#I have to finish translating der verlorene
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eldragon-x-moved · 2 months ago
ISAT Translated - Loop's Introduction
yaay yippie finished my first attempt at translating the game into german ^_^ If I do more of these, I'll compile them in a google docs file and post it eventually, but here's Loop's intro for now. I used the isat script ptoject as a reference guide.
Some notes: I was conflicted on if I should call the Favor Tree "Gefallenbaum" (favor tree) or "Baum der Gefallen" (tree of favors) but ended up on "Gunstbaum" instead. "Gunst" is more akin to patronage than favor, but the german word for favor sounds like the word for fallen so I think calling it "Gunstbaum" makes it more clear what it's about.
Timeloop terminology is a bit weird because the word for timeloop is "Zeitschleife" but "Schleife" on its own means bow/ribbon. I have Loop introduce themselves with "[Loop]. Here to help you with the [timeloop]." rather than "Here to help you with the loops." to make the logic behind their name clearer. I used the term for rewinding to refer to looping back.
I translated any instance of they/them with xier/xiem since we don't have any official gender neutral pronouns and those are one of the more common neopronouns.
Anyway, I hope this reads well, Idk if anyone but me will even care about this, I literally just did this for fun lmao
(Der Gunstbaum.) (Isabeau sagte, der Baum fühlt sich “seltsam” an…) (Und du hast jemanden sagen hören, dass du hierher kommen sollst, nicht wahr?) (Was war diese Stimme…?) (...) (Du gehst auf den Baum zu.)
(...Der Baum ist so groß, alles unter ihm ist so dunkel wie die Nacht, aber…) (Du glaubst da sitzt jemand am Fuß des Baumes.) (Zu dir schauend.) (Vorsichtig, mit einer Hand an deinem Dolch, gehst du auf den Baumstamm zu.) (. . .) (Nun, äh, du hast tatsächlich jemanden gefunden.)
Siffrin: Äh, hallo Fremder. Loop: …Hallo, Fremder.
Loop: …
Siffrin: (Ein… Stern?)               > “...”
Loop: … Loop: Nanu, hat mein Anblick dir die Sprache verschlagen?  Loop: Du bist so niedlich, Sternenstaub!
Siffrin: (Sternenstaub?!?)              > “Ähm-”
Loop: Ach, Siffrin, sieh dich an. Ganz verloren und verwirrt.
Siffrin: (Häh? Warte…)              > “Wie weißt du meinen-”
Loop: Wie könnte ich es nicht wissen? Du bist Sif! Siffrin! Loop: Keine Zweitnamen, kein Nachname! Nur Siffrin! Loop: Aber ich sollte mich nicht wundern wieso du so schaust. Es macht Sinn dass du dich überwältigt fühlst! Loop: Wenn man bedenkt dass das deine erste Schleife ist, und so.
Siffrin: (HÄH!??!)              > “WIE WEIßT DU-”
Loop: Ach, natürlich weiß ich Bescheid, Sternenstaub! Loop: Ich weiß von dir, Ich weiß von deinem Team, über die Schleifen, über diese komische Silbermünze die du mit dir trägst-
Siffrin: (Okay, das reicht.)              > “KANNST DU BITTE AUFHÖREN ZU SPRECHEN”
Loop: Oh Sterne, kein Grund zu schreien. Loop: Lass uns tief ein- und ausatmen, okay? Atme mit mir, los. Ein…
(Dein Kopf schmerzt und deine Hände zittern und dein Herz schlägt, als würde es gleich explodieren, also solltest du das wahrscheinlich tun.) (Langsam, dem astralen Wesen folgend, atmest du ein und aus.)
Loop: Puuuuuuuh. Loop: In Ordnung! Wer ich bin, ja? Loop: Hm, nun, mal sehen, wie wäre es mit… Schleife: Schleife. Deine Verbündete Schleife, hier um dir mit der Zeitschleife zu helfen. Leicht zu merken, nicht wahr? Schleife: Und als Pronomen kannst du gerne das königliche Wir verwenden.
Siffrin: (Ähm.)              > “Das macht GAR KEINEN Sinn.”
Schleife: Oh, ja, da hast du wohl recht. Schleife: Dann verwende xier/xiem für mich. Ich bin mir sicher dass du ständig an mich denken wirst, da solltest du auch wissen wie man mich anspricht!
(Yup, besser xies Pronomen zu wissen, damit du klar daran denken kannst dass xier dir auf die Nerven geht.)
Siffrin: (Du schätzt du bist dran.)              > “Ich verwende-”
Schleife: Er/Xier, ich weiß. Es steht auf deinem Profil.  Schleife: Du weißt schon dass ich lesen kann!
Siffrin: > “Mein was bitte-”
Schleife: Jedenfalls Sternenstaub, ich bin hier um zu helfen! Frag was auch immer dein Herzchen begehrt!
(Jup, absolute Kopfschmerzen.) (Urgh.)
Siffrin: (Fragen, Fragen…)              > “Du sagtest ich wäre in einer, uh, ‘Schleife’?”
Schleife: Oh, gleich zum Punkt! Das mag ich, Sternenstaub! Schleife: Setzt du dich hin? Setz dich besser hin, du wirst viel Info auf einmal bekommen!
(...) (Du setzt dich hin.)
Schleife: Also! Du steckst in einer Zeitschleife fest! Spaßig, nicht wahr? Schleife: Das heißt jedesmal wenn du stirbst, wirst du zurückspulen und du darfst alles nochmal von vorne versuchen! Schleife: Egal wie grausam oder dumm du stirbst, wie zum Beispiel, von einem Felsen zerquetscht, du wirst immer zurück kommen!
