TayLiz Timeline!
85 posts
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taylizmasterpost · 4 years ago
Honestly, y’all deserve whatever TTB did to y’all.
Y’all will literally bully someone for your own entertainment then think you can dictate how they react. Leave people tf alone.
Ok, she thinks Josh is gay. What’s it to you?
Discussing people online isn’t BULLYING. It’s just MEAN. The L Chat calls me a bislut lol and probs worse after Terfgate (I’m not gonna go look because I am not that much of a masochist). That’s not bullying lol that’s just not very nice. I’m not gonna try HARM PEOPLE because they’re mean about me like not even to my face lmao like in their own lane.
@‘ing people - as she has been apt to do - IS HARRASSMENT.
Idc that she thinks Josh is gay. He might be who tf knows or cares. It’s not an insult. It literally doesn’t matter if he is or isn’t.
But she uses it as an insult. She’s literally used a disgusted face gif when talking about it.
Homophobes don’t fucking deserve platforms in queer spaces and if you think they do you’re a homophobe too.
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taylizmasterpost · 4 years ago
at this point, if you allow ttb/spade-riddles to continue having a platform on this site - if you shrug at her cruelty because she provides interesting info about kaylor (a ship. a goddamn ship) - you do not care about the queer community. this is true even if you are queer. you are complicit in endangering the fucking lives of queer young people.
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taylizmasterpost · 4 years ago
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taylizmasterpost · 4 years ago
tw// homophobic violence
If you care about other people in any way shape or form, please read this and then report her ass (you know who) to tumblr. This is absolutely disgusting what happened and the fact that anyone would do this much real life damage to someone over a TAYLOR SWIFT IS GAY CONSPIRACY THEORY TUMBLR is fucking deranged. Real people are hurt. We’re putting together a fund to help this person, so if you want to donate, let me know. 
submission: we need to talk about ttb (spade-riddles)
Hey Cam. Seeing that ask defending TTB’s doxxing has sort of pushed me to finally share some of my story on Tumblr, I guess. I haven’t had the opportunity to talk about this to anyone fully, so this will probably be long, but I hope you don’t mind me venting.
I’m one of the people that got emailed by TTB. I don’t feel comfortable posting this off anon, but I was in a Discord server with you and @bisluthq and some other people back in Dec/Jan. I don’t know if you remember me, but my name on there was one word and began with an L and ended with an S.
I want to share the full story, but I also don’t feel comfortable with sharing certain details publicly because I’m still very wary of getting outed further by her if she sees this, so I’m gonna be vague about some things
Request to her followers — If you see this, please don’t send this to her. Like I’m genuinely asking you not to because I don’t trust her not to cross any more lines. My dad is a major homophobe with serious anger issues who has literally been arrested for violence before, and she doesn’t really think carefully or maybe even care about how any actions she takes could lead to people being harmed, so I’m not eager to see how she might react.
Keep reading
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taylizmasterpost · 4 years ago
Non TayLiz content but since I’m half of this team y’all should give this a look!
Once upon a time, a few mistakes ago, I started a Tumblr called Swiftiesleuth to talk about my long-standing belief that mega famous pop star Taylor Swift could be a teensy liiiil bit of a fruitcake (/affectionate) and that the 2017 album Reputation is likely inspired by more than one muse.
It was a pretty simple concept for a fandom Tumblr tbh born out of a deep rooted boredom in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
But because I am canonically fucked in the head, instead of it being a normal ass Tumblr blog, this project soon became this:
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Which is to say this very straightforward concept for a fandom Tumblr blog evolved to also to talk about a whole lot of other things like: celebrity culture in general and the messy shit famous people get up to and politics and the concept of fame and the weirdness of fandom and conspiracy theories and the fluidity and complexities of human sexuality and life advice and lyrical analyses and Riverdale and funny anecdotes from my life and just… the random stuff that pops into my head that I - and as it turned out others - appeared to find interesting. 
I began by shouting into the void, but then the void shouted right back. 
And so here we are. 
We’re rebranding. 
