#I guess? I mean that's my art tag so photos count
elecman108 · 2 years
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I picked up the Critical Role Dieter (Dragon Turtle) Mini to stand-in as my Roguelock Axel’s patron, Razanid, for fun and he was 35% off for black Friday, and I took this picture of it and Axel’s mini with my phone camera to show it off... I’m in awe at how good this looks.
(Cut for better scrolling experience on dashboard, since I like to ramble about cool things.)
As someone who formerly had a camera on their device that took photos that looked like mashed potatoes, this is... this is amazing. Not only can I do 0.6x zoom, but I can go up to 30x zoom. I do have the ability to utilize a more high-end expensive photographer’s camera, but honestly, this camera takes way better photos than I’d ever expect from a phone camera so I’m probably just going to use that one, lmao.
I probably will be taking more photos of my minis once I can get more time off to paint some more!!
I mean, given I painted Axel’s mini about four years ago, he doesn’t look THAT bad. No I don’t paint eyes on the minis unless they’re big enough (such as my green dragon or mechanical dragon minis) or the Monodrone because I wanted to be ~extra~ when I painted that one.
I have a huge stack of minis that I have yet to paint, including [insert “checks smudged writing on hand” meme joke here] goblins, all three of the Frostmaiden Auril’s forms, several random people and/or gnomes, and a dog. Most are PC/NPC minis I haven’t gotten around to but hey, they’re gonna get painted soon I swear-
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monstersinthecosmos · 6 months
thank you to @birdblacksocialclub for tagging! <3
Are you named after anyone? I am named after an 80's soap opera character but I cannot say more because my real name is a Tumblr secret.
When was the last time you cried? omfg I can't remember which was last but this week I cried over a BTS clip I watched of the Curb Your Enthusiasm finale and also my GOT rewatch when Dany has to lock the dragons up 😭
Do you have kids? no lmao
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I THINK I USE IT MEDIUM for humor but I don't use it often in actual conversation because I don't want to be mean and I think it doesn't really come across over text.
What sports do you play? I HULA HOOP AND LIFT WEIGHTS IDK IF THAT COUNTS thats it that's the extent of my athletic pursuits
What’s the first thing you notice about people? in person probably their clothes, online probably THE STUFF THEY SHIP and then the tone with which they write meta 🤣
What’s your eye colour? Blue but I have partial heterochromia in my right eye so it's also brown.
Scary movies or happy endings? MANY SCARY MOVIES HAVE HAPPY ENDINGS WHAT DO YOU MEAN but scary movies
Any special talents? I can write I guess lol.
Where were you born? Long Island
What are your hobbies? fanfic writing, arts & crafts!, VERMICOMPOSTING, gardening!
Do you have any pets? I HAVE 2 THEY ARE VERY CUTE they are cat siblings named Ghost Pepper and Scrambles and they are about 21 months old!
How tall are you? 5'8
Favourite subject in school? dude idk I dropped out, I was miserable all day. When I went to college I had a lot of fun in Film Lit and the weirder photo electives.
Dream job? If I could make consistent money off photography and have it be my only job that would be so nice but the way it is now I find the business side of it so stressful that I prefer the setup I have now in which I have a cushy corporate admin job that pays the bills and allows me the freedom to have creative hobbies that I can do for fun without them being my job. I would love it if I could get into social work fields and do like community building and advocacy but they don't pay enough and/or I'd have to get more college and I can't afford it so !? Idk all I really want is something that pays me enough and lets me have hobbies but if it was something I felt good about doing that would be ideal. The company I work for now is morally acceptable for me because it helps people navigate the health insurance disaster in this country but I would also love to do work that would FIX the health insurance disaster in the first place, you know?
ANYWAY this was fun thanks!
tagging @apoptoses @rugbertgoeshome @ihaventcomeupwthanameforaheroyet @uncivilcivilservice @baba-o-riledup @defamink
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macfrog · 9 months
firstly you are so talented it makes me want to gag and die and climb a mountain 🫶💘 second i’m about to start posting my first fic ever and i was wondering if you had any suggestions for more logistical stuff to make the thing better to read? like formatting/time to post/adding pictures etc etc. sending besos y abrazos💓💓
hey dude! waaah thank you for this you're far, far too kind 🩵
how exciting!! i just checked out the little preview you posted and what a beautiful little droplet of writing!!! i cannot wait to read the rest. please please please tag me when you post it; jackson joel is my favorite joel and i am soooo intrigued to read and devour 🍓
formatting-wise, i pretty much just laid things out how i thought they looked best. you always want your warnings to be visible just in case there's anything that might require a heads up for some readers, also helps to include a summary of the fic somewhere, and i always pop a word count on there, too...but whatever works for you! i guess just consider what info you look for before reading a fic and piece it together that way.
i took inspo from many other writers on here with the whole three-photo header thing. i just pick three images that either capture the vibe of the fic or literally just pieces of the plot lol and put them up top. i try my best to be as inclusive as possible so where i can help it: i try not to use specific skintones or hair colors, body types etc. this isn't always perfect, though, and it's something i always want to be improving on. (straying from specific bodies in your mbs does mean that you can get a little more creative with em and use fun art over real-life images, which a lot of wonderful writers do!)
as for posting: i have posted at all times of day before...in all honesty, i'm not sure when is best as a. there are so many readers on here from all over the world who will eat up your work at any time, and b. i typically hit post and then toss my phone for a few hours - but i guess the later in the day, the better for exposure and engagement? as people will be home from work and school etc., and have the time to check it out.
try not to get hung up on this part, tho! i live by the mantra that the people the fic is for, will come across it one way or another - and not all fics are instant hitters. that's ok! sometimes it takes time for something to gain eyes on it. post for yourself. have fun with it. numbers mean nothing 🤍
if there's anything else you wanna ask or chat about, feel free to dm me anytime! can't wait to read when you post the rest! sending love right back to ya 🫂🩷
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lost-decade · 1 year
Reading asks! Thank you to @verycoolwearsleather for the tag 😘
An estimate of how many physical books I own: Surprisingly not that many. I'd say around 100. I did have a lot more but took them all to the charity shop before I moved to London and haven't accumulated a very big collection since. Although I do have a weakness for big glossy photobooks.
Favourite author: Hmm, I wouldn't say I actually have one. My taste in reading is quite niche (ideally contemporary literary fiction but set in the early/mid 20th century, about real life rich beautiful people gallivanting around Europe falling in love with each other, blended with fictional characters and with a queer slant). Villa America by Liza Klaussmann certainly fit that brief. Big fan of Scott Fitzgerald also, surprising no one, and Donna Tartt. Love Garth Greenwell too.
A popular book I've never read and never intend to read: I generally don't read popular books haha
A popular book I thought was just meh:
I wouldn't say it's a popular book anymore but I read the Godfather years ago and found it incredibly mediocre in comparison to the film
Longest book I own: I do have a copy of the Count of Monte Cristo somewhere but only made it a few chapters in and watched the miniseries instead.
Longest series I own all the books to: I think probably the Shadow of the Wind series by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, which I adored apart from the last book which I thought was never going to end.
Prettiest book I own: I have quite a few gorgeous coffee table books on photography, London history, architecture etc. And a couple that are full of cocks. For the beauty of the photos I'll say Collaboration, which is a collection of the photographs of Paul Camus, Jared French and Margaret French, which are stunning and surreal. They were artists and lovers who photographed each other and their friends on Fire Island in the late 1930s. Some of which can be seen here: https://www.pineshistory.org/the-archives/art-history-paul-cadmus-jared-amp-margaret-french
Also I treasure my copy of the Duran Duran World Book, which documents their 1988 world tour.
A book or series I wish more people knew about: What Belongs to You by Garth Greenwell, which is about an American teacher who falls in love with a Bulgarian sex worker he cruises in a public toilet in Sofia. Also, Cleanness by the same author, which is an interconnected short story collection.
Book I'm reading now: I've just finished The Destroyers but Christopher Bollen, which kept me guessing but ultimately ended a bit flat. I'm also reading All Down Darkness Wide by the poet Sean Hewitt, which is a memoir, but I know it's going to get depressing as hell so probably need to step away from that one for my mental health and read something a bit more cheerful.
Since watching the recent Interview with the Vampire series I've started reading the Anne Rice books too. Finished book 4 a month ago and taking a bit of a break from the series for now.
Book that's been on my TBR list for a while but I still haven't got around to it: I keep meaning to go back to The Sheltering Sky by Paul Bowles, which I attempted to read twice and couldn't get into. Also the Captive Prince series by CS Pacat.
Do you have any books in a language other than English: not that I can think of.
Paperback, hardcover, or ebook?: I prefer paperbacks and have been reading more physical books lately, but also use my kindle from time to time.
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ariel-s-awesome · 3 years
I wanna show off my AFG sculpture but also I want to wait for the grass to come back before taking a photoset.
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Look at her in the meantime. Exclusive sneak peak before she goes on my artblog in March or whatever.
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marycrispies · 2 years
Please stop hetero-fying famous lgbt pictures with your ships
Sigh. Okay, there's a lot to unpack here *cracks knuckles*
First of all, do you know what a reference is? It's a picture, an object, or whatever you have in hand that you use as a GUIDE. I didn't draw the photo itself, I used it as a TOOL to draw what I wanted. Because I liked their pose and the intimacy that it conveyed.
Just because they are two women I can't draw what I want? I use women as reference to draw Ed all the time, and men to draw women as well. Because, guess what? It doesn't matter the gender or the shape of the body. I'm only interested in the pose, or the colors, or the clothes. Or whatever I'm using the reference for!!
Second, why are you assuming this is "hetero"? What if I told you I headcanon Ed as bisexual? And what if I told you that many (and I mean MANY) people have seen this drawing and stated that Ed is trans, non binary, a he/him lesbian, even that both of them are trans? If you don't believe me, just browse the tags from all the people who reblogged it. You can go on Twitter as well and see all the comments and QRTs. Heck, even the other day a person DMd me on Instagram telling me how validated they felt as an enby person in their self-discovery journey when they saw this drawing; and they aren't the only ones.
Ever since I started drawing Ed as a metalhead many people have told me they wanted to be like him, that they felt seen. I'm so happy that my art can make people feel like this, I'm open to all these different interpretations because art is free and can be seen in many ways. So, if someone tells me Ed is a lesbian because it makes them happy, then I'm happy as well, regardless of my original intention as the artist.
However, what I can't tolerate is someone hiding in anonymity trying to force THEIR view on ME and telling me what to do. You're not the center of the world, if you don't like my drawing or it makes you uncomfortable, just don't look at it. And don't assume it's wrong just because you don't like it. Because it's clear to me that yours is an unpopular opinion and perhaps you're the one who needs to open their mind.
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Sorry for the long rant, but people that only want things their own way rub me the wrong way. And actually, one of the reasons I didn't make this drawing before is because I was scared of this type of people. But in the end I said, whatever, it's just a reference! And the fact that only two people (counting this one), from thousands and thousands (this drawing has more than 200k likes on twitter), have complained about the drawing being "hetero" just shows how self centered they are. And at least the first one didn't tell me what to do, they just showed their disapproval in a QRT, which is fine I guess, lol
Anyway, I'm sorry if there are any typos or grammatical errors, English is not my first language. If anyone wants to discuss this further, add their own view or whatever, I'm open to it; maybe I didn't take something into consideration. Just, please, be respectful! 😊 And thank you if you read all this!
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sfb123 · 3 years
A Royal Homecoming - Chapter 2 (🍋)
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Liam x Riley
All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Summary: Liam surprises Riley with a trip to her hometown for Thanksgiving.
Catch up here
Rating: Mature (Smut, do not read if you are under 18)
Word Count: 3,678
A/N: Hey, guess what? Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and I haven’t even finished the Thanksgiving part of this story, so yeah, that’s going to be posted late. But don’t worry, here’s some smut to tide you over!
Thank you thank you thank you to @txemrn​ for pre-reading and sending me incoherent reaction VCs!
Tags: Tag list is below, if you’d like to be added or removed, just let me know!
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After sleeping in, a luxury they rarely got to indulge in, and enjoying breakfast at Riley’s favorite diner, the royal couple made their way to her father’s house. It had finally hit Riley that she was back home, and her excitement was clear to Liam. He loved watching her light up as she told stories about her life before coming to Cordonia. As they pulled onto her street, she pointed out the homes of all of her childhood friends, and provided him with updates about where they had each ended up.
Liam noticed the smile on Riley’s face grow even wider when they pulled into her driveway. “We’re here!” She exclaimed, barely giving the car a chance to stop before jumping out. 
Liam got out of the car, laughing at his wife’s enthusiasm. As he stood by her side, he took in the quaint cream colored house with a black door and blue shutters. He looked over at Riley and smiled as he watched her looking fondly at the home that held so many memories for her. He took her hand and squeezed it gently. “Shall we?” Riley turned her head and smiled at Liam before leading him to the front door. 
As soon as they entered the split level home, they were greeted by Riley’s father’s dog, barreling down the stairs towards them. As soon as her back paws hit the landing, she jumped up on Riley with such force that Liam had to place a hand on her back to stop her from falling backward. “Hey Haddy, I missed you too, girl.”