Siffrin: (Xier hat das gesehen…?)              > “Sahst du-”
Schleife: Natürlich sah ich es, Sternenstaub! Wie soll ich dir helfen wenn ich nicht weiß was du machst? Schleife: Übrigens, dir ist wahrscheinlich aufgefallen dass vieles zurückgesetzt wurde, richtig? Schleife: Deine Teammitglieder sagen dieselben Dinge, die Items die du im Haus bekommen hast sind verschwunden…
Siffrin: (Yup, dir ist aufgefallen dass deine Taschen leerer wurden…)              > “Weil ich jetzt noch nichts aufgesammelt habe, richtig?”
Schleife: Sternenstaub, du helles Köpfchen, du folgst! Schleife: Also wirst du sie wieder einsammeln müssen. Wenn du möchtest! Was du wahrscheinlich solltest, da du einen langen Weg vor dir hast.
Siffrin: (Und was ist mit…)              > “Ich muss Schlüssel auch wieder aufsammeln?”
Schleife: Jup! Jedesmal! Nun, bis du lernst.
Siffrin: (Häh?)              > “Was lern-”
Schleife: Wie auch immer, das ist viel auf einmal, aber keine Sorge! Du wirst alles lernen während du dabei bist! Schleife: Oh, deine Waffen und Ausrüstung werden aber nicht zurückgesetzt! Das sind doch gute Nachrichten! Schleife: Ist es nicht schön dass du deine coole, mächtige Ausstattung behalten darfst? Schleife: Insbesondere weil du, Sternenstaub, deine Erfahrung behalten wirst, anders als dein restliches Team. Gleiche es aus indem du sie mit mächtigen Waffen ausrüstest!
(Deine Freunde werden nicht stärker werden und Erfahrung sammeln wie du?) (Du schätzt es macht Sinn, da sie sich nicht an die ganzen Gegner die ihr konfrontiert erinnern werden.)
Schleife: Apropos dein Team, du kannst ihnen von den Schleifen erzählen, wenn du möchtest! Sie könnten dir helfen, und nichts hält dich davon ab was zu sagen, also…
Siffrin: (Eh, wieso?)              > “Wieso würde ich ihnen was sagen?”
Schleife: Wieso nicht? Brauchst du nicht Hilfe?
(Äh, du hast gerade gelernt dass du so oft du willst von vorne anfangen und deine Fehler beheben kannst.)
Siffrin: (Wieso würdest du Hilfe brauchen? Du bist hier in der Lage deinen Freunden zu helfen.)              > “Ich brauche ihre Hilfe nicht wirklich.”
Schleife: Stimmt, weil du mich hast!
(NICHT was du meintest.)
Siffrin: (Fragen, Fragen…)              > “Was sollte ich jetzt tun?”
Schleife: Hm, mal schauen… Schleife: Hast du versucht Nicht Zu Sterben???
Schleife: Ich weiß nicht! Nur ‘ne Idee! Schleife: Geh einfach zurück zum Haus und versuchs nochmal! Und stirb vielleicht nochmal? Wir werden sehen! Schleife: Vegiss nicht: Kein Tod ist verschwendet!
(Danke, das war nutzlos.)
Siffrin: (Fragen, Fragen…)              > “Irgendwelche Ratschläge?"
Schleife: Rat, ja. Ich habe Rat. Schleife: Iss keine Ananas! Du bist allergisch.
Siffrin: (...)              > “.........”              > “Bin ich?”
Schleife: Hey, du hast nach Rat gefragt, ich gebe dir Rat! Schleife: Du bist WIRKLICH SEHR. Versuch’s nicht!
Schleife: Ach, du schaust so wütend aus! Okay, echter Rat, echter Rat… Schleife: Während du mit deinem Team gesprochen hast, hast du ein seltsames Symbol auftauchen sehen? Schleife: Zwei kleine Dreiecke, vielleicht? Schleife: Es kann mit Konversationen die du zuvor gehört hast passieren. Wenn du es siehst, kannst du abschalten indem du X drückst. Schleife: Du hörst auf zuzuhören und Konversationen werden schneller vorüber gehen. Kein Zweck darin für Konversationen die du schon erlebt hast anwesend zu bleiben, hm?
Schleife: Lass es uns mit der nächsten Textbox versuchen, damit du weißt wie es funktioniert. Schleife: Ich spreche jetzt, also drück X wann immer du willst! Nope, das ist der falsche Knopf, Sternenstaub. Wieder falsch. Ich sagte X! Komm schon, langsam wird’s albern.
Du tust es!!!
So stolz auf dich!!!
Du tust es!!!
Begehe nicht dieselben Fehler wie ich, okay?
Du tust es!
So stolz auf dich!!!
Nein, drück nicht das, Dummerchen, drück X! Versuchen wir’s nochmal.
(Yeah, das ist es.)
Schleife: Du hast es! Du wirst eine Weile brauchen dich daran zu gewöhnen, aber es wird dir sicherlich Zeit sparen. Schleife: Du wirst vielleicht verpassen was dein Team sagt, aber wen kümmert's schon, richtig? Falls du sie wütend machst kannst du immer zurückspulen und sie werden alles vergessen haben! Schleife: Um es anders auszudrücken… Schleife: [Wenn du das >> Symbol während einer Konversation siehst, drücke X um durch sie vorzuspulen!]
(Au au au au.) (Du weißt nicht wie xier das gemacht hat, aber xies Stimme klang durch deinen Kopf…) (Du hast die Stimme gestern schonmal gehört- Nun, eigentlich in einer anderen Version von heute…) (Also WAR xier die Stimme die du dir Tipps geben gehört hast?)
Schleife: Siehst du? Ich bin nützlich. Ich bin sehr nützlich! Darum bin ich hier, hilfreiche Schleife.
(Das IST nützlich, aber…)
Siffrin: (...)              > “Wieso hilfst du mir?”
Schleife: … Schleife: Weil ich glaube dass dir geholfen werden sollte. Schleife: Ich werde nicht immer alle Antworten haben, aber… Ich glaube jemanden an deiner Seite zu haben mit dem du reden kannst ist besser als dies alleine anzugehen. Schleife: Nicht wahr?
