#I have a strong feeling I misunderstood the love triangle in book 4
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I think my most disjointed media experience has to be Harry Potter.
I feel so all over the place thinking about it.
Like, I’ve had the books for a while. Got to the diagon alley bit in the first before giving up and getting bored. Also somehow ruined those pages with hot chocolate. I skipped the second one. Fully finished the third, got over halfway on the fourth. Skipped the fifth. And got a couple pages into the sixth one before calling it quits.
I did binge all the movies, could not tell you a thing about them other than particular scenes. I really didn’t like the lighting in most of them. Very dark. Browsed free to air tv last night saw order of the Phoenix and it proved my point.
I felt no attachment to most characters no matter how hard I tried. Except, like Minerva or the twins.
yet I owned a copy of the curse child and binge read it. (Really need to reread it just to pay closer attention to scorpius).
I own both a history of magic, and fantastic beasts (the encyclopaedia book)
played Hogwarts mystery, that little Mobile game, and liked it. (For like, characters and plot, game play itself is tedious)
then I got a copy of Hogwarts legacy and played the shit out of it.
What I’m getting at here is I did not care for most of the main story or the characters, but I liked literally everything else around it.
A case of world building better than actually story to me. Granted this was just my experience, I’m happy for those who can connect with the main canon, more fics to yee I say.
quite literally though, in HL there’s a small mini game where this raven claw girl quizzes you the lore and I got it all correct, despite not actually caring about those books, just the stuff in the world around them.
#When I tell you I had more sympathy for Sebastian Sallow than I ever did for Harry#JkR’s writing was also a little too…melodramatic for me#harry potter#hogwarts legacy#Spork has some certain late night takes#No this isn’t all coming out now because I’ve been dragged in screaming by a video game#(Help. I’m way too unhealthy about Seb and MC right now. They’re just cute little pyromaniacs)#(Who also explore the dark arts for the knowledge and curiosity)#(Those two in my play through are the definition of “we’ll learn it just in case…)#Their trio really goes Seb:ideas guy MC:enabler Ominus:the sensible one#Too also add I remember when people discuss Cedric’s death they talk about like a great loss and my brain always went#“What’s the hype he was introduced for one book. What do you mean we weren’t supposed#to root against him?”#I have a strong feeling I misunderstood the love triangle in book 4#And his entire character. Legit all I knew was that he was a popular pretty boy
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The Sun had spoken again - 33 Pisces Virgo
Ladies and gentleman, it has begun! According to my channelings, there’s a rise of the proper, max love energy coming from the Galactic Central Sun, the Galactic Heart, through our Sun. I feel it as an increased flow of love, inspiration, easiness, and pleasure crawling down from my heart into my solar plexus.
I’m very connected with the twin, the heart communication is joined by the third eye’s activation, and the minds are also attuned. We also talk at times and we love each other much more openly than anytime before, online (LDR). Fears of showing and receiving feelings of love and care are gone. We gaze at each other on a cam just as in the beginning, with a difference that we don’t shy away after a few seconds Even the look of ourselves in an additional little Skype window doesn’t distract us. He had matured while I have less ego issues, expectations, survival impulses but more understanding that everything had been planned above to favor this relationship, to give us the best, to make us together to stay in this lifetime, just as every other true twins should get. I stick to patience and I detach from any incoming triggers of the evil energy which are less and less effective. They have no more power over my mind. Because it’s been always the brain, as the heart knows the truth and remains confident. We just gaze with love and passion - we know we’re both worth of gazing. I somehow know that September it’s his time to awaken more (he told me he didn’t have any channelings or other spiritual experiences so it looks it’s only me being hyperactive and learning about my angelic, galactic & Earthy past since 2014). For me, this is the time to enter then root into the new and better! I believe all what I have done so far will be rewarded with that what I need the most. I’m so excited as I didn’t suspect it’s coming that soon.
