#I have a lich oc and another oc called the cursed
orallech · 11 months
I should be allowed to cut out my own heart and still live. Just to see what it looks like just to satiate my curious nature and there be no consequences.
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c0rvidbones · 7 months
hello I love your art a whole lot!! tell me more about Wit (he's hot and evil and I require more juicy details) and Ruby (his design goes so hard) please?
oh my god hi i did not expect to come back to 20 notifs. (/pos) youve given me a much needed ego boost tonight thank you. is it bad i cant remember having ever posted ruby art?? ive only ever gotten One comm of him which is a crime, my violent martyr son should rly get more love than i give him 😔 but thank you for asking! buckle up this is gonna be a long fuckin post ♡ everything under the cut including relevant character art
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behold, all art of wit i have including one i havent posted here bc i never actually finished it and the wip of him being a silly giggly boy. pls know i came up with him like MAYBE a month ago. two, tops.
SO wit is actually a what-if au of another oc of mine, his name is doodle. doodle (seen below) is a very robin-hood-esque oc, honorable thief and kindhearted, swashbuckler rogue that dual wields rapiers bc hes insane. but hes insane in like a normal way. he was a horrible child but he did grow out of it and its rare to see him w his hair down so pardon me making him look absurdly pretty in that one.
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as you can see there are some (but not MANY) differences between the two. kid wit does have the starry hands/peets im just forgetful dont @ me about it djdjdj
ANYWAYS so the what-if of the au that wit is, essentially, little singular things didn't happen to people in that au world. it goes like so;
wit: never met his childhood best friend when he was a freshly injured orphan. was alone from the (elf) ages of 0-16. ended up studying magic (illusion wizard) since he didn't have someone to lean on for that sort of thing.
laika (wit's mom): never truly broke out of an archfey's madness curse. stuck with a very twisted version of the spell Tasha's Hideous Laughter burned into her mind. everything is funny and if it's scary? even funnier. she died briefly. shes back now, but still madnessed.
perseverance (wit's dad): never saved his mother from a death blow in the be-all end-all fight to save his home. was held back by someone who he thought was a friend, killed that person and then ultimately spiralled so hard that he became a lich. may or may not have accidentally killed laika.
something something one decision can change your whole life, me and my friend loved playing with that concept.
okay now that you know a lil lore/history i can dive into what wit is like.
as a kid (drawn with the short megafloofy hair) he's very mischievous and bastardly, almost always smiling or grinning but it's more to lean into the uncanny valley effect his eyes cause than out of any actual joy or anything. he doesn't Blink and he knows it unnerves people because he also has a freakishly high insight (i think its like a +9 or smth??? at level 9??). he loves to come up with fucked up spells, like. for example i saw a silly post on here the other day that was very jokingly having a wizard cast a spell of "10000 bricks until you die" but then i was immediately aware wit would (1) come up with that spell, make it functional, and have it unfortunately obliterate everyone that gets hit with it, and (2) he would call it Wit's Bricks which i think is fuckin funny. he would also come up with spells of like. cause heatstroke. boil all fluid in your body. FREEZE all fluid in your body. he's a little freak with extremely low empathy for those he isn't connected to with blood ties. that said, he's kind to his family (albeit very blunt and will call them out if theyre being stupid) and inquisitive. he DID look his dad in the eye when he met him for the first time and went "are you dead?" which. again, hilarious, but BRUTALLY blunt. he then called his dad cool because yes his dad is now a lich and therefore undead. he's a little freak but he's still a kid and that is ultimately his saving grace, what small child isn't a little freak.
as an adult (long ponytail) i get a feel of him being aro and using romance as a way to manipulate people. he's definitely still not a good person and far more stoic than he was as a child. also he most definitely maintains a constant illusion to make it seem like his eyes are always closed, which lends an air of mystery to the strange elf that seems to always be standing right behind every throne in every kingdom of faerun. i say this because i like to think he would become what's called a King's Wit, which is like a combo of royal advisor, court mage, and "guy the regent has insult other nobility since insults are beneath the reigning royal". he uses all of that to his advantage, gaining the ear and trust of every single person of noble blood that is part of any royal or ruling court, and he will bend and twist their choices so subtly that they won't realise he led them to ruin until it's already too late. which is his ultimate plan. he's STILL somewhat a robin hood style of character, but he takes it a bit further and with far less kindness to the nobility. he guts their coffers completely and every hoarded coin down to the last copper inevitably will land its way conveniently into the lap of the common folk. he does take a healthy chunk for himself - did you know being a wizard was EXPENSIVE in dnd btw? i didnt until i made wit - but most of it is for the local citizens. he does this everywhere he goes if he sees that it needs to happen. fucker topples kingdoms For Fun, because he never gets caught or credited with the ruin he leaves behind himself. he's awful. he probably still comes up with fucked up spells and he manipulates his way into wherever he wants to be. i love him.
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behold! @polterpumpkin drew my (not very) little guy for me! this is part of a greater set but this is the fully coloured one and arguably my fave bc it captures the absolute batshit energy ruby brings to the table.
ruby is a tiefling that was born in a lab. voluntarily, his parents participated in a sort of study that wanted to eval why it is tieflings could be born to non-tiefling parents. (both his parents are half-orcs, interestingly!) he participated in it up to a certain point, before he got sick of being poked and prodded and Watched. that's when he demanded to be released and, when he wasn't, both his parents helped him escape, unfortunately leaving his other two tiefling-born siblings behind in the process. both parents Died helping him escape, and he was embittered as is by the whole study bs, and then to have his parents die Saving him? it left him with this sort of hole he didn't know how to feel.
so he fills that hole with every vice he finds agreeable. he drinks, he fights, and he drinks again. he's a drunken monk, and one full of unbridled rage and a death wish. he isn't my happiest oc but he isn't my worst off (that would be talisman bloodhunter). he's constantly seeking a grand and worthy cause to die for, literally. he's a wannabe martyr, because he doesn't think he has anything to live for. no lovers, no friends, no allies, MAYBE a coworker or two on the occasion he's needed (he is so not needed most of the time, because it isn't often any job needs an angry monk tief to glare around the place). he has just those two sides to himself - party animal and underground drunk brawler - because he doesn't want to think about the pain underneath them both. he's tragic in a very human way, hilariously enough, but he's not a bad person. even if he's being dragged by the tail to do a job, he's ultimately going to be helpful and he ALWAYS keeps his team alive. he'll grumble about it but he'll do it, and if you thank him he brushes it off, muttering something or other about how it's just his job, don't Thank him for that. i think having a friend would Fix him but fuck if i know what would get past his thick skin 😔
i dont get to play or write ruby really, not for any specific reason other than the dnd games im in have been going for So long, and that i havent really been super inspired to write him. but i love him! literally my car is named after him! i have so many feelings for him and i hope one day i get to play/write him so he can be more fleshed out.
