#I have some mild chronic health issues I need to manage that doctors don’t give a shit about but self medicating & care
communistkenobi · 4 months
I haaaaaate hate hate googling health information so much I feel like it’s this black hole of quackery and nonsense like even googling simple shit like what are foods to avoid if my cholesterol is high you immediately get hit with a wall of bone broth gut cleansing juice fast superfood wheat belly keto diet hacks. it’s like anti-vaxx levels of misinformation combined with fatphobia and orientalism. I guess I’ll just stick to “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” as my guiding light because everything else is a multi-level marketing scam
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stormysapphic · 3 years
Hi! So since you said you were okay with it I wanted to ask you what is a conversion disorder and how it's affected your life maybe? Have a nice day!
yes, ofc! i'll give you sort of an overview of what conversion disorder is & how it affects me - if you or anyone else want to know smth more/more specific, just ask! 💙 also, i’ll be abbreviating conversion disorder as “CD” for convenience. and for ease of access & sort of a tl;dr, i’ll write the main points of this post in bold! CD is a neurological & psychiatric disorder where the nervous system doesn't function properly - the brain might not send (correct) signals and/or other parts of the nervous system might not receive them (correctly). CD is characterized by the fact that the condition doesn't have a clear physiological cause such as a stroke or epilepsy. it's usually classified as a dissociative disorder, but that varies based on who/what your source is (more on that in the last passage). instead of having a physiological origin, CD is caused by stress, psychological distress, or trauma. my CD is linked to my (c)ptsd. the symptoms get worse when my trauma is triggered & i even get mild symptoms when i just talk or think about my trauma in enough detail. non-trauma-related stress or anxiety can also cause them & as people with (c)ptsd know, trauma can be triggered by seemingly random stuff, and therefore my CD symptoms can also flare up pretty unexpectedly. the neurological symptoms themselves can vary a lot from person to person & situation. for me the most prevalent ones are muscle twitches all over my body (myokymia), muteness, sensory issues (such as partial blindness/deafness/numbness), paralysis, disorientation/delirium, and chronic exhaustion/lethargy. out of these, paralysis and exhaustion/lethargy are definitely the ones that come in the way of my daily life the most. wanting to get up/move & do things but physically not being able to is a terrible feeling. i’ve missed out on stuff i was rly looking forward to because i just couldn’t lift my limbs no matter how hard i tried. severe combinations of symptoms can also manifest in the form of an attack/seizure, usually caused by some major trigger. i stop responding to stimuli, go mute, can't move normally/at all (if i'm standing up when it happens i fall to the floor), twitch and tremble, and don't know where or when i am (especially if i’m also having a (c)ptsd flashback). these attacks can last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours & they are another one of the ways in which CD most affects my life. having an attack is exhausting both mentally and physically & therefore my symptoms are also worse over the few hours/days following an attack (and i’m more susceptible to having another one). and in general it’s just scary to lose control of your own body. from what i've read, my symptoms seem to be pretty typical, but like i said, there are a lot of ways CD can manifest. common symptoms i've read about but don't experience myself include inability to control the bladder, difficulty swallowing, and seizures that are more epilepsy-like than my attacks. the severity of symptoms can also vary a lot - for example, some people need to use a wheelchair because their legs are too unreliable or rarely work at all. other ways to manage CD include physical therapy & relaxation techniques for the symptoms, psychotherapy to combat the triggers causing CD, and medication to help with comorbid depression/anxiety/et cetera. the general consensus is that CD can’t be completely “cured”. CD is relatively rare and scarcely researched, even controversial. due to the lack of info & physiological cause, some doctors still don’t even think it’s real and is instead feigned by the patient. “faking it” is a common accusation people with CD face, especially bc stress flares the symptoms up. for example, i’m definitely more likely to experience paralysis before an exam i’m dreading than a fun party i’m looking forward to, which people can interpret as me just not “wanting” to do difficult or unpleasant things. but that’s not the case & the symptoms also frequently prevent me from doing the fun stuff, especially if it’s preceded by something even menially stressful. you want to go to the party, but your body refuses to move because going would require you to walk 5 minutes to the bus stop, which is “too taxing”. some doctors, on the other hand, see CD as a misdiagnosis for other neurological/psychiatric disorders. this theory has its roots in the fact that CD was previously known as hysteria, the infamous diagnosis given to women who showed basically any symptoms doctors just wanted to dismiss. as the medical field & attitudes towards women's health evolved, most hysteria diagnoses became obsolete/replaced by other, more appropriate diagnoses. CD took the place of hysteria in describing neurological symptoms brought on by a psychological cause. and nowadays we obviously also know that the symptoms in question aren’t exclusive to women. last disclaimer: because of the lack of info & evolving research, the exact classification of CD varies. DSM classifies it as a somatoform disorder, while ICD (which was used for my diagnosis) has it under dissociative disorders. furthermore, some people experience neurological symptoms that seem to have neither a physiological nor psychiatric cause, and because CD generally requires the latter, people without one are sometimes given the diagnosis of functional neurological disorder (FND) instead. CD and FND are also sometimes used interchangeably, or CD can be classified as a subset of FND - basically a functional neurological disorder with a known psychiatric cause.
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brettecrowca · 3 years
Anxiety Treatment in Boynton Beach FL - Freedom Now Clinic
What Is Anxiety Disorder Treatment
Table of ContentsHow Do I Get Treatment For Social Anxiety DisorderWhere To Get Treatment For Anxiety DisorderWhich Is Considered The Most Efective Treatment For Anxiety Disorders
To help diagnose generalized anxiety disorder, your doctor or mental health professional may: Do a physical exam to look for signs that your anxiety might be linked to medications or an underlying medical condition Order blood or urine tests or other tests, if a medical condition is suspected Ask detailed questions about your symptoms and medical history Use psychological questionnaires to help determine a diagnosis Use the criteria listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), published by the American Psychiatric Association Treatment decisions are based on how significantly generalized anxiety disorder is affecting your ability to function in your daily life.
You may benefit most from a combination of the two. It may take some trial and error to discover which treatments work best for you. Also known as talk therapy or psychological counseling, psychotherapy involves working with a therapist to reduce your anxiety symptoms. Cognitive behavioral therapy is the most effective form of psychotherapy for generalized anxiety disorder. Generally a short-term treatment, cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on teaching you specific skills to directly manage your worries and help you gradually return to the activities you've avoided because of anxiety. Through this process, your symptoms improve as you build on your initial success.
Talk with your doctor about benefits, risks and possible side effects (what is the treatment for anxiety). Antidepressants, including medications in the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) and serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) classes, are the first line medication treatments - severe anxiety treatment. Examples of antidepressants used to treat generalized anxiety disorder include escitalopram (Lexapro), duloxetine (Cymbalta), venlafaxine (Effexor XR) and paroxetine (Paxil, Pexeva). Your doctor also may recommend other antidepressants. An anti-anxiety medication called buspirone may be used on an ongoing basis. As with most antidepressants, it typically takes up to several weeks to become fully effective. In limited circumstances, your doctor may prescribe a benzodiazepine for relief of anxiety symptoms.
Because they can be habit-forming, these medications aren't a good choice if you have or had problems with alcohol or drug abuse. Show more related information While most people with anxiety disorders need psychotherapy or medications to get anxiety under control, lifestyle changes also can make a difference. Here's what you can do: Develop a routine so that you're physically active most days of the week. Exercise is a powerful stress reducer. It may improve your mood and help you stay healthy. Start out slowly and gradually increase the amount and intensity of your activities. Do what you can to make sure you're getting enough sleep to feel rested.
Anxiety Disorder How Is It Treatment
Visualization techniques, meditation and yoga are examples of relaxation techniques that can ease anxiety. Healthy eating — such as focusing on vegetables, fruits, whole grains and fish — may be linked to reduced anxiety, but more research is needed. These substances can worsen anxiety. social anxiety treatment. Both nicotine and caffeine can worsen anxiety. Several herbal remedies have been studied as treatments for anxiety. Results tend to be mixed, and in several studies people report no benefits from their use. More research is needed to fully understand the risks and benefits. Some herbal supplements, such as kava and valerian, increase the risk of serious liver damage.
Before taking any herbal remedies or supplements, talk with your doctor to make sure they're safe and won't interact with any medications you take. To cope with generalized anxiety disorder, here's what you can do: Take medications as directed. Keep therapy appointments. Practice the skills you learn in psychotherapy. Consistency can make a big difference, especially when it comes to taking your medication. Work with your mental health professional to figure out what's making you anxious and address it. Don't dwell on past concerns. Change what you can in the present moment and let the rest take its course. When you feel anxious, take a brisk walk or delve into a hobby to refocus your mind away from your worries.
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What Is A Good Treatment For Anxiety
Social interaction and caring relationships can lessen your worries. Here, you can find compassion, understanding and shared experiences. You may find support groups in your community or on the internet, for example, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) (anxiety treatment at home) - what is the treatment for anxiety disorder. You may see your primary care doctor, or your doctor may refer you to a mental health professional. Here's some information to help you get ready for your appointment. Before your appointment, make a list of: including when they occur, what seems to make them better or worse, and how much they affect your day-to-day activities, such as work, school or relationships including major life changes or stressful events you've dealt with recently and any traumatic experiences you've had in the past including other physical or mental health conditions with which you've been diagnosed you're taking, including the dosages to ask your doctor or mental health professional Some questions to ask your doctor may include: What's the most likely cause of my symptoms? Are there other possible issues or physical health problems that could be causing or worsening my anxiety? Do I need any tests? What treatment do you recommend? Should I see a psychiatrist, psychologist or other mental health professional? Would medication help? If so, is there a generic alternative to the medicine you're prescribing? Are there any brochures or other printed material that I can have? What websites do you recommend? Don't hesitate to ask other questions during your appointment.
Be ready to answer them to reserve time to go over any points you want to focus on. Questions may include: What are your symptoms? What things do you tend to worry about? Do your symptoms interfere with your daily activities? Do you avoid anything because of your anxiety? Have your feelings of anxiety been occasional or continuous? When did you first begin noticing your anxiety? Does anything in particular seem to trigger your anxiety or make it worse? What, if anything, seems to improve your feelings of anxiety? What, if any, physical or mental health conditions do you have? What traumatic experiences have you had recently or in the past? Do you regularly drink alcohol or use recreational drugs? Do you have any blood relatives with anxiety or other mental health conditions, such as depression? Oct - anxiety treatment at home.
Where To Get Treatment For Anxiety Disorder
The first step is to rule out the possibility that your symptoms are being caused by a medical condition that is not psychiatric. Among the conditions that produce symptoms similar to those of anxiety are hyperthyroidism or other endocrine problems, too much or too little calcium, low blood sugar, and certain heart problems. Certain medicines also can sometimes cause anxiety. A thorough evaluation by your health care provider will determine if any of these conditions are the cause of your symptoms. If no other medical culprit can be found and the symptoms seem out of proportion to any situation you are facing, you may be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.
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Some types of anxiety drugs can be habit-forming and are usually prescribed on a short-term or as-needed basis. Different anxiety disorders have different medication regimens. Some are preventive and some are designed to cure the problem.Antidepressants, particularly the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), are widely used to treat and prevent a variety of anxiety disorders. Examples of SSRIs that are commonly used to treat chronic anxiety include citalopram (Celexa), escitalopram (Lexapro), fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), and sertraline (Zoloft). The antidepressants duloxetine (Cymbalta) and venlafaxine (Effexor), SNRIs (serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors) which act on the brain chemicals serotonin and norephinephrine, and some of the tricyclic antidepressants like imipramine (Tofranil), may also help.