Swiftiesleuth is no more. 
We’re Bislut HQ now. 
How did I get to the name? Here’s the most simple origin story. Here are more thoughts on it.
Basically some people on a forum known as The L Chat were r00d about me and it kinda did the opposite of what they were aiming for because it made me feel inspired and empowered and actually made me want to make other people feel the way I was feeling. So that’s what’s happening. We’re making bisluts a thing now.
And to be clear: being a bislut is very much a state of mind rather than a sexual orientation. It’s like being a Derry Girl. It means you’re embracing the culture. You’re challenging heteronormativity and monosexualities as defaults, even if you know you yourself are fitting into those molds. You’re challenging societal norms and slut shaming and a golden number. You’re challenging the binaries of gender. You’re even challenging allosexuality. Ace folk are 100% valid and 100% bisluts if they feel so inclined. Like I say… It’s a state of mind.
And so you’re all invited.
Is it just a name change? Why the big fuss?
NAH. It isn’t just a name change. It’s also part of a rollout of fun new projects and brand new types of content to keep you engaged and entertained and interested and - on occasion - even educated. 
Firstly, we’re launching a website! 
Secondly, we’re using that website to launch a SUBSCRIPTION BASED WEEKLY NEWSLETTER called Dispatches from Bislut Culture. 
What’s Dispatches from Bislut Culture?
Dispatches is a weekly newsletter that will include:
Original content that’s either too wild or too speculative for this Tumblr.
Longform op eds that we feel won’t receive much engagement here and will wind up buried by asks, and should rather be read on a leisurely Sunday arvie. 
A highlights reel of the activity on the Tumblr - I know lots of you have lowkey complained about how insanely active this page is and how it’s hard to keep up so guess what? I’m gonna do it for you. 
Agony AuNAT UNCHAINED AND UNCESTORED EDITION - if you have stuff to ask that’s… ya know… WILD… email us at [email protected] with the subject as AGONY AUNAT UNCHAINED and I’ll answer subscribers, either formally in the email or if it’s like… THAT WILD I’ll reply to the email (but only if you’ve subscribed).
How much is this gonna cost? For now, it’ll be $5 per month for 4 comprehensive weekly newsletters and sundry content I throw in.
My dudes [/slur] that’s less than ordering lunch.
That’s $1.25 a week. 
And you’re gonna get all of the above + SURPRISES! 
Why are you moving to a paid content model?
I am a professional writer. I spend a huge amount of time that I could spend pitching and crafting work for other avenues working on this… every single day, no weekends. And while it obviously brings me joy, it’s also… something I’m good at because it is my real world job and I work really hard at it. So at a certain point it’s just about being practical.
I would honestly much rather do this than write stuff I don’t care about. I would much rather work on this than write B2B advertorials. But I also need to eat tbh. It’s kind of that simple.
While I will always provide free content for you - on both the Tumblr and tbh the new website - I’m going to start charging for things that I HOPE YOU WANT. 
If you have suggestions, complaints or general issues feel free to reach out to the email I’ve mentioned: [email protected] and I’ll try to get to them.
In the meanwhile, I hope you check out the new website and sign up for the newsletter and additional members only content by subscribing!
The first newsletter will be in your inbox on Sunday morning (or afternoon depending on timezone… or Saturday… idk timezones are weird man, you’ll get it dw).
And there’ll be some sneaky, fun ass members-only content up on the website ALREADY UP TODAY for those who do sign up. 
Nat & Sim
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taylizmasterpost · 4 years ago
Looks like it!
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New song from Liz tomorrow... time to over analyze the lyrics and clown some more
WAIIITTTT THERE IS???? @taylizmasterpost and @mercuryonparklane ARE WE HYPEDDD????