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artoriyasart · 4 years
Adventure In Stormheim Part Three: Dark Rangers and Nathanos
**Sylvanas story set during legion, I do not own this character but I do own the OC. This might be part of a series of adventures when Sylvanas is off on her own either heading to or coming from missions. Possible AU.**
Summary: Sylvanas has her little companion sticking near to a forsaken base if anything to keep an eye on her. Her mission continues ofcourse which takes her to the vault of Eyir. Sylvanas has also given orders to keep the little ranger distracted til she returns which in turn causes a bit of a mishap on the part of Nathanos.
“Steady, keep your back straight.... elbow up... well, now focus on the target ahead and fire.” Sylvanas instructs and watches as the girl fires an arrow, this time it hits the target. She observes the stance the girl maintains as she nocks another arrow and waits a moment before firing. “You see how much better that is?”
The girl nods, “yes, thank you for taking the time I know you said you have something to do with that glowy cage.” 
“Soul cage, little ranger. I have an important mission, but I can spare a few minutes to instruct you,” Sylvanas corrected her companion and then looked at three figures advancing toward the small alcove. They better have good news. The dark lady thought to herself, frowning, she then looked at the girl, “Lady Windrunner, keep practicing I will return.”
Before the girl could say anything more the ranger lady had left, she watched for a few minutes than contented herself to shoot more arrows. She was sort of liking this, having a friend? Does she count as one? Should I consider her one? Ranger Ravensun has not chased me off yet like so many others have. Ok....back straight...elbow up...fire! She repeats this in her head for the next few shots, some of which miss the target, some do not. “Getting better Ranger-General!” she tells herself and smiles for once. 
Sylvanas closed her eyes in silent rage at Ranger Captain Areiele’s report, “It matters not I found some way of getting through to the vault. Keep an eye on things till I get back, if you see a little girl she is not to be harmed.”
Areiele nodded, she had noticed the small child accompanying Sylvanas earlier and said nothing about it. “I will keep an eye on her.”
“Good, now I must go before the opportunity passes me by.” Sylvanas said before leaving silently for Skold-Ashil. 
The three rangers departed soon after and spotted the girl firing her arrows, one of them moved to approach but saw Nathanos approach first. 
“Perhaps we watch at a distance sister?” Anya wondered aloud.
“For now, yes, I say we check the ridges and cliff sides for any worgen or other spies.” The Ranger Captain instructed. The other two nodded and were on their way, Areiele glanced one more time in the girl’s direction before heading off to patrol the perimeter of the forsaken base camp.
Nathanos Blightcaller had been told about the girl earlier and chose to approach, if anything, it would distract her from getting into trouble. Last thing Sylvanas needs... he thought and stood behind the girl as she retrieved her arrows. He made his presence known with a small clearing of his throat, “Little Ranger,” he used the little nickname Sylvanas had given her rather than use the name the girl used.
“Oh, who are you?” The girl asked, turning to face the source of the voice. She looked at the tall human with red eyes, brown hair, and a beard staring back at her with his arms folded. 
“Nathanos Blightcaller, Champion to...your ranger friend that brought you here,” he started remembering his queen’s words; she does not know me. “I see you have been practicing?”
“I have, you are a dark ranger? I have been hearing about them a lot,” the girl asked, hoping her deductions were correct.
“You could say that, nice to meet someone with a brain in that head of yours. Try dealing with tiresome adventurers all day.” He said dryly with an unchanged expression. 
“I do have a brain yes, I can see that you possess one as well,” she answered back with equal sarcasm.
“I think we will get along nicely, barring you do not cause any trouble.” Nathanos said in part amusement and part authoritatively. 
“I will do my very best,” the girl said with a mischievous grin.
Nathanos snorted, the girl had spirit as Sylvanas had mentioned. He chose to stay with the girl for now, his curiosity seemed to grow with every minute, he was wondering what Sylvanas and a few dark rangers wondered: how did this girl get to the broken isles? He also wondered just how much she had been told of her homeland. “Stop.” He commanded, 
The girl looked back at Nathanos expectantly, she was holding her bow at her side with one hand and an arrow in the other. “Do I need to fix anything?” she asked.
“No, it's not that, put your bow down and sit, I have some questions.” He motioned to a spot in front of him for her to sit down and waited when she did as he said he thought for a moment, I know she won’t answer one of the questions so I will stick with the others I have. 
What could he want to ask? She wondered, sitting down across from him with her bow still at her side. 
Nathanos furrowed his brows in a manner that suggested he was thinking about what he wanted to ask, his red eyes met her blue ones when he finally spoke, “Have you been told of what happened to your homeland? Quel’Thalas?”
“A little, only that it was attacked by a human Prince named Arthas Menethil and that Ranger General Sylvanas Windrunner gave her life defending her people, well they are mine too I guess, I know not much else.” The girl stated, her gaze never left his but there was a longing in them, a longing for answers or further explanation.
Nathanos nodded, “So you do not know the full story, then,” he sighed in slight annoyance. “Well, you only got snippets then, could you handle it if I told you what I know? Might also shed some light on your ranger friend.”
“I can handle it, I am nearly thirteen,” she said a little indignant.
“Your age is not my concern, girl, your maturity is.” He answered back with similar indignation.
“Fine, yes, I can handle it with maturity,” she said, trying to hide the tone of annoyance. 
“Good, then I shall tell you. I do warn you I was not there so my account is only second hand, the dark rangers you see around here might be willing to tell you more if you so desire.” Nathanos told her honestly, he did not believe in sugar coating a story just because the listener was a child. In his mind, she was old enough to use a bow and learn how to survive on her own, she could handle knowing what happened to her people. 
Two red eyebrows raised in expectation of his words, she sat quietly and awaited more information on what had happened. 
