#I heard this song in a Taipei taxi and thought of him
sailormelonn · 2 months
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wo hen chou 😔 👹 ke shi wo hen wen rou 🥺😽
song with English translation
21 notes · View notes
Volume Three – October 2004
The 1st of October, no ways!!!! It’s nearly my birthday!!! All gifts can be sent to Sesame Street School, No 2-1 Chung Yang Rd, Changhua. Thanx!
Anyway, miss everybody and will think of you as I party it up in Taiwan…..hey, I never had a birthday in the East before!!! Coooollll!!! I think I’ll buy a few fire crackers and set them off on the roof!! Payday is only the 10th….Go figure! I’ll have to party after then.
So my birthday came and went silently. Got little gifts from two Chinese teachers and then had a bottle of wine with the girls after work at our place, and everybody was so tired that we all crashed by 11pm. Plenty of time to party this weekend!
On Sunday they had their National Day celebrations and once again the crackers tore through the night air on Saturday. A massive procession was heard coming up the road on the side of the complex. The next minute at an intersection I saw the dancers in uniform pass with flags flying, the next two dragons of two people long. The next minute a huge float (which is just a truck exquisitely covered in a pattern of lights) the lights were actually quite blinding until I saw the second truck, I needed my shades!!! Beautiful. Followed by boxes of those flying crackers! Hectic but stunning and you could hear the music and crackers for miles to come! Wish I was closer to take pictures.
After a while we went to the girl’s place (Neps and Kim’s) I’ve never been there and it is quite impressive. Gardens, small pools and little wooden decks between the plants. They stay on the 10th floor….surprise! Stunning setting. Very upmarket. So naturally we braaied on the stoep!! Someone did stick their heads out to see what all the smoke was that came from apartment 10J but we smiled and cheersed them with our plastic cup wine glasses and had an excellent braai! The braais here are quite interesting and extremely cheap. I think people don’t have place to keep a braai so they literally have disposable braais. So when you go to the supermarket you buy your meat, bread and ‘n braai….every time. They cost less than R20 for a tin foil looking braai. It works!!! That’s what counts. We walked back at about 12pm and got home in about 10min.
I decided today was the day to bath Draco. Come here kitty, I won’t hurt you….really!! It was great fun though, he went all rigid but I’m sure after the clawing and crying he actually enjoyed it! I spent the rest of Sunday sleeping and felt a cold slowly get hold of me! Monday was payday! So we got up and went. Tuesday we hit Carrefour, to buy the monthly groceries and a few things. What a pleasure to shop on a Tuesday, the aisles are yours!!!!!!! Carrefour is yours!!!!!! Stunning! We got hold of our taxi driver and dubbed him Eddie!! He was very impressed with his new name and kept pretending to talk on a cellphone saying “Eddie, Long chia tsue” meaning Eddie pick us up at Long Chia Tsue…our building’s name. Ok then!! We’ll call him again to take us to Taichung on Saturday for our party….did I mention we’re having a party on Saturday evening?? Really?? Strange……. Anyway, we’re having my birthday party on Saturday at about 7pm……can’t wait!
And then it happened! The earth shook and my ears rang! My first earthquake! This is a phenomenon we are TOTALLY not prepared for if you’re from SA. Maybe once or twice in your entire life you feel a slight shudder in Jo’burg and then you don’t really know whether you did or not!
Myself and Abby were on the 2nd floor in kindergarten marking our kid’s books on Friday, chatting away when I suddenly felt a weird sensation and it felt like somebody jumping up and down next to you at first, or when you stop on a bridge and the trucks go by, a slight up and down movement. We looked at each other and Abby said “Did you feel that?” as I agreed the shaking got slightly worse and it actually pulsed. We were sitting there bobbing up and down for over a minute. I remember looking down the hall at one of the Chinese teachers talking to someone and when she noticed it she put her arms out and told the children to stay put. I remember wondering what I would do now if the roof started flaking and things started falling on the floor all around us…like in the movies you know. The weirdest part of this is that until you feel it you never really experience the fear that goes with it when you see it on TV or in the movies…you know!!! Suddenly that realization sets in that the earth and its movements don’t have a conscious. You are the proverbial ant making your way to your destination while the earthmover/bulldozer clears a field. No ones fault or no one doing anything on purpose. You are at the total mercy of what ever happens next. Totally out of control. The shaking continued a bit and then slowly subsided between bouts of starting up again.