Siffrin: (...)               > “Aber ich hab nie nach deiner Hilfe gefragt…”
Schleife: Pech gehabt, Sternenstaub!!! Ich werde dir trotzdem helfen!!! Schleife: Alles klar! Für jetzt ist das alles, aber vergiss nicht zu mir zu kommen wenn du feststeckst, okay? Schleife: Ich werde genau hier unter diesem Baum sein! Vergiss es nicht! Tschau!!!
(Xier winkt dir aufgeregt zu.) (Du winkst verlegen zurück als du gehst.)
(Schleife, hm…) (Xier ist etwas nervig, aber… Falls du irgendwann feststecken solltest, oder nur jemanden zum Reden brauchst, könnte xier dir helfen.)
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dailykafka · 7 months ago
I think the one you sent is altered version of what's written in the diaries on July 19, 1916.
This is the original:
Träume und weine, armes Geschlecht, findest den Weg nicht, hast ihn verloren.
Wehe! ist dein Gruss am Abend. Wehe! am Morgen.
Ich will nichts, nur mich entreissen Händen der Tiefe, die sich strecken, mich Ohnmächtigen hinabzunehmen.
Schwer fall ich in die bereiten Hände.
Tönend erklang in der Ferne der Berge langsame
Rede. Wir horchten.
Ach, sie trugen, Larven der Hölle, verhüllte Grimassen, eng an sich gedrückt den Leib.
This is the translation from 1965 edition:
Dream and weep, poor race of man, the way can't be found-you have lost it.
With "Woe!" you greet the night, with "Woe!" the day.
I want nothing save to escape the hands that reach out for me from the depths to draw my powerless body down to them.
I fall heavily into the waiting hands.
Words slowly spoken echoed in the distant mountains. We listened.
Horrors of hell, veiled grimaces, alas, they bore my body close-pressed to them.
The long procession bears the unborn along.
This is the translation from 2022 edition:
Dream and weep poor race you don’t find the way, have lost it
Woe! is your greeting in the evening, Woe! in the morning
I want nothing only to wrest myself
from hands of the depths that reach out
to take me, powerless one, down.
Heavily I fall into the ready hands.
In the distance of the mountains
resounded slow speech. We hearkened.
Oh they bore, demons of hell,
veiled grimaces, the body pressed close to themselves.
Long procession, long procession bears the unfinished one
There are no notes on this but after this part, Kafka wrote this: Strange court custom. The man condemned to death is stabbed there in his room by the executioner without the presence of other people. He is sitting at his table finishing the letter in which he writes:
This part resembles the plot of the Trial, a story he was writing around 1914-1915
Hello! My friend showed me this poem Kafka wrote about intimacy and I wanted to share it with other Kafka fans
“Dreaming and crying, bad sex,
can't find the way, you've lost it.
Woe! is your greeting in the evening, woe! in the morning.
I don't want anything, just to escape
hands of the deep that reach out,
to take me down, unconscious.
It's hard for me to fall into the ready hands.
The mountains sounded loudly in the distance.
slow speech. We listened.
Oh, they wore, larvae of hell,
veiled grimaces, hugging his body tightly to himself.
Long train, long train carries the unfinished.”
Hello! I haven't seen this one, could you tell me the source?
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myhoneststudyblr · 5 years ago
Hi, sorry for the random question but I know you study German at A level and I think we're probably at a roughly similar level (my dad is German; I can't speak it very well but my understanding is okay). I want to improve my German and was wondering if you have any recommendations for books / films / series in the language which aren't too difficult to understand.
Hi! Dw I love random questions!!!
Sorry for the little delay in replying, I’ve only just finished my work for the day (it’s been busy!)
FILMS - here are the films that are a level options (disclaimer: I haven’t watched all of them but they are meant to be very good)
Good Bye, Lenin! (2003) (the film I am studying for a level, funny but also poignant and VERY enjoyable)
Das Leben der Anderen (2006)
Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei (2005)
Almanya – Willkommen in Deutschland Yasemin Samdereli (2011)
Sophie Scholl – Die letzten Tage (2005)
Lola rennt (1998)
Nico’s Weg (Not an a level film but one of my teachers is constantly trying to get us to watch)
Die Welle (another non a level film! VERY intense but this film is one of the few that has really stayed with me)
BOOKS - a level options (again have not read all of them)
Heinrich Böll - Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum
Bertolt Brecht - Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder
Friedrich Dürrenmatt - Der Besuch der alten Dame
Max Frisch - Andorra
Heinrich Heine - Gedichte – Buch der Lieder
Jana Hensel - Zonenkinder
Franz Kafka - Die Verwandlung
Wladimir Kaminer - Russendisko
Siegfried Lenz - Fundbüro
Bernhard Schlink - Der Vorleser (the book I am reading for a level and it’s not too difficult)
BOOKS - personal recommendations
Auf den ersten Blick (translation I think): this is a collection of 12 short stories which is great cause it’s not as difficult to get through. a German friend gave this to me as a gift because she thought that they were really enjoyable and cute!
On this note at your level i would probably recommend going for teen books because they are likely to be a bit more simple than adult fiction but not too easy like children’s books probably would be for you
Read some of your favourite books in German (if translations are available)! The classic example is Harry Potter but you can do whatever! The point is to read a book whose plot and story you already know really well
I don’t tend to watch tv shows in German cause I mostly watch them in the background while doing something else so I would miss a lot but my teachers have strongly recommended Dark (Netflix) just a warning this is meant to really live up to its name
Deutschland 83 is also really good - I started watching that a while ago and it’s really nice German
A good tip for tv shows (particularly if you have Netflix) is to watch it in English but with German subtitles cause you actually do pick stuff up! A lot of Netflix originals have German as a subtitle option!