Nathanos cleared his throat and looked at his now captive audience, “What you know is very little I hope to expand on that pathetic explanation you were given. What I know is that the human Prince of Lordaeron; Arthas Menethil did indeed invade your lands. First, he took up a cursed blade known as Frostmourne then killed his own father and his people. Him and his scourge army then set their sights on Quel’Thalas...I have been told he was after the Sunwell, something of which you can ask another ranger or your friend about. The magical elf gates would have protected your lands had you not had a traitor among your people, so despite Sylvanas’s efforts Arthas broke through. The Ranger General fought her hardest to push his army back, but to no avail, he broke through the second gate too.” He paused to watch for her reaction, a smirk played on his features at the rapt attention he now had.
“Her last stand did end in her death, but...she had been quite irksome as I have been told. Arthas did not let her have a clean death, instead he turned her into a banshee and forced her to fight by his side against her own people. He did this to many of her rangers and butchered his way through at an easier pace now that the Ranger General was no longer an issue. He eventually made his way to the Sunwell and raised a Lich named Kel’Thuzad and killed the King at the time Anastarian Sunstrider. That is all I know, the rest will have to be told by others. Any questions?” He asked casually.
She is a banshee now? The girl thought, this was a shock to her system as her previous caretakers had never told her this. “Is my home still destroyed? I know some survived.” she said, still trying to comprehend what he had just told her, “Is Sylvanas still?” she didn’t know what to say next.
“Part of Quel’Thalas is now called the Ghostlands, an area that shows the most damage by Arthas and his undead scourge. The rest is still recovering, but still vibrant as it was, the Sunwell is restored and there is rebuilding. As for Sylvanas, she is undead and the woman who found you.” He explained, he wanted to set the record straight, she needs to know sometime. Looking up to her was fine in his eyes, who better to look up to for her skills as a ranger and leader. You should aspire to be like her, but as yourself, he almost wanted to say but didn’t. 
“Wait...so, she's Sylvanas Windrunner? This whole time?” she was shocked at this, I have been telling her I am her in our game...
“Yes, no doubt you would have found out at some point. I decided to tell you now, mostly for practicality’s sake and being uninformed will not do.” Nathanos said plainly as if he was telling her the sky was in fact blue. 
“I-I need to think,” she said, looking down at the ground.
“You can still play your game, but it was either myself telling you or someone else and in a less than transparent way. I will not speak to you as if you are made of glass, you have spirit and drive that deserves a more direct approach.” Nathanos carried on, not noticing her expression. “I would understand if you were angry with her about it.”
“I am not, I would like to be alone for a while though if you don't mind.” she said a little coldly, “It was nice meeting you.” The girl stood up and grabbed her bow and arrows and walked towards the base camp.
Nathanos watched her leave and stared at the target for a minute before his thoughts were interrupted, “shall we go after her? The ridge is clear by the way.” Ranger Captain Areiele stated.
“Wait, let her process what I have just told her then go and talk to her,” Nathanos knew from experience when someone says, “Leave me, I have some thoughts to consider,” it meant, “I am not happy, do not speak to me.” 
“You spared no feelings then?” Areiele asked.
“What good would sparing her feelings be? She has been on her own for...well, I dont know, but I assume a while, she probably has caught on that life can be cruel and unfeeling why should I insult her intelligence and give her flowery words about the harsh reality of what happened?” He said in response to her question. 
“I am not saying you should have spared her feelings on what happened with Quel’thalas, she needed to be told the whole story long ago, it was how you handled the revelation of Lady Sylvanas. That was something that our Queen wanted to tell her when she had the time.” Areiele said this with as much restraint as she could muster. 
Nathanos’s expression fell a little as he listened, “I see, so you are saying I should have kept my mouth shut on that matter?”
“Yes, to put it bluntly. I understand why you did, but that was for  Lady Sylvanas to tell her not you. I am going to speak with her, she will have questions. I suggest you keep your distance for now.” Areiele’s frustration was starting to come through, sometimes this human could be aggravating even if he was the second in command next to the banshee queen.
“I will await her return then,” Nathanos said resignedly. 
Areiele nodded and left to find the now shocked little ranger, when she did find her the girl looked near tears. “Is it Quel’Thalas or finding out your hero was with you the whole time?”
“A little of both, I am upset because I was not told everything. I am also upset because I must have looked silly pretending.” The girl stated as tears threatened to fall. I won't cry! She thought.
“You are a child, you are allowed to be silly and pretend. Want me to tell you a little about her? Now that you know? I do warn you there are things in which I cannot tell you for that is up to her and how much trust she puts in you. She has been betrayed and let down before so I am going to be careful in what I say.” Areiele said in a calm voice. She sat down next to the girl who only nodded, her long red hair covered her eyes but the dark ranger could tell she was trying not to cry.
“When Quel’Thalas fell Sylvanas and her rangers, including myself were turned into banshees. She was allowed awareness but no control, so when Arthas’s hold on us weakened she took a chance and broke free. She took in the undead scourge that remained in Lordaeron and created a home for them in the Undercity, we are called the Forsaken now.” Areiele was less abrupt when speaking but still direct, only telling the girl what she felt she needed to know.
“So, she's been looking after them since they were freed from Arthas’s grasp?” The girl asked, moving the red locks away from her tear stained face.
“She became our Dark Lady, the Banshee Queen, and we are her rangers. Nathanos, I will let either him explain or Lady Sylvanas. I will say he is her most trusted second in command and well, we tend to think something is there between them, but do not tell them I told you.” Areiele smiled conspiratorially to the girl as she finished her sentence.
“Since then she has watched over us and lead us, she was made Warchief of the Horde recently, do you know what the Alliance and Horde are?” She asked.
“I have a small idea of what they are, they sound like two fighting kids to me,” the girl shrugged.
“They are in a way, I will explain that another day. I know what I have told you is a brief summary, you will learn about Sylvanas over time, depending on how long you choose to stay or how much you wish to know. I can certainly help with that as can the other rangers if we choose to.” Areiele informed her.
“That will satisfy me, thank you.” The girl said assuringly.
The ranger captain and the little girl both sat awhile and spoke unaware an angry Sylvanas had returned.
“Nathanos, I trust the girl is alright? I did not see her perched on her rock, or practicing,” Sylvanas had looked a few times on the way back, had she left?
