#I have a concept of a scene I wanna write or these three but I be scared… DX
serxinns · 5 months
Yandere Big 3 version reaction of you wearing revealing clothing
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I know this is my 3rd time writing something out of @lets-get-kraken-boys fics but I just can't help it! (Well if she gets uncomfortable with it then yea
DISCLAIMER!!: This idea and concept is NOT MINE was inspired by this fic by @lets-get-kraken-boys please go read their work 1st for context!
Now just like Yan class 1a, they know exactly EVERYTHING about you to the day you brush your teeth or when you go to this exact cafe or store! These 3 know it all so when they saw your skirt riding up hair looking more gorgeous than ever your cleavage/pecs showing oh boy oh boy they were in it for a ride
Mirio was beaming red smiling uncontrollably tamaki was covering his face all red and muttering stuff while Neijire was squealing jumping up and down in delight while holding mirio's hand while he stood there
• Mirio was a blushing mess was red as a tomato, sweat all over his face whenever he tried to talk to you he cleared his throat tried he kept his composer he did! but your skin looks just so soft he imagines him just touching it gently caressing it against his hands he just wanted to squeeze and touch those soft pecs/cleavage while being wrapped around in those thighs! Whenever you tried to ask him about his behaviors he talked very fast to the point you could barely comprehend "What me? Nervous ahahahimfinejustfinenothingtobeworriedaboutactuallyjustfinejusthappymiriohere!" That was when you reached up to him the two of you were face to face he can clearly see your chest now your delicate hand was now on his forehead!?!?, Yep you done it, you broke him a good job! Now his face is red like a tomato hes talkijg fast again to the point you couldn't understand him, When Izuku told him you changed he didn't think this no wonder why he was flustered when he saw him! You look like an absolute god/Goddess! " you're gonna be hearing a lot of corny jokes and compliments from him and Neijire for the rest of the day
•Tamaki was just panicking a whole messing his mind was swirling all around with questions like "What are you wearing?!" "Are you trying to tease him" "Do you just love torturing him" he wanted to say how beautiful no.. how drop-dead GORGEOUS his flower is but all that came out were mutters and stuttering, he kept avoiding trying to look at your precious pecs/ cleavage just looking at them making him imagine him wanting to stuff his face in them all day while you wrapped your arms around him...which made him almost fainting having to lean onto mirio in case he had to faint, his sudden behavior which made you nervous a bit, and whenever you told him what's wrong he immediately panicked but Mirio managed to calm despise him being a blushing mess while neijire squealing, pinching your, cheeks and offering you to take pictures with her when he finally comes to his senses and calm, mirio then explained how he was just overwhelmed about how good you looked and he didn't wanna hurt your feelings at all! He did manage to say that you looked beautiful
Neijire was like a hyper-happy dog ready to pounce she's just devouring how Hot your outfit looks! Oops..did she say that out loud neijire is just GUSHING over you squishing your cheeks and praising you over and over again how Amazing you look! She started begging you to let her pick out the outfits for you she started to imagine you in various styles! Goth, scene,gyaru you would look good in everything! Her cheeks start to flush up just imagining you in cute stockings in a skirt or even big long boots and a suit and tie she's like you were a fashion idol and she was your number one fan! She just wanted to cuddle in your marvelousness and forget the day away or imagine herself in those cheesy romance mangas she reads! She tried to calm, down remembering not to scare her cute little lovebug
But that's when the three realized a bunch of students started staring at those parts as well blushing and some even drooling safe to say they were pissed the fuck off how DARE these nasty disgusting perverts to look at you in such a filthy way!?, Mirio took off his uniform jacket and put it on you and if you had a skirt neijire would wrap it around your legs and thighs and quickly escort you out the hallway while the 3 of them glared daggers at them if they ever took a single glance at you
That's when they all questioned about your sudden appearance were you late to school and you came out like that? They were starting to get nervous but that was when you started wearing these types of stuff frequently and started to change your hair a bit when mirio one day decided to ask you about this change you explained how you were tried looking like an introvert and wanted to express yourself! To try and look different thru quickly assured you that you looked beautiful in any way and they'll be right on your side supporting you
So not only you got your classmates drooling all over you but your senpais too!
Neijire would plan a shopping hangout for the 4 of you your classmates tried to join for themselves but got denied every time "Hey can I come with-" "Sorry this is a senpai-only trip! "They Let you pick any outfit you're comfortable with! And perform a mini fashion show!
They loved you just the way you are if you wanted to wear something less revealing their love for you never changes! Any outfit looks absolutely amazing on you!
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twainxavier · 23 days
Resending this ask because Tumblr is a functional website 🤣🙄
I wanna know about You Know I'm Such A Fool For You! And also the embroidery projects you're working on👀
Yep, trying to answer this ask for over a day at this point had been entertaining at least 😅👌 but yes, if tumblr will let me, of course! 😊🫂💜
Okay so this fic is basically my child I adore it so much and I have barely started writing it 😅 Instead I transcripted over 6,000 words (so far) of DBD scenes that I want to include in the fic to make sure I got them right 😅👌 The general concept is the Cat King fixing his mistakes 🤣 So the fic starts from the Catwin forest scene and goes through most of the following events from the series with the Cat King actively trying to help Edwin and the others 😊
As for the snippet, I want to include a kind of long section from the end of the forest scene where the Cat King chases after Edwin in his cat form to try save him from Esther's trap again...
“If you walk away from me that thing is never coming off and you'll be trapped here forever and I will stop playing nice.”
His fists clench as he tries to contain a strange mix of rage and fear unlike anything he has felt in his long years. He doesn't even turn to see if Edwin is even still within earshot.
“Do you hear me I will stop fucking playing nice!” he yells into the emptiness of the forest surrounding him.
He knows Edwin is gone now. He knows he isn't coming back. And he knows it is definitely his fault.
If he hadn't trapped Edwin here for his own games, he wouldn't have ended up on Esther's radar, and he wouldn't be in the center of a worse than deadly trap right now. The Cat King can smell a forest elemental far larger than the little ones that were skittering around earlier swallowing up deer ghosts. Edwin and his little friends are in serious danger. And the Cat King just let him storm off right back into Esther's grasp.
Now who's the idiot.
With a deep sigh, a steadying breath, and a flurry of purple flame, the Cat King in cat form chases after Edwin.
The only issue is, this damn forest is such a maze he has lost him already. He feels like he is running in circles, panic increasing at the thought that he might never see Edwin again to apologise for fucking everything up. A loud roar from somewhere nearby utterly freezes him in his tracks. The forest elemental. Esther has found them.
He sprints as fast as his four legs can carry him in the direction of the roar, but when he sees it he stops in his tracks. It's fucking massive, so huge that he knows immediately that he will not be able to stop it or send it back to whatever realm it is supposed to be in. Fuck. He inches closer, trying to get a better view of what's going on. Esther is indeed here, clearly in control of the thing for now, and a deep sigh leaves him when he sees all three of those idiots just stood there facing down their certain erasing from existence. He's about to run in and distract Esther so the boys and their psychic can get the fuck out of here, when the elemental suddenly grabs Edwin and Charles in far too many tentacles and starts dragging them towards its face mouth thing.
