#I had other things to say but forgot them. idk. hope y'all are cool and I hope I can get all of my big big project out before I move
anewp0tat0 · 1 year
this is not one of the like 5 video projects I'm supposed to be finishing, this is an animatic meme that I'm pretty sure is still going around which I didn't wanna miss like last time I missed an animatic meme(it still sits in my WIP folder. it's been 3 years) so yes that's why it exists. and also because I'm kinda shocked I haven't seen it yet. sorry if it HAS been made.
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slytherinnbitch · 3 years
i'm glad you don't hate my asks, i didn't send much this days bc i was scared that you did hated them🚶
by the way, i'm really curious about how do you think draco would react if he was the one that lost his memory. do you think he would be a brat like harry or he would be more calm at the idea that they're married and have a child together? i have a lot of feelings about that bc i can't get my finger around it like ughh i think he would be more calm but at the same time i think he would react worse than harry did 🤧
ok this is already too long so i'm saying my goodbyes~ (by the way, i'm glad you're having or had a good weekend, i hope you have a nice week too, you totally deserve it!) and help you make me feel special saying that you like my asks, i want to hug you and protect you from the world 🤲
Hey Darling! Firstly I have no idea how I forgot to reply to this because I read it then I thought I answered as well but apparently not.
Never ever think that any of your asks bother me. Asks are just so nice. I love them.
As for the sequel. I have gotten enough requests that I will do it. After I finish proposal part 3. Don't ask me when is that, idk. Can't really promise on a happy ending but I'll try. There sure will be angst tho. So much of it, haha.
As for the Draco forgetting about Harry. What first comes to my mind is this:
Draco wakes up with a pounding headache. He scrunches his face as the noise overwhelms him and gives him a terrible headache. He hears three gasps from beside him. As he lifts his head up and opens his eyes, he finds himself in a hospital. He racks his brain in an attempt to remember what had happened that landed him there but comes up blank.
"Draco-" someone whispers beside him and when he turns his head, it's none other than Harry fucking Potter. What the actual fuck and why does Potter look so bloody fit- not that he wasn't before but holy Merlin, this is on another level. Potter also looks older, so he frowns at him and when did he start calling Draco by his given name?
"Potter, why the fuck are you here?" That's the first thing that comes out if his mouth and now Potter is frowning at him.
"I don't know, Malfoy. What does one do when their husband lands up in the hospital after trying to save them from an unknown spell? And for future purpose, it's Malfoy-Potter now." Potter snarks back and there's no actual venom in his voice just mirth and humor.
Draco has never heard him talk like this to him before. And wait- did he just say husband? Is that supposed to mean him? And Malfoy-Potter? What the fuck is happening?
"Mate, you really scared us this time." Weasley says from his other side and Granger's sitting beside him with slight tears in her eyes?! Is he in the same universe or what? What's the joke here?
"We should call an healer," Granger replies before he can even begin to contemplate whats happening.
He remains quiet, trying to figure out what is actually going on when the Healer comes in.
"Auror Malfoy, how many more times do I need to tell you that you need not run headfirst into any situation if you see that your husband is in danger. Had you not gone to save Auror Potter then you would not have these severe injuries and Auror Potter would have been fine as well. Getting two completely different curses at the same time is very very harmful." They finish and seriously who is this? Why are they talking as if they have known Draco for a long time?
"Draco, are you quite alright?" Granger asks in a soft voice and he looks at her in disbelief. Did she forget who she is talking to?
"I would ask if you would like to get everyone outside for the examination but it's really a futile effort at this point." The Healer smiles at him and shakes their head.
"Uh, uhm actually I would like some privacy if that's not too much." Draco says and really that might not have been the best thing to say. The shocked expressions on everyone's face conveys that fantastically.
"Well then, out all of you. Even you, Auror Potter." The Healer says, the epitome of professional.
"Zia, I have asked you multiple times to call me Harry." Potter says almost absent-mindedly, like it's almost instinct at this point or something.
After Zia had asked their questions and Draco had told them that he doesn't remember anything about what happened. And they ask him what was the last thing he remembers and he replies that he remembers turning to the Apparation point in Diagon Alley on Christmas Eve and Zia looks at him with wide eyes.
They ask him about the year and he eyes them suspiciously before replying 2000.
"Draco, I think you have lost a fair amount of memory. It's actually May 2015 and not December 2000." Zia informs him regretfully.
"Okay. No seriously, it's okay. But why is Potter saying he is my husband and he is a Malfoy-Potter now?" Draco asks them incredulously.
"That I think you should ask Harry himself." Zia says, biting her lips in a way that can't really be pleasant.
When Potter and his sidekicks finally finish explaining him about the last 15 years of his life. His first response is to laugh. Apparantly, he has a child. A literal child? How did that even happen? And he has been married for the last 10 years. To Potter.
"This feels like a childhood fantasy come true, you know? Being a part of the golden trio. Líke seriously, this is something I have to believe? Who set this up? Pansy? Was it Blaise? I mean it's got to be one of those bastards." Draco finally says and laughs.
"Well, I'm sorry the three of you but really, you can go now. Sorry for wasting y'all's precious time. Please send those goons in." Draco continues. He looks at the three of them, hoping they would finally agree with him and tell him that it was a good one though and go their merry way. But Granger looks like she wants to cry and Weasley looks much the same, except he is looking shocked as well.
He turns to Potter, his apparant husband and the other father of his child, and finds him actually crying. There are tears flowing down his face almost constantly and all Draco wants to do is reach out and-
No, that's not what he wants. He feels his heart clench but why? This is afterall a joke.
Okay this was totally unplanned. I just had the childhood fantasy line in my mind and well, this is the result. Hope this answers your question? And sorry, I got carried away. It happens at times. (I was supposed to be writing today's drabble but I wrote this instead)
Your English is just fine! Infact, English isn't really my first language as well. Like it was what I first started learning in school but I spoke another language before. Like my mother tongue is something else and my first language is English if that makes sense? So you're just fine, no worries!
Hope you like small scene! Love you <3
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godsporncollection · 4 years
Saturday Morning Session
(personal commentary in italics) (sorry for how inconsistent i am at this, i’m trying new medication, so my focus comes and goes unpredictably, but i didn’t want this to take weeks)
Russel M Nelson -  strengthen your testimony (?)
"I understand better what he meant when he said 'behold, i will hasten my work in this time.'" 
Y'all have been strengthening your testimonies and i, and your children, thank you. did that inclusion of "your children" feel off to anyone else?
I can see the work on the temple outside my window and that makes me think about how we need to remove the old debris from our lives. I too think of the temple as 'old debris' that should be removed from my life.
"the gospel is a message of joy" I cannot roll my eyes hard enough
that was short. what was the topic? blab for a five minutes?
Dieter F. Uchdorf - god is Among Us
I had to move lots when I was a kid because there was a war on. i thought about the missionaries who came to the country of their enemies to bring us the gospel.
i was a kid in a war-torn country > missionaries > god has not forgotten us > we will be heirs of god > how could we complain when we have that? > the atonement > mistakes are okay, just gotta keep repenting.
what would jesus teach if he was among us today? the same thing he's always taught. "the savior always teaches timeless truths, to everyone, a message of hope and belonging, a testament that god has not abandoned his children that god is Among Us."
jesus says to love one another and to be full of charity towards all men. i would like to see it.
anyone else feel like these talks are just. empty? like, they're not feeling it either?
if jesus came into your home today, he would see into your heart and i'm gonna waste a couple more minutes by expanding on that. one look into his eyes and we would be forever changed by the realization that god is Among Us.
back to me, i wish i could go back and tell myself to stay on the right track because god is Among Us, so i'm gonna tell you instead. god is Among Us.
"line upon line" *gag*
god is Among Us
Joy D Jones - abuse is wrong unless you use it to teach kids about the gospel
"have you ever wondered why we call 'primary' 'primary'?" as someone who understands how language works, no.
because kids are importanter than everything else
god trusts us to be nice to our kids; that means no abuse, even if we're angry. whoever needed this reminder should be shot.
hey, maybe you can "combat the evils of abuse" by not fucking raising your kids in an abusive cult!
analogy of a kid who fell out of bed because he "didn't get far enough in" = he wasn't indoctrinated enough, with awkward collage of pics of kids for a minute.
eyring said to get 'em while they're young
love all the pics of black people that try to say "see? we don't think black people are inherently evil (anymore)!"
analogy of a soldier in boot camp. drill seargants are mean, but that was necessary because apparantly it's the only way this guy can learn how to hide. also, apparently this guy is "our friend". not my friend, thanks.
"how can we do the same for our children?" don't fucking act like a drill seargent to your kids! ffs
"wouldn't we rather have them sweat in the safe learning environment of the home than bleed on the battlefields of life?" first of all, fuck you. second, dramatic much? third, fuck you, kids shouldn't have to learn about life in a hostile environment. does this woman have kids? are they okay? fucking hell, five kids were raised by a woman with this mentality. what a bitch.
"eternity is the wrong thing to be wrong about." i got news for you. of course, if i ever spoke to this machine, that topic wouldn't be my top priority.
I need a fucking drink.
Jan Eric Newman - teaching the gospel is good, but you can't force a testimony on others
anecdote about a local old woman getting birthday gifts. she taught us some good things when we were growing up, so thanks, sister davis.
another teacher, at college, was a "master teacher." he loved me and the lord. he taught me to learn doctrine on my own and that "changed me forever."
just sayin', if you're taught how to learn on your own, but didn't exercise enough critical thought to gtfo of this cult, maybe the teacher wasn't the best.
it's good to have good teachers.
the ancient nephites and lamanites had good teachers, and "there was no contention among them!"
"how can we teach more like the savior and help others become more deeply converted?" nope, nope. nope.
1st, "learn all you can about the master teacher hismelf." so, we're sticking with the term "master teacher." cool. doesn't sound weird at all.
ask yourself questions about how he taught, then do that.
read "teaching in the savoir's way."
2nd, use bullshit stories. oh, no, it's a story about how somebody is grateful for the pandemic because her adult child read the BoM for the first time during it. she said it had made "literal miracles."
3rd, "remember that conversion must come from within." guess jan and "joy" should have compared notes before speaking.
"children inheret many things, but a testimony is not one of them. we can't give our children a testimony any more than we can make a seed grow; but we can provide a nourishing environment, with good soil, free of thorns that would choke the word."
Gary E. Stevenson - kindness
story about a study where rabbits were fed a high-fat diet, but those under the care of a loving researcher didn't gain as much weight.
only christians can intuitively understand that this means there's a reason to be kind to others.
jesus said love one another.
addressing primary kids - be kind. here's a story about a kid who stopped being a bully because the bullied kid said it hurt.
to the teens - social media makes bullying worse, clearly satan is using social media against your generation. do what you can t make these spaces safer. if you're a bully, "stop it."
to the adults- "we have a primary responsibility to set a tone and be role models of kindness (get wrecked "joy"), inclusion and civility."
from ballard- "i have never heard members of this church to be anything but loving, kind, tolerant and benevolent to our friends and neighbors of other faiths." k, but, like, you know it's not just a difference of religious belief that’s the problem, right?
i'm heartbroken to hear about prejudice against blackasianlatino people or of any other group. i love how that section was really only about race, with a blanket "any other group" thrown in as an afterthought so they can't be accused of being homophobic.
in the winter of 1838, jo smith was in prison and why do you think that happened, gary?
church members were driven from their homes and the residents of a town across the river gave them food and shelter. that generosity saved the lives of many of them.
god is a compassionate care-giver.
Gerrit W. Gong - disjointed anecdotes of human experiences, idk
i miss my dad. he was adventurous, except regarding food.
i saw a guy be mean to a lady selling ice cream. he smashed all of her cones. the image of her trying to salvage the cones haunts me to this day.
story of the good samaritan.
be like christ this easter.
"we recieve inspiration as we counsel together, listening to each person, including each sister and the spirit."
does this guy have a topic?
he’s is just giving a list of random human experiences and parables.
*displays a lack of understanding of instagram.*
he's listing something throughout this, like, he keeps counting, but i have no idea what and his voice is making my adhd medication run away, so i'm not listening to this again.
Henry B. Eyring - temple worthiness
today i'm feeling light and hope, like the first day i went to the salt lake temple
i'm an oblivious fucker who didn't notice my name being pinned on me, so i thought the woman who greeted me was an angel because she knew my name.
thought he could remember being in the temple before, but a voice that was not his own (that's how you know it's true and not something he just told himself) told him he was remembering heaven.
confused "holiness to the lord" with "this is a holy place." i know both phrases use the word 'holy', but like, those contexts mean separate things.
i also had this feeling during my wedding in the logan temple.
i think henry should get checked out, he suffers from frequent hallucinations and it's good to know how your brain works differently from others when in a leadership position.
during my wedding, i had a vision of a house and the officiant said to live in a way that you can walk away easily. a year later, my father in law bought the exact house and my wife and i lived in the guest house for ten years. then i got the call to move somewhere else on assignment from the church and we walked away easily.
scripture from jesus about temples.
if you're unworthy in the temple, you won't be "able to see, by the power of the holy ghost, the spiritual teaching of the savior that we can recieve in the temple."
"when we are worthy to recieve such teaching, there can grow, through our temple experience, hope, joy, and optimism throughout our lives. that hope, joy, and optimism are available only through accepting the ordinances performed in holy temples."
i forgot how simple a baptism is, so i'm gonna tell you how amazed (and a little concerned) i was when my youngest daughter stayed to do baptism for the dead for all of the names on the list that day. maybe i'm just super comfortable in the water, but that doesn't sound hard, actually. i used to almost enjoy doing those.
quotes the primary song 'i love to see the temple.'
remember to be worthy so you can live with your family forever.
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douwatahima · 3 years
Turns out I have some more feelings about the manga I finished yesterday. Not naming it so this doesn’t end up in the tags. Please don’t read this, lol. The fourteen year old version of me jumped out.
I think the thing that bugged me most about this last stretch of DN Angel is how much it felt like Yukiru Sugisaki was just...done with the whole thing. Like everything felt very rushed towards a specific, easy conclusion that didn't address a lot of the interesting pieces she had previously laid down.
Like, I remember reading those last few chapters before the eight year long hiatus and HOLY SHIT there was so much! The Dark/Risa relationship all of a sudden becomes an actual threat, not just to Daisuke/Riku, but to Daisuke himself! Satoshi completely lets his guard down around Daisuke, trusting that the person he loves will make this huge sacrifice for him, and when Daisuke refuses he POINTS A GUN TO HIS OWN HEAD. AND THEN WHEN HE GETS CAUGHT HE GOES OFF INTO THE FOREST WITH. THE. GUN!!! AND THEN!!!! RIKU FINDS OUT DAISUKE IS DARK!!!!!!!! IT'S WILD AS FUCK!!!!!!!!
And then we come back and a lot of this is immediately dealt with in a comedic fashion and we just move on. Dark and Daisuke don't talk about that Risa interaction. No one goes after Satoshi. Daisuke comes up with some excuse and Riku is satiated for now.
Then we got the whole dream circus arc. Which was honestly alright. I enjoyed Daisuke coming to terms with the fact that he cannot separate himself from Dark. They are one and the same, for better or worse. And honestly, at first I thought this arc was going to lead us somewhere interesting. Because if Daisuke and Dark now understand that they are a package deal, how do they deal with the whole Riku and Risa thing???? (The answer is they basically don't but I'll get there). I was 100% ready to love this arc and then they did...the thing and I...