She probably hates me like everyone else, Nathanos thought before answering, “She is fine My Queen, just upset. Mostly due to me. I take it by the look on your face things did not go well?”
“Always observant aren’t you?” Sylvanas smirked then frowned, “No, things didn't go well, Greymane survived that explosion on his boat and...” She fumed, she did not need to finish the sentence for he already knew, and it too made him angry. “I was about to so close to having more val’kyr, so close to securing a future for the Forsaken.”
“We will find another way, I am sure of it,” Nathanos said reassuringly.
“Yes, we will.” Sylvanas agreed. “Now what is this about the little ranger being upset?”
“I explained to her what happened to Quel’thalas and to you, which lead me to tell her your identity, and---”
“That was my job,” she interrupted, “You did the right thing in giving her more information about her people but you should have waited and let me tell her, I was having fun with our little game.”
“Apologies, my Queen it was an oversight on my part,” Nathanos said.
“I will talk to her,” she paused and touched his chin, “do not fret about it, she will forget your mishap soon enough.”
“Is she to stay with us then?” Nathanos asked curiously.
“I have left that up to her, whether she chooses to follow me or not, it would be in her best interests to do so.” Sylvanas replied and headed off to where a group of rangers were sitting.
Nathanos nodded and went back to his duties, there was no time to be idle.
Sylvanas approached the group quietly and listened to the laughter of the girl, she seems fine to me, so far. What was he thinking? I would have told her eventually. She told herself before making her presence known, “Little Ranger.”
The little girl looked up at the woman who she now knew was Sylvanas Windrunner, “Welcome back, Ranger- I mean- Sylvanas?” 
“Yes, perhaps you and I can go on a little adventure? I have some time to spare and I would like to get to know you.” Sylvanas’s question was more of a demand but the girl did not protest.
“Where do you want to go? There are some woods for hunting? The rangers said---”
“No, I was thinking outside Stormheim as our task here is done, we will not be coming back here,” the banshee queen stated.
“Alright,” the girl nodded, she was getting to understand that Sylvanas was not the type to be idle and do nothing, she wanted efficiency which worked for her. 
“Pack what you have then come with me,” Sylvanas commanded.
“I will do that right away,” the little girl playfully saluted but a little sadness was behind the cheerful and carefree tone.
An hour later Sylvanas and the girl headed out on undead horses, the rest of the rangers and nathanos were given orders to make sure the area stayed secure then move onto the next task ahead. 
To Be Continued.
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zakthefiend · 6 years
The Big News
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(Art was done by @pebster and OC belongs to her as well. One of her recent pieces sort of pushed me into writing this specific scenario, and I can say I enjoyed it a lot! There relationship, in my head, could be similar to that of Jonathan Joestar’s and Erina Pendleton: Very athletic couple with a very fluffy relationship. Hope you do too!)
It has been some time since the Lich King’s fall at the Icecrown Citadel. Some time since Arthas was freed from the wretched blade of Frostmourne and the cursed helm of Ner’zhul. To the world however, he was dead and has been dead all this time. Very few knew of his fate, one such person of these few was one of his loyalest death knights: Hanarenu.
Hana was there during the battle at the top of the citadel, and was the one who brought Arthas back into the light. Since that day, the two have lived in isolation from the rest of the world. Remaining in Northrend and staying in the land called “Grizzly Hills”. As an added bonus, the two have became inseparable. Their bond will only grow stronger, with what transpires today...
The morning began like any other, Arthas and Hana laying in bed in each other’s embrace. Despite Hanarenu’s attempts of getting out of their bed, she found that her king had no such desires of letting go of her. Her pleas would fall upon deaf ears, as she was doomed to stay longer in bed with him (Which she had no problems with mind you).
She spent an extra hour cuddled up to Arthas before she was released from his loving arms, and quickly made way to the bathroom. Arthas himself worked on trying to raise the covers off him to fully wake. He sits upon his bed and mumbles to himself, “Thank the lights for giving me this.” His time for peace would be interrupted by a troubling sound in the bathroom.
Upon entering, he found his beloved knight hunched over the toilet and regurgitating in it. Arthas quickly grabbed a hold of her hair and held it back, so none would get on her beautiful pinkish-violet hair. When she lifted her head up, she looked quite sickly. “My... My love...? Hana asks, before being scooped up by Arthas and laid back onto bed.
“If you were not feeling well Hanarenu, I would have let you go sooner. Forgive my avarice please.” He asks, as he tucked her in gently.
“Arthas, you need not apologize, especially to me. If you would be so kind, I would like something to satiate my appetite.”
He nods and dashed out the door to give her a breakfast that would best whatever vile illness she had. As for Hanarenu, she laid there not sickish but worried. “I’m going to have to tell him sooner than expected...”
Arthas has returned, with a meal designed to fight off any illness. Two slices of toast, assorted fruit, a glass of fresh milk, and applesauce. She thanked Arthas for his culinary craft, but would like to eat alone for a moment. Though opposing this, he granted her wish and left her in peace. He would constantly be worried downstairs, wondering if she was okay or if she lost her breakfast. His questions would be answered when he saw her walking downstairs with the dish that looked untouched.
“Hana! What are you doing out of bed? Why haven’t you eaten your breakfast?” He nearly leapt off the chair he sat on and ran to her side.
“Arthas, I need to tell you something, but it must be outside. I promise to eat after I tell you. Alright?” Her voice had only a nervous tone to it. Which only had even more worried.
“Alright my love. Just promise me it’s nothing terrible. Promise me that at least.”
“It depends on you if it’s good or bad.”
The two are now outside, standing on top of a small hill. Hanarenu stared out to the horizon silently. Arthas was expecting the absolute worst of it. [She was dying! How can she be dying? It doesn’t matter! She’s somehow dying and I’m going to be alone for the rest of my damned days!] Thoughts like those ran through his head.
The silence is broken, she turned to face Arthas. “Arthas Menethil...” She gulped in fresh air, as she mustered up the courage to say what she planned to say. His and her eyes stared into one another.
“I... I’m... I am pregnant!”
Arthas face went from worried mess to blank. His eyes widened as he starts muttering to himself.
“Ar...Arthas? Are you... Are you alright?” She steps slowly closer to him. She had no way to expect his next action.
