#I had to get tickets to see lamp since who knows if they’ll ever tour the usa again so!!!
eternal-reverie · 4 months
I spent more this past year on going to live performances than ever before and now there’s more cool artists touring I can’t keep up!!!!
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wordywarriorwrites · 5 years
Chapter 12: Sabotage
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Masterlist: The Boss of Brooklyn A03 Story Link Author: @wordywarriorwrites Summary: When it comes to being The Boss, James Buchanan “JB” Barnes rules with an iron fist. For him, there’s no room for sentiment, and certainly no time for distraction, even if it is in the form of an old flame. Steve Rogers had bowed out of the life a long time ago, but a twist of fate brings him right back into the fold, and face-to-face with a man he once loved. When a game of cat and mouse turns into a matter of life and death, both will be forced to decide whether they’ll be loyal to the business, or faithful to each other. A/N: Bucky Barnes Mob Boss AU. Stucky. For: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan Star’s Multi-Fandom Follower Celebration & @sherrybaby14 Sherry’s Fall Into You Challenge. Warnings: Language, violence, drug use, alcohol, smoking, explicit sexual content, illegal activities. *Re-blogs are welcome. Plagiarism isn’t. *
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Steve left before dawn with nothing but the clothes on his back and his dogeared passport.
When he hit the lobby, he expected to find it deserted, but instead, it was teeming with pissed-off guests. It was way too early for check-ins, which meant there was only a skeleton crew on hand to receive them, and the sole desk clerk was struggling to appease the mob and contain the situation.  
The weary travelers were ripe for the picking and Steve took advantage of the chaos. By the time he stepped out of the hotel, he’d pilfered a suitcase, a backpack, and a dozen wallets. Given the situation, the doorman was overly polite and very Johnny-on-the-spot, and within seconds, he was in a taxi and on his way to the airport.
While the driver was focused on the road, Steve sorted through what he’d lifted; anything useful was put into the backpack or pocketed, and whatever remained was discarded in the suitcase. When the cabbie pulled up to the curb, Steve paid the fare, and disembarked. The airport’s entrance was bustling, and the throng of early-morning travelers were laden down with luggage, which made it all too easy for him to leave the stolen suitcase behind in the crowd.
Steve checked the departure schedule and found the first available flight out was destined for Mexico City. When he got to the ticket counter, the agent told him he was just in time, and that there was still plenty of seating available. By the time he paid, got checked in, and made his way through security, they’d announced final boarding.
It had only taken forty-five minutes to escape, but this time, Steve didn’t feel relieved when the plane took off. Instead, he felt nauseated, and the sensation stayed with him long after the flight ended.
A pit-stop at a tourist trap for toiletries, over-priced snacks, and new clothes. Then, it was on to a cash-only, no-names, non-descript motel. Four walls, a bed, and heavy, garishly patterned curtains. A bedside lamp that flickered incessantly, a television that didn’t work, and an air conditioning unit that puttered out lukewarm air in unsteady intervals. It wasn’t fancy by any means, but the place was clean, which was more than he could say for himself.
He undressed in front of the full-length mirror that hung on the back of the bathroom door, and the fluorescent light revealed everything that had been kept under wraps. Friction-burned knees; thighs smattered with fingertip-shaped bruises; hickey-covered throat; a bite mark on the crook of his neck; scratches on his torso; tenderness in the softest, most intimate of places.
It looked bad, but it felt so God-damn good.  
Half a fucking decade had passed. He should’ve been well and truly over it, but old habits were the hardest to break, and like an idiot, he did the one thing he’d promised himself he would never do again. Steve should’ve said no. He should’ve said no because he knew better. Damn it, he knew better, but he’d always wanted Bucky. He’d wanted him from the moment he understood what wanting someone actually meant, and he’d never stopped fucking wanting him…
The ache in his gut was compounded, because every time Steve took a breath, he could fucking smell him. Many things had changed, but Bucky had worn the same cologne since high school, and the all-too-familiar scent still clung to his own skin. Steve could still feel the voraciousness of their shared pleasure in his calves, at the small of his back, and in his arms. His groin and mouth and heart and conscience were still laden with everything they’d done, and all that blistering, bittersweetness was just too fucking much to carry.
A tiny shower stall, with a sheer curtain that kept clinging to his ass; travel-sized, off-brand soap and shampoo; a methodical cleansing that he knew would leave his skin pruned and bright red afterward. After Steve got out, he wrapped a towel around his waist, and brushed his teeth at the sink until his gums bled in protest.
The clothes he’d traveled in went into the trash, and though he was exhausted down to his marrow, he could find no rest. Detoxing meant avoiding temptation, so, instead of obsessing over Bucky, he turned his mind toward Fury, and tried to mentally untangle the web.
What Steve couldn’t understand – what didn’t make any sense at all – was why Nick had even bothered coming to the table if his ultimate goal was to take Brooklyn for himself. Fury was a man who didn’t like to share or compromise, but he would do it if it served his bottom line. He was also a man of patience and strategy, and he rarely, if ever, missed a target. It just didn’t make sense…
Steve knew there had to be more going on, but he couldn’t see the bigger picture yet. He may have lost a battle in Jamaica, but that didn’t mean the war was over, and leaving had been much more than a tactical retreat. He knew what he needed to do – what it would take to get it done and make it right – and for the sake of what remained of his sanity, he had to go it alone.