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taylizmasterpost · 4 years ago
Hi Nat! Lots of love for your blog and it being a safe space for queer peeps and those who are confused like me. I'm the tayvin anon and I wanted to ask about your opinion if All Too Well was indeed for Jake, or if they were a pr or reeeeal. I saw on a IKYWT discussion that ATW was written before she met Jake. Hope you replyyy. (alsoooo I hope you have a great day and you would have yummy dinners and lunches)
Hey! Okay so basically Taylor started to write for Red slightly prior to the release of Speak Now. The first song - ATW - was written sometime at the end of 2010 based on the first copyright. She came into rehearsals for Speak Now pissed off and she wrote it in one go. Taylor then rewrote it in 2011 with Liz Rose to include on Red and made a second copyright.
The argument for it not being Jake is this first 10 minute draft with the f bomb was halfway through their “entanglement”. But the thing is Tay and Jake’s first breakup/break was after her birthday on December 13 when he didn’t show up to her party. So it’s conceivable she was, in her weird OTT big brain creative sensitive way, so upset in the time period she was in Nashville post that breakup that she wrote ATW about Jake and how he disappointed her.
However, we don’t have a date for that 2010 - it could’ve been in November, when she was also in Nashville, in which case it “can’t” be Jake. But like. We don’t know that’s the case it’s just a theory and the former theory to me makes more sense.
Either way, she made a huge effort to pin it on Jake because the liner note referred to their only publicity stunt.
I think Gyllenswift was real and shitty for her. I think she was more into him than he was into her. I think her team tried to leverage it for promo and he didn’t like it because 1) she was overshadowing him and 2) he just didn’t like it/her enough. They did that one stunt but like.... he didn’t even take her to his premiere (he took his rebound to the Globes while they were on a break) and he kept fighting with fans and paps and stuff and... ya it wasn’t PR IMO but her team tried to make it that.
And glad you enjoy the space!
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taylizmasterpost · 4 years ago
So, Taylor sang “Your Body Is A Wonderland” with John M. on 5/22/2009, near Liz’s hometown, 5 days before Liz’s birthday and a couple weeks after they were sharing a hotel room in London… “We got the afternoon, you got this room for two”… jokes. But “Something ‘bout the way your hair falls in your face” and “I like the way your hair falls in your face” from JTF, though.
Liz is a fan of John’s to this day, which is interesting if he screwed Taylor over as bad as people think “Dear John” implies:
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I still think it’s funny that Liz did the backing vocals on a song called “Dear John” by Brandon S., the dancer who said that he came out at Taylor’s birthday party during the Fearless Tour (and gifted her a Tracy Chapman album). 
I’m confused, though, because I think her birthday fell in between legs of the tour and the Vegas show was on 5/23/2009:
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He was telling this story a decade after the fact, so maybe he forgot the exact details. idk.
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taylizmasterpost · 4 years ago
looks like liz to me!
That is Liz next to Taylor, right? What do you think, @taylizmasterpost​ ?
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I can’t find the Perez H. post, but this tweet confirms that Taylor was there:
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That gossip blog said the show was on the 29th, but from this tweet it seems like it was the 28th. 
Also… where are the other friends the blog mentioned in that post?? I think they are just assuming… so I will assume as well and say that it looks to me like Taylor got invited to the show by whoever owns the box (or at least got it for the night) and brought Liz along with her… I think this mainly because I don’t see anyone else from their group of friends around them and there looks to be random people in the box with them. But I could be wrong.
According to TMZ, she had a police escort to the airport in Virginia, so she could make her flight on time :  
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That looks like the same sweater she was wearing when they were in Kansas:
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What I get from all of this is that Taylor and Liz had a couple days off after their show in St. Louis on 4/25, so they went to Kansas to visit Abigail. They left early on 4/28 for their afternoon show at a high school in Virginia that won a contest for Taylor to perform there, then the cops stopped traffic so that they could make their flight to attend Britney’s concert in Chicago that night.