The Cat King can't seem to get himself to move and help somehow. In a blink Crystal is on the ground, and the situation is escalating far beyond control. He has to do something, anything. Ester is leaning over over Edwin saying something the Cat King can just about make out over the muffled screams of the ghosts and the roar of the forest elemental. 
“God I love final moments.”
That damned bird who stole his love's first kiss swoops over head, cawing like he didn't just lead them into this, and the Cat King's rage bubbles over.
He leaps at Esther, scratching her back and leaping away again, trying to draw her away from the boys in the hope one of these idiots has a plan. Ester lets out a screech and whirls round to face him with an irritated grunt. He hisses at her and arches his back. If this bitch wants a fight, he'll give it to her.
“Of course. You mangy little Cat King. You couldn't leave my business well enough alone, could you?” Ester grasps her cane and stalks towards him.
He dives in again to scratch her legs then dodges a swing of her cane. He uses the opening to scratch her arm, then scampers backwards. He's trying to draw her away from the boys, and somehow it's working. Edwin and Charles are still holding on to something, still fighting, so he has to help. Using a tree as a springboard, the Cat King leaps up and manages scratch directly on Esther's face. The victory is short lived however, as on the way down, Esther swings that damned iron cane of hers straight into him.
The hit lands on his torso, sending him flying into the same tree he had just leapt off. He knows instantly that several of his ribs are broken, and no matter how hard he tries he can't push himself back up off the ground. 
He can't save Edwin.
Tears start to blur his vision, but he watches as Ester turns away from him, and walks directly back over to the boys. With no idea what else to do, he just screams at her.
She turns back around, the smirk on her face clear even from this distance. The Cat King is just happy she isn't looming over Edwin anymore, even if his shout means she is going to come and kill him instead. He's got more lives to live, Edwin doesn't.
She doesn't even make it two steps before Crystal has suddenly barreled into her, knocking them both to the ground.
The Cat King watches the ensuing fight in utter shock as Crystal does a better job of beating the shit out of Esther than he managed to do. He is still trying to force himself back up off of the ground, and keeping one eye on the boys just in case, when he sees Edwin lose his grip with one arm. He lets out a screech and tries even harder to get up and get back to the boys so he can help somehow. He also watches as Esther gains the upper hand in the fight, pinning Crystal to the floor only to then drag her back up and send her flying across the forest.
With all the effort he can muster, the Cat King forces himself to stand, and start limping towards Edwin. Perhaps if he scratches the forest elemental and pisses it off enough, it will take him instead. Edwin and Charles both lose their grip, and the Cat King is running before he even realises it. They manage to catch another part of the forest floor but this time it's Charles who almost slips. The Cat King doesn't care, if one of them goes, they both go, and he won't let that happen. He continues to sprint towards them, ignoring the burning in his lungs.
Esther's foot lands a blow in the same place her cane had, and she kicks him across the forest.
He lands hard, yet again too far away to help, and this time with his vision blurring from the pain. The muffled screams intensify for a moment, and he just has to lay there and hope that neither of the boys are gone.
“Stupid cat,” he hears Esther comment, and in all honesty, he can't help but agree.
He was stupid. Stupid to believe Edwin would let him save him and come back for Charles and Crystal. Stupid to think he could take on Esther and actually make a difference. Stupid to think that he would actually be able to help.
Crystal was on her knees on the floor, too far away to help, the Cat King was barely conscious at this point, Edwin and Charles were losing their grip. It was over.
I really hope you enjoyed this snippet and apologies for the cliffhanger! 😅 I am still working on this fic and hope I will be able to start posting it soon! 😊🫂💜
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naavispider · 10 months
I remember reading an idea sort of like this ages ago. But I can’t remember if it was an avatar fic or smth else 💀
have you ever seen the golden compass? The movie with the spirit animal daemon things???? well, I rewatched that yesterday and I couldn’t stop thinking about it.
so, imagine Spider’s daemon spends his entire childhood flicking through forms. The first being a gigantic spider, and the second a blond, shaggy furred dog. Only, when (insert daemons name here) finally settles, he’s a beautiful orange tiger.
this, at first, would be wonderful. (Both bc tigers r fucking cool and second bc it has symbolism from the start of the first movie when tigers are brought back from extinction - it would be the first time Jake or any other humans see a true orange tiger).
BUT BUT BUT‼️ when quaritch was alive his form was ALSO a tiger - a white one - with the same gruesome three-strike scar along its eye m. Bc I’ve decided daemons and humans share scars.
OR OR OR‼️‼️‼️ spiders daemon settles in a desperate attempt to protect him when they meet the recoms for the first time‼️‼️‼️ AAAAAAAAA
I would imagine that Navi don’t have daemons. And they don’t understand the connection between daemon and human. So, therefore, spider doesn’t really get it either. He just sees his worst fear realised and believes his daemon is betraying him.
THIS ALSO MEANS‼️‼️ Recoms might have Pandora daemons‼️ I would imagine some of them would have ikrans as their daemon, zdog would defo have one of those purple bat things and Lopez would have a viper wolf I don’t make the rules. But quaritch would definitely have a giant thanator.
and when they are being pulled up into the ship- or any other time ig - Quaritch’s thanator (who is male, spiders daemon is also - pretty sure it’s like uncommon for daemons to be the same sex as the holder but that’s just how I pictured them) would totally have spiders daemon held by his scruff in his mouth that would be so cute.
ALSO ALSO OMG IM HAVING SO MANY JDEAS JUST WRITING THIS. They would torture spider INSTEAD OF THE MACHINE - they would try to separate him from his daemon like they do in the golden compass ‼️
My original idea was for humans to be shapeshifters. Mainly bc I totally wanted that held bu the scruff scene - but it’s actually quaritch doing it not his daemon. But also, the idea of a thanator daemon grooming a growly tiger daemon is so cute to me.
daemons show people’s true emotions. So spiders daemon is definitely as scared at the beginning, but visibly relaxes very quickly I’d assum - especially around quaritch. And I totally want an over protective thanator pacing the outskirts of their camp every night - lingering on the place spider is sleeping.
sorry for rambling, legit typed this out in three minutes I was so enthusiastic I was shaking. I have another idea from ages ago that I still need to type up - just bc I wanna share ♥️♥️
Hellooo old friend 💞
Firstly I'm soooo sorry it has taken me this long to respond. Life's been crazy and I've got a promotion/new job which is draining all my mental energy. I've not really been able to write anything at all in the past few weeks and it's making me sad 😭
This prompt is incredible and I 100% agree with the imagery of Quaritch's daemon holding Spider's by the scruff of the neck 😭 I don't have names for them (but I think Spider's one would be a girl) so here's some headcanons.
