#I have it in my bedroom just chilling on my bookshelf
anti-dazai-blog · 1 year
I'm hoping that this person Fyodor mentioned in the last episode that challenged him once is someone who can give Dazai a run for his money and put him into a real situation where he doesn’t have all the answers. At this point, I'm starting to worry that's never going to happen.
I don’t remember if Fyodor mentioned the gender of the person when he made his comment, but if he didn’t then I’m gonna hope it’s Agatha Christie.
We’ve already seen her— in fact in the manga she’s already interacted with Fyodor— and the only strategists we’ve seen so far have been guys. I’d kinda like a woman strategist (so long as she’s treated with the same respect the series gave to Dazai/Fyodor/Ranpo in regards to their strategies.)
Technically Louisa could count as a female strategist, but she never goes up against any other strategist, and the only “strategy” she does is tell Francis not to make stupid decisions and (iirc) telling Steinbeck and Lovecraft that Dazai would try to retrieve Q. Neither of which are strategies. It never even goes into how she reaches her conclusions— it basically chalks it up to “she thinks for a really long time until she knows stuff”.
Anyway. Although I personally have never read any of Christie’s works, she’s my cousin’s favorite author, which essentially makes her my blorbo-in-law. So I gotta root for her getting more content.
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averywiseanimatedcat · 2 months
Plant shelf ineffable husbands update. AKA-the south downs garden of my house
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I counted and I have 24 plants in a 1 bedroom apartment, they’re not all pictured here. I did have 20 but then made the mistake of going to the plant shop clearance section and bought 4 more half dead plants to rehabilitate…
The Angel wing begonia (spotty one in the middle) is growing up towards the husbands which is cute.
The Ficus black knight (next to Crowley) is currently sulking due to the lack of winter sunlight (mood) and has no red tips
My clumsy ass broke a snake plant leaf (top right) so she’s currently zip tied together and moved up where I can’t walk into it and break it some more
I absolutely did not leave my Green pothos (top left) sitting in water for a week because I was watering it and forgot to take it out so all the roots rotted away but it’s still alive by some miracle
If anyone knows how to get peace lilies to flower please tell me your secrets. This bitch (massive ass in the white pot) just wants to chuck out leaves 3x the size of my hand and has only given me one flower in the 3ish years I’ve owned it. None of the methods I found on google work just made her more leafy…
The try hard Marble Pothos trailing down the shelf has been promoted from the bedroom to the shelf because clearly they’re a superstar who wants to be seen
Can’t see her much but messy bitch behind the peace lily drops so many leaves (healthy asf just grows allot) so been shoved in the darkest place as punishment for doing to much
There is a resident spider inside my terrarium
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Bookshelf husband update: they’re just chilling, having some ice cream. Waiting until I move one day and can put the book shelf into a more well lit area and they can have their own garden to
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brokenstar28 · 1 year
Hide And Seek
The Bat-fam decides to play Hide And Seek.
First round: Dick.
6th place Steph: Behind the Grandfather clock in the living room.
5th place Duke: Eighth bathroom on the second floor.
4th place Jason: Second library. He was reading.
3rd place Tim: Behind the bookshelf in the second library. He was asleep.
2nd place Cass: On top of a bookshelf in Bruce's study behind a large painting. Took 3 hours to find.
1st place (They didn't find him) Damian: He was in the secret passageways in the walls that only he could fit in. He totally has a secret base there with snacks and a TV and everything.
Second round: Steph.
6th place Jason: First library this time. Still reading.
5th place Dick: Chandelier in the second ballroom. he's just... chilling.
4th place Duke: Fifth bathroom on the first floor .
3rd place Cass: She is in the rafters in the dining room. (how she got there? None of my personalities know!)
2nd place Tim: In Steph's room under the bed. (cliche much?)
1st place (Again) Damian: In the walls again (How does he get in there? I don't know. Neither do my imaginary friends.)
Third round: Jason.
6th place Tim: He fell asleep on the stairs.
5th place Duke: First bathroom second floor.
4th place Steph: Cass's bedroom in the closet.
3rd place Cass: Steph's bedroom in the closet .
2nd place Dick: After five hours he left his hiding spot in the secret attic no one knew about thinking he won. He did not.
1st place Damian: (They just never find his hiding spot so he wins every time just because he is my favorite) he stayed hidden for two days and people genuinely thought he was dead until he showed up and pretended nothing had happened.
Hide And Seek is now banned.
Should I do the Floor Is Lava or Never Have I Ever next?
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skyliv · 2 months
i hate these two with half the fibers of my being. although i do hate some people just a bit more so maybe that weighs out! n e ways.. dumb and dumber week five
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Just at 10:40, a few brisk knocks sounded at Lucielle’s apartment door. Olivia looked out of place in the hallway, just like she had riding her bike to the complex, and walking down the hall.
She ditched the lab coat Lucielle was used to for a dark tan jacket. It was layered over a long, plant patterned high waisted skirt and a loose-fit button up. She pulls a light scarf through her fingers, waiting for a response. She had been there for ten minutes, deciding to get there just at the time she had planned. Maybe going early would’ve been better for Lucielle, she had always arrived early to their appointments, so maybe Olivia putting in that effort would show that she cared.
Although, the doctor was nervous, shifting on her feet and constantly looking around the empty hall every few seconds. Another minute, another knock, she thought she was getting ahead of herself.
But there was nothing, no answer, not a sound. Olivia idly reached out a hand, her left one still tugging on the end of her scarf. She can’t explain how her heart beats quicker, how her mind overflows with emotion. She swallows, her hand on the doorknob almost shaking.
As Doctor Octopus, she’s committed plenty of crimes, dozens worse than just waltzing in to someone’s house with no ill intent. She still worries, though- What if Lucielle never forgives her? What if she was kicked out? Screamed at? She can’t help but panic, even if the last proper crime she committed was two days before she met Lucielle.
Olivia feels frozen, her thoughts running back to her last meeting with Spider-Man. She hadn’t been the one to initiate the fight, rather having to stop him from yet another attempt at wrecking some work. “You’ll only hurt her,” he had said when Olivia let it slip that she was meeting a friend, “It won’t work, doc! It never does.”
Her right hand tightens, and the knob clicks… It wasn’t fully locked, and the dark wooden door slowly swings open.
“God…” Olivia breathes, yanking her hand back like she touched a charged wire. Her brows furrow and her face feels hotter than ever. The cracked door calls to her, one magnet to another, and through the slit she can catch a glimpse of warm colors and bright windows. She takes a deep breath, steeling herself for whatever she could see, or whatever could possibly happen.
It was quite the quaint place, a main studio area connected to a bedroom and bathroom. She’s immediately met with vibrant colors and sweet decor, older furniture sets dotting the dark wooden floor. Olivia quietly closes the door behind her, surveying the place like an animal adapting to a new enclosure. She quickly locks onto the open bedroom door and steps up.
“Hello?” The doctor calls out.
Olivia lets her hand brush against a vase of fake white flowers on a table, and enters the bedroom. The faint sound of water splashing can be heard from the bathroom, and she has to tear her focus away from a tall bookshelf and the lightly colored bedsheets and outfit laid out beside piled pillows. A chill shoots down her spine, and not from the coolness of the room.
She runs a hand through her hair, freezing up right before the doorway. “If I don’t have an excuse, Lucielle will kill me,” her mind argues with itself, “I should go, I’m being rash.” But she still enters, and her eyes aren’t drawn to a young woman standing there.
Instead, she stared right at a dark harbor seal napping in an almost full bathtub.
The beast was as large as a retriever, practically motionless as it slept. Its pelt was dark, almost a slate blue, and absolutely coated in black spots. It was familiar, and as Olivia battled through her shock, a hand gripping the doorframe, she couldn’t help but feel excited that she was right about Lucielle’s mutant power.
Long whiskers rose and fell with each breath as it laid its head on the bathtub’s edge. Its back flippers faintly kicked whenever it exhaled, sending small ripples through the water. Olivia’s worried frown shifts into a weak grin. The sweet animal caught her off guard, and she has to bring a hand to her mouth as she holds back her laughter. A thin rug muffles her steps when she finally approaches the tub, and the idea of slipping out her phone to take a picture doesn’t even pass her mind.
She leans down, hands on her thighs as the seal sniffs in its sleep. Once, twice, then like a dog who caught onto a scent, its eyes flicker open. The beast panics, floundering around in its tub at the sight of Olivia, letting out a sharp bark and gracelessly slipping into the water.
Olivia steps back before she can get splashed, and she raises her hands with wide eyes. “Luce! It’s me!” She exclaimed as it tried to regain its footing, “Honey, hi! It’s ok!”
The seal was finally able to hook a front flipper back over the bathtub’s edge. It bares its fangs, out of breath from the sudden scare. It closes its eyes, and in a flash something moves- Not the seal, but something beneath its fur.
Olivia couldn’t see the transformation, no one really could, but in a quick moment Lucielle peeks out her head from under a now lifeless pelt. Her hair’s a bit disheveled, and she’s scrambling to cover up her body, but one thing shines through: shock.
“Liv?!” She barks, her chest heaving with worried breaths. Olivia takes another step back, studying the little lady below her. Lucielle has clearly just woken up, the makeup she had put so much effort into was smudged around her eyes, and it was a miracle that the massive pelt could cover her where she sat in the tub. “What the fu- How the hell did you even-“
Olivia’s eyes soften, and her face falls. Her lips part, and she fights to find her words. “The door- I figured I’d come on time and it was unlocked! So I-“ The women lock eyes. Lucielle had been crying sometime before shifting into seal form. Olivia swallows, unable to get that lump out of her throat.
Lucielle sinks a bit more into the bath’s scarce soap bubbles, pulling her pelt closer to cover herself. She sighs faintly, before mumbling, “I fell back asleep.. God, oh shit I am so sorry.” She doesn’t bring her hands up until she knows the pelt is tied just enough to cover her front. “I mean- You should be sorry, who would do that!”
“I am sorry!” Olivia adds quickly, unsure how to react to her normal cold demeanor shattering, “I didn’t want to be late, I can leave and call this all off, ok? You can go back to your little nap, and-“
“Stay.” The selkie butts in, finally standing her ground. She sniffs, taking a quick breath, “Please, could you just wait in the living room for a minute..? I’ll get ready, we can still go, I still want to go.”
Olivia raises a brow, and a small frown dims her expression. If anything, she was confused- Why hadn’t she been cast out, why hadn’t she been shouted at? Was Lucielle ok?
The doctor takes a small step back, adjusting her jacket nervously to try and keep herself occupied. “Do you want to talk about it here?”
“No, we can-“ Lucielle wrings her hands together underwater, “We can discuss it over lunch.”
Olivia found Lucielle’s small apartment adorable. It was a miracle how she could afford to rent her own, less than 600 square feet, but open enough to feel comfortable. The doctor stood in the main living area, barely leaning on the couch by the door. She could see herself here, sat on that very couch, over in the little kitchen corner, sat by the window with a mutant by her side. She didn’t like to settle, she was barely ever at the penthouse provided by Fisk Industries, but with that inability to leave her work came a yearning for something personalized.
Olivia removed her jacket, folding it over one arm and stretching out the other. The dark metal harness plastered on her back was faintly visible through the white fabric of her shirt. Her gaze trails the wall in front of her: a crowded coat rack, a grand set of bookcases around a quaint television, a taller potted plant, and much more. Apart from the bits of marine themed decor and small figures from movies or games, the place looked like it could be from a magazine. The last thing she picked out from the decorations was a familiar machine, the last functional light beginning to quietly blink in a quicker succession.
