you, but it’s obvious that you don’t have a chance other than to follow him.
“You never told me.”
His eyes pierce yours and his lips turned into a thin line. “About your wedding dream.”
You wave if off with your hand. “Ah, about that… I knew you wouldn’t like it, so I didn’t bother to talk about it. I’m fine without, really.”
“Do you still want it?” The frown doesn’t disappear from his face, and you glance over his shoulder where Hibiki is still watching you from the inside.
“As I said, I’m fine. You know I love you and-“
“Do you still want it.” Now it doesn’t feel like a question anymore, and you put the glass down on the ground to cup Chishiya’s face into both your hands.
“Yes. I guess it would be nice to have a fairytale wedding. BUT,” you kiss him again, this time longer and more intense, “it’s no precondition to stay with you. You won’t even wear a suit, how would you attend your own wedding?”
That seems to smooth the frown, and his lips turn up just a little again.
“Are you jealous, Chishiya?” you ask with a wide grin, and the snort comes immediately.
“Me? Jealous?”
But you have seen it, the look in his eyes, the way he has eyed Hibiki.
“He’s no danger, really. Yes, he’s handsome and cute, but we were kids when I had feelings for him. And now I’m grown up and have you.”
You hug him, and his hands rest on your back for a very long time before one of you speaks again. It’s that kind of comfortable silence where no one has to say a word and it still feels wonderful, because it’s just Chishiya and you. But eventually his hands move up to your shoulders and bring some distance between you two so that he can face you.
“That childish dream of yours. If that is what you really want…” he sighs, turning his eyes to the sky for a moment before they move back to you.
“… we can do it.”
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piratewithvigor · 4 years
My first thought in regard to every band that gets played on my radio station
ACDC: Every dad’s favourite band
Adams, Bryan: Every mom’s favourite singer until Michael Buble came along
Aerosmith: haha they thought Vince Neil was a lady
Alice Cooper: he’s a Game Of Thrones fanboy and I have proof
Alice In Chains: my sister doesn’t like them because she decided AC were Alice Cooper’s initials ONLY
Allman Brothers Band: good music for dropping acid to
Allman, Gregg: That’s too many Gs for one name
Animals: House Of The Rising Sun, or who even cares
Argent: Sometimes Hold Your Head Up is really catchy
Asia: Tuesdays
Autograph: one of the members went on to be a pharmacist
Bachman-Turner Overdrive: There are just so many pop culture jokes about Taking Care Of Business that whatever I say won’t be as funny
Bad Company: with their song; Bad Company, off their album; Bad Company
Benatar, Pat: Always getting her confused with Patti Smith
Black Crowes: I like them for Lickin, but it doesn’t seem to exist outside of one shoddy video on youtube and my old CD
Blackfoot: this band name feels kind of racy
Black Sabbath: Dio was not better or worse than Ozzy; just different
Blondie: I like Call Me, but Blondie confuses me stylistically
Blue Oyster Cult: MORE COWBELL
Bon Jovi: Hello, childhood trauma, I missed you
Bowie, David: Don’t let your children watch The Man Who Fell To Earth, or David Bowie’s will end up being the third penis they see in life
Browne, Jackson: Another musician ruined by Supernatural
Buffalo Springfield: Jack Nicholson was at the riot they sing about
Burdon, Eric: no ideas, brain empty
Bush: ditto
Candlebox: ditto once more. Who are these people?
Cars: This band feels so gay and so straight at the same time, I can only assume they’re the poster children of bisexual panic
Cheap Trick: I played Dream Police on Guitar Hero so fucking much because it was the only song anyone who played with me could keep up with
Chicago: Chicago 30 exists, but they do not have 30 albums. Fucking riddle me that
Clapton, Eric: 6 discs in one Greatest Hits is too many. That’s called “re releasing your discography”
Cochrane, Tom: For some reason, everyone thinks Rascal Flats did it better
Cocker, Joe: Belushi did it right
Collective Soul: who?
Collins, Phil: If his biggest hits were done by MCR, they would be emo anthems, but because he’s 5′6″ and from the 80s, they’re not
Cream: *Vietnam flashbacks on the hippie side*
CCR: *Vietnam flashbacks on the war side*
CSNY: David Crosby; meh
Def Leppard: the only music for when you’re a heartbroken bitch but also a sexy one
Derek And The Dominos: Clapton and ‘Layla’ broke up
Derringer, Rick: Tom Petty if he was from the midwest
Dio: You thought it was an anime reference, but it was me, Dio
Dire Straits: You can tell how bigoted a radio station is based on how much of Money For Nothing they censor
Doobie Brothers: I have yet to smoke weed, but I listen to the Doobies, and I think that’s pretty close
Dylan, Bob: I take back everything I said about him in my youth
Eagles: Hotel California isn’t their best song, but the memes that come from it are second to none
Edgar Winter Group: @the--blackdahlia
Electric Light Orchestra: Actually an orchestra and sound a fuckton like George Harrison
ELO: I really hesitate to ask what happens with the 7 virgins and a mule
Essex, David: no prominent memories of him
Fabulous Thunderbirds: cannot spell
Faces: Who on earth thought that was a good album name?
Faith No More: I got nothing
Fixx: One Thing Leads To Another is a damn bop
Fleetwood Mac: I ain’t straight, but I’m simply not enough of a witch to enjoy them to full potential
Fogerty, John: He got sued cause he sounded like himself
Foghat: Slow Ride slowly becoming less coherent feels like a drug trip
Foo Fighters: He was just excited to buy a grill
Ford, Lita: deserved better
Foreigner: dramatically overplayed
Frampton, Peter: a masterful user of the talk box
Free: dramatically underplayed
Gabriel, Peter: leaving Genesis changed him a lot
Genesis: if someone likes Genesis, clarify the era, because yes, it does matter
Georgia Satellites: sing like you have a cactus in your ass
Golden Earring: Twilight Zone slaps, but it doesn’t slap as hard as this station thinks it does
Grand Funk Railroad: Funk
Grateful Dead: I like their aesthetic more than their music
Great White: there are so many fucking shark jokes
Greenbaum, Norman: makes me think of Subway for some reason
Green Day: the first of the emo revolution
Greg Kihn Band: RocKihnRoll is literally the most clever album name I’ve ever seen
Guns N Roses: They have more than three good songs, but radio stations never recognize that
Hagar, Sammy: I’m still trying to figure out where he lived to take 16 hours to get to LA driving 55 and how fucking fast was he driving beforehand?
Harrison, George: He went from religious to rock, and if he had continued rocking, he would have gotten too cool 
Head East: I respect people who use breakfast foods as album names
Heart: Magic Man and Barracuda are played at least once every goddamn day. They’re not even the best songs!
Hendrix, Jimi: I have both a cousin and a sibling named after Hendrix references
Henley, Don: Dirty Laundry gives me too much inspiration
Hollies: Somehow sound like they’re both from the 60s and the 80s at the same time
Idol, Billy: he’s doing well for himself
INXS: Terminator vibes
Iris, Donnie: knockoff Roy Orbison
James Gang: too many funks
Jane’s Addiction: if TMNT had a grunge band representative
Jefferson Airplane: *assorted cheers*
Jefferson Starship: *assorted boos*
Jethro Tull: The only band to make you feel not cool enough to play the flute
Jett, Joan: icon
J. Geils Band: I requested them on the radio once and it got played
Joel, Billy: he really did just air everybody’s business like that
John Cafferty And The Beaver Brown Band: literally wtf is that name
John, Elton: yarn Elton sits in my basement, unstaring. Please someone take him from me
Joplin, Janis: Queen
Journey: Stop overplaying Don’t Stop Believing. It takes away from the rest of the repetoire
Judas Priest: literally started the gay leather aesthetic
Kansas: another fucking band Supernatural stole
Kenny Wayne Shepherd: the man confuses me to the point where he isn’t in the right place alphabetically
Kiss: Mick Mars and I will simply have to disagree on the subject
Kravitz, Lenny: runaway vibes
Led Zeppelin: Fucking fight me if you don’t think they’re the most talented band (maybe not the most talented individually, but collectively, no one comes close)
Lennon, John: My least favourite Beatle for reasons
Live: I got nothin
Living Colour: slap a decent amount
Loverboy: do you not get TURNT the fuck up to the big Loverboy hits? Who hurt you??
Lynyrd Skynyrd: Sweet Home Alabama is a Neil Young diss track
Marshall Tucker Band: no opinion
McCartney, Paul/Wings: Power couple
Meatloaf: I have nothing but respect for a man who willingly named himself Meatloaf
Mellencamp, John: voted cutest lesbian of 1987
Metallica: I liked their appearance on Jimmy Fallon
Midnight Oil: I get them confused for Talking Heads a lot
Modern English: who?
Molly Hatchet: Hollies vibes, but also Georgia Satellites vibes
Motley Crue: Stan Mick Mars and John Corabi. They’re the only ones who deserve it
Mott The Hoople: no one loves them except for David Bowie
Mountain: props for naming an album ‘Climbing’
Nazareth: I want to make a John Mulaney joke here, but I can never come up with one
Nicks, Stevie: witch queen
Night Ranger: I get them confused with Urge Overkill
Nirvana: Kurt Cobain was the ally grunge needed
Nova, Aldo: he’s Canadian, at least
Nugent, Ted: *serves a ghost as jerky*
Offspring: nothing here
Osbourne, Ozzy: this bitch crazy
Outfield: Your Love is kind of a sketchy song, but it slaps hard
Palmer, Robert: low quality Eddie Money
Pearl Jam: *grunts in Eddie Vedder*
Petty, Tom: I have so many feelings about Tom Petty and they are all good
Pink Floyd: which one is Pink?
Plant, Robert: solo career is a crapshoot, but his voice is unparalleled
Poison: I want them to write a song called ‘Alice Cooper’
Pretenders: I want to say good things, but I have nothing to say
Queen: A doctor of astrophysics, a screaming girl, a disco queen and a diva walk into a bar. It’s Queen; they’re there to play a gig
Queensryche: neutral opinion
Quiet Riot: they got big because of a song they hated. I love that
Rafferty, Gerry: the second-sexiest sax opening in all of music
Rainbow: Ritchie Blackmore created something very magnificent
Ram Jam: one good song and they didn’t even write it
Ratt: I’m sure they have more than Round And Round, but I don’t know it
RHCP: funky, but if you have paid money to hear them, you’re going to The Bad Place (I don’t make the rules)
Red Rider: basically Golden Earring
Reed, Lou: Walk On The Wild Side would be such a cool song if it wasn’t so dull
REM: American Tragically Hip
REO Speedwagon: Props for having a dad joke as an album title
Rolling Stones: Never in my life could I imagine the drummer being named anything but Charlie
Rush: How to make being uncool the coolest fucking shit
Santana: The world needs more Santana
Scandal: There’s something really funny about The Warrior being my brother’s “song” with his girlfriend
Scorpions: Was Wind Of Change written by the CIA? Only the spotify podcast I got an ad for once could say
Seger, Bob: A different variety of Eric Clapton (frankly a better variety, but that’s just me)
Simple Minds: we ALL forgot about you
Skid Row: Sebastian Bach is prettier than all of us
Soundgarden: music that makes you feel like you dunked your head underwater
Springsteen, Bruce: my arch-nemesis. Maybe someday, he’ll find out about it
Squeeze: according to my friends, the stupidest band name ever, but they’re theatre kids, so you know
Squier, Billy: If he can make it through 1984 alive, you can make it through whatever bad day you’re having
Stealers Wheel: Yet another band who I always mistake for George Harrison
Steely Dan: my house’s nickname for the Robber in Settlers Of Catan
Steppenwolf: Either makes me think of Jay & Silent Bob, Jack Nicholson, or that time I had to cut 6lbs of onions
Steve Miller Band: when you’re in the right mood, they slap hard
Stewart, Rod: my soundtrack to summer 2015
Stills, Stephen: Love The One You’re With Is Catchy, but the lyrics are questionable
Stone Temple Pilots: the only band to write a song about goo you smear on yourself
Stray Cats: an obscene amount of merch is available for them
Styx: Supernatural would have ruined them for me too if I hadn’t been into them previously. 
Supertramp: I hunted for Breakfast In America for two years and it was worth every hunt
Sweet: I will never understand my two-month obsession with Ballroom Blitz when I was 15, but it was legit all I listened to
Talking Heads: you may find yourself in a pizza hut. And you may find yourself in a taco bell. And you may find yourself at the combination pizza hut and taco bell. And you may ask yourself; ‘how did I get here?’
