#I had thought you were maybe a year older
barbiiecams · 2 days
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drew starkey x younger!reader (like 19/20 sorry not sorry 😭), reader calls drew “papa” *not in a weird way*, smut, in love w the age gap concept cus of @native2princess ! <3
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you watched yet another video on the internet of drew down at disney world without you, but with his friend group that all had a few years on you.
he would send pictures of everything that was cute or that reminded him of you, and you really did appreciate it. but it still didn’t swallow the lingering feeling in your gut.
you weren’t even invited. it was obvious why since you couldn’t even buy a drink legally, let alone not even close with half of them, but for some reason it still hurt and had you questioning things even further about everything.
you swore that you guys were drifting apart.
not only did that make you sad, but it also left you scared and questioning everything.
the only thing that made you wonder why you two were drifting like you thought you were was because of the age gap.
was he getting tired of you? was the age gap starting to become a burden? were you just too immature?
and let’s not even get started on how drew acted around his female friends — that were once again a lot older.
all you could do was just cry. it was a dumb reason to cry about, but you don’t wanna lose drew yet you really think you are. he was your first and you hoped he’d be your last, but who knows where you two may end up?
seeing how he acted with his friends currently was already ruining you. now you found yourself down a rabbit hole of searching through old videos of him before you were even dating.
it was crazy, of course you were aware of that. but it did nothing but further increase your worries seeing how he would act around these girls. all older than you and all more outgoing.
so now here you were, stalking your own boyfriend while you sat in your bed, silent tears streaming down your face.
currently, drew was now in paris for the fashion show. he wanted you to come, but it would be too difficult for you. plus school had just ended and both of you knew that you were planning to spend more time with your family this summer.
regardless of that, this feeling was awful. you’ve had old puppy-love heart breaks during highschool with guys you dated just to say you were in a relationship, but this is real. a real committed relationship you’re in with a guy a little over 10 years older than you.
he’s so mature. so are you, but not entirely. you still had a lot more to experience and learn, and he was always so patient.
but maybe now that patience was wearing thin.
you sniffle one more time before closing out all your apps and throwing your phone on the nightstand next to you. wanting to sleep it off and praying you’d wake up feeling better, your insides just were not letting that happen. not to mention you couldn’t fall asleep without at least getting a goodnight text from him.
laying down was no use. as soon as you tried to lay your head down on the pillow and just relax, the overthinking just continued to grow. there was no escape from these thoughts and it was just eating you straight alive.
you huff while turning over, switching sides and seeing if that would help. spoiler: it didn’t.
all you could do now is groan while sitting up. a certain thought ran through your mind that you really didn’t want to go through with, but did you have a choice? you already felt as if the end of things are near, so why let him break your heart (even though you’d be expecting it) when you can just do it the hard part first?
with a sigh, you reached over to grab your phone and open drew’s contact. everything was making you sick. you just stared at the screen, skimming over the conversation you had earlier.
it was the usual. ‘hows your day’, ‘i miss you’, ‘this reminded me of us’, all the cute stuff.
but it just didn’t hit the same. that feeling of him leaving you because of your age wasn’t going anywhere, and it was making you feel insecure on extreme ends
your fingers started typing. there were no real thoughts, just your pure raw emotions. you hit backspace a couple of times, you sat there and thought about the next few words you were going to say, but eventually you got it all put together it pained you type, but it pained you even more contemplating on whether or not you should send it.
‘hey drew. i’ve been missing you a lot recently and i know it’s weird and you’re going to question why i sent this after you read it, but im sorry. i really do feel like you’re leaving me soon and it’s taking a toll on me badly. i don’t want this to end but i can tell that it is and i just know + feel like we’re drifting apart. i feel like it’s because of my age so i really do understand and respect that. we can talk more once you get back because i hate to do this over text but i can’t just bottle my feelings anymore. goodnight 🩷’
a few more seconds of contemplation, you hit send and stared at the screen. you didn’t know how he would respond so you should’ve been shutting off your phone and running away.
but you didn’t. you stared at the screen and waited until he read it.
thankfully, it didn’t take him any longer than three minutes to open your message, and soon after, the dots were bubbling.
drew himself was lost. confused wasn’t even the word for the long paragraph you just sent him. he even started triple texting you.
‘what are you talking about baby?’
‘i’m so lost’
you sighed reading his texts. he didn’t get it, realistically you shouldn’t have expected him to. it was out of the blue, and little to your knowledge, he didn’t think for a second anything was wrong between you too.
when you didn’t answer him as soon as you read it, he went back to typing.
‘answer me’
‘i’m really confused and worried. it’d be nice if you stopped leaving me on read’
‘call me now’
you didn’t even have a chance to start typing because you had an incoming call with drew’s name on it. you didn’t wanna pick up, but you knew you had to because if the roles were reversed, oh you’d definitely be throwing a fit.
swallowing quickly, you hit the green answer button to drew’s facetime call but moved your face out of the camera.
he’s walking, most likely back to his hotel with furrowed eyebrows and an expression that you think showed… annoyance?
drew’s the first one to speak up, “y/n, what the hell are you talking about?” he says sounding very confused and very upset as well.
“i feel like we’re drifting apart apart i don’t know.” you replied. your voice isn’t even a third as stern as his. it’s not stern at all nor convincing.
“where is that coming from? what are you talking about it’s our ages?” he questions you again.
you really hoped a fan wouldn’t come up to him. not because it would interrupt the call, but because they would be walking up on him pissed off and getting a taste of his very apparent bad mood.
you sighed, “it’s just how i feel. maybe i’m not mature enough for this.”
his face scrunches with confusion even further. he then looks down to his screen to see the ceiling you were showing.
“why do you all of a sudden feel this way? you are mature. if you weren’t, this relationship wouldn’t be a thing in the first place.”
this was something else you wanted to avoid; him being mad at you. you hated making him upset and now that you were already upset, and he was just getting annoyed with you, it wasn’t helping and it made you feel worse.
“show me your face baby. you know i don’t like talking to walls.” he says once you don’t respond to his actual voice this time.
reluctantly, you put your face in the screen. sitting up and cuddling onto your bed sheets.
“y/n, nothing is wrong. we aren’t drifting apart at all so i don’t know why you feel otherwise. we’re okay and you know this, baby. stop overthinking.” he reassures you.
before you could finally respond with anything else, you heard a few girls calling his name from the other side of his phone. good luck to them!
“i’ll call you back. we’re not done talking.” he says, then swiftly hangs up.
you wanted to puke. you hated being in any type of conflict with people, let alone being in one with drew.
a headache was starting to form, and it forced you to lay back down and sleep. you kept your phone right next to you on your bed, just in case drew woke you up by ringing your phone again.
you weren’t sure when the previous night you fell asleep, but you didn’t wake up until 12 the next day. and that was due to your doorbell ringing multiple times at once.
you whined at the fact you had to leave your warm bed, but you slowly made your way down your apartment’s stairs, rubbing your eyes and forcing yourself to wake up.
opening the door ready to curse out whoever had the nerve to wake you up at this hour, it was drew standing at the door with flowers in one hand and his stuff in the other.
now this is what really woke you up.
“how are you here…?” you questioned.
he exhales, “soon as we hung up yesterday i checked out and booked a flight here. we really need to talk in person.
you step to the side to let him in, then he shuts the door behind him and hands you the flowers.
both of you take a seat at the table. “i need you to fully explain what you’re feeling. that paragraph honestly made no sense and as soon as i read the whole thing i knew i had to get down here.” he says.
you press your lips together before speaking. “i’m sorry.”
he makes a face of puzzlement and also motions for you to keep going.
“maybe im not mature enough for this, drew. i don’t know.”
“what makes you think that? what happened or what did i do that has you questioning everything?” he asks, reaching out for your hand.
you sniffle before continuing, “i just feel like im holding you back. you’re buying drinks, going to clubs and hanging out with your friends who are all around your age and im still in school. it’s not working-”
he cuts you off before you can finish that. “those aren’t reasons, baby. it is working. do you feel left out or something?”
“no it’s just,”
there’s a pause before he says something again, “just what? i don’t understand what’s got you so in your head.
“i don’t know how to explain it. i just think you’re drifting from me because of where we’re at in life and i hate it.” the words finally form, and you can feel a little bit of weight being lifted off your chest now that you’ve got it out.
his expression now shows a face of understanding, then he’s standing up and swiftly making his way over to you, lifting you up before securing your legs around him.
you let out a squeal at the action. when he was balanced, he made his way upstairs to your room with you in his arms.
stepping into your decorated room, he throws you down on the bed then hovers over you. “i’m gonna prove to you that you deserve this relationship.”
his lips make their way to your jaw, leaving little lovebites on them, then down to your neck and chest.
your hands fly to his buzzed head. you let out soft sighs at his lips being on your body, a feeling you loved the most.
his hands travel to your pajama shorts then dipped into the waistband of your panties. as hes taking them both off at the same time, he distracts you by now placing his lips on yours, slowly making out with you.
now your hands are taking action, working to get is shirt off to see his toned body once again. when it’s off, one hand is still on his head while the other goes down to his abs, feeling on him.
now he’s starting to get quick, fumbling with his belt and pants, ready to do you into the mattress.
sooner than later, both of your clothes are off and in random sports throughout the room.
his middle and ring finger are inside you, stretching your out as you moan and grind into his hand.
drew’s cock is laying there on your stomach, practically reaching your ribs. this was just another reminder of how deep he really goes when fucking you.
you could barely keep your eyes on him while his fingers worked you. “that feel good?”
you moan out a “yea.” you definitely couldn’t let him go. the way he could make you fall apart with just his fingers is crazy as it is.
“i bet, baby. already so wet. you know what you want huh?” he coos.
this makes you nod. “want your cock, please.” you reach your hand down to where it rested on you, but he moves your hand away.
“i know you do. but i need this pussy stretched and ready for me.” he responds
“i can take it! promise! just give it to me,” you whine.
drew gives in at your begging. he removes his fingers from inside you before sticking them in your mouth.
he grabs his cock before lining it up with your entrance. he slowly pushes in, making you whimper around his fingers. it hurt a little bit, but the pleasure overrode the pain.
“shhh,” he hushes you, putting his cock in all the way and forcing you to take all that he gave you.
you continued to let out sounds because of the pleasure he was giving you. drew was letting out groans of content himself.
“feels so good, baby. so fucking good.” he throws his head back.
his words did nothing but turn you on more. your eyes squeeze shut before you guide his hand out of your mouth and onto your throat, signaling what you want from him.
he smirks before moving his other hand to your throat, choking you slightly but enough that you can still breathe.
“yea you like when i go hard on you, right baby? this pussy just loves when i go rough on her, doesn’t she?” he teases.
“mhm!” you squeak, loving the feeling of just taking all of him so deep and so rough.
he makes your legs cross completely around him before leaning down into your neck.
this was your favorite position. you being on your back, him groaning in your hear and putting hickeys on your neck, it was so much at once and you loved it real bad.
his lips are right next to your ear. “i’m not going anywhere, yeah?”
he lets out another sound before continuing, “you’re not leaving me either. neither of us are going anywhere.
your breath catches in your throat when he says this. maybe this was all you needed. some reassurance, and a good pounding to go with it.
he sits up before pulling out to turn you around. now that you’re flat on your stomach, he slides right back in with a hand on your lower back right before your butt and the other pushing your head down into the pillows.
you screamed out when he started thrusting all over again. it hurt so good, you just wanted to do this forever him.
you tried to move away slightly because he was just going ham on your poor hole. but all it took was you reaching one hand up, gripping the sheets and trying to pull away before he yanked your head back by your hair. he then brought your back up to his chest and held you by your throat.
“stop running, baby.” he growls into your ear.
“it’s so deep tho, papa.” your eyes squeeze shut as your mouth hangs open.
he kisses right below your ear, “you’re fine.”
that bubbly feeling started to form again. you were about to cum, and somehow drew could always tell too.
“know you’re gonna cum, mama. hold that shit.” he tells you as he pushes you back into the sheets.
right now that request just didn’t seem possible. “i can’t!”
he gives your right cheek a firm slap. “you can and you will. don’t make me say it again.”
you guys stay in this position for a while. him just hitting it from the back deep and all you needed to do was lay there and take it like a good girl.
his good girl.
suddenly, he flips you back over, then lays down himself setting you on top. now he’s got his feet planted on the bed, thrusting up into you.
at this angle, you guys can see the belly bulge happening from how deep his cock was. just proving how big he really is again.
“see that baby? that’s me. all up in those guts.” he says to you.
you throw your head back, but he cups the back of your head to bring you down into him, chest to chest.
“y’the only one who gets fucked like this. y’know that? only one who deserves it too,” his arms wrap around your waist now. “only fucking one.”
his lips are practically on your ear as he says this. you’re only able to nod, but he wants to hear your voice.
“tell me you understand that baby, say it.” his thrusts slow down, but there still deep, and he’s angling it to make sure he’s hitting that good spot.
another slap hits on to your cheek. “say it, princess.”
“yes! i understand!” you finally moan out.
“yes who, baby?”
“yes papa!” your voice is weak now.
he smirks at your submission and continues to fuck you hard. more than just a few thrusts later, he’s letting out a lot more groans than what he already was.
“shit baby… y’gonna make me cum soon. you gonna let me put it in you, hm?”
his hips are starting to stutter. “know you’re ready to cum too. been holding it in like papa told you too, good girl. fuckk.”
his arms are really really squeezing around your waist, keeping you still so you can’t try and move from his brutal thrusts.
“cum with me baby girl. got a big load for you.” he moans.
“don’t knock me up.” as good as the moment felt right now, you were dead serious about that.
he chuckles, “i won’t baby. know you wanna feel that cum all in your stomach tho.”
you moan one last time before finally cumming around him. you couldn’t hold it back anymore, no matter how much he told you to wait for him.
but your own orgasm sent his off. he felt you come undone around him, and two seconds later you felt his hot sperm fill you up.
drew’s arms moved from around your waist to seriously gripping your hips down, not letting you waist a drop of what he had to give you.
moans and deep breaths were coming from the both of you. that was the most intense sex you guys had for a while, not to mention the first time he’s actually came inside you.
when he finally came down from his high, he slowly pulled out of you and just let you rest on his chest.
“thank you,” you quietly speak up.
he doesn’t respond, but he smiles and kisses your forehead.
minutes after just sitting in silence, he sits up against your headboard and takes your face into your hands.
“baby, when i say youre what i want i mean it. if you weren’t mature enough for me, i wouldn’t still be here.” he says. you don’t actually answer, you want him to keep going.
“i love you so much, sweetheart. nothing about that is going to change and nothing can make it change. i don’t know what you saw or if i did something, but im sorry. okay?”
you nod with a smile. “okay.”
he smiles back at you then pressed his lips against yours, giving you a nice firm kiss. which slowly turned into a makeout.
you guys pull away just to catch your breath, “we gotta get you packed up, sweetheart.”
“for what?” you ask.
“i’m taking you back to paris with me.”
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pochaccoups · 1 day
cheol has been so hot recently i need his kids
cw — nsfw, talk of kids & pregnancy, breeding, reader referred to as ‘girl’
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“Four, Seungcheol?”
“Huh?” your fiancé perks up from his phone at the sound of your voice.
“Four kids? Three boys and one girl?”
He raises one of his thick brows at you and a smirk appears on his lips. “Is that what you want?”
“No, apparently that’s what eighteen year-old Seungcheol wanted,” you say, waving your phone screen at his face. “Seungkwan sent me a video of you asking Dino how many kids he wants when he’s older. First of all, he looks like a newborn, so I don’t know why you would ask him that. Second of all, four?!”
He stretches his palm out towards you, a curious frown wracking his features as you hand your phone to him so he can watch said video.
He watches it through, and it appears you’re right—it’s his younger self telling his members that he wants three sons and a youngest daughter.
It’s not like you haven’t talked kids with him before. In fact, it’s come up a few times before, and he’s always been considerate of you only. It’s however many you want, and if you don’t want any, that’s fine too. That’s why it’s a little comical seeing a younger Seungcheol fantasise about having so many kids when you’re almost certain he had never even been in the same room with a girl yet.
For a moment he worries that you’re genuinely mad at him over this, until you throw yourself onto the couch next to him with the cutest fake pouty frown on your face.
“Your poor future wife’s womb,” you say, shaking your head at him like you’re disappointed. “You’re so inconsiderate of her.”
“We’re talking in third person now?” he laughs, reaching over to massage your thighs.
“Well, no, because I won’t be carrying four of your gremlins.”
He gives a half-scoff, half-laugh. “I’m not asking you to, honey,” he says, growing serious for a moment. The next moment he’s grinning again, eyes twinkling with mischief. “But I remember what one of your friends told me you said to her when me and you met for the first time.”
Sweat starts pouring down your face immediately.
“You said I was so hot that you’d give me a football team of kids if I wanted.”
“I was drunk!”
“You were tipsy at most,” he corrects.
“Whatever,” you say with a roll of your eyes and the heat of the sun in your cheeks. “I didn’t lie.”
“Oh, yeah? I thought you refuse to ‘carry my gremlins’ though. Now you want a whole football team?”
“Seungcheol!” you exclaim, smacking at his arm for his audacity. “Why don’t we worry about just one for now?”
“Wait… really?” Seungcheol asks, his eyes shining. “I thought you wanted to wait until after the wedding.”
“It’s in two months, so it’s not like I’ll be showing. Also, it can take a couple of weeks of trying to even get pregnant in the first place.”
Okay, maybe there are a few more logistical issues with being pregnant on your wedding day, but truth be told, right now, all Seungcheol can think about is fucking you into another dimension.
“Honey, I promise that I will put a baby in you by morning.”
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He wasn’t lying.
The clock nears three a.m. and Seungcheol still pounds away at you like a feral dog. Every inch of your skin is sticky with either spit, sweat, or cum. Your muscles burn from exertion, not yet aching but by the time day comes they will be.
It started off soft—kisses that were bursting with love and excitement because you wanted to have a baby. A family. Seungcheol’s touches dripped with appreciation for you, and you couldn’t help but wonder if he’d be like this but a thousand times more when you’re actually pregnant.
Then he’d fucked you full the first time, and in the blink of an eye, the tenderness in his eyes was gone. He’d filled you up, yet suddenly, it wasn’t enough. It didn’t help that you begged so sweetly for his cum, with your pretty eyes gazing up at him, glimmering.
He’s never been immune to your eyes.
From then on his grasp had turned bruising. Now he’s got you pressed into the mattress, pouring every ounce of his weight into fucking you.
“Feels so fucking good, Cheol,” you whimper, throat dry and raspy from all the moaning you’ve been doing. Your fingers are weak as they curl into the sheets below, but you need something to cling to or else you might pass out.
“Yeah, look at you still taking it. My fucking girl,” he grunts, digging his fingers into your hips as he arches your back further down, burying his cock impossibly deeper inside you until you swear he’s in your womb. His cum from previous rounds slips out of your hole with every time he punches into you, but Seungcheol makes no effort to push it back inside—it means he’d have to pull out, and, right now, he’d probably rather die than leave the warmth of your walls that clench down on him so tight that they keep him nestled inside.