Ten minutes, that’s how long it took Lucielle to finally exit. Olivia whirled around at the door’s creaking, eyes wide under her large glasses. Lucielle was in the same outfit laid out on the bed: high rise, loose cut shorts, a simple pastel tank, and a necklace with a dark seal claw on its chain. Even if her curly hair was still damp, she seemed to put on a faint bit of eye makeup, like she felt the need to look her possible best at any time.
“Sorry again.” She begins, just standing in the doorway with the lamplight behind her still bright, “I’m alright, just- A few things went wrong at once last night, and then I got scared I’d be late.”
Olivia notices how the mutant stayed still, so as she turned, she didn’t approach either. “And then it all falls apart,” She muses calmly, glancing to her side and the macine she caught a glimpse of, “It’s alright, I get it.. How about we go for a walk, you can show me the way to that cafe, ok?” She wasn’t used to having someone to look over, let alone someone who looked out for her as well.
Lucielle took a small step back, reaching into her room to grab a little crossbody bag. She finally exits the room when she slings it on, and finally smiles. “That’s perfect.”
They were both silent until they stepped out of the building, and Lucielle is the first to chime in.
“Spider-Man,” She talks slowly, just as she tries not to walk ahead, “He found me last night, and he sounded scared.. Of you.”
Olivia was about to look terrified at the prospect of Spider-Man ‘finding’ Lucielle, but at the rest of the story, she just frowned. “So that’s why you had the Observation Device, I didn’t even notice he took it yesterday.”
“You fought him yesterday?” She turns her head as she walks, nearly hitting her shoulder on a lamppost.
“He broke in.” Olivia corrects, fixing up her posture in a subconscious attempt to seem calmer, “I have no clue what his motives were, but yes, I fought him yesterday..”
“And…” Lucielle pauses to double check the road she’s about to cross, “You mentioned me.”
As Olivia follows, she’s still on high alert. Not for her surroundings, but for the emotions of the woman she’s walking with. Her brows furrow, and her lips purse some. “Not… Really. I said that he was getting between, well- ‘A friend and I,’ I only ever mentioned you were a mutant!”
Lucielle knew where she was going, so she was able to slow down and process at her own pace. “A friend..?” Tears threatened to well in her eyes, she’d be able to make an excuse that the wind made her tear up, but it most certainly wouldn’t work.
Olivia looked to the road, and stopped at the next crosswalk. “Mhm… A friend. I didn’t want him to trash the lab while we fought like usual,” She was usually the one to wreck the laboratory, “Because- Because I like your company, and I don’t want to scare you off.”
Lucielle sighs, rubbing a free hand over her cheek before her fingers brushed through her hair. For once, she was the one studying the other woman’s expression. The nearest traffic light flicked green, and the light across the street clicked to life. She reaches out a hand to tap the doctor’s.
“I’m sure I’ve said this before.. But it’s not easy to scare me,” She reassured with a smile, “I just forgot- I forgot you were on his bad side and I forgot about all the things you’ve done” Lucielle stepped out to the open crosswalk, and Olivia takes a quick step forward to catch up. The doctor’s thinner hand darts out to try and take Lucielle’s, and her attempt is met with success. Her cool skin against the mutant’s warm palm was an odd feeling, but not too uncomfortable.
“But that’s not all I am-” Olivia’s words came quicker after she took the mutant’s hand. As they got just a touch closer, Olivia could see the faint redness around Lucielle’s eyes from her earlier breakdown, could notice the strands of hair that just wouldn’t flatten with the rest of her curls. “It’s for work.. That’s all it is,” She wouldn’t admit the excitement she garnered from the rush of battling, nor the ecstasy of having so little regulations on her work, at least not yet, “Let me make this up to you- I didn’t know he would show up, I swear.”
There really was a corner bookstore within a mile of her home, Olivia would have to keep that in mind for when she stayed in Fisk Tower. There’s a cafe connected to it, and the store itself stretched across two floors. Lucielle is the one to open the door, gesturing Olivia to enter, and smiling when thanked. It’s not the largest spot, but with its connection to the bookstore, it’s more than enough. A few tables and even a set of booths, all lit from a few warm lights and the large windows near the entrance.
They’re seated quite quickly, with two little cups of black tea and a couple of pastries. Neither of them were used to this, Lucielle quietly adds some sugar and creamer to her tea, and Olivia just goes right into drinking hers. Lucielle couldn’t be upset for long, so after she finally takes a sip, she speaks back up.
“I wasn’t even mad about you coming in.” She says nonchalantly, reaching out to a small plate between them to pluck out an apple fritter. “There was just a lot going on, if anything, you smelling like coffee helped me get up.”
“You could-“ Olivia blurts out, “You could smell that?” She leaned forward in her chair, forearms folded on the table.
“Of course! Seal form, clearly.. Plus, it was new, I don’t drink coffee so I know something was up.” Lucielle takes another drink, and finally goes to bite her pastry before saying, “That’s why I got you the bag with the least caffeine too.”
Olivia almost chokes on her sip, before finally getting it down and laughing. “God, Luce- I thought you were devastated this morning!”
Lucielle took a big bite of the fritter, snickering to herself. “I was… But seeing you made it much better.”
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thevelria · 1 year
Promise me you will always come home!
After months of rush, Satoru found himself at home without any upcoming mission. Something he never really experienced before. Even if he loved spending time with his beautiful wife aka you after a few days of chilling his eager blood started to boil in his veins. 
He walked back and forth in your home, fixing everything he promised but never had time for it. Squeaky kitchen faucet? Check. Broken wardrobe door? Check. Cleaning the attic and the basement? Check. He got himself busy and you didn’t say a word. 
You have lived with Satoru for many years now. Long before you got married you moved in together, so it was safe to say you knew your husband and his always-on-the-run personality. However, you also created your daily routine and him being at home 24/7 blew everything up. Of course you were happy to know he was safe and alive but after he ran out of all the tasks he started to dance on your nerves.
“Baby?” he was biting his lower lip, staring at you.
“Yeah?” you put down your book for the 4th time in the last 10 minutes.
“I think I know what we could do. Do you want to help me to build your bookshelf? Oooor we could clean and re-furnish the room upstairs!” His eyes were sparkling from excitement.
“Honey, I would like to have some me-time today, okay? Just let me finish this book, yeah?”
Satoru mumbled something under his nose before he stayed silent…for a whole minute.
“Or…” he took a huge breath.
“Satoru!” you pinched the bridge of your nose.
“Just hear me out baby, please.” he pulled the most adorable smile, while he started to list what else you both could do.
You knew you weren’t able to keep reading, so you placed your manga on your desk and got up from the couch. On your way to the bathroom you already heard him fidgeting in his seat. 
You were standing in front of the mirror, washing your face, trying to fresh yourself a bit. 
“Looooove?!” he stood in front of the bathroom.
“What now?”
“What are you doing?” 
“I literally walked in 20 seconds ago!” you rolled your eyes. 
“Yeah, but what if we…” his words died mid sentence as you shut the door open and grabbed his collar. You dragged him right into the bedroom and crashed your lips against his but you still weren’t able to silence him.
“Baby?” he mumbled into the kiss.
“Gojo Satoru, shut your fucking mouth and take off your clothes if you don’t want me to kill you!”
He chuckled at your threat but he did as you said. After making love again and again and again you both were laying on your back, panting and facing the ceiling. 
“Will you now let me finish my book?” you turned to face him. He kept staring at the ceiling, his hands under his head, biceps flexing.
“Only if you let me cuddle you.” he giggled. “I can’t help it, I want to spend every possible second with you. What if one day I won’t come home anymore.”
Your heart skipped a beat and you felt horrible. Even the thought of…no, you refused to even think about such a horrible thing. 
“Don’t ever say that again, Satoru!” you sounded serious as you placed your head on his chest. “Promise me you will always come home!”
“I promise!” he kissed the top of your head and hugged you tight.
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
> "Sorry, the pink slippers are kinda distracting, what did you say again?"
You clutch your bag tighter.
"Stay back."
"woah, what's with the tone? anyway, don't worry. i'm a big fan of not moving."
He inspects the contents of his mug, then cocks his head at you.
"funny, i'm pretty sure this is the first chance we've had to talk in"—he gestures vaguely—"all this stuff."
He winks, "the name's—"
"Sans," you finish for him, "I know."
He pauses, holding your gaze, but his smile doesn't falter in the slightest. Another chill runs up your spine.
"huh," he says, "guess it slipped my mind."
You flinch as he starts to move, but he only reaches down to grab one of the fallen pages off of the floor. He skims it for a moment, turning it this and that way, before shrugging and letting it fall to the floor once again.
"actually, i was thinking of getting a snork of two in," he shoves his free hand in his shorts pocket, "but, uh. you still haven't answered my question, have you?"
Looking around the room, you consider your options. He seems amiable. At least, considering that you just broke into his bedroom. But you know better than to be lured into any sense of safety. You know what he's capable of. You've felt it, too, and you would prefer to avoid repeating the experience as much as possible.
But... you've only ever known him to fight under express request of the King. You doubt he'd kill you without his permission. Besides, it's unlikely you'll make it out of this room without consequences for your actions, whether you go willingly or not.
You don't have much to lose. You decide to risk it.
"I'm looking for information," you state, simply.
Again, he looks at the new whirlwind of papers covering the room.
"yep. i can see that. strange, i didn't take you as the bookish type."
Here goes nothing.
You step forward.
"No, I... I came to talk." You lick your lips, "with you."
He raises a brow.
"just to get this straight. you risked your neck falling from a window, broke into my room in the middle of the night, raided a bookshelf. just to... what, talk?"
Well. If you put it like that.
You nod.
Sans stares. Then he snorts.
He grabs the chair from the desk and tips it far enough so that whatever clothes were still hanging onto it for dear life are forced to lose their grip. Then he sits on it, hands in his pockets, and hooks one slippered foot over the other.
"let's chat."
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taters169 · 8 months
The Tin drabbles
It was too cold to sleep. Michael could see his breath as he lay in his bed. He'd already pilled all of his blankets on top of himself but still couldn't warm up. Turning over he looked at the giant watch on his wall, almost 2am. There was nothing else for it, he'd have to go wake Vince. Since he'd been found by the kind giant Michael had been continously surprised that vince never seemed to have any motive other than he was a nice guy. He had helped Michael set up his little house on the bookshelf and was always giving him new little bits and pieces to make his home more comfortable.
Michael rolled out of his bed and grabbed his grappling hook. Vince had offered to install ladders and ropes around the flat to help him reach where he wanted to be but after spending so long unable to go where he wanted Michael relished the freedom his hook represented. It had taken him longer than he'd expected to regain his climbing skills. Four years was a long time to loose muscle mass but he took every opportunity to climb his rope now and his arms were becoming strong and toned once again.
As he entered the giants bedroom he could see the outline of the huge form under the blankets. He headed towards the nightstand and threw up his hook. It caught on the edge of the drawers first time and he swiftly made it to the top.
"Vince...VINCE!" Said Michael as loud as his little voice could manage
Vince groaned and began to stir
"Michael? What time is it? What's wrong?" He asked
"Its really late, I'm sorry to wake you but its so cold I can't sleep."
Vince rubbed his face and sat up he could feel the chill in the air as he did so.
"Urgh the pilot light must have gone out on the boiler again. I'll email the landlord in the morning. Do you want me to do you a hot water bottle?" Vince asked swinging his legs round to get up.