We then heard on the news it was a 7 on the Richter Scale, 109km of the east coast of Taiwan, next to the county of Ilan. They felt it as a 5 and we got it as a 2, Taipei experienced it as a 4. I watched the news and it looked worse there with things literally falling to the ground off the shelves in shops etc.
After that, as we saw people, we asked, where were you when the earthquake happened? Poor Melissa, my roommate, was in our flat on the 10th floor. Quite the swaying she got! But we survived and will live to tell the tale…….this time! They said we should expect another within 4 weeks…great!!! Something to look forward to! There hasn’t been one for a long time and people were expecting it. Apparently it releases the tension in the plates if it moves every few months, it hasn’t happened for over 5 months, so it was due. Stunning!!
Anyway, at least we were going to a party soon. So Saturday came and dragged by after our meeting about Halloween and Xmas activities. Halloween is big here, we will be dressing up and getting the kids to do the same, they have to chant songs and do decorations. Quite the vibe here! So the evening came and we all got dressed up! In our party gear that is….not Halloween outfits. We were all in our flat chatting with a friend of Kim’s that arrived from the Tainan province. Her name was Alicia and she has been there for 5 months now. The only foreign teacher with one other Chinese teacher in her school. Very rural!! Jane, my Chinese friend and Celine who is one of the ladies from the school were also there to drop off my birthday presents. Jane gave me a stunning Chinese material purse. Light blue and silver with dragons on and Celine got me a stunning emerald green top with, you guessed it, dragons on. Too beautiful!!!
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I had my new black and white slightly glittery top on with the usual black pants and high platformish shoes. I was the party girl after all you know!!!! Anyway, we got hold of Eddie and he brought another driver and off we went. Eddie even had the party music going in the car. Myself, Melissa and Ryno were in our car and Kim, Neps and Alicia was in the other. We got to Taichung and it looked like Vegas, so many lights and flashing billboards. We passed a massive department store called SOGO, apparently, Ryno told us, it has 12 floors….so we will obviously go checking that one out for sure!!!!! So we arrived at FM bar, a quaint little hidden in a side street kinda bar with lots of foreign people at the tables.
Very nicely set out and the waiter’s English is remarkable! We had drinks and I tried their Long Island Ice Tea (as usual actually). Quite potent, they are not shy on the tot servings here! Anyway, the menu looked exceptionally good and there was even “Boerevoers” on the menu….no ways!!! We were going to suggest a spelling change but thought it added to the Taiwanese look and feel of it! Melissa and I had a lasagna to die for, we’ll have to come back to try some of the other dishes! They looked very good, nobody complained and the food was well priced. Our lasagna was NT$270 which is R54 for a good portion! So the people added to our party and we were 12 people! We called different taxis and via scooter a Taxi and someone’s car we all went to Pig Pen…the London pub club. We got there at about 11pm and started partying immediately! There were so many foreign people there compared to the previous time I was there….oh wait yes my first night in Taiwan!!! Nothings changed, except for some groups of people that were obviously there as a company or on business etc. And we spotted a group of Nigerians as well….wonder what contract they are here on……..yeaah right!!! Anyway, the one was very interested in Neps and Melissa and we had to step in a few times and rescue them from deep conversations…….shame! The night carried into the morning and we had a blast. The local stage act…same as the night I was there before…were strutting their stuff on the stage. They also have a pole on the stage and every guy in the club at one stage or another according to how many drinks they had, climbs it!!!!! Amazing! Great fun to watch!
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So at about 4am we left and waited for our taxi until about 5am. We slept all the way home although Eddie prided himself in getting us there in 10min! Same price though…..hmmmmm! Got to bed at about 5:30 and slept until about 10, woke up and cleaned our flat. We phoned Jane at about 4:30 and she took us to Rose records, which is a CD shop. Had a ball in there!! New CD’s are priced at about NT$ 350 = R70. So obviously I got a few. They sound stunning on my HI FI!!! We got pizza’s at Napoli’s on the way. And all met up again in our living room and had a quieter chat this time…the girls still had babalaas from the night before and started partying again during the day…easier than to deal with the headache!! Everybody went to bed early….we are definitely getting older!!! My neck was sooooo sore from the head banging!!!! This time I only did it for a few seconds…..!!! I’m getting old!!! Stiff neck for about two days already.