Quaritch's daemon is a thanator and Spider's is a tiger. As they are both full sized I think this makes for a very interesting concept. Spider's daemon settled after a huge argument with Neytiri a few years ago when she banned him from coming round. (They got over the argument like in the comics but ever since then Spider has an added resentment towards Neytiri because he was desperately hoping his daemon would settle as a creature from Pandora. He feels that if they never fought then he wouldn't be 'shackled' with an Earth daemon, which only adds to his 'alienness' in the clan's eyes.)
At the beginning of the movie Quaritch is almost sure straight away about who Spider is, because the daemon is a dead give away. (I don't know the lore from Golden Compass if characters are like,, born with their daemon or what, but in this AU the fact that Spider's is a tiger is a major give away for Quaritch).
"Miles?" He asks when suddenly a tiger emerges, growling, from the bushes to protect Spider.
Spider has seen enough of Q's video logs to recognise him, too.
The kids are not only surrounded by a dozen recoms but also all of their daemons. Z-dog's is a viperwolf, which pins Tuk down on the ground while Prager's prolemuris attacks Lo'ak. Wainfleet still grabs Kiri and works out that they are Sully's kids.
"Let them go!" Spider yells as he lunges for Wainfleet and his tiger launches itself at Z-dog's viperwolf.
Then, Quaritch's daemon emerges from the trees, silencing the kids with its presence. It goes straight for Spider's tiger, pinning it down easily. Spider yelps as he feels the bite of the thanator around his daemon's jugular. Quaritch commands the thanator to ease up a bit, but still keeping the tiger trapped.
"How are you alive?" Spider growls.
"Your daddy backed up his memories. All his personality too. It was all saved onto a drive and uploaded into... me."
"Let them go..!" (he's struggling because of the thanator's grip on his daemon)
Quaritch smirks, turning his back on his son as he radios command.
Cut to the parents arriving and all hell breaking loose. Q's thanator releases Spider's tiger when a blast goes off right next to them. Spider and his daemon run like Hell. The tiger is only slightly faster than Spider, but the thanator is in hot pursuit. (once again my lack of knowledge about the golden compass lets me down because idk how far Quaritch and his thanator can be separated, but let's say Quaritch catches up fast). When the blast causes Spider to fall down the bank he is initially knocked out but his tiger isn't, and stands guard to protect him, growling, when Q approaches.
The tiger tries to fight the thanator, but ofc is easily overpowered because of the size of the thanator.
Spider is groaning slightly as Quaritch pulls him over his shoulders, but he's too out of it from the fall to be able to prevent himself being carried off
He is aware that he can't see his daemon, and suddenly panic sets in. He knows the recoms could easily hurt her to hurt him.
The adrenaline kicks in enough for him to lift his head and scour the forest through weary eyes - his tiger is being carried in the jaws of Quaritch's thanator a few paces behind them. "Get off!" he tries to yell.
(don't ask me how the daemons are lifted into the demon ship)
At first, Spider and the tiger are thrown into the same cell. They huddle together for warmth at night and the tiger does a good job scratching up the door and tearing down the security camera.
The only person who can handle the two of them is Quaritch, because of his daemon, so it's a struggle to get Spider into the Neuroscanner, and there are some nasty fights between the tiger and the thanator, resulting in a lot of pain for Spider.
The neuroscanner is useless though because spider doesn't give them anything, so eventually they decide to bypass the ethics board and separate Spider from his daemon. Quaritch does not know about this (and like in the golden compass) enters just in time to see them doing this to his son. He's able to stop Ardmore and eventually Q convinces her to let him take Spider out into the field.
When Spider is faces with seeing Q again, he has the full stoic facade, but his tiger is trying not to cower and is trembling. Q sees this and takes even more pity on Spider, his heart breaking for him when he sees what the RDA has done to him.
After a while in the forest, Spider's daemon starts to relax and bond with the thanator, especially since the thanator protects and looks out for it against the Pandoran wildlife.
At night, spider and his tiger curl up together and Q watches them in the firelight thinking all of his deep, wishful, fatherly thoughts, while his thanator is looking at him pointedly as if to say 'why are you jealous of them, I'm right here'
Nevertheless, the thanator looks out for Spider and the tiger
Spider riding Q's thanator eventually
Spider and Quaritch watching their daemons playfully interact and Spider being totally embarrassed while Quaritch is sitting there smugly watching his daemon lick Spider's to clean its fur
If anyone has more please share!! I need to brush up my knowledge of the golden compass lore, but I tried!
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herotome · 9 months
Devlog #126
Hi-ho, Wudge here.
Happy new year! And open disclosure, I uh... kinda worked through the holidays. And in fact, I... worked this past weekend...
My friend @crescencestudio informed me I also worked through the holidays last year... So uh, I think I owe myself a break.
ᵂʰᵉᵗʰᵉʳ ᵒʳ ⁿᵒᵗ ᴵ ᵃᶜᵗᵘᵃˡˡʸ ᵗᵃᵏᵉ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵇʳᵉᵃᵏ…
A-- Ahem.
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On expressions - I'm reaching a point where I drew enough assets that I can mix and match! ... Mia doesn't have a single smile just yet.
I organized the PSD/.clip files for Mia and Warden a great deal too - much easier to find revelant layers now. Haven't finished importing/coding the expressions into the game yet - that'll be a whole song and dance for another day.
There's a few more small parts I wanna draw (namely irises to the side, and a 'talking' open mouth), and then she should be all set for her demo scene. Fingers crossed.
I'll either jump back to Warden next, or move onto Griffin.
I also drew.... three concepts for potential upcoming characters (and for 2 objects!). I don't wanna show them off since there's no guarantee that they'll be in the game/that this will be their final designs, but I can at least give a lil peek:
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I had a nice time comparing these concepts to my concept art from 1-2 years ago! My line confidence seems to have improved :D
It's kinda weird since gesture and linework were always My Thing when I worked traditionally, but when I transitioned to digital art there was still a huge learning curve! I'm happy to have gotten better at it, but it took a surprising long while.
Writing-wise - I came up with what I think is a preeetty solid idea for showing off Mia's powers in-game! I have a rough draft/notes of the scene, it's not remotely near first draft completion, but I can at least show off this choice menu:
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That's about it, I think...!
Sorry I've been slacking a bit on getting back with yall - I see yalls messages and they are delightful. I've been spending my spoons too recklessly - I'll really try to take a bit of time off to get myself back to normal. So uh, maybe no devlog next week - I'll try not to hold myself to it and just. try. not to work. lol.
Thank you for bearing with me!!!
