#I have no clue what caused it tbh but I'm ok now
luvsimskaos · 7 days
Why I was gone
My luck isn't the best, as you've probably noticed. While I was able to take leave for two weeks and even play some, I wasn't able to get all the pictures needed. I assumed I would be able to get them later, so I scheduled some post (you might've seen them). But then I ran into computer issues. Black lines started appearing on my display and I hold no clue what was causing it. Both my computer and monitor came from the same place and were relatively new, add to the fact that I've already been having issues with my computer. Good news it was my monitor in the end, bad news I needed to get a new one. So it took a while. And then my mouse stopped working for some reason, it would work and then stop, then work then stop again. The keyboard which it's paired with was working fine but the mouse was being weird. So I got a new keyboard and mouse. Technology hates me. But I'm back and a new post will be appearing tomorrow. Thank you for waiting and I hope you enjoy what's next for the Waring Family.
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Photo of the issuse. The entire taskbar was gone, it was bad.
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silviakundera · 5 months
The Spirealm episode 5 -7 reaction (Let's call this episode 4 now per the new 38 episodes version)
fair warning: in these episode reactions I'm not gonna pretend I haven't read the novel. in fact, I purposely finished the novel before viewing, to get The Full Experience. thus novel spoilers, including twist end, included.
[1] [2] [3-4]
Ruan Baijie saving his boyfriend's ass yet again, must be Tuesday.
Then first key!!!! I wanna see the key!!!!!!!!
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The survivors: wow, ok, Baijie really loves u
"Are you leaving so soon and reluctant to leave me?" // "No, it's not that," he lies
The suspicious survivors just couldn't resist trying to steal the door note and now no one has the key but the monster NICE GOING 😒
ahh and then the reveal that ofc Ruan Baijie figured out the taboos long before. He saves those who are worthy (aka his new partner).
wow Ruan Baijie is pretty. gifs don't do him justice.
Death match vs the bad hair day from The Ring.
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The whole scene in the opening of ep 6 is terribly cute. Ruan Baijie exposed as a drama sprite who was faking his injury, but Lin Quishi just accepts this in good humor as he's told this was just to "bring us closer" and for fun. Another round of, you're really picking me? but why?
He really does the, 'come closer' move to make your crush get up close so you can create a sense of intimacy with hushed voices smh
"Because there is light in you."
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oh, did you give me this expensive looking necklace because you want me to join your gang?
no, because you are you.
..... misses the very gay pass completely.
(tbh I feel as if the actor is playing it like his character IS sensing the romantic undertones sometimes but doesn't know how to respond/not ready to process it and so represses & pushes it out of his mind and to the side)
Ep 7
They solved the case. Ruan Baijie gives him back the key again, "Still yours." They exchange a romantic look before he steps over.
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Our protagonist thinks he's back in reality and only 15 minutes have passed. But of course that's not true: whether he entered the game time A, B, C, or it's the 12th Door theory... he's still in-play.
A roommate?? This must be the Wei what's his face, his One Friend I recall from the novel. With the girlfriend.
Injuries from the door lingering "outside".
Chestnut won't let him hug! (The clue in the novel that this is still within the door. Now, is this a new phenom or was it already Like That in ep 1? 🤔 Remains ambiguous.)
Wait, in this drama the One Friend has heard of Spirealm?! And it's eviiiill reputation. Everyone who plays it "goes insane and commits suicide". Lin Quishi acts like he hasn't already been warned that players die from the game.
Ah, created by a chinese designer who wanted to make a "comprehensive spirit world". The story goes, after he made it he added all the violent elements to the version he sold, to make it a bloody survival game.
'Can't control when you enter the door, can't get rid of it, Men Can Conquer Heaven'.
Bro goes to sleep and startles awake cause Ruan Nanzhu fka Baijie is pulling an Edward Cullen by his bedside. The more intense looking Nanzhu asks him to come along. Naturally, our boy stumbles along and meets!!! Cheng Qianli!!!!!!! 😄😄😄😄 Who is driving, like the scene in the novel. IM SO HAPPY.
Headquarters!!!!! The group!#####!!!! I'm hyped to see them all live & in color.
Emphasized again that once you enter the game, you must complete all 12 doors to get rid of the mental control of the game. ~Mind control~
(because the censors won't allow it to be explicitly supernatural)
(which doesn't mean the writer didn't intend to get around this barrier by using subtext & inferences that novel readers would understand 🤔🤔)
The clue for his next door freaks out the whole house. But then he meets cranky Cheng Yixie!!!!
He's settling in but the moment he glimpses Nanzhu's returned BUT INJURED *gasp* Must scurry down for hurt/comfort UST.
Love how absolutely unnecessary this hand-holding is. Light piano background to set the romantic mood.
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A gurgling stomach growl from Ruan Nanxhu & Lin Quishi takes the initiative to stand up and make himself at home to cook for the man who's obviously being positioned as his love interest. (Like in The Untamed & Word of Honor, we're not being terribly subtle here.)
This is the 3rd time we've seen an instinctive caretaking gesture from him towards Nanzhu and the last moment as we fade out is the "boss man" looking down at his newly bestowed bandage and obviously GOING THRU IT. He's making this sigh and curling his fingers and everything.
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side note: Lin Quishi is getting flashes of himself trapped under rubble. This is the second time we see them. Are they flash backs? Of a past event he survived, giving him baggage to carry? OR are we circling back again to my alternate, alternate theory that an evil VR game is part of the illusion and this IS the supernatural Doors from the novel that terminal people can get a chance to enter, to prolong or possibly prevent your death? (if so, then Ruan Nanzhu is still indeed the 12th door god. and Lin Quishi must decide to remain in the fantasy or exit & return to reality?)
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halfway point only friends character rankings
(i am bad at rank so i tiered them, also i don't dislike any character this is more a scale of how many hours i lay awake thinking of them)
tier one: ray
ray: I think anyone looking at my only friends posts can immediately guess who my favourite character is and why. ray is THE character for me, i knew in the first episode before the title sequence that he'd make me extremely unwell (his "being known as a burden who is either professing his love for anyone who cares to listen or begging people not to leave him in his drunken desperation" captivated me ok) . besides relating to parts of his characters and story, i am thoroughly invested in this man and his emotions. like will he fall victim to the cycle he's already convinced he's doomed by? will he find a way out? will he continue living as self-fulfilling prophecy purely out of spite for himself and everyone around him? will he get better? can he get better? will he ever want to????????? i think i always had the potential like ray as a character but i also think the actor plays him in a way that has altered my brain forever (like i am not good at reading faces but the look on ray's face sometime feels like im looking into his thoughts, its thrilling) deciding to play ray as layered and complex and oosing with pain no matter the circumstance was a choice that made the character for me, and i also think it takes a lot of skill to have an asshole insult everyone close to him and ruin relationships he has no buissness ruining for most of his screentime and have the audience come away with "wow that guy is absoultey dripping in pain, i feel so much for him"
tier two: nick, boston, mew
nick: i love nick so much, maybe its my thing for pathetic little guys but something about him makes me scream throw shit whenever i see him. i'm obssessed with all the crime he commits, because he's such a cutie about it. like watching him get all sad listening to the topboston tape fully sympathizing with him and his little sad face to the point i forget he only has the tape cause he WIRETAPPED BOSTONS CAR. just excellant character, i hope his crimes being revealed leads to him looking more pathetic and then becoming 5x more evil but 10x more cute about it (i also am desperate to know what comes of him chasing after a man who has made it clear so many times he doesn't want him only for nick to fall harder like what is up with that)
boston: boston has always been a favourite character of mine because he may not be a good friend and he may not be a good person but one thing he will NEVER not be is entertaining. like if he is on screen your ass will be tuned IN, and for that reason i love him. what i want to see from boston in the rest of the series? i think he is an interesting case of how far is to far when it comes to friends doing you dirty, and im interested to see what the lasting impact to his relationships are and then the impact to how he views relationships in general. i think it'd be nice if there were consequences that made him reavaluate the way he treats other people, but i also find it absolutely necessary for him to retain his sluttiness. like it doesnt hurt anyone else, and i think he genuienly enjoys it, so i hope he keeps it along with his love for photogrphy (would love to see him get more into getting consent of people before he records them and spreads that around tho) stay messy my king 🫡
mew: mew was my designated little guy after watching the first episode but kinda got lost in all my love for sandray. i will say he shot back up towards the top after seeing this one post (i cannot find it now its lost under the thousands that have been posted since) about mew, control, and bdsm (and all the new meta that has come out since too tbh). also realizing around epsiode 4 we knew absoultey nothing about him as a person had me watching everything he did like there would be little clues left. i think its safe to say after episode 6 that the relationhip between sex and control will continue to be interesting as well as WHATEVER THE FUCK HAPPENS TO MAKE HIM ACT UP LIKE THAT IN THE BATHTUB anyway... i am here for his villain?? era
tier 3: top, sand, cheum
(again i tiered them cause im not good at straight ranking and this doesn't mean i like them any less its just they make me personally a little less insane then the others do)
top: i think he needs to be topped by mew and that it has the potential fix him, i've thought about this a lot (A LOT) and thats all i have to say.
sand: i am still kinda obsessed with him, like don't get me wrong. i like the way he mirrors the other characters while still maintaining traits that are specific to him. the fact that he has his heart broken by the belief that ray didn't truly care about him and only saw him as a distraction, distinced himself from ray, took insults and physical attacks from ray, and STILL chased after him because he knew ray was in an unsafe headspace speaks to how strong this guy is, cause you saw everyone else in that bar abondon ray to whatever self-destructive thing he decided to do next but not sand, never sand. anyway maybe its because i relate to ray so much that whenever i see sand on screen or think about him my mind gets overtaken by hearteyes (this is my way of saying i don't have many coherent thoughts about sand in my brain theres just 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰) anyway i can't wait to see how he develops, if we meet the sandtop mutual ex and what chaos that brings, and whatever the fuck happens with the sandray codependency dynamic and i am dying to know if he does indeed have something in his past related to driving under the influence and what it is about ray specifically that made mr "i can seperate love and sex" into the character we see now
cheum: my girl isn't in the show as often but whenever shes on screen with april i have to smile. anyway i wonder if we'll get an explaination as to why shes always presurring the rest of the friendgroup into monogamous relationships or if thats just who she is (i do think her lying to april about how she feels in order to keep them together at all costs was an interesting detail in all this, like is she scared of what it means to be single/alone, does she feel intense pressure to be in a certain type of relationship, etc)
anways this is inspired by @thatgirl4815 and my autocorrect broke so sorry if this makes now sense
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yuffi369 · 7 months
Feathers of Fate
Ok so now that I've had a chance to sit at my laptop for ease of typing, I would like to offer some feedback to the system!