“Made for me, you know that? You and this pussy were made for me,” he rambles, leaning down until his hard, sweat-slicked chest is pressed to your back. His hot, jagged breaths nip at your ear. “Made to take my cum, to carry my kids.”
“All yours, Cheol,” you manage in a whisper. His rough hands leave your hips, only to cover your own hands as they claw at the sheets, and lace your fingers together. A reminder that he’s still your Seungcheol, your future husband, who loves and cares for you more than anything and would never do anything to hurt you. It makes your heart and your pussy clench.
“Gonna cum again, baby? Can you take one more?” he asks, with a punched out chuckle.
“Fuck- yes, I can take it,” you mewl, voice cracking, mustering up any last remaining strength in you to push back against his hips, shamelessly desperate for cock. “Wanna cum again. Want your cum too.”
It takes everything in Seungcheol not to lose his mind. He wonders how he got so lucky with you, because he’s convinced the gods made you for him and put you in this world. The fact that he also managed to find you is a miracle.
He peels himself off of you, straightens back up, and fucks into you with such vigour that you start to see stars. Or maybe it’s your orgasm, because it’s almost immediate the way your abdomen erupts with a soft glow of pleasure—he’s wrung all the energy out of you so that it’s no longer crashing waves but a gentle pulse. Still, it leaves you breathless and teary-eyed, your pussy clamping down on Seungcheol’s cock, desperate for his seed.
“There it is, good girl,” he coos, watching tenderly as you gasp and shudder from the pleasure subsiding. “I’m right there too, baby, gonna stuff you full again, just how you like it, hm?”
Gentle fingers push strands of hair out of your face, his thumb wiping away the stray tears that roll down your cheek.
“Please, want your baby in me, Cheollie,” you sob.
“I’ll give you a baby. I promised, didn’t I?”
Inside your walls, his cock throbs and pulses with his promise, begging to coat your womb.
“Yes, yes, please! Want it so bad.”
You’re not sure how Seungcheol even has anything left in him, but a moment later and he’s spilling his seed inside you in spurts again, filling you up for the nth time tonight. You smile at the warmth, at the feeling of fullness that nobody but him could give you.
“Baby? Are you okay? Is it too much?” he asks, pulling out of you all too quickly after he’d come back down from his high. Your ‘perfect, doting fiancé’ Seungcheol replaces the ‘rabid animal’ Seungcheol in an instant when his head clears and he takes in the sight of you, covered in fluids and bruises and marks from his mouth and his hands.
“‘m good, just… so tired,” you say, falling to your side with a yawn, grimacing at the feeling of dried cum and spit on your skin as you move.
“Fuck, I shouldn’t have kept going, I’m sorry for pushing you that hard,” he says, voice heavy. He lays next to you, stroking your cheek, his eyes glazed over with guilt.
“I would have asked to stop, I promise. You know I can take it,” you tell him, smiling assuredly at him.
“I definitely know that now.” He laughs, albeit nervously.
“Besides, you promised you’d put a baby in me by morning and there’s no way I’m not pregnant after that.”
He watches you pat your tummy and the guilt in his features vanishes then, and in its place comes smug, utterly shameless pride. He has a feeling, just an inkling, that none of this went to waste, that it stuck, that you’re right.
As a sweet slumber takes over you, the last thing you hear is your fiancé’s hushed words of “I love you,” and the feel of his lips against your forehead.
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unearthly-doting · 2 days
yandere farmer
a/n: smth smth i Really like people w southern accents smth smth so here's a farmer. im not 100% satisfied w this one but it's been in my drafts for so long so here it is.
warnings: mdni, not proofread, yandere content, gn reader, male yandere, idk how cars work so, overprotective behavior, obsessive behavior, reader has hair in this sorry if u dont, murder, brief mention of vomit, non-con kissing, mild depictions of gore, choking, i think that's it??
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— maybe it's a bit cliché but life in the big city was exhausting, and all you wanted to do was get away from it all. it was a bit sudden, deciding you wanted to uproot your entire life and start somewhere new, but you knew that this is exactly what you needed.
— and it's not as if you weren't going into this blind. a friend of yours had a family vacation home in a small farm town that hadn't been used in years, and they were willing to let you stay there until you could find a place of your own.
— you had everything planned out. you had enough money on you for gas and food for the drive there, and you had already had some of your stuff shipped off to your new temporary home, so you didn't have to worry about leaving anything behind. you even kept a little extra money on you in case you needed to crash at a motel.
— the drive had started off fine. traffic wasn't too bad as you left the city, and there were no major setbacks until you were almost at your destination. when you were 20 miles out from the farmer town you'd be living in, your car just suddenly died on you. it still had gas in the tank, and there didn't seem to be anything wrong with the car itself, it just… died.
— what's worse is the fact that your phone had no service. you suppose that's not too shocking, considering how far out in the country you are, but it's a bit shocking, isn't it? you're not that educated on farming life or this small town, but surely they had modern technology, right?
— it's cliché, honestly. it felt like the start of some cheap slasher. or maybe a southern christmas romance movie. you're not quite sure which would be worse. the slasher, realistically. whatever, you're getting off track.
— the point is, your car is dead, your phone is useless, and it's starting to get dark. you could probably make it to that motel you saw a few miles back, but you didn't really feel comfortable leaving your car out here alone. not to mention you're not even sure if you have enough money on you to cover one night at a motel.
— the universe, in all her mercy, takes pity on you before you can get too upset over your plight, because not even 20 minutes after your car stops, a truck drives by. it's beat up, but it slows to a stop next to your car. the window rolls down, revealing the driver to be a man just a little older than you.
— he asked if you needed help, and offered to tow your car and drive you to town. you didn't have much choice but to agree, and the drive to town was… not as awkward as you thought it would be, actually.
— the man introduced himself as rigby shaw, a farmer that lives on the outskirts of town. you actually drove by his farm maybe 15 miles back, and he had been heading into town to pick up some medication for one of his dogs when he saw you pacing outside your car. in turn, you told him how you were moving into the small town because life in the city had been overwhelming.
— rigby didn't think you'd survive long outside of the city. city folk rarely ever strive in small, out of touch towns, away from modern technology. the small handful that made their way here always went back to the city not even three months into being here, so he didn't expect to see you last long either. you were nicer than most city folk, though.
— but you were determined to make a living out here, so when rigby dropped you off, you got to work immediately. you unpacked your stuff that had been there waiting for you, and in the morning, you got to work trying to fix your car. turns out, your fan belt had somehow come loose just enough that your car could no longer function. why? who knows, maybe the universe was in a silly mood.
— anyways, you settled into the small town life with relative ease, and rigby was very surprised when he returned to town a few weeks later, you were still there. the only thing you were struggling with was finding a job. maybe because he was fascinated by your determination, but rigby ended up offering you a job on his farm. he did need help taking care of the crops and feeding the animals there, but he mostly just wanted to learn more about you.
— you were a fast learner, and his dogs took to you fairly quickly. the cattle and horses were a little less trusting, though that was expected. he's sure they'll take to you soon enough, given how you respect their boundaries and go at their pace unlike his previous farmhands. you had no problem taking on any challenge rigby had set up for you, and maybe that's when he started finding himself thinking about you.
— if he's out in town while you're on the farm, he's worrying that you might get injured without him around. you can take care of yourself, but he can't help but worry. same for when you're in town while he's on the farm. you’re still an outsider there, and he knows that some of the townsfolk may try scaring you off. or maybe they'll try hurting you. or maybe you'll be completely fine and he's just overreacting.
— he starts hovering around you more often when you're on his farm, jumping in to help you whenever he thinks you might be struggling with something. you think he's just worried you might fuck his crops up or something, so you never really pay much mind to his behavior. it only struck you as odd when he insisted on helping you feed the dogs of all things. was he scared you would poison them? you wouldn't, obviously, so you don't know why he'd think that.
— his behavior only seems to escalate when you meet a guy in town one day and start going on casual dates with him. he was… shocked, when you asked to take the day off because of some guy. in the months that you've been living in town, you had never shown any interest in pursuing a romantic relationship with… anyone, truly. you had always seemed so dedicated to working on the farm and making a living for yourself, rigby had never even considered you could want anything other than that.
— at first, he felt disappointed. why would you prioritize dates with some guy when you could be working on the farm with him instead? it took him a bit to realize that disappointment he was feeling was jealousy. he hated when you'd step away from him to accept calls from your new boyfriend. he hated how you stopped eating lunch with him in favor of eating it with your boyfriend.
— your boyfriend wasn't even that great of a guy. rigby did some research on him–it's not stalking, he's just making sure it's safe for you to date this guy!–and he was not pleased with what he found. you could do so much better! you didn't understand why rigby was so interested in your boyfriend, always asking questions about how he treats you, if he's really what you're looking for in a relationship, if you actually loved him…
— you couldn't help but notice how touchy rigby has become as well, his hands always lingering on you far too long when he helps you with your work. you swear that you've heard him smell your hair a few times when he's close as well. he's been acting weird ever since you officially started dating your boyfriend. he's even going as far as to pile more work on top of you, leaving little free time for you to spend with your lover.
— it's gotten unbearable to the point where you decided you ultimately needed to find a new place to work. you liked rigby, he was a great guy with a kind heart, but his behavior was bordering on obsession and you didn't want to enable this behavior by ignoring it. your boyfriend agreed, and with his help, you were able to find a job at the local market in town.
— rigby was not pleased when he heard you on the phone with your lover, talking about how you'd tell him you were quitting after you finished work.
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You're not really sure what happened. One moment, you were on the phone with your boyfriend and then the next, you were being hit in the head and everything had gone dark. The sun had only just started setting when you had been knocked out, but it was completely dark outside when you had woken up.
Your head was pounding as you opened your eyes, looking around in an attempt to figure out what the hell had happened to you. You were still on the farm, that much you knew. The first thing that worried you was the fact that your hands were bound to a wooden post, leaving you unable to move without injuring yourself. Your phone was broken on the ground, so it was completely useless.
Did a trespasser knock you out? It's not the first person people have trespassed on the farm, trying to steal the horses or ‘save’ the animals Rigby had. You had assumed that to be the case, because… what else could have happened for you to be tied up like this?
“Rigby?!” You shout his name, wincing at the throbbing in your head as you did so. Was he okay? Was he hurt? What if something happened to him? What if–
Your panicked thoughts get put on pause when a light blinded you, and you shied away from it as best as you could as you tried to figure out its source. It seemed to be a flashlight, and you only realized who was holding it when they got closer.
For a moment, you relaxed at the sight of Rigby, relieved to see he was okay as he approached, though there was something off about him. Maybe it was the fact that he didn't seem injured, yet there was blood on his hands. Or maybe it was the… borderline crazed look in his eyes.
Something wasn't right.
“Rigby…?” You hesitantly called his name, your relief bleeding away into a reluctant unease, “Are you okay? What happened? Why am I tied up?”
His silence did little to help you as he set his flashlight down on the ground and started undoing your binds. Your wrists felt raw as you gently rubbed them once they were free, standing up while Rigby retrieved his flashlight.
“Rigby, what the hell is going on?” You ask, growing frustrated at being left in the dark. You had been knocked out and tied up, so you think you deserve some sort of explanation as to what had happened.
“I have a gift for you.” Rigby says, completely dodging your question as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you after him. His grip was tight, almost bruising as he dragged you along, ignoring you when you asked him to loosen his grip on you. He refused to answer any of your questions, and you were starting to get worried.
You've never been scared of Rigby. Sure, his behavior lately had been concerning, but you had no reason to be scared. But right now, you couldn't help but feel a bit afraid as he led you in the dark. Your concern only grew when you realized he was taking you to the barn the pigs were kept in.
“Will you just tell me what's going on?” Your words fall upon deaf ears as he passes the flashlight to you, motioning for you to take the lead as he opens the barn doors. You hesitate before shining the flashlight in the barn, slowly stepping forward.
Most of the pigs were sleeping in their own separate stalls, a few were watching you and Rigby with indifference as you both stepped deeper into the barn. But two things stood out to you. One, a handful of pigs were nowhere to be seen. Two, there was this weird… squelching sound coming from the back of the barn.
“It's just back there.” Rigby says, his breath hitting the back of your neck and causing you to jump. You hadn't even realized how close he had gotten. You scurry forward just to get some distance. Truthfully, you didn't want to see this ‘gift’ Rigby was talking about, but you knew that you couldn't turn back.
Deep down, you knew something horrible was about to happen. The squelching sound grew louder, and you could hear the sound of chewing along with it. When you looked back at Rigby for some sort of reassurance, he just had this strange smile on his face. It sent a chill down your spine.
And when you hesitantly looked in the last stall at the very back of the barn to see the source of the noise, your ‘gift’, you dropped the flashlight in horror and let out a scream as you stumbled back right into Rigby's arms.
On the ground was your boyfriend's corpse, his face nearly maimed beyond recognition as several pigs chewed at his body. You're lucky you're able to swallow the vomit in your throat as you try to get out of Rigby's hold, looking away from the horrific scene in front of you as you cried.
“Let go of me!” You claw at his arms, but he just holds you tightly against his chest, gently shushing you as he forces you to watch the pigs eat.
“Do you like it?” He asks, completely ignoring your horror, “It wasn't hard getting him to come here. I just told him you had an accident, and suddenly, he was on his way. Isn't that sweet? It's a shame he wasn't stronger… he never would've been able to protect you if someone tried hurting you. But I can, see? I can give you what you deserve.”
You weren't even listening to his deluded words, trying to squirm out of his hold, “You're a fucking monster.” You spit out, a sharp gasp being torn out of your mouth when he shoves you against the wall of the barn, his hand around your throat as he lightly squeezes. A subtle threat, one that had you shutting up.
“I expect some fucking gratitude, you ungrateful brat.” Rigby’s voice is cold, his anger had never been something you'd ever been on the receiving end of, “I did this for you. For us. You should be thanking me.” His hand on your throat tightens, squeezing the air out of your lungs, his gaze hard as he stares at you expectantly.
Desperate for air, you're barely able to wheeze out a small, “Thank you.”
As black spots start to fill your vision, Rigby removes his hand from your neck, and you're able to breathe again. His anger was gone, replaced with delighted satisfaction.
“Of course, darlin’.” He sweetly says, a bloodied hand coming up to gently wipe the tears off your face, “I'd do anything for you. I can provide for you, so just be good for me in return, okay?”
And as he pulls you into a kiss, his lips pressing against yours with a heated desperation, you find yourself missing the city for the first time since you left it.
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billthedrake · 3 days
The young dude's eyes were on me, pretty heavy as I sat in the dry sauna. By young I mean about 25, give or take, younger than my 45 years. He was lean and smooth, some might say a twink, or maybe a twunk, I don't know, he just seemed lean and young and fit. Brown hair, blue eyes that were a little slutty. I normally don't like slutty.
I stood up, a chub of a boner tenting my white towel. The young guy's eyes followed me but I didn't give him a nonverbal signal to pursue anything, so he didn't.
The place was picking up, and the clientele was getting noticeable hotter. I'd been nervous since I'd gotten at the baths too early. It was my first time ever at a place like this. I wasn't the kind of guy who went to a sauna. Now I was.
I hung my towel next to the shower and rinsed off to cool down. I wasn't throwing hard, but the man at the shower head across from me was sporting full wood that was contagious. He saw me bone and laughed. I laughed back. He wasn't my normal type. Kind of a muscle bear, older, gray beard, a little gut. Big fat cock and heavy balls. He turned off the shower and sauntered over to where I was doing the same.
"I'd love to fuck that ass of yours," he growled in a whisper. I instinctively knew twink/twunk guy from the sauna would go WILD for that voice and that daddy confidence. But I shook my head. "Sorry, man, I'm total top." It's not a hang up of mine, just how I'm wired.
He winked and patted my ass nonetheless. "Shame." Then he turned to walk out of the shower area as I wrapped up again.
Some men were modest with their towels, a couple showed their junk as they walked down the hall. I didn't know the etiquette, but I wasn't ready to start anything I wasn't fully committed to.
I tried out the steam room, deciding to undo my towel but keep it bunched over my crotch. As I leaned back and relaxed, I thought about why I was here. Ryan and I had dated 7 years, and the break up was cordial and still messy. I knew I was dissatisfied in the bedroom, but my freedom made me realized how I craved to let my more sexual side free.
I was hard now, again. I'd held off a couple of days in anticipation of coming here. I still wasn't sure if I was wiling to commit to random sex but I was enjoying watching it now. Across from me, where the steam cleared I could see a very attractive man being sucked by a muscle dude. It was like a porn film, with the real-life voyeurism.
The show was interrupted by another burst of steam, but just then a man sat on the bench next to me. Not right next to me. Far enough so he wouldn't impose but close enough to let me know he was interested. I was. Late 30s, blond, hunky. The place was filling up with guys out of my league. Blond guy was one. I mean, I have a big dick and that helps, but it's not porn big and there's only so far size will take you.
I nodded. He smiled. Then scooted forward.
I gulped. But fuck it. I moved my towel away, showing the guy my hardon. He really liked it. His hand touched it, stroking it. Then he got down on the bench below and between my legs. I could see at least one other man could watch us through the steam, and now that it was clearing some a couple more. I didn't care, these guy were going to see me get a blow job.
God, that mouth felt great. Blond guy knew what he was doing. Not too fast, not too slow. Just eager and skilled at swallowing my size. Fuck, this was wild. I'd come out last in life, in my early 30s. I'd had my share of fun before my first long term relationship, but I'd never had truly anonymous, random sex like this.
I could have let him suck me to completion. I almost did. But I'd been in a 7 year monogamous relationship with a side. I didn't even know what a side was until Ryan. No knock on his preferences, but I was overdue for fucking.
I pushed the cocksucker off and leaned in. "You up for something more?" I asked in my best whisper. Guys didn't seem to talk in the steam room. He shook his head and started to go back down on me. Only I stopped him.
I felt bad, but I had needs. I gathered my towel and stood up, my hard dick now wet with spit. I gave the guy a pat on the shoulder to thank him then made my way out, wrapping the towel around my waist again.
As I made my way down the hall, I passed some guy who I didn't consider attractive. Who was I to judge? And yet I fucking was. They felt me up some, but I scooted past and made my way.
I passed an open door. The light was dim and red inside. Sometimes you see guys posing to lure you in. With a towel or stroking off. Somehow, it's usually the more mature men. Nothing wrong with that, I guess, those guys were there for the same reason I was.
But this room had a muscle guy on all fours, facing toward the way, more away from the door than toward it. He was shorter than me, though probably my age. Bodybuilder type, slightly roided though nothing crazy. Just a rack of hard big muscle, from the arms and back to a meaty ass.
I stepped in. If he was gonna leave the door open in invitation I was going to get a better look. He looked even bigger close up. He probably wasn't a man I'd go for if I saw him out. And I probably wasn't a man he'd go for.
I felt up his knotted calf. I figured he'd look back and see if I was up to his standards. He didn't look back. Instead, he spread his legs a little wider and hiked his ass back.
Fuck yes. I reached to gently shut the door and dropped my towel. My hard on was fully back. There were no condoms, and I wasn't going to ask for one. Not that I was on PREP now and out to make up for lost time. I didn't use a lot of lube, because I wanted to feel that hole without too much friction.