The journey began two days later on the shores of Table Bay in Cape Town, South Africa. The economic hub lured in real estate moguls and sightseers, but Steve hadn’t been interested in Clifton Beach, African penguins, or the architectural heritage. What he’d needed was information and he knew a guy who owed him a favor.
From there, it was on to Tristan da Cunha; an island completely isolated from civilization that required a seven-day boat trip to reach. There were no restaurants or hotels, credit cards weren’t accepted, and while most of the inhabitants made their living through trade and farming, he knew of one resident who wasn’t who she appeared to be.
After that, it was on to the Caymans, followed by Cuba. Then, Steve headed back to the States, and hoped to find the final piece of the puzzle at a swanky beach house in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
“I heard you were dead,” Phil Coulson declared by way of greeting.
Steve smirked and stepped over the threshold, “Disappointed?”
“Impressed,” he countered. “And relieved.”
Steve knew there was no point in asking Phil to elaborate on his assertions. The man had been doing the whole espionage thing since before it became mainstream, and though he’d been in retirement for nearly a decade, he still had his finger on the pulse, and really enjoyed the build-up before the show-and-tell. Phil was also the last person left who owed Steve a debt, but it took a tour of the house, lunch on the patio overlooking the ocean, and a lot of small-talk before he was able to bring up the reason for his visit.
“What can you tell me about the players in New York and in the West Indies?” Steve prompted.    
“I don’t participate,” Phil said as he tapped at a wireless keyboard that fired up the flatscreen on the wall. “But I do like to watch.”
A map of Brooklyn appeared and it displayed the hierarchy and territories of the Families over time. After that, it was the West Indies, which showcased how Fury had slowly taken it piece by piece. Next came the reports of all the backroom talks, underhanded deals, blood, death, and destruction. It wasn’t anything Steve didn’t already know, but what Phil brought up next made his blood run cold.
Steve had lied to Fury – said he’d tied up all loose ends – but he hadn’t. Since he knew the woman’s death would bring nothing but trouble, he’d let the dead Senator’s wife go free, and his act of mercy had been both a mistake and the catalyst. Sam’s flunky at the shop came up and he recognized the trademark lollipop. Subsequent pictures showed the two women had met dozens of times. After that, there was a video of Sam doing what he did best, which was very illegal, and they’d used the tape to blackmail him and force him to play along.  
The series of clips that followed showed Fury locked in a cell by himself, but eventually, another person had been thrown in with him. The man Steve saw was supposed to be in a graveyard back home, but the date and time stamp revealed Sam Wilson was above ground, and very much alive.
Bucky’s private security – all taken out by a lone bodyguard who had been bought off and tasked to kill his own Boss. The men who had ambushed Steve on the street, in his house, and who had also raided the Families homes -- they, too, had received similar instruction and payment. All in all, they’d had enough combined insider-knowledge to get it done, but someone who had both clout and cash had helped them execute their plans.  
Steve ran a hand over his beard and started to pace. He hadn’t been able to see clearly or think straight, but now, all the madness made sense. Keeping the peace meant Steve continued breathing and someone clearly hadn’t wanted that. When he’d gotten captured by the Families, Fury should’ve issued a kill order; instead, he’d sent an unknown emissary to negotiate for peace, which meant the accord had actually been a contingency plan.
The agreement between the Bosses had been Fury’s way of trying to ensure Steve’s back was covered. The man had struck the bargain of a lifetime, but if half of what he’d learned was true, Nick’s hands hadn’t been on the steering wheel since the paperwork had been signed. Whoever had done this had managed to get him out of the way and that person now had full control over both the business and crew. What little protection Steve had been given had also been taken away, and somehow, they’d managed to convince the Families to cut him off completely.
Given everything Phil had shared, Steve knew someone had to have put things in motion before he ever stepped foot in Brooklyn. Whoever it was had maneuvered the Senator and his wife into Fury’s orbit; ensured they got caught double-dipping with the Families; planned for the job he’d been sent to do to go sideways. The torture, the ousting, the rumors, the staging of Sam’s death – they’d been responsible for all of it.
Whoever was behind it hadn’t been trying to prevent a war, they’d been planning one all along…
“When all else fails, follow the money,” Steve bit out. “Who bankrolled this?”
Phil had saved the best for last, and when the picture and wire transfers were revealed, Steve put his fist through the screen. Everything inside him was screaming in protest, and he didn’t even realize Phil was still present until he’d been given a towel for his bloodied knuckles.
“Why? Why would she do this?”
Phil shrugged slightly, “Fury’s getting up there in age and has been looking for a successor. I have a feeling Nick intended to hand the crown to you after the job in Brooklyn was done.”
He cursed and wrapped his hand, “I wouldn’t have accepted.”
“She couldn’t be sure you’d decline,” Phil asserted.
“Then, why even bother to play nice at all?” Steve snapped. “Why didn’t she just kill me when she had the chance?”
“Money, anger, fear, envy – they’re all powerful motivators. Sabotage takes time, but it’s less risky, and much cleaner. Killing you would’ve been easier, but you’ve got friends in high places, and it would’ve drawn too much attention.”