Okay, look. Full disclosure, I've been a DN Angel fan since I was like, fourteen. It is linked to me in a way that can only happen when you're obsessed with something at the height of your awkward teen years. And the thing that continues to be my favourite part of the whole story is the relationship between Satoshi and Daisuke. They were my number one ship, not just at fourteen, but...honestly probably through all of my teen years. Like, remember when people used to make jokes on this website about someone asking about your otp and you pull out your binder of reasons? I literally made a Satodai binder. That's not a joke. They were it for me.
And, don't get me wrong, there was never a point where I honestly thought the manga was gonna have Daisuke leave Riku and end up with Satoshi. I dreamed about it, but didn't honestly expect it. BUT I loved the way the manga addressed Satoshi's feelings for Daisuke. This is someone who Satoshi treasures above all others. The person who makes him believe the world can be better. The person he would do ANYTHING for. Like, Satoshi LOVES him.
Which is why it's so frustrating to me that Yukiru Sugisaki decided it would be better for Satoshi to have a two second dream about Risa that changes all of his feelings instantaneously. Like, I'm not here to shit on Satoshi/Risa fans, and I'm happy y'all got your ship. Honestly. But, the two of them have barely spoken before this and then Satoshi has a dream and literally says, "oh I guess my feelings have changed now" like...two volumes before the end! AND THEN THEY DON'T EVEN TALK UNTIL THE VERY END OF THE SERIES. FOR WHAT????
It honestly just read to me as, the mangaka wanted to end the series and Satoshi continuing to be into Daisuke was too emotionally complicated to quickly wrap up so he loves Risa now. And hey, that clears up the whole Dark/Risa thing, right? I'll get to that.
ANYWAY, so then we jump into an elongated story about some past Niwa/Hikari drama which would've been fun if I hadn't been growing more and more confused as I noticed how few chapters were left and we were STILL ON THIS. Like, I love when DN Angel gives us fun new characters to talk about. Hell, the Freedert arc and the Argentine arc are two of my favourites. But, when you only have a limited amount of time...It just felt like this was something Yukiru Sugisaki was maybe sitting on for awhile so she didn't want to skip it, but she also wanted to finish the story as soon as possible so the ending comes IMMEDIATELY after which makes this whole arc feel...weird. Like...we could've spent our last few chapters on the characters we know and love but...instead...
Then we get to the endgame. So, quick poll, do we think the mangaka already had this ending in mind before the anime came out or do we think she decided to do the anime ending because she had no idea how to finish the story. I'm really not sure, but either way it felt soooo anticlimactic given that we've had the anime ending for almost 20 years. Like...what was I waiting around for if you were just gonna do the same thing????? And look, I honestly never finished the anime because I couldn't stand the way they chose to characterize some of my favourite characters (most notably Satoshi and Risa) and I'd read what the ending was and hated it lol. But I digress.
The thing about the ending that gets me most is that it all comes on so fast. Like, you wanna do the anime ending? Okay. Don't love the idea, but okay. BUT it all happens in like... 2-3 chapters. Like, all of a sudden the Black Wings is sucking up power from the artwork and, oh no, here comes Krad ready wreck shop. And then we, randomly at THE END OF THE MANGA find out Satoshi's adopted Dad is actually his real Dad and also he's a piece of artwork which makes Satoshi half a piece of artwork???? Why are you telling us this now???? Then Satoshi and Daisuke seal Dark and Krad into the Black Wings the end. Like...????? That's it?????
Okay, so the story's done but where does it leave our favourite characters???
Daisuke and Riku have figured their shit out and are...presumably going to do long distance??? Idk, they never really address whether they're staying together or not as far as I can remember???? Like, this is the relationship I thought we would get the most closure on but ?????????
Risa just gets to be sad for awhile I guess. It's honestly so infuriating to me that we got this awesome moment before the hiatus where Dark asked Risa if she would love him no matter what and she says yes with her WHOLE CHEST and that's enough for Dark to almost, like, take over Daisuke's body permanently. Like, her love for Dark is as real as Riku's love for Daisuke but she's not allowed to have a happy ending like her sister. She gets to see Dark one last time where he kisses her and hopes she'll always be his best girl and then he flies off into the night while she begs him not to leave. Then, she gets to cry in the street, trying to remember him while everyone else is forgetting. Well, at least she has Satoshi, right????
But like, we don't even know if she likes Satoshi that way. There's been...no indication that she does as far as I know. And as he's hugging her, Satoshi is having these thoughts hoping she'll be able to remember Dark because he knows how meaningful he is to her. So their ending is LITERALLY Risa gets to be horribly heartbroken and Satoshi gets to pine for someone else who, at this point, doesn't love him back.
Like, once again not to shit on Satoshi/Risa fans but...is this the ending y'all wanted????? Because as someone who stans them both this just felt horrible. It reads as a feeble attempt to "pair the spares" (since in the story the mangaka wanted to tell, neither of them could be with who they originally loved) but, like, even then this is the saddest way to do that. OH! And once again, if Risa is moving, ARE THEY EVEN GOING TO BE TOGETHER????? Like, what are we supposed to get from this what is the REASON??????
And then there's Dark and Krad being stuck in the Black Wings for eternity. The biggest reason I didn't like this ending in the anime. Like, look. I get that you have to end your manga somehow. BUT if your plan was to reunite Dark and Krad in this way I don't understand why you would write a whole interaction, mere chapters before, having Dark say that that's the LAST thing he wants to do. HE SAYS THAT THEY AREN'T THE SAME ANYMORE AND THAT HE DOESN'T WANT TO RETURN TO HIM. AND THEN HE'S FORCED TO DO JUST THAT. FOR. WHAT?????
Like, Dark isn't a villain. He's one of our main protagonists and has been this whole time. I get that in stories sometimes characters have sad endings. (I've already argued that I think both Satoshi and Risa's endings were bittersweet at best). But to have Dark say mere chapters before it happens that he categorically DOES NOT want to rejoin Krad and then force him to do just that feels like such a needlessly cruel thing to do to this character we're meant to love.
Once again, it just felt so much like Yukiru Sugisaki wanted to end the series as quickly as possible. I get her wanting to come back to it; she's kinda notorious for not finishing things so I get the impulse to just drive through and get at least one story done. But, it felt like so many things were skipped over or changed just because it made getting to the end goal easier and less complicated. Not addressing some of the cool shit she laid down before the hiatus, completely morphing Satoshi's feelings in a dream, writing off Risa's feelings for Dark, telling us all of the Satoshi backstory stuff at the last goddamn minute, giving Dark his worst nightmare as an ending, so many of these things done just to move things along towards a specific end goal as fast as possible.
Honestly, there's a part of me that wishes she hadn't come back and finished it at all. I was happy enough with the ending I had written in my head and would've preferred it to what we ended up getting ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Anyway, to anyone who actually read this (and a part of me hopes no one does lmao) thanks for listening to me ramble. And if you're a Satoshi/Risa fan, uh, sorry I hated on your ship lol. You're cool.
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praphit · 5 years
Gretel & Hansel: White people, hear me!
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I know, I know, some of y'all were hoping that my next review would be Taylor Swift's "Miss Americana". 
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I'm sorry to disappoint you. Why and how is she still making movies anyway? I thought that everyone associated with "Cats" had been banned from Hollywood.
Now, it WOULD be cool, if Taylor got involved in Horror. I'm thinking that a bunch of horror monsters could get together to track her down; kinda like a contest. They would, you know... do their thing to her, and then bring her back from the dead in the sequel, and repeat the process. Every now and then, they could throw in Justin Bieber or someone else with his same level of annoyance. BOOM! Franchise! So, donate to Praphit Productions (millions), so I can make that happen. I'll just CG Taylor Swift in, if I have to; I'm sure she'd be ok with that.
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Just picture Jason Voorhees or Kanye West chasing her.
No, people, I'm here to talk to y'all about Hansel & Gretel!
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No, no, no, I'm sorry! "Gretel and Hansel!"
I almost forgot about that blow up in their studio. Y'all remember that?
Sophia Lillis' (who plays Gretel - SHE’S GREAT IN THIS-BTW) first day on the set was raw! 
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She walked up to the director and was like "Bleep this bleep! Who is Hansel? Who the bleep is he?! No one knows that actor! What is he, like 5 years old? Bleep him! How is his name first?! So, a woman can't lead a man, huh??! It's always gotta be Hansel first, right?! And what always happens?! That witch bitch always tries to eat them! Bleep that! Y'all know who I is! I'm Sophia bleeping Lillis! I was in "It" one AND two. What has "Sammy Leakey" (playing Hansel) been in??!
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Not a damned thing! I want my name first! You will put it first or so help me God, I will UNLEASH THE FURY!"
Director (Oz Perkins): "I actually like that idea"
SL: "I don't give a bleep what you like! Just make it happen!" 
Then, she went to her trailer, and when she came back out, it was "Gretel & Hansel".
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(Hansel’s not even in the shot. Lillis was too raw for him.)
Let's see if Gretel fairs better in this story, now that she's getting the chance to lead.
We all know this Brothers Grimm story. There's a family (I don't know what Gretel & Hansel's last name is... we'll just say "Shakur"). So, the Shakur Family was struck by a famine in the land. Stuff happens, and G & H end up off on their own, in the woods, and eventually meet up with a witch, who later tries to eat them.
White people, hear me! Are you listening? STOP GOING INTO THE WOODS! Seriously, STOP! I'm trying to save you. Black people know better, but y'all... smh. I know y'all like to go hiking, and camping, and taking selfies on mountain tops and shit, but PLEASE... STOP! Nothing good is waiting for you out there!
Quit going into the woods to get footage of alleged monsters/spirits. Quit going into the woods to spend the night in cabins. Quit going into the woods to party on the anniversary of the night that 12 people were mysteriously murdered in those same woods. STOP!
Some of you might be thinking, "Well maybe Gretel will make it. Maybe now that she's leading the duo, things will be different." Nope, she's white... *sigh* so we all know what she and Hansel did...  went right into the woods.
This movie is mainly from Gretel's perspective. Right from the jump, we see Gretel being pimped out by her mama. Gretel of course declines to become a professional hoe, but when she comes back to her mama for a possible different direction in life, Mama is like "Would it have killed you to get on your knees for your family?! We're starving!"
I know - Mom of the Year.
Dad isn't even around. I may have missed something, but I don't remember where he was, or if maybe he ran away, a long time ago. One of those "Daddy went to get a pack of cigs, and never came back" scenarios. He may be off in a land flowing with Big Macs and Fries, Idk. Or maybe, being that his "selfish" daughter wouldn't put-out, he decided to get to work on the corner himself. Who knows where he was in this movie??
Gretel was def tough though. And she loved her brother! She was very protective of him. There is a scene where there's some sort of vampire creature chasing down Hansel, and Gretel stands up to the creature. That's the type of character that she is in this movie. She's smart, tough, and though sometimes hard on her bro, she loves him very much.
Hansel on the other hand is annoying as shit. And Dumb! Man, is he dumb! I'm surprised that we never see Gretel slap him. But, she is always able to compose herself in the midst of her annoying brother, and keep the journey going. She even calms him down at one point with some drugs. They end up eating some shrooms on their trip. Now, THAT'S love, people! Seeing someone in need of calming the bleep down, and offering them some good shit. What's a road trip without a moment when the group gets high??
There's a Lando-looking character that they meet along the way. 
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He doesn't have much of a role in this movie. I'm not saying it's because he's black, BUT he's a fascinating, noble character, who's black and barely in the movie. And they do not trust him at all. I'm not saying it's because he's black... you know what?? - YES! Yes I am saying that!
He saves their lives, offers them food and shelter, and gives them specific instructions that will keep them safe. But, after that (the only character so far that has had G & H's best interests in mind), Gretel immediately questions his motives. White women, hear me! If a black man willingly sticks out his neck for you, IN THE DARKNESS, in order to save YOUR life, that's a man that you can trust. Cuz we (black men) all know, that if we try to save a white woman out in public (even if we succeed), there's a good chance that the cops will still swing by to shoot us. They're thinking just like Gretel is in this movie - "I know it LOOKS like they saved her, but... can we really trust him? - let's shoot him just in case." Granted, this Landoish character sends them off (again with instructions for their safety). They had no quarrels about leaving (and quickly).
So, they runaway from the compassionate black man, who just saved them, and they meet an old lady (the witch) who has black fingers, and house smells a lil like death... and they say to themselves "Let's sleep here!" Ain't that some shit??! 
White people, HEAR ME!
They don't even question her black fingers, they just let her handle their food. I question people of whom I don't know, with normal fingers, handling my food, but... I guess that's just me.
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Then, the rest of the story is legend.
The production design in this movie is absolutely amazing! If this film had no dialogue, and was just silent, it still would have been a beautiful movie (despite the cannibalism:)
The plot, I felt, was secondary to the cinematography.
Some of you might say, "Well that's nice and all, but is the movie scary? Does the witch, at some point, rev-up a chainsaw, and chase the two kids around her house?" No. "Ok, but does the movie, at some point, have little, pale Asian kids making creepy noises at H & G while they're trying to sleep?" NO! "Yeah, but is there some sort of human centipede action happening in the basement of the witch, and she tries to..."
NO! NO! HELL NO! What's wrong with y'all?!
No, none of that. The story that The Brothers Grimm have painted is horrifying enough. Famine and crappy parenting, leading to witch who wants to eat you... I'd say that's all that's required; the director knows this.
They don't need to use any gimmicks, just the same story (pretty much), a lil dark magic, the mentioned cinematography, and well-placed spooky music keep the movie in a consistent place of dread.
I think RT got this one wrong (59%). I don't have much bad to speak of, concerning this movie. I can't give it an A grade, due to it being a copy of a story that we've seen copied many times before. Plus, there are some ending issues I have with it, that I'll get to in a sec. BUT, this film is a hell of a B grade :)
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SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!
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SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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A few things:
Soooooo, Gretel has some sort of connection to the witch that is never explained. Apparently, she has within her, the same powers as the witch.
She ends up sending her bro off to Lord knows where. She sends him off on a horse that she says she SPOKE TO, and he (the horse) will get Hansel there (where? who knows??) safely. So, she's talking the animals now?? When did she pick-up that skill? And where the bleep did she even get a horse?
There's some super grease that her and the witch use to do magic, that is never explained.
Now, none of this took away from my enjoyment of the film, but... still though.
There's a message of false empowerment at the end. Like I said, she abandons her brother, so that she can... fulfill her destiny or something. She has dark magic in her, but she is convinced that she'll use it for good. Like I said, Gretel is a SMART character... what happened to all of that smart? It's like saying "Hey, I have this STD, but instead of tending to it, I'm going to use my STD for good. It's going to be hard, but I've gotta be strong."
I said "false empowerment". The movie isn't painting a picture of this being a good thing, but the "false" part is subtle enough to where people could walk away thinking it's an empowering message.
You abandoned your brother to become a witch! But, maybe I'm not being fair. Perhaps Gretel will be just fine. Throughout the history of human beings, we've had many people who were in power, and who thought that not allowing their power to be checked was the brave and noble thing to do. I think those times in history all worked out well right??
I could have added some pics to accentuate my last statement, but I feel it might have been a little too real:)
So, instead I'll leave y'all with this slightly less horrifying pic
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... and bid you adieu.