Temple Of The Dog: I keep confusing them for Nazareth
Ten Years After: somehow still relevant
Tesla: not the car or the dude
The Beatles: Evokes a lot of opinions from people. Mine is that I love them
The Clash: I showed my sister the ‘Lock The Taskbar’ vine ONCE and it still kills her
The Doors: evokes teenage terror from deep within my soul
The Guess Who: Canada’s answer to confusing question-themed band names
The Kinks: kinky
The Police: wrote the theme of 2020 and everyone somehow forgot it was about a teacher resisting becoming a pedophile
The Ramones: playing all of their songs in a row wouldn’t take more than 2 hours
The Romantics: you don’t think you know them, but if you’ve seen Shrek 2, you have
The Who: If someone can explain Tommy to me, I’d be glad to hear it
The Zombies: I think they happened because of the 60s
Thin Lizzy: Could the boys maybe leave town?
Thorogood, George: blues, but make it modern
Toto: the most memed song behind All Star
Townshend, Pete: just makes me think of the end of Mr. Deeds
T-Rex: Mark Bolan is an icon
Triumph: The no-name brand of Rush
Tubes: like the yogurt
Twisted Sister: they did a christmas album and my mom does NOT hate it
U2: U2 Movers; we move in mysterious ways
Van Halen: RIP Eddie
Van Morrison: honestly, who’s named Van?
Vaughn, Stevie Ray: Steamy Ray Vaughn
Walsh, Joe: The Smoker You Drink The Player You Get
War: Foghat, but even groovier
Whitesnake: the most successful band to be named after a penis
Wright, Gary: the 90s thanks him for writing the song every movie used for the “guy sees cute girl and it’s love at first sight” scene
Yes: To Be Continued
Young, Neil: The best part of CSNY
Zevon, Warren: the album cover of Excitable Boy makes me deeply uncomfortable for reasons I don’t understand
ZZ Top: has been the same three guys since 1969. Lineup unchanged. 
3 Doors Down: They feel a little modern to be on a classic rock station, but whatever
38 Special: Why 38?
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congrats on 500!!!! for the celebration could i request flarrie & fake dating? thanks! 💕
Thanks for the prompt (and congrats on the new url)! Sorry this took so long, but hey I got it posted just under the wire for lesbian visibility day so I count that as a win :D
This is my first flarrie fic, my first fic with Flynn or Carrie, and somehow my first fake dating fic, despite the fact that I LOVE fake dating?? So really it was a necessary challenge all around. Also it’s more set up than actual fake dating sorry it got away from me. Maybe I’ll write a follow-up sometime.
Read on ao3 here:
“God, this is stupid.”
“It was your idea.”
“So? Nobody’s perfect, Flynnigan. Even I’m allowed to have a stupid idea every once in a while.”
It’s far from Carrie’s best comeback, but give her a break, it’s been a weird couple of weeks. After Julie played the Orpheum, Carrie started to feel like everything she thought she knew was actually a lie. She felt twisted, topsy-turvy, like the very world she lived in had been tilted on its axis. Suddenly, being a famously successful musician didn’t seem to matter so much anymore. Working herself and her group to the bone to someday escape her dad’s shadow didn’t seem to matter anymore. 
Keeping up a years-long feud with Julie and Flynn that she didn’t even remember the origins of anymore definitely didn’t seem to matter anymore.
And then, well. People at school—people Carrie thought were her friends—started being total jerks to her, just because Julie and the Phantoms was quickly becoming more successful than Dirty Candi, and because Carrie’s dad had some kind of nervous breakdown in the middle of a Panic at the Disco concert (he’s fine now, she thinks, but it made all the tabloids), and because Nick broke up with her and wouldn’t even look at her now and everybody knew that they weren’t going to get back together this time. 
And you know what? Yeah, maybe Carrie deserved some of that, cause she’s for sure been a jerk to all those people first. But that didn’t stop her from getting angry and snapping back at all the people making fun of her for getting dumped by Nick Danforth-Evans of all people. And it didn’t stop her from acting on instinct, desperate as always for the right kind of attention, and announcing to the entire cafeteria that actually she broke up with Nick and anyway, she’s dating someone else now.
And then news traveled fast and Carrie dug herself into a pit of generic details and gender-neutral pronouns, and now she’s standing outside her house, about to attend a standard PR meeting with her dad and his lawyers (the same meeting she brought Nick to a year ago, and six months ago, and two and a half months ago—basically every time they broke up and got back together).
It’s the Wilson Family Significant Other NDA Signing Meeting. And she’s going to one with Flynn.
“Did you want to, uh… go over the plan or whatever?” Flynn asks from their spot on the exact opposite end of Carrie’s front porch. She looks as confident as ever, if a little hesitant to look Carrie in the eye.
Carrie shoots her a patented glare, tries to ignore the floaty feeling in her stomach that might be guilt for getting someone else wrapped up in her bullshit and might be something else entirely that Carrie would really prefer not to think too hard about right now. “The plan,” she snaps, “is we go in there, you act like you’re in love with me, you sign a couple documents, you let me do all of the talking, and then you get your fifty bucks. Capiche?”
“Fifty bucks and you leave Julie and her band alone,” Flynn corrects, glaring right back.
Carrie rolls her eyes. “Yes, okay? I’ll leave Julie and her precious holograms to run themselves into obscurity. They hardly need my help. Now, can we just get this over with, please?”
As soon as the words are out, she flinches. The please was too much, it was too earnest, too sincere, Flynn is gonna figure her out, they’re gonna know she didn’t just do this to escape mild high school humiliation— 
But Flynn just scowls, waves a hand toward the front door as if to say, go ahead, and Carrie breathes what she hopes to be an imperceptible sigh of relief.
But then, “Wait,” Flynn says just as Carrie’s reaching for the doorknob.
“Ugh, what?”
Flynn leans against the wall next to the door, arms crossed over her chest, giving Carrie a frankly infuriating smirk. “Before we go in there… I never got to ask. Why me?”
“What?” she says again, hoping her makeup covers the blush she can feel coloring her cheeks.
“Why me?” Flynn repeats. “You wanted to make up an SO to get people off your back about Nick, sure. But you could’ve said anyone. Heck, you could’ve told your dad it was fake and avoided all this lawyer shit. Why waste fifty bucks and an hour of your time pretending to date me?”
Carrie is a born and bred Performer. Carrie is Trevor Wilson’s daughter. Carrie knows better than anyone—probably better than is good for her—how to straighten her spine, paste on a bubbly smile, and sound as convincing as physically possible as she lies, “Well, I couldn’t pick someone I actually liked, or they might fall in love with me.”
Flynn’s confident expression flickers, causing a sickening feeling of reluctant triumph to burn in Carrie’s chest.
“Plus,” she adds, tossing her hair over her shoulder, “it had to be someone at school or people would think I’d made it all up, but I was purposefully vague about the details of my new significant other, including gender identity, and, well… you’re the only person I know who uses they/them pronouns.”
Flynn blinks, startled. “You—I—didn’t realize you… knew that.”
“Of course I knew.” Carrie tries not to be offended. “God, Flynn, I’m not a total heartless bitch. We were friends once.”
“Yeah, but I came out after we stopped being friends.”
“And then you put your new pronouns in all your social media bios. What, did you think I unfollowed you or something?”
Flynn’s frowning at her, their shoulders tense, looking confused and more upset than Carrie thinks the situation warrants. “Honestly, Carrie? I kinda assumed you’d blocked me.”
Carrie sucks in a breath, forces herself to let her guard down just enough to rid her voice of any insincerity or antagonism as she says, “No, of course not. It’s not like it was your fault I was fighting with Julie. It was only right that you took her side.”
She tries not to sound too bitter about it. She’s over all that—mostly, anyway. The look Flynn’s giving her is a little too pitying for Carrie’s liking. She sniffs haughtily and turns away from their scrutinizing gaze. “As for my dad, he’s been going through something lately, and he seemed really happy to see me bouncing back so fast after Nick. So I figured I’d humor him or whatever.”
Flynn’s hand slips into hers, and when Carrie looks at her in surprise, their face is softer than Carrie’s seen it in years. “All right then, Carebear. Let’s do this thing.”  
Taglist: @whenweremarried @sunsethimb0s @pink-flame @penguin0613 @fighttoshine @sunsetcurvecuddles @nickalicious @reggiescrookedteeth @brightattheorpheum @queenmolina @jandthephantoms @lexilucacia @sapphossidechick @acnhaddict @cest-la-vie-de-la-lee @sunset-bobby @lenacarstairspotterstewart @moreflowersthanweeds @conversationaltreestump @burntchromas @shellydominique @fiddlepickdouglas 
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Ooh! For your Writing Requests can you please do something with Evil X, Helsknight, and Badtimeswithscar with the theme Cats?
As soon as I read this prompt, the perfect idea came to my head and I’m super proud with the result so I hope you enjoy!
Requests are still open! See this post for details. 
  “I found it!” BadTimesWithScar slices a bigger hole in the wall with his pickaxe and squeezes himself through, closely followed by his companions. “Look!”
  Evil Xisuma slides down the jagged stone wall and stops at the bottom, staring around the sewers with shock and amazement. “Whoa…! How did you know this place was here?”
  “Scar told me,” says Bad proudly. “He and his Sewer Cat buddies had to abandon the place when they were discovered by Cleo and Keralis a few weeks ago. I thought we could use it, since nobody else is.”
  Helsknight picks up a discarded sword and swings it around a few times. “This place smells a little weird. But it’s big and spacey. Just needs some more medieval architecture.”
  EX rolls their eyes. “You think everywhere needs more medieval architecture.”
  “Am I wrong?”
  After a moment, EX shrugs. “In this case, no. It could do with some sprucing up if we’re going to live here.”
  “Are we?” Bad asks hopefully. 
  “I don’t see why not. It’s out of the way and far enough underground that I doubt anyone will stumble onto it accidentally.”
  “We can be the New Sewer Cats!” enthuses Bad. “We even have a theme song, listen.” He starts singing, “Sew-er Cats! Sew-er Cats! Cats of the deep dark underworld!”
  Hels bursts out laughing. 
  “You’ve really thought this all through, haven’t you?” EX snickers.
  Bad nods earnestly. “I’ve been dreaming about being a Sewer Cat for weeks. Now we can all be Sewer Cats!”
  “Please stop saying “sewer”,” mutters Hels. “It’s bad enough this place smells like slime.” 
  “We can change that,” EX points out. “It’s our place now. I- Hey, I see signs over there.”
  Followed by Hels, EX moves over to the board and reads the signs on it. 
  “The Cleo Games,” EX reads. “Interesting. So that’s what they were doing here. Trying to steal stuff from the city without Cleo or Keralis noticing.”
  “That explains the ambulance, the airplane, and the top half of the lighthouse,” remarks Hels. “Among other things.” 
  “Hey guys, check out what I made for us!” comes Bad’s voice at that moment.
  EX turns to find Bad holding up three pairs of cat ears attached to headbands. “You made those, Bad?”
 “Uh huh! I thought if we’re gonna live down here, we should actually look like cats!”
  He puts his own pair on his hair and hands one to Hels, who puts it on with no hesitation and grins. 
  Beaming, Bad offers his last pair to EX, who hesitates. “Um… I don’t think they’ll fit over my helmet.”
  Bad opens his mouth. 
  “I’m not taking my helmet off.”
  Bad closes his mouth. 
  At their friend’s sad look, EX sighs and takes the headband from him. They stretch out the band over their helmet and clip it into place. After making sure it’s secure, they turn to say something to Bad but stops as they register the expression of pure delight on his face. 
  “We’re the New Sewer Cats!” squeals Bad. “OH we should make up our own language made up entirely of meows!” 
  “NO,” yelps EX immediately. “I will tolerate looking like a cat but I draw the line at acting like one.”
  Bad points at them. “That’s fair.” 
  Meanwhile, Hels is rereading the signs on the board. “Hey, guys? I’m gonna go steal something.”
  “What?” EX frowns at him. “Why?”
  “Because that’s what the signs are telling me to do.”
  “Oh.” EX sighs and shakes his head. “Is that what we’re gonna do here? Steal stuff?”
  Hels shrugs. “You got something better to do?”
  EX pauses for a moment. “Touche. But first, we’d better seal off the current entrances and exits, since Cleo and Keralis already know where they are. And I think it’d be wise to create a few traps around the place to make sure we’re not caught unaware if someone DOES find us here.” 
  “Okay, okay, okay,” Hels sighs. “But we can steal stuff later, right?”
  EX glances from Hels to Bad, who is giving EX a hopeful look. They sigh again, but secretly, they’re feeling the urge to just let go and cause some mischief. It’s been a long time since they were here on the Hermitcraft server and they’re sure as heck going to make the most of it. 
  “Okay,” they say. “As soon as we make this place safer, we can go and steal stuff.”