“Is anyone else involved?”  
“No. None of them had a hand in it or benefitted from it.”
Steve let out a ragged breath and stared at the destroyed television, “I don’t have it on me now, but I will send you money to replace it.”
Phil grinned and retrieved both a manila envelope and a tablet from the coffee table, “I thought you’d say that. I also figured you’d show up here eventually, so, let’s settle up, shall we?”
A thumbprint was all it took to bring the screen to life, and when Steve realized what Phil had done, the tightness in his chest spread right on up to his throat. He hadn’t just provided coordinates to Sam and Fury’s location -- he’d also somehow managed to unfreeze Steve’s money and assets, and had put safeguards in place to ensure they would never be taken from him again. The envelope contained two stacks of cash, a burner phone, a plane ticket, and a set of car keys.
Phil told him his chariot and the arsenal in the trunk awaited him, and since his flight departed in an hour, his driver was on standby to take him to the airport. The debt Phil owed had been paid in full, and though Steve was floored and overwhelmed, he still managed to thank him and shake his hand.  
“Give ‘em hell, Rogers,” Phil advised. “And when you’re done, get out, and don’t ever look back.”
Chapter 13: Settled Scores
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Everything: @jennmurawski13​ @nerdy-bookworm-1998​
Steve Rogers: @patzammit @hearttoearth​ The Boss of Brooklyn: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @captain-rogers-beard
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prorevenge · 6 years
Bam, you're homeless!
This happened around 2002, roughly, and requires a big hunk of backstory. I warn you, this is long...really really stupid long. I posted the entire story years ago on a now dead social media site and it was 5 parts long, with pictures. I wont go into nearly as much detail here, but I'll still include enough that you get how horrible the situation was for me and why I did what I did.
I was seeing this woman that was about 10 years older than me for about a year. My brother introduced us, as his wife was High School friends with the woman. She had a son from a previous marriage that was about 9 years old when we started dating. We hit it off pretty well, and started dating. She lived with her parents when we met, and since I had a 2BR apartment I invited her and her son to move in with me about 3 months into our relationship. She didn't have a job, but that was OK with me. I had a job where I could move up if I wanted to fairly easily, so we wouldn't need her to have an income. It would be tight, but doable without too much effort. She was mostly nice, even though she had her moments (like all women) where she could be pretty petty. I didn't mind those moments since they were fairly rare, but a few led up to and then fed what happened... so I'll briefly run through them here in a prologue of sorts.
Shortly after we first got together, she brought me over to her parents house (we'd previously met, since she lived there at the start) in order to introduce me to her only sister who was visiting. Everything was fine, but her sister kept making eyes at me. I didn't think much of it until my GF went to the bathroom, and I went to the kitchen to get a drink refill. The sister followed me in and immediately gets right up behind me. I'm a little uncomfortable, but she's just akward close, not touching me... she quietly says "hey, why don't you give me a call sometime, I'll make it worth your time sexy". I was horrified. I had just met her, and I was dating her sister. I told her no thanks, got my drink and hurried back to the livingroom. When my GF came out, I made eye contact and made it clear I was ready to go. She ignored me for almost an hour and we finally leave. The GF gets pissed as soon as we hit the car (pickup truck actually), thinking I was just being a dick. I shut that shit down by explaining what happened. She gets mad and tells me a story about how her sister slept with her ex-husband, and how she was a snake and had stolen boyfriends before too. I tell her I don't ever want to be left alone with her again. I then explain that I am NOT a cheater, I wont ever be that guy, and I don't want to be put in a sketchy situation to be misinterpreted either. She agrees, and acts like everything's cool and I had said the right things.
There were a couple more incidents that, at the time, just seemed like standard jealous girlfriend stuff. One stands out, she had acquired a handful of time-sheets from my work and accused me of taking days off and calling in sick without her knowing it, and accused me of using the days to see other women. I was confused, since I have a good work ethic and very rarely take vacations and virtually never call in sick. Turned out she had gotten my brothers time-sheets (he worked at the same place) and my brother had zero work ethic. He called in all the time to do drugs with his wife. I didn't even ask how she got hold of the time-sheets, I just laughed it off and thought she did too.
About 9 or 10 months into the relationship, I popped 'the question', she said yes. We went ring shopping. Like I said, she didn't work and though I had a job, it wasn't the greatest paying job out there. I made about 30K a year, so things were tight-ish, but getting a nice ring was workable as long as neither of us got too crazy. I figured on a combined budget of about $1000USD to $1500 combined.
She decided she just HAD to have this ring that was right at $5000. I told her there was no way I could afford that, and my credit was so crappy at the time they couldn't finance it. I joked that if I was going to spend $5K that it would be on a wedding car, not a ring since she was borrowing her dads car to get around. I told her to pick out something more in line with our budget, and we'd get better rings in the future for an anniversary. She said OK, but I could tell she was pissed. I found a ring I really liked (about $150) but she couldn't find anything and kept looking at the expensive ring giving me puppy dog eyes. The clerk wasnt helping, he kept handing her the ring and saying how nice it looked on her. I was mad, and just decided it was better we leave and come back another day. Give her time to think about it.