Keep in mind this feedback is pre-playtesting, as I only just discovered it this morning and haven't had a chance to playtest it with friends. This is going off my prior experience with TTRPG's both as a player and as a DM/GM/Storyteller.
This post is gonna be under a cut cuz it might get lengthy, but if you would like to read up on the system as it is before reading this post, here is a link to the google doc of v1 of the rules, and the dev blog is @funnybirdgame if you would like to follow them to get updates!!
so firstly,
What I really, REALLY like
so obviously I really like the concept. Otherwise I wouldn't even be doing this post tbh. I saw the post, was intrigued, and then had an epiphany.
ok so to get this point out of the way to lay my biases out on the table, the concept IMMEDIATELY reminds me of Guardians of Ga'Hoole, a book series I read as a kid that has 15+ books (it's still going as far as I'm aware which, alright, get it girl). For those unaware of the book series, it's basically Warrior Cats but with owls. For those unaware of that series, can i join you under the rock you live under? it looks cozy the concept of Guardians of Ga'Hoole is that owls have their own society and the Guardians of Ga'Hoole is this knight order of legend that lives in the far-off distance and supposedly is sworn to protect all of Owlkind from great evil. It's a whole thing really, I'm not gonna get into it too much.
Obviously, there's more than just owls in this game, it's all birds. But I bring this up to sort of lead into some of the additions I want to bring to the table, as well as just. Explain my very excited tone of this post. So obviously I may be a bit biased in wanting to see the success of this system and giving it feedback.
The Simplicity
I actually REALLY love how simplified the system is. It definitely isn't a 1-pager, for sure, but the skills are simple and well-explained in only one sentence, and the items and what they're used for are also very self-explanatory. While there is an appeal in making things crunchy and a bit complex (I'm a d&d 5e addict at heart, I love the system a lot both because it's my first and it in my opinion walks a very good line between easy to grasp and complex enough to provide a good challenge), there is just as much appeal in making something you can very easily grasp session 1.
Fate Points
I actually really like the fate points system here. It's simple, it doesn't let players hoard a bunch throughout a game, and it allows players who eat absolute shit at a particular roll to feel at least a bit better cuz, hey, at least I get some fate points out of the 1 I rolled. No notes here but I WILL mention the Fate Points later.
So I am REALLY intrigued by the implicated lore already. A good system will allow a Storyteller, who is effectively writing an interactive novel for their friends, to go absolutely nuts telling a story. There are so many questions that could be answered here. What caused the humans to go extinct? When did they go extinct? What other animals have intelligence, if any? Why do birds have human-like intelligence now?
A post-apocalypse setting has a TON of opportunity for environmental storytelling which is I think my favorite way of telling a story in games. Describing structures that, to a human it would be obvious what it is, but to a bird, who has no clue of the original intent of the structure when it was complete, let alone in ruins, you could have so much fun painting a picture of the environment.
Now for what I don't like so much
I did say I had some feedback. This includes positive and negative. This is version 1 of the rules, and I've never actually written my own system before, but I have played and DM'd a lot (not just 5e) and so I can tell by reading when things need to be tweaked. This isn't going to be super harsh or anything, it's gonna have the same tone as the rest of this post, pretty casual.
The Dice & Stat System
So, to get my biggest criticism out of the way. The stats system in this scares me. Using a different die for every stat, while cool in theory, really knocks some things off of balance and isn't conducive to a couple things that make a TTRPG good for long-term, multi-session play.
So, one of the issues you're going to run into using this is character progression. You're going to run into a point where a player builds their character, and they're going to want to improve stats that they kinda suck at. Character growth! We love to see it! Not just in terms of how the character is played at a social and narrative level, but people love seeing numbers go up. There's no real way to effectively progress in a stat you suck pellets at, like if you put a d4 in perception and you realize you're getting your party into trouble by blindly walking into traps. (Not speaking from experience or anything...)
Another pitfall this system has is that, alongside individual character progression being stifled, it will lead to party composition being stale. Don't get me wrong, having characters in a party that are better-suited for certain tasks is GOOD. Let the rogue be the one who picks locks because that's their thing, let the bard be the one to talk to the politicians, et cetera. However. With no real way for a character to progress in a stat, the party never really changes up this dynamic. Why would you EVER use a stat you put a d4 in if your friend has a d20? You'll just let them do their thing. You won't even bother trying. Even if the Storyteller accounts for this and balances the check accordingly, there's no accounting for the huge gap there. It isn't bad for a party to be composed of different birds who are better at different things, per se, but it does make for gameplay that will get stale. Checks will get stale, too, because if you have someone who uses an item in their best skill to roll 2d20, well, the check is more than likely guaranteed to succeed if they roll a 40.
So to combat this problem I recommend using a different way to go about dice, known as;
If you've never played a system with dice pools before, it's somewhat intuitive. Instead of having a target number to roll and add up to or above, instead, your stat will determine the amount of dice you roll. Certain numbers on the die will mean either success or failure (typically the lower half of the die is a failure, the upper half is a success). You count the number of successes you roll, and you have to reach a target number of successes to do the thing you want to do. To give an example;
Soren wants to use Agility to dodge out of the way of an attack as a reaction in-combat. Soren's Agility stat has a 2 next to it, meaning he rolls 2 dice in this check. He also has the Air Fins item, allowing him to gain an extra die to roll when he rolls to dodge mid-air, meaning he gets to roll 3 dice total. He rolls his dice, and the numbers he rolls are 3, 4, and 6. Since 1-3 is a failure and 4-6 is a success, he tells the Storyteller he got 2 successes. The Storyteller tells him that he passed the check, and dodges out of the way of the attack.
Dice pool systems are used in games in the World of Darkness system, which is mainly where I'm pulling my inspiration for this example. They use d10's and I can't remember which numbers mean success or failures because I use the fancy dice with the symbols on the success sides and blanks on the failure sides. I recommend using d6's because while, yes, we are playing as birds and I'm almost positive anyone interested in this system is a dice hoarder (crows. d'you get it), d6's are the easiest dice to get ahold of in a pinch. Very easy to make a cube out of paper! Not so much a dodecahedron.
You can also still have critical success and critical failures, which can add some dynamic features to dice tests. Example;
Soren wants to recall some information about a structure. He has a 3 in Cunning, so he rolls 3 dice, and he has an Informational Tome that gives him 1 additional dice, meaning he rolls 4 dice in total. He rolls a 4, a 5, and two 6's. Soren knows that a 6 is a critical success, so he lets the Storyteller know that he got 4 successes, and that 2 of them are crits. The Storyteller can then choose to give extra information that Soren otherwise may not have gotten had he not succeeded so well, such as a guess at the purpose of the structure based on Soren's previous knowledge.
You can also use critical success as a tiebreaker, such as when two players roll the same number of successes on a check for combat initiative; the person with the most crits in their roll can go first.
A dice pool system like this allows for people to improve their skills over time, using experience gained by leveling up to purchase extra die to roll during tests. This still allows for certain characters to be better at something than others, but also opens up the floor to characters to get better at a skill to be on-par with their team. It also curbs the problem of being able to roll a ridiculous amount of points above the target number.
I do recommend that with the dice pool system you have a maximum number of points you can put into one stat. I recommend 5 as it's a nice even number, as with a standard item that only gives a +1 buff to a stat in a certain situation you can roll 6 dice total. Not including Fate Points.
Speaking of fate points! This allows for fate points to be more balanced. If you've been hoarding Fate Points during a session where you've rolled a lot of 1's, you don't get to roll, say, 5d20's and absolutely obliterate the bbeg of the session. Instead it's just more d6's. It does still allow for a player to roll, say, 10 dice, but like, at that point, that's exciting for the whole table and we love that energy (or at least I do personally, as someone who's rolled 15 dice for an attack check on a VtM character), and who's to say how many successes that will give them?
One more thing I will add, this allows you to not be beholden to only 7 stats. You can add some, you can remove some. I personally recommend adding a stat like Knowledge, to recall things in books and to do medicine checks, and leave Cunning for social smarts like lying and using tools.
Ok that's enough about dice, how about other stuff?
aka "I wanna play a chicken"
In the car this morning I had the brilliant realization that birds aren't just restricted to ones that fly. I'm sure upon first glance this system might call to mind owls, ravens, and crows. Maybe a few of you thought of some songbirds.
I thought of chickens.
Regardless of the kind of bird you want to play, there's no real benefit to your choice. Sure, you can play a chicken, but why would you want to when there's no real benefit and you can't fly with the rest of your party? There should be some incentive to take certain birds over others.
This also allows you to sprinkle in some bird facts, which, I'm not a bird expert myself, but I've heard people who are into birds REALLY LOVE sharing bird facts.
For example, a crow might have a +1 in Cunning, and a special ability to use improvised tools better, but their drawback is that they are easily distracted by shiny things and have a debuff to Determination when there's distractions around.
An owl might have a +1 in Knowledge, and a special ability to have an extra die when hunting because they're birds of prey, but they have a debuff to Perception during the day time.
Et cetera, et cetera.
I know that D&D 5e did away with racial buffs and debuffs a while ago, but I really like the idea that choosing what bird you want to play has some effect on gameplay. You can still play a bird counter to what they would 'stereotypically' be good at, mind you, but this just gives some extra features and fun things to do as that bird.
In conclusion!
I really wanna play this. Maybe over this weekend I'll convince people to play it with me. I do want to playtest the rules as-is, because while I do have a lot of knowledge in my belt already, I do want to at least see the system run hands-on so that I can at least determine if my current feedback has merit and if there's anything else I can add.
I am also more than happy to write up a formal version of all the stuff I talked about here in my own Google Doc to share.