Haddy moved on to Liam, sniffing his shoes and legs before jumping up onto him as well. “Hello Haddy, aren’t you a good girl?” Liam patted her head while slowly backing up, forcing all four paws back on the floor. 
“Sorry, she’s kind of a lot. Tomorrow should be interesting, when we come back with Chance.” She took Liam’s hand and guided him up the stairs. “Here it is.” She opened her arms, gesturing to the main living area. It was a fairly open space, with a single wall separating the living room from the kitchen and dining spaces.
Liam looked around, as Haddy started running between the two areas. “It’s wonderful, love.” His eyes quickly landed on a family portrait that sat on the mantle over the fireplace. He walked across the room and picked it up, looking at it more closely.  
“That’s the only time we got a professional family photo done, my kindergarten was offering them. After that, all the fancy photos were just me and my sister.” She came up beside him, looking at the photo. 
“Kindergarten, so that means you were…”
“Five, maybe six.” She shrugged.
He smiled, turning his attention back to his wife as he placed the picture back on the ledge. “Adorable.” He said as he tapped his index finger on her nose. “Now, I believe you have more to show me?”
Riley nodded and took Liam’s hand, continuing the tour of the house. She walked him through the kitchen and the dining room. Showing off old pictures, school art projects that had stayed on the walls since she was a kid, as well as the trophies she had won in her brief time as a softball player. Liam listened intently to everything she was saying as his eyes traveled the shelves and walls. He wanted to commit everything to memory. Seeing all of this made him realize that as much as he knew his wife, there was still so much left for him to learn.
It was a small three bedroom home, so there wasn’t much ground to cover. As they made their way down the hallway, Liam immediately noticed that the walls were lined with school photos of her and her sister; but Riley’s were paired with dance recital photos from the same year. Riley noticed him looking, and walked him through each year, telling him little stories about particularly memorable moments from those times in her life. 
Before long, they had reached the last door on the right, Riley’s room. Liam paused, admiring the large collection of stickers that lined the door from top to bottom. Riley noticed him looking and shrugged out of embarrassment. “When I was a kid, I never knew what to do with the stickers I got, so I just stuck them on my door, and kind of never stopped. It’s stupid, and looks babyish I know I just…”
Liam silenced her with a soft kiss. “I think it’s cute. I love that I’m getting to learn all of these little pieces that make you the amazing woman I married.”
She smiled and squeezed his hand before turning the knob and guiding him into her room. He looked around slowly, trying to take in every detail. The pastel green walls bordered with hand stenciled ballet slippers, the yellow and white gingham curtains, and matching sheets. The furniture set was older, off white with decorative gold inlay around the edges. “This furniture is beautiful.” He mused, running his finger along the edge of the dresser. 
“Yeah, it was my mom’s when she was growing up. When I graduated from my Little Mermaid sheets, and got to design my ‘grown up room’ she offered it to me, and I loved the idea so I designed everything around it.”
Liam approached her, placing his hands on her waist. “I love that. I hope one day, we are blessed with a daughter so that you can pass them down to her as well.”
“Really? We wouldn’t have to use some ancient royal furniture that has been in your family since the beginning of time?” Riley’s eyes went wide. 
“No, we are building our family, and your traditions and heirlooms are going to be just as much a part of that as mine.” He kissed her on the nose. He noticed something on the wall behind her, “What’s that?”
Riley turned around, admiring the large painting that hung above her desk. There were three ballerinas rehearsing along to a piano player and harpist. The painting was built into an ornate frame. She smiled as soon as she laid her eyes on it. “That was something my grandmother gave me. I’m not sure where she got it, knowing her, it was probably from some flea market or something.” She chuckled at the thought of her grandmother haggling with the other little old ladies, trying to get the best price for useless stuff that would just get shoved in a closet somewhere. “She knew how much I loved taking dance classes, so she gave it to me. It’s not some million dollar Picasso or anything like we have at home, but it’s special to me.” She felt herself getting a little emotional, suddenly being brought back to a place and time she had been too busy to think too much about since she started her life in Cordonia. She sniffled slightly, trying to regain control of her emotions. 
“I think it’s stunning.” Liam started rubbing slow, soothing circles on the small of Riley’s back. “We should bring it back to Cordonia with us. We could hang it up in our quarters.”
Riley looked up at her husband and smiled. “So, how’s the tour so far?”
“Not bad, I was hoping it would be a bit more hands on though.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her flush against him, kissing her deeply.
Riley pulled out of the kiss, resting her forehead against his. “You know, I’ve never had a boy in my room before.”
“Really. I told you, nobody was interested in me growing up. I didn’t even go on my first date until I was in college.”
“Those high school boys didn’t know what they were missing.” He kissed her tenderly. “You know what this means, right?” Riley looked at him curiously. “This is a regular person thing that we get to experience together for the first time. Not just me”
Riley grinned. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” 
“Well then, we’re going to have to do this the right way.” Liam kissed her once more, pulling away and running out of the room before Riley got the chance to deepen it. 
“What the... ” Riley stood alone in her bedroom trying to figure out what had just happened, when suddenly, there was a tapping on one of the windows. She rushed over and pulled the curtains aside to reveal Liam standing in her backyard, throwing pebbles. She opened the window and leaned out to call to him. “Liam, what the heck are you doing?”
“Is your dad home?” He asked. 
“No Liam, you know he’s not. That’s why we came here, remember?” She eyed him suspiciously, trying to figure out what he was up to. He gave her a mischievous smile, and she finally realized where this was going. “Oh...OH! No, he’s still at work, he won’t be home for a couple of hours. I’m just home alone studying for my math test.”
“Do you need some help? I could quiz you?”
“Sure, I’ll go unlock the door.” 
“No! The neighbors will see and tell your dad. I’ll just come in through the window.” He looked around, trying to find something he could use to lift himself. He noticed a ladder peeking out from behind the shed. He returned soon after, leaning the ladder against the side of the house, testing its stability before beginning the climb. 
Riley couldn’t stop laughing at the sight of her husband, the King of Cordonia, climbing up an old aluminum ladder to sneak into her bedroom. “Careful there Romeo, we don’t want you getting yourself hurt.” She grabbed his arm and helped him into the room. 
“Right, I’ve got to be in top shape for the big game this weekend.” 
“Oh, you play a sport?” She chuckled. 
Liam stood tall and puffed out his chest. “Yup, captain of the football team.” He said proudly. 
“Oh, well I certainly am the luckiest girl in the whole school to have the captain of the football team here in my bedroom.” She was thoroughly amused that all of his knowledge of American teenagers clearly came from the high school rom coms she had made him watch. 
“Well you are the head cheerleader.” He winked. 
Riley shook her head and made a ‘time out’ motion with her hands. “Hold on a minute there, Friday Night Lights. If you want this to be like my actual life, there is no cheer leading involved. You’re even pushing it with the football team stuff.”
Liam nodded in understanding before stepping closer and bringing her into his arms. “Got it, no sports, just studying… alone… in your room… while your parents are out.” He slowly left a trail of kisses down her neck as he spoke. 
“Mmhmm… right… studying.” Riley purred as she tilted her head, allowing Liam better access. “But what does this have to do with math?”
Liam pulled back, his eyes burning with desire. “How’s this for math? You plus me.” He pulled her shirt over her head and dropped it to the floor. 
“That equals us. So we’ve got calculus taken care of...” He silenced her with a passionate kiss, his hands sliding up her sides until they settled on her breasts, cupping them over her bra. 
Riley moaned into the kiss, her hands gliding down Liam’s chest to the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head. Once it had been discarded alongside hers, she moved her hands to his belt, slowly unbuckling it. Her hand teasingly drifted to the growing bulge in the front of his pants, reveling in the groan of approval she received in response.  
She turned their bodies and walked Liam backwards until the back of his legs hit the bed. “Sit.” She whispered against his lips before dropping to her knees, bringing his pants down with her. Once his pants were on the ground, Liam took a seat on the end of the bed.
“Riley you don’t -” Before he could finish his thought, Riley was swirling her tongue around the head of his cock, her hand stroking the shaft. “Riley. Fuck.” He groaned, looking down and meeting her eyes as she took him slowly into her mouth.
Liam watched her intently, her head bobbing up and down on his length as her tongue worked around him. When he felt himself hit the back of her throat, he knew he was close to his release. He ran his fingers through Riley’s hair, pulling gently to guide her off of him. She removed her mouth, stroking him a few times with her hand as she looked up at him with wide eyes. “You didn’t like it?” She asked innocently. 
“Riley, your mouth is…” He paused, placing one hand on her cheek and running his thumb along her bottom lip. “... amazing. But I have far too much planned for you for this to end now.” He stood up, guiding her with him and crashed his lips against hers. 
As their tongues danced together, he made quick work of the rest of her clothes, guiding her onto the bed. Once he was hovering over her, his lips began moving down her neck, and across her collarbone, until he reached her chest. He traced the curve of her breast with his tongue before taking the nipple into his mouth. He placed one hand on the other breast, rolling the nipple between his thumb and forefinger, as his free hand started working its way between her legs. 
His hand continued exploring, deliberately avoiding the part of her that was most desperate for his touch. “Liam…” Riley whined in response. 
“Yes, my love?” He removed his mouth from her body, looking her in the eyes. 
“You’re teasing me.” She warned. 
He gave her a smug grin, “Now that doesn’t seem like something I would do.”
“Liam, please.” She begged, she didn’t think she would be able to last another second. 
He brought his lips to hers as he ran a finger through her slick folds. He groaned into the kiss upon feeling how ready she was for him. He slid one finger inside of her, Riley’s hips bucked against his hand instantly. 
Liam’s lips started moving across her jaw. He took her earlobe in his mouth and tugged gently before whispering low in her ear. “Is this what you wanted, Riley?” 
“Mmm yes.” She moaned as he added a second finger and began pumping faster. “Oh god, Liam!” She closed her eyes as her hands fisted the sheets. 
He could feel her walls fluttering around his fingers. Hearing her breath quicken, he knew she was right on the edge, but before she could unravel, he pulled his hand away. Her eyes snapped open, staring at him with a mixture of annoyance and anger. He smirked, placing his fingers in his mouth, pulling them out slowly as he kept his eyes locked on hers. He leaned over her, covering her lips with his own, kissing her deeply, not allowing her the opportunity to complain about his teasing. 
“Are you ready for me, Riley?” His voice was low and husky. 
Riley bucked her hips into him desperate to feel him, “God yes.” 
As soon as the words left her mouth, he surged forward, burying himself inside of her. Liam paused, allowing her to adjust. When he felt her roll her hips, he began thrusting at a slow, purposeful place, encouraged by the sounds of pleasure he was drawing from his wife
He leaned forward, capturing her moans as he began picking up the pace. He pulled back, resting his forehead against hers. “You feel so fucking good, love.”
“Mmm… more.” She moaned in response.
Liam sat up on his knees, firmly gripping Riley’s hips. He started thrusting again, harder and faster than before, hitting that spot with each thrust. 
“Fuck. Liam, don’t stop... I’m so close.” 
He removed one hand from her hip, bringing it between them, circling her clit. “That’s it Riley, let go for me.” 
With that, her back arched off the bed and she reached her climax, her moans of pleasure echoing through the room. With a few more pumps, Liam fell forward, dropping his head into the crook of her neck, groaning into her skin as he met his own release.
He peppered her shoulder with kisses as they both caught their breath. “God Riley, you are incredible.” He said as the kisses moved to her jaw, eventually landing on her lips. 
“Takes one to know one.” She kissed him back, running her fingers through his hair. 
Liam carefully rolled off of her, bringing her to his side. As they recovered, coming back down from the high of their release, Liam looked around the room. His eyes landed on the discarded pillows and stuffed animals on the floor. “What on earth is this?” He asked as he held up one of the stuffed animals. “This is the strangest looking teddy bear I have ever seen.”
“That’s Alf!” Liam continued to stare at her blankly. “You know, Gordon Shumway? From the planet Melmac?” Liam shook his head in confusion. “Oh baby, you’ve come a long way since I came into your life, but we’ve still got a lot of ground to cover.” She patted his cheek gently and leaned in for a kiss. 
She pulled back abruptly at the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. “Fuck. I think my dad is home.” 
Liam chuckled, pulling her back into him. “Love, it was just pretend. We’re not really in high school. We’re married adults.”
“Yes, I know, but we’re also naked, in bed. Do you think that’s the most appropriate way for us to greet my dad?”
The gravity of the situation finally hit him and his eyes went wide. He pushed Riley off of him and jumped out of bed, frantically searching for his clothes. “Riley, get dressed. He can’t catch us like this.”
“No shit, your majesty.” As Liam threw his clothes on, Riley reached for her phone, dialing and putting it on speakerphone. “Bas, was that my dad’s truck?”
“Yes, your majesty.” Bastien responded from the other end of the phone. 
“Okay, here’s the deal, as far as he’s concerned, I’m here alone. Liam is going to come around from the backyard. Get him in the SUV undetected. Then give me five minutes with my dad, come in and tell me we need to leave.” She hung up, too preoccupied with getting dressed to hear their head guard laughing on the other end of the phone.. 