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gladio-to-meet-you · 6 years
God of Destruction (ft the Chocobros, Nyx, and Luna)
This draws some instances from things that have happened to me, I'll leave y'all guessing which is real and which is fabricated
Not proofread, hope you guys enjoy it/maybe even get some laughs from this!
I’ll work on other prompts I have, but I may not post anything else today, idk for sure though
You took it upon yourself to try and lighten the burden laid upon his shoulders since you managed to get put of work early. There was pep in your step as you hurried home to change and rush out to the store. You planned to surprise him with dinner! He'd have one less thing to do and you could prove that you did know your way around the kitchen, at least enough so that he didn't have to constantly cook for you guys. You pointedly decided to ignore the precious mishaps that had happened that he teasingly brings up every one in a while; you were better now!
After getting the necessary ingredients, you pay and leave and practically run home so you have time to finish everything. It all started off okay enough, you felt confident enough that things would work out. That was before you nicked your finger and had to clean and bandage it to avoid contaminating the food. While hurrying to the bathroom for the bandaids, you managed to knock a ceramic baking dish off the counter.
By the time Ignis walked in, ready to make dinner and just relax, talking about the day with you, he's met with an absolute mess. You're still in the kitchen, fingers covered with bandaids and cursing as you try to clean up the shards in the floor with smoke lingering in the room, leaving a bitter taste in your mouth. "Oh, honey, let me get that," he'd say and sweep you off your feet to deposit you on the couch where you wouldn't risk cutting your feet up. There would be a fond smile curling his lips as he opened the windows to air the place out and went for the broom, deciding take out sounded nice.
He thought you were just exaggerating your bad luck with electronics until he had the privilege of living with you. Then he saw what you meant. The gaming system you guys bought together would only turn on and work right, not freezing, if he turned it on. The coffee pot would always make a mess the first time you used it and it would always come out tasting burnt. Your laptop was a lost cause. Your phone that was newer than his was spastic with you, you'd have to restart it once or twice a day and delete and reinstall apps to get them to cooperate.
But the best - the worst? - of this was that he accompanied you into your office one day so you could print some papers off to turn into your boss before the weekend and he got to see just how bad the electronics you used the majority of the day reacted. After an hour of computer problems and having IT come back two separate times for completely different issues, you pointed at your partner and gestured to the computer. "I don't want to be here all day, help!" You demanded in a small voice, stomping your foot, moments away from pouting.
He laughed a little at the situation but sat down and followed your instructions to find the particular file that needed printed off. Once the papers were handed in, he draped his arm around your shoulders as you guys left the building. "I thought you were kidding, babe, but technology hates you. But that's okay, I'll help you any day! In all seriousness though...why do you have an office job?"
You decided that since Noctis had caught dinner, you’d try to help Ignis with cooking it. You forgot that since you guys were camping, that meant dealing with a campfire. You hadn’t ever done more than roast some marshmallows over the fire, you didn’t trust yourself. But since you had spoken up, Ignis gladly accepted your help.
So you sucked it up and followed his instructions very carefully, from helping him prepare the fish and the fire to actually starting the cooking process. You made sure you copied every moment he did so you wouldn’t mess it up. You were envious of the other three that were just sitting around, waiting for dinner to be ready. Noctis and Prompto were huddled together on their phones, probably playing King’s Knight, while Gladio appeared to be reading.
It wasn’t until you and Ignis both smelled something burning that you turned back to the fire, only to screech in alarm. You had somehow managed to catch your jacket on fire when you set it down?! You rushed forward and yanked it away, dropping it on the ground and immediately stomping on it to try and put the fire on the sleeve out. After you panic passed, you heard Noctis wheezing with laughter. “You weren’t kidding, were you? You really are a danger magnet,” he teased you as you all sat down around the fire with dinner, you sitting a bit further away than normal after that.
He had been with you long enough to realize that if anything at all could go wrong, it probably would. He started carrying around a small first aid kit with him, knowing it would be used at some point by you. He’d seen you trip over nothing, break things with an ease that betrayed your small size, and he’s seen the really bad days where things just keep going wrong one after another.
He thought he had seen it all, but he was wrong. You guys went to one of the first places you had gone on dates to, hoping to recreate one of your first dates. While waiting on food, you mentioned running to the bathroom. He realized that by the time the food was delivered, you were still nowhere to be seen. Instead of freaking out like he would’ve when you guys first started dating, he just sent you a text inquiring where you were.You looked down at your phone and then back at the door that had been a barrier for that last couple minutes.
You hesitated on responding and tried turning the door knob to open the door again. Nothing. It wouldn’t budge. So you bit the bullet and sent Gladio an SOS message, requesting he get the owner to free you from the damn bathroom. You heard his laughter before he got within ten feet of the door so you stomped your foot as you pocketed your phone. “Stop laughing, Gladdy! It’s not funny!” You pouted as you heard the two men discuss the best way to handle it. In the end, the hinges were removed so the door could be moved out of the way and you could leave the bathroom. The owner was apologetic as he had been told before that the lock had been sticking and even let you guys eat for free.
This man had seen your destructive powers in full swing before. You had gone to the bar together and you broke no fewer than five glasses in the span of ten minutes. You had managed to knock the table over and spilled everyone's drinks while simultaneously breaking them as they hit the ground. The owner was actually pretty cool about it, saying he had new glasses he hadn't been able to put into rotation yet, so it wasn't a big deal. The mess was cleaned up and your group was jokingly given plastic cups after that.
However, after that night he didn't expect it to get any worse, he thought he had seen it at its worst. Nope, not at all. He took you to a newer restaurant that members of the Glaive had told him about, saying it was great food for the price and he wouldn't regret it. He didn't regret the food. He regretted letting you drink there and allowing you to go to the bathroom unsupervised, knowing your luck got worse the more that you drank. You hurried out of the bathroom, eyes a bit wide, and giggles escaping your lips. You were glad Nyx had been in the process of paying the bill when you left the table because it would make for a quicker getaway this way.
You tried to school your face into a serious one, but your lips kept twitching and he eyed you cautiously, knowing something had happened. especially when you got back to the table and started grabbing the takeout containers. “We need to leave, now,” you whispered urgently. When you got out of there and to his car, you collapsed into the seat laughing until you were crying and gasping. He had to wait until you calmed down to hear your story, and even then it was interspersed with you laughing. He finally heard the story and couldn’t help but laugh in astonishment. You had heard someone in the bathroom make an “oop” sound and found out, by asking and revealing that you were probably as tipsy as they were that they had broken a handle off the sink. You went to the other sink and the hot water handle literally came off in your hand as you tried turning the water off. You had both replaced the handles and tried to discreetly leave the bathroom.
You made sure you spelled it out for Luna, how badly accident prone you were, how bad your luck seemed to be on the daily, but she waved your concerns away. You guys hadn't spent a full day together since you got together, both busy with your duties, but she had seen some of the cuts and bruises you came home with. She never brought them up because they were always minor though, trusting that you'd say something if you got into a fight or something. "Babe, I'm serious, I should just live life bubble wrapped in a protective bubble!"
She'd giggle at the mental image that would provoke and assure you, again, that everything would be fine on your date. It was like your luck took that as a challenge and accepted it with gusto. On the way to the little bistro you guys planned to eat lunch at, you tripped no less than three times and it was a short walk! You also almost fell into traffic when someone bumped into your side as they passed.
At the bistro, you expected things to calm down. Nope! You went to sit in your chair and when it shifted, you knocked your phone off the table and in the process of bending over to get it, you smashed your head into the edge of the table. When you jerked up from that, you rocked the table enough to rattle the drinks and splash them over the table. You paused to take a deep breath and reached for the napkins to clean up the mess while Luna was still at the counter and somehow managed to give yourself a damned paper cut from the napkins you had grabbed. "Luna, that's it, I'm done, I'm going home to live in my bubble!" You called to her with a pout. She giggled as she came back to make sure you were okay, deciding that maybe you hadn't exaggerated that much.
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lokiarsene · 5 years
like yesterday, here's a bullet list of my thoughts for episodes 18~21
thoughts on episode 18:
oh no, it's the beach episode.
-- i really like how they show the way the PT take care of futaba. ren patiently cleaning up her room in between hours at the florist, them playing vidya with her, or just having lunch together in montage moments is very sweet. it makes me wish the anime had much slower pacing, more slice of life-y kind of drama.
-- watching yusuke, ryuji, and futaba lose their freakin minds over good curry is VERY relatable.
-- i still don't understand why ann and makoto thought that a two piece frilly bathing suit was the way to go with futaba. a one piece that she could wear under a long wrap or a hoodie would've made so much more sense... but >male gaze
-- have i told y'all how fucking tired i am of the sexualization of the teenage girls in p5 yet, and how it is one of the several things that fuckin ruined this game for me
have i?
well here it is again
none of the previous games were as bad as this b t w and p4 had one of the dungeons be a STRIP CLUB.
-- yusuke and his lobsters are wonderful.
-- oh god i forgot COMPLETELY about the whole 'mental shutdowns' thing in this game's plot. i think because it's all so pointlessly convoluted. p3 had something similar but even there it was just people turned catatonic for weeks on end when the monthly boss-shadows drew near.
i think the reason i find this so hard to understand is because from p3 to p4 the rules of shadows didn't really change so much. p3 had the persona users go up against shadow bosses; p4 had people confront the shadows within themselves, either accepting them completely (which then turned into persona), or the shadow 'absorbed' the person and ran rampant as a monster. neither of those rules really contradict each other, but in p5 personal shadows for persona users are gone completely, and how you deal with other people's personal shadows doesn't even involve them being present to complete the merge.
mona says that persona users can't have palaces, but persona users in 4 could and DID have 'dungeons' within the shadows' worlds. these dungeons dealt specifically with what was at the core of the shadows' emergence--a deep secret and a hidden truth that caused the shadow to grow, a place that was a replica and a distortion of reality based upon that suppressed truth. so that sure sounds like a fucking palace to me.
so....................... unless there's like, multiple realities folded into our own, and persona users can only access certain ones.................. i'm just super confused.
like, i know it's because the rules change game to game, but p3 to p4 didn't have any contradictions, and p2 didn't contradict anything in p3, either. it just went from a full party of wild card users to a singular one.
-- i'm glad ann's getting a little screentime here. i was just thinking about how other characters' development was lacking after makoto and futaba got so much focus.
-- mona's so sweet to ann ;-; now that he has a human form in p5r, i hope they become really good friends. she needs a kind guy friend that'll be reliable~ plus he makes her laugh.
-- sojiro talking about the anniversary of wakaba's death is......... really interesting........ considering that screenshot of futaba sitting next to a woman with the exact same haircut as her "deceased" mother.
-- ren reassuring mona that he absolutely has to be human, that he will return to who he used to be once they figure out what's happening in the metaverse is jsut jdfklasd
-- listen i know mona isn't rly a cat but he's the BEST cat
thoughts on episode 19:
oh it's the hawaii episode.
-- man what the hell kinda budget do these school's got that they can just go overseas with dozens of students on a yearly basis? that's impressive.
-- ryuji: "whoa, awesome! ..... i don't really get it, but awesome!" fjdsafds okay that got a laugh outta me. good one, ryuji.
-- ren: "i'm excited, too." (said in a monotone) fjklsadsl BLESS THIS BOY
-- ren's FACE when he learns that futaba installed a spying app on his phone and can hear him/see pictures he takes is...... kind of hilarious. especially if you have the headcanon that he and akechi send dumbass snapchats to each other a lot--which i do. and which you do now, too.
-- mona's depression is ten times more sad because he's a cat okay :c why they gotta make the cat so cute
-- ren, ryuji, and ann's lil sleepover is adorable. especially since ann chastises ryuji for not knowing one of the basic rules of a sleepover: if you start talkin' about your crushes, you gotta start with your own~ thems the rules lads
-- rip principal bloatneck.
-- honestly that truck shoulda at least TRIED to stop.
-- "A LO HA." goddammit that's adorable
-- the PT targeting okumura, who is essentially the dave thomas with political ambitions of the persona 5 world, is far funnier now that i phrase it like that.
-- mona's totally right that ryuji's just concerned with getting popular and his dick wet. like,,, that's why this argument only made me hate ryuji more than i already did. he gets pissy when mona points out the truth.
god he sucks lmao
-- i really like how guarded akechi's face looks in his conversation with sae, and how off his guard he looks when she tells him that she's not going to hold back, especially since the culprit is doing such dire, awful things. he's not exactly surprised, but he's definitely uneasy and shaken by what he hears. which makes me wonder who he’s really concerned for--himself, or for ren (and the PT by extension, but akechi only really seems to care about ren, so).
the reason i like that is because the okumura arc in p5 is really where akechi's mind starts its downward spiral. principal kobayakawa's death obviously rattled him, especially since the only reason the principal died was because shido saw him as useless and disposable, something akechi is desperate NEVER TO BE. and it's that + what happens with okumura that really kicks him over the edge.
i hope p5r will give us the chance to pull him back from it. he deserves a better chance than the game's subpar writing gave to him.
thoughts on episode 20:
-- ren wakes up in a panic because he thinks he sees mona on his bed ;___________;
-- goro snoopin' on the PT's LOUD, TOTALLY CONSPICUOUS conversation in front of okumura foods' HQ is kind of adorable if you remember he clearly loves star wars (HE HAS A LIGHT SABER), and the camera cuts to his face right as they're talking about big bang and outer space lingo.
-- oh, haru. i really wish you were the black mask. that would've been so much cooler--and an actual twist. her total hopeless panic about being a beauty thief could still be a thing (because it is actually endearing), it'd just be an act. but that's me talkin' fix-its again.
-- i really like the scene of haru defending mona to the PT on the rooftop, then cutting to show just how strained her relationship is with her father. she exists to be useful to her father's ambitions and nothing else, and that scene really drove home just how painful that is for her.
-- oh hey remember how the game went through the trouble of showing how haru's fiance is a sexist, violent, animal-hurting piece of shit and then promptly failed to actually separate her from him in game (i think you only can do that in her s-link?? the s-link you can barely finish in your first run of the game??), and in t hEN SHOWED HER IN THE CAR WITH HIM LATER, LOOKING HORRIBLY UNCOMFORTABLE?
-- ryuji running into the attic, all worried about mona, with a first aid kit, is..... very good. very good and endearing. good on you, ryuji.
-- haru gently encouraging mona to tell the truth is also really good. idk if i just missed it in the game or what, but i really like how she's presented in the anime. she's like a counterpart to ren--soft, sincere, observant, patient, yet she's made of pure steel beneath all that.
thoughts on episode 21:
-- haru, the reason your father's heart grew twisted is thanks to capitalism. you gotta change the heart of capitalism.
-- not to be all poochie here but whenever akechi isn't on screen, all i can ask myself is whERE'S AKECHI?
-- okay see this is where i'm thrown completely out of the story or even really liking haru. haru just listened to her dad's shadow saying he would PIMP HER OUT TO HER FIANCE WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT. and she still is just like ~no i want him to go back to being kind~
bitch are you nuts
are you NUTS
god. i'm getting so mad again lmao
-- ren approaching haru to point out that if the truth of her father's crimes comes to light, she'll forever be associated with him (and with all the harm and ruined reputation that brings) is, once again, further reminder of just how... damn good ren is. he doesn't hesitate to speak from the heart nor does he ever fail to listen to someone else speak from theirs.
-- also not for nothing but uh
how did the cops not like
figure out how the PT phan-site was set up within the first few months and track it down to mishima? was that ever addressed at all?