"Um, could I maybe just sleep in here?" Asked Michael shyly
"Oh yeah of course! Hang on a tic" Vince said as he rolled over and started raking through his drawer
"How about this?" He said holding up a big ridiculously fluffy bed sock "would this work as a sleeping bag maybe?"
"Yeah that looks great thank you" Michael climbed into the sock as it was placed next to him
"Am I OK to pick you up?" Asked Vince, he was still getting used to holding his tiny friend, always terrified of doing it wrong but at the same time amazed at the trust Michael put in him.
"Yes please, your hands are always warm"
Vince ever so gently picked Michael up like a little burrito all wrapped in his sock sleeping bag. He held him gently between both hands and rubbed one of his hands softly up and down Michael's side to warm him up
"Is that better?" Asked Vince
"Much" replied Michael with a yawn.
Vince brought his face down to Michael and nuzzled his nose into his middle. Michael soon fell asleep with Vince's warm breath heating up his legs through the huge sock and his cosy hands cupped around him
"Good night.." said Michael as he drifted off
"Good night my sweet little guy" whispered Vince completely in awe of the trust Michael had to actually fall asleep in his hands.
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myearts-uwu · 2 years
Hello! This is a really random post but I just want to show you guys how my bedroom’s bookshelf looks like rn!
I’m pretty proud with what I have so far and I just wanna show it to you guys!
Here’s the first row of my bookshelf! Though its more of a manhwa shelf tbh with how much manhwa-related stuff I have.
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I enjoy putting all of my merch up on display so they all just chill in this area!
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun remains as my favourite romcom manga so that’s why it’s on the very top row with the rest of my manhwas.
All of my Genshin and Honkai related acrylic standees I bought them at Kinokuniya (they’re so pricey tho 🫠)! I mainly collect characters I love a lot or have been on my team before, except for Orchestra!Beidou cause come on, just look at her. How could I not buy her? Didn’t buy her wifey tho ;-;
Most of my WMMAP merch come from the manhwa’s limited edition sets from volume 4-7! I would love to collect vol1-3 as well but they were sold out and vol 8-9… it just isn’t worth it without all the merch.
I also have a nendoroid of White Blood Cell a bit hidden here. I like him. He’s cute!
There’s even a Loid figurine. Hello Loid!
And the four little standees of the featured manhwa dads from my very first manhwa event; the Isekai Zaddy event! They’re really cute! They’re all travel sized so you can easily take them wherever you want them to go with you.
The cute Athy and Claude standee are from the MOFUN x WMMAP collab btw! I bought them along with an Anastacius acrylic keychain which I love a lot too!
Oh and in case you’re curious with the picture of the WMMAP cast that I have framed: It came with volume 7 and it’s actually the picture that came with the puzzle set. It’s supposed to act as a reference when doing the puzzle but I had other plans.
I also like to decorate my frames a lot (I used to do a lot of journaling back in the day lol)
Now on to the second row!
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There’s not much going on in this row I feel like. Just my full manga collection of The Promised Neverland and some acrylic standees and WMMAP boxes decorating this row.
I don’t plan on using the Lucas pop socket cause I’m not into pop sockets much.
Oh! And I’d like to introduce you to my queen Hatsune Miku! I actually bought her figuring very recently! Along with the Loid figure that’s on the first row and also a Nanami figure that’s displayed somewhere else! Moly’s figurine here is so gorgeous I can’t even describe how pretty it really is-
And finally the third row!
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I’d love to add in some more stuff on this row but for now I’m satisfied cause my DARLINGS ARE HERE <3
I’m so happy to have both Jennette and Anastacius on full display here with fully decorated acrylic frames. I’d love to put the other characters up but I uh… ran out of space.
Also Zhongli and Ganyu standees, my beloveds!
And there’s my little Senbonzakura KAITO nendoroid that I bought way back in 2015. He cute. Forgot where his actual hat is tho sadly.
I do have one more row but uh… it’s too messy.
Here are some close ups of my favourite things on this shelf!
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I’d love to take better pictures… but I know if I did I’d procrastinate a lot more when making this post.
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upirium · 2 years
The Ghoul Dens: Ghouls and Their Rooms
Below the cut is a fairly large thread of my own headcanons complete with 'illustrations' and descriptions about just where the ghouls stay.
Keep an eye out for any funny tiny little details I've put in my pictures. I recommend looking at the image full size.
The ghoul dens are a sort of vast network beneath the main church, comprised mostly of the same stone and architecture throughout each room. The upper floor of the ghoul dens is reserved for the current band ghouls, and it has a strange aura about it that doesn't quite make sense. The mystery of why a ghoul's room is exactly as large or small as they'd like it has never been revealed.
Ghouls are given the freedom to find what type of style they want for their room in due time.
A majority of their space is in one somewhat long and confusing hallway; a ghoul common room and kitchen is at the center of the ghoul den maze, while a long hallway wraps around in a perfect square to branch off the other ghoul rooms. Suspiciously, it always seems to be the perfect amount. There is a set of stairs that lead to the lower ghoul dens somewhere at the back of this 'maze.
The Common Room
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Reserved specifically for the band ghouls, or ghouls of importance. Pretty standard stuff. There's a TV in there, a gaming system, a bookshelf. It leads directly to the kitchen. Ghouls are often found here in piles.
The Kitchen
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A largely ignored space for a long while until the Prequelle era. It was mostly used for snacks and storing drinks. While it's still used for this, Mountain sometimes ventures up to the main kitchens to steal ingredients. He likes to cook.
The Flesh Wall
Despite the band having a kitchen they can't subsist on human food alone. This has been remedied by the fact that it wasn't just ghouls summoned from Hell, but other creatures. Somewhere in the lower ghoul dens there is a chilled room crawling with living, self replicating meat. Inedible to humans but has the nutrients ghouls need to stay healthy.
There is a photo that I won't post here because it's quite body horror-esque, but if you want to see it you can click here. It's an old picture that I kind of need to rework but you get the gist.
The Ghoul Rooms
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From a world draped in excess, Swiss expects no less. He has the largest room and probably the 'fanciest'. Don't let the fancy exterior full you, there's weed hidden in every corner thanks to Mountain.
His bathroom is on the right.
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Dew doesn't care all that much about his room, so he doesn't care about making a mess of it either. The laundry and cleaning ghouls are on high alert with this room and he still manages to throw clothes all over the place before they can get to them. Dew's closet is against the visible wall and his bathroom is on the right.
Dew's Bathroom (a bonus)
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The only reason Dew gets a bathroom pic is because I needed it for an RP. The largeness of bedrooms does not really extend to bathrooms and they're usually quite small.
The only reason it's so clean is because of the cleaning ghouls.
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Mountain is so incredibly large a bed won't do, so he sleeps on a series of pillowy cushions and blankets. The couch is only there for company and he doesn't use it often. Mountain is very into plants and boho aesthetic. His closet is on the left, which leads into his bathroom that sadly does not have a bathtub he can use properly unless he's glamoured.
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Aether likes things clean and neat, so he gravitated to a more modern aesthetic. Having Dew in his room makes his teeth itch because he does not respect the whole cleanliness aspect of it.
If you ever came in here and saw a black tear in space and time and no ghoul, it's because he's trying to be left alone.
He doesn't have a closet, but his bathroom is on the right.
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Rain likes smaller and more enclosed spaces, hence the bed. He also took a page from Mountain's book and really enjoys plants and pretty lights. He reads a lot and can often be found curled up in his bed reading from the shelf that's built into it. His closet is on the right, which leads into his bathroom.
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Cumulus fell into the trap of pretty lights as well, but has taken it to a much greater excess. She likes to steal tea from the common room kitchen and curl up with a book in her reading corner.
She occasionally paints and has a surprising knack for it, leading to the paintings that keep appearing on her wall in haphazard states.
Her bathroom is on the back wall. She doesn't have a closet.
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Cirrus prefers the dark. She has her light bulb set to purple half the time because it's way easier on the eyes. She enjoys gaming quite often as well as working out in the gym.
She has started collecting pictures and posters, some of them from Cumulus. She has a strange collections of drawings of Dew. It's not that she's collecting them because of him, but because brothers and sisters sometimes like drawing the ghouls. Dew has stated multiple times he wants none of the pictures so Cirrus takes them so they're not thrown away.
The art she has now are from brother Ryuzato, sister Blanche, brother Atlas, and sister Ynlatus.
Other pictures include: a photo of her and Cumulus, a spicy photo of Cumulus, a picture of a celebrity she thinks is kinda weird looking but also kind of hot, a photo of Dew blepping she stole off the internet, and a picture of a cat that fills her with a sense of profound sadness and loss.
The Lower Dens
Though not pictured the lower dens are where the non-band ghouls stay. Retired ghouls that haven't been 'banished' stay here as well, though their rooms are not nearly as nice. Still they're kept to a part of the lower dens that are nicer than that off the staff ghouls and other such beasties. The ghoul laundry room is in the lower dens.
The Lower Lower Dens
There's another set of stairs down in the lower dens that leads to the crypts. The grave ghouls reside down here.
Further still is the dungeons, or the prisons rather. Where bad and naughty ghouls go to have a timeout.
There's also a strange room covered in sigils that every ghoul fears nearing, though many do not know why. But they swear they've heard screaming.
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grievousdearu · 2 years
No Bully Zone
The sound of rain falling into the creek leaves the bridge area shrouded in a white noise that lets me feel at ease- more so than the white noise of the crowd in the markets outside the house.
Mama was once again out somewhere doing something, so I’d been left with money to buy some bread for lunch.
The last crumbs fall to the ground and dissolve away in the mud of the creekbank under the bridge as I finish off my bread roll.
That boy found me the other day, but I don’t know where else to go so I wound up coming back here again anyways.
I often wonder if I found somewhere else that was this secluded if I’d go to it instead of here. But where can you find somewhere like this in the market district of Helmholtz? Most places will have people going through it all day.
Maybe now that I’ve eaten, I can go back and try reading that book about magic that’s on the bookshelf in the bedroom at home. Mama bought it last week for something, but she hasn’t opened it since. Would she get mad if I looked at it?
I let out a deep sigh, then lean back against the stone foundation of the bridge, thinking about what to do.
Eventually, I decided to go back home and look around there for something to do.
I take about five steps up the creek bank before I see a couple of other kids walk past me. Hurriedly, I try to get by them, but just as I’m about to pass, I feel a tug at my hood, and it’s removed from my head before I have a chance to stop it.
I knew it.
I try to pull up my hood again, but the kids try to forcefully remove the entire cloak from my body, which is tied around my neck. Their pulling starts to choke me, and I reach for the knot to untie it, but I can’t undo it because of the pressure being applied.
“What, are you gonna cry now? Can freaks like you even cry?” The largest boy taunts me as he pulls on my cloak.
They were pulling on my hood even harder now, leaving me gasping for air. I try to call out to someone for help, but I can’t bring myself to- not only because I can’t breathe, but because I know nobody will help anyways.
The sound of a sack hitting the ground rings out behind me, and suddenly I feel the tugging at my hood stop.
“What’s your problem!? Get lost! You aren’t involved in this!” One of the other kids yells out.
“And you aren’t either, not anymore.” A fourth kid says. However… that voice sounds familiar, but I struggle to place who it belongs to.
“What are you planning to do about it, then?!” The first, largest boy says.
“Make you leave.”
I can’t bring myself to turn around. So instead, I simply cower on the ground, waiting for everything to be over. I don’t want to be involved. I don’t want anyone to yell anymore.
“Go ahead and try!”
I hear the sound of a fist hitting flesh echo out slightly. But for some reason, it sounded… solid?
“The hell are you?!?”
