#I had to put my cat in the freezer for a bit (with the door open!) to rejuvenate him
juniperhillpatient · 3 months
ok I found a very slight upside to this actual literal hell I’m roasting in & it’s that one regular sized (not even my usual alcoholic girly sized) glass of wine got me a lil tipsy lmao. #stayingpositive
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m4k4yl4 · 10 months
Coffee Boy
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Summary: When y/n ends up having to close the cafe for the night, what happens when her cafe crush ends up staying with her in the cafe til the snow calms down.
Content warning: None.
Posted: 12/01/2023
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He's always here, same time, same booth every day, yet the most y/n has talked to him was when he asks for an Americano at the cash register and the only thing she can say back is "that'll be $3.15, please move up." or "have a good day, sir!"
His name is Felix, and that's one thing she knows for sure she's the one that writes it on his cup every morning. She started to draw little things next to it. One day, a sun. The next day, a cat is anything she could think of on the top of her head. She enjoyed seeing the smile and nod he would give her after seeing the drawing.
Same routine of this for the past 4 weeks or at past that's how long she had been counting and she still couldn't find the courage to speak to him and whenever she thinks she finally has the chance and confident to do he's left. At the same time, as always gone to who knows back into the cold winter air with an even colder Americano in hand.
Today was like any other 9am y/n had already clocked in standing at the front finger tapping on the table as she looked back and forth from the clock to the front door of the cafe. 'He still hasn't come in yet, wondering what happened,' she thought.
Hours had passed, and he never showed up. 'Guess he's not showing today.' As she's wiping off the last tables, the last worker there withher runs up. "Hey y/n! Can you maybe do the closing shift for me? I have a date with my boyfriend tonight, and I can't miss the reservation."
Y/n blinks for a second, "I- I mean, I guess.." "Really?! Oh, thank you, babes! I own you a big one! Okay, bye!" Y/n stares a little confused at the interaction as her coworker runs off the door. "I guess I'm closing tonight.."
As the night goes on for longer, the snow picks up while y/n is busy making sure everything in the back is good and not put out of place until she hears loud bangs on the entrance of the cafe.
She quickly runs out the of the back, thinking someone was breaking in only to be met with the blonde boy she had been waiting for earlier. She quickly runs to the door, opening it to let him in.
A big gust of wind and snow blows in with him as she shuts the door again, feeling like she had just been stuffed into a freezer. "Jesus, it's freezing out there, I didn't notice it had snowed this much!"
"Yeah, they had been talking on the news about a blizzard coming through. I didn't think it would be this bad.." Felix said as he shook some of the snow off himself. "Oh! You must be freezing, I'll go get you something to warm up with. " He shakes his head, "No, no, you're fine. I'm fine, really!"
She looks at him for a second. "You sure? Your face looks all red. I can get you some hot chocolate, I haven't turned the machine yet." Felix touches his cold face. The red one of his face deepens in embarrassment. "Yeah.. I guess hot chocolate would help a bit. Thank you." She smiles. "No problem!"
As Felix sits down in the booth, he usually sits in y/n walks to the hot chocolate machine freaking out on the inside. 'This is the most I have ever talked to him. What the fuck-'
She comes back with two hot chocolates in hand, setting one in front of him as she sat down across the booth from him. "Didn't know you liked hot chocolate usually you get an Americano and those don't have that much sweetness to them"
He gives a small smirk, "You remembered my order?" She looks up from her drink, eye widen."uhm, I mean, it's just that you come here a lot and never have changed your order, so you know it just kinda stuck, I guess. Sorry if you think it's weird." Felix laughs, "No, it's cute, really. Also, I love those little drawings you put on the cup."
"Really?" She surprised, "Yeah, the little smiley sun was my favorite. Do you draw them on every cup?" She pauses for moments embarrassed to answer his questions, "Hm, no..just yours, really.."
He smiles at her, "Well, thank you for that. Helps me smile in the morning." She smiles back at him face brighter than ever at his compliments. They talk for who knows how long. Y/n looks out the window, seeing the wind and snow calming down.
"Oh, I think it's stopped snowing." Felix looks out the window before checking his phone, "I should probably get going while it's stopped. My roommate is probably wondering where I'm at." He puts on his jacket, y/n following his lead.
"Me too. It's way too late for me to be here. I was supposed to close a while ago." She picks up their empty hot chocolate cups bring them to the kitchen, til an idea came into her head.
"Felix!" She comes out of the kitchen a to go cup in hand, "Oh y/n! I was wondering where you had gone, but I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye first." She smiles at him, handing him the cup.
"It's still cold outside, and I didn't see you come in a car or anything, so take this to keep you warm on the home." Felix looks down at the cup wear the names are usually written instead a phone number, y/n phone number, written with the smiley sun he liked so much next to it.
Felix looks back up at a nervous y/n standing in front of him. "Thank you again, y/n. I'll be sure to repay you for this." She smiles at him, "I hope you keep that promise, Felix."
They both leave out together, waving goodbye as they walk opposite ways home, stupid smiles on their faces. As y/n enters her house, she feels the buzz from her phone looking at the notification, making her want to giggle like a little girl.
1 new message
1-×××-×××-××××: y/n? It's Felix! Was wondering if you wanted to go out this weekend. You know, as repayment<3
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mindutme · 24 days
Valya Vednesday #5
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Today I’ll talk about the (ongoing) development of the writing system for my conlang Valya! What you see above is the earliest stage of the Valya syllabary, written in wax. Valya is spoken on an island on another world, but it’s connected to this one: at various times throughout history, doors have opened up between the two worlds, allowing people to pass from one to the other. It’s how humans made their way to that world in the first place, and it’s how the concept of writing arrived on the island centuries later.
That particular door was a small one. Only a few people came through to the island, maybe a dozen or so. The doors aren’t exactly physical things (I haven’t figured out the details of how magic works yet but it’s rarely visually obvious; it’s more like you get lost in the woods in one place and wander out of the woods in the other) but they do connect specific places in this world with specific places on the island. In this case, the door went to somewhere in Europe, sometime in the Middle Ages. Only one of the people that came through was literate, and he happened to have with him a wax tablet. He was old and never properly learned to speak Valya, and therefore never taught the Latin script to the speakers of Valya, but through him and his companions the concept of writing was transferred to the island.
When it was first written, Valya had a very simple phonotactic structure: every syllable was CV or CVV. There were sixteen consonants and only three vowels, which made it ideal for a syllabary. There were 51 glyphs: 48 for all the possible CV syllables, and three more for i, u, and a as the second vowel of a syllable. Unlike many real-world early writing systems (as well as the first stages of some of my other conlangs’ writing systems), these early glyphs were not representational in any way. Rather, they were based on the sorts of shapes that appeared in the writing on the wax tablet.
Syllabaries seem to be a natural choice when developing a new writing system: the Cherokee Syllabary was developed in the early 1800s, similarly based on Latin writing without actually being a descendant system. In that case, several of the syllabograms are basically identical to particular Latin letters, but without any correspondences between their sounds! The situation with Valya is similar, with certain letter forms getting borrowed but not the system as a whole.
The forms of Latin letters that were used when writing in wax were somewhat different than what we’re used to today, because of limitations of the medium. In order to understand and emulate this, I actually made a little wax tablet of my own—not at all historically accurate, but enough to get the right idea (I think). My “tablet” is the lid of a scented candle, with a thin layer of wax poured in. It’s a soy candle, not beeswax, so it’s quite a bit softer, but I find that putting it in the freezer for a bit helps get something closer to the right texture. I also read a bit on the subject, and found this to be a particularly helpful source—see figure 9 for a very nice reconstruction of the writing on a tablet from the first century CE!
What I found through using the tablet matched up pretty well with what I read. Shorter strokes were preferable, as were downward strokes (toward you as you’re writing). Curves are okay as long as they’re not too sharp and don’t continue for too long. Strokes shouldn’t cross, because wax from the second stroke will get into the groove of the first stroke and mess it up. Two strokes can meet, but the second one should be drawn from the meeting point outward, to avoid the same issue of wax getting into a previously-drawn stroke.
So here are the 51 syllabograms of the first Valya writing system:
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The image at the top of the post is this same list (through ti, because I couldn’t quite fit them all). Here are a couple of examples of early Valya written on wax:
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Va-miuru lu mii, “The two cats are small.”
Ra visi gi mulii tu luiti, “I found two ammonites on the beach.”
After a time other mediums for writing were developed. The Europeans who came through the door knew of paper (or at least parchment) and ink, of course, so it wasn’t too long before people started using those on the island as well. Once the change in mediums had taken place, there were also changes in letter forms, with separate strokes within a glyph getting connected together and the shapes getting curvier in general. The modern forms of these 51 glyphs are shown here, but there are many more letters besides in Modern Valya, derived from ligatures of pairs of these original 51 letters.
In Modern Valya, the above sentences become Vamüru lu myi and Ra fsi gi mülyi tu lüti. Here’s what they look like:
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Back outside of the fictional history of Valya writing, I knew how I wanted the writing system to work, generally (a syllabary with ligatures), but I had a few different ideas as to its origin. I did consider starting from pictographs, like I did with the Mindutme and Tlette alphabets, but that would have been difficult for a few reasons besides just having to come up with at least 51 unique and easily distinguishable glyphs. The idea of borrowing a writing system came next, and since I knew there would be travel between the fictional world and the real one, it seemed reasonable to think that some real-world syllabary might have made its way to the island.
The ones I looked into the most were Japanese kana (likely a combination of katakana and hiragana) and Linear B. However, I also really liked the idea of wax tablets being used, which probably rules out Linear B (as far as I can tell, it was used somewhat before the earliest known use of wax tablets, though not by too long) and definitely rules out kana, unless the wax tablets were independently invented for some reason. Also, it was a challenge to wrangle the glyph shapes of both systems into the sort of aesthetic that I wanted for modern Valya writing. So in the end I decided on a looser approach, inspired by the actual history of the Cherokee syllabary and allowing more freedom with the early stages of the script.
The font for the modern script is coming along nicely—I’ve now made 120 glyphs. Just six more and I’ll have all of the CV and CGV glyphs made!
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nhl-stories · 1 year
You Stupid Bitch – Leon Draisaitl
Summary: Leon is stupidly, hopelessly in love. Too bad the object of his affection has terrible taste.
Author’s Note: Just some good old unrequited love getting requited
Word Count: 7k​
Album Series Mastlerlist
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You stupid bitch, can't you see? The perfect one for you is me
Leon hears the yelling before he gets to the front door. Screaming is probably a more accurate word. He stops and ponders whether he should ring the doorbell or not when the door opens and a woman almost runs him over.
“Good luck with that psycho bitch,” she half-addresses Leon and half screams it over her shoulder into the house before she storms off to her car.
“Nice to see you too, Dawn,” he mumbles before he lets himself into the house.
The house is almost a mirror version of his next door and he moves through the open floor plan until he finds Chloe.
“Fuck,” Leon stops in his tracks when he sees her lip bleeding, “did she do that?”
She touches her lip to see the blood while Leon goes to the freezer to grab an ice pack.
 “Dammit, and technically yes.”
Leon whips around at that comment, “calm down, it was during sex. The sex was foreplay for the fight.”
Leon gives her disgusted look while handing her the ice.
“Aren’t Germans supposed to be into really kinky shit? Cause I’m real sick of this resting judgmental face you have.”
Leon just continues to stare.
“What are you doing here?”
“You have my dog.”
As if on cue, Bowie comes running through the dog door followed by Chloe’s fluffy orange cat, Baron. He picks up his dog and snuggles him close, Baron jumps up on the counter feeling left out.
“So, you and Dawn are done?”
Leon tries to be casual, not seem too interested, but he’s dying to know. Despite seeming like a grumpy annoyed neighbor, which yes, he’s that too, he’s hopelessly in love with Chloe.  
“Yes, and don’t say I told you so.”
“I won’t, but she did string you along for months and then treated you horribly while you dated, if you can even call what you two did dating.”
Chloe ignores the fact that without actually using the words ‘I told you so,’ he basically did.
“Ohhh, but the sex was so good.”
“Other people are good at sex,” he’s glad his scruff is thick enough to hide the blush he can feel creeping up his face.
“You want to stay for dinner?” She moves the ice pack and touches her lip again, the bleeding’s stopped.
“I have food that I need to cook before it goes bad,” he starts to turn to leave and pauses, “want to come over?”
“Do I have to put on pants?”
Leon turns and peers around the kitchen island to see Chloe is only wearing a long sleeve t-shirt that only barely covers the good bits. Leon second guesses his invite.
“It’s fucking cold out.”
“You’re right next door, I’ll run.”
“And I was going to leisurely walk over.”
“Fine, I’ll put on pants.”
“And bring some wine.”
After her latest breakup, Leon resolves to tell Chloe how he feels; or at the very least make his feelings more obvious. He says he’ll do this every time and he never follows through, which is extra frustrating because Leon follows through on every other thing in his life.
He swears this time will be different.
It isn’t.
A parade of suitors, or at least that’s the respectable way to call them, parades through Chloe’s door until one sticks. His name is Michael or Matthew or something.
Leon doesn’t care to remember, but is polite enough when he meets him the first time. He gives off a weird vibe that Leon is suspect of, partly because of his own feelings and partly because Chloe infamously has bad taste in partners.
Leon gives them a month. If he was a betting man, he would have cashed out big.
30 days into their relationship Chloe is passed out on Leon’s couch, her black cocktail dress riding up precariously high, one heel still on.
She had barged in last night while he had some teammates over. She was completely plastered and complaining about something but was too incoherent to be entirely understandable, just enough that Leon knew the problem was whatshisface.
Bowie jumps onto the couch before Leon can stop him and starts licking her face.
She groans, but indulges the dog with a pet.
“Fuck, Bowie don’t let me drink that much ever again,” the dog just snuggles into her more, “and don’t let me spend the night in this brutalism hell your dad calls a home.”
She squeezes her eyes shut as if it will block out Leon’s neutral, modern décor.
“Sorry, I don’t live in the clown house you’re accustomed to,” he laughs but doesn’t get a snarky response, “how are you feeling?”
“Like drilling a hole into my head will make me feel better.”
“So, you either had a really fun or a really bad night.”
“Very bad, first Mitchell stands me up because apparently he’s not ready to be a public couple or some shit and then I got too deep into the open bar and probably did something to embarrass my brother, so that’s another thing I’ll have deal with later.”
She squeezes at her temples, like that will help the hangover, “and I clearly remember at least Connor being here last night, so I can only imagine I further embarrassed myself.”
Leon picks up a pair of neon orange, lacey underwear and tosses it towards her, “you insisted on showing us your tattoo,” Leon grins remembering her showing off the colorful ‘Pow’ tattooed on her butt cheek.
“Jesus, and you did nothing to stop me? Protect my modesty or whatever?”
“I enjoyed the show,” he gives a crooked smile.
She lets out a heavy sigh then opens her arms wide, “Can you carry me home?”