“But how am I supposed to get out?” Liam asked as he slipped his shoes on. 
“How do you think all those high school boys get out of the rooms they sneak into?” Pausing to point at the window. “And don’t forget to put the ladder back before you go to the car. I’ll keep my dad distracted so he doesn’t look in the backyard.” She kissed him quickly, swatting him on the backside before rushing out of the room, putting her shoes on as she moved. 
Riley hurried down the hall, making it to the kitchen just as the front door was opening. She opened the refrigerator so it looked like she was just getting a drink, while she was actually using it as an opportunity to catch her breath. Once she had recovered, she grabbed a bottle of water and stood up, facing her father, who was now standing at the top of the stairs. “Oh, hi daddy! I thought you were working today?”
“They let us out early for the holiday. What are you doing here? I thought I wasn’t going to see you until tomorrow.” He replied.
She walked up to him, giving him a quick hug, as Haddy ran excited circles around the two of them. “Yeah, Liam had some work stuff to do, so I was just kind of driving around. I figured I’d stop by to make sure you had the DVR set for the parade, so we can watch tomorrow.”
Her father rolled his eyes. “Between you and your sister, I’ve gotten about seventy five reminders, you make it pretty hard to forget.” 
Riley laughed and walked with him into the living room. They sat and caught up for a few minutes, until Bastien entered and told Riley they needed to head back to the hotel. She thanked him and stood, hugging her father one more time. 
“Okay, Liam and I will see you tomorrow. What time are you thinking?” 
“We’re eating at one, so between twelve and twelve thirty?” He responded. 
“Got it.” Riley walked down the stairs to the front door, turning back to her father, who was standing at the top of the stairs. “Daddy, Liam isn’t weird like us, can you please try to be a normal human while he’s here?”
“Don’t worry about it, you’re already married, it’s too late to scare him away. He’s stuck with all of us now.” 
Riley sighed deeply. “Gee thanks,” she replied sarcastically. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
She walked out the door and to the SUV. Liam noticed her annoyed expression and furrowed his brow. “Is everything alright?” He sat silent for a moment, eyes going wide. “Oh no, he doesn’t know that I was there… that we…”
Riley chuckled at how flustered he got. “No Liam, he has no idea.” She placed her hand on his cheek and patted it softly. “Congratulations, you have officially snuck in and out of a girls room without getting busted by her dad. You had a successful normal high school boy experience.” 
“I wouldn’t have wanted to experience it with anyone else.” He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close, and kissing the top of her head. “And tomorrow, my first traditional American Thanksgiving.” 
“Well, it will be Thanksgiving, but I think the turkey is probably the most traditional thing about it. Get ready to be fully indoctrinated into the Brooks family.” 
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One Shots:
A Royal Homecoming:
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dulce-pjm · 3 years
cheek to cheek
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request for taehyung from @kidcoredreamz (thanks bae!!) 
listen to “cheek to cheek” by ella fitzgerald and louis armstrong and “i get along without you very well” by chet baker for maximum effect
make your own request here using these prompts!
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cheek to cheek
word count: 3.1k
genre: fluff, arrangedmarriage!au
summary: it’s night like these that you wish things were different
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Taehyung is guaranteed, always has been. 
From the minute your tiny fingers could interlock with his, you were dragging each other around the mansions and garden parties, sneaking off to corners with desserts and chocolate milk and getting sugar rushes together. Time with Taehyung comes easy and passes quickly, the hours with him condensing into minutes and the few minutes without him stretching into lonesome years. 
You’ve seen him through thick and thin. Through acne flare ups and awkward conversations and never-ending games of tag. You’ve seen him pick his nose, cry over spilled milk (or, in his case, a broken remote-control race car), get caught sneaking out. You’ve comforted him while he felt broken, laughed until your sides were aching. You know his ins and outs, his rough edges and corners, his soft spots he tries to hide. 
Marrying him should be a blessing. 
To spend the rest of your life with the person who’s stuck by your side throughout everything is a future some can only dream about. To have someone understand you so perfectly, to understand them like no one else will. It should be a blessing. 
It should be. 
The digital clock reads 11:57 when he knocks on the window. 
You’ve always had a weird thing about having a room on the ground floor, when possible. It’s closest to the front door, in case of an emergency. And there’s no risk of tripping downstairs when you’re sleepily moving around in the night. And, most importantly, it’s easy to sneak out when you need to. 
While you’re a little startled, you’re nothing close to afraid. You know exactly what face to expect as you throw open the sheer curtains, silken pajama sleeves hanging over your fingers and eyes swollen from sleep. 
The moonlight makes his silvery hair seem otherworldly, a soft glow coming off of his locks. A few months ago, you’d been more than opposed to his sudden need to dye his hair, but you really shouldn’t have been surprised. The odd color just makes him more ethereal. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” you hiss, opening the bay window and letting the frigid air slam you in the face. Your eyes comb over the rest of his figure, your brows furrowing at his dark hoodie and sweats, a black hoodie crumpled in one of his hands. Anyone else would have assumed he was an intruder. 
“Visiting my fiancée?” he tries, flashing a lopsided grin. “Thought we could sneak out again. For old times’ sake.” 
“We’re not kids anymore, Tae,” you huff. 
“That doesn’t mean we have to be boring.” 
You cross your arms as a chill runs down your spine from the cool breeze. “It’s midnight. I’m in my pajamas.”
“Well, then you better change.” You stare at him indignantly for a moment, wondering just how much of a doormat he thinks you are. 
“Please?” he adds, batting his lashes teasingly. “I have a surprise. You’ll like it, promise.”
“But will I like it more than I’d like crawling back into bed? Can’t it wait until morning?”
“No. Let’s be a little spontaneous, like we used to be.”
You won’t lie. The soft duvet, still warm, is calling to you strongly. You know that as soon as your head hit the pillow again, you’d be out. Sleeping like a baby. 
But it’s Taehyung’s half-assed pout and an unfortunately strong curiosity that compels you to slip on the nearest t-shirt and sweats for the designated “not-dirty-enough-for-the-basket-yet” chair and climb out the window with a sigh. 
“It’s Dad’s latest passion project. It was my suggestion, but I think he’s enjoying it more than me.”
You’re enjoying yourself more than you’d like to admit, too. You aren’t sure what urged Taehyung or his wealthy, CEO father to pour their time and effort into a run down museum, but you sure are glad they did. It’s like walking through a ghost town, dust coating the walls and old exhibits. Only some of the lights work and there’s renovation supplies littering the floors. You and Taehyung stick to each other’s sides in the poorly lit areas to avoid tripping and meeting a sorry end via paint roller. 
This certainly isn’t the first time you’ve been out late with Taehyung. When you were in high school and determined to rebel against your parents’ constricting ways, the two of you often found yourselves roaming the city and laughing much too loudly during a time when you should have been catching up on sleep or homework. 
Being with Taehyung was never too much of a risk. His parents always fell victim to your innocent smiles and mumbled apologies, while yours believed Taehyung could do no wrong. After they yelled and scolded and nearly tore their hair out, soon they were only shaking their heads and smiling at each other knowingly. It was hard to be mad for long when things were really working even better than planned. 
“What do you think it means?” Taehyung asks as the two of you stare at the large mural. It’s filled with wide strokes of color, abstract shapes littering the foreground with seemingly no pattern or reason. You really can’t even see the whole thing, when Taehyung turned on the lights for this room, only two or three managed to flicker on. 
You tap your chin, deep in thought. “Well, the red is clearly...” You tilt your head. “It’s clearly having a battle with the yellow. They represent good and evil. And the purple in the back is hope.” Taehyung tilts his head in the same direction as yours, brows knit in concentration. 
“You really got all that from... that?” You snort. 
“Nah, I just bullshitted it. I have no idea what it means.” Taehyung giggles, shoving you in the side. You stumble, yelping dramatically and nearly crashing into a probably very expensive bust of some historical figure you wouldn’t recognize. 
“I was being serious, Y/N.” You laugh at his pouty expression, resisting the urge to poke him in the side in revenge. You don’t want to start a fight you know you can’t win. 
After trying to make sense of the abstract mural for a few moments, you move out of the art exhibits on to the historical section, looking at the old skeletons and fossils and relics from years and years ago. 
It’s fun trying to guess the names of the different dinosaur skeletons, cackling obnoxiously at all the ridiculous things you can combine with “—asaurus.” You take turns reading the puns scattered on the colorful signs throughout the exhibit, groaning at the bad ones and acknowledging the okay ones with a tiny chuckle. You laugh the hardest when Taehyung spots the fake alligators and climbs onto the display, insisting you take his picture so he can look cool. 
“Tae, you can clearly tell you’re inside!” He scoffs. 
“Just take the picture!” he insists. “Don’t I look like Steve Irwin?”
The photos all come out insanely blurry, your arms shaking too much as you try to hold in your giggles. 
When you were first told of the arrangement at age sixteen, you cried. You sobbed and you wailed and you screamed and you locked yourself in your room in protest for an entire day. Your parents couldn’t understand it. You loved Taehyung. More than your own family. More than anything else. They loved him too. He was the son of a close friend and a union would benefit business, certainly. 
When you eventually came out of your bedroom, you refused to talk about it. You only mumbled that you were sorry and your parents knew better than to ask questions and so, that was the end of it. 
“Taehyung!” you shout, grabbing his wrist and dragging him across the antiques exhibit. You’d both already tried (and failed) at using the dusty typewriter and moved on to playfully arguing about who should pose with the guillotine when your eyes locked onto an item across the room. 
“What is it?” he laughed, stumbling after you, all smiles. 
“It’s a phonograph,” you explain. It appears in near-perfect condition despite the circumstances, the brass horn shiny and golden like it’d been made yesterday. “You can play records on it.” 
He nods in understanding. “We should try it.” The idea is tempting, but your hopes for it working are fairly low. “There’s already a record on it, just try to get it to play.”
You lean forward, fingers mentally crossed as you fiddling with the needle and try winding the crank. The gears squeak terribly inside the main compartment, making you cringe. But you keep winding it, stepping back and squeezing your eyes tight in anticipation. 
When you’re met with silence instead of music, you sigh in defeat. “Well, I guess that’s alright, it’s pretty old anyway, let’s—”
Suddenly, the machine fizzles to life, record slowly turning on the turntable and a jazzy tune carries through the air. Taehyung cheers, clapping on the shoulder. 
“You did it!” Your smile quickly stretches into your cheeks, exhaustion long forgotten as you relax in the nice sound, soft piano and pleasant singing filling your ears. 
You begin subconsciously swaying to song, fingers drumming to the beat absentmindedly on your thighs. Taehyung seems to know the song, quietly singing a few lyrics every one and a while. 
“Let’s dance,” he says suddenly. Your stomach tightens. 
“Let’s not,” you reply quickly, arms hugging your sides. You stare ahead, trying to focus on the song rather than the person beside you. Out of the corner of your eye, you see him lean slightly closer, lolling his head to the side. 
“Why not?” 
You sigh. You don’t really have an answer. 
Your hand finds his, fingers interlocking as you let Taehyung guide you out into a relatively clearly spot, tennis-shoe clad feet shuffling lightly to the music. You’ve danced with him in other settings, with many more eyes watching. You’re normally dressed perfectly, not a hair out of place and a thick layer of makeup coating your eyes and cheeks. 
“Remember that time your mom made us take dance lessons when we were twelve?” Taehyung asks, a glint in his eye. 
You scoff. “I remember the part where you gave me laxatives right before the first lesson, yeah.” Taehyung can barely keep his grip on you, moving his other hand to your waist in an attempt to steady himself as his shoulders shake with laughter. 
“I really thought it was regular tea, I promise.”
“Sure you did.”
“I did! I thought we were being all fancy like our parents and drinking fancy tea like fancy rich people.”
“Then why didn’t you drink the laxative tea, huh?”
“I don’t like tea. I just put milk in my teacup and hoped you wouldn’t notice.” You snort, hands settled all to comfortably on his shoulders as the smooth voice croons and echoes off of the walls. 
It’s intimate. There’s nowhere else to look but his eyes as he places a hand on your waist, pulling you closer with a soft smile. The room feels warmer, his breath barely skimming across your face at the close proximity. 
It forces you to think about the things you’d much rather keep inside. 
This should be nice. It should be normal and romantic and sweet, to be slow-dancing with your fiancée. Your smile should be light and endeared and love-struck, not forced and fake. 
There’s a heavy pang in your heart as you remember. Remember how much love him. How much you care. How much you want to hold him close, press your lips on his without a single bit of hesitance. 
But you can’t do those things, knowing the things you do. To Taehyung, this marriage is a convenience. It’s a way to please his parents and strengthen his business connections and do it all with his best friend. He’s always been perfectly content with the arrangement, perfectly content to marry for everything but love. 
And how are you supposed to feel, wanting to marry him for the very thing he doesn’t feel for you?
He’s all you’ve ever wanted. You would have left this life a long time ago, but it would mean sacrificing him. You’re too selfish to do that. You want him all to yourself, every part that you can get. 