A full-blown fight then breaks out, from what I can tell based on sound alone. Though, somehow something sounded distinctly one-sided.
I felt fear wash over me, not just for myself now, but for the boy who I think was trying to defend me.
A few seconds pass, with the sound of people beating each other filling my ears, soon followed by the crying of children.
I duck my head down and try to get as close to the ground as possible, getting so close that some mud gets on my nose.
Eventually, I hear the sound of someone running.
The fighting had stopped.
Except now I heard two more sets of running feet. I had a feeling I knew what just happened, but I was still too scared to turn around to confirm for myself.
I’d left it too late to run myself, now. Now all I could do was sit here and wait for that boy to do whatever it was he was going to do, and I had no way to stop it from happening.
A tap on my back sends chills down my entire body, and I prepare myself.
“Are you okay?” I hear him say.
It’s too hard to say if the ground in front of my face was wet because of the rain, or if it was because of my tears, and I had too many emotions coursing through my body to know why or if I was crying.
The rain seemed like it’d stopped some time while the boy was waiting for my response, making the whole event feel like it’d lasted hours.
After a few seconds passed and I felt no further contact on my body, I slowly turned my head around to face the one boy who’d decided to fight three others for no reason.
His face had a few cuts and red spots, but otherwise, he seemed mostly okay.
“Wh-why d-did you do that?!” Instead of screaming at him, I can only raise my voice to a loud questioning one.
“Because they were bullying you. I don’t like bullies.”
How… can this boy say that with a straight face?...
Is it a lie? I can’t tell.
All I know is that he’d beaten off three other kids, one who was larger than him, and he’d won.
Seemingly, at least.
If what he just said is true…
I think this is quite possibly the dumbest boy I have ever seen.
I don’t know how long I’d been staring at him, but he presents a smile at me and reaches out his hand.
“Need help up?”
How long was my mouth slightly open at him? Was his stupidity really that powerful?
Everything I have ever seen in my life— it goes against what this boy does.
No, that’s not right, rather… everything this boy does defies logic. It goes against everything I’ve learned here.
I just…
I can’t understand what he’s doing, why he’s doing it, or if he even understands what he’s doing at all.
Should I be afraid of him if he realizes what it is he’s doing?
Would he even care if he found out?
“Suit yourself, then,” he says to me.
Apparently, I’d been lost in thought trying to reason out his actions for so long, so much time had passed he’d taken my lack of response as a denial.
I slowly clamber to my feet and wipe my face of the mud and water that was on it.
I suddenly remember that the bullies had been tugging at my hood and cloak, at which I hastily check over it for damage, but I find none other than some mud on the fringes.
“Do you like it here or something?” He asks me yet another question.
“I-I don’t… know…”
“It’s the second time I’ve seen you here.”
I fall silent at his response. I still don’t know how to feel about him, so if he realized that this was my safe space, I will have lost it for certain.
“Why are you always here by yourself?”
“I d-don’t know…”
“Why not?”
“I j-just don’t k-know okay?!”
I try to rush off away from him, but I stop after just a few steps. I feel like he’s so dense he wouldn’t know, so I can’t help but try to warn him.
“Don’t do this again, for your safety.”
I wordlessly walk off without answering his question and start going back home.
“Maybe I’ll see you again sometime, then!” I hear him yell at me from a distance.
Something bad is going to happen to him because of me. I know it.
Or maybe it will be himself…
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set-wingedwarrior · 29 days
Who knows me knows that I really really REALLY don't like bugs, regardless of how harmless they are.
Of course depending on how dangerous they can be (in my perception), my reaction will be different though. Some I can ignore more easily if I know they're chill. Other harmless ones I can shoo away one way or another, even if i'm uncomfortable. Bees are reasonable and if I see one I let it bee (ahah, puns!). Wasps and anything else with a stinger will have me flee the scene very quickly because I AM NOT DEALING WITH THAT. Australia is probably the country made to be my personal hell and you can bet your ass that mine will stay far away from there forever, any news or info a get from there is a goddamn horror story.
So, you get the picture. Well, yesterday night I was chilling in the living room when something HUGE got in from the balcony's window. So big, I thought it was actually a bat. I had my headphones and still heard it get in and hit the walls. I could hear its fucking wings as it flied.
Of course, I had a heart attack and ran in the kitchen, door semi open to see what the beast would do and figure out what to do. Observing, I get that it's not a bat luckily, but it is a giant moth. It kept flying around and hitting the walls, making lots of noise every hit (just a reminder of how fucking big it is), until that idiot decided to get in between the big bookshelf and the ceiling.
The space is very tiny there, in fact I see and hear it struggle in there, before it stops trying to fly at all and just keeps hiding in there. I think it just wanted a dark space to sleep in, who knows.
At this point though, I was sort of panicking; even if I wanted, how the fuck could I get it out? It's way too high, it's past 2am, I can't just make noise and a mess, mom is sleeping and has work in the morning I don't want to accidentally wake her.
Eventually I just quickly get my computer and stuff and hide completely in the kitchen, deciding to stay there and give the monster some time and chance to get away on its own, even if I doubted it would. After some time I am too tired and just want sleep, so I leave mom a note explaining what happened for her to find before work, asking her to give a check and tell me if she sees it.
It's morning now and mom replied to my note saying she gave a look around but found nothing. I honestly doubts it left from its spot, so I am basically hiding in the bedroom still.
I remember only one other time in my life when I encountered a moth so big: I was probably 5, I was terrified, and since no one manages to shoo it away my dad ended up having to step on it. I still remember how he said that it felt like stepping on a bird, it was that big.
Why is my token stereotypically feminine trait the fear of insects, goddammit!
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causenessus · 2 months
hi lovely!! HOW ARE YOU TODAY!! good morning afternoon OR evening!! i hope u ate today, if not make sure you eat! today i had some leftovers from yesterday and today is gonna be a chill day, i have nothing planned for today unfortunately BUT at least i have a break because i literally worked 4 days in a row ALL FULL SHIFTS SO IM SO TIRED LOL i kinda wanna go on a little walk later but we’ll see!!
also omg you building a shelf is so women in stem moment HAHA i remember building my little ikea bookshelf like months ago and thinking i was so women in stem (me when all i had to do was twist the little screws in)(i had to get my dad to help me with one part) i love hearing about little snippets of your day it feels like im tuning into a little podcast and i LOVE IT! anyways i hope ur day goes great today!! make sure to take care of yourself xoxo
HELLO MY LOVE OMG!! i'm so happy to hear from you <3 i am doing GOOD!!!! i have no idea what sudden mania came over me but i completely cleaned out my closet and bathroom and put that shelf up so i'm feeling so accomplished rn LMAOO 😭😭 unfortunately because i was on such a streak i accidentally missed lunch </3 BUT DW!! I JUST ATE DINNER SO MAKE SURE YOU EAT TOO!! and enjoy your day off!! omg four full shifts in a row is SO draining i feel you 😭😭 if you go on a walk later i hope you have a good time and it's nice weather!!!
and yes LMAOOO ikea furniture is no joke!!! i built another shelf from ikea for my bedroom and like it is NOT flush to the wall bc i struggled so much with it 😭 and that's something i definitely should have drilled into studs but i think i gave up because the spacing was just giving me a headache </3 it is right above my bed so if i one day stop posting!!! u know why!!! 😭 BUT I'M GLAD YOU LOVE HEARING ABOUT MY DAY 😭 BC I LOVE HEARING ABOUT YOURS!!!
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f1nalboys · 3 years
got bored and have very specific ideas on what everyone’s rooms look like :-) pics will be attached but only if i can find some that match the vibe i’m going for ALSO i dont care about canon, never have cared about canon, and never will care about canon. im right the writers are wrong. carry on.
MENTIONED: sidney, tatum, billy, stu, randy, mickey, hallie, and dewey
SIDNEY PRESCOTT: idc about canon but I do think sidney from scream 1 had a good room for her character. she held onto her youth because of what happened to her mom, slept with stuffed animals and had more ‘child like’ room (in the barest of senses ok). I wish she had more posters and things that showed it was an actual bedroom lol. Sid is super neat so she has everything laid out exactly how it needs to be and she fucking hates when it gets messy. The color scheme is pale green and off white with splashes of pink in there. It gives off a very Pinterest vibe if you know what im saying. she has a big bookshelf and its the messiest thing about her room, her books are the one thing she can never keep straight
TATUM RILEY: OKAY i loved her room!!!! like it screams Tatum you know??? She wouldnt have a set theme and instead would just grab stuff that she felt look good together. lots of mix and matched furniture pieces, no real set color scheme either. Tatum is 1 billion percent a collector, she finds it fun go to garage sales and thrift shops and find something to bring home. she’d unironically have one of those sexy leg lamps or a lamp of a tit and pull it off like,,,, but she’d have space for some dog toys + a dog bed (even though her dog sleeps with her) because shes a dog person and yall can’t tell me she’d ever stop her dog from chilling in her room. Her shit is messy too but in a way that doesnt feel overwhleming. she’s also into fashion so she has a bunch of spare fabric and sewing stuff tucked away in the corners of her room (heres a mini example of what i think her room would look like heheh)
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RANDY MEEKS: randy my beloved <3 so he is in the middle of being messy and neat. he honestly doesnt focus on cleaning too much but tends to naturally put his things away in the same places each time. he has carpeted floor and prefers it to wood flooring because lets get real, my man is a floor sitter!!! you walk in his room randomly and 8/10 times hes sitting on the floor doing something random hehe. his closet door is always open and has clothes pouring out of it, tons of empty hangers from when hes trying to figure out what to wear and then being too lazy to hang them back up. he never makes his bed unless his mom stops him in the morning and is like “Mf..... go fix ur bed <3″ he has a super bright color scheme in terms of furniture and clothing but not by choice, his mom was like ‘no you cant paint ur walls black.... lets choose this beautiful light grey as a compromise’ bc shes a queen. he has a chalkboard wall that he writes little reminders on (so he would stop using so many sticky notes) and he has a bunch of super old drawings and shit from the group from over the years that he refuses to get rid of <3. the neatest area of his room is his desk area because he needs a clear place to study or else he wont. he also has all of his film and script stuff here and it was sososoos expensive and took him a long time to get it (with allowance/bday/holiday money as well as being gifted some stuff from relatives) that he is taking care of it like a damn baby. hes a bit of a fashion geek too so he has a sewing machine and fabric stuffed somewhere in there to use. Unfortunately he def has some random trash around and he gets so insanely embarrassed if someone comes over and he’s like haha.... thats been here for like a day.... when in reality it was a month (ok enough about his room i could talk for so long im insane)
BILLY LOOMIS: billy is neat idc about what anyone says. so his room is sterotypically a ‘bad boys’ room, lots of dark colors and movie/band posters covering every inch of the wall, even a little guitar in the corner with an amp. but if you actually took a second to look youd see that everything is super meticulously placed and rarely ever changes. no clothes on the floor, they always end up in the hamper when dirty or in the closet/his dresser when clean. AND GOD HIS DRAWERS they’re so neat he knows how to fold a damn shirt lemme tell yall that!!!! under his bed in a little lock box that stu gifted him (its originally for schweed but he got a newer one for that0 is all of his stuff in relation to the killings minus the costume which is in the very back of his closet under a box of his moms stuff. youd expect his room to smell like man and for the most part it does (it smells like his cologne) but under it is a hint of perfume and its his moms :,( he has a bottle of it that she left and sprays it on his pillow or on one of her sweaters when he really misses her. inside is also old letters and notes from his mom that she’d write him (like ‘i love you have a good day’ notes from when he was in elementary school and she packed his lunch) and he planned on getting it tattooed on him eventually. he has that guitar, it’s a dark blue because that’s Stu’s fave color but he rarely plays it, he has a flute under his bed and hes a fucking god at it. stu and randy are the only ones who know about it/that he can play because they all got high together and randy found it when he was looking for his shoelace and they convinced billy to play <3. his desk is neat as well but he just has a lot of stuff up there that it looks messy. think this bedroom
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STU MACHER: we all know stu is messy it’s just a fact. his room is fucking chaos on a normal day but when he was younger it was always super clean because of the nannies he had went and cleaned up for him. after he hit 16 though he told them that his room was off limits because he really just wanted a place that was His TM you know what i mean?? he wanted someplace untouched by others and that was his room. the door on his closet is off and propped up against another wall, he doesnt have drawers (minus a clear three shelf one he got) because my baby has ADHD and if he cant see it it doesnt exist. he and billy painted his door with random shit on one side and he saved the other side for tatum, randy, and sidney to do stuff without disturbing billys ‘vision’. his desk is super messy and he kinda has shit thrown all about his room with tons of stuff he doesnt even use anymore because what if he needs this third grader report card one day :((( hes a sentimental little guy even if he doesnt say it. the wall by his headboard is covered in polaroid's of anything and everything; vacations he’s gone on, outings with the group, his nannies, stray animals, old pets, murals he saw on the street, billy (lots and lots of billy) etc etc. he also doesnt have a set theme or aesthetic for his room, just whatever he thinks is cool. he has a big vinyl and cd collection by his vanity which is covered in jewelry. lots of necklaces and rings, a few makeup items tatum gave him or that she left behind, as well as a big box of bottle caps bc he collects them hehehe. he has like three posters on the wall and all of them are signed by whatever band it is bc rich boy privileges babey!!!! its not his room but in his house in the basement he has a little music section with drums and shit and he goes down there whenever hes pissed or cant sleep because it wears him out. he has a bathroom attached to his room and its jsut as messy as the room, towels and old clothes everywhere lol
MICKEY ALTIERI: this man has a bare mattress on the floor fr, no box spring or anything. youre lucky if he has sheets on it. ok but fr he doesnt really care what his room looks like because he is rarely fucking there! he goes out so often he really only comes home to sleep (on occasion if you know what i mean ;) heheheo) and shower. he keeps it fairly clean but its kind of like a show house, you know what i mean? like when people are selling houses and they have furniture and stuff in the rooms to show what it could look like??? thats his room. obviously he has film stuff everywhere and tons of fucking tapes (he records everything its annoying) and he refuses to get rid of any of the tapes. he has a very extensive supply of hair gel and face wash..... the mans gotta look good you know?????