Suddenly, Arthas dashed at her! He took Hana completely by surprise, as he snatched her up by the waist and spun her around! “By the lights, Elune, Titans, Spirits, and whatever else, I’M GOING TO BE A FATHER!” He cheered as loud as he could.
Hana couldn’t help but giggle by her kings excitement. “Your going to be a mother! The best mother that ever blessed Azeroth!” His cheering had not and would not cease, his spirits have never been so high before and they weren’t going to be lowered anytime soon!
Arthas finally set her down, and planted his lips against hers, Hanarenu giving into her emotions and cheered with him! “I am so happy! I thought you would’ve been against the idea!”
He hugged her tightly, resting his head on her shoulder. “How can be against something so wonderful? I love you, and now I’ll be able to love something from the both of us!”
The two cuddled each other in the blissful morning, as the sun rose past morning. The two of them would return to their home, as they plan what will happen next for their now growing family.
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ocprompts-andsuch · 7 years
So we ended up getting a lot of asks! Which honestly was fun as hell. However, I don’t want to spam our followers with 30+ posts, so, instead I’m making this.
mixolydian98 said:My OC is a misomaniac college professor who was transformed into a grotesque monster by an evil sorceress.
My OC Bor was cursed to live as a beast by a bunch of angry forest spirits -Ven My OC Ursa was cursed to be a werebear-Chris/p>
Anonymous said:My OC is an edgy, beatnik unicorn in a turtleneck sweater.
The closest thing I have is Priscilla, Sunan, and Hala are also very edgy -Ven My OC Cadence wears a sweater his husband made and tells edgy poetry -Chris
djdashieticktock said:My OC (Yesman) is a smelly rotting boi who needs to take a bath and chill on preforming necromancy
1. that’s a mood and 2. Priscilla is the result of necromancy -Ven My OC Beckett is a necromancer who wants to become a lich -Chris
Anonymous said:My OC is a mutated bunny who is a great mother.
My OC Dryn isn’t mutated but he is a great father! -Ven My OC Adrien is a great father and husband!
Anonymous said:I made my OC super trope-y because cringe culture is shit. She’s a witch with dark skin, bright blue eyes, and pink/magenta hair. She’s a bubbly baby who trains dragons for a living and I love her. Fight me Cus I’m having fun with her!
She sounds fun as hell! My OC Nelsis is a beast tamer who loves space and has a dragon (along with a plethora of other beasts that seem very intimidating but actually just act like dogs) -Ven Cringe culture is shit she sounds really cool! My OC Nimbus has naturally pink hair and she designed her hella mechanical wheelchair after a dragin she saw once -Chris
cyrokinetic-iceman said:One of my OCs is named Rory and he’s an Irish maid for Sean Cassidy from the xmen. he had long, frizzy red curls and is more freckles than man. He’s tall and bony with very pale skin. He’s a hemophiliac but also has mutant powers that allow him to take the energy (and in fatal enough cases life force) from organic life forms and he later discovers he can also enhance their energy and life force. He’s very shy but friendly and likes to bake and cook
Priscilla can take people’s life force (well really the demon that’s with her can but whatever) -Ven My OC Orion has a lot of freckles and red hair but he is trash at cooking -Chris
Anonymous said:My gay OC Steven had his arms ripped off by a demon, after breaking up with said demon.
Wow.. hmm.. My OC Tarryn only has two limbs because of an explosion -Ven My OC Nimbus lost use of her legs after being shoved out of a very tall tree by a schoolmate -Chris
PHANTASYMIST SAYS:my oc practices forbidden magic because of hunger for knowledge
my OC EcC0 is a hellish combination of magic and failed technology and he accidentally made himself and his friends immortal through a series of experimental magic and glitches -Chris
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My Oc is possessed by the spirit of a Samurai and is immortal because of this. She also owns her own City Apartment building and lives in one of her apartments, she even rooms with one of her tenants
My OC Shelby lives in the top room(home??) of the Penthouse her family owns and accidentally became a Naiad’s sugar momma -Chris
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My oc Icarus is the child of Aphrodite but gave up on finding love for themself.
My OC Darcy is a demi-god who always forgets that he passed down his powers to his 6 year old until she starts telepathically throwing his circus group around when having a tantrum -Chris
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My Oc Alex attracts portals to a different world and goes through them in order to close them. She knows a bunch of survival skills because of how often she goes and stays there, especially cause there aren’t any civilizations in the other world.
My OC Ken is a dimention hopper who accidentally got stuck in time jail with three alternate universe versions of his friend Angel -Chris
Uuh… my OC Bor knows a bunch of survival skills cause for a while he was a human living in the forest -Ven
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My OC Regalius is an 2000ish year old immortal who manages to screw up every relationship he has.
My OC Felix used to be dating an ex war goddess until she tried to leave him for dead (the other gods called her out on her bullshit) -Chris
I have an immortal OC Bor, he never gets into any relationships he just kind of sits in the forest and makes stew and helps lost travelers and protects the forest -Ven
THAT-AWKWARD-FANGIRL-270 SAYS:One of my OC’s is Ethan, he’s about half French and a gay trans boy and I love him so much and he’s also an adorable book nerd and has like a hundred thousand siblings (jk but there’s Lots and everyone is good at braiding like trust me sleepovers there are The Bomb) I love him
My OC Wesley is a french american who’s half succubus and owns a giant library, he’s also a necromancer -Chris
Uuh… I have a gay Hawaiian war vet named Jeremiah with like 9 siblings -Ven
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My OC Locke is the headmaster of a guild and he’s also dating another guy also named Locke who tried to steal his money once
My OC Cyrus met his first boyfriend while doing a stickup -Chris
Well… my OC Xaro first met Cinder when Cinder tries to steal his stuff? They’re not dating or anything tho Xaro literally ends up adopting him -Ven
BUNNIKKILA SAYS:My OC is a member of the HEMA Alliance! Her dream is to open her own fencing school, as most of the schools in her immediate area focus on Olympic fencing.
My OC Telly fences in his spare time and is teaching his boyfriends daughter how to -Chris
My OC Cinder loves fencing and is very good at it, but didn’t actually get to start until he was 15! -Ven
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My OC took Tae Kwon Do as a tween. She was one belt away from getting the black belt (highest rank), but financial issues made her have to quit.