Now, why I’m writing here on this blog again. Watch the Sun! Some of us come from the Galactic Central Sun, I’m confident I do. Our Sun is the most important star to me as I cannot stand cold and darkness. So I talk to the Sun and I observe it. I take notes when I receive impulses to look at a clock and then I know the Sun (or some other unmonitored star here which I’m also connected too, like Betelgeuse or Eltanin) made a flare. I check results on a few websites which report solar flares and I compare. In most cases hours and minutes match together. I was hoping for X-flares when I noticed there was a sudden activation of the sunspots 2 days ago. And here we go, X2.2 followed then by X9.33 today on 09/06/17 (=16=7, I was born on 16th)!! This is big time. It is also accompanied by G3 solar storm which (somewhat badly) effects all living beings, the head, and the heart. It’s a level when the satellite communication can blackout. Or rather the black - out, the darkness out of here!
How strangely, it’s happening during the full Moon in Pisces too (I’m Pisces/Aries). The number 33 is very meaningful here as well. It’s assigned to alchemical symbols of water and fire, blue/indigo and red/orange (a triangle symbols turned up and down), dualities, the year Christ was reported to die, and also I was born as number 33 :)) Thus when I saw the Sun was active so much on Sept. 4th, flaring up all that plasma at :33 minutes during the day (see screenshots below), I knew I am being called out to receive, that my soul has been receiving messages which only it understands for the time being but it’ll send decoded messages into the body’s systems next. And I felt so much of love, release, freedom in the solar plexus and heart that I know this is what most of us had been waiting for. I felt my twin and myself coming into my higher heart chakra today morning. It was amazingly open, I felt his joy, his satisfaction, his love. I was no more drained by low vibrations, the fog in the brain, and it was such a difference! I heard a little voice in my head asking to repeat: ‘I AM the Sun. I radiate’ to feel like the Sun next. So I repeated and for a moment I felt like the major star in our Solar System - unmovable, static, the highest where all others planets are bound to, where the Sun is loved, respected, supports life, transmutes with the extreme heat, powerfully releases the excess of its content, and is somehow related to Seraphim angels as well.
What I’m trying to tell here, today marks the very preparation of so called the Event which is related to love, not politics yet. I’m sure of it because I have connections with the Galactic Central Sun and I somehow knew this would start with the X flare after many months of silence. The silence before the storm, the good one!
Twin flames will play a big role here as we’re going to keep the grid of love, the new, powerful one which is above the old grid of abusive, hacked energy. It’ll be trying to restore itself but we need to hold steady to keep it (via being connected with the twin and loving them unconditionally, this is enough) so the old can dissolve and so we can spread and replace it with better values.
What’s more, areas effected by the areas on Earth which had absorbed the most of the big solar flare have been... the countries related to war and slavery to start from the area where Atlantis was said to be, Africa (Egypt!), then the entire Europe - Italy (Rome, Catholic religion!), and call countries affected by war, slavery and/or religion - Poland, France, Czech, Sweden, Germany, UK, Norway, Belgium and more, but also Brazil and Peru etc. All these places were affected by the evil energy which originates from Egypt and which was incorporated by the Roman Empire along with manipulative techniques of muting people’s heart connections and threatening the brains, killing good people (burning alive herbalists, shamans, wisemen, Cathars and healers called by them ‘witches’!) in the name of Christian religion and their big fake book full of distortions. I’m of the Dragons and I know the very truth but this is a topic for another post. In addition, I’ve discovered lately that I have strong connections with Andes and Inca (I was probably a shaman, an astronomer). When I had a look at the place on Google street view, poor Peru is all covered with crosses and churches, manipulation, enforcement, brainwashing! Damn the Crusaders-mercenaries hired by the Roman Church, you’ve stolen the spirit, the many beliefs and the gold too. We praised the Sun, the connection to the only source of Love and Creation! Today marks the beginning of the religions’ cleanup. We don’t need any religions. Bloody wars were brought by religions exclusively, by enforcing good, innocent people to take in what they didn’t want. What their hearts didn’t resonate with. What was feeding their brains with fear, dependance, enslavement, and confusion. The only love, forgiveness and wisdom are inside, in our own hearts. We don’t need leaders or god’s messengers.
Solar flares between September 4-6th, 2017:
(I’ve marked all timestamps which I’m prompted to see on any clock during every day, in random order as I receive impulses from the Sun).