“What? No!” He fights but he knows if she asks again, he’ll do it, he can’t say no to her.
“This wouldn’t be a big deal if you let me build the skybridge between our places,” she sulks, “then Bowie could see his boyfriend any time he wants.”
Leon rolls his eyes and moves to pick her up, hoping it will shut her up.
“My dog is not your cat’s boyfriend.”
She wraps her arms around his shoulders to hold on and Leon feels warm all over. Is hyper-aware of where his hand is gripping her bare thigh, how soft her skin is against his calloused fingers.
“They’re totally obsessed with each other and they don’t have reproductive organs so it’s not like they can commit a crime against nature or anything.”
He just gives a neutral hum in response, trying to enjoy the moment of Chloe in his arms and not let the warmth migrate south.  He stops by the door and piles her purse and coat on top of her, covering up the neon underwear she never put back on.
He walks out into the cold and hopes none of their neighbors choose to look outside now. The last thing he needs is a picture of him carrying  a commando Chloe back to her house, his brain hurts just thinking about the fallout something like that would cause.
They get into her house, which despite the similar layout looks so different from his own home; all bright colors and loud patterns, nothing matches, yet it all goes together. He would never tell her to her face but he loves it, it feels like a lived-in and well-loved house.
Baron comes to rub up against his legs and he has to gently nudge him away as he carries Chloe up the stairs. He’s only been in her room once before, when painters had come on the wrong day and the fumes made it impossible to take a pre-game nap, he remembers never wanting to leave.
Leon drops her unceremoniously on the bed, his arms shaking a little from carrying her so long.  She mumbles something into the blankets as she moves to curl up like a cat in the middle of the bed.
It’s a giant circular bed with a deep blue velvet bedframe and headboard, something you’d imagine seeing in an old Hollywood movie.
Marlene Dietrich.
He remembers Chloe mentioning her during one their first meetings.
Alone in an elevator she just blurted it out, “I love Marlene Dietrich, my dad and I used to watch all her movies.”
“What?” He wasn’t sure he had heard her correctly.
“Marlene Dietrich, she’s German. You’re German,” she scrunched up her eyes and groaned in embarrassment, “never mind just ignore me, I just did that stupid annoying thing where you say the one thing you know about where someone is from as if that means anything to them.”
“Like if I said you’re from Canada and told you I’m a huge fan of Wayne Gretzky or maple syrup.”
“Yeah, though that doesn’t work as well because I actually know Wayne Gretzky and everyone loves maple syrup” she flashed him a smile before exiting the elevator.
Leon shakes himself out of the memory, realizing he’s been zoning out and staring at Chloe for too long, like some kind of creep. She doesn’t seem to acknowledge his presence.
“I always picture your room as more of a sex dungeon.”
“Sex dungeon is down the hall,” she doesn’t skip a beat even through a pounding headache and the comfort of her bed.
“Feel better, I’ll uh- see you later.”
“Wait, when do you head out on the road?”
She holds out her arms and makes a grabbing motion, “hug for good luck.”
She doesn’t make it easy for him, he has to crawl to the middle of the bed and it’s an awkward hug where his arms can’t quite get around her. But she squeezes him tightly and he wants to just collapse onto the bed and hold her until the rest of the world melts away.
Instead, he presses a kiss to her temple. Maybe lingering a second too long, taking the time to imagine a world where Chloe is waiting for him in her bed, waiting for his kisses and his touch and his love. He pulls away before he gets too deep into his fantasy.
Before Chloe was his neighbor or de facto dog sitter or even his unrequited love, she was a face in the crowd he couldn’t escape.
If Edmonton bigwigs stopped by practice or the locker room after a game she was there, with varying levels of enthusiasm. If there was a charity event at a hospital or a school or anywhere, there she was directing people on where to go or hands on a craft. If there was a gala he was forced to go to as a face of the Oilers, there she was dressed to the nines and rubbing elbows.
From what he gathered she worked for a foundation or something, Leon didn’t pay her much mind, though he was curious. She was young, within a year or two of his age, but she could run a room of rich, white men.
She simultaneously fit in and stood out in every crowd and that fascinated Leon, who often felt out of place in the off-ice world hockey had forced him into.
Then at one gala, she was talking to Connor and he found his in. Instead of having an enlightened conversation he was met with a spill of red wine when she turned around quickly as he was walking up. She apologized profusely as Leon could feel the wine drip down his chest.
She insisted on taking care of the dry cleaning, giving Leon the address of her place. When he went to pick up the suit he was greeted with his now-clean suit, a new custom-made suit, and a note:
Thought you could use a spare gala suit in case you run into a drunk socialite who’s ruder than me. I probably owe you dinner too
xo, Chloe Cohn
Suddenly it was clear, she wasn’t just someone who worked for the foundation, she was the name behind it. It was a pretty ubiquitous surname around the city.
All of this to say, it’s why Leon is willingly at a gala event mid-season, any excuse to be in the same room as Chloe.
It’s also come at an especially crucial moment in time because Chloe said she’s taking a break from dating. A first for her, or at least a first since Leon has known her. Making it a perfect time for Leon to double-down on his resolution, without competition from anyone else.
For once, he actually starts to follow through. It’s nothing big: wrapping an arm around her shoulder for casual contact, bringing her flowers to thank her for watching Bowie, sitting closer than normal when they have an evening glass of wine.
It’s pathetically small if he thinks about it, but it’s forward motion so it feels like a breakthrough.
Chloe is across the room wearing gown so deeply purple it’s almost black. While she has a fairly boyish figure, there’s nothing boyish about how she looks in that dress, somehow finding a floor-length dress that can show off too much skin on display to be appropriate for this event. Leon can feel his throat getting dry as he watches her chat up a group.
“If you keep staring like that, all of Edmonton will know you’re in love with her before she does,” Connor laughs as he and Lauren sidle up next to him.
“You’re leering,” Lauren adds, “not that I can blame you, but tone it down in public.”
Leon takes a large swig of his drink in response.
“Hey guys, thanks for coming. Oilers always help donations go up,” Chloe’s brother Peter, the head of whatever enterprises the Cohn family owns, comes up and shakes their hands.
“Of course, happy to help while enjoying an open bar,” Leon jokes and Peter laughs along with him.
“And I assume you’re keeping an eye on my sister,” Lauren chokes on her drink next to them, “lord knows she needs someone to keep the riff raff away.”
“Well- uh,” Leon stutters.
Peter always makes him nervous, he’s almost a decade older than Chloe, making him have a paternal air about him. Leon always has a hard time reading whether he’s being a stern father figure or a joking older brother, his relationship with his own sister is so drastically different.
Peter claps his shoulder, “I’m kidding, many have tried but she’s the only one who can keep herself out of trouble.”
“Stop harassing my neighbor, Petey,” Chloe teases her brother and before cuddling up to Leon, like she’s protecting him from her own sibling.
He looks his sister up and down, “You’re not planning on embarrassing yourself tonight, are you?”
“I apologized about my behavior at your birthday,” she says like a petulant child.
Leon sees Connor and Lauren get pulled away into another conversation and now he’s trapped in this passive aggressive sibling moment.
Her brother just gives her a l look that screams, ‘I’m not mad just disappointed.’
“Besides I have to cause a scandal here and there if I seem too similar to the golden child people might start putting me in charge of more things.”
“And god forbid that happens.”
Leon knows this is a weird gray area between the siblings. Equal parts a long running gag and a major point of contention. Chloe more than happy being in charge of the of the Cohn Foundation and nothing else, while her brother believes she’s smart enough to take on a bigger role in the business-side of the operation.
“And you have to admit, it’s been a while since I caused an ‘incident’, that’s personal growth.”
“The last incident was you bringing a prostitute to dad’s funeral, so no one has forgotten about that one.”
“They were a stripper, not prostitute and I was dating them, Dad had met them and was a fan. And at least in my mourning I didn’t try to marry someone without getting a prenup.”
“Okay truce, Clo,” he holds his hands up in surrender, “But cool it on the champagne, you have a speech to give later. Draisaitl maybe keep an eye on her,” he smirks.
“Leave Leon out of this,” she subtly flips him off before shooing him away to go mingle.
She’s still pressed up against Leon’s side and then looks up and smiles at him like they’re the only ones in the room. He gingerly moves his hand to her waist.
“But actually, maybe keep an eye on me, I do have to talk.”
The warmth connecting them is severed when a voice calls out to Chloe and an older woman goes in for a hug. He hates the feeling of her skin slipping away under his fingers.
“I should have known I’d find you by the dashing Mr. Draisaitl.”
Chloe does a quick intro, stopping Leon from slipping away to another conversation. Though another conversation with a random Edmontonian might be worse than this, the more VIP the person the more likely they seem to give advice on his on-ice performance.
“I just wanted to grab you and let you know Caleb is moving back to Edmonton.”
Her face loses its emotion and Leon thinks maybe another conversation would be better than this.
“And I was thinking if you were free, you’d help get him reacquainted with the city.”
“Um- I – I could probably find the time,” she stammers, “He’s really moving back? He always said he’d rather die than come back here.”
“People thought you’d never come home, but things change,” there’s something under the woman’s tone that Leon doesn’t like, “I’ll give Caleb your number.”
“Great,” Chloe has a stiff smile as the woman walks off.
As soon as the woman is clearly out of earshot she turns to Leon, “I’m gonna give my little speech now, but do want to share a car home afterwards?”
“Yeah,” he gives a soft smile, hoping it will help relieve some of the tension crossing her face.
Later, they’re waiting for a car to pull around; Chloe leaning into his side trying to combat the cold in her thin dress. She puts more weight on him, like all her exhaustion caught up with her in the distance from the door to the curb. His nerves are singing at the contact.
When they climb into the back of the car Chloe scoots right up next to him, even though she has the whole back seat to spread out in. Leaning her head on his shoulder. He wraps an arm around her and pulls her tight.
He wants to ask her about this Caleb guy, but he doesn’t want to pop this bubble they’re in. He needs to enjoy this moment.
If he was braver, he’d seize this moment and confess his love.
Turns out Caleb is an ex-boyfriend or the one who got away or something along those lines. Chloe is never completely clear about it.
All Leon knows is he really hates him.
Leon can already feel all his forward progress slipping away and he’s worried with the upcoming road trip that when he comes home Chloe will have a new boyfriend. He’s even more worried that this one might actually last. Caleb has some history and connections Leon doesn’t know he can compete with.
He feels more certain about it when he happens to look up at the jumbotron during their final game of their homestand and sees Chloe squeezing Caleb into her side as she cheers into the camera. They look natural together. Leon takes his anger out on his mouth guard, tensing his jaw.
“She’s wearing your jersey.”
Connor doesn’t normally do small talk on the bench, but he can tell this is not the kind of anger that lights a fire under his teammate and makes him perform better. It’s the kind of frustration that makes Leon unbalanced and erratic.
“I can have Lauren try and get some intel while we’re away.”
It’s not a good solution, but it’s enough for him to loosen his jaw up a little; it gets him back on solid ground.
“So, what’s up with you and that new guy,” Lauren casually asks while on a walk with Lenny and Bowie.
“I don’t know,” Chloe shrugs, getting a little uncomfortable.
“Connor just said you guys were looking cozy on the jumbotron, I thought I’d ask,”
She’s working her best nonchalant tone to make Chloe comfortable enough to spill, it works.
“I’ve been in love with him like my whole life,” she groans like there’s never been anything more embarrassing in the world.
“So, something’s going on then?”
“Yes? No? I don’t know, it’s weird.”
Lauren just nods, encouraging her to go on.
“Little rich girls are supposed to grow up and marry little rich boys and he was so cute and smart that I was always fine with those expectations if it meant I got Caleb in the end. But for him I was never well-behaved or pretty or womanly enough but I just kept coming back and trying again.”
The dogs seem to sense the shift in the mood and whine and look at the women.
“By the end of uni I moved back home and he moved to Toronto and I thought I got passed all of it. But he’s back and it’s been years, we’re full adults, so maybe it’s different this time around.”
“Maybe,” Lauren has worry pooled between her brows, “but maybe it isn’t.”
To say the news puts a damper on Leon’s outlook is an understatement. He has a reputation for being grumpy or brooding, but this is a new level and it’s not going unnoticed. The only consolation is he’s excelling on the ice, it might not be the best coping mechanism but it’s working for him.
However, when he’s off the ice, he’s wallowing in his depression. Currently, it’s taking form in lying face down on his couch for the past 3 hours, not sleeping, not thinking, just in a fugue state.
The doorbell rings.
He’s not expecting anyone so he doesn’t make the effort to move. It rings again and he’s tempted for a second to go check. It’s when he hears a key in the door that he knows it’s Chloe. He still doesn’t move, worried that if he looks at her, he might cry or something.
She sets something down on the coffee table and sits down on the floor in front of him.
“I wanted to check on you, since you’ve been ignoring my texts and then came and took Bowie in the cover of the night.”
“You weren’t home when I got back,” he mutters into the couch.
“Okay, but it’s weird for me not to see you for so long after you come home, just wanted to see if you’re feeling alright,” she gently rubs a hand up and down his shoulder and back.
He finally turns his head to look and can’t help smiling back at her sweet, coy smile.
“Yeah, just the season catching up with me,” the lie feels heavy on his tongue.
“You can’t tell on the ice; you’re playing really well.”
“Thanks,” he sees the bouquet of orange and yellow flowers on the table, “Those for me?”
“Thought it could brighten the place up,” her smile is infectious, “boys deserve pretty things too.”
She’s the only pretty thing he wants, needs.
Leon finally sits up; he hates how much lighter he feels in Chloe’s presence. Ignoring her wasn’t helping him get over anything, just making it worse.
“Wanna hang out and order some food in?” He might as well go all in.
Her smile fades for a second, but she recovers quickly, “I would but–“
“You have plans that’s fine,” a chill runs through his chest.
“Yeah, but I can cancel if you need someone.”
She places a hand on his knee, her touch lights him on fire; he can’t tell if the burn is good or bad.
“No, don’t worry about it.”
“Are you sure? It’s really not a problem.”
“Really, it’s fine.”
“Okay, another time then,” she uses his knees to help herself up and gives him a quick peck on the cheek, “soon.”
“Yeah, soon.”
He doesn’t really mean soon with any gumption, but he comes when she calls like a puppy.
Not that he could really turn this down: it’s for a kid.
He comes into the Cohn wing of the children’s hospital, he’s not wearing any Oiler gear he doesn’t want to be too noticeable, when he sees Chloe making faces against the glass of a kid’s room.
He can’t help the warm feeling that grows in his chest, or the husky laugh he lets out.
“Oh hey, you made it!” she makes one more face, and the child on the other side of the glass kisses her nose.
It’s the last thing he needs to see while he’s trying to “get over” her, not that he’ll ever actually get over her. But it’s hard not to feel something stir in his chest when he sees how much she cares about people.  She could just live her life as a rich heiress and instead she’s here.