Kim is a dancer and said she’ll start a Salsa class next week. Obviously I agreed to join so Wednesday at 11am in the Kindergarten exercise room we gathered. Myself, Stacy, Monica and Winnie were here first students. Great to do something different and I’ve always wanted to take dancing classes. Going to get bored in the mornings I don’t have Kindergarten. Monday’s and Thursday’s I’m going to start swimming at the splash pool place. They have calmed down on the hours a bit. But the problem with that is that my money goes with it!!! So I need a happy medium where I can, do my own thing but also have enough money to make it worth my while here. We’ll see what happens.
Lukang is next on our list for this weekend. It is an ancient city and has over 150 temples. And then we were off. We phoned Eddie and got transported to Lukang. NT$300 later we decided to go back by bus…besides we haven’t done that before.
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We were dropped off at the cultural art museum and found we didn’t want to go in, you had to pay anyway…….So we started walking around and exploring Lukang. I was a tad disappointed. I was expecting the open rice paddies and a few houses and shops and lots of temples, instead we got another suburb of Taichung with normal buildings and shops and in between hidden beneath the usual scurry of a town lay the hidden world of Lukang. We discovered tourist friendly signs all over the city, directing us to temples and walkways.
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An interesting looking plaque said Nine Turns alley and we went down that road…..suddenly it was like being in an ancient little village, you are not aware of the noise of the cars down the road or the shining glass window shops down the main street. A small winding cobble stone road took us through a section that used to be a residential area, with a “wall of jars”. The wall was literally put together out of old, seems to be wine jars, made out of a terracotta. Only the top of the wall was left in tact as the rest was probably pillaged a bit by tourists or passing traffic those days.
The walkway was cool and peaceful with high walls keeping you on the path. The width was about that of a small car. Every say about 10 paces you had a small doorway indenting the wall. The doors were either made of old wood, painted a pale flaking blue or a bleached green. Here and there modern art made its presence felt in a metal door with the usual decorations etched on it but mostly it was wooden and small and hidden.
We came across a small temple in a dead end and explored it.
We made our way through the maze of turns and alleys and came upon an old original hand water pump, and it was in working order! Stunning. We explored, got lost and eventually ended back on the main road. Our search was actually to find the Holy Grail ….it seemed, we were looking for the Arts and Craft market and ended up coming full circle to the place we were dropped off. We asked the guard at the gate to the museum where the arts and crafts centre was and he quite casually informed us that it no longer exists. This is about 4 hours after we started on our quest! Anyway, all worth it in the exploring sense for sure! We also came across a lantern maker’s shop where they paint the lanterns to your request and the famous shoe shop. I obviously had to visit that as they made the shoes while you wait. Really?? You might ask flabbergasted, yes. They have the base of the shoes in sizes and you just add the material you want to. So here goes, all the shoes are solid wood of different wood colours and styles. So you pick the sole, then you pick the materials they keep in drawers, all stunning Chinese designs and colours. You then take these two pieces of shoe and give them to the man at the table where he then subsequently puts the two together. You try one on for size and then he adjusts it accordingly or then carries on with the next shoe. They are only slip-ons so it works well for them and the tourist, just waiting patiently for your own design shoe. I got a dark wood with a silver and dark blue dragon design material together…beautiful! And they had my size…kinda!
On our exploration we stepped into a small painting shop. I wanted to get some things for my mother, to get her doing some Chinese painting…..have you tried that yet????? We walked around and they had brushes everywhere and stunning Chinese writing hangings. The two gentlemen came over and introduced themselves as the owner and a 2nd gentlemen who looked older. He could speak English and it turned into a photo session within minutes. I looked around for some gift sets, although it wasn’t the kind of shop that would keep gift sets etc. More of an artists shop, with canvas and paper and ink and brushes. I saw a small brush box and asked him how much, and he wiped it off carefully and smiled at me and said it’s a gift! I was dumbfounded! I couldn’t believe people were still like this in the world. We thanked them profusely and left the store with me grinning from ear to ear!!!