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oscar-fastri · 8 months
tagged by @lestappenforever (i'm also very late to this oops?)
1. Who or what got you into F1?
simple answer: ao3
long answer: football summer break in the summer of '23 left me bored and bereft of entertainment. i was browsing on ao3 for stuff to read and somehow landed in f1 rpf and that was the beginning of the end for me
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
lewis hamilton :3 i knew of his existence before i got into f1 because of a feature he did with time magazine so i think i always felt a bit of loyalty to him? also because he advocates for causes i'm passionate about. he's still one of my favorites and i have a lot more context and knowledge about him/his career now!
3. Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
it's a four-way tie between max, charles, oscar, and lewis. i never said i could choose for shit 🤷
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
*climbs onto a table* LESTAPPEN MY BELOVEDS <33
i came for the enemies to lovers and stayed for the lore, poeticism, and homoeroticism 😌
ok but like actual driver pairing-wise... i'd say charles and lewis or max and oscar. i think it would be interesting to see some of the biggest talents on the current grid (and my favorites) match up against each other!
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite driver?
no one i'm close irl with watches f1 :( i do have a baby brother that i'm slowly brainwashing into the sport though!! his current favorite would probably be max (i'm guessing cause he's a toddler and i have no clue what he's saying half the time) but he loves ferrari in general. (really proving seb right here oof)
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH tbh idk :( none of them from this year really stand out and since i'm a new fan i haven't watched any other year!! from 2023 though i really liked interlagos :3
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
also have no clue because i haven't seen all of the circuits. will get back to you later.
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
not yet :3 but hopefully i'll be able to go to one of the european races this year!!
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
n o p e. though fun fact if i ever did i would be able to talk to 15/20 of the current drivers in their native language hehe
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
rb19 or w11 ✨
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
blerf idk. i would say oscar except i don't think (and i hope) he won't be a one hit wonder, but at this point in time he's only won one sprint, so i'll still say oscar on a technicality?
also i'm not well-versed in f1 history so i don't even know that many one win wonders lmao
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
so. fucking. many.
"i don't want to mature, i'm happy where i am" - lando norris
"just leave me alone, i know what i'm doing" - kimi raikkonen
"i am stupid, i am stupid" - charles leclerc
"i have it printed out" - torger wolff
"i don't think anymore, i stopped thinking a long time ago" - charles leclerc
"yeah it's on purpose" - carlos sainz jr
okay yeah! that's it *fingerguns* tagging @solaireverie @rinador @scientistsinistral and anyone else who wants to do it!! i'm late af so. have fun lmao
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justalildumpling · 1 year
for the ask game >:]] ✨ 👓 🎬 🎯
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
GIRL. that's such a hard question, i genuinely love all the comments i've received esp in smaus cause they make me cackle in public😭 i don't have any specific ones but the ones where they're like "i was close to crying" or saying that the ending was worth it (esp these ones because smaus take like 3 months to finish) or honestly bullying my characters are my faves LMAO
👓 What helps you focus when you write?
i dont....... focus tbh. LOJENFOWE ok but when i do lowkey it's when i'm moving around. which sounds so weird now that im thinking about it but the best ideas/words come when im on the train to uni or exercising🤨
🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
OOOOHHHHHHH i like this question heheh😁 ok, weirdly enough all the ones that come first in mind is my wips💀 (they'll be released,,,, asp.........) BUT i would choose 'you can't have me unless' just cause i feel like it's the least reliant on texts and i would love to see the interactions of the two leads develop over time. there's also a lot of backstories behind them and i feel like the movie could touch on that (lol i say as if its gonna actually happen) well for the cast, i mean na jaemin obvs😭 but other than him, i have no clue
🎯 Do you have a writing milestone you’re working towards?
first. ACTUALLY FINISH MY WIPS AND NOT STARTING NEW ONES SOIEOWEIGWO👹👹 anyways😁😁 i really want to upload my first long fic either this year or like early of next year. i've written like half of it so far but i was just rlly stuck but maybe when uni starts and i start going on the train again😭
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oddsacky · 2 years
Ok ok I need to talk about an au
I was thinking of an Undertale x Payday au that I call Underpaid and it's basically like something causes the Payday universe to collide into the Undertale universe. Everything gets messed up and now the Payday characters are in the Undertale universe. (I'm putting the rest of this after the break cuz it's long)
When the player first starts. The characters act like themselves but are like "what the actual fuck is happening where the hell am I what am I wearing?" Throughout the game the characters start to act like the character they are replacing ie. if Dallas were to replace Sans, Dallas would randomly act more like Sans for a bit before getting confused and going back to normal. It's like the game is confused and is trying to correct the new characters so they act like the old ones.
The "backstory" would be basically the same except the cops replace the humans and the Payday gang replaces the monsters. On the surface, the gang thought the government was corrupt and tried to be modern day Robin Hoods while the cops saw them as thieves. They fight and the gang is locked underground without anything. Their weapons and tools are confiscated.
As for who is who, here's what I have so far. I'll edit this post in the future if I make any changes.
Frisk: a basic cop like maybe a security gaurd or one of the blue cops you see on like normal difficulty.
Chara: not sure yet. I played around with the idea of it being the Dentist but that makes no sense at all since he was never close to being a good person ever. Then maybe Bob McKendrick cuz the gang wanted him to become mayor but I don't really know. For now, no one is Chara yet.
Toriel: Right now I like the idea of Chains being Toriel, though I have no clue who would be Asgore if Chains were to be Toriel. I really want Chains to be Toriel tho
Napstablook: I don't really have anyone in mind. Once I thought Hoxton should be Napstablook then I thought Wolf should be Napstablook then I gave them different roles and now I don't know who Blooky should be.
Sans: Dallas because he has a brother. Also he is kinda memed by his fandom.
Papyrus: Houston because he has a brother.
Undyne: Hoxton. He's got that fighting spirit like Undyne. Also it fits with who I replace Alphys with. They gay for each.
Alphys: Wolf. The both make machines and Wolf can be shy and quiet at times.
Mettaton: Sentry turret. The sentry is sentient I make the rules. I know in Undertale it's implied Mettaton is a ghost fused with a robot body but I want it like this.
Asgore: I have no clue who I'd pair with Chains tbh. Maybe Chains's girlfriend from the John Wick trailer but like she only appears for a couple seconds and nothing is really known about her.
Asriel & Flowey: I like the idea of Bain being Asriel but now that I think of it, it doesn't make the most sense (not that this au makes any sense at all) I really want Bain to be Asriel though so he is Asriel. As for Flowey, I can't think of anything that could represent Bain. My friend suggested her "oc" (more like Bain's alter ego or the alien part of him Bain is an alien it is canon please believe me) which I do like the sound of. If I can't think of anything better I might go with him. His name is Beo. I also thought of like a blue flower but Beo is more interesting.
Grillby: Gage. He ends up working at a bar which he isn't too pleased about but makes due cuz he can't really do anything about it.
Mad Dummy: I don't really know maybe someone stuck in a Bulldozer suit. Maybe Rust. He's grumpy and insignificant.
Muffet: Totally Vlad. Was gonna be Gage because he sells stuff but Vlad totally fits Muffet's role. He's crazy and he has a bakery.
Annoying Dog: Seal because my au and I love seals
If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them. This is such an incomplete au and I would love to hear what others think.
Ok like one person is gonna understand this au but I thought I'd put it out there because why not
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quietbluejay · 14 days
Scars 3
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man, can you imagine
now im coming up with a weird and funny alt-heresy plot but sadly i think chondax is too far from ultramar for it to work khan doesn't end up on prospero like he does in this book, he ends up caught in the mess that is the warp right now and following the pharos and the situation leads guilliman to think russ is on the traitors side so he gets to bluescreen a bit more because of that and everyone ends up thinking the guys Russ sent to Guilliman as commissars are actually assassins or something and by the time they get everything sorted out it's a giant mess this is just me once again trying to use Unremembered Empire as a jumping off point for 3 way civil war
I honestly still think that the Space Wolves being like "nah i guess he is loyal" re: guilliman as he declares imperium secundus was bs it's a combo of me thinking the fact that like no one gets along with russ should come back and bite him and make the situation more complicated + an echo of the future imperium making enemies of people that'd actually help them, it's also fun given Lion is likely going to be on Guilliman's side here
ok back to CSI: Astartes and yes I shall continue to call that subplot by that name they're looking at the crime scene…. they managed to find various things in the lava include what we the readers know is a lodge coin but of course Shiban has no clue everyone else wants to get out of there and do something that isn't literally digging through recently hardened lava for clues lol luckily for them and unluckily for Shiban it's time for them to get back to the ship and hear the shocking news
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man i am genuinely, trying to not be mean to the wolves and make some comments here but they make it so easy (bjorn and co are fighting alpha legion boarders) oh that was great desperate and brutal fight vs alpha legionary that ends in bjorn brutalizing a dying man to try and get answers about why they're there and then
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like the wolves are still reeling from prospero and a lot of them are feeling like maybe they screwed up, and finding out about isstvan v is making things worse
then they get this lmao like, obviously, he's lying, right? …right?