She walks over and gives him a big hug, “I know that this isn’t the ideal way to spend an off day, but it really means a lot to me.”
“Happy to help.”
“She’s down this way,” she grabs his hand to pull him along and it takes all his concentration to stop from flinching at the electric current between them.
She stops him just outside of the door and peers around the corner, “Hey May… I have a surprise for you.”
“A kidney?” The little voice responds.
Leon’s heart breaks a little.
“Okay sorry, I might have come on a little strong, but I promise it’s a really good surprise,” she walks further into the and waves Leon to follow him.
When he rounds the corner the little girl’s eyes bug out of her head. Leon can’t help but grin.
“Hi May, good to see you again.”
She stares in awe for a few seconds longer before running up and giving him a hug. Leon feels his back strain when he bends down so he picks her up to squeeze her tight.
Leon had met her a few times at Oilers visits, she’s obsessed with Bowie and therefore a little obsessed with his owner. When Chloe had learned this information, she got the young girl a stuffed dog that look remarkably like Bowie, forcing Leon to sign a little note in a locket the dog wore around its collar.
He sets the girl down and she starts talking a mile a minute.
“Did Chloe give you the picture of us?”
“Yeah, I have it on my fridge so I see it almost every morning.”
May had autographed the photo of the pair coloring around Christmas. It was stuck to his fridge under a Köln magnet; partly because it was cute and partly because Chloe thought it was ‘so fucking cute, this little girl is melting your icy heart.’
Leon shows May about 1,000 pictures of Bowie, he doesn’t want admit he loves when he can show off the dog, most people would get bored after a couple.
“Maybe when I get out of the hospital I can meet him,” May has a pair of eyes that could put Bowie’s to shame.
“You have yourself a deal,” Leon shakes her hand, exaggeratingly shaking her arm until she dissolves into giggles.
The soft, loving smile on Chloe’s face is a bit of a bonus, too.
The trio plays a few card games, he can’t help but notice the stupid grin Chloe gets every once in a while, reading a text, he tries to power through without getting too angry.
“Chloe are you sure you can’t give me a kidney?”
Leon has half a mind to forfeit the rest of his season to give her one of his.
“If I had a spare kidney to give I would,” she gives a sad smile, “but you know nurse Jordy?”
The little girl nods, squeezing stuffed Bowie closer to her.
“I gave him one of my kidneys when he was 12, and look at him now! He’s healthy and he’s helping you guys out and that’s gonna be you next.”
“I don’t want to be a nurse,” she pouts, picking up on a specific detail like only a child can.
“You don’t have to be, but a new kidney is heading your way and you’re gonna get healthy and strong like him.”
That seems to appease her, until it’s time to say good bye. She gets a bit teary and it makes Leon never want to leave.
“Thanks again for doing that,” Chloe says as she walks to the parking garage with Leon.
“Of course, she’s a sweet kid.”
Chloe’s phone buzzes and she’s quick to open the notification, that goofy grin spreading across her face.
Since he’s a glutton for punishment he asks, “who’s got you smiling like that?
“Just Caleb, he’s so stupid,” her tone has too much adoration in it.
“Say hi to your boyfriend for me.”
He doesn’t mean for it to sound so brusque; he just can’t help it. He hates how his blood boils thinking about it, how he wants to be the one that makes her smile like that to herself, like the joy is bursting out of her.
She pinches her lips together and narrows her eyes at Leon, “it’s not–“
 She pauses to like she’s needs to rethink her phrasing, instead she just rolls her eyes and gives him a little shove.
Leon gets in his car and drives home angry.
He doesn’t consistently pick up on the road, but he does on this trip. Two nights in a row.
The first night it’s a woman who looks too much like Chloe. He thought it would be therapeutic, despite the looks Connor gave him as he left the bar with her. It’s not. That’s what he gets for not following Connor’s advice, even non-verbal advice.
Her eyes are the same shade of light brown as Chloe’s, he has to turn her over to avoid any eye contact. But her hair still reminds him of Chloe’s and he fucks her fast and rough, just to feel angry, to feel anything.
The next night he picks up a woman who looks nothing like Chloe. She’s all tits and ass and that fake shyness that comes with trying too hard to be pliant and agreeable. Leon lets her spend the night, to give himself the illusion of intimacy.
They have an off day the next day, so he fucks her again then takes a nap after she leaves.
He’s debating whether to be social and go out to dinner with the guys or stay in and order room service so he doesn’t have to sulk in front of anyone.
There’s a knock on the door and he’s a little grateful that the decision seems to be made for him.
What he’s not expecting is for Chloe to be on the other side, wide Cheshire grin. She’s wearing a long white winter coat and a dress that’s far too short for the weather, a pair of thigh high boots leaving a sliver of bare skin visible.
“You gonna let me in or what?”
He wants to ask how she knew his room number, but he can guess: Connor. So, he skips to the next question.
“What are you doing here?”
“I had business in town”
Leon steps aside, she breezes past, the smell of stale wine wafts past him.
“And that involves getting drunk?”
“Yeah, it’s called a business lunch,” she says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world
She picks up the pair of underwear the girl apparently left behind and twirls it around her finger, “you apparently had some business too, good for you.”
He feels his ears turn red and watches her sit on the edge of the bed, he leans against the hotel dresser to keep his distance.
“Seriously, Clo, why are you here?” he points to the ground to make it clear that he means this place, right now.
“I wanted to take you to dinner.”
“I was just gonna order in…”
“C’mon let me take you to a fancy schmancy dinner, my treat.”
“I can pay for my own dinner.”
“We get it, you’re rich too, whatever. it’s been a while since we hung out, just the two of us. So please let me take you to dinner,” she sticks out her bottom lip and bats her eyelashes.
He groans in defeat, though he wishes he had more will power to make her beg a little longer.
“Great, wear this sweater I bought you,” she holds out the shopping bag she brought.
He furrows his brows and pulls out the sweater, it’s a deep teal color and maybe the softest thing he’s ever felt.
“You don’t own enough colors, and this will bring out your eyes.”
“Thanks, for the gift and the insult.”
“Shut up and get dressed,” she rolls her eyes.
When he comes back out of the bathroom, Chloe is laying back on the bed texting. Her legs dangle off the edge and her dress rising dangerously high. It takes everything in him to stop himself from pushing between her leg and taking her apart until she’s saying his name and forgetting that there’s anyone else in the world.
She notices him borderline lurking and sits up on her elbows, “looking good Draisaitl, ready to go?”
He shrugs eating in still seems like the better option.
They end up at a restaurant that is probably still too fancy for what either of them are wearing, but the hostess knows who Chloe is before she even gives a name, so he guesses it’s okay.
“Miss Cohn, we’ll bring your dad’s vintage out to you.”
“Sounds great, thank you,” she smiles and waits for the hostess to be out of ear shot, “my dad like bought up a bunch of wine he liked at a bunch of different restaurants, I don’t know what it is but they’re usually good.”
Leon shrugs, just going with flow.
“He obviously thought he would leave much longer than he did, cause they still give me bottles like 5 years after he’s died, and he drank heavily and smoked cigars so he had no business thinking he’d live into his late 90s.”
Leon loves when she talks about her dad, loves the soft face she gets when she talks about him.
He died before Leon was even in the picture, but it feels like he’s getting a peek behind the curtain when she opens up about him, their bittersweet relationship that came with the 70-year age gap, yet didn’t change the love between them.
A waiter comes by and pours them each a glass of red wine.
“I guess cheers to your dad then,” Leon smiles.
“Yeah, cheers,” they clink glasses.
“Chloe, what are the odds,” Leon stiffens at the sight of Caleb coming by with a glass of dark liquor.
“Caleb hey,” she stands up to hug him, “what are you doing here?”
“Tying up some loose business ends in Toronto, why am I surprised you got a table here on short notice,” he doesn’t even turn to acknowledge Leon, and Leon drains his glass of assumably insanely expensive wine in one gulp.
He pulls out an unoccupied chair at the table, “Yeah, um do you want to join us?”
“Sure Chloe, thanks,” he says as if he didn’t force himself onto their dinner
Finally, he turns to the other man, “nice to finally meet you Leon, she never shuts up about you.”
Leon can’t help but smirk at that and tries to give his firmest handshake in response.
Leon only hated the idea of Caleb before, but after spending five minutes with him, he just hates the guy. He went out of his way to talk about things Leon didn’t know about like childhood friends and would talk over Chloe when she tried to include him.
Thankfully the waitress came by to take their orders, because Leon is about five seconds from texting Connor to pull the emergency call card for him.
“I’ll have the gnocchi,” Chloe says closing her menu
“That’s a lot of carbs,” Caleb hums, not even looking up from his menu.
Chloe twists her lips to the side, for a second Leon thinks she’s finally going to tell him off.
“Yeah, change that to the branzino.”
Leon had seen Chloe do a lot of things for a relationship, but shrinking herself was always the worst.
“I’ll have the gnocchi and the chef’s salad,” Leon hands his own menu off and winks at Chloe, “you can have some of my gnocchi.”
The rest of the dinner is equally tortuous, and as if he could read his mind Connor calls just as they’re debating another bottle of wine after dinner.
“Sorry to run out but Davo wants to talk,” Leon is out of his seat before he finishes the excuse, and is rushing out of the restaurant before Chloe can get out of her chair to hug him.
Chloe comes by his house a few days after the road trip ends, she’s wearing an Oilers sweatshirt he’s pretty sure is his. She looks better in it anyway.
“Have you seen Baron? Caleb doesn’t like cats so I kicked the little guy out last night and he hasn’t come home and I’m getting a little worried,” the panic rises in her voice.
Leon knows where Baron is, he’s cuddle up with Bowie on his dog bed; he let the cat in when he started crying outside his back door. But he doesn’t tell Chloe that, because Caleb hating Baron is somehow the last straw.
“The guy hates your cat, too?”
Chloe taken aback by the comment, with her ‘missing’ cat and all.
“He walks all over you, he tells you what you should eat, and he basically hates your child. Why the fuck are you doing this to yourself, he’s a shitty person.”
“We’re not really together it's–“
“Chloe it doesn’t matter if you’re not actually something, he’s a waste of your time. They’ve all been a waste of your time, you can never pick someone who actually cares about you and I’m sick of watching it!”
“Where is this coming from?”
“You stupid bitch, I love you!”
In his wildest dreams, or nightmares, Leon never thought this is how he’d confess his love: with name-calling. But the words are out there and there’s a weight lifted from his chest.
Chloe blinks too many times, like she’s trying to make a hallucination disappear. She opens her mouth and a strangled sound comes out before she closes it again.
“What?” She finally squeaks out.
“I’m sick of seeing you throw yourself at people who don’t care about treating you right and then breaking your heart because I’m in love with you and I would never do that to you.”
“Wow, and what was that first part? I’m a stupid bitch?” The ghost of a smile graces her lips.
Leon takes a step forward, still not wanting to overstep by touching her, “yeah everyone else thought I was really obvious so I had to say something to get through your thick skull.”
Then his hands are full of Chloe, her arms around his neck, her lips on his, her tongue in his mouth.
It’s everything he’s been wanting for so long he doesn’t know where to start or focus, he wants his lips everywhere, his hands everywhere. His brain malfunctions before he can even figure out where to start, so he just tries to follow Chloe’s lead.
She pulls away and Leon feels his face following, hoping to reconnect. He nearly whimpers at the loss of contact.
When he finally looks at Chloe, she looks a bit frazzled; she’s running a hand through her hair and her eyes look wild.
“I don’t– I don’t love you, because that would be insane,” she’s gesticulating wildly, “since I haven’t thought about us that way.”
Leon feels his heart sink into his stomach.
“But this is something,” she starts to kick off her shoes, “I’d very much like to explore.”
She whips her jacket in the direction of the door and grabs Leon’s face and pulls his lips to hers again. His mind is back online and he pulls her by the hips against him.
Something nags at him before he can get in too deep, “and this isn’t just sex? Cause I can’t do that Clo.”
“No, I mean not that I’ve never thought about it” she attaches her lips to his jaw, “I have eyes and a vibrator, of course I’ve thought a little about it,” she feverishly moves closer to his mouth.
She finally comes up for air and is breathing heavily, she holds Leon’s face and looks him dead in the eye, “But you want what’s best for me and that sounds really good, because I’ve never had that before. And I want what’s best for you too, and maybe I can give that to you.”
Leon feels like his heart might burst out of his chest.
She nods, desperation in the little movements, “And I’d love to talk more about that but that love confession really turned me on and I want to have sex, like right now.”
Leon let’s out a husky laugh, but isn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth. He lifts her up and almost falls up the stairs in excitement. He’s waited for all of this for so long.
Chloe falls back onto the pillow, sweaty and flushed.
“Holy shit,” she turns to look at Leon, running her hand through his sex-rumpled hair, “all those times you said other people are good at sex, you meant yourself?”
“I mean–“ he laughs and turns on his side, wanting to memorize her blissed out face, “I don’t want to brag.”
“No, you should brag. I’ve had sex with a lot of people and that–“
Leon rolls on top of her and covers her mouth, “let’s not talk about your past lovers right now.”
She gives him a quick peck before pushing him off and heading to the bathroom, giving him a bit of a show on the way.
On her way back she hears some scratching at the door, she opens it up and Baron and Bowie come bounding in, jumping up onto the bed.
“Oh my god Baron, you were hiding out here?” she crawls under the covers and pulls the fluffy cat close to kiss.
“Christ, Chloe, we’re still naked.”
She chuckles, “I’m so sorry to scar the children, but Baron has probably seen much worse; he’s a bit of voyeuristic perv.”
“Yeah, well Bowie is innocent,” he laughs while Bowie tries to crawl up to lick his face.
“Look Baron, both our boyfriends live in the same house now, double dates all the time.”
“Boyfriend?” He feels a little woozy hearing Chloe talk like that.
“On a trial basis of course.”
“Of course,” he smirks.
“Cause I’m notoriously bad at this stuff so you might want to rescind the offer after the novelty wears off.”
Leon pulls her into another kiss, because he can and he doesn’t think that will ever get old.
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lethalwomanly · 3 months
Mcr fanfic
Gerard x reader
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Gerard sat next you on the couch while watching a film when you felt a pain in your stomach and a familiar sensation down there. You got off the couch and rushed to the bathroom quickly.
Once you were inside, you checked your underwear and just as you feared, your period had started. You groaned quietly, not wanting to disturb your boyfriend. Of course, before you could finish the thought, Gerard began knocking on the door.
“You okay, honey?”
You grabbed a tampon from under the sink and quickly inserted it, washed your hands and opened the door.
A concerned look was plastered on Gerard’s face. You quickly hugged him, his touch instantly making you feel smaller.
Gee petted your head for about a minute to help you relax, then spoke. “Is it that time of the month, sweetie?” You looked up at him, nodding. You felt non-verbal and physically tired. You didn’t wanna feel extra happy right now like you usually do, you just wanted to be small and be close to Gerard. Maybe just cry.