We entered a huge red and gold coloured store and it turned out to be a famous shop in Taiwan that serves traditional pastries. Called “Nayoshupie”. A circular flat bread looking pastry, but made out of flaky pastry. The size of a saucer. The centre section of it was a sweet taste while the rest of the bread falls apart as you eat it….my favourite pastry here. The most amazing sweet taste. Difficult to explain, not quite a jam taste, but just slightly sweetened dough for 90% of the circle. This is a very traditional pastry and Lukang is famous for getting it at this shop! People come from all over the world, when traveling Taiwan, to buy this at that shop. We finally entered a walkway, with a huge Lukang sign arch across it.
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This was like a flea market with many food stalls on both sides of the cobble road. Jade, stone, paintings, food smells, cheap gadgets, expensive red gargoyle looking tigers laughing at you as you pass an ancient antique shop. This is like in the movies. We walked into an antique looking shop, the musty smell and old paintings confirmed that, stunning boxes, with woodcarvings and inlaid mother of pearl designs, adorned the small crevices. Black jet figurines of ancient god and deities peered at you from between other small boxes and trinkets. Silver chalices and weird designs complemented the dark wood of the walls. Scrolls lay loosely in a large terracotta jar tied with a velvet ribbon. We opened them reverently and saw the old paintings of country sides and peacocks in green fields. Mountains with a temple nestled in it. How much? Only about NT$15 000 / R3 000 and those were the cheaper ones. We left quietly!
What a town! The festive feeling and the streets lined with shops of all sizes and crafts and things! We entered into a small square with vendors on either side surrounding the entrance to a huge temple. By this time it was getting dark and the half moon glowed above the dark ornate temple roof. People were buying fake Chinese money to burn in the temple as an offering and incense to pray with. Exciting and beautiful!
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We made our way to the bus station and figured out how the system works. We could either go to an electronic board and guess the symbol for Changhua press the button and get a ticket or ask the bus conductor behind the bars at the station and be sure we’re going home! So we did the later and got our tickets waited 5 minutes and got on our first bus ride in Taiwan. We waved goodbye to Lukang with a promise to return soon. Cool!! Their buses are definitely not our low budget set ups, even for local transport between towns or suburbs. With soft leather seats and even a TV in the bus, although it wasn’t on. The bus ride was only about 20min back to Changhua. The bus stopped a few meters away and we walked wearily home. What a day!
The following week went passed so quickly and the weekend dawned on us again. This time with a bit of a twist, it’s Halloween!! The school has been gearing up for Halloween for about two weeks before. We got the kids in our different classes to memorise a song for a competition and they had to make decorations, like either cats, witches, pumpkins or spiders. The kids love it! So the school slowly changed into a ghoulish environment and we got into the Halloween mood. We as South Africans are not used to Halloween and all the things and excitement that goes with it. The costumes, the candy, the trick or treating, the Halloween songs….cool!!!! The kindergarten kids dressed up on the Friday evening…what a sight…what money the parents spent to make their kid look the best!!!
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We had a hoard of Spidermen…definitely the thing these days, we had fairies, dracula’s, spiderwebbed people, scary movie masked people, traditional wear etc. etc. Then we were bundled into the kombi’s and went trick or treating with the kindergarten at about 7:30 with designated restaurants and places. The list included three stores, King Stone restaurant, Mac Donalds and Le’ Enfants (baby clothing). The kids arrived and the managers dished out candies into their little handbags and pumpkin bags…too cute!!
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The teachers were dressed as well in our full witches regalia and Abby went as a pig!! The restaurant clients were offering the teachers, wine instead of candy!!!! We finished off at about 9pm, the kids were tired and half asleep in the back seat of the kombi. As I turned around to check on them from the front seat, I had the most Anne Geddes Halloween picture presented to me. A small pumpkin lying on Spiderman’s shoulder with a lion holding on to his candy! Too cute for words!!! Well, Halloween was definitely a highlight for me this year.