We haven’t seen any X-flares since I believe 2015. The strongest ever recorded was in 2003 (X23). I was missing them as they keep me high, excited. They feed my inner fire, in tune with Mars’ passion. X9.33 solar flare has happened exactly during the full Moon in Pisces, the last and the most wounded zodiac sign as we - Pisces have given away, dedicated everything including ourselves so the Love, Peace and Balance could return. We were tricked and disconnected from ourselves. The most dualistic sign (the other is Gemini, Twins) has the duality inborn for the reason to understand it and stand against separation. To unite itself within, and unite others by generating the energy of balance and love. But what we kept is the ability to receive messages and energies from realities higher than this of the 3D. Thus the last who are usually bullied, misjudged, misunderstood, who are shy and isolate themselves from the world are becoming the first creators of the New-er World Order, where Oneness within and with all that is is the only option. Today we’re affected by the Sun which heals what had been damaged. The Moon acts like a download today and will purify everything which was damaged in Pisces and all other zodiacs too because today people are fragile, sensitive and accessible to the higher powers. Today everybody can feel what Pisces feel and understand why we live in isolation, why we hate crowds, why we’re so defensive when it comes to the environment - sounds, light, energy. Why we don’t participate socially. Because we’re so affected by everything that we’re sick of it and it disturbs our inner balance.
I’m also excited because this full Moon is my twin’s natal aspect while the Sun is in Virgo, and it’s a very opposition to my aspect. Which means that we’re upside down with each other thesedays. Alchemically, we’re fire and water, 2 triangles of a hexagram. He’s a Neptune-water person, I’m Mars-fire person, these planets were the closest to the Milky Way when we were born. Milky Way is the scar surrounding our Universe, it was sealed that way along the Milky Way once the Light entered between now Scorpio and Sagittarius constellations, then started bouncing against crystals with heat and noise creating more colors, more frequencies, more matter, more stars, planets etc. Like a stroboscope driven by one beam. In fact I’ve seen a pattern of 3 stars merged together in my mind’s eye on 09/4 and it flashed like a stroboscope then disappeared :)
The next thing is that on 09/16 Mars will have a close randez vous with Mercury, both are very influential planets in my natal chart (I’ve Mars in Gemini, Mercury is Gemini’s planet). They will communicate something to each other, either demanding or negotiating. Maybe I’ll learn what my most advanced self prepared for me -the human- to proceed with next.
On 09/21st, there’s a new Moon in Virgo, again, Pisces-Virgo opposition. I feel I’m going to go through the same upgrade like I had in February March this year, when the full Moon was in Virgo and new moon in Pisces (which also was a solar eclipse in Feb.) thus inverted to where it’s now and yet it’s 6 months later = 33, balance.
(From Stellarium program)
Then on 09/22 and 23th, during the autumn (and spring Down Under) equinox, a few major planets will align along with the Sun: Mercury, Mars, Venus on one side in Leo, but Jupiter and the Moon on the other, in Virgo. This sign will play an important role here. This tells me that the feminine energy (which agreed to do the hardest part in the TF relationship) will get a long awaited boost. Imagine an energy beam which as if initiated by Regulus, the major star in the Leo constellation. Leo and its natives got their vibrational ‘messages’ during the solar Eclipse. Next, the energy of Leo will spread it onto other planets and these, into people who are linked with these planets too - ex-Venusians, Mercurians, Marsians. The beam goes through all these planets, then though the Sun where it gets boosted again, then flashes into Jupiter (which is a radio-like planet) and the Moon, pointing towards Libra next.
Virgo represents stability, perfection, organization, being savyy, prioritizing an order of things and clarity, the family, often the love for children too but rather thanks to the traditional approach as as mother and/or wife, not a hippie. Negatively, they love criticizing (which is the ego stuff) and also a very strong self-criticism doesn’t let them shine either, despite of own talents, great memory, and always hard, routine work. Virgo works like an ant, is meticulous and has an eye for detail. Anything what Virgo does, its done perfectly, precisely, organized well too but then they won’t yell about it (unlike Sag, Gemini or Aries) so many people just won’t even know such a work had been done. Similarly, many people with the feminine energy (not just mothers, wives, lovers and employees but also many men who feel & understand like women) had been plotting silently, doing the hardest work for many years while getting no encouragement, motivation, applause or payment. They never liked the ‘comfort zone’ (or ‘comfort jail’) of the known and predictable but they were hoping that somebody could kick their ass and say - ‘Do something unusual, break the rules you’ve established. Go for a chance, the new, refreshing‘. Thus here come the full Moon in Pisces before the New Moon in Virgo, followed by a reward, from all other planets aligned and the Jupiter bringing abundance, opportunities, love, money, dreams coming true. I believe we’ll be getting noticed for the perfect job which the feminine energy had done so far on any levels, spiritually and physically.