Not gonna happen, I realized as I nudged into place. I wasn't the first man to seed this muscle bottom. He was real fucking wet inside. I pushed in. He let out a grunt but nodded. He wanted my cock. I held on to his waist and started fucking. Seven years since my last topping experience and three days since my last nut. I wasn't going to last long. But the hole was a little loose and a lot wet, so it was going to take me a minute to work up to a cum. But I pumped harder and deeper. Bodybuilder could take it so I gripped hard and put even more force into my fuck.
And that guy just took it. That more than the feeling of his ass on my dick is what tripped my wired. I started cumming, hard. The room when white a little as I orgasmed.
I held still a second to catch my breath, then pulled out slowly. Even in the dim red light I could see the stream of cum flowing out of his fucked hole. Muscle dude was a whore. I'd have to get over my judgmental side if I was going to come to places like this.
I gave a light slap to his muscle ass, then couldn't resist a harder one. I took one more look at his big body on all fours, wiggling like he couldn't wait for another cock. Then I picked up my towel and walked out. I think at least one man who passed me on the hallway knew what I'd just done.
I showered off and tried the dry sauna again. Not ready to go home. Then the hot tub, which thankfully wasn't too hot. There were two men making out in it, younger 20-something guys. And a muscle bear couple, or maybe two friends, who seemed to have gotten off already and were just chatting like we were on a gay cruise. It was weird.
The make out couple left, wrapping towels around their hardons. I hoped they were going to fuck. I know guys should get off how they want to get off, but I really missed anal. That fuck just now had been just what I'd needed.
The friends/boyfriends got out too. I probably shouldn't sit too much longer, I thought, or I'll prune. But I wasn't ready to go home. I was still horny, almost psychologically craving a second round as much as physically. And relaxing here seemed better than sitting in some TV room.
"OK if I join?" It was the blond dude from the steam sauna earlier. I guess people were chattier in the tub.
"Be my guest," I said.
In the bright light, cocksucker was really fucking cute. Handsome and masculine with a gym body, but also youthful for his age. I watched him settle his now naked body into the water. His dick was on the smaller side, which didn't bother me in the least. But that's the only thing that would keep him from being a 10 out of 10 in most gay guys' eyes.
"You having fun?" he asked. I wondered if he was pissed off that I'd ditched him earlier, but he had a relaxed smile. I got the vibe he'd just gotten off.
"Yeah," I said. "First time here."
"This place specifically?" he asked.
"Any bathhouse," I clarified. "Guess it was never my thing."
"What changed?" he asked.
Hell, I didn't know this guy, though I guess his lips had been wrapped around my cock. "Messy breakup," I replied. "Wanted to sow some oats, I guess."
"The night's young," I winked. "But yeah, it's been a hell of a lot of fun so far."
"Nice," he said.
I wasn't sure of his deal. He didn't seem like he was making the moves on me. But our talk was frank and sexual.
"You get what you came for?" I asked.
He nodded. "Yeah, just waiting for my husband."
That caught me off guard and it showed. Blond guy laughed.
"You don't approve?" he teased.
"To each his own, buddy," I laughed. "My ex would have never gone for that arrangement."
"Where is he now?" blond guy shot back. Then seeing my reaction, he changed his tone. "Sorry that was a bitchy thing to say."
"A little," I admitted. "There's some truth there. But I don't know if I could have done the open thing."
"It's not for everyone," he said.
I nodded. Imagining what it would be like. I still probably couldn't have a relationship like that. Finally, I said, "Sorry I didn't let you finish me earlier. You were good." I felt I should apologize to him for some reason.
He shrugged. "Guys are always looking for the hotter thing. I had fun."
"Cool," I said.
I was enjoying this conversation in a strange way, but I was really starting to prune. I hoisted my body to sit on the edge, letting Blond guy see my meaty but soft cock. "I should take a break," I said.
"Maybe I'll see you around again," he said.
"We'll see," I replied. "But probably."
I made the rounds. It was getting late. Which was good because I'd had time to recharge. But the super hot guys were thinning out. I wasn't getting any eye contact from the ones who were left and wandering around. I decided to walk by the door of the muscle whore, but it was now shut.
Maybe I should cut my losses, I though. Hell I hadn't lost anything. I'd gotten my rocks off and had some fun. But as I went to shower off, I saw another guy in there. Shorter, compact muscle. Not Blond Guy hot, but very attractive and fit. Amazing ass, with round meaty cheeks. He was sudsing them and was very much aware I was watching.
"Hey," he said. His brown eyes meeting mine. I turned to let him see my dick swaying in the shower spray.
"Hey," I said.
"I should probably call it a night," he said. "I just don't feel ready, you know?"
My cock responded. Right there I got a hardon, as he watched. "I guess I don't feel ready either," I laughed.
He stepped under the shower for one last rinse then turned it off. "So..." he asked, as he grabbed his towel to dry his face. "Top... bottom... vers?"
"Top," I said.
"If you're up for a slower session, I got a room."
"Slow's nice," I replied. Turning off my water and following him.
I could have used a hotel room. Softer bed, more space. But the rubbery sheets would have to do as he reclined and pulled me down to join him.
"OK if we kiss?" he asked. "It kind of turns me on."
Indeed as we made out I felt his dick grow rock hard against my belly. I enjoyed taking this fuck slower. The first one had taken the edge off. I kissed along his neck and developed pecs and further down the ripped abs. This was sensual but still tawdry as hell. Me in some dim cabin in a sex club about to fuck a second man I didn't know.
I didn't mind sucking cock. I often enjoyed it, though I preferred to be the one sucked. But by now I was impatient for more. I eased around his hard dick and nudged my face beneath his nuts, as I lifted the bottom of his thighs.
"Um..." he said in a tight whisper. "A couple of guys have done me already."
I looked at his hole. It was shaved smooth and squeaky clean. But the folds of his sphincter were loose from the night's activity. I leaned in and swiped my tongue.
"Fuck!" he hissed.
I licked again. Then deeper this time. It had been even longer since I'd rimmed a man than my pre-Ryan fuck. I missed it more than I realized. And something about this place was bringing out my wild side.
I munched more at his hole until I tasted it and felt the cum on my tongue. I grew light in the head like I'd done some drug. It just spurred me to lick and slurp and accept the dribbling seed into my mouth.
I probably could have gone for more, but I didn't want this guy to think I was a total sex pig. Or maybe I didn't want to become that total sex pig myself. But I gave one more lick and stood up. I lubed up and got in place to enter him.
I wasn't rough like with the bodybuilder guy, but my entry was insistant. We were missionary, eyes locked, and just mating like two sex-starved animals.
He gave me a nod to let me know when I was good to go, then I started thrusting. Holding his legs against me, ankles on my shoulders as I fucked him. Bodybuilder had been porn sex, but this is how I imagined sex with my next boyfriend. Whenever that would be.
I stopped a second and pumped some lube on his hardon. Then resumed. We were both going to get there, not simultaneously, but good enough. I got that thrill when I felt my body respond on a higher plateau and knew I was going to cum soon. His own dick shot out with seed and I felt that ass clamp down, milking my own load out.
I let his legs down and leaned in to claim a kiss.
The endorphins pumped heavy but the sex drive had quickly given way to satisfaction. I dismounted and felt tired. Sleepy even.
Bottom dude got off the bed slowly, stretching his legs out. "THAT's what I needed. Thanks, man." He was friendly but it was clear he didn't want to have more conversation.
"Thank YOU," I said, picking my towel. "You have an incredible ass." I had my key band around my wrist. Time to rinse off, find my locker, get dressed and go home.
I gave his arm a pat then turned to walk out the room, shutting the door behind me.
To this day, I still regret not getting his name.
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gowns · 3 days
if you ever find yourself thinking "i don't want to talk to this person about this problem, it would be so awkward and create tension"
one of the most uncomfortable conversations i've ever had was also a positive influence on the rest of my life.
when i was 18-19 years old, i moved out of the college dorms and into my first apartment, with my college dormmate + two random ladies we found on craigslist. we didn't really have anything in common, but the ladies were nice enough and they thought we were nice enough so we all agreed to move in with each other.
i have ~executive dysfunction~ and i was raised in a barn, so i really had no clue how chores worked or how to keep a common space clean. common 18-19 year old issue, tbh! the ladies from craigslist were a few years older, around 24-25, and they seemed increasingly annoyed with me as the weeks went on.
at one point, one of them knocked on my door, and said we needed to have a talk. she took me aside, sat me down on the couch, then listed, one by one, all the things that she noticed that i didn't clean, things i kept messing up, various ways i was inconsiderate of my other roommates. she said "maybe it's because i'm older than you, but you're really dropping the ball here, and we need to get on the same page with chores." she made a chore chart and handed it to me. and we followed it from that point on...
having to have that conversation was so anxiety-inducing! i'm sure it was hard for her, and man, it was hard to hear for myself. my face was red and hot, and i mumbled some excuses, but i knew she was right; i had been an inconsiderate clod. how could i do better?
well, i followed the chore chart, i gradually looked up more ways to take care of myself and the apartment, i gave my other roommates a lot more space and notice about things... i was still an inconsiderate clod imho but i was trying. i was really trying!
and to this day i think, wow, that one awkward conversation leveled me up in a way that tip-toeing around the issue, or passive aggressive remarks, or whatever, would have never gotten through to me. it had to be a direct conversation. she had to be honest and i had to be open to it. and we both were better off for it.
more often than not, just being direct and addressing something that's bothering you head-on will yield the most results. you might annoy the other person; they might completely disagree or get defensive. but at least you get the peace of mind of knowing you spoke up, and honestly, even when the other person has their walls up, they tend to marinate on it and change happens regardless.
anyway, if you needed any motivation to talk to someone about something that's bugging you. this is it. might as well do it now. no point in doing it down the line, when the damage is already done!
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and on the first day, god said let them have a drummer
for @corrodedcoffinfest prompt 'in the beginning'
rated t | 556 words | cw: language | tags: gareth introduction to the band, they are all idiots, that's the common theme with all of these
"Okay. We need a drummer."
This one lasted longer than all the others at least, but turned out he thought they were planning on playing at school only.
His parents would never let him play The Hideout.
"We've exhausted all options," Jeff sighed, leaning back in the beanbag chair in the corner of the garage. "Hawkins has three drummers and all of them have played for us."
"Are we the problem?" Frankie asked, resting his head against the wall.
"We can't be," Jeff replied, though he sounded unsure.
"I could be," Eddie sighed.
Not many people were interested in hanging out with the second year senior who participated in "devil games" and hung out in the woods entirely too late at night.
Never mind the fact that he was only in the woods late at night because their kids were buying drugs from him.
"Man, shut up." Frankie rolled his eyes. "None of us are exactly the town's favorite. Maybe we should try asking around at The Hideout. Someone older might be interested."
"Jeff's mom isn't gonna let a grown ass adult hang out with us in their garage," Eddie argued.
"You're a grown ass adult," Jeff looked at him.
"Barely. I'm the least mature of all of us."
They nodded in agreement. He definitely was youngest in spirit.
Plus, Jeff's mom absolutely adored him for some reason. None of them quite understood it, but Eddie insisted it was just his charm.
"What about that one kid in band?" Frankie asked, standing up straight. "What's his name? It's kinda stupid. Garrett? Garen?"
"Gareth Emerson?" Jeff asked. "He's, like, 12."
"He's 15! And he can play. I saw it with my own eyes. He's good," Frankie argued.
"How are we getting him into The Hideout?"
"The same way we all do: lying."
They all sighed in unison.
"What other choice do we have? We have to try. None of us can be the drummer." Eddie hated that they were stuck doing this, but he had to trust this would be the one.
"So…who's gonna ask him?" Frankie asked.
"Your idea, you ask him," Jeff said as he pulled his guitar back in front of him and strummed it once. "Tell him first practice is to see if he fits. Don't make it sound like we're desperate."
"So…you're really desperate, huh?" Gareth asked as he sat behind the drum set Jeff kept in the garage.
"No! We just haven't had much luck," Jeff said.
"Right. Well, I don't mind helping you guys out, but my mom's not gonna be cool about performing in fuckin' dive bars," Gareth adjusted the stool. "Why do you even have your own drumset?"
"My dad plays."
"And Jeff thought he would be cool enough to be a drummer a few years ago until I showed him how to play guitar," Eddie nudged Jeff's shoulder before he turned to the amp to his side and adjusted the volume.
Jeff's parents weren't home, but the neighbors might be, and the last thing they needed was a formal noise complaint.
"You guys know I can't even drive, right?" Gareth asked, spinning a drumstick in his hand.
"Yeah, dude. Your voice still cracks. We're well aware you're a child. Don't make it weird," Eddie smirked. "You know Sabbath?"
"Of course I know Sabbath."
"Let's fuckin' play then."
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ysrjune · 3 days
FFFFFUCK NO but heres some of it that i found when I used to write my stuff in google docs and then paste it on tumblr 🥰 (dont do that its so annoying idk what i was thinking)
The day started with you waking up at 9 am on the weekend. It's summer, your favorite time of year because your parents always go for a vacation the whole 3 months, leaving you all alone since you're old enough to take care of yourself.. kinda. Your older brother is there, too, but most of the time, he's hanging out with Sam Monroe. You lay in your bed for a while more, thinking about anything you want to do today. Maybe visit the old woman next door to help her out? Go shopping? Walk around? You thought of so many possible things except for visiting Scott, your next-door neighbor. You two have been friends for so long, but you still get shy about knocking on Monroe's door even though they made it very sure that they're there for you to come to anytime. You think about it for a while before making up your mind and bring yourself to do it.
Now that you've made up your mind, you decide to make yourself some breakfast. Going down the stairs, you're greeted by your annoying big brother. “You're up early,” He says while eating a piece of toast with nutella spread over it. “I'm always up this early. You're just never here to witness it cause you're always free-loading at Sam's house.” You replied on your way to the kitchen which he so happened to follow you to. “It's not free-loading if his parents dont mind me over.” He shrugged, taking another bite of his toast. “Plus, I'm not always there. Sometimes I bring Sam over instead.”
“Yeah, and he's the only person you bring over. Could consider him as your little boyfriend or something.” You insulted him while giggling and opening the fridge to get the orange juice. “Oh, you wanna talk about boyfriends? How about Scott? He has like a huge crush on you, and you definitely like him back. ‘S not hard to notice all that tension going on between you two.” He shot right back, making a fair point..
You closed the fridge door, blushed and walked over to one of the cabinets that held the cups. “I don't know what you're talking about, Chris.” You replied to your brother who laughed and left right after, leaving you alone to go to his room. Of course, you really knew what he was talking about. Scott himself confessed his feelings to you a while back and seemed pretty chill when you told him you weren't ready for a relationship. “Well, as long as we can still be friends, I'm okay with that.” He told you softly with a little smirk tugging his lip. Oh, that smirk of his. It was so cute. Let's be real, you liked him back, but the real reason you held yourself back is because you kinda liked Sam, too, even though he didn't talk to you much. When he did talk to you, he was pretty nice. Usually calling you by the nickname “princess.” Jeez, he made you so wet with just that. Scott had his own name, too. It was “Angel.” That one made you feel things, too.
Let's not even talk about the time you made out with Scott once, and he said “You're so pretty, Angel.” Against your lips before going in for another kiss. He would wonder why you even made out with him that night and then say you don't wanna date him. It hurt his feelings. He felt a little used, but it was kinda his fault for starting the whole moment. Either way—you two stayed friends, and that's what mattered to him.
You had waffles with orange juice for your breakfast. After you finished, you went back into your room and decided to take a shower before getting yourself all pretty. Sure, you basically rejected Scott, but you still wanted to look pretty for him. It was weird but you didn't think much of it. An hour passed by while you showered, and once you were finished and opened the curtain there was a bunch of steam around the bathroom and covering your mirror. Oops.
You put on a cute outfit, do your hair, skin care, and however much makeup you thought was appropriate for today. It was 12 by the time you finished, so you headed next door, knocking on the door. Sam answered it since he thought it was Chris, but it was you. God, Sam looked so good right now. He was hot with his eyeliner, sure, but seeing him without it was probably even better. His pretty blue eyes were more noticeable without the eye makeup taking away the attention. His messy, dyed hair was so cute and the way his pjs clung onto his hips was so.. ohmy!
“Hey, princess. What're you doin’ here so early? Thought you were Chris.” He speaks to you. “Um, I came to visit Scott.” You answer him after checking him out for a split second. Sam chuckled at that. “What about me? Not even gonna say hi?” He complained playfully. “Hi, Sammy.” You reply with a chuckle and a friendly hug, which he returns.
“Hi,” He gave a half smile and let you come in. “Scotty’s in his room. Caught him at a good time, too. He just finished cleaning his room and showering.” He says while leading you upstairs to his brother. You smile at what Sam said and continue the conversation until you reach Scott’s door. “See you later, Sammy.” You tell him and open the door. Sam nods his head and stays there until you close the door after you disappear into it.
“Lucky bastard.” He mumbled, getting a little jealous that you chose Scott over him. But that's his own fault. It's not like he talks to you enough to really hang out.
Scott looked over to you after you entered. “What’re you doing here?” He asked with a small smile tugging at his lips. No nickname? What the fuck? You thought. It'd be too good a day if you had that interaction with Sam and Scott calling you by “Angel” not even 5 seconds into seeing him. “Was bored. Wanted to see you today.” You explain, walking over to his nicely done bed and sitting on it. “Aw, Angel. That's sweet. Missed me?” Nevermind, there's that nickname! Hallelujah!
“You can put it that way, I guess.” You rolled your eyes playfully, and he swoops in for a tight hug. You didn't stop him, though. His hugs were always so comforting. “Missed you too.” It made sense since you went to different schools. “So what do you wanna do?” He asked, letting you go. “Wanna go for a walk?” You suggest. He agreed, and yay! you guys went. You walked the neighborhood at first, laughing and telling each other about stuff going on at school, but then you wandered off and started walking around other neighborhoods as well.
Returning to his house around 2, you both went back to his room where your conversations continued. “Yeah, and so she's pregnant now and he wants nothing to do with her, I guess.” Scott shrugged, telling you about one of his bestfriends’ scandalous life. “And that's all you have to say?! ‘I guess’” You mocked his tone. “Well, it sucks, but, like, s’not my problem..” He responded, picking at his fingers.
“So if I wind up p-”
“That's different.” He cut you off quickly. He seemed a little mad, too. “That's my best friend's girlfriend. I don't talk to her. You're my best friend who lives next door and who I've known for years. If some guy knocked you up and tried to leave you, I'd kick his ass.” He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
Him cutting you off to say all that was real sweet but kinda intimidating since his whole demeanor changed so quickly. “Oh, okay..” you replied, not knowing what else to say. It stayed quiet for a few minutes before Sam opened the door. “Dad wants everyone outside, he's making barbecue.” He said and left right away like he always did. You looked over to Scott. He still looked really mad. Why, though? You thought. It was just a dumb question. But you didn't wanna bother him, you already knew how he got when you tried to talk to him while he's mad.