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On the Saturday we were to go to Taichung for training again and supper on the school at the Taichung Steak House! That should be a good experience! We were all craving steak! The training went by and I bought a book at there bookstore, the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. We got discount ok! And we arrived at the steak house…..or rather it didn’t look like a steak house, it looked more like a fast food outlet all though it was huge with different counters in the centre for the different foods you wanted. All the South Africans and Canadians went straight to the steak/meat counter. You had to take a wooden tray, the type they put under your iron steak plate at the Spur, and place it in front of the grill. You could then leave and go get other food if you wanted to. I immediately felt some apprehension as to the quality of the steak, when do they ask me how would you like it????? What steak do you want? Sirloin, fillet or even beef or lamb??? Then we got the steak…….anyway, next on the food list was stir fry, good selection and they had two chef’s doing your bowl of stir fry you accumulated from the rows of metal dishes. Very effective and efficient. There was Sushi, seafood etc etc etc. Eat as much as you want for about R70. Then we found the oysters, and we ate our R70 worth!! They were huge! Probably double the size of the larges at home or in Cape Western Fisheries!!!! The evening was good and we went home, watched movies and went to bed. The following week we managed to book a massage….finally!!!! So Sunday 11/7 is our day for being pampered! The dates are all being written the American way, you get used to it, eventually!!!! 7 Nov. for the people back home! Will tell you all about that!!
So , miss you all!
Taiwan Times vol 3 Volume Three – October 2004 The 1st of October, no ways!!!! It’s nearly my birthday!!! All gifts can be sent to Sesame Street School, No 2-1 Chung Yang Rd, Changhua.
0 notes
OKAY. So, How in The World Did I Meet Martin Garrix in Taipei???
I’m not saying I’m a stalker, but I’m kind of a stalker. 
Before I go ahead and tell you the story of how I met the love of my life (don’t fight with me on this), I’m gonna give you an idea of much of a psychotic fan I am. So, here’s a little trip down memory lane.
****WARNING! You are about to witness some borderline psychotic shit! 
It all started when I was just a freshman in college. One night, I was doing what college freshmen do best, getting wasted AF. It was on a Thursday night, and we had a thing we called “Happy Thursday”. It was when all the students from the the colleges and universities nearby hit the bars literally right beside one uni to challenge the legal alcohol limit simply because there weren’t any classes the next day. Aaahh, education.
Anyways, in that one particular night, I just remember being really, really drunk and everyone around me just passed the fuck out. It was only around 23:00 and the party was basically over. Mind you, I wasn’t one of those responsible types who’d go home when they knew they’ve had too much. I’m was more of a “let’s rob a Jollibee!” kind of chick. Not proud, but damn it, it’s the truth. So, I grabbed my school bag, got a taxi, and headed to the then clubbing strip of Manila.
When I got off the taxi, the first thing I noticed was a really long line at this one club called Privé. I went on over there to check what all the fuss was about. I bumped into some people I knew who let me know that Martin Garrix was going to spin. And I was like, “Martin who??”. And they said, “Si ano, si Animals (his track that blew up and really put him on the scene)”. We all know that that track is **sick **and they also let me know that he’s really cute, and that was enough to get myself to pay a PHP 1,000 entrance fee to watch the show. So, i get my drunk ass in the club, squeezed my way to the very front (which I wouldn’t have had the courage to do if I wasn’t so intoxicated), and waited for the show to start.
Just moments later, they dimmed the lights and it was showtime. The lazer lights went wild and the crowd roared. I kept it cool because i was just trying to see if this guy was really cute. I looked up and saw a guy and said to myself that “hmmm, yeah, he’s pretty cute”. But theeen, I took one step back and realized that I was just too short to see the DJ and I was just looking at one of the members of his crew. So, when I finally saw him, I was like, “DAAAMN, Papiiii! HE REAL CUTE!”. It was fangirl at first sight. I remember thinking to myself that if Narnia has a Prince slash DJ, he would definitely look like him. I basically spent the whole show on my toes and my arms extended towards him so that he would touch my hand. Which he did, by the way! Thrice on my right hand and once on my left!!! #achievementunlocked #neverforget
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After his set, I went over to the entrance of the DJ booth to say hi. I shouted “Hi, Martijn!!!”. He just awkwardly smiled and waved at me. He was probably thinking “who the fuck is this ugly chick with orange hair in house clothes???”. I am 99.8% positive his thoughts were somewhere along those lines. No regrets!
