#I have a bum photo to share on Fetlife and OF~
toadallytickles · 2 years
Hey, i wanted to ask this on Instagram but i wasn't sure if that was okay. Anyways, what's your workout routine to stay that slim and get those abs?
Hey there! Thank you for asking here! I greatly prefer public interactions over privately! :)
I want to say first that genetically I’m a small, slim person! I’ve always been that way and struggle to gain weight! So my results “may appear faster.”
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I’ll admit, at first I attempted to work out in college because I wanted to look better for others. I’ve been on-off working out since then, unable to enjoy it and stay consistent. It wasn’t until September 2021 when I started dedicating working out for myself, plus the many benefits of being active! I shared when I consistently worked out for 10 weeks- and then I flew home for Christmas and New Years, and didn’t work out at all for two months! Now back with Clay, I recently got back into it with a different approach! I’m on week 8 currently!
I like to warmup by taking a morning walk, I do a little over 5,000 steps! Then I go right into working out in Clay’s garage when I get back! I like to follow workout videos by Chloe Ting, Lily Sabri, and MadFit on YouTube! They all have programs and schedules (Chloe’s are free), though I go by my own schedule. The first two weeks were just easing into working out, just about 20 minutes a day, and adding to it when I felt stronger. I dedicated different body parts to a day, like abs were Monday, Tuesday was legs and butt, Wednesday arms and back, Thursday cardio, Friday core- I just took it from online! I start each workout with a full body workout, then focus on the body part of the day. I think it was week 5 when I started incorporating weights/dumbbells into my workouts! Chloe Ting and MadFit started releasing new workout videos with weights which has been super helpful! I also changed my schedule by alternating between upper body and lower body each day, and I workout for 45+ minutes now! And then I have a strawberry-banana protein shake after! :)
Diet plays a big part too! I changed from white bread to whole wheat / grain bread. I don’t get high much anymore, so no more munchies! I don’t snack after 8pm. Clay’s trying a vegan diet so we have delicious vegan dishes for supper most nights! It’s different for everyone, and I may not have advice here as I don’t gain weight easily; snacking and fast food won’t impact me harmfully. Though I think just being mindful of what you’re eating and making healthier choices when you can helps! But life’s too short to not treat yourself! Working out isn’t supposed to feel restrictive and like a chore! It’s also a lot easier to eat healthier when you don’t live with your parents, I personally find!
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And yeah! Videos are about 10-20 minutes long, I just pick and choose what I’m working on today until it’s about 45+ minutes! That’s pretty much it! And I will be doing another 10 week photo update when it’s time! :)
If anyone wants to see updates and progress (or just want extra teases from moi~), I’ve been sharing on my Instagram!
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