  “Yay!” Bad cheers. “Is anyone any good at redstone? We could make a disco light on the ceiling and have a party down here!”
  “The point is NOT to get caught, Bad,” EX chuckles. “I think bright flashing lights and loud music would draw unwanted attention.”
  “Aww… I guess so.”
  “Okay, let’s get started. The quicker we finish, the quicker we can get to making mischief. You two, go sniff out where the exits are and report back to me so I can block them off.”
  “Okay!” Bad beams and takes off running, punching the air and chanting, “Sew-er Cats! Sew-er Cats!” 
  “He’s picking up some bad habits from his doppleganger,” remarks EX to themself. 
  They reach up to adjust their helmet and momentarily freak out when they feel something on top of their head, until they remember what it is. How did they let Bad convince them to wear these ridiculous cat ears? Xisuma would have a field day if he saw EX like this. 
  But as they watch Hels and Bad climb all over the sewers, identical pairs of ears on their heads, they get a thought. 
  Maybe these silly cat ears are more than just a head accessory. Perhaps they represent something EX has never truly experienced or appreciated until now: a sense of family. As bizarre and dim as Helsknight and BadTimes are, they’re EX’s family now. All three of them belong somewhere now: they belong to the New Sewer Cats. And they may be discovered in a day, a week, a month, even never. Perhaps the Hermits will move on to the Season 8 world without ever discovering them down here. What would happen then?
  “Hey EX!” yells Bad suddenly, his voice echoing around the sewers. “I found an exit! Come block it off!” 
  EX chuckles, shaking any thoughts of the future out of their head.
  “Coming, Bad.”
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deathordemise · 4 years
Platonic Relationships MCYT Playlist
Ayeee what’s popping??? Back at it again with the intense daydreaming:)
I’ll try not to have any repeats from the Specific DreamSMP playlist.!!! Not the DSMP-verse!!
The Idots
My !! Favs!! I hope there’s much more content of them together in the near future. I think it’s just the sheer size of the group, but they remind me of The Lunch Club. I really like their intense high energy.
Don’t Let’s Start - They Might Be Giants
Come Along - Cosmo Shelldrake
Really Cool Wig - Lemon Demon
With A Little Help From My Friends - The Beatles
Riot - Hollywood Undead
Roaring 20’s - Panic! At The Disco
Technoblade And Skeppy
This duo is so underrated. I really like their friendship. I feel like it’s Unstoppable Force (Skeppys desire for mischief and to Cause Problems On Purpose) and Immovable Object (Technoblade in general, but especially the immunity of Skeppys,,,skeppyness) but funny dynamics aside, I feel like they bounce off each other really well. I especially really like when Skeppy says something that catches Technoblade completely off guard and he laughs harder than I’ve ever heard him. I see it when he’s with Tommy as well but Skeppy brings out Technos desire to Cause Problems On Purpose. I’ve been rambling too much but I just really wish they were a more popular duo.
The Stand- Mother Mother
Saint Bernard- Lincoln
Misanthropic Drunken Loner - Days’n’Daze
Dear Fellow Traveler - Sea Wolf
Three-Thrity - AJR
Cigarette Ahegao - Penelope Scott
(Okay,I feel like I need to elaborate on this cause you’re probably thinking “hey um, Eden? What the fuck?” Okay so; When I hear this song I hear Technoblade being cynical and Skeppy chiming in with the “uwu, uh huh, yeah” and “hey incels,just have sex” , especially that last one because the image in my head is Skeppy resting his chin on Technos shoulder and then techno nods and says “duh”. Plus the video game pew pew that make up the background beat gives me their vibes)
Tubbo And Tommy
Their dynamic is so fun !! I hate when people write Tubbo as a sidekick. I also feel uncomfy when people write Tommy unnecessarily mean. He is snarky irl but tubbo does not hesitate to push back when needed. They’re a duo!! Partners in crime!!
Boys Will Be Bugs - Cavetown
Na Na Na - MCR (them in a car together blasting this would be pretty pog)
Back In School - Mother Mother
Angel Eyes And Basketball - Foot Ox
Sleepy Bois Inc
Words cannot describe how much I love this group. The biggest found family feels.
Come Hang Out - AJR
Wolf - First Aid Kit
Gotta Get Up - Harry Nilsson (idek I just get philza energy from it.)
I’m gonna be (500 miles) - The Proclaimers (the idea of them yelling “DADA DA DA “ back and forth makes me happy )
White Winter Hymnal - Fleet Foxes
The Dream Team
All squads have different kinds of chaos and the best way I can describe them is Homie Hurricane. I’m actually genuinely really thankful for their content.
Beachboys - McCaffetery
Banks - Lincoln
This Is Love - Air Traffic Controller (very manhunt vibes)
Kiss With A Fist- Florence + The Machine
The Bidding - Tally Hall
It’s Alright- Mother Mother
Dream And Technoblade
Two nerds who everyone portrays as scary,cold and godly but in reality are lovable dorks that play a block game real good go brrr. Not that I don’t enjoy their intense moments.
Take A Slice - Glass Animals
How Far We’ve Come - Matchbox Twenty
Everybody Loves Me - OneRepublic
Disco! In The Panic Room - Bug Hunter
Another One Bites The Dust - Queen
Bad and Skeppy
In case you haven’t seen it, these songs are from the my DSMP playlist because honestly,,, their dynamic is still the same but I added a few new songs because there my faves
Immortals - Fall Out Boy
Work Song- Hozier
Twin Size Mattress- The Front Bottoms
Problems - Mother Mother
One Gold Star- Dodie
The Things We Used To Share - Thomas Sanders (y’know how they always get divorced every other stream)
Lemon Eyes - Meg Myers (ofc minusing the whole yandere aspect of it lol. Before I watched the music video, I thought it was a protective person reassuring someone)
Just The Two Of Us - Grover Washington
She Talks Too Much - Elohim (it's not a playlist without a dose of angst )
As always, I’m a slut for feedback! Let me know what you think, or if there are any friendships you would like a song recommendation for. Infact , recommend some songs if you wanna !
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sadclowngorl · 4 years
The lost boys across generations.
This is all just my headcanon, that could honestly change at any minute. 👀. My headcanons are based off the prequel script! Pls read it.
This also includes my headcanon of Werewolves in the lost boys universe!
I'm a big history lover but don't be surprised if I got some stuff wrong, I'm not from California or any of these decades, but did a lot of research on it. So that was fun!
Comment your own headcanons i need more!!!!!
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Having still getting used to the whole vampire gig, they have troubles adjusting to their new powers. Marko breaks a lot of things accidently, Paul accidently floats off when he jumps and doesn't know how to get down.
Dwayne was disappointed in the no sun ever thing, he really did enjoy visiting the beach and the warmth of the sun. So :(.
David was more morally affected of the murder part, he has facing against eating the innocent and eating the guilty. Though he realized how hard it is to tell the difference between good and evil. And after talking to Max about it he figured just not eating family's or children would soothe his morals.
The boys really didn't want to depend on Max for money at first, and seeing as California really depended on Fishing, they'd help sailors and fishermen through the night. Gathering coin from their work and possibly from the others pockets.
Though eventually the workers were sick of their antics and kicked the boys from the fishing docks. By that time they realized how much money Max has and said well why not.
Baseball was introduced to America during this decade and while I hate saying this, they enjoy it. Playing some ball to pass some time and to feel at least a little human.
I hate saying it bc of twilight. Fuck u twilight.
The influenza made the boys learn that they are unaffected by disease and from that they realized how short of a life span man has. So the next decade they lived through it fully.
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Hollywood shined through California, bringing in plenty of blood and fun.
Marko had small gigs as a singer in some speakeasys, he enjoyed the attention and showing off.
Paul learned how to play guitar during this decade and loves it to this day.
Dwayne at one point was scouted by an acting agent but Dwayne quickly declined and oh no..ate the guy. Whoops.
The boys did push back the threat of other gangs marching through Santa Carla, by obviously. Eating them.
Through many decades, Max was very introverted. And stuck to his home in the busy nightlife of Santa Carla.
From gangs and people coming into California. Came werewolves.
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They gained the name 'The Lost Boys' in this decade from the locals.
The stock market crashed, causing many to go into poverty. The boys understood facing the problem of poverty and in this decade decided to leave the needy be.
Instead they tried to feed from the humans who have no worries, and stole from them. Giving the goods to the locals who needed it more.
Much of this decade they decided to stay in the shadows, trying to be even unseen as night.
Along with the fact that Dracula (1931) just came out, they really don't need that kind of publicity. Plus Max prevented them from doing any rash decisions.
Though murder was still very high in Santa Carla because the werewolves were running rapid. While they mainly stuck to the woods, some did travel to the docks, poverty stricken neighborhoods, just to feast.
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Then came the war, the internment camps, the fear.
The boys thrived from this fear.
They easily avoided getting drafted, by claiming to be gay. Which they weren't lying 👀.
By the 40s, they've had vampire foursomes. No doubt in my mind.
When the war ended in 1945, hitchhiking became very popular.
This was the year they got their own bikes, by got i mean stolen.
With their bikes they picked up lonesome hitchhikers, and played as hitchhikers in the night.
Though by the 40s the tension between the vampires and werewolves were high. The groups would constantly test each other which would end in bloody fights. The boys were outnumbered by the werewolves as they breed fast but, they had the skill over the wolves to keep them at bay.
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The tension between werewolves and Vampires are on thin ice. The boys take full advantage of the greaser aesthetic and with it attract more victims.
Though they do attract the rivalry of the werewolves.
After decades of tension, the two's leaders have decided to come to a draw.
Meeting at the lighthouse, Max and the wolves leader decides the territory issues
The vampires take the boardwalk and the beach. The werewolves take the forest, and the mountains.
The only neutral part is the walton lighthouse and ofc like peoples houses.
After that issue is solved the boys decide to leave the wolves alone and focus back on their own feasts.
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While the tension between wolf and vampires has eased, a new tension rises.
Communism, homophobia, raegan, the assassination of Kennedy.
While the political subjects the boys normally stay away from, when polictics decides to stick its nose in the boys way of life. Its a bit teeth grating.
The boys learned to live with hatred but didn't hesitate to eat their enemies, they need to keep the kill count in Santa Carla high after all.
Though they do become the victims of some hate crimes specifically gay hate crimes, along with threats of being arrested for association with communism. Ya know the red scare shit.
Moon landing happen. Or did it?
The boys are contemplating if the moon landing really did happen.
Marko and Paul do try to fly to the moon, get bored not even half way and go back home. Also the sun is always out in space, so not a good idea.
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The boys are introduced to. Weed.
Ofc they love it, along with mari jane comes rock and a different type of crowd to feast on.
Paul seems to fit right in with the crowd of hippies, Dwayne enjoys their very calming nature but David and Marko are indifferent to the crowd.
Marko would rather run in the city than sit and smoke in the woods. While David enjoys smoking, he doesn't enjoy doing it with humans.
Marko takes a lot of advantage of the busting clubs with disco and fresh blood, David does the same but let's the victims come to him.
The group seem to bypass the movement of the Vietnam War, its just another war. War to them, its useless. Just killing each other? No no, thats theirs job to kill humans.
Max during this decade seemed to be looking for another member to join. Though he stays quiet of it and doesn't mention it to the boys.
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Their peak
But also their downfall canonically
They love the art, the music, the people.
Everything about the 80s, they soaked right in.
Well..you guys know how they took to the 80s lol.
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lyricalimerence · 4 years
Unexpected - JJ Maybank
word count: 1378
summary: basically reader's heart has been stomped on and jj makes her laugh. a good ole kook-pogue friendship blossoming.
warnings: drinking, swearing, sadness, and friendship fluff
a/n: this was the first little imagine thing-a-ma-bob i ever wrote and i loved the idea but hated the way i wrote it so i rewrote it and i kinda think it's not too bad rn? but it's also like eleven pm and i've been listening to sad music so i'm not trustworthy. ly all! mwah.
JJ Maybank took a late night boat ride on the HMS Pogue, subconsciously taking a slow drift as he passed the bank a few yards away from the country club where the annual Midsummers party was being held for the Island Club. He was all alone and couldn't stand to go back to his father, so he thought that maybe he could pick up the Pogues afterwards. Pope had to help his father with the oysters, Kiara was being forced to go again, and John B was invited by Sarah because Ward Cameron was being crowned Guardian of the Knights of the Rhododendron for the second year in a row.
What he hadn't expected was the fairy lights illuminating the patio of the country club and the moonlight to work together, making a disco out of a girl's sequined dress. She slouched on a picnic bench by the bank, facing the party with an unreadable emotion. Maybe it was just unreadable because JJ could only see her back.
