#I had the idea when figuring out how to keep the silly shrek things
I think the most in-character thing I’ve done for the (space related) au I’m working on is make Joel Smallishbeans a human who put on a headband w fake alien antennaes and tells everyone he’s an alien
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masterofengene · 1 year
Could you do an imagine for the nicho intervening harua and his s/o? (If you have time of course
No underage canoodling
Harua X reader.
Warnings: literally none. Nicholas being protective. Harua being embarrassed. Mentions of underage canoodling. Reader is female coded
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It had been such a long time since Harua had a day off, we had mostly been texting and calling. But today was the day, his day off. We could finally hang out with each other and have some quality time.
"GUYS! Y/N IS HERE!" fuma had yelled out as he opened the door for me, I had been over to the dorm enough for me to just walk in but knocking seemed polite, after all I don't live here.
"Thanks fuma..." I said cheerfully as I stepped inside and soon enough I felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around my torso, I didn't even have to ask who it was. Leaning up to Harua I pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before I turned around.
"What are we doing today? Going on an adventure? A restaurant? Whats the plan for today?" Of course we hadn't planned that far ahead, we just wanted to see each other. Harua looked around for a moment as if he was looking for someone, although i could not figure out who it seemed like all the members had gathered in the living room upon my arrival. I raised my eyebrow playfully poking his side as I waited for an answer, he was quick to let out his cute laugh and jump away.
"I'm so tired. Let's stay home today, watch movies, cuddle." He didn't wait for me to say anything before he took my hand and dragged me along to his bedroom. It was playfully of course, he was skipping along as he went.
Soon enough I had found myself turning on Shrek 2 and handing harua a bag of seaweed chips before I settled next to him. Things were going smoothly as we laughed and jokes buti could tell something was on his mind from the way he was fidgiting with his shirt and would not meet my gaze.
"Harua... spill, what's wrong...why won't you look at me?" I asked keeping my voice soft as I turned to him, crossing my arms in front of my chest. Although this did make him turn his attention to me. He chewed on his lip and he let out a hum
"Really it is nothing, I just you know...I'm your boyfriend and we are a couple...couples cuddle when they watch movies together right?" The question almost made me laugh from the way he had said it. As if it was a mathematical equation.
We hadn't been together all that long, two months at most. We hadn't even kissed yet, not on the lips at least. We always danced around it, not wanting to rush things. So the same was with cuddling, the thought of being that close to someone warms my heart. And the thought of cuddling with harua? That would be a dream come true.
"Harua, if you want to cuddle all you have to do is ask!" I hummed out in a sing-song tone as if to tease him, although I didn't try to hide the pink tint to me cheeks.
"Can we cuddle, please?" He asked tilting his head to the side and I couldn't help but think about how precious he looked. I nodded, trying to keep my cool but both his and my ears were tinted red. I hadn't really dated anyone before him, so I hardly had any idea what real couples do.
As if he could sense my slight panic, he shook his head and moved himself closer to my side. He slide right up next to me and extended his arm. "Just lay down and hug me then, silly."
He always had a way to keep me relaxed and ease my worries. Nevertheless, we quickly settled that and we slowly grew comfortable being in each other's arms. With my head on his chest and my leg threw over his waist. His arm was around my shoulder and we were both focused on the movie.
"I really don't get it. Why would she choose a swamp over an actual palace? It makes no sense to me." Harua muttered as his fingered toyed with the strands of my hair.
"Because of true love and all that jazz. She loves Shrek so clearly she would choose the swamp." Our chatter filled the room for what seemed like forever but then eventually the tiredness settled in on our bodies and we had started to drift off to sleep. Harua fell asleep first, his mouth hanging open ever so slightly. But I was right after him.
I couldn't really tell you how much time had gone by, but when I woke up it was to a yelling Nicholas Wang.
"WHAT ARE THE BABIES DOING?" The sheer loudness was enough to startle us ,both, awake and the next thing I knew was on the ground next to Haruas bed. I don't know if I jumped awake and landed on the floor or if harua did. Either way.