If there are any German people who want to add to this feel free cause I’m also always looking for recommendations!
I hope this was helpful and if you ever have any more German questions feel free to ask and I’ll try and help!
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space--cadet-glow · 6 years ago
Translation: “The Minish Cap” in German, Part 28: GRAND FINALE: Vaatis Epilog in Hölle
We complete our journey and it is time to part ways with Ezlo. It is finished. Here is the final part to my translation of the German version of "The Minish Cap" to English!
My translation key: DT: „direct translation" (translated word for word) EQ: “English equivalent” (as in, as close to an English-sounding sentence as it’s gonna get) DT/EQ: „"direct translation/English equivalent" (for when the DT is so similar to an EQ that it’s practically English already) OE: “official English (translation as given in the European English version of “The Minish Cap”)“ (NOTE:) "anything I need to point out” (exactly what it says on the tin) BG: „backwards German” for the Minish language in reverse form
My translation work under the cut.
Ezelo: „Gut, Link!" DT/EQ: „Good, Link!" OE: "So, Link! Now that you have the power of the Four Sword..."
Ezelo: „Jetzt verwandle Zelda mit der Kraft des Schwertes der Vier zurück!" DT: „Now transform Zelda with the power (of) the Sword (of) the Four back!" EQ: "Now, transform Zelda back with the power of the Four Sword!" OE: "you must return Princess Zelda to normal!"
Prinzessin Zelda: „Link. Danke für deine Hilfe!" DT/EQ: „"Link. Thanks for your help!" OE: "Link, thank you so much for saving me."
Prinzessin Zelda: „Auch, als ich zu Stein geworden war, konnte ich dich sehen, Link!" DT: „Also, by I to stone become was, could I you see, Link!" EQ: "Also, when I became stone, I could see you, Link!" OE: "When I was turned to stone, I saw visions of you,"
Prinzessin Zelda: „In meinen Träumen!" DT/EQ: „"In my dreams!" OE: "as if in a dream."
Ezelo: „Der Fluch ist offenbar gebrochen. Ein Glück! Wir kamen noch rechtzeitig!" DT: „The curse is obviously broken. A luck! We arrived still on-time!" EQ: "The curse is obviously broken. What luck! We arrived right on-time!" OE: "It looks like the curse has been broken. I'm glad we made it in time."
Ezelo: „Oh nein! Das Schloss stürzt ein!" DT: „Oh no! The Castle collapses (x)!" EQ: "Oh, no! The Castle's collapsing!" OE: "No! The castle's collapsing!" (NOTE: „einstürzen".)
Ezelo: „Wir müssen schnell hier raus! Los! Lauf!" DT: „We must quickly here out! Loose! Run!" EQ: "We must get out of here, quickly! Go! Run!" OE: "It's too dangerous here. Quickly! We must escape from the castle!" (NOTE: Idioms at a time like this?!)
Ezelo: „Nanu? Der Ausgang ist blockiert! Dann schnell zur Heilige Stätte!" DT: „Well? The exit is blocked! Then quickly to (the) Holy Site!" EQ: "Well? The exit is blocked! Quick, to the Holy Site, then!" OE: "Hrmm... The door is blocked! We have no choice... Head back to the sanctuary!"
Vaati: „Hehehe... Mir entkommt ihr nicht!" DT: „Hehehe... (From) me escapes you all not!" EQ: "Hehehe... You all have not escaped from me!" OE: "Heh heh heh heh... You will not escape, boy."
Vaati: „Ihr sollt die Kraft des Dämons Vaati, der das Force erlangt hat, erfahren!" DT: „You all should the power of (the) Demon Vaati, the the Force acquired (x), experience!" EQ: "You all should experience the power of the Demon Vaati, who acquired the Force!" OE: "Now, you will see the true power of the light force... For I have become Vaati, the master of this world!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Vaati: „So etwas Dummes! Was ist mit der Kraft des Force... der dämonischen Kraft..." DT: „So something stupid! What is with the power (of) the Force... the demonic power..." EQ: "So stupid! What about the power of the Force... that demonic power..." OE: "Fool! I... But the light force... My power... I had such power..." (NOTE: Slightly idiomatic.)
Prinzessin Zelda: „Oh, Link! Schön, dass dir nichts passiert ist." DT: „Oh, Link! Beautiful, that (to) you nothing happened (x)." EQ: "Oh, Link! Beautiful that nothing happened to you." OE: "Link, thank goodness you're safe..."
Prinzessin Zelda: „Du hast Vaati besiegt! Das ist gut..." DT: „You (x) Vaati defeated! This is good..." EQ: "You defeated Vaati! This is good..." OE: "You defeated Vaati... You did well..." (NOTE: ...Thanks for being so concerned, German Zelda. Also, conversational past.)
Prinzessin Zelda: „Aber wir haben so viel verloren... Das Schloss... All die Menschen..." DT: „But we (x) so much lost... The Castle... All (of) the people..." EQ: "But, we've lost so much... The Castle... All of the people..." OE: "But we've lost so much... The castle... All those people..." (NOTE: Conversational past. AGAIN.)
Ezelo: „Hah! Wer hätte das gedacht?!" DT: „Hah! Who (x) the thought?!" EQ: "Hah! Who would've thought?!" OE: "What's happened?!?" (NOTE: More idioms! More conversational past! More pointless protesting!)
Ezelo: „Nun, da Vaati besiegt ist, ist auch sein Fluch von mir gewichen!" DT: „Now, that/because Vaati defeated is, is also his curse on (for) me give-away!" EQ: "Now that Vaati is defeated, his curse on my has also given away!" OE: "The curse... Defeating Vaati broke the curse he cast upon me!"
Ezelo: „Mein Name ist Ezelo. Ich bin der Weise von Tyloria." DT/EQ: „"My name is Ezelo. I am the Sage of Tyloria." OE: "My name is Ezlo, master of Minish lore and sorcery."