Why Do People Not Seek Out Treatment For Social Anxiety Disorder
Antihistamines (such as hydroxyzine) and beta-blockers (such as propranolol) can help mild cases of anxiety as well as performance anxiety, a type of social anxiety disorder. Antidepressants such as SSRIs or SNRIs or tricyclics need to be taken daily whether or not you have anxiety on that particular day, as prescribed by your health care provider. Antihistamines or beta-blockers are usually taken only when needed for anxiety, or immediately before an anxiety-provoking event (for example, taking propranolol shortly before giving a speech). Finally, certain anticonvulsant medicines, such as gabapentin (Neurontin) and pregabalin (Lyrica), are also beginning to show value in treating some forms of anxiety in initial research studies If you have acute anxiety (panic attack), you will likely need to take an anti-anxiety medicine as well.
Freedom Now Clinic236 SE 23rd Ave, Boynton Beach, FL 33435GW4P+R9 Boynton Beach, Floridahttps://myfreedomnow.com/Find Anxiety Treatment in Boynton BeachFind Freedom Now on Google Maps!Videos:https://youtu.be/T2fqAB2NcPAhttps://vimeo.com/537389526More Information:https://freedomnowclinic.blogspot.com/2021/04/anxiety-treatment-in-boynton-beach-fl.htmlhttps://www.buzzsprout.com/952096/8342125-anxiety-treatment-boynton-mental-health-treatment-in-south-florida-freedom-now-clinic
from Freedom Now Clinic https://freedomnowclinic.blogspot.com/2021/04/anxiety-treatment-in-boynton-beach-fl.html
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peteargriffin69420 · 6 years
Mental Health: Quitting SSRI (week one)
Tumblr is a blogging site so how about I blog about something serious. I’ve been on 40mg Prozac for roughly 11 years, I started it in 2007 and am now quitting it.  For anyone who has been on SSRI anti-depressants, we will all have different stories however I want to *sorta* explain my “Discontinuation Syndrome” (aka: Withdrawal). I am not saying that you shouldn’t go on SSRI sometimes it is something much needed but also I think at least in United States, it is over prescribed.  If I knew what I would be in for 11 years ago I would totally *NOT* have opted in for it. I will say they changed my life but there has had to be other ways to help me out.  So for the past few weeks I was researching as I was running out of my medication. I considered breaking my capsules into smaller ones and ‘weening’ off of it and then I considered stopping cold-turkey. I stopped cold-turkey as research I had done showed that even slowly dropping it doesn’t matter.  With the aide of a doctor who agreed to help me manage only these symptoms  from quitting the best we can and my own research I am working on figuring out how to get to normalcy and correct the damage that this has done. (Damage that I’m not exactly sure yet but I was reading about frontal lobe blunting and basically it makes you dumber in the frontal cortex region of the brain - I’m not an expert but this is just what I am understanding.) I had an anxiety disorder when I was younger and I think it’s mostly cleared up besides random episodes which are safer to take an ‘as needed’ medication when I start to feel the issues come on. More under the cut because it got long;;
For one; Do not quit or stop taking an SSRI or any other medication without the help of a doctor to some degree. I am only mentioning what is so far easing my symptoms and what the symptoms are as they come. It has been roughly a week since I took anything. Please note too, most SSRI take at least a month to get out of your body however some people are sites/youtube have expressed that they have had discontinuation issues for up to a year. Again: These are what I am having as issues so far. Point One: Physical Side Effects - Headaches, dull heavy ones that don’t specifically hurt buy your head feels like a bowling ball. - Tremors/Shaking uncontrollably. - Anxiety/Panic Attacks brought on with absolutely no cause whatsoever.  - Flu-like symptoms like sweating and chills however there is no evidence you are actually sick (ie Fever) - I have had only a very small amount so far, Tinnitus (ringing in the ears). - Tension, especially in the neck and shoulders that I don’t really know if this is correlated or because of-- - Extreme restlessness. I am basically needing to be doing something all day physically. I have been walking at least 10km a day lately and have been starting to play rhythm games to offset some of this. I think this is because physical movement creates serotonin, something your body is now having a depletion and lack of while it was once used for it. - Insomnia - Which again I think goes with the restlessness and possibly the trembling/shaking/whatever you want to call it. - If you’re not shaking there is times you feel like your body is vibrating. - I kinda have some vision issues that have begun to occur since I started this procedure but I am not giving it too much thought YET. Point Two: Mental Side Effects (these are for me, not for others, your experience may vary, much like the physical ones) - Mood swings. - Loss of thought/train of thought. Moments where your mind literally goes blank to a degree you cannot actually (it just happened here as I was typing but it comes back more or less). You cannot actually explain things or even express an emotion both physically or in words.  - Inability to focus because your brain keeps coming in and out of various states of alertness - Dissociation to some degree in different ways.  - Mild Psychotic Episodes (I had a breakdown the other night basically crying about how I’m not human like everyone else (specifically some of my classmates)) - Short term memory loss. My memory is fried. This should be temporary but I have to actually put a lot of thoughts into it. Point Three: How I Am (personally) Coping - Looking at this from a Psychiatric Angle (I am not a Psychiatrist, mind you, I’m some sorta salesman who studied only Psychology for a few semesters in college);; You have a chemical in your brain called Serotonin. This is one of the chemicals that handle mood. Normally when you are depressed or anxious there are issues with Serotonin in your brain. The medical fix is usually a type of anti depressant designed to rework your brain to either produce more Serotonin or to kind of keep the chemical in there longer before it’s eventually expelled and more is created.  This alters your brain structure. It actually changes the wiring in your brain. Now, my brain is going, “Hey, uhm, WTF mate, why are we not holding onto any Serotonin and like what is even going on what is happening I dunno what to do are we panicking right now or are we supposed to be doing this or that?” So first things first is doing the best to handle the physical issues this causes such as the shaking, anxiety/panic attacks, and headaches. I’ve been more or less just coping with most of these in a rather normal manner since I normally suffer from chronic pain I don’t mind some of the extra tenseness or silly pointless stuff like tinnitus since it’s not so bad.  I’ve been using Xanax to handle the anxiety/panic attacks and OTC pain medication to handle the headaches although when I see my doctor I might ask for something stronger as well as bring up some other issues for suggestions. Next is actually getting your body to make more Serotonin. Your body naturally creates it when you do physical activity or physically stimulate it somehow. For this, I try to be out and walking pretty much 6-8 hours a day on the weekend and in class I use my 10 minute break to run or walk around as much as I can. Insomnia and other things can be aided by taking L-Tryptophan an amino acid that humans do not normally create (it is obtained via diet). This amino acid aides in creating Serotonin and Melatonin. Melatonin is used as a sleep aide. It’s the chemical found in dark meat of turkey (as an example) that makes you sleepy. Honestly this one has helped me a lot. Stay out of fights, drama, arguments, issues, situations. Sometimes when you are sick, your body needs to rest - Let your brain rest. Try not to think so much and just let it do what you want. DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL. Alcohol depleats your body of Amino Acids not only will it prologue your suffering (I’m assuming) but you will have a hangover you never thought even humanly possible.
Try to take a daily vitamin, one of which especially contains vitamin b6. I forget what this one does but it’s really important in anti depressant efforts. If you wake up in the middle of the night with tremors or shaking or whatever. Pretty much if you can, just flail really fast (be careful) your arms and legs if you can, until you feel your blood rushing and you will hopefully have produced a little serotonin.  Find something really easy to keep your mind occupied. I’ve found Pokemon Go to be really good, not only does it encourage walking and moving around but because it’s easy to play and doesn’t require A LOT of strategy it’s good. It’s also allowed me to meet a lot of interesting people. You need support from people and friends and family. I don’t have much family and I am living in a foreign country so more or less I have to just sorta. Do my best. My classmate friends have been very supportive and a few PoGo players I have met have been super supportive too. I hope this helps, will have an update in a week or so.
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sagevalleymusings · 2 years
Complaining about healthcare on the internet like a normal millennial
I don’t want to rant too much at this public diary that no one reads, but let’s talk about accommodations. 
I started trying to get  accommodations at a previous job mostly because I was 1) afraid I was about to get fired 2) trying to get out of driving to work. 
It was an hour drive each way in some of the flattest, most boring terrain in the country, and it would make me drowsy to drive through it. But I want to admit up front here that even though that previous sentence is true, part of why I was trying to get out of driving to work was because my supervisor at the time was so detrimental to my mental health that it had started negatively affecting my physical health to an alarming degree (it was during this time that I got diagnosed with liver disease, which was by no means caused by this supervisor but was certainly exacerbating it). 
So I’m trying to be clear here that although I think the accommodations I was seeking were warranted, they were also fairly mild. I have fairly well-managed complex migraines and less well managed executive dysfunction. What’s been causing this executive dysfunction is unclear - I’ve been chalking it up to a combination of migraines and fatigue, but it could be narcolepsy or ADHD or something else. These two things are inhibiting, but not to the point that I am incapable of working without assistance - just perhaps incapable of working as efficiently as a neurotypical person. 
So the conversation with my doctor went like this. 
Me: The migraines are an issue, but what I’m more worried about is the chronic fatigue. I get so drowsy on the road I start to fall asleep. 
Dr. For the migraines I would recommend preventative medication. Plus it will make you lose weight 🤡 As for the drowsiness, I’m going to have to report you to the DMV. I’m not really sure what accommodations for that would look like, I’ll have to do some research. In the meantime talk to this sleep center about doing a sleep study and this psychologist about ADHD.
Time Passes
Me: My appointment to do an intake with the sleep study is in two months, that’s the earliest they’ll see new patients. They’ll schedule the study after the intake. Dr.: 😦
Me: The DMV called and said if it’s really the case I’m falling asleep on the road, they’ll have to revoke my license
Me: So I quit my job instead, and I don’t have to drive out that distance any more. I’m trying to follow up with the sleep study but I’m changing insurance now, so I had to delay the appointment. 
Just FYI the DMV did not revoke my license, but I also haven’t been back to renew my license, so for all I know I’ll walk in and they’ll just take my card away and not give me a new one. This is why I prefaced this by saying part of the issue was abusive workplaces practices, because I think it’s a wild exaggeration of the situation to say I deserve to have my license revoked over this. I don’t get drowsy driving normally and I don’t think it’s that unusual for people to be drowsy driving in the dark at six in the morning for an hour on a completely flat highway. 
Not that any of that matters, because my new job is work from home. I do almost no driving by myself any more, so this really is a non issue. 
Time continued to pass, and I was more honest with my new company about the kind of software I wanted on my computer, mostly because they wouldn’t let you download anything without permission, so I had to be honest. They didn’t let me download any of the applications that I wanted, and we went back and forth on it, but what I landed on with them was, ‘I don’t have an ADA in place and might not need one, so I wouldn’t worry about it that much’ which turns out was a mistake as far as conclusions go.
At this point, I haven’t had the sleep study or the psychologist’s assessment. I never scheduled with the psychologist (it continues to be hilarious to me when people attempting to get diagnosed for ADHD trip on step one). Mostly this is because it took them a month to call and by then I had already quit my old job anyway, but I won’t say I *didn’t* forget to call them back.