When you closed the door behind you, he groaned and rubbed his eyes. The thought of you with someone else really set him off. So, you can probably imagine how mad he is now that you put the thought of you getting pregnant by some loser in his head.
While he was in his room, Sam, Chris, Mr. & Mrs. Monroe kept you company. Robin, Sam's mom was distracting you while the 3 other boys talked about whatever. Suddenly, Scott came down, still looking a little mad but not as bad as earlier. He joined in on the conversation with you and his mom, occasionally switching to the other guys.
An hour and a half passed by, and the food was done. Everyone chatted with each other. Sam even spoke to you a couple of times! Poor you, fantasizing about him when he wouldn't speak to you. Your eyes were on his fingers for a few seconds, and were cautious to not stare for so long because you did not need anyone noticing that. Scott finally came around and had a conversation with you about random things
Everyone finished eating, so the twins’ parents cleaned up and sent everyone off to inside the house. Sam and your brother go to his room, you and Scott go to his. He closed the door behind you two and sighed. “Angel, ‘m sorry about earlier.” He started off softly while you lay on his bed, listening. “Just got a little mad.. and kinda jealous, I guess.” Ugh, there was that thing he always says that always bothered you. “I guess” make up your mind! but you stayed quiet.
“Look, I understand that we're just friends, but you have to understand I still have feelings for you. And when you put stuff like that into my head—like, about getting pregnant by some guy and then he leaves you, it just pisses me off.” He explained how he felt earlier while walking towards you to sit next to you. “You just.. you don't deserve that, Angel. You deserve a guy that'll never ever do you like that.” He sighed.
Him explaining this to you made you feel warm inside. Wow. This guy really does like you. He's so sweet.. and you rejected him?! girl! you're so stupid!
You hold his hand, looking at his pretty face. “Scotty, I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd take it so seriously. Won't do it again, I promise.” He looked at you, with those cute doe eyes of his. “Thanks,” He mumbled, looking at your conjoined hands.
“You're really sweet, Scott. Seriously.” You continue, standing up and settling yourself to stand in between his legs. This action makes him look down to his legs that separated when you stood between them—and to be completely honest, it kinda turned him on.
“Oh—um..” He blushed, settling his hands down on the sheets, not knowing what to do with them since he didn't wanna make you uncomfortable. “It's nothing if you really think about it..” He looked away. You did something real bold. You grabbed his face, making him face you. This made him blush even worse.. and harder.
“Scott, seriously. Not many guys would say that.” You replied to his shy demeanor, coming closer to his face. This made him a little nervous. Scared, even. He was thinking that you were just teasing him.
“Angel, stop.. let me go if you're not gonna do anything else. Don't get my hopes up.” He swallowed. This makes you smirk, now knowing how much power you really have over him. How weak in the knees you make him. “Anything else? Like what?”
He was so hard by now. He was so horny. So bad that he started rubbing his bulge up into you. It made your pussy throb. Jeez, you never imagined how hot Scott is when he's horny.. He had to break the kiss a couple times just to let out those pretty moans. He even whimpered. Just once, but it was so hot. Most of the noises he made were moans and groans.
To tease him, you rolled your hips deliciously onto him, earning another moan. “Angel, stop.. My door isn't locked. What someone walks in..” He softly whined.
“No one's gonna walk in.” You told him, hoping he'd believe you. “Please, baby..” oh. my. god. that really sets you off. your pussy was even wetter now that he was practically begging for you to stop. but you didn't want to, so you stayed quiet. He seemed to forget all about the open door when you didn't respond for the next couple of minutes.
“Fuck, angel. Keep doin’ that and i'm gonna cum in my boxers..” he said in that whiny tone of his. It sounded even better when he was close. He knew he was hopelessly in love with you when you stopped to tease him.
“Gotta jerk yourself off to cum, then, I guess.” You tell him, and he groans. That somehow was really attractive to him. He didnt even know he was into orgasm denial. You got off of him and kissed his cheek.
“Where are you going?” He asked, still sounding super whiny. You look at his boner that showed through his jeans, then back up to his eyes. “Home,” You replied like you had just done nothing.
“Wh—??” He didnt even finish the whole word because he was so confused. And with that, you left for your house.
When his door closed, he lay on his elbows and threw his head back, groaning. He still wanted to cum so bad.. so he got up from his position to lock his door and close the blinds on his window, along with the light. He went to his bathroom to brush his teeth and change into some blue and black checkered pjs that hung off his hips, just like Sams’ would. He wore no shirt since he was just so eager to rub one out right now.
He lay in his bed and took his still erect cock, twitching at just the slightest touch to the base. He then got an idea. He reached for his phone, opening up the camera to hit record after turning the flash on. He recorded himself masturbating, pretending it was you jerking him off and fucking him. The video was 4 and a half minutes long, filled with pathetic, soft whimpers and moans.. you could hear the wet noises.
Once he came, he stopped recording and lay the phone on his chest, away from the sticky mess left on his abdomen. It took him a couple minutes to pull himself back together, but once he did, he unlocked his phone and sent you the video. Then he put his phone on to not disturb after that, scared of the risk he just took. He cleaned himself after that and went to sleep.
ping! “Scotty” sent 1 attachment.
You open the video and the first thing you saw was his dick. You've never seen his dick before, but if you were being honest with yourself.. it was definitely the prettiest one you've ever seen. It looked about 6 inches in his jeans, but damn. Was he really big when he was hard? A whole 7 inches. You watch for 4 seconds before you hear a whimper and feel yourself blush, looking for your headphones and connecting them, hearing his cute noises and the wet sounds his fist made when it hit the base of his cock.
Yeah, this is definitely something you're keeping for when you masturbate. His whimpers and moans were just too cute not to pleasure yourself to!
You react to his message with a heart and send him a photo of your tits. Not without your bra, though. Lets see what he responds with in the morning.
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
@anakinstwinklebunny @anisangeldust @sockiess @erossmutt @rottencandyblood @radiantvader @catnipaddictt @haydensprettyprincess @freezerbride95 @starsfortaylor @maevesversion @emmaloo21 @starwarsbian @anakinsvault @torturedlovergirl @sammonroesslut 🌟
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THIRD PLACE ROUND - Jiang Cheng vs Wen Kexing
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The battle for third place is between Jiang Cheng (shixiong: Wei Wuxian) from Mo Dao Zu Shi and Wen Kexing (shixiong: Zhou Zishu) from Word of Honor
Propaganda under the cut
Wen Kexing:
(okay so the canon part is confusing. cause wenzhou are officially canon in Faraway Wanderers and are censored bromance in Word of Honor. but they're only shixiong/shidi in Word of Honor and not in Faraway Wanderers. so idk what you want to do in regards to the canonicity of their relationship)
I mean Wen Kexing is all over Zhou Zishu from day 1, though he has very complicated emotions surrounding the whole shixiong/shidi element to their relationship, he does eventually declare himself as the second disciple of Shiji Manor and publicly acknowledges Zhou Zishu as his shixiong. anyways if you know anything about Wen Kexing you know how desperately he wants Zhou Zishu, even the censorship couldn't hide the fact that Wen Kexing wants to rail Zhou Zishu to kingdom come
the utter simp that is WKX for his ZZS? No contest. None. None at all.
#WKX now actually fucked his shixiong like pls the entire book/show is about him wanting to get with him
#WKX hands down wanna fck or get fcked by his “Ah-Xu~” from day 1
#y'all have the audacity. as if Wen Kexing did baby trap is shixiong with TWO kids
Jiang Cheng:
Clinged to WWX constantly for 7+ years, wanted to have WWX as his right hand man forever after becoming sect leader, cried after WWX left, cried when he discovered what WWX sacrificed for him, was TORN APART when it got explained to him that if they were more outwardly close knit, WWX might not have died
PROPAGANDA!! to start, i'm still very bitter about how fairy lost the sentient animal poll and i want to win this badly. very very badly. current stats are 50.6 in favour of jc but that's too less of a gap for me. jc should be winning this by a landslide, y'all hear me? anyways. starting with a class act, like the clown i am->
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a few links ( because i'm chengxian trash, as always and i'd love if poll-guy could copy paste them on the og post): one, two, three, four (gif), five, six, seven (gif), eight (thoughts on different wavelengths), the absolute circles of them saving each other, the fucking golden core reveal scene. golden scene reveal part 2, jiang cheng will always forgive wei wuxian
to start with. jiang cheng is literally the picture of "i knew from the moment i met you that i'd spend a lifetime forgiving you".
the earliest dynamic of jiang cheng and wei wuxian is jiang cheng giving away his dogs (the only gift his father has ever given him, btw) because wei wuxian is scared of the dogs. tis only the start of it.
his father very obviously prefers his shixiong over him, his mother berates him for not being as good as wei wuxian and tells him his inheritance is in danger, and his sister (in my opinion) has more care for him (visibly. maybe jiang yanli doesn't show it because jc is an emotionally complicated purple grape, maybe because jc doesn't need it, or wei wuxian is traumatised but that's my opinion). but still. still. Jiang Cheng loves Wei Wuxian. so much. jealousy is like. the most tame response i can think of. and jiang cheng is proud of wei wuxian, okay? he'd believe his big brother if he'd said anything. want proof? well, here you go-> link
to paraphrase the link:
Jiang Cheng had just lost his family, his home, and his very golden core, and his older brother - his brilliant older brother who could fix anything, who could sneak wine into Cloud Recesses and defeat an ancient turtle nearly-god and make Jiang Cheng share a smile when Jiang Cheng’s mother was disappointed and furious at both of them - His big brother smiled and said, “I can fix this.”And Jiang Cheng believed him then, and believed him three months later when Wei Wuxian crawled out of the Burial Mounds (just the second miracle in three months), and believed him every day of the next seventeen(?) years until the pieces were shoved into place for him to see.
also. the circle these two go in protecting each other. (gif set by @sandushengshou), the 'if one of us is to die, then, i beg, let it be me' that they both do for one another in a seemingly neverending loop of sacrifice. via this post a la my lovely @backtoyunmeng
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jiang cheng is a cannonically ruined woman archetype, justified via the countless posts you'll get in the top posts of jiang cheng tag. he keeps chenqing, wwx's flute in perfect condition even when he hates wei wuxian, even when wwx, if only indirectly, has a part in jiang yanli's murder and oof okay someone pointed out to him that he's known to have killed wei wuxian and he almost cries. he absolutely believes, with his whole heart, that wei wuxian lives even when the world is sure he doesnt. and it always read to me like, i'd know if he was dead. he's a part of my soul, so i'd know if he was dead. he can't be dead.
this is getting too long, so, to sum up, some absolute poetry by @jiangchengsjawline
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#JC On The Other Hand Has His Entire Life Shaped By His Shixiong And Ended Up Cast As The Ruined Woman By The End
#jiang cheng though. wasn't able to fuck his shixiong but his shixiong definitely fucked with him
#hello?? the answer is Jiang cheng pls#he's the shixiongfucker or all shixiong fucker you wish you could be as pathetically in love with your shixiong as he is#chengxian
#i do not go here (chengxian) but the propaganda is incredibly correct they are insane abt each other#also sorry jiang cheng ik you're suffering but they are so funny to me#neway VOTE JIANG CHENG FOR CLEAR SKIN
#look I rarely go here#(here being chengxian)#but by GOD their lvoe compels me#they’re tragic and doomed and they love each other without knowing how to say it in words the other would understand#or in words at all because communication??? we don’t know her???
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he didn't even think about sacrificing himself, and consequently his entire bloodline, his sect, pretty much everything that depends on him for his shixiong??????????
is this not convincing->
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#had to vote jc though i have more feelings about chengxian#i think jc should have a huge gege kink
#like. jiang cheng should win the entire tournament hands down period
#jiang cheng#is the only correct answer in my gay little brain#i’m sure everyone else’s shixiong fuckers are great too#but jiang cheng is MY favorite#tumblr polls#mdzs#if chengxian fucked in canon it would make everything about their situation at least 65% less complicated you can’t change my mind
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stormblessed95 · 1 day
BTS have always been the group to set their own course. They’ve achieved success beyond their dreams and dealt with their feelings about how to “land” successfully. Why not break the rules again and let Jikook come out after military service? Sure, it’s scary and somewhat risky. But this is what they’re all about, right? Jimin, in particular, is getting louder and louder in the queer coding. This travel show promises yet more questionable moments. Maybe next year really will be the year for him to address “all the things we couldn’t say before”…and I think the majority of ARMY can handle it.
I swear we just had this conversation a week ago right? Lol read these, my thoughts and opinions about this haven't changed in the last 6 days lol
I'll just put the paragraph from the last post linked that deals with this topic here for all of you too in case you don't want to read through the whole thing...
"As for KM coming out? It won't happen. And as much as they deserve to just love whoever they love, if that person is each other, that will firmly be kept a secret. Maybe one day after they disband and KM are possibly still living together and not changing their behavior or hiding it, it will be even more obvious. But I don't think they will ever confirm anything. And they shouldn't really have to. But if nothing else, it 100% will never happen before disbandment. Not only do they both still have to go through military service, where if you are caught engaging in homosexual activities, you can be jailed. Why give them more reason to look for that? Don't ask, don't tell. They probably won't come out after that either. As much as it SHOULDN'T matter if two members of BTS are dating each other, it would. It would take over headlines for months. It would be all anyone is talking about. It would be asked about in all the interviews. Their relationship would become world gossip fodder. And the focus would be less on the 7, less on the music they create and more on the social and political upheaval their coming out would be. That isn't fair to their hardwork, their passion and their life work. It also isn't fair to the rest of the band. Their sexuality would for a while, overshadow their music. I don't think they would ever take the risk of being remembered for who they love, rather than for what they loved doing. Hopefully that also made sense. Maybe one day they will feel comfortable sharing whatever their relationship is with the world, but they are under no obligation to ever do so and I personally don't think they will."
It would be wonderful if they ever did feel comfortable coming out and sharing more with us. That would be an ideal world. I just personally don't see that happening.
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hayleythesugarbowl · 2 days
I crave more Ian Hecox!! Maybe one of him and reader being the “mom and dad” of Smosh. Like the cast being silly and Ian joining dad style while reader is laughing and keeping Angela from getting hurt or something. Just something 150% fluff! Thank you 💕💕
Historical Figure’s Mario Kart || Ian Hecox x reader
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • smosh masterlist  ⋆˚。⋆୨୧⋆
summary: imagine dating ian and being the mom + dad of smosh as you all hang out
word count: 1k
warnings: none at all, this has no plot it’s just vibes
a/n: this is super short but I loved this idea—i adore writing abt the smosh characters just hanging out. this is just 1,037 words of smosh cast being stupid (affectionate). fem!reader. enjoy! 🎀
    “Do I—in theory—look like Leonardo DaVinci?”
     Amanda petted the fake beard she wore on her chin. Her, Angela, Chanse, Courtney, and Spencer all sat on a couch, staring at the TV screen in front of them, controllers in hand. 
     You had just walked into the room, followed by your boyfriend, Ian, who was sizing up Amanda’s costume. 
     “Close,” Ian said, “but you’re missing the  19-24 year old girl.”
     Ian walked towards a chair near the couch the rest of the cast sat on. He sat down and you joined him, taking your spot on his lap, watching the scene in front of you.
     “DiCaprio wishes he had a beard like this,” Amanda winked, twirling the hair around her finger 
     “Look, mom and dad are here!” Spencer joked, looking up from the game at you and Ian. 
     You rolled your eyes at him, turning to Ian and kissing him dramatically.
     “Ew, mom and dad are kissing!” Angela added. “I don’t want to see that”
     You weren’t that much older than any of the Smosh cast. But since you were dating Ian, one of the dads of Smosh, you supposed mom kind of came with the title. 
     That, and, according to them, you acted like their mother. 
     “What’re you guys playing?” You asked them as Ian flipped off Angela. She stuck her tongue out back at him. 
     “An epic game of Mario Kart,” Courtney informed you. “If you get hit by a turtle shell, you have to add a piece to your historical-themed costume. Which is why Amanda—”
     “—is a 15th century renaissance artist,” Ian nodded. “Who, by the way, died in the arms of King Francis. Little fruity if you ask me.”
     “He walked so we could run,” Chanse said, never taking his eyes off the screen. 
     “Or, in your case, slip on all of the banana peels in sight,” Spencer teased.
     “Oh it is so on, Elvis.” 
     You took in Spencer’s black wig and white jumpsuit. 
     You then looked around at the others. Courtney wore what could only have been a Bob Ross wig and Chase had on a Marilyn Monroe dress, red lipstick and all. And Angela…
     “Who are you supposed to be anyway?” You asked Angela. 
      “I’m Dr. Mike,” she gestured to her scrubs as if it was obvious. 
     “You heard historical and thought Dr. Mike?” Ian asked.
     “You’re speaking to Miss Another Plane Has Hit the Food Pyramid, remember?” Chanse said. 
     “It was an honest mistake anyone could make!” Angela shouted. “And what do you know, you’re dead.”
     “We don’t know that!” Chanse yelled, focused in on the race. “She could still be out there.”
     “Tell me about it,” Spencer added. “You think they spelled Elvis’s middle name wrong on his tombstone on accident? It’s all part of the conspiracy.”
     “A conversation about conspiracy theories and you didn’t start it?” You turned to Ian. “What has this world come to?” 
     “Got him,” Courtney said, turning her controller sharply. 
     “Oh he sent me the article,” Spencer informed you. “And gave me the brochure for the Elvis Sightings club.”
     “We talked about this,” you turned to Ian. “No spreading your propaganda.” 
     “Challenge: impossible,” Angela laughed, spinning the scissors she held around on one finger. 
     “What are the scissors for?” You pointed to what Angela was holding in the hand that didn’t have her remote. 
     “The supply of surgical tools here is lower than you might think,” she said sarcastically. “This is as good as it gets.”
     “Well, from the looks of all of your detailed costumes—and Angela’s—you all suck.” Ian said. “Let me show you how it’s done.”     
     He stood up, stretching his back. You got up with him and walked behind the couch so you could see the screen. 
     “Don’t break anything, grandpa,” Spencer joked. 
     “Ian, do you even know how to play this game?” Courtney asked. “It was made after 1975.”
     “Roasted,” Amanda said, before leaning back to whisper to you, “I’m so lost—do I want to kill those things or use them?”
     “Neither, that’s the final lap turtle,” you told her. 
     Everyone looked at you. “What? I’m around you yahoos 24/7–you’re bound to pick up a thing or two here and there.”
     “Here Ian, try and win me one,” Amanda handed Ian her controller, letting him race for  her. “I keep trying to collect all of the sparkly red boxes, but I don’t think it’s working for me.”
     “Amanda, for the last time—” Chanse began, before cutting off. “You know what, never mind.”
     Ian took it from Amanda as the race began, already driving his car off the edge of a a cliff.
     You giggled. 
     “I’m going to get some paint for my costume,” Amanda said, sighing as she accepted her defeat. “Angela, I hope you already ate.”
     “Very funny, Angela eats paint, screw you,” Angela said. 
     You stood back as you watched Ian and the rest of your friends play. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself at the fun they were having, shouting and laughing and cheering—a cool dad playing a video game with all of his kids. 