A few days later, we're at her parents house and her dad pulls me off to the side. Now, her dads a great guy. I really liked him a lot, so I liked being at his house and he seemed to really like me too. He says to me "My daugher says she found a ring she likes, but you cant afford it..." I get a little irritated that she would tell her father that, and he sees it "Don't get upset, I'm not going to try to convince you to buy it. I want to buy it....but you cant tell her I did." I tell him thanks, but no, I cant do that...he's already paying for the wedding that we haven't even planned yet. I remind him that he has no idea how much he'll end up forking over for that yet. He insists. He wants his baby to be happy, and he wants her to be happy with me. After some more argument, I agree....but only if he allows me to pay him back, which he does. About a week later, me and him go get the ring she wanted. I made sure a different clerk from the first time got the sale, fuck that guy. I gave it to her that night, and cue the fireworks and the bedside lamp cut-scene. We were back on track.
The day of the wedding arrives, we'd been together almost a year at this point, and it's great. We have a noon wedding at this old wooden church from the early 1800's, and the reception in a nearby field with an old tobacco barn. It was very picturesque but brief, since we'd arranged to go to Orlando for our honeymoon, her choice. Since I could get a good deal by going through a vacation planner from work, provided I went to this timeshare thing, it worked out. We got 1 night in a nice hotel, had to go to a hard-sell timeshare thing the next day for about 2hrs, and got free tickets to Epcot for the following day for about $200. Normally the Epcot tickets alone would have been nearly that. We would then have to switch hotels and had planned to stay for an additional week to see the rest of the city.
End Epilogue (told you it was going to be long) and begin the REAL story:
The reception ends, and we head straight to the courthouse to file the wedding certificate since it was 4:30pm and they closed at 5pm. I park and run inside, she stays in the truck since she's still in her wedding dress. They had closed early. Fuck. I knew we had 10 days after the wedding to file the certificate, and we were only planning to be gone about 5 to 7 days max. I also knew that if she found out that she'd insist we wait until the next day to leave. That would ruin the first night in the good hotel, and I had no idea if it would stop us from doing the timeshare thing potentially ruining Epcot too. I made an executive decision on the way back to the car to just...not tell her. I could file when we got back, no problem. She would never need to know.
We went back to my apartment, and changed into travel clothes and put the suitcases into the back of the truck and left. When she wasn't paying attention, I slipped the wedding certificate into her purse inside a little zipper section I knew she rarely used. I figured it would be safer there than anywhere else. In hindsight I should have left it in the apartment.
I should note that at the time I drove a Barney purple Ford Ranger splash. It stood out. My brother had written the standard "just Married" stuff ALL OVER IT in bright red paint. It really stood out. We took off, and after many people honking and we waved at everyone that did, we arrived in Orlando about 3hrs later. We check in to the Embassy Suites, take a very fun joint shower and after several 'fun-time' hours go to sleep. The next day we do the timeshare seminar thing, get the Epcot tickets and check out. I find a cheaper, but still nice, motel close to Epcot and check in. It's a Masters Inn with exterior room doors, not interior with a hallway (image search 'Masters Inn' and you'll get what I mean). We put our stuff in the room, and immediately leave.
I grew up on the Eastside of Orlando, so I take her on the grand tour of all my childhood memories. My elementary school, the old neighborhood, the local hangouts telling her my early life story at every turn. I also take her to meet my paternal Grandfather who lived in Winter Park, just outside Orlando at the time. We go to dinner and head back to the motel around 8pm with plans to go to Epcot early so we can spent the entire day. We were going to take the shuttle, but since we both smoked we decided it would be better to take my truck instead.
The day goes great with two exceptions. I wore some pants that were a bit loose on me, and couldn't find a belt for sale at the park. I spent the whole day hitching up my britches, which made me mildly irritable. Second, she was being overly affectionate for a family theme park, and I knew Disney didn't tolerate that level of PDA and would throw you out if it got out of hand. I had to keep telling her no when she wanted to do more than a quick kiss. She was sticking her tongue down my throat, and getting handsy...then she got mad when I told her to knock it off.
By the time we left Epcot, we were both a little irritable but still in a generally OK mood. We stopped at a 7-11 on the way home. They're selling these pre-made whiskey/coke things, and I feel that they'll help the mood so I buy 4 of them. We pull into the Masters Inn, go up to our room, and...the key doesn't work. I go to the lobby and tell the clerk, he pulls up the room and says no ones checked into that room. After a brief discussion, we realize I'm an idiot and went to the wrong Masters Inn...there's a couple of them in town, and since every street in Orlando looks basically the same, I went the wrong way and ended up at the wrong one.
She thinks this is evidence that I'm stupid and keeps harping on me about it the whole drive to our actual motel. We go inside, take a shower and decide to drink. The drinks are warm, so I say I'm going to go get ice and leave the room wearing pink sweatpants (hers) and a tanktop. I did it to make her laugh, which she did, and figured the ice machine would be close so no worries. I was wrong. I walked around the entire motel looking for a machine. The only one they had was in the lobby, so I fill two buckets (not wanting to go back) and head back to the room.
Shes. Not. There. The clothes she wore at the park, which were on the floor when I left, are gone. I figure she ran down to the truck to get something, so I pour drinks. She isn't back, so I look outside and don't see her by the truck. Neither of us had cellphones at the time, so I just lay down and started flipping channels waiting.
