#I had a cat ex hoody now turned into a vest tho
cursedcatchild · 3 months
Ok, so this is very random, the inspiration kinda jumped me. 😅
If anyone wants to know the funny, but long story behind it I put it under the cut alongside with an alternative version.
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So, story time!
Basically me and my fam ( We are prety much the found family trope. I have a little sister [adopted] and a little cousin [ also adopted by my family so he's like my little brother now] + 7 of my friends living with me.) held Mall Tour Day. ( We like to party so we have a bunch of made up holidays especialy during summer.) During this "holiday" we wake up extra early and travel to the capital to explore/shopp in either weird and our favoire malls.
But a few days before we went, I hurt my leg ( and my arm but that's not important in the story) in a pretty bad chool fight. It's nothing serious , and I told the fam I can walk, but they (especially my childhood best friend nicknamed RAT [ Don't ask why we call the guy that, they likes cheese to mutch and he lives in my garage]) insisted that I can't. So I told them: "Then how am I supposed to walk trough half the capital?" And RAT was like : " I'll carry you Bitch!" ( Bitch used verry affectionately.)
And then they did. Godness gracious from 6 in the morning till 10 at the evening I was princess carried trough like 8 mall.
Anyways we was going trough our last stop. The Mall that only sells Christmas decoration ( It's the middle of june, there is 30° outside, we are walking around in tanktops and shorts and other heatwave clothes. It was trippy!) And my little cousin was sleepy ( Welp, he's a 7 years old and he was up walking what like 16 hours? Even for a hyper child that tuckers them out.) so he climbed in my lap and fallen asleep on the spot. And RAT stuck carrying the both of us. " Heh! Eat wast you cooked dumbass!" (Again very lovingly.)
Now the pic about the mall in the backround of the art is made in the actuall Christmas mall. And the pose is the exact pose RAT, me and my lil cousin were in.
As for the idea of drawind the Disater twins and Mikey in that position.... It's kinda an inside joke in our friend group, but RAT and I are ofen being jokingly called Disater twins. Partially because I am a medical student so there goes Leo being the medic status, and RAT is the tech/handiman of the group. ( Sure he won't invent sentient AIs, hopefully, they're not that smart, but hey if the guy can fix our fridge it's close enoug for us.) Not to mention that appernatly we were born on the exact same day, our mothers even shared a Hospital room. 🤣
And for Mikey, literally both my litle sister and little cousin has Mikey vibes. My sister is an artist and cooks, my little cousin is hyper and cheery. So it seemed fit to make him a Mikey.
Anyways, that's the whole story behind the art, if anyone was curious.😊
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