i mean there's a chance this hits someone so dogmatic it does nothing but puzzle them, but there's a good chance it'll actually hit and cause problems
oh that's a little funny bit (we're back with ilya)
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she wants to know what's actually going on halji: i dunno but i heard something about the wolves. it really wouldn't surprise me huh this book is giving me some of my shopping list re the space wolves and i wasn't even expecting it ilya: what is with you guys and the wolves anyways
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i honestly didn't expect this kind of cultural commentary but i'm not complaining
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also i do wonder who would win in a fight between them don't worry im not going to suddenly become a vs fan
also, i feel like jaghatai would actually irritate dorn at least as much as russ if not more, if he knew him better and im wondering if anything happens with them in the siege books when they're trapped together jaghatai's an actual adult and dorn is capable of faking it better than a lot of the others, but the siege was a really stressful situation they did have sanguinius as a buffer though this bit has been really choppy, a lot of short scenes splitting between different viewpoint characters (ilya, shiban, bjorn) and i'm not sure why Wraight chose to do it well I can't expect myself to discern everything
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i love dramatic irony OH our first Khan POV
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Magnus is…actually talking with him as an equal huh tbh the reason he probably doesn't think about him at all in other books is because the writer doesn't think about him oh yeah I forgot Angron was on the anti-librarian brigade why do i keep forgetting that
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owo actually you know, McNeill specifically used the word bonhomie in A Thousand Sons nvm it was a different part of the book, it was at Nikaea anyways Yesugei and Ahriman get introduced which is interesting to me because Yesugei has been a fixture beside the Khan since before he joined the Crusade, and Ahriman's been around for a while, he was pre-Magnus' finding it just seems a little odd that they never met before this point, i mean for sure it's possible..... so while Jaghatai is thinking sadly about Magnus dying, Qin Xa brings in more messages they got the news about Isstvan V and the orders to go back to terra with dorn and russ jaghatai has a little bluescreen understandable
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Khan: so is magnus dead or not Qin Xa: we have no clue my dude Jaghatai loses his temper you know i twit the primarchs a lot for their temper issues but it's understandable here jaghatai: im giving them 12 hours to actually figure out wtf is going on then i start hammering on their dreams and ANOTHER messenger comes in, this is NOT jaghatai's day
there are ships appearing near them ITS THE ALPHA LEGION
he orders them to try and talk to the alpha legion, no firing on anyone until they figure out WHAT is going on so he's trying to put the pieces together, which is fun for him this is the kind of stuff he gets enjoyment out of
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i'm also now remembering why I like the Khan lol
Bjorn is fighting a dreadnought it might just be how I'm feeling right now but I'm not feeling this fight sequence it's serviceable
it's 5 vs the dreadnought they manage to at least not die and now Russ has shown up return to Shiban and they're heading back to the muster no one has any clue what is true and what is false, "Ferrus killed that peacock Fulgrim" is one of the many things floating around
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yeah they're engaging with the white scars and the wolves concurrently lol Shiban notes there's an eerie symmetry between their SOP and how the Alpha Legion is acting now
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"it's time to pull a gendo ikari" in retrospect i'm wondering why more 40k characters don't do this lol annnd Russ isn't wearing a helmet
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what does that mean "his…hearts misgive him" is that trying to say they skipped a beat or something like that?
as usual though i do enjoy some evocative language wow russ ends up pulling the guy out of the dreadnought, says "you should have stayed dead" then crunch that was a striking scene pfff
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bjorn thinks about what that one guy said….lmao all according to keikaku
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this russ is a lot more…hm fun ahhh yesugei is having a vision or dream okay this was actually cool enough i'll do the whole thing
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and yesugei wakes up shaking and sweating they're in the warp right now and the ship is groaning and creaking like it's surrounded by strong wings so yesugei thinks back to a conversation he had with Ahriman
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"tried to be modest" if that's them trying to be modest i'd hate to see what they look like when they're not trying
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oh, ahriman
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this is weird though
i mean the whole "ahriman has never encountered this despite canonically going way deeper into this stuff than yesugei" it's literally the next paragraph
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anyways their gellar shields are failing and the navigator is insisting they drop out of the warp it's Bad ah back to the wolves
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lmao you know it would have been very funny for alpharius to have pulled a doombot on russ anyways, the alpha legion are winning we love to see it Russ decides to retreat, and send a message to Terra I mean like by the time the message gets to Terra the chances of them actually getting reinforcement are, lmao lmao Russ legitimately forgot about Khan and the fifth it's also funny the SW and the WS are both about 😒 each otherSW: ew they're basically like the TS back with Yesugei, they drop out of the warp only to be immediately confronted with a Sons of Horus ship that's about to attack them everyone is going ???? Yesugei senses great hatred Yesugei:…those aren't Sons of Horus a group of legionaries teleport onto the ship and Yesugei completely schools them 12 on 1, it's a fun moment the twist is that it's a group from the Shattered Legions! oh I remember this Salamander dude, he's one of the only characters in the Heresy that tries to stop a war crime
Yesugei managed to successfully defuse the situation in the first example of actual communication and characters acting like adults I've run across in a long time!!!! this man is a saint and a genius compared to the average HH book character
Yesugei: what is going on???
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rip xa'ven let's start with the massacre and go from there back with the Khan, they're still mirroring the Alpha Legion, nothing has happened Jaghatai is still not sure what move to make astropath interrupt! message from Dorn you know that thing where discord goes out and you send a message and it doesn't go through and you keep hitting resend and then the internet comes back or discord clears up or whatever and you get ten copies of your message? that's what happened to dorn allow me to show you what happened one time when discord was glitching, i haven't cleared it up because it's funny
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yes i accidentally created 7 general channels
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skiiyoomin · 3 years
Hi :) I'm not sure if requests are open rn, but if you can, could you do a boyfriend!enhypen reaction where you prank them by waking them up saying "my boyfriend is coming, you have to hide". Lowkey think half of them wouldn't even realize until minutes later.
Thanks in advance ❤
ayoo i like it >:3 but fr tho they'd be to sleepy to realize anything 💀💀 hope im not too late and ofc, i hope you like it 😚
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Content: gn!reader, swearing, fluff
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
ღ"My boyfriend is coming you have to hide" prank
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he was soo confused 💀
he woke up and went along with you
you told him to hide in the closet and that's what he did
but halfway through his little walk there he was like "hold on a damn minute-"
what you told him processed through his mind and he got even more confused 😧
turns around and looks at you "now hold up IM your boyfriend??? 🤨"
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i feel like he'd be the type of bf to snap out of his sleepy state if you woke him up in such a panicked state
asks you whats wrong while you lead him to the closet
only when your little "announcement" makes its way to his ears does he roll his eyes and stare at you like 'you seriously woke me up for this 😑'
sorry hun you didn't catch him
he'll get you back tho so keep an eye out 👁️👁️
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he's so sleepy he doesn't even realize you're leading him into the closet
until he finally snaps out of it, then he'll be hella confused
how tf did i get in here? 🤨
i feel like it'd be way too funny and to make it even funnier you decided not to tell him why 💀
the reason? cause you love messing with him 😚
you still to this day haven't told him :]
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Sunghoon is a tough cookie 🤡
i don't really see him falling for it
then again, sometimes he just might fall for it 🤠
in this case, he almost fell for it
midway through getting up he realizes what you're up to
"😑😐" why
you betrayed him 😔
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pls he seems like the type to not have a clue of what's going on 😭😭
you can take him to the closet and he won't realize until like half an hour later
and when he comes out he asks you why he was in the closet
and then when you explain it takes him a minute to process the whole thing
"but i'm your boyfriend???"
he'd be so fun to prank, i see him falling for it every single time
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tbh I don't think he's easy to prank
so he ain't falling for this either
he looks at you puzzled questioning wtf you just said
"hoe im your boyfriend tf 🤨"
then you explain it's a prank
now he's grumpy cause you woke him up for that 😠
apologize 😠
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he dont give af 💀
he gives me "i don't care about anything" vibes when he's sleepy
so he'll prolly be like "ok 🧍‍♀️" and be on his merry way to the closet
prolly falls asleep in the closet
my dude just wants to sleep 😰
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the-fat-raccoon · 2 years
How have your theories Evolved my good honorary Gorpster
Ok I kept holding off on this one but it's time.
The Refined Understanding Of The Gorp Arg (I Understand Less Now)
Let me start off by saying apparently there's dubious cannon in the fuckimg. gorp arg. so I have no clue how much of anything is actual cannon. Or if any of this is even right
Alright let's go back to Nelson because this motherfucker haunts me in tags on the daily.
His full name is Nelson Stanley Berg which made me think this was like. A weird tsp au where he was Stanley stand in. And thread was 432s stand in and Sam the Narrator etc etc. But this all went immediately out the window once I saw 432 send thread an ask and referred to the other characters separately. This caused great pain as I thought I finally figured it out. Anyways.
He is dating Sam Akon who is. checks notes old and gay and 6 feet tall. And he dyes his hair but not with Kool aid that part was a joke. I think his thing is 💖 or one of the pink hearts but idk for sure. That is all I know about Sam Akon.
Nelson's is 💙 or 💙🤍 yeah? or is 💙🤍 referring to him plus someone else
Moving on. Let's talk about thread
per my last insane rambling, I've gotten confirmation that those posts I'd see people on my dash revloggibg of someone yelling about beasts is in fact part of the gorp arg
This one's interesting because it's the most reliable source I have into the gorp arg and I do not understand it at all
So threads birthday is on the release date of the half life mod that was the original version of the stanley parable. Which made me think again, au with different charactersfilling in these roles after somethinghappened to the original cast, but this was before disproven.
Thread is conflicted between being just the settings mf and having. yknow. Feelings And Shit. Also there's a hatred for Nelson I think? maybe. Idk the impression bit and the Sam akon info gathering made it hard to tell what emotion was brought forth from Nelsom but I think it's hatred. Idk I thought the impression bit was like. Really funny. Made me smile.
its is 💜 right? or 💜🖤?
Anyways. Favorite character. Probably because it's the only one I've seen do or say anything but. I didn't have to make that thread art for my warm up that shit jumped out from some part of me that apparently really wanted to design the "Setting page in an anxiety trenchcoat" as it has been so lovingly reffered to as in my notes several times.
Diane and the overseer??? They exist???? I can't find much on either tbh. idek if they have lil hearts.
I tried to figure out tbe series of events that led to whatever the hell is going on here but realized I do not have enough sources to actually. Figure that out. So.
Anyways. This really brought me back to my internet historian days of finding some really niche online interactive shit and figuring out every possible detail about it and the fandom just so I could possibly talk about it to someone in the future. And now I have the discord link waiting I'm my inbox. So I've leaned a little too far into the well and whatever at the bottom really wants me to fall.
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i'm so excited about you taking asks again ahhhh okay so. if you'd absolutely had to choose. what would be your top 5 cockles moments, and why? thank you ily <3
here’s the thing: there are so many routes i could go down with this, because cockles moments come in all shapes and sizes and formats. these include moments from their panels, their bloopers, the footage we get when they don’t even know they’re being recorded, stories being passed down from photo ops & autographs(one of my personal favorite ways to get cockles, tbh, because they’re all insane), and social media(tweets to each other, instagram posts & comments, etc.). 