Ezelo: „Ich war es, der die Mütze des Hexenmeisters erschaffen hat." DT: „I (x) it, the the Cap (of) the Sorcerer created (x)." EQ: "I created it, the Cap of the Sorcerer." OE: "The mage's cap was my creation."
Ezelo: „Meine Schwäche hat den Menschen viel Leid gebracht." DT: „My weakness (x) the people much suffering brought." EQ: "My weakness has brought the people much suffering." OE: "But its limitless power has caused nothing but trouble for the humans."
Ezelo: „Bitte verzeiht mir! Viele Menschen mussten sterben." DT: „Please forgive (to) me! Many people (must)/have perished." EQ: "Please forgive me! Many people have perished." OE: "Is there any way you can forgive me?"
Ezelo: „Das Schloss ist zerstört. Doch gebt die Hoffnung nicht auf!" DT: „The Castle is destroyed. Still give the hope not up!" EQ: "The Castle is destroyed. Still, do not give up hope!" OE: "I know many have fallen, and much of the castle has been destroyed..."
Ezelo: „Da auch ich meine ursprüngliche Gestalt zurückerlangt habe," DT: „Because also I my original form won-back/regained (x)," EQ: "Because I have also won back/regained my original form," OE: "But it is too soon to give in to despair. My curse has been broken," (NOTE: Conversational past.)
Ezelo: „lässt sich mit Zeldas Force und der Mütze vielleicht noch etwas ausrichten." DT: „let itself with Zelda's Force and the Cap perhaps still something arranged." EQ: "perhaps something can still be arranged with Zelda's Force and the Cap." OE: "and Zelda still possesses some of the light force. Perhaps, together, we can do something."
Ezelo: „Wenn ein aufrichtiger Mensch sie trägt, entfaltet die Mütze ihre wahre Kraft..." DT: „When a sincere person it wears, displays the Cap its true power..." EQ: "When a sincere person wears it, the Cap displays its true power..." OE: "If one with a just heart wears this cap, things can be made right again."
Ezelo: „Nun denn, Zelda! Bete inbrünstig für deinen Wunsch!!!" DT/EQ: „"Now then, Zelda! Pray fervently for your wish!!!" OE: "Princess Zelda! Let your wishes be known!"
Prinzessin Zelda: „Ah! Das Schloss steht wieder in seiner alten Pracht!" DT: „Ah! The Castle stands again in its old glory!" EQ: "Ah! The Castle is standing in its former glory again!" OE: "Look! The castle! All the people who had been turned to stone!" (NOTE: Idiomatic-ish.)
Prinzessin Zelda: „Die Menschen sind vom Fluch befreit! Alles ist wieder wie vorher!" DT: „The people are of (the) curse freed! All is again how before!" EQ: "The people are freed from the curse! Everything is like before again!" OE: "They're all back to normal!"
Ezelo: „Ja! Ich spüre die Lebenskraft überquellen!" DT/EQ: „"Indeed! I sense/feel the life-force overflowing!" OE: "Hmm-hmm! The hat is breaking apart!"
Ezelo: „Selbst die magische Mütze erzittert vor solcher Energie!" DT/EQ: „"Even the magic Cap trembles before such energy!" OE: " It's overflowing with the power of life!"
Ezelo: „Die Mütze heißt Mütze der Wünsche. Sie erfüllt die Wünsche des Trägers." DT: „The Cap calls the Cap (of) the Wishes. It fulfills the wishes (of) the wearer." EQ: "The cap is called the Cap of Wishes. It fulfills the wishes of its wearer." OE: "The hat has the power to turn the thoughts of its wearer into reality."
Ezelo: „Weil Vaati so ein böses Herz hatte, wurde er zu einem Dämon." DT: „Because Vaati so an evil had had, become he to a Demon." EQ: "Because Vaati had such an evil heart, he became a Demon." OE: "Vaati's heart was filled with evil, and that was reflected in what he became." (NOTE: Slightly idiomatic.)
Ezelo: „Doch Zeldas Wunsch und die Kraft des Force könnten ein Wunder vollbringen!" DT: „Nevertheless Zelda's wish and the power (of) the Force could a miracle achieve!" EQ: "Nevertheless, Zelda's wish and the power of the Force achieved a miracle!" OE: "But it seems that Zelda's pure heart, coupled with the hat's power... has created a miracle!"
Ezelo: „Ja... Die Zeit des Abschieds scheint gekommen." DT: „Yes... The time (of) the farewell seems arrived." EQ: "Yes... The time for farewell seems to have arrived." OE: "Hmm... It looks like the time for us to part has come."
Ezelo: „Das Tor von Tyloria, das sich nur alle 100 Jahre öffnet, schließt sich wieder." DT: „The Gate of Tyloria, the it only every 100 years opens, closes itself again." EQ: "The Gate of Tyloria, which only opens every 100 years, is closing (itself) again." OE: "The Minish Door opens but once in a hundred years, and it will soon close."
Ezelo: „Ich kehre zurück nach Tyloria. Ich weiß..." DT: „I return back to Tyloria. I know..." EQ: "I'm returning back to Tyloria. I know..." OE: "I must return to my homeland soon. I know I've caused you much suffering,"
Ezelo: „...durch meine Schuld geschah viel Leid, doch das Böse ist besiegt." DT: „...through my fault happened much suffering, but the evil is defeated." EQ: "...much suffering happened by my fault, but the evil is defeated." OE: "but the evil one's power has withered."
Ezelo: „Dank Zelda erstrahlt Hyrule wieder im alten Glanz!" DT: „Thanks Zelda shines Hyrule again in (the) old splendor!" EQ: "Thanks to Zelda, Hyrule shines again in its former splendor!" OE: "The power of Princess Zelda herself has restored the light to Hyrule." (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Ezelo: „Link! Unsere gemeinsame Reise hatte durchaus vergnügliche Seiten." DT: „Link! Our together journey had thoroughly pleasurable/enjoyable sides." EQ: "Link! Our journey together thoroughly had its pleasurable/enjoyable side." OE: "Well, Link, my journey with you was exciting, to say the least."