     Ian looked over at you. “What?”
     “Nothing,” you grinned, looking at your watch. “But don’t you guys have a shoot in, like, 10 minutes?”
     “Buzzkill,” Spencer mumbled.
     “Aren’t you the director of this channel?” You asked Spencer. 
     He ignored you. 
     “Yeah,” Ian pouted, “One more game?” 
     “Don’t encourage them,” you joked, grabbing the controller out of Ian’s hand and pulling him towards you, planting a kiss on his forehead. 
     “Geez, who died and made her president of the company,” Angela looked to the rest of the cast, pointing the scissors at you. “When did she start getting to boss us around?”
     “When I started dating the president of the company, doctor” you shot back, grabbing the scissors out of Angela’s hand before she could do any damage with them. 
     Ian laughed, grabbing your other hand—the one that wasn’t occupied with Angela’s scissors, and linking his fingers with yours. 
     Amanda walked back in the room then.
     “I couldn’t find any paint, but I found a pilot’s hat—Angela, you wanna take this one?”
     “For the last time, 2001 and 2011 look really similar on paper!”
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope you enjoyed this little imagine. have a lovely day filled with thoughts abt ian 🤭
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diazheartsbuckley · 10 hours
These ALL sound so freaking good but I NEED more about these 3!!! 😍😍😍
⛪️ (Mob boss!Buck x Priest!Eddie
“So what made you come here?” Eddie asks, carefully sitting down on the pews but without turning to look at the man besides him.
There’s a long stretch of silence and he can see how tense Buck becomes, jaw clenching tightly as he stares at the lit candles at the back wall.
“I just-…” Buck sighs. He shouldn’t confide in someone else. He shouldn’t let anyone in. The walls that he has built around himself have been under construction since he was ten years old and his father went to prison. For that exact reason, he found it increasingly difficult to wake up and look at himself in the mirror, accepting his own fate. “I don’t want to be like my father”
⬇️ (The smutty mechanic fic)
The heat of a familiar body presses up against him, arms on either side of his box him in and Buck exhales softly, his eyes never leave the engine room. Eddie was trying to teach him just a little bit about cars but it had been fruitless since Buck kept distracted by work calls and stepping away from the car.
“Alright, darling, this right here is the ignition system” Eddie drawls, the southern accent and charm shining through in every single word. “So what we’re gonna do…” He stretches a hand forward, roaming around the engine and then holds up a part that to Buck, could’ve been anywhere on the car. “Is take this here part out”
Buck isn’t listening to a single word that comes out of Eddie’s mouth, he’s just staring at his sweaty and slightly greasy forearms and his right hand that’s resting dangerously close to his hip. “And then what?” Buck breathes out as the heat from Eddie’s body disappears ever so slightly.
“What would you like to have happen?” A proud and teasing grin spread across Eddie’s face.
❤️‍🔥 (bratty probie!Buck x newly appointed Lieutenant!Eddie)
Inspired by the amazing @bidisasterevankinard 🥰
Okay, so maybe he hadn’t been entirely by the book during that car crash they responded to earlier, but hey, it had gotten the job done and everyone made it out alive.
He slams the door behind him as he exits the engine, the heavy thud reverberating in the garage and he begins to open his jacket, allowing a cool breeze to flow through the thick fabric.
“Probie!” An angry voice calls from the other engine, determined footsteps making their way towards him hurriedly. Lieutenant Eddie Diaz is front of him, as close that he can almost feel his breath against his skin. “What the hell were you doing out there? That is not protocol” Eddie tells the young man in front of him.
He’s got that devilish teasing smile on his face, a face that’s sculpted by actual gods and Eddie hated to admit it because he had to be professional, he had to be his superior officer, but the ass on that man? It made his mouth water on several occasions and he had maybe (maybe not) gotten himself off to the thought of fucking the attitude out of him.
“So?” Buck raises an eyebrow and darts the tip of his tongue across his lower lip, noticing how the lieutenants eyes can’t help but to follow it.
“What do you mean, ‘so’? You could’ve gotten seriously injured back there” The older man stretches his arm behind him, indicating towards the call that they just came from. People were watching them or at least keeping an eye on them as they stood face to face, Buck’s back pressed against the side of the engine.
The opportunity presents itself wide open (which is exactly what Buck wants to do for his superior officer) and a knowing smile spreads across his face. “I’m sorry, sir. It won’t happen again. You should find an appropriate punishment” Buck almost can’t contain his excitement as he watches a pretty shade of red rising to the lieutenants face.
Make me write ✍️
Gonna use this as my wip(s) Wednesday🥰
Tagged by @tizniz @actuallyitsellie 💕
@himbobuck @hippolotamus @wikiangela
@wildlife4life @daffi-990 @jeeyuns
@inell @underwaterninja13 @bilosan
@butraura @bucksbignaturals @bucksbirthmark
@evanbegins @bucks-daddy-issues @honestlydarkprincess
@watchyourbuck @namjroon @monsterrae1
@exhuastedpigeon @extasiswings @spotsandsocks
@dangerpronebuddie @cal-daisies-and-briars @fiona-fififi
@steadfastsaturnsrings @ronordmann @rogerzsteven
@theotherbuckley @pirrusstuff @loveyouanyway 🩵
23 notes · View notes
For the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Disability Pride Month Event: Day 1- Alternate Communication
Word Count: ~5,200
Warnings: Period typical understanding of trans identities, period typical attitudes, and out of date language. Domestic child abuse. Unintentional ableism/infantilization of a disabled character. Later intentional ableism. Hurt minimal comfort. Mean-spirited. Drayton Sawyer is not nice.
Bubba’s at that age where he’s got a lot of questions.
A real teenager now, already thirteen and in that phase that the twins had before him, where there’s no excuses or lies to trick them into being quiet and obedient would work anymore. Now he’s got all the questions.
That’s not to say it’s the same kind of curiosity. His older brothers were sneaky, conniving things that could be tricky with the questions they asked, could get answers to things they wasn’t exactly s’posed to know. Somethin’ they were quite proud of.
But Bubba’s questions were more often about the deep thoughts of life. Things like how stars are made and where rainbows come from. Apparently the Bibles in every nightstand weren’t good enough answer for him. Fair enough since nobody read ‘em after Great Grandma’s days.
Bubba, with all his overflowing need for answers, come to the twins with a little notepad. It ain’t easy for him to write, but it’s even harder to speak, so Bubba has a system. He makes little letters and short words along with his noises to build a story his brothers can eventually understand.
Today though, his question is big, and they aren’t getting what he needs. Which means they doesn’t know how to answer it. Which means Bubba gets so upset he’s about to start cryin’.
They take note of the shiny tears formin’ in his big ol’ eyes, and Bobby is the one to promise, “W-We’ll fix it! We’ll fix it, lil’ B-Bubba!”
Nubbins leaves to the kitchen and returns with a cup of juice, the kind with a lid he used to drink from when he was younger but the twins still think he likes, “Here! I-Is ‘at w-what’cha wanted?”
Bubba gives a roll of his (unfortunately misty) eyes and pushes it away with a huff. He’s not a baby that cries for juice, he’s having a crisis and wishes his brothers would just get it.
“Aw, Bubby w-what the hell y-you on?!” Bobby complains sharply, which just kind of makes Bubba lose control and cry.
Both twins feel bad for causing those tears to finally fall, though they won’t say it, deciding to go and find the powers of the house to fix their mess up.
“L-Let’s go ask big b-brother-“ Nubbins announces, looking to Bubba to see if that’s okay, so Bubba gives a tiny nod.
Each takes one of his hands, guiding him as they run down the stairs calling, “Drayton! Drayton!”
They caught him off guard with his second or maybe third coffee of the day, bitter liquid spilling down the rim of the mug and splattering on the counter. Earns them a raised voice, “Christ on a goddamn- Who lit a flame under your asses? I taught you better’n runnin’ ‘round here like hellions!”
“Bubba’s got- B-Bubba’s got a question a-and we c’ain’t figures it o-out!” Nubbins explains for the trio of them, long arms raised out and above Bubba’s head to protect the littlest one from a possible punishment over the spilled coffee.
They’re lucky that their older brother can be a little bit nicer to Bubba, talking to him like a human at times, “That right? C’mere, Bubba.”
Like he’s in trouble, or still five years old and barely walking, Bubba waddles forward to Drayton with his head down and his hands clasped and twiddling behind his back.
Drayton scoffs at his demeanor as though he ain’t given his brothers every reason under the sun to be afraid, “Ain’t in trouble. Wha’s’a matter?”
Because he’s gotten so tall, Bubba hunches his shoulders down to be at a height around the same as Drayton. Quietly, though not quite a whisper on account of not really being able to, Bubba babbles away, his tone and his inflection to the sounds he makes in place of any distinct words.
Drayton never did need the written out sentences that the twins did, understanding his cooing as though he were speaking perfectly clear English.
“Uh-huh..” Eyebrows drawn tight together, a deep frown across his aging face, Drayton asks for the truth, “Boy you ain’t pullin’ on my chain?”
Bubba shakes his head, “Nuh-uh!” Makes a little cross over his heart to swear it's true and everything.
Suddenly his exasperated face turns grim. Mist of sad behind his eyes.
“This’n… Big brother c’ain’t fix this’n, you hear. I’m no good for that.. I’m- Ain’t a very good influence..”
The twins exchange a glance, mutually understanding absolutely nothing of what’s going on, before Nubbins nudges Bobby so he’ll speak up. He chirps, “Drayton? Drayton w-w-watcha talkin’?”
Drayton’s shoulders snap backwards like he’s been shoved over by some specter, startled clear out of his self-reflection and onto the defensive, “Boys your.. your Bubba needs a little help.”
“Tha’s y-yer job though!” Bobby argues, angry that they thought he'd be nice enough to help when they couldn’t figure out how.
“Shut your mouth!” Hand flying out like it’s nothin’, Drayton dishes out a backhand that hits Bobby first and scratches slightly on Nubbins’ jaw too. He gives an order with a grimace, hating to be undermined but never rising to his duties, “You boys take Bubba ‘n show ‘im upstairs to your Gran’parents’ room.”
Timidly, but the curious, argumentative spirit never quite extinguished in him, Nubbins asks, “Why? W-Wha’s up there?”
“I’ll show you when I get to that for God’s sakes!.. Need a damn smoke firs’..” Draytons voice trails off as he storms for the front door, slamming it shut and, from the sound of it, pacing around the porch.
Unfazed, the twins start dragging their little brother around again, “C’mon l-lil’ Bubba!”
Frustrated at being babied in his teen years, Bubba whines all the way up the steps. already a head taller than the shortest of his three older brothers, he can’t grasp why they want to see him as some tiny, fragile baby. Maybe then they’d understand his growing pains, if they could just see him as a regular 13 year old.
“M-Mean ol’ man, huh Bubba?” Bobby bumps him with his shoulder playfully, big cheeseburger smile on, like it’s funny he got hit and Bubba didn’t get any answers.
A whole slurry of sad and frustrated and scared mixes together and just turns Bubba’s stomach. The best he can muster is a shrug.
They take reluctance as a sign of worry, with Nubbins informing him in a harsh whisper, “Y-You’s allowed to say it. Ain’t n-nobody like Cook.”
“E-Even Cook don’ like Cook!” Bobby adds, breaking into a cackle that makes Nubbins laugh along.
That confuses Bubba, making a noise he hopes they can understand so they explain better, “Duh?”
Sort of better. Bobby starts up his rambling, “He’ just pissed ‘cause.. ‘cause I-I bet he had that d-dumb ol’ face his wh-whole life.”
Now that’s confusing. Everyone in the family always had just the one, except for Bubba, ever since he started wearing masks just a couple years ago.
Nubbins starts to steer his twin into understandable territory, “Heh heh, yeh, B-Bubs gets a newww face when- when he’s feelin’ like a stuck-up bitch hog!”
“But all the old man does, i-is make that ol’ sucker face!” Bobby howls.
Of course both twins immediately imitate Drayton’s grumpy face with exaggerated pouts and scrunched features. A rumbly laugh squeaks out of Bubba, though he feels guilty for finding their insults funny. It dies off pretty fast and then he stares at the ground instead, hoping they’re done with their teasing.
It doesn’t help that they’re wrong. Bubba isn’t upset about anything to do with the face and neither was Drayton. The masks have already been serving their purpose, with their makeup and shiny hair. That’s just what scares him. Thinking maybe Drayton got mad about that he likes to wear lady faces sometimes, and the questions starting up now surrounding if that’s allowed.
Because that ain’t the reason, what the twins said ‘bout changin’ every time he gets bored and stuffy and irritated. Bubba thinks that, some of the time anyway, he really is a lady, underneath the face and all.
Miming for the twins to understand that is futile, but he tries anyhow, flashing his hands and pointing to his mask and shaking his head in a pattern.
The twins are not subtle about their confusion. Staring blankly, Bobby asks his twin, “You gots any idea w-what he’s sayin’?”
Nubbins shakes his head no, taking a random guess based on earlier, “Bubba- B-Bubba is you askin’ why.. why the Cook’s so mean?”
“Oh yeah! I-I bet that’s it!” Bobby bounces on his heels, like he’s excited to be wrong.
Poor Bubba makes an ‘X’ with crossed arms, but they just ignore it, their minds made up already about his intention.
Starting with Nubbins, they tell the story they’ve been told when they’ve asked why Drayton was treating them badly, “Well uh..uh.. m-me an’ Bobby, we was born jus’ when Drayton was ‘boutta m-move real far a..away.”
“He-He found some.. some dumb job was gonna s-steal him from the fam’ly. And we th-thinks he had a.. a secret l-lady friend!”
“‘T-‘Til us lil’ cripples was born. Th-That’s his words eh-zactly.”
Bubba’d heard all that before by himself, but it sounded more interesting when the twins told it rather than big brother. At least they weren’t holding it over his head. If he could manage reasonably communicatin’ with them, he’d like to know more, so he makes a motion with his hands pulling towards himself.
Nubbins understands Bubba wants more knowledge, but doesn’t know what to tell him, deciding to reminisce, “I-I-I’s gonna pull out them-them photo picture albums! W-We’ll find somethin’ good in them! Drayton’s book ain’t th-that big, w-we could pull it down for answers!”
Frantic, this attempt at bonding not at all what he wanted, Bubba tries to whine and make a ‘stop’ motion with his hands on account of they aren’t allowed. Getting in trouble is the last thing he wants right now.
But Bobby scolds him, while helping his twin to drag down the giant dusty photo book, “Oh hush, b-big brother ain’t gonna be f-finished with them cigs ‘til- ‘til he’s stinkin’ worse’n G-Gramma used to.”
“Shush it! B-Bubs don’ remembers her neither!” Nubbins gives a thwack to Bobby’s head not unlike the one they received from Drayton earlier for that slip up. Without asking first if Bubba even cared, which he didn’t all that much.
The twins sit on the dusty old bed, each with a cover of the book in their laps over crossed legs. Bobby flips the first few pages, past the really, really old photos of people they never even heard of. Once yellows and orangey browns fades to black and white, they find what they're looking for an’ point for Bubba to see, “Lookie, h-here she is!”
It’s Grandma in her dressey clothes, wrapped in layers and layers of lace and pretty colors they can’t quite see under the colorless photo. She died wearin’ that same Pearl necklace and the curlers that would’ve made her up-did ringlets if she ever gots to take ‘em out. Her gappy, black toothed smile shows a different side, where she’s not so fancy, but they loved her all the same and she loved them. According to how her eyes crinkle and her cheeks look rosy, whole figure outlined by the faintest blur from the shake of her laughter, she loves the little baby in her arms too.
That’s the trouble though. A baby girl, according to the bows on her tiny clothes. Nubbins’ face gets all offended, “W-Wha’s she doin’ in Drayton’s pictures book with some lil’ l-lady baby?” He flips to double-check the name on the front, and sure ‘nough it says ‘Drayton’ right there, in clear as day handwriting. ‘Sides, far as they know, ain’t been a little girl Sawyer born in sixty some years.
“Lemme see that!” Bobby snatches the book away so he can bring it up to his face and narrow his fuzzy eyes at it, focusin’ real hard ‘til he concludes, “Well th-that outta b-be Mama.”
Now Nubbins knows that ain’t right and rolls his eyes, “No, you-you dummy, Gramma was only our age w-when Mommy was born. Ain’t no ol-old lady already.”
“That ain’t old.” Bobby concludes without looking again at Gramma’s obvious wrinkles in the picture.
“It ain’t y-y-young neither!”
Nubbins being taller is able to snatch the book and clamber to his knees, holding it high up above Bobby’s head. With his other hand, he blocks his scratching and swatting to defend the book, when he turns his head and notices their little brother watching.
“Bubba, y-you wanna sees it?”
Bubba nods oh so excitedly, making hands like grabby little claws. Nubbins giggles and hands it to him, probably hoping to dump it off anyhow so he can fight Bobby with his full attention.
Only a little disturbed by all the commotion and rattling of the bed they’re using as a fighting ring, Bubba slowly flips through, watching the stranger baby girl in Grandma’s arms grow up into a toddler, and then a little kid, no older than seven or eight years old.
And suddenly, the little girl chops all her hair off, and starts swimmin’ in baggy old clothes, and smiles bright ‘n wide, showin’ off two little bucked teeth. That is Drayton.
Bubba gasps and squeals and bounces to get the twins’ attention.
“What? W-What’s a’ matter Bubba?” Bobby checks up, showing actual real concern underneath the big red slap mark on his face.
Nubbins looks, double-takes to process the shocked expression on Bubba’s face, and then gets angry at his twin, blaming him and all the arguing for Bubba’s emotion, “Y-You scared ‘im!”
“Nuh-uh! Uh-uh!” Bubba insists, waving his hands.
They stop to get their answers and see Bubba’s fished out the little picture from under the sticky plastic, holding it out. Flipped to the back, there’s some blue pen, sort of sideways and scratchy writing but easy enough to read.
The twins know it as Mama’s handwriting, a little script that says: ‘Little Es is officially a big boy. Asks we call him - Drayton. 1925’
“Woah.” They deadpan at the same time, sharing another playful nudge over their jinx.
Nubbins is the first to deviate from their identical surprise, with a question, “W-What’s this business big brother was a b-baby girl for? Is a-all babies girls?”
“No way, stupid. J-Just the ones that the Mama and the Daddy gets- gets confused.” Bobby snorts at him, always acting like he’s so much smarter.
Since he wants to be, Nubbins asks him sarcastically, though it is true really doesn’t know on his own, “What’s ‘at mean?”
“They m-mixed it up a-and c-couldn’t tell which was it.” Bobby says it like it’s obvious.
Now it’s Nubbins’ turn to get all haughty, ‘cause he thought of somethin’ smart that says what Bobby’s actin’ like is true, ain’t. “What, y-you thinks babies change they-they’s own diapers? Nope.”
Fed up with them, Bubba covers his ears and squeaks as loud as possible, “Eeee!”
No more words, they both snap to attention looking at him. Bubba calmly starts to mimic with his hands, pointing to the baby girl picture, slicing through the air, and pointing again to Drayton’s first boy picture. He’s trying to show them the progression, that this was a gradual change.