I could tell nicholas had been laughing his whole face was still pink and he was failing to hid his laugh right now. EJ was behind him mouthing an 'I'm sorry he's bored'
"Nicho what are you even doing-?" I started as harua helped me up off the ground, but man nicho was apparently hyped up on caffeine. "I COME IN TO GRAB MY CHARGER AND THE KIDS ARE CANOODLING? IS THIS ALLOWED? WHO ALLOWED THIS-"
"WE were just sleeping-" harua started but nicho was on a roll.
"THEY WERE WRAPPED UP MORE THAN A CHRISTMAS GIFT. OH MY GOD. MY LITTLE BROTHER, OH NOOOOO." Everyone knew he was just playing around as his laughter started to peer through.
Poor harua looked like he wanted to go hide under the bed, dear God is this what second hand embarrassment feels like.
"WE were just cuddling! Nicholas! Cuddling!" WE yelled out at the same time both of us attempting to push him out the room as EJ started recording the whole thing
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darley1101 · 6 years
How To Keep Your Girl Happy (Chris x Aria edition)
A/N I thought I would try something new, branch out as a writer. If you are interested in seeing me do more of these let me know. I was torn on which pairing to use but ultimately, I had to go with Chris and Aria. (Don't worry, I will probably do something similar for my other OTP's) This is pretty safe for teen and above...
tagging a few people I think might enjoy: @maxattack-powell @captain-kingliamsqueen @chrispowellandzig @jax-matsuos @debramcg1106
permatag: @blackcatkita @endlessly-searching-for-you @josieschoices @mfackenthal @eileendannie @hamulau @trianiasti
How To Make Your Girl Happy (Chris x Aria edition)
Tell her that she's beautiful
She was curled up in the chair next to the sole window in their tiny living room. Her long hair hid her face but Chris knew Aria's focus was on the book she had opened in her lap. He could almost see those gray-blue eyes shifting from side to side as she studied. Even without any make up, wearing only one of his old Cherryfield High t shirts, she was stunning. Grinning, Chris walked over and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “What was that for,” she asked, briefly taking her focus off the text she had been reading.
“Nothing much,” Chris murmured, tucking a lock of  her chocolate brown hair behind her ear. “Just admiring my beautiful girlfriend.”
Hold her hand
It was kind of silly, but one of things Aria loved most about Chris was how they could be walking side by side and his hand would automatically start to reach for hers. There was something so right, so comforting about her smaller fingers interlocking with his larger ones. Especially on particularly cold days, since she was prone to leaving her gloves at home on the dining room table.
Leave her voice messages to wake up to
Burrowing deeper into the covers, Aria hid her face in Chris's pillow. There were no differences between his pillow and her own, other than his cologne seemed to linger on his. Plus, his side of the bed was furthest from the dresser, where her phone sat, alarming beeping. She let out a sigh and sat up. It wasn't going to shut itself off and Chris had already left for football practice. As she picked it up, she noticed one missed call and a voicemail. A smile started to spread across her lips. She didn't need to look to know the call had been from Chris. “Good morning beautiful, practice should be over with by ten. How about we have an early lunch...clothing optional.”
Wrestle with her and let her win
“You're going down Powell,” Aria exclaimed as she watched Chris eating the chocolate covered strawberries her mom had sent her for her birthday. As she tried to grab the container, Chris held it high above his head. “Oh, its on now!” Grinning, she wiggled her fingers and then started tickling him.
“Is that all you've got Forbes?” Chris teased, leaning out of her way to take a large bite from another berry. “Man, these are delicious.”
Aria gasped. She jumped, trying to grab the box. It was a futile move. She was only five feet five to Chris' six feet three. Scowling, she threw her arms around his middle and pushed. She could feel him laughing as they both tumbled to the ground., him landing on his back with her sprawled across his chest. “Okay, okay, you've got me.”
Hug her from behind
She was lost in her own world, humming and bobbing her head along to whatever song played on her iPod, while she washed dishes. Grinning, Chris came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, capturing her in a hug. He buried his nose in neck, chuckling when the ends of her wavy dark hair tickled his nose.