My OC Poppy knows Capoeria -Chris
I have an OC who gets to the 7th dan of Judo by age 14 -Ven
ANONYMOUS SAYS:I have an OC based off the planet Neptune….her name is Neptune.(I know, real original name :/ )
I named my OC Castor after Pollux and Castor since I wanted a constellation name and I’m a Gemini -Chris
I have an OC named Snow White -Ven
REMEMBER-THERAIN SAYS:my OC Stevie is a 14-year-old aromantic/pansexual bounty hunter who travels the galaxy with her robot Lux :))
Oh cool!! My OC Dryn is also pan and sometimes does bounty hunting, he also travels a lot -Ven
my OC Castor ran away from home at 15 and is now one of the most renowned Space travelers of his species -Chris
DRAGONIANGIRL SAYS:My OC Nimladrie is a cleric of a drunk god that accidentally swore a blood oath but she can’t remember for what or to whom.
My OC Beckett accidently became a cult leader because he thought it was a Bards club -Chris
((Amazing)) Well uh… the closest thing I have is my oc Priscilla has blood contracts with like a shitton demons/daemons/etc
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My oc Yilim is… well. To plainly state it he one ugly ass mofo.
My OC Scrib is just,,,,, literally a poorly drawn doodle, i usually draw him left handed -Chris
My main OC Tarryn is also considered ‘ugly’, another OC I have is unarguably ugly because his face is literally a deer skull -Ven
ATQEVALE SAYS:My OC Matisse wears a really freaking ugly salmon colored hoodie to school every day and my other OC Sparrow has a crush on her in spite of this
My OC The Boy has no fucking clue what fashion is and neither does his mom Ursa (he’d get it from his dad to if he wasn’t a giant Stag) -Chris
Uhhh… my OC Mike is colorblind and until he memorizes his wardrobe he has to ask people he lives with what color the stuff he’s wearing is?? It led to an Outfit Disaster a couple of times -Ven
WEARETHERUSSIANTWINS SAYS:My oc Hayley Williams (aka Sailor Aries) has schizophrenia and ADHD
My OC Finch has ADHD to! -Chris
My OC Mike has ADHD(a few others do as well but I haven’t hashed that out yet) -Ven
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My OC Janice comes from a planet with pink water, and secretly prefers it over earth water.
My OC Scravenlay comes from a world that is mostly covered in turquoise freshwater that is extremely buoyant -Chris
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My oc Vlansen forgot all about his past and is in love with a hallucination!
My OC Cadence woke up in the middle of a battlefield with no memory of what side they were on and they later married the soldier who found them! -Chris
ANONYMOUS SAYS:i have so many OCs. But my mains are a Schizophrenic ex-hitman who runs a daycare and a half alien-human hybrid that has the ability to control plants and crystals ;v;b
My OC Brin is a (retired later in the story) Rebel Leader with a softspot for kids and animals and my oc Scravenlay was supposed to be the king of his species/people but decided he preferred to be an adventurer after an assassination attempt -Chris
Well… the closest I have is an assassin who also has a soft spot for kids? -Ven
THE-TINY-KRAVIST SAYS:My OC, Binary, is an android who is terrified of water!
My OC Rhys is a self made android (makes more sense in context of the story) who runs a roller rink -Chris
My OC Mike is terrified of water. He’s not an android he just can’t swim -Ven
ANONYMOUS SAYS:my oc has a brand on her left side right below her heart from where she forced to fight in an arena
One of my OCs used to have something like that, now the closest I have is Tarryn has a lot of scars from fights! -Ven
My OC Beckett has a lot of scars after the gang who owned him tried to kill him for trying to escape - Chris
ECHOING-NIGHT SAYS:My OC iasi is claustrophobic.
My OC Beckett tries to fit into small spaces when he gets nervous or scared -Chris
My OC Xaro is also claustrophobic! -Ven
ANONYMOUS SAYS:Uh my OC is a detective in the 1940’s
My OC Lost was a private investigator until he got possessed (this is close enough right?) -Chris
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Jobs Gone Awry
i wrote this little fic for the sole reason of wanting my OC Cinda to interact with two of the witches from my series. I do love my Scottish witches. how it became a zombie fic I’ll never know, since I don’t even like zombies. Cinda was not happy with me. still it was fun and a nice little break.
as a note, yes the dialogue is partly written in dialect and yes, the difference between Cinda’s and the others is deliberate.
  “Ye dinna mention fighting hordes of the undead when ye asked for our help with this, Cinda.”
  “I did no’ think it would be coming ta this, Seamus! I was trying ta avoid this ta be quite honest.”
  Seamus shifted his grip on his sword, gazing at the burning bodies strewn about along with the hacked off body pieces, trying to avoid wiping at the sweat dripping down his face so he wouldn’t smear any more of the foul smelling mess that all three of them were now covered in on it. He glanced over his shoulder to look at Muirenn. “I dinna suppose ye’ve located our animator yet? I dinna wish to be here any longer than need be.” He wiped his forehead across his shoulder reflexively and grimaced, snorting hard to try and get the smell out of his nose.
  “Would ye like to be trying this? It’s no’ as easy as ye might think trying to isolate one bloody undead signature among dozens. They all stink o’ his magic.” Muirenn’s own blade lay on the ground next to her, covered in gore, as she cupped her hands in front of her, eyes closed. A ball glowing with a soft nimbus of blue sat in her cradled palms as she frowned in concentration.
  “I’d be focusing on th’ stolen amulet were I ye, Muirenn. ‘Twill be easier ta be finding in this mess than trying ta find him in particular.” Cinda held out a hand palm down and snuffed the flames with a thought, leaving the smoking charred remains.
  This was supposed to be a retrieval job, not a hunt or rescue mission. But she hadn’t counted on the rogue animator tying his life force to the amulet he’d stolen. A gold bracteate someone had chosen to imbue with the powers of Hel, Norse goddess of the Underworld, it wasn’t meant to be used this way. How the animator had managed to learn about it, much less steal it, was anyone’s guess. But Cinda had been hired to retrieve it.
  No one had counted on said animator getting shot before she and the siblings could track him down. Or that being an animator and having tied his life force to the amulet (badly) would raise him as a lich, giving him the ability to pull revenants and zombies from all the local cemeteries and enlist their aid in protecting him as he continued to carry out his vengeance. Another detail Cinda neither knew nor cared about at this point. Not standing amongst the smell of charred bodies and covered in gore that stank of the grave.