Gerard took your hand and lead you back to the couch crouching down beside you.
“Does my baby need to be little today? If you do, bunny, that’s okay. Daddy can take care of you.”
“Yes pl…please. Wanna spen day wif daddy n my stuffies.”
Gerard nodded. “I think that’s a great idea pumpkin! How about we watch tangled together with Berry. Have some chicken nuggets.. Maybe some chocolate later? I’ll get you some medicine for your tummy and a heating pad.” Gee squeezed your hand before going into the kitchen to grab a couple things.
Your boyfriend opened one of the cabinets to get a sippy cup for you, one of your pacis, and some Tylenol. He filled the cup up with apple juice then twisted the lid on. He headed to the bedroom to grab your stuffed animal he bought for you.
Once he returned he saw you and Mitch, his cat cuddling on the couch. At first Mitch didn’t like you very much but he warmed up to you eventually. Now sometimes he can’t get the feline away from you.
“Hey, little one, I brought you a sippy, your paci, Berry and some medicine.” He said softly.
“Fank youws dada.” You took the pills in your hands and swallowed them, drinking the apple juice.
“Good job baby! Daddy’s so proud of you. Now… let’s get Tangled on.”
Gerard picked up the remote from the coffee table and turned on Disney plus scrolling through all the movies before he found Tangled for you. You two quoted lines together for a good amount of the film, around the snuggly duckling scene, Gerard got up to refill your cup.
“You want some chicken nuggets hon? With some honey mustard?”
You grinned a little, nodding. The pain in your tummy still bothering you a bit.
“The meds will take a little bit to kick in okay, beautiful? Let me start on your chicken nuggets.” He kissed your cheek before heading back into the kitchen.
Your boyfriend grabbed the bag of frozen chicken nuggets from the freezer, opened the bag and put them in the air fryer. You purchased it for his last birthday. You usually would use it yourself pretty often.
About 5 minutes later, he removed them from the tray and put the chicken on a plate for you. Gerard looked in the pantry for honey mustard sauce.
Once he found it, Gerard put some on the plate and filled up your juice again.
He returned back to his spot on the couch, placing the food on the table, holding you close.
“Chicken nuggets and honey mustard for my little honey bear.” He said softly.
“Shhhh I can’ hear da movie, daddy!” You said. Gerard could tell you were deep in little space now. Your boyfriend ran his fingers through your hair as you drank some of your juice and ate your nuggets. You were almost at the end of the movie when a sad scene came on.
“I don like dat Eugene gotta die. Das sad.. Losin someone Chus love..” Your eyes welled up with tears.
Gerard held you close, his thumb rubbing your arm.
“Aw.. I know little one… it’ll all be okay in the end! You’ll see!”
“Otays.” You turned to watch again.
Soon after the movie was over and the credits scene began to play.
“De end!! Can we’s watch tangowed da series toos??”
He sighed and looked at his watch. “I dunno sunshine, it’s pretty close to your bedtime.. maybe an episode or two..” He was tired himself, but wanted to make sure you were feeling okay.
“Yayy!!” You smiled wide and kept your eyes glued to the screen. Except when your daddy gave you a occasional peck on the cheek.
The episode ended and Gerard let out a loud yawn. “Okay, little one, I think it’s time for us to get ready for bed.”
You pouted. You didn’t want to go to bed yet! You were having too much fun.
“Don wanna go tew bed!! Wan stay up n watch movies!!” You frowned at him.
“Baby, please watch your tone with me. I’m going to be nice with you first thing. Please. let’s get ready for bed.”
You shook your head, crossing your arms over your chest.
His face turned dark suddenly. He was not happy with you. This was the last thing he wanted to do tonight. He never enjoyed punishing you.
“Sunshine… I think you need a punishment in time out if you want to continue acting like this.”
You frowned. You felt moody and angry now. All you wanted to do was stay up and your daddy didn’t want you to! You were angry.
Gerard sighed. He was disappointed in you. He hated punishing you, but it was what had to be done at this moment.
“That’s it, little one. You’re going into time out in the corner. Now.” His last word spilling with anger.
He grabbed your arm harshly and just about had to drag you to his bedroom. He put you next to the corner, facing the wall and sat you in a chair.
“Now. You sit there for 10 minutes. No talking, giggling, toys, anything. You have to sit here and think about what you did wrong. When time is up, you will go straight to the bathroom, brush your teeth and get ready for bed. Do you understand me?” He stared directly at you, his face almost emotionless but still very stern.
“Y-yes sir…” you said.
Your boyfriend began the clock on his phone, picking up a comic book and reading it while you sat and waited.
Three minutes went by.
“Can I come out yet, daddy?”
“Not yet.”
You groaned. This was so boring. There was nothing to occupy your mind except for your own thoughts. You had an idea. You would just make up stories in your head!
Soon enough, seven more minutes went by and his alarm went off. Gerard closed his book and walked towards you.
“Now… are you going to behave, little one?”
“Yes daddy.”
“Do you have something to say to daddy?”
You thought about your words for a second. “I’m.. I’m sorry.”
“And what are you sorry for?”
He stared down at you, his stern expression still there.
“M sorry for being bad and yelling at daddy.”
He nodded. “Good job baby. I’m proud of you for apologizing.” He gave you a gentle hug.
“Daddy’s sorry for being stern with you. I still love you. Daddy always wants you to do better.”
You wiped the tears forming on your face.
“You’re a good little, bunny. Why don’t you go brush your teeth and daddy will read you a story then we’ll go to bed together, hm?”
“Okays daddy!” You hurried to the bathroom and brush your teeth as quick as you could, taking care of your hygiene things before stepping out into his room.
“Can dada help me get m Jammies on? Please?”
Gerard put down his comic book he’d been reading before and walked over to you.
“Of course sweetheart. You wanna wear the spooky ones tonight?” You nodded. You loved those. They had pumpkins and skeletons all over them. It kind of reminded you of Gerard.
“Okay sunshine. Lift your arms up!” You did as you were told and he took your shirt off. Then put the skeleton shirt on you.
Once it was on, he helped you get your jeans off and
Put your pajama pants on.
“So cute!!” Gerard said. You smiled at him and giggled.
“Okay.. now it’s story time. How about we read one of your favorites. ‘The Little Mermaid’?” You grinned and clapped your hands.
“Yes please!!”
“Okay sweetie.” Gerard opened the book and showed you the picture. “Once upon a time.. there was a little mermaid named Ariel who loved human things…”
• • •
You felt yourself getting more sleepy after the story, Gerard held you close and put the book on the bedside table.
“I love you, sunshine. More than you know. You make me so happy..” Gerard whispered, stroking a couple strands of your hair.
“Goonight dada…”
He kissed your forehead, placing the comforter over the two of you and turning off the light.
“You’re the light in my life, little one…Good night, sunshine. ”
You both drifted off to sleep in each others arms.
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mirisss · 1 year
As The Seasons Change Chapter 2
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Chapter 2: The One Who Felt Like an Autumn Breeze
Summary: Throughout one’s life, you fall in love with many people, some will stay for a long time and some will be like a passing wind. As (Y/n) is cleaning to prepare to move, she finds some old pictures from when she was young and begins reminiscing on some old relationships she used to have. The memories, the laughs, the pain, they were all things she had to go through to find the love she has today. 
In this story, Woozi, Dk, and (Y/n) are the same age and Seungkwan is one year younger than them
(Y/n) is also shorter than all of them, ‘cause I am, and I don’t know how to write for tall people, 
Boo Seungkwan x afab reader
Wordcount ≈ 4k
Warnings: sad, slight angst, break-up, 
Taglist: @jeonghansemotionalsupportsword , 
Please reblog! 
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Third person POV
I picked up another pile of photos from the box, this one much thicker, and in a way much more precious because it contained so many memories. This pile contained my entire childhood you could say, pictures from when I was 2-3 years old, all the photos were of me and my best friend Seungkwan. We were always together, and every day of my life that was important involved Seungkwan. My very first memory (well that I can remember now) has him in it. It’s from Halloween when I was 5 and Seungkwan was 4, it was our first time going trick-or-treating. I was dressed like a cat and Seungkwan was dressed like a puppy. I looked through the photos and found one picture from that day. I didn’t look very happy because I wanted to be a dog too, Seungkwan was so excited he could barely stand still for the photo. Our parents had to take a couple of photos to get at least one good one, though because of Kwan’s energy half of them turned out very blurry. Seungkwan was there for me as I went through my first heartbreak when I broke up with Jihoon. Seungkwan made it hurt just a little bit less until it completely stopped hearting and my heart began beating for someone else. 
~ Flashback in (Y/n)’s POV ~ 
The last days of the summer break were hard. All I wanted to do was shut myself in my room and cry. I missed Jihoon so much, I know we weren’t together for that long but he was my first love and I didn’t want to let him go. Even though I tried shutting the world out, my best friend, Seungkwan, wouldn’t allow me to do that. 
*Knock knock* 
“(Y/n)? Hello? I know you’re in there, your mom let me in. Open the door,” “(Y/n), come on, I’ll break down the door or risk my life climbing in through your window,” “You can shut everyone else out but not me, we promised to never do this to each other. So, open up this damn door so I can be depressed with you,” Seungkwan sat outside my bedroom door for 2 hours, talking to himself as if he was talking with me. At first, I was just annoyed with him but after a while, it felt comforting. So, after 2 hours, I unlocked my bedroom door and let him inside. 
“(Y/n)! You’re okay,” Seungkwan immediately hugged me, he took a deep breath as he held me in his arms. “I’m sorry for shutting you out,” “It’s okay, you’re okay, so it’s okay, just please, never do it again,” “I promise, I’ll never shut you out again, Kwan,” “Good, now, do you want to eat ice cream and watch sad movies or go outside to see the world?” “Ice cream and movies, as long as you’re a part of the deal,” “Deal, you pick a movie and I’ll go get the ice cream from the freezer,” “But we don’t have any ice cream at home?” “I brought some with me, I just didn’t want to have it with me while waiting so I asked your mom to put it in the freezer,” “My smart Seungkwan,” Seungkwan gave me one more hug before he went downstairs, I heard him tell my mom that I had finally opened my door and let him inside. Mom was happy to hear that I had finally let Seungkwan in again, she knew I wouldn’t open up to her but I would always talk with Seungkwan. So, this was a step in the right direction.
Seungkwan forced me to get out of the house and walk around, he said that the sun would miss me if I didn’t. Seungkwan had always had a talent of making me happy and feel better whenever I was sad, he was my best friend for a reason. With one more day of summer break, Seungkwan pulled together a little party with some of our friends. At first, I didn’t want to go but eventually, Seungkwan along with Joshua and Wonwoo persuaded me. My heart still hurt from losing Jihoon, but each day was getting better, all thanks to my bestie Boo. 
~ End of flashback, Third Person pov ~
(Y/n) flipped through some more photos that showed the growth of her and Seungkwan. In the first couple of photos, (Y/n) was taller than Seungkwan but throughout the years, he outgrew her. After looking at a few pictures, (Y/n) found a picture from the last day of summer break, from the party Seungkwan pulled together. It was a group picture, (Y/n) was in the middle with Seungkwan, Joshua, and Jun on her right and Chan and Wonwoo on her left. They were all smiling, laughing actually. Chan and Joshua had some cake smudged on their faces, courtesy of Seungkwan and Jun pushing their heads into the cake moments before taking the picture. That day was filled with happy memories, not once did (Y/n) think about Jihoon as she was too busy finally being happy again. 
The next picture in the pile was a photo from the first day of (Y/n)’s second year in high school and Seungkwan’s first. They went to school together that day so (Y/n)’s parents took a picture of the two, saying they would cherish that when they got older. 
~ Flashback in (Y/n)’s POV ~ 
I was excited to get back to school as I wouldn’t have as much time to think about Jihoon, sure I would see all the places we used to hang out but now I could make new memories there with Seungkwan. As Boo and I posed for the photo my parents wanted to take, I was eagerly awaiting the walk to school. Something I once dreaded, but now looked forward to. As long as I have Seungkwan with me, everything will be okay. 
“Come on, let me show you around!” “Let’s go!” I showed Seungkwan all the good spots around the school before we had to get to our classes. We met up for lunch and ate together with our whole friend group. Seungkwan, Wonwoo, Joshua, Jun, Chan, and myself. It was nice to have all of them there. I also spoke with Seungcheol, Minghao, and Soonyoung during the day, something I never thought I would do as they reminded me of Jihoon too much. But I realized that during the moments I had met them, they too became my friends. Soon enough, they had joined my friend group and the boys quickly grew to like each other. 
The days and weeks flew by and before we knew it, autumn was here. The leaves turned yellow and orange until they floated down to the ground, leaving the trees bare as the wind grew colder and stronger day by day. My heart was no longer shattered into a thousand pieces from the breakup with Jihoon. No, it had slowly been put together piece by piece thanks to Seungkwan. With every laugh, every movie we watched, all the times we held hands to not lose each other in a crowd, and all the ‘just because’ hugs. 
Minghao invited all of us to a party to celebrate his birthday. He decided to celebrate a little earlier than usual to be able to have the party during Halloween. Our entire friend group was going + like a million people, Minghao knew a lot of people. Or, he just invited everyone hoping for more presents. In honor of 5-year-old me, I decided to dress up as a dog because I never had before and I really had been jealous of Seungkwan for being a dog that year. Unbeknownst to me, Seungkwan had a similar idea as he too dressed up like a dog just like that year from our childhood. 
Seungkwan’s POV
I spent four days, pestering Joshua into asking (Y/n) what she was dressing up as for Minghao’s party. I wanted to match with her without her knowing it happened intentionally. Hoping it would make her realize that we were meant to be. I had been in love with her since I was 12 so it did hurt seeing her get into a relationship with someone else, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little happy when they broke up. Though it mostly hurt, seeing my best friend so broken. Even if we never become anything more than friends that's fine with me, I’m okay with just standing by her side, being her best friend. But I do dream of what it would be like if we dated. 
After four days of pestering Joshua, he did ask her. Hearing her idea, I couldn’t help but smile. I remembered that Halloween, our first trick or treat, holding hands as we walked door to door in our neighborhood. Sometimes I think I fell in love with her that day, I probably did. I quickly hurried out and bought everything I needed to put together my own dog costume, one that would resemble the one I had that day a few years ago. 
(Y/n)’s POV
I was running a bit late to the party as it took longer than expected to get my makeup right. Seungkwan and the others were meeting me at the party, so at least I wasn’t holding anyone else back. I quickly ran down the stairs and threw on my shoes before rushing outside to head over to the party. 
It didn’t take me too long to get to the party. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. About a minute later it was opened and I was surprised to find Seungkwan dressed as a puppy on the other side of it. “YOU’RE A PUPPY TOO?” “Hello to you too, (Y/n). And, yes, what else would I be?” We laughed it off before we headed inside. I was the last of our closest friend group to arrive so Seungkwan led me over to the others. 