A small rectangular light came from directly in front of the girl—she just turned her smartphone on. The reflecting light shone on a water bottle that was placed on the wooden table that was probably pushing small splinters into the girl's elbows, forearms, calves. He smiled at the stickers adorning the tall water bottle as the girl fiddled with the carrying strap. It reminded him of Kiara, his friend that was so vocal of her opinions that she placed stickers, pins, and patches all over her belongings.
Another gleam from the table caught his eye, shining off the second thing he hadn't expected: the unmistakable china plate of the Island Club, swirls of gold foil and painted flowers embellishing the edges. What was a girl in a fancy dress doing eating off of island club plates a quarter mile away from the party?
JJ took a leap of faith, deciding he didn't want to be alone and neither did she—even if she didn't know she wanted company yet. He was soon introduced to the third thing he hadn't expected. The girl sitting there, by herself, fidgeting with her water bottle and eating peas, pea by pea, skewering each one on a prong of her fork individually, was the grandest Kook Princess of them all.
Y/N Y/L/N was sitting in front of him, anxiously squirming as she ragefully ate her peas, a fire in her averted eyes that he'd never seen before. He assumed she hated him, just by nature, but she never acted on that hate if it was even there. She peeked back up, expecting to feast her eyes on the county club once more, but got a face full of JJ Maybank instead. It wasn't a particularly bad view.
"Am I disrupting your view, Princess?" JJ asked, picking up a pea from her plate and popping it in his mouth. He had no idea why he didn't just slide himself off the bench before she noticed him, but he didn't.
She shrugged her shoulders, the fury captured in her irises melting to sadness at the nickname. JJ quickly looked over his shoulder at the Kooks dancing and laughing under the lights. He whispered, "What are we looking at?"
Y/N jutted put her chin slightly, "Bag check." Her voice cracked lightly on the stressed vowels.
"Waiting for Mommy and Daddy to come take you home in their Mercedes-Benz?" JJ asked teasingly. He watched the sadness in her eyes change to exhaustion. Exhaustion that everyone thought she was a stick-up-the-ass trust fund baby that had no emotional range.
JJ saw it, bowing his head slightly in an unspoken apology. He glanced over his shoulder to see a couple macking in the separate outside area for bag check. He narrowed his eyes, trying to see what had gotten Y/N so emotional. He realized that the couple was some girl and Rafe Cameron, Y/N's boyfriend. "Is that—"
"Yep." Y/N said, her ribcage shaking as she took a sharp breath, rapping her knuckles against the splintering picnic table.
"I'm sorry," JJ said, starting to grow into the rage that Y/N had been feeling before he slid onto the bench in front of her.
"You don't have to be sorry. You didn't cheat on me." She said, handing an extra fork that was on the table to JJ, who had continuously been eating peas with his hands.
"I know I just—are you okay?" JJ asked through a mouthful of green veg now that he was given an eating utensil.
"Uh, I don't know. I told him I loved him and he said it back. An hour and a half ago." Y/N said blankly, pushing the food on plate closer to where JJ was, farther away from her.
"I don't understand." said JJ, his eyebrows stitching together in contemplation. If Rafe told Y/N he loved her, why was he now macking on another girl?
"Yeah, well, I'm currently president of that company so get in line, Bub." She replied, taking a swig from her water bottle. By the cough she elicited, JJ assumed that whatever was on the bottle was not water, and Y/N actually handled her alcohol rather well.
"What happened?" He asked, pulling her attention away from bag check and back to him. She looked at him and chuckled wryly, shaking her head slightly. "I'm serious! You'll feel better."
"It's a doozy." Y/N rubbed her arms from the breeze blowing by them off the water.
JJ motioned with his hand for her to proceed and she launched into the story, barely taking a breath as she simply rambled about the encounter.
"We were kissing and I just said it. I was nervous because I had never said it before, but I was certain about it. He kinda blinked at me, and I told him that he didn't have to say it back, but he just grinned and said it. No second thoughts, no hesitations. I believed him because I meant it.
"I said I was gonna get drinks and we could watch the sunset because it looked like it would be a really beautiful one, so I grabbed them quickly. He wasn't there when I got back so I kind of ran through the country club. I definitely looked like an alcoholic, nervous, jumpy, totally bug-eyed," she paused to pull her eyelids open, making her eyes pop out, causing JJ laugh.
"And I was double fisting. I rounded the corner to bag check and there they were, just swallowing each other's tongues. I kinda stood there for a moment, soaking it in. I was frozen. But then the girl, this complete and utter bitc—actually she's quite lovely, her name's Veronica—giggled and told him she loved him. And that son of a fucking bitch said it back."
"That's—yeah. That's rough."
"Yeah. So now i'm here, vomiting my feelings out to the one and only JJ Maybank."
"What's weirder, the emotion vomiting or me?"
"100% you, have you seen that face?"
"What's wrong with my face?"
"Nothing per se—" Y/N suddenly stopped and belched, taking JJ completely aback, but he thought it was absolutely hilarious that the Kook Princess could belch to his level. She looked up sheepishly as JJ cackled into the night sky, "So maybe I did down both of those drinks."
JJ couldn't stop laughing at her, such a pristine person who he'd never thought would willing talk to him is now camping outside of a party with him. Watching JJ double over with laughter, banging on the picnic table as hiccups started busting through his laughing fit, Y/N giggled at first. Then she fell into a complete fit of mirth with JJ, her melodious laugh traveling up towards the club, up towards Rafe.
Rafe turned towards the sound, the sound he grew to love over the eighteen years of being Y/N's best friend and eventual boyfriend. His heart tightened when he saw her almost rolling off the picnic bench as tears of happiness fell from her cheeks, JJ matching her degree of laughter exactly on the other side of the table. He couldn't do anything about it now. He had made his choice, forcing Y/N into hers.
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officialleotolstoy · 3 years
Oh Dolokhov/Hélène Brainrot We’re Really In It Now, aka Dolokhov/Hélène playlist annotations!
I stole several songs from a playlist my friends have and I’m not gonna put those on this list, I won’t pretend I came up with those
The ship playlists (since they aren’t for canon couples) are very much based on my headcanons. We don’t get to see them interact literally ever so I’ve just extrapolated what I can. Several of these songs are at least alluding to sex, I don’t really think they actually slept together for various reasons I can enumerate if someone asks, but it’s more about the vibes of the song.
Casual Affair - Panic! At The Disco
It’s literally in the title. Bestie how much more explanation do you need? I don’t even like this song but it’s got the right energy
Those Nights - Bastille
“Aren’t we all just looking for a little bit of hope these days? Looking for somebody you can wake up with?”
Being drawn to each other because of mutual loneliness is a Thing in my interpretation of their relationship, and this hits the nail on the head.
But It’s Better If You Do - Panic! At The Disco
“Praying for love and paying in naïveté”
Again, mutual loneliness and desperation for anything resembling love. Also the “isn’t this exactly where you like me” bit fits because they won’t admit to liking each other outside of their weird intimate moments.
Hurricane - Panic! At The Disco
“Drop our anchors in a storm”
The circumstances of their lives arent super fun at the moment so they find refuge in each other but in a very weird kind of unhealthy way! “We are a hurricane” sort of alludes to knowing that you’re causing problems/your relationship isn’t great.
Almost (Sweet Music) - Hozier
“I’m almost me again, she’s almost you”
It’s about not really being In Love but kind of convincing yourself you are because it makes you feel better in the circumstances. I don’t think either of them were fully into their relationship for various reasons. Not as in they didn’t want the other, more that they were both too aware it would never work for long.
Hall & Oates - Satchmode
“I want to be in love again, with you”
This one’s about wanting the idea of love and companionship more than you actually like the other person, which I feel like kind of fits. This song is framed as one person in love with the other and one hesitating, but i think this works for both of them to hesitate.
Feel Something - Jaymes Young
“Touch me, someone, I’m too young to feel so numb”
The I have tried like six times and I can’t word why I think this song works. I don’t even like it, I skip it every time, but I think it’s got something to do with loneliness and desperation for love driving them to look for it in places they wouldn’t normally? Who knows. Send me an ask if u do.
Another Place - Bastille
“Don’t make promises to me that you’re gonna break”
They could never actually be together for SO many reasons and I think they’re both pretty aware of that. They have no desire to pretend that their relationship is anything other than what it is (“we only ever wanted one thing from this”).
When You Were Young - The Killers
“You sit there in your heartache, waiting on some beautiful boy to save you”
I do not think Hélène expected Dolokhkov to save her from anything except maybe monotony and loneliness, but this song slaps and if I can stretch the lyrics to work, I will
broken - lovelytheband
“I could be lonely with you”
Almost every song on here (including this one) is just. We’re messed up and I know we won’t really find love in each other but we might find solace for a while and be less lonely so uhhhhh wanna kiss me or what
“You stand up, stand up, before I drag you down”
They are NOT good for each other! Toxic relationships uwu
Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood
I believe in bi4bi Hélène/Dolokhov
Enemy Fire - Bea Miller
“Sweet words from a serpent’s tongue”
This song is kinda complicated and parts of it don’t fit but the energy of “everything sucks including you but at least we can hide from the suckiness together” is sorta there. Originally I just added it for the soldier vibes because I was testing out songs but I realized i can fit some of the lyrics so on the playlist it goes
Angel of the Small Death and the Codeine Scene - Hozier
“Her sweetened breath and her tongue so mean”
They are horrible and cold to each other as a love language. This song is essentially just “Wow my evil scary gf is so hot” and you’re right Fyodor. She is.
Shut Up and Dance - WALK THE MOON
I won’t lie this one’s mostly a joke, I just think the vibes of telling someone to shut up as (maybe because) you’re falling in love with them is Dolokhov/Hélène energy. Ignore all the parts about wanting to be with her forever and her being his destiny that is not why I added it.
Lone Ranger - Rachel Platten
“I’m just gonna leave, ‘cause baby I’m a lone ranger”
I do not think Dolokhov was intending to stay with her forever at all. Very rude of him. However, she probably also knew it wouldn’t last forever, she’s not stupid.
House of Memories - Panic! At The Disco
“Promise me a place in your house of memories”
This is very much post-duel, their relationship has fizzled out but it was pretty important (do I mean emotionally or to the plot? I’ll never tell) and deserves to be remembered.
American Beauty/American Psycho - Fall Out Boy
“I’m the best worst thing that hasn’t happened to you yet”
SO MANY of these lyrics are so good for them like. Hélène’s beautiful Dolokhov’s a psycho... “you take the full truth and you pour some out” can you imagine them being open and honest with each other? Yeah, me neither. “We were pity sex” They were just sad and lonely! That was what allowed anything to happen at all in my head (not sex but bear with me it’s not my fault those are the lyrics). “All those dirty thoughts of me, they were never yours to keep” because Hélène is married to someone else, they really have no right to think of each other that way.
Sk8er Boi - Avril Lavigne
“He wasn’t good enough for her”
UNIRONICALLY THIS SONG. Hélène’s complaints about Dolokhov staying with them are just the quoted lyric. “They had a problem with his baggy clothes” yeah Dolokhov’s not as rich and bougie and the rest of them and he’s certainly rough around the edges. And then the skater boy ending with a successful music career vs Dolokhov ending with a successful military career and a great reputation and both the women in the songs having sad endings...I’m not wrong.
Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet - Fall Out Boy
“Does your husband know the way that the sunshine gleams from your wedding band?”
The affair vibes. The AFFAIR VIBES. And the concept of “I will never end up like him [the husband]/ behind my back I already am” in reference to using Hélène and deciding he hates her right after deciding she’s hot...okay! I see you kinning Pierre, Dolokhov. You ARE being just like her husband :/
You Give Love A Bad Name - Bon Jovi
“Shot through the heart and you’re to blame”
This is just Dolokhov’s massive I Hate Women monologue condensed. Stop blaming beautiful women for YOUR attraction to them maybe 🔫
Death Valley - Fall Out Boy
“Don’t take love off the table yet”
This is not a table sex joke this is not a table sex joke this is not a table sex joke this is n-
I didnt add it for that reason it was about a vibe but then. I realized. Now the original reason doesn’t even matter.
Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner - Fall Out Boy
“I’ll be your best kept secret and your biggest mistake”
Tell me the quoted lyric does not SCREAM Hélène/Dolokhov. You can’t. Also “I’ll weigh you down I’ll watch you choke/You look so good in blue” really captures hatred as a love language.
This is Love - Air Traffic Controller
Ok I stole this from my friends’ playlist but I did want to explain it because it’s not JUST Dolokhov and Hélène in my mind. The whole jealous fool second verse gives me Pierre around the duel energy as well
Bad Boy - Cascada
“Be my weekend lover but don’t be my friend”
Bernie Sanders voice I am once again asking you to hear me out about the unironic meme songs on my War and Peace character playlists. It’s got the refusal to admit that she actually likes hanging out with him down. The line “after some time you just pushed me aside” referring to Dolokhov teasing Pierre about their affair because he got bored. “I dont need you in my life again”...YEAH I’m fairly sure they dont interact in canon again after that.