HALLIE MCDANIEL: number one im in love with her number two her room would be so gorgeous. she has such a good eye for design (interior designer alert) and her space feels very open and fresh. hgtv has NOTHING on her !!!!!! yellow and lavender are her fav colors so she has a bunch of stuff matching that and somehow she makes the colors work together! her desk is the biggest thing besides her bed in the room because she has to do blueprints for rooms and stuff for class and needs the space. she’s also a wittle bit of an artist and mainly paints and gifts people them or hangs them up. she has one of sid, one of randy and mickey, and a self portrait hanging up in front of her desk and it makes her smile everytime she looks at it <3. she maximizes her space and keeps it free of clutter but she has so many shoes it really rivels randy i stg (they also share the same shoe size that means nothing really but i want to mention it) she also likes woodworking and she MADE HER FUCKING DESK YALL!!!! WITH HER BARE HANDS!!! SHES HOT
DEWEY RILEY: oh dewey <3333. scream 1 dewey had a very uniform room, reflecting the way he wanted to be seen at the station. very minimal decorations and he did whatever he could to be ‘adult,’  so he actually hated spending time in there :( now after scream 1, he said fuck it! im gonna do what i want!!! and he started to buy little things to add to his room. like a little elephant trinket he found that he thought was cute one day, a cool painting the next. ignoring the way scream 5 dewey lived bc fuck that! (no spoilers obviously im not cruel) but after he moves into his own place he goes all out, choosing whatever his little heart desired. tatum, sid, and randy all made/bought him something as a house warming gift and he literally never gets rid of them bc hes so sentimental. he would for sure get a bright pink couch if he wanted it without a single care <3333 he also has stolen stuff from tatums room to keep in his place to remind him of her and when she first came over she noticed and never said anything and would sometimes ‘accidently’ leave stuff over there and never bring it up
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mulberrysilk · 3 years
ulterior motive
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Miya Osamu, Miya Atsumu x f!reader
summary: they were sweet, fun and caring friends to have in your life, it was almost so easy and comfortable to be with them, as if you had those sitcom friendships that always had each other’s backs. But that’s what they wanted you to see. Blind to their lingering gazes and touches, Miya Atsumu and Miya Osamu pined after sweet, gullible you. Their mere crush grew possessive, they had come to an agreement that they would both share you, after all they were brothers. Their little long term plan to woo you was interrupted when you strayed from the path they were creating for you…so before they could lose, they had to seal the deal. Show you how much they loved you, and how you belong to them.
cw: yandere behaviour, kinda slow burn, smut, dubcon, panty stealing, possessiveness, praise kink, jealousy, manipulation, coercion, size kink, creampie, kinda mind break
words: 5.6k+
a/n: finally finished this commissioned piece for @belpomme !!! It took me so long cause there was so many ways to go about it and I rewrote the events quite a lot till I was satisfied. But Ah!! It’s done! Thank you so much for commissioning me! It’s so flattering and humbling that you trusted me to write your idea/fantasy for you. I hope it meets your expectations!
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“Atsumu, could you help me with that?”
Tearing his gaze away from the little heart shaped pendant resting just below that part where your collarbones almost met, he got up from his seat.
The library was particularly empty this afternoon and the spot that you always studied or hung around at was always secluded from where the crowd usually studied.
Even though you had asked him for help, you were still attempting to reach for the book high on the bookshelf, skirt rising higher, a part of him chanting for it to go higher and reveal what cute panties you were wearing today beneath your modest outfit. He easily reached over you, intentionally standing behind you to have you stumbled backward into his chest, a smirk forming on his face as his fingers skimmed through the spines of the books, to keep you closer.
“Which book was it?” He said in a nonchalant tone, his nose close to the crown of your head where he could smell the sweet scent of your shampoo. Did you change it? It smelled more like Jasmine than lavender today.
“This one,” you stood on your tiptoes, finger tapping the red bound book, unknowingly rubbing your ass on Atsumu’s crotch, his breath hitching.
Little tease. Atsumu clenched his jaw but plastered on a smile, retrieving the book for you, admiring the way your eyes sparkled with thanks. He wondered if they’d sparkle like that when your pretty pink-tinted lips were wrapped around his fat cock.
“This is the book I need to tutor Samu with later,” you murmured to yourself, flipping through the pages with care.
Atsumu raised a brow. Samu? Needs tutoring? Since when?
“You share a class with my brother this semester?” He asked, hands finding their way deep in the pockets of his jeans.
“Mhm,” you hummed, packing your stuff into your bag. “We have English class together. He’s having a little trouble with some grammar but I know he’ll be quick to catch on once he gets it.”
Atsumu’s eye twitched but he plastered on a smile, offering to carry your bag on the way out of the library, heart racing when your smooth fingers brushed against his momentarily. Just the effect he wanted to have on you.
“Could I crash at yours for a bit? Just wanna chill before I go for volleyball practice,”
“Oh, yeah sure,”
Too easy. Atsumu internally sighed. What if it was some other guy? Would you have let them into your room like this? Or was it only something he was allowed to do? The latter made him giddy.
In the spacey one-bedroom apartment, he could just smell you. This was heaven for him and the fact that he came here often because of how good he was as your ‘friend’, was a perk he was never giving up. And it seemed to be completely normal now to have both him and Samu come over to yours.
“I’m going to shower real quick okay.” You announced, throwing your keys into the white little dish that also had spare change sat upon the surface of the wooden accent table.
He gave you a thumbs up watching you comfortably (as if you two lived together), disappear into the bathroom, towel in hand. He stretched his long limbs to not seem too inconspicuous and the moment he heard the squeak of the shower knob and the loud gushing sound of the water colliding with the bathroom tiles, like he’s done so many times before, he made his little sweep.
Atsumu scanned every inch of your apartment for any signs of any changes or anything that he could learn more from you. He stepped into your bedroom, eying your made up bed that he wanted to ruin as he pinned on you on it, littering kisses along your unmarked skin, fantasies going wild before making his way towards your drawers, pulling them out just a little but enough to see what they contained.
It was still organized the same way. First drawer, shirts, and strappy singlets. Second drawer, your sportswear. The last two were his favorites. Your cute variety intimates. He wondered which were you going to wear after you had showered. Was it going to be the pale pink bra with flower-patterned lace? Were you going to match it with the pale pink panties too? Or were you going to opt for no bra and wear those white cotton panties that were an ironic classic for cute girls like you?The thought of it made his cock twitch in his jeans and the reminder of how your ass rubbed against it earlier made him groan. How easy it was to be around you...maybe it’d be easy to have you too...make you all his. Slowly but surely.
Minutes before you got out of the shower, Atsumu poked his head inside, your body’s silhouette seen through the shower curtain. Your hand caressed your sides, lathering your body with the vanilla-scented shower gel and as much as he’d love to watch, he was here for another souvenir.
Turning to the hamper by the door, he lifted the woven lid and smirked at the sight of the pretty intimates that you had used today. The white bra and matching underwear were on top of everything else and he bit his lip at the thought that you had worn these earlier when you two were at the library.
Hearing the shower water halt, he tensed and quickly picked up the white lace panties, and shoved them in his pocket before quickly slipping out the bathroom and lying down on the couch in a lazy manner.
And just as you always have, you didn’t expect a thing.
“Samu’s close by,” you uttered, walking out of the bathroom in an oversized sweater and cotton shorts, and damp hair wrapped in a towel on your head, phone in hand.
The view of you like this was so domestic, the private you that you didn’t show anybody else, he imprinted your loungewear in his brain every single time he was here. If you were all his, he’d see you like this every day won’t he? If you were his, he’d have you not wear any panties at all around him…
His cherished alone time with you was short-lived when he recognized that sweater that he had stolen— he meant, borrowed, before.
Fifteen minutes before the stroke of 4, Samu arrived, not giving his older twin any notice, the same unamused expression on his face.
“Y/N...that’s my sweater,” Osamu pointed out.
Atsumu’s ears caught those words immediately. Jaw clenching and seeing red. He was right.
“It is?!” Your cheeks burned up.“No wonder I didn’t recognise it. I thought I had bought it and forgot...I’m sorry Samu,” you sputtered, hands waving in front of you as you bashfully tripped over your own words. 
“It’s okay,” Samu chuckled, a small smile forming on the dark ash greyed hair twin, taking off his shoes before stepping inside, his frame towering over you as he gently patted your head. “Looks better on you anyway.”
And you, easily flustered at his attention.
Atsumu’s hands balled into fists. He didn’t miss the subtle taunting smirk his brother threw his way as he walked in.
“Ah, Tsumu, you’re here too? Don’t you have practice?” Osamu asked innocently, sitting himself down by the coffee table where the two of you were going to study.
“I’ll be going soon,” Atsumu turned his nose up and huffed.
“You better tuck that in better, Tsumu,” Samu deadpanned, his voice soft so that only his twin could hear him.