Ezelo: „Der Abschied stimmt mich ein bisschen traurig..." DT: „The farewell (makes) me a bit sad..." EQ: "The farewell is making me a bit sad..." OE: "In fact, I'm...more than just a little sad that we must part ways now." (NOTE: „stimmt" means "makes" when paired with an emotion, in this case, „traurig".)
Ezelo: „Nimm bitte dieses Geschenk!" DT: „Take please this gift/present!" EQ: "Please take this gift/present!" OE: "Please, accept this..."
Ezelo: „So sehe ich dich zum ersten Mal..." DT: „So see I you to (the) first time..." EQ: "So, I see you for the first time..." OE: "Heh... You know, I've never actually seen you wearing a cap until now!"
Ezelo: „Aber sie steht dir, kleiner Held!" DT: „But it stands/suits (for) you, little Hero!" EQ: "But, it suits you, little Hero!" OE: "It suits you, little hero." (NOTE: I'M NOT CRYING. YOU'RE CRYING.)
Ezelo: „Alles Gute..." DT/EQ: „"All good..." OE: "Take care..."
Ezelo: „Lebe wohl..." DT: „Live well..." EQ: "Fare thee well..." OE: "Farewell, my friend..."
EPILOGUE: „Hiermit endet das erste Abenteuer von Link." DT: „Herewith ends the first adventure of Link." EQ: "Hereby ends the first adventure of Link." OE: "Thus did Link's quest come to an end."
EPILOGUE: „Doch was wird die Zukunft Link, Zelda und den Hylianern noch bringen?" DT: „But what will the future Link, Zelda and the Hylians still bring?" EQ: "But, what will the future still bring Link, Zelda, and the Hylians?" OE: "But surely, this is not the end of Zelda and Link's adventures in Hyrule."
EPILOGUE: „So geht die Geschichte weiter." DT: „So goes the story further/on." EQ: "So, the story goes further/on." OE: "The legend will continue..."
EPILOGUE: „Solange die Kraft des Force es will..." DT: „So-long the power (of) the Force it wants..." EQ: "As long as the power of the Force wants it to..." OE: "...as long as the power of the light force echoes throughout the ages."
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lalalaugenbrot · 8 years ago
entirely unasked for, read books 2017, first half.
Unter der Sonne (Daniel Kehlmann, 1998/2008): Daniel Kehlmann is, for now, my favourite germanspeaking writer (style-wise, no worries Fritz) and I started the year with reading some of his early works I hadn’t read yet. Unter der Sonne is a collection of short stories and as almost all of Kehlmanns narrations they are always very real but shifting into a dream, or it feels like it at least, always on the verge of a nightmare. one could call it surreal realism? or very real surrealism? it’s very hard to put into words but oh boy, I just love it so much. so I have already read Ruhm (Fame), a later collection of short stories and I liked the overall compilation of those more, especially because the stories were slightly linked to each other. But still Unter der Sonne was brilliant as ever! / English title: this has not been translated I think?
Der Verbrecher aus verlorener Ehre (Friedrich Schiller, 1786): this was… quite wild to say the least. / English title: The Criminal of Lost Honour
Du hättest gehen sollen (Daniel Kehlmann, 2016): I love this little novel. It’s definitely one of my favourites by Daniel Kehlmann. And i really need to reread it! The mathematics mysticism is strong in this one. Das Geodreieck! / English title: You should have left
Maria Stuart (Friedrich Schiller, 1800): i feel terrible but the best thing about this book, which i bought at the flea market, is still that it came with a self made book mark -a ladie’s leg in a pantyhose and a very fancy high heeled shoe, probably cut out from a magazine and strengthend with adhesive tape- which must be, judging by the look of it, at least 60 years old, if not older (the book is from 1939). but apart from that, I also liked the play itself! but it has already been several months and to say anything specific about it now I would have to ask Evelyn Hamann to give a short recap of the bisher gesendeten Folgen. “Auf dem Landsitz Fortheringhay…” 
Die Wahlverwandschaften (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1809): i was meaning forever to read this and it was so beautiful, and sad! :( not even to speak of the quite obvious Schiller parallels. :(( and also, if you ever decide to read Die Wahlverwandschaften, please do so while listening to Die Ballade von Wolfgang und Brigitte by Wir sind Helden! / English title:  Elective Affinities
Beerholms Vorstellung (Daniel Kehlmann, 1997): this was Daniel Kehlmann’s first novel and ironically the last left that I hadn’t read. Compared to later works it maybe wasn’t as strong and the style not as developped but still very, very good. It’s about a magician, that is illusionist, who isn’t satisfied with his own skills because he himself still is aware that it’s all just tricks and illusion and thus tries to master his tricks so perfectly and blindly that he can become oblivious to the procedure in order to become a Real Magician and in the progress partially loses grip of reality. I mean… that idea alone is fascinating.
Cornelia Goethe (Sigrid Damm, 1992): Sigrid Damm deserves a medal for writing honest, inspiring and heartwrenching biographies about people (esp. women) we know so very little about! 
Heinrich von Kleist (Dora Wentscher, 1956): this was a true lucky find at the flea market, I am still amazed. Oh Berndi!
Wallensteins Lager (Friedrich Schiller, 1798): this is merely a prologue to the other two parts of the Wallenstein triology so i really need to go on reading the other two (main) parts. / English title: Wallenstein’s Camp
Sprachwandel (Rudi Keller, 1990): How and that language changes is something that amazes me to no ends and I have been musing about that subject for years now but I have never actually read anything about it by someone who actually knows what they’re talking about. So it was amazing and interesting and I am (still) so thrilled by this. Language is like the most amazing yet inapprehensible thing ever?! / English title: On Language Change
Maurice (E. M. Forster, 1914/1971): this book stole my heart all over again after having seen the film already some years ago. like seriously, I am internally crying tears of joy ever since. please read this! it will not diasappoint, and Christopher Isherwood himself was a fanboy okay?