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taylizmasterpost · 4 years ago
In an earlier post, I mentioned that, in her Glamour interview that was published on 10/5/2010, Taylor said she was taking her whole band with her to see Paul M.:
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Paul’s show in Nashville was actually on 7/26/2010. That means she was interviewed for Glamour about 2 and a half months before the article was released, so it may not be related, but…
On 10/9/2010, Taylor was out and about in L.A. with some members of her band (Liz not being one of them from what I can tell) wearing a shirt that says “Whisper words of wisdom”, which is a line from “Let It Be”, one of the Beatles’ songs Paul sang at that Nashville concert (and probably every other concert because it is one of their most popular songs):
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Which may or may not be related to Taylor wearing a Union Jack shirt in the IKYWT music video (honestly, this is total clowning because it would be a massive reach to connect the two):
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I don’t know that it’s necessarily relevant to Liz, but they did spend some time in the UK when Liz was in the band and we know that they shared a hotel room at least once while in London (it could mean nothing and it’s just another misdirection to get people to relate IKYWT to Harry or maybe a little bit of both).
They did perform at Abbey Road Studios in London on 3/23/2011 and that studio is a big part of The Beatles’/Paul M.’s history… (I love all the Tayliz shots in this one):
The other thing that I’ve never paid attention to is that IKYWT is officially listed with a period at the end of it:
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Which is how she titled her vlogs (just a few examples):
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Yes, some people put punctuation after lines in songs and she often used lyrics in her vlog titles (the last example here being one of the exceptions to that), but people don’t usually title their videos with punctuation like that. 
Like I said, it could be nothing, but there’s a whole lot of Liz content in the vlogs and Taylor wears that shirt that looks like one of the IKYWT mv shirts in two separate vlogs. Maybe it has nothing to do with Liz, but it’s interesting…
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taylizmasterpost · 4 years ago
OMG, this bit before “Forever & Always” in Melbourne, Australia on 3/9/2009 (which I believe was Liz’s 5th show with the band):
Taylor: I want to introduce you guys to a new member of our family. We’ve got a new member of our band up here. This is one of her first shows. So, I wanted to introduce you guys to her first. Everyone, this is Liz. Everybody say, “Hi Liz”. How’s it going, Liz?
Liz: It’s going awesome. Just, you know, hanging out in Australia. But, you know, I had a question for you, Taylor.
T: What’s your question?
L: Well, I was thinking, you know how you write songs about, like, every guy you’ve dated? 
T: Yeah.
L: Aren’t you afraid that guys aren’t going to want to date you anymore?
T: Well, I figure that if guys don’t want me to write bad songs about them, then they shouldn’t do bad things.
They did it at other shows too. I actually found this video from their show in Sydney on 3/12 first and was looking to see if I could find the whole interaction:
There is also a video that caught the end of the bit from their show in Brisbane on 3/5:
Also, here are a couple videos of “You Belong With Me” from the Melbourne show on 3/9. These are two of the few full videos that I’ve been able to find from those early performances that include the skit between Tayliz and Grant:
Honestly, from all of the videos I’ve seen of this skit, plus that bit before F&A, it’s no wonder they limited their on stage interactions by the time the Fearless Tour officially started because… the chemistry…
Which was pretty clear on the SN Tour during BTR.
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taylizmasterpost · 4 years ago
I miss your face
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But you’re in my heart, forever and always
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Yeah, baby, it’s been real
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taylizmasterpost · 4 years ago
Masterpost of TayLiz Lyric Parallels
Quick Disclaimer before we start: OBVIOUSLY lyric parallelism should be taken with a grain of salt. Taylor has been using and re-using certain turns of phrase and imagery (like dancing, assigning people colors, rhyming car/bar with literally anything and everything, etc) since her debut album. HOWEVER, I do think some of these are interesting and I wanted to catalogue them so we have them, even though they have varying degrees of reach-ness. I am NOT claiming all of these songs were written about each other and could not have been written about other people, just demonstrating the parallels here.
 Also! Please let me know if you find any more and I’ll add them!