Osamu’s finger was pointed at his jeans pocket where a part of the white fabric of your panties stuck out and immediately, he shoved it in deeper before you could walk out of the kitchen.
The younger twin grinned, masking his annoyance.
“You’re such a pervert.”
“Shut yer trap,” Atsumu hissed, arms crossed over his chest. “You’re just as bad.”
“How so?” He leaned back into his palms, unfazed.
“You don’t need tutoring. You’re a liar..”
“So are you. We all have our secrets, Tsumu.”
That was undeniably true.
But they shared one secret together and that was you. Their desire and want for you. It was evident to them the moment they met you, that they were both going to get in each other’s way of vying for your love and attention. One would even say they were at each other’s throats to be able to claim you, if people only knew the situation they would pity you instead of gossip behind your back about what on Earth both gorgeous Miya twins saw in you in horrid green jealousy and how oblivious you were. Or if you actually liked having them at your disposal, on a string.
But it wasn’t like that. No, it was far from it.
The Miya twins were effortlessly playing you like a symphony, no note missed, all notes played with precision, all in perfect tempo, and the piece was far from done, it was still in the development stage. The high point was yet to come. They just needed to make sure that no one would get in the way of their plans and most importantly, that you don’t truly catch on to their double meaning intentions.
“Samu,” you giggled one cool spring day, Osamu playfully tickling you after he teased you about how ticklish you were, the homework on the coffee table forgotten for now as he pinned you beneath him, enjoying the rush of adrenaline of the thought of how it would be so easy to kiss you from his spot. “Tsumu, help!!!”
Atsumu from his seat across you only jutted out his lip and tilted his head, enjoying the image of you pinned down by his brother.
“Samu! That tickles,” you tried to push him off, giggling and laughing, your hand shyly covering half of your face when you laughed too hard. “Stop!” His fingers attacked your sides, making you squirm.
Atsumu thought of the many ways he could make you squirm and when that time came, you wouldn’t be laughing.
“Stop! You’re making me laugh all ugly! Stooppppppp-
Samu’s gentle smile fell at what you said and before you could even blink, your wrists were pinned on either side of your head, a furrowed expression on his handsome face. His older brother tensed at the sudden change, not liking where this was going. Was Osamu going rogue?
“Yer’ always pretty, what are you talking about?” He spoke as a matter of fact. “You don’t ever have to hide or feel shy around me Y/N. I accept you for all that you are….Besides, we’re close.... aren’t we?”
Heat exploded in your cheeks and you turned your face away, not able to withstand the intense gaze of those gorgeous grey eyes. You didn’t think Samu would ever see you like that and your heart raced in your chest in anticipation, realizing the position you were in right now and how inappropriate it was. Osamu’s thighs straddled your waist and you wondered if he could feel how hot your body was becoming, little did you know he did.
But Osamu decided it was not yet time and it was enough that he had begun planting the seeds of his thorny vines, not missing the way his brother’s eyes darkened and how a smirk was plastered on his face.
“We should get back to studying,” Osamu moved away from you, your heart sinking at the loss of his touch and warmth. But that lack of touch would be made up with him intentionally leaving his jacket or sweaters in your apartment, knowing how much you’d like them, and knowing that it would make the romantic girl inside of you, giddy.
More so, he enjoyed how you would wear them to classes. Atsumu would throw him a glare because he’s borrowed those same pieces of clothing as well, annoying him and making him pout cause it felt like he was rubbing it in his face. To wear your significant other’s clothing was a reminder that they were taken, that they were marked and claimed by someone.
But despite the competition between them, they worked together and when they did, they were meticulous with every single action to make sure you’d never catch them. Never catch them stealing your panties when they felt like it or catch them ogling you while you napped so comfortably on the couch with your head on either Samu’s or Atsumu’s lap unsuspecting of their so-called devotion to you.
The twins were slowly digging their claws bit by bit as the weeks and months went by, they were getting close, so close, so finally close for their talons to pierce through your soft skin and make you completely theirs.
The two handsome men were basically roommates of yours now with how often they hung around you, and you never second guessed it. How could you? They only showed you what you needed to see. 
But who, who was this other contender garnering your attention from them? Who has begun messaging you when you’re with them and whisking you away from your usual hang out with them on campus? And how did he easily steal you away from them? Who did he think he was?
Atsumu grumbled to himself as he watched that tall brunette place a kiss on your forehead, his large hand resting low on your back, so close to the curve of your ass in that cute mini skirt.
“Who is he again?” Osamu calmly asked from beside him, opening the can of coffee from the vending machine.
“Some guy from the Swimming Varsity,”
“He’s got his hands on our Y/N,”
“Apparently they’re dating,”
“Really? She never mentioned him at all.”
Atsumu sighed. “Well, from what I’ve heard, that guy is Mr. Perfect. Everyone likes him. Couldn’t even get any dirt on him too.”
“Nobody’s perfect, Tsumu.” Samu concluded, crunching the coffee can in his fist before shooting it in the bin. 
And he was right.
Atsumu heard from the gossiping hens in the class mention your name during their break in between classes, whispering bad things no doubt.
“She was always so nice...wouldn’t think she’d be such a slut though,” Mia twirled their hair in her finger, eyes on her phone as she spoke.
“I thought she was with Atsumu—or was it Osamu?”
“I bet she was fucking them both,” Mia scoffed, her pretty face and well-groomed aura screaming nothing but self-centred and bitter. “They probably got tired of her and she latched onto the next guy who gave her any attention.”
“But she was always so nice to me...she doesn’t seem like that.” Another girl said.
“We never know how people really are,” Mia’s voice softened, feeling a slight pang of guilt as the thought of you were just naturally completely naive and unaware of the boys in your life using you. Now that, she thought, would be tragic.
Atsumu for once agreed with the girl and decided to keep an eye on Eiji, not liking the way he has you wrapped around his arm when you should be with him. 
“Are you seeing anyone Y/N?” Osamu suddenly asked, tone monotonous and his eyes glued to the movie on the screen.
It was Saturday night. Movie nights were on Friday’s but you had been occupied that day. And that DIDN'T sit well with the twins.
Squeezed between the two you shifted in your seat, a telltale sight that you were too shy to talk about such a thing.
“Why’d you ask ‘Samu?” You answered him with a question, hands fidgeting with the hem of your oversized shirt, not really remembering if it was Atsumu or Osamu’s.
“There’s a hickey on your neck,” he pointed out, Atsumu masking his laughter with coughs.
Your cheeks and ears burned, and your hand came to your neck where Eiji had kissed you when he had tried to take things further but was cut off from doing so when their coach called for a meeting, leaving you all hot and bothered.
Atsumu took a peek and grinned. “He really left a mark. Didn’t take you to be that kind of girl, messing around like that,” he teased, poking your side causing your fluster to increase a thousandfold, heart beating fast as you remembered the way Eiji’s hands had touched and caressed your skin.
“Why do you guys care anyway!” You tried to slap Atsumu’s hands from tickling your waist.
“Just wanna make sure that you’re well taken care of,” Osamu answered as calmly as ever, Atsumu half expected his brother to be pissed off.
“Aren’t we enough for you, Y/N?” Atsumu suddenly questioned, catching you off guard.
“Enough? What are you guys—!” You squeaked when Atsumu’s breath fanned over the hickey left on your neck, lips brushing against it making your thighs squeeze together as suddenly you felt sandwiched between the two.
“Or were you just trying to get our attention?” Osamu purred in your other ear, his hand on your thigh inching up dangerously high.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you whimpered in Atsumu’s hold, his arm wound tight around your waist and his nose buried in the crook of your neck as he shifted you onto his lap.
“Oh, Y/N, if you wanted our attention you could’ve just said so,” he hummed while Osamu caressing your calves gently extended your legs so that he could settle between them.
“Guys, what...” you couldn’t process what was going on and what was worse, was all words seem to fail you.
“You didn’t have to go make us jealous by hanging out with some other guy,” Atsumu continued warm breath against your ear, his hands below your breasts.
“That’s not what I was doing—,” once again your sentence was cut off when he groped and squeezed your breasts through your shirt. “Tsumu!” You exclaimed, cheeks burning and feeling utterly embarrassed.He pinched your nipples between his fingers making you wriggle and squirm on his lap, legs attempting to shut close but Osamu obstructed them.
“Did Eiji touch you here too?” There was jealousy laced in Atsumu’s voice as he fondled your breasts, prickles of warmth tingling through your skin. “Stop it,” you tried to push his hands away. Your breath hitched when Osamu’s warm hands caressed your inner thighs, throwing one leg over his shoulder so that he could trail kisses along your thigh. “This isn’t funny,” you whined, squirming. “Both of you—
“Oh...looks like he’s left a mark here,” Osamu spoke, voice cold as his fingers traced the faint spot of darkened skin. Calm as he was on the outside, he was actually fuming. He could feel his blood boil at the thought of someone else getting this close with you, marking your skin, kissing you in places that were so intimate. “Do you open your legs for just anyone?”
“N-no, I’m not like that,” you protested, voice breathy and shaking, trying to pull down the hem of the oversized shirt to cover your intimate area. ‘Samu blinked at the sight of your cotton underwear, holding his breath at the thought of you being in this same state with another man.
“You know, you can only be like this around us right?” Osamu asked, pressing his palm against your mound making you gasp and writhe.
“Samu!” His fingers were hot against your sensitive area,  he traced the slit of your cunt before settling to rub circles on your sensitive nub. “N-not there!”
But they didn’t listen. Small shy whines of embarrassment left you as they played with your body, Atsumu pinching your nipples and fondling your breasts, Osamu toying with your cunt, fingers spreading the growing slick all over your folds. Your breaths were heavy and your body was warm, and there was a scorching heat pooling in your lower belly.
“Has he touched you here, Y/N?” Osamu asked, two fingers poking at your entrance. Through heavy-lidded eyes, you looked at him. His gaze at your cunny made you want to squirm away but when his grey orbs met yours with a steel stinging stare, you shook your head. “He didn’t? That’s good.”
“Only we can touch you like this right Y/N? Eiji wouldn’t be able to make you feel as good as we do.” Atsumu purred in your ear, nibbling at your earlobe, a warm shiver shooting down your spine all the way to your aching core.
“I—I,” you tried to find your words, not sure what theirs meant, your mind hazy from the sensation of both their touches. “I don’t know.” 
“Awe, hear that Samu? She’s not sure,” the blond cooed, pressing a gentle kiss on your neck. “Which only means we have to prove it to her.”
“P-prove what?” Your voice trembled, searching Osamu’s dark grey eyes for an answer but his gaze was where he was touching you.
“Prove that only we can make you feel good.” Atsumu went on, his hands now underneath your shirt cupping your breasts and rolling your stiff nipples between his fingers without the layer of your shirt, eliciting a shaky gasp from you.
“Prove that you only need us,” Osamu added firmly, voice low, tugging down your panties with such care and discarding them somewhere in the living room. “Look how pretty, Tsumu.” His fingers were trailing along your folds, undoubtedly slick from the way they have been touching you.
“St-Ah! Stop,” you whimpered, Osamu’s thick fingers spreading your cunny to get a good look, your heart racing the closer he got to your heat that betrayed you as it pulsated and throbbed. But when you felt him, felt his wet tongue flick against your swollen clit, you moaned.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” Atsumu groaned, rubbing his groin against your ass, the sensation of his stiff cock against you making your skin tingle. “Be good for us, Y/N, and we promise to take such good care of ya.”