The following year, he had a much bigger show in Manila’s #1 club. I was lucky enough to get a free ticket and to be listed under the cocktail table at the very front and right in the middle. And of course, in true fangirl fashion, I was prepared with a sign.
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It was around December and I wanted my Christmas present early *wink wink*. I pretty much spent the whole time with my sign up trying to get him to notice me, even after he’s already noticed me. He made a cutesy little heart symbol with his hands and pointed towards me. I had a mini heart attack and started annoying my friend Pam with the classic “DID YOU SEE THAT??? DID YOU SEE THAT!?!?”. And she was just like, “Yaaaas girl, he noticed you. No one can deny.” (More like, Okaaay, B. You can shut the fuck up now). He pointed towards me once or twice more for the rest of the show and that was definitely enough to end my year right! #hoehoehoe #merrychristmas
****This is where it gets a liiiittle psychotic**
The game plan was clear. Stay sober, look cute, prepare a sign, and fight my way to the very front once his set was about to begin. And it was exactly what I did.
Once I reached the front, some really tall French guy, probably a guardian angel sent by the fangirl gods, randomly asked me if I would like to be carried by him on his shoulders once Martijn came out. He probably felt bad for my lack of length and inability to be seen by the #1 DJ in the World no matter how long I put my sign up. Being five foot nothing, it was an offer I couldn’t refuse. So, once they hit the music and hit the lights, I climbed my way up to the Eiffel Tower and there was my baby!
Martijn’s birthday was just a day or two prior to the show, so I couldn’t miss my chance to greet him. It didn’t take him long at al for him to notice me and my sign. He put his his hands on his lips and sent a kiss my way! And he even mentioned the birthday greeting on his Instagram!!! #achievementunlocked #telleveryone
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If you ask everyone I know how I told them how the concert went for me, it would be everything stated above. Buuuut, there’s a little more to the story. What you’re about to learn next is only know by a handful of my favorite people.
Martijn’s set was coming to an end and the inner fanatic beast in me came alive. Like, really, really alive. As he played his last song, a crazy idea just popped in my head like ~LIGHTBULB~! I thought to myself, “So, if I pretend to faint now, the bouncers will carry me over the barrier and I will have the most fantastic view of my bebeluv”. Yeah, don’t really know where the fuck that came from either.
So, pretty much like everything else I do, without giving it much thought, if not at all, I just did it. I then grabbed my friend’s shoulder for her to look at me and I dramatically pretended to faint just like Snow White did when she took a bite of that poison apple. I’m quite an amazing actress, actually. Which pretty much explains why I spent half of my high school life in the clinic and why I always happened to have my period every week when we had swimming for gym class. What I’m trying to say is, they believed that shit.
With my eyes partially closed and my head going “What the fuck are you doing?”, my friends were in a HUUUGE panic. All i heard was them shouting at the top of their lungs “KUYA!!! KUYA!!!”, trying to get the attention of the bouncers for help. I swear to god, I was trying so hard not to laugh my fucking brains out.
Soon enough, the bouncers came and just like I planned it, they carried me over the barrier and right into the middle section of the two VIP crowds where only photographers and bouncers were allowed. Then there were fireworks, explosions, and confetti everywhere and I had the most perfect view of my baby basking in his glory. And I just thought to myself, “Great job, crazy bitch”.
And in a fraction of a second, the music was gone and the lights went off and the show was over. I then realized that i was supposed to be unconscious and my show isn’t over yet! *Snow White takes second bite off the apple*. There were a couple of bouncers around me at this point and they were all trying to move the barrier for me. Once moved, one bouncer carried me princess style (because how else are you supposed to carry a princess?) and rushed through the big crowd to bring me to the first aid booth. While going through the crowd, I can hear random people shout “Bianca?!?! Is that Bianca?!?!” “BIANCA!!!”. And again, I was just trying so hard not to laugh. The rest is history.
Music Festival was cancelled a month prior to the show due to “the changes in political climate”. In other words, Thanks a lot, Duterte!