I would lay my armor down / If you said you’d rather love than fight - Story of Us (Written Summer 2010)
You come around and the armor falls / Pierce the room like a cannonball - State of Grace (Written 2011)
That’s what you get for keeping your armor up / You’ve always been a little too good at being tough - That’s What You Get (Released 2019)
You’re the kind of reckless that should send me running / But I kinda know that I won’t get far - Sparks Fly (Released Fall 2010)
This path is reckless - Treacherous (Written Spring 2012)
I’ve never had this kind of reckless feeling - What You Do To Me (Released 2015)
Started with a bang, went all in / With a little reckless abandon - STFU & Hold Me (Released 2017)
That’s what you get when you recklessly fall in love - That’s What You Get (Released 2019)
Relationship = Car
There we are again, on that little town street / You almost ran the red ‘cause you were looking over at me - All Too Well (Written Late 2010)
Loving him was like driving a new Maserati down a dead-end street - Red (Written Fall 2011)
Nothing safe is worth the drive / So I will follow you, follow you home - Treacherous (Written Spring 2012)
Took off faster than a green light go - Holy Ground (Written Spring 2012)
So baby I won’t ask, ‘cause I don’t wanna know how you feel / Let’s just keep on driving with one hand on the wheel - One Hand on the Wheel (Written Summer 2012)
Didn’t ask you to give me the keys / But you handed them straight to me - That’s What You Get (Released 2019)
Fighting With Friends Around/Involved
First shot’s fired, everybody’s gathered around / They’re looking at me like I tried to take you down - Battle/Let’s Go (Written 2010-2011)
Now I’m standing alone in a crowded room and we’re not speaking - The Story of Us (Written Summer 2010)
You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me / But we are never ever ever getting back together - We Are Never Getting Back Together (Written Summer 2012)
And I don’t run to your friends to get them on my side when we fight anymore - I Don’t LV U Anymore (Released 2018)
And all your friends are lining up to hate me / And I can’t argue with a word they’re saying - That’s What You Get (Released 2019)
Moving Too Quickly
Faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ended so suddenly - Red (Written Fall 2011)
Took off faster than a green light go / Hey, you skip the conversation when you already know - Holy Ground (Written Spring 2012)
Started with a bang, went all in / With a little reckless abandon - STFU & Hold Me (Released 2017)
There we are again, in the middle of the night / We’re dancing round the kitchen in the refrigerator light - All Too Well (Written Late 2010)
Tonight I’m gonna dance for all that we’ve been through / But I don’t wanna dance if I’m not dancing with you - Holy Ground (Written Spring 2012)
“Running Scared”
Running scared, I was there / I remember it all too well - All Too Well (Written Late 2010)
I don’t have the courage / Where you’re going, I can’t follow - Change My Mind (Released 2014)
That’s what you get when you only know how to run / Keeping your finger on the trigger / Someone gets hurt, you should’ve figured - That’s What You Get (Released 2019)
“The Blink of An Eye”
How’d you walk away and not even blink an eye / Like it didn’t even hurt to say goodbye? - So Easy (Released May 2011)
This is the last time I’m asking you why / You break my heart in the blink of an eye - The Last Time (Written May 2012)
“A Masterpiece”
This thing was a masterpiece until you tore it all up - All Too Well (Written Late 2010)
What a boring masterpiece / Missing me, aren’t you? - Good About Her (Date Unknown)
“Burning Up”
But loving him was red / Oh, red / Burning red - Red (Written Fall 2011)
I’ve been spending the last eight months / Thinking all love ever does is / Break and burn and end - Begin Again (Written Fall 2011)
Lovely are the stars that fall down / burning up out of control - Blessed Are the Brokenhearted (Written Summer 2012)
All the times you learned and the tries you burned / Won’t fade away, just replay the same mistakes - Wreck of Who I Am (Written Summer 2012)
To the point of no return / To the point that you got burned - That’s What You Get (Released 2019)
One Party is a “Bad Idea”
My mind forgets to remind me you’re a bad idea - Sparks Fly (Released Fall 2010)
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter - Mine (Released Fall 2010)
So you were never a saint and I’ve loved in shades of wrong - State of Grace (Written 2011)
And you’ve got your demons and darling they all look like me - Sad, Beautiful Tragic (Written Summer 2011)