Stay safe and keep warm,
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itsswritten · 7 months
Been thinking a lot about what’s next after I finish nls (it’s on the home stretch now) and I do really like the concept of Az x reader x Eris for a series 👀
I think we were liking the idea of reader having 2 mates, but if I write this series I’d love for you guys to be more involved in this. Like do you have a preference on what type of powers this reader would have, do we want Eris and Az to also be mates, like a three way or do they just have to share reader lol, are their certain scenes you would want to see? What court is reader from? Does she already know Eris and Az? When and how does the bond snap? Does it snap for one first and then at a later date for the other/or does it all snap at the same time hehe I could create some polls to get your involvement too ☺️
I wanna write what you guys want for this. And I think this concept could be so fun, and the dynamics of their relationship would be amazingggggg to explore! I don’t have a plot yet so I’m open to any suggestions 🤍🤍
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here-but-forgotten · 2 years
Some more rambles
explicit rambles, poly! ghostface, Billy Loomis + Stu Macher, female reader, a little bit of self author insert. Mentions of murder.
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( ʘ‿ʘ ) rambles | scream ‘96 | pt. 2
Uh oh brain don’t stop. Closer to fic concepts/plots.
Knowing about your bf’s little hobby; knowing Billy and stu are ghost face and letting them do it. Asking to be at one of the kills- being with “friends” as you watch them get harassed with phone calls and chased. Hiding and the others think you’ve died or been knocked out as you watch your boyfriends work. Them finishing their job and finding you- dry humping against you through their costumes as they stay dressed, only being able to differentiate by heights. Taking you back to your place- you threes alibi- and having their multiple rounded way with you.
I wanna brat tame stu. He’d be so cute getting punished for being a little too terrorizing at school and doing it on purpose so you would bend him over a bed or desk and spank him. If Billy helps it becomes stu being edged for hours and being forced to watch you and Billy. Billy would spank him to and leave more distinct handprints from his force.
Stu would love if you rode him while he sits up a bit, like against his headboard or couch; if he cums and you keep riding him through it, he gets teary eyed and whiny but doesn’t stop. He lets you overstimulate him into practically a puppy. He’s hugging and clutching into you while whimpering into your ear and neck. If Billy finds the two of you like this, its all downhill for stu; his position changed into laying down, his legs up and pressed against his chest by your legs, Billy coming from behind you and fucking stu in time with your movements. Sometimes stu will explicitly ask the two of you to fuck him like this until he passes out if he’s been particularly antsy.
On that note, Billy has a similar antsy scene when he’ll ask you, stu, or both, to rim him and suck him off until he’s whiny and clingy. Massive praise and soft words kink. He’s always a bit shy and aloof when this one begins but when he’s halfway to his first orgasm he’s a sweet boy all over again.
If they somehow get a hold of a wand vibrator, they’re gonna be terrible together and with you. Stu is sadistic enough to grab you, encourage you to fight back, then tie you down to a bed with the vibrator placed right on your clit- and then fucking leave!! It’s the 90’s they’re still corded!! The thing isn’t gonna turn itself off!!! Good luck- they’re gonna go kill someone and be on a killing high when they come back and see you whining, bound, and perfectly messily wet. Hope you can handle it :)
Billy just really likes being fingered, either by you or stu or both sometimes. Sometimes he gets greedy and it’s one step away from being fisting. He likes being submissive sometimes but only to you and Stu.
Stu made a joke about how if there’s an extra partner now that one person could suck his shaft and the other could suck his balls. He was promptly overstimulated in a record 3 minutes.
my 4”11 ass- stu likes mating press for both of you. Size kink. Billy is already a bit smaller than him but stu gets a weird rush from him being pressed under him.
I wanna wear the right clothes to just show enough of me sometimes to bother them; wearing a top that fits fine until I bend over to get something and they can see my tits. Wearing a skirt that’s fine until I sit down/bend over and it rides up. Wearing a long shirt that one of them will be able to kneel in front of me and be covered up by the skirt.
100% self indulgent: sweater-wearing art academic gf who doesn’t look like they belong in woodsboro at all. Sweaters, long skirts, bootie heels, knitted leggings. A little too into academics and reading. Helps with their plan logistics.
that’s all!! feel free to use any as inspiration/writing, if you’d like me to write, or if you’d like to thirst with me!! be good!!
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skojukebox · 2 months
Hey, I'm curious, do you have any tips on planning or a kind of process you do that helps you follow through with the beats you want to hit? Your fics feel fairly tight and organized, and planning is a weak spot for me. (Was gonna send this in DM but figured maybe other people would wanna hear what you have to say too?) Thanks again for sharing your stories :)
Planning for me is a little more scattershot than you might expect. My ADHD precludes me from getting too in-depth with outlines or anything like that. What I do do, though: My planning for stories past the initial conception usually boils down to coming up with the concept, then coming up with a list of scenes I really want to include along the way until that concept is fulfilled. Not everything on that list generally makes it in, so it's a bit of process of elimination. For example, for Spark it was about a page and a half long and I would say... 80% of it ended up making it in?
In elementary school, story and plot outlines were kind of foisted on me and I always found it miserable. What made me realize I wasn't weird in this respect by just having general ideas and pushing forward and feeling out was reading Stephen King's "On Writing." I would suggest anyone that felt the same way as me to take a peek on that. I think I do more planning than he does, but still, it gives hope to people who don't like making long clunky planning! If he can sell a bazillion books like that, you can write stories too, dammit.
When I'm in the process of putting out a chapter, I always set three goals. I don't usually like chapters that exist just for the sake of "things happen," so one of those goals always boils down to "what are you supposed to get out of reading this one?" The other two are usually events I want to see happen along the way. Sometimes this falls through, admittedly; structuring stories is a very difficult thing to perfect, especially when you're releasing things serially like fanfics do. But I do my best!
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whumpshaped · 10 months
I just wanna see the scene where Helle hears about the runt—maybe in a bar somewhere and he just gets that twinkle in his eye
And yes I have been obsessed with your writing for the past hour straight by god is Helle and Beck like a drug but ESPECIALLY vampire hunter Helle I LOVE HIM
sigh. ok one last short one
tw dehumanisation
"A runt?"
Helle had heard the term before, but they weren't really sure they believed the person speaking. Runts were apparently very fucking rare, given they lacked all three of the components that made up vampire magic. That had to be some extreme bad luck.
"Yeah, I'm telling you. There's been sightings of the same vampire all over the place, which implies it has no territory of its own, and the people can recount the story no problem. None of them have been charmed or enthralled. None of them had venom in their neck either."
Helle tilted their head to the side, considering the man across the table from them. If that were true... then their pet vampire project would actually be possible, instead of a vague concept rolling around in their head. If that were true, they might just retire early. Very early.
The man squinted at them. "I don't like that look in your eyes. What're you thinking?"