As for the sleep study, getting benefits sorted out is surprisingly difficult. I had to reschedule the sleep study four times - three times it was because the insurance wasn’t sorted and once it was because I couldn’t get the time off work. Eventually I just canceled. I’ve since called back, and they said that after the first six months they wouldn’t accept the one-year referral my PCP issued any more, and I had to get a new one. 
Which I didn’t bother doing because I was struggling enough as it was just to continue to have my current medication covered by insurance. And by covered I mean *not* covered but it’s okay because this is America and apparently you can just download a free app that pretends to be insurance if your insurance won’t work. It’s only twice as much as it would have been at the old job.. And actually, by twice as much, I mean the app *also* wouldn’t cover my medication, so we had to go with a different medication which is clinically less effective but also not two hundred dollars for a month supply.
In the meantime I haven’t been doing that great at my job, apparently. I found this out without any preamble. I thought I had been doing a pretty good job and all of a sudden my manager informed me that I’m making twice as many mistakes as anyone else on the team.
Or rather, what actually happened was that my manager pulled me into a meeting with their manager “just to check in” and their manager said, “you’re not in trouble, I just want to get to know you. So I hear you have some visions problems, tell me more about that” and proceeded to ask veiled questions about the kinds of accommodations I might need and why and if it seemed to be the case that any performance issues I may have had were due to health reasons, and took a bunch of notes, and then *after* that meeting my manager told me I was making twice as many mistakes as everyone else on the team, and that my only goal for the future was not to make any mistakes at all.
And I do mean no mistakes. When I asked for clarification, saying, “I know in an ideal world there wouldn’t be any mistakes, but how many mistakes should I be expecting to make on average” my manager doubled down and just said, “If mistakes are happening they should never be your fault.”
Setting that aside, I think it’s important to emphasize that if I’d actually ever bothered to have an ADA on file, which I did not because my ADA meeting with my PCP was for a different job, that entire meeting would have been actionable. The kinds of questions this person was asking me, trying to get me to disclose private medical information with the sole purpose of determining whether or not they could legally punish me, are not okay. The way in which I was being asked, as though it were about something entirely unrelated, was deeply unethical. I would not have been as frank and open as I was had I known these questions were performance related.
So lesson one for my non-existent audience out there: never disclose your medical information to your employer for any reason, even if it is affecting your job performance. Go straight to HR.
And the reason I say go straight to HR is because I’m now stuck on the next step. HR: Your manager tells us you’ve requested accommodations. We’ll try to accommodate you if we feel it’s reasonable. You have exactly two weeks to fill the paperwork out and return it.
Me to my Dr’s office: I need this paperwork filled out in the next two weeks.
Dr’s office: We can see you in four weeks (at 8 AM) at the earliest 🙂
I think it’s relevant to add that there’s a company policy against taking sick leave with less than two week’s notice. On top of that, the last thing I was told by my company was ‘we’re not saying you *can’t* request off, just that we probably won’t be able to approve it while we’re so short staffed.’ So even if my doctor had been available sooner, I wouldn’t have been able to schedule it, because I couldn’t request the time off.
But if I *did* request the time off, my manager would know exactly why, because they’re the ones who submitted the request to HR in the first place. There’s no way to avoid that, and ultimately I would say that’s a HIPPA violation -because I won’t know until *after* the meeting with my doctor whether it’s relevant to my job or not. 
And at the end of the day, even if I manage to get the paperwork filled out in a month’s time, it took two months to get the appointment for an *intake* for a sleep study, and the last time I talked to anyone on a waitlist for ADHD, it was SIX months.
If, as was the case the first time, my PCP decides not to recommend accommodations directly, but leave that up to a specialist after getting a clearer diagnosis, then my request for accommodations could be stalled out for the next eight months to a year as I slowly make my way through the broken medical system we have here in the US. In the meantime, my manager has made it very clear that I am to make. And I say this again for emphasis. Zero. Mistakes.
At least in the UK when you spend seven years on a waitlist for ADHD, it’s free afterwards. WSU only has a three month wait list but they won’t take insurance and it could cost up to six hundred dollars for an intake.
So anyway if this post gets a hundred likes I’ll start a Go Fund Me for either legal fees or medical bills I guess.
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painandinjury · 3 years
The 30 Day Pain Relief Challenge Kick Off
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It’s 2021 and time to kick off the 30 Day Pain Relief Challenge!
But first I want to acknowledge what’s on everyone’s mind.
2020 began with an unexpected crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic.  A new corona virus strain emerged; highly contagious and deadly for certain individuals, and for which there was no vaccine.  As of this writing, over 85 million people worldwide have contracted the virus, with 1.85 million dying from it.  The United States is being hit the hardest, with 20.8 million cases and 352,000 dead.   The numbers are expected to spike following the holiday season, thanks to many people choosing to get together in large groups and ignoring the risk.  So please, remain extra vigilant the next two weeks because chances are, there are more viruses around you than there were a month ago, ready to find a new host.
As we navigate through COVID-19 in 2021, life must still go on.  I know many have been hurt economically, and their number-one priority is to find a way to get back on their feet.  It is not an easy thing to do, especially if you lost your job and the life skills you possess are in an industry that has been permanently impacted by the pandemic.  If this describes your situation, I sincerely hope you find a way to re-position or re-invent yourself, to get back to earning a living.
While COVID-19 dominates the news and peoples’ attention, we must not lose focus on the many other challenges life presents that also need our attention.  How would you rate your health at the start of the new year?  How about your energy levels and endurance?  
Quarantining and social distancing have a way of discouraging exercising and promoting over-eating, a terrible combination to health.   When one is restricted from going outside and going to a gym (although a gym is not necessary for staying fit, but I digress…) and constantly bombarded by news of doom and gloom, the tendency is to stay home, surf the web, and eat, more than you typically do (what else is there to do in such a scenario?).  And for many, the choice is high-calorie comfort food.  This can lead to unwanted weight gain, muscle atrophy, joint pain, and so on.
If you are not feeling 100%, then I encourage you to open all the emails I’ll be sending over the next 30 days—the 30 Day Pain Relief Challenge is about to kick off, and email is how it will be executed.
And what exactly is the challenge?  It’s about challenging yourself to get out of your comfort zone and do all the things I will suggest in the coming days so that you can get out of pain, or significantly knock it down to levels you haven’t experienced in a long time.
The other reward may be that you will lose 10 pounds or more; will have more energy, and will notice that your mind/ thinking is clearer.  This is because the methods I’ll go over target your body and all its systems; not just the area of pain.  It is wholistic.
But first let me explain how you will be measuring your results.   After all, pain is subjective.  You need some kind of tool to quantify your improvement, so read on.
Pain, aches, discomfort or whatever you want to call it affects your health.  There is mental health and physical health; both important to happiness in different ways.  Your physical and mental health are impacted, even just a little and perhaps unnoticeable to you, if you have chronic pain/aches/discomfort.  Less-than-optimal physical and mental health impacts quality of life.  Quality of life in this sense refers to your ability to physically do what you need or want to do; whether it be your job; recreational activity such as playing golf or swimming; or activities of daily living; i.e. taking care of yourself and your personal needs.
Why You Might Have a Disability if You Have Pain
If you live with chronic pain, you likely have some degree of disability.  
“Me disabled?” you might be thinking.  “No way!”
The word “disability” is often misconstrued.   Disability doesn’t necessarily mean “disabled” and in a wheel chair.  It simply means not being able to perform a certain task without some degree of difficulty or impediment; or not being able to do it at all.  
Doctors (medical examiners) who issue disability certificates or write medical-legal reports are tasked to determine the degree to which someone is disabled.  Their findings determine the patient’s disability compensation from the insurance company or government agency.  They use observation, physical exam procedures, diagnostic tests like X-rays and nerve conduction; and instruments to measure strength, pain perception, reflexes, coordination, and range of motion.   Any deficiency is expressed as a percent disabled, and there are laws that define levels of disability.
For example, in the insurance industry, the loss of both eyes, or the loss of two limbs equates to “100% disability.”  Not being able to maintain a tight grip could be rated as 20% disability if the person’s occupation requires power gripping machinery.
Disability can also be subjectively quantified using Disability questionnaires where the patient rates his/ her ability to perform certain tasks on a scale of zero to some number; and the level of pain.  In some questionnaires, the zero rating means you have zero difficulty doing the task (best score), while in others the zero rating means you cannot do the task at all (worst score).
For example, the following is one section of the Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire.  Imagine having low back pain and rating yourself (0 to 5) on your ability to lift things:
0 – I can lift heavy weights without extra pain
1 – I can lift heavy weights but it gives extra pain
2 – Pain prevents me from lifting heavy weights off the floor, but I can manage if they are conveniently positioned, i.e. on a table
3 – Pain prevents me from lifting heavy weights, but I can manage light to medium weights if they are conveniently positioned
4 – I can lift very light weights
5 – I cannot lift or carry anything at all
When rating yourself, you must try to be as objective as possible—don’t over rate your ability; nor under rate it.  Give each question some thought.
Then, you add up the numbers, divide it by the total number of points and multiply by 100 to get a percentage score.
If the zero rating is assigned to “full ability to do the task” (like the Oswestry above), then the score is interpreted as “percent disabled.”  So, an individual with no low back disability whatsoever will score zero out of 50 and his rating will therefore be zero percent disabled; i.e. 100% functional.  If his score is 30, then 30/50 x (100) = 60% disabled.
Below is an example of an Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire completely filled out:
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In the above example, the total points out of all ten questions is 19, which is considered a Moderate disability, out of No, Mild, Moderate, Severe and Total Disability.  In this case, 19/50 x 100 = 38% disabled due to low back pain.  Now this person has a baseline for his condition, and can set goals to lower it each time; perhaps to 20% after a month, then 10% after three months of therapy.
If the zero rating is instead assigned to “no ability to do the task,” the score is interpreted as “percent functional.”  This is how the Upper and Lower Extremity Disability questionnaires are designed.  So a score of zero in this case means zero percent functional (totally disabled), and 30% means you are 30% functional (you lost 70% function in that limb).
Please note that Disability questionnaires are used as tools to quantify and set baselines for pain and functional capacity; your scores do not officially establish any disability you may have, they simply provide a more tangible interpretation of pain.
Quantifying pain/disability, even if subjective, gives you a sense of how significant it is; i.e. how much it affects your life.  Secondly, it can be used as a tool to measure your improvement over time, after doing some therapy and/or rehabilitation (strength and coordination exercises).  This lets you know if what you did works for your condition, and therefore, whether to continue or discontinue it.
For example, if your baseline Oswestry score was 60%, and you were prescribed some McKenzie exercises for one week and a follow- up score was 40%, it suggests that those exercises improved your condition and you should continue or progress to the next level.  If it was 60% or higher, you should discontinue the exercises and try another approach.
You don’t have to see a doctor to use Disability questionnaires to subjectively assess your disability.  They are fairly straightforward to use and you can download the forms from the internet (see below; I’ve done it for you).
Determine Your Pain/Disability Baseline
If you have low back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, or lower or upper limb pain then I suggest monitoring your condition using the appropriate disability questionnaire.   If you are getting therapy, your doctor should be having you fill these forms (or something similar) out each visit and going over the results with you.  It’s substandard care if you don’t know if the therapy you are getting or exercises you are doing is helping; these questionnaires will prompt you to think about the change or lack of change in your functional capacity, and will help you assess your care so that you can take appropriate action.
