#I have such high hopes for Dorfen
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mediocres-writing-blog · 10 months ago
Chapter 5: The Master’s Call
Another howl was heared from the depths of the mines. The masked man walk toward the bridge that looms over a shaft that goes down for miles, just to notice a pack of wolf-like creatures climbing the walls, looking for their next lunch.
ROBIN: Ah. That would be them, wouldn't it? They don't seem that scary, though. Maybe we could- Oh shit, they're getting closer. Quick, let's fight 'em.
MUCHACHA: I can't believe you have a reasonable idea for once. You're not a complete moron after all. Let's get ready.
Nico, preparing for the fight, draws his daggers and takes the stance as the pack crawls up on their level.
ROBIN: Wait a minute... There's something wrong with their eyes. It's like they're possessed. I feel we should leave.
MUCHACHA: Too late. We must protect ourselves, even if we have to kill them.
One of the beasts leaps towards Muchacha, and she slices its head off with her blade. Robin jumps towards the group and starts kicking and slashing away, cutting them down, one by one. The masked man, realizing he's running low on strength, starts to panic.
ROBIN: Aaaand I'm down. Amara, get us outta here. NOW.
Amara, slicing away with her sword, doesn't notice him in the thrill of the fight. One of the beasts charges for Robin while he's still on the ground, attempting to bite his head off and almost succeeding, but is stopped when Robin grabs its muzzle and struggles a bit, before lighting one of his blades on fire and stabbing it in the head. The creature growns in pain, as it falls into the shaft trying to retreat. The others stopped attacking Amara, as they noticed their leader fell to his death. They retreat to the depths, as they're glowing green eyes stare at the two for the last time. Nico, exhausted, breathes heavily and tries to stand up. The general, noticing his struggle, offers him her hand.
MUCHACHA:  Guess that scared them off. Let's take a break and gather our thoughts.
Robin strokes his neck, looking down and sees scratch marks across his suit.
MUCHACHA: Hey, Robin. I'm sorry I didn't notice you in the fight, it was foolish of me to ignore your pleas.
ROBIN: It's okay, man. You played your part. 'Sides, loosing my head would be the least I deserve for the stuff I said to you outside. So, I'm sorry for being a dick, Amara. I hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me.
MUCHACHA: It's fine. We all have our bad days.
Robin and the general walk over towards the bridge, looming the the shafts that go down for kilometers.
ROBIN: How come Outworlders never have guardrails anywhere.
MUCHACHA: What's a guard rail?
ROBIN: For gods-- 
the crusader takes a deep breath.
ROBIN: I'll explain later. Let's take a breather and get ready for tomorrow. We're going to be doing a lot of walking and climbing.
Muchacha, who is still a bit curious, walks beside him, taking a sip of her drink. The two walk along the structurely unsafe bridge, looking around for a sight of Outworlder life, but all there is here is wildlife and vegetation wherever you turned. That seemed to be the case until the head to the main command center, as they heard strange sounds from that direction. As they get closer to the room, they are lead by a green glow, the same shade as the eyes of the beast pack from earlier. The room was practically asking to get walked into, but neither the masked man nor the general felt threatened. They entered, seeing a tall, elderly man dressed in a mage gown, preparing some sort of potion. As they walk in. Robin breaks the silence.
ROBIN: Hello, sir.
the mage is suprised, almost dropping a very important ingredient.
THE MAGE: W-who are you, and what are you doing here?
ROBIN: Me and my partner were looking for someone, but got caught up in some weather, and took shelter here...
Robin looked at the man, noticing he looked extremely familiar.
THE MAGE: I'll have you both--
ROBIN: Wait... master Dorfen?
he referred to the mage, as the mage stopped to properly look at the boy.
DORFEN: Nico? Is it really you?
Robin rushes in to hug the man, as the mage pats his head. Amara, who is confused, tries to understand what's happening.
MUCHACHA: You... know him, Robin?
Robin, turning to her, explains.
ROBIN: General Muchacha, meet master Dorfen. This man taught me how to do magic.
The masked man turns to his old teacher.
ROBIN: Sir, this is general Muchacha Amara, leader of one of Outworld's finest armies. She's my current partner.
DORFEN: Oh, so you're the one who has been keeping my boy safe.
MUCHACHA: Ugh. He is his own man, and doesn't need to be "kept safe." Besides, we aren't a thing, just working together. For now.
DORFEN: Alright, whatever you say, general. Come, sit with me. You must be exhausted.
The mage looks around, and brings over a table with a few chairs with his magic, and the three sit down.
DORFEN: What brings you two all the way out here? I thought you went about cutting up people that try n' hurt the Kahn.
ROBIN: Yes, but, uh... Alot of shit happened. From me going to Earthrealm, fighting in a battle royal to the death, and now Kitana hired me to look for a blood mage.
MUCHACHA: Hired US to look for a blood mage. And the Kahn gave me the task of keeping the palace safe from the outside, so that's what I was doing up until recently
Robin turns to her. Ready to make a joke, but changes his mind.
ROBIN: Right. What she said. I was also helping her out with her work. So yeah, a lot of stuff has been going on. But that's not the point. What has been going on in the mines?
Dorfen, knowing his work cannot be interrupted, tries to make a cover up story.
DORFEN: Nothing has been happening. The Felidae have just been acting weird because their leader got killed. It's nothing you should concern yourselves with.
Amara, who is a bit skeptical, speaks up.
MUCHACHA: With all due respect, sir, we've dealt with the beasts, and their leader was completely alive when we got here.
ROBIN: Speaking of which, how did you know that? I stabbed their leader in the head, and it fell into the abyss.
MUCHACHA: That's why we came here, actually. The eyes of the beasts were glowing the same color as the potion.
ROBIN: Oh, yeah, you're right.
DORFEN: Huh...
Nico gets up and looks at the vial, his face lighting up.
ROBIN: Master. Are you sure there isn't anything wrong here?
Dorfen, knowing he can't hide anything anymore, admits he can't hide anything anymore
DORFEN: Alright. Listen to me... I am not here to hurt anyone, just here to work for a man that hired me for my expertise.
MUCHACHA: Was it a blood mage?
DORFEN: No, but he is affiliated with one.
Robin and Muchacha both look at eachother.
ROBIN: Who is it, master?
DORFEN: I can't say. If he hears of this, he will have me killed. But I can tell you this, he does have a blood bender captive. He resides on an island, quite far in the western portion of the Sea Of Souls.
ROBIN: ...Amara, we should get back to our mission.
The masked man starts to walk away.
DORFEN: Nico, please!
He stops and turns around.
ROBIN: Look, sir. You know how I work. If you won't say who's responsible, then I'm not going to risk your life, and you know it.
Master Dorfen, feeling ashamed, looks down. Muchacha looks at the old man, putting her hand on his shoulder.
MUCHACHA: You raised a fine man, sir, and an even better fighter. We shall find this man, and take his life. I will keep him safe, no matter what.
Robin, hearing the general say this, is suprised at the change of tone. He smiles under his mask.
DORFEN: Thank you, ma'am. He is like a son to me, and I appreciate you saying this.
Amara looks at Robin.
MUCHACHA: Don't tell anyone, even the Kahn herself, what you heard, Robin.
Robin who is a amused, looks at her, and smiles.
ROBIN: (chuckles) Whatever you say, captain.
The general hitting him in the back, the two walking towards the exit.
DORFEN: Thank you again for coming! Send a message once everything is over!
the two jump on their steeds, heading off to a harbor, where Amara knows someone who can help them.
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