"Nothing." They downed their free drink — courtesy of the owner who now had a safe segment of the city to run her business in — and stood up, giving their conversation partner a smile. "I'm gonna head to bed. I wanna get an early start tomorrow."
taglist: @whumpsday @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @florissimps @nicolepascaline @oliversrarebooks @thecyrulik @pirefyrelight @there-will-always-be-blood @pigeonwhumps @echo-goes-mmm @whumpycries @morning-star-whump @d-cs @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @tauntedoctopuses @blueyellow8green @typewrittenfangs @whumpsoda @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @auroragehenna @whumpedydump @littlespacecastle
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gravedigest · 8 months
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Gonna answer this over here, hope you don’t mind.
Oops it’s gonna be rambling I am so sorry
A lot of my writing winds up being freestyle, and getting something going takes four or five tries to stick the opener, like pulling the cord on an engine to get it to start. I have like three 2k word versions of how I wanted Doing Something to go, and one of them actually has Sanford in Hank’s place and Sanford’s more like a refrigerator than a runaway lawnmower. It wasn’t as fun to write, so I shucked it into the “neat concept, I’ll fuck with it later” bin.
Which is fine, I can have as many half-formed ideas as I want because I have the storage space for it.
From there I kinda write out little scene chunklets that I can rearrange or swap out with eachother, I’ll be thinking about the next scene I wanna do while I’m writing a different chunk, or thinking about an old chunk while writing a new one that I can slot in between that’ll make the overall story more coherent. So like, giving Doc a motive for specifically using Deimos to pilot Hank? I didn’t have one for a really fucking long time, then I was writing I think, like, Deimos’ meltdown and was like “Okay actually Deimos is going to be Doom. You can run Doom on anything.”
Then once I get my chunklets in a row I can go back over and add in more shit, and it makes it really easy to change details. Hank in the restaurant, how did he get to the restaurant? Fuck it. He was holed up in the tower this whole time and it was right next door. I’ll mention Deimos smells something burnt up in that other scene, weeeeee~
I kinda got this whole method from just writing vignettes? HNMT is a pretty obvious example of shoving a bunch of little scenes together to make something longer. I was using the research notes in that to kind of give hard stops so I didn’t need to stitch everything together as much. Because I’m lazy. And being lazy means you come up with fun ways to cut corners like that.
Tis how the first livestreaming video was invented. People didn’t wanna go stand up to see if the coffee was done, so they just hooked up a camera to a network and forced it to stream the video. I think I remember that right, take it with a shaker of salt, I ain’t remember shit good.
I highly recommend just doing a shitload of self indulgent vignettes though, just a bunch of scenes you want to read that don’t have to be connected to each other that you don’t have to do anything with. Eventually you might wind up connecting some of them together and extrapolating on a concept, and you can snowball from there.
Or just make a fun little oneshot, Workday is from a 30k document of what amounts to practicing each character individually in a bunch of scenarios, kind of just getting a feel of how I can have people interact and differentiate them from one another. It also just has a lot of stupid dialogue.
I fucking love writing dialogue. It’s really bad. But also neat when you can figure out how to give characters enough voice to where you don’t get confused about who’s saying what without having to say “he said, they said, x explained” yadda yadda. I use that thing as a reference for how I write each character to kind of gage consistency, and I’m not the best at it but I sure am getting better.
So, yeah. I get distracted really easily and this all sort of helps direct me being distracted into getting more work done than I would’ve if I had to follow a real outline, playing with legos instead of worrying about brick and mortar.
TLDR: Mostly freestyle, then editing in the plot beats that form naturally from that.
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bedlamsbard · 1 year
Hi there!
I just finished reading Queen’s Gambit, for the first time, and first off, I wanna extend my personal compliments. It’s probably some of the best Star Wars anything I’ve ever read, let alone one of the best fics I’ve ever read. Excellent job.
My actual question is this: was the plotline with “our” Anakin/Obi-Wan/Padmé (aka the versions from the Wake the Storm-verse) ever officially continued anywhere? I found the posts outlining what the sequels to Queen’s Gambit would have been, but I can’t seem to find anything for the other versions if the characters. I’m not necessarily asking for fic or demanding anything, I’m just genuinely curious if there’s anything out there about potential plans.
Thank you so much and I hope you have a lovely day/evening/whatever time of day!
Thank you for reading, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the story!
To the best of my memory, I don't have any posts up about what would have happened in All Along the Watchtower, the third Ouroboros story -- there's some concept writing posted well far back in my cut scenes and concept writing tag that dates from when Gambit was in progress, I believe. At a later point in time I planned to use the Watchtower 'verse, the 'verse that the Wake trio ends up in at the end of Gambit, as the same universe that Ezra ends up in during The Starry Crown, though I left the fandom and stopped working on that story before that was revealed; there's some concept writing that shows a later incarnation of that universe from Ezra's POV.
The three alternate universes in the Ouroboros trilogy -- the OT canon universe (as of 2013) in Wake, the Gambitverse in Gambit, and the Watchtower 'verse in Watchtower -- were designed to be mirrorverses for each of the three trio members, so the outcome of each character's worst case scenario. Canon for Anakin (he was responsible for the death and destruction of everything he loved), Gambitverse for Padme (she was the tyrant responsible for corrupting a Jedi and launching the galaxy into civil war), and Watchtower for Obi-Wan (he lost control, fell to the Dark Side, and was unable to help when the Jedi were slaughtered because of circumstances outside his control). I don't remember exactly the precipitating factors now, but Obi-Wan had ended up on Dooku's side here (I think he was captured by Maul? and tortured and later rescued by Dooku? it's been a long time now), and Dooku was able to manipulate him into turning on Palpatine, killing him early and allowing Dooku to become emperor. There was an Order 66, but it wasn't as successful as the canon one; a large portion of the Jedi Order was able to escape and regroup under the grandmastership of Mace Windu. (Yoda having been killed.) Anakin was one of them. Padme and a number of other Jedi allies remained in the now-Imperial Senate; Padme specifically was spying for the Jedi. She had had Luke and Leia, but gave them both up (Luke to Anakin and the Jedi, Leia to the Organas) so that they wouldn't be vulnerable to Dooku. Dooku started -- I can't remember what I was going to call it, an Order of Sith Knights, maybe, sort of like the One Sith from the comics, which Obi-Wan headed up. He and Padme were having a sexual relationship, which Anakin was aware of; uncertain if he and Anakin were also involved but they might have been. The galaxy had fragmented pretty significantly; Maul was still running around, Dooku didn't have as good a grip on recalcitrant systems as Palpatine had, so there were various independence movements.
The Wake trio had all gotten dropped into different locations in the galaxy about, uh, ten years or so onwards from the divergence point? Padme we see at the end of Gambit; Anakin ended up on Coruscant and goes to contact that universe's Padme, who is understandably a little freaked out but does help him. I can't remember where exactly Obi-Wan was, but ultimately he ends up on Tatooine with that universe's Ahsoka, who is at this point a Jedi Knight representing the Order during an auction facilitated by the Hutts for major weaponry, at which a bunch of other political groups in the galaxy are also present, so we meet various Mandalorian groups (Sabine is a junior Protector), rebels/terrorists (Hera is there representing Free Ryloth), and Maul's apprentice (Kanan/Caleb, who had gotten kidnapped from the Order years earlier and has been believed dead for years). This is also where the Ezra of The Starry Crown ends up (as seen in the concept writing linked up above); when I was writing Crown I was still leaving it up in the air if I would use that to crabwalk sideways into actually using the Wake trio there too.