“Mmfhf!” You bit your lip, not able to reply or let Atsumu’s words settle in, how could you when Osamu buried his face into your cunt, sucking your clit while two thick digits that felt like three of your own were curling inside of you. “S-Samu.” Your fingers flew to his fading ash grey tresses.
You could feel him smirk against your core, heat building quick in your tummy, and walls contracting around his fingers. His tongue didn’t cease its attack on your clit, licking and sucking the sensitive pearl that got you wetter. Atsumu’s kisses grew rougher, the feeling of your skin being nipped and sucked on making you slip into this drunken state.
“You’re close aren’t you?” Atsumu purred and you finally responded to his words with a quick nod, eyes shutting as Osamu brought you closer to the edge. “Good girl, you like that don’t ya? Once Samu’s done, you’re not gonna leave me out in all the fun right?”
You nodded again without any thought, the curl of his Osamu’s thick digits inside you increasing in speed, an obscene wet sound filling the room. Feeling a third finger try to fit their way into your tight hole, you cried out, feeling full as it slowly joined his other two. Once it was in, your lips parted in a silent scream as you saw white, body arching off Atsumu, and legs shaking over Osamu’s shoulder, cumming quickly with a pang of shame within you at how three of his fingers made you cum so easily.
A hum of delight rumbled deep in Osamu’s chest and he lapped your release greedily, his hands hooked around your thighs to keep you from moving, prolonging your orgasm.
“Ah!” Your hands went to push him away as you writhed, his tongue still unceasing but Atsumu grabbed both your wrists and kept you from pushing his twin away. They both relished at the way your body convulsed with pleasure, your face contorted in lewd contemplation as your slick dripped down your core, a sight that made Atsumu lick his own lips.
“You made such a mess baby,” he cooed, holding you in his arms as Samu pulled away, letting his brother carry you to your bedroom and following the two of you.
“Tsumu,” you whimpered, fingers clutching onto the fabric of his shirt. Your body was tingling all over and your cunt pulsated from Osamu’s assault. No logical thought formed in your mind as you floated in this plane where all you could feel was warmth and how sensitive you were to their touch.
“I’ll make it all better, Y/N,” Atsumu reassured you, cock straining in his pants at how you sweetly murmured his name. He laid you gently on the bed, dipping his fingers between your folds, groaning at how slippery and hot your arousal was. He couldn’t hold back from pressing on your clit despite knowing that you were still sensitive.
Samu nestled himself to your side, gently tilting your head to face him so he could kiss you before you had the chance to gather your thoughts and utter words of protest. The taste of you lingered on his lips and you could taste yourself as his tongue sucked gently on yours, kissing you in a way you’ll never forget about him.
Atsumu took this chance to free his cock from his sweats, stripping himself quickly and discarding his clothing without a care of where they ended up, he wrapped his fingers around his cock, fisting his length a couple of times he aligned himself at your entrance, spreading his precome all over your cunny.The fat head of his cock was pushed into your little hole with a gentle lean of his body, your walls clenching immediately at the sudden intrusion.
“Tsumu…” you breathed out, whimpering at the feeling of the head stretching your cunt. You glanced at where he was connecting with you only to feel your heart jump in your chest at the sight of how pretty his cock was, and thick. Thicker than you’ve ever had. Osamu watched as your puffy cunt tried to take his brother, licking his lips at how it seemed to struggle to accommodate his size as Atsumu slowly sunk into you, groaning when he pushed through the first tight ring that made him slip inside easier.
“T-too big!” You whined, nails digging into Osamu’s forearm draped across your waist.
“You can take it,” Atsumu cooed, pressing his palm against your lower belly. “You can take me, can’t you?”
“I-I don’t know, Tsumu,” You cried, feeling him inch deeper inside you, stretching your walls and filling you up, a fullness you’ve never felt before. “S-Samu.”
“I’m right here baby,” Osamu whispered in your ear, hand snaking down your abdomen to give attention to your swollen clit. The pad of his finger against the nub made your hips buck up, unintentionally pushing against Atsumu, his cock fully sheathing inside you, hot tip nudging against your cervix.
“Ah, fuck,” he hissed, his fingers squeezing the flesh of your thighs. “So tight. Look Y/N, I’m all the way inside of ya. Feels good doesn’t it?”
You shook your head from side to side, chest tight as you breathed heavily, trying to adjust to his size. You should have had more fight in you to reject their touches, the touches that left a scorching heat on your skin, in every fiber of your being. But…they felt so good.
A broken moan left you when the electric pulsates of pleasure twitched in your throbbing core, Osamu’s fingers rubbing circles on your clit making your walls hug Atsumu’s cock. Not even Eiji has gotten this far and you felt almost guilty for not feeling bad or disappointed that it wasn’t him you were with.
“You’re such a good girl, Y/N. You’re taking me so well,” Atsumu praised, rearing his hips back till the tip of his cock left you only to sink back to the hilt, scraping your walls deliciously. Your back arched as your whole body throbbed. Then he began to move, that taut feeling in your core tightening further. You could feel the way that prominent vein in his cock felt against your walls, being opened up and stretched over and over with each thrust he gave you.
The room began to fill with the lewd wet sounds of skin slapping against skin and Atsumu’s groans and filthy words, and your own moans, that shamelessly fell from your lips as you succumbed to the tingling pleasure that took control of you.
“You’re making such a mess,” Osamu rasped against your ear, fingers drenched with your overflowing essence. He brought his hand up to your eye level to show you his slick covered digits. It was hard to keep focus when your whole body was jolting with how Atsumu rutted mercilessly into you.
Samu brought his fingers to his lips, tongue darting out to lick them. “Why don’t you taste yourself Hm?” Before you knew it, Osamu’s two thick digits were shoved into your mouth. Your tongue fought against his fingers, crying around them as the burn in your inner thighs from where Tsumu’s hips slapped against yours began to sting.
“P-Please,” you croaked out, not entirely sure why you chose that word.Osamu withdrew his fingers from your mouth, making you gasp for air, your hips beginning to try to meet Atsumu’s thrusts, greedily like a touch starved whore. “Tsumu, please.” Your resolve, gone.
“Use your big girl words, Y/N,” Osamu purred in your ear,  hand skimming along your abdomen teasingly, making you crave attention to your swollen, throbbing  clit. You panted hard, the whistles of your breathing mixed your whines and your head spun as you stared entranced by where you and Atsumu were connected, his cock slick every time he drew out of your cunt, shocks of pleasure crashing and going like waves.
“Want to cream all over my cock don’t ya?” Atsumu hissed, hands on your hips becoming bruising tight. You nodded eagerly, your hands wrapping around his wrists for leverage as you moaned and babbled about how good he was making you feel.
“F-feels so good!” You cried out, back arching the moment Osamu’s rough fingers finally began to rub your clit, your eyes rolling back at the numbing pleasure.
“Only we can make you feel good right, Y/N?” Samu grinned against your neck, sucking and nipping at the soft skin.
“O-only Tsumu and—Ah! Samu!” This was far intense than any hookup you’ve ever had, you felt as if you were losing your mind. Your thoughts consisted of nothing but where they touched you, how Atsumu’s cock was stretching and ramming into your cunt, and their filthy words of praise that shot straight down your throbbing clit.
“Good girl,” Tsumu cooed, feeling his cock being squeezed by your hot velvety walls. He accentuated his thrusts, your cries of pleasure bringing him close to cumming. “I’ll breed this pretty little pussy. Fill you up so full of my cum.”
You babbled thoughtlessly in agreement, your moans growing louder and whinier as you approached your climax, hips uncontrollably moving in tandem with his while Osamu applied more pressure to your sensitive puffy clit, getting faster and faster.
“Please! Make me cum! Wanna cum,” you cried, clutching onto Atsumu’s wrist as if they were the only thing that would keep you grounded and from completely losing your mind.
“You’re so pretty when you beg,” Osamu hummed, speeding up his pace matching it with his brother’s, whose groans were getting louder and louder. “Since you asked so nicely, you can go ahead and cum. Go on.” He nipped at the sensitive part of your earlobe, the cherry on top that sent your whole body thrashing as a white was all you could see.
“Fuck!” Atsumu hissed, his hips stuttering, feeling the way you came around him so messily, the clamp of your cunt around his cock sucking him in, making it hard to pull back but that didn’t stop him from riding out your orgasm till he tipped over the edge, shooting his hot cum into your plush walls. Samu captured your lips in a kiss, hand drenched with your cum. Your body was shaking from the intense orgasm they pulled from you, your whole body throbbing and your pulse drumming in your ears.
Atsumu gazed at your abused hole, pulling out slowly to watch his cum drip down the pussy he’s always dreamt of fucking. He clicked his tongue before he began to stuff his white seed back into you, not wanting it to go to waste. The number of times he’s come in your panties late at night with his hand fisting the fabric around his cock, he finally stuffed his cum somewhere it belonged, inside his sweet little Y/N. You whimpered as you felt his fingers inside your aching walls, Osamu whispering sweet nothings in your ear, his praises lulling you into a trance.
“Let her rest, Tsumu,” the younger twin spoke, holding your twitching body, glistening in sweat.
“Don’t you want to have a go?” His mirror image raised a brow, massaging the fat of your thigh.
“Next time…” he muttered, glancing down at you. Your brows were furrowed and your eyes were closed, and your lips were swollen and parted, trying to catch your breath and your hands loosely gripped his forearms.The sight of you so fucked out and limp against his hold, made his cock twitch.
“How are you so sure there will be a next time?”
Just by looking at you, the younger, much more perceptive twin, could tell by the way you held onto him for dear life and how plush you were against him, strengthened his conviction.
“I think she knows we can give her so much more than he could. She’s ours now, Tsumu.”
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jordanlahey · 2 years
“Blast from the Past” PT4
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Pairing: the lost boys x reader
Summary: The boys feast and chase downs local witch coven and it didn’t work out in their favour. Home was home but at the same time it wasn’t.
Warnings: none
Word count: 833
A/N: my dumbass deleted the original post cuz I’m so smart.
The pain in your head was unbearable it caused you to awaken, at first your surroundings didn't seem familiar until you focused a little more and it became clear you were in the cave. You groaned as you sat up, the light hurting your head a little more but you pushed through it, you heavily doubted that the boys would have kept any form of painkillers hidden around the cave but then again that wouldn’t do you any good they’d probably just recommend you drink vampire blood and never worry about a hang over ever again.
You headed back to your house and funnily enough your grandma was waiting for you. Your body tensed, there was an atmosphere definitely but you didn’t know why.
“Staying at your friends again?” She asked. It honestly didn’t come across as one but you said yes anyways. “A boy? Or girl perhaps?”
“Doesn’t matter anyways, I’m sorry for not being home more I swear I will try to work on it.” She smiled at you and walked towards you then she embraced you in a hug.
“Im just glad you’re socialising more but please be safe.” With that she left the house. You stood in the empty entrance of your grandmas shop wondering what to do next, you still needed to find that damn spell and you knew there had to be something here what kind of spiritual witchy shop doesn’t have spells or anything about them? You tried closing your eyes and concentrating really hard on the spell you were desperate to look for and the sound of sparks broke you from your concentration. A green glow met your gaze in front of you and then it grew into a line leading up the stairs, you pondered for a moment before following it and as you did so the glow behind you disappeared.
The green line lead you to the door it basically carried on through that door and you were very hesitant to open it. It was your grandmas bedroom. You were never allowed in there, there could be anything in that room but you needed that spell. You opened the door but still didn’t go inside, the room wasn’t all that exciting she had an alter by her window, her bed and the bookshelf. Bingo. You held out your hand and thought of the counter spell again and a book from the shelf started making its way into your hand. You smiled happily it was your grandmothers book of shadows, just then the book opened itself to the page you were looking for. ‘Spooky’ you thought.