SO! since many a list like this has already been made, and i want to stand out from the crowd, what i’m gonna do is definitively give the number one spot to each of these five categories.(i might even throw in honourable mentions because they’re so despicably in love that they warrant that. i really put my whole pussy into this, guys, i hope you’re happy.) 
disclaimer: these are my own personal opinions. but that also means i’m right. so. enjoy. 
number one: top cockles panel moment
so we’re starting off with a bang, because how do you even BEGIN to rank what atrocities jensen and misha commit at jibcon. every single one they’ve had is damning in it’s own right, for different reasons.
however, considering just how much unabashed fuckery they’ve given us to sift through, it’s a good thing i do have a personal favorite despite it all. it’s heartwarming, the sweetest thing i’ve ever seen, AND it’s jarringly cinematic - mainly because it has a whole ass arc to it that was years in the making. it might even be surprising to some people, but my favorite cockles panel moment, and what i consider the one that encompasses their entire gut-wrenching journey from 2008-2013 in the most sweepingly romantic gesture possible, is this one.
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i want this burned into my retinas. i am not even joking. when i'm through with my explanation, let me convince you why this is thee most romantic cockles moment of all time.
first, some history: people call this the resume off, but many seem to forget the botched attempt at a resume off a year prior. and yes, you guessed it: it's during their break up. it's a juicy time period for a reason, guys. it came across as exceedingly one-sided and VERY awkward. let me refresh your memory as to just how bad it was, and just how hard jensen was trying and ultimately failing at winning misha over: the funniest part of the whole resume off in 2013??? every joke/bit had literally already been made/done. they were just going through the motions again, but the difference THIS time...is that misha reciprocated jensen's energy. it. is. fascinating. i want to get into it more detail in another post, and i'll link it here when i'm done, but the main takeaway, i think, and the main difference that showcases how much they've grown in a year, is that in jib 3, misha flat out refused to do an accent, and this time around, he indulges jensen for literal minutes. when i tell you they're crazy, they're crazy. i can't wait to actually dive into it later.
ANYWAY, the resume off culminates in this moment here. and, like, a million things happen in this gifset. actually, more like a million and one. the music starts playingneediremindyouthatthesongissingingintherain(h e l p), misha starts dancing, jensen 'perpetually fake grumpy' ackles lets misha think he's not going to join, misha sits down defeated, but no!!! that was jensen's plan all along(look at his stupid fucking smirk) and he offers his arm to his dance partner who immediately grins like a fool, jensen then leads misha into their kick step, they perfectly synchronise and let loose, and are then very clearly having the time of their lives, hanging off of each other with joy and ease. from their expressions alone i can tell that this moment is so. so. so. so! much more than what initially meets the eye. i mean-misha is fighting back the biggest smile i've ever seen. to me, it reads like jensen is offering something to misha, something that misha kind of gave up on expecting, and him offering his arm like that is like, a surprise to him in the best possible way(and it's so not platonic, let me just say that.) as soon as jensen did that, it ushered in a new era of cockles. this panel is jensen and misha's favourite for a reason, and i think this moment is the biggest clue as to why.
whew!!! ok. that took a lot out of me and that was only point one. moving on,
number two: top cockles blooper moment
cockles bloopers hold an extremely special place in my heart, because it shows just how fucking disastrous jensen and misha are. they are so goddamn infatuated with each other that they HOLD UP PRODUCTION ALL THE TIME TO FLIRT WITH EACH OTHER(???). let me repeat. let it sink in. jensen ackles; arguably one of the most professional actors on that show who puts everything he has into each scene, with mountains and mountains of notes to prove it: would rather hold up production to flirt with misha collins. this sounds fake. it's not. he does it. all. the. time. and here's the thing guys!!! i'm gonna let you in on a secret!!! misha loves it. he loveesssss it. on top of that-misha collins: overlooked because he's pranked and people assume he's unprofessional as well, but his only pranks are in retaliation/off-set, and he rarely if EVER causes problems if he can help it....lets himself get carried away when it comes to jensen making kissy faces at him!!! are you actually kidding me!!! i mean. misha. it's just a face. you've seen it a million times. i don't buy that it triggers something in you that strongly....you like it, and you like jensen's reaction. you can't fool me!!! lisa berry's face in that one gifset shows just how fed up the crew is with their gross, coupley boyfriend antics.
i could pull up so many examples. sooooooo many. but my favourite was sealed since the moment i saw it.
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i actually already wrote an analysis on it but i can't find it :(((( which SUCKS because i really unpacked the whole thing. i'll try to summarise.
basically, a backstory is part of this too!!! jensen and misha both had a really really hard time with this scene(because it's explicitly romantic there i said it), they sat down for hours and poured over their scripts together, they were super super nervous going into filming, both of them, jensen especially, were super hard on themselves for their performances not being true to their characters but they both complimented the other's work(boyfriend moments fr). so, yeah. they weren't confident going into shooting. and how do they get themselves to feel better???? by cuddling each other, apparently.
a lot. a LOT. happens in this specific blooper. to the point that i saw it years before i knew about cockles and it raised all sorts of flags for me.
1) stop pulling my face towards your crotch(as a thinly veiled request that misha would, in fact, move jensen's face towards his crotch, considering it was jensen moving himself there in the first place. also, why so comfy down there guys???) 2) you're my baby daddy i know(in the most intimate voice i've ever heard please) 3) i know, i know, i love you too i didn't say i love you i know but you wanted to say it etc. misha's right, of course. that's what jensen meant.
it just reeks of comfort, familiarity and intimacy between the two, and it's a moment that is extremely sweet and silly at the same time. they're so <3
number three: top cockles found footage moment
WONDERFUL category. truly the culmination of the cockles experience. many people have said that shipping cockles doesn't work because 'they're just onstage you dummies!! they're playing it up for the audience!!!' here's the thing, love. i could not disagree with you more. once you climb your way up the cockles ladder, you soon learn that they are, in fact, playing their dynamic DOWN, not up. they really are just Like That™, and they could not care less about the paying audience, if we're being honest, considering how much time they take to giggle with each other and refuse to let the audience in on the joke. and i love them for it <3
anyway, my point is that this category is for all you naysayers out there, all you 'jensen and misha's relationship is just for show and is real life queerbaiting'(?????lordhelp???) oh yeah? ok, explain this.
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he. he. he calls jensen sweetheart. literally enough said. there's nothing to really add here, except, misha and jared then immediately engage in damage control. jared's method is distraction and misha's is retconning('get out of the car, dude') this was what got me to buy into the cockles dumpster for GOOD good. you don't call your buddy sweetheart accidentally and sound so completely earnest while doing it! especially not when that buddy is jensen ackles!!! you think he would let any of his friends call him that? do you?
one more thing; if it was a slip of the tongue, little mouth thing or whatever, you think jared wouldn't have jumped on it immediately??? i can hear it now. 'did you just call him SWEETHEART???' yeah. that's what i thought. you know why he didn't? because it was too revealing.
number four: top cockles autograph moment
i mean, i think we all know what it's gonna be, and if you don't, well, do i have the piece de cockles resistance that is gonna send you over the edge.
if you haven't heard of this story by now, as a cockles, truther, i'm gonna go ahead and get you to read it, because there is no possible heterosexual explanation for any of it, and you're fooling yourself if you think otherwise.
spoiler alert: it's the story where phones weren't allowed in an auto session, jensen nuzzles himself in misha's hair, leans his full body weight onto him, holds his hand, etc. etc. i'm imploding just repeating this back, actually. also, just, the sheer amount of stories from photo ops where they tackle hug each other or slap each other's asses or sing romantic songs to each other or almost kiss is, frankly, a lot. if i could wish for anything, it would be to witness them in person.
and finally,
number five: top cockles social media moment
this one is super difficult, because there's obviously a lot to choose from. but you know what? full send, i'm going with this one:
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i just. what to say about this. how often do misha and jensen watch sunsets together for it to qualify as ‘always’ ??? why are sunsets synonymous with their relationship??? that’s like??? a very romantic thing????? ‘this guy’??? the fact that it’s a CANDID??? i don’t know guys.
that could have been better but i am TIRED so. there you go rose ily
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hercleverboy · 4 years
can i please get your take on 25 from the general prompts and 33 from angst? omg please make it a happy ending if possible. i'm just a sucker for angsty fluff tbh!
wc ↠ 1.7k 
this one really took on a mind of it’s own but here you go! and it does have a happy ending, fret not. also it’s like wayyyy to long to even be classed as a blurb but whatever
General #25 ↠ “She doesn’t belong with him!” “Then who does she belong with?” “..With me.”
Angst #33 ↠ “I was happier with you.”
The day that Spencer broke her heart was one she would never forget. 
He’d been acting off lately. He pulled away when she tried to kiss him, turned his back to her when they went to bed each night, only answered with few words whenever she tried to speak to him. 
She knew it was over before he even said the words. 
“I can’t keep doing this.” He murmured one day, and Y/N sucked in a breath, preparing herself. “Me being away so often...It’s hurting you. I can see it. And you deserve so much better than that.”
She shook her head, moving toward him. “Please don’t do this, Spencer. Yes, I get a little upset when you’re away but that’s because I love you! I miss you when you’re gone!” She cried, “But that just makes the time we do spend together so much better.” 
“I love you too.” He paused, tears burning in his eyes. He was doing this for her, she’d understand that one day. “Which is why I have to let you go.”
and that was it.
Y/N moved out of their shared home, the house once filled with such light and warmth and happiness was now empty and cold and dark and Spencer had no one else to blame but himself. 
He did love her, very much so, and it was because of that that he no longer wanted to be the cause of her pain. No matter how much she played it off, smiled through her upset, laughed even though her heart would ache without him by her side- he could see right through her. She deserved better than him, than the limited life he could give her. At least, that’s what he thought at the time. He’d never regretted a decision more than that one. 
Six months later, JJ and Will got married in a beautiful starlit wedding in Rossi’s garden, surrounded by great friends and family. Friends- one of which was Y/N. Now Spencer thought about it, of course Y/N was going to be there. She was very close with JJ, and it was that fact that had led to the two meeting in the first place. 