  Cinda, along with Seamus and Muirenn O’Conaill, witches she had met and befriended a few years prior, had arrived to find the small town besieged by a veritable legion of the undead. Not at all what Cinda had counted on when she’d taken this job, although she could now understand why her Lady Nemesis had exhorted her to take it. It certainly didn’t pay enough for dealing with this mess.
  “Now why did I no’ think o’ that sooner?” Muirenn’s voice was caustic as she opened her eyes and glanced down at Cinda with attitude. Cinda felt eclipsed by the siblings, both of them far taller than her five foot four frame. The braids that framed Murienn’s face hung free, gore and body fluids trapped in the hair from where a revenant had gotten a little too close for comfort. The rest of her dark, purple streaked hair was tied back and just as liberally spattered as all of them were. “It’s bloody well tied to th’ idiot’s magical signature at this point. I had to be wading through too much magic in the air to be finding it. He’s no’ a complete fool and had a few false signatures thrown into th’ mix to be throwing me off his trail. I’ve got him now, though.”
  She pointed to the north and Cinda groaned softly. Why couldn’t he have headed for a house on a hill or maybe a forest? Someplace isolated? Instead, the direction Murienn pointed led right to the center of the small town.
  Muirenn banished the orb of light and retrieved her sword. “Next time ye ask us to be helping ye wi’ a job, best give us more information first. You’re right lucky Seamus and I ne’er leave our blades behind.” She wiped the hilt on her pants and grimaced, only managing to smear the mess rather than wipe it off since her pants weren’t much cleaner. “I hate zombies.”
  Cinda huffed. She brushed dark, sweat damp hair away from her face, wrinkling her nose at the smell. Her crossbow hung from its strap, arrows having been depleted long before they’d reached this point. The only reason the weapon had even been worth the trouble was her ability to set the arrow heads on fire. Otherwise, Seamus and Muirenn with their swords were much better suited for this. Had she known they’d be fighting the undead she’d have brought her machete. Not much she could do about it now. She was just glad the weather was cool enough to have worn long sleeves. She shuddered at the thought of having gore streaking her arms. While she had less on her than the siblings, all of them were a rank mess.
  “I’ll be making it up ta ye when I can. Ye ken, I dinna plan for the idiot ta be getting himself killed dead.” She started picking her way through the mess of charred bodies. “Th’ sooner we’re puttin’ a stop ta him th’ better. These people dinna deserve ta be living through this horror.” At least if they could kill the lich the rest of the undead should no longer be an issue. Without the power of the augmented animator-turned-lich to support them they should return to their inert state.
  She hoped. Things got tricky when dealing with objects that had been touched by the gods.
  Seamus and Muirenn followed her, both on alert.
  Most of the town had barred themselves in their homes or places of business, for as much as it had helped. While zombies were fairly mindless, slow moving and easy to avoid if they weren’t focused on you, the animator-turned-lich hadn’t bothered to give them any kind of direction. He’d simply imbued them with power and an inordinate amount of rage. The decaying corpses had far more strength than they should have had and if they caught someone they simply ripped their bodies to pieces.
  Still, it was the revenants that were far more dangerous. Smarter and faster they had a bad habit of eating their prey’s organs while they were still alive. The trio had already had to stop to rescue half a dozen of the townspeople from a grisly death. Unfortunately, with the amount of power flooding the region, each death only meant another body that rose to continue their grim work.
  Cinda highly suspected a large number of the survivors were going to be relocating after this. Normals didn’t tend to deal well with having their worldview turned on its ear in such a horrifying way. And while she sympathized, her first priority was putting the lich down and retrieving the amulet. This could easily spiral into something much bigger and messier otherwise.
  “I’ll have to be burning my clothes and scrubbing my hair for a week to be removing the stench o’ th’ dead.” Muirenn muttered under her breath as the trio made their way past the homes and into the business district. “It’d be easier to evacuate the bloody place and burn it to th’ ground, ye ken?”
  “Aye, and how would we ken we’d gotten everyone still living free afore we were torching th’ place?” Seamus tossed a look over his shoulder at his sister, green eyes both amused and exasperated.
  “Who’d be arguing th’ lack o’ a few less humans in th’ world? One or two more missing people would hardly be something I’d be losing sleep o’er.” Muirenn shrugged. Her green eyes, darker than her brother’s, didn’t seem terribly concerned over the possibility of roasting a few people alive.
  “We’ll no’ be burning th’ whole town ta th’ ground, Muirenn. No’ unless we’ve no other choice. I ken ye dinna care much fer humans bu’ I’ll no’ be taking th’ chance o’ killing a few ta be making this job easier.” Cinda also tossed a glance at the older witch. “Ye’ve been spending far too much time wi’ that blood-thirtsy kinswoman o’ yers. Dinna forget, we’re here fer th’ amulet first.”
  Seamus snorted and Muirenn rolled her eyes. “Ye dinna care near as much as ye say ye do, Cinda, ye ken?” Muirenn’s voice was scornful. “Ye took this as a retrieval job, no’ to be altruistic. Would ye e’en have come if ye’d no’ been tracking th’ bloody thing in th’ first place?”
  Cinda huffed, aquamarine eyes shifting from Muirenn to the quiet street before she frowned. She might have, if she’d heard about this mess, if someone had called her in. But Muirenn had a point, she might not even have been in the area if she hadn’t been tracking the gods cursed amulet. At any rate, speculation was academic. They were here, whatever the reason. Her frown deepened as she took in the quiet and she stopped, motioning the other two to halt.
  “It’s too quiet.” Her voice was soft, wary. “Th’ beasties have been coming at us since we set foot in this place. Where have they gone to?” Cinda scanned the street, devoid of any sign of life. Or unlife for that matter. Lights flickered in broken store front windows and she got the feeling they were being watched, but mostly by wary and frightened residents who’d been pushed too far.
  Muirenn, fingers tightening on her sword, closed her eyes for a moment, focusing. After a moment she looked at Cinda. “Would ye be against burning one bloody building then? Our lich seems to have found his target o’ vengeance and all the revenants and such have gathered there. If you’re wanting to be saving th’ human in question, we might need to get a move on. I dinna think she’ll be surviving the convergence, otherwise.”
