#I have too much of an adhesive allergy for transtape
autumnblooms · 1 year
Holy fuck. When they tell you to make sure there’s no wrinkles in your transtape they’re not fucking around. 24 hrs after applying it apparently the end on my ribs had wrinkles which caused two decent sized blisters, which I can only assume feel like what a rib tattoo feels like 😫
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Binding with TransTape/KT tape (Open chest binding)
Lee and Kai say:
We have been receiving some asks about binding with tape recently, and so we’ve decided to post our blog’s opinions on it: 
We have heard of people getting skin irritations or sores from either wearing it too long or from removing it, but we don’t know as much about ribs and breathing and such. We think it can still damage the ribs because it stops being elastic when stretched to a certain point, especially if it’s wrapped around fully. It seems it would stretch the skin more than binding and make your skin less elastic possibly, and having tape on the same parts of the skin for a long time is not a good idea because it can damage the skin. Basically, there are a lot of unknowns- there isn’t much research on it yet, so we can’t say for sure it’s safer to bind with a traditional binder or not
Tape binding also seems like it would only work with small-chested folks, and folks with a bigger chest would probably find binding with a binder to be more effective.
Over time, tape binding would be less cost-effective than binding because you have to keep buying somewhat expensive tape while you can use a binder for years if you take care of it.
The other issue is you’re supposed to follow the same safe binding guidelines when tape binding as you do with binding with a binder- but the website wrote “TransTape was intended for multiple day use and can be worn up to 5 days depending on your level of activity and how often you are showering.” 
Generally speaking, you shouldn’t be sleeping while binding or binding 24/7 because you need to give your body a rest. So the way the product is supposed to be used (binding for a week without any breaks) is inherently unsafe.
Overall, we recommend binding with a binder over binding with tape. Our Binding FAQ has info on safe binding with a binder and How to buy a binder without parents knowing.
If you decide to try tape binding, here’s some info/tips:
Do not use duct tape or packing tape, only use tape meant for the body like KT Tape or TransTape. If the tape you’re using is causing skin problems, it’s possible it doesn’t have a type of adhesive that is body-safe.
Info from a company rep on tips to reduce irritation when using KT Tape regularly on sensitive skin on the chest
General do’s and dont’s of binding with KT tape
Warning: picture of irritated skin & blisters from using KT tape and not removing it properly
A picture of someone binding with KT tape to show how it’s done
A blogger’s opinions on the pros and cons of tape binding
Warning from a trans nurse on Trans Tape binding, and another
Trans Tape’s website: How to: Minimize Skin Irritation
Here is another good post about trans tape binding to check out!
KT Tape info from r/ftm:
KT Tape Megathread
“An alternative to using a binder is KT Tape, or kinesthetic tape, which is tape that is meant to be adhered to your skin to provide joint support to athletes. It comes in a roll of pre-cut strips for around $12, although there are generic brands that cost less. The primary benefit of binding with KT Tape is that it does not constrict your chest at all and can be left on for a few days at a time, so it's really comfortable and you can put it on and forget about it for a while. It is okay to swim or shower with.
Here (NSFW) is a visual guide on how it is applied, as well as some written instructions. The gist of how you use it is as follows:
Cut the strips in half (so you have two shorter pieces) to conserve them.
Cover your nipples with a bandaid, gauze, etc. to protect them.
Place the leading edge of the tape on the front of your chest, near or over your nipple.
Stretch everything back and to the side, under your armpit, and adhere the tape.
Rub the tape to activate the adhesives.
You may need to use more than one strip to get flat enough.
It is most effective for people with smaller chests (C cup and smaller, and C cup is iffy). The bigger your chest, the more tape you will need to use--but only to a certain point.
The primary complaint people have in terms of comfort with KT Tape is that the adhesives can irritate your skin, and it can be difficult to remove and take some skin with it. Here are some tips to help mitigate that:
Soak the tape in oil (baby oil, olive oil, vegetable oil, etc) for about 10 minutes before removing.
Take the tape off in the shower, preferably after soaking with oil.
The manufacturer recommends applying milk of magnesia to your skin before putting the tape on to minimize irritation.
/End quote from r/ftm”
Jay says:
I wouldn’t recommend binding with tape. Frequent use of KT tape (which is all trans tape is) can damage the skin. A lot of people believe that because the tape stretches, it’s safe. I disagree. For this tape to actually bind, you have to stretch it out too far. It becomes stiff and doesn’t “give” enough, and overstretched tape is very bad for the skin. Rashes are probably the best case scenario tbh, because the adhesive can be irritating to the sensitive skin on the chest. If the tape isn’t applied basically perfectly, you could get blistering, scarring, and skin breakdown.
A big issue that I have with trans tape specifically is that the creator of it is not a medical professional or anything. He saw that some people could bind with KT tape so he had a wider version made that would be easier to use for binding. I don’t trust any of his advice about how to apply or remove the tape, or how to protect the skin or what to do if you’re hurt. Some of what he suggested with the tape and skin protection and all (at least from what I remember from the last time I saw the website) is the exact opposite of what medical professionals have told me. Since he’s not a medical professional and knowing what I know about this kind of tape I don’t really believe much of what they say about the safety and all of the tape. My old physical therapist who used to tape my shoulders also told me that putting it on the chest wasn’t a great idea.
There’s no research or anything about this though, so we have is anecdotal evidence.
Here are a couple of things I’d suggest:
Whether they use KT or trans tape, they should stretch it maybe 2/3 of the way out. A lot of people will stretch it as far as it goes, but if it won’t “give” more once it’s on it’s as bad as duct tape.
Don’t put tape on any irritated or injured skin. At all, ever.
Open wounds, blisters, or irritation that’s being stubborn and not going away should be looked at by a doctor.
Take breaks. I honestly wouldn’t suggest wearing it for more than a couple of days per week.
Sleeping in it isn’t ideal, despite what the trans tape people say. Like I said, if it’s stretched all the way out (how most people seem to wear it), sleeping in it can cause damage over time.
Kii says:
Personally, while I know TransTape has its risks, which you should definitely do your own research on, I’ve found that’s personally the only somewhat comfortable way for me to bind, so I would definitely encourage you to try out different binding methods, because if you have chronic pain, you might find some methods of binding easier than others.
Followers say:
Anon said: Hey! I highly recommend not using or suggesting KT tape to people for binding. I used it twice before and both times it made me bleed... I don't have sensitive skin or anything either. I really would never reccomend this method for anyone. (B cup, Pre T)
theconn-man said: ive haf a similar problem w KT Tape!!!! I didnt bleed but it ripped my skin off, even working it off in the shower with warm water and soap. i'm a B cup as well. I had what looked like a rash for the next few days and irritation
cane-diamour said: I’ve had sports tape on my knee, which is probably less sensitive than the chest area, but it does hurt a ton to take it off dry. I also have a slight allergy to latex adhesive (think bandaid glue), so it did cause some irritation. Be sure to not leave it on for a long time, and take it off slowly.
meanwhilemisha22 said: Im no expert but Ive heard trans/kt tape can ruin your rib cage
demiiboy said: I tried using KT tape in the way that you're supposed to and it triggered the same rib problems that binding does for me
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