The blame is on me / Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in / So shame on me - I Knew You Were Trouble (Written Dec 2011/Jan 2012)
This daydream is dangerous - Treacherous (Written Spring 2012)
It already hurts, so before it gets worse / Just put my heart down, put my heart down, put my heart down and walk away / Just like it was a loaded gun - Put My Heart Down (Released 2014)
Thinking I should be a little more polished / But I’m coming from a line of problems / I was born and I became a product - STFU & Hold Me (Released 2017)
Should’ve come with a warning sign / Could’ve told you a thousand times / But I didn’t, and I stayed there selfishly / ‘Cause I liked you close to me - That’s What You Get (Released 2019)
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All I feel in my stomach is butterflies / For a Gemini / Who’d never tell a lie
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taylizmasterpost · 4 years ago
I miss your face
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But you’re in my heart, forever and always
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Yeah, baby, it’s been real
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taylizmasterpost · 4 years ago
Masterpost of TayLiz Lyric Parallels
Quick Disclaimer before we start: OBVIOUSLY lyric parallelism should be taken with a grain of salt. Taylor has been using and re-using certain turns of phrase and imagery (like dancing, assigning people colors, rhyming car/bar with literally anything and everything, etc) since her debut album. HOWEVER, I do think some of these are interesting and I wanted to catalogue them so we have them, even though they have varying degrees of reach-ness. I am NOT claiming all of these songs were written about each other and could not have been written about other people, just demonstrating the parallels here.
 Also! Please let me know if you find any more and I’ll add them!
I would lay my armor down / If you said you’d rather love than fight - Story of Us (Written Summer 2010)
You come around and the armor falls / Pierce the room like a cannonball - State of Grace (Written 2011)
That’s what you get for keeping your armor up / You’ve always been a little too good at being tough - That’s What You Get (Released 2019)
You’re the kind of reckless that should send me running / But I kinda know that I won’t get far - Sparks Fly (Released Fall 2010)
This path is reckless - Treacherous (Written Spring 2012)
I’ve never had this kind of reckless feeling - What You Do To Me (Released 2015)
Started with a bang, went all in / With a little reckless abandon - STFU & Hold Me (Released 2017)
That’s what you get when you recklessly fall in love - That’s What You Get (Released 2019)
Relationship = Car
There we are again, on that little town street / You almost ran the red ‘cause you were looking over at me - All Too Well (Written Late 2010)
Loving him was like driving a new Maserati down a dead-end street - Red (Written Fall 2011)
Nothing safe is worth the drive / So I will follow you, follow you home - Treacherous (Written Spring 2012)
Took off faster than a green light go - Holy Ground (Written Spring 2012)
So baby I won’t ask, ‘cause I don’t wanna know how you feel / Let’s just keep on driving with one hand on the wheel - One Hand on the Wheel (Written Summer 2012)
Didn’t ask you to give me the keys / But you handed them straight to me - That’s What You Get (Released 2019)
Fighting With Friends Around/Involved
First shot’s fired, everybody’s gathered around / They’re looking at me like I tried to take you down - Battle/Let’s Go (Written 2010-2011)
Now I’m standing alone in a crowded room and we’re not speaking - The Story of Us (Written Summer 2010)
You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me / But we are never ever ever getting back together - We Are Never Getting Back Together (Written Summer 2012)
And I don’t run to your friends to get them on my side when we fight anymore - I Don’t LV U Anymore (Released 2018)
And all your friends are lining up to hate me / And I can’t argue with a word they’re saying - That’s What You Get (Released 2019)
Moving Too Quickly
Faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ended so suddenly - Red (Written Fall 2011)
Took off faster than a green light go / Hey, you skip the conversation when you already know - Holy Ground (Written Spring 2012)
Started with a bang, went all in / With a little reckless abandon - STFU & Hold Me (Released 2017)
There we are again, in the middle of the night / We’re dancing round the kitchen in the refrigerator light - All Too Well (Written Late 2010)