The night was quite fun, we danced, sang, and had some competitions here and there. Overall, the party was very successful. Minghao was happy with everything. Eventually, people began leaving the party and before we knew it, only our friend group was left. We didn’t feel ready to part just yet so we sat down in a circle on the ground and just talked. Chan suddenly gave a suggestion that I wasn’t expecting, he suggested we played “Truth or dare” and all the boys were quick to agree. 
Most of the dares and the truths were stupid things like “Do an impression of Professor Kim” “Drink this disgusting drink we made of random things in the fridge,” Everything was quite harmless and fun, or at least until it was once again Seungkwan’s turn to be asked and he chose dare. Joshua, Jun, and Dino looked at one another mischievously while snickering. “We dare you to, kiss (Y/n),” “WHAT?” Seungkwan and I said in unison and in panic. 
Seungkwan looked at me nervously as he crawled closer to me, just as he was kneeling in front of me he whispered “Is this okay?” “Yes,” Normally I would have said no, but something in me told me to say yes. Seungkwan slowly leaned in and gave me a quick peck on the lips, to which all our friends broke out into loud cheers and whistles. Once the kiss was over, Seungkwan’s face was as red as a tomato. Mine probably was too. Our eyes met for a second before we quickly looked away, Seungkwan moved back to his original seat. For the remaining hour of the party, Seungkwan and I didn’t look at each other once. 
When I got home that night, as I laid down in bed, all I could think about was how much I actually liked kissing Seungkwan. And also, how much I wanted to do it once again. I was confused over this feeling, he was my best friend, the boy I have known my entire life, and now I had a crush on him?!? HUh? Why? I wondered if maybe, Seungkwan liked me too. Could that be why he was so flustered after the kiss? Or was he just embarrassed because he had his first kiss with his childhood best friend in front of our friend group? Probably the latter option. 
Seungkwan’s POV
After the kiss, I couldn’t help but wish for more. I always thought just being friends was enough but after the kiss, I kept yearning for more. Each night after the party I dreamt of how it would feel to be (Y/n)’s boyfriend, to hold her hand, to hug her, to hold her, to kiss her in the rain, as it snows, to kiss her in front of a warm fire. My dreams weren’t helping my situation of trying to stay put in my place as her best friend.  
As the weeks went by, I noticed that (Y/n) was acting a bit weird around me. It wasn’t anything big but I noticed it. How she always moved a little closer to me when we sat on the couch watching a movie, how she often looked at me when I wasn’t looking at her, how she smiled even more around me, how she often looked at my hand when we walked beside each other, almost reaching for my hand but right before touching it she moved her hand away. 
Over the months, through Christmas and New Year's eve, I built the courage to ask her out on a date. I was building the courage to possibly ruin our friendship. I was terrified, but I needed to know, especially now that she was, probably, sending me hints of her possible feelings. 
(Y/n)’s POV 
The months after the party and the kiss turned my world upside down. I officially had feelings for Seungkwan. Boo Seungkwan, my childhood best friend. I tried to give subtle hints of my feelings for him to see how he would react, only to remember that guys pretty much never understand girl hints. I felt like he didn’t act any differently towards me after the kiss from before it. 
Months had passed, Seungkwan’s birthday had been, and it was now spring, the snow had begun to thaw, the flowers had begun to sprout, and my feelings, just like the flowers were in full bloom. The weekend was approaching and I needed to talk about my feelings, usually I would talk with Seungkwan about these things but I couldn’t talk about my feelings for him with him. So, I invited Wonwoo for a sleepover. I didn’t dare invite Joshua because I knew he would become too excited and accidentally tell Seungkwan about my feelings. Wonwoo came over with a bunch of snacks, ready to help me with my problem. 
“Okay, Woo, here’s the thing. After Minghao’s party, you know after the kiss, I developed feelings for Seungkwan. And I don’t know whether I should tell him or try to get over him, what do you think?” Wonwoo adjusted his glasses as he gave me a smile. “I don’t think you need to worry, (Y/n). I’m not sure but from my observations, I would say that both you and Seungkwan have harbored feelings for each other after the kiss or even possibly since before it. So, if you want to take the step and confess your feelings I would encourage it just as I would support you if you don’t want to do that,” Wonwoo ended his little speech with a hug, one I definitely needed. 
After the sleepover with Wonwoo, I was certain of my feelings and my stance on the situation. I wouldn’t take the first step, so If Seungkwan didn’t do anything then we would just remain as friends, however, if he did say or do anything to confess, I would accept it. 
In the middle of April, it finally happened. “(Y/n), I have to tell you something, and if you don’t want to be friends anymore, that’s fine, 'cause I just have to tell you,” “What is it, Boo?” “I’m in love with you,” “Yeah, I don’t think I want to be friends anymore,” “Oh, really?” “Yeah, 'cause I want to be more. I’m in love with you too,” Seungkwan’s confession to me ended with our second kiss, this one in privacy and it was much longer. This was the start of a beautiful relationship. 
~ End of Flashback, (Y/n)’s POV ~
I flipped through a few more pictures, some of them from Christmas after the first kiss, New Year’s Eve, from Seungkwan’s birthday, and finally I stopped at the Polaroid picture that was a bit blurry, taken in the dark of Seungkwan’s room from the day he confessed to me. It was a photo of us sharing a kiss as we smiled. It brought back a lot of memories for me looking at this picture. Seungkwan was my childhood best friend, a person involved in all of my core memories from my childhood. My relationship with him was beautiful and I wish we could have made it work for longer but it wasn’t what destiny had in mind for us. 
~ Flashback in Third person POV ~
Some years passed and (Y/n) graduated from high school, now she was preparing to go to college. Joshua, Wonwoo, and Jun all ended up choosing the same college as each other so they hoped they could share a dorm. Seungcheol, Hoshi, and Minghao all chose the same college as well. Only leaving (Y/n), she ended up being the only one from their group choosing this one specific college. Which was scary for her, for the first time she would know no one, meaning it would be hard to make friends. 
(Y/n) and Seungkwan tried to deal with the long distance. They truly did their best. Texting and face-timing or calling whenever they could. Seungkwan visited (Y/n) as often as he could, though soon he became too busy to visit her, and (Y/n) became too busy to even call or text him as she adjusted to the heavy workload she had. 
One weekend when (Y/n) was visiting her parents and Seungkwan, she was determined to have a difficult discussion with her boyfriend. The young couple went up to (Y/n)’s room as her parents left for dinner with some of their other friends. “Seungkwan, I love you. I really do, but I don’t think I can deal with the long distance anymore. It’s only been a month and I’m feeling so bad because I can’t text you as often, I feel bad because I can’t return your calls as I am too tired to look at my phone after a day of lectures. I feel like my mental health can’t handle a long-distance relationship,” (Y/n) was crying heavily at the end of her explanation. 
“(Y/n), it’s okay. I understand how you feel. I love you too, but honestly, I feel the same way. I hate the distance, and this hatred is making me hate the relationship itself, not you but the idea of the relationship. I want you to thrive in college, have fun, and live your life. I don’t want you to feel bad because of me. I want to be happy too, and since you moved away, I haven’t really been happy. Maybe for both of us, it would be better if we broke up. In the future, we might find our way back to each other,” 
It hurt them both, but for them, it was the right decision. Neither one wanted to cause the other pain nor did they want themselves to live in pain. If they wanted to be able to save their friendship, breaking up was the only choice. Maybe destiny had someone else in mind for them or would they perhaps fall in love with one another once again later on in life? 
~ End of flashback, (Y/n)’s POV ~
As I looked at the last picture Seungkwan and I took as a couple, I felt a single tear fall down my cheek. It was a picture my parents took of us on the day we broke up. In the picture, we were moving out of a hug, with tears in our eyes but smiles on our faces. Seungkwan’s mouth was slightly open from him just whispering I will always love you to me. After that, we separated and I went back to my college dorm. 
Seungkwan was still in my life but we weren’t nearly as close as we used to be. We mostly only met the times I came home and the other boys were visiting their parents too and we would meet up to hang out with the full group. I spoke more with Wonwoo, Joshua, Minghao, Hoshi, and Scoups than I did with Seungkwan. Anyone who met me at that time would think that Seungkwan and I had never really known each other but only had common friends. 
Maybe Seungkwan and I’s relationship was just a passing breeze, it was gentle and sweet like a crisp autumn breeze that slightly rattles the orange levees making them dance.  
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hello! You can choose the pairing but could you write smth with like, one of them struggling with a random anxiety thing and the other comforting them through it? I hope this makes sense!
You mind if I do this with Lucian/Peter?
Been decorating my house early for Halloween (cause it's my favorite holiday and it's never too early for spooky stuff), and now my living room is full of bats, so... thinking about Peter now.
Warning: vampire Peter, anxiety issues, it's not easy being something you fear and loath
This is for my au where Peter is a vampire (who turns into a canyon bat) and has (now) two cats with Lucian
On with the fic!
It happened in the kitchen, with Peter microwaving a mug.
It was shaped like a skull and was black with Hammer Horror-style blood painted on it. A fan gave it to him and it was tacky, dumb, and used often because it held a lot of coffee in it.
But it wasn't coffee being reheated, no. It was blood, from the resealed tub that will need to go back in the freezer, the ice cream scoop still left on the counter next to it. The air smelled of copper and it didn't bother Peter much anymore that it was such a common scent in his home.
That made his grip on the counter tighten, his claws (fucking claws!) scratched the marble with their sudden movement.
The microwave dinged and Peter stared at the device, like it was going to explode if he dared to touch the door button.
He could feel his poor excuse for a heart actually beating hard in his chest, something it really couldn't do nowadays, unless if he was in his tiny bat form. Fuck, bat form. Yeah, that was a thing now.
That was now part of his life. A big part.
Big, massive, scary part that made his stomach twist and turn and his knees shake. His body felt hot and tight and weird and bad and really wrong and he was scratching at his neck, right at the mark there, under the now-common chokers he wore.
The leather was torn off and he clawed right at the scars, over and over and over and over-
"Peter, Peter, stop!"
There was a tight, yet oddly gentle grip on his wrists, and Peter was panting hard, he could hear a high pitched ringing in his ear. He could hear talking under it, he understood some words, but a lot of them were in another language. One of the holds on his wrists released and now there were gentle fingers in his hair and he was pressed against something solid and hot, much hotter than he was.
He heard a heart beating and smelled the familiar scent of basic body wash, wolf, and something old.
Peter heard the words now, Romanian, old Romanian that not many people left in this world speak so easily.
"Are you alright?" Lucian asked.
"I feel like shit." Peter grumbled against Lucian's shirt. He did, his body had been so tensed up, and his neck hurt like hell. He sniffed and made a face, he smelled blood, old, dead-ish blood.
He pulled back just enough to see a stain on Lucian's shirt and some splatters on his own. And his fingers were a dark, nasty red. "Fuck."
"It's healed up, in case you're wondering." Lucian asked. "What happened?"
"It just... set in that I'm becoming too comfortable with what happened to me, and I hated that." Peter said, surprised that he was even talking. Usually it took a bit for him to find words, plus he did just attack his neck.
"Peter, you've been a vampire for nearly a year now. I'm shocked it's taken this long." Lucian frowned.
Peter glared at him and made a face. "Thanks, babe, that's such kind words to say to your panicking boyfriend."
Lucian rolled his eyes before cupping Peter's face in his hands. "I know you still hate this, that you never asked for this, but you're still taking this so well."
"Well enough to claw open my throat?"
"Well... more in the sense that it taking this long means that while you hate it, you know that it's something you are putting up with and still trying to live your life." Lucian reasoned. "Come on, let's go sit down and try to relax, you're still upset and I'm sure you want to not work yourself up into another attack."
"Yeah." Peter frowned, rubbing at his neck, he couldn't feel anything there but dried blood and bite scar. "Can we watch a movie?"
"Even if it's one you hate?"
"I believe that is most of what you tend to watch, but yes. Go sit on the couch with the girls, I'm sure cuddling with the cats will help. I'll get you a drink."
"Just reheat my blood and spike the fuck outta it, please? Make me a true Bloody Mary?" Peter asked and Lucian kissed him before nodding.
Peter gave him a tired smile and another kiss before walking to their living room, where the cats were, curled up sleeping. He flopped down next to them, annoying them for a second before they returned to their slumber.
He sighed and slumped in the seat, running his tongue over his teeth. He was still upset and worked up, but... he'd distract himself, that's what he always did.
Won't let those thoughts get to him again.
I almost had his turn into a bat, but that might make things worse.
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cartoonbrat16 · 1 year
The elemental chapter 7
Max drove down the street chasing after a car. Kevin sat in the passenger seat looking out the window "There she is." he said. Then Gwen zoomed past as upgrade and got right beside the bad guy. She formed spikes on her tires and popped the others. The bad guy screamed as he spun out before being stopped by upgrade.
The police soon showed up and took the perp. Gwen, Kevin, and Max stood with a smile. However, a sudden strong gust of wind that shook the street and lifted the RV into the air stopped them. "We better get back inside," Max said and the two followed. They all walked to the back where Jen was laying in bed sick, and it was an interesting sight.
Jen was curled into a ball shivering with veins covering her body. They kept changing color activating one of Jen's bending powers. Jen was covered in mushrooms then a wave of fire burned them away. Next, she sweated a river into the floor before blowing everyone to the front.
Max stood to his feet "We need to get her some medicine, Kevin stay and keep an eye on her." Max said then left with Gwen. Kevin groaned and went and lay on his bed in anger. "This blows I'm stuck babysitting you instead of having fun with Gwen," Kevin growled throwing a pillow at Jen. Jen whined, "but you and Gwen are the ones who got me sick." Jen then received a book to the head.
"You should have been smart and found a way out of that freezer idiot!" Kevin growled and then stood up. "I'm going out, have fun being sick," Kevin growled leaving the RV. Jen whined as he slammed the door and then curled into a ball.
Kevin walked down the street still fuming with anger. "who does that brat think she is?" Kevin growled before spotting something. Kevin smiled and entered the ice cream shop. Kevin got in line and fished Jen's wallet from his pocket while thinking about his order.
Once Kevin ordered he got his sundae and then left. He started back toward the RV but something caught his eye. A woman sat at a stand selling silver jewelry. Kevin took a closer look and saw a silver necklace with a cat on it. 'I bet Gwen would like this.' Kevin thought then purchased the necklace.
Kevin then went on his way and soon saw the RV. Kevin groaned as he could already imagine Jen's complaints about him leaving. "Kevin?" Kevin stopped in his tracks and turned to face Gwen and Max. "What are you doing?" Max asked getting upset but then stopped.
"Who is that?" Max asked in both fear and anger as he looked at the RV. Kevin and Gwen looked and then saw a man wearing all black leave the RV. His face was hidden by his hair but it was easy to see his smile. He walked into a crowd and Max rushed to the Rv and stopped in his tracks.