Now, Spencer watched from across the garden in awe as she smiled and laughed with the bride. She’d never looked so beautiful, her melodic laugh radiating the warm energy that he’d missed so badly. He felt hope swell in his chest. A part of him that prayed to anyone that was listening that perhaps he’d be allowed a second chance, the opportunity to repent for the biggest mistake he’d ever made. 
All hope was abandoned when he saw a man he didn’t recognise come up behind Y/N, his hand resting on her hip as he handed her a drink, pressing a kiss to her cheek. 
She’d brought a date. 
His breath caught in his throat, rapidly blinking his eyes to rid them of tears that were brewing faster than he could clear them. Morgan, who Spencer had been mid-conversation with, paused. 
“You ok, Kid?” 
Spencer nodded a little too quickly, clearing his throat. “Yes, uh, I’m fine. Would you just excuse me a moment?” He stammered before turning and making his way inside the house, away from the worried eyes of his team. 
Morgan looked across the garden, catching JJ’s eye. She gave him a concerned look, to which he shrugged. JJ excused herself from the conversation she was having, walking over to Morgan. 
“Where’d Spence run off to?” 
“Not a clue, but I think it has something to do with that.” Morgan sighed, tipping his beer bottle in the direction of Y/N, who was laughing happily whilst dancing with her date. 
JJ gave Morgan a sad smile before heading off into the house, walking down numerous hallways trying to find which room Spencer had gone into. She eventually found a room where the door was slightly ajar, knocking gently before pushing it open. “Spence?” 
Spencer was sat on one of the chairs in the room with his back to the door, soft sobs coming from him, his shoulders shaking. At the sound of JJ’s voice, he sprung up from the chair with a sniff, hand wiping at his eyes as though he could convince her he wasn’t crying at all. “JJ! Hey, uh, sorry, I just- I needed a moment.” 
She waved her hand, giving him a soft smile. “You don’t have to apologise. You want to tell me what’s going on?” 
Spencer sighed, plopping back down into the chair as JJ came and took a seat beside him. “Did you see the date Y/N brought?” He asked quietly. 
JJ hummed. “I did. He’s nice.” She commented, not wanting to rub salt in the wound. “Is that why you’re so upset?” 
“Yes, of course that’s why I’m upset. I made the biggest mistake of my life letting her go and now I might lose her.” He cried, voice raising. “She doesn’t belong with him!”
“Then who does she belong with?”
His shoulders dropped, eyes finally meeting JJ’s. “...With me.”
JJ sighed, shaking her head. “You broke up with her, Spence!”
“I know I did, but it wasn’t because I stopped loving her!” 
“You can’t have it both ways! Either you want her, or you don’t!” JJ exclaimed. “Is she the one you want, yes or no?” 
“Yes.” He spoke so surely, his tone so certain that it made JJ grin. 
“Good! So, go out there and fix it!” 
Spencer nodded, scrambling toward the door with a quick ‘thank you!’ as he went. 
Once he was back in the garden, he headed over towards Morgan who greeted him with a small smile. “JJ knock some sense into you?” 
Spencer rolled his eyes at the comment but nodded nonetheless. “Could you do me a favour?” 
Morgan nodded, placing his beer down on the tabletop of the bar with a grin. “You want me to distract the date? You got it Pretty Boy, but you owe me one.” He smirked, narrowing his eyes playfully at his friend before heading in Y/N’s direction. 
Spencer watched the three speak as he fiddled with his thumbs, anxiously trying to figure out what he was going to say when a less than sober Penelope Garcia stumbled her way toward him, what must be her fourth (maybe fifth?) glass of champagne in her hand. 
“Reid! Have you seen my chocolate thunder? Cause you know I’ve been looking for him for a while now and- hold on a minute, you’re up to something!” She deduced, wagging an accusatory finger at him. 
“What, no I am not!” Spencer exclaimed, his tone getting higher in pitch like it always did when he was lying. 
“Oh, you so are! What’s going on?” She whined, making Spencer grin. 
“Okay okay. You wanna help?” He leaned in, explaining to her what Morgan was doing. 
Penelope let out a gasp, nodding happily. “That’s so exciting. I can totally help.” She moved over to where Morgan had struck up conversation with Y/N’s date, her loud voice catching both the men’s attention. 
Spencer let out a chuckle, Garcia was certainly a good distraction. 
When he saw Y/N was stood alone, he knew that was his shot. He shook all the negativity from his head, running his finger through his hair in attempt to look as presentable as possible before making his way over. 
When she looked over and saw him, it was as though her heart was broken all over again. She’d made a good job of ignoring him thus far but couldn’t find it in her to be cold to him, despite everything that had happened. 
“Hi Spencer.” She gave a little smile. 
He bit his lip, his mind racing. “Do you think- maybe we could talk?” 
It would’ve been in her best interest to say no, to tell him that she didn’t want to speak to him, but she couldn’t. Even if she didn’t want to admit it, no matter how hard she tried to convince herself otherwise, her heart still beat for him. 
She nodded, allowed him to lead her to a quieter part of the garden, away from the eyes of others so they could talk. “What’s up?” 
Spencer froze in that moment. Now that he had her there, what was he supposed to say? With all the thoughts flooding his head, where did he start? 
He tried desperately to form the words, but nothing left his lips. 
“I thought you said you wanted to talk?” She sighed. “I can’t do this.” She shook her head, beginning to walk away when Spencer gently grabbed her arm.
“Wait!” He called, cringing at how demanding he sounded. He knew he had to say something, anything to make her stay and listen. “I was happier with you.”
She looked back at him, eyes wide. “What?”
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. You don’t know how much I regret what I told you that day. I thought that I was keeping you safe by letting you go. I thought I was being selfless, but I wasn’t. It was selfish of me to do that without even considering trying to talk it out with you first, without allowing any room for your feelings or concerns.” He breathed out in one go, his words quick and filled with shame. “I know that things might never be the same, but I want to try. I love you, so much.” He whimpered, dropping his hold on her arm.
Her face softened, as she reached down to grip one of his hands in hers. She gave a light-hearted chuckle, one that contrasted the tears welling in her eyes. “I think we have a lot to talk about, huh?”
Spencer chuckled a little too, thumb rubbing over her skin. “Yeah, I guess we do.”
She sniffled. “This doesn’t mean I’m not still angry, cause I am.”
He nodded, looking down at their joint hands. “That’s okay, you have every right to be.”
“It might take a while, but I’m willing to try.” She confirmed, giving a small smile at how Spencer’s face lit up. “But I swear to god Spencer, this is your last chance.”
“I know, I know.” He grinned, giving her hands a squeeze. “One last chance is all I’ll need.”
and he was right.
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wayward-writers · 3 years
Monday MoodBoards
character mood boards (we'll reblog any under our tracker tags #waywardwriters #waywardroad)
Tall Tales Tuesdays
writing based off of thursday's prompt (we'll reblog any under our tracker tags #waywardwriters #waywardroad)
Wellness Wednesdays
self-care reminders, tips, and check-ins
Thursday Themes
prompt night (we'll reblog anything made in response) we post a prompt for the week (to be posted on Tuesdays)
Fluffiest Fridays
pet pics all round
Saturday Night Song Recs
swap songs with us please (we'll make a playlist of all of our suggestions and yours)
Sunday Scribbles
posting our quick pieces of art and reblogging any pieces under our tracker tags (#waywardwriters #waywardroad)
Meet the server below the cut:
Hi there! I’m E || @walksinstarllight on Tumblr. She/her, they/them, aroace and cas-coded through and through. I've only pretty recently gotten into Supernatural, but it has definitely carved its own place into my heart. I adore all of these characters (Cas especially), and I want to help give them the endings they deserve. I'm the Sera Gamble of the Wayward Writers (but better), and I'll be doing mainly plot and meta stuff here (that is, when I'm not screaming about fanfics), but I'm hoping to try my hand at writing as well. This project, and the people here, already mean so much to me, and I'm so glad to be a part of the Wayward Road. 
Hey, I'm Kat (K). My tumblr is @apathetichristmascracker come say hi - you'll see me around on this tumblr too alongside sonia, erin, and intro and outro. I'm C's Wine Sis, she's the dark to my twisty (greys ref), and I spend a ridiculous amount of time in the voice chats with Sonia and Erin just pissing about (they're great writers btw). According to the latest uquiz, I'm dean-coded, but I like to think I'm closer to end!cas. I'm 19 and in my first year of uni so this is me, banging a few gongs before the lights go out and I'm plunged into the real adult world (where I'm sure I'll continue as normal and it'll be no big deal, but I like to dramatise). I've been watching the show since S10 and I am obviously not ready to let Sam, Dean, Cas, and the rest of our babies go. So I'm here and I'm just really excited to hang out and get creative with the rest of Wayward Writers - write a lil love, write a lil pain. Of all the spn writer aliases we Waywards have adopted, I'm the Robbie Thompson lmao (the crypt, chronos, etc). I've worked with some particularly dope people on this project and we have some big brains - erin is our resident brain cell - in our ranks, so I can assure you peeps this is gonna be a wild ride on both our ends, in the best way.
Hi! So I'm Sonia - dean-coded hahaha I'm healthy™ I use she/her (tbh it's more any pronouns genders weird OK? I have no clue where I stand on it lmao) my tumblr is @carlgrimeschildsoldier I've been a supernatural fan for like 10 years now it's been a long decade I joined this project just to have some fun (not to say I don't take this rewrite seriously cause ofc I do) with rewriting, I love coming up with ideas and I've been really getting into writing due to all this which is awesome! So I help out with plot lbr I just throw ideas at the wall to see which ones stick lmao coherent thoughts who? and writing scripts I also wanna try writing novels! I've also ended up doing some of the Lore which hasn't made me wanna cry at all and am also helping out on the tumblr now too. I'm also pretty well known for being one of the ones always around lmao having a life who now? I'm also well known for being angsty af so in the nicest way possible I hope to make you all cry lmao. I'm really glad to be working on such a cool project and to see all the ideas everyone comes up with, I can't wait for you to see what we've created!