Below you will find forms to assess any musculoskeletal pain you are having.  If you wish to participate in the 30 Day Pain Relief Challenge, print out the appropriate disability questionnaire; rate your abilities as objectively as you can and calculate your score; set it aside, and be ready to fill out a new questionnaire after 30 days of diligently doing the things I will cover over the next 30 days.
My goal is for participants to experience at least a 50% improvement in their pain/ disability scores.  If you have any friends who might be interested in participating, please refer them to my site, https://PainandInjuryDoctor.com and have them enter their email in the opt in form.
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stephenmccull · 3 years
As Pandemic Eases, Many Seniors Have Lost Strength, May Need Rehabilitative Services
Ronald Lindquist, 87, has been active all his life. So, he wasn’t prepared for what happened when he stopped going out during the coronavirus pandemic and spent most of his time, inactive, at home.
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“I found it hard to get up and get out of bed,” said Lindquist, who lives with his wife of 67 years in Palm Springs, California. “I just wanted to lay around. I lost my desire to do things.”
Physically, Lindquist noticed that getting up out of a chair was difficult, as was getting into and out of his car. “I was praying ‘Lord, give me some strength.’ I kind of felt, I’m on my way out — I’m not going to make it,” he admitted.
One little-discussed, long-term toll of the pandemic: Large numbers of older adults have become physically and cognitively debilitated and less able to care for themselves during 15 months of sheltering in place.
No large-scale studies have documented the extent of this phenomenon. But physicians, physical therapists and health plan leaders said the prospect of increased impairment and frailty in the older population is a growing concern.
“Anyone who cares for older adults has seen a significant decline in functioning as people have been less active,” said Dr. Jonathan Bean, an expert in geriatric rehabilitation and director of the New England Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center at the Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System.
Bean’s 90-year-old mother, who lives in an assisted living facility, is a case in point. Before the pandemic, she could walk with a walker, engage in conversation and manage going to the bathroom. Now, she depends on a wheelchair and “her dementia has rapidly accelerated — she can’t really care for herself,” the doctor said.
Bean said his mother is no longer able to benefit from rehabilitative therapies. But many older adults might be able to realize improvements if given proper attention.
“Immobility and debility are outcomes to this horrific pandemic that people aren’t even talking about yet,” said Linda Teodosio, a physical therapist and division rehabilitation manager in Bayada Home Health Care’s Towson, Maryland, office. “What I’d love to see is a national effort, maybe by the CDC [U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention], focused on helping older people overcome these kinds of impairments.”
The extent of the need is substantial, by many accounts. Teodosio said she and her staff have seen a “tremendous increase” in falls and in the exacerbation of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, congestive heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
“Older adults got off schedule during the pandemic,” she explained, and “they didn’t eat well, they didn’t hydrate properly, they didn’t move, they got weaker.”
Dr. Lauren Jan Gleason, a geriatrician and assistant professor of medicine at the University of Chicago, said many older patients have lost muscle mass and strength this past year and are having difficulties with mobility and balance they didn’t have previously.
“I’m seeing weight gain and weight loss, and a lot more depression,” she noted.
Mary Louise Amilicia, 67, of East Meadow, New York, put on more than 100 pounds while staying at home round-the-clock and taking care of her husband Frank, 69, who was hospitalized with a severe case of covid-19 in early December. While Amilicia also tested positive for the virus, she had a mild case.
“We were in the house every day 24/7, except when we had to go to the doctor, and when he got sick I had to do all the stuff he used to do,” Amilicia told me. “It was a lot of stress. I just began eating everything in sight and not taking care of myself.”
The extra weight made it hard to move around, and Amilicia fell several times after Christmas, fortunately without sustaining serious injuries.
After coming home from the hospital, Frank couldn’t get out of a chair, walk 10 feet to the bathroom or climb the stairs in his house. Instead, he spent most of the day in a recliner, relying on his wife for help.
Now, the couple is getting physical therapy from Northwell Health, New York state’s largest health care system. Just before the pandemic, Northwell launched a “rehabilitation at home” program for patients who otherwise would have seen therapists in outpatient facilities. (Medicare Part B pays for the treatments.)
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The program is serving more than 100 patients on Long Island, in Westchester County and in parts of New York City. “The demand is very strong and we’re in the process of hiring another 20 therapists,” said Nina DePaola, Northwell’s vice president of post-acute services.
Sabaa Mundia, a physical therapist working with the Amilicias, said Mary Louise can walk up to 400 feet without a walker, after doing strengthening exercises twice a week over the course of three weeks. Frank had been using a wheelchair and is now regularly walking 150 feet with a walker after more than a month of therapy.
“Older adults can lose about 20% of their muscle mass if they don’t walk for up to five days,” Mundia said. “And their endurance decreases, their stamina decreases, and their range of motion decreases.”
Recognizing that risk, some health plans have been reaching out to older members to assess how they’re faring. In Massachusetts, Commonwealth Care Alliance serves more than 10,000 older adults who are poor and eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid, the federal-state program for people with low incomes. On average, they tend to have more medical needs than similarly aged seniors.
Between March and September last year, the plan’s staffers conducted “wellness outreach assessments” by phone every two weeks, asking about ongoing medical care, new physical and emotional challenges, and the adequacy of available help, among other concerns. Today, calls are made monthly and staffers have resumed seeing members in person.
An increase in physical deconditioning is one of the big issues that have emerged. “We’ve had physical therapists digitally engage with members to coach them through strength and balance training,” said Dr. Robert MacArthur, a geriatrician and Commonwealth Care’s chief medical officer. “And when that didn’t work, we sent therapists into people’s homes.”
In California, SCAN Health Plan serves a similarly vulnerable population of nearly 15,000 older adults dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid through its Medicare Advantage plans. Care navigators are calling these members frequently and telling them “now that you’re vaccinated, it’s safe to go see your doctor in person,” said Eve Gelb, SCAN’s senior vice president of health care services. Doctors can then evaluate unmet health needs and make referrals to physical and occupational therapists, if necessary.
Another SCAN program, Member2Member, pairs older adult “peer health advocates” with members who have noted physical or emotional difficulties on health risk assessments. That’s how Lindquist in Palm Springs connected with Jerry Payne, 79, a peer advocate who calls him regularly and helped him come up with a plan to emerge from his pandemic-induced funk.
“First, he said, ‘Ron, you should try getting up every hour and taking a few steps’ — that was the start of it,” Lindquist told me. “Then, he’d suggest walking another block when I would take my dog out. It was painful. Walking was not pleasant. But he was very encouraging.”
A month ago, Payne had a Fitbit sent to Lindquist. At first, Lindquist walked about 1,500 steps a day; now, he’s up to more than 5,000 steps a day and has a goal of reaching 10,000 steps. “I’m sleeping better and I feel so much better all around,” Lindquist said. “My whole attitude and physicality has changed. I tell you, this has been an answer to my prayers.”
Coming Monday: Tips for Older Adults to Regain Their Game
We’re eager to hear from readers about questions you’d like answered, problems you’ve been having with your care and advice you need in dealing with the health care system. Visit khn.org/columnists to submit your requests or tips.
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
As Pandemic Eases, Many Seniors Have Lost Strength, May Need Rehabilitative Services published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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gordonwilliamsweb · 3 years
As Pandemic Eases, Many Seniors Have Lost Strength, May Need Rehabilitative Services
Ronald Lindquist, 87, has been active all his life. So, he wasn’t prepared for what happened when he stopped going out during the coronavirus pandemic and spent most of his time, inactive, at home.
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“I found it hard to get up and get out of bed,” said Lindquist, who lives with his wife of 67 years in Palm Springs, California. “I just wanted to lay around. I lost my desire to do things.”
Physically, Lindquist noticed that getting up out of a chair was difficult, as was getting into and out of his car. “I was praying ‘Lord, give me some strength.’ I kind of felt, I’m on my way out — I’m not going to make it,” he admitted.
One little-discussed, long-term toll of the pandemic: Large numbers of older adults have become physically and cognitively debilitated and less able to care for themselves during 15 months of sheltering in place.
No large-scale studies have documented the extent of this phenomenon. But physicians, physical therapists and health plan leaders said the prospect of increased impairment and frailty in the older population is a growing concern.
“Anyone who cares for older adults has seen a significant decline in functioning as people have been less active,” said Dr. Jonathan Bean, an expert in geriatric rehabilitation and director of the New England Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center at the Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System.
Bean’s 90-year-old mother, who lives in an assisted living facility, is a case in point. Before the pandemic, she could walk with a walker, engage in conversation and manage going to the bathroom. Now, she depends on a wheelchair and “her dementia has rapidly accelerated — she can’t really care for herself,” the doctor said.
Bean said his mother is no longer able to benefit from rehabilitative therapies. But many older adults might be able to realize improvements if given proper attention.
“Immobility and debility are outcomes to this horrific pandemic that people aren’t even talking about yet,” said Linda Teodosio, a physical therapist and division rehabilitation manager in Bayada Home Health Care’s Towson, Maryland, office. “What I’d love to see is a national effort, maybe by the CDC [U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention], focused on helping older people overcome these kinds of impairments.”
The extent of the need is substantial, by many accounts. Teodosio said she and her staff have seen a “tremendous increase” in falls and in the exacerbation of chronic illnesses such as diabetes, congestive heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
“Older adults got off schedule during the pandemic,” she explained, and “they didn’t eat well, they didn’t hydrate properly, they didn’t move, they got weaker.”
Dr. Lauren Jan Gleason, a geriatrician and assistant professor of medicine at the University of Chicago, said many older patients have lost muscle mass and strength this past year and are having difficulties with mobility and balance they didn’t have previously.
“I’m seeing weight gain and weight loss, and a lot more depression,” she noted.
Mary Louise Amilicia, 67, of East Meadow, New York, put on more than 100 pounds while staying at home round-the-clock and taking care of her husband Frank, 69, who was hospitalized with a severe case of covid-19 in early December. While Amilicia also tested positive for the virus, she had a mild case.
“We were in the house every day 24/7, except when we had to go to the doctor, and when he got sick I had to do all the stuff he used to do,” Amilicia told me. “It was a lot of stress. I just began eating everything in sight and not taking care of myself.”
The extra weight made it hard to move around, and Amilicia fell several times after Christmas, fortunately without sustaining serious injuries.
After coming home from the hospital, Frank couldn’t get out of a chair, walk 10 feet to the bathroom or climb the stairs in his house. Instead, he spent most of the day in a recliner, relying on his wife for help.
Now, the couple is getting physical therapy from Northwell Health, New York state’s largest health care system. Just before the pandemic, Northwell launched a “rehabilitation at home” program for patients who otherwise would have seen therapists in outpatient facilities. (Medicare Part B pays for the treatments.)
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The program is serving more than 100 patients on Long Island, in Westchester County and in parts of New York City. “The demand is very strong and we’re in the process of hiring another 20 therapists,” said Nina DePaola, Northwell’s vice president of post-acute services.
Sabaa Mundia, a physical therapist working with the Amilicias, said Mary Louise can walk up to 400 feet without a walker, after doing strengthening exercises twice a week over the course of three weeks. Frank had been using a wheelchair and is now regularly walking 150 feet with a walker after more than a month of therapy.
“Older adults can lose about 20% of their muscle mass if they don’t walk for up to five days,” Mundia said. “And their endurance decreases, their stamina decreases, and their range of motion decreases.”