-- honestly another reason why i get so fucking mad about this okumura stuff is the game goes SO FAR OUT OF ITS WAY to make you feel BAD that he died, when he was by all rights a fucking shitheel monster, yet when akechi dies it's like 'oh well. that sucked.' fuck off, atlus. the death of a greedy, heartless CEO isn't more sad just because his gaslit daughter is conditioned to be sad about it.
i understand that a large part of the shock after okumura's death is because the PT don't know if they did anything wrong. but okumura was in no way a good person. he was in no way a person whose redemption overruled all the hurt and harm he did. that has been the case for EVERY PT target before this, so why the fuck is okumura suddenly so different? why SHOULD he be?
the difference between him and, say, akechi is that okumura et. al. all made those choices on their own to do terrible things. they delighted in it, they enjoyed it. but akechi, much like futaba, was forced into a cycle of self-destruction--it’s just that in futaba’s case, her self-destruction targeted herself, and akechi’s was quite literally weaponized and used against others. he approached shido as a young teenager and was then used by him for years.
a teenage boy being used as a magical hitman by his shitlord father is far more deserving of sympathy and redemption than grown adults who willingly make the decision to harm, abuse, and prey on others. but no, the game didn’t want to do that.
this is another big problem i have with p5's second and third acts: it's so tonally dissonant and sloppy. it's like they didn't try to actually be as rebellious and hellraiser-y as the first act WANTED to be, and it all ends up being such a limp-dick shriveled mess of "let's fight against this rotten society!! ......... as long as it in no way actually upsets anyone or does any REAL change." fuck off lmao
that's not me even commenting on the "twist" and how it needed to be explained MULTIPLE TIMES to the player for it to make any sense.
and it still doesn't make sense to me btw.
so that's another thing i hope p5r fixes.
-- rip evil dave thomas megamind.
-- akechi floating the idea to sae that the phantom thieves had nothing to do with okmura’s death is............................ interesting.
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ritahasaproblem · 6 years
If you want to write about ermal and fabri playing a drinking game like "never have i ever..." and they confess their feelings while playing i would love it! And thank you in advance for trying!!
Ahsjdksk thank YOU for giving me this prompt!!! I’m posting from my phone so lets hope my newfound skill with html doesn’t abandon me lmaoAlso sorry for the delay i’m super slow sigh ;; hope you like it 💖💖
let’s set the scene: it’s the 8th of july, the gig was cancelled due to bad weather, they’re all having a drink after dinner at the hotel’s bar
And Ermal is torn, because on the one hand he hates not performing, he hates disappointing his fans
on the other hand, he gets to spend a lot more time with Fabrizio than he would have had they performed
and he feels guilty as hell, because he had never thought such things before, for anyone
it doesn’t help that Bizio is his usual touchy self and boi, did he miss him
so they’re all laughing, drinks in hand, and Vige is telling Claudio about the last time he had to cover for Ermal not remembering his own songs, when Fabrizio approaches him from the side, “I wish I could’ve been there, at the concert”
“I know you had the kids, don’t worry, and with Libero’s tryouts you really had to be there”
Fabrizio lights up and starts talking about the children
Ermal is: so. Fucking. Smitten. He knows this, it’s not like he doesn’t, but sometimes even he can feel his own face go soft good lord this is embarassing
i promise i’m getting to the point soon
So, to wake himself from the trance he’s gotten himself into, he tries to joke. “Cherish this, soon enough he’ll be out there playing drinking games and you’ll have to drag his hungover ass out of bed on sunday mornings”
Bizio is: confused, and it shows
“Don’t tell me you never played never have i ever” “…” “Okay, neither have i, i just know it from my sister, she was the cool kid in school”
But, you know, it’s never too late to find your inner teenage self and get desperately drunk in front of your crush, so Ermal buys two bottles of red wine (“there’s no way i’m buying whiskey to get us drunk in a silly game, Montanari”), gets everyone except Max and the Sheriff (idk if he was there but let’s pretend he was) to agree to play the game, and they go up to his room
(i mean, “everyone”: it’s just him, Bizio, Claudio, Marco and Vige, most of their respective bands didn’t come to the thing)
It starts with gentle teasing, Marco saying “never have i ever forgot the lyrics of my own songs” (which *is* a dick move but it is also general enough that all three of the singers have to drink)
it gets progressively more personal, as these things are wont to do
First is “worn mismatched socks during a work meeting”, then “puked in the middle of a love confession”
Then Claudio (who was the one the last sentence was referring to) goes “Never have i even kissed another man on the mouth”
“I’ve kissed you at least three times, Clà, you should drink too” “ I meant french kissing”
“oh okay” Bizio says, taking his sip, nonplussed
And that’s how Ermal discovers that Fabrizio has made out with men.
Naturally, he’s taken his sip too, and Bizio looks at him oddly, like he’s rearranging everything he knows inside his brain
listen, i know the common headcanon is “Fabrizio is the first man Ermal has been attracted to” but i cannot stop thinking about rien de va plus that song has no heterosexual explanation and was written kind of loooong before they knew each other so
“Just the once or…?” asks Fabrizio. Ermal is both confused and relieved, because this way he has a good excuse to ask in return. “Well, usually more than once, i’m not that bad of a kisser”
du d e . he says it with self-deprecation but Bizio.exe just stopped working I MEAN WHO WOULD STILL WORK AFTER THAT
“What about you?” “A few times, when i was younger. I just don’t like to label myself, if i fall in love with a woman it’s fine, but if i like a man it’s also fine, capito?”
c a p i t o
[“I also took a sip, why is no one interested in my story?” “do you really want to go there, Vige?”]
After a few minutes of intense staring and one pausa sigaretta, the game goes on (as does the staring tbh but they both try to be subtle about it) (“try” being the key word here)
“never have i ever got so drunk i started waxing poetics about True Love and how magical it must be to meet The One” says Marco, to which Vige replies with “never have i ever had a crush on someone i was working with”, which is clearly a callout to Marco, since he and his girlfriend sort of worked together on her band for a while (y'all really don’t wanna know how i know that, so don’t ask) but OH WELL LOOK WHO’S ALSO DRINKING
Fabrizio, that’s who’s drinking.
Also Ermal, because he’s honest enough not to deny his crush and he’s tipsy enough to be honest, but that’s beside the point
“Was it Bianca?”
“Why the fuck does everyone think i’ve been with Bianca? No, we’ve always been just friends”
“She’s hot, you’re hot, seems natural you’d be all over each other”
Everyone else: is quietly trying to escape without being heard (spoiler: they succeed because the two idiots are too engrossed in each other)
“You’re hot too, yet you don’t seem to be all over me either”
Ermal.exe stopped working MR STARK I DON’T FEEL SO GOOD
“You….. Think i’m hot?”
“Who doesn’t?” Fabrizio chuckles nervously. “And what about you? I saw you drink. Any of our colleagues that caught your eye?”
Oh boi
“Uhm. No. Well. Yes. But also no. It’s- it’s difficult Fabrì”
Listen. They’ve been drinking for an hour, he’s not thinking straight -not that he ever really has, tbh
“I mean, if you’re crushing on Fiorella i get it, but she’s happily married, you have no chance” jokes Fabrizio, noticing his discomfort. “Also i got there first, i get to court her before you”
“Then i really have no chance, there’s no way anyone would turn you down”
That’s when Bizio drops the bomb, whispering “Not even you?” without looking up from his glass of wine.
“well, i did say 'anyone’, Bizio ” replies Ermal, heart thundering in his ears, voice as low as the other singer’s.
“Told you it was complicated”
“Soooo” starts the other man. Ermal sees him getting up from the floor where they were all sitting and feels cold dread in his gut. Great. He spent the longest time avoiding this and now he’s driven Fabrizio away.
But no, the other singer is just coming beside him, sitting so near their thighs touch, a shy smile on his face. “If i were to do this” he murmurs, slowly caressing his arm with one finger, skin to skin, making them both sigh, maybe in relief, maybe from the nerves; it’s so clearly a flirty gesture it makes him breathe a little faster. “If I were to do this” Fabrizio keeps saying, leaving it hypothetical when there is nothing hypothetical about his hand travelling from his wrist to his shoulder and back, “would it be okay?”
It’s just a hand on his arm, but it somehow feels more exciting than a lot of the first kisses he had shared with others, goosebumps on his skin
“if i were to do this?” asks again, intertwining their fingers.
Fabrizio is staring at his face, a soft, playful smile; his eyes are searching, tho, looking for any sign of discomfort, even if Ermal knows he won’t find any
he’s probably smiling like a lunatic, and that must be the right signal, because Fabrizio balances himself on his thigh with the unoccupied hand and descends to kiss his neck, just a tiny peck
“And this?” he says, against his skin, and it tickles a bit, so he has to laugh as he answers “You do that all the time already” while squeezing his hand
“Maybe I want to do it more” he replies, as he kisses his neck again, this time a little higher, then another kiss, on his jaw, and Ermal feels like he’s floating, he doesn’t know if it’s the wine or the words or the kisses
“Maybe I’d let you”
And the way Fabrizio’s face lights up in an honest smile is making him feel Things, things like butterflies in his stomach, like his heart is about to burst, like the world is just the two of them. And this time he lets himself get lost in the feelings, in the knowledge that he’s allowed to want this, how fucking lucky he is
All the while Fabrizio has been staring at him, always that soft, fond smile, a hand on his cheek, another in his own.
“Nothing else you might attempt?” asks Ermal, once he has sorted out his feelings long enough. “You know, you’re already con un piede nella fossa (="with one foot inside your grave”, super old), and I’m not getting any younger either. You’ll have all the time you want to get acquainted to my neck, later"
Fabrizio laughs, eyes crinkling, touching Ermal’s forehead with his own.
“Okay then” he says, before kissing him.
[later, when at three am Ermal will wake him to announce triumphantly “SO I AM THE ONE YOU HAD A CRUSH ON!!!!!” he will almost laugh. Before throwing a pillow at his head, that is.]
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sketchguk · 2 years
Hi Hi it's 🍰 anon! How are you?? I have updates about my crush but it's not so good 😭 we hang out a couple times after I sent you asks but our conversation was so dull 😭 even in texting we don't know what to say after talking about normal things like how are you and about our day :( I don't know if this is because of our age gap?? Do couples with age gap also find it difficult to finds topics to talk about :( I don't know how couples handle it when they start talking less 😭 because our lives are so different..... But I feel bad because I really like him but he's probably bored talking to me 😭😭 or maybe he's not interested in talking these days idk 😔
Aaah I have question for au based on this 😂 do soonyoung and mc fight sometimes after the relationship?? What things do they usually fight about? -
I sent you one more ask asking how are you and what you're doing but I forgot to put my emoji 😂😂😂😂 - 🍰
Hi hi ! I've missed you and your updates <3 I hope that you are well !
I've always found it a little difficult to talk to men, especially when they're outside of my age group :-( Maybe he's busy these day, you never know!!
Think about the stuff you talk about with your friends and apply it to him perhaps ! Casually bring up something in your daily life, and I'm sure y'all can expand on it. The most mundane things can always lead to more. Tell him about the dream you had the previous night, the food that you made for dinner (and the meals you would love to eat/cook), the random fact that you learned and how cool it is (!!)
Ask questions, even if they're super random. Jump from topic to topic just so y'all can have something to chat about !! Sometimes, I'll even see Tumblr or Twitter posts that make me go "OJO, I need to talk about this with someone!!!!"
Idk if ya'll are comfortable sharing personal things with one another (family, childhood, desires, morality, outlooks on life, etc), but I'm sure you can have a little dip into those conversations. There's always a lot to unpack, and it helps to grow closer to someone ! Soo, don't stress too much about what to say because then we end up overthinking :') Send some memes here and there if you have to LOL
I guess it's easier to text him as you would an internet friend. Perhaps there's less pressure in that. I'm perpetually in the "talking" phase with all of my mutuals, and I'm basically dating all of them at this point (confirmed).
Also, idk how comfortable y'all would be with video calling each other. I feel like that's superrr different from texting, and it's an efficient way to get to know one another. All of my friends who date, they always get on FaceTime with the person they're seeing. I have never *not* seen them text exclusively. Sometimes, they call everyday, and sometimes it's in the middle of the week. And if you don't particularly like this idea, to lessen the pressure, something that I do with my Tumblr friends is watching movies/tv shows on Discord or FaceTime ! Idk if that's something that's possible for y'all given your schedules, but it's a nice activity to try out
Ah YES, Soonyoung and mc definitely fight when they are in a relationship. That has always been their defining characteristic. If anything, they're more like disputes. Perhaps the one thing that they argue about the most is the fact that they don't make time for one another :/ They're always busy, and their schedules hardly line up. They each want the other to make compromises, but it's very difficult because they're both passion driven ! They end up settling for being in one another's company (despite not having their partner's undivided attention). It sucks, but it's what they have to deal with. They also have to realize that their partner isn't choosing to study/work instead of being with them. If they didn't have deadlines, they would certainly be all over one another
As for me, I'm here as usual ! Decomposing in my bedroom !! Although I will admit that I'm in my Rory Gilmore era. I've knocked off 4 books from my tbr in the last week (mostly because I didn't hit my reading goals for April, and I tried to close the gap a little bit LOL). It's also aapi month ! And every year, I dedicate it to reading books from aapi authors. In general, I do gravitate towards these books, but I always make sure to celebrate especially in May !!
Oh and my degrees came in the mail 💛 I'm having my graduation ceremony in June yippeeee. Although I'm not sure if I'll attend because my one (1) friend said he doesn't want to go LOL. But still, I want to dress up and take pictures :') If my mom won't be proud of my accomplishments, at least I can try to be proud of myself. I'm also waiting for the school of education to share the details about our department commencement hehehe
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apocalypticacolyte · 6 years
hot mess recap
CAA RIGHT NOW opened memo on board HOT MESS.
Memo is now Secret by CAA
Memo is now Invite-Only by CAA
CAA: hello!!!
CURRENT radicalGameboy [CRG] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
CRG: Hello!
CRG: How's it going?
CURRENT testifiedQuantum [CTQ] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
CTQ: hello, and good.
CTQ: how about you?
CAA: !!!!!!!!!!!
CAA: our favorite furry arrives
CTQ: indeed i do!!
CRG: What?
CAA: kacys a furry!!!!
CRG: OK then.
CRG: Sorry if it takes me a while to respond I'm currently being pestered.
CTQ: who is pestering you?
CAA: owo
CRG: Umm, their name is webWeaver? I think they're involved with the people pestering y'all.
CAA: ask them their name!!!
CAA: like
CAA: their real name
CRG: Sorry I got a bit distracted, their name is Argaia apparently.
CAA: hm.
CAA: i havent heard many good things about them
CTQ: ?
CTQ: what're they saying?
CRG: They're talking about the game? Supposedly I have an "important role" in it?
CAA: oh?
CRG: Hey Lana she just mentioned you and someone named Finola?
CAA: what did she say???
CRG: She's woried Finola will mess things up for you? Because she seems very generous with the information she shares.
CAA: hm.
CAA: i hope our conversations didnt mess anything up for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CRG: Hopefully not!
CRG: She said to tell y'all "Try not to get too overwhelmed! You have a very big job to do, but I'm confident you can do it well!"
CRG: IDK if she intended for me to directly quote her but oh well.
CRG: She said "Hello."
CAA: tell her i say hi!!!