Hayloft - Mother Mother
“My daddy’s got a gun”
This song started playing on accident once when I was listening to this playlist and I was like huh. It fits though. The gun thing is twofold: 1) Though he is not her father, Pierre does have a gun in the duel and 2) I think Vassily would happily shoot Dolokhov for his relationships with Vassily’s kids. It’s also just the general forbidden love vibes mixed with the violence vibes.
“I’m looking for affection in all the wrong places and we’ll keep falling on each other to fill the empty spaces”
Have I been clear enough about my thesis that their relationship is based in mutual loneliness? Also, I like the acknowledgment that this is in fact the wrong place. I think they’re both very aware of that.
Walk Away - Franz Ferdinand
“Yes I’m cold but not as cold as you are”
This song is for them post-duel. Especially the “I cannot stand to see those eyes as apologies may rise/I must be strong, stay an unbeliever” because 1) I hear the word eyes, I think of Dolokhov and 2) I think she’s too smart to believe any apology he would give her, she knows he doesn’t really mean it. The song kinda reads as someone trying to convince themselves they’re happy that the relationship is over, which I think is definitely what happens for both of them.
Van Horn - Saint Motel
“Tell me do you hate me? Or do you wanna date me?”
Obsessed with the dynamic of “I like you but that’s embarrassing for both of us I’m gonna act like I hate you instead”
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littleghostbug · 3 years
GIVE ME THE NAME OF ONE OF MY OCS IN MY ASKBOX AND I'LL ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY This one but for Orio cause I'm gonna smooch him so hard once I get ideas for one of those designs my king
01. Full name: Orio Parviz Eliades
02. Best friend: He has TWO; Ethan and Gil. Literally his closest friends for hundreds of years. He also has a little mouse pet named Chestnut who is his babie.
03. Sexuality: Bisexual with a preference towards men
04. Favorite color: He likes dark blues and blacks, he prefers darker tones of colors but blue is number one.
05. Relationship status: In an open poly relationship. He loves both Ethan AND Gil, but they’re all immortal so it’s kinda like a Hades relationship.
06. Ideal mate: Someone he knows he can put trust into without worry, that he can sit with in comfy silence and maybe even cook with. Someone that can make him laugh once in a while, he just wants a partner that he can be totally chill with. He doesn’t need any fancy stuff.
07. Turn-ons: Lingerie, being tied up, hard biting/scratching, h-he’s.... a little bit into blood stuff too during sex, he’s a big switch so he’s down with being super dominant or a complete submissive
08. Favorite food: OREOS. Oreos, oreos, oreos and you can’t change my mind. But his favorite actual food is a big homemade bacon cheeseburger and wedge fries.
09. Crushes: H-He doesn’t get crushes often for.... a personal reason but he does have a star crush on a celebrity in my verse. Its a singer I based off of Panic!At the Disco
10. Favorite music: He’s definitely leaning more towards soft rock but he’s also danced to some pop songs.... by himself or with the Boys. He loves playing guitar and singing himself so he’s very big into music, it’s a comfort for him
11. Biggest fear: He’s absolutely TERRIFIED of ever going back to his clan or even running into some people from there, it’s a very slim chance it could happen but it’s the only thing he’s truly scared of besides losing Gil and Ethan. He’s one of the few that managed to leave that clan alive and he’s not gonna be taking any kind of risk going back there. He would even be scared of facing his moms.
12. Biggest fantasy: Honestly, as much as he loves hunting down shitty people, he’s kinda wanted to save up money and find a nice little home somewhere and just.... chill. He’d love to just have a simple life with whoever he’s with.
13. Bad habits: He chews on stuff A LOT. He chews on his hoodie strings, on pencils, his nails sometimes which drives Ethan NUTS. He does it absent mindedly when he’s bored. Ethan actually gave him one of those chewable necklaces for his birthday when he noticed.
14. Biggest regret: Leaving behind his moms when he escaped the clan. They knew he wanted to leave that place so bad and they wanted their son to be happy, he just wishes he was able to leave in a better way than what had happened. (see 17)
15. Best kept secrets: H-He is... kind of into bdsm stuff and knifeplay. He’s respectful about it, he won’t push anyone into doing it if they don’t want to. But that’s just a very personal thing of his. If he wants to be a slut it will be on HIS TERMS. He also has... some fun piercings..... he’s got nipple and dick piercings.
17. Worst romantic experience: HOO BOY so; when he got picked by one of the Lamia women to be her servant he met another Lamia boy there and they started getting really close in the couple years. He was Orio’s only bit of happiness in those years because he couldn’t see his moms anymore. And when Orio finally had enough of everything he wanted the boy to run away with him in secret and the boy was hesitant at first but agreed...... but when the time came and Orio was waiting for him outside, his “owner” and guards ambushed him, and he found out the boy basically ratted him out because HE enjoyed the cushy life of being a servant and wanted to get on the woman’s good side. That devastated and broke him more than anything, and kind of shaped him into the boy he is now; you have to put a good amount of work into getting Orio to really trust you. and if you fuck that up you are NOT getting a second chance with him.
18. Biggest insecurity: He’s a great singer, but a TERRIBLE dancer. This boy can somehow fight off a bunch of goons without even breaking a sweat, doing sick parkour and fight moves, but he can’t do a One Two Step. He just kinda.... shimmies his shoulders and hips if he wants to dance.
19. Weapon of choice: His fists, and whatever blunt object his fists can grab. Also (as a boy lamia) he has a paralyzing venom in his fangs that helps a lot when he needs to catch someone.
20. Role Model: He will NEVER admit this to ANYONE but he actually.... really looks up to Ethan. All three of them have been through some fucked up things but he still manages to be just, so bright and happy and is able to just shake stuff off with no problem.... he started wishing he could be like that and all of Ethan’s positivity started to rub off on him over the years.
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peaceoutofthepieces · 4 years
chapter 27.5 (part II)
When My Phone Turns Off
I’m making this a follow up to the last chapter, as it happens directly after yesterday’s fic piece and before today’s chapter (which will be posted very soon). I hope you enjoy!
Lucas wakes up to a weight over his middle and warmth all along his back. A smile is on his face before he’s even fully awake, and there’s a lightness in his chest he isn’t used to feeling. The bed he’s in is comfortable, the pillow soft under his head, and he’s warm and content and at ease. Even though the surroundings are unfamiliar, even though he didn’t shut his eyes until late into the night, he thinks it’s the best sleep he’s ever had. 
He leans back into the body behind him and the arm around his waist tightens. His smile widens and he finally opens his eyes, slowly twisting around in the embrace and coming face to face with a sleeping Jens. His lips part slightly around every breath, and his eyelashes are fanned over his cheeks. He looks delicate and young, more peaceful than he appears when awake. Lucas reaches out and traces a finger over his cheek. He moves it down along his jaw, then lightly across his bottom lip, Jens’s breath hot against his skin. He moves his hand up into Jens’s hair and twirls a slightly curly strand between his fingers, thumb skimming over his forehead and causing it to wrinkle. 
Jens scrunches his nose and makes a small, sleepy hum, eyes scrunching closed before blinking open slowly. They instantly settle on Lucas and shine with a smile before fluttering closed again. He pulls Lucas against him with the hand still around his waist, smile forming on his lips as he snuggles closer. Lucas grins and kisses his nose, moving his hand back down to his cheek. “Morning,” he says quietly. 
Jens nudges his nose against his cheek, nuzzling against his face until Lucas moves enough for him to tuck his face into his neck. Only then does he let out a content smile and mumble back, “Good morning.” Lucas laughs, but slides his arms around his shoulders, pillowing his head a little better. Jens kisses his neck in thanks and says, “I was kind of expecting to wake up in my own bed and realise I was dreaming.”
Lucas whispers, “Sorry to disappoint.” Jens’s fingers curl in the back of his shirt and he kisses him again, over his pulse point. Lucas makes a surprised noise when he bites lightly at the spot, tongue flicking out afterwards and brushing soothingly over the skin. Lucas tries not to react and instead teasingly asks, “Nice dream?”
Jens shakes his head, hair tickling Lucas’s chin, and then pulls back enough to look at him. “Best dream I could have is right next to me.”
Lucas’s smile is slow, and then colour is flooding his cheeks, and it’s much too early for him to respond to this with anything other than stunned, bashful silence. Jens smirks just slightly and Lucas grabs the pillow from under his head and presses it over his face, earning an instant muffled protest. Jens wrestles the pillow out of his grip and thumps it against his side in retaliation, smiling at Lucas’s laughter while he tucks the pillow back under his head. 
“That’s not how I expect to be attacked after complimenting you,” Jens informs him, already moving closer again. 
“No?” Lucas asks. Jens shakes his head, eyes falling to Lucas’s lips, which pull up in a smile before Jens is kissing him again. He sinks into it, even though his mouth’s cottony and his breath probably stinks and the whole thing should be gross. He doesn’t care, because Jens is in the same boat and he doesn’t care either. He kisses Lucas languidly, thoroughly, like there’s nothing else in the world he’d rather be doing. He pulls away with the intention of telling Jens they should probably get out of bed, but Jens is immediately trailing another path down his neck, open-mouthed kisses that set his skin on fire. “Jens,” he protests. “If you leave a mark I’m not leaving this room today.”
He feels Jens’s smile. “I have no problem with that.”
Lucas breathes a laugh. “I mean it. That’s not how I want to be introduced to your friends.”
“You’ve already met them.”
“Half of them. And I don’t really want to see their reactions, either.”
Jens groans, but he stops kissing him in favour of flopping against his chest, tossing his leg over Lucas’s and his arm over his stomach, effectively pinning in place. “Fine, but you aren’t getting up yet. Too early.”
Lucas laughs. “None of that woke you up?”
“Shhhhh. This is the only morning I get before you leave me again. I’m spending it in bed with you.”
At that, Lucas can’t help but smile and relent, simply moving his hand back into Jens’s hair and accepting the weight of him for however long he wants. 
At least, he tries to, but it gets to a point where his bladder begins to protest. He pats Jens’s shoulder. “Okay, you’re gonna have to move now.” Jens gives a quiet whine of protest. “Jens, I have to pee. And we should get up anyway.”
Jens sighs, long and drawn-out, but he rolls himself off of Lucas and buries himself in his pillow. “Fine. I’ll be awake by the time you come back.”
Lucas doubts that, but he lets him be. He feels a little weird, stepping out of the room in just his t-shirt and boxers, but he’d made the mistake of only bringing jeans. He manages to slip to the bathroom and back without bumping into any other flatmates, however, and when he gets back Jens is already in his jeans and in the process of taking off his shirt. He looks over at Lucas as he tosses the garment on the bed, and Lucas averts his eyes with a mumbled, “Sorry.” 
Jens has no qualms about walking right up to him and hugging him against his bare chest, smirking smugly down at Lucas and kissing his cheek. “It’s not like it’s anything you haven’t seen before. I’m completely aware of why you followed me.”
Lucas flushes. He’d shove him away if he thought he could set his hands on Jens’s chest without wanting to drag him back into the bed. “It’s true that it wasn’t for your skateboarding skills.”
Jens mock gasps. “How disappointing. And here I was thinking I’d earned a fan.”
“Oh, I’m a very big fan,” Lucas promises. Jens hums in question and he hums back, and then they’re lost in kisses again and Lucas forgets that he’s supposed to be getting them out of the room. He isn’t sure what to do with his hands, but eventually he gives in, sliding them over the smooth skin of Jens’s back as Jens’s roam through his hair. He doesn’t know how he’ll go home now and live without this, even if it’s only until the next weekend when one of them can travel again. He can’t imagine not waking up to Jens every morning, after only one night. 
This time, Lucas presses kisses along Jens’s jaw, leaving him soft and pliant in his hold before he steps away. “Okay, now you really need to put on a shirt and go join your friends or we really won’t make it out of here today.”
Jens narrows his eyes, tilts his head, considers him. “I don’t think you really want me to put on a shirt.”
“Jens,” Lucas warns. He picks Jens’s shirt out of his bag and shoves it at his chest, waiting with crossed arms until he pulls it over his head. 
“Fine.” Jens sighs, sneaks another kiss, then disappears with a grin, shutting the door behind him. Lucas smiles after him and takes a moment to bask in the feeling. 
He’s more content than he’s ever been. 