Heya all, I'm Cendense. I am found on my multi-purpose tumblr which is @centroverted . Any questions about me are likely to be answered there! Just look for the person with a Wei Ying pic somewhere on their layout. I'm an English major and tend to throw words at a wall and hope they stick! I got into spn around the ninth season and got repeatedly drawn back in due to certain things~ happening. I'm often about just spouting randomness to my fellow writers in this project, who have kept my life interesting the past few months. I'm going to vanish into the background now, as is my specialty, but rumor has it that if you say "The Untamed" in front of your tumblr three times in a row I shall appear.
Hey, I'm C. and I go by she/her. My tumblr is @dadstiel-trenchcoat . I'm currently in university and soon about to start a master program. My lovely subjects are English and Philosophy. I'm Davy Perez and one half of Ava(lance) of the Wayward Writers. Me and my other half A. hope to bring you some quality crossover content.™️ I also hope to live up to Perez' name and get justice for our shy, but devastatingly handsome angel. When I'm not simping for the Legends or SPN characters, chances are I'm on VC with my Wine Sis K. I wanna do a little bit of everything but my main focus will be writing and plot ideas. I might also do some work as a scribe because otherwise my attention span will give up after 30 minutes. Fun fact: I'm both claire- and donna-coded so I will be up at 3AM having the time of my life but also yell at you (softly) to go to bed. Also I'm a petty betty™️.
Heyo! I'm Gabriel (they/them), and the president of the Balthazar Deserved Better Club. My tumblr @ is @i-miss-balthazar . In this project, I contribute as a writer, lore researcher, plot planner, and sexy sax player. I'm also your resident simp, both for the characters and our talented Ether as well heart_eyes . All cards on the table, I joined solely to help Balthazar get what he deserved. However in working on this, I've found a deeper appreciation for all the characters, even the ones I wasn't initially a fan of. I'm thrilled to be a part of the Wayward Road, and I can't wait until we get to share it with y'all.
Hey :) I'm Ether, or Eth for short, he/they, cas-coded sam-girl (gender neutral), charlie and kevin stan and president of the Sam Winchester protection squad.  My tumblr is @tesghosterone and I've been watching the show sort of on and off for about 4 years. My job here is mainly for plot ideas and writing, but I'm trying my hand at meta and lore as well (when I actually have the braincell, that is). I spend most of my time here making my memes, drinking tea, creating Spotify playlists for random things and characters, and throwing random ideas around about subjects that make me sparkles feel things sparkles. other than simping for fictional characters, I am also my Gabriel's (not the archangel) biggest fan <3 I joined to do the characters (i.e. sam) justice and try and fix the plot inconsistencies that bugged me and turn them into something beautiful, and yes i am bitter about the special kids' arc in season 2, and the treatment of a number of minor characters (cough rufus turner and bela talbot cough). I am so happy to be here, working with these wonderful people, and I'm very excited to contribute to this project <3
Hi we’re Intro and Outro! Our tumblr @'s are @internetintroverts and @yourfinalbow , respectively. We do almost all of our work on the project together, which is why we’ve been dubbed “The Chaos Twins”, and we're the official Bucklemming of Wayward Road. We also spent 30+ hours writing Phantom Traveler and that episode has pretty much scarred us for life. But it's ok because time flies when you're- Sorry that 1x04 reference just slipped out. Right now we co-run some Tumblrs together and drink a lot of chocolate milk at 3 am while we try to get work done. Outro is a Dean-coded Dean girl (gn), Intro is a Cas-coded Dean girl (gn), and we're both definitely clowns. We hope you enjoy all the work we do, otherwise we really will be Bucklemming.
Hi everyone I'm Ael. One drink in hand for hydratation, a knife in the other to protect you all. Any pronouns are fine by me, I'm in my twenties and well I'm half-Dean half-Cas coded if it's any indication for you all! I love plotting ideas and doing lore research. I'm a professional Pic -Spammer and have too many Fandoms to do anything with my life. I'm the other half of (Ava)lance. Can't wait to share more with all of you! Tumblr: @tenji-whale-ael
Hi, I’m Rosalie! (they/them) My favorite color is blue like my spouse Blue :)) I don’t really use tumblr sorry. I love to write and I help write scripts for the rewrite (or I will once the universe gives me time to do it) You can check out my stuff on ao3! My user is rosepose!
Hi, I’m Lane! Also known as Thee Chaotic Fairy of Wholesomeness. My pronouns are she/her and my tumblr handle is @lanethesimp . I art things but I will occasionally be writing things as well within this project. I started really watching Supernatural a few years ago and the rest is history. I’m an endverse!Cas coded and Dean-coded girl. But there are so many other characters that I really love and are close to my heart. I’m honored to be a part of a project dedicated to creating a more satisfying ending for the characters I believe we’ve all grown to know & love. Not only for them, but for all of us who may have felt left out in the end. And I’m also very honored to be working with such amazing people and creating something great. I can assure you that this journey on the Wayward Road is going to be a fun one.
(Cas voice) Hello. I’m Elle! I use she/they pronouns. I’m a Sam-Coded Cas girl and it shows. I started watching Spn during season 12 after it was recommended by a friend. I’m the Bobo Berens of the project so I’ll be doing writing and plot . When I’m not writing for Wayward Road, you can find me making memes, sending gifs to Carrot, completing crack fic requests, or spewing angsty headcanons. Come say hi, my Tumblr is @ellewritessometimes .
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
don't apologize, this was exactly what I was going for! you wouldn't know how enjoyable getting those hyperfixation essays out of you is. I love them a great deal. all of them. you're one of those people who are unmatched at analysis.
now back to questions: what's your take on Ivan? I saw he was one of the possible test results, but since I didn't get him, I'm questioning you personally now
(I cannot get Lent out of my head now thanks to you...)
Here, I'll screenshot Ivan's answer.
Tumblr media
I have lots of thoughts on Ivan tbh, although they're complicated.
I know Asagiri never meant for him to be an important character or to ever really expand upon him but i am never going to get over the fact that Asagiri really just went "oh yeah by the way guys here's this absolutely nutzo crazy dude claiming that Fyodor fucking lobotomized him. He gets defeated really easily though so no worries."
Most people just take that at face value and go "oh yeah whatever, it's a villain minion, all villains have minions, he's weird and evil and pathetic ok moving on" but like. Can we hold on a minute????
If I remember correctly, Ivan said that Fyodor took out the part of his brain that feels sadness and pain, which from my very limited knowledge of the brain is just objectively not a thing that works. That's just not. A thing you can do. Cause yeah you could stop the part that recognizes pain signals, but that doesn't make anyone any less sad, it just makes them not feel physical pain.
And he wasn't like, literally lobotomized, because if that were so he would not be. Yaknow. Dancing around as he is. And he has bandages around his entire head, which would not be the case since lobotomies don't require you to cut open ur damn skull.
Well you know, it pretty much follows that whatever he's claiming Fyodor did to him is. Objectively not the case, because it's nonsensical, and Literally Why would Fyodor fucking lobotomize a guy that's so. What. What is the point of that
So I mean, I have two theories, one of them funny and one of them not
Either Ivan is just high as fuck all the time and thinks it would be funny to wrap bandages around his head and larp as a lobotomy victim and then Fyodor comes back like "Kolya came crying to me saying I lobotomized you what lies are you putting in his head" and Ivan being like heehee haha hoohoo
OR that Fyodor is definitely messing with his head, but in a normal manipulatory and ability-assisted way not a literal i am squishing your grey matter way. They definitely have a fucked up awful relationship, and I think I consider Ivan to be the narrative opposite of Nikolai, though they are genuinely similar.
So in that case Ivan would also still be on so many drugs all the time because look me in the eye and tell me that man isn't zooted out of his fucking mind
But in my opinion, the case of how something like this came to be with Fyodor was a situation similar to Shibusawa. Fyodor is someone who provides the worst sort of comfort to people.
Shibusawa liked Fyodor because Fyodor offered him concrete answers to the useless mess of confusion his life was, he provided easy comfort and a way to exist that satisfied the Hole in his Heart TM.
And I think Ivan probably had the same kind of problem- he was utterly lost in the world with no clue how to function probably scared of anything and everything and with no one to rely on and a terrible opinion of himself. The second he met Fyodor he was probably overjoyed even knowing Fyodor was this actual criminal mastermind who would probably manipulate and control him, use him and throw him away because it made him feel needed. He was seeking an escape from sanity to throw himself into something awful on purpose, and that seems to be Fyodor's specialty.
So Ivan probably jumped at the chance to get in on it, because Fyodor sympathized with his suffering and was the only one to give him a genuine solution. "Oh, so you need direction and relief? You need to be of use to people? If you truly see no use in your sanity, I could take it off your hands. You could join my terrorist organization and I'll lobotomize you! You can give up your free will altogether, because these things hurt for you to wield, and I'll take care of you, you'll be very helpful to me, god in the real, and I thank you very much" And Ivan cries tears of joy
Of course, Fyodor doesn't literally lobotomize him, but Ivan doesn't have to know that! I feel there must have genuinely been some ability intervention that did fuck him up farther than just being high though, Fyodor wants to make sure Ivan wouldn't ever betray them (or anyone else, that's yknow, why it's so easy for him to snatch up mentally ill people from the streets and make them worship him)
The case is Fyodor does genuinely care about Nikolai and Ivan very much so he does but his "caring" is I Am Going To Control You Completely And Play God Because I Don't Know How Else To Help
So no, I don't think his brain was genuinely messed with because that just doesn't seem like a Fyodor thing further than in a metaphorical sense. But Ivan is for all intents and purposes utterly under the control of Fyodor and also totally fine with that. As in it's a combination of he wants it bc he's very mentally ill and also it's a bdsm thing hiehrjgidfkslfljgujk
I have a fic about him trying to explain this whole Situation that I've been planning to write Forever because I really do care for Ivan a lot and I think there's a lot I could write with him that would explore not only him but Fyodor and Nikolai and their view of the world but I keep getting sidetracked
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The smokefur au is very easy to summarize so that's what i'm gonna do but first i'm gonna explain quickly what smoke cats are sorry for making you read through that
Basically you have 3 realms : there's the living realm life, the afterlife, and what comes after the afterlife and that's what we're gonna focus on. When you die or fade away in the afterlife, you either fade away forever (this is what happens most of the time), go to superhell (this is what happens to dark forest cats and some starclan cats) or become a smoke cat.