CTQ: i say hi too then
CRG: She said "Hello Lana!! You will be amazing in the game, I'm sure!"
CRG: Also she said "Hello Kacy!! Your job is very big too but your creativity will serve you well!"
CRG: Sorry its taking me a while to type these she uses several numbers instead of letters.
CAA: valid!!
CTQ: ohh! and valid
CRG: Oh it seems she knows about Nova too.
CRG: Just mentioned that video game metaphors are more Nova's tastes though.
CAA: huh
CRG: BTW do y'all mind me asking what you've been told so far about this game? Karrom and Argaia are vague but they said they're supposed to be. IDK I guess a collective knowledge might make this easier though.
CAA: finola said something about powers? and that she didnt gain hers?
CAA: i didnt talk to kirrin long enough to learn much
CAA: and poscah was purposefully vague because argaia told her to be
CTQ ceased responding to memo.
CRG: Huh, I guess Argaia did say she was the one who mostly enforced the whole vagueness thing.
CAA: huh
CRG: It's a bit late to ask Kacy but has he mentioned anyone named Lyerra?
CAA: not that ive been here for
CAA: why???
CRG: Oh, I did the :3c emote and Argaia said Lyerra would like it and when I asked who Lyerra was she said he's been talking with Kacy.
CAA: so is lyerra a furry or something???
CRG: IDK but he likes cats according to Argaia.
CRG: To directly quote her, "Little guy, likes cats, good at hiding."
CAA: oh ive heard of him!!!!!!
CAA: finola and kirrin mentioned him earlier!!!
CRG: Huh. I guess they really all do know each other.
CAA: well they said that they are all trapped together basically
CRG: Huh.
CRG: I guess I really haven't found out much about their whole situation.
CRG: Karrom did say there were about a dozen of them though.
CAA: wow thats.. a lot
CRG: Yeah.
CAA: some of them implied that they need us to help them???
CRG: Really? Argaia said she and Karrom were just trying to help us.
CRG: Some stuff about a new environment and having something familiar (them) there to help us?
CAA: kirrin threatened to make our lives hell if we didnt manage to save them
CAA: kirrins,,, scary :(
CRG: Oh yikes.
CAA: i hope she doesnt contact me again
CWW ceased responding to memo.
CRG: Well you can always block her, can't you?
CAA: i already did that and she still managed to contact me :(
CAA: !!!!!!!
CAA: finola just messaged me!!!!!!!!
CRG: Oh oof. Well hopefully she doesn't contact you anymore.
CRG: Oh?
CAA: she says that argaia told her to stop talking to me so shes talking to me now because of that
CRG: LOL. As funny as that is, maybe should should listen?
CRG: IDK what
CRG: 's going on exactly but it seems like it might be best to be careful.
CAA: it might be best to be careful but i also would like to know whats going on!!
CAA: finola just said that
CAA: argaia messed up a lot of things when they played the game
CRG: Oh?
CRG: ((sorry i'll brb i gtg use the bathroom))
CAA: she didnt really explain in more depth
CRG: Huh, Argaia made it out like it was the whole group that messed up.
CAA: she mentioned something about a "time player"???
CRG: What does that mean?
CAA: "uhhh just knovv it's rreally helpful forr biggerr and shittierr grroups"
CRG: Is it supposed to be an Ocarina of Time reference or something?
CRG: Oh?
CAA: "because vve fuck up a lot morre than smallerr vvell-coorrdinated ones like yourrs"
CRG: That's... weird.
CAA: she said stuff about there being other powers and that the way we gain them is "kinda suprising"
CAA: and said that she looked ahead and that mine are pretty cool!!!
CAA: shes pretty cool herself,,,
CRG: What does that mean? Looked ahead?
CAA: i uhh
CAA: dont exactly know
CAA: shes accusing me of being a furry :O
CAA: the only furry i know of is kacy >:P
CRG: Well are you?
CAA: no!!!!!!!!!!!
CAA: we only have room for !!!one!!! furry in this group!!!
CAA: and that furry is kacy!!!!!!!!
CRG: TBH though I'll be kind of glad when we play this game or whatever so people can stop being vague.
CAA: oh big mood!!!
CRG: ((brb sorry))
CAA: she said that im the only one she talks to??? at least as far as she knows so far????????????????
CAA: she says that we all have really cool powers!!!
CRG: Oh?
CAA: she didnt really elaborate before moving on to venting about her session
CRG: Huh.
CRG: What's she saying about her session if it's alright to ask?
CAA: that most of the people to gain powers in that session were
CAA: give me one second to find a word to replace the one she used please
CAA: jerks
CRG: Oof.
CRG: I guess she's probably not gonna talk much about the game itself huh?
CRG: Though I guess I should mind my buisness to avoid "spoilers" so to speak.
CAA: she did say to not be shaken up about the method of gaining the powers if youd consider that something useful!!!!
CRG: I guess power does come at a cost.
CAA: do you have any ideas of any questions i should ask her???
CRG: Maybe if she can at least give us a little information about what we're getting into? IDK I had more questions but I forgot sorry.
CAA: "take it serriously, it seems like a game but rreally it's superr &^*#(@^ serrious"
CAA: censoring mine
CRG: Huh.
CAA: "you'rre on a prretty strrict time limit, so uh prriorritize and shit"
CAA: she swears a lot hm
CAA: im just not gonna censor it since its her words not mine so it shouldnt bring me bad luck
CAA: "prriorritize yourr frriends overr the game and the game overr us"
CAA: " some people vvill tell ya that the game's the most imporrtant thing"
CAA: "but rreally it's yourr grroup"
CAA: "you need ALL OF YOU to succeed"
CAA: "that's vvherre vve fucked up"
CRG: Hmm.
CRG: Well I guess that does seem like useful advice.
CAA: "but like 100% no shit put yourr grroup beforre yourr session"
CAA: " because the game is strrange"
CAA: "it makes you think you'rre supposed to do one thing, and you get so focused on that thing,"
CAA: oh this gets.. interesting
CAA: "but rreally that vvasn't it at all"
CAA: "and if you decide that a possibly vvrrong goal in the game is morre imporrtant than yourr frriends, vvell..."
CAA: "it's not good"
CAA: "it was the worst mistake we ever made"
CAA: "and look where we ended up"
CAA: "everybody'll tell you you can't trust anybody and all that crap"
CRG: Oh. That's interesting.
CAA: "but really the one you can't trust is the game itself."
CAA: "it's not you versus each other or you versus us or even you versus the queen. it's your group versus the game."
CAA: "that's how i see it anyways. not that anybody listened. not that i knew it in time to make a difference."
CAA: "not that i could've, without any powers."
CAA: it seems like its really important for us to all stick together!!!!!
CRG: Yeah. We should probably mention this to Kacy and Nova?
CAA: ill send them the log when they get back on!!
CAA: "you have to stay together. promise me that. i know kirrin's told you not to give a shit about us, that you have to win."
CAA: this,,, gets dark so im going to paraphrase what she said if thats ok
CRG: OK! I'm a bit worried now though.
CAA: she says that even more important than the game is keeping the group together
CAA: she started to,,, spill her guts and id prefer not to send what happened but heres some info from it
CAA: "i don't know why the game picked what it did for you. but i'm worried about what that could do to you."
CRG: Thats... kind of concerning?
CAA: yeah!!!!!!!
CRG: Well I'm here for you so hopefully nothing bad happens! In regards to the what it could do to you thing.
CAA: she says that we have a good group and for me to not be afraid to ask for help
CRG: Huh.
CRG: Well I'll always try to be here for y'all!
CRG: Well I got to go to sleep, let me know if anything interesting and/or important happens!
CAA: alright!! sleep tight!!!
CRG: You too! Whenever you do!
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spideyfrxst · 7 years
Why I think Kylo Ren/Ben Solo deserves a real chance and also why I ship reylo (SPOILERS)
Damn guys I've seen The Last Jedi two times already and I think I could watch it till the end of time but seriously I don't get why people are like: "Kylo is just being abusive with Rey" "He's manipulating Rey because of her powers" "He's just like Snoke he just wants her powers". Here's why I think the contrary:
Haven't you even thought that he actually is sincere with Rey about what he wants ??? I mean we see at the beginning that he is completly furious about Snoke saying to him: "You're a child", also how he makes him feels like nothing and tells him he is a disapointement to his grandfather. At this moment I felt bad for Kylo/Ben, especially when he says : "I gave you everything I had" (or something like that). Geez his mask is the covering his broken face and broken soul, his look tell us everything already (btw he is way better without the mask damn I hope they never make him wear that thing again !) but killing his father is consumming him so bad. So at this point we know Ben felt used by Snoke, manipulated since the beginning and also worthless and lonely.
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And then he turns to Rey. Why ? Idk but I don't think he had the choice after Snoke connected them with the Force. Also I don't think he would have been that talkative and more open about his feelings with anyone else. I think he wants to confront the girl that defeated him and threatened him in TFA because damn he was so weak against her in VII movie (not all the time of course but still). He's looking for challenge to prove to Snoke and himself that he's worthy to be Dath Varder's grandson. But through all of this, conflict is growing up damn quickly inside him. The force bond between Rey and him made him more and more conflicted and unsure about his path and who he is (Kylo or Ben?). These scenes were my favorites, getting in the intimacy and deep feelings of each other. The more they were connected, more they wanted to have one another to their side on the way they have chosen (Rey to the light and Kylo/Ben to the dark side). And here's where I started shipping Reylo (btw the shirtless scenes was wow and the touching hands was full of romance tension damn I almost fainted watching it).
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Also the scenes in Snoke's ship are SUPER SUPER important ! THE ELEVATOR SCENE ! Deep fucking scene !!! They both reveal that they saw each other's lifes (future and past)!! DAAAAMN ! Rey seeing Ben being a good person again and Ben seeing Rey next to him into the dark side (and her parents) and then there are the looks ... These looks that make us understand how deeply they now care about each other. Geez this gives me goosebumps ! Also no need to talk to you about Ben's face when Snoke was torturing Rey it was priceless and showed how much he hated seeing her like this.
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Then he finaly killed Snoke, and fought with Rey against Snoke's guards (wich was totally badass, very cool scene). And FINALLY I'm going into the heart of my explanation ! Ben asks Rey to join him to rule the galaxy together. So at this moment, he first realises that all of this mess is because the endless war between Jedi/Resistance and Sith/Empire. He wants all of this to end. Because it caused his pain just like it did to most the the population. So how at this moment he just thinks about power ? I think he's just tired of fighting. Second time, he (I admit it was tough at first) says to Rey the truth about her parents and that she came and is literally nothing and then it's like y'all forgot that line : "BUT NOT TO ME". People thinks Ben is saying that because he only wants her powers ... We will see about that, I'm not going to bet on anything but from what I actually understood (and asks myself why it looks like I'm the only one thinking it) is: Have you ever imagined he was done being manipulated, that he wanted to be free on his own ? No master, no judgement ? And that he asked Rey to join because HE KNEW ! HE KNEW SHE FELT LONELY ! SHE TOLD HIM AND HE ANSWERED THAT HE FELT THAT TOO ! That he asked her to end both of their loneliness and conflicts to finally be whoever they want, letting go of the dark past and walking towards the future ????? Damn please don't tell me I'm the only one ??!! I mean it can be taken in any point of view you want but I think rejecting this point of view would be a mistake because that's how their relationship grew up during the movie, leading to this choice : Light or Dark ? They are both conflicted, obviously Kylo/Ben is the most but I far as I know, AT THE BEGINNING, Rey had no idea which path she would choose.
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Anyway that's why I think Ben deserves a chance to have our trusts and also a chance of the doubt about his intentions towards Rey, to not think as him as the new Snoke (He's supreme leader but that doesn't mean he's gonna act like him, he's nothing like Snoke !) and why I also ship Reylo because they got that tension and these looks and these feelings about each other that make me insane ! So here's the thing: I'm pretty excited about IX and certainly not think TLJ ruined the Star Wars saga but brings a new breath to it. Y'all expecting lightsabers fights and war in space in every episode ? I agree on the fact that it's what makes a Star Wars movie a part of the saga but you should look beyond that ! Beyond the war and these fights ! What makes the characters begin these fights ? What it will lead to and what's the next step ? TLJ is a part of the new trilogy and I repeat it : NEW TRILOGY !!! New things, new stories, new heroes and also new purposes ! Don't forget that. Each trilogy has a thing that makes them unique and imagine having these same stories over and over again in each movie. Star Wars would be boring as fuck ! Like an episode of the power rangers : Bad guys, good guys, fight, BIG fight and good guys wins ... BORING !! Think of TFA and TLJ as the new breath to these iconic movies ! Different is not necessary a bad thing !
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Anyway, I hope that I helped you into a new kind of point of view and if not then it's okay I don't mind it's your opinion after all. NO HATE PLEASE I'M LOOKING FOR PEOPLE WHO SHARES WHAT I THINK, NOT THE ONES TRYING TO RUIN MY LIFE ! IF YOU DON'T AGREE WITH THIS JUST IGNORE.
Also I used some gifs too makes this more pleasant to read (I hope it works lol).
Share/Reblog/ Like if you agree !
I'm would like to know if I'm the only one or not 😭
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jujyfru1t · 6 years
hello my name is *yells about Furuba*
I dunno what I’m doing but I have Feelings so let me rant about them, by me.
Some of y'all may not know that Fruits Basket is my favorite series on the planet– well you do now. That comes with a caveat of favorite manga, not favorite anime (that honor goes to either Noragami or Chihayafuru, with Madoka Magica as an honorable mention). I do also love the anime dearly! But comparing them is like apples and oranges, horses of different colors, etc etc, not least because the anime was made before the manga was barely halfway through. futile hope springs eternal for a full remake. So most of my feels rant will be manga-centric although the general feels apply to the anime, and uh there may be spoilers idk it’s been out for a long time???
The first volume came out in the US five days after my *deep breath* 15th birthday. I got it for the next year’s bday present from my big sis, aaaand that was when the gates of otaku/manga hell swallowed me up (I was somehow unaware that Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh were also Japanese pop culture, go figure.) I have no memory of how I found the anime– my anime-bittorrent-whateverthefuck knowledge was nonexistent but I don’t think it was airing live. I got the box set for some Christmas but that would’ve been after I was a massive fan so *shrug*
Anyway I watched the dub first and holy hell if I wasn’t planning to marry Yuki Sohma before then I definitely was after that, thanks Eric Vale. (I still have huge love for the dub cast fight me). Yun-chan was my first 2D crush and tbqh I’m still in love with him. Also I stg he’s the whole reason why pretty boys are a Big Thing of mine. And wait omg Shigure’s first appearance?! Like, that’s probably why dudes with glasses are also My Thing wow I just blew my own mind but moving on
Fun fact I couldn’t choose between Kyoru or Yukiru bc they were both cute (present me@young me: u will realize eventually grasshopper) but I was 100% cool with Kyoru happening because of course then I could be with Yuki. Cue me dabbling in a few paragraphs of self-insert fic.
uh lemme cut this it’s becoming a novel
Random things (this whole thing is random wtf):
I was blessed enough to get my hands on the entire Tokyopop run, plus the fanbooks!!! before they shut down. I’ve been warring with myself for ages over whether to start collecting the Yen Press specials but. my resolve is weakening. I also have all of Takaya-sensei’s other stuff yeet (Phantom Dreams, Those with Wings, Songs to Make You Smile) except for Twinkle Stars which I’m def gonna get and OBVIOUSLY THE INSTANT FURUBA ANOTHER COMES OUT IM GRAB meanwhile if I remember to check out the scans
been a while since I reread it(it’ll be my third one~) but off the top of my head some favorite arcs etc are: obviously the major one at the end of vol 6. The Red Cap. Hatori and Kana (RIP ME) The Summerhouse (Jason the bear jfc). Akito’s reveal. Kyoko and Katsuya’s entire thing obviously (EXTRA RIP ME I’m crying just thinking about it). “The plum on your back” scenes. Kyo and Kyoko. THAT FIRST NEW YEAR’S WHEN YUKI AND KYO RACE BACK TO THE MAIN HOUSE BECAUSEtheir girlfriend MY DAUGHTER IS SAD AND LONELY AND THEY MAKE WISHES ON THE ROOF heck me upppp– also literally all roof scenes (karate kid Tohrutm) BUT THAT ONE HHGBNCCSV!!! Also my fav episode along with the AU-ish final 2.