You’ve seen every side of him, the weird and the sad and sweet. You want it all. But you’ll never have it. 
You wish it were real. That this were a romantic night away, that you’d wake up in the morning all tangled in his arms. It’s this intimacy that you crave but can never enjoy, not when you know it’s all fake.
And he knows you too. Knows something is up when that little knot between your brows forms and your eyes grow just a little glassy.
“What’s wrong?” You quickly straighten your spine, blinking away any tears pricking at your eyes. 
“Nothing, I’m fine.” But Taehyung knows. He leans forward slightly, dark eyes piercing through your very soul. You gulp as you feel his body heat on your own skin, releasing your hands from his shoulders in your panic. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“No,” you breathe. Your gaze falls as you step back, the music tapering off as the phonograph finally gives out and the moment is fully broken.
But instead of letting you slip away, his grip tightens, look growing desperate.
“Wait! Just a second.” You can see him itch to run his hand through his hair, but his arms don’t leave you. “You’ve been acting so weird lately. Is it me? Did I do something wrong?” You furiously shake your head. 
“No, that’s not it. I just—” You stop yourself before too many words spill out and you say something you can’t take back.
When you don’t elaborate, Taehyung’s face falls further. “Seriously, what is it? Am I really making you that upset?”
“No, I—”
“Is it because I dragged you out so late? I’m sorry, it’d just been so long since I saw you and I missed you—”
“Just shut up!” you cry, shoving him off of you for good. A few tears wet your cheeks and your face heats with embarrassment. “It’s because you pull this kind of stupid, romantic shit that makes me love you even more than I already do but I know you don’t see us that way.”
Taehyung’s eyes go wide, but you suppose since it’s all on the table, you’ll keep going. “I know this is all just fun and games and easy to you but it fucking hurts, Taehyung. You can’t lead people on like this. You can’t do this shit and expect me not to feel something for you.”
The phonograph crackles in the corner of the room, unable to play pretty tunes or sweet songs anymore. It sounds restless and broken and unpleasant to hear. 
“Maybe I wanted you to feel something for me.” You whip your head up, cheeks still hot from mortification and anger. 
“You heard me. I wanted you to love me. Because I love you.” 
When you kiss him, it’s like a breath of fresh air. It’s hungry and rushed as your fingers gently tug on his hair and his palm is splayed on the small of your back, pulling you as close to him as humanly possible. 
At some point, you end up pressed against the wall, euphoric as he trails pecks down your jaw and neck incessantly, like he’s trying to make up for every time he wished he’d kissed you. You whine when he parts his lips, tugging on his hair as he fastens your body against him. He tastes like the peppermint chapstick he always keeps in his pocket. The habit had ruined a pair of his dress pants before when it melted all in the pocket, but he’s always been too stubborn about chapped lips to learn his lesson and carry it elsewhere. You can smell his shampoo and the faint scent of his cologne. Everything that fills your senses is him and only him. 
You feel a few tears sting at the corner of your eyes but you ignore them, gasping for breath between long kisses, a few giggles escaping you when you see you’re not the only one lightheaded. 
After what feels both like hours and seconds, Taehyung pulls away, his lips swollen and pink, but stretched into that adorable grin that hasn’t changed since you were kids. 
“Sorry I didn’t say something earlier,” he murmurs. “I never could find the right words to say it and I knew it’d make everything awkward if you didn’t feel the same way.” You laugh mirthlessly, cupping his face gently with your hands. 
“Same here.” You sigh. “Guess we’re both idiots.”
“Guess so.” 
It's a little frightening to stare at him like this. You’ve always held your guard tightly whenever you felt even close to your feelings being compromised, but that weight you’d carried for so long as suddenly detached itself from your shoulders, leaving you free floating. Yes, it’s like floating untethered through the air or being caught in the ocean with your life jacket. It’s scary and daunting and unknown. But it’s nice to know that you’ll have Taehyung’s hand tightly holding yours the whole way. 
“Since I confessed first, I think you should pose for a picture with the guillotine.” Taehyung’s intent stare breaks, his face crinkling in disgust. 
“But I kissed you first.”
“Only because I said I loved you.”
“If you really loved me, you’d pose with the guillotine and I could pose like I’m the executioner.” Now it’s your turn to be disgusted. 
“That’s so fucking morbid, Kim Taehyung.” You smack his arm, but he keeps you against the wall, thigh between your legs as he leans in again. 
“Only for you,” he murmurs, planting his lips on yours again. 
The scoff about to leave your mouth is caught in your throat as you’re enveloped in his embrace, kissing each other dizzy until you’re certain the sun must be rising soon. 
You wouldn’t mind too much if it did, though. 
As Taehyung keeps trying to convince you to take stupid photos and explain abstract art to him, you aren’t sure how much a blessing he is. All you really know is that he’s your guarantee, your anchor in this unforgiving world. You aren’t sure where he’ll take you next, what random time he’ll decide is the best for your future adventures. You can’t know what the rest of your life holds, only that he’ll be next to you as long as he can. 
And that’s enough for now.
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taleofharrison · 4 years
The First Christmas | Ashton Irwin
Summary: It’s the first time Ashton spends Christmas with you and your little gir (single mom!reader)
Warnings: Italics small flashback
Requested: No jthis is for the Christmas Celebration so...​
Word Count: 1279
A/N: Fourth post and final post for the Christmas writng hope you enjoy and Merry Christmas
MASTERLIST HERE | Michael | Calum | Luke
“Mommy! Mommy!” your little 5-year-old Morgan squealed running towards you “Do you like it?”
She had a piece of cardboard in her hand, you guessed it must be her most recent piece of art so you stopped what you were doing in the kitchen to give her all the attention.
“It’s pretty” you told her truthfully. It was a drawing of her, Ashton, and you next to the Christmas tree full and it had glitter everywhere.
“It’s for Ash” she smiled again making your heart warm at how much she loved him.
Your relationship with Ashton had been perfect from the start and sure you may have your disagreements every now and then but never major fights and it felt like a dream every single day, you met through a mutual friend he told you Ash would be perfect for you.
The first time you told him about your daughter Morgan the first thing he asked was if he could see pictures of her.
“She looks like you” he smiled “I know it’s only our third date, but I would like to meet her”
“Let’s see where we’re at in a couple of months and we’ll see” his words had taken you aback and your answer also surprised you. It was then when you knew this relationship would be different.
Half a year later into your relationship like you promised he was meeting Morgan officially, the pair got along almost immediately sure Morgan, who back then was 4 years old, felt shy and insecure a around him at the start but you didn’t expect a different reaction and neither did Ashton but she warmed up to him rather quickly anyways and now here you were getting ready to spend your first Christmas with him.
“Will he like it?” she asked a small hint of worry in her voice.
“He’s gonna love it” you assured her “go put it by the Christmas tree before he gets here”
The sound coming from the doorbell was a sign telling Ashton was outside and your daughter squealed with glee making you smile; she had grown so fond of Ashton this Christmas meant the world to her.
When you opened the door, the girl ran and crashed with Ashton’s legs smiling two bags of gifts in her hands, one small the other one a lot bigger.
“There’s my little ladybug” he smiled ruffling her hair “Merry Christmas”
“Merry Christmas Ash” she giggled.
He finally made his way inside your house so he could properly kiss you and greet you, Morgan ran back to the living and sat waiting next to the card she had made for him.
“I have some Santa gifts in my car” he mumbled “We can go get them once she’s asleep”
“You didn’t have to”
“But I wanted to” he shrugged “and I brought this for you and her you can open them before her bedtime”
“You spoil us too much”
After dinner it was time to exchange the gifts that were by the Christmas tree. Morgan was the first one giving Ashton the card she had done for him.
“It’s really pretty Morgan thank you” he said “I think I’m going to frame it”
Ashton gave you your gift which was on the small bag. It was a framed picture of your first family day at Disneyland you remember it clearly it was the first time his bandmates tagged along with you and Luke was the one who took that of photo of you. It was simple yet the most perfect gift you could’ve asked.
For Ashton however you had gotten him vinyl’s you knew he didn’t have, most of them from bands during the 70’s. It took you months to figure out what to give to your rockstar boyfriend but still he was a quite simple man and appreciated every small detail you had with him.
“And now this one’s for you, ladybug” he pulled the bigger bag he had brought and put it in front of your daughter.
When Morgan opened the bag, her eyes lit up it was the fluffiest pink dress she’d ever saw, and it had glitter everywhere.
“I love it daddy” and there it was the 5 letters word she had yet to said. Ashton had always been ‘Ash’ for her, but it was safe to say that he was a lot more than that now.
“Glad you like it princess” he simply said no hiding the grin that was forming on his face.
“Well…uhm-Morgan” you spoke again “time for bed or Santa won’t come”
“Okay mommy” she replied putting her dress back in bag “don’t forget the cookies and milk for Santa”
“No, sweetie” you assured her “and you can wear your new dress tomorrow”
After you tucked her in her bed and gave her a goodnight kiss on her forehead you made your way back to the living room with Ashton.
“About that... “you tried to explain.
“Don’t” he said “Uhm I don’t mind, I kinda saw it coming”
You gave him a questioning look. You didn’t quite understand his attitude.
“She’s a lovely kid” he stated “and we’ve been dating for a year now and it’s been serious, like deadly serious, since you introduced me to her I guess it was a matter of time”
The next morning the hyperactive Morgan woke you up jumping on your side of bed, Ashton had stayed the night so naturally he jolted awake at the disturbance.
“Come se my presents” she said.
“Yeah baby why don’t you go downstairs and while you open your gifts with Ash while I can make breakfast for the three of us” you suggested “how does that sound?”
She nodded running back downstairs “Sorry about that” you told Ashton once she was gone.
“It’s the Christmas morning” he pointed out “you can’t really blame her”
What came next it was the most wholesome scene you had ever seen. It was Morgan saying “daddy look at this...” “daddy look at that…” while showing him each one of the gifts Santa had left her.
“Will Mike come today?” she suddenly asked. She had taken quite a liking for his friends specially Michael.
“Uhm no, they are in Australia with their families” he said “remember where my mom lives and it’s too far”
“Oh…” the girl displayed a disappointed sad face.
“But they’ll come back soon” he quickly responded “and you can celebrate New Year with them”
“Okay” she said.
“Hey! Don’t be sad, go get your stuffed animals let’s have a tea that always cheers you up” Ashton offered, and she nodded going back to her room to get her favorite toys.
“Do you think it’s time to meet my family?” he asked going to the kitchen grabbing the coffee you had ready for him “Like in person?”
You had facetimed Ashton’s mom and a few times Morgan joined too, and she already loved you for making her son so happy.
“I mean I already met your family…”
“My family lives in the same country, silly” you teased him “and whenever you want to take us to Australia, I’m ready. I think Morgan can handle a flight that long by now”
“Really?” there was hope in his voice as though he couldn’t believe it.
“Yeah” you nodded “Didn’t you say this relationship was deadly serious?”
Ashton laughed at you quoting his words from last night.
“But now for real now, I do want to go know more about you, where you come from” you told him “so whenever you want to take us there I’m-we’re ready to take that step”
“I love you so much”
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moldisgoodforyou · 4 years
james and julia
this is for u james anon :) also let’s hope the tags work this time lmao 
“What’s up with the boys lately?” Julia asked Sophie after a stall in their conversation over ice cream. The six of them hung out occasionally, mainly when they went out, and Sophie loved the way they all fit together so seamlessly. She easily fit in with the boys and Rafe could hold his own hanging with the girls (probably thanks to his sisters), so it was no surprise that all of them together was always a fun time.
“Hmm. Nothing special, really...oh, James is getting back to dating. I did a complete overhaul of his Tinder the other day.” Sophie told her.
“Back to dating?” Julia cocked her head.
“Yeah, and his girlfriend broke up after three years a few months ago. Something about her not being able to handle long distance anymore, I don’t know. He took it pretty hard. Obviously.”
“Poor guy.” She commented, sitting back in her seat, thinking.
Sophie rolled her eyes. “Yeah, and my idiot boyfriend suggested he needed to get over her by getting laid.”
Julia snorted. “Lovely.”
“Right? Anyways, James went on a date after like a month and I’m pretty sure he came home and was miserable for a straight week, so I’m glad he’s kind of moving on. I don’t think the guys ever really liked her, but you know how stubborn people can be about high school relationships.”
After that conversation, Julia swiped through her Tinder that night, more purposeful than ever. It didn’t take long for James’ profile to pop up, and they two matched right away. She sent him a teasing message - funny seeing you here - then immediately cringed at her choice of words. James replied with an equally teasing tone, and the two texted for a while that night - and two nights following.
The group all went out that weekend and there was an awkward tension between Julia and James, but Sophie couldn’t quite place why. Instead of being the class clowns of the group like normal, they were both unusually quiet, not really contributing to conversations. When Sophie leaned over to Rafe, whispering her observation, he furrowed his brow, not having noticed a single thing.
“I’m gonna go get another drink, anyone want something?” Julia asked at the end of the night, raising her empty cup. “Yeah, I’ll come with you.” James stepped up, following her through the crowd to the bar. After they both ordered their drinks, standing shoulder-to-shoulder so they could fit in the tightly packed space, he broke the silence first. “So.”