Smoke cats live in a separate realm of life and afterlife and cannot directly interact with either of their residents, the most they can do to communicate with them is sending visions or dreams/nightmares (note that since the afterlife is closer to them they mostly interact with them, using their inhabitants as intermediaries). They can leave the realm but they practically never do it tbh. The troubles like the "tigerstar is gonna grow up to be evil" thing is just smoke cats being bored af and since they can't fade away they try to distract themselves by causing discord. Smoke cats were basically tasked to look over the cats that are in superhell cause it can happen that they break out of superhell which is basically like being in a coma but since juniperclaw took over the job after alitm in this au they don't have anything to do so they'll probably just cause shit in the living world now.
Ok now we can start with the au it's under the cut
A light in the mist happens as usual until bristlefrost drowns ashfur and he fades away.
When he wakes up ashfur still feels like he's sinking in deeper and he starts getting pulled down deeper by sea weeds or some shit and he just goes "nope nope nope i'm not disappearing like that not a chance" and starts struggling. he somehow frees himself and swims up to find himself in the dark forest, but the thing is that none of the cats he's standing literally right in front of seems to notice him.
He thinks it's weird but doesn't have a lot of time to dwell on it because whatever the fuck was pulling him down when he was in the water bursts out and tries to grab him again, so he flees again.
It's my au so i get to decide how tf the lore works so ashfur flees towards starclan, crosses the border and somehow manages to leave the afterlife and gets in the leaving realm where the seaweeds or whatever the fuck these things are supposed to be don't follow him because they can't, safe at last, he finally realizes that his appearance changed (see ; the art under the smokefur au tag)
He wonders what the actual fuck happened to him and upon thinking about it guess that his new looks probably have something to do with cats not seeing him despite the fact that he's standing right in front of them (just so you know, a cat fading from the afterlife to end up in superhell doesn't remember fading away)
With this theory in mind, ashfur - now a smoke cat who was supposed to go to superhell but somehow escaped - starts roaming around to try and find something to do
Meanwhile, Bristlefrost, who had also drowned, wakes up in the smoke cats' realm with cats she doesn't know - other smoke cats - telling her "yeah bestie we would let you fade away and become part of the world but actually we need your help to catch the incel cause he escaped" (they don't actually need her help, they just don't feel like doing it themselves) and bristlefrost is like "wtf who are you people" before having an existential crisis cause "wait wtf what i saw wasn't real and just result of my dying brain????"
They don't actually answer her question and just tell her "get ashfur here and then you can actually die" before turning her into a smoke cat so she can do their work in their place and sending her to earth to catch ashfur before he can cause more trouble, that way they don't have to do shit and they have entertainment. Bristlefrost has no clue what is happening except that apparently she has to bring ashfur to these cats she know nothing about so she can actually die. And it's not like she's actually got a choice so she gets to work.
A few weeks pass by and ashfur - who realized that he's double dead at some point - starts to familiarize himself with his new form, finding out that the smoke changes into stuff like fire depending on his emotions, and that despite not being able to communicate with the living cats inside dreams/nightmares nor through signs like he could as a starclan cat, he can apparently give individuals nightmares (what he won't admit is that he actually found this out by accidentally giving a mouse nightmares when he was pissed) and figures out that he still has a way to make squirrelflight suffer. With this in mind, he leaves for the ThunderClan camp.
Bristlefrost, who either spends her days in SkyClan or ShadowClan to check in on the surviving tbc protagonist or having existential crisis and her nights looking for ashfur, eventually sees him lurking on ThunderClan territory during daytime but fails to track him, and after a week or two, she notices that she can't find him anywhere at night. She suspects that he spends his nights in the ThunderClan camp but doesn't understand why because, unlike him, she doesn't give a fuck about finding out how this body works she just wants all this to be over with. She eventually decides that she'd have nothing to lose by trying to prove her theory. So she waits until night falls before heading to the ThunderClan camp.
Turns out that ashfur was the one emitting all this smoke and that he has a squirrelflight who does not seem to be doing too hot (and bramblestar isn't doing any better but he's not exactly relevant here sorry bud). Ashfur threatens bristlefrost because that's ashfur we're talking about and he has an anime monologue about how he won't let this chance pass considering it's most likely his last one. Bristlefrost is not impressed and leaps at him.
She arrives in camp and heads straight to the leaders den because that's where she suspects Squirrelflight to be sleeping, only to be met by a very thick cloud of fiery smoke and embers. She decides to enter the den and try to navigate through the smoke despite all the bad vibes she gets just by being near it
They have an epic anime battle, with ashfur almost whipping bristlefrost's ass, because people tend to forget way too often that he was one of ThunderClan's best fighters back when he was alive, but is only beaten cause maintaining the smoke that is causing squirrelflight to have nightmares and fighting at the same time isn't exactly easy, plus he hasn't mastered all of the abilities he's discovered so far at all cause he's been a smoke cat for like 2 to 3 weeks at most, so bristlefrost manages to beat him up because he isn't a 100% focused on the fight.
She brings him back to the smoke cats' realm and there he's finally trapped in the illusion that is his superhell and put under juniperclaw's watch like the other cats that are put in superhell (cause juniperclaw became something similar to a smoke cat when he took over the job i haven't read alitm yet and it shows in this entire au) and bristlefrost is now allowed to fade after refusing the other smoke cats' offer to become a smoke cat like, forever, cause she's seen what being a smoke cat is like and frankly she's not very impressed. So bristlefrost fades away and is double dead.
I'm still not done tho.
So to explain superhell better, basically the cats are trapped in a bubble that is the color i associate them with because it's aesthetically pleasing and it's easier to keep track of them that way, and they're not exactly kept in the smoke cats realm, they were before, but when juniperclaw took over the job they were moved to a place that is way more aesthetically pleasing because i have drawing ideas thank you very much and this place is basically a huge pool that's very deep (not infinite tho) where most of the bubbles containing the cats in superhell are put (some of them are kept outside the water if they need higher maintenance and because it's very aesthetic)
Superhell is not very fun as you can guess, basically the cat is trapped in a timeloop where they relive the worst moments of their lives and/or their worst fears depending on the loop, and to add onto it, when cats are put in superhell, they don't remember what happened between the moment they died and the moment they were put in superhell unless they break out of their bubble, and when the loop is done, they lose memories of the previous loop. I'll let y'all imagine how cats that have been there for a while like hawkfrost are faring.
At first when ashfur was put in superhell his bubble was kept outside the water cause him breaking out of superhell is the last thing the smoke cats and juniperclaw wanted, but after some time he was put in the water cause his bubble wasn't unstable or anything so there was no reason to believe that he would possibly break out anytime soon.
Ashfur ends up in superhell, and his superhell is basically whether his entire life (his worst fears go with it tbh), or the fire scene but a bit different and with a twist and that's what we're gonna focus on (i had actually started writing an os about this part of the au a few months ago but ao3 deleted it and i had forgotten to make a backup for the story smh)
I have no idea what loop we're on but it's far from the first one and Ashfur wakes up in the ThunderClan camp because it smells like something is burning. He gets out of the warriors den, taking note that it's completely empty, and, ah shit, the camp is on fire, he tries to leave, stumbles globally unharmed to whatever the fuck he was standing on during the fire scene i have never read po3 leave me alone and same as squirrelflight in the books he tries to move it to avoid, y'know dying, except that squirrelflight arrives, he asks her for help in moving the log (gonna say it's a log to make my life easier) but instead she pushes it into the fire before leaving.
So ashfur is left alone in the burning camp with no way of running away and he basically dies. Except that he wakes up. And he's underwater.
Turns out that he somehow managed to break out of superhell and is all the way down to the bottom of the water of the realm where cats are kept.
To be completely honest with y'all, the moment after a cat breaks out of superhell is far from being the best cause, like i said, they'll remember what happened between the moment they died for the first time and the moment they were put in superhell, as well as the loops they went through. Ashfur is now having an existential crisis.
He swims up after he somehow managed to calm down. To end up face to face with Juniperclaw once he get to the surface who, upon seeing him, probably says something along the lines of "god fucking damnit i hate my job" but, to be completely honest with y'all, ashfur is kind of a mess at the moment cause he's very disoriented and still having his existential crisis like "how long have i been here how is this even a thing who are you people why would you do this to me" cause he woke up from his coma like 30 minutes ago at most
Juniperclaw is surprised by the fact that he kinda pities this incel when seeing him so miserable. Then he remembers that he has a job and that this guy deserves what's happening to him so he puts him back to sleep and back in his superhell.
Time passes by, juniperclaw doesn't tell the smoke cats about how ashfur escaped superhell and they never ask cause cats breaking out of super hell doesn't happen nearly enough for them to be very worried about it.
And then ashfur breaks out of superhell again and, upon seeing him again, juniperclaw is like "cats breaking out of superhell is supposed to be uncommon how are you doing this" and ashfur is like "kzkalpejrj3kieozokzuejekj i wanna go home"
Basically from this point on i have a few possibilities but this part of the au isn't nearly developed enough so i'm not gonna explain it
However what i can tell you is that the au ends by juniperclaw allowing ashfur's spirit to fade away cause remember that he became somewhat similar to smoke cats when taking over the job.
This got long but I'm done for now bye
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diedahxro · 3 years
Random number generator said: 55 - Historian (ok time for a Tomb Raider AU tbh)
"What I'm saying is, if you don't let me have the artifact in question, someone will quite literally show up here to take it by force. And I won't be responsible for the kind of collateral damage that will cause." Jason crossed his arms in front of his chest, leveling the museum employee with his best no-nonsense stare. "I don't have the time to argue about this with you. My mentor singlehandedly supplied half of the exhibits in this place, if you're grateful at all for that contribution, I suggest you prove it right now."
Jason's mentor had gone missing in action years ago and no one had heard from him since, aside from the cryptic clues the young historian and archeologist slash adventurer had found around the Wayne manor. Before he could continue the thought, a loud crash could be heard from the hallway outside the office and Jason hissed a curse under his breath. "For your own safety, I suggest you don't move."
With that, he pulled the gun tucked into the back of his waistband under the worn-out leather jacket and inched towards the opened door to peer around the corner. The sound of gunfire echoed from the high walls and Jason threw a pointed glance at the other. "You convinced yet?"
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