She comes back maybe 5 minutes later and her first words are a loud "FUCK YOU". I just stare at her, and she starts yelling about how I didn't go get ice, I was calling all my bitches back home and that she knew I was cheating on her. I point at the ice buckets and simply say "Ice"...she goes ballistic saying "You were gone for fucking 20 minutes, I knew you were cheating, my sister told me not to trust you!". I get mad because her sister is the one who slept with her last husband, I remind her of that, and how she also hit on me and that I had nothing to do with her because of it. She launches into a tirade about how her sister followed me around and saw me with several convenience store clerks near my job, and that I was busted. She then states "Thats ok, I own you now...you wont be driving yourself to work ever again! I will! If you go anywhere from now on it will be with me or my son, and you can forget about sex for at least a month!"
I'm beside myself...I might have actually had an out of body experience. I very calmly say "are you done?" She goes on for another couple minutes in the same vein, and finally says "Well? What do you have to say for yourself?"
I work in Corrections, so I'm no stranger to tense verbal situations that could lead to violence, so I don't yell at all. I say, very calmly, "I will drive myself wherever the fuck I please, with or without whoever the fuck I want. I don't cheat, I have never cheated, I WILL never cheat. If you trust your lying sack of shit sister more than the man you married, then maybe you should have married her instead." She screams "MAYBE I SHOULD HAVE!" so I reply with "so are you saying we're done? I refuse to live like you just described. If that's the only option, then you're saying we're done. Are we done?"
I reply with "so we're done. Get some sleep, we're going back home in the morning". Neither of us get much sleep, but we dont talk to each other at all. The next morning, around 9am, I ask her "Have you calmed down, or are we still through" she answers with a very angry "Fuck you asshole"...so I get up, and start loading our stuff. I tell her "get in the truck or get left" and she wisely gets in.
The Revenge Begins
At this point I'm not 100% sure we're officially over yet, I just know we aren't staying in Orlando just to fight. On the drive out of Orlando, people are honking at us because of the 'just married' stuff, and she's yelling at them, giving them the finger. My windows are very darkly tinted, so I doubt anyone really saw her, but I still tell her to knock that shit off. She rolls the window down, and before I can say anything she's taken off her wedding ring and thrown it out the window.
I start laughing. She gets says "what're you laughing at, I hope you enjoy paying for that!". I drop the bombshell: "your dad bought that ring, he did it so you'd be happy and made me swear not to tell you...enjoy telling him you threw his 5K away bitch" at this point I know we're over for good. She starts yelling for me to pull over on the East-West Expressway...yeah, right! It's a 4-lane toll road, very busy, everyone going 70mph+, with a very narrow shoulder. I tell her she's fucked, that ring is gone. She's furiously yelling, but I cant stop smiling because I feel like I've just avoided a lifetime of misery and somehow everything happened like it did just to save me...but it gets better/worse.
We get back to town and when I slow down to turn down the road to my apartment, she screams "Take me home you fucker, take me home now!", so I head to her parents house about 4 miles away. As soon as I stop she says "bye motherfucker", jumps out, slams the shit out of the door, and runs inside. I guess she thought I'd just go home. I did not. I got out and walked up to the door. Her dad opened it before I could knock and steps out. He says "Rodnaxela, what happened, whats going on???" So I explain it to him, and include that she threw the ring out the window. He is instantly mad. I think he's mad at both of us, but he's not. He tells me to come in and I do. Mom is sitting there (she's wheelchair bound, has a British accent and is completely awesome), and she looks like she wants to cry....which makes me want to cry. My GF comes out of the kitchen, sees me, and starts swearing a blue streak as she grabs her purse and her dads car keys. She bolts out the door and takes off to god knows where. I stay there for about an hour explaining everything that went down.
They drop a bombshell. They tell me that she has been married 3 previous times, and ruined all of them with her anger and jealousy. They are sorry for not telling me, but they really liked me and wanted me in their family. They hoped that I would be the one to settle her down since it seemed like we never fought and I was really good at de-escalating. I tell them I understand, and apologize for the whole situation and leave.
It's on the way home that I remember the wedding certificate and have an "oh fuck" moment. I initially have no idea what to do, or how to get it from her without her knowing since we now hate each other. I go home and start putting all her shit into garbage bags. I haven't mentioned her son much because even though his mother and I lived together, he spend 99% of the time at her parents house. He had the spare room set up for when he stayed there, but he rarely did. I packed what little he had more carefully than I had hers, using an actual box.
While I was packing, she showed up with my brother. Turns out she was over there talking shit. She was high school friends with his wife, so it didn't strike me as odd when I thought about it. It also didn't strike me odd that my brother was acting like a dick because he likely believed her version of the story and his wife being friends with her drove it home. They loaded up her stuff, stole a moderate amount of my stuff (including some of the wedding gifts/checks I was going to return, didn't notice that for a week) and left. My dear bother forged my signature on the checks and cashed them the next day, which I didn't find out for awhile. She didn't have her purse with her, so there was no opportunity to retrieve the certificate.