“So.” Julia echoed, raising her eyebrows.
“Can I take you out?”
“That’s awfully forward of you.” She commented, smirking.
“Sorry, out of practice.” He offered a cheeky grin back. “Dinner tomorrow night? At that Mexican place on ninth, I’ll pick you up.”
“Sophie’s gonna kill me.”
“That’s not an answer.” James nudged her arm with his elbow playfully, sliding cash across the bar to pay for both their drinks. “And Rafe will probably kill me too, but hey, at least we’ll go down together.”
Julia hid her smile in her cup as she took a quick gulp, more for confidence than anything. “Or we could get out of here now. It’d probably take them a while to notice...”  
“Now who’s being forward?” He smirked, then glanced over to where their friends were, blissfully unaware. “We’ll have to -”
“Go out the front, I know. Yours or mine?” She grinned, taking another long drink and willing herself not to shudder at the cheap vodka.
“Mine, I’m closer.” He knocked back the rest of his beer, then offered his hand. “You’re sure?”
“I’m sure.” Julia nodded, accepting his hand. “I still want that date though.”
He laughed as he leaned closer, making her shiver as his lips brushed against her ear. “You got it.”
Meanwhile, Rafe and Sophie were starting to get suspicious. “What do you think they’re so held up for?” She asked, pulling out her phone to text both of them separately. Rafe shrugged. “Friday night, we know it’s always packed here.”
“Ahh.” Sophie nodded in recognition, showing the group her phone with individual texts from each of them with a half-assed reply about meeting someone. Allie grinned. “You think it was that guy on Tinder she keeps texting?”
“Maybe. Wait, is this the first time -?”
“Hell yeah it is.” Rafe grinned, high-fiving Colin and Sophie rolled her eyes. “Well, good for him, I guess. Hope it’s a nice girl.”
The next night, both Julia and James were getting ready for their date at their respective houses. Julia had refused to spill any details, claiming ‘a lady doesn’t kiss and tell’ when Sophie begged for the story. Colin and Rafe had snagged a few cupcakes and spare gel icing from the house chef, eloquently writing Congarts on the Sex - misspelling and all - as a present for James. He had laughed and snapped a photo, but didn’t tell much, just that it was a fun night and she left right after.
“Skirt or the jeans?” Julia held up both options with her turtleneck sweater, glancing in her closet for shoe choices.
“Depends on what sweater you’re going to wear.” Sophie stood and started rifling through her closet, shaking her head as she pushed multiple hangers over.
“What do you mean! This sweater is fine!”  
“Yeah, for church, not a date with someone who’s already seen you naked!” She retorted, pulling out a v-neck sweater instead and a sleek leather skirt. “You want this, with the white boots. Trust me.”
“You’re the worst.” Julia grumbled, but took the clothes and changed anyways. “Should I curl my hair?”
“Hm...no. Not worth the effort. Are you planning on hooking up with this mystery man again tonight, do I have to go to Rafe’s?” Sophie handed her a lipstick to match the outfit.
“Um - uh, probably not -” Julia stuttered, racking her brain for a solution. “You know, when was the last time you two went out?”
“We went out last night.” She raised her eyebrows. “Are you nervous?”
“Going out with all of us doesn’t count. I meant on a date.” Julia took a breath, pleased with her distraction, and smoothed the color over her lips.
“Um...” Sophie trailed off, thinking. “A couple weeks, I guess, I’ve been busy. Where are you going, Rafe and I will go and stake out the date for you.” She grinned. “We’ll be subtle, I promise.”
“You and Rafe have like half an ounce of subtlety between you two, combined.” Julia snorted. “Make him take you to that new restaurant, the one that was in the student paper.”
Sophie thought it over for a moment, her smile faltering. “It’s kind of expensive.”
“Your ability to forget your boyfriend is rich is impressive.”
“I’m serious! Plus he gets so excited when he can take you out, it’s kind of adorable.” She pressed. “It’s not like you’re doing anything else tonight.”
“Yeah, he kind of does.” Sophie agreed - Rafe loved spoiling her as often as possible, even though she was still getting used to it. “Can I at least get his name?”
Julia had prepared for this question, at least. “It’s Jack, and no, you don’t know him.”
“Ugh, a J name.” Sophie shuddered jokingly, shooting a text to Rafe.
“Yeah, his only downfall.” Julia laughed, albeit a little forced as she thought of the main reason the two of them were probably doomed.
Meanwhile, Rafe was hyping James up for his date, blasting rap music way too loud as he ironed his clothes for him. (“Because no one fucking appreciates a well-pressed pant around here,” Rafe had argued, snatching James’ wrinkled clothes out of his hands.) “You kind of did things backward with all this.”
James shrugged. “Guess so. It was her idea.”
“The date or hooking up?”
James grinned as he accepted his freshly ironed shirt from Rafe. “Hooking up.”
“You should be careful though, you know? I mean, you shouldn’t launch into all this so quickly, take it easy.” Rafe told him a little warily, just wanting the best for his friend.
“I know, I know, it’s casual.” James reassured him.
“So...are you gonna need the room? It’s kind of early for dinner.”
“Uh...I mean, I’m not sure...”
Rafe’s face lit up as he received a text from Sophie and he eagerly shot back a reply. “Never mind, looks like I have a date night tonight too. Where are you taking this girl? If you’re going to that new place, I’ll see you there.”
“No, just the Mexican restaurant on ninth. Not pulling out all the stops.” James laughed, shaking his head at Rafe’s sudden mood switch. “Sophie’s got you wrapped around her little finger.”
“I...yeah, probably.” He decided against a rebuttal. “But she’s finally letting me take her out on a nice date, for the first time in ages, so I’ll take it.”
“Didn’t you go to the art museum downtown a couple weeks ago?” James asked, grateful for the conversation topic changing.
“Yeah, and it turned out she had to go for one of her classes and do a few sketches. I swear she can’t go three seconds without being productive.” Rafe shook his head, though he smiled fondly as he talked about her.
“Fucking simp.”
“C’mon, you’re the romantic, you know it’s love.” Rafe grinned and James rolled his eyes as he grabbed his keys and headed out the door. “I’m leaving, have fun.”
“You too! Text me if I have to go to Soph’s!” Rafe called after him.
After Rafe and Sophie’s dinner, Rafe insisted on taking her to a swankier bar downtown by the restaurant instead of their normal college spot. When she paused, calculating in her head and reaching for her phone to check her budget app to see if she could swing expensive cocktails, he grabbed her purse and slung it over his shoulder. “On me, angel.”
“Everything has been on you lately.” She protested, holding her hand out expectantly for her purse.
“Good, so it’s how it should be.” Rafe shot her a grin and took her hand as they walked down the street. “You should have brought the navy purse instead, the black kind of clashes with my outfit.”
Sophie snorted, giving in. “Didn’t think you’d be wearing my accessories tonight, my bad.”
“Ah, but you should never assume.” He pressed a kiss to her temple, glancing in the window as they walked to the door - and did a double-take, spotting James. “Hold on, is that -”
She turned and followed his gaze, seeing Julia opposite James at a dimly-lit back table through the bar. “Holy shit.”
“Do you still want to go in?”
“Yes, we’re going to go interrogate -” She tugged on his hand, pulling him into the bar as Rafe leaned back. “Soph, maybe we shouldn’t -” He hissed, but she ignored him, walking right past the hostess’s stand.
“Ma’am, all our tables are reserved -” The hostess called toward Sophie, but Sophie turned on her heel and shot her a sweet smile. “That’s alright, we’re meeting friends.” She tugged her hand out of Rafe’s and strode over purposefully as he followed quickly behind. Once she made it to their table, she just stopped short of slamming her hands on it, both the drinks rattling a little.
James glanced up with nothing but fear in his eyes. “Oh, Sophie, nice to see you here -”
“What the hell is going on here?” She demanded, shooting glares at both James and Julia. James slunk back a little in his seat, while Julia just winced.
“Actually, yeah, I’d like to know too.” Rafe chimed in, sliding into the booth next to James as Sophie did the same.
“I told you they’re both off limits, James.” Sophie pointed an accusing finger at him. “Did you somehow forget my one rule? Literally just one?”  
“To be fair, you don’t speak for me -” Julia started, only for Sophie to whirl on her. “You! You were being so sneaky when you normally spill every detail - I should not know how big every single dude you’ve hooked up with is -”  
“Wait, you two hooked up? Julia’s the mystery girl?” Rafe made the connection a moment too late, then threw his hands up in exasperation. “Dude!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” James apologized quickly. “But if we’re pointing fingers, it was her idea -”  
“James!” Julia sighed, shaking her head. “Oh my god, I knew this wouldn’t work.”
“You said we could keep it a secret!”
“Not from fucking Sherlock over here!” Julia snapped, jamming her thumb toward Sophie.
“Was it worth it?” Rafe interrupted the argument, stepping on Sophie’s toe gently to hopefully put out some of the flames in her eyes. She only kicked him in the shin in response.
Both James and Julia shared a glance, debating their answers. “Honestly?” She asked.
“Yes, honestly.” Rafe nodded, sending a warning look to Sophie to keep her quiet.
James hesitated, not wanting to hurt Julia’s feelings. “I mean, I think you’re really nice -”
“Yeah, and the sex wasn’t bad -”
“Oh my god, please don’t even start there.” Sophie mumbled, her face twisting at the thought of her friends together like that.
“And I think you’re pretty -” James started again.
“But there’s nothing there.” Julia finished for him, offering him a quick smile. “I think we’re perfectly fine as friends, but that’s it.”
James nodded in agreement, relieved she felt the same. “Yeah, exactly. No hard feelings.”
Sophie let out a slow exhale. “Alright. I mean. You’re sure? Because if there’s really something, I can, like, chill out. Probably.”
Rafe smirked. “I’d say your entrance here contradicts that.”
Julia laughed, breaking the tension. “I’m sure. We were just talking about his ex before you interrupted, so I don’t think anything’s going to happen.”
Rafe shoved James’ arm, shaking his head. “That’s the one topic I told you to avoid.”
“We actually were having a decent conversation, if you two don’t mind? The least I can do is get you another drink, Julia.” James laughed, pushing him back aimlessly.
“...Fine.” Sophie stood, shaking her head. “Just as friends, though.”
“Just as friends.” Julia promised, sending her a grateful smile.
As Rafe and Sophie left, he let out a loud laugh as soon as they exited the bar. “Jesus Christ, Sophie. James looked like he was about to piss himself, he was so scared.”
“Good! She’s off limits! I warned him!” She exclaimed.
“I know, it’s like incest.” Rafe shuddered and slung his arm around her shoulders, walking with her to find another bar. “But hey - you think Allie and Colin might be a good match?”
“Rafe Cameron.”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding!”
taglist: @whoeveniskendall @kkmaybank @karsinner @outerbanksbro @outerbankspreferences @randomficsandshit @sunshineitsfine44 @jailcalledlife @tovvaa @moniamaybank @illbesafeforyou @dontjinx-it @freddymaybank @jjmaybankzz @g4bster @oopsiedoopsie23 
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hughiecampbelle · 4 years
Vanish (Steve Rogers Oneshot)
Character/s: Steve
Word Count: 1,148
Tag List: @dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt @myriadimagines @lilyswritings @encounterthepast @writerdream22 @brithedemonspawn @lotsoffandomrecs @locke-writes @thedarkqueenofavalon @fangirlsarah16 @randomfandomimagine @amirahiddleston @diana-westmoon
A/N: 1.) I love him 2.) He looks very smexy in that gif 3.) I'm just writing for therapy I guess. It's not my best, but it's as good as its gonna get for the time being. School is killing me and idk, things have been lonely. It's frustrating and I feel stupid for both feeling all this and letting it get to me, y'know? Anyways, I quite like the storyline. I hope you like it too, and if you're feeling the same way, know that I'm always here if you wanna talk or vent or whatever you need :) Feedback is always appreciated 💜💖💜
Summary: No one understands why you did what you did except Steve
Gif Credit: @theavengers :)
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The job, the life, the take with little give, it tore you apart. Limb by limb, piece by piece, until there was nothing left to hold, to stand, to be. Nothing left. The cemeteries of others left for you to hold, to keep, to care. Flowers and rocks atop headstones. Never enough. Always demanding more. The city, the world, a cat stuck in a tree. Watching others wear their uniform with pride, with the ease and awe you could only dream of. A sense of grace, a caution with their words, an effortless way of existing. Why was it so hard for you? When had the Cape become so heavy? The flashing lights so blinding? The right thing so wrong? Slandered, overlooked, dragged through the mud. Your steps too quick, too slow, your decisions that not of a real hero, your motives questioned, your intelligence questioned, your entire fucking existence questioned.
No one could ever be proud. No one could ever say a goddamn thank you.