Jens enters the kitchen to find Robbe, Sander, and Milan already there. Milan is busy brewing coffee and Robbe is stood frying bacon while Sander stands next to him and distracts him with kisses. Robbe is the first to turn and greet him, smile lighting up as he offers a bright, “Good morning.”
“Morning.” Jens sits at the table and picks up a coaster, turning it around in his hands. He muffles a yawn as Sander turns to look at him with raised brows. 
“How was your night?” Sander questions, accepting the cup of coffee Milan passes him. 
Jens pulls a face at him. “Fine. Late, thanks to all of you.”
Jens had taken Lucas out as promised yesterday, giving him a short tour of some of his favourite parts of the city, ending in a small cafe with two plates of burgers and fries. It had been the first date, he supposes, liking the idea because they’d had fun. Lucas smiled almost the entire time, offering Jens his pretty laugh freely and stealing kisses whenever they felt like it. It’s the best day Jens has ever had. 
They’d gotten home later than planned, but the other boys were still wide awake when they got home, Robbe and Milan laughing in the sitting room while Sander made croques in the kitchen. Jens quickly realised it for the bribery it was, as he quickly lured Lucas in and began asking a hundred questions masked with an innocent smile. Robbe had also listened with rapt attention. Lucas wasn’t phased, sitting relaxed in his chair with Jens’s hand on his knee under the table. Jens watched Sander and Robbe melt quickly, intent gazes morphing into fond smiles as conversation turned into joking and joking into a mini party. Milan had broken out a disco light none of them knew he had and Robbe dug the alcohol out of the fridge. The instant Lucas had begun singing along to a Bowie song even Jens didn’t know, Sander was a goner. Robbe wasn’t far behind him. Once drunk, he’d also filmed the promised video with Milan, doing a mock serious interview of the man before both tried on every item in his closet. It was a video Jens was pretty sure would never see the light of day, but it was amusing nonetheless. 
“I like him,” Robbe says now, scooping the bacon onto a plate. “I’m glad it seems to be going well.”
Jens feels a smile take over his face and he ignores Sander’s knowing gaze, focusing his attention on the coaster balanced between his fingers. “It’s great,” he agrees. “I’m just hoping Moyo and Aaron don’t fuck it up.”
Sander snorts, taking a sip of his coffee. “I warned them to be on their best behavior. No hugs.”
Robbe laughs quietly and glances back at Jens. “It is great, but,” he hesitates. 
Robbe sighs, taking a seat across from him and leaving Sander to watch the rest of the food. Milan sets two coffees between them and settles down next to Robbe, resting his chin on his hand. “But, he still thinks he has to give him the talk.”
Robbe gives him a look before turning back to Jens. “It’s just...I remember the last night you stayed over here. I’ve never seen you that upset, Jens. And I can’t forget that it was his fault.”
“Robbe,” Jens starts.
“I didn’t forget, either,” Lucas says. Jens looks up to find him stood in the doorway, expression as serious as he’s seen it yet. “And I don’t plan to. I’m trying to make it up. I know you’ve all watched the video, anyway, so you know I get that I fucked up. And I deserve, whatever talk you wanna give me and whatever doubts you have. I like you guys, and I want you to like me too, but I understand if it takes time. I’m actually kind of glad you’re still mad at me, because it proves how much you really care about Jens, and he deserves good friends. So,” he moves around the table, taking the seat next to Jens and bracing his elbows on the wood, lacing his hands together. “Hit me. Whatever you want to say.”
Robbe and Jens share a look, Robbe slightly surprised and Jens pleased. He gives Robbe a tiny nod, as if to say, ‘Go on’, and Robbe twists towards Lucas, determined. “Okay. It’s easy to say you want all these things, but now you’ve had to travel here and know what it’s going to be like, are you still serious about it?”
“Yes,” Lucas answers instantly. “If anything, it’s only made me more sure. I’m here as long as Jens wants me.”
That seems to satisfy Robbe, and after a minute of silence Jens says, “That’s all you can think of, isn’t it?”
Robbe sighs. “It’s not as easy as it sounds, okay? He covered a lot in the video. And I like him. I don’t want to be doing this.”
Lucas smiles like that makes him feel a little better as Jens reaches over to pat Robbe’s arm. Sander sets the plate of bacon in the middle of the table with more fuss than necessary, causing them all to look at him. “How about, you ever hurt Jens again, we’ll kill you, and because you’re probably cooler than he is, vice versa. Sound fair?” He directs this at Jens, who flips him off in response. He smiles brightly, drooping himself over Robbe’s shoulders and planting a kiss in his hair. “Voila. Talk done. Now eat your breakfast so we can go meet the others.”
It’s incredibly nice, being able to walk through the streets with Lucas under his arm, forced to pause occasionally for Sander to take a picture of something—even when Robbe’s hanging on his back like a koala. Jens is used to feeling like a third wheel next to all of their affection. It’s nice to be a part of it instead, to turn and press a kiss to Lucas’s cheek or ruffle his hair or share an amused smile at the other’s antics. 
Moyo and Aaron are already waiting for them at the skatepark, and they introduce themselves to Lucas with ease. Jens is relieved, for all of the five minutes it takes for Moyo to launch into another round of twenty questions, this time with the hope of improving their own YouTube channel. 
Lucas simply shrugs. “There’s nothing wrong with your videos. It just takes time. The more content you make the more often, the more easily you’ll get noticed. If you’re funny and good looking people will watch anything.”
“So if you use me,” Jens concludes. Moyo makes a face at him. 
Lucas gives him a smile and a little shake of his head as if that’s exactly what he meant. “For example, yeah.”
Moyo scoffs at Jens’s smug expression. “This doesn’t count, his opinion is biased.”
“He’s right, though,” Robbe butts in. “Jens or Sander as the promo image and everyone’s watching that.” Sander simply laughs and gives Jens a fist bump.
“Maybe you could endorse us,” Aaron suggests to Lucas, immediately earning himself a punch in the arm from Moyo. “No, but, it could be good for him too. Like a boyfriend video. Jens got like a thousand new followers overnight, anyway.”
Jens’s brow furrows. He only gets message notifications, so he hadn’t noticed. He hadn’t thought to check. His main reason for using his phone was with him for once. He was too distracted to even think about. “I did?”
“Uh, yeah? That’s what happens when your celebrity boyfriend tags you in his post,” Moyo teases. 
Lucas shakes his head. “I’m hardly a celebrity.” 
Jens reaches up and pinches his cheek, laughing when Lucas swats him away. “You’re a celebrity to us.”
Lucas grabs the lapels of his jacket and tugs him towards him where he’s sitting on one of the ramps. “‘Us’ or ‘me’?”
“Maybe just me,” Jens admits. “Hopefully.”
Lucas smiles and gives him a quick kiss, leaving Jens to pull him in for more, completely ignoring Moyo’s exaggerated cooing. At this moment, Jens doesn’t think about the fact that Lucas will be leaving in a few hours. He doesn’t think about the next vlog, or the mass of new followers on his Instagram, or the fact that he still hasn’t met Lucas’s friends or told his parents. He just kisses the boy he loves, in front of all his best friends, and lives in the now. 
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mostfacinorous · 4 years
Stoki Whumptober Day 18: Panic! At the Disco [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]
Loki slept for two days, and it was an oddly tense two days at that. 
They did some tests and readings on Bucky’s arm, and judged it 100% time stone power free, and thus safe to return to the tower in the city. 
So they loaded an unconscious Loki onto the quinjet and took him back like that, prompting about a hundred questions from Nat, Clint, Bruce, and Pepper when they landed. 
Steve also wouldn’t let them put him back in the bed in the cell. He could only imagine what the guy would think, coming to all alone and locked in. Besides, he pointed out, Loki could get out at any time, and locking him up would just give him reason to leave instead of sticking around to answer questions. 
And so, ultimately, Loki had been given a guest room, just down the hall from the ones Steve and Bucky were staying in. 
Steve found out he’d woken thanks to an alert from JARVIS, just a calm little chime before his polite voice told him that Loki had opened his eyes. 
Moments later, a much less calm voice gave him a secondary alert: 
“Mister Loki appears to be in a state of acute distress.” 
Steve had been planning to give him a bit before he went over to check on him, but that had him up and out of his chair and out the door in moments. 
He opened Loki’s door to find him huddled on the side of the bed, one arm still up on it, clutching at his chest and heaving in shallow gulps of air that didn’t seem to be doing him much good. His eyes were wild, and his head snapped around to track Steve, even as he tried to back away from him and ended up upsetting the lamp on the bedside table. 
Steve winced as it fell on Loki, bouncing off his shoulder to roll on the floor behind him. 
“Hey, Loki, it’s okay, try and calm down, alright?” He said, immediately holding his hands up to show he wasn’t armed and meant no harm. 
He took a couple of steps closer, and Loki started scrabbling backwards at the table behind him, like he was reaching for his own weapons, though Steve knew none were there. 
“Okay, hey, look, it’s alright. You’re safe here-- we’re back at the tower, you remember? In New York? You had an accident with the time stone. We brought you back once Thor fixed things.” 
At Thor’s name, Loki turned his head toward the door and managed to get his back up against the far wall, gripping onto the fallen lamp as if it was the only defense he had, which, Steve knew from experience, was absolutely not true. 
And, against this kind of blind, senseless panic, he knew the best defense was just getting air in him. 
“JARVIS, can you amplify my heart beat and breaths and play it back real time?” Steve asked quickly, carefully kneeling on the floor, then sitting to put himself on Loki’s level. 
“Of course. Playback started.” 
Immediately, Steve heard what he’d asked for, and made a point of breathing in deep and slow, holding the breath in for a five count, and then letting it out. He repeated that several times, and watched as Loki started emulating the pattern, slowly relaxing his hold on the lamp, and finally going limp. 
“Is Thor still here?” He finally asked, his chin nearly resting on his chest. 
“No,” Steve said, not sure whether or not he should regret that that was the answer. “He needed to get back to Asgard.”
Loki nodded, looking lethargic. But, Steve reasoned, he was out of it, and had just woken up into a panic attack. 
“Did it work? Getting the power out of the arm?” 
“It worked.” Steve assured him. “What do you remember after that?” 
Loki huffed. 
“I remember no one believing me, and I remember being lied to.” He looked up, finally, and his eyes were hard. “I suspect you learned a good deal about me, or believe you did.” 
Steve could sense him trying to pull the tattered remains of his emotional walls back up around him. 
“I learned that, once again, you were willing to put yourself in danger to help me and Bucky.” Steve answered, hoping that was the right response. 
Loki looked away. 
“What else have you lied to me about?” He asked quietly. 
“I didn’t lie to you. I didn’t even know which parts of what Thor told you were lies, and I’m real sorry it went down like that. I had no idea what the plan was, and no option other than to let it play out.” 
Loki snorted. 
“Well. You have what you wanted now, I assume. Stark has doubtless had enough time to begin to analyse the stone, and will shortly have figured enough out of how it works to enable you to go and rewrite Barnes’s history. Your friend’s prosthesis is no longer in danger of causing problems.” He sat the lamp back on the floor and carefully, gingerly, got to his feet. 
“Will you stop me from leaving?” He asked, watching as Steve stood as well, and Steve realized he was standing between Loki and the door. 
“No.” He said simply. “You can go if you really want. But I think you should stay. You just had a panic attack, you’re obviously still recovering from all that… you should rest and have some food, and maybe tomorrow, you can help us figure out next steps with the time stone.”
He knew immediately that he’d misstepped. Loki’s eyes flashed. 
“Ah, so I am welcome to stay so long as you think I may be useful yet, is that it?” He snapped. 
Steve shook his head. “No, you’re welcome to stay even if you don’t say another word about the stone. I just figured… Look, you had your own reasons for wanting to use it, when you were younger. Maybe we can still help one another.” 
Loki laughed, quiet and hollow and mirthless. 
“We would destroy our entire world if we tried.” He said simply. “And I would be to blame-- and you would of course finally have to do the heroic thing, and put an end to my evil once and for all. That is how these stories always go, is it not?” 
Loki wrapped his arms around himself, and, even when he’d been mentally a child, Steve hadn’t seen Loki look so small. 
“Loki, listen-- you’re recovering, like I said. You’ve had a rough few days, and you’ve been asleep for two of them. Which tells me your body needs time to heal, and your mind will need time to catch up. I want you to know you aren’t locked in here, and if you really want to leave, no one is gonna stop you. But if you want to talk, I’m just two doors down, alright?” 
Loki stared at him, apparently uncomprehending, and Steve shrugged. 
“Alright, well. If you get hungry, just ask JARVIS for something to eat.” 
“And trust the food provided by the machine who tried to kill me, the first night I was here?” Loki’s voice had an edge of hysteria in it again, and Steve sighed. 
“WHat do you want, Loki? What would put you at ease?”