Goodbye to Berlin (Christopher Isherwood, 1939): talking of the devil-this book is amazing! it’s like a mosaicy glimpse into pre-nazi Berlin, or rather Berlin right before turning and already turning into nazi Berlin. despite all, this book made me want to be there myself with all these people.
Die Physiker (Friedrich Dürrenmatt, 1962): that was a weird and funny one. and not at all what I expected. I had always heard that even people who had to read it in school had liked it but apart from that knew nothing about it. / English title: The Physicists
Christopher and his kind (Christopher Isherwood, 1976): this is the non-fiction version of Christopher Isherwoods time in Berlin with its gay community. mainly, he is on the run from the nazis with his boyfriend Heinz. very sad and also a bit wild.
Winnie-the-Pooh (A. A. Milne, 1926): I might be identifying with Eeyore A Little Too Much. But really what a cute and clever book! (It made me think in Capitalised Expressions for days.)
The Importance of being Earnest (Oscar Wilde, 1895): i don’t know why i waited so long to read Oscar Wilde but omg, that was hilarious and amazing!!
Mr Norris Changes Trains (Christopher Isherwood, 1935): i didn’t enjoy this as much as Goodbye to Berlin and Christopher and his Kind, the entire story is somewhat sinister and the characters not really likeable somehow? but then I also read that Isherwood himself didn’t like it before i even started reading so I think I was also a bit biased. but it’s also very interesting to see how his style developped in contrast to the masterpiece I think Goodbye to Berlin is
Relato de un náufrago (Gabriel García Márquez, 1970): earlier this year I started reading Cien Años de Soledad (100 Years of Solitude) by García Márquez but stopped half way through because it confused the hell out of me and I somehow didn’t connect to the characters at all. I don’t know if it was for the Spanish or simply for the sheer amount of characters -of which half have the same name?!- and the large time span the novel is narrated on? anyway I wanted to give García Márquez another chance and picked something lighter, shorter and with less people - only one to be precise! And I enjoyed it very much! / English title: The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor
Schillers Schwester Christophine (Annette Seemann, 2009): Christophine (Fene) was two years older than her little brother Fritz and since they both were much older than their younger siblings they were an inseparable duo in their childhood days. It is also said that Christophine’s character was a model for a lot, if not most, of Schiller’s female heroines. But as biographies about women in history go they can be a tough thing and this one makes no exception - to the point where it becomes almost unbearable! I got teary eyed reading this in the subway; but then I also might be caring about the Schillers A Little Too Much. / I highly doubt this has been transated.
Progress in Sign Language Research (Schulmeister/Reinitzer, 2002): blame (that is thank) Fargo and Russel Harvard that I suddenly became aware of how there’s an entire different set of languages to learn and learn about! The craziest thing was that while I was reading this very book (at work, sometimes there’s just not that much to do) an actual Deaf Person came to the cinema and asked if we were showing movies with english subtitles (which we don’t). That is he came up to me and said “deaf” and gestured writing in his hand and I then handed him a notepad on which we had our conversation. But everything happened so fast and there was another costumer waiting, and I was so taken aback, (I misspelled english as englisch how awkward!) but I had that book literally laying there next to me on the counter. I still wish I could have showed him. :/ I also regret not having been able to look up some cinemas for him that show movies with english subtitles. I hope he found one anyway!
A Room with a View (E. M. Forster, 1908): so after Maurice I wanted to read more by Forster and he did not disappoint! i had a lot of other stuff on my mind while reading this so it lost me a bit in the middle but totally got my attention back towards the end and i’m definitely going to reread this some day. and I simply cannot believe how wonderfully fantastical the Emersons are! although i’m yet to read Walden I am already contemplating putting “mistrust all enterprises that require new clothes” on my wardrobe as well-what a thing to do lmao! naturally I immediately watched the film after finishing the book and it was also nice seeing the entire Maurice cast again, only in different roles, haha!
books on my reading list for the second half of 2017: 
Hundraårigen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann (Jonas Jonasson, 2009)
A Single Man (Christopher Isherwood, 1964)
Die Leiden des jungen Werther (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,1774)
The House at Pooh Corner (A. A. Milne, 1928)
Of Mice and Men (John Steinbeck 1937)
A Manual for Cleaning Women (Lucia Berlin, 1977/1999)
Die Piccolomini (Friedrich Schiller, 1799)
Wallensteins Tod (Friedrich Schiller, 1799)
Walden (Henry David Thoreau, 1854)
Christiane und Goethe (Sigrid Damm, 1998)
La Casa de los Espiritus (Isabel Allende, 1982)
Penthesilea (Heinrich von Kleist, 1808)
Die Geschichte der Bienen (Maja (!) Lunde, 2015)
Glimpses of World History (Jawaharlal Nehru, 1930/1962)
Howards End (E. M. Forster, 1910)
A Passage to India (E. M. Forster, 1924)
The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde, 1890)
Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit (Sten Nadolny, 1983)
Frühlings Erwachen (Frank Wedekind, 1891)
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poisonpainter · 8 years ago
I know there (again) has been a lack of content lately, but this time for a good reason: I’m busy writing stories! But I’ll get to that a bit later, as today I’d like to talk about writing stuff in general and stuff I did more or less recently.