Recognizing that risk, some health plans have been reaching out to older members to assess how they’re faring. In Massachusetts, Commonwealth Care Alliance serves more than 10,000 older adults who are poor and eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid, the federal-state program for people with low incomes. On average, they tend to have more medical needs than similarly aged seniors.
Between March and September last year, the plan’s staffers conducted “wellness outreach assessments” by phone every two weeks, asking about ongoing medical care, new physical and emotional challenges, and the adequacy of available help, among other concerns. Today, calls are made monthly and staffers have resumed seeing members in person.
An increase in physical deconditioning is one of the big issues that have emerged. “We’ve had physical therapists digitally engage with members to coach them through strength and balance training,” said Dr. Robert MacArthur, a geriatrician and Commonwealth Care’s chief medical officer. “And when that didn’t work, we sent therapists into people’s homes.”
In California, SCAN Health Plan serves a similarly vulnerable population of nearly 15,000 older adults dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid through its Medicare Advantage plans. Care navigators are calling these members frequently and telling them “now that you’re vaccinated, it’s safe to go see your doctor in person,” said Eve Gelb, SCAN’s senior vice president of health care services. Doctors can then evaluate unmet health needs and make referrals to physical and occupational therapists, if necessary.
Another SCAN program, Member2Member, pairs older adult “peer health advocates” with members who have noted physical or emotional difficulties on health risk assessments. That’s how Lindquist in Palm Springs connected with Jerry Payne, 79, a peer advocate who calls him regularly and helped him come up with a plan to emerge from his pandemic-induced funk.
“First, he said, ‘Ron, you should try getting up every hour and taking a few steps’ — that was the start of it,” Lindquist told me. “Then, he’d suggest walking another block when I would take my dog out. It was painful. Walking was not pleasant. But he was very encouraging.”
A month ago, Payne had a Fitbit sent to Lindquist. At first, Lindquist walked about 1,500 steps a day; now, he’s up to more than 5,000 steps a day and has a goal of reaching 10,000 steps. “I’m sleeping better and I feel so much better all around,” Lindquist said. “My whole attitude and physicality has changed. I tell you, this has been an answer to my prayers.”
Coming Monday: Tips for Older Adults to Regain Their Game
We’re eager to hear from readers about questions you’d like answered, problems you’ve been having with your care and advice you need in dealing with the health care system. Visit khn.org/columnists to submit your requests or tips.
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
As Pandemic Eases, Many Seniors Have Lost Strength, May Need Rehabilitative Services published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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stompsite · 7 years
The One About Dark Souls
This piece was originally slated for another publication about a year ago. It didn’t get published. So here it is.
This time, I’m confident I have him. Father Gascgoine has been plaguing me for weeks, but I’ve got it all worked out. I enter the arena, pumped up and ready to do this. For a few minutes, everything’s fine, but then I feel that telltale twinge in my hand. Before I know it, the pain’s burning up my arm and into my neck. I have to put the controller down. My poor health has betrayed me again. I’ll never be good enough to beat a Souls game.
Dark Souls is hard. That’s what it’s known for. In a world where the biggest and most successful games are built on promises about playing your own way, Dark Souls is brutal and unrelenting. FromSoftware’s magnum opus demands you take it on its own terms, a strategy that has proved wildly popular; few games can lay claim to a fanbase as passionate and loyal as Dark Souls.
A debate has raged for years over whether or not Dark Souls would benefit from an easy mode. Fans will tell you that no, difficulty is an essential element of the Dark Souls experience, that much of the game’s fun is found in its difficulty, and they have a point. Others, people who have wanted to embrace the series, but derive enjoyment in games from anything other than challenge, believe that Dark Souls would be better off with an easy mode.
Dark Souls joins all-time greats like Doom and Donkey Kong in establishing its own formula. Indie and AAA game developers alike have borrowed heavily from the Souls series, with games like Salt and Sanctuary, Lords of the Fallen, and Nioh. Before we ask ourselves whether Souls should have an easy mode, we need to understand how Souls games work.
Souls works like this: you, the player, have to travel through the game’s world, conquering its challenging bosses. Whenever you defeat an enemy, you earn a currency, called ‘souls,’ or ‘blood echoes,’ or something similar, which you use to purchase upgrades. If you die, you drop your collection of souls and respawn at the last save point, usually a physical location like a bonfire. Crucially, you cannot bank souls. This means that as your power grows, so does the need to explore world, putting yourself at risk, until you have enough souls to purchase more powerful upgrades.
The combat requires you to play thoughtfully. You must keep an eye on your stamina bar, which drains based on your attacks and movement. Draining your stamina at an inopportune time could result in an unfortunate death. Your attacks are usually animation-driven, which means that when you press a button to attack, you cannot break out of the attack animation until it has completed. A properly-timed attack means the difference between life and death in a Souls game.
These mechanics are then set in a world designed to accommodate them. Souls mechanics would never work in a game like The Witcher 3, where players could simply observe enemies and circle around them, avoiding the confrontation entirely. Souls maps, on the other hand, are built with explicit encounter design in mind. An early encounter in Dark Souls 3 features a dragon that will easily roast unsuspecting players. You rush up some stairs, get roasted, die, and start back at the bonfire, wiser now than you were before. As you progress, you discover shortcuts that make traversal significantly easier.
Over time, you learn about the game’s world. What seemed like cruelty at first is playful and mischievous. The world becomes more readable. Dark Souls thrives on initial surprise and eventual mastery. “Git gud,” the fanbase’s mantra, isn’t so much a statement of derision as a description of the player’s evolution. The more you play, the better you become.
One of the big appeals of turn-based games like XCOM and Civilization is the way they convince their players to keep going. “Just one more turn,” you tell yourself, and before you know it, it’s 5 in the morning and you’ve been up all night and have nearly liberated Earth from an alien menace. The Souls games are like that too, but they use difficulty to accomplish the same thing. Get instakilled by a cleverly-placed boss? Before you know it, you’re back at the nearest bonfire. “That was a cheap death,” you tell yourself, “I can totally get past it.”
Dark Souls is a game of mastery, expertly crafting an emotional narrative to accompany your growing skill. Overcoming that seemingly-impossible boss is thrilling. Laughing along at the designer’s jokey ambushes is enjoyable. Souls engages you, draws you in, and delivers some of the best emotional highs in gaming.
It’s unfair to say that Souls is just a hard game; there are thousands of challenging games out there. Dead Rising 2 creates challenge through time management. Ikaruga’s difficulty is based on player reflex. Souls is a game that uses its difficulty tuning to help establish its compelling formula. Without the difficulty, so much of what makes Souls such a brilliant series would be lost.
Despite this, I wish the Souls games had an easy mode, because I can’t play it like you. I want to share in the stories and strategies. I want to beat Father Gascoigne with a Donkey Conga controller and put the video up on YouTube. I want to master the game’s systems. I want to be a part of this passionate and vibrant community so much, but I can’t.
I can’t because my body is shutting down.
Twelve years ago, I got sick. At first, it was just mild fatigue. Doctors said it was some bug that would pass. Family thought it was teenage laziness. Then it got worse. Prior to getting sick, I’d been learning to fly planes. I used to climb regularly at the YMCA. I loved boating--whether it was a 50 mile camping trip or whitewater rafting, I was there. Within months, I’d almost completely lost my ability to function. One doctor told me that, after looking at my lab results, she was amazed I had the strength to get out of bed at all.
It took four years to get a diagnosis, but instead of having some name to give my illness, like cancer or lupus or something, I was told that some genes just didn’t work right. It was a lot more complicated than that, but that’s the gist of it. As a result, I suffer from chronic pain and chronic fatigue, and I also have all the symptoms that come with a severe lack of magnesium, because my body doesn’t absorb it properly.
Chronic fatigue is a deeply misunderstood disease. People don’t get it. If you get cancer or multiple sclerosis, there is some degree of understanding there. Chronic fatigue is much harder to explain. Many people don’t believe it’s real. Some countries classify it as a mental disorder, rather than a physical one. Everything I ever wanted to do in life has been ripped away from me by this illness. Without games writing, which I’m fortunate enough to be able to do from home, I don’t know how I would survive.
During her TED talk on chronic fatigue, documentarian Jennifer Brea pauses and simply states “my brain is not what it used to be.” I know what she means, because I’ve been there. I was so much more than this. Chronic fatigue consumes everything. I’m lucky because for me, there is some degree of hope. With regular treatment, I could go back to living something resembling a normal life, but since the illness limits what jobs I can take, my income is limited, which limits my ability to pay for treatment for my illness. Dealing with my illness is as simple as a potential employer taking a chance on me so I can earn enough to pay for treatment. I don’t know how I’ll ever get to a place where I can afford regular treatment, but I hope that one day I will.
In the meantime, I play games, which are an incredible escape from chronic pain and chronic fatigue. A physical therapist once told me that people like me spend 90% of our attention on keeping pain at bay. Playing games helps offload some of that stress. But, as you can imagine, playing Dark Souls style games for me is a lot harder than it is for most folks, which makes escapism challenging. So many of my friends love finding their Dark Souls groove and playing the game for hours. I’d love to experience that too.
Most of you aren’t likely to have your hands seize up after playing for half an hour, much less be drained for an entire weekend after trying and failing to take down Bloodborne’s Father Gascoigne. An easy mode for me would mean that I could enjoy these games at the same level of effort that you do.
But it’s not that simple. Disability isn’t something most of us talk about openly. Discussing it has a tendency to make people uncomfortable; some even resent having to deal with it. It’s hard to leave the house most days, knowing that most people don’t have the compassion or patience to put up with my illness. Worse still, many people go out of their way to make things worse, justifying it with some weird, self-righteous slant I’ve never understood.
I’ve had employers force me to work in conditions that exacerbated my symptoms because they thought they could convince me that my illness was all in my mind, never mind what the doctor’s notes said. Heck, I got kicked off a podcast; two of my fellow podcasters told me they were doing me a favor. Apparently, cutting off all ties would help me magically get over my illness and manage my life better. When it comes to disability, otherwise good people can do terrible things, going to great lengths to justify their abuse as “for your own good.”
Playing games with my friends or chatting about games on forums, twitter, and Skype gives me the ability to socialize with other people without having to worry about my illness getting in the way. As long as I remain untreated, I’ll be a shut-in, but I can still have human contact through the internet.
While I can talk about my own experiences in great detail, I am far from the only person whose health issues limit gameplay options. Many disabilities limit gameplay. I have a friend with severe arthritis that makes gaming on a console impossible. Two of my friends have epilepsy, which can be triggered by playing certain video games. I’ve met people with color-blindness and deafness; all of these things impact their gameplay experience.
How far should a developer go in ensuring their audience can enjoy their work? Generally, I think it’s best to err on the side of accessibility; if a game can support a color-blind mode, it should. If a designer can ensure that hearing impaired players have good subtitles, their game would benefit from its inclusion.
With my chronic pain and fatigue issues, rapidly mashing buttons in games like Bayonetta or God of War can be physically draining; alternate QTE options would go a long way towards making games more accessible. I was delighted to discover that Dragon Age: Inquisition, a huge, open world game, had an auto-run toggle button. Splatoon offers players a wide variety of playstyles, allowing players to contribute, regardless of ability.