Furuba fandom is my biggest fleet of ships by far which is hilarious bc I have a lot of fandoms and a lot of ships and you can see them bc i’m a derp but since nobody looks at that and nobody will read this (?) I’ma talk about them here. I DO WANT I WANT YO
but seriously I support
literally all the canon ships except HanaxShishou, pardon me Takaya-sensei but why. Wtaf.
a metric fuckton of non-canon ships bc of COURSE I DO
my low-key ships include
MomijixKagura. pairing the spares if you will XD
RinxTohru. yes I have bi Tohru headcanons mmkay
Future!Kisa/Tohru (blame this fic)
YukixHana. all symmetrical-like (but wow i forgot i highkey shipped it for a while until…)
GurexAaya. like, come on. Also poly Mabudachi Trio
MomijixTohru. they’re super hecking cute ok, edging into high-key
my high-key ships include
HanaxUo. ok this??? is a big OTP, and 99% why I’m hella salty over HanaxShishou (at least KurenoxUo had an actual subplot!!). They are Tohru’s adoptive moms and I will forever protec (and yet. HanaxTohru and girls OT3 are also Good Ships but tbh super low-key) also I MADE SOMEONE SHIP IT
YukixTohru. see the start of this post way up there somewhere
KyoxYuki. my first rivalshiptm
HaruxYuki. “He was my first love” one cannot simply– have a character say this and not expect fans to ship. Also bi Haru is canon. lotta bi folks up in here imo
But my flagship, my OTP to end all OTPs and my polyship to end all polyships in any fandom is the SS Yukyoru. KyoxTohruxYuki.
I’ve had polyship predilections for 6-7 years now, though it’s more recent I’ve started polyshipping every love triangle i encounter bc I‘m so done with them… there wasn’t really any lightning-bolt moment when I realized I shipped them much more together rather than apart. but like, I ship all three permutations so at some point my brain went HERE’S AN IDEA which tbh is how a lot of my polyships happen, i mainly have OT3s (if I ship 2 outta 3 there’s a good chance ima poly it)
but anyway! there’s absolutely no way to convey how much I adore this ship and IT’S A HUGE EMPTY YACHT I NEED CREW MEMBERS PLZ
I am building it up one fic at a time and if you’ve made it this far and have any interest at all plz read my shit and general Furuba screaming is appreciated as well of course!!! (also look at the most beautiful piece of fanart ever)
More fic! have my mixed bag of bookmarks (Sure For The Axis is my absolute fav, 2nd is Little Prayer) u can also find my Yukyoru stuff on AO3 ehehe~ and oh look HanaxUo!
3 notes · View notes
biromantic-nerd · 4 years
a way too long review of the gay shows i've been watching until my brain can read words again
Manner of Death
do i rec? yes!
Kept seeing this and gave it a shot. Love it
Since when do gay dramas understand how to portray relationships with healthy understandings of consent?? What a glow up the gay drama world has had!! i am living for this (and this is why i started binging a bunch of gay dramas; i was hoping that they all had better consent than like two years ago when i first found out that gay dramas exist. Some did! Some... didn't)
Pro: 1. enemies to friends to lovers trope AND there was only one bed trope. 2. healthy depiction of consent. 3. murder mystery. 4. great acting. seriously great job. going to the next shows felt kinda disappointing afterwards bc the two main actors are Great here imo. 5. They are adults and not high schoolers. (although actually i forgot that the secondary ship is teenager/teenager - but no age gap there so Nice) 6. no sexuality crises! very fun to just watch a show with characters who are confident in their sexualities and have crises about other things instead lol 7. one of the main characters says the most tender things i've ever seen in my whole life and i'm a little too bi to watch that! my heart??
Con: 1. uh HEAVY trigger warnings plotwise. did not realize that beforehand lol whoops so check those before you watch. obvious murder mystery warnings but like there's another plot and That one is heavier. 2. heavy makeout scenes (probably a pro for some of y'all) but i don't skip them since sometimes there's soft things like forehead smooches. 3. releases occassionally which risks the chance of you forgetting to keep up with it. 4. Bun's expressions are amazing - but in the beginning I wasn't familair with them so I personally misread his "i'm gay" look as slightly uncomfortable at first. But on a rewatch after knowing him better, it's easy to see that tose are his very gay (and sometimes flirty?? how did i mistake it so badly??) expressions
HIStory 3: Trapped
do i rec? yes
Came recommended to me after watching Manner of Death. Really enjoyed it.
Pro: 1. Adults again! 2. starts off with a cool introduction to the plot that has likeable main characters right off the bat. 3. enemies to friends to lovers Again Baby 4. the whole season is finished, so you can binge the whole thing! 5. very actiony and hurt/comfort
Con: 1. a little cheesy at parts. 2. one scene tw attempted sexual assualt (of a major character) 3. not the greatest depiction of consent. idk how to explain like not Terrible but not great - very on par with the average straight tv romance consent so like 😐. example: a character is kinda pressured into dating someone/kissing. and i'm supposed to think this is cute? no ty 4. more makeout scenes (again though depends on your cup of tea) 5. the second secondary pairing (lol i guess the third?) was so boring to me. It was probably bc i dislike age gaps bc i just didn't enjoy them. She could have been a cooler character had it not been for this romance arc and I think she deserved a way better storyline 6. there's a couple makeouts
HIStory 2 uhhh idk the name but this one will have spoilers lol - okay it's HIStory 3: Make Our Days Count
do i rec? No!!! 😡
did not enjoy it! i actually hated every romance plot in it and only stuck around bc i enjoyed the depiction of a group of teenage boys being tender idiotic friends ☺️ like Yeah they really felt like high schoolers like Soft and Stupid ones
Pro: 1. after the "bullying" thing (which is cultural so not my place to speak) the group of friends was the Literal reason i watched this show. i really enjoyed watching them be goofy and tender. 2. it could have been such a cool queer mentor arc but like,,,, because he ends up dating a teenager 😡 their interactions all felt gross - so not actually a pro? 3. the group of friends secretly read a gay comic in order to understand their gay friend lol i Love these stupidly supportive idiots and like i said the friendship of these teenage boys is the only things that kept me watching. 4. the actors were decent, so i Will give them that. it's not their fault i didn't like it. Particularly the two main actors were good.
Con: 1. uhh the whole thing? lol? 2. Personally I don't enjoy romances where the one who gets bullied dates their bully! But even besides that, I just didn't enjoy it. 3. top beef here!!! a grown ass man dates a teenager??? 😡 WHAT?? who allowed this?? gross. 4. even excluding the adult/child relationship: still had bad consent. didn't like it. no outright sexual assault but like. bad consent. worse than average tv maybe. 5. it wasn't an ED but a character doesn't eat due to bejng poor but the onscreen effect is still not great for people who have/had EDs 6. makeout scenes (and a sex scene that was kid/adult) 7. a gay character gets outed by someone else. 8. homophobia exists and is a Theme. 9. uh apparently it's another bury your gays trope bc - and this is kudos to the good acting since i didn't care about any of the romances in this at all - the tragic ending made me Upset like who gave them the right to do that even though I hated this show??
We Best Love; No.1 For You
do i rec? yeah why not
(I don't actually know if there are more episodes than that! I stopped at 6! i don't remember why? I think I just got distracted and then was satsified with 1-6 enough to not seek out more)
pro: 1. the main character (after ep1) is likeable 2. the cinematic shot of the lights turning into hearts bc we were seeing through Gao Shide's pov? I cannot get over it. That frame lives rent free in my mind, it is a cinematic masterpiece. 3. it's a fairly lighthearted show with not a lot of stress, so it's good for a distraction 4. i don't think there were any makeout scenes, just normal kiss scenes 5. the main friends were cute and i wish there was more of that dynamic in the show
con: 1. the first episode. I almost stopped watching. I had such bad secondhand embarrassment??? and i thought he was gonna end up bullying this dude while trying to "prank" him? 2. a main character blackmails another character. it's pretty lighthearted overall bc it ends up that the character was just trying to help but at the initial blackmail I was like Yikes. 3. a character secretly manipulates a situation to make it so that another character has to spend the night with him. which it's just a slumber party-esque vibe and not at all malicious but still. 4. OH YEAH lol i totally forgot until i just looked up the show to double check the name. There's sort of a secondary gay pairing and I thought they were so boring and didn't enjoy their characters at all. However, one of those guys was shot down in such a great way a the main character that I enjoyed. It really shot down the "you owe me bc i like you" trope that I've seen. Those two dudes? Con. That rejection? Pro.
Cherry Magic
do i rec? yes!!! absolutely! 💖
I'm actually rewatching it back to back after having Just finished it.
i know i said this in its own post but! things that i did not expect Cherry Magic to have but here we are:
• the best quality of consent I've ever seen in a romance show (seriously, i cannot get over how the comfort/discomfort levels of the characters Matter)
• an aromantic character potrayed positively!!! and with such warmth!!!
• a great depiction of someone neurodivergent that has anxiety + low self esteem
• the attention to detail! the crewmbers that did all this detailwork did such an outstanding job wow
• no onscreen sex and/or makeout scenes. Finally. a show that keeps all "fanservice" off screen. thank you so much, i was not expecting this from a show that starts out with talking about virginity
• speaking of: the concept of everyone taking their time (and consent) at their own pace is so refreshing.
Pro: 1. tender, soft, funny, loved it. 2. the plot starts out with a quirky premise, but it progresses really believably and you quickly forget the initial "what the heck is this??" and just enjoy it 3. lovable characters. seriously enjoyed the characterizations - and the amazing acting definitely helped. Incredible acting. the range of different emoting smiles for kurosawa is incredible. 4. I've said it in the above but wow the detailwork in this is insane. 5. love to see good aro rep! 6. the character dynamics - platonic and romantic - are all really interesting and progress nicely. like it starts off with characters that are likeable but builds up quickly instead beloved characters. 7. if adachi isn't autistic then what is the point of self projection? he's def autistic. love to see it. 8. neurodivergents with low self esteem getting love is what i live for. and this show does an amazing job representing people with self esteem issues + anxiety without ever blaming them for it or being condenscending
Con: 1. Didn't care for the secondary pairing! Even though they are both adults, I'm not a fan of age gaps. The especially baby-faced younger actor threw me off of the pairing completely. But even without my personal distaste, I just felt like it was boring and the rest of the show was so good that I always wanted to skip back to the main plot. (but didn't in fear that I wouldn't understand later on. which now i think that you can skip them and still understand) 2. The first episode I spent most of it dreading what was going to happen bc of how it starts off making a big deal that he's a virgin. I needn't have worried but at the time I hadn't known that! 3. tw for sexual assault. Now even though this is under con, I do think the show handled it really well. One instance of a character being catcalled. And a different scene where a character is groped and disturbed by that; two other characters imply that the character should have been happy to endure the situation. But the show definitely does the situation well and the audience knows that the character was not okay with being groped and - no matter what the two others said - that it was wrong of her to have groped him. So con because groping but it was well executed in combating victim shaming.
In conclusion:
• Queer shows have, in general over all, improved in consent quality in just a couple years; I can't wait to see how they continue to improve in the future. (please let them stop doing age gaps soon lol)
• Right now, Cherry Magic is my favorite hands down. Manner of Death is amazing too but way, way darker in plot.
0 notes
surviveatitlan · 6 years
Episode 3 - I’m Literally Googling How to Protect Myself From Hexes - Francie
Tumblr media
I'm literally googling how to protect myself from hexes
Yep!! Two tribes of 9!! I know a ton of ppl on this tribe so that should help but like, I still gotta be careful lmao. I'm gonna try not to work too closely with Emily because I don't want to hear any bs about "premades" like the last game we played together
i am literally hosting/was hosting (in tim's case) half this tribe + emily is my cohost rn wtfffff omg
So everything was going goood in my old tribe and all of a sudden we SWAP? I was not readyyyy. Like we were gonna rule the game as a tribe of 5. Tolimàn was robbed by one point yall.
the original acatenango peeps (the aca tacos) are trying to get tim and autumn to work with us rn so lets hope we can get this group together and have it be solid. autumn has no og tribemates left so that might help us. people to be wary of: heather and emily, both individually and as a duo bc I know that they adore each other so I can totally see them being a duo I gotta downplay my attachment to the aca tacos, esp my ride or die olivia
I'm really glad this swap happened. I really didn't feel accepted by my first tribe and I know if we went to Tribal, I'd most likely be out. Now I have the chance to make new allies. My strategy is to tell them that I didn't bond with my old tribe at all and hope that they see me as an opportunity for an alliance.
Me after seeing this challenge: https://confsnavarino.tumblr.com/post/171111635506 ITS ACTUALLY FUNNY GO CHECK IT OUT LOL
yep. tim/autumn/sammy/olivia/me alliance is a thing now. fingers crossed
Fill me up will alllll your propaganda. This is my second chance and I'm ready to get to the end.
Jay Bee
Honestly I think this swap has put me in a good position. I know enough people well enough to have options, but not well enough that I think I'll be targeted because of it. I have no idea who the fuck I'm going to align with though. The idea of Rebecka/Madison is scary, and Timmy says Rebecka/Dan is also a thing. I trust Timmy for some reason (I'm a meninist #exposed). OKAY so here's a swap assessment night 1: Timmy - Like I said, idk why but I Trust Ha. Hopefully he's not secretly a rat Bryan - A grade a Good Boy. Would definitely like to align with him. We just called for like half an hour so I'm hoping to nail down a relationship there. Brian - Um? I guess he's pretty new, which I think is good. I think he's really the only person on this tribe with no preconceived notions of me or other people Rebecka - Love her to death but SCARED of her relationship with Madison Madison - Same Dan - Seems okay, but I know he's friends with Rebecka so we love a core trio AnnMarie - please work with me Nick - Nobody seems to like him. I think he'll go if we lose, which is at least convenient if not good. Debating if I want to work with him just so that I'm not on the bottom. Rebecka proposed a me/Rebecka/Madison/Timmy/Bryan alliance but honeslee? I think in that formation I'm on the bottom, unless I can get Timmy and Bryan to want to work together with me. Anyway as usual I'm screaming.