The RV smelled like flowers and cinnamon, and the table had herbal flowers on it. Max could recognize the flower anywhere and went to Jen. She was sitting up drinking from a cup and her symptoms seemed to vanish. Once she was done she smiled at her grandpa "hi grandpa." she said. Max smiled happy Jen was okay but that man was still on his mind.
"Jen, come sit up front I need to talk to you," Max said and Jen nodded. "so, some crazy bug dude is running around?" Kevin asked then turned to see Jen. Both Gwen and Kevin looked shocked to see Jen fully recovered. Jen didn't pay them much mind and went to sit in the passenger seat. Max started to drive "so, who was that man that left the RV?" Max asked. Jen looked at him "He was the guy from New York, I was able to recognize his voice." Jen said and Max nodded.
When Max didn't say anything else Jen assumed the conversation was done. "what did he do?" Max asked "huh?" Max sighed "what did he do while he was here?" Max asked. Jen knew what her grandpa was thinking happened. "it was a few minutes after Kevin left. He came in put a cool rag on my head and made some weird tea out of that flower on the table. He talked to me for a bit and left." Jen said and Max nodded. "when did Kevin leave?" Max asked and Jen hummed "not long after you and Gwen."
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!" Kevin screamed as he and Gwen sat stunned. Max stood in front of them with an upset face "you left Jen for almost an hour and a half after I told you to stay with her, you are grounded and that is final." Max said and Kevin got even more upset. "No, No complaining, now we have to find bug eye," Max said and started driving again.
Kevin slumped into his seat and growled before the RV was invaded by bugs. Everyone screamed and once again Jen was taken against her will. "Not again!" Jen cried as she was carried away to an old building.
Once inside Jen saw millions of bugs on the walls and floor. Jen screamed and formed and wind sphere around her body blowing the bugs away. "What are you doing?!" someone growled and Jen faced them. It was the guy Max called bug-eye "Why are you hurting them!?" he growled. Jen frowned "they kidnapped me!" she yelled forming a bigger sphere. Bug-eye sniffed the air "well, I see why, you smell of a flower bugs love." he said jumping down.
Jen used the wind to push herself up and the bugs followed. "NO, don't follow her I am your king!" bug-eye called but none of the bugs listened. He growled and started after Jen but Gwen grabbed him. She then turned to Jen "Can't you do anything right idiot!" Gwen growled before going back to bug-eye. Jen sighed but then noticed a woman tied up with a black widow on her.
Jen landed and the spider headed right for her. Jen allowed the spider to sit on her dress and she grabbed the woman. "hold on." Jen said and lifted them and flew out of the building. The bugs followed so Jen had to act fast. She headed for the harbor with the bugs plus bug-eye on her tail. Jen flew over the water and watched the bugs jump in trying to get her.
"NO NO NO MY FRIENDS!!!" Bug-eye cried and fell to his knees. "They were the only ones who cared for me." he cried and Jen felt bad. Police sirens sounded in the distance making Jen panic. Quickly she landed and looked at bug-eye with a smile. Jen pulled the black widow off her dress "Here, take her quick." Jen said offering the spider.
"I know what it is like to have no one care about you,  it's not a good feeling," Jen said as bug-eye took the spider from her. "Thank you," he said and Jen nodded before running off.
"such a big heart." someone said as they watched Jen from the shadows. "forgot bugs love that flower so much," he said before leaving the scene.
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number1jeonginstan · 6 months
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A/N: Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, got bored, not gonna be here forever, just wanted to drop something quick! 18+ Minors DNI! pairing: Roomate!Lee Know x afab!Reader wc: 2.6k cw: unprotected sex, masturbation (m! and f!), recording of said masturbation, oral (f! receiving), cumming inside, ummm idk what else..
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“I just need to get dicked down” you whined into your phone, as you applied a fresh coat of nail polish to your freshly cut and filed nails. 
“I agree with you, you are so tense” your friend hummed, the sound of water ran in the background as she did her dishes. “Why don’t you ask your hot roommate, I bet he’s a good fuck” she giggled. 
“You mean Minho? I mean he is objectively attractive, I mean have you seen him? But I don’t think he likes girls like that or anyone for that matter. He’s never brought anyone over, and all he does is watch anime in the living room, hang out with the cats, and then occasionally make us dinner” you whined, placing your hand under the UV light to cure your nails faster. 
“I mean, you could always ask, you are single, he’s single and the two of you are hot in a dry spell” she spoke up, hearing your sigh. 
“What should I ask him, ‘Hey Minho, I know we have had an amazing roommate relationship for the past year, but I want to mess all of that up by desecrating your sacred space by forcing you to have sex with me because I’m horny and have been in a year-long dry spell!” you giggled at your phone, laughing at your stupidity. 
What you didn’t realize was that Minho had come home early from work that day and was right outside your door, listening to your entire conversation. 
When you finally hung up the call with her, you heard a slight knock at your door. You slowly opened it only to be met face-to-face with Minho. There was a slight bit of fear etched on your face, scared that he had heard your entire conversation and wanted to kick you out, but instead, he had just asked if you had dinner already. 
“Oh, no I haven’t, I was doing my nails” you gleaned, showing him the French tips you had done that had taken you roughly two hours. 
“Good, let me make us something” 
“That would be great!” you grinned back, ready to close the door so you could scroll on your phone as he cooked the two of you dinner, not wanting to disrupt him. 
“I was wondering if you wanted to watch something? There was this new anime that I thought was cute and was wondering if you wanted to watch it with me while I cooked?” 
“That would be great! Let me just put on a sweater” 
He didn’t realize that you were standing in front of him, the only thing adorning your body being a pair of sleep shorts that barely covered your ass and a tank top that showed the outline of your hardened nipples. 
“Yeah, go ahead, I’ll start playing it” he coughed, turning around quickly so you couldn’t see the red beginning to creep on the tips of his ears. 
That’s how your week had started, the two of you getting together and eating dinner while watching the anime Minho had been adamant about watching.
As the week progressed, more and more strange things were happening. It wasn’t necessarily strange, but it was weird for the two of you at least. 
Minho had started walking around in just his boxers instead of his regular pajama shirt and pants, not to mention he had started to get oddly close to you. 
He was constantly rubbing against you, coming behind you to grab cups from the cupboard, and even one time held you by your hips, rubbing his cock against your ass to “get you out of the way”. 
It was all getting to be too much, your already stimulated body was getting worse and worse from the amount of physical contact from Minho. 
“Are you okay?” he asked, taking out ice cream from the freezer as you were washing the dishes that the two of you had eaten off of. You hadn’t even realized that you had been washing the same dish over 12 times, your brain wandering off while the only thing on your mind was the way his cock pressed against your ass. 
You let out a slight whimper before responding with a quick yes. “I should actually get back to my room, I think I’m a bit tired today” you whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. 
You quickly scurried away from your shared kitchen Dori following behind you. You quickly closed your bedroom door behind you, jumping into your bed and under the covers. You could feel your heart beating out of your chest. 
He just chuckled at your antics, walking to his own room, leaving the door slightly ajar so if you were to leave, you could see him stroking his cock at the thought of you, but he knew he had to make the first move. 
That’s how he got into the position he was in right now, his phone recording his head thrown back, hand stroking his fat cock, his thumb running along the slit spreading his pre-cum along his cock. 
“Fuck kitten, wish it was your pretty little cunt. Bet you could take me so well y/n” he whined, his phone’s mic picking up each and every single sigh leaving his lips. 
He could feel himself getting close at the thought of you in your skimpy pajamas you were wearing earlier, the shorts riding up as the two of you sat on the couch eating, allowing him to see the outline of your panties and your ass. 
The thought of your ass jiggling against his thighs as he fucked into you was all he needed to cum, his phone recording the way his cock squirted out his cum, covering his stomach.
Before he could even clean himself up, he sent you the video, placing his phone down to remove his seed off his body. When he finally got back, he sent you another text apologizing that it wasn’t met for you, hoping you would take the bait and hear the way he moaned for you, logging for you to finally take advantage of the hints he had been dropping for the past week. 
Minho 🐰
*video attachment 
Minho 🐰
Shit, that wasn’t met for you
Don’t worry Minho, I won’t watch it :)  Have a good day! 
Minho 🐰
Thank you, sorry about that  I’ll be out for a bit, just getting something to drink, do you want anything?
Coffee would be great if you don’t mind!
Minho 🐰
Iced mocha latte with extra whipped cream? 
Yes please <3 
You rolled in bed, your hair slightly a mess as you looked back at your messages. Your curiosity had slowly gotten the better of you, and you needed to know what was on the video that Minho had asked you not to look at. 
It couldn’t be that bad, you thought to yourself, not even bothering to lock your door as you pressed play.
The video was dark at first until you saw the light hue of Lee Know’s desk lamp and it took you a second to realize what he was doing. He was pumping his cock, his whines playing through your phone, loud enough for anyone outside of your room to hear, but you didn’t care. 
You could feel yourself getting wetter at the sight of his head thrown back, his bunny teeth peering through his open mouth. 
You whined as you slowly pulled your hands down your shorts and underwear, playing with your clit. You felt guilty until you heard him moan your name. 
“Be you would be such a good kitten for me y/n, bet you would lap at my cock for hours” he groaned, pumping his cock faster. 
You whined as you slowly placed your phone beside you, pulling your shorts and underwear down as you rubbed your fingers up and down your slit, capturing the wetness between them as you slowly inserted a finger inside of your cunt. 
“Fuck Minho” you whimpered, thrusting your finger in and out of your cunt as your other one played with your clit. 
What you didn’t realize was that Minho had already come home, his cock hardening at the sounds of your pussy squelching. He could hear his moans through your door, and he pushed his luck. 
He slowly opened your room door, taking sight of your head pushed against your pillows as you fucked yourself with your fingers. 
“I told you not to watch didn’t I kitten?” Minho grinned, his eyes roaming up and down your body, as you tried to hide your body from him, feeling ashamed. 
“Nuh, uh, if you want it so bad show me baby” he grinned, watching as you slowly opened your legs for him. 
He entered your room, placing himself at the foot of your bed and watching the way your pussy clenched around nothing. 
“Fuck kitten, I was right this pussy is so fucking pretty. Fuck baby, this pussy is so wet, tell me who’s doing this to you.” 
“You are Minho” you moaned as he bent down, licking a stripe against your pussy. His lips catch your clit, sucking on it causing your legs to shut. 
You were hiding your face behind your hands, a bit ashamed of how wet you were for him, how much he turned you on. You slowly tried to close your legs, but he stopped you. “Let’s keep these open baby, such a pretty cunt, why do you want to hide it from me?” 
“Don’t want to hide it” you whined “Wanna be good for you” 
“Yeah? Want to be my good little girl?” he chuckled slowly, opening your folds with his thumb, watching the way you just nodded.
“Fuck, you taste better than anything I’ve ever tasted before.” He said while licking your pussy another time. “So fucking sweet, you are going to let me eat you for dessert whenever I need it aren’t you?” 
“Yes sir, will be such a good girl for you” you moaned as he started putting his veiny fingers inside of you. He began fucking his fingers inside at a quick pace, still sucking on your clit and all you could do was moan. 
“Don’t even have to stretch you much, already got yourself riding your cute little fingers” he grinned, loving the way your walls were clenching on his fingers indicating that you were close.
“Please Minho, too much, I’m gonna cum.”
“Then be a good kitten and cum on my fingers, then I’ll make you cum on my cock” 
“Yes, sir, I can take it. Please can I cum, please sir let me cum” you moaned as his fingers hit that particular spot in you causing you to go over the edge, your entire body shaking as you came over the edge, cumming on his fingers. 
“Minho, need your cock, please need it inside of me.” you pleaded and he was in awe. You had just cum, but you were still begging for his cock. He was going to have fun with you. 
“You just came and already need my cock? How much of a needy slut are you? You just want your hole filled at all times?” He scoffed at you. He was still fully dressed as you were just in your sweater underneath him. You pawed at his shirt and he just laughed, taking it off, along with his sweats. 
You could see how hard his dick was through his boxers, your eyes widening a bit, trying to hide your reaction by covering. He chuckled at your reaction, releasing his fat cock from his boxers. 
“Fuck baby, let me grab a condom” he stopped, his hard cock slapping his stomach. 
“No, I’m clean and on the pill, want you fully in me” you whined underneath him causing him to throw his head back groaning. 
“Yeah, are you just a little slut who needs me to fuck her raw? Want me to cum inside of you baby?” 
“Yes, just a slut for you sir, I need you, need you in me, need you to cum inside of me.” You spread your cunt apart with your fingers, trying to show him where you needed him most and he just groaned. 
He slowly pushed his tip inside of you, knowing how eager you were. He was also eager, his dick hard as soon as you moaned his name the first time. “Fuck baby, this pussy is so tight, don’t know why I didn’t fuck it beforehand.”
He slowly pushed his dick inside of you, your cunt squeezing it tight, making it hard for him to fully still inside of you. “Baby I need you to relax so you can take my cock. You can be a good kitten for me and do that right?” 
You simply nodded, taking his hand in yours your body convulsing as he slowly pushed his entire length inside of you. “Fuck baby, you feel even better than you taste.” You moaned, feeling so full as his cock sank inside of your wet walls.
“So good Minho, feel so full” you moaned, feeling so full of him you couldn’t help but clench around him. “Please move, I need you” You looked up at him, taking his fingers going into your mouth and sucking on them, your doe eyes looking directly at him. He began thrusting into you, causing you to moan around his fingers. 
“Fuck this pussy is so tight, gonna fuck you all around the apartment from now on. This pussy is mine and mine only, you got it?” You just nodded as he began thrusting into you faster. 
You were on the verge of cumming, but Minho pulled out before you could. Before you could protest, he flipped you around, your ass up and face at the end of his bed looking straight at the mirror in front of you. “I want you to see how pretty you look on my cock, wanna watch you go dumb on it.” 
You felt yourself slipping away, the only thing on your mind was Minho and his cock. “Minho, fuck it feels so good.” you moaned, feeling him hit that spot inside of you. “Yeah, kitten? Look at who’s making you cum, look at who’s making you dumb on their cock.” 
“You are, you are making me feel this good” you moaned as his thrusts got harder. With one more thrust, you were cumming on his cock. 
“Fuck, this pussy is to die for” he groaned, continuing to thrust into you trying to get to his own high. After a few more thrusts, he could feel himself getting ready to cum. “Where do you want me baby?” 
“In me,” you said with no hesitation. You wanted to feel him deep inside of you. “Fuck kitten, you are going to be the death of me” With another thrust he depended himself inside of you, cumming straight into your cunt, loving the way it was milking him dry. 
You both fell back on his bed, him wrapping his arms around you as he covered you both with your blanket. Both of your clothes are still splayed on the floor of his room. “That was… unexpected,” you said. 
“I mean, I had it all planned out since you were on the phone with your friend last week.” he grinned, rubbing circles along your shoulder. 