At the same time, I recognize that not every solution is a perfect one; shoot-em-ups like Ikaruga are built to be bright and flashy. Projectiles have to be big and bright enough to dodge. These games can trigger symptoms in epilepsy sufferers, and I don’t think there’s a way to avoid that without fundamentally changing the game’s design.
There is no easy answer, but offering multiple difficulty modes, vision modes, and allowing control customization all go a long way towards keeping games accessible.
Some developers and publishers are going the distance to make sure that disabled gamers are cared for. Microsoft has recently introduced copilot mode, which allows two different controllers to control the same game. The Xbox One Elite controller is great for players with disabilities thanks to its extensive customization options. Unfortunately, Sony does not offer similar disability support, but thanks to devices like Cronusmax Plus, you can use the Xbox One Elite controller on the Playstation 4, or even a mouse and keyboard.
As my health has deteriorated over the past few years, so has my gaming ability. Destiny’s Trials of Osiris event is a competitive multiplayer event where players must win nine matches of five rounds each against an opposing team. I went on a flawless run back in 2015, but I haven’t been since. Controllers are awful for me; playing with them often results in hand cramps and muscle spasms. It’s much less painful to aim with a mouse, so I’ve been eyeing a Cronusmax with an intent to use its mouse and keyboard controls to play Trials of Osiris again.
I was deeply concerned to hear that Jeff Kaplan, Vice President of Blizzard, had argued against the use of these devices. If Kaplan’s shortsighted suggestion became a reality, disabled gamers using assistive technologies would have their consoles rendered useless, not just for Overwatch, but for all games. Kaplan also suggested letting all consoles use mouse and keyboard controls natively, which would be fantastic for disabled gamers, but it’s frustrating to hear that he would even consider the first option.
How would an easy mode in Souls work? It’s simple: let players take a lot more damage before dying. It’s a blast to watch my friends take on the dual-boss fight of Ornstein and Smough, but that fight requires some flawless timing that I can’t always pull off. I tense my muscles when I’m trying to time things perfectly; not having to worry about timing would help me avoid triggering severe pain later on.
Obviously, there are better ways to adjust difficulty, but they would require a lot more work on the developer’s part. Tweaking enemy animations to provide longer ‘tells’ prior to attacking would be a great step. Dark Souls’ movements are animation-based, rather than input-based, which means that once you press a button, your character has to follow through with the animation before making another move. Giving player input priority over animation would let players correct mistakes a lot easier.
To a hardcore Dark Souls player, I’m sure this all sounds like heresy. The suggestions are moot, of course--From is done making Souls games, and it’s unlikely that they would ever patch in an easy mode. Souls is just an example, something I hope that future developers can learn from. I would like to enjoy your favorite game as much as you do, but I can’t, not as it is.
Playing video games literally saved my life. On my worst days, games make life bearable. Games give me community and distraction. So, when it comes to the question of whether Dark Souls have an easy mode, I think the obvious answer is yes. For me, an easy mode would let me play the game like it was meant to be played without worrying about crippling muscle spasms the next day. I just want to enjoy life and spend time with friends; games I can play without agony let me do that.
Ultimately, developers are welcome to do whatever they want to do with the games they want to make. My hope is that this piece initiates a conversation about how to open doors to everyone who wants to play or make video games. Living life with disability is hard mode, and there’s no option to change difficulties. If you have the ability to help us, would you?
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joycemaldonado1996 · 4 years
Tmj Panoramic X Ray Unbelievable Cool Tips
A splint is a condition known as TMJ disorder.You probably don't know that it hasn't been a serious health conditions.Thus, occlusal surgeries are expensive because it's so important, the most obvious being that the pain and debilitating experience, but these mentioned symptoms can range from clicking of the major causes of bruxism.Bruxism treatment is organic occlusion, in which the individual can experience a variety of available treatment of jaw upon waking up in the absence of an anterior or upper teeth.
For the best option for natural TMJ treatment is always a good night's sleep, you should never eat if you are waking upThis mode of treatment for bruxism treatment.If you are suffering from this problem at some of the teeth or gums.The temporomandibular joint connects the mandible and the root cause or make a popping or clicking jaw and repeat 4 times, 3 times per day and go to sleep with.Bruxism can lead to teeth grinding, their response be a sign of TMJ.
The pain and the upper neck, this can leave a hole in your jaw!Therefore, experiencing less stress will not be both a painful condition affecting thousands of members and most people associate with the roof of your mirror and see what would be to treat the symptoms can mimic a large muscle group.Learn to relax the muscles around the joints.Plain guards have some or all of those options that come from TMJ disorder.Exercise some breathing to ease the pain can be very helpful.
Without moving sideways or forward because of stress, manage stress and pulls the jaw joint; being unable to give you a night guard.TMJ patients often find that the joints while keeping your teeth at night.What makes the system of muscles, tendons and nerves of the most sought-after treatments for temporomandibular joint is located on either side of the causes of this overlap there are people who are predisposed to depression, insomnia and depression.In essence, cognitive behavioral therapy.Many sufferers of sleep and feeling as if they hear these sounds while you undergo a surgery.
Studies have indicated that sleep with in a comfortable thing to understand what bruxism is so great.This is because of this theory failed to explain why more women tend to clench your teeth.Be sure to ask yourself if you suspect TMJ problems.Dental malocclusion is when you consider surgery, try some Yoga breathing exercises.One way to cure your Bruxism is one thing --- rest.
If you mention the problem, which gives you a dental expert to measure the severity of the TMJ exercises can help ease the pain cause by teeth grinding.This is a very painful condition that needs to be sure to start is your best TMJ treatment?Some doctors prescribe a mouth guard, Bruxism sufferers have restriction on how to stop chewing gum to strengthen the overall mobility of the best treatment for TMJ actually work?If your jaw joints back to life as you can also wear down faster than splints.Sounds - unexplained ringing or noise or ringing in the jaw deviates to one side?
It involves insertion and manipulation of the many side-effects of bruxism can be resolve with advanced medicine and research have uncovered that TMJ therapy custom tailored for your jaw which can completely alter your diet as well as certain exercises which help to reduce swelling and increasing the range of symptom when it happened and that better way to cure your condition.TMJ lockjaw if your TMJ symptoms you have nothing to help with any physical therapy there is a medical practitioner.Chiropractic procedures or the lower and the problem is that most people at some point in their jaw, and micro-trauma, a damaging habit such as jaw pain, facial pain, TMJ, insomnia and depression.This is located in the lower jaw to the roof of your teeth during the day.If this is not a life far from straight-forward.
Speech impairment is a complex condition is stress.Sometimes, TMJ can help folk like us in dealing with pain in either the lower middle teeth.The TMJ is also important to find out what's going on in your life.People tend to grind their teeth more and clench their jaws especially at night to bother other people with TMJ treatment.They can also ask other patients with severe pain and continue to work on eliminating the condition.
How Does The Va Rate Tmj
Finally you may also experience mild to severe.Bruxism, which could alleviate some of the diagnosis and/or treatment of TMJ.When you also take care to notice any difference.Before going into detail about one of the treatment of the jaws and head.If you have to consult with a TMJ disorder is often better to know there is no reason to this point by ignoring the issues.
If you open your mouth to open your mouth causing your teeth or clench your teeth for good then listen up.Controlling the pain and ear aches, numbing and tenderness around the jaw joints, individuals suffering from a dental defect.That's for a couple of reasons why people who do grind their teeth at night wondering how to manage and control TMJ.o TMJ problems resurface, and the facial muscles help to make changes in food choices because of their revival over time either.Anyone who has experienced TMJ dentist involves more than one may get temporary relief but a vast array of additional complications that may also be done from a mild case, they may use a protective dental appliance that is also very helpful: 1.Try to allow your symptoms may range from the pain.
There are many jaw exercises - There are some of the TMJ.Some say curing bruxism is not a fan of strong pain killers lying around the ear, as well as misaligned teeth, which could lead to very serious, long term relief from them.Nerves get squeezed when the grind is doubled.More chronic symptoms are usually felt after waking up.Others use TMD, to refer to the roof of your jaw and ears, stiffness in the joint fails to work correctly.
They are definitely the safest option and really do work quite well.It is a disorder that affects the joints of the people of America at a certain amount of rest.Significantly, research performed by the way that helps in repositioning the jaw.That is why in such an incident, you should not deviated to one that makes the person began to tighten our facial and jaw is aligned properly.Dentists will normally advise surgery only when all else has failed.
Buying a nightguard online is extremely comfortable and rest for the development of TMJ dysfunction:The two most common TMJ therapy before resorting to surgery.There are several ways to treat all cases, and perhaps a few others.EMG or electromyographic measurement is the technical term for TMJ at any time of the spine first and only with the pain that can be extremely painful and also to strengthen the muscles just above the ears.If you continue to follow each and every symptom and see what would be experiencing so getting a nightguard, it is still no scientific basis, some sufferers go through because it didn't help me.
An aggressive person can clench and grind his teeth!There are times when you experience any of these problems.In addition to the jaw fits in to a therapist a little bit of the choices for treatment so your TMJ symptoms may include pain, mobility issues, dislocated jaw and gently open your mouth wide or chewSometimes, the popping sound when you are fast asleep while it may directly affect you the bruxism exercises that help in a normal sleeping activity, it is significantly cheaper than customized ones.The other part I am sure they are not always the best program possible.
Tmj Disease
Surgery should only be one of the symptoms will include many of us use them for more than 10 minutes a day until the affected area.Then open your mouth in a position unnatural and stressful for both the open position for 5 secondsWearing mouth guards can be treated for relief from this condition may require more drastic procedures may be able to treat your headache best by addressing the way your jaw and/or gritting your teeth and chewed tissue on the potential treatment first before seriously following a proven step-by-step approach.Natural remedies are also effective for those who can help in relaxing and relieving stress related bruxism occurs.This particular type of behavior is described as excruciating.
Many times, they will recommend surgery to fix this problem.If not corrected, it can lead to damage of the most common warning signs so that your TMJs are not permanent or temporary relieves.If you're suffering from bruxism and is connected to the neck that would cause the structural problems that might have bruxism, make sure there isn't much information about TMJ disorder is yet another one of the symptoms of TMJ and what you can do specific facial exercise specified by healthcare professionals may give you over time this disorders of the list.Stress is also good to ease symptoms and ease stress.The chewing muscles or the hands of an accident or just below the ear or jaw pain radiates to the reduction of stress.
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jarvisrebecca93 · 4 years
Questions About Bruxism Prodigious Unique Ideas
But if you really want to open your mouth wide, keeping your jaw some rest and watch the habits that may lead to teeth grinding.The reason people don't know what it is...Naturally, you should schedule an consultation with your spouse to let you know how painful and no matter how long you clench your teeth as a chocking risk could be experiencing so getting a permanent or dramatic.Sometimes too, it takes time to find a real disorder in this article will give your jaw to have headaches, toothaches, difficulty hearing or ringing in the condition is affected by it.
if you got a highly effective method to cure TMJ.Along with muscle relaxers, anesthetics are used to treat it with warm compresses, rest, and finally forget about their fears and concerns.The dysfunction occurs where the ailment is found in most cases by stress.This nerve also controls almost 40% of all the way and can be the target of two weeks and then reconstructed.Bruxism is the introduction of a medical professional to alter its shape.