“Uh… Dr-Drayton splitted in half?” Bobby guesses.
Nubbins claps his hands once as he realizes, “No! Bubby says Drayton jus’ a-a replacement! Th-They switched ‘im out!”
Yet again, Bubba is sighing at their wildness and shaking his head over their out of place assumptions.
But he feels bad about it immediately, once Drayton appears. Liked he cursed his brothers to a punishment for mostly innocent teasing by being frustrated at them.
Drayton reeks of cigarette smoke so badly they could prob’ly all suffocate in this dusty old room. He scans and finds the book out of place, immediately turning sour about the face, “What the hell you boys got into, huh?”
Bobby takes their incorrect theory and runs with it, “W-What’s it your business, you ain’t e-even our real big b-brother! Y-You just a replacement!”
“Yeh!!” Nubbins backs him up, nodding furiously.
“Give me that..” Drayton snatches his photo back, cradling it between his hands like they were playin’ with another wounded little baby bird or somethin’, “I oughta whoop you boys. I-I oughta beat you both senseless!!”
His red-faced rage scares them, but they deflect instead of admitting that, Nubbins pointing to their younger brother with accusation, “H-Hey! Bubba looked too!”
“Have you forgotten Bubba was who you two ingrates was s’posed t’ be helping!?” Drayton seems to just shrug off the attempt, turning it into more furious ammunition.
Brown-ish eyes get all wide, Nubbins frantic to insist, “Uh… no! We jus’... uh..”
“W-We don’ understand ‘im!” Bobby finishes for him.
So much for pretendin’ like they got it all handled, they gotta go cryin’ to big brother to fix it like they aren’t grown themselves now too, “We-We’s tried it! But like you s-said, we ain’t v-ver’ smart!”
“B-Big brother, we's jus’ stupid!!” They lament, lanky, scarred up arms finding their place around each other as they both start wailing.
Now Bubba really feels bad. The twin’s last birthday was number 18, meaning in the eyes of the law they was liable on they own now, full grown enough to move out and do somethin’ besides just play all day. Funny thing though, is the government not knowin’ they been workin’ all their lives, ‘round the farm or helpin’ Drayton with his business.
Just don’t seem like it sometimes, when they’re both burstin’ into tears, all torn up over bein’ bad at their assigned role as Bubba’s big brothers. The way they baby him don’t sting quite so much now, knowin’ they was just tryin’ all they knew to get it right. Shouldn’t really be up to them, or Drayton for that matter, it should be their mama.
Bubba saw her picture in his book, her giant brown eyes, carved into her slender face by puffy rims. Her smile was sort of the same way, chipped away from a bony, pale sort of glow about her. Unlike Gramma, Mama didn’t doll herself up in dark red lipsticks and spidery eye lashes. Mama wore every freckle and mole and the burn scar on her cheek with pride.
Looking into that face, peppered with all kinds of realness, Bubba can’t imagine her leaving jus’ ‘cause of his face. Drayton told him that all along, that his face had these awful gaps and dents and pinches that warped it around, along the lines of where he now had ropey pink scars and droopy eyes.
Mama was pretty, so pretty he’s a little jealous, but her eyes just got this look a lot like love and acceptance that makes Bubba want to believe somethin’ different happened back then. It’s nicer to think Mama would’ve helped his ways of communicatin’, than it is to admit she walked out, whatever the reason.
“Now.. Now, that’s enough of that! Quiet!” Drayton is hollering at the twins to stop their cryin’, drawing Bubba up out of the photo book and into the current problem. Or rather, problems, counting being caught with the picture books, yelling at Drayton, all their bickering, and Bubba struggling to communicate on top of all that.
For their part, the twins do quiet down to just sniffles, watching as Drayton points in their faces and turns,
“I’ll be back to you two after ‘ while.”
For now he’s dealin’ with Bubba, who’s got dread pumpin’ in his veins like a rainstorm against the windows.
Drayton wets his lips and forces a chuckle like he does when he’s talking to a victim. Bubba thinks his brother must be half scared of somethin’, as he motions to the photo book, “What’s ‘at you got there?”
It’s got to be a trap. A trick question. Bubba slams it shut and snatches it close, wrapping his arms around it. A teeny part of him hopes he can hide that it’s Drayton’s particular book, until he remembers that he’d already seen the particular snapshot in history they was all lookin’ at.
“Ah, c’mon now. Show me.” Drayton coos, a tone reserved almost exclusively for folks tied to the dinner table, or the way he talks to the food in the truck when he thinks the boys are too busy to listen.
There’s danger in that. Bubba eases up slowly, presenting the book on the page he’d been fixated to. Drayton takes it full out of his hands and flips through with skill and ease, clearly looked through this photo book many times while nobody else was s’pose to see.
What he lands on is another photo of himself, a little older this time, proudly in line with Grandpa, officially recognized as a man of this house. Someone in their history’d doctored it to have a small cut out photo of little Drayton next to it. With his hair in girly piggy tails and a skirt lengthwise down to his shins.
“See here, this’n’s the one I wanted t’ show ya.”
Bubba thinks he’s starting to understand that they were supposed to look in the photo books. Drayton would’ve hit them already instead of later on, if he could truly bring himself to be angry about their spying. Big brother must ought’ been too shy to show off the pictures, preferring them to find it without him in the room. Maybe in case they said somethin’ mean.
“You was sayin’ ‘bout all that, boy-girl business. One to the other, huh? There ya have it. Know a fella myself done that.” He starts, bridging together all the small pieces in Bubba’s head to build the bond he’d hoped.
Earlier, what Bubba told Drayton that the twins couldn’t understand, he was tellin’ about his questions, his crisis, his out of body feelins.
Bobby gets impatient with Drayton takin’ it all so slow though, “Y-You did, you ch-changed-“
“Damn it, I know that! Tryin’a make friendly!“ Drayton whips his head ‘round to yell, taking a slow, deep breath on the way back to brace himself for the serious side of this, “Lookie, Bubba. You know.. heh.. big brother ain’t as naive as I look. Let you do all that business with your makeup ‘n them suits of your departed auntie’s, ‘cause I seen the inklin’ of this all along.”
Like a confused critter, a puppy at the door wonderin’ who’s on the other side, Bubba tilts his head sideways, “Guh?”
“Well now I watched you grow, didn’t I? Noticed you wasn’t like your brothers.” Drayton laughs like there’s a joke, but it’s still too tense to be real. His cold tone and accompanying lisp drop in, “But Bubba, you gots to be real serious ‘bout this if you’s gonna switch it up. Now I.. you know I can’t just start sayin’ I got’a little sister and everybody gonna be okay with it.”
Now Drayton won’t look him in the eyes, in the pretty woman face he’s wearin’ to feel the way his brother is describing, instead fixing his eyes downwards to his hands, “They’ll see through ya. God knows it. Best to stick ‘round the house much as you can if’n you go on with it. Can’t run ‘round the slaughterhouse or the station so free. ‘Til the idea of boy Bubba dies off anyhow.”
It still feels like too much. Like all kinds of commitment and work that’s still going to leave the problem exposed. What Drayton’s talking is doin’ a heart surgery on a brain-dead bitch hog. Ain’t gonna fix a damn thing.
Bubba shakes his head defiantly. The room around him is silent, Drayton’s face falling so bad you’d swear somebody done slapped him right ‘cross it.
Nubbins must noticed, cause he taps Drayton on his arm, whisper-informing him, “Cook, I-I thinks he’s sayin’ he don’ want that.”
“That right, huh? You wanna stay a boy?” Drayton tries to clarify.
But Bubba shakes his head at that too, and crosses his arms now.
“So you is wantin’ to be a girl?”
Another shake. Drayton’s skipping over the right answer, and Bubba hopes he’ll understand that if he could just deny his questions enough. It feels strange, that his usual go-to for understandin’ is now so closed off, caught up in his own experience so much he can’t see Bubba’s how it is.
The twins ain’t perfect about the way they talk with Bubba but they do try, or at least they’s goin’ to now, ‘cause Bobby excitedly declares. “I know this! I-I-I know this! I think Bubba w-wanna be both!”
A little surprised honestly, Bubba feels a big burst of happy energy from his heart out into his limbs. He wiggles his arms and claps his hands together, faster than he would if he were talkin’ this way.
Drayton is stuck up on Bobby bein’ right, not takin’ it a good way like Bubba, “That ain’t the way it works, fool.”
Bubba ain’t sure if he’s talkin’ the boy-girl stuff, or the ‘Drayton isn’t always right and the twins know their shit sometimes’ stuff.
“S-Sure it is! If that’s what B-Bubba wants!” Nubbins sounds too confident, and they all realize he’s just rubbing salt in the wounds as much as he is extending an olive branch past the old man to Bubba.
“Yeh! O-Old man don’ make the rules!” Bobby agrees, and they’re across the other side of the bed, but Bubba feels like they’re huggin’ him, wrapped around with happy feelings and pleasant warmth.
“I ain’t old yet. And damn it I didn’t say a contrary word!” Drayton insists, taking the high road. No fists go flying, or belts for that matter, just a sort of vulnerability uncovered that would usually have that violent shield over top when his usefulness slipped, “Bubba, help your big brother understand.”
“Uh…” Bubba don’t know how. It’s been put plainly already. He just kinda freezes with his wrists bent up soothingly.
“U-Use the p-pictures, Bubs!” Bobby encourages him, since that’s how he got his point across to them before. Poorly scrawled words didn’t ever really cut it and neither did his gestures, so pictures would have to do.
Only, he doesn’t really get how to do that with limited photos of Drayton’s upbringing that got nothin’ to do with this current issue at all. That must show in his eyes, the panic and the just stuck feeling that’s catching up to him.
Nubbins suggests, “Make.. m-make new ones!”
To show it’s possible, Bobby fetches another yellow-paged notepad, while Nubbins produces a pencil from behind his ear, there ‘cause he was copying the pen Drayton usually keeps there on his own person.
Bubba babbles his version of a thank you, simple phrases like that still known to the family more than this complex stuff, and begins doodling. It takes two entire pages to show it all in his pictures, things like Bubba changing outfits, wearing his boy self and then his girl self, a calendar and the rotating sun showing it’s a day to day sort of thing. At first, Bubba had wanted to know if that was normal, his questions being about how to handle it.
Their reactions were answer enough though, and now it’s just like he’s answerin’ his own questions. Makes him feel kinda smart, drawing out answers and showing all the feelings her never managed to speak on. Really and truly communicating.
Drayton looks it all over when he’s finished and sort of half, fake-smiles.
“Sometimes a she, sometimes a he. Long as yer dressed accordin’ly, think I can work with ‘at. Knew a few fellas down… well you don’ want ‘t know all ‘at. Heh. Older you kids get, less I think I’m knowin’ how ‘t talk to ya.”
Shaking his head at himself in something like shame, Drayton gets up to leave. He’s frustrated at having failed at understanding, but just as much about having passed on his afflictions in the way of the human sex to poor Bubba somehow.
Hands shaking, he goes to the door to leave, before stopping. His heavy, quivery breaths fill the room more than any of the noise they’d been making today, “Bubba. Don’t go tellin’ this to the outside, you hear? These drawins, they stay in the home. To the outside you’re mute again.”
“That ain’t f-fair! I-If we can understands his art, e-everyone oughta, a-and he’ll be jus’ like normal!” Bobby stands and argues, his twin nodding furiously behind him.
Bubba though, he doesn’t like all the yelling and covers his eyes to hide from it.
“Hell what makes you boys think you know a damned thing about normal? Huh? What makes ya think I don’t?” Drayton had stomped forward, probably grabbed the boy according to the way Bobby yelped. Bubba curls up tighter and hopes that slap he just heard doesn’t hurt as bad as it sounded.
“Thats right ain’t nothin’ normal ‘round here, ‘n I ‘llow that much, but you find yourself testin’ my damn limits!!”
The door slams again and something falls over, a bone animal Bubba is pretty sure but not positive until he’s ready to uncover his eyes. In the quiet, the twins check up on each other first before coming back to gently inform Bubba.
“Psst. Bubba. H-He gone.” It’s Nubbins that says that.
Slowly Bubba comes out of hiding, obvious to all that a couple tears slipped past and wet his mask just so. Staying hushed, Bobby gently takes the drawing pad he was using and puts it in the big pocket on the inside of his sleeveless jacket.
“Iss alright. Lookie. Here look. I-I’s gon’ keep this.. this lil’ pad in my pocket, a-an when you wants to speak you tell one ‘f us. Th-That way, you ain’t the one c-carryin’ it so y-youu won’ get in trouble!”
“Tha’s sm-smart.” Nubbins testifies, grinning some. Seeing his toothy smile makes Bubba feel better, catching his breaths and steadying back out to no more panic. He gives a nod in agreement.
Bobby got a little ego about him from that claim, “I know it! W-We both is!”
Instead of the argument Bubba was expecting, the twins clap their hands together and clasp them there, connecting and silently saying that they handled this good. Cheeriness comes back into them and they’re laughing like hyenas before Bubba’s had time to process.
He still feels a little sad on his own. Ain’t easy bein’ told he’s a freak of nature needs to hide from the public, no matter how many times or for which reason it happens.
At least the notepad wasn’t burned up or somethin’, and he’s still ‘llowed to use it at home. Looking at all the photo albums, home to the first inkling of this understanding, he gets the idea to make a new one, that will hold his communication drawings as the pictures. That’ll be his next craft, and surely Nubbins will be able to help him with the sewing and gluing ‘til he gets real good on his own. Brings a crooked smile to his face as well.
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hornedstorys · 2 days
POTA Caesar x reader - turning Page Part 1
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It's been far too long since I've seen the films! It's time to change that! I hope you like the story anyway. And I have no idea how many parts this story will have. Maybe 2-3?
Warnings: sfw, very slight closeness, friends to lovers, slight angst, slow burn - english is not my native language
Content: You were Will's cousin and lived with him. You and Caesar grew up together and loved playing together. But you got older, feelings changed, just like events in the world.
When you heard the news from Will that he had saved a baby chimpanzee, you almost died of curiosity. You really wanted to see the baby!
You were down at the front door so quickly and opened it before Will could even think about putting his keys in.
"Where is he?" you asked hastily and Will laughed, then you noticed the box in Will's hands.
"Is he in there?" you wanted to look for yourself, but Will was just able to block you and shook his head in amusement.
"Take it easy, (Y/n). Let me come in first, then I can introduce him to you."
Him? So he was a boy, you thought to yourself and followed Will into the kitchen. Your eyes followed the events excitedly. Then Will finally opened the box and a small chimpanzee appeared, blinking at Will and you with curious gold-green eyes.
You almost fainted at the sight of the baby. He was so cute! The little one carefully reached out his tiny hands and with wide eyes you pushed your finger towards him. He took it gratefully.
"He's really cute! Will he stay?" you asked and Will nodded: "For now, yes. I couldn't possibly leave him in the lab." You nodded in understanding and didn't take your eyes off the little monkey.
"What's his name?" you asked and Will shrugged.
"Caesar," Will smiled and you looked at the little monkey with big, childlike eyes.
"Hello Caesar!"
It was amusing to watch Will try to be a surrogate mother for little Caesar. You tried to help as best you could, even though you were only ten years old. Nevertheless, you tried to help and take care of Charles too, well at least you tried to talk to him and play games with Charles. But his Alzheimer's didn't get any better.
You felt so sorry for him and it seemed like it was getting worse every day. But you had no idea about the plans Will was making. You didn't even know what exactly was wrong with Caesar and what the researchers in the lab had done with the monkeys, maybe you were just too young at the time to even understand it. You had fallen so much in love with the young monkey, who you had cared for just as much, that you only had thoughts for him. He grew so quickly and learned so quickly too. It fascinated you.
With a loud snort, Caesar let his breath slide against your neck. You giggled. You had just been playing catch but Caesar was much faster than you.
"Stop Caesar, that tickles!" the little monkey made a happy noise. You sat with him at the dinner table. He was so clever, he had already understood how to drink from a bottle of milk when he was only one day old. Now he was nibbling on a few apples and looking at you with shining eyes.
Three years later, Caesar had learned to use the toilet. Which surprised and amused you at the same time. He became cheekier and started to tease you further by breathing against your neck. He knew exactly that it tickled you. But then you had your moments when you tried to beat each other at chess.
He was always one step ahead of you, he always won. And sometimes, when you were lucky enough to win, you could see something in his eyes. Something mischievous, but also something gentle. He let you win on purpose. You really had the feeling that you were sitting in front of a human being and not a monkey.
Will did tests with Caesar in between. He was just as fascinated by his intelligence and wanted to test it. You looked at the whole thing with a critical eye, because you had heard from Will how the monkeys were treated in the laboratory and also how Caesar's mother Bright Eyes was killed. The monkeys were not seen as living beings, but as guinea pigs.
"This time I'll win," you growled, sitting opposite the monkey who looked at you mischievously. You had another game of chess and this time you thought you would finally win. You made your move and were so close to victory, but your hopes were dashed when Caesar made his move. Your mouth dropped open and you almost fell off your chair.
"You won again?!" you shouted in disbelief and hit your forehead on the table, not too hard of course. This monkey had defeated you for the fifth time in an hour. He was so quick with his moves, while you took a little longer. Caesar grunted amusedly and you looked at him insulted. He made fun of you, great.
Will's girlfriend Caroline soon joined you. She had helped you with Caesar, she really knew a lot because she was a vet. You went for a walk in the park together, with Caesar, Charles and Will. The young monkey literally blossomed when he was in nature and he wasn't even afraid of dogs. You quickly found that out when Caesar hissed and stood up to a German shepherd who didn't even know what was happening.
Caroline and you got on really well and you were also happy that you were finally not the only woman in this male household. You were no longer a child, but a teenager, your body changed just as your moods did. This meant that you were more easily annoyed by Caesar's games. He had gotten into the habit of annoying you and testing your limits. But you couldn't blame him, after all he was getting older and going through a kind of puberty.
Nevertheless, he was gentle with you, he had never hurt you. Every touch he made was targeted and controlled, he could well judge that his strength was so far greater than yours and that he could kill you easily. Of course he didn't want that. He liked you, you had practically grown up together and you were family to him.
It was another one of those days when you sat in the garden in the evening, when everything was quiet, with a book in your hand, reading. You were far too focused on the book that you didn't notice the shadow in the neighboring trees and how he dropped to the ground with ease. Quiet steps came closer to you and suddenly someone breathed gently on your neck. Startled, you dropped your book and pinched your neck where you felt the breath so that Caesar didn't have a chance to do it again.
You giggled and looked at him insulted. Just wait! You stood up and walked towards him. You tried to tickle him back, but Caesar was faster and avoided your hand. He liked this game. Caesar was faster than you and before you knew it, he grabbed you by the hips and pressed you against him. His green-gold eyes met yours and there was silence for a few seconds. You just looked at each other.
His eyes fascinated you, they looked so human and yet different. Those golden flecks in his eyes glowed and you only noticed it now. His hard chest was warm against yours and he too seemed lost in your eyes. His gaze was just as thoughtful.