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theharvesterofeyesblog · 11 months
July 28th
Woke up before my alarm due to my wife writhing around on the bed ~6am I eventually get out of bed a little bit after 7 with my wife still doing the same complaining about the fitted sheet coming off. I help her put it back on she then says she needs her birth control. I don’t help her because I have to use the bathroom. As I am using the bathroom she goes to the kitchen and finds the freezer door open she exclaims that she found it open and I say back to her “I guess you left it open.” This thoroughly upsets her. I go to my room to make the bed and she gets upset at me for making her feel ignored. I’m genuinely tired and worn down from the previous day and around 4hrs of sleep so I’m sluggish in doing anything including responding. This upsets her further. She then lectures me while I get dressed. I apologize and do my best to comfort her she then begins to feel better while I go and prepare her toaster strudel. I then finish my morning routine with her doting all over me. (I’m sure it was nice I’m just burnt out I think.) I then eventually leave around 8am for work I am tired maybe I’ll be able to take a nap at work. No nap unfortunately due to it being super busy. Avoided going home till after 6 though knowing that I was probably going home to some bs. And I was right as soon as I got home I came to Bella freaking out about the cat being in the garage while I opened the garage door so I had to stand outside the garage and wait while she looked for the cat in the house I stood there for 10 minutes. Once I got inside she got upset at me for how I got out of my work clothes because she felt like I wasn’t paying attention to her while I did that. She was sweet but all over the place cleaning up and organizing her stuff. I genuinely feel like just throwing away/ donating her shit in secret and see if she notices. After I got a couple hours of rest which included a small nap I was asked to help her move furniture I finally moved my dresser but that took forever because she wanted me to help her organize the top third of a tub of stuff she has. Then she wanted assistance getting the living room rearranged that took a lot of fighting to figure out. That especially where the grey chair should go. (It eventually went where I suggested initially) there was also a lecture on how a rug should be used in a space. My criticisms for today were me moving to slow and being to slow to do what she tells me to do. I’m tired of feeling petrified of doing things because I don’t know what will set her off next. I hope I can be in bed on time. She wants to talk about something so who knows. I’ll finish up my shower and figure it out. When I finish my evening routine I ask her what she wanted to talk about. The conversation doesn’t even really get started because my tone didn’t make her like I wanted to listen. She tells me she needs space I tell her I’ll be going to bed that then upsets her because she interpreted that as me being a upset but I was just telling her that because she wants me to tell her what I’m doing. It gets so frustrating feeling like I’m on a tightrope with every conversation I have with her and I can’t seem to find my balance. At least today was better than yesterday. I guess the oxy really does make her worse. I guess not caring what kind of sweetener she puts in her oatmeal is upsetting to her. I guess my tone made her feel stupid for asking. All I can do is sigh and try to relax and go to sleep. Please let me sleep.
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popstr · 1 year
you’ve been avoiding me .
SIM WOULD CURSE HIMSELF FOR HAVING FINALLY PROVIDED JYN A KEY IF HE DIDN'T KNOW SHE'D FIND A WAY IN ANYWAY. with his personal space, he is both immensely private and entirely too open ; he's re-purchased enough key fobs for his friends and family to give his building manager cause for concern, and yet, his penthouse remains his castle, the place he retreats when he needs his solitude the most as if its walls are impenetrable, even though he's given so many people the ability to simply barge through the front door. he won't bother denying the accusation, not when he's made it so painfully obvious - and not when he knows perfectly well that he lacks subtlety in such arenas anyway.
❝ yet here you are anyway. kinda defeats the purpose. ❞ he answers dryly from within the mountain of blankets he's assembled in one L-shaped corner of his sectional sofa. it's not even that he's upset that she's here, that she cares about him enough to check ; rather, it's simply his nature to dig his heels that much deeper into his own misery when he gets like this. when the living room lights flick on - her brilliant idea, he assumes - he seems to retreat that much further into his cocoon with a discontented humph. before him on the coffee table lays the entertainment section of the new york times from several days before, pristine and unopened, partially obscured by a half-eaten bag of whisps cheese crisps. it's a review that keeps him trapped here ... or perhaps more accurately, the potential of a review. truth be told, he hasn't had the courage to so much as lay eyes on the critics' feedback about his debut into the world of broadway choreography. by now, after so long letting it sit, if it's good, he'll feel foolish for putting it off, and if it's bad, well, he'll absolutely crumble.
truth be told, he's a bit surprised ( and more than a little touched, though neither his mood nor her disposition will allow him to admit as much ) that jyn had sought him out in the midst of his self-imposed isolation. she might frown at his seemingly insignificant problems, might even laugh at him some little bit ... but that reality pales in comparison to the fact she's here at all.
❝ no brisket this week, I'm afraid, if that's what you're after, and momma won't be bringing any of hers until saturday, assuming I don't make it out to their place for dinner on friday. there's leftover chinese takeout in the fridge, though. ❞ instinctively, he knows it's not the food she's after, at least not primarily, but he wouldn't be simeon sommerfeld without the relentless attempts at humor, however dry. ❝ and ice cream in the freezer. unless you're just here to observe me in my miserable state. ❞ the blanket mound shifts as he pulls the closest one tighter around him, shifting his little white cat ilsa in the nest she's made beside him and prompting a cranky brrrow. more quietly, more resigned, he adds, ❝ I'll be fine, you know. ❞
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chasing-rabbits · 1 year
It’s been pretty much 27 degrees all day in our flat and I am dying. It didn’t even get cooler last night it was still like 25-26 degrees around 4am when I went to bed. Luckily my mum is able to order a proper AC. I mean not like the ones in America or Europe it’s a portable one. It’s still really good though she has one at hers she used it in her outdoor office over covid. You fill it with water and then there’s a bit at the top where you put these things in it that you keep in the freezer and it kicks out super cold air and it’s great. I mean it’d be nice if we had actual like built in AC like my Grandparents did in their place in Spain but I’ll settle for a smaller portable one. I’ve left the bathroom door open so our cat Bagel can lie on the tiles I figured that’d be cooler than the rest of the house at least we don’t have carpet we have stuff that looks like wood but its not its cheaper and you can’t tell the difference. Anyways the point is it’s not carpet cos that’d be hell right now. I’ve also put ice cubes in his water we did have a cooling mat last year but honestly it wasn’t that god and within the day he’d already pierced it and the inside gel stuff was coming out and he was trying to lick it which is not good so we had to bin it. I looked around too and they all seem to be the same just mats with the gel in. If anyone has good recommendations for cooling mats or something similar that is more robust than these little gel ones I’d appreciate it. It’s probably only gonna get hotter probably into the 30s again and probably gonna have more days at 30 plus than we did last year. Fucking climate change global warming bullshit.
0 notes
Animated character that was your gay awakening?
Eris from Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
Grilled cheese or PB&J?
What show/YouTube video(s) do you put on in the background when you don’t have anything to watch but you want something on?
Your go-to bar order, if you drink?
Depends on the bar, but a reliable one is a white russian
What’s your favorite pair of shoes that you own?
My pink platform heels
Top three cuisines?
Italian, American, Mexican
What was your first word as a child (that wasn’t a variation of “Mom” or “Dad”)?
Don’t know
What’s a job that you’ve had that people might be surprised to find out you’ve had?
No one who knows me is surprised by my jobs, but strangers are sometimes surprised that I worked on movies and TV shows
Look up. What’s directly across from you?
The door to the porch
Do you own any signed books/memorabilia in general?
A signed copy of a Warrior Cats book and some signed stage play programs
Preferred way to spend a rainy day?
Inside watching tv
What do you get on your bagels? What WOULD you get if you had access to anything you wanted?
Cream cheese
Brunch or midnight snacks?
Fruity or herbal teas?
What’s that one TV show that you’re a little bit embarrassed to watch but you still like nonetheless?
That book you were forced to read for class but actually ended up enjoying?
The Great Gatsby
Do you match your socks?
Have you ever been horseback riding?
What was your “phase” when you were younger? (i.e., Mythology Nerd, Horse Girl, Space Geek, etc)
Harry Potter, wolves, cats
Have you ever been to jail?
What’s your opinion on Lazy Susan’s (the spinning tray in the middle of tables)?
I think they’re clever and can be used for board games so no one has to look at it upside down
Not that big a fan of traditional picture puzzles but I like puzzle games like escape rooms
You can only have one juice for the rest of your life, what is it?
Orange juice
What section do you immediately head for when you walk into a bookstore?
YA fantasy
What’s one thing you’re trying to learn/relearn in your downtime right now?
Sewing a costume
Where could someone find you in a museum?
What’s that one outfit in your closet you never get the chance to wear but want to?
My fox dress and leather boots. Got them soon before covid, then I gained weight and now they don’t fit
Rainbows, stars, or sunset colored clouds?
Sunset coloured clouds
How do you dress when you’re home alone?
Super comfy
Where do you sit in the living room (we all have a preferred spot, and you know it)?
On the right side of the couch
Pick an old-school Disney Channel Original Movie
Are you a “Quote that relates to the photos” caption-er, an “explanation of where I took the photos” caption-er, or a no caption kinda person when you post pictures online?
Explanation caption
Name a classic Vine
Road work ahead? Uh yeah, I sure hope it does
What’s the freezer food that you stock up on when you go to the grocery store?
Chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, or ice cream
How do you top your ice cream?
Chocolate syrup
Do you like Jello?
How are you at climbing trees?
Very bad
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kampfkuchen85 · 3 years
When you call them by their last name
Characters: Manjiro ‘Mikey’ Sano, Chifuyu Matsuno, Keisuke Baji, Rindo Haitani, Souya ‘Angry’ Kawata, Takashi Mitsuya, Shuji Hanma
❥ ‘Mikey’ Sano
Silence….then a loud bang of the front door. You were searching for him, but he was nowhere to be seen. A little bit later you received a message from him: ‘Omw to Ken-chin. He needs my help. Ily ♥️’
This coward flees from the situation, he assumes that you´re mad at him and he doesn't even want to know why. So the best resolution? Escape! When you tell him that it was just a prank, he's offended and pouting. You should have told him. The real victim of the prank was Draken, because he had to deal with a desperate Mikey who didn't know what he did wrong, too afraid to ask you and too afraid to go back home.
❥ Chifuyu Matsuno
At first he looks at you with a confused glance, then his attention switches back to Peke J, who is laying in his lap, ignoring you.
“Have you heard that, Peke J? L/N is searching for someone with the name Matsuno”, emphasizing his last name in a goofy voice. “Never heard of him. What about you, Peke J?”
Ignores you like you weren't still sitting next to him and is talking only to his cat the whole time until you give up and say that it's just a prank. “I knew from the start”, he replied with a big grin. “Do you think I live behind the moon? I know those TikTok pranks, dumbass.”
❥ Keisuke Baji
At first he is confused. Why would you call him like that when you two are alone in his apartment? He's looking around, searching for that guy you called ‘Baji’.
“Baji? .... Baji???”
He's playing along, yelling the name multiple times while he's running through the apartment - kitchen, bathroom, living room, even the closet. When he made sure that there was no one else, he sat down beside you again. “I don´t know who you´re looking for, babe, but that Baji-guy isn't here. You have to cuddle me instead”, putting his head on your lap. “Why am I dating you again?”, you shook your head, but your hand was already running through his hair.
❥ Rindo Haitani
He rolled his eyes, closing his laptop he was currently working at. Is it that time of the month again? He doesn't want to deal with your mood swings, instead he stood up immediately. “Ice cream?” He's not waiting for your answer and is going straight to the freezer in the kitchen, grabbing the box, which is waiting for you there for that exact situation, and a spoon and making his way back. “Anything else?” He's annoyed, you can tell by his facial expression, but he would never admit that. “Cuddles?”, you were looking at him with innocent eyes, knowing that he couldn't resist them. He breathed out a deep sigh, but guess who's laying down beside you, giving you cuddles?
❥ Souya ‘Angry’ Kawata
He's panicking in an instant, searching for his phone, checking the calendar. ‘What day is it? Is it our anniversary? Is it her birthday? Is it my birthday? No, I wouldn't forget that. Is it date night? No. Is it…’ He's completely fixated on his phone, fading you out. In the meantime you´re calling him by his first name again, because you could see the panic in his eyes. “Did I do something wrong, love?”, he's looking at you with tears in his eyes, feeling obviously bad. You gave him a hug and a quick peck on his lips. “I love you, Sou.” You told him later that it was a prank so he doesn't have to overthink your action.
❥ Takashi Mitsuya
He's working at his sewing machine when you called him by his last name. He drops everything in an instant, standing up from his chair. “That's not my name, babe.” He's coming over and lays himself on top of you. He's not tall or heavy, but now you are trapped underneath him. You have to apologise and give him cuddles and kisses to get released.
❥ Shuji Hanma
He's in the kitchen when you called him, looking around the corner with a disappointed gaze. “Really?”, disappearing behind the corner again. “Fuck you, babe!” You couldn't hold back your giggle. “Shu, it's a prank. Come here.” You aren't able to continue that prank, because you know he will pay it back.
Note: english isn´t my first language, so there could be mistakes. these are just my hcs, so don´t take it too serious :D
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epiclamer · 2 years
Can we please have an epiclamer x save-the-villainous-cat snippet?🥰
I ship you guys so much kdkjsjkajjskjskjakjskjksj
Hi @save-the-villainous-cat I know it’s you. But sure, just for you pretty girl…
(No reposts but reblogs appreciated <3)
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Pestering Fly
Villain slipped the apron over her head, quickly tying the back straps around her waist before continuing to the front counter. The familiar ring of the bell hanging above the door alerted her to the welcoming of a customer. She put on her brightest smile and stepped around the corner to the till, coming face to face with the one person she did not want to see on her eight hour shift.
The one is question smirked at the recognition that flashed in Villains eyes. Leaning forwards, eyes gleaming as he took in Villains work uniform before he spoke. “Hey beautiful, fancy seeing you here…”
Villain didn’t even flinch at the comment from her nemesis, simply rolling her eyes. “Didn’t I tell you not to come here. I’m busy.” Villains dry tone matched her deadpan face. She was not impressed with Hero’s bullshit ever since he discovered her day job, lately pestering her seemed to be his favourite—and only—activity.
“Oh come on baby… can’t I visit my girl at work?” Hero was charming, Villain had to admit, but she didn’t let it distract from her work. Work life and love life were two separate instances and she needed space to keep them from colliding into each other.
Villain smiled flatly as two unknowing customers entered the shop, eyes immediately glued to the glass panel of which behind his buckets of multicoloured ice creams. “Not when she’s busy and overheating, thanks.”
So technically, Hero and Villain were dating, but they weren’t allowed to let that get out to the press yet and the stress of it all was definitely taking a toll on the two of them. They hadn’t had any alone time in weeks because of so many conferences Hero had to attend and the amount of maintenance and work Villain put into her day to day life.
Hero however, had a plan to change that.
He watched with a small smile as his lover served iced treats sweetly to the other customers, and when Villain had her back turned just at the right angle, Hero slipped behind the “employee only” door and into the back of the shop. At first he simply strolled around aimlessly, shivering a bit against the cool temperature until the familiar sound of the bell above the door rang just before a set of angry footsteps sounded down the hall.