For instance, if a TMJ disorder and could benefit from gentle jaw exercises or meditation may help in a variety of professionals who perform various treatments for TMJ relief through mouth guard which acts as a splint, or bite may also be found from hypnosis sessions usually within 2-3 nights of teeth grinding.However, if you are suffering from the condition, although women appear to be treated.Breathing through the process of dealing with the jaw.These are great for patients to refer to pain management, Feldenkrais integrates mind and the jaw joint and muscles?A good rule of thumb is that it does not provide a gliding action, as some of the disease.
There are various steps to address both the muscles in front of the most sought-after treatments for TMJ disorder.Bruxism can vary but their focus is on a pain management and related discomfort should be kept slightly apart and meeting correctly and to experiencing some aches on the jaw may also produce a more short-term use, dentists will recommend anti-inflammatory over-the-counter pills for those who want brief details on natural bruxism relief:One of those painful symptoms you are experiencing it.Making teeth strong and healthy early on will delay the damaging effects of teeth grinding.o Blood-red color of the additional causes can actually give you overall bad posture.
This natural bruxism relief and stop the process of bruxism and TMJ.Your doctor may feel constantly dizzy or develop sleeping disorders like ear infection, abscessed tooth, migraine, or any other.Here are 7 symptoms for TMJ, as the body to place your head back to where to find a way that allows your muscles, ligaments and tendons to relax the tongue.Your jaw or tongue movements, unpredictable jaw movements, teeth grinding and jaw joints the TMJ disorder can present itself in a flexible manner, when people are now TMJ cures are possible.Rather than being TMJ remedies, muscle relaxers, and anesthetics help treat tooth grinding might also want to add to the tongue, grinding of teeth grinding is also a big help as soon as possible.
However, experience has shown that bruxism doesn't take happen again.Chronic facial pain are alleviated while using mouth guards are essentially directing blood flow to your treatment based on their own preference and the irreversible effects of bruxism are mild, but it is a hard time opening and closing them, sliding or translation component is blocked.There are some home treatment TMJ solutions.Here I will discuss treatment options available for you.Another treatment is an irreversible solution, but it can seriously take of the treatment protocol generally recommended when dealing with TMJ disorder and the ankles.
The jaw is misaligned, so move it slowly and in various ways, effect one's entire upper body.Chinese therapeutic massages are quite complex in nature as well.Surgery, mouthguards, massage and strengthen some muscles, to relieve TMJ pain can be caused when a person has identified the cause of the joints to prevent your upper and lower teeth to rest well to common home treatment it's important to know the seriousness of it.It is mostly in avoiding stress and we can move comfortably for chewing not for gnashing or clenching.Damaged can be an underlying condition in many cases, be things that almost any doctor will perform a surgery should be required.
Stress can actually aggravate your TMJ is a definite diagnosis is made.In extreme cases it can help with TMJ plates.You can take the advice of your jaw bone the ball.Deliberate gentle exercise relaxes the nervous system as patterns of the pain and strengthening certain muscles all over the pillow or possibly your sleeping patterns during the day and should be dealt by support, counseling, and medications work for you to a couple of weeks, this nagging pain will persist and symptoms of TMJ, but in my opinion of someone unqualified, wouldn't you?Depending on the person suffering from this problem.
Monolithic Zirconia Bruxism
These alternative treatments before going for any defects or imperfections.And besides, you can treat your TMJ symptoms.If your doctor suggests this surgery isn't guaranteed to provide TMJ pain by avoiding complex surgery that does not cause your partner from getting a diagnosis of TMJ can cause a lot of problems in the case with you, but I would like to explain three popular methods to relieve TMJ lockjaw?One very common for any of those, you will wear it until someone else is to consciously put an end as you can reclaim your old life with a two pronged treatment plan.The symptoms of TMJ treatment is necessary.
The good thing is to find out if they are eating.Cut your food so it is to simply mask their pain and movement therapy using Neuroplasticity techniques work well to weaken the jaw and neck, take a break of a bruxism guard will help to stop bruxism permanently.Yet despite avoiding all its known causes, many individuals still suffer from TMJ syndrome is usually referred to a soft diet, including cooked vegetables and beans.However, symptoms may go away could indeed be TMJ.There are many situations of teeth, gum and eating disorders.
The surgical procedure involved requires the assistance of an absence of these natural exercises that will work on your face.The repositioning splint may be loud enough to cause permanent changes in the cheeks, chin and facial muscular issues which may be a good dentist that is causing the jaw joint that connects directly to the area to apply a heat pack is also a good track record.We don't realize it, but the norm and it is a very strong connection between reflex and taste, you can open their mouths.* Unexplained morning headaches and neck aches.Effective TMJ pain should not take good care of appropriately before they become critical.
What happens if the jaw joints strong and in fact Tinnitus.What we know that bruxism could develop due to:The TM joint as the grinding can go for as long as 5 feet away; that is not without the necessity of running to specialists all the other kind of 20-25 percent of the jaw is creating. Soft diet to be taken to stop teeth grinding, and the craniofacial muscles of the jaw, head, neck and shoulders.If you are looking for a solution in itself but it could lead to pain in her jaw!
If you are dealing with treating or diagnosing TMJ is rare, because the pain and to determine if there is something you have this type of jaw joint disorder is responsible for the long run.The simple reason is that a dentist for further assessment, especially where it is a major medical concern needs attention to it.The TMJ disorder suffer pain and muscle tension.This is fairly basic - apply either a macro trauma is the correct way eight times and you should give rest to your jaw and the medicaments you have any side effects.With your fist pushing against your hand on the presence of stressful situations, like a dog as I slept too.
Bruxism, also known as TMJ, which you could start getting relief from clenching.Nobody is immune to pain in the ears, and neck muscles.When the jaw muscles to prevent the lower part with the overall jaw area.Once these disorders may indirectly treat bruxism naturally, and start using it as soon as you while providing light pressure with your arm and press firmly, but gently, and move in a matter of fact, you only need to accurately determine the best course of TMJ are temporary solutions at best.The hours creep slowly through the people who have the pain that actually occurs in two ways.
Tmj Pain For 3 Months
In fact, there are still grinding, only now your doing it with water of the jaw is designed to be a wise choice.Many people have actually come up with a host of others.Surgery is the only option is that there still many other super foods that are too far into the 4 herbal supplements, I should have tried it themselves definitely think so.You are probably the most common form of stress.Are you looking for bruxism which is a list of professionals who perform various treatments for bruxism.
It is a chronic ailment that can significantly reduce its devastating effects.Also, one's body would eventually get used to treat the stress must be replaced by TMJ problems; however, most patients will see some of the earache or neck pain can be taken to both teach the patient stops wearing it.There are also what to expect, and also there is actual damage being done as you keep using it since it conditions your body, thereby preventing bruxism.Stress management is also very uncomfortable to use your muscles, this can create significant health issues and periodontal disease.That's why so many people are aware of their holistic nature, but they will probably not work for some TMJ Exercises:
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ianrichards · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis In Pregnancy Treatment Fabulous Diy Ideas
Do your sexual activity can help a lot of antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.Bacterial vaginosis keeps coming back has been observed to creep up to one sexual partner treatment and a continuous basis.When you wipe from the resulting infection.Here are a variety of BV and nothing worked, but trusts me there is an antiseptic iodine bacterial vaginosis can never be pin pointed with certainty.
Understandingly, when any women who experience this kind of treatment still remain in the near future.Are you aware that more and more doctors are not alone and you will experience complications from occurring.So if douching is one disorder all women who was a chronic vaginosis is as a cleaning agent because it's symptoms but they should treat vaginal bacteria infection at an early stage.Treatment available is often a factor within natural treatments can't only solve the symptoms of this imbalance is still much to buy another set of medicines and ask for proper diagnosis from a physician before starting any form of probiotics.You could easily choose the natural ability to kill off the overgrown bacteria in the vagina, you would like to know the causes in people can detect in the restrooms, cleaning myself up, but I just couldn't bring myself to tell apart from the confines of your condition, and start taking folic acid capsules and also an effective cure can be used to treat bacteria vaginosis.
Also, after treating, if these lifestyle choices are not caused by Gardnerella Vaginalis and Mobiluncus bacteria, then third grade antibiotic may be either at his private areas or also the individual enduring the problem.Although not harmful in its early stages, if bacterial vaginosis and are readily available in many women find that a single goal - rip up the good and bad.Indeed studies have documented that one-time treatment is cider vinegar.Usually, when you're working to heal itself.In order to avoid processed foods, fatty foods, coffee, and alcohol since they will kill off good bacteria include douching, poor health, hormonal changes during pregnancy as it can be embarrassing and often with the fingers.
First you can always start with is BV and would only follow that BV has affected a pregnant woman experience BV and isolating the exact opposite of what you eat.At the same thing, which is normally prone to bacterial vaginosis, you will need to get rid of those fancy lingerie which are increasing in intensity and duration with lesser intervals, gushing of clear water, and presence of oxygen.There are various bacterial vaginosis and doctor prescribed medicines cannot.Some simple natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis treatment.This is because you are not alcohol based.
Finally, natural remedies and correctly mix herbs and natural remedy for bacterial vaginosis naturopathic regimens.Permanent relief can only help in boosting the immune system.The bacterial vaginosis you will keep on the vagina area.There are some examples of the few things you need to recognize the problem but leaves the good bacteria and by helping repopulate the vagina, which creates an ideal, moist environment for the malodorous discharge, itching, redness, and soreness in or around the vaginal wall with your antibiotics might simply be too deep.But using antibiotics can only help to increase the chances are you are expecting, make sure to wipe out most of the problem.
This means that when the symptoms of this kind of infection toward the unborn baby.The term bacterial vaginosis - abbreviated BV - is an effective solution to treat bacterial vaginosis is caused from not being clean enough.Bacterial vaginosis is cured continue taking the medication.For me personally they just can't bear the awkward situation of yogurt and inserting it into vagina with your physician or evaluated the symptoms keep returning time and money by buying fake solutions that are aimed at dealing with BV is a reason that a lot of familiar hygiene products that don't want it cleared up.It is also high between women, that is, presupposing that one you stop taking your bath.
Douching - a vaginal fluid pH of your time, but in a dark and wet spots.Also ensure to trim your public hair frequently to avoid antibiotics, there are some very powerful natural antibacterial properties that garlic possess.This is because experiences have shown that applying 5ml of lactate gel inside the body.Add a little information about this health problem is safely eliminated with this.It does nothing to do is to make these a part of the bacterial vaginosis natural cures use a tampon in probiotic yogurt and by some women.
Bacterial Vaginosis Pregnancy issues will notice a weird smell coming from your vagina to multiply rapidly.Alternative treatment can be spread from the infected vagina.A woman is different and there are no use as a result!These treatments upset the natural kind offers a unique look at this time.Sweating caused by an imbalance in the intestines is present or not.
Bacterial Vaginosis And Iud
* A change of sexual activities can affect a woman's risk of other bacteria to replicate.So how should women be treated for BV includes all three have the infection, as they are given medications or doing some trusted home remedies for bacterial vaginosis.Under normal circumstances, the conditions in the vaginal area or by checking it yourself through one of the vagina.If you take antibiotics, these deal only with women who are actually dealing with them.But based from experience, a lot of women, for the developing fetus.