Grab her ass when someone else is staring
Chris fought back the urge to outright scowl when he caught Nathan Sterling staring at Aria...again. He wanted to tell the other guy that he got it, Aria was gorgeous, but she was also taken. As Aria bent over slightly to hear something Kaitlin was telling her, Chris got an idea. Shooting a smirk in Nathan's direction, he splayed his large hand across one of her ass cheeks and gave it a slight squeeze. “Hey now, save that shit for later,” Kaitlyn teased.
“Can't help it, she's just got a grab-able ass,” Chris laughed. From the corner of his eye he can see Nathan turning his attention to some Kappa girl. Good, he thought. Maybe Nathan got the message. The only person grabbing that ass was Chris and the next time he caught Nathan staring he might not be so nice about it.
Write her notes, love letters
Fighting back a bored sigh, Aria flipped open her math book. She blinked in surprise at the pink heart shaped sticky note attached to the page. “Just wanted to say I love you and not to stress over this test. You're going to do great babe. Love, Chris”
Make her surprise calls just to say I love you
Aria loved her family. Really, she did. Especially her dad. And she loved spending time with them. It was just...she missed Chris. They still hadn't figured out a feasible way to spend full breaks together. Her parents were still adjusting to the fact that they were living together. She could only imagine the crap storm that would start if she suggested going to Maine for part of Winter break. Over her granny's high pitch cackle, Aria could hear her phone ringing. Chris' name and picture flash across the screen. “Hey,” she greeted, ducking out the back door.
“Hey yourself,” Chris teased. “Just wanted to call and say I love you and I miss you.”
“I love and miss you too,” she said, smiling brightly.
Introduce her to your friends, mother, family as your girlfriend
It was kind of silly how nervous Aria was. This wasn't her first visit to Cherryfield, Maine but she wasn't sure if the last one counted because it had been for a total of thirty minutes. And she hadn't been attending a family get together. “Relax,” Chris massaged her shoulders. “There's nothing to be nervous about.”
That was easy for him to say. He had already met both of her parents and was adored as the son her father never had. Taking a deep breath, she let Chris lead her into the small, crowded living room where his mom, siblings, grandma and a few friends had gathered for Kyle's birthday. “Guys, this is my girlfriend Aria.” A sigh of relief shot through her as AJ raced up to hug her, and Chris' mom followed suit, telling her how happy she was that Chris had found someone as wonderful as her.
Play with her hair
Propping himself up on one elbow, Chris stared down at Aria's still sleeping form. Her long, dark hair was fanned out across her pillow and part of his. Smiling, he picked up the ends, toying with the silky strands. She always said she was going to braid it before bed but she never did and Chris is kind of glad for that. He enjoys playing with the thick waves first thing in the morning.
Pick her up, even when she says no
Aria let out a shriek as Chris gently tossed a football at her. For once she caught it. She stared at it, her beautiful face lit up with shock. “What am I supposed to do now,” she asked, laughing and tossing the ball from one hand to the other.
“Surrender,” Chris suggested, lunging for her.
“No!” Aria cried, trying to take off before he could tackle her. She wasn't fast enough. He caught her around the waist from behind and swung her around, both of them laughing.
Make her laugh
“Did I tell you that AJ called first thing this morning?”
Aria shook her head, her gaze still on the granola cereal she was trying to eat and enjoy but couldn't because it tasted like sawdust. “Everything okay>”
“Well, depends on your definition of okay. Apparently her friend Melissa's dad put too much chlorine in their pool and now AJ's hair is the color of Shrek's skin. She said she wouldn't mind it so much except her baseball uniform is red and now she, and I quote, looks like frigging Christmas.”
Milk spewed out of Aria's nose as she laughed. She could actually hear AJ complaining about her green hair clashing with her uniform; who cares if your hair is green so long as it matches your uniform.
Let her fall asleep in your arms
In Chris's eyes there were few things nicer on a cold, winter's day than lounging in bed, watching movies with the girl he loved. The only thing that made it nicer was when Aria would curl up next to him, her head on his shoulder, and fall asleep. Sure, she slept next to him every night but these day time cuddle naps were different. He rarely fell asleep himself, so he could enjoy just holding her close.