Two years ago the Bücherstadt Kurier published their March volume including my story “Nebeljagd” (Mist Hunt). This was the first of my stories that has ever been published in a proper medium and not just on this Blog or on DF.PP Entertainment or in The Forum (back when it still existed :( ). I remember being so proud of this. I remember calling my Mum right away after I received the mail with the amazing “You’ve been chosen”-line. I remember printing out the story and showing it to her and the smile on her face. I also remember what happened next. For me those two things will forever be remembered together: My first success and my biggest loss. Still, that didn’t keep me from continuing, I knew she would have (verbally) kicked my ass if I had dared to do that. Just giving up, wasn’t quite her style. ;)
It took me more than a month to at least be willing to write again, the result being “Ein neuer Tag” (A New Day), starting there a lot of my writings involved darker tones about loss, flight and/or death. Part of me used this to talk about my own experiences and thoughts, another part just found it fitting for a characters’ journey. I believe a prime example of this is Mina’s side-story from my second Advent Calendar.
I’m fairly certain that “Der Weckruf” (The Wake-up call) was the first story I published on a Blog after it all happened – in retrospective it’s quite a fitting title for the situation – not counting “Der Zufluchtsort” (The Haven), which was the last story I finished the day before it happened and scheduled for the day after. Still, from there I kind of got back into things. “Your Picture – A Story” was (kind of still is, even if I didn’t manage to write anything for it these last couple of months…) a good outlet for me to just explore different topics and characters without going into too much details thanks to the word count. This was also where you could see the changes I mentioned earlier the most.
Another new step I made regarding my stories was/is attending a Lesebühne (Reading Stage) where I read them aloud in front of an audience (in a pub). It’s always a thrill to do that and I’m nervous time and again. Though there is rarely any feedback: A few people told me they enjoyed the stories, someone said the stories I read improved over time, another encouraged me to try my luck with a publisher, others had minor complains, but most of them said nothing. It’s still an interesting experience and with the amount of Short Stories I have yet to read (or write) I have quite some stuff still unknown to the listeners.
Speaking of trying my luck: I also managed to win Eve Estelles’s writing contest, twice, without actually expecting to do so:
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Contest #1
Contest #2
With “The Raven’s Omen” and the “Campfire Tale“, I impressed her enough to let me win and those two are also prime examples of my English Short Stories, as I usually tend to write those in German. The only downside to this is my pessimism coming into play here and telling me I only won, because (it feels like) there wasn’t much competition.
I am very pessimistic (in general and especially) when it comes to my stories, I like them, but I rarely think they’re good enough for anyone else to like them, so it came as quite a surprise when fruehstuecksflocke asked me to become a part of #Projekt24. With “Blind Date“, I hope I made an adequate addition to it. This project will soon be not just available on his Blog, but more on that when it’s officially announced. ;) With my success here I also tried to add an entry to the Literary Advent Calendar of the Bücherstadt Kurier and some people quite laughed at my take on “The Crib“.
When this year began I told you about three stories I edited/translated for another project, namely: Ein neuer Tag, “The Quest for Ore” and another one called “Verloren” (Lost). These three are for Projekt Myra as exchange for some advertisement they did and as they still wanted/liked to get more I sat down to write out another of my organ-concert-ideas (see link Ein neuer Tag) concerning the Dwarf–world, I came up with back when writing The Quest for Ore and drafting Verloren. That story, however, did not want to be a Short Story and has by now roughly 30k of written out scenes and notes under the (working?) title: Der Wunsch der Königin (The Queen’s Wish). It’s still a lot of work to do and I’m still not entirely convinced it fits into the corner of Myra that we decided on – and again, that they really like what I’m writing-, but we’ll see once I’m done. Which I hopefully will be one day and don’t let it go to waste (like Michael’s story that I still haven’t managed to properly write down). Unfortunately I’m already kind of bored of writing out the notes and missing scenes, as motivation plays a rather huge part in my process and when the voice in the back of my head tells me something is not worth doing, then I have the tendency to listen to it, which is awful and counterproductive and absolutely annoying.
Another annoying thing is me jumping between ideas. As soon as one pops up I want to pursue it and everything else is then put aside (like writing this post, when I should be doing something else ;) ). One of the last times this happened I had nearly/finally finished with last years Advent Calendar and then I somehow decided to write two more stories. The first one was the Christmas story “Santa’s Helper” that I kind of feel like continuing in this year’s Calendar, though I’m not sure if I really should – any thoughts? The other was “Winter Moon” that I did get carried away with and which now has the basics for the twelfth chapters I speculate to write under the working title “Neubrandenwolf“. Though I still don’t know whether I should publish a Chapter a month (close to the full moon) or just publish as soon as I’m finished, Twitter wasn’t helpful for that decision…
The idea-jumps doesn’t make it any easier to get anything done though, quite the contrary. They are especially awful when it comes to the Fanfictions I started over the years that are still not finished yet, especially as I kind of took a year long break from them. Though I did manage to update 3/4 stories by now, even if updating one of the stories was recently postponed by writing the first ~7k version of The Queens Wish and then finished after I dreamed about one of the characters pulling me towards him… Still, they’re a great medium where you technically don’t have to think up that much regarding the worlds you write in and just can explore different story lines with existing characters. Which doesn’t mean I did not think things through, because that would be impossible for me, as I want things to make sense, even if that makes things more complicated and nearly as bad, as if I thought up my own worlds.
Anyway, a few people keep telling me I have a talent for writing and that I should try sending stuff to a publisher, but the voice in the back of my head, still tells me that I’m not good enough, that the stuff I write is too full of clichés, too boring, too simple and that no one would want/like to read it anyway (hence the lack of motivation at times). I really don’t know whom I should listen to, but that doesn’t mean I won’t keep writing – and potentially improving. All this stuff has to get out of my head somehow. There are still too many stories left untold that I don’t even dare to think about to not get distracted by them…
But don’t worry, you will get a few things to read in the future – whether you like them or not. ;)
Celebrating @BK_Buchfink publishing 1 of my #stories 2y ago by thinking about what I #waswriting I know there (again) has been a lack of content lately, but this time for a good reason: I'm busy writing stories!
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