No wonder you turned out the way you did. Your name a joke in the media, the headlines, between the ones you called family. Up and left. Disappeared. Nothing, not even a note. As if you were never there in the first place. It was better this way. You wouldn't have to drag out your apologies, burden everyone by calling them in, or telling each of them the same story over and over again. You wouldn't be questioned, or guilted, or face any anger. Sometimes it was better to go into shock. Let the adrenaline take over. Numb their wounds, their hurt, their pain. Let them think and say what they wanted, you wouldn't be around to hear it. Abandoning your duties, your teammates, the entire world. You were at your breaking point, drowning demands, in expectations you did your best to live up to. But your best wasn't good enough. It never was. Sometimes it was better to live in ignorance, in bliss. They'd get to you eventually. Word would spread. You'd be turned into a villain. There'd be interviews, and press conferences, and a global search for the one who abandoned their post.
Let them waste their time, their breath, their effort, the same way you did.
He knew. He knew before it happened. The faraway look in your glazed eyes. The hesitation. The second thought. The flinching. He didn't know what it was, though. The tone in your voice unrecognizable, your words of someone else. You hadn't just lost those pieces of yourself, they'd been crushed, absolutely destroyed. You were giving up, caving in, believing what it was everyone was saying. And then, you were gone. A ghost. Expecting to see you as he turned a corner, catching himself wanting to call your name, ask you for advice, for help, for everything. Glancing at an empty doorway, swearing you were standing there, saying something that'd surely make him laugh. Instead there was nothing. The absence of something. The regret, the grief, the frustration at himself for not putting the pieces together. You spoke without words. Always had. A language he was still learning. Complicated, and delicate, the art of saying so much in silences, in unease and avoidance. He tried, he really did.
But he couldn't stop you. And he couldn't stop them.
Civilians like vultures, tearing your image apart. Media stars slandering you because there was no one else to stand up for you. Your good name shattered, bursting at the seams. Inside, and outside. You'd expected the push back. He hadn't. The rage, the annoyance, the name calling. Rash. Impulsive. Stupid. That's when they were being nice. Horrified you'd turn your back on them, never questioning why. This wasn't the easiest way to live, to exist. He'd thought about it a lot, but what else was there for him? Who else could he be if not a super soldier? You, though, you had options, you had wants and needs outside of a catchy alias and a photo opportunity. You were young, you had your life ahead of you. It'd be a damn shame if you let it go to waste. He fought with them as best he dould, hush their disgust, the disgrace, reminding them not too long ago they turned to you, called you one of their own, saved them more times than they were allowed to forget. Bitterness and blood on his tongue, he was tired of biting it all back. Couldn't they see they were part of the problem? They were falling into the same habits that made you want to scream?
He hoped you were happier there than you were here.
And you were. You were at ease now, at peace, choosing a path for yourself instead of following one that'd been laid out. No more secrets, no more lies, no more lives in your hands. You had one life to live, you weren't going to waste it being miserable. Going where you wanted, being who you wanted, nothing to hold you back. The urge to reach out never quite dulled, not even after all these years. You missed them more and more every day that passed. A call, a text, showing up out of nowhere. With ehat, though? An explination, an apology,ban awkward hug? Maybe too much time had passed, maybe you weren't allowed to call them your family anymore. To them, you were a stranger, but you never stopped thinking about them, keeping up with all their triumphs. Across each screen there'd be another report of the man with his shield or an iron suit saving the day. There seemed to be a new member with every report. Eventually, they forgotten all about you. The media, then, you assumed, the team, your name nothing more than a reminder that even if you played the part well, it didn't mean you were a real superhero. Let them think what they want, there was no use in changing their minds.
As far as you were concerned, you were the best of the best.
Sometimes he caught you in the faces of strangers, the acts of others, the smallest of details. He still looked for you, wondering where you were, where you'd gone, who you were now. You'd look different, of course, but maybe nothing had changed after all. Maybe he'd catch you there, like he hoped he would every time, in the doorway looking in, saying something that'd make him laugh. He still expected you next to him, across from him, in his life. If there was a way to contact you, he never pushed it. Let you come back your own way, on your own time, if you decided to ay all. That wasn't his choice to make. He'd never push you the way they did. He couldn't. You'd finally done something for yourself, he'd never do anything to ruin that freedom.
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taylizmasterpost · 4 years
Reconciliation and Late-Stage Tayliz (September 2014 - Present)
Despite not seeing each other for a while, Taylor and Liz clearly still hold a soft spot in each other’s hearts.
During the Secret Sessions for 1989 in Nashville, fans took pictures in Taylor’s home, and you can clearly see she has photos from Charleston displayed:
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When it came time to mend the fences between Taylor and Liz, Claire Callaway was the one who ended up doing it:
2 October 2014 - Claire tweets a TBT to the Charleston trip. Liz responds to it:
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That seems to get the ball rolling, because when Taylor drops Out of the Woods as a single, this happens:
14 October 2014 - Taylor and Liz tweet about how much they miss each other:
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Then, when Taylor walks the runaway with Karlie at the VSFS, this happens:
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Taylor is with Karlie at the time, and obviously nothing romantic is happening on Liz’s end either, because...
20 December 2014 - Liz gets engaged to Bryan Brown and has dinner with friends:
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16 February 2015 - Liz tweets that Taylor is badass
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8 April 2016 - Liz makes this gay post on Facebook that I’d like to think is a response to Style, since the MV had come out a few months before:
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And Liz seems to have found a group of gay friends...
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Although, that could just be a typo.
15 July 2015 - Liz posts on Facebook that “Thanks to some really talented friends, I got to record something beautiful today. Can’t wait to share this one.” The picture she attaches definitely looks like Taylor:
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Liz also tweets this:
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We do NOT know where Taylor was that day. However, she performed in DC on the 1989 tour on the 14th and was papped in NYC on the 16th so it’s not impossible she was in Nashville working on something with Liz. Unfortunately, whatever they worked on has yet to surface (unless you subscribe to the theory that Liz is WB...)
3 August 2015 - Shawn Brooks releases a song called Matter of Time that was written sometime in 2014 by Liz.
Notable lyrics include:
She’s got me lovestruck, crazy Going out of my mind She’s got me lovestruck, crazy But sooner or later, she’s gonna be mine It’s just a matter of time
Don’t know what this means for Liz or TayLiz, since Liz has been with Bryan since early 2013 at the latest, but this is very gay and fun.
27 August 2015 - Thirst tweet:
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31 August 2015 - Liz calls Taylor sexy in response to the Wildest Dreams MV:
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15 October 2015 - Liz tweets about Better Than Revenge:
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28 October 2015 -  Liz quote tweets Taylor about OOTW acoustic:
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11 November 2015 - Liz responds to Caitlin’s tweet tagging Taylor about nostalgia:
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9 December 2015 - Liz congratulates Taylor on her Grammy noms:
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13 December 2015 - Taylor’s birthday. Liz wishes her HBD:
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29 January 2016 - Liz says her favorite song from 1989 is This Love:
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15 February 2016 - Liz and Taylor both attend UMG’s Grammys afterparty at the Ace Hotel Theater :
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26 February 2016 - Liz posts a TBT to Charleston:
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16 April 2016 - Liz and Taylor both attend Coachella:
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6 May 2016 - Liz tweets about This Love:
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10 May 2016 - Liz possibly writes STFU and Hold Me (likely about Bryan, since he’s out on tour with the woman he’s going to leave Liz for, signaling to me that their relationship is on the fritz):
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4 August 2016 - Liz posts a throwback to the Vogue photoshoot at the Bowery.
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3 September 2016 - Liz and Bryan’s last interaction on Twitter:
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(Bryan had been on tour with Jillian -- who he’d later marry -- and tweeting at her all summer, much more than he’d been tweeting with Liz). It’s important to note the way their relationship ended for when we start studying who Liz’s songs are about.
26 November 2016 - Liz tweets about Clean, possibly signaling her and Bryan have broken up by this point:
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13 December 2016 - Liz wishes Taylor happy birthday with a post about Charleston (captions vary based on site). This also signals to me that her and Bryan are over, since she’s reminiscing on Taylor picking her up off the ground after her breakup with Jason:
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11 July 2017 - Liz tells a fan that You Are In Love and All Too Well are her favorite songs from 1989 and Red (guess her favorite song is no longer This Love…):
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11 August 2017 - Liz releases STFU and Hold Me:
This MV has a LOT of parallels to the IKYWT video. The lyrics talk about “staring with a bang” (”took off faster than a green light go”?), and reckless abandon (”this path is reckless”). MV parallels are as follows (thank you @mercuryonparklane​ for all the help finding this):
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(notice the key necklace?)
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So, either Liz is lowkey ripping off Taylor’s work or she’s trying to signal that she was the muse for IKYWT. However, considering Liz is deliberately trying to keep her image separate from Taylor, it doesn’t make any sense that she would try and rip her off. Of course, it could just be a big coincidence...
30 September 2017 - In an interview with The Young Folks, Liz says that STFU and Hold Me is about “getting to that point in a relationship where you’re sick of going around and around talking about the same issue with your partner and it’s time to wave the white flag,” Huett says. “We’ve all been there.”
Of the lyrics “I’m coming from a line of problems / I was born and I became a product” Liz says “I’m not exactly the most polished person. I’d rather be real than perfect and sometimes that means I say things that make people uncomfortable or act out in relationships and test limits, etc… I’m an honest mess but I believe I can and should be loved in light of that. :)”
I still think this song was written about the end of her relationship with Bryan, but it’s still interesting to see how Liz describes herself in relationships.
27 October 2017 - Liz releases H8U
This is another song that I think was written about Bryan. The lyrics reference taking another woman to a Tom Petty concert (Liz LOVES Tom Petty) and generally moving on quickly with another woman, which seems apt for the Bryan/Jillian situation going on.
HOWEVER, the lyrics also reference “our first date two years ago,” which doesn’t make any sense, since Liz and Bryan didn’t break up until 2016 and were together since early 2013. So it could maybe be lyrically about Taylor.
I do think the MV makes a deliberate Taylor reference, though, with the interrupting the wedding scene. Taylor famously had Liz dress as the Bridezilla on the Speak Now album art:
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And, at the end of the H8U MV, Liz DOES kiss the blonde bride on the mouth after interrupting her wedding... which is... INTERESTING (especially since Liz is dressed in full RED the whole MV):
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I don’t think it’s a stretch to presume Liz could’ve reversed their roles here. IDK.
9 November 2017 - Liz makes her “H8U, love these” playlist on Spotify, which features All Too Well.
1 November 2017 - Liz obsesses over Reputation:
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15 November 2017 - Taylor posts an IG story with photos of her Liz and Caitlin in Australia in the background:
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13 December 2017 - Liz wishes Taylor happy birthday:
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20 December 2017 - In a now deleted tweet Liz obsesses over New Year’s Day
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6 April 2018 - Liz releases Don’t LV U Anymore. Here are some interesting lyrics:
I don't steal your chapstick anymore / Don't wake up to your kiss anymore / And I don't have a washer and dryer full of guitar picks anymore / 'Cause you don't come over to my place anymore / Don't flirt with my roommate anymore / And I don't run to your friends / To get them on my side when we fight anymore / And I never say it / I keep it inside / But maybe I'm wasted / Or maybe it's time to get this off my chest, babe / ... / I don't love you anymore / But I don't love you any less / I don't play you my songs anymore / To see if they're good anymore / You don't tell me your secrets / 'Cause you don't know if I keep them to myself anymore / I don't go to church anymore / Don't know what to believe anymore / And I don't remember the beat of your heart / The smell of your car anymore / ... / Two years and counting / Still got all this weight on my chest / Two years and counting / And I can't remember what I can't forget
Based on the “two years and counting” line, as well as the line about a washer and dryer of guitar picks, I’m inclined to believe this is another song about Bryan. 
However, it is a really similar sentiment to that Civil Wars song Liz posted back when her and Taylor first ended things, and the line about running to get friends on a side when fighting is very similar to the “you go talk to your friends, talk to my friends talk to me” in WANEGBT and the image in Battle/Let’s Go of all their friends standing around watching them fight. Could go either way.
9 April 2018 - Liz reposts a Facebook post announcing Dammit that implies it was written a while ago. But we already knew that.
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19 May 2018 - Reputation in Pasadena. Liz attends. Surprise Song: All Too Well. Camila Cabello is the opening act.  
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27 May 2018 - Liz gives an interview at Bottlerock festival where she says that Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus is a song she used to get over someone (likely Bryan). She also says Havana was the song she last had stuck in her head -- probably because Camila performed it at Taylor’s show the previous week.
14 March 2019 - Liz makes a happy birthday post for Antoni (who’s dating her friend Trace):
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27 April 2019 - Bryan and Jillian get married:
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3 May 2019 - Liz releases Nothing Personal:
This feels like DIRECT BRYAN SHADE, since she released it right after his wedding. However, you definitely could also read it as being about being let go from The Agency.