Loki pondered for a moment. 
“Take me somewhere that isn’t here, where your common folk are fed. Only you.” 
Steve hesitated. Not because he was worried about them being recognized, or because he thought Loki was about to wreak havoc on New York-- again-- but because Loki was clearly in a delicate, vulnerable place, and New York was big and bustling, and overwhelming even on the best of days. 
But, if this was what Loki thought he needed… 
“Alright, well, we better get you the right clothes for it. Come on.” He turned his back to Loki and headed back to his own room, not waiting to see if he was being followed by the paranoid murderous alien god or not. 
Honestly, when had this become his life?
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tartxglia · 5 years
Body Shots // Lee Felix
Tumblr media
Pairing: Felix x Reader Genre: Smut Requested: Kind of? Words: 3.2k+ Warnings: Body shots but not full smut
The wooden front door does a surprisingly good job of muffling the sounds of the party going on inside the dorm. You can hear the upbeat melody of the beginnings of I Like It all the way from the lift down the hallway, feel the faint bass of it vibrating the floor as you step in front of the door. You don't bother ringing the doorbell, much less even knocking, and just move to open the door.
Immediately you're hit with Cardi B's fourth verse in the song, you know for sure because she raps 'They call me Cardi Bardi, banging body'. The song is much louder now that it's no longer muffled, and the bass travels throughout your whole body, especially your chest. The Stray Kids dorm is dimly lit, the projector otherwise used to watch movies now projecting light onto a disco ball for party vibes. The boys were celebrating the end of their first world tour, and they chose to invite a few close friends and host a small party in their dorm.
Off in the living room, you see a small crowd, and you can only assume it forms around Hyunjin who might be performing his choreography for this song. Just as you're closing the door and taking your shoes off, you're greeted by Jeongin who walks out the kitchen with a drink in his hand.
"Noona!" His smile makes you soft inside and you find yourself automatically smiling back.
"Jeongin, you get cuter every day." You ruffle his hair in affection before engulfing him into a tight hug. When you withdraw, you eye the cup in his hand.
"That's not alcohol, I hope," you tease the cute boy. His eyes widen and he stutters, looking like he just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "I'm kidding, you can do whatever you want Jeongin-ie."
He breathes a mock sigh of relief before regaining his smile, then he's pulling you towards the living room. "We were wondering where you were, Hyunjin hasn't stopped whining." You chuckle at his commentary, having no doubts that your best friend and fellow SOPA classmate–now graduate–would behave like that.
"Oh and," he leans a bit closer now as if preparing to tell you a secret, "Felix was secretly hoping around about it too." This time he chuckles as he sees the red flush of your cheeks even in the dim lighting. There was always something going on between you and Felix, it had just never...been touched on. Or even brought to light for that matter.
Now that you were lead closer to the living room, you confirm your suspicions that it was Hyunjin who was gathering everyone's attention.
Told that bitch I'm sorry though,
He's dancing to the pre-chorus of the song, his moves both sharp and fluid and easily attracting the gaze of any onlooker with how beautifully he executes the dance moves.
‘Bout my coins like Mario,
You put your shoulder bag down onto the closest flat surface, pulling your phone out of your pocket and sliding it next to your bag.
Yeah, they call me Cardi B,
You push up the sleeves of your loose oversized sweater and tug down the ends of your leather skirt for the last time before jumping in next to Hyunjin.
"I run this shit like cardio!"
Your shout jars Hyunjin a bit, and he turns shocked to see you dancing along next to him but his body continues the choreography unconsciously. You move in sync with him, the dance moves encoded within the tiniest molecules of your body and executed without hesitation nor active thinking on your part. The two of you enjoy each other’s presence–the dance a form of greeting towards the other–and basking in the deafening cheers of the crowd around you.
Your duet with Hyunjin is smooth despite its spontaneous nature, the two of you had danced together a countless number of times and the charismatic energy between you is the result of it. You interact with each other as you dance, smiling or winking, and weaving the other into your freestyle sections of the dance. All too soon, the choreography is over once the chorus finishes, and Hyunjin and you exchange a high-five and a side hug.
“L/N Y/N, can you ever make a normal entrance?” Hyunjin has you still trapped under his arm as he questions you. The two of you laughing as he leads you towards some of his members.
“Y/N wouldn’t be Y/N if she did that, now would she?” Jisung answers for you, meeting you and Hyunjin halfway with two cups in his hand. He extends one for you and you take a sip, accepting the non-alcoholic soda.
“What? You boys got no alcohol?” You tease him and the two other members standing beside him; Felix and Minho, wondering how they were planning to survive the night without any alcohol.
“The alcohol comes out later babe,” Jisung replies, sending a wink and a flying kiss your way and you can only laugh at his actions.
“Yah, you ever stop flirting?” Felix is quick to jump to your defense and your heart does a little thing when you finally face him. He’s wearing matte leather pants and a thin black full-sleeve crewneck that’s tucked inside. His blonde hair is parted somewhere down the middle in a messy comma style look, beautifully framing his sharp face. He finishes the look with his accessories; a long thin chain necklace with a small pendant, and his metal dreamcatcher earring on his left ear–your favourite. Okay, now your heart was doing more than just a little thing.
“Yah, when did you make plans for a couple outfit with Y/N?” Minho is quick to jump into the conversation, snatching up the opportunity to fluster both you and Felix. He teasingly nudges Felix beside him with his elbow as the group looks at you, in your matte leather skirt and oversized knitted sweater, and Felix, in his matte leather pants and black crewneck.
Felix is flushed and a stuttering mess, and you’re not in a much better state under Hyunjin’s arm as he squeezes you closer and makes teasing noises. You groan and cover your face with your hands, only causing Hyunjin, Minho, and Jisung to laugh harder. Through the thin gaps between your fingers, your eyes peak through to easily find Felix, gauging his reaction to this whole situation. Your eyes meet to see that he was already looking at you, and he sends you a cute sheepish grin–eyes sparkling, cheeks puffed full and all–and you send one back, both your hearts fluttering.
It was past midnight and the party was still going on. Time really flew by as you danced some pre-debut songs with Minho, chatted with Jeongin about his last school year, and debated about the Marvel Universe with some of the other boys. They had long since ordered takeout–which was gone in the blink of an eye especially with Chan inhaling all the food in his field of vision–and were now left with the dilemma of to order or not to order supper. 
Someone brought up the idea of chimaek and many of you agreed, especially since the younger members had called it a night when the clock struck 2AM. So here you were, sitting in a circle on the floor with Chan, Minho, Hyunjin, Jisung, and Felix playing a game of dirty truth or dare–an idea brought to light after a good bunch of you were at the very least tipsy. So far, you had been playing it safe with truths, saving the dare until you felt you were confident enough (with alcohol in your system of course). You thanked the lord for not getting any terribly embarrassing truths yet, god knows how many of the boys already know about your crush on Felix.
“Okay! Okay!” Jisung is slurring his words a bit but he’s not gone just yet, “Next player!” Then he’s spinning the bottle, all six of you watching in anticipation until it finally comes to a stop facing Chan. Now everyone is watching Chan as Jisung presents him the options; truth or dare?
“Dare.” His voice is firm as he speaks and you wonder whether the confidence is coming from the alcohol in his system. Jisung pulls up the dare deck, splaying our the cards in front of Chan and allowing him to randomly draw one.
“Take off your pants and show your boxers to everyone,” Chan reads out and the five of you whoop and holler causing Chan to chuckle, “and let the person in front of you decide whether you keep it off or not.”
“I’ll say it now, you have to keep them off.” Minho is assertive with his decision, only causing all of you to laugh at the situation Chan is in. He groans and throws his head back, leaning on his two hands resting behind him and unraveling his legs from the criss-cross position.
Chan breathes out a sigh as he gets up, his hands finding the waistband of the black cargo buckle pants he wore. A part of you was already enjoying the sight of Chan in that, but you let him continue, cheering him on with the rest of the guys. Chan’s eyes meet yours for a second, a light flush on his cheeks as he realizes you’re the only girl in the group but he keeps going as he tugs his pants down then finally off. He throws his arms up wide, a somewhat prideful and somewhat embarrassed look on his face, taking in the now louder hooting and hollers as he stood in his black boxers. 
“Yah, don’t enjoy the view too much Y/N,” Hyunjin voices out loud, teasing you and you raise your hand in surrender trying your best not to focus on the bottom half of Chan. He sits back down and takes the bottle, spinning it on the floor, the sound of glass on wood slowly dying down as it stops to...you.
The boys are cheering, a couple drumming the floor in excitement before Chan turns himself to face you, ready to ask “Truth or Dare?”
“Y/N hasn’t done any dares so far,” Minho outs you in front of everybody, you face him with your jaw dropped and a look of betrayal. 
“You gotta do dare Y/N, we’ve been playing for half an hour already!” Jisung exclaims from beside Minho. He starts up a small chant, chanting ‘dare’ continuously and you give in. You were gonna go for it anyway.
“Okay, dare. Hit me.” You smirk back, facing chan who grabs the dare pile and extends it towards you. You stretch out with your hand to reach the pile, ending up on your knees in a crawling position and you don’t miss the sweeping glance Felix gives your figure. 
Once you’ve pulled a card out, you sit back down on your ankles, reading the written dare out loud, “Body shots on the person sitting to your left.”
God if you thought the boys were loud before, they were pushing it now; hollering, cheering, and whooping at the fact that you had to do body shots on Lee Felix. Your eyes slide over to him sitting beside you and he’s laughing along with the boys, feeling fewer inhibitions thanks to the alcohol running in his veins. By the time you’re facing the other boys, you see Minho sliding back down with a bottle of tequila in one hand and a shot glass in the other, and Jisung flashing you the salt container in his hand and the innocent smile on his face. Hyunjin walks in later with a sliced piece of lime in his hand.
“Are you...okay with this?” You turn to face Felix, questioning if you had his consent first. 
“I’m okay if you’re okay,” a soothing smile stretches on his face and you melt, wondering how you could do body shots on this adorable guy in front of you. 
“Okay lovebirds, prepare yourselves. Romeo, lie on the couch.” Chan directs Felix and he’s quick to do as he’s told, unquestioning the choice of nicknames. “Y/N, you wanna do the honours?”
All of a sudden, it’s like the alcohol in your system pooled together to give you a final boost of confidence. You stretch out your hand in Minho’s direction, asking for the bottle of tequila and he and the others quickly pass you everything you need for a shot. The boys cheer you on as you unscrew the bottle, pouring the tequila into the shot glass. You take the shot first, feeling you’d need all the confidence you’d get, then pour another one.
“Okay boys,” you lift the full shot glass, facing the boys with a smirk on your face. “Where does this shot glass go?”
“Chan?” Jisung questions, letting the guy who spun the bottle decide. 
Chan exchanges a sly gaze with Minho, his eyes finding Felix and smirking as he voices out, “Gotta be between the thighs.” The boys are screaming, squealing, hollering–you name it. For a moment you lose your confidence, but you don’t let it show. Instead, shrugging as you turn to face Felix sitting on the black leather couch waiting for you.
The smirk is still on your face as you stand up and walk towards Felix. For the sake of your dignity, you choose to try your best to ignore the four boys sitting behind you and watching the show. When you’re standing in front of him, you reach forward, your hand pushing Felix’s shoulder so he lays down on the couch. From behind you hear the boys squeal, but the sound is distant at this point as your eyes focus on Felix, the two of you in your own bubble. 
He reciprocates your smirk with his own, laying down as you commanded him to and getting comfortable. You kneel down beside him on the floor as your hands go to the hem of his crewneck and pause. With your gaze, you ask for his permission and when he nods to let you continue, you begin to roll up his top. Your hand brushes the skin of his abdomen as you push his sweater up to his chest. The light tingling making his abs clench and unclench, your eyes feasting in the sight before you. 
Fuck, you take back what you said about Felix being adorable. He was hot too. Who knew he was hiding such a gorgeous sight under his clothes? Without you realizing, your fingers trail the ridges of his abdomen. Tracing the three horizontal ab lines–you counted–and watching your finger dip up and down accordingly. Then, your finger reaches the main center ridge and you pause. 
Your eyes look up to find Felix’s and you hold his gaze as you drop your face down close to his abs. Your tongue touches the bottom of the ridge, and you watch as Felix hisses, feel his abs clench beneath your tongue. You drag your tongue up, licking the middle line of his abs and tingling feeling between your thighs intensifies at the taste of him. 
The moment feels like it stretches forever, but it’s only a matter of a few seconds and you withdraw your head. Your hand reaches for the salt sitting beside you and you shake out the salt onto the long path you’d just licked. You probably didn’t need to lick his abs to have the salt stick on him, especially considering how deep his ab lines were, but you did it anyway and you had no regrets.
