#I had to stop myself from doing Entirely Satirical Conspiracy Theories about how Ben Moody split from Evanescence
beyondthetemples-ooc · 7 months
Can I make a confession?
I used to think Sk8er Boi (that song by, I believe, Avril Lavinge) was about cliques, not a snubbed crush.
I was a baby aroace. "He was a boy, she was a girl. Could I make it any more obvious?"
Clearly, you could have. XD I thought the "obvious" part was "she's a girl so she cares about her appearance (a pretty ballet dancer) and he's a boy, so he cares more about doing actions (a daring skater)."
I always thought it was kind of stereotypical to start a song like that, but I liked the direction it went with the way the song told the story in my head.
"She stuck up her nose because he wasn't One of the Popular Kids and was thus beneath her. But he becomes a famous rock star, so who's laughing now?!"
I mean, I definitely got the "vengeful"(?) sort of vibe. I am very tired right now and thus cannot remember the correct word. Irony, but triumphant? Meh.
What I'm saying is, I appreciated the story even without the element of romance ever crossing my mind.
Is that a testament to how good the song's story is? Or a testament to Exactly How Aroace I Am?
Both, I think. I think it's both.
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