Me coming home to a bunch of strangers in my tribe https://media.giphy.com/media/nLhdSinRtaL2E/giphy.gif Y'all snatched my whole family and I should be pissed but like I'm really here for this new group so I won't turn up (maybe). Tim is my son, I love Francie, Olivia, and and Sammy already, Heather and Allan seem cool, and then Emily and I are on good terms again lmao. No comment on Jacob. So I come into tribe with all these new people, I'm juggling 7 conversations, and then Francie was like hitting me up for an alliance. I say yeah I really trust you and less than a minute later I'm in an alliance w/ Francie, Tim, Olivia, AND Sammy aka everyone I love? Nut the admins did me a favor https://media1.giphy.com/media/OTbo92zetdsha/giphy.gif
This tribe swap is the best thing to ever happen. I actually know where I stand with Rebecka which is great. I know she will always have Dan's interests over mine so that is something I need to think about long-term, but for now it is okay because we are working together. Right now my number 1 is still Jay, I just have a really good feeling about Jay. Bryan worries me because he is an amazing player and I did vote him out in Alaska so who knows if he is bitter about that but we're talking right now so that is good. The second I saw Madison on the cast reveal I knew that I wanted to work with her because we did not get to in Himalayas and I knew ever since then that I wanted to work with her. She is messy and consistently messy but that could be good for me. Might as well have her on my side because if she isn't then I could go fast. But this tribe is amazing, best tribe swap ever!
Jay Bee
I honestly have no idea where the balance between cracked and inactive is!!!! Do you just.,.,.,..,not talk to people? I don't understand. I'm screaming. Help.
we're towards the end of this challenge i swear to god if jacob doesnt come online in time and fucking costs us this challenge.......
Jay Bee
We're doing the challenge right now and I'm SO DAMN STRESSED. I have a very hard time trying to let other people handle things and trusting others in general, so this is a special kind of hell. I can't believe this season supports underage binge drinking AND I can't believe I wish I were actually drunk. Send help.
Candle king walking into Atitlan tonight? Sounds A-lit-lan https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2015-01/7/16/enhanced/webdr08/anigif_enhanced-20692-1420664628-12.gif https://em.wattpad.com/f6983ef619f199370692a5d6aa61048004415cc4/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f5a6e503033794868705a68795a673d3d2d3437393237303538382e313465626162373863366266356435353733373138343330393837362e676966?s=fit&w=1280&h=1280
So I FORGOT TO CONFESS HAHAHAH But this tribe swap puts me in a seemingly good spot my tribe seems strong and capable! An alliance was formed by Olivia that consists of her, me, Francie, Sammy and Autumn.  I doubt that it will last simply due to the fact that it was based on absolutely nothing game wise. Im looking forward to working with Autumn closely as well as Emily so theres that! The 99 bottles challenge was intersecting as Jay would say. IT FUCKNG STRESSED ME THE FUCK OUT. It felt like I was micromanaging a little Ceasers or something. Making the lists AND posting at the same time?? Allan messed up but it was no big deal at all. JAKE DISAPPEARED ON US which sucks heavilyyyyyyy. Hes prob going if we lose again. Hopefully. ANYWAYS THAT reward challenge is giving me multiple strokes and gastreoarthritis or some shit like that lmao. I lieterally fel like Cirie in that one episode where she kept falling of of that balance beam. Im such a comp flop I mean the only comp I can win is Mastermind and thats if im lucky.
ABOUT TRIBE SWAP so we get into our new times and ONCE AGAIN all the people im close with exception for madison and timmy IS ON THE OTHER TRIBE AHH. Dan and Rebeckka hate me for the drama we had a month ago or so. Timmy is good friends with Dan and Beckka from what I know so like im probably screwed if we dont win the challenge. SO yeahhh this will be interesting I want my old tribe back LOLOL
So I forgot to mention that Em and I were sharing letters and so that at least lets me know that she is interested in working with meee. Also im gonna lie and say I didnt get a letter because I didnt attempt fhjksk s (Reward challenge that is)
CHALLENGE so we lost the semi live challenge .. kind of embarassing like too We had this whole plan set up and it got ruined Now i am going to tribal and welll if im voted out then i wont be surprised. Hopefully I have been proving myself helpful in challenges so hopefully im kept around longer #prayfornick
Jay Bee
This tribal is gonna be batshit!! Literally twenty minutes ago everyone was like "let's just go nick" but now I'm really Thinking About It and. That would be stupid. If you look at Madison/Dan/Rebecka as a trio (with Rebecka/Madison as a core duo OR Rebecka/Dan as a core duo) and with Bryan as kind of a gentle soul sucking their teet (love u bryan), then that's a solid group of 4. If Timmy and I (I guess I'm a meninst now bc we're f2 or some shit) go with that group, leaving out Brian and AnnMarie, to vote out Nick, that puts the two of us on the bottom of a 6-person alliance. The next tribal could be 4 vs. 4. If we save Nick, however, and vote off Rebecka - therefore voiding both the madison/rebecka duo and the dan/rebecka duo, thus destroying the trio - the next tribal could be 5 vs. 3 and we won't have one of the biggest social threats still in the game with two of her closest allies up with her. I think that would put me in a much better position long-term because I really need a core group of people who aren't ingrained with Emily/Francie/Heather/Olivia come a merge situation where it's my kids vs. me. Timmy, Brian, AnnMarie, and (unfortunately) Nick could be an integral part of that. Especially Brian, since he's new. I can use new. I need to keep around players who don't know me that well.
Jay is cracked and I love her for it. We are playing so messy and are in alliances with literally the entire tribe. Love being a swing vote. Splitting up Rebecka and Dan is going to be a great move, it will suck personally and Dan will give me a lot of shit for it (and Rebecka might too) but it is just a game so have to have fun and being a mess is fun to me. Might as well be toward the top of a group than knowing I'm at the bottom of the group of 4 (Dan/Rebecka/Madison/me). I'm really just hoping this doesn't hurt me having a relationship with Madison at some point because I still want to work with her. The only worry in the plan is Brian because who knows what goes on in his head but I know he isn't controlled by Rebecka who is just telling everyone her plan and adding people to alliances without asking. Like I never said I was okay with her/dan/madison (I was happy to have a group, but a better one came along). All in all though, Jay is my number one so whatever benefits us both is what I am here for.
Its still eh. Some people are fake and there is so much pre-season relationships that i'm so oof. BUT i dont wanna be in the minority and if joining a make shift alliance helps, i'm down for it. 
Woo ok so we lost. That sucks. But I’m in an alliance with rebecka, dan, jay, Madison, and Timmy. And our goal is to vote out nick. I’m fine with that operative. He already talked about wanting to go against me rebecka and dan so like oops. I also love Annemarie. I need at least one person outside that alliance and that is her. 
THANK GOD WE WON THAT CAUSE I FUCKED UP. But like seriously, I was so scared that we were gonna lose and I was gonna be at fault for it. Tbh I'm a little annoyed cause it really feels like Tim and I did all the work and when we asked other people to take over, no one offered. It really makes a bit dubious about trusting my tribe.
Woohoo! We won immunity! I am just so happy about that. I have a nice sweet little alliance going with the three aca tacos and another one with us three and tim and autumn. Autumn is all alone and idk Tim's relationship with Allan. Tim Allan. Ahahahahhhaha. Anyways. Jacob's ass was GONE if we hadn't won. He is still my target should we lose the next one. I also did Pancreas and got a 29 minute score which I am assuming is terrible but who knows. I love Emily and Heather but I know for a fact, without confirmation, those two are working together. Emily has fawned over Heather since isle of skye and I just know they're a pair. I love both SO MUCH  but i can't fully trust either. I thought for sure that being on a tribe with heather and tim, two close friends of mine, we'd immediately bond and become our new ride or dies. lol. but i think i can still work with both maybe but i like the 5 i already have so i guess we will see. how is it i have two idols, an extra vote, and i won immunity in another org but this one i got THIRTY MINUTES at Pancreas. oh well.
I have not confessed about my new tribe yet. I am now on the Atitlan tribe which is fun, and I have Emily who is a queen. Plus now I have some of my Isle of Skye people. I've missed playing with Olivia so  much, ughh love of my life. And Tim is such an iconic king. Also Jacob from my other tribe, who has been inactive recently. Gotta do other impressions too Francie: I love them with all my hort. What a perfect bean. Allan: Seems super chill but immediately went into game talk Autumn: A sweetheart ughh my love. Saved our ass in the challenge like 5 times. Sammy: He likes musical theatre so I love him. nuff said AND WE WON OUR FIRST CHALLENGE TOGETHER WHICH IS FUN SO YEET
So this is a damn mess, I really want to trust that Nick doesn't have a secret majority alliance against me and Beckka because I don't know why literally everyone would just lie, ya know? But I wouldn't be surprised if it happens honestly. I think Beckka would go over me???? But like that's the ugliest thing ever. I don't know why Jay would make an alliance with most of the people in the game if it wasn't a solid thing, but like I'm still paranoid af. IT'S SO EARLY TO FLIP. 
I am so glad we didn't have to complete the full challenge because that was something I did not want to do at all (sorry Cameron). The only.nad part is that we have to go to tribal. Nick's name has been flying from all directions, and it's the obvious easy vote, but Nick is saying that Dan and rebecka are a powerful team. Jay has said that as well, so I don't really know what may go down at tribal. What I do know is that Nick will probably be the person voted out, as long as nothing super dramatic happens in the tribe. I'm super close to Jay and she's just amazing, Dan's super nice, and I LOVE BRYAN OK HE IS SO NICE AND I HOPE HE DOESNT END UP BEING A JERK in the long run. I'm so happy that I get to play with these people, and I can't wait to start a good alliance in this game with them.
Jay Bee
Loyalty? Who's she?
I told Nick EXPLICITLY last night not to tell Madison about our plan or alliance because she would tell Dan and Rebecka. Today, I wake up to the intel (from Dan) that Nick told Madison about everything. And guess the fuck what!! She told Rebecka and Madison. I'M NOT DUMB, NICK! Thankfully they all thought Nick was trying to make a power play and they don't believe I'm with Nick. NICK DO YOU NOT REALIZE HOW CLOSE I AM TO SLITTING YOUR THROAT!!! If you're gonna be loose-lipped I'm going to have to vote you out! Ugh. This is such a prickly position. I would much rather work with Brian/AnnMarie/Timmy just because they don't know me as well as Rebecka and Madison (and to an extent Bryan through Emily) do. I'm trying to figure out who the most disenfranchised people on the tribe are and use them because if I can be their only source of trust, they're always going to be loyal to me. The problem is that I don't want the next tribal to be 4 vs. 4. That gets messy really fast. If I do vote for Nick in the big group of Madison/Rebecka/Bryan/Dan/Timmy, that puts me in an alliance with all the power players and leaves out AnnMarie and Brian, who would be much smarter to have on my side in a merge situation, unless I want to go meat shield tactic in this game. I don't know Ugh. Timmy, please come online so I can talk through all of this.
Rebecka and Dan
Amanda (Guest)
Hello! So I know I'm not playing this game, and Cameron probably won't post this, but I was SUPPOSED to play this game so I'm leaving a confessional anyway. Just here to say that Rebecka and Emily are the true icons of the season for having me in their host chats and that's all. Also Cam. I love Cam.
I’m so glad that our team won woooooo
Omg I'm such a FLOP! I didn't realize I hadn't confessed so hey I'm in public speaking pretending to do my work! Anyways, super happy about our tribe winning the challenge. I really was thinking we were going to lose because of FUCKING JACOB! He like. Was not here. At all. Total flop. Major flop. I haven't even heard from him in like two days. WHY PLAY A SKYPE BASED GAME IF YOU DONT CHECK SKYPE REGULARLY??? Anyways, I recorded a cast assessment but it's a mess because I'm really sad in it and you can tell im a mess so im gonna type it bc you can't tell im upset when im typing!!!!!!!!!!! ALLAN: Really helpful in the challenge so I'm a stan! Hard to talk to I think but I'm really vibin him. I think he's gonna be a good asset to our tribe! Yay! I don't really have much to say about him right now AUTUMN: I'm going to PRAY that she's not bitter from All Stars. That was like a month ago and honestly get the fuck over it. You made a stupid move and it backfired on you! That's it. Don't make a stupid move against me this game and I'll work with you! I really like Autumn and I like how she plays but reading her Navarino confessions I can tell she's just someone that holds onto grudges for far too long and it's annoying. All Stars is not a good representation of my game. WORK WITH ME PLEASE FRANCIE: love of my life.... I said in the beginning I didn't want to work with them but I realized that if I want to work with Tim.... Francie is probably also gonna have to be my ally. Francie and I were also talking about how, if we lose, Jacob would be an easy vote because he's inactive! I know that a lot of people would be fine with that. Also, he hasn't competed in Pancho so I don't think he has any letters? Like he didn't even get the one from the rules? So no idol for Jacob. Easy vote. Bye bye. HEATHER: I'll sell my soul for Heather. My queen. I love her. Honestly I can't wait for her to snake me. Fucking queen. I just love her. If anyone targets her I'M COMING FOR THEIR ASS. STAY OFF HEATHER BYE BYE! JACOB: Inactive. Bye OLIVIA: I REALLY want to work with Olivia. I plan on making her my number one in this game. I just get such a good vibe from her. She seems intelligent, stealthy, and fun... that's what I want in an ally. She also has some good connections with other people and she's got a good social game. Definitely someone I want to work with and go far with. But, not too far because she'll win the game, but... I'm also trying to be loyal this game. Loyal to a fault makes people upset. So. I'm gonna have to decide. SAMMY: I played with him and Indonesia and led the charge to vote him out right before merge so like he could hate me? But he also voted for me to win the game. SO. I don't think he's bitter, but he knows I think he plays messy. He's super sweet though and I'm a stan. I gotta be careful what I leak to him, but I like him and can see myself working with him in the future. TIM: MY KING! I love Tim and want to work with Tim high key. He's such a sweetheart and I'm really hoping we can go far. I'd be so down for a little group of he, Olivia, and I. Is that proper grammar? I don't care. Anyways, I love how he plays and he's very well thought out and stuff so I'm really hoping we can go far together. I'm a Tim stan. A major Tim stan. It's still too early for me to for sure tell you who I'm working with (I usually go from round to round, but I don't want to do that this game. No flip-flopping this time unless it genuinely will be better for me AND others.) I'm really trying to refine how I play. I'm trying to be more honest. More social. More logical and strategic, but at the same time, not as PURELY strategic? I need to make sure my social game is phenomenal before I start going off and being a strategic mastermind. People won't listen to people they don't like, and they won't vote for them either. Whew. Okay I hope this super long confession makes up for my lack of confessing. Goodbye!
I was asked to make a confession so here it is. I'm glad we won or I'd be screwed for falling asleep after inventory bleh.
Finding out all these people's zodiac signs is very inch resting... I y'all I really do. Capricorns? Gotta go next. I don't stan. Bye bye.
WHOO okay last minute confessionals lemme hear you say WAYYYY HO!!!! Nick is the vote which like awk bc now we’re in another game together so sucks I guess. Also he came to me trying to vote puts rebecka though so like wtf bye bye. 
Me if I get voted out tonigt: Thank you dan and jay for being loyal. Thank you also the the people who voted me out now so I don't have to go through a bunch of other rounds of drama and lose xoxo 
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Episode 3: I really am booboo the fool - Dan
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First off, I want to start off by saying, Nik you will missed. 😭❤️ So, we get our immunity challenge and of course, it’s fucking puzzles. I am AWFUL at puzzles, and I’m just afraid I’m going to let my tribe down. 😔 That’s the last thing I want to do. I don’t want to be the reason we lose, and I don’t want an easy target on my back in the event that we do have to go to tribal.