2017. The Meeting.
Here we go, here we go! About a month prior to my Taiwan trip, my friend, Keich, found out that Martijn was going to be in Taipei the same time as us. Coincidence?!? NAAAAAAAH.
On the first day that Keich and I spent together, we went to a handful of places far away from the city. By 18:00, we were extremely exhausted and didn’t have the energy to do anything but chill at our hostel’s lounge. While scrolling through Instagram, I came across a selfie that Martijn posted with a bunch of fans welcoming him to Taiwan in the comment section. FAN GIRL MODE: ON. I jumped off the couch and said, “KEICH. MARTIN GARRIX IS HERE. LET’S GO!”. She stood up right away because she knew I would do the same for her if we were in the same city as Kygo.
I messaged every fan who was welcoming him to Taiwan and I sent every single one of them a message asking if they might happen to know what hotel he was staying at. Most of them did not know but a lot of them just guessed for me. Keich and I rushed to the MRT station feeling more alive than ever, as if we didn’t have such a long day. We then rushed to the W Hotel where a few people suggested me to have a look since a lot of celebrities stayed there. We got in the lobby and waited a bit. THANK THE HEAVENS they had free wi-fi because I then received this message from yet another guardian angel from the fangirl gods on Instagram:
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“KEICH! LET’S GO!!!!!!!!” We rushed over to the Gran Hyatt, which was just a few meters from Taipei 101. We had absolutely no idea where he was or if we were even going to see him. We were just thinking that if it’s dinner time right now, he would probably go out right after to see more of the city. Orrr, if he was having dinner outside the hotel, then of course at one point he’d have to go back to his room.
So, we waited for HOURS. By the third hour, we noticed different DJ’s walk in one by one with wristbands from the music festival. My heart was beating faster and faster. The next thing we knew was that the hotel lobby was empty and it was already past midnight. A young boy and his mom sat at the same sitting area as us and then I heard the words “Martin Garrix” in their conversation. I asked them if they were waiting for someone because I was guessing that we were all waiting for the same person. Damn, these two were so freakin’ cool. The kid is fourteen years old and is #ballin, selling Yeezy’s online. And his mom.. Well, his mom is waiting with him at midnight to have a photo with his favorite DJ. Ummmmm, can anyone say MOM GOALS!?!
Since we were all having such a great conversation, my eyes weren’t pinned at the entrance of the hotel anymore. I glanced behind me for a second AND HOMYGAAAHAAD I CANNAAAT WITH YOUUU!!!!! IT’S FUCKING MARTIN FUCKING GARRIX IN THE FUCKING HOTEL LOBBY ASDFGHJKL;’SFHDKFHD3487fgwbfd!!!!!!!**
I wasted NO TIME. In a blink of an eye, I found myself rushing towards him and saying “Martijn! I’m your biggest fan from the Philippines!”. One of his bodyguards was very quick to stop me and he blocked me with his arm. Martijn then blocked his bodyguard with his arm and said “No, it’s okay.” (HOMAGAAAAAHD!!!)
He looks over at me and says, “Really? Give me a hug!”. And then we hugged. (HOMAAAHGAAAAHD!!!!)
See, I really wish that I could all tell you how the whole meeting played out, but I just DON’T REMEMBER SHIT after that hug. I don’t remember Keich having a photo with him. I don’t remember the teenage boy having a photo with him. I don’t remember saying goodbye. And I don’t even remember leaving the hotel. SHIT WAS INSANE.
According to Keich, he hugged me four times and gave me a kiss on the cheek. The kiss, I kind of do remember it happening. I remember it like getting punched in the face right after I just blacked out by getting punched in the face. And I am soooo lucky for having such a supportive friend who remembered to take a video of me towards the end of our meeting!!! Check it out:
(HAHAHAHAHAHA I’m too new for this shit to embed a video, so here’s the link, mofos!)
So, they didn’t allow to give him a pretend kiss on the cheek, so, HE GAVE ME A REAL ONE INSTEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Martijn was much taller than I thought he would be and he is sooooooo much more good looking in person. It was literally a dream come true and was probably one of the best birthday gifts given to me by the universe! THANK YOU, UNIVERSE!!!!!
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Or is it? ;)
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