After she left, I called her dad and asked if the purse in question was there. She had several. He looked and couldn't find it, he asked why but I didn't tell him. I asked him to call me when she got home, no matter how late it was. I had formulated a plan that I wasn't sure would work, but had to try.
He called around 11pm and said she had just come in, he was whispering so she didn't know he was calling me. Perfect. I drove over and knocked on the door. She answered. "what the fuck do you want?" she says. I earned the academy award by putting on a sad face and saying "baby, please, this has gone far enough. I love you. I'll do whatever you want, just don't leave me...please...lets go get something to eat and talk...I'll do anything you want" she looks at me for a minute, gets this cruel look and says give me a minute. I stand there trying to keep looking sad in case she peeks out the window, and after a couple minutes she steps back outside..With. The. Purse!!!
Without warning, as she steps down the stairs, I snatch the purse from her and run into the yard. I get the certificate out and start waving it around. She has no clue whats going on and just stands there. I yell "I got the wedding certificate bitch, they were closed, I never filed it you cunt!!!" as she starts to move towards me, I throw her purse at her and start ripping up the certificate. I throw half of the pieces in her face and jump in my truck and haul ass away. Best moment of my life.
So far it's just petty revenge bordering on pro. I was gotten as good as I gave, and maybe I got the worse end of it since she got the wedding money. This is where it goes into pro level, maybe even nuclear...possibly even supernova levels, even though I was only partially the reason her life ended up being ruined.
I get back home feeling very happy with myself, and start watching TV. I even still have about a week and a half left on my vacation. Fuck Yeah! Then my phone rings, it's my brother. He starts yelling at me that I'm an asshole and that I'll pay for doing what I did and he'll make sure of it. I hang up on him, and turn off my ringer. I start thinking about what he said and realize that he may have planted something while he was here. I know he's into pills and smokes dope, so I wouldn't put it past him. I immediately start searching my house. I empty every closet, every cupboard, strip the beds, vacuum and basically spend the next 2 days cleaning that place better than it's ever been cleaned. I keep running across these tiny ziploc baggies in weird places. Under the bathroom sink, under the couch, behind books on a shelf....and I have no idea why. The bags are big enough to put a bottlecap in at most and look dusty inside. Then it hits me when I find some 2 inch (5cm) straws under the bed. Cocaine. Shit.
I go BACK through the whole place and find a couple more baggies and a few more straws. At this point I have no idea my brother is into coke, and the amount of baggies with the apparent age of some of them makes me think they're all my exes. I'm pissed, so I call her dad. I tell him what I've been finding and he gets quiet. He says "Rodnaxela, I'm so sorry, I thought she was done with that, I should have warned you...I'm so sorry" I'm floored as he explains that she's had coke issues off and on for years. She had said she quit when her parents threatened to fight for custody of her kid and throw her out if she didn't. This was a few months before we started dating. I inform him that I can get some drug tests from work fairly easily if he wants, he says he may want them and that he'll call me back.
The next day I get a call from her dad. He had just confronted her and told her that if she refused to pee in a cup, with her mother watching, whenever they wanted her to she would be thrown out on the street. She refused and they told her she had 5 days to either get out or reconsider. I told him to let me know if she reconsidered, and I'd get him the tests. He never called me back, and we never spoke again. Due to some things my brother stirred up at work, I wasnt speaking to him anymore either, so I didnt find out what all happened for a while.
About 6 months later I found out through a mutual friend that they had thrown her out, and when she didn't contact them or her son for about 2 months they filed for custody based on abandonment (not sure all of the specifics). Last I heard, they had raised him to be a good man and his mother was last seen living under a highway overpass, but that was several years ago. She's either dead now or maybe under another overpass in another city...at least that's how I prefer to picture her.
There is a whole 'rest of the story' that involves my brother trying to ruin my life because of this situation. Turns out he and my ex were doing coke together, but all the connections were hers...when I ended things, she cut him out. He went to work the week before I came back and spread some pretty fucked up lies about me and how the breakup happened. I was new to the institution at the time and was scheduled to start a new shift on my return, so it was perfect timing on his part....but that's a whole different story that I might write at some point, since I got revenge on several people over the course of things.
If enough people say this rises to the level of nuclear or supernova, I'll crosspost.
TL;DR I marry some bitch, she thinks that means she can turn me into her slave, turns out we weren't really married and she ends up losing her kid and living under a bridge like a cunty troll.
(source) story by (/u/Rodnaxela)
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sweepseven · 6 years
Cirque du Soleil: Volta review
So the most Cirque-heavy month of my life draws to a close! Let me tell ya, it was all a lot to take in in a relatively short span of time. If nothing else it was a testament to my endurance, and I am at once proud and slightly ashamed at my own self-indulgence. 
I’ve been grappling with Volta since the lights came up hours ago. I can’t think of a single act that I didn’t enjoy, every song was a heart-pounding powerhouse, the crowd was excellent, and the artists were fully committed to their craft in an intense, visceral way that speaks directly to the tragedy they continue to fight through with every performance. But Volta’s got plot problems. No way around it. There’s a lot of room for further development in that regard. I do feel like the skeleton is finally where it needs to be, and hopefully now it’s just a matter of shaving down the jagged edges and polishing up the areas that aren’t yet up to their full luster. I love a good plot-driven CdS show (Ka, Amaluna, Kooza to an extent) so I want to believe they can get there. I just wonder about how many more tweaks they’ll invest in.