  Cinda swore softly and took off running, Seamus and Muirenn following her after a moment. In the unnatural stillness that had descended their boots hitting the pavement of the road was loud in the deepening twilight. One easy job, she had been told. Retrieve a stolen amulet, return it to where it was stolen from. Fighting hordes of the undead hadn’t factored into it. Why were these things never as simple as they sounded?
  She was glad, at least, it was a north eastern town with a small population. Too small to even be on most maps, it meant far less people, far less buildings, far less cars. Those who could make a run for it in their vehicles had long since gone, the rest having been pinned down in their houses when the dead had risen. In a larger city, the panic would have resulted in mobs choking the streets trying to get away rather than residents hunkering down to try and survive.
  The three skid to a halt as they reached the end of the street opening up into a town square. Civil service buildings mostly. And a gathering of the undead the like of which Cinda truly hoped she wouldn’t have to deal with again anytime soon. The smell alone was enough to turn her stomach as bodies in varying states of decay were bashing in windows and breaking down doors, oozing their way into one of the larger buildings. Had the bloody lich raised every body in the county?
  Their arrival did not go unnoticed. Several heads turned their way, intelligence flickering in those that had eyes left. Cinda called flame to her hand as Seamus raised his sword and four or five revenants broke from the rest and ran towards them. Muirenn swore. “Cinda! Now would be a good time to be letting loose those flames o’ yours!”
  As there weren’t any other living beings in the immediate vicinity than them, Cinda didn’t bother to hold back, throwing fire at the approaching figures. Two of them dropped, beating at the flames that burned them, but the other two kept coming. Seamus and Muirenn swung into action, hacking at legs and arms first to cripple before severing the heads and dancing out of the way of grasping hands that continued to seek a hold until the fire burned through the magic and what was left of their brains.
  As several zombies turned to shuffle towards them Cinda heard a piercing scream filled with terror come from the building. They didn’t have time to hack their way through this mess. There were too damn many. This wasn’t supposed to be a bloody rescue mission but whatever the girl had done to earn the animator’s hatred, she didn’t deserve to die this way for it.
  “Seamus, Muirenn, behind me. Now!”
  Cinda yelled it as she raised both hands and the siblings scrambled to stand behind her. She didn’t do this often for so many reasons, but they needed to get inside that building and stop the animator-turned-lich sooner rather than later.
  “I call Fire ta cleanse this place! Lady Nemesis, lend me yer power!” He voice echoed through the dark, the fire on her palms blazing bright before all the undead burst into flame. She struggled to keep the fire contained to burning the undead and not the buildings around them. It wasn’t an easy task, but she managed it. The bodies burned flash fire hot and fierce, collapsing where they stood to writhe for moments before stilling. As others turned to spill out of the building, they also caught fire and burned.
  After a few moments there was nothing left between the trio and the closest door except burning and charred piles of ash and bone. Cinda fought with the fire for a moment before it extinguished, leaving smoke to hang in the air like smog and rise as though from a dozen funeral pyres. Another scream spurred her into a run, and she heard Seamus and Muirenn follow.
 She didn’t think she’d gotten them all. She’d only burned the ones she could see outside. But there were only so many dead that could rise at one time, even powered by a former animator turned lich with the power of a goddess touched amulet at his command.
  “Find th’ amulet! I’ll try an’ save th’ girl.” They plunged through the shattered door as Cinda yelled to Muirenn and Seamus, following the sound of the scream through the hallways, trying not to slip on the puddles of gore and body fluids left behind. The amulet might have been her priority but she wasn’t planning to let the girl die in the process.
  They burst into an antechamber in the center of the building, ceiling rising three stories, staircases on either side of the large room. Two revenants rushed them, several more zombies shuffling to follow and Cinda dodged around them, leaving Muirenn and Seamus to handle them. She had spotted the lich on the second landing, girl half pushed other the stair railing and fighting to keep her grip and not be flung to the tiles below.
  She took the stairs two at a time, flames springing back into view around her hands and came to a stop just below the second landing gazing up.
  “Let th’ girl go. ‘Tis over. Ye will no’ be keeping wha’ ye stole an’ ye’ll be bound to th’ grave where ye should have stayed.”
  The lich’s skull face turned to her. Light burned deep in the eye sockets and despite the lack of facial muscles and skin Cinda got the distinct impression of a hatred that blurred into madness. It didn’t even pause in its effort to shove the girl over the railing, simply laughed, an oddly hollow sound.
  The girl screamed again, a sound of desperation as her fingers slipped and Cinda sensed a revenant coming up behind her. She only had a moment to act and she prayed desperately to her goddess as she directed the fire at the gold amulet hanging around the lich’s neck. Destroying it wasn’t what she had been contracted to do, but she wasn’t going to wait for the girl to fall to her possible death just to retrieve what had fed this insanity in the first place.
  The amulet flared bright as the fire consumed it, the lich screaming as it did so. Cinda willed the fire to burn hotter, eyes narrowed against the flare of light, watching the gold melt and drip down the front of the ragged clothes the lich wore. Slowly it collapsed to its knees, still screaming before toppling to its side as Cinda lunged up the last few steps to grab hold of the girl’s writs just as her fingers started to slip.
  “I’ve got ye, lass. Dinna struggle. I’ll get ye up.” She put all of her considerable strength into pulling the girl slowly over the railing and the girl grabbed her tight and hung on, crying hysterically. Cinda offered her quiet words of comfort as she looked down to the first floor to watch the few revenants and zombies left dropping where they stood, the feel of magic bleeding out of the air.
  Seamus and Muirenn had both stopped hacking, looking around at the now still bodies warily before glancing towards the landing. Seamus saluted Cinda with his gore covered blade and Cinda sighed, giving him a tired salute in return.
  She gazed over to the body of the lich, the melted gold of the amulet having been hot enough to have burned through cloth and eat into what was left of the skin underneath. She could still sense an echo of the power of the amulet in the gold left behind, though nothing of the strength it had been.
  Oh well. Her employer hadn’t specified retrieving the amulet as it was. Cinda figured the Priestess could deal with digging the gold out of the body. She couldn’t be expected to do everything and if her employer had been more careful the bloody thing might not have been stolen in the first place.
  Now she just had to figure out how to transport the damn body.
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