If she's mad at you, kiss her neck, don't fight back
From the pouty lips to the crinkled up brow, it wasn't difficult to determine that Aria was still mad at him for washing her white sundress with his red gym shorts. He opened his mouth to tell her that he thought the dress looked great as pink and white tye die but thought better of it. Instead, he did his best puppy dog impression and pulled her close, burying his face in her neck. Nibbling along her throat, he murmured another apology. “I guess it doesn't look that bad,” Aria sighed, relaxing into his embrace.
Show her that you care about her
The rain came out of no where. A cold, heavy down pour that quickly had Aria looking like a shivering, drowned rat. She wrapped her arms around her middle, ducked her head down, and started to run towards the nearest building. Halfway there, a jacket was draped around her shoulders. Blinking through the rain drops, she looked up to find Chris holding his jacket over her. “What? Couldn't have my best girl getting any wetter than she already is, could I?” If she wasn't already in love with him, she would have been right then and there. He was always doing things like this show her that he cared.
Give her presents
“Don't peek,” Chris ordered.
Aria laughed and touched the blind fold that was haphazardly tied over her eyes. “I won't.” She let Chris slowly lead her somewhere. They're bedroom? It was definitely still in their apartment, that was for sure.
“Okay, now you can look.”
Reaching up, Aria, pulled the blindfold down around her neck. She let out a small squeal and lunged for the bed. There, in the middle of their pillows, was a build a bear wearing a pink princess ballet outfit. The week before she had told him that her parents had thought building her own teddy bear was silly. He'd asked her what kind of bear she had wanted. A pink princess ballerina she had told him. And now, there it was. Her pink princess ballerina bear. Blinking back tears, Aria turned and hugged Chris tightly. “Thank you,” she whispered against his chest.
Treat her the same when your friends are around
Their tiny living room felt even smaller with Chris, Zig, and a few other football players crammed in it to review the tape from their last game. Aria started to sneak by, to hole up in the bedroom. She made it half way there before Chris jumped up and caught her in a hug. “Love you,” he murmured, pressing a quick kiss against her lips.
“I love you too,” she grinned, kissing him back.
“Yeah, yeah, lots of love. Now come on, Captain, we need to figure out where we messed up on that play.”
Look her in the eyes and give her your best smile
Aria could loose herself in Chris's eyes. They were this brilliant blue color that reminded her of a warm, summer sky. He had this way of meeting her gaze and slowly smiling this smile that she knew was just for her. And man if it didn't make her melt each and every single time.
Hang out with her on the weekends because she's important to you
Chris heard his phone buzz as he pulled a bag of steaming hot popcorn from the microwave. 'Wanna catch an extra workout?' one of his teammates asked in a text. 'Not today. Plans with Aria.' He couldn't help but laugh when Logan text back saying he always had plans with Aria. It was true. Weekends belonged to his girl. He could make other plans, go hang out with friends, and Aria would be cool with it. Why would he though when the one person he wanted to see most in the world was her?
Stay loyal to her
“Hi.” A blonde with big blue eyes and even bigger boobs smiled at him flirtatiously. “I'm Lindsey. You're Chris Powell, right? Captain of the football team?”
Great, another football groupie. They seemed to be waiting outside the locker rooms after every game. Some of the guys liked the attention. Not Chris. He had a fantastic thing going with Aria and he wasn't about to ruin it on some girl who didn't care about anything but his football stats and bragging rights. “Yeah,” he answered, because it would have been rude not to. “Nice to meet you Lindsey. I hope you enjoyed the game.”
“The game was fantastic. You were fantastic. Why don't you let me buy you a drink and we can celebrate that winning touch down.” She leaned forward, her breasts almost spilling out of her little crop top.
“No thanks. My girlfriend and I already have celebration plans.”
“Your loss,” Lindsey smirked, raising her top to flash her breasts. Chris rolled his eyes and kept walking. What was it with these groupies throwing themselves at him, when everyone knew he had a girlfriend?
Communicate and tell her everything
“The groupies were out in full force,” Chris complained as he met up with Aria in the stadium parking lot. “They're getting crazier. I had this one ask if I wanted to grab a drink and celebrate and when I told her no, that I was going to celebrate with my girlfriend, she friggin flashed me.”
Aria busted up laughing. “She actually flashed you?” Chris nodded. “Headlights or kitty cat?”
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