The barking of a neighborhood dog tore you out of your thoughts and Caesar's grip loosened, but it took ages. Your pulse beat against your neck and his eyes fixed on him. Only now did he see how soft and fragile your skin looked and how easily he could break through it with his sharp canines. When he was younger, he had never noticed it. He had seen you differently and now. You have changed, you have grown up and… he quickly shook his head and turned away and disappeared into his room.
You looked after him, astonished. But he left a pleasant warmth in you that frightened you.
But this evening was just the calm before the storm.
You watched with tears in your eyes as Will's car drove away. He and Caroline had taken Caesar with them and they had simply left you behind. They knew that you would only try to free Caesar and now they were taking him to a monkey house. Crying, you collapsed on the floor and held one of Caesar's T-shirts in your hands. It still smelled of him. He really had a pleasant scent.
You closed your eyes. You would never see him again and above all you had no time to say goodbye… .
A few years had passed. The virus had taken everything from you. Will, your family, everyone. You had fled when people went crazy. They started fighting for things, be it food or places to sleep. You were scared and didn't want to stay in the city any longer. You had packed up the bare essentials and disappeared into the forest. The only place that was safer than the city.
Like many nights before, you sat by the fire and stared into the flames. You thought about the past and especially about Caesar. There wasn't a day that went by when you didn't think about the monkey and you wondered what had become of him. The loneliness ate you up more and more with each passing day and the fear grew. The forest was dangerous and you were mostly lucky that no bear had caught you yet.
You survived by eating berries, although you had had bad experiences with some of them. Some of the ones you found were poisonous and you had to throw up quite badly afterwards. That was the last time you picked those exact varieties.
You sighed and rubbed your eyes on your forearm as you laid your face on your arms. Suddenly there was a crack in the undergrowth and you tensed up, then the earth started to shake. Confused, you stood up, what was going on?!
You looked around in panic, and the first deer came towards you. With a wobbly jump you jumped to the side so as not to land under the animal's hard hooves.
A few seconds later, more came. It was a mass panic that was triggered and forced you to run. With your heart pounding, you ran through the undergrowth, hoping not to be trampled to death by the herd.
What had happened? What had startled the animals so much? You almost tripped over a root, but you were able to quickly pull yourself together and keep running. But you almost missed the next danger in front of you, a ravine. You wanted to stop, but one of the big deer crashed into you and you were thrown down with a scream.
You hit a rocky ledge with a hard impact. Pain shot through you like lightning and your head was pounding. Every movement burned and you were afraid to move, you didn't know if something was broken. Breathing heavily, you tried to stay calm.
"Calm down, (Y/n). Everything will be fine," you tried to tell yourself, but you could feel how much of a lie it was and tears gathered in your eyes, you sobbed.
"Caesar…", came subconsciously from your mouth and images from the past flared up again and an arm with dark fur. He came towards you as if in slow motion. He looked so real. Your eyebrows furrowed and you stretched out your arm as well.
Suddenly the arm got faster and in a flash the large, rough hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you up, followed by another hand. A cry of pain escaped your throat as your body started to burn again. You were laid down on the floor, and for a moment everything went black.
A dark shadow hovered over you and green-gold eyes looked down at you, worried but critical. Rough hands felt your body for injuries and a hissing sound came from your lungs.
Then you opened your eyes, the blurry outline above you became clearer and clearer until you could see it. Your heart skipped a beat and your eyes grew wider.
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348kg · 13 hours
better be (theo)
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ꕤ non idol!choi taeyang 최태양 (theo) x reader
wc : 5.0k
tags : afab reader, fluff, crack, smut, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, implied age gap, drinking, original characters, fast paced except not really
synopsis : you thought your crush on your older brother's best friend went away in the time you'd spent apart (spoiler! it didn't)
an : inspired by hidden love (2023) happy late birthday theo!!!
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"taeyang lives in gangnam too, did you know?" your brother's words echoed in your ears. you held your phone between your cheek and your shoulder as you hauled a box into your living room and dropped it on the floor.
"ah... does he?"
"yeah, i meant to tell you about it before. why don't you reach out? it might be nice to have a familiar face in the area." you grimace at his words, embarrassing memories flooding your thoughts as you recalled the feelings you had once harbored for the man.
"i have seulgi and sooah, remember?"
"okay, yn." you can hear him eye rolling at the avoidance in your tone through the receiver. "i'll send you his contact info anyway."
you sigh, "okay. i gotta go, i have a million boxes to sort. bye, minhyuk." you hang up just as you received your brother's text. you absentmindedly entered taeyang's contact information before tossing your phone onto the counter.
following your university graduation, your dream job offer resulted in you packing everything you owned and uprooting your entire life to a new city. you felt a little less on edge about it knowing your two closest friends would be by your side, but were nonetheless still nervous about adjusting to your new life.
your newfound discovery about taeyang— aka the former love of your life, or maybe that's an extreme way of looking at it— shook you a little, it had been at least a year since you'd heard his name, much less seen him. how long had it been... 2, maybe 3 years?
you shake your head to yourself, looking around your new apartment at the current issue you had to deal with— the seemingly endless amount of boxes that scattered your floor and just about every surface you laid your eyes on. you're cut off by your phone buzzing again.
seulgi (my favorite alpha male) 🐻
[3:48pm] be ready outside your building at 8pm ON THE DOT .
[3:48pm] ????????
seulgi (my favorite alpha male) 🐻
[3:49pm] me and sooah r taking u out to celebrate u moving!! we r going to our favorite club
[3:50pm] i dont have time for this!!
seulgi (my favorite alpha male) 🐻
[3:50pm] wear something slutty!!! 💋💋
— you disliked a message
you sighed, shoulders sulking as you realized all of your belongings were still sealed away, not magically unpacked by the moving gods you had been praying to a few moments before. so you take matters into your own hands, rolling up your sleeves to begin scouring the sea of boxes for your clothes and toiletries. maybe you’d find your sanity packed away somewhere too.
you silently regretted agreeing to go out as you sat slumped in a booth at the club. you feel a dip in the cushioned seat you occupied as sooah collapsed next to you and leaned into your shoulder.
"uumph… drank t’much…” she spoke into your neck. you reached your arm up to pat her head, but missed and instead mindlessly swatted at the seat behind you.
“how’re you…” you pause, “how’re you gettin’ home?”
“dunno.” she mumbles, getting up and stumbling towards the dance floor. “gonna go find someone to go home with.” she calls behind, gesturing to the crowd of people in front of you. you had seen seulgi leave with some girl 30 minutes before, so now you were really on your own.
you pat at your surroundings to find your bag, eyes closed as you dig your hand through your stuff to find your phone. you open your eyes to scroll through your contacts, tears forming in your eyes as you realize you don’t have anyone to call. so in your drunken state, you call the only person you could think of. you hold your phone to your ear as it rings once, twice, three times.
“yn? is that you?”
“taeyang? what… you— how’d you know it’s me?” you slur, eyes closing again.
“minhyuk sent me your number, i was going to text you… nevermind, that's not my point. what's wrong? where are you? have you been drinking?”
“i…” tears were falling down your cheeks now. you sniffled, “i’m at a club, i don’t remember the name.”
“can you send me your location? i’ll come get you.” you hear shuffling on his end, you quickly pulled your phone away from your ear to fiddle with the buttons.
“did’ya get it?”
“yeah, you’re close to me. hang on for 5 minutes. i’ll be there soon.”
your tears stopped. “see youuuuu.”
in all the years you’d known him, taeyang was always a very honest person, proven to be true even now as you spot him frantically scanning the room in search of you exactly 5 minutes later. you locked eyes, and you gave him your best attempt at a smile as you messily waved your hand over your head. he made a beeline for you, a worried look on his face as he crouched in front of you. time had been kind to him, you noticed, the man in front of you had somehow become more attractive then he was before.
you grinned at him. “hi.”
he smiles, letting out a breath. “hi, yn. are you okay?”
“mhm… m’sorry for this. don’t be mad… didn’t know who else to call.” you felt tears sting your eyes again, burying your face in your hands.
“yn.” he held back a laugh as he reached to gently hold onto your arm. “it’s okay. seriously. i’m honestly relieved.”
“really?” you look up and sniff.
“really. can you get up on your own?”
“ah… um, i think i need help.” you stand up, stumbling into his arms. he holds you upright and reaches for your belongings.
“this is everything you brought?” he lifts his arm up to gesture your purse in front of you.
“mhm. lessgooo…” you attempt to take a step forward but overestimate your ability to stay balanced as you fall forward. you brace yourself for your inevitable face plant with the floor, but it doesn’t come, instead you feel yourself being pulled back into taeyang’s arms.
“be careful. hold onto me.” you stare at him. would it be weird if you smelt him? you sniff him anyway.
“you smell good.” you giggle, and you feel his chest move in and out when he laughs in response, uttering a thank you before he wraps an arm around your waist to keep you secure by his side as you begin your trek to the exit. after what felt like a painfully long walk (30 seconds) you make it outside, feeling the shift in your surroundings when your louboutin's began to smack against the hard pavement.
he pauses. “where do you live?”
“it’s… oh. i don’t know.” you sulk, your current state of mine rendering you incapable of remembering whether your apartment building was on 6th avenue or 8th avenue, or maybe it was 10th avenue?
“you— you don’t know?” he laughs fully now, and you can’t hold back a grin as you laugh with him.
“jus' moved, so… it’s new, ya'know?”
he hums, looking around. “are you comfortable with sleeping at my place tonight?”
“err… it’s okay with you? won’t your girlfriend be mad?” you ramble, watching his face morph into confusion.
he shakes his head. “of course i don’t mind. and no, i don’t have a girlfriend.”
you feel your jaw snap open. “ah... is that so?"
he chuckles awkwardly, you feel the vibration in your side. “nope, no girlfriend. do you want to hop on my back?” you pull away from him and nod, suddenly very aware of your bare skin as the wind whipped past you. taeyang glances at the goosebumps forming on your arms and immediately shrugs his jacket off to throw it over your shoulders. he crouches in front of you and you pull your arms through the sleeves before crawling onto him, knees locking around his hips to hold yourself in place.
“my place isn’t far. hold tight, okay?” you nod, a sudden wave of exhaustion coming over you as you lean your head on his shoulder. your eyes shut and sleep overtakes you.
sight is the last sense that comes to you. your wince and throw your arm over your eyes as the sun hits your eyelids. sitting up, you take in your surroundings and realize you have absolutely no idea where you are.
“what the…” a headache hit you at full force as you rubbed your eyes. you looked down and noticed you were no longer wearing your skimpy black dress from the night before, instead suiting a large black t-shirt and sweatpants.
“yn? are you awake?” a voice from behind the door has you jolting in place, squeaking out a "huh?" the door opens slowly, and absolutely nothing could have prepared you for the face behind the voice. you felt like you were punched in the gut as you watched taeyang move from his spot at the door to sit on the side of the bed, his hands stretching in front of him to offer you the water and tylenol he carried.
you stared at him, "taeyang— you— what?"
he smiles softly at you. "do you remember last night? you called me to pick you up." no, nonononono, no.
"i— oh my god? i'm so sorry, this is so embarrassing, i'm so sorry i bothered you." you frantically apologized, mind running wild as tears pricked your eyes. you move your hand to wipe your tears just as you feel a hand rest on your thigh.
"yn," he reassures, still smiling, "it's okay. honestly. i'm glad you called. i want you to feel like you can rely on me."
"i feel so bad. can i make it up to you somehow? i can buy you lunch? dinner?" your shoulders slump, and you vow to yourself in that moment that you are never touching alcohol ever again.
"it's really not necessary. honestly. call me whenever you need me. you don't know how happy i was when minhyuk told me you were moving here."
you sniff. "why?"
"it gets lonely, you know? my job basically stripped me of a social life." he laughs, low and deep. you feel your heartbeat pick up.
you nod. "i get that. i still want to pay for a meal, though."
"if you insist."
you start to shift in your spot, throwing your legs over the edge of the bed to stand. "um... where are my clothes?"
"oh, right. you left your dress on the floor of the bathroom so i hung it up. your shoes and purse are at the front door."
"thanks." you make your way to the bathroom and entrance of his home under his direction and collect your belongings.
he gestures to your current outfit. "you can bring these home with you, if you want. i want you to be comfortable."
"sweatpants and high heels... that's definitely a choice." you giggle as you pick your shoes off of the floor.
"don't walk, i'll drive you."
"you've done so much for me already. i can't ask for anymore."
"i told you i want you to rely on me, didn't i? we live close enough anyway. it's not a problem." he walks to his kitchen to grab his keys, gesturing for you to follow him as he opens and shuts the front door.
"you know your address now that you're sober, right?" he grins.
"what are you talking about?"
"you couldn't remember where you lived when i asked yesterday." your face turned beet red as you turned to him, eyes wide with mortification. you thought about how nice it would be if you would melt into the floor and never be seen again.
"this is actually unbelievable. i'm never drinking again." you bring your folded dress to your face and let out a fake scream into it. taeyang laughs, hand moving to the small of your back to guide you through the parking lot to his car. he passed you his phone to enter your address— which you did remember now— and you felt your face heat up as he gripped the back of your seat and looked behind you to get out of his parking spot, muscles flexing next to your face.
you try and make awkward small talk, asking him about work and in turn answering his questions about your new job until he pulls into the entrance of your building.
"let me walk you up. you can never be too safe." he says as you step out of the car.
"we're in broad daylight, taeyang. chances of me getting kidnapped are pretty slim." you giggle, but don't put up a fight when he gets out of the car anyway, grabbing your purse from you to free your hands. the elevator ride up is silent, and on multiple occasions you turned to look at him and found he was already staring at you. god, why was he so sweet? and attractive? your heart pounded in your chest, a feeling you became familiar with as you grew up, anytime he would offer to help you study, or bring you food and company after arguments between you and your brother. you reminisced on your past with him all the way to your door as you unlocked it and stepped inside. he stepped in behind you and hung your purse on the hook next to your door.
"woah... that's a lot of boxes. how do you own this much stuff?"
you cover your face with your hand. "i know, okay? i might be a hoarder."
"do you need any help unpacking? this is a lot for one person to take on."
you gawk at him. "taeyang, i physically can't ask for anything more of you."
he throws his hands up like a criminal. "i told you i want to! it's sunday and i don't have plans. let me help."
and so, you find yourself sitting on your living room floor with him hours later, moon rising behind him as you caught up on everything you'd missed in each other's lives during the years you spent apart. most of your boxes were unpacked now, you could only spot one or two stray boxes littered across your apartment.
"ah... it's getting late. what time do you have to get to work tomorrow?"
he looks at his watch and grimaces. "you're right. i need to be up early... i should probably leave now." he stands and you follow in suit, walking to the door. you stare at him, a little unsure how you should end the night. he sensed your hesitance, you think as he pulled you into his arms for a hug. caught off guard, it takes you a moment to reciprocate, wrapping your arms around his neck as his hung around your waist.
"this was," he starts, pulling away from your embrace to look at you, "really fun. i'm glad we got to reconnect."
you grin at him. "me too. when are you free for dinner? i promised i'd treat you."
"i'm pretty sure i'm free every night this week, depending on how late work keeps me."
"so... let's say wednesday for now? we can reschedule if you have to stay late."
he nods and smiles. "i'll see you wednesday then." you realize you're staring and quickly pull yourself away from him. he laughs, waving goodbye and you watch his figure get smaller and smaller as he walks down the hallway towards the elevator.
wednesday comes faster than expected. work's letting me out on time. see you at 7? you stared at taeyang's confirmation text, palms sweating. you had lost track of how much time you'd spent standing in front of your closet weighing outfit options, wanting to pick something you think he'd like. you knew it wasn't a date, but you couldn't ignore the fact that just about every aspect of tonight screamed 'date' except for the people attending. you're snapped out of your thoughts when your phone buzzes with an incoming call.
"can you buzz me in? i'll come to your door."
you try to sound as nonchalant as possible, "yeah, see you in a few." before hanging up and frantically picking out a random dress, throwing it on as you scrambled to put your shoes on and touch up your lipstick. you straighten your back as your door bell rings, and you unlock it to reveal a very happy looking taeyang.
"hi." you grin, "you look good."
"ah, really? i didn't go home and change, i came straight from the office."
"you look great, trust me. you always look good." you mutter the second half, digging through your purse to find your keys so you could lock the door behind you.
"thanks. you look really pretty. blue is a good color on you." your eyes widen and you manage to squeak out a quick thank you.
you let him talk about his day in the car, he complains about a colleague that wouldn't get off his ass and you tell him about your boss at your new job that seems to have it out for you. your conversation carries all the way to the restaurant, now conversing about anything and everything that popped into your mind. you recalled the funny voicemail your brother had left you the day before, digging into your purse to find your phone to show him before he stops you.
"yn." he smiles, reaching to grab your hand from across the table. "let's not talk about your brother right now."
you cock your head to the side, a confused expression taking over your features. he continues before you can get a word in. "our whole lives minhyuk has been the bridge that's kept us connected." he looks at you. "now i want it... to just be us. i don't want to use the excuse that you're his sister to see you. i want to hang out with you just because i can, you know?" you watch him retract his hand from yours to take a bite of his food and you think your heart might explode. how could he drop a speech like that on you like it's nothing?
you catch your breath and nod, inhaling. "i feel the same way, taeyang." you know your cheeks are turning red and you can only hope your makeup hid the extremity of it. "being with you has been really, really fun. i hope we can do this all the time."
he grins in response and sticks his pinky out. "we will, i promise." the sincerity in his eyes has you thinking that you'd never doubt a word he says for as long as he'd allow you to stay by his side.
you and taeyang were very alike, you think, recalling the past few months you'd spent together. you loved the natural rhythm of conversation that you always seemed to fall into when you were with him. you loved that he no longer viewed you as a little kid or as an extension of your brother.
"so," you had asked him one day with an evil grin on your face, arm linked with his as you walked down a side street in hongdae, "do you like me or minhyuk more?"
"that," he brought his hand to your face to squish your cheeks, "is a very hard question." you sulked and pouted at his response, so he leaned down to whisper low in your ear.
since then, you found him glued to your hip even more than before, not that you were complaining. your hangouts became so frequent that you weren't sure if you remembered the last time you'd gone more than 2 days without seeing his face. you realize referring to your time spent together as 'hangouts' was a downplaying it a little, considering that to onlookers you looked very much like a couple going on dates. there were a few instances where shop owners had complimented how good you looked together and you had to very awkwardly deny it, despite the fact that your hands were intertwined tight at your sides.
you had fallen so incredibly hard, and you were sure he had too, the lingering glances and constant touches had become too frequent for it to mean nothing.
"hey, your birthday is coming up." he nudges your shoulder as you sit next to him on the rooftop of his building to watch the sun set.
"how'd you remember?"
"i have a good memory." i remember because it's you, he fails to add. you hum and he continues, "are you planning on celebrating?"
you nod. "seulgi and sooah are taking me out a few days before... but i have no plans on the actual day."
"okay, so we'll do something. want a home cooked meal?" you kick his foot and giggle.
"you're a terrible cook, taeyang."
he laughs, throwing his head back. "no need to get violent about it."
the moon was up in the sky now, so he stands, reaching for your hand to lace your fingers together and make your way back to his apartment.