Early May 2019 - Taylor shoots YNTCD. Her and Antoni bond over their love of The National (keep in mind Taylor would end up asking a member of the National to work on exile with her):
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17 June 2019 - Liz likes Taylor’s post announcing YNTCD is out:
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26 June 2019 - Liz posts on IG a video of unreleased song “One of These Days” with the caption “i’m emo” Lyrics:
One of these days I’ll rise above the blue / One of these days when I get sober too / I’ll be flying high you know / Gonna say I told you so / One of these days I’ll rise above the blue / The stars will align / My heart will come back to life / I won’t have to cry anymore / Someday soon, when I / When I get over you / One of these nights I’m gonna get some sleep / One of these nights you won’t be in my dreams / I will lay this love to rest / I will miss you in this bed / One of these nights I’m gonna get some sleep / The stars will align / My heart will come back to life / I won't have to cry anymore / Someday soon, someday / When I get over you
More evidence that Liz does, indeed, struggle with the things that Reddit post suggested.
14 August 2019 - Liz posts on IG a video of an unreleased song called “I Wanted It to Be You” with the caption “I really did” and a red rose emoji. Lyrics:
I’ll find someone else to take your place / In no time at all I’ll be okay / So you don’t have to say it babe / We don’t have to cry / ‘Cause I know you got shit to do / And baby so do I / I’ll find someone else to take your place, hey / I wanted it to be you I’m closing down the bar with / I wanted it to be you I’m fighting in the car with / Who I could push away / Come back and beg to stay / Ooh, I wanted it, I wanted it, I wanted it / I wanted it to be you
Likely for Bryan BUT maybe a red rose grew up out of frozen ground with no one around to tweet it (lol I’m joking the lakes is very likely not about Liz).
22 August 2019 - Taylor releases the Lover MV, featuring the “breakable heaven” board game:
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In the bottom left corner, you can spot a blue 0527. May 27th is Liz’s birthday. What does this mean? I don’t know. I absolutely do not know, but whatever it is is driving me INSANE.
28 August 2019 - Liz posts on Twitter a screenshot of her listening to Cornelia Street:
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16 October 2019 - Liz comments on a fan’s video of Taylor performing at the NPR Tiny Desk concert saying “she cute”:
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19 November 2019 - Liz says on IG that her favorite songs from Lover are The Archer and Cornelia Street:
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22 November 2019 - Liz releases That’s What You Get. This is the one late-stage Liz song that I FULLY BELIEVE is about TayLiz due to a few very specific lyric parallels:
“That’s what you get when you recklessly fall in love” >> “This path is reckless” from Treacherous
“That’s what you get for keeping your armor up” >> “You come around and the armor falls” from State of Grace >> “I would put my armor down if you said you’d rather love than fight” from Story of Us.
“And all your friends are lining up to hate me” >> “You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me” from WANEGBT >> “First shot’s fired everybody’s gathered around” from Battle >> “I can't run to your friends anymore / To get them on my side when we fight anymore” from Don’t LV U Anymore.
It also, just from an outside perspective, doesn’t make any sense for Liz to write a breakup song about Bryan blaming herself when it seems very clear to me that they broke up because Bryan wanted to be with Jillian instead. That’s not her fault. So either this is about another breakup (I’d guess Taylor, based on the lyric parallels), or she’s just very very self-loathing and won’t let herself think it’s Bryan’s fault (which both H8U and Nothing Personal don’t suggest to me).
25 November 2016 - Liz posts a video on her IG story about Taylor at the VMAs.
6 December 2019 - Liz talks about That’s What You get with Earmilk and gives an interesting quote: 
Huett explains, “This song is about facing myself after a brutal season of running from it... I made a self-destructive choice that hurt someone I really value. The angle of the chorus is really sort of a letter to me after that first long look in the mirror. It SUCKED. However, in owning my shit (and sharing this song) my hope is that listeners might apply the sad lesson without having to learn the hard way, or, if they’ve ever found themselves in the regretful position I was once in, I hope this song can at least make them feel less alone."
This is SO DIFFERENT fro mhow her relationship with Bryan ended, but matches up so well with Liz getting help and owning her shit after spiraling in 2012.
24 July 2020 - Folklore drops. Two of the songs are written by the mysterious William Bowery. One of those songs is Betty -- a popular nickname for Elizabeth. Liz tweets at Taylor about the 1 because all of Taylor’s exes wanna think that song is about them.
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So, IN CONCLUSION: Liz got help and worked through her shit and they’re on good terms now. They were possibly working on something together in 2015, although that never saw the light of day as far as we know. Liz seems to maybe be referencing Taylor in her music and MVs, but there’s no way to know for sure. Better Than Revenge on the Speak Now Tour was an iconic moment of sapphic energy, and maybe, just maybe, when Taylor re-records her masters, Liz will sing backup for her again.
Thanks for reading!
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alexseanchai · 4 years
Fanfic 2020 in Review
I got tagged by @kasienda @noirshitsuji and @marvelousmsmol and I am tagging whoever wants to play!
1) List of fics completed this year in the order they were finished:
*filters own works to complete and updated in 2020*
1 - 20 of 57 Works by AlexSeanchai
nope. *adds filter to include only works of at least 1000 words*
unless otherwise indicated, these are all Miraculous Ladybug:
“don’t bake it lying down”, post-reveal Marichat vs Felix Graham de Vanily
“veracity”, canon divergence from “Ladybug” featuring Mister Bug and Verity Queen (so also Marichat, I guess)
“(no request is too extreme, if) your heart is in your dream”, in which Hawkmoth wins, for the thirty seconds or so before Emilie saves Ladybug and Chat Noir’s lives
“tell me you love me and make me believe it”, in which trans girl Chatonne Noire ropes Ladybug into helping plan her civilian self’s escape slash social transition
“kingmaker, oathbreaker”, in which Hawkmoth wins and Emilie watches her son remove himself from the family
“stay and let me watch you break it down” (Twelve Dancing Princesses), a modern setting
“set a course for winds of fortune”, in which trans girl Chatonne Noire has already escaped and Gabriel and Nathalie are trying to bring Gabriel’s son home
“we ground love in a hopeless place”, in which post-reveal Marinette’s attempt to remain resolutely not in love with her partner dissolves like sugar in coffee when they start a pun war
“ring the bells that still can ring”, in which Alya is deeply confused about why Adrien and Marinette are planning a wedding when last night both were single
“burning wishes at both ends (the cold wind and long loud wail remix)”, in which Gabriel made a monkey’s paw wish and Emilie makes another
“words cannot espresso”, in which Marinette’s OC roommate is justifiably worried for Marinette’s safety, and meanwhile Adrien takes care of Marinette
“the compromise of truth” (the chronologically second-earliest part posted to date of nine lives, snake’s eyes), in which Adrien tells his friends how he won some freedom and respect from his father
“At The Present Time”, the Ladrien/Ladynoir marriage proposal follow-up to @art-deco-shrimp‘s  “Your Presents Required”
“j'ai rêvé (so I don't have to dream alone)”, in which the events of canon must just have been a series of dream sequences, Marinette and Adrien both think, until they both arrive at Chloe’s Halloween masquerade dressed as themselves from the dreams
2) Number of words written:
ahahaha no. I am not counting all my scattered fic drafts and trying to figure out what I did and didn’t write in 2020. I refuse.
AO3 says I posted 162K in 2020. it is counting all of keeps you guessing (like any real love), which (a) I started posting in 2019 (b) is co-written by @galahadwilder​; it is counting all of my meta snippets collection, much of which was written in 2019; it is counting the Vimeo passwords for my vids. but I probably cleared 150K by a safe margin.
3) Your most popular fic:
“veracity” has a four-digit kudos count, wow, when’d that happen? this is also the 2020 work with the most hits and the most bookmarks, but “tell me you love me” has four-thirds as many comments as its nearest competitor.
4) Your personal fav:
“cannot break us, not with a thousand swords”, no question about it. this is the one in which Ladybug proposes marriage to Chat Noir via Princess Bride meme on Tumblr. (if you intend to download the work or otherwise to consume it with creator style off, you want the accessible version instead of the primary version.)
5) Your fav scene:
—okay so this is cheating and I know it, since Uncertain Humors (the one where Marinette/Adrien is both Orpheus/Eurydice and Theseus/Ariadne) is nowhere near finished, never mind posted (maybe I'll get “Sanguine” done to post on my birthday?)
but it is still my favorite of the year. as you might guess from that description of the story, this scene has content notes for character death:
Hell is a maze. Marinette walks.
This acrid passage has little to see but damp stone, seeming blood-stained in the dim carmine light. At about the height of her heart, the faintly glowing thread cuts through the not-clammy air; it ought to be pulsing at the same rate as the heart it's bound to. She might be able to see her own reflection if she looked down at the open sewage pipe, or at one of the puddles that now and again she splashes through, dampening the canvas of her shoes. She might see reflected what's behind her.
She remembers Mme. Mendeleiev lecturing on human physiology. In healthy humans old enough to have learned how, urination is a voluntary action: one may not know which muscles one tenses and relaxes in order to do so, and probably isn't paying attention to those details when one is doing, but one has conscious control over whether one does. Usually. Stress and anxiety mean some people are unable to relax the relevant sphincter muscle and others are unable to stop themselves. It's voluntary for cats, too: it's one way they mark their territories. Cat-boys have other ways.
There is a moment in every human life when all one's muscles relax at once. Some Parisians have had several such moments.
The thread is braided with itself around her left fourth finger, rows of tiny red half-hitch knots, and falls loosely over the back of her hand to loop twice around her wrist. She holds it wrapped between the fingers of her right hand to keep it at a constant tension, as though knitting with this insubstantial thread, so fragile for something two (two dozen, two million) lives hang from—too thin to sew with, no thicker than one strand of his hair. As she walks, she winds it around and around and around her wrist.
Between her ring finger and her right hand, it loops twice.
Marinette's shoe lands in a puddle she didn't see. The rainwater splashes soundlessly onto her bare ankle and on the stone.
(With cat-like tread, upon our prey we steal— It's a very loud song.)
She walks on.
6) A fic or scene that challenged you:
where the firelight fades, no contest. this is the second story I’ve ever been able to stick with more than a couple hundred words past the 20K mark, but it’s easily the twentieth novel-length I’ve begun. (though also, you know that kedreeva post? well, 90K later, I’m less than 15K from completing this 10K fic! I think.) and I have been learning so much about long-form fiction.
there has also been a lot of weeping and tearing my hair. case in point: I just trashed the chapter 15 draft because I figured out the reason it wasn’t going anywhere! I can probably keep the first few hundred words of that draft without any editing, and another few hundred with some revision...
7) A line of writing you’re proud of:
from “j'ai rêvé (so I don't have to dream alone)”:
Everything about their partnership is fragments of sentences in the dream diary Adrien writes in ultraviolet pen. Disjointed flickers of thought even when examined under the black light he hides in the snack cabinet under packets of Super Yoyo sandwich cookies and bags of cheesy Monster Munch potato chips and boxes of petit écolier butter cookies (chocolat noir)—none of which explains the gym-socks smell. All fleeting incoherent flashes, invisible between the mundane lines of La Modification shelved at his bedside between Leroux and Dumas. None of it is solid. Adrien has more proof his room's haunted.
okay let me break this down for you!
* Adrien started a dream diary to make sense of the memories
* in invisible ink, in a book that (according to Wikipedia) is thematically appropriate and won’t (if Gabriel sees it) look like anything other than Adrien developing an interest in French literature
* shelved between Phantom of the Opera and The Three Musketeers
* look I didn’t come up with the name “black light”
* or “chocolat noir” for what English speakers call “dark chocolate”, or “petit écolier” (that is, “little schoolboy”) for that sort of butter cookie
* also not my fault that “chocolat noir” sounds remarkably like “Chat Noir”, which, attentive readers may have noticed, is not a name that appears in the story after the header and before Miraculous Cure
* I found the website of a store in Boston, Massachusetts that caters to French expats, and the yo-yo cookies and the monster chips were right there in the photos, y’all
* the snack stash and the black light live in the cabinet where, in canon, the Camembert lives; yes, that cheese smells in the real world like gym socks
* this story’s akuma was not able to affect anything but squishy human memory: nobody affected remembers anything about Ladybug or Chat Noir or Hawkmoth, not in any solid way, not even when they read news articles about the subject, and this includes Marinette and Adrien not being able to see or hear or remember their own kwamis—but you know what Adrien’s Insta post about his poltergeist and Adrien’s Insta post with the floating sock don’t show and don’t explicitly refer to?
* I love this paragraph so much (my housemates may have been lovingly mocking me over it)
8) A comment that touched you:
there are people (y’all know who you are) who said y’all are studying my style. I ded of blush.
9) Something that inspired your writing:
by volume of fic drafts that can be blamed on any particular person, the winner is probably @norakwami​
10) Your proudest accomplishment (that one scene; finally finishing that one fic; posting your first fic; etc):
so that longest-story-ever-written record I set in 2007 with the 89.5K story that, till where the firelight fades, was the only story I’d gotten much past 20K?
I broke that fucking record!
and then I deleted the draft of firelight chapter 15 😭
11) Do you have any writing goals for the next year?
I’m starting work on a fantasy novel, a Sleeping Beauty retelling in which I explore (among other things) the economic consequences of the king’s ordering all the spinning wheels burned, and I want to make significant progress on that. and I want to not make my hands any worse; I kind of need those!
(breaking news alert: bodies fucking suck. so does giving yourself repetitive stress injuries in doing one and a half to two people’s worth of work for an organization that was never ever going to pay you more than one person’s worth of pay.)