You put the salt back down and grab the shot glass. Your hand taps the inside of his thigh, telling him to lightly spread his legs and you can slide the glass in the gap between. The glass sits a little below his crotch and you’re not surprised to find a tent in his pants. If anything, you make sure to graze his crotch as you withdraw your hand, serving to further tease him and enjoying the way he groaned your name.
You giggle as you move to his face, your own hovering above his and you slip the slice of lime into his mouth. You give him a quick wink and then duck your head back down.
You don’t hold eye contact with Felix this time as you lick his abs again, licking the salt you’d previously poured on him. You enjoy the strangled moan that leaves his lips, loving the feeling of his abs clenching from the sensation of you licking him. As soon as you’ve licked up all the salt, you travel down, your head facing his crotch area. Your mouth dips down and grabs the shot glass between his thighs, your lips teasingly grazing his thighs and the tent in his pants. You pull the glass out, using your hand to help drink your shot before putting it down somewhere on the floor. You swallow the drink in your mouth then seal your lips over his, sucking on the lime that he holds between his teeth. 
You pull back with the lime now in your mouth, the sound of the boys wolf whistling and cheering finally coming to your attention. But you only pull back to chuck the lime somewhere out of the way before you lean back down and kiss Felix, properly this time. Your hands are on either side of his head on the leather couch, supporting your weight, and your lips dance with his. Your head is spinning, your heart is thundering but you keep kissing. At some point Felix holds your wrist, tugging you towards him and pulling you to straddle him on the couch. 
He reciprocates the kiss with a fiery intensity that you felt you’d never get enough of. His tongue slips inside your mouth and the two of you are making out. In his dorm. In front of four of his members. But he doesn’t care and neither do you, instead only focusing on the lingering taste of tequila in your mouth. His lips feel hot on yours, his tongue dancing with yours inside your mouth and you’d kiss him forever if you could. Sitting on his lap, his one hand on your hips, the other pulling you down closer to him.
But the moment is quickly interrupted by Chan, arguably the most mature in this situation who calls out loud enough to break the two of you up. You pull away from Felix, your lips already missing the feeling of him, but you realize the situation and cringe in embarrassment. 
You groan and try your best to hide, burying into Felix’s chest which only rumbles in laughter like the four other boys behind you. He sits up with you still cradled on his lap. His arm is wrapped around your waist and holding you to him, using your body to help hide the situation he now has in his pants.
When you finally pull your head up, the boys are beginning to pack up and call it a night. Each helping to straighten out the living room a bit before dispersing into their rooms. You finally turn to face Felix, pushing away the shyness that is taking over you now. For a moment you’re content just staring at him, his eyes telling you everything you’d need to know, answering all the questions you had for him. Just as you go to finally say something, you’re interrupted by Chan’s muffled voice drifting away as he walks down the hall.
“Your night’s probably not over but try to keep it down! And use protection!”
A/N: rip if my body shot and kiss scenes are a bit awks ;-;
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magsdomino · 4 years
Izumina week has come and gone, but I wanted to do one more thing for it. So here is a late entry for day 5: Second chances.
It is based off of an idea I had for the sequel to Walk. Might not use it as I am unsure how well it gels with the rest of my plans, but here had a look at a possible timeline, I guess. (P.S. I will try to get the first chapter of You Say Run out soon. If not this week, then early next week.)
Title: Hold Me Closer
It hurt. Burned even. Izuku had faced villains that could turn him to dust or freeze him in place. He had been beaten and bruised, and even broken his own bones. A lot. He had a reputation for that nowadays.
And yet this hurt more. Mina had been one of his first friends in years. She had been a light in his life that he desperately needed and had opened the door for him in several ways. He had hoped to repay that kindness to her every day, as he had felt blessed to know her. All those memories with her and his friends kept him going.
And yet at the end of the day, he had hurt her. Scared her. They had broken up because she couldn't handle it. Her words echoed in his mind.
"I can't do this. I can't.deal with you jeopardizing your life and body."
That voice was like honey to him and now it was like the very acid she produced. He had really messed up. It was a good thing It was a weekend. He felt like just laying in bed and sleeping, especially after how awkward things had been and how horrifying the ordeal before it was. 
Izuku had been through the ringer and just needed sleep. A knock on the door had other plans for the boy though.
Izuku just rolled over and pretended to be asleep. He wished he were at least.
"Izuku? Can we talk?" It was her voice. Mina's voice.
Dammit. He couldn't say no.
"Um...sure…" Izuku opened the door and ushered her in. He sat on his bed and sat awkwardly. He normally would have patted the bed, offering her a spot. He had picked that habit up from her. The air was more tense, however, so he decided to let her stand. "W-what's up."
"Nothing...just wanted to…" Mina sighed. She wanted to be her own cheery self, act like things were normal. They weren't though. Or maybe They were. Maybe this was the new normal. She wasn't a fan of it. She liked to be flexible about life, but this was not fun at all.
She started again. "Look. We both messed up… You definitely did. I want to be honest.You could have gotten killed. Or expelled. Maybe both if that works somehow. Sometimes, I feel Sensei would find a way… and you went to save someone who hurt you…"
"There is no amount of sorry that will fix this, huh?" Izuku chuckled sadly, Looking up at his ex. She was the kindest, prettiest soul he knew, smiling no matter what. It honestly inspired him just as much as All Might did now. Close enough, at least. And yet knowing he was responsible for causing her worry and duress was the final knife in his chest. He felt ready to collapse. He felt her warm hand lift his chin and their eyes met.
"Easy there, green bean...I...it was hypocritical...I got scared of losing you and yet I pushed you away. You messed up and put yourself in danger for someone who likely wouldn't risk the same for you...but …"
"Yeah. You think I would learn. I just… " Izuku paused, Looking for the right words. He couldn't even muster a mutter. It was that bad.
"It's what heroes do though, right?" Mina smiled softly. Once again, she took the words out of his mouth.
Izuku nodded. An uncomfortable silence took hold for several minutes. The One-for-All inheritor choked up. "I hate this, Mina… I didn't want to scare you. I should have just let him go. Heck, he has his own classmates that could risk it all for him...but I knew him longer...I felt responsible in some messed up way. I couldn't let them go into it and say "not my problem anymore". They are my schoolmates and I couldn't risk it…"
"I guess we both are bent up about this, huh?" Mina admitted.
"I guess so…" Izuku replied.
Mina took a seat next to Izuku and fiddled with her thumbs. It was all starting to come out. It was more of a sputter than a steady stream but it was coming along regardless."You are too forgiving..."
"Yeah. I know. Bakugou hasn't been my friend for some time…" Izuku frowned. He thought it would get easier, but there was still that complicated feeling in the back of his mind.
Mina looked at the ground. "Not him, no. Not this time. You forgave me too easily. I mean I went to Aizawa! Aizawa! I dumped you and narced on you. Glad he didn't expel you. God I am such an awful girlfriend. I betrayed you...I just...I didn't want to lose you and I got scared and acted all weird and..." Tears fell from the pink girl's eyes, emotion pouring like a faucet now. Her eyes opened as Izuku brushed her cheek. His scarred hands felt so gentle despite their roughness. She had to resist the urge to nuzzle them. It was too soon.
"It's different with you. You gave me more love and concern than I ever felt deserving of. I mean, forgiveness is in my nature, I guess. Might be tied to my self worth. But how could I not?" Izuku held her hands. Both their hearts still ached. They were raw from the events that just unfolded and the regret of how things turned out.
What had happened had happened, but it hadn't changed the love the two still had. Despite the heartache and complications, those feelings lingered
Mina wiped her tears away and smiled weakly. Soon after, something occurred to her as her face produced an mp3 player from her purse, complete with wireless speakers. Izuku learned not to question how she fit them in there.
"It's not breakdancing or roller disco, but please...dance with me...I don't want this weirdness between us...just please don't do this sort of thing again. Not without me...I know you're smarter...get better grades...but my concerns matter too. My insight matters too. I know you know that… just...don't forget, ok?"
Izuku obliged. "Ok… looks like my muttering rubbed off on you a bit," Izuku joked.
"Shut up and hold me, dork," Mina huffed, leaning into him gingerly.
The two joined hands and danced slowly together in Izuku's room, cheek to cheek. A soft chiptune song played, something from an old video game. Regardless, it carried all the weight the two teens could no longer bear to handle alone.  Was it too soon to reconcile? Was there any reason not to? Those concerns could wait until later. Right now, they needed this.
"I'm sorry, Mina...I keep causing you worry…"
"Yeah you do...you're my boyfriend…" Mina murdered into Izuku's shoulder
"Was your boyfriend...you dumped me...I would dump me too probably." Izuku gently pulled away but was pulled back in.
"Yeah...well...I like having you around...I could say let's just be friends...take it slow."
"That...might be for the best" Izuku's heart sank a little but he expected it. He was even ready to make peace with it.
Mina looked up in confusion. "What? No! I mean...that is probably how we should do things. We're young and stupid and emotions are still raw...but I always wanted to fall in love, Izuku. I knew there was a whole life in front of me but I wanted a live story. It appealed to me. And yet I didn't really...get those feelings, you know? Until you...I don't want to lose that...or you...just please...if I say stay, stay. Ok?"
"I promise. I stake my future as a hero on it." Izuku did a mild All Might impersonation. Mina ruffled his fluffy green hair in response.
"Dude, that is a bit overboard...don't put your dreams on hold because of me. Besides, I would miss you. I would want to rain blows upon you for being reckless and almost dying, but I don't want to lose you."
"Yeah...I don't want to lose you either. I-I just want to show you how much you matter. I don't think I would be here without your support? Not to discount everyone else. I feel so blessed. All Might, mom, Tsu, Kirishima, Uraraka, Iida...everyone… but above all...you...I'm sorry. That sounds cheesy. I just wanted to be honest and also sound cool but I might be going too fast again and..."
"Pretty sure you would. You're that good… And don't worry. I'm going the same speed as you" Mina laughed more genuinely now.
"I...maybe...But it feels empty to think about that." Izuku's tone became somber again.
The two cradled each other, tears staining their clothes as they refused to let go for the rest of the night.
"We should probably rest. If we just got back together...I don't want to push my luck." Izuku broke off slowly, allowing Mina the space she needed.
"Yeah...I'm going to sleep in my own bed. You're still riding the couch, buster." The pink girl gently booked her green-haired nerd's nose.
"I have a bed though." Izuku cocked his head inquisitively.
"No. Beds are for good boys who don't scare their girlfriends." Mina huffed teasingly. Her face relaxed. "Maybe in a day or two though, we can go back to normal...what passes for normalcy I mean."
"Y-yeah...that's fair. We can't just jump right back into things."
"Which sucks, because now we can cuddle...like...any time we want. Unless Iida comes in and physically puts a stack of textbooks between us. I feel he will want the glasses back that I stole from him as well."
"He could be listening. He might get ideas...but yeah. I respect that. Honestly, if we stayed broken up, I would have had to change my hero name. Calling myself Green Rush without the person who inspired it would seem weird."
"What would you pick though? Don't say Deku. I liked the reasoning Ochako gave for it but it still carries that Bakugou stink. It would be like you calling yourself "Stupid asshole, the traumatized hero"."
"I mean." Izuku rubbed the back of his head but was pulled into a quick kiss by Mina. It was just a short peck but it still sent lightning through his body and straight to his heart in a way full Dowling couldn't match. Soon after, a flurry of gentle blows found their way into his shoulders.
"No. No self deprecation. Not tonight. Just hold me please, ok?"
"Deal." Izuku rested his head against her shoulder, hesitating afterwards. "Sorry. I am rushing things. I need to slow down and…"
Izuku was cut off by a hand to his scalp. "Sssshhh. Stay. You're warm." Mina nuzzled him.
"Didn't you want to slow down? Stay in your own bed for a night or two? N-Not that I am complaining. I just...I don't know," Izuku stammered. 
Mina pulled Izuku onto the bed as they fell backwards. "I changed my mind. Don't make me change it again, you beefy otaku." She muttered in a sleepy tone, voice slightly hoarse from crying. 
"Yes ma'am" Izuku smiled softly as he fell on top of Mina. 
"I love you, Izuku." Mina yawned as she buried her head into the crook of Izuku's neck.
"Love you too, Mina." He adjusted his head to avoid being poked by her horns. It wasn't long before the two passed out in each other's arms. Between the room competition, the move in, and everything else, the young couple had been exhausted. They needed this rest. Together.
Unbeknownst to them, a pair of eyes watched through a creak in the door. The figure croaked silently and headed back to her room, unsure of how to word what she wanted to say. Sleep would help. Besides, her friends needed this and she didn't want to ruin it.
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