The short version of this review is that yeah, I think you should see Volta. The acts are incredibly high energy and the variety is so refreshing compared to what we in the more critical crowd relish complaining about. The music is absolutely fantastic. There’s a ton going on with technology that we’ve never seen in a touring show before that I think is super cool. But for details on why all of this didn’t add up to an unforgettable performance to me, see below.
Story: Volta has seen like three different iterations of its story so far, and the basic gist of the current one is this: The Mr. Wow Talent Show is the world’s ticket to fame, fortune, and adoration. Waz, one of the contestants, wins but is humiliated when his blue, feathery hair is revealed onstage, the source of childhood ridicule that his plagued him ever since. He withdraws to his house, where he remembers his mother’s affection and encouragement, and later he’s pulled back out into the world by Ela and the Free Spirits, who capture his attention with their fiery energy and encouragement. We learn later that the Free Spirits and even Mr. Wow were also all Greys once. So the message is embrace your defining qualities and so find freedom, right? 
I dunno, because we never really get there. Waz spends tons of time with the Free Spirits befriending them, being encouraged by them, but never becoming  one of them. His costume changes over the course of the show but he never emerges in full Free Spirit color. He remains stuck in between. 
So I’d say the biggest problem with Volta is that it sets up a closed, tangible world and then bails on it. We know there’s a class system, there’s a game show, there’s technology, there are streetlights, we even see Waz’s house. This is an incredible amount of world building! But in the second half of the show, all of it is abandoned in favor of the acts. This jarring transition undercuts Waz’s journey and therefore the entire point of the show. I can only think Volta deliberately abandons the world building elements to better embrace the theme of freedom, but it just doesn’t work. 
It’s an easy fix, which makes it even more frustrating: we know Waz is talented on a bike (from his memories with his mother) and is at least symbolically a talented aerialist (like we saw in acro lamp). So why doesn’t someone with blue hair show up in the BMX finale? Or why doesn’t the aerialist who flies up on the single ring right before the finale have it? Any indication that Waz had moved forward would have alleviated this to some extent, and Volta just passes on the opportunity. It’s a shame.
Technology: Rad, but needs a little tweaking for it to shine properly. I’ve heard people complain about the screens and call them distracting, but I think people into electronic music will find them familiar. They’re meant to enhance, not attract attention, and I found them successful in that way. The only time I didn’t care for them was that one tight zoom of Darius: it would be one thing to focus on him while he’s speaking Cirquish lyrics, but to do it when he’s speaking English is just bizarre. The lyrics don’t make much sense and to call them out visually this way wasn’t great. At least we got treated to a detailed look at his eyes and makeup.
And the multi-level stage is only utilized once briefly during acro lamp, which is a huge miss! I’m hopeful that they’ll be able to lean on this really cool capability more in the future. It’s a huge distinction over other CdS touring stages. 
Characters: Shout out to @whatsupwithmymind because she’s totally right, Waz is lovely. He was adorably sincere and if you look past the cheese behind his self-consciousness, you don’t really care and just want him to be happy. Ela is feisty and perfect. The Free Spirits are all rays of pure, blinding sunlight and infectiously enthusiastic.
Is it bad that I identified with the Greys? Like at least they’re going to work unlike those hippie Free Spirits. You know they’ve all got 401ks! Let them take selfies! Let them check their work email! What’s wrong with that?? When a Free Spirit throws himself off a roof to see if he’ll bounce, it’ll be the Greys’ tax dollars that pay the hospital bill. WAKE UP, Volta. #teamgrey
Music: Awesome. I think the studio soundtrack is pretty good, but hearing this music live is no joke. I feel like it was louder than average in the big top, too! Did anyone else feel that way? I wasn’t complaining, it was amazing. 
Darius is a total force of nature. His role in the show is a little hazy - is he a narrator? host? hype man? - but his voice is incredible. I saw Camille as a spirit of nostalgia and she plays her part with that kind of effortless, ethereal quality. Her voice and violin were equally haunting, and one of my favorite parts was her improvisation before flatland/ballet. 
Clown moments: Hnnnnnng. The first one was really good, though perhaps not totally intentionally. He tried to toss the laundry basket into the washing machine but missed, and the second machine had already belched out the second basket. There was a hilarious moment of honesty when he coughed, kicked the first basket out of sight, and then massively played up his shock at seeing the second. It was cute and different even though it didn’t really fit with the rest of the show.
The second act was just bizarre and out of place. Like I get that he’s a Grey and he’s really Mr. Wow (the black and gold laundry he’s doing in the first clown act was foreshadowing for this moment), but is this really mean to be his origin story? He ate some weird leaf out in the jungle and boom, that’s how Mr. Wow is born? I dunno. I’m not into it. I’m kinda grimacing just thinking back about it. 
Opening/Mr. Wow Talent Show/rope skipping: Thank god we had an enthusiastic audience because this could have been painful otherwise. There’s no preshow animation, so you’re just unceremoniously dropped into the middle of the talent show with no preparation or preamble. It’s a rough transition from real life to Volta, and I guess it happens fast enough that you can’t linger on the discomfort for too long. 