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therainnight · 3 years
Ask Game
@headfulloffantasy thank you for the tag 🥰!
1. why did you choose your url?
I really like rain at night. It makes sleeping easier than normal!
2. sideblogs?
I have my Twitter account? Does that count???
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
Long before it started to ban NSFW stuff but I just started posting my art after the banned start, I guess?
4. do you have a queue tag?
Queue tag? What was that?
5. why did you start your blog?
To post my art mostly! I kind of have a weird taste than other people around me soooo YEAH! and At first, I kind of hope that I can post NSFW in here too but it too late now! LOL
6. why did you choose your icon?
I like how I paint it and the mood of it. You will never know what behind of this poker face of Nines/RK900! >:)
7. why did you choose your header?
I got this view photo from Far cry 5! I took it by myself! It fits with my Tumblr blog tone so why not use it?
8. post with most notes?
DBH / 900Gavin : 684 notes My first post of 900Gavin AU where Gavin can see people's hearts! - I never know that people will like this much! A big surprise!
Stardew Valley : 1,369 notes but from a long time ago “ Our family ” My post of my oc!farmer and MY HUSBAND SHANE!!!
9. how many mutuals do you have?
What "mutuals" do you mean??? I don't understand so I'm sorry. :(
10. how many followers do you have?
Currently at 324! :) Never know many people like my art this!
11. how many people do you follow?
46 people. Twitter is my main so yeah...
12. ever made a shitpost?
Yes. Who doesn't?
13. how often do you use Tumblr each day?
Idk but not as much as Twitter and FB. I use TW and FB to chat with friends and family. :)
14. did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
Idk....? and I hope I will never have to face something like that. I hate myself when I got angry :'( and a fight with other
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
Idk? This Tumblr blog of mine is for me to post art mostly. It not my personal blog so I don't really reblog much. :'(
16. do you like tag games?
It's fun so yes
17. do you like ask games?
It's fun.
18. which of your Tumblr friends/mutuals do you think is famous?
From my point of view, I guess it Yen-san, Ama / amarytha, Fanti, Steve, Nao, Klayr, Jude, Webby, Cha
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
Tagging : Anyone who want to play!
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anystalker707 · 4 years
Lights, camera and fuck off (2/4)
Pairing: Gerard Way x Fem Reader Word count: ~ 1 600 Genre: Fluff Requested on Wattpad Summary: Basically just a cute day between Gerard and Reader.
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"It's fine here," I tell Gerard as seeing we're already near enough to the building, "it'll be difficult to park there. Also, you don't need to pick me up later. I know the guys are coming over and I need to do some other things, anyways, so it won't be a problem." I smile at him as the car finally comes to a stop.
Gerard turns to me with a smile, his grip around the steering wheel loosening, "are you sure? I can still do it, tho, if you want."
"No, it's fine," I reassure him - sometimes I feel like he'd do anything for me if he could or if I let him. "Anyways, do I look fine? Is my hair okay? The lipstick?" Holding my phone up, I observe myself through the reflex, taking a last check on myself.
"No," he answers, "something's missing." Before I'm able to ask what's it, Gerard's fingers grab my jaw, making me turn to him, and he places his lips over mine. A wordless way of reassuring me and certainly one of the most effective. He pulls away with a small smile, rubbing the corner of my bottom lip with his thumb, "now you are."
A blush takes over my cheeks as I smile, gazing at him adoringly. "'Love you," I say while leaving the car, hearing his faint love you too after I close the door.
"And do you have any goal? Would you like to work on something apart from Umbrella?" The interviewer asks with a wide smile and a good mood. Unlike most of the times, the interviewer is someone who actually understands the subject he's talking about and his eyes flash more admiration than ambition. Actually, the whole mood is more casual - the live interview happening in the headquarters of the news platform, with a small public who was notified about it a couple of days ago, but most of it certainly is watching through the internet.
"Practically pleading for a role in a BBC series or in a Marvel or DC movie. It'd be nice being the Doctor or some other superhero," I say sheepishly, earning some appreciative words from the people gathered around us with their phones in hands. "But I couldn't wish anything better than working in Umbrella, that's for sure," I grin proudly. "It's been my passion since it was firstly published."
"I understand," he raises his eyebrows briefly, nodding. "And," he takes a glance at the paper cards he's got in hand, "what are you doing now, until you start filming Umbrella's next season?"
"Though I've already been indicated for a few series and movies, but I'm going to spare some time so I can tag along with MCR for at least a part of the tour," there's certain smugness in my voice, but I can't help it, it's not everyone who has a chance like this.
"Oh, really?" The interviewer says; at the same time some muttering starts between the public. "You're doing it?"
"Hah," I breathe out, furrowing my eyebrows at him in certain disbelief, "I've been waiting for this for six years, of course I wouldn't lose the chance. The return concert was already amazing, I can't wait to see them on tour. Not to mention I never got to see them live before the break up, so... It'll certainly be a good experience." The mention of it makes anxiety start bubbling in my stomach once again, pretty much like every time I think about it. The thought makes me so happy.
"Ah, are you comfortable to talk about your relationship?" He asks carefully, still not seeming completely secure after I give a small nod - though he seems sweet until now, I'm mentally wishing he doesn't start with these repetitive or too intrusive questions. "Hows it dealing with all the repercussion?"
"Oh, well," I throw my head back, scratching my neck in thought. "It's annoying sometimes, but negative comments are common, aren't them?" I throw a hand in the air, shrugging, "we can't please everyone. And, about the ones who just want to annoy, I hope they grow empathy at some point."
With a smile, I turn to one of the cameras, internally wishing the shoes fit and people do stop it. "C'mon, I don't understand what's all the fuss about while people's always spreading about acceptance, but can't accept this. How much of hypocrites are y'all?" I chuckle, though really meaning it - my words receive another wave of appreciative comments from the people.
"Oh my God, do you fucking live here now? It looks like you own the place!" Frank says from the couch in a playfully indignant tone as seeing me closing the door behind me. Mikey cracks a chuckle, greeting me with a small nod.
Playing along, I roll my eyes dramatically, "yes, motherfucker, now I own everything, even the band and I'm kicking you out of it," I point a finger at Frank, narrowing my eyes - he gasps offended; all I do is to chuckle. I'm halfway up the stairs, about to question where's Gerard when he walks out of the kitchen. "Sup, king," I say, earning a reprehending look for him as he places a hand on his hip; he ends up giving up with a smile after I chuckle.
The guys are talking when I make my way back downstairs - having changed and left my bag upstairs - so I just greet Ray back with a wave when he sees me walking to the kitchen. Thankfully, the week hasn't been too busy for any one of us, so Gerard and I have been spending more time together.
It makes me smile a bit seeing they remembered of me since, even having four used cups of coffee inside the sink, there's still some coffee in the jar. A vapor comes from the drink as I pour it in my mug and bring it with me as I move to the counter. A couple of magazines rest over the marble surface, I them left there once walking in the room - one is mine and other Gerard's, since the publishing house always provides the editions when we give interviews like this.
There's a picture of Gerard and me on the cover, a very beautiful one. A few pages in the middle of the magazine are reserved to the other photos we took, along with the interview. Everyone shall be happy now, with all the so much wanted answers. At least there was someone who was nice enough to not simply throw repetitive rude questions at us.
"Hey, sugar," Gerard's voice is suddenly next to my ear while he wraps his arms around my waist - the silence coming from the other rooms lead me to believe the others left already. Exhaling, I lean back against him with a pleased hum, but it turns into a desperate one after he places a kiss on my neck, tickling me. He lets out the sweetest giggle ever and I can't help but to melt, pecking his cheek.
"Look," I say, placing my mug on the counter then taking the magazine in hand, "is it fine? I'm still thinking it looks a bit weird." Anyways, it's practically the exact same with every other picture, I guess. The more I look at it, the worse it gets.
"No, it's perfect," he says in that specific tone, signing I can't argue back because these are facts. It should be difficult to believe him - because he's the kind of person who is right even against googled info - but it's actually easy and feels like he's telling me the obvious. "You're perfect." He tells me and I blush, placing the magazine back down on the counter.
Smiling, I place a kiss on his lips and move away to finish drinking my coffee and put the mug in the sink. Gerard has his phone in hand when I turn around, probably taking a pic of the magazines to post it somewhere.
I gaze at him for a moment and decide to go to the back garden, sitting down on a bench. He's walking through the doorway not long later and, as soon as he sits down, I move to lay on the bench, in a way my head's on his lap - the concrete is warm against my back. He lets out a small hum at me, caressing my cheek with his knuckles.
Everything is so peaceful. I can't really define if everything is really that good or if it's due to me finally being able to rest after such a busy day. The day is warm, with a light breeze - sighing, I close my eyes, allowing myself to just enjoy it and Gerard's presence.
I'm able to sense him moving and, cracking an eye open, there's him holding his phone over me. "Gerard," I say in a playful warning tone, "you're not recording me to post it, are you? I'm tired of seeing random videos of me on your story whenever I get on Instagram." I breathe a chuckle, actually loving all the attention I receive, though I'm not really worthy of it.
"Art's made to be appreciated," he answers simply, cupping my face, rubbing his thumb over my cheek.
"And I guess I'll never appreciate you enough," I answer, smiling.
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threadly-intent · 3 years
The Witchiest Hat
Lately I’ve been very inspired with the intersection of fashion and fibre art. I also have always had a love of anything costume-y and witch hats in particular are the thing I seem to re-do again and again.
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So when my sister in-law asked me to make her “the witchiest witch hat,” well I was literally bursting with ideas.
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and what could be witchier then building a hat from the yarn up?
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I knew I wanted a very full felt with a lot of dimensionality, so I started with 3 colours of Gist’s 3/10 Alpaca randomly alternated in the warp of a 8 shaft satin weave. I used a 3/60 black merino as my weft. I’d run several felting tests with both yarns and found this combo gave a felt so thick and full it is almost like working with a buttery soft hide. This stuff is almost 1/4″ thick uncompressed. The looser Alpaca fibres also give the felt a full, super fine pile.
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I liked the resulting fabric enough that I will probably make it again for throw blankets. The weight, drape and softness would be perfect. The incredible unwashablility is a definite down side. This stuff LOVES to felt.
This is also our first peek at my camera having a really hard time capturing the colour. It’s an effect I did deliberately because I love using colour theory to make weirdly saturated neutrals, and what’s more magical than weird, shifty colours? I didn’t really think about the fact it would be nearly unphotographable. I did my best to correct it, but sometimes it’s a real blue/gold dress situation.
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Not sure if this would count as boiling, fulling or felting but basically I just wet felted the hell out of it until there was no more shrinkage left. Once fully dry I used a boar bristle brush to brush the pile along the grain line and gave everything a full steam and press to set it
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The most nerve wracking part was definitely cutting out the pieces. I was triple checking every measurement and line.
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Just check out how ridiculously thick and plush this felt is. Worth the trouble if you have a loom and like to sew this sort of thing. Would make amazing teddy bears too!
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So this is why I wanted such a insanely thick felt. I got weirdly obsessed with the idea of decorating just one side of the brim, while keeping the brim a single layer and not using paint... Also I really wanted to try needle felting decorative elements onto a sheet of felt, like a felted embroidery kinda deal.
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I’ve also been loving the moths on everything trend and moths also seemed like the most obvious thing to put on an entirely woolen item. 
For reference, I printed out photos I got from the net, using a photo editor to cut out the moths and make sure they were all the same size. This way I could trace around and then use the image as a rough guide. 
I felt like a butterfly collector pinning the print outs to the felt.
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It was so hard to only pick 5 moths, which I think means I need to do some more moth themed things in the near future...
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Next I sewed the brim and crown together, felting over the seam on both sides. Notice how you can’t see any of the lower detail on this side of the brim.
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Guess I’d better weave a hat band! I was experimenting to find something geometric but slightly off-seeming. As non-Euclidian as can be managed in 8 tablets or less. The centre also kind of reminds me of the logo from Reboot which is a definite bonus.
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brb her budgeness needs attention
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I have a thing where I like to sew the hat band and the crown ribbon at the same time. This is probably a terrible practise, but the symmetry of it makes me happy.
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Also I absolutely had to use this ghost ribbon as soon as I saw it. I like to think that they’re the starter ghosts since a brand new hat wouldn’t be haunted naturally yet. In the actual, practical purpose, this ribbon will keep the wool around the crown from stretching with wear so this hat will keep fitting for years to come.
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The felt is stiff enough that it could almost hold the full brim shape on its own, but I like having more control than that, so using a button hole stitch, I wrapped some heavy duty millinery wire and sewed it to the brim. My stitches weren’t as tidy as they could have been, and I wanted to add a bit more structure to that area, so I felted in more alpaca fibre as an accent stripe. 
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So that's how I made this witch hat! Feel free to try making your own. The whole process took me about 2 months, so not a weekend project by any means, but I can’t resist a project like this every now and again.  I could see it being a lot faster with a full wet felting with roving method, but headspace is 100% weaving rn so that’s what I went with. If you do make a hat inspired by this, please tag me, I’d love to see it!!
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