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Ya know what I just love? One of my closest allies going home over T*m and now we have to do a fucking puzzle comp against his ass. I hope and pray his tribe like throws so they can vote him out. Also I love that I have a fucking machete and then FORGOT to go straight and use my machete to hack through the jungle to probably get some sort of reward. I really am booboo the fool
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Well i did my puzzle. I hope we win immunity because this round there hasnt been much talk. So im nervous that I might be left out and can be an easy target. Im nervous amd kinda scared if we lose. I hope im not a target.
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I hate it here.
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Welp, we lost. But not by a lot. My score wasn’t terrible I guess. In this game, I trust Dan and Grace the most with Zach up there too. The fact that Zach is exiled is good I suppose because Dan hinted at possibly wanting to vote him since they never talk. I didn’t like that idea, so I’m glad he’s safe at Exile. I would definitely prefer Chips to be the vote since him and I haven’t spoken, but I’ll go with just about anyone at this point.
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Ok i didn't send this cuz i didnt know if i would be there. Nik should have kept his mouth shut and ryan or gavin would have left which would have looked a lot better for me. Those 2 are gonna gun for me and ill gun for them right back. I'm trying to get on a good side with austin or brandan. Glad we won so i can relax thank god zach is dumb and left lol
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y'all, I might be in a pickle! I feel like i've connected with pretty much everyone on my tribe???? This might be a first for me because I usually let socializing take a back seat to my strategic/physical game, but mama might be onto something here. My worry is that I will spread myself out too thin. the good news is, that people are openly talking game with me and saying names. 
Daulton has thrown out Chips, which is a decent option, but not one I really want to pursue at this precise moment. While I trust daulton and want to work with him, I think I need chips here. Chips and I don't always see eye to eye, but we're from the same stomping grounds. there's respect there. Obviously if he's the vote, I'll vote his ass out, but I think I need other options. Keaton seems like someone I want to work with, and also livingston.  They both have expressed interest in working with me, which I love bc I do enjoy talking to them about life and stuff. I am hoping to form a little thing with them. ALSO jessie wants to work with me kljfalksjfa I literally CANNOT yall. I feel like I'm making so many deals but what am I supposed to say to people? NO??? haha Grace seems interested in working with me but she also leaves me on read constantly so i'm not sure about that. I gave josh a heads up he was getting votes last time so I think i'm in good with him as well? not entirely sure. I certainly said his name a lot last round, but I didn't write his name down?? idk if he knows of my involvement haha. 
for the most part though, I feel pretty good about this tribal so far, but I'm sure in approximately 20 hours I will be spiraling out of control flkjasldkf
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I don’t want to toot my own horn or anything, but Livingston and I created a 4 person alliance with us two, Grace, and Keaton this round. We all decided that since Livingston’s name was being thrown out there that were should counter it with Chips since his name is also out there. Josh’s name is a choice too apparently and Dan heard his name but not Livingston’s, so maybe Livingston isn’t a target, but just to be sure, we’re voting Chips.  And I got Josh on board as well as Dan I think, so the numbers are there regardless of what Jessie, Maynor, and Chips do. I’ve been subtly pushing for Chips all day by just telling people that I haven’t talked to him as much but not really saying I wanted him gone, and it seems to have worked out somehow that the person I really wanted out is now leaving (or should be). Zach being on Exile sucks because I feel like he’d vote with our 4, but after he returns, we should be able to have him become a 5th for us. We’ll see how this tribal goes though. 🤞🏻
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ooooof. The person I would have liked to vote out this round is on exile, so I love that for me! It's not that I don't like Zach, I just know he's good and a big threat and likable. So if we could have figured something out to get him out that would have been awesome. I think when he comes back i'm gonna message him incessantly to build an ounce of a relationship with him lmao. 
But anyway, onto the vote, three names got floated to my knowledge. Those names being livingston (hard no from me), josh v (meh), and chips (pls god yes).  So I was rolling with the josh v vote because it was safe, until miss chips made me mad. I told chips I had heard Josh's name. I did this because chips said he wanted to work with me, which is cool. But when I told him that he said to me "I think I wanna message josh and see what he's being told about the vote" i'm not sure how that convo goes without chips telling him that his name is going around and that it's potentially coming from me. So obviously I went to my main squad alliance of keaton and livingston and filled them in on the tea. In the meantime, I messaged daulton and asked him if he had any updates because he had floated chips' name by me last night and I was hoping to fuel that fire again.  He told me the three names I said above and that he was leaning toward chips. I said cool, sounds good. I don't want to vote josh or livingston, pitched an alliance between myself, josh, and daulton, and now feel pretty secure with most of the people in the tribe, as long as people don't talk and spill too much about their allegiances flkajsdfklajs. 
I'm really not trying to play a messy game, I am just trying to be more socailly forward than any other games I've been in, and I really feel like it might be paying off.
I don’t fucking like this “please be around after tribal and don’t tell anyone you got this message” thing.... I’m just thinking I’m about to get fucked by a twist
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
our broken white rose ⇾ camren
a/n: hi guys…!!! i suck, I fuckin know. i haven’t updated since august and truly honestly, i have no excuse other than life happened and shit hit the fan. i kinda wanna explain so y'all know even tho most of you probably don’t give a fuck honestly. ok sooo for starters as some of you may know or knew but forgot, i have a fiancée and we were trying to get pregnant and have a kid awhile ago and she did successfully get pregnant and well… things have been hectic. looks like we’re expecting double the trouble. twin girls lol. um, idk it took me awhile to wrap my head around it. i kinda envisioned parenthood at one at a time even tho the possibility of multiple is there, i never thought it’d go down in my life. but i guess this is god’s plan for me and i’m gonna love those two girls with all my heart.
college has truly been kicking my ass, on top of my moody, grumpy and randomly sad as fuck fiancée, but i’m getting by. currently on winter break so i decided i’d finally sit down and update. my fiancée went out to south jersey to visit her parents and i’m here in north jersey with the house finally to myself. maybe i can make a mess without getting yelled at by her now fhdjdjdkd lol. anyways, that’s basically the gist of what’s been going on. college wants me dead, my fiancée is carry two fetuses inside her and her due date is approaching dangerously fast. lmao. don’t you live life? smh.
anyways, the last thing i wanna share with y'all before i start the story is, I HAVE A NEW BOOK THAT IM ACTUALLY GONNA BE COMMITTED TO COMING OUT RIGHT ATTER I PUBLISH THIS CHAPTER! its called ‘one night stand’ and yesss, it has smut. so please go check it out after this. i have some really cool ideas for it but i need feedback on whether i should waste my time continuing or not. for my tumblr readers, its most likely up on my wattpad as you read this so go follow it @ wthbello and add the book to your library. please comment and vote. with that being said, i hope you enjoy the story. make sure to read end of the chapter questions and answer them. thanks so much, enjoy my usual angst filed, depressing ass stories!
“She what?” Both Camila and Lauren shouted in unison as they slowly but frantically followed after Lucy.
Lucy walked at a jagged pace desperately attempting to reach her rental as she explained. “She was granted parol and was released today. Janelle asked me to come see her today, you know, figure out a way to get her out. She was going on and on about how Lola had a plan to go and get your kids. Dustin, Lana and Luna. So I tracked you down to warn you,” she explained in a rushed tone as they finally reached her rented Mazda.
Camila eyes Lucy in suspicious, still anxious being around her after everything. “How did you even get out?” She asked before her eyes enlarged as realization struck. She looked at Lauren in panic. “T-The kids. They’re with Normani, she just took Dustin not too long ago,” Camila had completely forgotten all about Ariana. I’ll text her later, she thought distractedly as her two daughters and infant son came to mind.
Lucy stopped at the vehicle taking a deep breath. She looked them dead in the eye as she pulled the drivers side handle open. “I’ve been out for two months Camila,” the last thing on her mind was explaining her reasoning. She didn’t want to talk about. She didn’t feel she needed to talk about it. She just wanted to forget. Lucy climbed in the all black car, leaving her door open as she peered up at the two mother’s before her. “As for Normani, Tori’s got it,” Lucy smirked. “Now get the fuck in the car.”
Lauren spoke up for the first time in awhile, “What the hell is going on Lucia?” Her hands shook as she gazed down at the woman. So much built up anger and hatred yet confusion and hurt bubbled within her as she stared the woman down.
Lucy’s smirk soon fell as regret and sorrow filled her eyes. “I was terrible… to both of you. I fucked up so much in the last and this is my chance to fix it. Please. Trust me.”
Maybe a couple years ago, Lauren would jump at the thought of trusting Lucy. How couldn’t she? She’d never lie to her, correct? Wrong. For years, she was lied to and fooled to believe the love of her life, the mother of her children, was gone. And Lucy was an accomplice. She didn’t think she could ever trust the woman again. But something about the look in Lucy’s eyes seemed to draw her in. She wasn’t sure how she was feeling, but right now she knew her safety, Camila’s safety and hers were in severe danger with that crazy bat out.
Camila and Lauren both looked at each other before sharing a small, risky mutual agreement. Lauren rounded the vehicle and got in the passenger seat as Camila went into the back, sitting in the middle so she could peer at the two women in front of her.
“Where to?” Camila asked.
Lucy turned to look at the woman in the backseat, a small smirk playing on her lips. “Yakutat Alaska.”
“It feels so gross being back her,” Camila mumbled, hugging her arms loosely around herself as Lauren draped her own arm over her shoulder. She still didn’t know how she felt about her relationship with Lauren. The sudden proposal still replayed in her head but she didn’t have time to think about that right now. Her mind wondered as she thought about the safety of her kids and the weariness of Lola being out of prison… again. Her life just seemed to be a never ending pile of destruction and she just wanted to run away… like Lauren said. Her eyebrows furrowed as she turned to look at the woman next to her. She went to open her mouth and question her before shaking her head and deciding to keep it shut until later on.
“Tell me about it,” Lucy mumbled as she locked the doors of the rental car.
Lauren huffed softly, her grip on Camila tightening. “So are you gonna explain why we’re here?”
Lucy nodded distractedly as she smacked her lips and nodded off towards her right as they began walking towards a group of buildings. “Janelle told me that Lola was granted parole in Yakutat because this initially is where the crime took place which I think is complete bullshit because the original crime was when she falsified your murder in Florida. Yakutat is a small town, but so easy to escape. Lola can redo everything she’s ever planned. She can hire or even threaten her way around here and start up her ridiculous revenge plot. We need to end it before it starts.”
The brown eyed woman furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she released herself from Lauren’s hold and quickened her pace to walk beside Lucy as she began questioning. “End it how?” She asked in bewilderment. “Its Lola. She’ll just kill me for good now. You brought me all the way here just so she could do that, right? You’ve been working with her all along. You know I’m a moth-”
Lucy stopped abruptly, reaching out to grab Camila’s wrist in a forceful hold. The woman went to scream before her eyes landed on Lucy’s soft ones. Lucy slowly released Camila, running a distressed hand through her hair before turning to look at Lauren. “I’ve fucked up in the past. So much. I lost the love of my life, I watched as she hurt over someone who was still here, I watched as she raised two amazing independent girls on her own all while trying to manage her own internal heartbreak,” Lucy paused, staring deeply into Lauren’s pale green eyes. “I’ll do anything to amend my wrongs. I’m never going back to the way I use to be. I don’t want to, and I won’t allow myself to. I’m stronger, I’m better and my head is finally going down the right path,” she sighed shakily before turning back to Camila. “The last thing I want is to see get hurt again. I watched on the sidelines for too many goddamn years. I’m gonna make it right this time. Even if it means putting myself away for life.”
Lauren’s eyes widened in horror at the woman’s last sentence. “Lucy, what are you talking about?”
Hot tears stung the corner of Lucy’s eyes as she chewed on her bottom lip. “I’m gonna kill her. I have to,” with that she continued straight forward towards the group of buildings collectively lined up beside each other.
Camila and Lauren shared a regretful stare before quickly following chasing after Lucy.
“You can’t do that,”
“Come on be rational Lucy,”
“We can just go to the cops again,”
“Yeah, we can do that. You can’t ruin your life like tha-”
Suddenly whirling around, fire burned within Lucy’s brown eyes. “Go to the cops? And tell that what? That my crazy step sister is trying to kill the Camila Cabello? Huh? Do you know what’d happen to me?”
Camila stopped, breathing heavily. “Why do you care so much? Huh? Its my life Lucy. Please. Let me handle it.”
Chuckling bitterly to herself, Lucy shook her head. “It may be your life, but you know nothing about mine,” she stared off into the distance before shaking her head once again. “When Lola sends a group of correction officers to gang rape you every fucking day in jail, not being able to fight back because you’ll just be thrown into solitary, then speak to me. Everything isn’t about you.”
“I’m gonna kill her, with or without you guys here,” Lucy stared them down before turning on her heel and walking away, both Camila and Lauren’s feet basically being glued to the ground as they watched in silent horror.
Camila turned to look at the mother of her children before whispering softly, “What do we do?”
a/n: short ass chapter, just a filler for the shit about to go dddoooowwwnnnnn. omg, i know y'all hate me and that i’ve been gone for over five months and i’m sorry. life just happened and idk what else to say really. i’m back now and hopefully i stick around because i truly have missed writing so fuckin much. like a huge ass relief has washed over me because i absolutely love what i do and writing for people.
now welcome back to my world full of angst and drama (; i promise the camren fluff is coming soon. y'all have waited two books for it and it’s gonna be here in a few short chapters.
now, i have a brrraaannnndddd new book out called “one night stand” and its camren ofc. this book was really a spur of the moment type of thing but i already love what i have in store for it so far and i truly think i’m gonna be committed as fuck with this book. yes, it has smut. a lot of it actually. so please go check it out on my page, add it to your library.
of course, amazing cover creds to SLOTHTATO literally their work is fucking phenomenal. best cover maker on all of wattpad, idc, fight me. like look at this (obviously my tumblr readers can’t see it so go add the book in your library on my wattpad @ wthbello because it’s a sexy ass cover).
anyways, yeah, please go check that out. i’ve worked really hard on it and i really like where it’s going. it has angst, but definitely a lot less angst than this story right here. the angst in this is actually way more relatable to real life problems and stuff like that so once again, please go check it out after this.
don’t forget to vote, comment and answer end of the chapter questions below. if you’re a tumblr reading, come follow me on wattpad @ wthbello and add my new camren story 'one night stand’ to your library and read it and vote and comment and all that amazing stuff. thank you so much for reading and i hope you enjoyed.
i’m a sucker for feedback and it’ll help me navigate where to go in the aspects of what my readers will enjoy (if y'all are still here since i’ve been so goddamn MIA lmao) so please answer at least a couple end of the chapter questions to the best of your abilities. again, if you’re from tumblr, head over to my wattpad so you can do that.
what do you think about this chapter?
what do you think will happen next?
how do you feel about lola being out?
how do you feel about lucy being out?
do you think lucy’s bluffing and she’s really working with lola?
where do you think tori and her mom are?
what do you think is/will happen with lauren and camila’s children?
what do you wanna see moving forth?
what are you least worried about?
what are you most worried about?
last but not least, how do you feel about camila’s new music and 5h’s album, lauren’s single, dinah’s feature, and 5h’s collab with pitbull? y'all knew i had to ask this since i haven’t been here since the day before the girls released their album lol.
anyways, thanks so much for reading. i appreciate so much if you’re still for some reason stick around, you have no possible idea how much it means to me and i’m forever grateful for you
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