Taking your phone out you took a picture of both pages one was the real spell and the other was the counter, you checked the before pages and the after pages to make sure you didn’t miss anything then doing the same you placed the book back on the self the same way you took it out then shut the door like you had never been near it. You sighed upon entering your own room and sank into your bed. You had the spell all this could be over by tonight you can send them home but. There’s always a but, you were starting to enjoy their company you didn’t want it to be over except if you kept them here it would be selfish of you and whoever sent them here wins.
You spent the whole day thinking of this that you hadn’t noticed that the boys came to visit you, they just chilled outside your window out of sight of anyone else but enough so you could notice them. They waiting and you were so deep in thought that they had to break you from your trance by tapping on the window.
“Sugar, you gonna let us in?” Paul flashed you his cutest smile and puppy dog eyes, you couldn’t say no to those, you headed towards the window and opened it.
“Come on in but keep quiet.” You pointed to the door meaning your grandma was home they all understood. Without a doubt at all Paul and Marko started having their little nosy around your room all your trinkets and stuff. They were both so easily entertained, you smiled at their interactions with all your modern day technology. Dwayne was looking at the things on your wall trying to avoid touching anything. You noticed Paul making his way to your drawers and you basically pounced in front of him blocking the drawers.
“Nope, those are strictly for my eyes only, no boys allowed.” You tried to stay as clam as possible, the two blondes exchanged looks and work matching smirks but backed away.
“Did you find anything?” David grabbed everyone’s attention with such one simple question that had one simple answer. You looked at their faces there was a sense of hope in their eyes, they wanted to go back home the boys were itching for it. And with your simple answer you said…
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New Duties
Warnings: noncon sexual acts and rape, cheating, fuck machine, toys, tied up.
This is dark!Bucky Barnes and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Bucky’s wife is never around as much as the maid.
Based on these drabble requests:
Bucky Barnes + “If you think I feel bad for you, you’re more pathetic than I thought.” + Maid AU + Bucky is rich and married too, but his wife is never in the house so he decide have fun with the naive maid. 
Bucky Barnes + “You really think this is over?” + Fuck machine + honestly just the reader being tied up and left with a fuck machine and some overstimulation.
Both requested by anons.
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The large house was often empty when you went there. You had a key on a tag and the alarm code written on it. You showed up in your black pants and matching shirt and let yourself in as you always did. You tied on your apron and looked around as you went over the work in your head. 
It was hard not to be envious of the grandiose abode. Hard not to feel bitter at all the money spent on the place and yet it seemed the resident never enjoyed it. They hired a maid, you, to clean the table they never ate at and make the bed which was the only lived-in part of the place.
You started on the lower floor as usual. Living room, dining room, kitchen, the office, the foyer, and the parlor dedicated to a carved pool table and shelves of expensive sculptures. You climbed the stairs and set off down the hall of unused rooms. There wasn’t much more to do than dust and check that the sheets didn’t smell musty.
As you approached the master bedroom, you stopped short as the door opened and you were met by one of the elusive owners of the mansion. You saw Bucky Barnes more than his wife but your run-ins were still rare. And you’d never seen him like this. You were embarrassed and off-centre as you were surprised to find him there.
He wore only a pair of silky pajama bottoms and his hair was amess, sticking out at all angles. His muscles moved under his skin as he rubbed his eyes and smiled at you. His voice was thick with drowsiness and he cleared his throat.
“Hey,” he said, “thought I heard someone.”
“I didn’t know you were here, sir,” you glanced around. It was late for him to be sleeping still.
“I took the red-eye home,” he shrugged, “don’t worry about me. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“No, you didn’t,” you chuckled nervously, “I can come back when--”
“You sure?” he batted away the last of his tiredness with his lashes and leaned on the doorframe, “you almost jumped out of your shoes.”
“Uh, yeah,” you assured him and started to turn back.
“It’s fine, I’m up now,” he stopped you, “I’m gonna have a coffee…” he caught up to you and brushed by you, facing you as he blocked your path, “bedroom is all yours.”
You fidgeted as his eyes flicked away from your face for just and instant but you didn’t think much of it as the apron hid made your figure lumpy and vague. You nodded and gave another yes, sir. He watched you until you spun back and headed for the bedroom. You felt his gaze until you slipped inside and let out your breath at the rumpled blankets. 
You heard him descend the stairs and set down your bucket of supplies. You went to the bed and fixed his side of it. You could smell his sweat on the sheets still. Then you began to wipe down the edges of the tables and inspected for any inch of imperfection.
“Looks good in here,” his voice spooked you again. Bucky stepped inside and set his tall coffee mug on the polished table beside the door. “I’m glad I caught you, I did have a special request.”
“Oh?” you stilled the cloth and twisted it in your grip. You watched his metal arm as he he rubbed his middle finger with his thumb.
“Here,” he crossed the room and waved you over, “it’s a bit of a secret but… I haven’t had the time to take care of it myself.”
You watched as he went to the bookshelf on the far wall and he reached behind the gilded globe. He spun it slightly but you could see what exactly he was doing. There was a shift and the shelf lurched forward. He carefully pushed it over until the edge met the corner and a small doorway appeared.
Your eyes rounded in confusion and he chuckled as he looked over his shoulder, “our little secret,” he said, “I figured since you’re here…”
“I… yes, sir,” you neared as he waited, his hand on the shelf, and as you stepped by him, he quickly followed, so close you could feel his body heat.
You stopped short as he flipped on the light. A red haze cast over the hidden room. You were shocked, almost laughing in disbelief as your brain spun to process what you were seeing; leather cuffs hung from the wall on one side and a leather bench sat center with similar bounds, there was even a sex swing dangling from the ceiling. You never expected that but really, you tried not to think about your clients intimate habits.
The shelf shifted behind you and the room grew dimmer, only the scarlet shadows of the tinted bulb remained. You turned back to Bucky.
“My stuff,” you pointed to the wall behind him. There was no visible mechanism and that made you nervous.
“Oh, well, you see, I haven’t had a chance to use any of this,” he shrugged and stepped closer. You inch backwards and dropped the cloth as his hands settled on your upper arms, “Ilona’s never here, I’m sure you’ve noticed.”
“Mr. Barnes,” you winced as his vibranium hand squeezed, “I should get back to my--”
“The house is spotless. I only pay you because my wife can’t be bothered to lift a finger herself or even be around,” he said.
“Please, I should go,” you gulped, “I think you, uh, you…”
“Fine, go,” he moved out of your way and smirked at the wall, “if you want to, go.”
You looked between him and the smooth wall. You neared it and shoved on it. It didn’t move. You felt all along it, searching for anything that might trigger a response. There was nothing there.
“Can you--” you began to ask but stopped as he pressed himself to your back.
He tugged at the knot of your apron and it fell loose. His hands crawled up your back and he lifted the strap over your head. He grabbed your shoulder and turned you to face him.
“Thought you were going,” he taunted.
“Let me out,” you tremored.
“I said go, so…” he gestured to the wall.
“I can’t--”
He snickered and pulled you with him as he walked backwards. “It’s just a little fun,” he purred, “for both of us.”
“No, I-- you’re married--”
“My wife, if you can call her that, hasn’t touched me in a year, probably more,” he pulled at the hem of your shirt, “so this is as much her decision as mine.”
“No, Mr. Barnes, I--”
“Listen,” he grabbed your jaw and loomed over you, “you can be a good little maid and do what you’re told or I can report you to the agency for stealing.”
“What, I never--”
“Maybe a few of Ilona’s necklaces go missing or a few bills out of my wallet,” he growled, “we’ll see who they believe.”
“It’s time you start earning that tip,” he turned and thrust you towards the low bench, “now get undressed and lay down on your stomach.”
“I have a gag. I have several if you want to choose,” he warned, “even if I’d rather hear that sweet voice calling my name.”
“Why are you--”
“I won’t tell you again,” he barked as he crossed his arms and paced. 
You noticed how the front of his pants tented and you slowly neared the bench. It was all so jarring, you didn’t know what else to do but obey. You couldn’t leave and you were certain if you tried, he would lose all patience. You peeked over as his metal fist tightened and a chill went through you.
You pulled off your shirt and kept your eyes down. You rolled down your pants and took your time untying your sneakers. You hesitated to strip off your underwear but a gristly breath made you wince and you added them to the pile of clothes. 
You were cold but your flesh burned as you sensed his close attention to your every move. You got down on the bench, the leather icy against your chest, and stared at the floor. Bucky walked around behind you and framed your ass with his hands as he stood over you. He pushed your thighs apart until your legs bent over the side of the bench and the cool air tickled your cunt.
“Hmmm,” he mused as he flicked his finger along your folds, “I can’t decide what I want first.”
An overwhelming wave of panic shook you and you tried to push yourself up. His hand slapped down on the middle of your back and he held you down. He tutted and reached down to slip your wrist into a leather cuff and tightened it until you whined. He ignored your struggles as he did the same to your other arm and your ankles. You straddled the bench as he pushed himself up and groped your ass again.
“Why are you making this hard?” he asked, “you’re already spread for me.”
He sighed and you heard his bare feet on the floor as he marched away from you. He came back around you and knelt to force the ball gag into your mouth and buckled it behind your head. Your eyes glistened as you watched him desperately and breathed heavy through your nose.
“We have a lot to do,” he touched your chin, “you need the proper training.”
You tried to talk past the gag but it only came out as muffled gibberish and your saliva soaked the gag. 
“If you think I feel bad for you, you’re more pathetic than I thought,” he chuckled and stood, rubbing the front of his pants, “guess you’ll have to wait for it.”
He left your eye line again, even as you craned your neck around. He was quick to huff and stomp back to your. He took the collar that hung from the front of the bench and secured it around your neck so you could stare at your impossible escape.
You heard something rolling behind you and metal fasteners being loosened then tightened. His fingers scared you as he touched your cunt and felt around for your clit. He teased you until you tilted your pelvis in response. You moaned around the gag as your thighs quivered. Despite your fear, it felt wonderful.
He played with you until you were wet and then you heard the same wheels. You felt a prod at your entrance, a hard silicone tip slowly slid into you until you were full. You gasped and choked as he pulled away his hand entirely. You heard a soft click then a whir and the dildo began to move, your cunt sucking at it loudly as you grew wet around it. He reached under you and a new buzz began as he placed a vibrator against your bud.
He rounded you again, his pants were gone and his hand glied up and down his dick. He watched you with fiery eyes as you tried to hold back. The flames licked from your core and crawled along your thighs and back. You shuddered and your eyes rolled back as your voice droned sloppily as the gag made you drool.
You came in defeat and hung your head. You gasped and gulped for air and your entire body tensed and released, but he didn’t stop it. The vibe kept buzzing on your clit and he only turned the machine up so that it fucked you harder and faster. You wined and rolled your head back and forth.
Another orgasm strangled you and your muscles ached from the tension as it snapped again. You lost count as the red light glared through your eyelids and a sheen of sweat coated your body. Breathless and battered, you could only twitched as you were rocked by climax after climax.
And then it all stopped. The machine shut off and the dildo was slid out of you, your thighs sticky and sore. The vibrator stilled and slipped from under you and you groaned. There was a moment of peace as your heart slowed and then a slap across your ass made you yipe.
“You really think this is over?” Bucky asked as he got behind you and bent over you. His tip pressed against your entrance and his hot breath bristled against your scalp, “I’ve only just begun.”
Please reblog and leave some feedback if you enjoyed.
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