As early as 2016 or 2017 (Gambit wrapped in 2015, I immediately started working on Backbone that summer with the intention to go back to Ouroboros after I finished, I thought it would be a quick project ha ha ha Backbone didn't wrap until 2018), I had been planning to integrate Rebels plot points into Watchtower; I don't remember all the details now, but it involved a plan to use the Malachor temple/superweapon (which I have postulated elsewhere was actually a massive starship) and a counterpart on Coruscant to do Bad Things. The Malachor end got shut down by Hera, Kanan, Crown!Ezra, and that universe's Ezra (masterless Jedi padawan nicknamed Rat, the Jedi had to change up some of their Process because so many of them had died in Order 66); this is also where the Malachor holocron is destroyed and absorbed by Crown!Ezra, which is seen in Crown. That universe's Anakin went to deal with the Coruscant end, fought and killed that universe's Obi-Wan, and was fatally injured destroying the Coruscant superweapon, dying there.
This obviously doesn't leave a lot of room for the Wake trio to do anything but observe, which isn't that different from what they do in Gambit (and which gets a lot of criticism). But that is, as I remember it, the plot. Because it never got written and finalized, it's changed a lot over the years, but many of the fundamental details of the universe remained the same; like I said, I at one point planned to use it for Crown after I'd decided not to write Watchtower itself, but it was always the same plot, just with a larger cast of characters.
I say this pretty regularly because Wake/Gambit are always picking up new readers, but there aren't any current plans to pick up Ouroboros again -- I have gotten a regular amount of vitriolic comments on both fics for the better part of a decade now and it's completely killed any desire of mine to work on them. Also left some permanent scars and fundamentally changed the way I write, plot, and interact with fandom, which I complain about regularly in my talking about feedback in public tag. (Wake went up in 2013, so we really are coming up on the ten year anniversary. Watchtower got hate mail EVEN BEFORE it ever went up.)
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zanyzendraws · 2 months
JULY 22 2024 ZENLOG: First Time's the Charm!
Hihi everyone! Welcome to my first ZenLog! Er, first official one! If the layout's a bit rough, apologies! We'll learn as we go along.
This one's a bit of a doozy so here's a neatly color coded table of contents! Depending on what you wanna read, please look for the following colors as you scroll! (Unless you wish to read the whole thing -- in that case, be my guest!)
With that being said, click "keep reading" to read all of this!
So, unfortunately, I got sick. It's really funny because I didn't feel anything at first, so I didn't think of it.
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Turns out that compared to the rest of my family members, I had the most swollen throat out of all of them. I didn't feel anything for a couple of days, so I luckily managed to get some stuff done.
Unfortunately, the symptoms somehow worsened despite taking the antibiotics and mouthwash-gargle thingy. It's hard for me to speak, and I get tired hella easily. Which is inconvenient.
As a result, I've been cooking significantly less, RIP.
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I mean, I've managed to cook. Just not as much as I wish I did.
On another note, here are some pics of food that I've been eating...
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There have been multiple projects I've been working on left and right due to my brain being unable to focus on just one. These will be blunt lists of what I've accomplished (accomplishments are in pink).
Hanashima's Advanced Class
Ongoing interviews with discord mutuals and contacts are being conducted to ensure the accuracy of certain scenes. I'm aiming for approx. 15 at least to be included alongside findings from online research. 2/15 have been completed).
Working on character sheets regarding character writing to ensure consistency in the work and I've finalized names for characters I've previously struggled in naming.
Working on bits and pieces of the actual document where the full story is being written. A scene for later down the line has been completed.
[Unnamed WIP Psychological Horror]
Concepts have been written down so I know what I visually want, alongside some sketches of character designs being completed.
I have a rough idea of what I want and the routes I wish to take but I still need to work on an outline- other than that, I have a list of all important characters. More will be added later down the line but they will be minor at best, irrelevant otherwise.
[WIP audio project]
Lists of characters have been completed.
Three characters excluding the main cast (who I plan to redesign) have been drawn in my sketchbook (uncolored but I have a rough idea of what the color selections will be in my noggin).
A short comic strip has been completed.
Another comic strip has been in the works; the inking process is completed, though it is yet to be colored and shaded.
Lineart for an animation asset has been completed.
Songs have been compiled and edited for a music-based video.
More updates on said comic scripts and Hanashima's Advanced Class.
Upcoming animation involving a character I've previously shared on this blog.
Playlist video based off of characters I've previously posted about on my channel.
I really wish to focus on Hanashima's Advanced Class so I'll do my best to further buckle down and write, and hopefully I'll message some more of my discord mutuals for the needed interviews (as this interview is for one of the first scenes in the series). Expect a word or page count regarding the writing I've done for the series next time, if not a list of how many scenes or 'episodes' i've written.
I'm reluctant to post about the psychological horror project that's been on my mind admittedly. I don't wish to give too much away (and at the moment, I have no way of coding it... or any coding knowledge).
I'm gonna do my best to update weekly while I'm on this gap semester, and even once I start going back to college/university/wherever I get my education!
And I'll be fully honest: I hype up these projects from excitement but the reality is that me making them is hella slow despite my attempts to be efficient. So it'll probably be a while before I release anything.
But I hope you guys will have some fun in reading these ZenLogs and will stick along for the journey! If you're not interested, that's okay too! Just enjoy your time on the internet and come back soon!
Take care! <333
-ZanyZenDraws (Zen)
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fadeaway-comic · 9 months
Now with the prologue over, I will be updating chapter 1 three times a week (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) until we are caught up. On the first couple of posts I will more than likely put more than 1 page a post because the first pages make me cringe and I wanna get over them <3 the writing is fine, its just the art lol.
For now, here is some concept work I made for the prologue!
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Thumbnails for the 4 pages. I always thumbnail because I find it makes paneling and spacing everything out so much easier for me. But they are rarely this clear, I only make them this detailed in important scenes where I'm trying to do relevant visual storytelling, which the prologue is very much filled with!
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I was originally planning on keeping these to myself but I decided to show them anyway (Hope I don't regret it later.) The first concepts for the prologue cover! The last one is actually my favorite but I decided to save it for a future, more fitting time.
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So I picked the second one from the first batch and played around with it! Sad I didn't get to include a spider in the cover but it just wasnt fitting right. And I'm quite happy with the final one to be That sad about it anyway!
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Color mapping! I have done concept art for areas in my stories before but never like this! I was very proud of the script of the prologue though, so I really wanted to make sure the visuals turned out just as nice. And the mood and visuals of this prologue are VERY important, the color palette needed to show how Noriel feels throughout it as clearly as possible.