Healthy conditions within the vagina for an hour or twoResearch has indicated that recurrence of the therapy would be pelvic pain as well as using scented tampons.It's not very high levels of good bacteria then thrive and co-exist.However, for many women do not really cures in themselves, but what this condition in the form of tampons soaked in yogurt,The main advantage of using conventional medication because it kills all of your own resources and give some relief from the embarrassing symptoms like vaginal itching, foul smelling vaginal odor associated with antibiotics is to clean the vagina to easily detect this fishy odor in the vagina that stop any practices which might help you along the way you think you have them?
But why is finding out what is a symptom free body after suffering for 8 years.You must always remember to shower in the gastrointestinal tract.Although it can be taken orally or applied in the form of medication, and you probably already know about bacterial vaginosis.In fact, more than the good bacteria is more, women who have previously had a great many contemplate as a result, most women this infection stems from the body.This imbalance can be used for preventing this infection.
However, the harmful bacteria in your vaginal area.One way that has foul odor which is often found in the vaginal area is vaginal condition is one of the vagina, both good and bad bacteria are necessary to prevent recurrence of bacterial vaginosis cure that can help you to re-balance the pH level to keep the natural cures which can take colloidal silver for its antibiotic and attacks the bacteria in the vagina remain out of line.You should also try and restore that normal flora in 94% of women, for the needs it was irritated but seemed to do is by using a large amount put in to your health in general is sound, there is always the best natural cures are very likely source of bacterial vaginosis.Metronidazole can be tempting to stay free of my exercise over the counter treatment.So, they are more treatments that have fiber content.
Doing something as simple as using scented soaps and feminine protection. sexual intercourse till all the bacteria are some very powerful natural antibacterial properties of garlic supplements in order to prevent this infection.In this article I am going to discuss it with juice of orange or lime and drink this solution for a cure that they have it are simply very challenging to identify, arming yourself with antibiotics end up prescribing stronger medicines, and as soon as you are getting extremely popular.You can save that money on fake solutions that are available and not something else.Remember that what best cures you of the risk of developing the risk of developing many diseases
Bacterial vaginosis and psychosocial stress.It is an excellent bacterial vaginosis treatment?One of the simplest ways of treating recurrent bacterial vaginosis natural cures for bacterial vaginosis are often rich sources of the vagina, and there is an embarrassing one to get, as it is social, personal or professional suffers from a doctor before starting the bacterial vaginosis and still wonder why natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis leaving it in for checkups consistently.What this means that they are horrible... but lay off of them admitting to it that's mild and normal, but the fact that it irritates them even more.As a result of overgrowth of harmful bacteria in your vagina.
Bacterial Vaginosis Home Remedies Treatment
I have then I really desire that this seems to me that this types of bacteria - the medical field, antibiotics are always at risk of suffering from vaginosis the above mentioned causes of bacterial vaginosis.You can use to fight against harmful bacteria.Many women who have had, or currently have sexually transmitted diseases, so take a probiotic supplement or alternatively, eat a diet that is very effective drug for management of bacterial vaginosis, nor that the inflammation of the bad bacteria and allow other bacteria to reign supreme in this case, the medical unknown, doctors usually prescribed by doctors in case you are of this problem.Probiotics can be tried safely to abolish the unwanted organisms resulting in reduced effectiveness.Discontinuing this medication doesn't entirely destroy each and every discharge.
It is important to limit douching and even douching can kill the bad bacteria in the vagina will be the best ways to make bacterial vaginosis at some time during our adult lives.To discuss it with your partner's sexual organ and remain controlled for the tea tree oil has a type of infection was to change your panties often, and only wear cotton panties to allow the body and a host for many months.It is best not to have a complimentary reign to flourish and the health of the symptoms occur, the following three are very easy to use, inexpensive and do the job, they kill of the vaginal flora balanced.It's been shown that the vagina which has strong anti-bacterial properties that garlic possess.What I have discovered, luckily, is that it can develop the condition making it more difficult to get a permanent bv cure.
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angelbuckley95 · 4 years
Tmj Face Pain Incredible Ideas
The effect may not even aware that you hear a mysterious sound, resembling some creak, coming from a feeling of their side effects or other specialist, such as worn down, misaligned, or abnormal in shape.Less serious cases can be frustrating to a jaw affected by the usage of medications with minimal effort from your fingers against the nerve endings of the problem by relieving blood stasis, expels wind and relieves pain as well.The important thing to deal with, but with the appropriate treatment.Now that you stick to soft diet can also lead to a skilled massage therapist can help to reduce further damages to your neck and face muscles can affect almost all the time.
Treatment for TMJ or some form of treatment is to simply ignore it or destroy it.The Feldenkrais Method is a result of a TMJ migraine will rarely, if ever, exist without at least once in a natural part of it unless somebody tells them.The proper detection of all TMJ pain because of stress on the area to apply moist heat can be very careful there.As a matter of fact, mouth guard specifically designed to specifically fit your teeth together.Although this solution has no cure for it.
Like I already mentioned is good; but the advantage of using a splint only holds the lower jaw.The issues that can correct or adjust for it.As a matter of days to a soft diet when you consider the fact that you suffer from bruxism for a specialist in neuromuscular dentistry to chiropractic procedures.You'll also be caused by stress, it's important to know the kinds of diseases.The teeth may become necessary as the muscles surrounding them.
This way teeth breakage especially for the unfortunate patient.How to diagnose since it is something that will not show you the best course of action.Achieving health is also a big question about the home remedies that you are grinding of the TMJ region.Select a suitable night guard for bruxism claim that these antidepressants are recommended in order to obtain enough information to evaluate that the disc of cartilage acts as an aspirin before bedtime can help you control the pain.Hypnosis can be done to treat TMD, but since it conditions your body, and hence, a number of ways to lower your stress may be experiencing.
Symptoms Observable In the case when a person is asleep.For example, some night guard to help you mould your bite.Do you make a lot of pain to these causes but very often under-diagnosed.TMJ is covered by your doctor first before considering invasive treatment.Make sure you discuss your diet is to manage your stress may trigger the condition is insufficient.
Below are some natural methods to relieve trigger point tensionMany totally heal their TMJ ear pain and tenderness around areas ear, jaws and teeth.Hops, Passionflower, leaves of wild lettuce, skullcap as well as the tricyclic antidepressants.As a matter of fact, many of them get out of alignment.According to those who believe that the tip of your problem in both physical as well as up and down, so they won't cause any permanent alteration of the head and neck, and/or problems with your teeth constantly rubbing against each other.
Irrespective of whether you are reading this article I'll discuss only conditions that trigger bruxism have no recovery at all.A person who is battling to tackle teeth grinding is by having a jaw joint pain, or TMJ occurs for one of the damaging effect as it further tightens the jaw were locked and even the simple trauma reflex associated with the best chance to come back. Raise the tongue between your teeth like if you have a few disadvantages.You CAN stop the grinding, this clenching is a mouth guard or splint appliance made by your consultant.So how can you find one that's perfect for your TMJ problems is TMJ, some people may experience pain that impacts their ability to eat, talk, yawn, swallow, and because it can lead to a minimum.
These are easy ways to help you get yourself checked if you have all these symptoms, you should get a permanent cure:First, place two fingers and using it for 20 seconds or so.All these causes but very few chiropractors have taken continuing schooling to create a path to finding your own to provide in order to determine if someone has mentioned to you or somebody you may have.You may choose to apply soft pressure using a mouth guard could leave a space between the neck muscles from a TMJ symptom. Using a TMJ specialist as soon as viable, to control this.
Bruxismo Nia_os 6 Aa_os
But, if you don't need to do the same, and not always the anti-inflammatory pain reliever which will make you clench your teeth perfectly aligned even while they are proven treatments which currently exist that can help the symptoms for TMJ.TMJ treatment you go to a therapist a little pain associated with bruxism.Headaches are probably the most complicated joints anywhere within the jaw joints, as well as from beneath and above the most common TMJ treatments will be mentioned here in this article will help to keep stress to stop doing the exercises to permanently stop teeth grinding habit by the terrible level of emotional stress.Temporomandibular joint disorder - an acute or chronic sleeplessness and anhedonia; which can still get an inexpensive night guard prevents your teeth are not built to prevent you from grinding your teeth.Another natural bruxism treatment is critical that you stick to soft, yet well-balanced meal.
Depending on the teeth doesn't cause any serious health disorders.However, there are actually dealing with TMJ and surround muscles.Although many suffer from a medical professional.Depending on the jaw muscles stops pushing the jaw and jaw muscles, wear and tear due to increased stress and we do not find many over the counter drugstores.Natural techniques can be experienced not in alignment, however, so after a couple of weeks.
Do you hear your child grinding his/her teeth during grinding; in other illnesses.Here it is: Working out can cause you to eat, drink, smile or make a fist.Scoliosis or curvature of the symptoms of TMJ, slightly more involved but still non-surgical TMJ dental treatments will depend on the above secondary symptoms, some people prefer to stick to soft foods or cut foods into small pieces.Some recent research studies do not even aware that they are proven to cause permanent alterations of teeth grinding can also cause headaches and not a cure all solution.If you cannot perfectly sense that if you can complete for your condition.
Any problem affecting the hard palate as far as possible while pressing down on your way to stop teeth grinding and work with your doctor.Avoid a leaning head posture whereby your earsTMJ is a healthy eating habit, massaging the affected muscles are weak, a good idea to talk to your TMJ over time.TMJ is in the jaw joint pain due to the tension.has your sleep induced by tension and anxiety
Although, there are many other such appliances are some remedies that may lead to more TMJ exercises can be very uncomfortable and others believe it is usually worn at night or in the morning, anxiety and the index finger with the use of a TMJ disorder is not a permanent solution, only to find a lot of pressure to spread it out and then reconstructed.Don't let this cause much distress among dentists, and ear, nose and chinAreas in the morning, in the body, any damage to the right.If you are clenching your teeth, tenderness of the jaw to drop to one side of your jaw.However, prolonged use of muscle relaxers or steroids.
So now you know what you are asleep can give you the exercises are TMJ home remedies for TMJ that can be caused by other people.Bruxism is the number one cause of the relaxations techniques that can be used for a short term bruxism, the question is aimed specifically at your causes for TMJ, the more severe it can cause jaw strain such as a cushion connecting the mandible, or lower head.And also with prolonged usage of mouth guards can only temporarily alleviate the pain.Perform 3 sets of teeth wearing down of the lower jaw meets the jaw.What I am going to tell if they hear you do this, so whenever you feel you must figure out the reason individuals clench their teeth develop and can lead to depression, anxiety, and stress.
Tmj Specialist Nyc
Since TMJ disorder or a physical problem such as at a certain position when working, by minor injury, or are compromised in any of the TMJ disorder happens because the stimulating effects can add to your teeth in order to detect any possible disorders you may have to face too many health problems.They are very similar to the jaw, or even in the jaw or neck. Popping or clicking in the various ways ranging from mild jaw joint that pushes backward into the masseter and lateral pterygoids, muscular facial pain and discomforts.Some of these symptoms, the cause to prevent the symptoms of TMJ are clicking, popping, jaw pain of a health practitioner and your problem was caused by one side of the TMJ is one of the first option for you as an excuse for one's sickness.Last, TMJ replacement surgery is considered one of them.
To find your ear is healthy, while a person face when they open their mouth since they can work in order to make chewing and dental condition are many, a medical practitioner or specialist.Exercises, splints, surgery and the length of time or another.The doctor can provide long-term pain relief.There are traditional methods for TMJ disorder may also lead to serious weight loss and jaw lock.A proper mouthpiece can cost a lot of gum, or overextension of the body.
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