Tonight I’m gonna dance for all that we’ve been through / But I don’t wanna dance if I’m not dancing with you - Holy Ground (Written Spring 2012)
“Running Scared”
Running scared, I was there / I remember it all too well - All Too Well (Written Late 2010)
I don’t have the courage / Where you’re going, I can’t follow - Change My Mind (Released 2014)
That’s what you get when you only know how to run / Keeping your finger on the trigger / Someone gets hurt, you should’ve figured - That’s What You Get (Released 2019)
“The Blink of An Eye”
How’d you walk away and not even blink an eye / Like it didn’t even hurt to say goodbye? - So Easy (Released May 2011)
This is the last time I’m asking you why / You break my heart in the blink of an eye - The Last Time (Written May 2012)
“A Masterpiece”
This thing was a masterpiece until you tore it all up - All Too Well (Written Late 2010)
What a boring masterpiece / Missing me, aren’t you? - Good About Her (Date Unknown)
“Burning Up”
But loving him was red / Oh, red / Burning red - Red (Written Fall 2011)
I’ve been spending the last eight months / Thinking all love ever does is / Break and burn and end - Begin Again (Written Fall 2011)
Lovely are the stars that fall down / burning up out of control - Blessed Are the Brokenhearted (Written Summer 2012)
All the times you learned and the tries you burned / Won’t fade away, just replay the same mistakes - Wreck of Who I Am (Written Summer 2012)
To the point of no return / To the point that you got burned - That’s What You Get (Released 2019)
One Party is a “Bad Idea”
My mind forgets to remind me you’re a bad idea - Sparks Fly (Released Fall 2010)
You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter - Mine (Released Fall 2010)
So you were never a saint and I’ve loved in shades of wrong - State of Grace (Written 2011)
And you’ve got your demons and darling they all look like me - Sad, Beautiful Tragic (Written Summer 2011)
The blame is on me / Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in / So shame on me - I Knew You Were Trouble (Written Dec 2011/Jan 2012)
This daydream is dangerous - Treacherous (Written Spring 2012)
It already hurts, so before it gets worse / Just put my heart down, put my heart down, put my heart down and walk away / Just like it was a loaded gun - Put My Heart Down (Released 2014)
Thinking I should be a little more polished / But I’m coming from a line of problems / I was born and I became a product - STFU & Hold Me (Released 2017)
Should’ve come with a warning sign / Could’ve told you a thousand times / But I didn’t, and I stayed there selfishly / ‘Cause I liked you close to me - That’s What You Get (Released 2019)
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All I feel in my stomach is butterflies / For a Gemini / Who’d never tell a lie
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taylizmasterpost · 4 years ago
Knowing now that “So Easy” came out in May 2011 when Liz was still on the SN tour and that it was actually written solely by her friend (so, it probably didn’t really relate to her personal life)… makes me wonder about “The Last Time”…
“So Easy”
How’d you walk away and not even blink an eye?
Like it didn’t even hurt to say goodbye
 “The Last Time”:
This is the last time I’m asking you why You break my heart in the blink of an eye, eye, eye
Hmm… I always thought that song came out around the time Liz’s other songs were released, so I wondered if those lines in “So Easy” were inspired by “The Last Time”, but maybe it was the other way around. OR maybe I’m reaching/clowning hard with this one.
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taylizmasterpost · 4 years ago
Wonderful thanks Merc! Even more proof that TayLiz got REALLY CLOSE REALLY FAST.
@taylizmasterpost​ I think I may have been wrong about these pictures:
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They actually may have been taken when Taylor went to visit Abigail at KU on 4/27/2009.
There is a restaurant in Lawrence, KS that has a very similar looking “dollar wall”:
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Taylor appears to be wearing the same outfit (sans sweater) when she sat in for one of Abigail’s classes:
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Taylor had a show on the 25th in St. Louis and her next show wasn’t until the 28th. My best guess is that Abigail went to the show on the 25th and Tayliz went back to Lawrence with her for a day or two, but who knows. Anyway, I find it very interesting if she brought Liz with her to KU. This would have only been a couple of months after Liz was hired.
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