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The goal was for something that made the world feel distant and eerie, but also gross to the touch and dangerous. Like dissociating because everything around you scares and grosses you out. #9 fit perfectly with the first half of what I wanted, while #2 fit the second half, so I combined them to get the final one!
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The lineart is different in these pages compared to the rest of the comic, they are more scratchy to fit the mood. And Noriel has a different design because this prologue takes place at a different time compared to chapter 1! So I made quick references to help Aitebit and Trailing in those areas :]
I am very proud of how the prologue turned out, both in writing and art, scenes like these ones are always my favorites to work on and I can not wait to reach other similar ones. It scratches that brain itch.
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ethernetmeep · 11 months
finished 2001: a space odyssey!!!! wrote three pages on it... damn. DAMN! not full on sentences but i wrote as time went on.. without writing it probably would've been way shorter, but because i paused and noted things it took maybe three hours or so... now my brain just wants to talk about this movie! SHIT! atleast ill have something to discuss on monday.. im so excited! energetic! joyous! just all the concepts are. bleugh i cant even get into it rn but i wanna so bad. curse you bad timing! it doesnt help i LOVE the visuals. and the set design. and the. and the everything. and the pacing and different things and scenes and . the weird fetus at the end. help.
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actualbird · 1 year
Hi Zak!! This is a pretty random ask but i was just wondering if you have any tips for starting a fanfic/story? I just keep getting stuck on how to start one (I really love your work/blog 🙏 feeds my tot brain rot fr!!)
hi anon, im glad you like the stuff i make ;w; !!! and ohhh, sure i got tons of tips for that!.....so many that i actually wish i cld get u back here to ask what specifically about starting a story u'd want tips on but for now, i'll go for a general overview :D!!
cuz....to me (i.e. based on my writing process, which i'll be drawing heavily from for these tips), the act of Starting comes in three distinct steps, one after the other:
Idea Generation (what is the story gonna be about and how do i get ideas for that?)
Concept Organization/Outlining (how is the story going to be about this idea and how will i be executing it?)
Creation (GAH, HOW PUT WORDS ON PAGE!?!?!?)
so i'll give general tips for all three!!!
Idea Generation Tips
(this is the step that i personally have the least trouble with because my brain makes 5 new ideas every day. it's kinda a curse now because it leads to me having too many wips and concepts and only 1% of them gets to the Creation period jhvjhVJKSHFVHJS BUT ANYHOO, TIPS-)
Check Out Prompt Lists (super fun and easy way to get an idea! theres tons of story and fic prompts out there that you can search up here on tumblr, some of them being lists of lines of dialog or lists of AUs or scenarios. even if you dont follow a prompt exactly, they can be great at kickstarting ur brain into thinking of something related that you Do wanna pursue)
Open/Ask For Prompt Requests (if ur brain doesnt have any ideas, u can ask around and see if anyone ELSE has ideas theyre alright with you writing! my tot fics "reviews for Time's Antiquities, South Stellis | Average Rating: 4.8 Stars" and "but little do we know, the stars welcome him with open arms" were both inspired by anon asks i got!! to those anons who sent those asks, i owe u my life....but yea, maybe other people can give ideas to you! or, again, give Something that can inspire another thing in ur brain to take shape)
Just Ramble With A Friend (SO MANY OF MY FIC IDEAS started because i was just goofing off and playing idea volleyball with fandom buddies in our DMs (shoutout to sam samsspambox, z lukevonhagen, and beck beckthebeetle for being the main culprits of this). like, what started out as a joke conversation eventually makes go "oh no wait i actually wanna see that as a fic" and then boom, Idea Has Been Acquired. but fr, talking with another person makes your brain create things u never thought about before. it's both tons of fun to chat with a buddy as a sounding board, and it yields awesome concepts for stories!)
For Fanfic Specifically, Think About What You Want To See In Canon But Hasn't Happened And You Want It So Bad It's Driving You NUTS (this can be anything from missing scenes you wish were expanded on, scenes you wish went a different way, character relationships you wish you could see more of in canon, go nuts! the fun thing with fanfic is that it's a fertile playground for all the what-ifs, and a lot of my fics' ideas were simply found because i thought "man i know tears of themis is never gonna show me deep found fam moments/artem ptsd consequences after main story 6.2/mariluke, so imma make it myself" JHVSJDHF. ideas are hard to make sometimes, but brains are so good at desiring things. and all those desires? those can also be Ideas for a fic!)
Concept Organization/Outlining
(very much skippable if your writing style/personality is more receptive to free-wheeling!! im just the type of writer who always needs an outline to begin something. it helps me structure a raw idea with no shape into something clearer that i can envision a story for)
Outline A Rough Chain Of Events Chronologically (this can be as simple as three bullet points, what happens at the Start of the story, the Middle, and the End. or maybe you can go list down the portions of your fic according to the Freytag's Pyramid Plot Structure: Exposition, Inciting Incident, Rising Action, etc etc.)
Outline A Rough List Of Stuff You Just Want To Happen In The Fic (if your brain is like mine and isnt too great at chronological thinking, make a list of just all the plot points and events or even dialog exchanges u Want to see in the fic. you can organize it in the order u want later once uve put everything down)
Outline The Themes (moving away from plot, many stories are more focused on feelings or characterization or themes. so make a list of the Concepts you want to tackle. this is something i do for my fics that are more introspective, so i outline shit like "EVENT THAT MAKES LUKE INTERNALIZE SELF-LOATHING followed by EVENT THAT MAKES LUKE'S VIEW BE NOTICED BY ANOTHER CHARACTER")
(the worst part of writing....is the writing JAVFJVSDKHFDJHJ but nah fr this is the part i have the hardest time with, so here are tips that help me kickstart the word engine)
You Dont Have To Start Writing The Fic From The Beginning Of Its Story, Start Writing Wherever (confession: a good 75% of my fics are ones where the first scene i actually wrote down was not the start. instead, i just wrote the scene i was most excited to write. and usually thats somewhere in the middle! i do this cuz it makes my brain happy, and a happy brain is much easier to pull words from than a sad brain. plus, when i see the scene I Like Best already written, it gives me motivation to do the rest of the fic because oh my god i want everybody to sEE THIS ONE DANG SCENE!!! start writing the fic at whatever point you want, in whatever order comes most naturally to you, is my point. you can fill the rest in later, but hey, starting to write where you Want has gotten you Started. now you just gotta finish, and finishing when you already have something down is much easier than starting from 0)
Set Tiny Wordcount Goals. And When I Say Tiny, I MEAN TINY!!! (writing is intimidating but if you set a goal of say, 100 words written for a wip per day, at the end of one week, you'll have 700 words. at the end of two, you'll have 1400 words. at the end of a month, 3000. small goals help since it makes you do Something, and that Something will inevitably compound, no matter what goal uve set. and let urself be proud of the goals uve achieved!!! writer brain gets happy when you tell it it's done a good job at reaching a wordcount goal, and like i said earlier, happy brain is much easier to work with than sad brain)
Give Yourself All The Time You Need (i know this sounds counterproductive but sometimes....the best thing you can do for the part of your brain that wants to start creating....is waiting til it's ready. dont pressure yourself, cuz brain will get sad. dont be too hard on yourself, cuz brain will get sad. start when you want to start in the way that works best with your brain and see where things go, but be patient with yourself. sometims Starting is actually the longest part of writing a story and thats fine. it will happen. trust)
thats all the tips ive got! and of course, what will work for me wont always work for other people, so please feel free to take what you think applies to you and discard what doesnt resonate.
i hope some part of this can help! happy writing :D
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avatarskywalker78 · 18 days
TST: are there any fic ideas that you can't quite call a WIP yet but you wanna talk about?