The English announcements bother some people, but I was fine with them. The entire concept of “Mr. Wow’s Talent Show” from name to content is just bizarre to me, I can’t really get past it. It’s just so cheesy. Luckily Mr. Wow himself is charismatic, an excellent physical actor, and the costume is rad so there’s a lot to distract yourself from how cringey the whole affair is.
And speaking of cringe, Otaku Double Dutchers..... god help me. My friend burst out laughing when he heard the name, truly. It wouldn’t be such a nightmare except the name appears on screen in giant gold letters, impossible to miss. Just why? I don’t get it. 
But the act itself is high energy, a perfect opener, and the costumes are incredible. The LED ropes were a big hit with the crowd. The other contestants (diabolo and cyr wheel) were short, sweet, and intense. I thought Waz’s performance paled in comparison to the other two tbh, but he’s our hero, it’s not that big a deal, I can live with him being the chosen winner for the sake of plot. I’ll cling to it while we have it. 😓
Unicycle/hand to hand: Fun! Waz’s meeting with Ela was fleeting and magical, like what it might be like to meet a pixie. Right off the bat the Free Spirits are welcoming, energetic, and total show offs in the most playful way. This act is a lovely introduction to them. The success of the actual acrobatics comes from the moments of characterization rather than the tricks themselves in my opinion. It was great unicycle of course, but the chemistry between artists makes it excellent. 
Acro lamp: Beautiful, though I do find this apparatus a bit awkward. I was looking forward to this one but am finding myself with not too much to say. I suppose it didn’t tell me as much about Waz’s character as I expected it would.
Flatland/ballet duo: Now this one says a lot about Waz. I absolutely adored this act. The two artists have so much chemistry, the music is absolutely splendid, and I never would have expected a bike and ballet to go together so beautifully. Huge shout out to the artists in this act: they were so expressive and emotional. It was pure, simplistic beauty.
Trampoline wall: So fun! The audience went nuts for this one, and how could you not. Every single person in the tent had an amazing time with this act. Great care was taken to ensure everyone got a good view of the action no matter where you’re sitting, which is always a nice touch to see. 
Swiss rings/bungee: I swear the temperature changed when this act began. The artists’ emotions were that palpable. It would be one thing to rely on this act’s inherent intensity, power, and thrill to comment on this act, but all of it was eclipsed by the raw feeling the artists projected. One of them even emphasized every landing with a frankly animalistic yell, an obvious release of tension and emotion at the thought of performing without the teammate they lost. Every second, every movement, every breath by musician and acrobat alike was done for Yann. I could feel it. This was my favorite act of the night.
Acrobatic ladders: Fine. Not a standout for me, but still cool. I was more into the characterization of this act than the tricks themselves: whenever the Greys flipped upside down, you could see the Free Spirits’ patterns on the underside of their clothing.
Shape diving: And boom, instincts confirmed! The Greys shed their layers and reveal themselves to be Free Spirits beneath. This act was super fun and high energy, and though we had a couple of misses, everyone made their tricks in the end. They really knew how to hype up the audience, too. I’ve found that hoop diving tends to include more mistakes than most, so overall this was definitely a tight, clean act despite what some less experienced viewers might think.
Hair suspension: I want to love this act 100%, but I can only give it 90% because I have no idea what its place in the show is. This artist doesn’t match any of the groups we’ve seen before, as far as I could tell she doesn’t appear at any other part of the show, so I do have some reservations about how this really fits in since every single other act is tied to the central imagery or themes in some capacity. But this shit is so wild that I can barely care. Elevation is incredible live, I almost never want to hear the studio version again, and just when you’re thinking “this is cool but she’s not going too high,” boom, up she flies, spinning far too fast to count. It was a close second favorite to rings.
Batons: Great! I was happy she got good applause after some of the acts we’d seen so far since batons can seem a little pedestrian by comparison. People don’t tend to appreciate just how hard this stuff is because the point is specifically to make it look easy. The four LED batons were rad in particular.  
Contemporary dance: Excellent. This act was an amazing example of how effective the tech in the lighting and stage could be. It added a lot of punch to an act that people might otherwise have side-eyed as potentially boring.
BMX/finale: I did not expect this act to be this big. Holy shit. I guess I don’t know anything about BMX or else I would have suspected. This act goes all out. We did have one artist fall and actually bike offstage and not return. I hope he’s okay. 
Like I said before, I would have liked the guy on the single ring at the beginning of this act to have Waz’s hair or for one of the BMXers to “be” him, but that’s not the case. The show ends immediately at the close of this act and it’s all very abrupt. It would have been nice to have one more moment between Waz and Ela: we already saw her give him a scarf and pluck a feather from his head so we know they’re close by this point, but I was really hoping for a true transformation for Waz. Oh well. 
Overall: The more I think about Volta the more I like it, but the more I’m also disappointed in the plot. You can’t deliver a concise plot in the beginning and fail to follow through on it by the end. Don’t do me like this, Volta! 
I don’t think I’ll see this one again. Once was enough for now. I’m definitely invested in its further development though and feel it’s headed in the right direction. My fingers are crossed for this cast, and my heart goes out to them as they continue healing. 
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