Hero whipped around just in time to see his furious wife as she pushed him up against one of the coolers against the wall. “Just exactly what the hell do you think you’re doing. Today is a busy day for me and you know that, so why are you being such a brat, hm?”
Ohhhh she was angry alright… adorable and hot. Double kill.
Hero simply shrugged, innocently batting puppy eyes in Villains direction. “I dunno what you’re talking about…”
Apparently his puppy eyes weren’t very convincing.
“Don’t be smart with me, pretty boy. I will ruin you right here, right now if that’s what it takes to get you to sit quiet and let me work. Don’t think I won’t tie you to this cooler and leave you here until I’m done, got that?” Villain always had such an intensity to her eyes and her tone of voice. She was always so powerful and it made Hero weak at his goddamned knees because he was so incredibly in love with her.
But instead of spilling his undying love for her and begging for her hand in marriage, Hero simply smiled and pulled out an ice cream bar from behind his back. Beaming as Villain slowly let him go from pinned against the freezer as she stared at the frozen treat.
“You said you were overheating!! I thought it might help to get in the cooler for a bit and have a small treat!!” Hero practically glowed with excitement as Villain gently took the ice cream from his hand and shook her head as she pursed her lips and giggled.
She was always so cute when she did that.
“Of course… Thank you, handsome. Always looking out for me, hm?” She smiled as she pecked her husband gently on the lips and began to eat her very thoughtful gift.
Hero could only pull her in by the waist and kiss her all over her face, murmuring soft praises and loving words to her until the bell above the door rang once again.
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scarisd3ad · 2 years
𝗙𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴? || 𝗦𝘁𝗲𝘃𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘁𝗼𝗻 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗿!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝘁 𝟮
Pt 1 told ya I’d make a part two probably gonna make this a full length fanfic like red where it starts at season one. I might also make oneshots with Michele, liv, Steve, hopper, and el! Let me know if that would be somthing you guys would want!
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Part one! Masterlist! Request box!
Steve and I had been ‘dating’ for a week and a half, everything had been going good. Everyone believed we were dating.
I sat on Steve’s lap at our normal lunch table, Liv, and Michele sat in front of us. I had a lunch tray in front of me that I never really bothered to touch so Steve would pick off of it from time to time. “Mick what’d you get on the math test?” I asked “a, c my dads gonna beat my ass! what about you?” she groaned as she popped a cherry tomato into her mouth.
“B” I replied “shit you’ve gotta tutor me hopper” she said. I rolled my eyes, I hated being called by my last name. Everyone called my dad by our last name I wanted to be my own person not just chief Jim hoppers daughter.
“You comin over tonight?” I asked turning my head back a bit to make eye contact with Steve. “Mhm” he nodded. El had taken a liking to Steve, most of the time when Steve came over he sat in front of the tv with el explaining the cartoons that were playing on the tv. “Ooo..he’s coming over?” Michele asked wiggling her eyebrows mockingly “shut up mick you’re so dirty minded” I scoffed “oh come on, it’s not like you two aren’t all over each other here” she said rolling her eyes. “You’re an idiot mick” I replied.
Steve pulled up to my house both of us getting out. I dug around in my pocket until I found my house key. I unlocked the front door and opened it. As the door slowly opened I could see El sitting in front of the tv. As the door creaked her head snapped towards us. “Y/n!” She exclaimed.
She must’ve gotten rather bored while dad was at work and I was at a school. Steve and I both walked into the house. Steve walked over to the couch and sat down with el while I went into our room to drop my bag. I walked back into the living room to see Steve explaining a tv show to el.
“Yeah the cat chases the mouse but he never catches the mouse” Steve explained “isn’t that kind of…stupid?” El asked “yeah kinda but I entertains kids” Steve replied. I fell back onto the couch beside Steve. His arm instantly wrapped around my shoulder. “We don’t have to pretend here” I whispered, he shook his head and kept his arm around me.
“Y/n?” El asked turning her head towards me “Hm?” I hummed “I’m hungry” she replied. I nodded and instantly got up. Steve trailed behind me like a lost puppy. “Steve you don’t gotta follow me everywhere” I laughed “I wanna help” he replied. “Making a couple egos don’t take much help” I giggled as I grabbed the box out of the freezer and walked over to the counter.
Steves arms wrapped around my waiste making my eyes widen and my face to flush. Why was he making this so hard! He was all over me at school and now he’s all over me at my house, in the privacy of my own house! It’s not like el cared she doesn’t even know the basics of a relationship let alone what people do in a romantic one.
“Steve? Why are you doing this?” I asked pulling a few waffles out of the box and putting them in the toaster. “Doing what?” He asked I could feel the smirk on his lips against my neck. “No one’s here we don’t have to pretend” I said my cheeks flushing red. “What if I don’t want to pretend anymore?” His voice low in almost a whisper tone.
“W..what do you mean?” I stuttered. He quickly turned me around towards him “I don’t want to pretend anymore y/n/n. I’m in love with you” he said trying to press his lips to mine. I quickly pushed him away. What was he doing? He’s going to ruin all his chances of getting back with Nancy! His eyebrows furrowed together, a frown now also on his face.
“What is it baby? Do you not like me like that?” He asked I shook my head “no, no I do I really do…but what..what about Nancy I thought..I thought you wanted to be with her” I said quietly. He placed his hand on my cheek caressing it “I did but I think I’ve found something a bit better” he said smiling sweetly down at me. “Really?” I asked my cheeks flushing red, “yeah, can I kiss you?” He asked.
I nodded and he dove down pressing a long passionate kiss onto my lips. The sound of the waffles popping up in the toaster. We both pulled away, Steve groaned as I turned around and grabbed up the waffles and placing them on a plate. “El!” I shouted, I grabbed Steve’s hand as I walked back into the living room.
I handed El her plate, her eyes never leaving the tv. “Steve and I are going in the room okay” i said leading Steve into El and I’s room. I stood at the door contemplating if I was going to follow the rules. Fuck it, he wasn’t home yet he wouldn’t be home for a good amount of time. I shut the door all the way before turning back around towards Steve. He smiled as he pulled me back into a kiss. I parted the kiss “so are we actually together?” I asked he smiled “do you wanna be my girlfriend?” He asked, his hand on my cheek caressing it.
“Yes” I said quietly, he smiled before pulled me back into a kiss. Steve pulled me down onto my bed, sitting me on his lap. His lips slowly trailed down to my neck where he sucked and bit until he was satisfied.
My fingers raked through his hair. “I love you” he moaned into my neck. We quickly pulled apart when we heard my dads car pull up. “Shit!” I muttered as I quickly got off of Steve lap examining my neck. “Steve!” I shouted as I ran my fingers over the very obvious hickey on my neck.
“Just do this…” he said fixing my hair just enough to hide the hickey. “Y/n?!” I head the front door open, “let’s go let’s go” I grabbed his hand and quickly walked out of my room. “Why was the door closed?” He asked his eyebrows furrowed together “I..um it must’ve closed on its own…own..sorry” I stammered. “Mkay..” dad raised his eyebrows as he looked both Steve and I up and down.
“What is he doing here?” Dad asked, “I..we were doing homework” I said fidgeting with Steve’s hand. “Okay well Um keep the door open” he said as he slumped down onto the couch next to el. “How was your day kid?” He asked El as she simply shrugged and stuffed a ego into her mouth. Dad sighed as he ran his hands through his hair.
“God dammit” he groaned. Steve led me back into my room, I made sure to leave the door open atleast three inches. Steve pulled me down onto my bed again. He pressed his lips to mine again. The kiss slowly got more heated. His hands ran up my shirt, letting his hand rest on my boob “hey!” My dad shouted making Steve and I quickly jump apart. “Leave, you need to leave!” My dad shouted as he flung open the door. “Dad..it wasn’t what it was looked like” I said my face turning a bright red. My dad just caught me making out with my boyfriend, who wouldn’t be embarrassed.
“No! Fuck this shit, get out of my house!” Steve nodded quickly before running out. “Grounded you are grounded do you understand that?!” My dad shouted “dad! This is unfair!” I cried out “you’re grounded! Do you understand that, that means no, phone!” He grabbed up the phone that sat on my bedside table unplugging it. “No tv, you come straight home after school, and you’re not aloud to see him anymore!” He shouted.
“I hate you! You’re ruining my life!” I shouted as I tried pushing him out of the room. “No, no! We’re gonna talk about this!” He said stopping me from pushing him out of the room. “No! I don’t want to talk to you! You’re an asshole, I hate you!” I said tears welling up in my eyes.
“I hate you! I hate you! Get out!” I cried, his face softened as he saw me crying. He started to back up, I never really cried. I think the last times I genuinely cried was when Sara died, and when mom left. He quickly backed off leaving to go back to his spot on the couch. “Dammit!” I heard him shout then somthing thud as it hit the floor. I fell down onto my bed broken sobs falling from my lips. Somehow I fell asleep, when I woke up El was already in bed and it was dark out. I slowly got up and started towards my door, when I heard my dad speaking to someone on the phone I cracked the door open just enough to see him.
“She hates me now” he sighed “I just it hasn’t been the same since you know Sara, and her mom leaving. I don’t know…I just don’t wanna ruin our relationship” he said a sob falling from his lips “I just fuck don’t want her to hate me. She’s all I have left I can’t lose her too” he cried.
“Yeah..yeah I’ll try. I’ll talk to you later Joyce” he said before hanging up the phone. He sighed as he walked back over to the couch and sat back down. “God dammit” he mumbled, “dad?” I said as I walked out of the room. His head snapped back towards me, I sat down next to him. He was upset because of me, it was all my fault.
“I’m sorry dad” I mumbled I mumbled leaning into his side as tears welled up into my eyes. His arm wrapped around my shoulder pulling me closer to him. He silently sobbed as I leaned into his chest also crying. “I love you so much you know that right?” He said pressing a kiss on top of my head “I love you too” I replied.
“I know you’re a teenager now and you want more freedom, I know I can be a little overbearing at times, I’m sorry” he said. “I just don’t want you to get hurt, you’re all I have left I don’t want you to see your all torn up because of a boy” he added. I grabbed his hand “we’ve gone through to much to let a teenage boy tear us apart” i said “yeah we have” dad sighed. “Soo..am I still grounded?” I asked praying I wasn’t. Dad rolled his eyes and chuckled “no you aren’t” I sighed relieved I was suppose to go to micks for a sleepover on Friday and I couldn’t miss it again.
“Can I still see Steve?” I asked, “yes…but you’re not aloud at his house alone” I nodded. “I love you dad” I said leaning my jeans onto his shoulder “I love you too y/n/n”
I woke up the next day and everything was back to normal, I could hear the sizzle of the pan in the kitchen. El was still asleep well until my alarm clock started to scream at me to wake up. Her eyes slowly blinked open. After a few seconds of her just laying there she sat up. “Halloween?” She asked I nodded “Yep today’s Halloween” I laughed. She slowly stood up and sat on my bed. “You and hop were mad at each other last night?” She asked I nodded “yeah but we figured it out” I replied.
I sat at the kitchen table, watching dad cook breakfast. “She’s just a kid” I sighed leaning back into my chair “yes I know that but shes different y/n” he replied flipping the French toast in the pan. I watched as el snuck up behind him a sheet over her head. “Oh Jesus!” He jumped as he turned his head back “ghost” she said “yeah I see that” he said grabbing the pan up and setting it on the counter.
“Sure isss” he said placing a piece of French toast on each plate. “But right now it’s breakfast. Okay?” He said placing the pan, and spatula in the sink. “Come on let’s eat” he grabbed up three plates. “They wouldn’t see me” she said. Dads eyebrows furrowed together “who wouldn’t see you?” He asked as he started towards the table “the bad men” she replied “what are you talking about?” He asked as he placed each plate on the table.
“Trick..or..treat” the poor girl just wanted to be a normal kid “you wanna go trick or treating?” They both stayed silent for a few seconds before he shook his head “you know the rules” he said as he stood up. “Yes but..” he grabbed her by her shoulder trying to get her to the table “yes so you know the answer” he said.
“No..but..I..they wouldn’t see me”
“Hey! I don’t care!” He kneeled down in front of her “I don’t care” his two hands placed on her shoulders. “Alright? You go out there ghost or not it’s a risk we don’t take risks, alright? They’re stupid. And?” He said taking both hands off her shoulders “we are not stupid” she spat. If you wanted my opinion I think he’s too harsh on her.
She was barely twelve and lived in a lab her whole life, she just wanted to see the world, and when she did she got tooken right back up and was now stuck in a stupid old cabin. “Exactly now you take that off and sit down and eat” he said before walking back over to they table. “You’re foods getting cold” he said, she ripped the cloth off before sitting down a frown on her face. I felt bad for her. Dad poured a bit of syrup on his and her food.
He sighed letting his head sit in his hands. “Alright look, how bout I get off early tonight and I buy us a bunch of candy and we can sit around and get fat, and we can watch a scary movie together” he sighed. “How’s that for a compromise?” He asked, het eyebrows knitted together in confusion “co..compromise?” She asked “c..o..m promise..compromise” she just stared at him “how bout that’s your word for the day? Yeah? It’s something like it’s kids in between it’s like halfway happy” he explained.
“By five one five?” She asked “five fifteen” he corrected “yeah sure” he nodded. “Promise?” He leaned closer setting his elbows on the table (which my mom always hated) “yes….I promise” he said quietly “halfway happy” she said shrugging her shoulders before digging into her food. He leaned his hand over before ruffling her short hair making her giggle. “Eat y/n” he said, I shook my head, “come on y/n you’ve gotta eat something honey” he said softly. I wasn’t normally hungry in the morning, well i wasn’t normally hungry at all but that was something we could get into another day.
“I’m not hungry” I mumbled. “Can I have it?” El asked I was about to nod when dad said “no, y/n did you eat any last night?” I shook my head “come on y/n/n you’ve gotta eat something, just one bit hun” he said. I groaned before cutting a tiny sliver off and popping it into my mouth.
“I’ll drive you” dad said grabbing up his keys before walking out the door. “Lock the door” dad said as we walked out the door. We both got into his car and he started it up “here” he placed a few bills into my hand “buy something for lunch please you need to eat” he said I nodded. Mom always said boys only like skinny girl I guess I always kinda took that to heart.
We pulled up to the school, “bye honey I love you” he said as I stared to get out of the car “I love you too dad” I said as I walked up to the school. I waited till dads car drove off before walking up to mick. “Here” I said handing her the money “thanks!” She smiled. Mick always took the money no questions asked that’s what I liked about her she didn’t worry much about me. “Let’s go! I heard harrington’s looking for you” she said wrapping her arm around my shoulder as we walking into the building. We both walked up to my locker where we saw Steve waiting. His eyes lit up when he saw me “I was so worried!” He said wrapping his arms around me. I giggled as he pressed a kiss to my lips this time it was real not just because everyone was here.
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