My main one I want to talka bout is my Ace Attorney idea with my OC Astraea Innocent - I've had several attempts at writing some scenes but it's never really gotten off the ground and seems to be changing from it's original concept. It started out as having an OC who befriended Phoenix in law school (well, they met when he was still an art student and she graduated law school before he did, but still), but it's now looking like she's gonna be Larry's friend first. Partly because Larry deserved much better writing than he got but also because I do love odd and unlikely friendships and this one is just. Gonna baffle everyone for some time - including Larry himself, to some extent. It's unlikely the first three games are gonna see much change aside from Larry's increased presence, but the presence of several other OCs will change later events.
Which is because I'm gonna be rewriting the so-called Apollo Justice Trilogy into something that actually makes sense - plotlines and characters set up, character arcs that make sense, no shoehorning in of Khura'in because I'm gonna have several mentions of it even in the OT section (because it would've been, surely - a draconian country that murders defence lawyers is gonna get some mention). It's not to say I'm totally ditching everything - Simon and Athena, for example, are still very much present, but Apollo's not gonna have like three different backstories that don't gel with each other.
But as I said, there's still quite a lot to work out - because while Astraea isn't gonna be present in every moment of the OT, that's because she often has her own cases to work on, her own clients to defend. She doesn't get into quite as many scrapes as Phoniex (few can), but it's still far from easy. Mostly, though, friendship and found family will be the main focuses on this story (Astraea seems to be shaping up to be similar to Steph in that she just collects and befriends people in a short space of time, namely the other OCs).
Talk Shop Tuesday
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Fragments - episodes 8-11 author notes
I tried keeping the ARR arc as short and snappy as possible, just get some technical art xp and set the table for the following chapters, still I ended up drawing 80+ pages (160+ full color pics) and writing three of these breakdown posts. If you missed the first two: episodes 1-3 and 4-7.
Starting with a note on the entire chapter: it’s called “found and lost” for, obviously, ViviRaha finding and losing each other, forming an X as they get a small taste of what they could’ve been as lovers, then drifting apart, but also Raha finding his purpose while losing his life, and Vivi losing the control over his life as his WoL career picks up. The next time we see him in the ShB arc, he’s lost, so fucking lost.
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Now, the scene that predictably created the most confusion.
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Possibly their first ever mind game that didn’t go well :’>
It’s easy to conclude that Vivi rejects Raha because he’s a virgin. An inelegantly lying virgin. While yes Vivi’s just being Vivi here, he doesn’t wanna deal with what looks like a mess of emotions in this cabboy, and he isn’t fond of the concept of lying (while not important here, this could be one of his few redeeming qualities). Had Raha been open and upfront, he would’ve acted differently. Maybe. He doesn’t know much about Raha at this point, but the awkwardness and insincerity are enough to discourage him, also he genuinely isn’t in the habit of ruining people’s first times. He may be a slut but he has a semblance of honor x’D So, in a way, he protects Raha from himself.
Sometimes kisses just happen. Without confessions or feelings. They just indulged in a moment and now? What now? Vivi doesn’t think too hard about it since it’s a regular occurence for him, Raha, being himself, spends every moment obsessing over this spark. His WoL, his WoL, his WoL, his WoL?
Ironically, this’s the last time we see them talk to each other.
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They must’ve kept talking offscreen, but there’s no speech bubbles anymore until the very end of this chapter. Drifting further apart.
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Raha realizes that Vivi's just fine without him. He's not WITH the WoL.
His colors naturally stand out, I cranked them even further up to make him feel out of place. Especially that teal eye, yeah.
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*leans into the mic* it’s fucken wimdy
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Just a visual parallel without much meaning. He has a portable edgy shadow with him at all times.
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Another parallel C: Turns are tabling, Vivi may not be in love yet, but he’s definitely impressed by Raha’s singing, and realizing that there's more to him than just the gremlin he knows. This's his first ever encounter of the serious Raha.
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His own expressions are vastly different when he's alone, not having to perform for anybody.
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Something something facing the darkness and the light :> ..And away from each other. Yeah. Whoops.
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A juxtaposition of their attitudes: a silly dreamer and a realist/doubter.
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Alright, there must be more to this, eh?
Lack of communication and mutual insincerity/dishonesty. Vivi simply mirrors Raha.
Vivi's upset that this guy has basically chosen death over him. He's thrown off by the sudden change in Raha's demeanor, it shocks him into turning on his brain after a long while, alas it's too late.
The kbye could be expanded into "are you really throwing your life away? I was just beginning to get into you, thought it was mutual, where did that go? You’re choosing some destiny bs over the cool me? Screw you too then, here's something to hopefully make this uncalled-for moment unpleasant for you as well".
This's his inner monologue. He has to come up with something impactful on the spot, therefore he spits out the kbye. Well, considering the canon ShB events, if he was looking to make an impact, I daresay he succeeded :’D
Honestly I commend his ability to assess the situation and react/improvise within seconds, he did it in this scene and now again.
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Of course this doesn’t automatically excuse his shitty behavior, as someone rightfully exclaimed, “Vivi how could you?!” - damned I be if this line isn’t Fragments in a nutshell x’D
I’ll always explain but never defend any of his actions.
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MELTDOOOOOOOOWN \o/ He’s just so entertaining to watch when he’s agitated. I may hc him and Raha with british voices but Vivi’s body language turns him into a bit of an italian.
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Raha’s being an asshole to Vivi? Debatable. To himself? Absolutely. Hence Vivi’s so upset. He rarely if ever raises his voice, this here’s one of the very few instances.
Earlier today, I posted a ficlet exploring Raha’s inner world after sealing the Tower and before putting himself to sleep. This event’s treated as suicide by everyone in Fragments.
Can’t believe the ARR arc’s over, and that it’s been half a year. I had some time to process the fact. Finally I can return to the “current” ViviRaha zone in my brain, that makes me so happy. ARR idiocy was fun to make but I live for the ShB idiocy. I’m gonna indulge SO HARD. Settle in for years of ShB fanservice. Here, have the chapter 2 cover wip :>
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