Libra will then judge and equalize in late September and in October to give everybody a chance, encouraging - ‘Turn to love and harmony, we need that. Ditch war, unite the duality’. Then when we pass Libra and enter Scorpio in late October to November, here the revenge-loving warrior will vibrationally ‘execute’ those who remained attached to war, fear, dualities, patriarchy, matriarchy, religions, manipulation or anything which is not related to own self, own heart and peace. I don’t know yet what Sagittarius will do with that energy, but considering there’s the middle of the Milky Way near by, it may help remove those individuals who resist love as the only force out of the Solar System and open the ‘door’ to those who have been waiting to enter this New Earth behind the veil. They are our most advanced original versions, galactic families of many races, positive aliens, higher selves, you name it. Sagittarius is a man/woman of many contacts, it’s a human-animal hybrid too. Many of us were non-human beings before and this essence had remained in us waiting to be embraced and re-animated when the time comes. Then in December many of us who are ready and open, may have the first serious contacts with such galactic families, aliens, because our consciousness will expand drastically and we’ll be able to hear, see, detect, call, host, travel etc. We’ll be able to see and read with the 3rd eye, to navigate in many dimensions whenever we want, not only when the timing is right or when ‘under influence’. December may be also the very first month when a huge amount of love from the Source, (the original love we were basking in up there before we came down on Earth), will be processed by those twin flame couples who are ready to be conductors for it. Those who will not get fried :) I’ve volunteered to process it a long time ago because it feels like a fiery orgasm, so I’m sure I’ll be a part of it. Thus most possibly, this task will be done by Seraphim (here, here!), supported by all other highest ranked energies - Cherubim, Ophanim, healed djinns, healed 'fallen angels’, etc., any fire beings as these are the most capable to engulf themselves in ‘flames’ and fire up the new energy grid so the vibration can be delivered to others and stay within, bounced between the ‘conductors’.
From September to December, it’s also the time to draw yourself, your primal energies and attributes from elements. Draw the You from all 5 elements into your heart, solar plexus, root, your mind and the body. Draw your healed sexuality from water into your sacral chakra and the body (swimming, taking a shower etc), draw passion and courage from fire into your heart (ie. looking at flames), draw air (multi-dimensionality, versatility, wisdom) into your mind so the air could refresh it, draw earth (stability, peace, also money) into your root chakra so you don’t fear to receive from Gaia anymore as Gaia is mostly healed. Finally, draw from the aether - your divine, your I AM Oneness, all of your versions, your most advanced Self, your galactic essence as you’re one with everything that is around. Let the elements, your energies return to where they belong.
Twin flames who are ready, who learnt their lessons, got rid of the ego’s impulses, surrendered to love and understood why they cannot live without the other, it’s time to host our higher Oneness into our bodies and switch from the timeline of separation into the timeline of togetherness, permanently. We exist as One above in the other dimension and we stay in less or more realized contact with those separated, human versions of us below. Those above and those below are us (like reflected in a mirror- the horizon, anchored with hearts and heads). We above join our human bodies below once we ascend into 5D and 6D, a bit after bit. We fill our body and the twin’s with the self and the other. The galactic you returns to you. The galactic marriage as you are returns into you two. This makes us closer, and closer and finally One again here on the New Earth. It’s called the New Earth as it runs on the new grid of energy re-created by twin flames and light/earth/galactic warriors. Merging is a slow process and only the end of it goes fast. Most of this is handled by your soul. I don’t believe we can help it in any other way that just allowing the soul to run the show. Do not resist, do not sabotage your near future joy, because you want to exit the struggle incl. everything around, and once for all.
Now I need to rest. I got so exhausted being touched by so many solar flares and this channeling. Time will tell if I was right or wrong. Bye for now!
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#solar flare#x solar flare#twin flames#september full moon#Pisces#virgo#twinflames merging#predictions
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