"oh my god." you breathe out a week later when he moves his hands from over your eyes to reveal the display in front of you. "this is too much!"
"please. cake and flowers are not too much." he makes air quotations with his hands as he rolls his eyes. "i have something else for you. hold on a minute." he darts behind you and reaches into his coat pocket to reveal a small box and you feel your breath catch in your throat when he sits down next to you at your kitchen counter.
"you didn't."
"open it."
you gently pried open the box, revealing a silver necklace with a diamond pendant that hung on the chain next to a smaller one.
"taeyang, i—" tears pricked your eyes.
"look closer." he cuts you off, grabbing your hand to guide your fingers to the engravings on the back of the two pendants. a small 'yn' and 'ty'. tears were openly falling down your cheeks now, and he reached to gently wipe them away with his fingertips.
"i take it you like it?"
"thank you, seriously. put it on me?" you turn around and lift your hair up to give him access to your neck. he doesn't say anything after as he places four candles on top of the cake and lights them.
when he tells you to make a wish, you pretend to think about it even though you'd been wishing for the same thing since you turned seven years old. you inhale and blow, extinguishing all the candles but one.
you grin at him. "you make a wish too."
he stares at you in awe for a second too long, snapping out of it when you gesture towards the cake. he doesn't need a second to think before he's blowing out the last candle.
"what did you wish for?" you ask him, voice quiet.
"you already know, don't you?"
you stare at him, eyes flickering to his lips. "we both wished for the same thing then, huh?"
he moves closer to you now, arm wrapping around your waist, face moving closer to yours. you can hear your heart beating out of your chest and you're sure his is too.
"i need to hear you say it, yn." his nose brushed yours and your gaze moved from his lips to his eyes. you take a deep breath.
"i want you, taeyang. please."
he doesn't need to hear anymore, ducking his head to connect your lips, and you think to yourself that waiting your whole life for him was absolutely worth it. he stands to pull you into his chest because being close to you wasn't enough.
"wanna fuck you, so, so bad, but can i just kiss you first? jus' wanna hold you." he mumbles against your lips, and you think you might collapse and die. frantically nodding, you grab his cheeks and kiss him as hard as you can, and he slides his hands from your waist to your ass, squeezing it when you moan into his mouth. his touch was soft where his kiss was rough, tongue swiping across your bottom lip to beg for entrance.
you melt into his embrace as he reaches under your thighs to hoist you up, your legs wrapping around his waist as he carried you into your bedroom. your mouth moves from his lips to his neck, kissing and sucking on any exposed skin you can find. you're both too lost in lust to form words, your apartment quiet except for soft moans and grunts and smacks. the noises that escaped his throat had you feeling more turned on than you'd ever been in your life, lips moving back to his to swallow his sounds as you pulled on the hair at the nape of his neck.
he pulls away to toss you onto your bed, throwing his shirt off before crawling on top of you. you tug your top off before he can even ask, arms reaching behind you to fiddle with your bra clasp to fully expose your top half to him. he darts down, immediately taking a tit in his mouth, smiling at the way you were already squirming. he pulled away to look at you.
"fuck, you're so fucking pretty. my pretty baby." him referring to you as 'his' had you breaking down beneath him, hips bucking up to grind against his clothed cock. he groaned and grabbed your hips for more friction. his finger dragged along the waistband of your pants. "want me to make you feel good, baby?"
you nod a little too fast, "need you to touch me."
"what's my name?"
"need you to touch me, taeyang."
you were naked within seconds, sweatpants tugged down your legs and soaking panties ripped and discarded as he pulled you into his lap. a big hand slipped between your thigh, the other resting on your hip as he began to circle your puffy clit, causing you to let out the prettiest moan he'd ever heard. you knew he was teasing you, a smug grin on his face as he watched your expression crumple.
"oh my god, please."
"we have all the time in the world, pretty. m'not going anywhere. trust me?" how could you not, with the way he was looking at you? you nod, and he so painfully slowly moves his finger to spread your slick around, now using his free hand to hold your face to look at him. he finally dips his fingers into your entrance and you moan his name at the way his fingers reached deeper than yours ever could. his fingertips curled into your walls causing your soft sighs to fill the room as he kissed down your chin, ruthlessly pumping his fingers in and out of you.
your breathing picks up and you begin to squirm under him, hips desperately jerking into his hand, and he takes that as his queue to use his spare fingers to flick and pinch at your clit. you feel the pressure building in your core, snapping like a rubber band when you reach your climax. you scream his name and your vision goes blurry as he continues to fuck you with his hand to work you through it. he grabs your chin and forces you to make eye contact as his licks his fingers, before pulling you into him to connect your lips in a kiss.
"you're so perfect." he mumbles and you sigh into him. it's not long before he's disconnecting your lazy make out to flip your position so that you're underneath him again. you tug at his sweatpants as he hovers over you, and he immediately strips his pants and boxers to reveal his red, throbbing cock. it leaked with precum and stood tall as he shifted to grab the base and align it with your hole.
"do you think i stretched you enough?"
"just... go slow."
he kisses your forehead in reassurance. "i got you, baby. tell me if you need a break."
you suck in a breath when he pushes his length inside, tears stinging your eyes at the burn even though you knew it was coming. you squeezed his bicep to signal that you were okay to continue.
"fuck, you fit me so well. so made for me." your back arched as he grunted, moving to kiss him sloppily as his hips pressed against yours, now fully inside of you. his thrusts started slow, but sped up as you began to chant his name, your legs moving to wrap around his waist as your hips snapped together. it was frantic and messy, but so, so, perfect. his cock slammed into you, pressing into your g-spot over and over as your nails dug into his back, breaking the skin.
he whispered under his breath how much he loved you over and over as you cried, panting against him in lust as your thrusts slowed, feeling yourself reach your breaking point.
"my beautiful girl, love you so much. so— m'so close." he moaned into your neck as your walls squeezed him when you came. you came hard and fast, and he followed not long after, hips stuttering as he pumped you full of his seed. he pulled his now soft cock out of your entrance as he collapses on top of you. you squeal and giggle as he presses kiss after kiss to your cheeks, before he moves to seal your lips in your softest kiss of the night. as much as you wanted it to last forever, you're the first to pull away.
"i— i love you so much. you have no idea." you couldn't tell if you felt tears or sweat on your cheeks. he grins at you, big and bright as he cups your cheeks.
"oh, baby. i love you. wanted to tell you everyday."
you fall asleep in his arms, ready to take on the changes that would come when the sun rose in the morning.
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© 348kg please do not copy my work
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I have a request... though you don't have to write it or anything... just since I saw a new post, I just decided to write this thought in my head. Again, you don't have to write it if you don't want to.
Anyway, hualian with m-reader, right BUT the m reader that they are with is a clone.
If you have read dear door then you know the doctor, he has the ability to make clones NOW give that to m-reader and send hualian and a manhunt to find the real m-reader.
They find him chained under a mountain, serving punishment for whatever reason you can think of, and the only person the real m-reader trusts is his clone. Slowly warming up to hualian through constant company and assurances from his clone...
Smut scene is asked but not required...
HuaLian x M!reader
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Wanted to write headcanons for the first half and write an actual story for the smut part. Also read some of dear door and now you've got me hooked 🖐️😔. I got as far as knowing he has clones but not how they work 😭 since the doctor was a demon though we makin reader a ghost. This was actually hard, sorry if this sucks y'all 😭
Ignore grammar mistakes
!!! Blowjobs, gagging, sex, foursome, clonecest, orgasms galore, covered in cum, practically a gang bang if I say so myself.
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng have a third lover, he's a little strange but they love him dearly.
They love your clone that is, not that they would know
Your clone says strange things sometimes.
"Oh, I would've loved this", "I wonder what I'm doing right now?"
You're right here what do you mean?
They've decided, maybe it's a weird quirk of yours.
So without your knowledge, your clone has gained the affections of two very strong and important men.
Hua Cheng has been gazing at 'you' lately. Recently he's been suspicious of something.
He caught you crying.
While usually he would've immediately comforted you, he had noticed you were calling your own name while sobbing into the pillows.
Xie Lian has also been studying 'you' lately.
You've never been a fan of the public and usually hide your face behind a different form. The day they took 'you' out on a date and you forgot to hide your face, the ghosts seemed very confused.
They kept their space that day.
It was unusual so Xie Lian went looking around trying to see what was going on.
"I could've sworn he had been killed...", "Haven't seen that face in years..."
But you had been here the whole time?
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng eventually talk to each other about it and find out they have similar suspicions.
They confront 'you' about it and you bust into tears in their arms immediately.
Through muffled sobs, your clone admits what he is. Just that, a clone .
He tells Xie Lian and Hua Cheng everything, and tells them that his real name is just ' Kèlóng' which means clone.
So if this is Kèlóng, and just a clone... Where are you?
It doesn't take long at all to find the real you, Xie Lian knew where you were most likely being kept.
The real you however isn't as, trusting, as Kèlóng is.
You also look different. Older, scarred, and irritated.
Kèlóng, looks younger and bubblier.
They do get you out of under that mountain though, and let you stay at Paradise Manor.
You only really agreed because Kèlóng said it was safe.
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng know you don't know them, and you technically aren't their lover but they can't help but love you anyways.
They're careful with you, and let Kèlóng do a lot of things since you only seem to trust him.
It takes a while for you to be comfortable in the presence, especially Xie Lian's since he's a god.
You don't hate them, you guess. They aren't mean and even though at first you had been scared like a feral cat who hisses and scratches they seemed to keep caring and loving you anyways.
So after some time you let them in.
Kèlóng is happy, his creator and lovers are getting along well. And maybe you'll become their lover too!
He predicts correctly.
Kèlóng made it a game to roam around in your form instead of his usual young looking self, so Xie Lian and Hua Cheng can't tell who's, who.
Eventually kisses, and affections start getting muddled between both of you.
And you? You didn't say anything because you enjoyed it.
Hua Cheng is the one who finds this out. He kissed you thinking it might be Kèlóng. When Kèlóng, in his normal look, and Xie Lian walk in though, Hua Cheng and Xie Lian figure it out.
Especially with the way you don't pause to stop. When Hua Cheng pulls back in embarrassment, and tries to apologize, you pull him back closer and continue making out with him.
That's when they decide to ask you to be their lover as well.
Of course you agreed.
You are not a clone fucker, you never looked at your clone and thought, 'Yeah, I would fuck myself'. But this situation makes you think, you might be on the border edge of being considered clonecest?
The situation being, you gagging on your own clones cock that is. How did you get in this situation you ask? Hua Cheng and Xie Lian were curious. They wanted to see you, intimate with your clone and well... You looked at their stupid, handsome faces and said yes.
You weren't expecting to be gang banged! What the fuck?! You're brought back to be present when Hua Cheng's hips smack against your ass, forcing you to take Kèlóng's cock deeper down your throat.
You gargle, and Kèlóng is generous enough to pull out of your mouth. Since when was your dick this good? Since when was Hua Cheng's so big? This is ridiculous.
"How... How much longer are we going to do this?" Your voice is raspy now when you talk now. Hua Cheng has been arranging your guts for hours now and you swear the stupid ghost hasn't cum once.
Hua Cheng's chuckle vertebrates in his chest. "Gege hasn't even had a turn yet, why are you so impatient?" He runs his hand down your spine and then pulls your arms behind your back, forcing you to take him deeper. You whine loudly and huff through your nose.
You glance over to where Xie Lian sits. He's just watching, he always watches. It's embarrassing, his pretty eyes gazing at your face, soaking up everything they can. Kèlóng moves away from you and briefly you can hear your clone urge Xie Lian to take your mouth.
Xie Lian complies, you can tell when the bed dips in front of you and you're suddenly met with Xie Lian's cock. It's not like you hate this. They know you don't hate it. If you did, you wouldn't have lurched forward to deepthroat Xie Lian.
Xie Lian runs his fingers gently through your hair and slowly rolls his hips. Unlike your clone who so excitedly fucked your throat. It feels like you're floating right now, not having to think about anything. Your cloud palace is interrupted when Kèlóng fists your hair and pushes your head down on Xie Lian's dick.
Hua Cheng takes his chance to fuck you deeper, harder. He must be close. Xie Lian has also started rocking his hips faster. They fuck you in a way that keeps you full. Not one second do you not have a cock in you. Fuck it turns you on.
You feel someone grab your hand and put it in an 'o' position. Distantly you hear Kèlóng, "Let me use your hand Y/n, please please please" it's not like he wait for you approval. He's already got his, yours?, his dick thrusting into your hand as if you chose to jerk him off.
You're surrounded. By your lovers, by men, by cocks. You love it and soon your body racks with another orgasm. It's not long until the men around you cum either.
They choose to make it messy. Xie Lian pulls out and cums on your face, though it's obvious he was sheepish about it. Hua Cheng doesn't, he pulls out and shoots an abnormal amount of cum across your ass and lower back. Kèlóng, your own clone, cums into your hand and manages to get it in your hair.
You fall limo into the bed and pant softly. All of them are looking at you. To them you look good like this, covered in all their cum. This is where you were meant to be not under that mountain.
"why are you guys looking at me like that..?" You tilt your head.
They're definitely going to fuck you again. What God should you pray to?
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charlesdesvoeux · 2 days
vampterror au-- some people and when they were turned:
crozier: sometime in the mid-to-late 1500s and early 1600s. need to do more research on irish history but rn i feel strongly about this time-frame. his maker probably died in the 1600s.
fitzjames: georgian vampire, maybe 1750s-1760s. MAYBE made by lady jane. him and crozier are often drawn to one another; essentially an on-and-off couple. but they are NEVER 100% quitting one another. might spend a century apart but always come back to the other.
james clark ross: made by crozier in the late 1600s; crozier's first companion. probably remained together as pretty much husbands until the late 1700s; had a more-or-less amicable break-up (although crozier was kind of devastated) and are still cordial/come together occasionally.
ann coulman ross: made by jcr in the 1770s-1780s. at first crozier was very cold to her and resented her "coming between" him and jcr but eventually warmed to her and they became friends.
john franklin: ooooold vampire. like late 1400s-early 1500s vampire. made by lady jane who is probably at least 100 years older than him. she made him after the death of his first wife. died in the late 18th century maybe.
sophia cracroft: lady jane's human niece from the 1300s, the first vampire made by her aunt. spent some time as crozier's companion i think during 1800s-1820s or 30s maybe but then left. 2nd oldest vampire in britain ie very powerful.
lady jane franklin: 1300s vampire. very old and very powerful. by this point probably the oldest vampire in the british isles???
eleanor franklin: john's daughter by his human wife, made into a vampire by her father (late 1400s-early 1500s). difficult relationship with both him and lady jane, but close to sophia. dad's death in the late 18th century sends her spiraling. a great vampire, in the same way that hickey is a great vampire (see below). i can see her becoming friends with hickey eventually.
hickey: made by crozier in the mid-1830s. a prodigious killer who relishes in his nature. crozier thought he was an interesting, downright fascinating guy at first but then eventually came to find him wearisome and dumped him and hickey will be forever pissed off about it, it's like being abandoned by your father.
billy: made by hickey circa 1848. the thing is though, both bc billy was sick when he turned and also hickey didn't really know what he was doing he "came out wrong"-- essentially, it's like he's suspended in a dying state for all eternity: moribund but unable to die. it's pretty rough and he resents cornelius for it. some days are better and others are worse; sometimes he can leave the coffin and hunt and all that, but a lot of the time he can't really do all that much. resents hickey, but loves him too.
tozer: made by hickey circa 1850s-1860s, a very good hunter and for a long while hickeygibson's "third" which he resents but also he simply cannot quit hickey. like maybe he'll go away for a couple years or something but he WILL eventually come back to hickey and coming back to hickey also means coming back to gibson so.
armitage: also made by hickey circa 1850s-1860s. was already friends with/looked up to tozer before he became a vampire, and tozer essentially refused to quit his friendship with tommy after he was turned but he was also ADAMANT that he did NOT want tommy to be a vampire!!! he's too good he doesn't deserve our wretched existence!!! i think one day tozer really pissed hickey off and he turned tommy out of spite.
pilkington: made by tozer after tommy BEGGED him to turn him, prob in the 1910s or 1920s, ww1 vet. tommy essentially said "you will never love me like i love you, i have spent more than 40 years being the one you only turn to when hickey disappoints you, I WANT ONE PERSON WHO IS FOR ME". i think him and tommy are very devoted to one another. but also tommy still has very complicated romantic feelings towards tozer that frustrate pilk.
jopson: made by crozier in the 1850s. was crozier's extremely devoted human servant before getting turned. where hickey was a disappointment jopson was (in crozier's opinion) an astounding success. gets a monopoly on crozier's love for a good decade at least but then OOPS fitzjames comes knocking and he's feeling kinda jealous and insecure. which leads us to...
little: a human who managed crozier's business interests, knew about the vampirism and was desperately in love with jopson. after fitzjames comes back jopson turns him out of jealousy and feeling betrayed by his beloved crozier. poor little. initially his love is not enough to heal jop's broken heart but i do think eventually jop comes to actually love him and they become long-term companions. prob made in the 1860s.
le vesconte: regency-era dandy, made by fitzjames in the 1810s. very devoted to jfj but knows that once james gets with crozier he's pretty much kicked to the curb for a while, and it hurts him. still revels in being a vampire. fun guy. on-and-off with fitzjames for all of eternity but a second-choice forever.
hodgson: made by le vesconte in the 1830s-40s. they have a good time but i wouldn't call their bond necessarily super deep. like friends who are roommates.
irving: made by hodgson in the 1850s. struggles immensely with religiosity and vampirism and the like; i mean SEVERE emotional and mental health struggles. hodge is extremely devoted to him; irving does love him in a way but also resents him for turning him into a monster. being a vampire also means a permanent rift with william malcolm, who is a human; he considers turning him but decides he cannot curse him with this horrible burden, and malcolm dies a human. i think it's possible that he meets and connects with gibson over their ambivalent (to say the least) feelings on vampirism and maybe finds a new purpose in becoming gibson's "keeper" and taking care of him (prob during a time when hickey and gibson are broken up)
henrietta lefeuvre: made by dundy in the 1860s-1870s. they do spend quite a while being fairly happy companions but eventually she was like "i'm only a substitute for when fitzjames isn't here and i can't handle that anymore" and eventually decided to travel alone out there and find who she is outside of dundy etc. i think eventually lady jane and sophia take her under their wing.
stanley: turned by fitzjames in the 1850s-1860s, were companions for a while but jfj got bored and dipped. which made him very mad. a pretty good vampire, keeps his kills clean. very discreet.
des voeux: turned by stanley in the 1910s. relishes his nature but is not very controlled with his kills; obsessed with stanley, who's always leaving and coming back and leaving and coming back etc. eventually falls in with hickey's little "coven" ie hickey, gibson, tozer, armitage and pilk. him and stanley are on-and-off forever but they're absolutely never quitting the other for good. i could see him dying in the 2020s which throws stanley into a spiral.
trying to place silna and goodsir in this au but I'm still not sure. might come back to it later
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